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Designing Air Flow Systems

A theoretical and practical guide to the basics of designing air flow systems.
1. Air Flow
1.1. Types of Flow
1.2. Types of Pressure Losses or Resistance to Flow
1.3. Total Pressure !elocity Pressure and "tatic Pressure
2. Air "ystems
2.1. Fan Laws
2.2. Air #ensity
2.3. "ystem $onstant
3. Pressure Losses of an Air "ystem
3.1. "ections in "eries
3.2. "ections in Parallel
3.3. "ystem %ffect
&. Fan Performance "pecification
&.1. Fan Total Pressure
&.2. Fan "tatic Pressure
'. Pressure $alculations
'.1. (ethodology
'.2. Assumptions and $orrections
). Problem * 1 + An %,haust "ystem
-. Problem * 2 + A $hange to the "ystem.s Air Flow Rate
/. Problem * 3 + A "upply "ystem
0. Appendi, 1 + %1uations
12. Appendi, 2 + A"3RA% Fittings
11. Appendi, 3 + 4ullhead Tee $ur5es

Designing Air Flow Systems
1. Air Flow
Flow of air or any other fluid is caused by a pressure differential between two points. Flow will originate from an area of
high energy or pressure and proceed to area6s7 of lower energy or pressure.
#uct air mo5es according to three fundamental laws of physics8 conser5ation of mass conser5ation of energy and
conser5ation of momentum.
Conservation of mass simply states that an air mass is neither created nor destroyed. From this principle it
follows that the amount of air mass coming into a 9unction in a ductwor: system is e1ual to the amount of air mass
lea5ing the 9unction or the sum of air masses at each 9unction is e1ual to ;ero. <n most cases the air in a duct is
assumed to be incompressible an assumption that o5erloo:s the change of air density that occurs as a result of
pressure loss and flow in the ductwor:. <n ductwor: the law of conser5ation of mass means a duct si;e can be
recalculated for a new air 5elocity using the simple e1uation8
!2 = 6!1 > A17?A2
@here ! is 5elocity and A is Area
The law of energy conservation states that energy cannot disappearA it is only con5erted from one form to
another. This is the basis of one of the main e,pression of aerodynamics the Bernoulli equation. 4ernoulliBs
e1uation in its simple form shows that for an elemental flow stream the difference in total pressures between any
two points in a duct is e1ual to the pressure loss between these points or8
6Pressure loss71C2 = 6Total pressure71 C 6Total pressure72
Conservation of momentum is based on DewtonBs law that a body will maintain its state of rest or uniform motion
unless compelled by another force to change that state. This law is useful to e,plain flow beha5ior in a duct
systemBs fitting.
1.1. Types of Flow
Laminar Flow
Flow parallel to a boundary layer. <n 3!A$ system the plenum is a duct.
Turbulent Flow
Flow which is perpendicular and near the center of the duct and parallel near the outer edges of the duct.
(ost 3!A$ applications fall in the transition range between laminar and turbulent flow.
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Designing Air Flow Systems
1.2. Types of Pressure osses or !esistance to Flow
Pressure loss is the loss of total pressure in a duct or fitting. There are three important obser5ations that describe
the benefits of using total pressure for duct calculation and testing rather than using only static pressure.
Enly total pressure in ductwor: always drops in the direction of flow. "tatic or dynamic pressures alone do not
follow this rule.
The measurement of the energy le5el in an air stream is uni1uely represented by total pressure only. The
pressure losses in a duct are represented by the combined potential and :inetic energy transformation i.e. the
loss of total pressure.
The fan energy increases both static and dynamic pressure. Fan ratings based only on static pressure are
partial but commonly used.
Pressure loss in ductwor: has three components frictional losses along duct walls and dynamic losses in fittings
and component losses in ductCmounted e1uipment.
Component Pressure
#ue to physical items with :nown pressure drops such as hoods filters lou5ers or dampers.
Dynamic Pressure
#ynamic losses are the result of changes in direction and 5elocity of air flow. #ynamic losses occur whene5er an air
stream ma:es turns di5erges con5erges narrows widens enters e,its or passes dampers gates orifices coils
filters or sound attenuators. !elocity profiles are reorgani;ed at these places by the de5elopment of 5orte,es that
cause the transformation of mechanical energy into heat. The disturbance of the 5elocity profile starts at some
distance before the air reaches a fitting. The straightening of a flow stream ends some distance after the air passes
the fitting. This distance is usually assumed to be no shorter then si, duct diameters for a straight duct. #ynamic
losses are proportional to dynamic pressure and can be calculated using the e1uation8
#ynamic loss = 6Local loss coefficient7 > 6#ynamic pressure7
where the Local loss coefficient :nown as a $Ccoefficient represents flow disturbances for particular fittings or for
ductCmounted e1uipment as a function of their type and ratio of dimensions. $oefficients can be found in the
AS"!A# Fittings $iagrams.
