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Dizzee Rascal magazine content page analyses:

Masthead: is the same abbreviation as the cover

(New Music Express ) the shorter title allows it to
be a larger font while not taking up too much
space. The masthead is bold and eye catching,
with it being the only large text in red. The red
could have connotations of danger which are
relevant to the rock genre and its image of
Main Heading/title: The main title is contents and
is the same size as the mast head showing its
important to the reader. They have also made it
white so that it matches the boarder around the
NME font.
Pictures linked to article:
the only main image on the
contents links to one of the
main articles. They have
chosen a medium close up
of a musician, who may be
recognisable to some of the
readership making them
keep reading. Also she has a
stereotypical clothes, hair
and makeup of someone in
the rock genre of music so
she fits with the NME
magazine style. Also there is
a boarder around the
photo, which makes it stand
out against the black
background. And them
putting it at an angle gives
connotations of rebellion,
fitting with the rock genre.
Band Index: on the left side there is a list of all the
bands included in articles and the corresponding page
numbers. This makes it simple for the reader to
coordinate the magazine and read what is interesting
to them. This will be used particularly in the music
magazine genre and helps us see the importance of
the musicians to NME.
House style: the main colour scheme for this page is
red, white and black. The bases for this is from the
NME masthead, as part of its branding is the colour
red. They have then continued the white of the
boarder and main heading, and the black background
in the other text across the page. These colours are
very atheistically pleasing together and are often used
as a trio for the rock genre.
Contents list: on the far right
there is a contents of all the
articles and pages associated
that have been also split into
sub categories. They are all
the same font and fairly small
so there is more space for the
main image. Then under this is
more contents but they have
changed the colour of the
subtitle from white to red,
making it seem important and
the use of plus to show that
the magazine is packed with
Rule of thirds: on this page they have again utilised
rule of thirds, like on the cover, to help draw the eye
of the reader towards what is important.

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