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International Studies Chapter 2: Population and Environment

1 billion 10 000 BC -1825 AD
o 6 billion morelast 200 years
Fewer people dying off, reduction in mortality rate
They say 10 billion10 years
Decrease in birth rate in Global South as they become more wealthy
o As y
Pro-Natalist (birth) Anti-Natalist Population Control
Child tax credits, baby bonus
Scandinavian Countries
Eastern Europe

#1 China1.3-1.4 Billion
One child policy since 1979
Been successfulcontrolling growth
Problems: abandonment/abortions
Male children selectedaffecting gender
Not perfectly enforced (bribes)/unfairness
#2 India1.2-1.3 Billion
Democracy; violates peoples rights
Educationyoung girls (6-10)
Distribution of BC pill
Distribution of Worlds Pop = 7 billion
60% Asia
15% Africa
10% Europe
8% North America
5% C&S America
Remainder : Oceania
Note: Concentration/Density (same except Europe & Africa switched)

Fast-Growing/Young Populations
Many young people
o Good: future growth, work-force, energy
o Bad: ton of infrastructure, suburbs, housing, roads, food grown & transported, jobs
Most of Global South are like this
o Need lots of economic growth
o Many turn to agriculture but its not economically efficient

Slow-Growing Populations
o Wisdom
Bad: dont work anymore, need lots of healthcare
o (50% of Ontarios budget taken by healthcare)
o Not enough future tax-payers



Decreases it
Global South (doesnt affect it b/c of its rapid growth)
o Brain drain: smartest people always leave and usually never come back
o E.g. more Ethiopian-born doctors in Chicago than in all of Ethiopia

Increases pop.
Prevents population decline
diversity: cuisine, language, culture
tax base
economy growth
Coherent national identity
Immigration challenging it
E.g. France banned all young girls from wearing hijabs
FL, TX, CA, AZ ( Spanish speaking)
Illegal immigrants, especially in AZ
o Breaking law is bad
o BUT: also make up a large and important part of industries
o Helps US economies
o E.g. agriculture in CA, house-care (yard, maids, nannies)

Immigrants Refugees
Leave willingly

Forced out; persecuted
o Usually b/c of political, ethnic,
Stateless person
Insecure position
SyriaJordan and Iraq
Caused mostly by war + disease
Past 10 years10 million refugees a
o Refugee campshumanitarian
emergency relief
o Usually wait or run away
30 million people of concern



Majority of worlds pop live in cities
o (100,000 inhabitants or more)
Rate has been astounding
1850 only 3% lived in cities
o Only 3 cities (over 100k ppl)
o Over 600
Caused mainly by Industrial Revolution
Started in UK around 1750: Manchester
o New inventions: steam engine
o Mass production of goods & stuff
Factories created
o Promoted factory-work
Majority of pop is ruralfarm-hands
Many started to leave farms and occupy cities
o 20-25 year spanx 5/10/25/100 growth
Pros Cons
Linked historically w/ modernization,
industrialization, diversification
Bigger economy; more opportunity;
better social services
Doesnt have to be bad for the enviro
(build up, not out)
Takes over natural space
Comes at expense of rural way of life
o More faith, conservative
Concentration of human problems
o Crime, garbage, noise, smells,
violence, social tensions
Huge management problems
o Transportation/transit,
infrastructure, garbage collection,
cops, electricity

CSR (City-State Region)
Inter-connected + globalization
o *Economically*, culturally, communication, politically(?)
Trend 50 years+
o Thoughts of world being dominated more by cities rather than countries
o E.g. Venice in Medieval Times
CSRs and Non-State Actors
o E.g. GTA50% of Ontarios pop, economy, 25% of all of Canadas economy

Theory of Creative City
We are moving towards 2-track economy
Goods-manufacturing economy moving to developing world
o Especially in China (cheaper)
Servicescreative city
Why: developing worlds will start to depend on creativity
1. Creativity class30% of the workforce
o Get paid to think
o Education institutions


2. Creative economyprofessional services
3. Pleasing city conditionsJane Jacobs
o Urban density rather than sprawl
o Diversity
o Tolerance, Talent, & Technology

Key Problems:
1. Spectacular growth in population7 billion
2. Industrialization/Industrial Capitalism

Trashing of the Earth

Carrying capacity: Earth only has a finite amount of resources
o Only so many people, and pollution that Earth can sustain
o Earth become garbage dump
Example of Easter Island
Easter Island populated by 2 tribeswar
o Stripped island of everything to use for war
Total barren husk (only thing left are stone heads)
Pessimists feel this will happen to entire world
o Says Earth is a living organismhumans are selfish tumours

