Admission Brochure 2015

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President'sMessage 2
Director'sMessage 3
The ExecutiveBoard 4
The AcademicCouodl 5
TheAcademic,AdministrativeTeam&Area 6
Accreditations& Unkages 7
About FORE 8
State-of-the-artlnfrastructl.lre 10
Post GraduateDiplomainManagement 13
AdmissionProcedurefor PGDM- FMG& IMG 14
PGDM(Future Manager'sGroup) 16
PGDM-IBOntemational Manager'sGroup) 20
ThreeYearPart-TImePost GraduateDiplomaIn 24
Centersof Excellence 26
Publicationsof FORE 27
The Faculty 28
Beyondthe Oassroom 34
Centrefor EntrepreneurshipDevelopment(CED) 36
ManagementDevelopmentProgrammes 37
Students'Placement 38
DistinguishedAlumni 40
AdmissionsCalendar-2015 41
'To achieve and sustain Leadership in
Management Education,
Research, Consultancy and Development.'
Last year the admission response at FOREwas overwhelming. Inspite of intense competition among the leading B
Schools of lndia.our institution attracted alargenumber of applications for Its two-year full-timeprogrammes, infact.
one of the highest among private business schools. We cakepride inhavingselected 240 students fromarichpool of
applicants. A largemajority of students selected byusremained inFORE anddidnot leavefor other Bschools.
The admission process at FORE School of Management. New Delhi ishighlycompetitive, rigorous andtransparent, All
the students were selected purely on the basis of merit. whilecaking into consideration their CAT percentile, work
experience, academic performance, group discussion andpersonal interview. Besidesmerit. encouragement isgiven[0
diverSityinterms of gender. academic background and work experience. Candidates fromNorth Eastern areas with
highpercentile inCAT were alsogivendue consideration.
Weassure our students afair,objectiveandimpartial selection process.
At FORE students are expecred tohave an enriching and life-mrnlng experience which will enable them to reach new
heights in their llfe, The curriculum that FORE offers is constantly upgraded to be in sync with the industry
requirements. Members of our fa.culty are highly qualified and they maintain high standards of teaching which is
constantly sharpened with their contributions through research publlcatlons, sem1nars, conferences, etc. at the
national and international levels.
Keeping pace with the worldwide trend of digital democratization, FORE has also enhanced its capabilities through
increased use of internet. mobile communications. and other technologies for promoting more active student
participation in academic administration and curriculum delivery. Wi-fi enabled campus, state-of-the art classrooms,
eleccronic displays and multi-modal communication of academic matters makes student-life simpler. Use of software
applications like SAP. Advanced Business I ntelligence and Statistical Software SAS, Capstone Business Simulation,
I ndustrat Simulation. Music2Go Marketing Simulation Software and Microsoft Dynamics CRM have been an integral
part of the curriculum at FORE.
Our key to success has been the opportUnity we create for our students to interact closely with the corporares.We
enjoy excellent goodwill with the corporate world who generously contribute toour various academic processes. To
facilitate all this we have Centers of Excellence to enhance domain specific research and training amongst faculty
members and entrepreneurship among students. We have collaboration with various institutions and universities in
I ndia and abroad togive our students better academic exposure. FORE provides an environment conducive to
learning and personality development. Toprovide a flavor of global best practices, our students are exposed toa brief
but intensive 'I nternational I mmersion Programme' at an I nternational location, designed in collaboration with leading
universities at these locations.
I wish tothank you for showing your interest in FORE. As a prospective student. you are welcome toexplore options
that may be available to you in our various academic programmes. Do not hesitate to contact us for addltlonal
information. As a parent of astudent we assure you of avery enriching and fruitful time that your ward will be spending
with us.
Dr. JitendraK.Das
For the past three decades FORE has
successfully created a position for itself as a
leader I n Management Education. Research,
Consultancy and Training. This year the 24th
batch of students (or our full-time and part-
time PGDM programmes and the 9th batch of
students for the PGDM-I nternational
Business programme will be given admission.
We lay foremost emphasis on enhancement
of students' knowledge base and sharpening
of professional skills through various
curricular. co-curricular and excra-curricular
acdvtdes, 3
Dr. G.V.G. Krl.hnamurty
Chlcf Patron
(Former Election
Commissioner of India)
Hr. R.C. Sharma
(Former Dlt'KtOr CSI
Govt. oIlnd ..)
Col. (Dr.) S.P.Wahl
(Former Chairman
011& Natunl
GasCorporation (ONGq)
Dr.Vlnayshll Gautam
(Founder DirectOr:
IIM1<: AmHead.
Mana~mcnt D"l"lrtment IIT.D)
ChalmWl OK Intern.tIonal Foundation)
Hr.T.C.Venkat Subn>.ma.nlan
(Form"r Chaorman &
Managing Dire<tor
EXIM Bonkof Indl..)
Dr. S.B.L Hadhukar
Vice President (Finance)
(Former CMD MMTC)
(Former Chief Ope...tlng
Officer - LG Eloclronlc.s
IndiaP vc. Ltd.)
Dr.Jltendra K.Das
Dlre<tor FORE
Ex.Qffldo MMlber
(Noid. Campus. 11MLucknow
M r. R.C. Sharma
(President. FORE
Former Director - CSt. GoY<.01I ndio)
Dr. B.B.L. M adhukar
M ember
(Vice P.".,den[ (Fin.oce) &Treasurer - FORE
Former CMD - MMTC)
Or.Vinayshil Gautam
Founder Director: IIM-K: Am Head. M a",,&.ement
Department liT-D)
CluJ rmon OK I ntemotional FoundM ion)
Prof.A bad A hmad
(Former Pro Vice Chancellor.
Delhi UniversitY)
(Form"r Chief Operating Ollib!r.
LG Electronla I ndia Pvt. Ltd.)
M r. P. Owarakanath
(DlrKtOr - Group. Human Up,tal.
M ax I ndia ltd. NewDelhi)
Prof.A rdlana Shukla
M ember
(Dean (Noida Compus).I I M lucknow. No,da)
M r.A mir Puri
(Gene",l M anager - BuslnessA nalydcos and Optlmlzatlon.
IBM I ndia .Gurgaon)
M s. Oevika Tandon
(M an.ger - Humon ResoUI"Ces.
Colrn I ndliLltd .. Gurgoon)
M r.A jayTandon
(M onaglng Director.
TRG A dmors I ndJ a (The Ro.... ryn Group
M s. HaneetVohra
(D'rector M arkeang,
KSB Des"n .. New Delh,)
Or. J itendra K.035
M ember
(DireCtOr. FORE.
Former De"" (Noid. Clmpus.I I M Ludmow))
Prof. Vlnay OUtta
C ....irm.n (PGp)
(FORE School 01M anagement. New Deihl) 5
Director Dr. [ltendra K..Das
Chairman - PGP Prof, Vinny K Dum
Executive Chairman -Admissions Prof. Neeral KUmar
Chairman - Placements Prof. Ra]neesh Chauhan
Chairman - MOP Prof. QaziAslfZameer
Chairman - StodentAffalrs Prof, Himanshu,joshi
Chairman-Publications. Research and Seminar Prof. HiteshArora
Professer-ln-Charge - Recruitmem:. Ranking &Regulatio~s Prof. Kanhaiy. Singh
Prcfesscr-ln-Charge -Internaticnal Relations Prof. MohltAnand
Professor-In-Charge - FOREAlumni Net,Work rrof: Anupam Narula
Secretary - Faculty Councll Prof. Need SnlKha
ChlefAdm'nisc:radveOfflcer- (CAO) &SO (Accounts) AlrCommodore (Retd.) Mr.S.K.Midha
-Advlsor - Legal &Administration Mr. R. K.J oshl
Librarian Mr. Rajash Kr. Bhardwaj
Senior Manager - MOP Mr. Sat Prakash
Senior Manager - placements t.'1r.Ylvek Chakrapani
Manager. Systems Mr. Aurabinda Biswas
Manager - Publications Ms. Mareena Mathew
Manager -Academlcs Mr. Rakesh Sharma
Manager -Admtsstens Mr. DlIIp Gcpalkrlshnan
Manager - RRR &Establishment Mr. Manish Pathak
Manager - Public Relations Mr. Goucam Kumar Pa,ro
Ccmrnunlcadcn Prof; Anita l1'lpathy Lal
Economics and Business Policy Prof. S Bera
Anance&Accounting Prof. AK.Puri
Ifl(orm~donTcchnology Prof. Raman Sethi
lnternarlonal Business &Strategy Prof. Falsa(Ahmed
Marketing Prof. Anuparn Narula
Organizational Behaviour &Human Resource Prof. Sanghamhra BLiddhap";ya
Quantitative Techniques &Operations Prol, Hi,esh Arora
Recognitions &Accreditations
The PGDM & PGDM (IB) coursesalFOREareAICTE
(All India Council for Technical Educarlon) approved
and accredited by National Board of Accrediation
The PGDM courses are equivalant to MBA
Equivalence permittion are granted by Attodation of
Indian Universities (AIU).
FORE Is rated asA- by CRISIL in Delhi-NCR region
andA**'on national level.
FORE has. received theASSOCHAM's Best B-School-
North award on 9thApril.l0 13.
FORE School has received the award of "Besc
Management lnstinne (or Impact Potential to the
Country" (rom Hon'ble' Mininer of Educarlon. Govr,
of Gularat Mr. Bhupendrasinh Chudasma The award
was jolndy conferred by ASSOCHAM and Education
Poston November 24.20 13_
FORE School has received "Maintaining Global
Standard in Contributing ro the Growth of the
Education System" award from Hon'ble Member of
Parliament. House 01Commons. Mr. Bob Blackman.
organized by Skill Tree Knowledge Consortium on
J une 2'1.20 I 'Iat House of Commons London. United
International Collaboration
FORE School has collaborations and tie-ups with
some of the leading International Universities and
Institutions for student and faculty exchange
programmes; conduedng seminars and conferences
on common interest and (or sharing 01expertise and
resources. Some 01the Universities/Institutes are:
Unnaus University. School 01Business & EconomIcs.
ESC Rennes School olBusiness.Fl'lInce
Northampron University. United Kingdom
College of Business Administration. Savannah State
University. USA
Anglia Ruskin University. United Kongdom
ESCE International Buslness School.Paris. France
Asian Institute ofTechnology (Arn.Thailand
J amia Hamdard University for Ph.D. Programme
International Partners with which we had
Intemationallmmersion Programme:
Nanyang Business School. Nanyang Technolog>cal
The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univel"Slty.Hong Kong
Institutional Membership
India Habitat Centre, New Deihl
The Indus Entrepreneurs (TlE). Deihl-NCR
Education Promotion Society for Indoa (EPSI). New
Asian Regional Training and Development
Organization (ARTOO) International. Philippines
Assooarlon of IndIan Management Schools (AIMS).
National HRD Network (Deihl Chap,er).New Delhi
Association of Management Development Institutions
in SouthAsia (AMDISA)
Indian Society lor Training & Development (ISTD).
New Delhi
All India ManagementAssodation (AIMA).New Delhi
TheAssociated Chambers 01Commerce and InduStry
oflndia (ASSOCHAM).New Deihi
BRiCS Chamber of Commerce &Industry. New Delhi
DELNET. New Delhi
Nadonal Institute of Science Communicaoon and
Information Resources (NISCAIR).Ncw Delhi
TheAmerican Ubr.J ry.New Delhi
Management Llbraries Network (MANUBNET)
The Case Centre (TCC)
Appeared in Renowned Publications
FSM Features In the Asian Directory produced by the
EMD.Ams'terdam. the Netherlands 7
Foundation for Orgamsational Research and Education (FORE) is
committed to the advancement of Management Education. Research.
