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Wiring up Sino-Indian trade The BL Review

Regulatory process is
쑺 An FTA with
China that assures
a reliable supply of
the key, not regulators
Arun S.
intermediate inputs
joke that I chanced upon went, “What’s a banking
regulator? Someone who rescues and rescues and
may help boost rescues banks until there are no banks left.” That is a
India’s mild one, you’ll agree, given the severe impact of the ‘financial
tsunami’ on the lives of many across the world.
manufacturing India’s banking regulator, however, got some credit for
efficiency and doing the right thing, or let’s say for not doing the wrong
thing, during the financial crisis and sheltering the country’s
international banking sector from
competitiveness. the burst of the
speculative bubble.
쑺 The book looks at the
Jokes apart, regulatory
Suparna Karmakar regulators are often
mechanisms in India,

or reasons good or seized with the
bad, the large emerg- fantasy to create a Cambodia, Indonesia,
ing economies of In- perfect or near-
dia and China are perfect world where Vietnam, Kenya,
increasingly linked in popular the playing field or South Africa and
commentaries. Comparing markets are levelled
their relative strengths ap- and everyone gets an Zambia in sectors
pears to be a favoured parlour- equal chance to such as financial
game these days. perform, while the
The focus ranges from poli- consumers get to services, telecom,
tico-strategic issues like ‘Is In- choose the best. energy, water and
dia a rival or partner to But take a look at
China?’ and ‘Which will be the the regulator-talk or transport.
more important power in the why some of the
21st century?’ to analysis of ec- China is now India’s biggest source of imports. — Bloomberg regulators in the country were in the news of late, and you
onomic issues like ‘Which na- will understand that efforts to ensure ‘perfect competition’
tion can grow faster?’, ‘Which bilateral trade has grown at al- The top five Indian imports based significance from a June 2009 alone, the bulk is through ‘perfect regulation’ are likely to remain just a fantasy.
has a better model for most double the rate of their from China (at two-digit level) global perspective, then the against China. Sample these: The much-publicised bizarre fight between
growth?’ and ‘Can economic trade with other countries. comprise electrical and elec- Chinese market, until now, re- A detailed analysis of the the oil regulator and the Anil Ambani group, with the latter
cooperation overcome border China is now India’s largest tronic machinery, organic mains a less important desti- costs and benefits for consum- making allegations of favouritism against the former and the
tensions?’ trading partner while India is chemicals, iron and steel, min- nation for the most significant er and producer welfare is former alleging threat to him. Or the controversy surrounding
It is only lately that the two one of its important partners; eral fuels, and waxes; they exports such as gems and je- needed to assess the net im- the country’s bio-technology regulator — the Genetic
in terms of trade value, China constitute two-thirds of the wellery and refined petroleum pact of a Sino-Indian FTA. Engineering Approval Committee — giving its nod for the
쑺 TRADE WINDS is the third-largest destination
for exports from India.
total imports.
Notably though, about
products. A quick analysis of trade da-
ta shows that the increasing
commercial cultivation of genetically modified Bt brinjal even
as international organisations such as Greenpeace raise voices
emerging Asian giants have But just like China’s trade 45.85 per cent of the imports SCOPE FOR FTA trade deficit of India vis-à-vis against the move.
embarked on closer economic with the G3, Sino-Indian bilat- last fiscal comprised electrical So what could this imply for China emanates in the very There was also the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
cooperation and integration, eral trade is also highly imbal- and electronic machinery, and the future of Sino-Indian product categories which in proposing to make it mandatory for mobile service providers
really an aberration when one anced. Against bilateral this share remained un- trade and, in particular, the value-terms are among India’s to offer their users a pay-per-second billing plan, which led to
considers the close economic exports of $9.26 billion, In- changed from the year before. trade imbalance? What top five exports (at two-digit fears that the regulator was attempting to fix
relation that first-mover Chi- dia’s imports from China to- Further, in these two product threats will a bilateral FTA level) to the rest of the world. rates. TRAI had to then listen to the industry’s
na has enjoyed with the other talled $31.33 billion in categories (which are among (liberalisation of the goods China is an important supplier apprehensions on revenues.
Asia-Pacific economies over 2008-09. the most dynamic export sec- trade) hold for India? in these key product catego- The market regulator SEBI and the audit and
the past few decades. This deficit has been grow- tors for India), China supplied It may be remembered that ries, namely, mineral fuels, accountancy regulator ICAI were struggling to
ing over the past few years; nearly 30 per cent of India’s Indian industry associations electronic and electrical ma- lay their hands on details of the Satyam scam
RAPID TRADE GROWTH since 2005-06, India’s imports total imports last fiscal. remain extremely wary of the chinery, iron and steel, and or- during the initial stages, because of lack of
Notwithstanding the late from China have been increas- On the other hand, India’s proposed Sino-Indian goods ganic chemicals. Given the powers or for other reasons, including political.
start, trade between India and ing at a faster rate than its ex- exports to China are dominat- FTA and have, in fact, been high intra-industry invest- Then we had the banking regulator fighting the
China has accelerated rapidly ports to that country. ed by resource-based and la- lobbying for a cautious ap- ment, production and trade in anti-monopoly watchdog, the Competition
in recent years amid contin- bour-intensive products. proach to protect domestic in- these key export industries, an Commission of India, to retain its sectoral
uing high growth and trade ROBUST INDIAN IMPORTS Mineral products (for exam- dustry. FTA with China that assures powers even on competition issues.
liberalisation on both sides. Recent research at the Insti- ple, ores, slag and ash, salt and In 2008, the Government reliable and assured supply of
Since China joined the World tute of South Asian Studies, sulphur, and mineral fuels and also agreed that an FTA with intermediate inputs may help SUPER REGULATOR
Trade Organisation in 2001, National University of Singa- oil) are prominent exports; China was not a ‘priority’ ow- boost India’s manufacturing Amidst all this, there is talk of the Government
Sino-Indian bilateral trade has pore, shows that Indian im- ores comprise more than half ing to ‘deep divisions’ within efficiency and international mulling a super-regulator for the entire financial
grown from $2.3 billion a year ports have been the main of them. the Government and opposi- competitiveness. services sector and for all public-private
to $40.6 billion — an average driver of the robust increase in It is also notable that India’s tion from the industry. partnership projects in infrastructure sectors.
annual increase of 50 per cent. Sino-Indian trade. major exports to China are dif- The Government has also (The author is a Visiting Research There are also proposals for regulators in
It is likely to touch $60 bil- China is now India’s biggest ferent from its main exports to taken safeguard actions Fellow with the Institute of South
Serials growing sectors such as retail and realty. Then
lion by the year end, according source of imports, accounting the rest of the world. against Chinese exports; of the Asian Studies, National University
Publications there are recommendations to set up Oversight Agencies to
to a CII estimate. for 10.7 per cent of its total If Indian exports were cate- 68 antidumping actions initi- of Singapore. The views are
Price: Rs 995 monitor regulators.
Since 2003-04, Sino-Indian imports. gorised in terms of their value- ated by India from January- personal.
Pages: 352 If all this is too confusing and disillusioning, you need to get
a clearer view on regulators and their functioning. Not much
material is available to give a bird’s eye view of the Indian
perspective of a modern regulatory framework vis-à-vis other

