Mdm13 Trip Report V3

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1 gartner.

Master Data Management
Summit 2013
7 8 February | Barcelona, Spain
MDM: Launchpad for Assured Business Outcomes and Transformation
The Gartner Master Data Management Summit 2013 was held on 7 8 February
2013 at the Rey Juan Carlos in Barcelona. This report summarizes and provides
highlights from the event.
As organizations dedicate themselves to improving service levels, optimizing costs
and generating innovation in their business models and markets, a solid foundation of
information is required. Specically, the data that identies and describes core business
entities (such as customers, products, suppliers, locations and more) their master data
is deeply linked to these objectives.
Whatever the nature of your key business transformation objectives may be, success will
depend directly on the degree to which this master data is well-understood, consistent,
accurate, and trusted. In essence, master data management (MDM) is the launchpad that
will guarantee your efforts proceed strongly in the right direction and ultimately deliver the
outcomes intended.
2 Key take-aways
3 Keynote sessions
4 Top 5 most-attended
5 Snapshot of attendees
6 Sponsors
8 Post event resources
The Gartner Master Data
Management Summit
2014 will take place on
12 13 March in London,
We hope to see you again!
Mark Raskino speaking at the 2013 Gartner Master Data Management Summit in Barcelona
Evolving BI and Analytical MDM Toward Operational
Dimensional data is really a summary of master data
management in use cases.
Data quality processes which identify analytic dimensions
can be converted into governance rules for MDM.
Remember that some MDM goes only downstream, but
knowing WHERE the authority model is at each point
in the process actually determines the direction of the
governance ow (down stream or interactive).
Establishing and Sustaining MDM Governance
Domain expertise and business leadership skills are
the most important things you need to steer your MDM
governance in the right direction
You must clearly articulate all roles and tasks involved in
an MDM program and select people for those roles and
tasks, rather than having them selected for you.
Even after you have obtained sponsorship and funding,
you must continue to be a promoter and marketer for
your MDM program: celebrate your successes and ask
your business users to support you by talking about
how MDM helps them do their jobs, saves money, better
serves customers, etc.
Build Your Data Quality Competency to Ensure High-
Fidelity Master Data
Defne data quality expectations for your master data, set
the vision and choose a reasonable initial scope. Gather
the facts Select the appropriate metrics, and measure
and communicate the results broadly.
Focus on people and process by building skills and
establishing data-quality-specic roles. Data quality
improvement does not happen unless it is made to
be someones job. Make sure that the people in your
organization view data quality as a business issue, not an
IT problem.
Communicate successes and be persistent, by building
early tactical wins into momentum for a comprehensive
program. Broad-scale culture shift and complete data
quality improvement does not happen overnight. It is
a long road and leveraging consistent and frequent
successes is key to long-term impact.
Mastering Key Roles and Organizational Approaches
for Effective MDM
Focus on engaging the right set of stakeholders and
getting them aligned to the MDM vision. Dening and
deploying specic roles program management,
information governance board/council and data
stewardship is critical to making MDM work.
Make sure decision rights and responsibilities are
socialized stop the battles over who gets to decide
what. Make the responsibilities explicit and hold the
roles accountable by establishing and tracking metrics,
setting targets, and monitoring the behavior of people.
Plan for change the organizational structure, scope
of the program and specic requirements will change.
People will enter and leave the organization, broader
needs will emerge, and detailed policies will evolve. Build
time and resources to manage and effect these changes
so that your MDM program can adapt over time.
Key take-aways
Very effective!
Im going back
to work with a
lot more drive,
energized with all
Ive gathered.
Vanessa Eriksson,
Manger, Global Master
Data Management, TeliaSonera
Keynote session
MDM: Launchpad for Assured Business Outcomes and Transformation
The pressures are mounting:
Organizations are seeking the golden
nuggets of information value from
big data opportunities, while seeking
to control and understand how to
leverage information powering mobile
and cloud strategies. And all with, at
best, mediocre growth in IT budgets.
With that in mind, the Gartner Keynote
reviewed the latest trends that are
driving ever greater interest in MDM,
and now more than ever as a platform
for future growth, success and
transformation. The keynote explored
how big data is shifting quickly to a
focus on information trust: how can
organizations govern that data which
is not theirs, but is increasingly needed
to compete? We looked at the growing
focus on application pace layering and
how changing application strategies
are putting pressures on information
management to perform more
effectively aligned with applications.
Lastly, we explored how MDM is really
only the frst stage in a complex launch
of a wider IM program (Enterprise
Information Management) and how
success with MDM can lead to greater
success with governing content and
other hybrid and unstructured data
across the entire information lifecycle.
Business is getting wise to information
and its value. In fact, business is hungry
to exploit information for competitive
advantage. This explains to some
degree the very fast rise in hype related
to big data. But is big data really that
new? It seems that it is not; but what
is new is the shift from traditional
information governance projects like
data quality and programs like MDM;
toward a focus on governing what
Is not yours. This shifts the focus
toward information trust and how
to communicate this and manage
risk accordingly to protect oneself
from exploitation. There remains a
range of traditional barriers with MDM
(business case; line of site to business
stakeholder; change management)
