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I. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words:

bulge, cleanse, come apart at the seams, dimple, endear, fastidious, foolproof, glisten,
haze, lowing, morass, smudge, tamper-proof, tip-top, transgress, unstinting, veer, wield,
winkle out, wobble.
1. Her purse bulged with kes, cigarettes, scraps of paper, and old receipts.
!. In the morning it looks like a smok haze is hanging over the hills.
". #hen we finished the set, $atie%s face was red and glistening with sweat.
&. 'on%t touch it( )ou%ll smudge the ink.
*. +he smiles, and two dimples appear in her past cheeks.
,. I am also grateful for the unstinting help of those who staffed the stall and baked as
-. .he were stuck in a morass of paperwork.
/. .he new heir apparent soon had an opportunit to endear himself to the 0thenians.
1. .he car suddenl veered across the road into oncoming traffic.
12. 3err came in carring a tra of glasses that were wobbling alarmingl.
11. .he countr%s whole econom is coming apart at the seams.
1!. #hether our hair is naturall curl or permed it needs e4tra special care to keep it in
tip-top condition.
1". 5leanse the wound with alcohol.
1&. 0 lowing sound was coming from the pasture.
1*. 5and was ver good at winkling out secrets.
1,. .he rioters faced police who were wielding clubs and batons.
1-. 0 cat is a fastidious animal that washes itself fre6uentl.
1/. .he terms of the treat were transgressed almost immediatel.
11. 7ach article goes through a foolproof sstem of checking which ensures that there are
no mistakes in the final te4t.
!2. 8art of the program would re6uire states to develop more tamper-proof birth
certificates and drivers licenses.
1. bulge 9out: ; to stick out in a rounded shape, especiall because something is ver
full or too tight
!. haze ; smoke, dust, or mist in the air which is difficult to see through
". glisten ; to shine and look wet or oil
&. smudge ; if ink, writing etc smudges, or if ou smudge it, it becomes dirt and
unclear because it has been touched or rubbed
*. dimple ; a small hollow place on our skin, especiall one on our cheek or chin
when ou smile
,. unstinting support, help, praise etc is complete and given willingl
-. morass ; a complicated and confusing situation that is ver difficult to get out of
/. endear ; to make someone popular and liked
1. veer ; to change direction
12. wobble ; to move unsteadil from side to side, or make something do this
11. if a plan, organization etc is coming apart at the seams, so man things are going
wrong with it that it will probabl fail
1!. tip-top ; e4cellent
1". cleanse ; to make something completel clean
1&. low ; if cattle low, the make a deep sound
1*. winkle out ; to make someone leave a place< to get information from someone who
does not want to give it to ou
1,. wield ; to hold a weapon or tool that ou are going to use
1-. fastidious ; ver careful about small details in our appearance, work
1/. transgress ; to do something that is against the rules of social behaviour or against a
moral principle
11. a foolproof method, plan, sstem etc is certain to be successful
!2. a package or container that is tamper-proof is made in a wa that prevents someone
from opening it before it is sold
II. Fill in the blanks:
chew, e46uisite, fibrous, luscious, overripe, pulp, sharp, tart
1. .he coconut has a fibrous outer covering.
!. +teak becomes tough and chew when it is cooked too long.
". =ash the bananas until soft and pulp.
&. >ed currants are 6uite tart and usuall need sugar or hone.
*. 0dd mustard to give the dressing a sharp taste.
,. .hese bananas are too sweet and soft? the must be overripe.
-. +he could not resist the luscious ripe strawberries.
/. 'esert at that new restaurant was e46uisite.
a. consisting of man fibres or looking like fibres
b. food that is chew has to be chewed a lot before it is soft enough to swallow
c. pulp @ pulp ; a ver soft substance that is almost li6uid, made b crushing plants,
wood, vegetables
d. food that is tart has a sharp sour taste
e. having a slightl bitter taste
f. overripe fruit and vegetables are past the point of being read to eat and are too soft
g. e4tremel good to eat or drink
h. e4tremel beautiful and ver delicatel made
III. 5omplete the idioms below and then fill in the sentences:
a. the icing of the cake
b. the apple of our ee
c. put all our eggs into one basket
d. have bigger fish to fr
e. a dogAs breakfast<dinner
f. take something with a pinch of salt
g. spill the beans
h. sell like hot cakes
i. 9get: egg on our face
B. forbidden fruit9s:
k. more holes than +wiss cheese
a. something that makes a ver good e4perience even better
b. to be loved ver much b someone
c. to depend completel on one thing or one course of action in order to get success, so
that ou have no other plans if this fails
d. to have other things to do, especiall more important things
e. something that is meant to be impressive or fashionable but that other people think is
f. to not completel believe what someone tells ou, because ou know that the do not
alwas tell the truth
g. to tell something that someone else wanted ou to keep a secret
h. if things are selling like hot cakes, the are ver popular and people are buing a lot
of them ver 6uickl
i. if someone, especiall someone in authorit, has egg on their face, the have been
made to look stupid b something embarrassing
B. something that ou should not have, but that ou want
1. He was the apple of her ee, the salt of her earth, the source of her strength - her
!. His novel was a great success? copies of the book are selling like hot cakes.