A local loss coefficient can be related to different 5elocitiesA it is important to :now which part of the 5elocity profile
is rele5ant. The rele5ant part of the 5elocity profile is usually the highest 5elocity in a narrow part of a fitting cross
section or a straight?branch section in a 9unction.
Frictional Pressure
Frictional losses in duct sections are result from air 5iscosity and momentum e,change among particles mo5ing
with different 5elocities. These losses also contribute negligible losses or gains in air systems unless there are
e,tremely long duct runs or there are significant sections using fle, duct.
The easiest way of defining frictional loss per unit length is by using the Friction $hart 6A"3RA% 100-7A howe5er
this chart 6shown below7 should be used for ele5ations no higher of '22 m 61)22 ft7 air temperature between 'F$
and &2F$ 6&2FF and 122FF7 and ducts with smooth surfaces. The Darcy%&eis'ac( #quation should be used for
GnonCstandardH duct type such as fle, duct.
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Designing Air Flow Systems
Friction C(art 6A"3RA% 3AD#4EEI 100-7
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Designing Air Flow Systems
1.). Total Pressure* +elocity Pressure* an$ Static Pressure
<t is con5enient to calculate pressures in ducts using as a base an atmospheric pressure of ;ero. (ostly positi5e
pressures occur in supply ducts and negati5e pressures occur in e,haust?return ductsA howe5er there are cases
when negati5e pressures occur in a supply duct as a result of fitting effects.
Airflow through a duct system creates three types of pressures8 static dynamic 65elocity7 and total. %ach of these
pressures can be measured. Air con5eyed by a duct system imposes both static and dynamic 65elocity7 pressures
on the ductBs structure. The static pressure is responsible for much of the force on the duct walls. 3owe5er dynamic
65elocity7 pressure introduces a rapidly pulsating load.
Static pressure
"tatic pressure is the measure of the potential energy of a unit of air in the particular cross section of a duct. Air
pressure on the duct wall is considered static. <magine a fan blowing into a completely closed ductA it will create
only static pressure because there is no air flow through the duct. A balloon blown up with air is a similar case in
which there is only static pressure.
Dynamic (velocity) pressure
#ynamic pressure is the :inetic energy of a unit of air flow in an air stream. #ynamic pressure is a function of both
air 5elocity and density8
#ynamic pressure = 6#ensity7 > 6!elocity7
? 2
The static and dynamic pressures are mutually con5ertibleA the magnitude of each is dependent on the local duct
cross section which determines the flow 5elocity.
Total Pressure
$onsists of the pressure the air e,erts in the direction of flow 6!elocity Pressure7 plus the pressure air e,erts
perpendicular to the plenum or container through which the air mo5es. <n other words8
PT , P+ - PS
PT = Total Pressure
P! = !elocity Pressure
P" = "tatic Pressure
This general rule is used to deri5e what is called the Fan Total Pressure. "ee the section entitled Fan Performance
"pecifications for a definition of Fan Total Pressure and Fan "tatic Pressure.
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Designing Air Flow Systems
2. Air Systems
For :itchen 5entilation applications an air system consists of hood6s7 duct wor: and fan6s7. The relationship between
the air flow rate 6$F(7 and the pressure of an air system is e,pressed as an increasing e,ponential function. The graph
below shows an e,ample of a system cur5e. This cur5e shows the relationship between the air flow rate and the
pressure of an air system.
$omple, systems with branches and 9unctions duct
si;e changes and other 5ariations can be bro:en into sections or subCsystems. %ach section or subCsystem has its own
system cur5e. "ee the diagram below for an illustration of this concept.
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Designing Air Flow Systems
2.1. Fan aws
Jse the Fan Laws along a system curve. <f you :now one 6$F( ".P.7 point of a system you could use Fan Law 2 to
determine the static pressure for other flow rates. They apply to a fi,ed air system. Ence any element of the system
changes duct si;e hood length riser si;e etc.. the system cur5e changes.
$F( , RP( , Fan Law 1
%%%%%%% , %%%%%%%
$F( :nown RP( :nown
"P , $F(
, RP(
, Fan Law 2
%%%%%% , %%%%%%% , %%%%%%%
"P :nown $F(
:nown RP(
43P, $F(
, RP(
, Fan Law 3
%%%%%% , %%%%%%% , %%%%%%%
43P:nown $F(
:nown RP(
Ether calculations can be utili;ed to maneu5er around a fan performance cur5e. For e,ample to calculate 43P from
motor amp draw use the following formula8
1 p(ase motors ) p(ase motors
43P = ! > < > % > PF 43P = ! > < > % > PF > 1.-3
-&) -&)
43P = 4ra:e 3orsepower
! = Line !oltage
< = Line $urrent
% = (otor %fficiency 6Jsually about ./' to .07
PF = (otor Power Factor 6Jsually about .07
Ence the 43P is :nown the RP( of the fan can be measured. The motor 43P and fan RP( can then be matched on
the fan performance cur5e to appro,imate airflow.
