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10/20/2014 Michigan Technological University

ry Title
Explosives In
Modern Mines NIOSH
5!1 "#!! 2!!1 15
1) Which o the ollo!ing state"ents are not tr#e$
a% MS&' is the (ri"ary reg#lator o e)(losives in "ining%
*% +eerence to e)(losives in #n,ergro#n, "ines is o#n, in -0./+ 0art 12%
c% I e)(losives are stolen it "#st *e re(orte, to the 3#rea# o Mines%
,% 0o!,er "an#act#rers #s#ally (rovi,e i"(ortant inor"ation !ith each case o (o!,er%
e% +ecor,s are re4#ire, o e)(losives inventory an, all transers%
% E)(losives are "ore ,angero#s ater long storage%
g% 3eca#se e)(losives are "a,e saer than in the (ast5 stringent saety r#les in han,ling the"
are no longer re4#ire,%
h% 'N/O is a "i)t#re o a""oni#" nitrate an, TNT%
i% The #se o 'N/O is restricte, *eca#se it is !ater sol#*le%
6% 'N/O is #s#ally (ac7age, in !ater (roo containers%
7% 8yna"ite is not very sensitive5 ,oesn9t *lo! #( #ne)(ecte,ly an, its #"es ,on9t aect
l% 'N/O is #s#ally (ac7age, in !ater (roo containers%
"% 'N/O is oten *lo!n into holes5 an, can res#lt in a ,angero#s *#il,#( o static electricity%
n% 3lasting ca(s on saety #se an, electric *lasting ca(s are #se, "ore co""only to,ay%
o% Non:electric ;Non:el or shoc7 t#*e) *lasting ca(s are not #se, "#ch no!a,ays%
(% With Non:el or shoc7 t#*e ca(s5 a hollo! t#*e line !ith a s(ecial (o!,er that is set o *y a
ca( con,#cts the ire to the (ri"er5 !hich then sets o the e)(losive charge%
4% E)(losives "#st *e let in their original containers #ntil #se,%
r% Se(arate e)(losives can *e trans(orte, in the cage together5 *#t "#st *e in se(arate close,
s% Ore an, other "aterials can *e ha#le, in the sa"e cage as e)(losives%
t% 0eo(le can *e ha#le, in the sa"e cage as e)(losives%
#% ',6acent s7i(s or cages "#st *e sto((e, !hen trans(orting e)(losives in a shat%
v% 8etonators can *e trans(orte, together !ith e)(losives% <
!% Other "aterials cannot *e ha#le, in the sa"e vehicles as e)(losives%
)% =ehicles han,ling e)(losives "#st contain !arning signs%
y% 0ri"ers sho#l, *e ta"(e, into the hole *eore a,,ing e)(losives charges%
>% NONE? is sae to #se a cigarette lighter to initiate the *last%
aa% Stray c#rrent is al!ays a ,anger !ith electric *lasting ca(s%
**% 'ny initiation syste" can *e set o *y lightening%
cc% E)(losives carrie, *y han, sho#l, *e carrie, in close, containers
,,% E)(losives carrie, *y han, sho#l, *e carrie, in con,#cting containers%
ee% E)(losives carrie, *y han, sho#l, *e carrie, !ith ,etonators an, other e)(losives in the
sa"e container%
% ' loa,e, e)(losives vehicle can *e let #natten,e, i the cargo area is sec#re,%
gg% 'll #n,ergro#n, storage acilities sho#l, *e loc7e, #nless the "ine is sec#re%
hh% 'ter the *last5 the roo an, ri*s sho#l, *e chec7e, or sta*ility
10/20/2014 Michigan Technological University
ii% 'ter the *last5 the "#c7(ile sho#l, *e chec7e, or "isires
66% 'ter the *last5 the ace sho#l, *e ins(ecte, care#lly or *ootlegs an, other evi,ence o
"isires s#ch as ,angling !ires%
77% 3ar loose ro" the roo an, ri*s *eore "#c7ing%
ll% Never ,rill a *ootleg%
""% 'ter ,rilling5 ins(ect each *orehole%
nn% 8is(ose o a "isire *y !ashing it o#t or *lasting it%