Trainingand Consultancy. Escablished In 1981 as anon-profit institution.
FORE has been worlQngwith Industry and academb for developing new
domains of managerial thought and education and contributing (0the
process ofbuHdmgleaders intoday's global business environment.
FORE has been setting benchmarks in management education for the
last 23 years. This is aptly reflected in the top rankings by leading s..
Schools' surveys of the country. I" arecent survey conducted byCRISIL
-3 leading Ratings. Research. Riskand PolicyAdv1Sory Company inIndia.
FORE has been awarded A-gradlng (the highest rating level) for the
Deihl-NCR region. FORE has also received the ASSOCHAM's Best B
School- North award intheyear 2013.
located Inthe heart of South Delhi. FORE provides conrextual learnmg
and helps inthe development of students as thinking professionals. who
have the ability to meet the upcll1ing challenges for tomorrow's
corporate leaders. The programmes offered at FORE School of
Management. New De.lhi aim at developing multiple skills including
managerial declslcn-rnakmg, problem-solvmg, analyacal reasoning.
communication. creatiVityandinnovadon.
The Institute has 3 Board of Directors With represeneadves from
government.academic instiwtions and indunry.The Institute also hasan
Academic Council COJ lS1Songof eminent professionals from industry.
govemmencand other academic instieutions.
FORE takes pride in its professional and high-
quality raculty in the fields of General
Management, Strategic Management, Human
Resource Management. Finance, Operations,
Marketing, Infonnation Technology, Economics
and International Business.
The members of faculty are drawn from leadJ ng
national and Intemational instirutions and IndUSUies
and are engaged inextensive research and consultancy,
and possess myriad management skills. Eminent
personalroes and senior c:orporate professionals are
InVItedfrom time totime to share their experiences
and discuss real world managerial practices and market
opportunrties! challenges wIth thestudents.
www.rsm.acJ n 9
(a) FullyAlr-condltioned. dust free. well furnished classrooms with state or the an
audio vISualfacilitiestoprovide superior leaminpnd leaching experience.
(b) Construaioll of new classroomsin theatre stylefor benerviewand attention.
(cl A highly modernized IT infrastTucwre in the institute WIth each student table
equipped with independent computersyswm fullynetwOrked
(d) Air-condltionedAudrtorium (Vira;am) withseating capaCIty of3oo persons.
(e) A well furnished and very spacious fullyalr<ondldoned COnference Hall (Pragya)
with State of the art audio. VIdeofacilioes WItha cap.Clty to accommodate .more
than 100 pardclpanr,
(~ leased hostel facility.
(&) Subsidi%~c;Ueterla facifities
(h) Reprographks.Fax.STD/ISD andinternet f3cilities
FSMUbrary is one of the best managed libraries with collection of more than 24000 documents lIJ iIlllCS,I!I~
volumes of journals. reports, government publications and other non-book material)
knowledge focused on business. management and other allied subjects. Ubrary has been
and international newspapers. more than 100national and international print journals and ma,gazJ n~s.
FSMUbra,.y is centrally air-conditioned. fullycomputerized and facilitates networked en'''rC)'II11i''
connectivity throughWi-FI and campus WIdeIntranet.
The library is well equipped with latesr IT tools and equlpmena to collect. store. retrieve and +.eI1" 'l\~
Information. A number of computer systems are installed (0access the library resources and ..., ....." " " .... ,
nnajor functions of the library are computerized by using a web-enabled. multiuser. In[,~.rakld
management software. which provides single-window search facility to access the Inf')l'11natioMlln!lOurc:a:
available In library. The users may access their library account and search the OPAC (library ca~lIG\IpJ ejl'at
their desktop 24X7.
Our Ubrary subscribes to EBSCO online Database.ABIIINFORM Proquest Complete, Sage
whIch includes 6500 full text foreign journals on Management and related topics. Apart from
subscribes to financial. company and statistical database. e.g.. CMIE Prowess. Capialine Plus. m q l Ul l MJ l l QI' l I,
We are subscribing to an online database of newspapers &magazines called Press display which
publishers from 95 countries and an anti pla,giarism online software called Ephorus which
members toensure the originality Inresearch papers and project reports, etc.
FORE isamember of DElNET. (anetwork of more than 4000 libraries) through which our IIbl-ar:yjllocqlUl;PS
Information resources. e.g..books and articles. etc ..with member libraries.
We subscribe to regular Institutional library Membership of American Center library. NISCAIR 1IR I1'lII'Y .11R O
Professional Membership of Management libraries Network (MANUBNET).
The Computer Centre has state-ol-the-art computing facilities thal are available to
Srudents and Departmem:s.The institute has a well equipped central computing facility
housed inthree computer labs and all includes branded PCsI Laptops and Servers which
are connected through LAN.
The Institute has 14 MBPS dedicated leased fine 24-hour high.-speed internet
connectivity on Fiber Optics with redundant bandwidth fromTATA Communications
The Campus isfuJ J yWi-fi enabled with 24X 7 by Ruckus wireless consisting of ZoneFlex
2942 (BOLlig) Sman: Wi-FI access points with ZoneDireaor 1000 controlling the
Access Points.
The entire network is protected with Cyberoam CRlOOi UTM (6 Port) in combination
with Antivirus.AntiSpam and Bandwidth Management and multiple gateway with AutO
Fail-over (earure.AJ 1the nodes are secured fromvirus, spywarelmalware with Symantec
Endpoint Protection.centra11y monitored from theAntivirus server.
Eachswdem isallotted arnall-Idbesides Faculty and Staff members.Themail server and
web server are hosted in the computer centre itself. Facilities (or printing through high
speed CoIorlMono laser J et Network printers and Scanning are available and Sun
storage hasbeen 'nnalled for back uppurpose.
The modem class rooms innew block. both the theatre style and classic learning centers
are furnished with specIally desIgned desks for the comfort of nudents.About 180 thin
clients machine which run through OTRIXVDI soludon Inthese class rooms.
For Faculty-swdenu Interaction Is done through c-learning! e-working software
ApplicatIon software likeSPSSMinicab.Ravonal Suite Enterprise, MS-Prolect, Crmal Ball.
Oracle SQL Server,Vlsual Swdio.and Rational Suite Enterprise etc. are extensively used.
Company database Prowess & Capltallne are used (or Market research andData analysis.
tmplementauon process for Integrated Education Management System (IEMS) has
Programme Title of Post Graduate Diploma Duration
Future Managers Group (FMG) POStGraduate Diploma inManagement
Two years
International Managers Group (IMG) POStGraduate Diploma inManagement Two years
(International Business)
Title of Post Graduate Diploma
POStGraduate Diploma inManagement
Three years
Working Managers Group (WMG)
The Institute admits students with a proven calibre toperform. Admission tothe twO year full
time Post Graduate Diploma in Management and two year full time Post Graduate Diploma in
Management (International Business) is facilitated through a rigorous selection process which
requires highly competitive CAT scores and performance at GDIPIs.The students are handpicked
by the experienced !acuity along with a professional from the industry. This ensures that the
stUdents perform remarkably well inacademics during their two year stint at FORE and later go
on to achieve-great success professionally.
The candidate must hold a ~chelor's degree with minlmum50% marks Inaggregate of all the
subjects studied at any of the Universities incorporated by an At:t of Central or State
Legislature in India or other Educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or
decJ ared to be deemed ~ a University under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956 or possess an
equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD. Govt, of India. The Bachelor's
degree or equivalent qualification obtained by the candidate must entall or minimum of
3 years of education after completing Higher Secondary Schooling (I 0+2) equivalent.
Candidates appearing for the final year degree examination in the year 20 IS can also apply
subject to fumishing the proof of having passed graduation byThursday. October 1.20 I 5 and
obtaining minimum 50% marks Inaggregate total of all the subjects studied !ailingwhich the
provisional admission will becancelled and no fee will be refunded inlieuthereof.
All candidates are required [0 rake the Common Adrmssion Tesr (CAT-2014) conducted by
Candidates can apply ONLINE ONLY at For online
application submission candidates need to pay' 1650
(per programme) either through Credit/DebIt Card.
Net Banking or can send the Demand Draft made In
favour of "FORE School of Management". payable at
NewDelhi along with the print of the E-mail confirmation of the application submission.
TheAdmission Brochure needs to be downloaded from
Candidates can apply either in Self Sponsored Category or Company Sponsored Category. Candidates applying under
Company Sponsored Category need to download the format from the website and submit the Company Sponsored
Certificate Inthe given format within the stipulated rimeframe, Change Incategory Isnot allowed.
Candidates shordlsced for GDPI muse fill up the "Information Sheet" online compulsorily before appearing for the
Programme Self Spcnsored Category Company Sponsored Category
PGDM ~II Lacs ~16.50 Lacs
PGDMIB ~I I tacs ~16.S0 Lacs
The-above fee is inclusive of tuition fee. library charges. computer cenere usage charges. cost of books and reading material
and compulsorllyattendlngan International Immersion Programme.
We offer anenriched and value added program encompassing the following;
o Our placement activities and compensation offered to our studems matches the best that the industry offers.
o We offer scholarships to needy students with excellent academic performance.
o We provide an opportunity (as per our schedule) to all twOyear full time students to attend acompulsory International
Immersion Programme at alocation cutside India. the COStof Whichisincluded Inthe feeof the program.
o We provide ample opportunities to our students to engage inavariety of co-curricular and extra-curricularacdvities for
their holistic development.
o Besides the well qualified core faculty at FORE. we invite industry leaders to cake courses and special sessions fer
stUdents to discuss the best business practices etc.
Selection Criteria
Short listingIsdone on the basis afCAT percentile.
Final selection is based on CAT percentile. academic
performance. work experience and performance In
group discussion (GD) & personal Interview (PI).
(Some selection criteria may be added/removed as
ccnsidered apprcprlate by the Inseicuro)
Admission Fees
Merit-cum-Means Scholarships
Note: Incase of adispute, the jurisdiction would be Delhi only
FORE School or Management. New Delhi offers scholarships to meritorious students for
PGDM and PGDM-IB Program. The Merit-cum-Means SCholarship Is provided on the basis of
academic performance and economic condition of the students. This scholarship provides for
100per cent tuition fees waiver (Category-l). SOper cent tuition fees waiver (Category-II) or 25
per cent tution fees waiver (Category -III)to students selected for this SCholarship as per the
rules of the lnsdrute,
. .
The TwoYear FuIlTlme Post Graduate Diploma InManage.mentwhich we refer to
as Future Managers Group Programme (PGDM FMG) is designed to [rain and
groom the furure managers at FORE
TghaW ! comprehensiv~ understanding of the cerporace world
To integrate me theoretical knowledge with me practical aspects of
organizational serongs and technIques of management
To acquire conceptual and analytfcal abilities requlre_d {or effecti\.oedecision
Evolvewith me dynamic and complex working environment.
The basic thrust is on under:stailding me independent nature of organizational
dynamics and its managerial implications. This shall help students acquire
conceptual and analytical abilities required for <lppropriare decision making and
effective Implementation. A number of generic learning outcomes related to the
theme of corporate performance are specified which emphasize on me objectives
lisredabove anglink me various functional modules.