It’s multi-racial, Down Under

developing countries. Now an effort has been made towards
this end by Jaipur-based
consumer group CUTS
International. 쑺 Instead of establish-
The organisation’s ing regulatory
쑺 The attacks on the mix are: alcohol, xenopho- latest book, Creating
bia, the need to fund drug hab- Regulators is not the frameworks that suit
Indian students in its, fear of losing one’s End, Key is the
identity, etc. Consequently, it Regulatory Process, their peculiar
Australia has been easier politically to edited by the CUTS national context, the
highlight a lack of term these incidents as founder Secretary-
‘crimes’ instead of as manifes- General, Pradeep S. developing countries
economic tation of social challenge(s) Mehta, tries to examine have chosen to draw
opportunities, and confronting Australia. “how regulation actually
If treated as a criminal mat- works in a cross-section inspiration from
the absence of ter, the incidents do not re- of developing countries industrial
networks or social quire a policy response. They that have taken
become police matters. significant steps country models.
institutions where towards liberalisation.”
Australian society HAS THE PENNY DROPPED? In this regard, the book analyses the regulatory situation in
Both at Federal and State lev- a cross-section of seven developing countries from Asia and
and Indian els, the problem is being seen Africa — India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Kenya, South
students may either as a problem of product Africa and Zambia — looking into regulated sectors such as
quality control (asking all the financial services, telecom, energy, water and transport in
interact. private education providers to these countries. CUTS International was able to undertake
re-register) or a public-rela- the study with the financial support of Groupe Agence
Vidya S. Sharma tions problem best articulated Francaise de Developpement (AFD), Paris.