2.2. Air Density
The most common influences on air density are the effects of temperature other than -2 F and barometric
pressures other than 20.02H caused by ele5ations abo5e sea le5el.

Ratings found in fan performance tables and cur5es are based on standard air. "tandard air is defined as clean
dry air with a density of 2.2-' pounds per cubic foot with the barometric pressure at sea le5el of 20.02 inches of
mercury and a temperature of -2 F. "electing a fan to operate at conditions other then standard air re1uires
ad9ustment to both static pressure and bra:e horsepower. The 5olume of air will not be affected in a gi5en system
because a fan will mo5e the same amount of air regardless of the air density. <n other words if a fan will mo5e
3222 cfm at -2 F it will also mo5e 3222 $F( at 2'2 F. "ince 2'2 F air weighs only 3&K of -2F air the fan will
re1uire less 43P but it will also create less pressure than specified.

@hen a fan is specified for a gi5en $F( and static pressure at conditions other than standard the correction
factors 6shown in table below7 must be applied in order to select the proper si;e fan fan speed and 43P to meet the
new condition.

The best way to understand how the correction factors are used is to wor: out se5eral e,amples. Let.s loo: at an
e,ample using a specification for a fan to operate at )22F at sea le5el. This e,ample will clearly show that the fan
must be selected to handle a much greater static pressure than specified.

Example #1 A 22H centrifugal fan is re1uired to deli5er '222 cfm at 3.2 inches static pressure.
%le5ation is 2 6sea le5el7. Temperature is )22F. At standard conditions the fan will re1uire ).-)
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Designing Air Flow Systems

1. Jsing the chart below the correction factor is 2.22.
2. (ultiply the specified operating static pressure by the correction factor to determine the
standard air density e1ui5alent static pressure. 6$orrected static pressure = 3.2 , 2.22 =
)H. The fan must be selected for ) inches of static pressure.7
3. 4ased upon the performance table for a 22 fan at '222 cfm at ) inches wg 221/ rpm is
needed to produce the re1uired performance.
&. @hat is the operating bhp at )22 FL

"ince the horsepower shown in the performance chart refers to standard air density this should
be corrected to reflect actual bhp at the lighter operating air.
Eperating bhp = standard bhp 2.22 or ).-) 2.22 = ).). bhp.
2.). System Constant
%5ery air system or subCsystem has a system constant. This constant can be calculated as long as you :now one 6$F(
"tatic Pressure7 point. Mou use a 5ariation of the fan laws to calculate the system constant. To calculate the system
I system = ".P.?6$F(7
Ence you ha5e the system constant you can calculate the static pressure for any flow rate.
".P. = 6$F(7
> I system
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Designing Air Flow Systems
). Pressure osses of an Air System
Pressure losses are more easily determined by brea:ing an air system into sections. "ections can be in series or in
).1. Sections in Series
For sections or components in series simply sum up all the sections. A single duct that has the same shape cross
section and mass flow is called a duct section or 9ust a section.
Following is the recommended procedure for calculating total pressure loss in a single duct section8
Nather input data8 air flow duct shape duct si;e roughness altitude air temperature and fittingsA
$alculate air 5elocity as a function of air flow and cross sectionA
$alculate local $Ccoefficients for each fitting usedA and
$alculate pressure loss using the friction chart
The following is a simple e,ample of how duct pressure accumulates and is totaled in a section.
).2. Sections in Parallel
@hen designing sections that are parallel it is important to remember that t(e 'ranc(es of a /unction all (ave t(e
same total pressure. This is a fact. <t is go5erned by a principle which states that areas of (ig( energy move to
areas of lower energy. @e will see how this applies to air systems in parallel.
To illustrate these concepts we will reference the diagram below. <n this e,ample we calculate the pressure losses for
"ection 1 to be C2.-'H at the 9unction. @e calculate the pressure losses for "ection 2 to be C2.)H at the 9unction. 6DET%8
For simplicity.s sa:e we do not consider the pressure loss incurred by the 9unction.7 These would be the actual pressure
losses of the system were they operating independentlyA howe5er they do not. They interact at the 9unction. This means
that whene5er air flow encounters a 9unction it will ta:e the path of least resistance and the total pressure losses of each
branch of the 9unction will be the same.
For sections that run parallel always use t(e section wit( t(e (ig(er pressure loss0gain to $etermine pressure
losses0gains t(roug( a system. Ad9ust the branch with the lower pressure loss?gain by increasing the flow rate or
decreasing the duct si;e to increase the pressure loss to that of the higher branch.