oo% .o"*#sti*le "aterials sho#l, *e #se, or ste""ing%
((% The *last area "#st *e sec#re, *eore *lasting%
44% ' clear !arning signal "#st (rece,e the *last%
2) ' *ootleg is$ a) a ch#n7 o roc7 containing !ires5 *)evi,ence o !ires on the loor5 c) a (ortion o the ace
containing loose "aterial5 ,) a (ortion o a ,rill hole that re"ains in the ace ater the *last%
-) 'ter the *last the ace sho#l, *e chec7e, or a) sta*ility5 *) *ootlegs5 c) evi,ence o "isires s#ch as
,angling !ires%
4) The North Washington atality in the vi,eo !as the res#lt o a) ,rilling a *ootleg5 *)crash o tr#c7
containing *oth e)(losives an, ,etonators5 c)ta"(ing a (ri"er in a hole5 ,) co"(lacency o e)(erience,
1) Trans(ortation o e)(losives in a "ine shat re4#ires that yo# notiy the a) station ten,er an, hoist "an5 *)
@) When the e)(losives arrive #n,ergro#n, they "#st *e$ a) let in a non:conine, area5 *) i""e,iately
"ove, to the "aga>ine%
2) 3eore any re(air !or7 on the "aga>ine5 e)(losives "#st *e "ove, at least a)105 *)215 c)105 ,)100 eet
A) '#)iliary storage acilities sho#l, *e stoc7e, !ith no "ore than a$ a)one shit5 *)one ,ay5 c)one !ee75
,)one "onth5 s#((ly o e)(losives%
B) 'ter the initial ins(ection$ a) yo# "ay start "#c7ing5 *) yo# sho#l, thoro#ghly hose ,o!n the "#c7 (ile
an, ace5 c) yo# sho#l, (ry "isires o#t o *ootlegs5 ,) yo# sho#l, !ash o#t any *ootlegs or other "isires
o#t !ith !ater%
10) The saety #se "#st not *e less than a)-5 *)@5 c)B5 ,)125 e)20 eet%
11) No s(ar7s or o(en la"es sho#l, *e !ithin a)105 *)215 c)105 ,)100 eet o ,rill holes%
10/20/2014 Michigan Technological University
ry Title
Explosives In
Modern Mines NIOSH
5!1 "#!! 2!!1 15
1) Which o the ollo!ing state"ents are not tr#e$
a% MS&' is the (ri"ary reg#lator o e)(losives in "ining%
*% +eerence to e)(losives in #n,ergro#n, "ines is o#n, in -0./+ 0art 12%
c% I e)(losives are stolen it "#st *e re(orte, to the 3#rea# o Mines%
,% 0o!,er "an#act#rers #s#ally (rovi,e i"(ortant inor"ation !ith each case o (o!,er%
e% +ecor,s are re4#ire, o e)(losives inventory an, all transers%
% E)(losives are "ore ,angero#s ater long storage%
g% 3eca#se e)(losives are "a,e saer than in the (ast5 stringent saety r#les in han,ling the"
are no longer re4#ire,%
h% 'N/O is a "i)t#re o a""oni#" nitrate an, TNT%
i% The #se o 'N/O is restricte, *eca#se it is !ater sol#*le%
6% 'N/O is #s#ally (ac7age, in !ater (roo containers%
7% 8yna"ite is not very sensitive5 ,oesn9t *lo! #( #ne)(ecte,ly an, its #"es ,on9t aect
l% 'N/O is #s#ally (ac7age, in !ater (roo containers%
"% 'N/O is oten *lo!n into holes5 an, can res#lt in a ,angero#s *#il,#( o static electricity%
n% 3lasting ca(s on saety #se an, electric *lasting ca(s are #se, "ore co""only to,ay%
o% Non:electric ;Nonel or shoc7 t#*e) *lasting ca(s are not #se, "#ch no!a,ays%
(% With Nonel or shoc7 t#*e ca(s5 a hollo! t#*e line !ith a s(ecial (o!,er that is set o *y a
ca( con,#cts the ire to the (ri"er5 !hich then sets o the e)(losive charge%
4% E)(losives "#st *e let in their original containers #ntil #se,%
r% Se(arate e)(losives can *e trans(orte, in the cage together5 *#t "#st *e in se(arate close,
s% Ore an, other "aterials can *e ha#le, in the sa"e cage as e)(losives%