ome time ago, I was by the Victoria Premier, Mr
invited to speak to the John Brumby, “Some of the EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION
Rotarians in Chennai events of the last few months The book conveys the lesson learnt due to the financial crisis
on business opportu- have damaged our brand and and the associated regulatory letdown — that “establishment
nities in Australia. After my the Australian brand in India.” of regulatory commissions is not enough, effective
talk, the first question I was However, these attacks rep- implementation is equally important.”
asked was, “Why does Austra- resent civilisational issues fac- It rues that instead of establishing regulatory frameworks
lia pursue a white Australia ing contemporary Australia, that suit their peculiar national context, the developing
policy?” i.e., what steps are needed, countries have chosen to draw inspiration from industrial
It is truly remarkable that a students taken place in Mel- immigrants were more easily cluding all current incum- what structures need to be es- country models.
nation born out of “white Aus- bourne? Does it mean that accepted in Australia. This bents, have been almost tablished to ensure harmony As a conclusion, Mehta says in the book that “strong
tralia policy” has developed Melbourne is more racist than was because Prime Minister frightened to face xenophobia between new and old Austra- political commitment on the part of Government to the
into a modern multi-racial so- other Australian cities? Sec- Malcolm Fraser set up or and racism. They have pre- lians so that neither would feel reform process and
ciety peacefully. There have
been no “Brixton or Paris
ond, generally the Indian
media has painted these at-
strengthened structures such
as migrant resources centres,
ferred to treat such incidents
as any other crime: which they
threatened. These attacks
highlight a lack of economic
consistent policy

objectives are necessary There is sustained
riots” or assassinations of civil tacks as racial in character. free English education classes, are, but they also reflect ugly opportunities, a lack of net- preconditions for bureaucratic
rights leaders. Therefore, it seems worth ex- SBS Television and radio sta- social phenomena. work or social institutions successful regulatory
In 2008, there were over ploring to what extent popular tions (that broadcast non-En- where Australian society and reforms.” interference in the
half-a-million Australian resi- conception of Australia as a glish programmes). He also WHY IN MELBOURNE? Indian students may interact, The study also regulatory process
dents who were born in China racist society stands scrutiny. added the function of multi- The dismantling of structures and corruption in education confirms some of our
or India (Chart 1). The 2006 Third, have the Federal and cultural affairs to the Depart- set up by Fraser explains the export. suspicions — that there to protect personal
Census found that 16.2 per Victorian Governments taken ment of Immigration to reflect rise of racism in Australia. These attacks also demon- is sustained interests... the less
cent of Australians spoke a sufficient steps to markedly modern Australia. Second, Melbourne culture is strate the failure of State go- bureaucratic
language other than English in improve the situation? In the late 1980s, Australia’s more conservative. Third, vernments to adequately fund interference in the the governmental
their homes: Chinese (14.8 per immigration policy changed Melbourne ethnic communi- vocational education (about regulatory process to
cent), Italian (10.1 per cent), A REALITY CHECK from family reunion to skills ties are considered as relative- 60 per cent of international protect personal
intervention, the
Greek (8 per cent), Arabic (7.7 When a new ethnic group im- migration. Consequently, the ly less integrated. Fourth, students). If this happens, interests and also the greater the success.
per cent), Vietnamese (6.2 per migrated to Australia in seem- funding to such structures Indian students have made lit- then government-owned fact that the less the
cent) and Hindi (2.2 per cent). ingly large numbers (as is the was reduced. Prime Minister tle effort to be part of the com- TAFE (Technical and Further governmental intervention, the greater will be the success.
About 25.7 per cent of all Aus- case with the Indians present- John Howard did not see any munity here. Fifth, Melbourne Education) institutions would The book is a concise compilation as well as a good
tralian residents were born ly) it has generally generated need for such structures as he attracts more Indian students become leading education ex- comparative account of the regulatory scene and its evolution
overseas. The majority of the some hostility, especially from believed multi-culturalism di- as it is cheaper to live here. It porters, thus largely inhibiting in the African and Asian countries that were studied.
new Australian residents from those who fear the new im- luted “the Australian identi- also is a more liveable city in the proliferation of disreput- But, instead of confining itself to a mere academic
India and China are in their migrants would take away ty”. Since Fraser, only two terms of public transport to able private education approach, this project of CUTS International — that has
early twenties and thirties their jobs. These people have other politicians have tackled fringe suburbs and other providers. offices in India, Zambia, Kenya, Vietnam, Britain and
(Chart 2). These are mainly in- common characteristics: so- racism boldly: ex-PM Keating amenities. Switzerland — could have been more interesting had it
ternational students. cially disadvantaged back- and ex-Victorian Premier Sixth, racism is not the sole (The author, based in Melbourne, incorporated the viewpoints of actual stakeholders, including
I wish to explore three is- ground, semi-literate and Kennett. motivator in most cases as has specialises in organising joint consumers in those countries, on the different regulatory
sues here. First, why have the xenophobic. All others, irrespective of been depicted in the Indian ventures between Australian and regimes.
majority of attacks on Indian However, the Vietnamese their political affiliations, in- media. Some other factors in Asian companies.)


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