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Designing Air Flow Systems
<f the flow rate or the duct si;e is not changed the air flow through each branch will ad9ust itself so that each branch has
the same total pressure loss?gain. <n other words more air flows through the branch with the lower pressure loss?gain or
energy state.
<n the e,ample below the actual pressure loss would be somewhere between C2.-'H and C2.)H. "ection 1 would pull less
than 2222 $F( and "ection 2 would pull more than 1/22 $F(.
).). System #ffect
"ystem %ffect occurs in an air system when
two or more elements such as fittings a hood and a fitting or a fan and a fitting occur within close pro,imity to one
another. The effect is to increase the energy or pressure in a system as air flows through the elements. To calculate the
pressure loss incurred by such a configuration consider two elements at a time. For e,ample if two elbows occur & feet
from one another this configuration will ha5e a pressure loss associated with it.
$alculate the pressure loss?gain associated with each fitting as if it occurs alone. "um these and multiply them by a
system effect coefficient 6I7. The system effect coefficient can be obtained from the A"3RA% Fitting #iagrams for only a
limited number of configurations of elements.
$onfigurations not listed must use estimates or best guesses. <n many cases you can use a listed configuration as a
Ene configuration not listed is an el'ow wit(in close pro1imity to t(e collar of a (oo$. As a rule of thumb the chart
below can offer some guidance for determining the system effect for this situation. Remember the coefficients in the chart
are only an estimate.
System #ffect Ta'le
Distance 'etween !iser an$
System #ffect Coefficient 234
2 feet 1.-'
3 feet 1.'
& feet 1.3
' feet 1.2
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Designing Air Flow Systems
The diagrams below show system effect factors for straight through elements and turning elements. For rectangular
ductwor: # = 623@7?63O@7. The following formula should be used to calculate the pressure caused by system effect8
Pressure Loss = I > 6%lement A Resistance O %lement 4 Resistance7
"traight Through Flow Turning %lements
The following diagrams show proper and improper methods of constructing ductwor:8
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Designing Air Flow Systems
5. Fan Performance Specification
A fan performance spec is gi5en as a Fan Total Pressure or a Fan Static Pressure which can handle a certain flow
rate. 6ost manufacturers7 performance c(arts are 'ase$ on Fan Static Pressure.
5.1. Fan Total Pressure
Fan total Pressure is the pressure differential between the inlet and the outlet of the fan. <t can be e,pressed in these
P t fan = P t loss O P 5 system outlet O 6P s system outlet O P s system entry O P 5 system entry7
P t fan = Fan Total Pressure
P t loss = #ynamic $omponent and Frictional Pressure through the air system.
P s system outlet = "tatic Pressure at "ystem Eutlet
P s system entry = "tatic Pressure at "ystem %ntry
P 5 system entry = !elocity Pressure at "ystem %ntry
P 5 system outlet = !elocity Pressure at "ystem Eutlet
For most 3!A$ applications8 6P s outlet O P s entry O P 5 entry7 = 2
Therefore8 P t fan = P t loss O P 5 system outlet
5.2. Fan Static Pressure
The Fan "tatic Pressure is e,pressed as the Fan Total Pressure minus the 5elocity pressure at the fan discharge or8
P s fan , P t loss - P v system outlet % P v $isc(arge
@here P 5 discharge = !elocity Pressure at the Fan #ischarge.
For #1(aust Systems with resistance only on the inlet side the fan static pressure is8
P s fan , P t loss
For e,haust system8 P 5 system outlet = P 5 discharge
For Supply Systems with resistance on the outlet side the fan static pressure is8
P s fan , P t loss % P v $isc(arge
P 5 system outlet can be assumed to be 2.
The diagram below illustrates the difference between e,haust and supply systems.
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Designing Air Flow Systems
8. Pressure Calculations
8.1. 6et(o$ology
Brea9 t(e system into sections.
A new section occurs at8
17 $hanges in duct si;e.
27 $hange in air 5olume
Calculate losses for eac( section.
4egin at the section farthest from the fan and wor: towards the fan. For each section8
1. &rite $own or calculate all 9nown varia'les.
Air Flow Rate. 6P7
#uct $rossC"ectional Area of the section. 6A7
$enterCLine Length of the section. 6L7
Air !elocity through the section. 6!=P?A7
!elocity Pressure. 6P5 = 6!?&22'7
2. &rite $own or calculate all pressure losses in t(e section.
a4 List t!e Component Losses"#ains.
<ncurred by hoods %"Ps filters dampers etc..
'4 Calculate t!e Dynamic Losses"#ains.
Eccur through elbows transitions tees or any other type of fitting.
Jse the A"3RA% Fitting #iagrams to find #ynamic Loss $oefficients for fittings.
Be sure to factor in System #ffect:
c4 Calculate Frictional Losses"#ains.
Jse the A"3RA% Friction $hart for GstandardH gal5ani;ed ductwor:.
