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SULIT 2 2205

ROALD DAHL : The Landlady
1 (a)
From the above extract, what was Billy and the landlady discussing, and how did
the landlady explain why she took him in as a guest?
[5 marks
(b) !iscuss the reasons why Billy chose to stay at the boarding"house, over
other places#
[8 marks
(c) !o you like the ending o$ the story? %ive reasons to support your answer with
close re$erence to the text#
[12 marks
2205 2013 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT
&he old girl was slightly dotty, Billy told himsel$# But at $ive and sixpence a
night, who gives a damn about that? '( should)ve thought you)d be simply
swamped with applicants,* he said politely#'+h, ( am, my dear, ( am, o$
course ( am# But the trouble is that ()m inclined to be ,ust a teeny weeny bit
choosy and particular - i$ you see what ( mean#*
SULIT 3 2205
ROBERT RAYMER : ei!h"o#rs
2 (a)
.ho are the grown boys in this story and how does /amli propose to overcome
their restlessness?
[5 marks
(b) .hat happened to 0ohnny in the story? .ith close re$erence to the text, describe
what 0ohnny)s immediate neighbours did, and how they reacted to his tragic
[8 marks
(c) "Some people may think that gossiping is harmless, but in actual fact it can be
very destructive." !iscuss the truth o$ the statement with close re$erence to the
[12 marks
2205 2013 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT
1ee2 1ee2 &hat3s what happens when grown boys stay at home " they get
restless24 /amli said, his arms raised in surrender# 4+nly a wi$e will settle
them# 5 wi$e and a ,ob will teach them some responsibilities# ($ you ask me,
0ohnny had it too easy# &oo easy " has a working wi$e and only two children#
+ne living on his own like that#4
SULIT 4 2205
KURT VONNEGUT JR: Harrison Bergeron
3 (a)
.hat did the 6andicapper %eneral do when she entered the room, and what did
she threaten the musicians?
[5 marks
(b) 6arrison Bergeron became a $ugitive and broke into the &7 studio to declare
himsel$ 8mperor# .hy do you think he did that? 1upport your answer $rom the
[8 marks
(c) 5 society that values e9uality more than $reedom will end up with neither# !iscuss
this theme with close re$erence to the text#
[12 marks
2205 2013 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT
(t was then that !iana :oon %lampers, the 6andicapper %eneral, came into
the studio with a double" barrelled ten"gauge shotgun# 1he $ired twice, and
the 8mperor and the 8mpress were dead be$ore they hit the $loor#
!iana :oon %lampers loaded the gun again# 1he aimed it at the musicians
and told them they had ten seconds to get their handicaps back on#
SULIT 5 2205
1 (a)
.hat is the disagreement about?
[5 marks
(b) (n your opinion, do you think 0ulia and ;ilkant are suited $or each other? 1upport
your answer with close re$erence to the text#
[8 marks
(c) Being a kind person, 0ulia tried to help the rickshaw"wallah, but with tragic
conse9uences# .ith close re$erence to the text, describe what happened to him and
comment on whether 0ulia should have helped him in the $irst place#
[12 marks
2205 2013 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT
;ilkant spluttered in his gin and tonic# 1ometimes he $elt there was an
invisible wall between himsel$ and his wi$e, in spite o$ all the barriers they
had leapt to cement their relationship# 1he knew very well that the cook, an
old retainer $rom his mother)s house in 5lipur, was responsible $or selecting
servants# 6ow could an inexperienced girl $rom 8ngland be any kind o$
,udge? 6er pig"headedness ba$$led him#
SULIT 6 2205
Prepared !" #$e%&ed !" Appr'(ed !"
)))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))
*L+, Y-e. S-a/0 *N-r-1 I23ar+/a0 *U/4&- E,+1+a0
S-5e%. Tea%$er #-rr+%-1-, Leader Head '6 Depar.,e/.
2205 2013 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT

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