Indus Valley Civilization

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Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization (2500?-1700 BC), earliest known ivilization o! "out# $sia,
orres%ondin& to t#e Bronze $&e ultures o! anient '&y%t, (eso%ota)ia, and Crete
(*r+ti), -#e re)ains o! settle)ents .elon&in& to t#is ulture #ave .een !ound t#rou&#out
t#e Indus /iver valley in 0akistan, westward alon& t#e oast to t#e Iranian .order, in
India1s nort#western states as 2ar 'ast as 3ew 4el#i, and on t#e 56us /iver in nort#ern
$!&#anistan, -#e Indus Valley ivilization eno)%asses one o! t#e lar&est &eo&ra%#ial
areas overed .y a sin&le Bronze $&e ulture,
'6avated settle)ents reveal .loks o! )ud-.rik .uildin&s se%arated .y streets, and
lar&e .uildin&s do)inate t#e ities, su# as (o#en7o-4aro and 8ara%%9, -#ese
.uildin&s were at one ti)e identi!ied as olle&es, te)%les, &ranaries, and %alaes, .ut
later resear# #as not on!ir)ed su# inter%retations, -#e ities are usually divided into
two distintive &rou%s o! .uildin&s, one o! w#i# )ay .e enlosed .y a wall,
-#e work o! Indus Valley artisans s#ows a #i&# de&ree o! ra!t s%eialization,
C#arateristi arti!ats inlude a distintive .lak-on-red %ottery, era)i toys and
!i&urines, et#ed arnelian .eads, )etal (.ronze, silver, and &old) orna)ents and tools,
and sta)% seals wit# an undei%#era.le sri%t, :n!ortunately, t#e nature o! t#e soial
or&anization in t#is o)%le6 ulture still evades o)%lete inter%retation,
"o)eti)e a!ter 2000 BC, o)%le6 eolo&ial #an&es ourred in t#e Indus Valley area,
!orin& a.andon)ent o! )any settle)ents and alterin& t#e .asi #arateristis o! t#e
ivilization, ;ate Indus Valley ulture is known )ainly !ro) e6avated s)all !ar)in&
villa&es, $rti!ats assoiated wit# t#ese sites are stylistially si)ilar to earlier ty%es .ut
s#ow )ore re&ional variation,
-#e Indus Valley ivilization was !irst de!ined .y t#e Britis# ar#aeolo&ist "ir <o#n
(ars#all1s di&&in&s at (o#en7o-4aro and (, ", Vat1s e6avations at 8ara%%9 (.ot# in
w#at is now 0akistan) in t#e 1=20s, and it is so)eti)es alled 8ara%%9n ivilization a!ter
t#e latter site, In 1=>? t#e Britis# ar#aeolo&ist "ir (orti)er @#eeler, e6avatin& at
8ara%%9, loated stylistially di!!erent %ottery in t#e earliest ou%ied areas,
"u.seAuent disoveries at near.y *ot 4i7i esta.lis#ed t#at t#is early %ottery at 8ara%%9
.elon&ed to t#e early Bronze $&e *ot 4i7i ulture, "ine 1=?0 Indian, 0akistani, and
@estern s#olars #ave de!ined several additional early Bronze $&e ultures at Bot# C)ri,
"ot#i, Bu)la, and ot#er sites in 0akistan, ea# o! w#i# #as so)e traits in o))on and
ontri.uted to t#e !or)ation o! t#e Indus Valley ivilization,
a!lia"enta!y Histo!y O# a$istan
-#e (usli)s o! India #ad, sine t#e )iddle o! nineteen entury, .e&un t#e stru&&le !or a
se%arate #o)eland on t#e .asis o! t#e two 3ation t#eory, -#e Britis# rulers realized t#at
t#e 8indus and (usli)s o! India re)ained two se%arate and distint nations and soio-
ultural entities, -#e Britis# rulers were le!t wit# no o%tion .ut to eventually ae%t t#e
de)and o! t#e (usli)s o! India,
5n Drd <une1=>7, ;ord (ount.atten, t#e last Vieroy o! India, alled t#e on!erene o!
all t#e leaders o! t#e "u.-ontinent and o))uniated to t#e) #is Bovern)ent1s 0lan !or
t#e trans!er o! %ower, $t t#at ti)e, a noti!iation was issued in t#e Bazette o! India,
%u.lis#ed on 2?t# <uly 1=>7 in w#i# t#e !irst Constituent $sse).ly o! 0akistan was
&iven s#a%e wit# ?= (e).ers (later on t#e )e).ers#i% was inreased to 7=), inludin&
one !e)ale (e).er,
-#e "tate o! 0akistan was reated under t#e Inde%endene $t o! 1=>7, -#e $t )ade t#e
e6istin& Constituent $sse).lies, t#e do)inion le&islatures, -#ese $sse).lies were
allowed to e6erise all t#e %owers, w#i# were !or)erly e6erised .y t#e Central
;e&islature, in addition to t#e %owers re&ardin& t#e !ra)in& o! a new Constitution, %rior
to w#i# all territories were to .e &overned in aordane wit# t#e Bovern)ent o! India
$t, 1=D5,
-#e !irst session o! t#e !irst Constituent $sse).ly o! 0akistan was #eld on 10t# $u&ust
1=>7 at "ind# $sse).ly Buildin& *ara#i, 5n 11t# $u&ust 1=>7 Euaid-i-$za)
(u#a))ad $li <inna# was eleted unani)ously as t#e 0resident o! t#e Constituent
$sse).ly o! 0akistan and t#e $sse).ly !or)ally a%%roved t#e 3ational 2la&,
5n 12t# $u&ust 1=>7, a resolution was a%%roved re&ardin& o!!iially addressin& (r,
(u#a))ad $li <inna# as FEuaid-i-$za) (u#a))ad $li <inna#F, 5n t#e sa)e day, a
s%eial o))ittee alled t#e FCo))ittee on 2unda)ental /i&#ts o! Citizens and
(inorities o! 0akistanF was a%%ointed to look into and advise t#e $sse).ly on )atters
relatin& to !unda)ental ri&#ts o! t#e itizens, %artiularly t#e )inorities, wit# t#e ai) to
le&islate on t#ese issues a%%ro%riately, 5n 1>t# $u&ust 1=>7, t#e -rans!er o! 0ower took
%lae, ;ord (ount.atten, Bovernor Beneral o! India, addressed t#e Constituent
$sse).ly o! 0akistan, -#e Euaid &ave a re%ly to t#e address in t#e 8ouse, on w#i# t#e
%rini%les o! t#e "tate o! 0akistan were laid, 5n 15t# $u&ust 1=>7, Euaid-i-$za) was
sworn in as t#e !irst Bovernor Beneral o! 0akistan, (ian "ir $.dur /as#id, C#ie! <ustie
o! 0akistan, ad)inistered oat# o! o!!ie !ro) #i), -#e Euaid re)ained in t#is %osition
till #is deat# i,e,11t# "e%te).er 1=>G,
-#e !ore)ost task .e!ore t#e !irst Constituent $sse).ly is o! !ra)in& t#e Constitution !or
t#e nation, 5n 7t# (ar# 1=>=, t#e 5.7etives /esolution, w#i# now serves as t#e &rund
nor) o! 0akistan, was introdued .y t#e !irst 0ri)e (inister o! 0akistan 3awa.zada
;iaAuat $li *#an, and later ado%ted .y t#e Constituent $sse).ly on 12t# (ar# 1=>=,
5n t#e sa)e day, a Basi 0rini%les Co))ittee o)%risin& o! 2> (e).ers was !or)ed
to %re%are a dra!t Constitution on t#e .asis o! t#e 5.7etives /esolution, 5n 1?t#
1=51, 0ri)e (inister 3awa.zada ;iaAuat $li *#an, )over o! t#e 5.7etive /esolution,
was assassinated and *#awa7a 3azi)uddin took over as t#e 0ri)e (inister on 17t# 1=51,
-#e !inal dra!t o! t#e Constitution was %re%ared in 1=5>, By t#at ti)e, (u#a))ad $li
Bo&ra #ad taken over as t#e 0ri)e (inister, 8owever, 7ust .e!ore t#e dra!t ould .e
%laed in t#e 8ouse !or a%%roval, t#e $sse).ly was dissolved .y t#e t#en Bovernor
Beneral B#ula) (u#a))ad on 2>t# 5to.er1=5>, -#e 0ri)e (inister was, #owever,
not dis)issed and was asked to run t#e ad)inistration, wit# a reonstituted Ca.inet, until
su# ti)e as t#e eletions were #eld,
(aulvi -a)izuddin, 0resident o! t#e $sse).ly, #allen&ed t#e dissolution in t#e "ind#
C#ie! Court, and won t#e ase, -#e Bovern)ent in return, went to t#e 2ederal Court,
w#ere t#e !a)ous 7ud&)ent was &iven .y t#e t#en C#ie! <ustie (u#a))ad (unir,
aordin& to w#i# (aulvi -a)izuddin lost t#e ase,
-#e seond Constituent $sse).ly o! 0akistan was reated on 2Gt# (ay 1=55 under
Bovernor Beneral1s 5rder 3o,12 o! 1=55, -#e 'letoral Colle&e !or t#is $sse).ly was
t#e 0rovinial $sse).lies o! res%etive 0rovines, -#e stren&t# o! t#is $sse).ly was G0
(e).ers, #al! ea# !ro) 'ast 0akistan and @est 0akistan, 5ne o! t#e )a7or deisions
taken .y t#is $sse).ly was t#e esta.lis#)ent o! @est 0akistan (5ne :nit), wit# t#e ai)
to reate %arity .etween t#e two win&s ('ast and @est 0akistan), -#is $sse).ly also
a#ieved its tar&et .y &ivin& t#e !irst Constitution to t#e nation i,e, t#e Constitution o!
0akistan 1=5?, C#oud#ary (u#a))ad $li was t#e 0ri)e (inister at t#at ti)e, -#e dra!t
o! t#is Constitution was introdued in t#e $sse).ly on =t# <anuary 1=5? and was %assed
.y t#e $sse).ly on 2=t# 2e.ruary 1=5?, -#e assent was &iven on it .y t#e Bovernor
Beneral on 2nd (ar# 1=5?, -#is Constitution was en!ored wit# e!!et !ro) 2Drd (ar#
1=5?, :nder t#is Constitution, 0akistan .ea)e an Isla)i /, #ene 2Drd (ar#
.ea)e our / day, It was t#e sa)e day in 1=>0 t#at t#e #istori 0akistan
/esolution was ado%ted at (into 0ark, ;a#ore,
5n 5t# (ar# 1=5?, (a7or Beneral "ikandar (irza .ea)e t#e !irst eleted 0resident o!
0akistan, -#e 1=5? onstitution %rovides !or 0arlia)entary !or) o! &overn)ent wit# all
t#e e6eutive %owers in t#e #ands o! 0ri)e (inister, 0resident was 8ead o! t#e "tate and
was to .e eleted .y all (e).ers o! t#e 3ational and 0rovinial $sse).lies, 8e was to
#old o!!ie !or 5 years, -#e 0resident was to at on t#e advie o! 0ri)e (inister, e6e%t
w#ere #e was e)%owered to at in #is disretion,
:nder 1=5? Constitution, 0arlia)ent was unia)eral, ;e&islative %owers vested in t#e
0arlia)ent, w#i# onsisted o! t#e 0resident and t#e 3ational $sse).ly o)%risin& D00
(e).ers divided eAually .etween 'ast and @est 0akistan, In addition to t#ese D00 seats,
!ive seats were reserved !or wo)en !or ea# o! t#e two win&s, !or a %eriod o! ten yearsH
t#us .rin&in& t#e total )e).ers#i% o! t#e 8ouse to D10,
8owever, in t#e a.sene o! any law to ontrol t#e 0olitial 0arties and t#e %ro.le) o!
!loor rossin&, %olitial insta.ility %er%etually ensued, $lt#ou&# t#e !irst &eneral eletion
were s#eduled !or early 1=5=, 0resident "ikandar (irza t#e Constitution,
dissolved t#e 3ational and 0rovinial $sse).lies, and delared (artial ;aw, on 7t# 1=5G, 8e a%%ointed Beneral (u#a))ad $yu. *#an, Co))ander-in-C#ie! o!
t#e $r)y, as t#e C#ie! (artial ;aw $d)inistrator,
5n 27t# 1=5G Beneral (u#a))ad $yu. *#an took-over as a seond 0resident
o! 0akistan, 5ne o! t#e !irst )a7or ste%s taken .y Beneral $yu. *#an was t#e
a%%oint)ent o! a Constitution Co))ission on 17t# 2e.ruary 1=?0, -#e o.7etive o! t#is
o))ission was to su.)it %ro%osals, as to #ow .est de)oray an .e stren&t#ened and
)olded aordin& to t#e ountryIs soio-%olitial environ)ent and Isla)i %rini%les o!
