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... through Bertha Dudde

Spiritual coercion.... Human commandments....
Fighting the teaching of hrist....
!ll spiritual coercion has to "e condemned "ecause the human
"eing#s action resulting from it cannot "e $alued "% God.
Onl% complete freedom of &ill determines the $alue of people#s
actions. 'herefore the% should "e informed of hrist#s teaching( "ut
the% should not "e dut% "ound to lead a specific lifest%le as a result
of rules and regulations( &hich the% &ill then dutifull% and
ha"ituall% o"ser$e.
)eople should certainl% "e educated to thin* and "eha$e correctl%(
"ut the% should onl% e$er "e sho&n the rights or &rongs of their
actions. 'he% ha$e to "e ad$ised to practise lo$e "ut the% should
ne$er "e urged into actions "% rules &hich do not match their inner
Onl% the commandment of lo$e should "e o"ser$ed and therefore
also taught.... "ecause an%one &ho fulfils the commandment of
lo$e shapes his heart such that it &ill &ant to carr% out of its o&n
accord those things &hich correspond to God#s &ill.
Ho&e$er( commandments &hich o"lige a person to conduct his life
in a certain &a%( e$en though a failure to compl% &ith them does
not demonstrate heartlessness to&ards other people( are not gi$en
"% God( i.e. the% are outside of hrist#s teaching( "ecause this
teaching onl% preaches lo$e &hich( ho&e$er( does not aim to
achie$e the fulfilment of di$ine commandments "% means of
e+ternal force.
'he human "eing has to "e a"le to shape himself in utmost
freedom of &ill if this transformation of thought is to "e of $alue for
eternit%. Freedom of &ill( ho&e$er( is restricted as soon as a dutiful
transformation is demanded.
,$er% good deed &hich does not arise from the heart( i.e. &hich is
not accomplished "% the inner urge to carr% out an action of lo$e(
&ill onl% "e $alued for &hat it is in realit%.... an implementation of
dut% &ithout &armth of heart.
!nd there is great danger that the human "eing &ill gi$e too little
account to himself a"out his thoughts and actions "ecause he
"elie$es to ha$e done &hat he &as meant to do on earth( and this
"elief has its foundation in the commandments &hich people had
added to the teaching of hrist.
Onl% the di$ine teaching of lo$e is to "e understood as the teaching
of hrist( "ut ne$er humanl% decreed commandments &hich aim to
achie$e something else than -ust true actions of lo$e....
Where lo$e is taught lo$e also has to "e practised( and actions of
lo$e should "e understood to "e e$er%thing that is "eneficial to
other people.
'hus the human "eing is merel% e+pected to do good to his fello&
human "eing( and therefore the di$ine teaching of lo$e &ill onl%
e+pect people to fulfil those re.uirements &hich protect their fello&
human "eings from damage or are of "enefit to him.
When the human "eing considers the &ell"eing of his fello& human
"eing he is li$ing &ithin lo$e( "ecause it is urging him to help other
people. 'his is the true acti$it% of lo$e &hich is re.uired from
people "% God and &hich &as constantl% practised "% /esus hrist
on earth.
Ho&e$er( if people are demanded to do something( e$en though
failing to compl% "% no means damages or in-ures other people(
then this is due to humanl% decreed la&s &hich should not "e
confused &ith the teaching of hrist.
0e$ertheless( there is great danger that the commandments of lo$e
&ill "e ignored in fa$our of these humanl% added commandments
and that the significance of hrist#s teaching of lo$e &ill not "e
recognised( &hich is e$idenced "% the fact that humanit%( ignorant
of its true $alue( &ants to replace hrist#s teaching of lo$e
Because it pa%s more attention to commandments &hich more or
less ensla$e the human "eing "ecause the% represent spiritual
coercion to him. 'he &orld ta*es offence to this and is no&
attempting to fight against and replace e$er%thing( including the
pure teaching of hrist( &hich is onl% preaching lo$e.
,$er%thing added "% people to the di$ine teaching of lo$e &as onl%
done to infiltrate the pure teaching of hrist &ith error( "ecause it is
de$iating from &hat /esus hrist has left to people as His Wor*.
Ho&e$er( onl% &hat is of God &ill remain.... "ut human &or* &ill
pass a&a%....
)u"lished "% friends of ne& re$elations of God 1 2nformation(
do&nload of all translated re$elations( theme3"oo*lets at4


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