Learning Outcomes
The swdents will be ableto:
Demonstrate the skills. knowledge and artitudes necessary to gain
employment inme corporate seccor or In family businesses
Identify and evaluate options for developlngstrategies in business situations
Use arange of praaicaltoots and techniques lor conduc:ting business
Identify potential market opportunities inme Indianand global market
Describe and identIfy the implications for Indian business
Analyse and evaluate the issues that arise out of the greater integration of the
Indian economy and businesses with me global environment
Idencify and respond appropriately to differenceS" In business culture and
ethics inthe Incemacional business arena.
Academic Calendar
FirstYear Term 1,2.3
J une-March
Foundation Courses
Core Courses
April-J une
Second'rear Term -'1.5.6
june- March
The instnJ aionaf methodology comprises of an optimum mix of lectures, classroom dlscussions, case studies. role-plays.
group dlsrussions. qulzzes, special sessions from professionals from industry and trade. management games. sensitivity
training, management films, industrial visits and industry interaction. Swdents are encouraged to present their cases
through individual or group presentations. Further opportunity is provided through parddpation of srudents in various
seminars and workshops.
Instructional Methodology and Pedagogy
Courses in FlrstYear (All are compulsory courses)
Term- I (Total 7Credits)
Sl.No. Subject Credits
I. Marketing Management-I
2 FinandalAccounting
1. I ntroducdon to fT
4- Managerial Economics
5. Human Behaviour inOrganization
6. Business Communkarion &Analysis
7. Decision Making Models
Term- 2 (Total 7Credits)
I . ManagementAccounting
2. Organisational Design & Change
3. Communication & I nternet
Technclogy-l & E-Commerce-I
4. Macro Econormcs
5. Human Resource Management
6. Business Statistics
7. Operations Management1 0.5
8. Managerial Oral Communication 0.5
Term) (Total 7Credits)
I. Marketing Management-ll
2. Corporate Finance
3. Business Environment
4. Advanced Communication and
Summer I nternship
Core &Elective Courses
S. Operations Management1I
6. LegalAspects of Business
7. Business Research Methods 0.5
8. Strategic Management.1 0.5
9. Corporate Social Responsibility
(Total Credits inRrstYear:21)
Courses in SecondYear - (Core and Electives)
I. I Strategic Management"
6 2. Electives
I f. I Elec:tives 6
I L I Elecdves
Elective Courses:
The Second year students of PGDM (FMG) are required
to complete exacdy 16 credits from the elective courses
during the second year I nthe areas of Marketing. Finance.
OBHR.I T, Operations. I nternational Business. Economics
& Business Policy. StrategiC Management. BUSiness
Communication and Foreign Languages viz. Spanish!
French. A srudent may specialize in twO functional areas.
For Specialization. I . swdents must register for a
rnaximurn 7 credit courses and minimum of 5 credit
courses in the Speciallzatlon-! area. For SpecializationlI .
students must register for a maximum 5 credit courses
and minimum of 4credit courses inthat area. 7
List of Elective CoursesOffered:
51.No. Subject
I. I Consumer Behaviour
2. Customer Relationship Management
3. Sales &Distribution Management
4. Advanced Marketing Research
Finance &Accounts
I. Management of Commercial Banks
2. Seturity Research &Portfolio
3. RiskManagement& Rnancial Derivatives
Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
I . Training &Development I
2. Competency Mapping
3. Personnel Management &Ind.usu-ial
4. Personal Growth Lab
QuantitativeTechniques & Operations
I. Total Quality Mana,gernent
2. Advanced Statistical Methods
3. Project Management
4. I Procurement Management
lnformation Technology
I. BusinessAnalysis
2. SAP-l-Finance*
3. SAP-I-Materials Management*
1. Mobile Ooud Computing for Business
Strategic Management
I. I NewVenture Planning
International Business
I. Export Management
2. Global Economy & Emerging Industries
3. The J ugaadWay:Entrepreneurship &
Innovation InEmerxmg Markets
Economics & Business Policy
I. Iintellecrual Property Rights
Foreign Language: Part-I
I . Spanish Language.Part-I'
2. French Language. Part..J "
*Those who opt for Part-l of these courses inTerm-4. they
will have-to compulsorily take that Part-II inTerm-Salso.
I. Strategic Brand Management
2. B2BMarketing
3. Rural Marketmg
4. Services Marketing
Finance &Accounts
I . PersonalWealth Management
2. Management of Financial Services
3. ProjectAppraisai and Financing
4. Bus'inessValuation and Corporate
Organisational Behaviour & Human
I. Performance & Compensation
2. Strategic HRM
3. labour Legislation
Business Communication
I. Effective Business Communication
through Theatre Techniques
2. Effective Leadership Communication
Quantitative Techniques & Operations
I. Supply Chain Management
2. Lean andAgileSystem
3. SixSigma
Information Technology
SI.No. Subject Credits
I. Business Development InIT I
2. Communication &lnternet I
3. SAP-II -Fmance I
4. SAP-II -Materials Management I
Economics & Business Policy
I. Effective Pricing (or Business I
2. Sodal Performance& Corporate O.S
International Business
I. Business inAsia Pacific I
2. Import Management I
3. InternationalT rade Procedure & I
4. Trade logistics I
Foreign Language- Part-II
French language-f'art-II
Strategic Management
I. Capstone Business Simulation I
2. Mergers &Acquisldons I
3. Strategic Management o( Technology I
4. Competitive Landscape & 0.5
Sustairtability Megatrend
5. Tools for Strategic Consultancy 0.5
Retail Management
Integrated Marketing Communication
Finance &Accounts
I. Investment Banking I
2. Anancial Reporting andAnalysis I
3. Foreign Exchange Risk Management I
Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
I. Negotiation Skills I
2. Psychometric Testing &Appllcations I
3. Organizational Development I
Business Communication
I. IWritten Analysis &Communication
Quantitative Techniques & Operations
I. InnovationandTechnology Manageme t I
2. Operations Strategy I
3. Service Operations Management I
Information Technology
IT Strategy & Planning
Economics & Business Policy
Corporate Governance
Business Ethics
Intemational Business
Trade &Geopolitics
WTO &InternationalTrade Policy
Strategic Management
I. StrategicAnalysis & Globalization I
2. StrategicAlliances I
3. International J olntVentures o.s
(Courses ore subjeCt 10 change)
Learn To Lead 9
The TwoYear FullTlme POst Graduate Diploma inManagement-International Business programme to which we refer toas
International Manager's Group programme (PGDM-IMG). aims at preparing stUdents to take up careers in corporate
houses and familybusinesses engaged InInternational Business operauons.
To develop and crainparticipants for assuming positions of responsibility incorporate houses and familybusinesses
Toprovide athorough grounding (0the participants inthe conceptual framework of management theory. in the skills
appropriate to managerial practice,as well asin the essential issues ininternational business operations
To equip the participants for working in a competitive global environment enabling them to face confidently the
pressures and challenges ofthe new millennium
Evolvewith the dynamic and complex emergingglobal environment.
The basic thrust is on understanding the independent nature of organisational dynamics and Its managerial implications-
This shall help students acquire conceptual and analytical abilities required for appropriate decision making and effective
implementation. A number of generic learning eutcernes are specified. which relate to the theme of corporate
performance. and link the various functional modules.
The students will beabte eo:
Analyse and evaluate the issues that arise OUtof the greater Integration of the Indian economy and businesses with
theglobal environment
Identify and describe the implications of trends within international business for Indian corporate houses
Identify and respond appropriately todifferences inbusiness culture and ethics inthe international business arena
Use arange of practical tools and techniques for conducting international business
Demonstrate the skills. knowledge and attitudes necessary to gain employment in the corporate s~ or Infamily
businesses globally
Identify and evaluate options for developing strategies in
International business situations
Identify potential opportunities inthe global market.
Instructional Methodology and Pedagogy
The instructional methodology comprises of an optimum mix of lectures. c:lassroom studies. role-plays,
group discussions, quines. special sessions from professionals from industry and trade. management games. sensitiVity
training. management films. industrial visits and industry interaction. Students are encouraged (0present their cases
through Individual or group presentations. Further opportunity is provided through participation of students in various
seminars and workshops.
PGDM -IB (International Managers Group)
Academic Calendar
FimYear Term 1.2.3 Foundation Courses
J une-March Core Courses
April- J une Summer Inccrnsh,p
Second Year Term 4.5.6 Core &Bective courses
J une-March
Courses in FimYear-(A11 are compulsory courses)
Terrn-I (Total 8Credits)
SI .No. Subject
I . Marketing Management-I
2. FinanclalAccounting
3. I m:roducoon to I T
" .
Business Economics
5. Managerial Communication
6. Quantitative Methods
7. Starting an EximEnterprise
8. Global Business Environment
Term-2 (Total 6Credits)
I . Corporate Finance
2. E-Business &Data Security in
I nternational environment
3. I nternational Economics
". Human Behaviour inOrgani1:ation
S. Decision Making Models
6. Trade Logistics
Term-3 (Total6.S Credits)
I . Marketing Management-I I
2. I nternational Corporate Finance
3. Cross Culture &DiversI ty Management 0 . 5
" .
Production &Operations Management
5. I nternationalT rade Procedure
and Documentation
6. WTO and I nternationalTrade Policies 0 . 5
7. RegionalT rade Blocks 0 . 5
8. I nternational Business Strategy-I 0 . 5
9 Corporate Social Responsibility 0 . 5
(Total Credits in FirstYear: 20.5)
Courses in Second'fear- (Core and Electives)
I . I nternational Business Strategy-I I 0.5
2. I nternational Marketing Management
3. Dissertation (Term.....&Term-S)
(Guidelines given inAnnex\.lre-9)
" .
Electives 6*
2. Dlssertanon (Cononued fromTerm""')
I. Electives
(Total Credits I n Second year: Core-3.S and
Electives-I 4.5 (Total: 18credits)
Second year students of PGDM (I MG) are required to
complete exactly 14.5 credus from the elective courses
during the second year in the areas of Marketin,g. Finance.
OBHR. IT. Operations. I nternational Business. Economics
& Business Policy. Strategic Management. Business
Communication and Foreign Languages viz
SpanishiFrench.A Student may special~e in cwo functional
areas. For Specialization-I . students must register for a
maximum 7 credk courses and minimum of 5 credit
courses in that area.Whlle for Specialization-I I . students
must register for a maximum 5 credlt courses and
minimum of" credit: courses inthat area.
Students may. however. note that he/she is not permitted
tospecialize I nany third area and he/she must opt for the
balance credit of courses from the other areas.
UstofElective Courses Offered:
I. Consumer8ehaviour
2. Customer Relationship Management
3. Sales &Distribution Management
4. Advanced Markedng Research
Finance & Accounts
I . Management of Commercial Banks
2. Security Research &Portfolio
3. Risk Management and Ananclal
Organisational Behaviour &Human Resource
I . Tr.tining&Development
2. Competency Mapping
3. Personnel Management & I ndustrial
". Personal Growth Lab 21
Organisational Behaviour&HumanResources
I. Performance &Compensation I
Quantitative Techniques & Operations
SI.No. Subje Credits
I. Total Quality Management
2. Advanced Statistical Methods
3. Project Management
4. Procurement Management
Information Technology
I. Busin~Alulysis
2. SAP.I-finance
3. SAP-I-Materlals Management*
4. Mobile Cloud Compuong for Business
Strategic Management
I I. INewVenwre Planning
International Business
I. Export Managemene
2. Global Economy &EmergingIndustries
3. Strategies for Emerging Markets
Foreign Language- Part- I
I. Spanish Language.Part-P
2. French language. Partp
*Those who Opt for Part' of lhese courses InTenn-4. they W I"
hove to compulsorily take thor Parr1I InTenn-5 also.