7ustie, -#e Co))ission su.)itted its re%ort to t#e &overn)ent on 2=t# $%ril 1=?1, 5n
t#e .asis o! t#is re%ort a new Constitution was !ra)ed and &iven to t#e nation on 1st
(ar# 1=?2,
Beneral eletions under t#e new Constitution were #eld on 2Gt# (ar# 1=?2 and
eletions to t#e s%eial seats reserved !or wo)en were #eld on 2=t# (ay 1=?2, -#e !irst
session o! t#e t#ird 3ational $sse).ly was #eld on Gt# <une 1=?2 at $yu. 8all,
-#e Constitution o! 1=?2 envisa&ed a 2ederal "tate wit# 0residential !or) o!
&overn)ent, wit# 3ational $sse).ly at t#e entre and t#e 0rovinial $sse).lies in t#e
0rovines, -#e ;e&islatures, .ot# at entre and in %rovines were unia)eral, -#e
2ederal syste) #ad .een urtailed .y allowin& t#e 0rovinial Bovernors to .e a%%ointed
diretly .y t#e 0resident, $ll e6eutive aut#ority o! t#e / o! 0akistan, under t#e
Constitution, vested in t#e o!!ie o! t#e 0resident, 0resident a%%ointed #is Ca.inet
)e).ers w#o were diretly res%onsi.le to #i),
-#e eletoral syste) was )ade indiret, and t#e JBasi 4e)orats1, !or .ot# win&s were
delared 'letoral Colle&e !or t#e %ur%ose o! eletin& t#e $sse).lies and t#e 0resident,
Basi de)orats were G0,000 in nu).er (>0,000 !ro) ea# 'ast K @est 0akistan), -#e
total )e).ers#i% o! t#e 3ational $sse).ly was 15?, one #al! o! w#o) were to .e
eleted !ro) 'ast 0akistan and ot#er #al! !ro) @est 0akistan, also t#ree seats were
reserved !or wo)en !ro) ea# %rovine, -#e ter) o! t#is $sse).ly was t#ree years, -#e
nor) was esta.lis#ed t#at i! t#e 0resident was !ro) @est 0akistan, t#e "%eaker was to .e
!ro) 'ast 0akistan and vie versa, 5ne o! t#e )a7or a#ieve)ents o! t#is $sse).ly was
t#e %assa&e o! 0olitial 0arities $t, 1=?2,
5n 25t# (ar# 1=?= t#e seond (artial law was i)%osed and Beneral $&#a (u#a))ad
La#ya *#an took-over as t#e 0resident o! 0akistan and C#ie! (artial ;aw $d)inistrator
(C(;$), 8e later issued a ;e&al 2ra)ework 5rder (;25), under w#i# t#e !irst ever
&eneral eletions were #eld on 7t# 4ee).er 1=70, -#is was t#e !irst $sse).ly eleted
on t#e adult !ran#ise and %o%ulation .asis, It onsist o! D1D )e).ers, 1?= !ro) 'ast
0akistan and 1>> !ro) @est 0akistan inludin& 1D reserved seats !or wo)en (? were
!ro) @est 0akistan and 7 !ro) 'ast 0akistan), "oon a!ter t#e eletions, due to &rave
%olitial di!!erenes, t#e 0rovine o! 'ast 0akistan seeded !ro) @est 0akistan and
.ea)e Ban&lades#, 5n 20t# 4ee).er 1=71 (r, Mul!iAar $li B#utto took over as t#e
0resident o! 0akistan as well as t#e !irst ivil C#ie! (artial ;aw $d)inistrator,
-#e !irst session o! t#e 3ational $sse).ly, due to t#e delay aused .y t#e se%aration o!
'ast 0akistan, was #eld on 1>t#$%ril 1=72 at t#e "tate Bank Buildin&, Isla), in
w#i# all 1>> (e).ers !ro) @est 0akistan and two !ro) !or)er 'ast 0akistan ((r,
3oor-ul-$)in and /a7a -ridev /oy w#o #ad #osen to 7oin 0akistan) %artii%ated, 5n
17t# $%ril 1=72 an Interi) Constitution was ado%ted .y t#e 3ational $sse).ly, w#i#
%rovided !or a 0residential !or) o! Bovern)ent, :nder t#is Constitution, t#e 3ational
$sse).ly was not to .e dissolved earlier t#an 1>t# $u&ust 1=7D, -#e Interi)
Constitution dealt in detail wit# t#e distri.ution o! %owers .etween t#e Centre and t#e
-#e $sse).ly also !or)ed a Constitution Co))ittee on 17t# $%ril 1=72 to %re%are t#e
!irst dra!t !or !ra)in& a Constitution, -#e re%ort o! t#e Co))ittee was %resented wit# a
dra!t Constitution on D1st 4ee).er 1=72, It was unani)ously %assed .y t#e $sse).ly
in its session on 10t# $%ril 1=7D and was aut#entiated .y t#e 0resident on 12t# $%ril
1=7D, -#is Constitution, alled t#e Constitution o! t#e Isla)i / o! 0akistan 1=7D,
was %ro)ul&ated on 1>t# $u&ust 1=7D, 5n t#e sa)e day, (r, Mul!iAar $li B#utto took
oat# as t#e 0ri)e (inister, w#ile (r, 2azal Illa#i C#oud#ary took oat# as t#e 0resident o!
-#e 1=7D Constitution %rovides !or a %arlia)entary !or) o! &overn)ent w#ere t#e
e6eutive aut#ority o! t#e state vests wit# t#e 0ri)e (inister, -#e 0resident, aordin& to
t#e Constitution, is at t#e a%e6, re%resentin& t#e unity o! t#e /,
2ro) 1=>7 to 1=7D, t#e ountry #ad a unia)eral syste) o! le&islature, :nder t#e 1=7D
Constitution, 0akistan ado%ted .ia)eral syste) at t#e entre, alled N-#e 0arlia)entO,
o)%osin& t#e 0resident, t#e 3ational $sse).ly and -#e "enate, 5ri&inally, t#e &eneral
seats o! t#e 3ational $sse).ly were 200 wit# additional 10 seats reserved !or wo)en,
.rin&in& t#e total stren&t# to 210, -#e newly reated :%%er 8ouse i,e, t#e "enate #ad ?D
)e).ers, ;ater in 1=G5 t#rou&# a 0residential 5rder (0,5, 3o, 1> o! 1=G5), seven seats
were added to t#e &eneral seats and ten to t#e reserved seats !or wo)en in t#e 3ational
$sse).ly, -en seats were e6lusively reserved !or )inorities to .e !illed t#rou&# se%arate
eletorate syste), -#us t#e total stren&t# o! t#e lower #ouse rea#ed to 2D7 )e).ers,
"i)ilarly t#e stren&t# o! "enate was also inreased !ro) ?D to G7,
:nder t#e 1=7D Constitution t#e 3ational $sse).ly is eleted !or !ive years ter), unless
sooner dissolved, -#e seats in 3ational $sse).ly, unlike t#e "enate, are alloated to ea#
%rovine and ot#er units o! t#e !ederation, on t#e .asis o! %o%ulation, -#e Constitutional
%rovision o! 20 s%eial seats !or wo)en la%sed in 1==0, t#us dereased t#e $sse).ly
stren&t# !ro) 2D7 to 217, :nder t#e Constitution, eletions to t#e 10 seats reserved !or
)inority were #eld on se%arate eletorate .asis,
4es%ite t#e tenure o! t#e $sse).ly .ein& !ive years, as %resri.ed in t#e Constitution,
(r, M,$,B#utto, on 7t# <anuary 1=77 announed t#e #oldin& o! eletions .e!ore ti)e,
ConseAuently, on 10t# <anuary 1=77, #e advised t#e 0resident to dissolve t#e 3ational
$sse).ly, 'letions were #eld on 7t# (ar# 1=77, -#e o%%osition #ar&ed t#e
&overn)ent wit# ri&&in& t#e eletions to t#e 3ational $sse).ly and t#erea!ter .oyotted
t#e 0rovinial $sse).lies eletions, "ine t#e o%%osition #ad not ae%ted t#e 3ational
$sse).ly eletions result, t#ey did not take oat#, -#is resulted in severe %olitial risis
and (artial ;aw was i)%osed .y t#e t#en $r)y C#ie!, Beneral (u#a))ad Mia-ul-8aA,
on 5t# <uly 1=77,
5n 2>t# 4ee).er 1=G1, under 0residential 5rder (0,5,15 o! 1=G1) a 2ederal Counil
((a7lis-e-"#oora) was onstituted .y t#e 0resident, -#e 0resident no)inated its
)e).ers, -#e !irst session o! t#is Counil was #eld on 11t# <anuary 1=G2, In t#is way,
li)ited and ontrolled %olitial ativities were resu)ed, as a result o! w#i# &eneral
eletions were later #eld !or t#e 3ational and 0rovinial $sse).lies on 25t# 2e.ruary
1=G5, on non-%arty .asis,
5n 2nd (ar# 1=G5, t#e revival o! Constitution 5rder (0,5,1> o! 1=G5) was issued in
w#i# a lar&e nu).er o! a)end)ents were )ade in t#e Constitution, -#e !irst session o!
t#e 3ational $sse).ly was #eld 20t# (ar# 1=G5, (r, (u#a))ad *#an <une7o, was
no)inated as t#e 0ri)e (inister o! 0akistan .y t#e 0resident (Beneral Mia-ul-8aA), 8e
reeived vote o! on!idene on 2>t# (ar# 1=G5,
In 3ove).er 1=G5, t#e Gt# Constitutional $)end)ent was ado%ted .y t#e 0arlia)ent,
Besides #an&es in ot#er $rtiles in t#e Constitution t#e si&ni!iant $rtile 5G(2)(.) was
added, aordin& to w#i# t#e 0resident aAuired disretionary %owers to dissolve t#e
3ational $sse).ly, 5n 2=t# (ay 1=GG t#e 0resident dissolved t#e $sse).ly .y usin& t#e
%ower aAuired under $rtile 5G(2)(.),
-#e Beneral eletions !or t#e ei&#t# 3ational $sse).ly was #eld on 1?t# 3ove).er
1=GG, -#e 0resident onvened t#e !irst session on D0t# 3ove).er 1=GG, (r, (ira7 *#alid
was eleted as a "%eaker 3ational $sse).ly on Drd 4ee).er 1=GG, (o#tar)a Benazir
B#utto was no)inated as 0ri)e (inister o! 0akistan and took t#e oat# o! t#e 5!!ie on
2nd 4ee).er 1=GG, -#e 0resident, B#ula) Is#aA *#an under $rtile 5G(2) (.) on ?t#
$u&ust 1==0, dissolved t#e $sse).ly,
-#e Beneral eletions !or t#e nint# 3ational $sse).ly was #eld on 2>t# 1==0,
-#e !irst session was #eld on Drd 3ove).er 1==0, (r, Bo#ar $yu. *#an eleted as
"%eaker 3ational $sse).ly and #e took oat# on >t# 3ove).er 1==0, (ian (u#a))ad
3awaz "#ari! took oat# as 0ri)e (inister o! 0akistan on 11t# 3ove).er 1==D, -#e
$sse).ly was dissolved .y t#e t#en 0resident, B#ula) Is#aA *#an, under $rtile 5G(2)
(.) on 1Gt# $%ril 1==D, -#e dissolution o! t#e 3ational $sse).ly was #allen&ed in t#e
"u%re)e Court o! 0akistan and a!ter #earin& t#e ase t#e $sse).ly was restored .y t#e
a%e6 ourt on 2?t# (ay 1==D, -#e $sse).ly was dissolved on t#e advie o! t#e 0ri)e
(inister on 1Gt# <uly 1==D,
-#e eletions !or tent# 3ational $sse).ly was #eld on ?t# 1==D, -#e !irst
session was #eld on 15t# 1==D, "yed Lousa! /aza Billani took oat# o! t#e o!!ie
o! t#e "%eaker 3ational $sse).ly on 17t# 1==D, (o#tar)a Benizar B#utto
ad)inistered t#e oat# as 0ri)e (inister o! 0akistan on 1=t# 1==D, -#e
0resident 2arooA $#)ad *#an ;a&#ari dissolved t#e $sse).ly on 5t# 3ove).er 1==?,
-#e eletions !or elevent# 3ational $sse).ly was #eld on Drd 2e.ruary 1==7, -#e !irst
session was #eld on 15t# 2e.ruary 1==7, (r, Illa#i Buk#s# "oo)ro took oat# o! t#e
o!!ie o! t#e "%eaker 3ational $sse).ly on 1?t# 2e.ruary 1==7, (ian (u#a))ad
3awaz "#ari! took oat# as 0ri)e (inister o! 0akistan and ;eader o! t#e 8ouse on 17t#
2e.ruary 1==7, -#e new $sse).ly a)e into %ower wit# an overw#el)in& )a7ority, -#e
$rtile 5G(2)(.) was later on o)itted !ro) t#e Constitution vide 1Dt# $)end)ent in t#e
Constitution in $%ril 1==7,
It )ay .e %ertinent to note at t#is %oint t#at w#ile,, si6teen a)end)ents #ave
.een )ade in t#e Constitution so !ar, t#e nint# and t#e elevent# Constitutional
$)end)ents were, #owever, %assed .y t#e "enate alone and !i!teent# .y t#e 3ational
$sse).ly alone, #ene t#ese a)end)ents la%sed, -#e !ourteent# $)end)ent in t#e
Constitution e)%owered a #ek on !loor rossin& o! le&islators,
C#ie! o! $r)y "ta!! Beneral 0ervaz (us#arra!, w#o was also C#air)an <oint "ta!!
