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Mosby items and derived items 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an aIIiliate oI Elsevier, Inc.

Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8

Chapter 7: Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Test Bank
1. AIter the charge nurse has completed orienting a new staII nurse, which action by the
staII nurse indicates that Iurther education about complementary and alternative therapy
may be needed?
a. The new nurse massages the legs oI a patient who has a leIt Ioot stasis ulcer.
b. The new nurse does a capillary blood glucose check Ior a patient taking aloe.
c. The new nurse suggests the use oI acupressure to a patient with tension headaches.
d. The new nurse shows Iamily members how to provide a hand massage to a patient.
Massage should not be done Ior a patient with open wounds. The other actions by the
new nurse are appropriate.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Application REE: 95 TOP: Nursing Process:
MSC: NCLEX: SaIe and EIIective Care Environment
2. A patient with Iibromyalgia has back pain and stiIIness. The nurse suggests that a therapy
that might be appropriate Ior this patient is
a. acupuncture.
b. aromatherapy.
c. St. John`s wort.
d. magnetic therapy.
Acupuncture may be useIul in the treatment oI back pain. The other therapies are not
used to treat pain.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Application REE: 92
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity
3. Which oI these complementary and alternative therapies should the nurse suggest to a
patient who has elevated triglyceride levels?
a. Eish oil
b. Milk thistle
c. Saw palmetto
d. Ginkgo biloba
There is evidence that Iish oil is helpIul in treating hypertriglyceridemia. The other
therapies will not be helpIul Ior this patient.
Test Bank
Mosby items and derived items 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an aIIiliate oI Elsevier, Inc.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Application REE: 94
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity
4. Which inIormation obtained by the nurse when admitting a patient with osteoarthritis
may indicate a need Ior patient teaching?
a. The patient obtains inIormation about herbal therapies online.
b. The patient takes glucosamine daily to prevent knee and hip pain.
c. The patient attends a weekly yoga class to improve Ilexibility and balance.
d. The patient states that prayer helps to improve the knee pain and Iunction.
Online inIormation sources are not always reliable and the patient may need some
teaching about saIe use oI herbal remedies. The other inIormation given by the patient
indicates appropriate use oI complementary and alternative therapies.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Application REE: 96
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance
5. A patient with chronic headaches seeks treatment Irom a nurse trained in Healing Touch
(HT). During the HT session, the nurse will
a. realign the patient`s energy Ilow.
b. manipulate muscles and soIt tissues.
c. apply pressure to body points where energy is obstructed.
d. passively move stressed joints through the range oI motion.
Healing touch involves the use oI the practitioner`s hands to realign the patient`s energy
Ilow. The other responses describe other complementary and alternative therapies
(CATs) such as massage, chiropractic therapy, and acupressure.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REE: 96
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity
6. A patient who has nausea associated with chemotherapy asks the nurse whether there are
any complementary and alternative therapies that might be eIIective. The nurse should
discuss the use oI
a. green tea.
b. acupuncture.
c. black cohosh.
d. chiropractic therapy.
Acupuncture is helpIul in chemotherapy-induced nausea. The other therapies are not used
Ior nausea.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REE: 92
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity
Test Bank
Mosby items and derived items 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an aIIiliate oI Elsevier, Inc.
7. A patient who develops Irequent upper respiratory inIections (URIs) asks the nurse
whether any herbal therapies might help. The nurse suggests that the patient try
a. ginger.
b. echinacea.
c. ginkgo biloba.
d. St. John`s wort.
Echinacea may have some beneIit in reducing the incidence and duration oI the common
cold. Ginkgo biloba, ginger, and St. John`s wort are useIul Ior other conditions, but they
would not be helpIul Ior this patient.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REE: 94
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity
8. Which inIormation will the nurse include when discussing the use oI herbal remedies
with a patient who uses a variety oI herbs Ior health maintenance?
a. Herbs should be purchased only Irom manuIacturers with a history oI quality
b. Most herbs are toxic and carcinogenic and should be used only when proven
c. Herbs are no better than conventional drugs in maintaining health and may be less
d. Erequent medical evaluation is required during the use oI herbs to avoid adverse
The quality oI herb preparations can vary, so it is important that patients purchase herbal
remedies Irom reputable manuIacturers. When appropriately used, herbs are generally
saIe and have Iewer side eIIects than conventional medications.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Application REE: 92-93
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance
9. Which inIormation obtained by the nurse during the preoperative assessment oI a patient
is most important to assess Iurther?
a. The patient uses several herbal remedies routinely.
b. The patient recently visited a chiropractor Ior back pain.
c. The patient has used acupressure to relieve postoperative nausea in the past.
d. The patient expresses a wish to use acupuncture Ior postoperative pain control.
Many herbs prolong bleeding time, so Iurther assessment oI the types oI herbs that are
used and how recently they were used is needed beIore the patient has surgery. The other
inIormation given by the patient also requires Iurther assessment but will not aIIect the
timing oI the patient`s surgery.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Application REE: 93 , 94
TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity
Test Bank
Mosby items and derived items 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an aIIiliate oI Elsevier, Inc.
10. A patient who has a chronic Ioot wound tells the nurse about using herbal therapies to
boost immune Iunction rather than taking antibiotics. Which action should the nurse take
a. Instruct the patient about the rationale Ior antibiotic use to treat inIection.
b. Remind the patient that the inIection has not cleared with herbal treatment.
c. Determine how the patient would Ieel about using antibiotics in addition to herbal
d. Tell the patient that studies oI herbal products indicate that they are not eIIective in
treating inIection.
Eurther assessment oI the patient`s Ieelings about using Western and natural therapies is
needed beIore Iurther action is taken. The patient may need instruction about antibiotics
iI Iurther assessment indicates that the patient is receptive to antibiotic use. Pointing out
that herbal therapy has not been successIul is disrespectIul to the patient`s belieI system.
Although herbal therapy alone may not eradicate the inIection, some herbal therapies do
improve immune Iunction.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Application REE: 96
OBJ: Special Questions: Prioritization TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation
MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity
1. A patient who uses multiple herbal products is scheduled to undergo knee replacement
surgery. The nurse inIorms the patient that herbs that should be discontinued at least 2 to
3 weeks beIore surgery include (select all that applv)
a. garlic.
b. ginger.
c. IeverIew.
d. echinacea.
e. ginkgo biloba.
ANS: A, B, C, E
EeverIew, ginger, garlic, and ginkgo biloba all prolong bleeding time and should be
discontinued beIore surgery. Echinacea is usually saIe to continue.
DIE: Cognitive Level: Application REE: 94
OBJ: Special Questions: Alternate Item Eormat
TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity

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