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Name _______________________ Date _________________ Hour _____________

Cereal Box Project

Please view the link as a refresher:
Please check off the following as you complete the task (5 points each):
Brainstorming and Sketches. Please complete in your Journal.
___ Sketch of your cereal name and its logo. Must match design.
___ Sketch of your character, 2 different shapes for your cereal, the bowl and the
___ Sketch approved by the teacher.
Design in Illustrator
___ Canvas/ Image size is 8 inches by 10 inches.
___ Sketch is scanned in or drawn with the pen/pencil tool and is made into a vector
image. Review the direction at
___ Cereal is well defined as shapes. Gradient is used to color each piece.
___ Rest of the images are colored via Live Paint or the paintbrush.
___ Background has Image Trace or a Pattern .
___ Sketch approved by the teacher.
___ Final image is approved by the teacher before it is printed out.
The scale is 1-10. 10 being the best.
___ Originality of cereal logo.
___ Originality of the cereal box overall design: character, cereal pieces, bowl and
___ Originality of cereal character, cereal shapes, bowl and background.
___ Originality of cereal logo. Use of outside logo maker and Photoshop.
___ Description of client with details. Use 4 complete sentences.
Total: ____________/___________

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