I. Scraregic BrandManagement
2. B2BMarketing
3. Rural Markeeing
'I. Services Marketing
I. Personal Wealth Management
2. Management of finanCIal Services
3. ProjectAppraisal andFinancing
4. BusinessValuadon andCorporate
2. Strategic HRM
3. labour legIslation
2. Effectiveleadership Communication
I. EffectiveBusiness Communication
through TheatreTechniques
Quantitative Techniques &Operations
I. Supply Chain Management I
2. lean andAgileSystem T
3. Six Sigma I
Information Technology
4. ISAPII -Materials Management
I. Business Development inIT
2. Communication & Internet Technolog 11
3. SAPII -Finance
Economics &Business Policy
I. EffectivePricing for Business
2. Social Performance & Corporate
International Business
I. Business inAsia. Pacific
2. Import Management
Foreign Language- Part-Il
I. Spanish Language. Part- II
2. French Language.Parr-ll
Strategic Management
I. Capstone BusIness Simulation
2. Mergers &Acquisielons
3. Seraeegic: Management ofTechnology
4. Competidve landscape &
Sustalnability Megatrend
5. Tools for StrategiC Consultancy
SI.No. Subject Credits
I. Retail Management I
2 Integrated Marketing Communication I
Finance &Accounts
I. lnvestment Banking I
2 Financial Reporting and Analysis I
3. Foreign Exchange Risk Management I
Organisational Behaviour &Human Resource
I. Negotiation Skills I
2 Psychometric Testing &Applications I
3. Organ1zational Development I
Business Communication
I. I Written Analysis &Communication
QuantitativeTechniques &Operations Management
I. Innovation &Technology Management I
2. Operations Strategy I
3. Service Operations Management I
In(ormation Technology
I. IT Strategy &Planning I
2 Business Intelligence and SAS I
Data Mining
Economics &Business Policy
ICorporate Governance
2. Business Ethics
International Business
I. ITrade &Geopolitics 0.5
Strategic Management
I. Strategic Analysis &Globalization I
2. Strategic Alliances I
3. International J olntVentures 0.5

(Courses are subject to change)

'.0 credit i s equal to 30hrs teaching/doss room sessions and
0.5 credit i s equal to 15 hrsrenthingldassroom sessions. 23
ThreeYearPart-Time Post Graduate DiplomainManagement
(Working Managers Group)
TheThree- Year Part Time POst Graduate Diploma InManagement (PGDM.WMG) programme Isdesigned to help the working
managers trained at FORE to follow~three-fold approach to operate successfully inthe corporate environment-
Understand the Organizational settings and techniques of management
Integrate with the Organizational functioning
Evolvewith the dynamic and complex working environment
The basic thrust Ison understanding the independent nawreof organizational dynamics and Its managerial implications.This
shall help students acquire conceptual and analytical abilities required for appropriate decision making and effective
implementation. A number of generic learning outcomes are specified. which relate tothe theme of corporate performance.
and linkthe various functional modules.
learning Outcomes
The students will be able to:
Demonstrate the skills, knowledge andardtudes necessary togain employment Inthe corporate sector or infamily
Identify and evaluate options for developing strategies inbusiness situations
Use arange of practical tools and techniques for conducting business
Identify potential market opportunities inthe Indian and global market
Describe and Identifyme implications for Indian business
Analyse and evaluate the issues that arise OUtof the greater integration of the Indian economy and businesses with
the global environment
Identify and respond appropriately to differences inbusiness culture and ethics inthe international business arena.
Academic Calendar
FirstYear Term 1.2.3
J uly- March Core C.ourses
Core Courses
Core andElecdve Courses
Courses inFirstYear (2014-20IS)-AII areCompulsory Courses
Term1 (Total" Credits)
Inaddidon.a twOcredit Dissertation to beunderraken byeach studentar the end ofTerm-9 for aduration of" months.
Instructional Methodology and Pedagogy
The Instructional methodology comprises of an optimum mix of lectures. classroom discussions, case studies, role-plays,
group discussions. special sessions from professionals from industry and trade, management games. sensitivity training.
management films. industrial visits and Industry interaction. Further opportunity Is provided through participation of
students invarious seminarslworkshops.
SecondYear Term 4.5.6
April- December
ThirdYear Term 7.8.9
J anuary- September
Septe01ber-J anuary
SI.No. Subject
I. AnanclaJ Accountlng
'2. Decision MakingModels
3. Introduction to IT
1. Human BehaVIourInOrganosation
Term.2 (TOtal 4Credits)
I I. I ManagementAccounting
'2. Business Statistics
3. Managerial Communication
4. Marketing Management.1
Term-3 (Total ".5 Credits)
I. OJ )crationl Management
'2. Managerial Economics
3. Human Resource Management
51. No. Subject
~. Marl<edngManagement.1I
5. Corporate Social Re1ponslbility 0.5
(Total Credits in FirstYear: 12.5)
Courses in Second Year (20 I 520 16)- All are
Compulsory Courses
Term-4 (Total 4Credits)
I. Business Research Methods
2. Maere Economics
3. Communication andIntemetTechnology
~. Orgamsaoonal Design and Change
Term-S (Total 4Credits)
I. Corporate Anance
2. SupplyChain Managemem:
3. Business Environment
4. MarketingStrategy 0.5
0.5 5. Strategic OutsOurcing inBusmess
Term-6 (Total 4Credits)
I. Management of Personal Finances
2. Strategic Management
3. LegalAspectS of Business
4. Interpersonal Relations
Courses inThirdYear
During third year. students are required 10 complete exactly
10credits fromelective courses (3 inTenn-7. 3inTerm-8 and
4InTenn-9) Inany of the funcdonal areas from-Rnance, HR.
Marketing. Operations. International Business and Business
Policy.Inaddition tothis 2 credit core Courses inTerm-7 and
Term-8 are also to becompleted.
Term-7 (Total 4Credits)
Core Courses:
I. IInternational Economics
Elective Courses (3 c.redies)- out of the area wise list
given hereunder:
I Consumer Behaviour
2. Salesand Distribution Management
I. IManagement of Anandal Services
Human Resource
I. ITrainongandDevelopment
I. Total Quality Management
I 2. IAdvanced Operations Management I
International Business
I I. IExport Management
Term-8 (Total 4Credits)
Core Courses:
I. NewVenwre Plann,ng I 0.5
2. Manuf.lcwring PlanningandControlling I 0.5
Elective Courses: (3 credits)- out of the area wise list
given hereunder:
I I ISerY~cesMarketing
2. Retail Management
I. IProJ ect:Appratsai and Financing
Human Resource
I. IP erformance andCompensation Managemenq
International Business.
I. IBusiness inAsia-Padfic
Term-9 (Total 4Credits)
Elective Courses: (4 Credits)- out of the area wise list
given hereunder:
I. Business to Business Marketing I
2. AdvertisIng and Brand Management I
I. Investment Banking I
2. Security Research and Stock Derivatives I
Human R.esource
I. INegotiation Skills
2. Strategk HRM
I. Advanced Statistical Methods
2. Innovaoon & Technology Management
International Business
I. CommodityTradingand Price Risk
2. Glob.1 Economy andEmergrng Industries
Business Policy
I. Corporate Govemance 0.5
2. Business Ethlcsand Corporate Social
Dissertation (2 credits)
(Coursesoresubject UIchonge)
1.0credit is equal to 30hrs teachIng/classroom sessions and
0.5credit isequal to 15hrs teaching/classroom sessions, '2S
Centers of Excellence havebeen established at FORE in the various areas of expertise and knowledge
accumulated byitsfaculty.
Centers of Excellence Objectives Head of the Center
Center for Entrepreneursh,p Tocreate aconducive ecosystem for the management students Prof. AnitaTripathy L a!
Development to be entrepreneurs, to support andprovide fundingfor me best
S-plans and to help the students todevelop an Entrepreneurial
Center for Psychometric DeVelop the centre into an estimable Intellectual space in Prof. Sanghamitr.l
Testingand Research (CPR) psychometric testing and research. It alms at promoting Buddhapriya
educadon.research and training Inthisarea.
Center for Sustainable To achieve and sustain leadership in Management Education. Prof. Subhasls Bera
Development Research. Consultancy and Development.
Center for Customer To develop a center for promoting researth. consulting and Prof. QazJ AsifZameer
Management training In me cridcal areas of customer understand,ng.
attraction. retention andloyalty etc.
Center for Operations and To develop an operation's edge by research. consultancy and Prof. Mohlra Gangwar
SupplyChain Management ondusuy interactions onthe areas of manufactunng. supple chain, Sharma
services and Its Interface W'th other functJ onai areas like
Informa.tionTechnology. Financeand HR.
Center for EmergingMarketS Toanalyze and develop management perspectives on emerging Prof. Mohlt Anand
economies for research. education and practice inareas such as:
rural & SOP markets. intern~tional trade system. Innovation.
public policy etc.
Abhigyan,me BusinessJ ournal of FORE. wasstarted inJ anuary 1983 and
has completed 31 years with unftinching regularity. The journal began
wimabi-annual issue. I ncelebration of its tenm anniversary, I tswitched
toa quarterly publkadon mode. I t isdevoted to disseminating findings
from research work and exploration of original ideas concerning
organization and management, The J ournal seeks to address issues of
interest tomanagers andacadermoans, equally.TheJ ournal's cirwlauon
covers me corporate world. management I nstirutions and universities
in I ndia and abroad. The journal is currently published under me
guidance and editorship of 0,;Vinayshil Gautanl.
Abhlgyan continues to be listed and indexed I n GAlE-Cengage
Learning (Farmington Hills. USA), Cabell's Directory of Publishing
Opportunltles in Business of Cabell Publishing inc. (Texas. USA),The
Psyc I NFO bibfrography database of me American Psychological
Association and Ulrich's I nternational Periodicals Directory, USA.
FOREPRlNTS is a newsletter published quarterly which aims to
disseminate informatiOn about me happenings at FORE to corpcrates,
alumnl.omer B-Schools and. of course. to FORE stUdents and faculty. I t
keeps everyone abreast of me latest happenings at FORE like me
Anubhutis. Genesis. seminars and conferences. achievements of
swdentsand faculty,etc.
FORE launched its Working Paper Series during 201112.. I t has
published 68 working papers fromme faculty so far.Theworking papers
are listedinmeJ nstitute'swebsite.
FORE also published the followingbooks:
"Longitudinal ThinklngBest of Ahhigyan (Volume-I ,
1983-1997) published by Macmillan PubflSners I ndiaLtd.
"Longitudjnal Thinldng-Best of Ahhigyan (Volume-I I ,
1998-2012) published byMacmfllan PublI Shers I ndiaLtd.
"Reflections on Chinese Management Style and Business
E1:hics" published byBloom~bury Publishing I ndiaLtd
"Malaysia; Challenges and Perspectives" published by
Bloomsbury Publishing I ndiaLtd.
"Reinventing Marketing for Emerging Markets" by
Bloomsbury Publishing I currently under printing.
EC? ~E pri nts
a & f t i B Y E ! !