Jse the #arcyC@eisbach %1uation for GnonCstandardH duct such as fle, duct.
). Sum up t(e Component* Dynamic* an$ Frictional Pressure for t(e section.
5. Sum up t(e pressure losses for all of t(e sections.
8.2. Assumptions an$ Corrections
Stan$ar$ Air Density* .;<8 l'0cu ft* is use$ for most "+AC applications.
Frictional losses 'ase$ on galvani=e$ metal $uct wit( 5; /oints per 1;; ft.
Correction for >?on%Stan$ar$> Duct 6aterial
<f material other than gal5ani;ed metal is used in parts of the system you will ha5e to ad9ust for the difference
in the materialBs roughness factor. This means the Friction C(art typically used to determine frictional losses
cannot be used and you must use a 5ariation of the Darcy%&eis'ac( #quation. "ee the section titled
#quations for more information on this e1uation.
Correction for Density
Dot needed if the temperature is between &2
F to 122
F and ele5ations are between 1222 ft to 1222 ft.
Correction for 6oisture
Dot needed if air temperature Q 122
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Designing Air Flow Systems
@. Pro'lem A 1 B An #1(aust System
T(e first step is to 'rea9 t(e system into sections.
"ection 1 runs from the 1). 3ood to the 4ullhead Tee.
"ection 2 runs from the 13. 3ood to the 4ullhead Tee.
"ection 3 runs from the 4ullhead Tee to the %,haust Fan.
Dow calculate the pressure losses for each section.
Section 1
Air Flow Rate C = &222 cfm
$rossC"ectional Area A = 12 , 3)?1&& = 2.' ft
$enter Line #istance = 2. O ). = /.
!elocity + = &222?2.' = 1)22 ft?min
!elocity Pressure = Pv1 = 6!?&22'7
= 61)22?&22'7
= 2.1)H
oss Calculations
Component osses
3ood Loss
P(oo$1 = C2.)//H
Loo: up from manufacturer hood static pressure cur5es. 3ere is a lin: to the 3ood "tatic Pressure $alculator.
Frictional osses
Jse the Friction $hart to loo: up the pressure loss per 122 ft of duct.
Pfr1 = C6.1)H?122 ft7 > 6/.7 = C2.213H
Dynamic osses
$itere% Elbow. Loo: up Fitting 3C) in Appendi, 2 C A"3RA% Fittings. The dynamic coefficient $2 = 1.3
Pel'ow1 = C P51 = C61.37>62.1)H7 = C2.22/H
&ull!ea% Tee. Loo: up coefficient from Appendi, 3 C 4ullhead Tee $ur5es.
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Designing Air Flow Systems
"ome general rules for bullhead tees8
"ince "ection 1 has a larger duct si;e this section is the GuG side of the bullhead tee. The following describes
how to use the bullhead tee cur5es to find Iu for the GuG side of the bullhead tee.
"ince AJ ?A# = 612,3)7?622,327 = .) we find the bullhead tee cur5es for which AJ ?A# is .) and the yCa,is
represents IJ.
@e :now that Pb ?P# = &222?6&222O3&227 = .'&. For simplicity and ease of graphing we round .'& to the
nearest 12
gi5ing us .'.
@e also :now that Ab ?A# = 612,327?622,327 = .'.
%1uipped with these ratios can draw a line from the point on the ,Ca,is where Pb ?P# is .' up to where it
intersects the cur5e for which Ab ?A# is .'
@e find Iu = 1.)
DET%8 #ue to human error resulting from manually graphing the 5alue of IJ the number you graph may be
slightly different than the 5alue show abo5e. The important thing is to :now how to use the cur5es and get a
reasonable 5alue for IJ.
Dow we can calculate the pressure drop contributed by the bullhead tee for "ection 18
P'ulltee1 = CIu > P51 = C61.)7>62.1)H7 = C2.2')H
The total pressure loss for "ection 1 is8
P t loss 1 = P(oo$1 O Pfr1 O Pel'ow1 O P'ulltee1
P t loss 1 , C2.)//H C2.213H C2.22/H C2.2')H = C1.1)'H
Section 2
Air Flow Rate C = 3&22 cfm
$rossC"ectional Area A = 12 , 32?1&& = 2.1 ft
$enter Line #istance = 2. O -. = 0.
!elocity + = 3&22?2.1 = 1)10 ft?min
!elocity Pressure = Pv2 = 6!?&22'7
= 61)10?&22'7
= 2.1)H
oss Calculations
Component osses
3ood Loss
P(oo$2 = C2.)//H Loo: up from hood static pressure cur5es.
Frictional osses
Jse the Friction $hart to loo: up the pressure loss per 122 ft of duct.
Pfr2 = C6.1/H?122 ft7 > 60.7 = C2.21)H
Dynamic osses
$itere% Elbow. Loo: up Fitting 3C) in Appendi, 2 C A"3RA% Fittings.