Co))ittee, took over t#e &overn)ent !ro) 0ri)e (inister 3awaz "#ari! and delared
#i)sel! as C#ie! '6eutive t#rou&# a 0rola)ation o! ')er&eny, on 12t# 1===,
-#rou&# 0rovisional Constitutional 5rder (0C5) issued on 1>t# 1===, #e #eld
t#e Constitution in a.eyane, sus%ended t#e "enate, 3ational and 0rovinial $sse).lies,
C#air)an and 4e%uty C#air)an "enate, "%eaker, 4e%uty "%eaker 3ational and
0rovinial $sse).lies and dis)issed t#e 2ederal and 0rovinial &overn)ents, -#e
0resident (r, (u#a))ad /a!iA -arar was, #owever allowed to ontinue in #is o!!ie,
:nder 0C5 (order 3o, ?) 2=t# 1===, (as a)ended .y C,', 5rder 3o,5, >t# <uly
2001), t#e 3ational "eurity Counil was esta.lis#ed !or t#e %ur%ose to tender advie to
t#e C#ie! '6eutive (later on 0resident), on )atters relatin& to Isla)i ideolo&y, national
seurity, soverei&nty, inte&rity and solidarity o! 0akistan so as to a#ieve t#e ai)s and
o.7etive as ens#rined in t#e 5.7etives /esolution 1=>=,
"yed Ma!ar $li "#a#, (3$ and Illa#i Buk#s# "oo)ro, "%eaker 3ational $sse).ly,
#allen&ed t#e sus%ension orders in t#e "u%re)e Court, -#e Court in its 7ud&)ent on
12t# (ay 2000 validated t#e )ilitary takeover .y &ivin& t#ree years ti)e !ra)e to t#e
&overn)ent, startin& !ro) 12t# 1===, -#e Court in its 7ud&)ent asked t#e
&overn)ent to o)%lete its a&enda and t#en #and over %owers to t#e eleted &overn)ent,
-#e ourt also allowed t#e )ilitary &overn)ent to .rin& neessary Constitutional
$)end)ents, %rovided t#at t#ose s#ould not #an&e t#e .asi !eature o! 2ederal
0arlia)entary de)oray, inde%endene o! 7udiiary and Isla)i %rovisions in t#e
Constitution, -#e ourt reserved t#e ri&#t o! <udiial /eview and %ower o! validity o! any
at or any ation o! t#e &overn)ent, i! #allen&ed, in t#e li&#t o! "tate neessity,
5n 20t# <une 2001, t#rou&# a noti!iation (C,', 5rder 3o,1) t#e C#ie! '6eutive
assu)ed t#e o!!ie o! t#e 0resident o! 0akistan under 0resident1s "uession 5rder, 2001,
5n t#e sa)e day, t#rou&# anot#er 5rder (C,', 5rder 3o, 2, 2001), t#e 0resident
onverted t#e orders o! sus%ension o! le&islative .odies and t#eir %residin& o!!iers, in to
-#e eletions !or twel!t# 3ational $sse).ly was #eld on 10t# 2002,
%inna&' (o&a""ed Ali
<inna#, (o#a))ed $li (1G7?-1=>G), Indian %olitiian and lon&ti)e leader o! t#e (usli)
;ea&ue, <inna# .ea)e t#e !oundin& !at#er o! 0akistan and its !irst &overnor-&eneral
<inna# was .orn in *ar9#i, a ity in w#at is now 0akistan, ($t t#at ti)e, India and
0akistan were %art o! a Britis# olony known as Britis# India), $lt#ou&# #is !a)ily, w#o
were (usli), a)e !ro) t#e state o! /97kot in western India, <inna#Is !at#er was a
%ros%erous )er#ant in *ar9#i, $!ter .ein& eduated in *ar9#i and Bo).ay (now
(u).ai), <inna# studied law at ;inolnIs Inn in ;ondon, 'n&land, and was ad)itted to
t#e .ar in 1G=?, $!ter servin& .rie!ly as a )a&istrate in Bo).ay, #e %ratied law in t#at
ity and soon rose to t#e to% o! t#e %ro!ession, 8e %ossessed stron& advoay skills and
relied on #is r#etorial a.ility to win )any ases,
<inna#Is !irst i)%ortant ontat wit# %olitial a!!airs was in 1=0?, w#en #e ated as
%rivate seretary to 4ada.#ai 3aoro7i, %resident o! t#e Indian 3ational Con&ress, a
%olitial or&anization t#at was workin& !or Indian autono)y !ro) Britis# rule, In 1=1D
<inna# 7oined t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, !or)ed to %rotet (usli) interests a&ainst IndiaIs
8indu )a7ority, t#ou&# at t#e ti)e #e still #o%ed !or aord .etween t#e two &rou%s, In
1=1? #e was eleted %resident o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue and in 1=1= .ea)e t#e
re%resentative o! Bo).ay (usli)s in t#e I)%erial ;e&islative Counil, a national
le&islative .ody wit# li)ited aut#ority under t#e Britis# olonial &overn)ent, In t#e sa)e
year, #owever, t#e &overn)ent enated t#e /owlatt $ts, w#i# &ave t#e Indian olonial
aut#orities e)er&eny %owers to su%%ress so-alled revolutionary ativities, <inna#, a
staun# nationalist, resi&ned !ro) t#e ounil in %rotest,
In 1=20 t#e Indian 3ational Con&ress laun#ed t#e non oo%eration )ove)ent, a )ass
a)%ai&n to .oyott all as%ets o! Britis# rule in India, <inna# disa&reed %ro!oundly wit#
t#e )ove)ent and resi&ned !ro) t#e Con&ress, <inna# advoated a )oderate a%%roa# o!
oo%eration wit# t#e Britis# and &radual trans!er o! %ower, 8e ontinued to .elieve in t#e
%ossi.ility o! 8indu-(usli) unity, and worked strenuously toward t#at end in #is seond
and t#ird ter)s o! o!!ie as %resident o! t#e lea&ue, -#e di!!erenes .etween t#e Con&ress
and t#e (usli) ;ea&ue were %ro!ound,
(oreover, t#ere was a serious %ersonality las# .etween <inna# and (o#andas Band#i,
t#e leader o! t#e Con&ress, -#ese di!!erenes e)er&ed learly in t#e /ound -a.le
Con!erene o! 1=D0, w#ere Indians and Britis# )e).ers o! %arlia)ent )et to disuss
IndiaIs %olitial !uture, <inna#Is !rustration at t#e i)%ossi.ility o! settle)ent led #i) to
sus%end #is %olitial ativities !or !our years, durin& w#i# ti)e #e %ratied law in
'n&land, In 1=D> #e returned to India on a visit to %reside over a (usli) ;ea&ue session
and deided t#at #e )ust re)ain %er)anently in India to look a!ter (usli) interests,
-#e Bovern)ent o! India $t o! 1=D5 trans!erred onsidera.le %ower to Indian %rovinial
&overn)ents, and in t#e &eneral eletions o! 1=D7 t#e Con&ress won a )a7ority in 7 o! 11
%rovines, -#e Con&ress re!used to !or) oalition &overn)ents wit# t#e (usli) ;ea&ue
as <inna# #ad %ro%osed, $s a result, tensions .etween 8indus and (usli)s &rew ra%idly,
In 8indu-)a7ority %rovines, )any (usli)s !elt t#ey were un!airly treated, and at one
%oint <inna# de)anded t#e a%%oint)ent o! a royal o))ission to inAuire into t#eir
&rievanes, (ost (usli)s onluded t#at no le&islative wei&#tin& or ot#er sa!e&uards
ould %rotet t#e) in a united India, w#ere t#e 8indus would .e an overw#el)in&
In (ar# 1=>0 <inna# %resided over a (usli) ;ea&ue session at ;a#ore, w#ere t#e !irst
o!!iial de)and was )ade !or t#e %artition o! India and t#e reation o! t#e state o!
0akistan, in w#i# (usli)s would .e a )a7ority, 4urin& t#ree deades o! %olitial li!e,
<inna# #ad .elieved in t#e %ossi.ility o! 8indu-(usli) unity, and it was wit# t#e ut)ost
relutane t#at #e a)e to t#e view t#at %artition was essential,
8avin& rea#ed t#is onlusion, #owever, <inna# never swerved !ro) it, 8is tenaity
t#rou&# onstitutional disussions .etween t#e lea&ue, t#e Con&ress, and t#e Britis#
&overn)ent in 1=>2, 1=>5, and 1=>? )ade %artition ertain, 4urin& t#ese years <inna#
a)e to .e known as Euaid-i-$za), or NBreat ;eader,O @#en 0akistan was reated on
$u&ust 1>, 1=>7, #e .ea)e its !irst &overnor-&eneral, and t#e title o! Euaid-i-$za) was
o!!iially .estowed on #i) .y a resolution o! t#e !irst onstituent asse).ly, <inna# died
o! tu.erulosis in *ar9#i in 1=>G,
)*+,- a$istan
Soviet invasion o# A#.&anistan/
-#e ou%ation o! $!&#anistan .y "oviet troo%s, .e&innin& in 4ee).er 1=7=, raised
0akistani !ears !or t#eir own seurity, -#e &overn)ent undertook t#ree )ain a%%roa#es
in dealin& wit# t#e risis, -#e !irst a%%roa# was to e6%lore a %ossi.le revitalizin& o! t#e
relations#i% wit# t#e :nited "tates, 'arly in t#e year, t#e :nited "tates o!!ered P>00
)illion in eono)i and )ilitary aid to 0akistan, in an atte)%t to %rovide a )odiu) o!
seurity, .ut 0akistan turned it down, onsiderin& it an inadeAuate res%onse to t#e &rave
t#reat !ain& t#e ountry and .elievin& t#at only a !or)al treaty a%%roved .y t#e :,",
Con&ress would send t#e neessary )essa&e to (osow, -#e unwillin&ness o! t#e Carter
ad)inistration to %roeed alon& t#ese lines was re%ortedly taken to indiate a lak o!
$)erian seriousness, $ visit .y t#e :,", %residential national seurity adviser, M.i&niew
Brzezinski, to 0akistan !ailed to resolve )any o! t#e two nations1 di!!erenes,
$ seond a%%roa# was .ased on t#e .elie! t#at onerted ation .y t#e Isla)i .lo
would )ake it )ore di!!iult !or t#e "oviets to sustain t#e ou%ation or, at least, to )ove
a&ainst ot#er ountries, -oward t#is end, an Isla)i 2orei&n (inisters Con!erene was
#eld in t#e 0akistani a%ital o! Isla) in late <anuary and a&ain in (ay, and a s%eial
&rou% o)%osed o! re%resentatives o! t#ree ountries, inludin& 0akistan, was set u% to
seek ways o! resolvin& t#e $!&#an situation and seurin& t#e wit#drawal o! "oviet troo%s,
0akistan1s !riends#i% wit# C#ina su&&ested a t#ird a%%roa# to t#e $!&#an situation,
@#ile it was aknowled&ed t#at 0ekin&1s o%tions were so)ew#at li)ited, its su%%ort !or
0akistan was e6%eted to disoura&e (osow !ro) takin& any )a7or ation a&ainst t#e
0akistanisQ%artiularly i! C#ina1s su%%ort was oordinated wit# $)erian assistane,
-#e %resene o! over a )illion $!&#an re!u&ees in 0akistan #as .een an additional soure
o! %otential trou.le .etween 0akistan and t#e "oviet :nion, -wo 0akistanis were killed in
a .order attak in late "e%te).er, and t#e "oviets )ade nu)erous reonnaissane !li&#ts
over t#e re!u&ee a)%s, In addition, t#e re!u&ees are an eono)i .urden t#at 0akistan
an ill a!!ord, 0akistan1s 0resident (u#a))ad Mia ul-8aA )et wit# :,", 0resident
<i))y Carter in early to disuss eono)i assistane !or t#e re!u&ees, a)on&
ot#er )atters o! onern,
Ot&e! #o!ei.n !elations/
-#e !all o! t#e s#a# o! Iran, in 1=7=, led to initial onern in Isla), .eause o! t#e
traditionally lose relations .etween Iran and 0akistan durin& t#e years o! t#e )onar#y,
8owever, a ra%%ort was esta.lis#ed wit# t#e revolutionary re&i)e in -e#ran on )atters o!
