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Computer Applications in Business Lecture Notes


Information plays a vital role for the survival of business firms. This information helps business
firms to grow and take decisions and actions.
ata is the raw material from which useful information is derived. The word !ata" is derived
from the Latin word Datum which means to gi!. It is defined as raw facts or observations#
typically about physical phenomenon or business transactions. $o it can be a character# symbol
or a word.
The data which has been converted into a useful and meaningful form is information. The word
!Information" is derived from a Latin word I"#oma$! which means I"%t$u&t.
According to Dai% a"' O(%o" information is defined as# !data that have been processed into a
form that is meaningful to the recipient % is of real or perceived value in current or prospective
action or decision."
F!atu$!% o# I"#o$matio"
I"#o$matio" a''% to a $!)$!%!"tatio":
Info is a collection of data which is useful and meaningful. The data represents or
describes a picture or model or statue or a thing which has meaning and useful.
It &o$$!&t% o$ &o"#i$m% )$!iou% i"#o$matio":
Info is considered as a processed data. It corrects or confirms about the previous info or
action taken place.
Computer Applications in Business Lecture Notes
It *a% a(u!:
&hen information is edited or processed to correct the previous info# it adds value to the
It $!'u&!% u"&!$tai"t+:
&hen there is a collection of data in the database# this helps to predict the future.
It *!()% i" '!&i%io" ma,i"g:
&hen there is a correct info in the database# this helps in making decisions at the
appropriate time.
It i% $!u%a-(!:
As info is a collection of data and will be stored in the databanks it can be used as and
when re'uired.
Di##!$!"&! -!t.!!" Data a"' I"#o$matio"
ata refers to a character or a symbol or a word but information is a collection of data
which gives meaning to it.
ata are facts but info is based on data % is not a fact.
All data cannot become info but information arises from data. There is a lot of selective
filtration of data before processing them into info.
ata are the result of routine recording of events and activities taking place. (eneration
of information is user driven which is not always automatic.
ata are independent of users whereas info is user dependent. Info reports will be
designed to meet the anticipated info needs of a user or group of users.
ata is representation of info whereas info is an interpreted data.
Input to any system may be treated as ata but )utput after processing in the system is
ata must be processed to understand whereas Information is already in understandable
form* it may be processed further to make it more understandable.
+,amples for data can be $tatistics# numbers# characters# images but e,amples for
information can be -eports# .nowledge.
Computer Applications in Business Lecture Notes
A database is a set of logically connected data files that have common access methods between
them. The word /data bank0 is sometimes used to mean a collection of databases. A database is
an organi1ed collection of data for one or more purposes# usually in digital form. The data are
typically organi1ed to model relevant aspects of reality 2for e,ample# the availability of rooms in
hotels3# in a way that supports processes re'uiring this information 2for e,ample# finding a hotel
with vacancies3.
Data-a%! %+%t!m
A database system is a term that is typically used to encapsulate the constructs of a data model#
database 4anagement system 2B4$3 and database. It gives centrali1ed control over the
database resources.
Com)o"!"t% o# Data-a%! S+%t!m
The common database components are5
Data-a%! #i(!%: The database files store the transaction .
DBMS: It is a set of programs that manages the databases. It performs a number of tasks
like controlling access to the database# making security checks etc.
/o%t (!!( (a"guag! i"t!$#a&! %+%t!m: This system interacts with application programs
and interprets their data re'uests that are issued in high6level language.
Natu$a( (a"guag! i"t!$#a&!: B4$ needs to process 'ueries and data re'uests issued to
it in natural languages called +nglish6like language. The natural language interface
performs interpreting the 'ueries and re'uests in natural language. It also facilitates
managerial interaction with the database for decision support applications.
A))(i&atio" )$og$am%: The application programs re'uest for data from the database.
The data independence permits the applications to use the data for a variety of purposes.
Data Di&tio"a$+: ata dictionary is an electronic document that contains data definition
and data use for every data type in the database. It describes the data and their
characteristics such as their location# si1e and type. It identifies data origin# use#
ownership and methods of accessing and security of data.