The dynamic coefficient $2 = 1.3
Pel'ow2 = C P52 = C61.37>62.1)H7 = C2.22/H
&ull!ea% Tee. Jsing the methodology described for the bullhead tee in "ection 1 we can find the 5alue of the
coefficient Ib for the G'G side of the bullhead tee. Jse the bullhead tee cur5es for which AJ ?A# is .) and the yC
a,is represents Ib.
@e find that Ib = 1.-' and the resulting pressure loss is8
P'ulltee 2 = CIb > P52 = C61.-'7>62.1)H7 = C2.2/2H
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Designing Air Flow Systems
The total pressure loss for "ection 2 is8
P t loss 2 = P(oo$2 O Pfr2 O Pel'ow2 O P'ulltee2
P t loss 2 , C2.)//H C2.21)H C2.22/H C2.2/2H = C1.102H
Balance 'y Design
Dote that the pressure loss of "ection 2 is greater than the loss of "ection 1. To balance the system by design
increase the air flow rate in "ection 1 to bring it up to the higher pressure loss of "ection 2.
To correct the air flow rate for "ection 1 use the Fan Laws8
C 1 new = C 1 ol$ > 6P t loss 1 new? P t loss 1 ol$7
C 1 new = &222 > 61.102?1.1)'7
= &2&) cfm
Section )
Air Flow Rate C = 3&22 cfm O &2&) cfm = -&&) cfm
$rossC"ectional Area A = 22 , 32?1&& = &.1- ft
$enter Line #istance = 0.
!elocity + = -&&)?&.1- = 1-/' ft?min
!elocity Pressure = Pv) = 6!?&22'7
= 61-/'?&22'7
= .22H
oss Calculations
Component osses
Frictional osses
Jse the Friction $hart to loo: up the pressure loss per 122 ft of duct.
Pfr2 = C6.1'H?122 ft7 > 60.7 = C2.21&H
Dynamic osses
Total pressure loss for "ection 3 is8
P t loss ) = Pfr)
P t loss ) , C2.21&H
Total Pressure oss of System
"ince the pressure loss of "ection 2 is greater than that of "ection 1 it is used to calculate the pressure loss of
the entire system as shown below8
P t loss = P t loss 2 O P t loss ) = C1.102H C2.21&H = %1.2;@D
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Designing Air Flow Systems
<. Pro'lem A 2 B A C(ange in t(e SystemEs Air Flow !ate
Dow we will change the air flow rate through "ection 2 from 3&22 $F( to 3222 $F(. @e will illustrate how once you
:now one 6$F( ".P.7 point of a system you can use the Fan Laws to calculate the pressure loss for other air flow rates.
Section 1
There is no change. P t loss 1 = C1.1)'H
Section 2
Air Flow Rate C = 3222 $F(
$rossC"ectional Area A = 12 , 32?1&& = 2.1 ft
$enter Line #istance = 2. O -. = 0.
!elocity + = 3222?2.1 = 1&20 ft?min
!elocity Pressure = Pv2 = 6!?&22'7
= 61&20?&22'7
= 2.13H
oss Calculations
Component osses
3ood Loss. Jse the Fan Laws to calculate a new 3ood Loss or loo: it up in the 3ood ".P. chart.
P(oo$2 = C62.)//H7>663222 $F(7
?63&22 $F(7
P(oo$2 = C2.'3)H
Frictional osses
Jse the Friction $hart to loo: up the pressure loss per 122 ft of duct.
Pfr2 = C6.1'H?122 ft7 > 60.7 = C2.21&H
Dynamic osses
$itere% Elbow. Loo: up Fitting 3C) in Appendi, 2 C A"3RA% Fittings.
The dynamic coefficient $2 = 1.3
Pel'ow2 = C P52 = C61.37>62.13H7 = C2.1)0H
&ull!ea% Tee. "ince "ection 2 is the G'H side we use the set of bullhead tee cur5es for which AJ ?A# is .) and
the yCa,is represents Ib.
@e find that Ib = 1.)'
P'ulltee 2 = CIb > P52 = C61.)'7>62.13H7 = C2.21'H
Total "ection Loss8
P t loss 2 = P(oo$2 O Pfr2 O Pel'ow2 O P'ulltee2
P t loss 2 , C2.'3)H C2.21&H C2.1)0H C2.21'H = C2.03H
Fsing t(e Fan aws to calculate t(e new total pressure loss for Section 2G
P t loss 2 , C61.102H7>663222 $F(7
?63&22 $F(7
7 = C2.03H
Balance 'y Design
Dote that the pressure loss of "ection 1 is now greater than the loss of "ection 2. To balance the system by
design we must increase the air flow rate in "ection 2 to bring it up to the higher pressure loss of "ection 1.
