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Brilliant visual storytellers

Or you?
an introduction:
Who we are and why we do
Were ViralPixels, a collective of visual and non-visual storytellers dedicated to crafting short animated videos. Were based in
Amsterdam, but are expanding overseas and are looking to work with more of the best visual storytellers we can find, including
freelancers in other countries (talent > location). As you know, there are plenty of explainer video producers out there, so in here
you'll find some stuff about who we are, what we do, and why we do it, which hopefully shows that we emphasise a few things
differently compared to other producers. Also, carefully check out the requirements and qualifications. If you think were a good
match, wed love for you to apply.
We like to think that whenever we show our ideas to the world, try to explain how something works, or share a piece of information
with someone else, were often just trying to tell a story that illustrates what that idea could mean for someone. Meaning is created
by showing value and the big picture in which the idea was conceived, giving insight into why something is not just a bunch of
features or the next internet technology fad, but something that matters.

We also believe that when you can give someone that insight - into what an idea means - you make someones life a little more
meaningful (literally, meaning-ful). Its that insight that influences how someone thinks, acts and chooses, and what ultimately leads
to someone taking action. (The fact that action leads to tangible results - not through manipulation, but inspiration - is a nice
side-effect for the clients we work with).
It is our goal to discover the stories behind these attempts and to convey that meaning in a way that inspires people to take action.
Translating information into meaning, that's our mission, if you want to call it that. We do so by creating stories that transform the
information tech companies use to describe their big ideas into short animated stories for online audiences.
The stories we create often involve human experience, change, and the impact of an idea. They show not only the product, service
or platform and how it works, but mostly how it can change someones life in a positive way and why they should care about it. We
create stories that elucidate the Why, besides just the What or How.
After all, our preferred method of communication - telling stories - leads to insight and retention like nothing else and is the medium
mankind has used for millennia to give convey meaning (as opposed to empty advertising jargon). The vehicle we use for our
stories, animated video, is perfect for an era of dropping attention spans, rapid technological change, and the emergence of visual
storytelling as a way to balance both. In short, telling stories through video works, and it's what we love and do well.
What, how, why
See if you dig how we see our work
1. Training and/or experience in visual storytelling through the
creation of animation/motion graphics
2. Mastery of Adobe CS
3. Strong illustration skills.
4. Ability to reliably schedule and complete projects in a
demanding online environment
5. Storyboard skills are a plus
6. Ability to work alone or with storyboard artists to finish a
1. Experience and/or training in visual storytelling through the
creation of storyboards
2. Strong drawing/illustration skills
3. Know Adobe CS
4. Ability to reliably schedule and complete projects in a
demanding online environment
5. Animation experience is a plus
Animators Storyboarders
1. Work with the material provided by the Storyboard Artist to
create an animated video that tells the described story.
Or: develop the storyboard yourself, based on the story
script and instructions provided, and proceed to create the
animated video that tells the story.
2. Animate characters and graphics in a way that clearly and
engagingly communicates the story.
3. Come up with creative visual solutions for: representing
abstract concepts/transitioning scenes and making things
4. Incorporate feedback from clients and Story Directors to
create a fnished product
5. Work in various styles
6. Develop style samples for the project
7. Complete projects within the designated timeframe
1. Draw a compelling storyboard and visual directions for the
animator, based on provided script and directions, and work
with the animator to realise its creation.
2. Design creative solutions for visually representing abstract
3. Outline scene breakups, timing and character/graphics
movements for the story
4. Work with client feedback and suggestions to create a
fnished product
5. Set visual sequences by creating an animatic
6. Complete projects within the designated timeframe
Animators Storyboarders
To craft delightful visual stories
How to apply INVESTMENT
So, you think were a decent match and are interested in becoming a visual storyteller for ViralPixels. Whats next?
To apply for a position as a freelance visual storyteller - both animators and storyboard artists - youll need to have two things
ready before replying on Odesk.