Computer Applications in Business Lecture Notes
R!)o$t g!"!$ato$: The system generates output for users in the form of 'uery response
or reports. It might also produce documents like invoice and process ad6hoc 'ueries and
special report re'uests.
A'a"tag!% o# Data-a%! %+%t!m:
The database system approach has the following advantages5
Data i"'!)!"'!"&!5 The data are logically designed into databases and they are
independent of applications. $ince the data are program6independent# any application can
use them without any modification to the code.
Data %*a$!a-i(it+5 atabase permits simultaneously multiple accesses to the database.
Thus# multiple users can share the same data at the same time.
Data i"t!g$it+5 Access to the database is controlled by the database management system.
The system authorises personnel for entering# editing and deleting the data. It also
authorises people to access data for various data processing activities. $ince the database
stores one data item only in one place and updates it with fresh transaction data
automatically# there is little chance of inconsistency in the database.
Data aai(a-i(it+5 The database is centrally and access to data is permitted through an
authorisation scheme. The data resources are therefore available to the users in the
organisation sub7ect to the security restrictions enforced.
Data Eo(!a-i(it+5 The database is fle,ible and can store huge 'uantity of data. It can
evolve as the number of applications and 'ueries increases to meet their data
re'uirements for information generation.
Data-a%! Ma"ag!m!"t S+%t!m
A database management system 2B4$3 is a software package with computer programs that
control the creation# maintenance# and use of a database. It allows organi1ations to conveniently
develop databases for various applications by database administrators 2BAs3 and other
specialists. A B4$ allows different user application programs to concurrently access the same
database. B4$s may use a variety of database models# such as the relational model or ob7ect
model# to conveniently describe and support applications. A B4$ provides facilities for
controlling data access# enforcing data integrity# managing concurrency control# and recovering
Computer Applications in Business Lecture Notes
the database after failures and restoring it from backup files# as well as maintaining database
T+)!% o# DBMS 0Not!: I"&(u'! t*! 'iag$am gi!" i" &(a%%1
There are three main types of atabase 4anagement $ystem 2B4$3 and these are based upon
their management of database structures. In other words# the types of B4$ are entirely
dependent upon how the database is structured by that particular B4$.
/i!$a$&*i&a( DBMS
A B4$ is said to be hierarchical if the relationships among data in the database are established
in such a way that one data item is present as the subordinate of another one. 8ere subordinate
means that items have 9parent6child9 relationships among them. irect relationships e,ist between
any two records that are stored consecutively. The data structure :tree: is followed by the B4$
to structure the database. No backward movement is possible ; allowed in the hierarchical
database. 8ierarchical databases were difficult to handle because rolling of operations was highly
N!t.o$, DBMS
A B4$ is said to be a Network B4$ if the relationships among data in the database are of
type many6to6many. The relationships among many6to6many appear in the form of a network.
Thus the structure of a network database is e,tremely complicated because of these many6to6
many relationships in which one record can be used as a key of the entire database. A network
database is structured in the form of a graph that is also a data structure. Though the structure of
such a B4$ is highly complicated however it has two basic elements i.e. records and sets to
designate many6to6many relationships. 4ainly high6level languages such as <ascal# C)B)L and
=)-T-AN etc. were used to implement the records and set structures.
R!(atio"a( DBMS
A B4$ is said to be a -elational B4$ or -B4$ if the database relationships are treated in
the form of a table. A statistical table that is composed of rows and columns is used to organi1e
the database and its structure and is actually a two dimension array in the computer memory. A
Computer Applications in Business Lecture Notes
number of -B4$s are available* some popular e,amples are )racle# $ybase# Ingress# Informi,#
4icrosoft $>L $erver# and 4icrosoft Access.
DBMS 2a"guag!%
A B4$ must provide appropriate languages and interfaces for each category of users to
e,press database 'ueries and updates. atabase Languages are used to create and maintain
database on computer. There are large numbers of database languages like )racle# 4y$>L# 4$
Access# dBase# =o,<ro etc. $>L statements commonly used in )racle and 4$ Access can be
categori1ed as data definition language 2L3# data control language 2CL3 and data
manipulation language 24L3.