To correct the air flow rate for "ection 2 use the Fan Laws8
C 2 new = C 2 ol$ > 6P t loss 2 new? P t loss 2 ol$7
C 2 new = 3222 > 61.1)'?2.037
= 33'- $F(
Section )
Page 1-
Designing Air Flow Systems
Air Flow Rate C = 33'- $F( O &222 $F( = -3'- $F(
$rossC"ectional Area A = 22 , 32?1&& = &.1- ft
$enter Line #istance = 0.
!elocity + = -3'-?&.1- = 1-)& ft?min
!elocity Pressure = Pv) = 6!?&22'7
= 61-)&?&22'7
= 2.10H
oss Calculations
Component osses
Frictional osses
Jse the Friction $hart to loo: up the pressure loss per 122 ft of duct.
Pfr2 = C62.1&H?122 ft7 > 60.7 = C2.213H
Dynamic osses
Fsing t(e Fan aws to calculate t(e new total pressure loss for Section )G
P t loss ) , C62.21&H7>66-3'- cfm7
?6-&&) cfm7
7 = C2.213H
Total System oss
Calculate$ wit( Ta'les an$ AS"!A# C(arts
P t loss = P t loss 1 O P t loss ) = C1.1)'H C2.213H = %1.1<.D
As shown abo5e 4ranch 1 of the 9unction is used to calculate the system.s total pressure loss because it has
the greater pressure drop of the two branches.
Calculate$ wit( t(e Fan aws
P t loss , C61.22)H7>66-3'- cfm7
?6-&&) cfm7
7 = %1.1<.D
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Designing Air Flow Systems
.. Pro'lem A ) % A Supply System

The first part of the problem will show the pressure gains obtained from measuring the total pressure at 3 points shown in the
diagram abo5e. <t will pro5ide some rules of thumb for estimating pressure for elbow and at the supply collar. The second
part of the problem will calculate the pressure gain of the system and compare it to the measured pressure gain.
The entire system satisfies the definition of a section since there are no 9unctions or duct si;e changes. The transitions off the
supply collars can be included in the section.
Supply System % 6easure$ Pressure
A 2H to 1H #wyer manometer was used to measure the pressure of the system at 3 points. The pressure was measured for
two different flow rates. The results are show in the table below.
6easurements Ta9en at ) points of t(e Supply System
Air Flow
Rate 6$F(7
Point 1
R collar 6in. wg7
Point 2
after 1st elbow
6in. wg7
Point 3
after 2nd elbow
6in. wg7
1222 03' 2.2-' 2.1&2 2.2)2
1022 1-03 2.2-) 2.'-2 2.012
The table shows8
1) 3ow high air 5elocities greatly increase the pressure. @hen the air flow rate is raised to 1022 cfm the
5elocity through the duct about doubles and the pressure increases 3C1?2 fold.
2) The system effect of ha5ing 2 elbows close to each other and being close to the hood.
Jsing the pressure gains for 1222 cfm flowing through the system we see that the pressure gain for the
first elbow is8 2.1&H C 2.2-'H = 2.2)'H. This reflects the system effect of ha5ing an elbow close to the
supply opening of a hood.
The pressure gain for the second elbow is8 2.2)H C 2.1&H = 2.12H. This reflects the system effect of ha5ing
two elbows within close pro,imity to one another and being close to the hood.
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Designing Air Flow Systems
3) @hen the system supplies 1222 $F( the pressure gain at the supply collar is 2.2-'H. This illustrates
how low the pressure really is when a system is designed for the desired 5elocity between 022 and 1222
ft?min. The table below pro5ides some rules of thumb when estimating pressure gain at the supply collar8
3ood Length 6L7 Pressure Loss %stimate
L Q= /. 1?1)H ma,.
/. Q L Q= 12. 1?1)H to 1?/H ma,.
12 Q l Q= 1). 1?/H to 1?&H ma,.
This table assumes that the system has been designed for 5elocities around 1222 ft?min.
Test 3itc(en Supply System % Calculate$ Pressure
Section 1
Air Flow Rate C = 1222 cfm
$rossC"ectional Area A = r
= 6-7
?1&& = 1.2)0 ft
$enter Line #istance = 1'.
!elocity + = 1222?1.2)0= 03' ft?min
!elocity Pressure = Pv1 = 6!?&22'7
= 603'?&22'7
= 2.2''H
oss Calculations
Component osses
3ood. Assume 1?1)H pressure gain at the collar.
P (oo$ = 2.2)3H
Frictional osses
Jse the Friction $hart to loo: up the pressure loss per 122 ft of duct.
Pfr = C62.20'H?122 ft7 > 61'.7 = 2.21&H
Dynamic osses
12D1 2;D to 1;D 1 1@D !ectangular Transition
Jse A"3RA% fitting 'C1 in Appendi, 2 + A"3RA% Fittings.