1. A link to your demo reel or portfolio that provides an accurate and recent perspective on your capabilities as a visual
2. A trial project. All prospective visual storytellers create a 30 second video or animatic that belongs fully to themselves (e.g. to
be used in your portfolio). We encourage you to have a look at our recent work (see the links below) and be honest as to
whether you can match or exceed the quality. If you cant, put in some more practice and come back later. If you can, and
youre a good storyteller, then your chances are, by definition, very good. And dont worry, we will never ask you to create
stories for clients for free, nor will we publish your trial project for others to see. We are simply looking for good taste, motion
skills and an instinct for telling stories through moving images. Also, there is no need to rush this. Well keep this open for at
least a month to give people time to create something good. Finally, weve tried to make the trial projects fun, especially if you
consider storytelling to be fun (you should, anyway), so we hope you enjoy the process. And if you hate them all, just make up
your own story.
Check these out :)
The trial project
At ViralPixels, we craft stories that translate mere information into something more meaningful. To convey meaning in the most
delightful and powerful way possible, were looking for visual storyteller who possess great skill in creating visuals and
In a nutshell, our stories consist of the following process: 1) the Story Writer writes a script, 2) the Storyboard Artist creates a
storyboard and outlines all visual components, 3) we record a voice-over, and 4) the animator designs all assets, adds motion to
the graphics and times the entire sequence together with the audio.
Wed like to see how you handle one of our sample scripts. Heres how it works:
1. Choose one of the available 30 second stories or create your own. Record yourself or anyone else while reading the script.
The quality of the audio is irrelevant, were only interested in your visual skills.
2. If youre an animator, animate a video in the style you prefer most as an animator. If youre a storyboard artist, create a
storyboard and an animatic, also in the style of your choice. If you need inspiration, check out our work.
3. Upload the sample wherever you want and send us the link.
4. Enjoy!
Choose a story
So, youve fnally decided what to do with your life; youre going to start
a cult. First of all, choose something to worship. Seriously, anything.
Like a jar of pickles from outer space, or a cat. Then get a group
together and keep everyone busy with self-made rituals. You dont
want people to potentially start thinking critically now do you? And
fnally, keep your fock fxated on the carrot. Those parting clouds are
just around the corner and, boy oh boy, wont all those non-believers
be sorry!
Cofee. Its the juice that powers the creative achievements of mankind.
Without it, life on earth would end and the universe would implode.
But do you even know where those beans come from? Like that they're
handpicked by a farmer on the other side of the world? That they're
cleaned, dried, sorted and shipped on a boat? And here you are,
getting a fresh cup served by that cute waitress while youre still
working on your frst screenplay after fve years. Pretty cool, huh?
So, you want to share a story during your next campfre meetup but
dont know where to start? Alright, alright, heres a general story
structure, you just fll in the blanks: Once upon a time.. Every day
..Until one day, BOOM! And because of that And because of that
And because of that Until fnally. And, ever since THE END.
Seriously, that wasnt too hard, was it? Yet its how mankind has passed
around knowledge since the dawn of time. Well done, story champ.
Okay, so everyone thinks the internet is the holy grail of progress?
Well, maybe, all that information is just making us dumber. I mean, here
was our civilisation reading books and getting into debates, and
BOOM! Heres civilisation searching for funny cat pictures and posting
trivial troll comments.Your output depends on the input you receive
from the world around you. If your information diet consists of status
updates and tweets, your brain will shrink in size. That is a scientifc fact.
Do you have a beard? Are you riding a bike without brakes? Are you
wearing jeans that ft tighter than a boa constrictor strangling a rabbit?
If so, you may be a Hipster. Its cool, were not bashing. We all like to
wear v-necks lower than the US economy sometimes. Being a hipster
even had an evolutionary advantage back in the day: when you looked,
acted and thought diferently than everybody else did and had a big
beard, your genes were passed on. Oh, good times.
Okay, admit it. Youre fat from drinking pure high-fructose corn syrup
for way too long. Time to get of your ass and start getting in shape. But
where to start? The Ironman Triatlon, of course. For starters, just get up
early and go for a run. While youre at it, run straight to the swimming
pool for a few laps. Now towel dry that body and get on your bike for
another day at the ofce. Finally replace that soda with some
wheatgrass and sign up for the Ironman. You can do it!
get in touch, ask,
or tell us your story
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