.. - - --
www.( 27
Prof. Anita T. Lal
Ph.D. (I1T.I(anpur)
Experience;Over 18years
Prof. Lal's expertise lies in the areas of
Business Communication. Leadership &
Entrepreneurship. A Ph.D.fromlITKanpur.
she has about 18years of work experience
on the areas of teachlng,training and research. Her experience of
teaching also includes three yearsas avisidngfaculcy atliT Dclhi
and lIT Kanpur. She has been a part-time consultant for three
years to NTPCsWorld Bankfunded projects on Environmental
Impact Assessment. Shehas several research publications inthe
areas of Bus;ness Communication & Entrepreneurship. Her
research papers have been well received In both national &
international conferences.A proud recipient of the prestigious
Certification with Honours on'Mentor Development Prognm
for Emrepreneurs' lointly conducted by London Busine~
School and National Entrepreneurship Network, Sheis also the
Arf!1l Chair of Business Communication Area <lnd Prof. In-
Charge of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development.
Prof. Re.,ta Raj""
M . Pha (Eng. l.iterowre.),Ph. D.(Orgonizationol
Experience:Over 2Syears
Prof. Reeta has been into teaching. training
and research for the last twO decades. Prior
to thisassignment, she hadbeen teaching at
Management Development Institute. Gurgaon. She has
published and presented research papers in both National and
International journals and conferences respectively and has
authored one book published by Internadonal Publishing
House (LAP).Germany.She Is the recipient of SenPapeTAward
inanInternational Conference. Sheteaches andtrains people m
developing communication competencies and communication
skills. She has conducted training programmes both for the
Pnvale and Pub"c sector includingABB. BHa. ONGC. MUL
UC; IRAS: ONGC; IIFCL CRPF. CBI. BHet: Bhabha Atomic
Energy; Power Grid Corporation of India: Petronet Gas: AAJ
etc. Shehas been recendyawarded the Best Professor InHRM
byNational EducationAward sponsored byHe~dlinesToday.
Prof.Subhasis Bera
PhD. (Economlcs)ONU), M.PhIl
(International Trade & Development)
Experience: Over 8years
Formally worked as a Research Faculcy at
anInternational Policythink Tank (ICRIER).
He worked as aconsultant inWorld Bank and has more than 5
years of teaching experience in Microeconomics theory at the
pottgraduare level andgraduate level.Hisarea of specialization
is Economics of Technology. International Trade and
Dellelopmenl Ecenomks, He is also member of many
international forums: referee of many intematlonal J ournals and
haspresented papers innumber of intemaaonal conferences,
Prof. Shallini Taneja
M.A. (EconomiCS).M.8.A (HRM). M.Phil
(Economics). FPM-MDI. Gurgaon
Experience: Over 10years
She is a fellow In Economics from
Management Development Institute (MDI).
Gurgaon. She has also taken lectures at SL
Mount Mary's University. USA on "Business Ethics and
Corporate Social Responslblhty in Indian CompaOles".She has
attended and presented many research papers at national and
International conferences and contributed chapters in edited
books and published peer review articles in national and
international journals. She has conducted the training
programmes on Corporate Social Responsibllicy (CSR) for the
middle level and senior managers as well as for the EXecutive
Du-ecc.orsfor the vanous companies likeNHPC. GAIL RJ TES.
IRCTC.J .K Cement,EXIM BANK.SBI etc. HerAreas ofinrerest
are Business Environment. Performance Measurement,
Corporate Social Performance. Corporate Social
Responsibility.Stakeholder Management.and Su$tainability.
Prof. Need Shikha
Expenence;Over 6Years
Prof. Shlkha holds a masters degree from
Universlcy College London. She has
received a ~peclalist training at Clifford
Chance LLP London. In the area of Asset
Finance. Securitization and Utigatlon. She has served as an
Executive DireCtor for Centre for Corporate and CommerCial
Laws. Naconal Law Universlcy J odhpur and has been 11
visitingfaculcyto 11MRohtalc..Shehasalso been aguest faculcyat
Indian Inslltute of ForeIgn T~de. She has experience 01both
teaching as well 31 woriung Inbw firm In Smgapore She has
published ~rs at Yanous natIOnal .nd InterNlJ on:ll,ournah
and also presented papers msevcra'lUlJ oru' and mternauonal
Prof. Vinay Dutta
M.CAm,CAlt8.PG Orplomo IIItRPM
Expenence: Over 30ye3rs
Prof DutCllS abanker tumed academicIan.
Hehasover three decades 01experience In
8<lnklng. Corporate Sector. Teach,"g and
Training. He IS the reoprent of Dewang
Mehta 8usinC1s School Award for Best Teacher In Financial
Management. He has co-authored a book "Commercial Bank
Management" published by McGraw HIli EducalJ on (India)
Pnvace Umlted Prol. Duw Isregularly invited by PHDCCI and
other professional fOl'\lms(or spedal sesstens, Prof. Duua has
been assooated WithPunjab National 8<lnkandAllahabad Bank
as external expert in the InterView Committee lor promotion
to senior execueve levels. He regularly contributes articles to
OlC3demicand business jouma's. He has meerese in consulong
and research. He has been assOC1Uedwith over 300 MOPs
conducted (or semor and mIddlelevel publICand private sector
executJ VeS.Pnor to J OlntngFORE,he worked With8<Ink 01India,
CorporalJ on Bank. Induslnd 8<lnk.IntemalJ olUl Tral/d Hoose
(An ITC Group Company) and NalJ on:ll InSlltute of Banking
and Corporate Scud,es. He teaches courses on Marugement of
Commeroal Banks and Fifl.lnc,.1 Services, Personal Wealth
Managementand RIskMarugement.
Prof. Ambrish Gupta
M.Com.. Ph.O.. FCA. CCIT (t8FO. The
Expenence,Over 30years
Possesses over 30 ye3rs of top level
experience (Board D,rectOr. Country
Head) In Investment banking. pnmary
caplal market. management teachmg. research and acadermc
..dmlnlstr.loon.Authored two books: I.F,nanclalAccounong for
Management: AnAn:llytlal Perspecove (Pearson Educauon], 2.
Inn.tionAccounong.The IndianContC!Xl..Ed,ted I book:Gaagar
Main SaagarSelf Reah13tion towards Fulfillment. Published 22
papers in leadIng lournals/other publications 01 repute. 8
working papers under the aegis of FORE, 3 papers In the
proceedmgs 01Internauonal conferences in Germany. Macau
(China) and Thailand, 2 papers (chapters) In edited books.
Presented papers InIntcrnaltonal conferences. Member of the
edltofial board of 3International and I nauon.1 journals. Ph.D.
degree of I scholar fromjamla Hamdard University completed
under hIS SuperviSIon. Member of Doctoral Cemmmee,
Department of Management. jamla Hamdard UnIVerSityand
Cal"QI Market CommIttee. PHD Chamber of Commerce and
Industry. ReCIPIentof"Rashmya wurav" award.
Prof. Kanhaiya Singh
M CAm,M.A(Eco) CAlIS. Ph 0
Expenence:Qver 42years
Has three decades' expenence o( working
With 'eadlng nauonahzed Banks Work
exposure Involved pl"Ofect firunce. CredIt
appralul. retail bank'"g operations.
ecOnomIC research. corporate plann'"g etc. He was the
Director of Rural Development and Self Employment Traln'"g
Institute. BesIdes he has 13years of teachIng expenence. Prior
to IOtnmgFORE School. In J anuary 2009. he was AsSOCiate
Professor wtth a.da lnsutute of Technology. Mesra, Ranchl at
NOlda Centre. Authored 7 books on banking tOpICSand
published many research papers. He h.s recently authored a
book onCommerci3IBank Management and hasalso presented
research papers inIntemaoonal Conferences.
MSc.,M8A,CAJ I8.0Q..Ph.O.
Experience: 38years
Semor Professor at FORE School of
Mamgement. New Deihl. Ex Director
General at IMlItute of Technology and
SCIence(ITS).Mohan Nagar Ghavabad and
Fornme tnstiture of International 8u1lness. New Delhi wJ th
over 24 years of acadermc experience InclUSIVeof 15years at
IMT.Ghaziabad with corporate experience 01I" ye3rs as 8<lnk
executive. He has been bestoWed WIth Best Professor In
Financial Management by Asta's Best 8-School Awards (or
academIC excellence and Best Marugement Educator Award by
World Management Congress. He has been Vlsltmgfaculty at
11M(Lucknow). Kathmandu School of Management (Nepal) and
ST1(Yangon. Myanmar). to name afew. He hasconducted abrge
number of Faculty Development pl"Ogram1for 8- School faculty.
He has conducted a large number of traIning progr;unmes for
executives of pnvate. publtc and government sectors With
repeat runs. He has acadermc Interest and expertise In
International Finance. EntrepreneurshIp Development.
International BuSIness Strategy. Management of Insurance.
Management of Banking, Rnanc,.1 ServICes. Secunty AnalysIS
and Portfoho Management and F,nancl.ll Denvauves and R,sk
Dr. Vandana Gupta
8. CAm (Hons.},PGOM {IIM-A),Ph.O. (Finance)
Rank holder from Deihl Unlvorsity In B.
Com. Shehas done her MBAfinance Irom
IIMAhmedabad and IS a Ph.D. In finance.
More than two deades of experience
which indudes 13YC3rsof Industry experience With le~dlng
Corporates like ICRA. InfosY5.Religare and Telstra. She was
heading eqUItyresearch for Rehgare InDeihl Sheh31pubhshed
research papers InNaoonal.nd Internaoonallourn:lls. '29
Prof. Rajneesh Chauhan
Ph.D, NW-IMT GhozlObad; PGD8M, I I <I T
Gbaziobod; 8.Tech (EJeClrKol). Notiono/
I nSlmlleofTechnoJogy. Homirpur
Prof. Himanshu J oshi
M8A (Flnonce).Ph.D.
Experience:Over '" years
Has been I nto teaChing, training and
research for more than I " years. Has
published andpresented research papers in
refereed [ournats and national &
I nternational conrerences. Developed and
conducted various open and in company management
development programmes (MOPs) for companies tokeShard.
MMT C. Astra2eneca. Autometers. and Drrectorate of
Resettlement. I ndianArmy. H"osareas of speaafrzatlon include
Fixed I ncome Sec:urities. Financial Modeling. Foreign Exchange
Risil Management.andValuaoon.
Prof. Raman Sethi
8.Tech (lfT-DeJhij.PGOM (11MSonga/ore)
Prof. Sethi isa Prince 21 PMPCertified SAP
Professional with over 18years of presaJ es.
projeu management and delivery
experience in I ndia. Asia. UKlEurope and
NorthAmecica. Hasdiverse technology experience inmanaging
offshore centric delivery for implementaoon. appflcation
development and support engagements. He is a founder
member of the SAP Practice at HCL and has worked closely
with customers likeGeneral Motors. I nlandRevenueAuthority
of Singapore. Samsung 8ectronics. Robert Bosch. MitsUbisbl
Motors and Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore. His
domain experience indudes developing and implementing IT
solutions for Banking. Govemmenc, Utilities and Manufacturing
I ndustries. Prof. Sethi isthe I T Area Head and isactively engaged
inconsulting assignments WlthI ndustry. He teaches courses on
ERP. SCM,CRM and BigDatalSAS to students enrolled for MBA
course under the various programs being offered by FORE
School of Management.
Prof. RakhiT ripathi
PIo.D.(lfT~hi),MS (Compurer Saenc~}.1low!e
Slate University /UniversllY of Maryland
Expenence:Over 10years
Has research bacilground or more man 10
years. Shehas worked on some prestigious
projects on Networking and E-governmem gt I ,I .T . DeI hl.
