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busker, coax, consistency, contentious, exhilarating, outperform, setback, skew, take issue
with, treble
1. The two losses are a serious .. for the team's playoff hopes.
2. While I waite for you to come I listene to a .. playing the guitar in the
!. "panish stuents .. #.". stuents in science.
$. "ome samples were hanle improperly, which coul ha%e .. the
&. 'onsumer groups are emaning greater . in the labelling of foo
(. I must you o%er what you sai yesteray.
). *nimal welfare i not become a .. issue until the late 1+),s.
-. .earning to surf is an exhausting but . experience.
+. /ecause . fre0uencies are irectional an bass fre0uencies are not,
staning in front of a louspeaker cabinet always gi%es a brighter soun.
1,. 1irefighters manage to .. the man own from the roof.
1. The teacher seeme to be out of 2222222 with most of the stuents.
2. 3ou4 better start learning "panish as well 5 6ust to ha%e a secon 222222 to your
!. 7ack came back after fi%e years to settle some ol 2222222.
$. 8oerate 9epublicanism appeare to strike exactly the right 222222 with the %oters.
&. Their story is boun to strike a 222222 with all parents.
(. :e was ne%er more than a /;mo%ie actor, playing secon 222222 to actors like <rrol
). =ne woman bought a whole armful of clothes for a 222222.
curb, ownturn, flori, hamper, hell;bent, hue, kinship, outwarly, pet hate, reainess,
rener, slouch, swale, transient, uphol, walks of life
1. 8um's particular is people lea%ing their irty clothes lying on the
2. Though it was raining, he still set on that trip, . on ha%ing a goo
!. Where once this corner of the islan was in green, a lunar lanscape
now stans.
$. *s groupings became larger, tribes or bans were forme on the basis of more
extensi%e . ties.
&. In the fall, /oston i%y %ines take on re ..
(. :e was a mile;age man with a complexion an black
). It4s rather tiring to try to always follow these . fashions.
-. Will computers . books obsolete>
+. 9alph sat at the ining room table.
1,. =ur %olunteers inclue people from all .
11. They stacke the firewoo in . for the e%ening campfire.
12. 'al%in remaine calm, but insie he was %ery angry.
1!. The number of people mo%ing to :ong ?ong is actually increasing while the number
emigrating is on the .. .
1$. They want to .. traitional family %alues.
1&. "earch efforts were . by strong wins an fifteen foot wa%es.
1(. The city is trying new measures to pollution.
1. take o222222 22222
2. take someone4s 2222222
!. take someone u22222222
$. take p2222 22222
&. take something l22222 22222
(. take your p22222
). take smth 22222 it 222222
-. take some 22222
a. accept an argument
b. accept smth as it happens
c. surprise, startle someone
. be 0uite ifficult
e. feel hurt by
f. feel sorry for an help
g. accept something without
1. :e in't seem to . my lack of enthusiasm for his iea.
2. 'atching up four goals will .. .
!. I . my father's .. an sol the car.
$. :e has 6ust set the bomb an has been .. when it went off a bit
&. 1inally, a truck ri%er us an ga%e us a rie.
(. We are not going to .. this %erict . There will be
). I . your . about waiting until the spring.
-. I'm not going to worry about it. I'll 6ust . each ay ..
1. I'%e always thought %ery h222222 of 8ichael.
2. 'Aon't talk to strangers' is a message 2222222 into chilren.
!. /ankers are c2222222 optimistic about the country's economic future.
$. The lea %iolinist ha the b22222 to ask for a !,B pay riseC
&. The announcement is sure to r222222 a lou cheer.
(. There was a istinct b22222 in the timber but it was still usable.
1. eyes which ha%e a happy expression 5t2222222 eyes
2. small, roun, an shiny eyes 5b222222 eyes
!. the eye parts normally white are re or pink 5b222222 eyes
$. eyes which show no feeling or unerstaning an o not mo%e 5g2222222 eyes
&. eyes showing no expression because you are %ery bore or tire 5g2222222eyes
(. making you feel uncomfortable an seeming to see insie your min 5p222222 eyes
1. *fter winning the scholarship he ne%er looke 22222.
2. Dow the summer's here things are looking 22222C
!. I'm really looking 22222 22222 our %acation.
$. I'%e always looke 22222 2222 /ill for his courage an etermination.
&. =nly one man trie to help us, the rest 6ust looke 2222 in silence.
(. Eolice are looking 22222 the isappearance of two chilren.
). :e's looking 2222 2222 a nice apartment owntown.
-. I saw 1iona in the street yesteray an she looke straight 22222 me.
+. We must look 2222 our efences.
1,. I on4t ha%e much time to come an %isit you, but I may look 2222 for a few minutes.
air, acknowlege, cloak, crop up, eem, emise, fringe, from the off, mainstream,
relentless, spawn, set in your ways, sub%ert, ;strong, strip, unwittingly, wae
1. "he was oubtful about the inter%iew..
2. The crow was 1,,,,, ...
!. The lan aroun the builings ha been .. of trees.
$. 9ige's success is ue to a . pursuit of perfection.
&. :e .. that when he's tire he gets ba;tempere.
(. Dew technology has .. new business opportunities.
). Fenet starte as a rebel, but soon became part of the literary ..
-. #? plans were .. to infringe <# law.
+. I wish you wouln't always . in with your opinion.
1,. "mith was sentence to 1$ years for plotting to .. the go%ernment.
11. * traition is not a matter of being..
12. .aura . threw away the winning lottery ticket.
1!. 8y parents ha mixe feelings about the Eresient's.
1$. 3ou ha%e to learn to eal with ifficult situations when they..
1&. The talks ha%e been in secrecy.
1(. <mma is a tall girl with straight brown hair an a ...
1). The newsconference will be .. li%e at ) p.m.

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