Data D!#i"itio" 2a"guag! 0DD21
It is a language that allows the users to define data and their relationship to other types of data. It
is mainly used to create files# databases# data dictionary and tables within databases.
It is also used to specify the structure of each table# set of associated values with each attribute#
integrity constraints# security and authori1ation information for each table and physical storage
structure of each table on disk.
Data Ma"i)u(atio" 2a"guag! 0DM21
It is a language that provides a set of operations to support the basic data manipulation operations
on the data held in the databases. It allows users to insert# update# delete and retrieve data from
the database. The part of 4L that involves data retrieval is called a 'uery language.
Data Co"t$o( 2a"guag! 0DC21
CL statements control access to data and the database using statements such as (-ANT and
-+?).+. A privilege can either be granted to a @ser with the help of (-ANT statement. The
privileges assigned can be $+L+CT# ALT+-# +L+T+# +A+C@T+# IN$+-T# IN+A etc. In
addition to granting of privileges# you can also revoke 2taken back3 it by using -+?).+
T$a"%a&tio" Ma"ag!m!"t:
Computer Applications in Business Lecture Notes
A transaction is a collection of operations that performs a single logical function in a database
Transaction6management component ensures that the database remains in a consistent
2correct3 state despite system failures 2e.g.# power failures and operating
system crashes3 and transaction failures.
Concurrency6control manager controls the interaction among the concurrent transactions# to
ensure the consistency of the database.
A database transaction is a unit of interaction with a database management system or similar
system that is treated in a coherent and reliable way independent of other
transactions that must be either entirely completed or aborted.
In database products the ability to handle transactions allows A single transaction might re'uire
several 'ueries# each reading and;or writing information in the database. &hen this happens it is
usually important to be sure that the database is not left with only some of the 'ueries carried
=or e,ample# when doing a money transfer# if the money was debited from one account# it is
important that it also be credited to the depositing account. Also# transactions should not interfere
with each other.
Storage Management:
$torage management is a program module that provides the interface between the low6level
data stored in the database and the application programs and 'ueries submitted to the system.
The storage manager is responsible to the following tasks5
interaction with the file manager
efficient storing# retrieving and updating of data
Data-a%! U%!$%:
o Data-a%! a'mi"i%t$ato$%: responsible for authori1ing access to the database# for co6ordinating
and monitoring its use# ac'uiring software# and hardware resources# controlling its use and
monitoring efficiency of operations. A database administrator 2BA3 is a person who is
responsible for the environmental aspects of a database. The role of a database administrator has
Computer Applications in Business Lecture Notes
changed according to the technology of database management systems 2B4$s3 as well as the
needs of the owners of the databases.
In general# these include5
-ecoverability 6 Creating and testing Backups
Integrity 6 ?erifying or helping to verify data integrity
$ecurity 6 efining and;or implementing access controls to the data
Availability 6 +nsuring ma,imum uptime
<erformance 6 +nsuring ma,imum performance given budgetary constraints
evelopment and testing support 6 8elping programmers and engineers to efficiently utili1e
the database.
o Data-a%! D!%ig"!$%: -esponsible to define the content# the structure# the constraints# and
functions or transactions against the database. They must communicate with the end6users and
understand their needs.
E"' u%!$% : +nd users are the people whose 7obs re'uire access to the database for 'uerying#
updating# and generating reports* the database primarily e,ists for their use. There are several
categories of end users5
o Ca%ua( E"' U%!$5 access database occasionally when needed. But they may need
different information each time.
o Na3! o$ Pa$am!t$i& E"' u%!$ 5 they make up a large section of the end6user population.
They use previously well6defined functions in the form of .canned transactions. against
the database. +,amples are bank6tellers or reservation clerks who do this activity for an
entire shift of operations.
o So)*i%ti&at!' E"' U%!$ 5 These include business analysts# scientists# engineers# others
thoroughly familiar with the system capabilities. 4any use tools in the form of software
packages that work closely with the stored database.
o Sta"'4a(o"! E"' U%!$ 5 4ostly maintain personal databases using ready6to6use
packaged applications. An e,ample is a ta, program user that creates his or her own
internal database.
Computer Applications in Business Lecture Notes

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