re&ional interest, In "e%te).er, Mia undertook a F&oodwillF )ission to -e#ran and
Ba&#dad, ai)ed at e6%lorin& a %ossi.le end to t#e Iran-IraA warR #e was %olitely reeived
.ut &iven no enoura&e)ent,
/elations wit# India .ea)e ritially i)%ortant due to t#e sensitive situation on t#e
0akistani-$!&#an .order, /elations #ad i)%roved under t#e &overn)ent o! (orar7i
4esaiR t#e return o! Indira Band#i to %ower was e6%eted to lead to di!!iulties, wit#
India %layin& a tou&#er role as re&ional leader,
:,", o%%osition to t#e 0akistani nulear %ro&ra) ontinued, alt#ou&#
onde)nation was )uted .y t#e events in $!&#anistan, @#en t#e :nited "tates a&reed to
send enri#ed uraniu) nulear !uel to India, 0akistanis .elieved t#at t#ey were .ein&
sin&led out !or %unis#)ent and t#at t#ere was a le&iti)ate need to ontinue t#e %ro&ra),
5n $u&ust D1, 0akistan announed t#at t#e ountry #ad .eo)e sel!-su!!iient in nulear
!uel %rodution !or t#e *ara#i nulear %ower %lant,
0ove!n"ent and 1oliti2s/
-#e &rave re%erussions t#at #ad .een %redited !ollowin& t#e e6eution o! !or)er
0re)ier Mul!ikar $li B#utto in 1=7= did not )aterialize in 1=G0, 4o)esti %olitial
de)ands were toned down so)ew#at, in li&#t o! t#e "oviet invasion o! $!&#anistan,
alt#ou&# t#ere was so)e %ressure !or a return to ivilian &overn)ent, 0olitial ativity
re)ained .anned, and t#e )ilitary &overn)ent )ade va&ue %ro)ises !or !ree eletions,
.ut no date was set, In t#e )eanti)e, t#e %o%ulation was %olarized .etween le!tist and
ri&#tist ele)ents, wit# stron& &rass-roots su%%ort !or an inreased Isla)ization o! t#e
-#is su))er, t#e &overn)ent announed t#e !or)ation o! FMakatF o))ittees !or t#e
olletion o! ta6es to .e distri.uted to t#e %oor and needy, as %resri.ed under Isla)i
law, -#e "#iite o))unity, o)%risin& so)e 15 )illion %eo%le, o.7eted to t#e
)andatory %ro&ra) and also ontended t#at t#eir ontri.utions s#ould .e distri.uted
wit#in t#eir own o))unity and not dis%ersed .y t#e &overn)ent, -#is led to a )a7or
de)onstration .y t#e "#iite (usli)s in Isla), as a result o! w#i# t#e &overn)ent
e6e)%ted t#e) !ro) t#ese laws,
0akistan1s eono)i %er!or)ane i)%roved durin& 1=7=-1=G0, -#e overall &rowt# rate
was ?,2 %erent, wit# )anu!aturin& i)%rovin& .y G,1 %erent (u% !ro) a 7,> %erent
inrease in 1=7G-1=7=) and a&riulture .y ? %erent (u% !ro) >,2 %erent in t#e %revious
year), -#e &overn)ent re%orted t#at t#e avera&e annual &rowt# rate in 0akistan over t#e
%ast t#ree years was ?,> %erent, in s#ar% ontrast wit# an annual &rowt# o! D,7 %erent
durin& 1=70-1=77,
-#ere were reord #arvests o! w#eat, at 10,G7 )illion tons, and otton, at >,2 )illion
tons, not only .eause o! an inrease in t#e area under ultivation .ut also .eause o! a
si&ni!iant inrease in t#e yield %er are, "%ei!i e!!orts were taken to )ove t#e ountry
toward !ood sel!-su!!iieny, su# as %rie su%%orts, %ro)otion o! rust-resistant w#eat
varieties, %rovision o! !ertilizer and irri&ation water, enoura&e)ent o! t#e use o! !ar)
)a#ines, and eduational %ro&ra)s !or !ar)ers,
4es%ite t#ese &ains, t#e eono)i situation re)ained %rearious, In t#e a.sene o!
national savin&s, t#e ountry re)ained #eavily de%endent on e6ternal .orrowin&, w#i#
totaled PG22 )illion !or t#e %eriod !ro) 4ee).er 1=7= to <uly 1=G0, 2orei&n aid
o))it)ents durin& 1=7=-1=G0 totaled P=D= )illion, o)%ared wit# P1,>2? )illion !or
1=7G-1=7=, -otal %led&es !ro) t#e $id 0akistan onsortiu) (.ot# .ilateral and
)ultilateral) a)ounted to P?75 )illion, as o)%ared wit# PG>5 )illion !or 1=7G-1=7=,
:,", assistane re)ained li)ited to P>0 )illion in a&riultural o))odities, 0akistan1s
urrent !orei&n de.t stood at P5,5 .illion, w#i# onstituted nearly D2 %erent o! t#e &ross
national %rodut, and 0akistan was una.le to &et any de.t res#edulin&,
0akistan1s oil i)%ort .ill (a !ator in its de.t %ro.le)s) a)ounted to P1,2 .illion !or 1=7=-
1=G0, '!!orts to o!!set t#is #i&# ost !ro) indi&enous soures #ave t#us !ar yielded
)odest results, wit# only 10 %erent o! t#e 1=G0 oil onsu)%tion .ein& )et !ro)
do)esti out%ut,
A!ea and 1o1ulation/
$rea, D10,72> sA, )i,
0o%, (est, 1=G0), G?,5 )illion,
0rini%al ities (est, 1=75)H
Isla) (a%,), 250,000R
*ara#i, D,500,000R
;a#ore, 2,100,000,
Isla)i under )artial law, 0res, and #ie! )artial law ad)inistrator, Ben,
(u#a))ad Mia ul-8aA,
(onetary unitH 0akistani ru%eeR 1 ru%ee S :"P0,10D0,
-rade (est, 1=7=-1=G0),
E31o!ts, P1,G .illionR
I"1o!ts, PD,2 .illion,
!in2i1al e31o!ts-
rie, raw otton, otton yarn, otton lot#, wool ar%ets, leat#er, !is#, s%orts &oods,
!in2i1al i"1o!ts-
%etroleu) %roduts, w#eat, edi.le oils, !ertilizers, tea, #e)ials, tires, )ediines, iron
and steel,
Edu2ation 4est/ )*5*-)*+,6/
%ri)ary s#ools, 5,= )illionR
seondary s#ools, 1,D )illionR
#i&# s#ools, 500,000R
7unior olle&es, 1=5,000R
universities, 2G,500,
;iteray rate, 1=,GT,
A.!i2ultu!e 4est/ )*5*-)*+,6/
!odu2tion 4in "illions o# tons6-
w#eat, 10,G7R
otton, >,2R
rie, D,2R
su&arane, 27,
A!"ed #o!2es 4est/ )*+,6/
$r)y, >0G,000R
navy, 1D,000R
air !ore, 17,?00R
%ara)ilitary !ores, 10=,000,
Civil 7a! E!u1ts in a$istan
-#e 1,000 )iles t#at se%arate @est and 'ast 0akistan only .e&in to su&&est t#e s#is)
t#at #as divided t#at nation sine its .irt#, -#e roots o! t#e on!lit .etween @est and
'ast 0akistan lie in t#e #istory o! Isla) in t#e Indian su.ontinent,
$!ter t#e .reaku% o! t#e (usli) (o&ul e)%ire early in t#e ei&#teent# entury, t#e loal
Indian rulers and t#e 'uro%ean e6%ansionistsQt#e 2ren#, 4ut#, and 0ortu&uese and t#e
Britis# 'ast India Co)%anyQsou&#t t#e re)nants o! #is disinte&ratin& e)%ire, w#i# at
its &reatest e6tent inluded )ost o! t#e Indian su.ontinent, -#e 'ast India Co)%any
disreetly %roeeded to )ake t#e loal rulers so-alled allies rat#er t#an su.ordinatesR in
so doin&, it isolated t#e) !ro) %otential !riends, disar)ed t#eir )ilitary !ores, and t#us
e!!etively li)ited t#eir %ower,
/e%lain& t#e rulin& (usli) elite wit# its own soldiers and ad)inistrators, t#e o)%any
drove t#e (usli)s, w#o sorned servie under t#e new rulers, !ro) %ositions o!
aut#ority, -#e 8indus, !or)erly su.ordinate to t#e (usli)s even t#ou&# t#ey
outnu).ered t#e), entered into t#e o)%any1s servie, @#en t#e revolt o! Indian soldiers
a&ainst Britis# rule in 1G57-1G5= was unsuess!ul, t#e (usli)s lost #o%e o!
reesta.lis#in& t#eir aut#ority, -#is u%risin&, known as t#e "e%oy (utiny, ended t#e %ower
o! t#e 'ast India Co)%any, and t#e Britis# &overn)ent assu)ed diret res%onsi.ility !or
t#e &overn)ent o! India,
-#e deision .y ;ord Curzon (t#en vieroy o! India) in 1=05 to divide t#e unwieldy
%rovine o! Ben&al into 8indu and (usli) %rovines (t#e 8indus were onentrated in
t#e west, t#e (usli)s in t#e east) )arked a %olitial turnin& %oint !or t#e (usli)s, -#e
(usli) )inority !avored t#e %artitionR t#e 8indus, w#o !elt t#e division would derease
t#eir in!luene, o%%osed it, $lt#ou&# t#e %artition was annulled a !ew years later, t#e
#ostility .etween t#e 8indus and t#e (usli)s was sorely a&&ravated, -#e e).ittered
(usli)s, w#o #ad .een ontent to rely on t#e &overn)ent !or t#e %rotetion o! t#eir
interests, !elt t#e need !or an e!!etive %olitial or&anization, and in 1=0? t#ey esta.lis#ed
t#e $ll-India (usli) ;ea&ue, -#e 8indus )eanw#ile sou&#t onstitutional re!or)
t#rou&# t#e Indian 3ational Con&ress,
$lt#ou&# )utual disa%%oint)ent wit# t#e Britis# at ti)es .rou&#t t#e lea&ue and t#e
on&ress loser to&et#er, t#e &radual lari!iation o! t#e Britis# intention to &rant sel!-
&overn)ent to India alon& t#e lines o! %arlia)entary de)oray led t#e (usli)s to !ear
su.7u&ation to t#e 8indu )a7orityQ%olitially, eono)ially, and ulturally, -#e
Bovern)ent o! India $t o! 1=D5, w#i# &ranted )ore %rovinial autono)y and
trans!erred onsidera.le %ower to t#e Indian )inisters, ra%idly intensi!ied e6istin& 8indu-
(usli) tensions,
In t#e 1=D7 eletions, t#e Indian 3ational Con&ress !ared well, .ut t#e lea&ue was a
relative !ailure, winnin& only 10G out o! >G2 seats reserved !or (usli)s at t#e %rovinial
level, -#is !ailure ated as a s%ur to (usli) leaders and led to t#e revival o! t#e idea o! a
se%arate (usli) state, an idea w#i# #ad .een artiulated in 1=D0 .y t#e %#iloso%#er and
%olitial leader "ir (u#a))ad, -#is idea was &iven t#e na)e 0akistan, a 0ersian
and :rdu word )eanin& Fland o! t#e %ureF and an arony) !or ei&#t territories o! Britis#
India and Central $sia w#i# )i&#t #ave .een inor%orated into a sin&le (usli) stateQ
0un7a., $!&#ania (t#e 3ort#west 2rontier %rovine), *as#)ir, Iran, "ind, -uk#aristan,
$!&#anistan, and Balu#istan, Ironially, t#e Ca).rid&e :niversity student w#o oined
t#e word did not inlude in t#e area t#e %rovine o! Ben&al,
-#e idea o! a nation .uilt on s#ared !ait# in Isla) %rodued a leader wit# a )andate,
(o#a))ed Ualso s%elled (u#a))adV $li <inna#, $ lon&ti)e advoate o! 8indu-(usli)
unity, <inna# relutantly a)e to ae%t t#e idea o! 0akistan, 5ne onvined, #owever,
#e %ursued #is &oal tenaiously, -#e F&reat leaderF o! )illions o! (usli)s, #e was to
.eo)e t#eir sole voie and t#e ar#itet o! 0akistan,
@#en t#e Britis# announed in 1=>0 t#at t#ey intended to &rant do)inion status to India
a!ter @orld @ar II, .ot# t#e an6ious lea&ue and t#e on&ress sti!!ened t#eir de)ands as to
w#at !or) sel! &overn)ent s#ould take, $t its annual )eetin& in ;a#ore in (ar# 1=>0,
t#e lea&ue ado%ted a resolution allin& !or t#e reation o! inde%endent states in t#e
nort#western and eastern zones o! India, Britis# o!!iials al)ost unani)ously re&arded
t#e 0akistan de)and eit#er as a deli.erate .y t#e lea&ue to o.tain !ull
onsideration !or t#e (usli) %oint o! view or as a %lan to #ek)ate t#e de)ands o! t#e
Indian 3ational Con&ress, (Indeed, t#e $ll-India (usli) ;ea&ue o!!iially ado%ted
0akistan as its &oal only in $%ril 1=>?R )oreover, t#e wordin& o! t#e ;a#ore resolution
was va&ue as to w#et#er t#ese inde%endent states were to .e autono)ous wit#in or
outside so)e kind o! all-India union,) 8owever, nationalis) was an esta.lis#ed %olitial
%#eno)enon, and it was natural !or t#e lea&ue to e6%ress its de)ands !or !reedo) in
ter)s o! a (usli) nation,
-#e Britis# %resented various inde%endene %lans in 1=>2, 1=>5, and 1=>?, .ut none o!
