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Ideal types and social analysis

Max Weber introduced the concept of constructing ideal type to carry the sociolo
gical research. Ideal type is not constructed arbitrarily, rather its elements c
ome from historical experience, literature review and the researchers interest. T
he following are the features of the ideal type.
a. It is not absolute type or average type but an approximate type.
b. It is not constructed once and for all and can be refined.
c. Ideal type does not mean that it is the best possible scenario.
d. It is a means to end and not an end in itself.
Ideal type is a heuristic tool that can be compared with social reality and find
out the convergences and deviations from it. It is so possible that it may be c
ompletely negated. Weber used ideal types extensively to study both social struc
tures and social action. The ideal type of class, status and party is an example
by which he explained stratification in economic, social and political orders.
Thus ideal type offers an organised pattern to study and explain the social real
ity. By constructing ideal type Weber endorses the fact that social reality cann
ot be studied in totality and sociologists can only make an attempt to study spe
cific features in it.
However useful, the ideal types may be fallible due to over simplicity and obser
ver's bias disallowing objectivity.
negatives of ideal types ( being oversimplistic , excessive flexibility , will a
id the observer's bias
For Example
The construction of ideal types of authority.
Weber distinguishes three types of authority,
(a) Rational,
(b) Legal,
(c) Traditional and charismatic,
Each of which was defined by the motivation of obedience or by the nature of leg
itimacy claimed by the leader.
Reality presents a mixture or confusion of the three ideal types and because of
this very reason we must approach the types of authority with a clear idea. Beca
use these types merge in reality each must be rigorously defined.
Relgious factor in economic development
Religion is an important factor that play a role in socialisation and developing
the conscience of individuals in the society. As famously said by Karl Marx " R
eligion is the opium of masses". The economic development is therefore directly
or indirectly influenced by religion. Max Weber tried to link the role of religi
on in changing the economy in his Protestant ethic and Rise of Capitalism. He sa
ys that Calvinism gave the ethic of this worldly asceticism which pushed the ind
ividuals to go for hard work and deny pleasure to attain salvation by profit mak
ing. On the other hand religions like Hinduism and Buddhism preached outer world
ly asceticism which made its followers disinterested in profit making and pruden
ce. He also gave the examples of Catholic religion which is conservative and str
essed on donation to church and life after death. Thus religion is one of the fa
ctors in developing capitalism in west while did not happen in other countries.
Shariah law in Islam is against collecting interest on money and therefore the t
ype of investment allowed is different. Islam mostly prohibits women to particip
ate in economic activity and they have restricted freedom. As a result their eco
nomic development and literacy is gender biased though it is fast changing in co
untries like India. Islam also does not encourage small family size. Bigger fami
ly size is therefore one of the factors for low standard of living and education
levels in the Muslim community in India. During the social reforms of 19 centur
y renaissance in India, Parsi community is the one to adopt Protestant ethics an
d many Parsis have become topmost industrialists. Similarly, due to christian mi
ssionaries the levels of education and thereby standard of living is quite impre
ssive in states like Mizoram. In today's globalised world, with increasing role
of secularisation , religion as a factor of economic development is declining. P
eople are increasingly subscribing to rationality and going for economic improve
ment. However, religion can also play a positive role in increasing solidarity a
mong people within a nation and different nations thereby collectively striving
for development. Buddhism as a link between India and Japan and cooperation betw
een the countries based on this solidarity is an example.

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