Several research papers havebeen published I nnational as_I I
as I ntem:ltional reputed [ournals, conferences and books. Her
research interest areas are Computer NetwOrks. E
govemment. Cloud computing. Mobile computing. I T Strategy.
andSocI al medta.
With more man two decades I nthe area of
I T . ERP and Operaoons Management. he
has worked extensively with Fortune 500 clients across Asia
Pacific. Europe and Americas. Within I ndia. he has worked for
Government and Private sector alike. He started his career I n
the R&D unit of a FOrtUne500 organization and received the
MECON award for conmbuoons to Process Engineeril'lg.At
I mosys. he W3S aT ler J leader. who established ERPConsuldng
services in China and Nortl1em I ndia before becoming the
Operations &Strategy Head for the IBUSD strong Enterprise
Solutions Unit. He has taught at mulople B Schools and has
played a key role I nexpansion of one of the largest Corporate
Universities in I ndia. Over the years. alongside regular
corporate responslblhnes, he has been shouldering collateral
academic responsibilities as well
Prof. FaisalAhmed
Experience:Over I I years
Prof.Ahmed is anacademic, researcher and
consultant on mrernartonal trade.
geopolitics and south-south cooperation.
He has taUght at business schools in I ndia
and abroad. He has been consultant to the Economic
Development and Globalization Division of the United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
(UNESCWA). besides working onprolects by other thI nk tanks
and govemment. Prof.Ahmed is frequendy invited as speaker
and expert panelist by leading think tanks. Chamber of
commerce and universities. He has written more than 40
research papers/articles. and has also published I n leading
newspapers likeT he FinanCI al E xpress, BusI ness Standard and
T he EconomlcT lmes.
Prof. Mohlt Anand
Ph.O.(Fronce),'"d.M8A (Fronce},AlI (DeJh~
Experience:Over I I years
At FORE since 2012: over I I years of
experience in industry and academics. of
which four years of teaching and research
atEMLYON Business Schoct.France and six
years of consuillng experience inthe I nsurance industry.Withln
the fields of I ncElmallonal Busincss and Strategy. l1I sresearch
interests indude Emergong Markets. lnnovadon, BOP studies.
Mlcroinsurance and joint Ventures. Dr.An3nd was selected for
Research Fellowship at I LO's M1crolnsurance I nnovation
Facmty funded by Bill and MelI nda Gates Foundation. He I sthe
Head of 'Center for Emerging Markets' WI th several papers
published and presented I n I ntern3tional [ournals and
pror.Savit:a Gaut:am
Experlence:Over 18Y1!2r5
Over 18 years of Industry and teaching
experience. Worked with M IS
Carborundum Universal Chennal.Worked
with a couple of start-up companies and
5uccessfully spearheaded their business In the international
market. Seao ....1 Exlm trade experience in PharmaceuacaJ s.
Engineering goods. and craditlonai goods like HandlcraJ cs and
Garments. Teaching experience at ChennaJ University. F2culcy
of ManagementSwdies Delhi andJ amlaMUll"Islamiaasavisiting
faculcy.Wntt2l1 articles In reputed national journals. Presently
engaged Inresearch on compulsory licensing under the Trips
AgreemencofWTO and wnting abook onWTO specific ISSUes.
Conducted MOP programs on foreign trade at MMTCTraintng
Centre. Chenna: and Ordnance factOry at Nagpur. Her areas of
interescWTO lssues, Trade policy and Trade &Environment
I S S Ue s .
Prof. Ani! Kumar Singh
PfI.D.. Unrversrry of l.ucknow; UGC-NT;
PGDSM (Maricctmg); M.PIIl1. (Labour Studies).
MBA (Finance); LLB. (General). Kanpur
Experience: 21years
" ,
He has completed his Ph.D. (Business
Administration) fromUniversity of Lucknow with the topic" An
investigation into drivers of Competitive Advantage-a case of
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry in recail drugs" along with
UGC-NET in management. He has spent around 7 years in
Pharmaceuticals and flexible packaging in marketing. general
management and operations domain. He has been teach,ng
MBA Students for more than '" years. The Iandesignation
which he held was Professor and H1!2d-MBA. Institute of
Business Management. GLA University. Mathura. He has
undergone eight courses (at IIML 1lMA.IIMB.IIMC.IIMI.MDI &
11FT)conducted by strategiC management (orum of India and
hilSreceived Management Teachers programme certifkacc. He
has completed six months course on small scale Industrial
enterprise management from 1fT Kanpur and is 3certified
auditor fromJ OintAccreditation System of Australia and New
Zealand OAS-ANZ). He has to his credit two edited books and
Prof. Muqbil Burhan
Ph.D. (ThesiS Submiued),IIT Delhi; NET (UGC-
C S/ R )
experience: 18months
18 months Industrial experience as
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) expert.
Worked on several projects In public
sector; He also worked with Chair Networking Industries at
EPFl SWitzerland on digitalization of penal sector. Co-edited a
book "Posts in Digital Age", sponsored by United Nallon's
Universal Posal Union. His research Interest areas are Strategy
Management; Technology Man.'lgement:; Intellecwal Property
RIghts and Innovations. His consulting intereSt areas Indude
Technology Management:; Intellecwal Property Rights and
Innovatlons;compctlllveness mSME;Strateglc Change.
Prof.J itendra K.Oas (Director)
B.Tech. (1fT DelhQ . M. Tech. (1fT D~JI'III. Ph.D.
(Unrvef$lty o(Toranto)
Experlence:Over 33years
Has a WIderanging expenence of IndUStry
including atWIPRO. He has caught courses
at Danube University. Austria. IIMs at
Lucknow, Ahmedabad. Kothikode and S P J ain Management
Center. Singapore. He has to his credit many national and
international publications. He has been a consultant to the
World Bank IDRC (Canada). GWS (for GTZ Germany), etc.
and 3member of some policy committees of Government of
Prof. Bhalender Singh Nayyar
B.E(Mech.).PGDM (11M. Calcutta)
Prof. Bhalender Singh Nayyar brings with
himover 30 years of IndUStry experience
and 13 years of teaching experience.
Industry exposure was in diverse fields of
consumer durables (UshaSales and NlkyTasha).3lIto ancillaries
{escortS. Gabnel and MICO Bosch}. media (Times group and
Zee). retail (Intershoppe and Asian Sky Shop) and financial
services (Maxworth Orchards). He has also been Involved in
consultancy Inthe area of sales and distribution. retailing. rural
marketing and marketing Strategy. In the last 13years he has
been involved in academics as vISiting faculcy in vanous
instituteS indudlng 11MLucknow. Raipur and Rohtalc. Kirlokar
l,..-dtuceof Advanced Management Studies. Harthar andAravall
InstIWte of Management. J odhpur. The area of expertise is
Markedng Management. Marketing Strategy, Sales and
Discributlon. Reu,lIIng. Rural Markellng and Integrated
Marketing Communication.
Or. Paya! S. Kapoor
PfI.D.. IIMlndore; M<ISIets in AdvmlSlllf.
Symbiosis Insu~ o(Buslness Managem~1II
Experience:Over 6years
Dr. Paral S. Kapoor has completed her
Fellow Programme in Management (PhD)
from Indian InStlWte of Management
Indore. Her research thesis is centered
around ul1derstandtl1geleccronic word-of.mouth behaviour on
social media. She has presented her research work In
prestigious national and Incemaoonal conferences andwas
wwwJ sm.acJ n 31
ORGANISATIONALBEHAVlOUR &HUMAN RESOURCE presented with the "BeSt Paper- Entry Research Track" Award
:It 6th liMA Doctoral Colloquium. Indian Institute of
Management Ahmedabad (2013). Prior 00 loining 11M.she has
worked for close to six years in the industry in the function of
Sales and Marketing. Her last Industry assi&1'ment was WIth
entertainment Network IndiaLtd(Radio Mirchi.Delhl).She has
a Masters In Advertislng and Communication Management
fromSymbiosis Institute of Business Management.
Prof. Freda J oseph Swaminachan
PGDM (/lM-A). MS-Communicalions (Illinois
Sune University.USA)
Experience:Over 35years
Prof. Swami nathan has a PGDBM from the
liMA and an M5In Communications from
the USA. Shehas academic and corporate
experience in Marketing and Advertising. Worked in UNTAS.
J WThompson. Goodyear Indialtd:ASP (Birlas) andDSSMobile
Communications. Presented papers in various national &
international conferences.Since the last ten years she has been
in the academic field as Professor in Marketing. Her areas of
Interests are Marketing. Strategic Brand Management and
Im:egrated Marketing Communications.
BE (Delhi College ofEngineering).MBA.Ph.D.
Experience; Over 2Syears
Prof. Z:ameer has 16 years of work
experience In Corporate and 10years In
Academics. He has experience in Sales.
Marketing. BUSIness Development and
Marketing Research and has worked in Gillette. Heady &
Gresham. Arnkette, BHEl etc. He has various publications.
paper presentations inIncernationaVNational Conferences and
organizing of MDPslfDPs to his credit.
Prof.Anupam Narula
PGDBM (Morlcecing).MA (EconomIcs).Ph.D.
Experience:Over 16Years
A Sliver Medalist in PGDBM &brings with
himmore than 16years of rich expenence
in teaching. research and industry. He
1uccessfully held various admmisrradve &
academic responsibilities as Director. Dean. Offichrong HOD.
Founder and Coordinator for many new Management
Education programs. He had undertaken various institutional
bUilding activities with premier and upcoming B-schools in
NCR. His areas of interest include Consumer BuyingBehavior.
Service Marketing. TextileMarketing and Educational Marketing
and has published number of research papers & articles in
leading journals and magazines. He conduces Management
Development and Faculty Devtllopment programmes Inthe area
orhi~expcrtise.He isalsoArea Chairman Marketingat FORE.
pror.Sanghamitra Buddhapriya
Ph.D. (FMS- Deih, University). Pos!Doctorol
(Me Moster Unrverslty. Conodo)
Experience:Over 19years
Recipient of prestigious Shastri Indo
Canadian fellowship for pursuing her Post-
Doctoral research at McMaster University. Canada.She isalso a
Gold medalist In MA in Personnel Management & labour
Welfare. She has authored two books and published many
research papers In refereed journals. She has also presented
papers in National and International conferences. Sheconduers
research and management development programmes on
various issues related to Organisational BehaVior and Human
Resource Management.
Prof. Neeraj Kumar
B.k; PGD in Sodal & Labour Welfare, PGDM
(Gofd Medalist)
Experience;Over 3I years
He has had a long experience in the HRM
function inindustry. Has handled Employee
Relations. Performance Management. Or.ganlsation
Developmenc,.Strategic HRMboth at the shopfloor as well asat
policy making level in Steel Authority of Inooa Umited. Vast
experience as-a Corporate Trainer, he was also part of several
international consultancy .asslgnments inthe steel industry, Has
co-authored a text book onEmployee Relauons Management.
Prof. PrachT Bhatt
Ph.D.. Mosters in Human Resource
Management (Gold Medalist)
Bcperience:Over 8yean
Prof. Bhatt is certified In Negotl3tion
Research and Teaching from one of the
world's best B-Schools - Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University. USA. Her corporate association
covers projects with Zydus Cadlla HeaJ thcare Ltd.Ahmedabad.