t% 0eo(le can *e ha#le, in the sa"e cage as e)(losives%
#% ',6acent s7i(s or cages "#st *e sto((e, !hen trans(orting e)(losives in a shat%
v% 8etonators can *e trans(orte, together !ith e)(losives% <
!% Other "aterials cannot *e ha#le, in the sa"e vehicles as e)(losives%
)% =ehicles han,ling e)(losives "#st contain !arning signs%
y% 0ri"ers sho#l, *e ta"(e, into the hole *eore a,,ing e)(losives charges%
>% NONE? is sae to #se a cigarette lighter to initiate the *last%
aa% Stray c#rrent is al!ays a ,anger !ith electric *lasting ca(s%
**% 'ny initiation syste" can *e set o *y lightening%
cc% E)(losives carrie, *y han, sho#l, *e carrie, in close, containers
,,% E)(losives carrie, *y han, sho#l, *e carrie, in con,#cting containers%
ee% E)(losives carrie, *y han, sho#l, *e carrie, !ith ,etonators an, other e)(losives in the
sa"e container%
% ' loa,e, e)(losives vehicle can *e let #natten,e, i the cargo area is sec#re,%
gg% 'll #n,ergro#n, storage acilities sho#l, *e loc7e, #nless the "ine is sec#re%
10/20/2014 Michigan Technological University
hh% 'ter the *last5 the roo an, ri*s sho#l, *e chec7e, or sta*ility
ii% 'ter the *last5 the "#c7(ile sho#l, *e chec7e, or "isires
66% 'ter the *last5 the ace sho#l, *e ins(ecte, care#lly or *ootlegs an, other evi,ence o
"isires s#ch as ,angling !ires%
77% 3ar loose ro" the roo an, ri*s *eore "#c7ing%
ll% Never ,rill a *ootleg%
""% 'ter ,rilling5 ins(ect each *orehole%
nn% 8is(ose o a "isire *y !ashing it o#t or *lasting it%
oo% .o"*#sti*le "aterials sho#l, *e #se, or ste""ing%
((% The *last area "#st *e sec#re, *eore *lasting%
44% ' clear !arning signal "#st (rece,e the *last%
2) ' *ootleg is$ a) a ch#n7 o roc7 containing !ires5 *)evi,ence o !ires on the loor5 c) a (ortion o the ace
containing loose "aterial5 ,) a (ortion o a ,rill hole that re"ains in the ace ater the *last%
-) 'ter the *last the ace sho#l, *e chec7e, or a) sta*ility5 *) *ootlegs5 c) evi,ence o "isires s#ch as
,angling !ires%
4) The North Washington atality in the vi,eo !as the res#lt o a) ,rilling a *ootleg5 *)crash o tr#c7
containing *oth e)(losives an, ,etonators5 c)ta"(ing a (ri"er in a hole5 ,) co"(lacency o e)(erience,
1) Trans(ortation o e)(losives in a "ine shat re4#ires that yo# notiy the a) station ten,er an, hoist "an5 *)
@) When the e)(losives arrive #n,ergro#n, they "#st *e$ a) let in a non:conine, area5 *) i""e,iately
"ove, to the "aga>ine%
2) 3eore any re(air !or7 on the "aga>ine5 e)(losives "#st *e "ove, at least a)105 *)215 c)105 ,)100 eet
A) '#)iliary storage acilities sho#l, *e stoc7e, !ith no "ore than a$ a)one shit5 *)one ,ay5 c)one !ee75
,)one "onth5 s#((ly o e)(losives%
B) 'ter the initial ins(ection$ a) yo# "ay start "#c7ing5 *) yo# sho#l, thoro#ghly hose ,o!n the "#c7 (ile
an, ace5 c) yo# sho#l, (ry "isires o#t o *ootlegs5 ,) yo# sho#l, !ash o#t any *ootlegs or other "isires
o#t !ith !ater%
10) The saety #se "#st not *e less than a)-5 *)@5 c)B5 ,)125 e)20 eet%
11) No s(ar7s or o(en la"es sho#l, *e !ithin a)105 *)215 c)105 ,)100 eet o ,rill holes%
< 'ns!er C No C #nless they are in se(arate non:s(ar7ing carriers%

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