". It was a great da, but meeting her there was Bust the icing on the cake(
&. #hen planning our investments, it%s unwise to put all our eggs in one basket.
*. I can%t deal with this now - I%ve got bigger fish to fr.
,. =ost of what he sas should be taken with a pinch of salt.
-. .he class managed to keep the part a secret until Corraine, unable to control herself
an longer, spilled the beans.
/. 8eople like me, who believed the firing s6uad had been assembled, were left with egg
on our faces.
1. .he ads tempt children to smoke - it%s a forbidden fruit.
12. .here are more holes in this histor essa than a +wiss cheese(
11. +he was dressed up like a dog%s dinner.
1. .he authorities made the landlord take on the financial burden of looking after the
.he landlord was made<had to shoulder the financial burden of looking after the building.
!. IAm sure that the hotel will be good, as it was recommended b 8ablo.
.he hotel is bound to be good since 8ablo recommended it to me.
1. .hough well into her !2s b now, 3aneAs father still provided for her, including buing
all her clothes.
!. 'ata from other e4periments have provided the basis for continuing intensive
research on the =artian climate.
". Ever the ne4t seven das, magazines will run awareness raising features and man
shops will be selling ribbons.
&. He was a man of *2, with a shock of grizzled hair, bush eebrows, regular features
and the finest forehead I ever saw.
*. .he men were driven to an isolated area of forest were, still bound and blindfolded,
the were released unharmed.
,. 0lson is now bound for +dne with three friends, who are keeping her compan
along the wa.
-. I knew there was no alternative but to swallow m pride and get on with the Bob.
/. )ou donAt have to swallow ever bit of propaganda @ ou should make up pur own
1. =ost of us take an interest in the lives of the famous, but it is usuall tempered with a
pinch of scepticism and a touch of iron.
12. 7ven farmers have felt the pinch as fuel and fertiliser prices outstrip the price of their
11. Denice in winter has alwas appealed for its air of mster and sadness.
1!. In stead rain, the crowd waited patientl for a bus to take them home.
1". +he has a lovel sunn nature @ everone loves her and alwas has.
1&. It was the second time she had fallen heavil and badl bruised her shoulder.
1*. #ith lives at stake, the police had no alternative but to return fire.
1,. Ence again fair weather was forecast for the following da.
DI. 9unit *:
a. the right wa round
b. b rights
c. to serve someone right
d. in the right
e. to be right under our nose
f. as right as rain
g. to make all the right noises
h. the film rights
i. to be within our rights
1. 3ust take these pills and ou%ll soon be as right as rain.
!. I believe =ike will soon be promoted for heAs making all the right noises.
". He%s worked the land all his life, so b rights it%s his.
&. 0re the batteries in the right wa roundF
*. %+he kicked me(% %+erves ou right, teasing her like that.%
,. Goth sides are convinced that the are in the right.
-. .he drugs were smuggled in right under the noses of the securit guards.
/. .he compan paid H! million for film rights to the book.
1. )ou would be within our rights to sue the compan for negligence.
DII. 9unit *:
1. a burst of applause
!. a pane of glass
". a stroke of luck
&. a grain of sand
*. a gust of wind
,. a speck of dust
-. a stream of abuse
/. a ra of sunshine
1. a source of amusement
12. an item of clothing<news
11. a rumble of thunder
1!. a puff of smoke
1". a state of emergenc
1. 0s a teacher, it%s important that the kids take ou seriousl.
!. I hope ou%ll take notice of what I%m going to tell ou.
". .he ne4t Elmpics will take place in 0ustralia.
&. 8olice have arrested a number of people who took part in the riot.
*. .he twins% parents took the view that surger would be wrong.
,. #e will take our recent illness into consideration when marking our e4ams.
-. I must take issue with ou over what ou said esterda.
/. I took advantage of the good weather to paint the shed.
1. .he guerrillas were killed when arm troops took them b surprise.
12. +he wasn%t prepared to take second place in his life.
11. .hese figures do not take account of changes in the rate of inflation.
1!. He Bust took it for granted that he would pass the e4am.
1". +he was accused of not taking a stand on feminism or civil rights.
1&. 3ones took e4ception to a comment I made about his weight.

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