GCMMF L~d..Anand. and Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals. Ncw
Deihl. She has to her credh research papers published In
National and International refereed J ournals. Her Intcrl!St
(research & teaching) areas are: Negotiatlon. Competency
Management. Organisation Behaviour. Psychometrics, HRM &
Changing HRD Paradigm. Sheabo conducts MOPs and FOPs In
those areas for both public and pnvare sector corporatlcns, to
name afew- Power Grid Corporation of India.ONGC. ONGC
Vldesh. THDClL. Idea Cellular. Apollo Tyres. De La Rue Cash
Processing Solutions India. PNB. Umrakhand Power
Corporation. etc.
Prof. HiteshArora
Ph.D./University ofDelhQ.NIT O R F J
Experience:Over 15years
Over 15 years of teaching and industry
experience. He is a graduate in
M3.thematics (Hons) and Pcmgr.tduare in
Operational Research from University of
Delhi. He has also earned his Doctorate I n Malhematical
programming from Department of Operational Research.
University of Delhi. Delhi. Prof. Arora has qualified National
BigiblI I tyTest (NET) conducted J ointly by CSI R & UGC wilh
J unior Research Fellowship ORF)inMathematical Sciences. Prof.
Arora has worked I mmensely in the area of Malhematical
Programming. His present areas of research I nterest are
measurement of Producovlty. service Quality and I nformanon
Technology in I ndian banking sector. He has to his credit. a
number of research papers in national and I nternational
journals of repute.
Prof. Mohita Gangwar Sharma
8.Tech. (EJecui<ory ( I T T - B H U ) . FPM ( J I M-
L udoww).MPI 8 (11FT)
EXperience:Over 17ye31'S
Prof. Sharma has more than 17 years of
experience in the I ndustry in BHEL
(Transformer Design) and I ndian Airlines
(Matelials Management Deptt.). She Is I he recipient of the
coveted N.T.s.E scholarshlp. She has partrdpated in Natronal
and lnternational Conferences and has pubflShed case -stUdy at
RI chard lvey School of Bustness, WesteI 'n Onario lointly
distributed byI vcyand Harvard Business SchooL She brings the
richexperience of the mdustry and tough academic rigor to her
research. Her current areas of research I nclude Service
Operations. Operations Strategy. Product Service SyStems.
Humanitarian SupplyChain andSustainable Operations.
Prof. Vlkas Chandra
8. T ech. ( liT Konpur) . M8A ( 11M Calcutta)
Experience::Over 35years
Prof. Chandr.t has worked in multinOltional.
private sector and public sector firms I na
variety of roles mainly I n the Oper.ttions
area. Dunng hI S tenure, he has occupied
leadership posmons first asGeneral Manager of amvisionwilh
amachine buildI ngformfor 8yrs and then as ManagingDirector
of a German multinational engineering firmfor 12 yrs where he
was responsible for ruming around a loss making company and
puwng I t on the palh of profitable growth. He has rich board
level experience and of operations I n a globallscd and
lnternaoenal environmenL
Prof. Sumeet Kaur
Ph.D.. M.PhII.ondMSc.IGoIdMedolist)
Experience; Over 8years
Assooate Professor has over 8 years
research and teaching experience. She has
organized workshops on Decision ScI ences
and I ts management apphcauons like
business research methods. advanced excel techmques for
managers of public and private sector organizations. She has
also conducted Management Development Programs on toplcs
like applications of qualicative techniques in competence
mapping. simulation techniques and Data management using
Excel. She has conducted Faculty Development Program on
Analyzing Multivariate Data uSing SPSS. SPSS and Research
Methodology. She has also been involved I ncase development
wilh Maruti True Value. Blind People Association. I ndrapraslha
Apollo Hospials etc.She hasaulhored one chapter inthe book
tided The Entrepreneur's Choice Cases on Family Business in
I ndia. She hasresearch andconsulting interests inReliabnityand
L ife tesang. Business Forecasting, Manageroal Decision Making.
Quanticative Techniques in Advanced Marketing Research.
Multistage SamplingMethods. etc.
Prof. Upendra Kachru
BE (MeL ) NI T-Durgapur, MBA-Urov. of
lI linois,USA
EXperience:Over 41 Y ears
Prof. Kachru was the first Chief EXecutive
of MaruO Udyog ltd. and his last lob I n
industry was I hat 0( Managing Dirett.Or of
H.P Pelzer (I ndia) lui.He has published around 20 learned
articles and papers in international and I ndian journals. He I s
also a renowned aothor of non-fiction and text books. He has
over S O tides with books on Strategy. Production & Operations
Management. logistics and Supply Chain Management etc.
Former member of EAC in I he MiniStry of Environment and
Asia PadRe Environment Fellow. He is very interested I n
sustainable development.
ProfAlok Kumar
Ph.D. (Operarionol Research) (University of
Experience.: Over 2years
Prof Kumar I Sa graduate in Mathematics
(Hons.) fromUniversity of Delhi and a POst
Graduate in Operational Research from
Department of Operational Research. University of Delhi. He
has also submitted his thesls for Ph.D. I nOperauonal Research.
University of Deihl and has published numerous research
papers inrefereed [ournals of national and I nternadonal repute
In the fieldof developing models for I ntegrauon of I nnovauon
diffusion theory WithI nventory Management. He also has more
I han 10 international publications to hiscredit. 33
Student activities form an integral part of the curriculum at FORE. Students are encouraged to enhance their and
leadenhlp skillsthrough organizing aseries of student-driven events throughOUt me year.Thls gives them real-orne experience of
interacting with corporate and working In teams, planning and controlling budgets. managing events. time-management and
developing overall declsion-makin& skills. Some of the diverse activities organixed bymembers of srudent coundl are:
FORE believes that srudents must begood citizens and playa
responsible role Insociety. Some of the activities of teamAntal'
AASHAYEIN -The event AASHAYElN is orgaruzed with
the objective of creating awareness on education among
under privileged children and to motivate 'them to go (or
SANRAKASHAN Isaplant:ation drive conducted with the
aimo( protecting the environment by planting more trees
each year.
VASTRASAMMAN- The activity aims at distribution of
cloches to the needy person. Used clothes are collected
(romswdents and faculty member and handed over to an
NGO GOON) for onward distribution.
ABHIWAADAN The event is organized in assodadon
with HElPAGE India to honour senior citizens from Old
CID isintended to be the faceof the institute to the industry. It
aims at bridging the gap becween the academia and the
corporate world by organizing seminars, conferences and
workshops. Students organize weekly sessions to gain
experiential learning through Anubhuti - a forum under the
aegis of aD that regularly invites senior corporate
professionals and leaders to share their practical business
experiences with srudents.
The FORE SportS and Cultural Division (FSCD) aims to help
students achieve excellence by re-energizing them during their
streSsful h(eat campus b organltlng various sports andcultural
events throughout the year. In collaboration with SPIC
MACAY.Team FSCD !roSts events by renowned artists. In
addouon to above. FSCD team is actively involved in organizing
various Intra and ince spora events at FORE to inculcate
sporting splnt among students.
The Teams FSCD andANTAR jointly organize Blood Donation
Camp each year incollaboration with Rotary Club.
TeamNexus IS responsible for organizing anaoonat level annual
and htghly reputed management (estival, "Genesis". open (or
participation to all So School students. at FORE every year.
Students from B Schools participate in debates. management analys!s.competitions, etc.
Team FOREfech provides a podium for interacdon and
netWOrlong among the students. The team acts as a backbone
for all other committees to help keep a traCk of all the events
happening andmaintain arepoSitory of the learnIngs inorder to
help every Individual at FORE benefit from it. The team also
organizes various online events and is also responsible for
designing. developing and submitting ready to display Contents
onLCD at FORE.
Think Tank enriches learning by conducting various Inter and
intra college events, debates etc. It conducts events toenhance
and tethe knowledge base in domains like markeDng.
advertIsing.scratcgy andgeneral awareness.
FORECareer Divisio n(FCD)
FCD coordinates and manages the placement drive at FORE.
FCD entitles students to have a corporate exposure. The
commoctee aims towards identifying the employee needs o( the
Corporate and matching them with the credentials o( the
students at FORE. through a series of planned processes.
communocationsand activities.
FOREAlumni Netwo rk
FORE Alumni Network (FAN) acts as the linking bridge
between the past and the present. endeavoring tobuildabetter
rurure. It connects a community of more than 5000+ strong
FORE familypresent globally.
To strengthen this link over batches. FAN arranges various
activities to ensure Interaction with the alumni members on
various occasions that can help the students to know the real
corporate world practices.
FOREWord Is the editorial board of FORE School of
M:.nagemellt. FOREWord is aQsaristof all the events happening
at comes OUtwith the bi-annual newslenerFOREprints
and organizes various literary events like vocabulary qulttes.
debates. article-writing competitions. extempore etc. It aims at
bringing OUtthe literary genius Inevery student through various
literary events.
FORE Connect
Ins aforumwhich has been conceived with anaimof developing
amurually beneficial relationship with the students at FOREand
also with others Including the prospec:dve students. With the
core mission of connecting FORE with the outside world. FORE
Connect utilizes important social media like Facebook. Twiner.
YouTubeandother online forums! c.ommunities.
Genesis istheAnnuai Management Festival and also trademark
event for FORE School ofManagement,New Delhi.
ItIs an endeavour to promote the true spirit of management
through a plethora of brain stimulating activities and
competitions whochattracrthe besr of smdems fromacross the
country. It serves as a platform to srudents by proVidingspace
for mem:al activity ranging from the expected tothe eccentric.
Itprovides aplatform for the stUdents of FORE tolnteracr with
other BSchools students across the country. Various eminent
persenalldes from the corporate world are Invited to lnteracr
with and groom the upcoming managers and entrepreneurs.
through various events held throughoUt GENESIS.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Special Interests Group have been created at FORE School of
Management tohelp Individualstake the classroom learning to
the next level. SlGs help Individuals to explore the depth of a
particular subject and provides a common knowledge sharing
platform where students at FORE can share. analyze & apply
their valuable thoughts and gee updated on vanous current
business happenings so that they become capable of effectively
facingthe competitive business world.
Besides organizing weekly discussion meet, It also organizes
various activities such as presentations. Online Games (FUN.
DAMENTAl). qulnes. Debates (D-8A1T). Stream specific
events like Baddlush for operations, Tradeathon for Anance.
SecToriinduscryanaiysis and GDs.
At present FORE has SIGs for Finance. Marketing. HR and
Operations 35
Centre for Entrepreneurship
Development (CEO)
The Centre for Entrepreneurship Ol!Velopmem (CEO). FORE aims (0promote entrepreneurship
amongst the management students by creating a conducive ecosystem for the students to develop
their creative ideas into brilliant business plans .such that they are motivated to come up with their
own "".At the same time tohelp the students [0develop an'Entrepreneurial Mindsef. The
Centre for Entrepreneurship was launched with a Seminar on'Charms of being an Entrepreneur in
the ChaUengjngTImes' on February 26.2010.
Inthese four years numerous Worluhops InIdeaGeneration, OpportUnity Evaluation.andSeminars
on Scope of lnnovadon. Kickstarting Entrepreneurship in the campus and Panel DIScussions on
Entrepreneurial trends have been conducted for the students. Successful Entrepreneurs like Mr.
Sanjeev 8lkhchandanl (, Mr.Pradeep Gupta (Cyber Media), MrAshish Kapoor (Yo!China)
and many others have shared t1reir success stories with the young minds. oST, 51081,nE and NEN
officialshave also been regularly invited (0FORE for carrying out various entrepreneurlal aalvities.
