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1.Definitions of Classroom Action Research
Classroom Action Research is the research conducted on a class to
find out the result of the actions applied to a research subject in class.
Classroom Action Research was first introduced by Kurt Lewin in
1946 which further de!eloped by "tephen #hursday Robin $c
#a%%art &ohn 'lliot (a!e 'bbut and others.
Classroom action research be%ins with a )uestion or )uestions about
classroom e*periences issues or challen%es. +t is a reflecti!e process
which helps teachers to e*plore and e*amine aspects of teachin% and
learnin% and to ta,e action to chan%e and impro!e.
-eidi .atts /0112314 su%%ests the definition of Action Research as
follows3 Action Research is a process in which participants their own
educational practice systematically and carefully usin% the techni)ues
of research. +t is based on the followin% assumptions3
Muslikah. 2010. Sukses Profesi Guru Dengan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas.
Yogyakarta :Interre!ook.".#2$
a. 5#eachers and principals wor, and then consider ways of
identified for themsel!es 6
b. 5#eachers and principals become more effecti!e when
encoura%e to e*amine and assess their own wor, and then
consider ways of wor,in% differently 6
c. 5#eachers and principals help each other by wor,in%
collaborati!ely 6
d. 5.or,in% with collea%ues helps teachers and principals in their
professional de!elopment.
7ased on the definition it can be concluded that action research is a
process that e!aluates the acti!ities of teachin% and learnin% processes
are carried out systematically and use of rele!ant techni)ues. #he
usefulness of action research is to sol!e the problems identified
increasin% the le!el of effecti!eness in the learnin% process the
principle of partnership and enhance the professionalism of teachers.
Kurt Lewin /19464 has been credited with the de!elopment of the idea
of action research. #he e!olution of an action research a%enda within
education has been influenced by people such as Kemmis /19894
'bbutt /198:4 'lliott /19914 -op,ins /198:4 and others. -op,ins
/198:3pp :85614 offers %ood ad!ice on teacher research when he
I!id " .##$
ad!ocates the de!elopment of teacher;s professional e*pertise and
jud%ment. -e pro!ides a basis for the selection of classroom research
by teachers3
the teacher;s primary role is to teach and any research project
must not interfere with or disrupt this commitment6
the method of data collection should not be too demandin% on
the teacher;s time6
the methodolo%y used must be reliable enou%h to allow teachers
to formulate hypotheses confidently and de!elop strate%ies
applicable to the classroom situation6
the teacher should be committed to the research problem under
teachers must follow ethical procedures when carryin% out
research6 and
classroom research where possible should adopt a perspecti!e
where all members of a school community build and share a
common !ision.
<ften the hardest part in classroom research is decidin% on a focus.
#eacher research does not re)uire a precise hypothesis. +n fact you do
not ha!e to be%in with a problem. -op,ins /198:3p% 694 su%%ests that
= All you need is a %eneral idea that somethin% should be impro!ed.
>our %eneral idea may stem from a promisin% new idea or the
reco%nition that e*istin% practice falls short of aspiration.= <nce the
focus of the research has been decided plannin% for data collection
followed by actual data collection and analysis occurs.
Accordin% to Kurt Lewin action research is a series of steps
consistin% of four sta%es namely plannin% action obser!ation and
reflection. $eanwhile accordin% to .allace /19984 in 7urns /19994
action research conducted by collectin% data or information about
pra,i, systematically analy?e it to e!eryday life and can ma,e
decisions about which practices should be done in the future. And
accordin% to 'lliott /19914 some action research study of a social
situation with the possibility of action to impro!e the )uality of the
social situation.
Kunandar.S.Pd..M.Si. 200/. Langkah Mudah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas
Sebagai Pengembangan Profesi Guru. 0akarta: PT -a1a Gra2ndo Persada.