t#e) was ae%ta.le to t#e deadloked (usli)s and 8indus, (eanw#ile o))unal
tensions &rew, and wides%read violene o!ten eru%ted, 2inally, on 2e.ruary 20, 1=>7,
Britis# %ri)e )inister Cle)ent /, $ttlee announed t#at t#e Britis# would wit#draw no
later t#an <une 1=>G, w#et#er or not t#e on&ress and t#e lea&ue #ad rea#ed an
a&ree)entR .ot# %arties see)ed s#oked into t#e desire to ne&otiate a settle)ent, -#e
%ae o! events Auikened,
-#at <une, UBritis# vieroyV ;ord U;ouisV (ount.atten, w#o was sent to India in (ar# to
settle t#e dis%uted issues, announed %lans !or inde%endene and %artition, -#e
a&ree)ent, t#e Indian Inde%endene $t, w#i# a)e into e!!et on $u&ust 15, 1=>7,
&ranted do)inion status to India and 0akistan and le!t ertain areas t#e ri&#t to #oose
w#i# nation t#ey wis#ed to 7oin,
'it#er .y re!erendu) or .y vote o! t#eir %rovinial le&islatures, !ive %redo)inantly
(usli) %rovinesQBen&al, 0un7a., "ind, Balu#istan, and t#e 3ort#west 2rontierQ
eleted to 7oin 0akistanR .ot# Ben&al and t#e 0un7a. were to .e divided, !or, as e6%eted,
eastern Ben&al and western 0un7a. (%redo)inantly (usli) areas) o%ted !or 0akistan,
w#ile western Ben&al and eastern 0un7a. (%redo)inantly 8indu areas) o%ted !or India,
-#e details o! .oundaries in t#e divided %rovines were deided .y "ir Cyril /adli!!e,
sine t#e 8indu and (usli) re%resentatives on t#e .oundary o))issions w#i# #e
#aired totally !ailed to a&ree,
Ironially, instead o! .rin&in& %eae, t#e %artition e6aer.ated o))unal tension and
.rou&#t violene, #aos, and one o! t#e &reatest )i&rations in #istory, involvin& so)e 1D
)illion %eo%le, (usli)s in India !led to 0akistan, and a.out an eAual nu).er o! 8indus
in 0akistan !led to India, @#ole villa&es were wi%ed out, and !leein& re!u&ees were
)assared .y t#e trainload, 2i&#tin& was es%eially !iere in t#e 0un7a., w#ere t#ere #ad
lon& .een .itter #atred .etween t#e (usli)s and t#e "ik#s, w#ose o))unities straddled
t#e %artition line,
$!ter t#e deat# in 1=>G o! <inna#, t#e ountry1s !irst &overnor-&eneral, and t#e
assassination in 1=51 o! ;iaAuat $li *#an, t#e %ri)e )inister, 0akistan entered an era
durin& w#i# orru%tion do)inated t#e %olitial sene and do)esti onditions
deteriorated, /eli&ion alone was not to %rove stron& enou&# to unite t#e distant win&s o!
0akistan and to transend t#e %ro!ound di!!erenes o! lan&ua&e and ulture t#at se%arated
t#e 55 )illion @est 0akistanis and t#e 75 )illion Ben&alis o! 'ast 0akistan,
2ro) t#e .e&innin&, t#e sli&#t, dark Ben&alis !ound t#e)selves disri)inated a&ainst and
e6%loited .y t#e )ore %ros%erous and .etter-develo%ed western re&ion, do)inated .y t#e
tall, li&#t-skinned and 0at#ans, 'ven <inna#, t#e nation1s !oundin& !at#er,
delared t#at t#e 'ast 0akistanis s#ould &ive u% t#eir native Ben&ali, a lan&ua&e o! Indo-
$ryan ori&in, and ado%t :rdu, a synt#esis o! 0ersian and 8indi s%oken in t#e @est, It was
only a!ter years o! riots and de)onstrations t#at t#ey sueeded in &ettin& Ben&ali
ado%ted as a national lan&ua&e alon& wit# :rdu,
'ono)ially, !or )any years 'ast 0akistan earned )ost o! t#e nation1s !orei&n e6#an&e
and wat#ed t#e %roeeds .ein& used to .uild u% industries in t#e @est, (ost state
develo%)ent %ro7ets were alloated to t#e @est, w#ile Ben&al re)ained %oor and
.akward and t#e eono)i dis%arity .etween t#e nation1s two win&s inreased, 2ew
Ben&alis were reruited !or t#e )ilitary, w#i#, like t#e &overn)ent, was ontrolled .y
t#e @est 0akistanis,
"u# &rievanes led t#e Ben&alis to de)and a &reater de&ree o! autono)y and eAual
re%resentation in t#eir &overn)ent, @#en 'ast 0akistan1s $wa)i ;ea&ue, t#e do)inant
%olitial %arty led .y "#eik# (u7i.ur /a#)an, won a )a7ority last year in 0akistan1s !irst
nationwide diret eletions, t#ese #o%es see)ed wit#in t#eir &ras%, But t#e 3ational
$sse).ly never onvened, 0resident and ditator La#ya *#an, a 0at#an, %ost%oned its
)eetin& and in (ar# o! t#is year sent troo%s into Ben&al to rus# t#e se%aratist
Se1oy Re8ellion
"e%oy /e.ellion (1G57-1G5=), also known as t#e Indian @ar o! Inde%endene, u%risin&
a&ainst Britis# rule in India .e&un .y Indian troo%s (si%a#i or se%oys) in t#e e)%loy o!
t#e 'n&lis# 'ast India Co)%any, -#e re.ellion was t#e !irst onerted atte)%t .y t#e
%eo%le o! "out# $sia to overt#row t#e Britis# Indian ')%ire,
By t#e 1G50s t#e 'n&lis# 'ast India Co)%any #ad esta.lis#ed ontrol over %resent-day
India, 0akistan, Ban&lades#, (yan)ar (!or)erly known as Bur)a), and "ri ;anka, By
onAuest or di%lo)ay, t#e o)%any #ad overrun nu)erous autono)ous Indian
kin&do)s durin& t#e %revious two deades, It #ad also redued t#e e)%eror o! t#e
)ori.und (u&#al ')%ire, a vast e)%ire t#at #ad ruled t#e su.ontinent !or )ore t#an
D00 years, to a %ensioner in #is %alae in 4el#i, $ s)all elite o! Britis# ivilian o!!iials
and an ar)y o! 1?0,000 )en, only 2>,000 o! t#e) Britis#, ontrolled t#e vast division o!
Britis# India known as t#e Ben&al 0resideny, -#is area stret#ed !ro) Bur)a in t#e east
to $!&#anistan in t#e west and inluded #u&e territories in entral India,
-#e Indian troo%s e)%loyed .y t#e 'n&lis# 'ast India Co)%any !elt t#at Britis# rule
o!ten !ailed to res%et t#eir traditions o! reli&ion and aste, -#e se%oysI disontent a)e
to a #ead in late 1G5?, w#en ru)ors .e&an irulatin& t#at t#e artrid&es !or t#e newly-
issued ;ee-'n!ield ri!les were &reased wit# t#e !at o! ows, w#i# are sared to 8indus,
and %i&s, w#i# (usli)s .elieve are unlean, I! t#is ru)or were true, any 8indu or
(usli) soldier would .e ritually %olluted w#en #e .it o!! t#e end o! a artrid&e, as was
neessary .e!ore loadin& t#e ri!le, -#ere were several isolated ases o! soldiers in t#e
Ben&al ar)y re!usin& to use t#ese artrid&es, .ut t#e issue e6%loded in (eerut, a )ilitary
town nort#east o! 4el#i in t#e Ban&es /iver valley, -#ere, G5 )en o! t#e Drd li&#t
avalry re!used to use t#e artrid&es on $%ril 2D, 1G57, -#ey were onvited o! )utiny,
sentened to %rison ter)s, %u.lily !ettered, and stri%%ed o! t#eir )ilitary insi&nia,
In res%onse to t#is #ars# treat)ent o! t#eir !ellow soldiers, )e).ers o! t#e 11t# and 20t#
in!antry re&i)ents revolted on t#e evenin& o! (ay 10, -#ey !reed t#eir o)rades alon&
wit# #undreds o! ivilian %risoners, and t#e ra)%a&in& )o. slau&#tered >0 Britis#
o!!iers and ivilians in (eerut, -#e se%oys t#en )ar#ed to 4el#i, w#ere ot#er Indian
re&i)ents 7oined t#e )utiny, -#ey )assared dozens o! Britis# t#ere, and reinstated t#e
G2-year-old (u&#al e)%eror, (u#a))ad Ba#adur "#a#, -#e news o! t#ese events
tri&&ered )utinies t#rou&#out t#e Ben&al ar)y, ra%idly i&nitin& a &eneral anti-Britis#
revolution in nort# and entral India, $)on& t#ose 7oinin& t#e se%oys in t#e u%risin&
were Indian %rines and t#eir !ollowers, w#ose territories #ad .een anne6ed .y t#e
'n&lis# 'ast India Co)%any, and %eo%le w#ose ways o! li!e and soures o! ino)e #ad
.een disru%ted .y Britis# trade, )issionary ativities, or soial re!or)s,
:n%re%ared !or and %aralyzed .y t#e )utiny at !irst, t#e Britis# eventually rallied, -o
ontrol t#e u%risin& in t#e Ban&es valley, Britis# o))anders disar)ed t#e se%oys in t#e
near.y %rovine o! 0un7a. and asse).led a s)all ar)y t#at )ar#ed on 4el#i, ou%yin&
a %osition outside o! t#e ity, -#e Britis# o))and in Calutta (now *olkata) was a.le to
ontain t#e re.ellion in t#e east w#ile retainin& ontrol o! t#e Ban&es /iver and
o))uniations lines as !ar u%river as $lla#9.9d, In entral India, a Britis# ar)y o!
several t#ousand en&a&ed in dozens o! .attles wit# !ores led .y several loal %rines and
/ani (Eueen) ;aks#) o! <#9nsi, -#e rani was !i&#tin& a&ainst anne6ation o! #er
kin&do) .y t#e o)%any a!ter t#e deat# o! #er #us.and, t#e last ruler o! <#9nsi,
In t#e entral %art o! t#e Ban&es /iver valley, t#e reently-anne6ed state o! 5ud# .ea)e
t#e !oal %oint !or re.ellion, 5n (ay D0, re.el !ores .esie&ed 'uro%eans alon& wit#
loyal Indians at t#e Britis# /esideny, t#e o!!iial residene o! Britis# ad)inistrators in
t#e a%ital, ;uknow, $ !ew days later t#e Britis# &arrison at Cawn%ore (now *9n%ur)
also a)e under attak, endurin& a sie&e t#at lasted until <une 27, 5n t#at day, t#e
survivors were attaked w#ile evauatin& to .oats on t#e Ban&es /iver under an
a&ree)ent o! sa!e %assa&e ne&otiated wit# t#e re.el leader, 3ana "a#i., (ost o! t#e
Britis# soldiers were killed, -#e wo)en, #ildren, and wounded w#o lived t#rou&# t#is
disaster were later )urdered in %rison, -#ese events %rovided a rallyin& ry !or Britis#
!ores and a rationale !or wides%read atroities o))itted a&ainst Indian o).atants and
nono).atants alike,
$!ter )any inonlusive .attles !ou&#t .e!ore t#e walls o! 4el#i, t#e rein!ored Britis#
ar)y attaked t#e ity on "e%te).er 15 and overran it a!ter !ive days o! !eroious
!i&#tin&, $ relie! !ore rea#ed t#e ;uknow resideny on "e%te).er 25 .ut .ea)e
%inned t#ere until late 3ove).er, w#en a seond relie! !ore .roke t#e sie&e and
evauated t#e survivors, -#e Britis# returned to 5ud# in 2e.ruary 1G5G wit# an ar)y o!
)ore t#an D0,000 )en, inludin& troo%s lent .y t#e kin&do) o! 3e%al, -#e ity o!