and some newer topics for 2013
(making information governance stick;
and planning for a 3 year plan while
budgeting one year a time). And despite
these barriers, the drivers remains rmly
in the range of increased revenue,
service, and reduced time to market; as
well as reducing risk and compliance.
Lastly, users are looking beyond MDM
and seriously thinking about how to
account for information as an asset; as
well as, more holistically, how to affect
a unique, competitive investment (in
information) strategy.
Proven success stories for MDM
are more common than ever before.
Utilizing effective frameworks such
as Gartners Seven Building Blocks
of MDM, enterprises are learning the
disciplines necessary to both launch
MDM and to use it as a springboard
to apply governance techniques to
all types of data in the organization.
Prioritized according to Gartners
Pace Layering strategy, effective
governance organization and process
learned via MDM (and encompassing
Enterprise Metadata Management) can
be leveraged for enterprise content,
analytics, business applications, and
even big data sources to arrive
at a cohesive and transformational
Enterprise Information Management
(EIM) program. MDM best practices
around executive sponsorship;
business participation in and ownership
of governance and stewardship; and
emphasis on business outcomes
versus technology are more important
than ever. On the infrastructure front,
as the MDM software market matures,
several technologies will be absorbed
into larger functions as MDM suites
become more comprehensive and take
aim at the all-encompassing multi-
vector MDM. Looking beyond MDM,
the concept of Infonomics (information
assets on the balance sheet) can be
used to value information assets, and
the Information Innovation Yield Curve
to value the (compound interest on
information investment on the prot and
loss) use of those assets, as part of a
robust EIM strategy.
Very Inspiring! Lots of new information,
new insight into data domains.
Martin Buhler, Master Data Management
Business Consultant, Stibo Systems Limited
Baroness Susan Greeneld,
Professor of Pharmacology,
University of Oxford, delivering the
Guest Keynote
Top 5 most-attended
(A5) How to Build the Business
Case and Measure the Benets
for MDM
Michael Smith, Gartner
(V2) Information Builders: Data
Governance for the Executive:
Raising the Bar
James Orr, Information Builders
(A6) Establishing and
Sustaining Master Data
Dimitris Geragas and Debra
Logan, Gartner
(B4) How to Evolve MDM
Toward Enterprise Information
Management (EIM)
Andrew White, Gartner
(T1) Tutorial: The Foundation of
Your Journey: Gartners Seven
Building Blocks of MDM
Dimitris Geragas, Gartner
Snapshot of attendees
Who participated in the 2013 conference?
The Summit attracted over 300 attendees, from 24 countries. The core of the
audience was naturally from the UK, with the next highest groupings coming
from Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Germany, followed by Benelux,
Nordic, and DACH. In terms of industries represented the key sectors were
manufacturing, government, banking and nance followed by technology and
telecoms. The best represented job titles continued to be Manager/Director of
Business Intelligence and Information Management and variations thereof with a
presence from Program and Project Management.
Top 5 job titles
Top 5 job roles
Business Intelligence and Information
Program and Project Management
Enterprise Architecture
Corporate Strategy and Planning
Top 5 industry sectors
Banking, Finance and Insurance
Technology and Telecoms
Thank you to our Master Data Management Summit 2013 Sponsors
Orchestra Networks customer Michelin is recognised for MDM excellence at
the European Gartner MDM Summit 2013
Michelin and Faurecia show the real value of a true multi domain MDM
deployment with presentations of their respective MDM journeys.
Faurecia, a 16.2B auto parts
manufacturer, described how theyre
using EBX5 to harmonize multiple
master data domains for their global
SAP implementations in Europe, Asia,
and America. Theyre using EBX5 to
manage the content and intersections
(cross-domain relationships) for customer,
supplier, organizational (private reference
data), and program (product).
Michelin, a 20.7B manufacturer of tires
(184M last year), described how high
quality data enabled them to increase their
order ll rate, improve the responsiveness
of their supply chain and reduce
accounting close time. Michelin used
Gartners Seven building blocks of MDM as
a program framework, EBX5 as their MDM
platform and executive sponsorship to set
vision and marshall resources.
In both case studies, Michelin and Faurecia
emphasized how important organizational
and governance issues are to the success
of MDM. Focusing on human factors,
choosing technology that facilitates
governance, and tools that help tie the
stewards, owners and business users are
all critical success factors.

Orchestra Networks with the multidomain
Master Data Management (MDM) software
solution EBX5 enables business and
technology users to develop, use and
enrich their most important assetdata.
Using, this model-driven and fexible MDM
solution, customers can now achieve
specic management and governance of
their Master Data with a single platform
that delivers an end-to-end solution.
Learn more on our multidomain MDM
solution at
Gartner Master Data Management
Summit 2014
12 13 March | London, UK |
Post event resources
Customizable post-event worksheet
Take a moment to complete your own post-event trip report, a valuable resource for
future reference and a great way to share with colleagues what you learned. Click
here to access the trip report worksheet.
Learn more with relevant research
Want to learn more about the topics that interest you most? Turn to the end of each
session presentation for a list of related Gartner research notes. Select Gartner
research is available on demand at
Connect with Gartner
Master Data Management
Summit on Twitter and


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The Worlds
Most Important
Gathering of
CIOs and Senior
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Gartner Master Data Management
Summit 2014
March 12 13 | London
Gartner Master Data Management
Summit 2014
April 2 4 | Las Vegas
Analyst-User Roundtable The MDM Excellence Awards

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