@rom the abo!e definition of action research it can be concluded three
principles namely3
/14 the participation of researchers in a pro%ram or acti!ity6
/04 the purpose to impro!e the )uality of a pro%ram or acti!ity throu%h
action research and
/94 lac, of action or treatment to impro!e the )uality of a pro%ram or
7ased on the abo!e principles Classroom Action Research can be
defined as an Action Research conducted by the teachers as well as
researchers in the class or jointly with others /collaboration4 with the
road desi%n implement and reflect the collaborati!e and participatory
action aimed at impro!in% or impro!e the )uality /)uality4 in the class
learnin% process throu%h an action /treatment4 in a particular cycle.
2. Characteristics of Classroom Action Research
Accordin% "ulipan /01123:4 the characteristics of Classroom Action
Research is as follows3
A 7ased on the problems that teachers face in learnin%.
A (o collaborati!ely throu%h cooperation with other parties.
A Researchers as well as practitioners who perform the reflection.
A Aimin% to sol!e problems or impro!e the )uality of learnin%.
A Conducted a series of steps consistin% of se!eral cycles.
A #he study is the action ta,en includin% the effecti!eness of the
methods techni)ues or the learnin% process /includin% plannin%
implementation and assessment4.
A #he action ta,en is the action %i!en by teachers to students.
3.The oal of Classroom Action Research
Accordin% to Brundy C Kemmis /19803844 Classroom Action
Research objecti!es include the3
A +mpro!ed practices
A +ncrease /or professional de!elopment4 of understandin% the practice
by its practitioners and
A +mpro!ed the situation where the implementation of practices.
+n other words the main objecti!e of this research is to chan%e the
beha!ior of the researcher the beha!ior of others and or chan%e the
Muslikah.I!id. ".#5$
Prof. Su'arsih Madya. Ph.D.2006. Teori dan Praktik Penelitian Tindakan
( Action Research). 7andung : ,lfa!eta.
or%ani?ational framewor, or other structure which in turn produce
chan%es in beha!ior researcher5researcher and beha!ior of others.
!."enefit of Classroom Action Research
pro!ides a framewor, for tryin% out different approaches and
helps de!elop reflecti!e practice
enables teachers to ma,e choices and decisions about their
teachin% styles
helps de!elop confidence
helps teachers impro!e student learnin%.
#. $roce%&re of classroom action research
1 Reflect
Consider your current classroom practice. #hin, about )uestions you
ha!e about teachin% topics you are interested in problem areas or
aspects of teachin%Dlearnin% you are unsure about. $a,e a list. @rom
your list decide what you would li,e to research. #o help you decide
thin, about why you want to do it. .hat are the benefits to you and
your learnersE .hen you ha!e decided write a research )uestion.
0 '*plore
Reflect on your research )uestion. .here can you find information to
help you plan your researchE +t may help you to discuss your )uestion
with collea%ues. >ou may need to consult published materials or the
+nternet for information and ideas. @ind out as much as you can about
your )uestion topic to help you plan how to do the research.
9 Flan
(raw up an action research plan which states your )uestion how and
why you are %oin% to carry out the research. #hin%s to thin, about3
how lon% it will ta,eE .hat tools will you use in your researchE -ow
will you record your researchE #here are different ways of doin%
research. +t can be as simple as just writin% down your own reflections
after each lesson or it could include )uestionnaires obser!ations
audio recordin%s and so on.
4 Research
Carry out your research usin% your chosen method. "ome tools are3
Feer obser!ation
#eacher diary
Learner feedbac,
Lesson e!aluation
Recordin% lessons
Reflectin% on learners; wor,
: Analy?e
#his sta%e helps you to ma,e sense of the data you ha!e collected in
your research. +t is a process of reflectin% on or%ani?in% and
re!iewin% your data to help you answer your research )uestion. .hat
ha!e you found outE .hat insi%hts ha!e you %ained from the
researchE .hat does your research show youE
6 Act
Reflect on your results. Loo, at your teachin% practice 5 what chan%es
will you ma,eE
#a,e action based on what you found out from your research.
2 Re!iew
.hen you ha!e implemented chan%es it is important to re!iew. -ow
successful were the chan%esE (o you need to ta,e any follow5up
actionE -as your research indicated other areas you could e*ploreE +n
other words you be%in a new reflecti!e cycle.


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