Venture capitalists from IndianAngle Necworl<. Salf Partners. The Hatch. Eko lnremanonal Pvt. Ltd.
Angel Investors Consortium have taken sessions on venture frndlng.judged Business Plans prepared
bythe studencs.In these four years there havebeen byFOREswdents.
FORE School 01 Management. New Delhi conducts Management Development Programmes . nd undertakes consultancy
assignments lor profes$ionalillng manogemen1: thought and_cdon I norganizations nrivlng [0achieve excellence. FORE conducts
MDPs to equI p managers with knowledge. skills and ardtudes required for effectively responding to global developments and
competitive requirements, Our MDPs are designed WI thanappropriate blend of conceptual knowledge andexperlenualleamlng
[0 boost performance and efficiency in organizations across all sectors, Aport from open programmes. FORE also conducts
customked I n-company programmes tailored to suit organization's needs on topics/areas spe<:iflally required by on organization.
These programmes are either CUSlom-deslgned tosuit dlent requirements or are offered byfaculty on aspedflc theme to meet
various dlene needs. FORE has I n-house cralnlng fadlltators I n the fields of OBlHR Management. Anandal Management.
Operations Management. Marketing Management. I n(ormation Tet.hnology. I nternational Business Management and StrategiC
Decision Malclng.
A Llsrof our Manogement Development Programmes isasfollows:
Advanced Corporate Fin<lnce
Advanced Management Programm"
AnAn3lytical Perspective on Credn
Appraisal byCredit RadngAgl!"Ocies
ApplredMarketfng RI !"Search
Building Competencies lor
leadership Roles
BuildI nglifgh Performing Teams
Coat.hing 8tMentoring (or Personal
and Professional Success
Competency Based Approat.h to
EffectivePerformance Management
Consumer Behaviour Based
Busfness Strategles; Tools and
Corporate. RestrUcwrlng. Mergers
andAcquI sitions
Corporace Sodal ResponSibility
(CSR) Practlees inI ndia
COSt Management Dynamics in
Data Management and AnalYSis
UsI ngAdvanced Excel
Decision Maldng Techniques lor
Developing an Entrepreneurial
Mindset atWorkplace
Developing Cornrnunlc atron
Developing Emotional I ntelligence
Developing Gender SensibVlty at
Developing HR Strategies (or High
Performing Organizations
Disciplinary Proceedings and
Domestic Enquiry
Documentation I nI ncernadonalTrode
Doing Bu$lness I nI ndia
EffectiveBrand Manogement
Effective Cornmuntcarton and
Presentation Skills
Effective Communication through
Theatre Tecbnlque
Eff&dve Customer and Client
ManagementTI !"r.hniqu5
Effective Management in family
Elfl!"CtivE Negotiation Skills
Effective NPA Monitoring and
Recovery Management
EffecdvePurchasing Slcllls
EffectiveSellingand Negotiation Skills
Effl!"cdveSupplyChain Management
Emerging Regulatory I ssues in
Employee Selection andAssessment
Enhancing Assertiveness & Positive
Enhandngleadershlp Dlmensicns
EnhancingManagerial Effectiveness
EnhancingSales TeamPerformance
Enterprise Risk Management (or
Creating Risk I ntelligent
Essential Ufe Skirts lor Business
Anance lor Non-Finance Executives
Finance (or Non-Finance (or Women
Financial Derivatives - Risk Hedging
Financial I nSights (or Company
Foreign Exchange Risk
Fundamentals of Product
I nnovation
HRM for Une Managers
I mproving I nterpersonal Sldlls at
I ntern ati 0naI Fin anc.i a.l
Managerial leadership and Team
ManagingCommercial COntr.lctS
Managing for Creativiey &
I nnovation
Micro lnsurance
Operational Excellence-A Route
toWorld oassOperations
Problem Solving and Decision
Project FI nance - Funding &
Regulatory I ssues I nE Commerce
Risk Management in Bonks and
Service Management :
Understanding Buying Behavior
andOperatio,.,s Strategy
Spreadsheet Modeling for
Spreadsheet Modeling for
Strntegy Planning/Deployment via
the Balanced Scoreeard
Superannuation Planning
Total QualotyManagement
TrainingolTrainers 37
Placements @ FORE IS perhaps one of the most important actlvity from the stUdents perspective. The lnstltute cngagC$the
Industry byinvitingthem to the campus for guest lectures, seminars, MOPs. liveprojects, menroring sessions etc. This provides
oppcrumltles to students to get fimhand Information from the professionals about their expectadons and requlrernents.Thls
also helps the students inshowcasing their talents and sharpening their pitches tothe Industry during the placement processes.
thereby increasing their recruitment possibilities.
Todrive placements. FORE has a very capable student placement committee called as FORE Career Division (FCD) and a full
time Placement Office. FORE Career Divisionhas representation fromboth the firstand second year students.
Placements havealways been strong at FORE So, 2014was no surprise. Inspite of the recessionary trends. the placemerus were
rebusc andgood. The Instltum achieved placements with an average earning pomntial of approximately Rs.8 Lakhs per annum,
with the peak domestic salary being 15Lakhs per annum. More than 100 plus companies visited the campus..The Student to
Company ratio was acommendable 2: I I.e.for every twoStudents therewas ac.ompanyvisitingthe campus.
The Industry Sectors which recruited the most were Consulting, IT (Iniormation Technology) and BFSI (Banking, Rnanclal
Services & Insurance). The other Industry Sectors which found a fair representation were Manufacturing. Automobiles.
Consumer Durables.Adverdsing & Media. Market Research. Public Sector. ECommerce. Education and (,MCG. Going by the
nature of jobs (agnostic of the Industry Sector), the lobs were spread across Consulting. IT. Sales & Marketing. finance.
Operations and HRAs always there were Inmmational Placements aswell.
SUMMERINTERNSHIP PROGRAM (SIp}-Summer Internship Program at FORE isa great mechanism for the students to learn
from the various companies. This also glves swdents an opportunity to apply their leJ rning's in the real lifecorporate wortd,
Summer Internship isapart of the course curriculum for the students.The Internship hasaduration of 8to 10weeband u~uaJ ly
extends from the Istweek of April to the Ist week ofJ une..After the completion of the Summer Internship the students are
required tosubmit the Internship report alongwith the company feedback.Thereafter. the swdents are evaluated on the quahcy
of Summer Internship Program undergone by them.50me of the students are able to translate the Summer Internship Program
into aPre Placement Offer (PPO) aswell.and 2014wacs no exception- 39
Top Recruiters At Fore
Absolute Data Genpact L&T Pure Media Imagination
Accenwre GlkMode LG Becuonics Royal Bank ofScodand
AkzoNobel GMRGroup Logitech Sapient
Asian PaintS Goggle Macmillan Publishers S81Ufe Insurance
Axis Bank Grad Research MapRncorp SRF
Axis Risk Consulting HCL Technologies MakeMyTrip StateTrading Corporanon
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Hero Mote Corp MarutiSuzuki Swedish Trade Council
Bank of America Hewlett Packard Maveric Systems TATA Motors
BCG Housing,com Mercer TATAPower
CB Richards Ellis HSBC Michael P age TATASteel
Capgeminl Consulting IClCIBank Millward Brown TCS
Citibank IFFCO Nielsen The Smart Cube
CRISIL IMRB International Newgen Software Tech. TNSGlobal
Dalkln Indo Slmon Electric NllTTechnologles Treks'n'Raprds
DELL Induslnd Bank Oberoi Hotels Trident
Deloine Infosys- OgUvy & Mather United BiscuitS
Dun & Bradstreet INGVysya Orient ElecuicaJ s Usha In[emaDonai
fmst&Young J indal Steel Orifl;ttne W'pro Infotech
Evalueserve J .K.Paper Pemod Ricard Whirlpool
EXL Services J ones Lang laSalle PimeyBowes YES Bank
Flserv Khlmjl Ramdas Power Grid Corp. Zomarc
Franklin Templeton Inv, KPMG Prudential Financial ZSAssociates
Standard Chartered Bank
Alok Kr. Sahoo Head- RiskSconng and Pricing(RIskIT)
ArmtTripathl Fund Manager RelianceMutual Fund
Tecnova IndiaPY t. Ltd.
AnirvanRoy GM-Forex Thomas Cook IndiaPvt Ltd
Ashlt Ranjan VP-HR
Adarsh Kumar SenlorVice President &Business Head -
CommercialVehicle &Passenger Car Business
TaQMolOrs Rnanee ltd.
PriceWuerhouse Coopers
AshishPuri Head- TalentAcquJ sltJ on Avivaufe Insurance
EscortS ltd.
CharuMainl V.P-HR
Devl Mohaney Senior Risk Manager Credit Suisse
Dipankar Ghoshal VicePresident Vadalone Essar
Gaurav Mehta Asslst:lntVice President
Sank ofAmerica
Girlsh Sanwait Director-Organized Retail,S2S Operations
'Start-up' on Social Innovation
Himanshu Puri V P. CorporateAudiL
HCL technologies
ManojJ ain Entrepreneur
uogroup Global MarketS
Namraa Bhattaeharyya Competency lead- WCf
J ones LangLasalle
Navdeep SinghChop,.. VicePresrdem.Head North &East
BaeongInternational Corporation
Neeraj romar SeniorVP
BarclaysInvestment Sank
NehaGupra Director-lndlal MiddleEast/Africa
NikhiiDubey ManagingDirector- Fmandallnstiwtions Coverage
Nitesh Priyadarshi CMI (Consumer & Market Insights) Director
Racold (AristonJ Thermo Ltd.
Prasanjeet 0 Saruah I Head- Marketing
Thomas Cook
Prashant Dhar Head (General Manager)- Marketing
Genpact- US Healthcare
Prashant Narayan Sr:VicePresident and Head InboundTravel
Amway IndiaEnterprises
Pushkin Shallen Business Leader- Global Payer Operations
Sank ofAmerica
Rajneesh Chopra Vice-President
ReemaMeba VicePresident -learning & leadership development
Rltesh Sabbar Head- StrategiCAccount- Sales
Ritesh Chopra Parmer
R oyal Sank ofScodand-Private Banking
Rohlt Moudgill ManagingPartner
RohltWadhwa VicePresident-Advisory Services
Scandard Chartered Sank
SachinGoel Chieflnformalion Officer
Canon IndiaPY t. Ltd.
SachlnJ ain Head-lnvestmentAdvlsory
Sambit Misra Markeong Head- LargeFormat Printing Division
Sameer Kapoor Regional Manager Sales
BaJ aj Capital Ltd.
SandeepArora VocePresident S ales- India&S AAR C Servfce Prov1der (Telco)
Sanjeev BaJ aj ManagingDirector
TulikaTrlpathl ManagingDirector-AsIa
(Staffing&Recruitlng) Hudson
Vandana Sharma
VicePresident Global BusinessTransformadon
Director.Online Markedng &Social Media
Asia Pacifk& J apan Region
American Express
PGOM & PGOM-IB (Full Time)
Sale ofAppr.cation Forms September - December 20 14
Shortltsting (or Group Discussion &Personaf tnterview J anuary 20 I 5
Group Discussion and PersoRallnterview Session February - March 20 I 5
Declaration of Result
Commencement of Programme
J une 2015
PGOM (PartTime)
Sale ofApplic:ation Forms: February - J une 2015
Written Test and Personalfntervlew Session May- J une 20lS

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