To find the dynamic coefficient we calculate8
?2 = tan
62H?)H7 = 1/
Therefore8 = 3)
A2 ? A1 = 612,227?612,1)7 = 1.'
Therefore $2 = 2.2'
P trans1 = $2P51 = 62.2'762.2''H7 = 2.223H
1;D1 1@D !ectangular to 15D !oun$ Transition
Jse A"3RA% fitting &C) in Appendi, 2 + A"3RA% Fittings.
4 = @?36A2 ? A1 7
= 61)?12761.2)0?1.1117
= 1.&/
Re = /.')#! = 6/.')761&H7603' ft?min7 = 1122'
Therefore Re , 12
= 11. Jse the 5alue for Re , 12
= 12
L?# is not rele5ant in this case.
$2 = 2.11
P trans2 = $2P51 = 62.11762.2''H7 = 2.22)H
Two 02
Radius %lbows
Jse A"3RA% fitting 3C2. Assume a 3 piece elbow.
Assume r = 12H. "o r?# = 12?1& = .-1 therefore I

= 1.
$2 = 2.'&
P elbow1 = $2P51 = 62.'&762.2''H7 = 2.23H
P elbow2 = $2P51 = 62.'&762.2''H7 = 2.23H
@e must figure in the system effect incurred by ha5ing an elbow close to the supply collar. Jse the table in the
"ystem %ffect section of this paper to estimate the system effect.
The elbow is about 2. abo5e the supply riser to I"% = 1.-'.
P S# el'ow%(oo$ = I"% P elbow1 = 61.-'762.23H7 = 2.2'3H
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Designing Air Flow Systems
Dow we must factor in the system effect for the 2 elbows in succession. @e decide to the "C"haped fitting in the
A"3RA% handboo: to estimate the system effect. @e use A"3RA% fitting 3C1&.
= 02
L?# = )2H?1&H = &.20
I "% = 1.''
P S# S%fitting = I "%6P elbow1 O P elbow27 = 1.''62.23H O 2.23H7 = 2.203H
Total "ection Loss8
P t loss 1 = P(oo$ O Pfr O Ptrans1 O Ptrans2 O P S# el'ow%(oo$ O P S# S%fitting
P t loss 1 , 2.2)3H O 2.21&H O 2.223H O 2.22)H O 2.2'3H O 2.203H
P t loss 1 , 2.232H
The measured 5alue of 2.2)H differs because of error in the system effect estimates.
Dow we can determine the si;e fan we need. A 12H blower will handle 1222 cfm at 2.232H.
To calculate the Fan "tatic Pressure8
P s fan , P t loss % P v $isc(arge
Jse the blower manufacturer product literature to get the dimensions for the blower outlet so the 5elocity
pressure at the fan discharge can be calculated8
P v $isc(arge = 6! discharge?&22'72
P v $isc(arge = 661222?6611.3/>13.137?1&&77?&22'7

P v $isc(arge = 2.2'/H
P s fan = 2.232H C 2.2'/H = ;.1<5D
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Designing Air Flow Systems
H. Appen$i1 1 % #quations
Total Pressure 2P T4
P T , P v - P s
P 5 = !elocity Pressure
P s = "tatic Pressure
Fan Static Pressure 2P s fan4
For #1(austG
P s fan , P t loss

For SupplyG
P s fan , P t loss % P v $isc(arge
P s fan = Fan "tatic Pressure
P t loss = #ynamic and Friction Losses
P 5 discharge = !elocity Pressure at the Fan #ischarge
+elocity Pressure 2P 54
P v , 2+01;H<4
For standard air P 5 e1uals8
P v , 2+05;;84
! = !elocity through the duct.
Friction osses 2P fr4
Darcy%&eis'ac( #quation
P fr , 2f 0 D4 1 1 +P
Then substitute 6f ? #7 with 3 f8
P fr , "f 1 1 +P
L = #uct "ection Length 6ft7
f = Friction Factor
# = #uct #iameter 6ft7
3 f is defined as8
" f , a+
0 C
! = !elocity through the duct cross section.
P = Flow Rate 6cfm7 through the duct section.
"ee Table titled Surface !oug(ness Correlation Constants to get 5alues for ab and c.
Surface !oug(ness Correlation Constants
6aterial 9 A ' c
Aluminum 4lac: <ron
"tainless "teel
2.2221' 2.2&2' 2.2&)' 2.)22
Nal5ani;ed 2.222' 2.232- 2.'33 2.)12
Fle,ible #uct 2.223 2.2311 2.)2& 2.)30
9 = Roughness factor for the material.
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Designing Air Flow Systems
1;. Appen$i1 2 B AS"!A# Fittings
Fitting )%2
Fitting )%@
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Designing Air Flow Systems
Fitting )%15
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Designing Air Flow Systems
Fitting 5%@
Fitting 8%1
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11. Appen$i1 ) B Bull(ea$ Tee Curves
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