;uknow !ell on (ar# 2D and t#e re.el !ores in nort# India sattered, -#e !ort at <#9nsi
!ell in $%ril, and t#e rani was later killed in .attle,
2or t#e ne6t year Britis# !ores en&a&ed in runnin& !i&#ts wit# ever-s)aller re.el !ores,
!inally a%turin& t#eir )ost skill!ul o%%onent, 3ana "a#i.1s &eneral -antia -o%i, @it# #is
e6eution in $%ril 1G5=, t#e revolt ended, -#e war #ad !ar-rea#in& onseAuenes !or
India, -#e Britis# &overn)ent o!!iially a.olis#ed t#e (u&#al ')%ire and e6iled
(u#a))ad Ba#adur "#a# to Bur)a, -#e Britis# rown also ended t#e ad)inistration o!
t#e 'n&lis# 'ast India Co)%any, assu)in& diret rule o! India in 1G5G, (ilitary %oliies
altered dra)atially, 3ew reruits were sou&#t %ri)arily in 0un7a. and 3e%al, w#ere
troo%s #ad re)ained loyal durin& t#e re.ellion, and e)%#asis was %laed on a dotrine
stressin& t#e #ierar#y, %resti&e, and aut#ority o! t#e Britis# o!!ier or%s, -#erea!ter t#e
Britis# ad)inistration dis%layed a %ronouned distrust o! its Indian su.7ets and a
relutane to s#are %ower or strate&i te#nolo&ies, an attitude t#at da)a&ed relations
wit# an e)er&in& nationalist )ove)ent later in t#e entury,
A 9!ie# Int!odu2tion to t&e :&a$sa! Te&!i$-
-#e *#aksar -e#rik, .ased in ;a#ore, 0akistan, was esta.lis#ed .y $lla)a (as#riAi in
1=D0, kee%in& in )ind t#e %li&#t and %oor ondition o! t#e )asses in India, -#e -e#rik
was reated to !ree India !ro) !orei&n rule, to u%li!t t#e )asses, and to revive t#e lost
&lory o! t#e (usli)s, w#o #ad %reviously ruled India !or al)ost one t#ousand years,
$lt#ou&# (as#riAi !ir)ly .elieved t#at t#e ri&#t to rule India .elon&ed to t#e (usli)s, at
t#e sa)e ti)e, #e wanted to reate an environ)ent o! !airness, 7ustie, and eAual ri&#ts
!or non-(usli)s as well, 2or t#is reason, non-(usli)s were allowed to 7oin t#e -e#rik
and t#e -e#rik was ke%t !ree o! %re7udie a&ainst any %eo%le, re&ardless o! aste, olor,
reed, or reli&ion,
-#e *#aksar -e#rik itsel! was a very well or&anized )ove)ent o)%rised o! dediated
and sel!less %eo%le, -#e )ove)ent worked under a #arter t#at everyone was to !ollow,
wit# no e6e%tions, -#e #arter ensured !airness to allR even $lla)a (as#riAi, !ounder
and leader o! t#e -e#rik, was #eld aounta.le !or #is ations, -#e -e#rik was also ke%t
!ree o! any )e).ers#i% !ee, $ll *#aksars were reAuired to .ear t#eir own e6%enses and
devote ti)e to t#e ause, -#is #el%ed to develo% t#e s%irit o! sel!-reliane and enoura&ed
t#e *#aksars to s%end t#eir own )oney and ti)e !or t#e national ause,
:&a$i Atti!e and S1ade-
-#e *#aksars all wore t#e sa)e k#aki attire wit# t#e word F$k#uwatF (.rot#er#ood)
written on t#e sleeve o! t#eir s#irts, In t#eir #ands, t#ey arried a .el#a (s%ade), -#ere
was a very s%ei!i reason !or t#eir #oie o! attire, -#e *#aki olor o! t#eir lot#in& was
#osen .eause it is losest to t#e olor o! t#e 'art#, $lso, *#aksar )eans Fa #u).le
%erson,F -#e s%ade re%resents #u)ility, w#i# is a %art o! every *#aksar, In t#e sa)e way
t#at a s%ade is used to level t#e &round, t#e *#aksars used it as a sy).ol o! t#e Flevelin&F
o! soiety, (ost i)%ortantly, t#e *#aki attire and s%ade #el%ed to re)ove t#e .arrier
.etween t#e ri# and t#e %oor, -#is dress ode was reated to .rin& eAuality a)on& all t#e
%eo%le re&ardless o! t#eir eono)i or soial .ak&round,
So"e Fun2tions o# t&e :&a$sa! Te&!i$-
1-/e!or) t#e nation .y layin& e)%#asis on #arater .uildin&,
2-/e)ove setarianis) and %re7udies and .rin& .rot#er#ood and unity to t#e %eo%le,
D-I)%art t#e s%irit o! sari!ie !or t#e national ause,
>-(ake o))unity servie an inte&ral %art o! every *#aksar, 'very *#aksar was
reAuired to %er!or) o))unity servie !or (usli)s as well as non-(usli)s, -#e
o))unity servie inluded #el%in& t#e %oor, elderly, sik, needy, et, *#aksars were
also reAuired to #el% kee% t#eir res%etive nei&#.or#oods lean, In t#e event o! a national
ala)ity or disaster, *#aksars were reAuired to render all servies to #el% t#e a!!eted
%eo%le, "oial servie reated .rot#er#ood and a s%irit o! nation .uildin& a)on& t#e
*#aksars and set an e6a)%le !or ot#ers to !ollow, -#e &at#erin& o! *#aksars every
evenin& .rou&#t t#e) to&et#er and &ave t#e) a sense o! a#ieve)ent and %ride .eause
t#ey were %er!or)in& a olletive duty towards t#e national ause,
5-/e)ove distintion .etween t#e ri# and t#e %oor, 'very *#aksar was reAuired to wear
*#aki lot#es in order to .rin& eAuality and a sense o! .elon&in& to t#e -e#rik,
?-I)%art disi%line in every *#aksar,
7-I)%art soldierly and disi%lined trainin& in order to ensure t#e %#ysial and )ental
G-0rodue leaders, -o a#ieve t#is, a syste) o! ranks was introdued to t#e -e#rik,
=-$#ieve !reedo),
10-2inally, .rin& %eae and unite #u)anity .y reatin& love a)on& t#e %eo%le,
(as#riAi worked tirelessly to a#ieve t#e &oals t#at #e #ad set !ort# !or t#e *#aksar
-e#rik, -#e no.le ideals o! t#e -e#rik o).ined wit# (as#riAiIs %assionate s%ee#es and
writin&s soon attrated lar&e nu).ers o! %eo%le, %redo)inantly (usli)s, -#ese %eo%le
a)e !ro) all walks o! li!e and !ro) every %art o! t#e Indian su.-ontinent, By t#e late
1=D0s, t#e (ove)ent was at its %eak and #ad not only s%read to every orner o! India,
.ut #ad esta.lis#ed o!!ies in ot#er ountries as well, (as#riAiIs !ollowers, su%%orters,
and sy)%at#izers were now well into t#e )illions,
0!o;t& o# t&e :&a$sa! Te&!i$ Unde! (as&!i<i=s >eade!s&i1-
-#e *#aksar -e#rik &rew .y lea%s and .ounds in India under t#e leaders#i% o! $lla)a
(as#riAi, 8e was not only a &enius .ut an e6e%tional visionary and one o! t#e )ost
talented and sel!less %eo%le t#e world #ad ever seen, $lla)a (as#riAi1s sinerity,
devotion, and outstandin& or&anizational skills #el%ed t#e *#aksar -e#rik s%read to every
orner o! t#e Indian su.-ontinent,
T&e a$istan Resolution 4>a&o!e Resolution6 and t&e (assa2!e o# t&e :&a$sa!s on
(a!2& )*' )*?,-
By t#e late 1=D0s, t#e *#aksar -e#rik #ad .eo)e t#e )ost or&anized
)ove)ent in t#e #istory o! India, -#e *#aksarsI tre)endous %o%ularity .ea)e a t#reat
to t#e Bovern)ent o! India and ot#er o%%onents, $s su#
t#e Bovern)ent deided to eli)inate t#e *#aksar (ove)ent, -#e 0un7a. 0re)ier, "ir
"ikandar 8ayat *#an, su%%orted t#e Central Bovern)ent and started i)%osin&
restritions on *#aksar ativities,
In t#e early )ont#s o! 1=>0, (as#riAi went to 4el#i in order to ask t#e Vieroy o! India
to re)ove t#e restritions on t#e *#aksar ativities, 4urin& #is stay in 4el#i, (as#riAi
also #eld )eetin&s wit# Euaid-e-$za) ((u#a))ad $li <inna#) and ot#er (usli)
leaders, (as#riAi asked Euaid-e-$za) and t#e ot#er (usli) leaders to use t#eir
in!luene on t#e 0un7a. 0re)ier to re)ove t#e restritions, 8owever, t#e restritions
re)ained in %lae,
@#ile (as#riAi was )akin& t#ese e!!orts in 4el#i, a *#aksar took t#e initiative to !or) a
7ais# (ontin&ent) o! D1D *#aksars (on (ar# 1=, 1=>0), -#e 7ais# .e&an )ar#in&
towards t#e "#a#i (as7id ((osAue) in ;a#ore to o!!er %rayers, $lt#ou&# t#e *#aksars
were )ar#in& %eae!ully, t#e %olie intere%ted t#e) and asked t#e) to #alt t#eir
%arade, 8owever, t#e *#aksars ke%t on )ar#in&, i&norin& t#e %olie w#o were standin&
in t#eir way, $ senior %olie o!!ier ould not tolerate t#e de!iane o! #is order and
sla%%ed t#e "alar o! t#e *#aksars, -#e situation Auikly deteriorated, -#e %olie,
)ounted on #orses, tried to run over and t#rou&# t#e *#aksars, -#e deter)ined *#aksars
re)ained stead!ast and t#e %olie resorted to lat#i #ar&e and t#en o%en-!ired rut#lessly
on t#e *#aksars, (any o! t#e *#aksars were .rutally killed ("#a#eed) or in7ured, -#e
indisri)inate !irin& was no less t#an t#e notorious )assare at $)ritsar .y Beneral
4yer on $%ril 1D, 1=1=,
-#e )assare o! t#e *#aksars on (ar# 1= was not only a tra&edy !or ;a#ore, .ut !or t#e
entire nation, $n o!!iial re%ort stated t#at D2 %eo%le died on t#at !ate!ul day ("oureH -#e
-ri.une, $%ril 1?, 1=>0), 8owever, *,;, Bau.a ((e).er ;e&islative $sse).ly) wrote in
#is .ook 2riends and 2oes t#at N$ordin& to eye witnesses t#e dead were )ore t#an
200O ("oureH 2riends and 2oes .y *,;, Bau.a, %a&e 20>, 0u.lis#erH Indian Book
Co)%any U3ew 4el#i, IndiaV),
In order to ontrol t#e situation in ;a#ore, t#e )ilitary was onvened, $!ter t#e .loody
las#, t#e ity o! ;a#ore was essentially under e)er&eny lawsR t#e news )edia was
ensored and %roessions, s%ee#es, and &at#erin&s were .anned, -#e *#aksars
w#o were killed were not to .e addressed as )artyrs or #eroes in t#e )edia, $ny
news a.out t#e *#aksar inident #ad to .e a%%roved .y t#e Bovern)ent .e!ore it was
%u.lis#ed, 5nly t#e Bovern)entIs version o! t#e story was to a%%ear in t#e news )edia,
$lla)a (as#riAi was arrested alon& wit# t#ousands o! %ro)inent *#aksars, 8is %#one
was disonneted and t#e *#aksar (ove)ent was .anned, (as#riAiIs .ank aount was
seized and #is %ro%erty was on!isated, -#e *#aksar -e#rikIs #eadAuarters (in ;a#ore)
were raided,
4urin& t#e raid, )any *#aksars were arrested, literature and ot#er )aterials were
on!isated, and (as#riAiIs son, '#san :lla# *#an $sla), was #urt .y t#e %olie w#en
t#ey #it #i) wit# a tear &as &renade, '#san :lla# *#an $sla) later died .eause o! t#e
#ead in7ury #e reeived !ro) t#e &renade, $t t#e ti)e o! '#san :lla# *#an $sla)Is
deat#, (as#riAi was in 7ail and was not allowed to attend #is !uneral ((as#riAi wrote a
%oe) in )e)ory o! #is son in #is .ook 8aree)-e-B#ai.),
@uaid-e-Aza"=s State"ent a#te! t&e (assa2!e on (a!2& )*' )*?,-
Upon hearing of the news of the killing of the innocent Khaksars, Quaid-e-Azam
issued the following statement (on March 20, !"0#$
FI a) dee%ly &rieved to #ear t#e tra&i aount o! t#e inident in ;a#ore last evenin&