1. Gold Rushes vs. Resource Management
Gold rush happens very frequentlyunsustainable, exhaust resource until nothings left
Resource management: sustainable, some left; program of replacement, regulation;
oversight; enforcement; scientifically informed; takes time; long-term natl govt
Sustainable Development (92)economy as a whole
Long-term focus (leaves it there); short-term cash-out (exhausts resource)
2. Tragedy of Commons
When goods and resources are commonly owned, they deteriorate
Enclosure movement: enclosing place by fenceseverything is owned
Important common resources (high seas, Antarctica, space)
1959 Treaty of Antarctica
o Protected Public Park
National Enclosure vs. International Protected Park (for Antarctica)
Weird comparison b/n North Pole (enclosure) and South Pole (protected)

1 billion ppl lack access to sufficient food and water


Would be even worse if werent for Green Revolution
Green Revolution
Massive improvements in growing food around world
Technological revolution (how to grow, inventions)
o E.g. GM crops, irrigation, irradiation (bugs, crops)
Technology transferred NorthSouth
Tripling of production of worlds most important crops
o Wheat, corn, rice
70% of Earth
o Majority of it: salt-water
o Desalination of watervery expensive
Canada uses 335 L/day per capita
o US 350
Water poor
o 1-2 billion
o If you have access to < 5 L/day (one flush of a toilet)

Peak Oil Theory
Energy: food and water (calories)
o Electricity
Oil40% of worlds energy
o Most valuable commodity
o Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
o Its a cartel (group controls major supply of a goodset price)
o Consists of mostly Middle East (e.g. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, etc)
***Oil crisis of 1979**
o Large impact on Western world
o Triggers massive inflationprice
o Thus people buy less of everything else
Usually: Inflationrecessiondeflation
o Called the 70s malaise
What happens when theres both inflation and recession
Easy oil
o Easy to extract
o can stick a straw in the oil field and suck it out
o Arabic countries/PG (Persian gulf)
Difficult oil
o E.g. Albertas oil mixed with sand (must be purified)
o Expensive, forbidding
Oil is at peak production right now
o But the price will only go UP from now
o Easy oil will be used up; well be turning to hard oil
Peak Oil Theory: Price of oil is only going to go up


o Oil pessimists: b/c peak oil theory is true, things only going to get worse in future
Stagflation created to face scarcity
o However, were only going back to recession

Global Climate Change
1. Temp universal agreement
o 12 of last 15
2. This is because of man-made activity
o (Burning of fossil fuels + industrialization)
1. Short term
o Looked at monk records
o Global temperature is in a cycle of hot and cold temp
2. Not man-made
o Due to the sunimpact on oceans
o When solar activity increases=warming trend, decreases=cooling trend (e.g. ice age)
Precautionary Principle
Whether its true or not, measures should be taken to prevent it
o By cutting down emissions, etc.
Kyoto protocol fell apart
o Global south refuses to follow this: reduces industrial activity that it needs for
developmentcuts econ. growthcertain harm
o China out, US out, no one really following

Case for Environmental Optimism
1. Problems can and have been solved
o E.g. acid rain
b/c of laws and technology (alkaline)
o Ozone depletion
CFCs chlorofluorocarbons caused it (fridges)
Banning of CFCs, technology (refrigeration w/o CFC)
2. Lomborg
o Fan of technology
o Wrote The Sceptical Environmentalist
o Says pessimists underestimate:
Brilliance at innovation
Natures resilience & hugeness
3. Everyone has reason to care


o Consumers
Good living condition
Care 4 children
Rise in demand for green products
o Corporation
Pay fines for polluting
Bad reputation/lose market share if bad polluter
Hamper recruiting
o Govts
Want to please the people
Dont want to pay cleanup costs
4. Good environmental agencies, NGOs and protection
o E.g. United States (EPA), Environment Canada and ONT, UNEPKenya
o NGOs (Greenpeace, Siera Legal Defense)
5. Earth is not Easter Island
o Those civilians were uneducated

Case for Environmental Pessimism
1. Successes are few & far between
o Failure the norm (e.g. KYOTO)
2. Faith in technology may be misplaced
o Present problems cast doubt on that
3. Everyone doesnt always follow good reasons
o Consumers: people drive SUVs, groom their lawns, live in disposable society
We will always choose economy over environment
o Corporations:
They are the ones that give the govt data about how much they pollute
Usually fines no more than $50,000
4. Agencies arent very effective:
o Under-resourced
o Rely on data from polluters
o Years behind if make their own data
5. Earth might be Easter Island
o Gaia

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