re&ardin& t#e las# .etween t#e 0olie and t#e *#aksars resultin& in terri.le loss o! li!e
and in7ury on .ot# t#e sides, I #o%e t#e *#aksars will arry out t#e instrutions issued .y
t#eir leader, (r, Inayatulla# (as#riAi, %u.lis#ed in t#e news%a%ers o! t#is )ornin&, $s
one w#o #as always .een so kindly treated .y t#e *#aksars, I a%%eal to t#e) )ost
earnestly to kee% %eae and not %rei%itate )atters .y de!yin& law and order, It is di!!iult
to say anyt#in& till I a) in %ossession o! !ull !ats o! t#e situation,F "oureH -#e -ri.une,
;a#ore (ar# 21, 1=>0
T&e a$istan Resolution 4>a&o!e Resolution6 and t&e :&a$sa! !esolution-
It is i)%ortant to note t#at a!ter t#e )assare o! t#e *#aksars, t#e $ll India (usli)
;ea&ue did not %ost%one its 27t# $nnual "ession at (into 0ark, ;a#ore, -#e #istori
"ession started on (ar# 22, 1=>0 and ended on (ar# 2>, 1=>0,
5n (ar# 2>,1=>0, t#e 0akistan /esolution was %assed .y t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, 5n t#e
sa)e day and at t#e sa)e "ession, Euaid-e-$za) %resented a resolution on t#e *#aksar
)assare, -#is *#aksar resolution, w#i# was unani)ously %assed wit# loud #eers,
reads as !ollowsH
F-#is "ession o! t#e $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue %laes on reord its dee% sense o! sorrow
at t#e un!ortunate and tra&i ourrene on t#e 1=t# o! (ar#, 1=>0, owin& to a las#
.etween t#e *#aksars and t#e %olie, resultin& in t#e loss o! a lar&e nu).er o! lives and
in7uries to )any )ore, and sinerely sy)%at#izes wit# t#ose w#o su!!ered and wit# t#eir
!a)ilies and de%endents,
-#is "ession alls u%on t#e Bovern)ent !ort#wit# to a%%oint an inde%endent and
i)%artial o))ittee o! inAuiry, t#e %ersonnel o! w#i# would o))and t#e %er!et
on!idene o! t#e %eo%le, wit# instrutions to t#e) to )ake !ull and o)%lete
investi&ation and inAuiry in t#e w#ole a!!air, and )ake t#eir re%ort as soon as %ossi.le,
-#is "ession aut#orizes t#e @orkin& Co))ittee to take su# ations in t#e )atter as t#ey
)ay onsider %ro%er i))ediately a!ter %u.liation o! t#e re%ort o! t#e Co))ittee, -#is
"ession ur&es u%on t#e various Bovern)ents t#at t#e order delarin& t#e *#aksar
5r&anization unlaw!ul s#ould .e re)oved as soon as %ossi.le,F
I"1o!tant Note on t&e Date o# t&e a$istan Resolution 4>a&o!e Resolution6-
It is i)%ortant to note t#at t#e 0akistan /esolution was not %assed on (ar# 2D, 1=>0, as
is t#e o))on )isone%tion, In !at, it was atually %assed on (ar# 2>, 1=>0,
T!a.edy Unites t&e (usli"s-
:n!ortunately t#e #istori *#aksar resolution is )ostly unknown to t#e .eause it
does not a%%ear in t#e su%%le)ents %u.lis#ed .y t#e )edia ea# year on (ar# 2D, -#e
#istory o! 0akistan is ino)%lete wit#out disussin& t#e tra&edy o! (ar# 1=, 1=>0 and
t#e (usli) ;ea&ue1s *#aksar resolution, w#i# was %assed on t#e sa)e day as t#e
0akistan /esolution (;a#ore /esolution), 8istory is witness to t#e !at t#at .e#ind every
!reedo) )ove)ent lies t#e .lood and sared lives o! )artyrs, -#e )assare o! t#e
*#aksars .ea)e a turnin& %oint in t#e stru&&le !or t#e inde%endene o! 0akistan, Indeed,
t#e !oundation o! inde%endene was atually laid wit# t#e killin& o! t#e innoent
*#aksars on (ar# 1=, 1=>0, -#e si&ni!iane o! t#e "ession o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue in
;a#ore, w#i# took %lae only t#ree days a!ter t#e )assare, was &reatly en#aned as a
result o! t#e killin&s o! t#e *#aksars, 3o (usli) ould i&nore t#e inident at t#at ti)e
and t#e tre)endous sy)%at#y and su%%ort !or t#e *#aksars was seen at t#e "ession, -#e
rowd at t#e "ession #anted slo&ans in !avor o! t#e *#aksars and denouned t#e 0re)ier
o! t#e 0un7a., Various news%a%ers, inludin& -#e 8industan -i)es (w#i# was in !at an
anti-*#aksar news%a%er), wrote t#at durin& t#e "ession, slo&ans o! F*#aksars Minda.adF
were raised and t#e )eetin& was F!reAuently %untuated wit# *#aksar slo&ans,F "oureH
-#e 8industan -i)es, (ar# 25,1=>0
-#us, t#e )assare o! t#e *#aksars #el%ed unite t#e (usli)s under t#e (usli) ;ea&ue
w#ile (as#riAi and t#ousands o! t#e *#aksars were in 7ail and t#e *#aksar -e#rik was
.anned, @it#in seven years o! t#e )assare o! t#e *#aksars, t#e (usli)s o! t#e Indian
su.-ontinent #ad an inde%endent #o)eland, -#e Britis# divided t#e su.-ontinent into
0akistan and India and so, two se%arate #o)elands, one !or t#e (usli)s and t#e ot#er !or
t#e 8indus, a)e into e6istene,
T&e Un#o!.etta8le Cont!i8utions o# (as&!i<i and t&e :&a$sa!s to t&e C!eation o#
$!ter t#e )assare, $lla)a (as#riAi, w#o #ad .e&an t#e )ove)ent to re)ove t#e nation
!ro) t#e s#akles o! !orei&n rule, was ke%t in 7ail !or al)ost two years wit#out a trial,
-#ousands o! *#aksars were sentened to anyw#ere !ro) si6 )ont#s to li!e
i)%rison)ent, @#ile (as#riAi was in 7ail, #e was told t#at i! #e didnIt dis.and t#e
*#aksar -e#rik, #e wouldnIt .e released, But $lla)a re%lied t#at t#e (ove)ent was not
#is %ersonal %ro%erty and re!used to suu). to any %ressure, /eAuests )ade .y ot#er
%olitial leaders and outries !or #is release were i&nored .y t#e &overn)ent,
(as#riAi wrote a letter !ro) 7ail to 4r, /a!iA $#)ed *#an o! $li&ar# (usli) :niversity,
In #is letter #e stated, F(y last days are nearin&, It will .e alri&#t i! I reeive a re%ly and I
a) released, 5t#erwise I a) &oin& to dieWI a) not &oin& to #an&e )y deision nor do I
re%ent !or it, I a) #a%%y .eause I a) &oin& to lay down )y li!e,,,F $t t#e onlusion o!
#is letter, (as#riAi stated, F$&ain &ird u% your loins, 4o not let )y !ae .e .lakened,
"ave t#e #onour o! Isla)WF
:lti)ately, (as#riAi #ad to !ast to t#e %oint o! deat# in order to o.tain #is release, -#e
Bovern)ent o! India at t#e ti)e ke%t (as#riAiIs !astin& a seret, 8owever, t#e news was
leaked out and (as#riAiIs release .ea)e inevita.le, 2inally, on 2e.ruary 1G, 1=>2, #e
was released, .ut #is )ove)ents were still ke%t restrited to (adras, @#en (as#riAi
e)er&ed !ro) 7ail, #e was a skeleton and would #ave surely died i! #is release #ad .een
delayed any !urt#er,
$!ter #is release !ro) 7ail, (as#riAi resu)ed #is ativities !or t#e !reedo) o! India,
des%ite t#e !at t#at #is )ove)ents were restrited to (adras, -#e restrition on #is
)ove)ents and t#e .an on t#e *#aksar -e#rik was ulti)ately re)oved in 4ee).er,
1=>2 and (as#riAi !inally arrived in ;a#ore as a !ree )an in <anuary, 1=>D, 8e was &iven
a rousin& welo)e u%on #is arrival, 8e ontinued #is servies !or !reedo) and re)ained
dediated to t#e ause o! u%li!tin& t#e nation until #is deat#, 'veryt#in& #e said and did
was w#at #e t#ou&#t was ri&#t !or t#e nation,
-#e *#aksar -e#rik and $lla)a (as#riAiIs servies to t#e ause o! !reedo) are
un!or&etta.le, -#eir sari!ies, stru&&le, and e!!orts !or inde%endene served an inte&ral
%art in t#e a%%earane o! 0akistan on t#e world )a% on $u&ust 1>, 1=>7, It is un!ortunate
t#at t#e (usli) ;ea&ue t#at a)e to %ower a!ter inde%endene o)%letely denied t#e
*#aksarsI ontri.ution and t#eir stru&&le towards !reedo) and took !ull redit !or t#e
reation o! 0akistan, -#e nation )ust not .e ke%t i&norant o! t#e atroities t#at $lla)a
(as#riAi and t#e *#aksars !aed durin& t#eir stru&&le and t#eir e!!orts in )o.ilizin& t#e
nation to rise !or !reedo), $ &reat in7ustie to t#e *#aksars #as .een done in t#e #istory
.ooks o! 0akistan, It is t#e duty o! t#e Bovern)ent o! 0akistan to let t#e nation know
a.out t#e su!!erin& and ontri.utions o! (as#riAi and t#e *#aksars, (as#riAi was t#e
only %ro)inent (usli) %olitial leader to su!!er so &reatly at t#e #ands o! t#e rulers, $ll
(as#riAi ever wanted was to re.uild t#e nation and lead t#e %eo%le to !reedo),
T&e u8li2 (edia-
0akistanIs )edia, %artiularly radio and television, #as never )ade a serious e!!ort to
onvey to t#e t#e ontri.utions o! (as#riAi and t#e *#aksar -e#rik towards t#e
reation o! 0akistan, -#e )edia #as even overed t#ose t#at looted t#e ountry and
e)%tied its e6#eAuer, yet t#ey #ave !ailed to let t#e nation know o! t#e servies o! no.le
%atriots and #eroes su# as $lla)a (as#riAi and t#e *#aksars, /adio and -elevision #ave
not onduted any si&ni!iant %ro&ra)s on t#e li!e and ti)es o! (as#riAi and #is
Histo!ians and Resea!2& Institutes-
It is sad and dis#eartenin& t#at #istorians are not adeAuately overin& t#e role t#at
(as#riAi and t#e *#aksars %layed, 3on-*#aksar #istorians #ave done a &reat in7ustie to
t#e nation .y not #i&#li&#tin& t#e %ositive role %layed .y (as#riAi and t#e *#aksars in
0akistanIs #istory, @#ile so)e #istorians #ave i&nored t#e ru6 o! t#e *#aksar -e#rik,
)any ot#ers #ave even distorted t#eir role and #ave only &iven redit to t#e (usli)
;ea&ue in t#e reation o! 0akistan, -#us, t#ey #ave wi%ed out t#e role o! (as#riAi and
t#e *#aksars in 0akistanIs !reedo) )ove)ent,
Bovern)ent-owned #istorial resear# institutes #ave not olleted enou&# )aterial
(!ro) various soures wit#in and outside t#e ountry) on t#e *#aksar -e#rik, It is t#e
duty o! su# institutions to ollet t#ese )aterials and )ake t#e) aessi.le to t#e,
2urt#er)ore, no resear# aade)y or institute #as .een !or)ed to ondut inde%endent
resear# on (as#riAi and t#e *#aksar -e#rik, It is su&&ested to t#ose w#o are in ontrol
in t#e Bovern)ent o! 0akistan t#at t#ey )ake (as#riAiIs servies to t#e nation,
-#is is not only t#eir )oral, .ut also t#eir national duty, -#e !ollowin& ste%s
need to .e taken !ort#wit#H
1-$ resear# aade)y s#ould .e !or)ed to ondut o)%lete resear# on
(as#riAi and #is *#aksar (ove)ent,
2-(as#riAiIs .ooks and s%ee#es need to .e translated into 'n&lis# and ot#er lan&ua&es,
D-$ li.rary e6lusively !or *#aksar literature s#ould .e !or)ed,
>-$ll *#aksar )aterials s#ould .e olleted !ro) t#e, &overn)ent de%art)ents,
t#e India 5!!ie (:,*,), and #istorial resoures in India,
5-(as#riAi and t#e *#aksarsI role s#ould .e )ade a %art o! t#e eduational urriulu) at
all levels,
?-$n o!!iial and un.iased .io&ra%#y on (as#riAi s#ould .e %u.lis#ed de%itin& #is
%ur%ose o! esta.lis#in& t#e *#aksar -e#rik ((ove)ent)
7-I##ra, w#ere (as#riAi started #is )ove)ent in 1=D0, s#ould .e rena)ed a!ter #i) and
a )onu)ent s#ould .e .uilt at #is &rave,
G-:niversity s#ould .e na)ed a!ter $lla)a (as#riAi,
=-$ )onu)ent s#ould .e ereted in ;a#ore at t#e site o! t#e )assare o! (ar# 1=, 1=>0,
10-(ar# 1= s#ould .e delared N(artyrs 4ayO and s%eial se)inars s#ould .e #eld in
)a7or ities in re)e).rane o! t#ose *#aksars t#at laid t#eir lives on t#at day,
11-/oads s#ould .e na)ed a!ter (as#riAi and t#e *#aksars t#at were killed,
12-5!!iial se)inars on t#e ;i!e and -i)es o! $lla)a (as#riAi s#ould .e #eld on annual
1D-3ational )edia s#ould .e direted to .roadastX%u.lis# s%eial %ro&ra)s on (as#riAi,
1>-$ !il) and television %ro&ra) s#ould .e )ade on $lla)a (as#riAi and -#e *#aksar
15-$ national #oliday s#ould .e o.served on (as#riAiIs .irt# or deat# anniversary,
It is very un!ortunate t#at t#ere are t#ose wit# vested interests w#o want t#e nation to
!or&et t#e ontri.utions o! (as#riAi and t#e *#aksars, @e )ust re)e).er t#at a nation
t#at !or&ets its #istory is one t#at loses its !oundation and diretion,
A 9!ie# Int!odu2tion o# a$istan=s A!2&aeolo.y De!ived #!o" a$istan &e!ita.e
#oundation do2u"ent
0akistan is one o! t#e ountries in t#e world wit# diversi!ied eolo&ial and ultural
treasure, $r#aeolo&ial develo%)ent in t#e %ast and %resent #i&#li&#ts )a7or
disoveries, e6%editions and resear# in 0re-8istory, 0roto-8istory, early-8istory, ;ate
8istory and (usli) %eriods,
/esear# o! t#e early %#ases at (e#ar Bar# and *ili Bul (u#a))ad (Balo#istan)
esta.lis#ed t#e !indin&s t#at swit#in& over to !ood %rodution !ro) #untin& and
&at#erin& in 0akistan took %lae around t#e sa)e %eriod ('arly 8oloene =t# (illenniu)
B,C) as t#at o! t#e "yria, -urkey, IraA and 3ort# @estern Iran,
(a#en7odaro X 8ara%%a CivilizationIs rise and !all o! t#e &reat Civilization re)ained an
unsolved )ystery, It was due to resear#, disoveries and investi&ation o! )any sites in
t#e %rovine o! Balo#istan, "ind, 0un7a. and 3ort# @estern 2rontier 0rovine t#at t#e
ori&in and 'volutionary sta&es o! t#e Indus Civilization were o)%re#ensively
-#e Breat Ba% .etween t#e !all o! 8ara%%an X Indus Civilization ( 1Gt# 1=t# entury B,C)
and t#e .e&innin&s o! $#ae)enu) %eriod (?t# Century B,C) still needs to .e solved t#e
disoveries o! Budd#ist sites also s#ed li&#t on $rt and $r#iteture o! Banda#ara
%eriods, -#e disoveries at B#a).ore and :di&ra) 4istrit "wat on!ir)ed t#e 1st and
earliest and late (usli) invasions, w#i# in!luene t#e dyna)is o! di!!erent Isla)
styles, art and $r#iteture,
a$istan=s !e-Histo!i2 Cultu!e 4A 8!ie# Int!odu2tion6
a$istan=s 2ultu!al a2tivity 2lassi#ied into t&!ee A i"1o!tant zones-
1, 0re-8istori Mone
2, 0roto-8istori Mone
D, 8istori Mone
)/ !e-Histo!i2 Bone o# a$istan is #u!t&e! divided in to A t&!ee 1&ases/
$, 0aleolit#i
B, (esolit#i
C, 3eolit#i
T&e!e 1&ases a!e #u!t&e! .!ou1ed into
I, ;ower and 'arly "tone $&e
II, (iddle "tone $&e
III, :%%er or late "tone $&e,
$, 0aleolit#i %#aseH 0aleolit#i %#ase and ultural ativities started a.out two 2 )illion
years a&o and ontinued till 10,000 BC,
0akistan N8and $6e CultureO was re%orted .y 4r -erra and 0aterson (Lale and
Ca).rid&e '6%edition 1=D?) Visited 8a)alyan re&ion, *as#)ir and 2oot#ills o! 0un7a.,
-#ey lai)ed !our Blaial %#ases in *as#)ir, -#eir later disovery o! "tone $&e was
"5$3 valley ulture, w#i# was related to t#ese &laises,
-#e inter&laial and inter %luvial li)ati onditions &ive .irt# to t#e develo%)ent o!
#u)an ultural ativities in t#e re&ion,
leisto2ene .eolo.y o# a$istan 4oto&a! a!ea6
-#e %oto#ar re&ion is an elevated %lain w#i# inludes /awal%indi and ot#er %arts o!
0un7a., -#e "iwalike are o)%aratively reent !or)ation, o)%risin& o! wind .lown
)aterial and !res# water de%osits, -#ese i)%ortant de%osits are dated as early as late
(ioene till early )iddle 0leistoene a&e,
-#e "iwaliks series in 0akistan a) .e o.served %artiularly in t#e nort# @est 0akistan
su# as at Bannu and 3ows#era,
a) ;ower "iwaliks,
.) (iddle "iwaliks,
) :%%er "iwaliks,
$ll t#e t#ree &rou%s e6e%t t#e to% )ost #ave yielded !ossils o! )a))als, inludin& t#ese
o! ant#ro%oids ($%e),
A/ Ea!ly Stone A.e o# a$istan-
Beside t#e lassi!iation o! river "5$3 terrae !or)ation t#e e6%edition (Lale and
Ca).rid&e) divided t#e entire "5$3 valley ulture into !ive 5 %#ases,
-#is &rou%in& is on t#e .ases o! ultural asse).la&es in t#e "5$3 valley,
Classi#i2ation o# SOAN valley 2ultu!e is-
1) 0re "oan
2) 'arly "oan
D) ;ate "oan
>) C#auntra Culture
5) 'volved "oan,
In early "tone $&e o! "oan valley i)%ortant tools like %e..le, #o%%es #o%%in& K
$..evillion Y $#eullean ty%e tools were re%orted,
9/(iddle aleolit&i2 o# a$istan-
-#e (iddle 0aleolit#i ulture is t#e develo%ed sta&e o! lowers "tone $&e, 2ire was
re&ularly usedR eono)y was .ased on #untin& &at#erin& K olletion o! !ruit K
ve&eta.les, (en !or t#e 1st ti)e s#eltered #i)sel! inside t#e rok s#elters, -#e world
!a)ous )iddle "tone $&e site loated in t#e (ardan distrit known as "an&#ao ave, Its
1st %eriod is assi&ned to )iddle stone a&e san&#ao ave industry to .e %laed o!
(ousterian %#ase o! $!&#anistan K entral $sia, .elon&s to u%%er 0leistoene o! ?0000
B,0 to 20000 B0, (iddle stone a&e disoveries o! "oan valley are i)%ortant due to
dentiulate K 3ot#ed tools,
2/ U11e! Stone Cultu!e o# a$istan-
-#is (u%%er "toneXlate stone a&e) is &enerally re&arded as Blade industry, (iro#t#i
tools, Bar.ed 8ar%oon, "#ar% %oint K so)e .ones tools were also introdution, -#e
%#ase dated !ro) D5000B0 to 10000 B0, In 0akistan (Balo#istan) ave $rt started K =
aves #ave .een so !ar disovered t#e Moo)or%#i !i&ures are also de%ited in two-
di)ensional )et#ods, -#ese %aintin& #ave lose o)%arison wit# t#e ave art o! $lta
(ira "%ain, w#i# is dated !ro) 22000 B0 to 12000 B0,
-#e (esolit#i %#ase is t#e .e&innin& o! )irolit#i ulture, -#is %eriod is dated to
10000 B0, -#e Auartz tools, #ar tools, .lades (Beo)etrial s#a%e tools like lunette,
tra%ezes K -rian&ular are re%orted, -#ese tools !ro) Cry%torystalinesilike,
-#is %lae was re%laed .y t#e 0roto-8istori event, su# as world 2a)ous Indus valley
ivilization X 8ara%%an Civilization, t#e )an o! t#is era ontri.uted a lot in a&riulture, K
de)onstration o! ani)als,
-#is stone a&e o! 0akistan is t#e .e&innin& o! t#e settled li!e, It onverted into villa&es K
towns, -#e #ouses were !or t#e 1st ti)e onstruted wit# .urnt .riks, Cera)i traditions
)ade its introdution, -#ree di!!erent te#niAues !or %ottery !or)ation ado%ted,
1st-- Basket )ark %ottery
2nd-- 8and )ade era)is
Drd-- @#eel )ade %ottery
*iln were )ade K used to )ake .riks K era)is were .aked, Clay !i&urines were
re%laed .y terraotta !i&urine,
-erra ota #eads, se)i%reious stone were used w#i# s#ows t#e lon& distane trade
.etween 3eolit#i sites o! 0akistan, $!&#anistan K Iran,
Burial tradition K .urial %ottery in 0akistan started in t#is area, Cottonseed disovery in
e6avation indiatin& t#e weavin& X Clot#in& industry, 4i!!erent .asi )et#ods were used
!or t#ese arti!ats, i-e
I, 2lankin&
II, Broundin& X 0olis#in&
III, 0ekin& -e#niAue
"ikle .lades !or $&riulture is also t#e si&ni!iant a#ieve)ent o! t#is era,
-#e earliest settle)ent o! t#is era is (e#er Bar# dated to G215 B,C K its last %#ase is
2500 BC, -#is was t#e evolution .irt# o! t#e &reat Indus ivilization, w#i# started !ro)
2D50 BC, -#e i)%ortant sites areH
Z (e#en Bar#,
Z *illi Bul (o#a))ad
Z Euetta Valley loality 17, 2>, 25 K D>
Z Bu)la, 4,I, *#an
Z *ot 4i77i "ind
Z "#erren *#an -arakai Bannu,
Z -akot Brid&e $lai 8azara
Z 10D aves in ;as Baila
Z lake#en7odara "ukker
Z <ali%ur ?5 *) ! Bra%%a,
Z "aria *#ola -a6ila,
Z /e#)an 4#eri 4,I, *#an,
-#e s#elterin&, do)estiation o! ani)als early a&riulture K e6%loitation o! %lants K
ani)als is s%eialty o! early 8oloene %eriod,
e!iod I/ Neolit&i2
aH $era)i 3eolit#i, G200 B,C
.H Cera)i 3eolit#i ?t# )illenniu) BC,
e!iod II/ Ct& "illenniu" 9C
aH 4evelo%ed unor&anized .uildin&,
.H early C#aloolit#i,
e!iod III/ Se2ond &al# o# t&e Ct& "illenniu" 9C 4C&al2olit&i2 e!iod6
e!iod IV/ >ate 2&alo2olit&i2 4ea!ly 9!onze a.e6 AD,,-AE,, 9C
e!iod V/ 9!onze a.e AE,,-ED,, 9C
0akistanIs 0roto-8istory e6tended .ak into 2nd #al! o! t#e >t# )illenniu) BC,
0#oto&ra%#i details X sy).ols, arved seals trade)ark, sy).ols, en&raved %ottery are
si&ni!iant s%eialist o! t#is &reat %#ase,
-#e disovery K study o! $)ri #as .rou&#t li&#t on 0re-8ara%%an in "out#ern "ind, In
early ?0Is <,( asal )ade t#e 1st sienti!i K o)%re#ensive investi&ation, 8e
esta.lis#ed t#e seAuene o! 0re K 'arly 8ara%%an .elow t#e )ature 8ara%%an %#ase, In
'arly 8ara%%an sites, .owls, Bo.lets, Vases, %ainted %ottery, o%%er K .ronze #ert
Blades, %oly#ro)e %ainted K &eo)etri desi&ns K !i&urines o! .irds K ani)als are
strikin& ele)ent o! t#is %#ase,
-#e %lanned, !orti!ied ar#iteture o! t#e towns K villa&es is t#e )ain ontri.ution o! t#is
era disoveries -erraotta !i&urine K arti!ats o! .ronze K o%%er !ound at /e#)an-4#ei,
(o#en7o-4aro, "#a#r-I-"okt#a 'ast Iran, and (undi&ak "out#ern $!&#anistan K
3i)az&a# -e%e Central $sia, Closely linked K rese).le wit# ea# ot#er,
-#e evidene o! indi&enous develo%)ent o! Indus Valley is availa.le !ro) early
8ara%%an sites e,&, ($)ri , (e#ar&ar# , *ot 4i77, Bu)ls K /e#a) 4#eri),
-#e Indus valley &ave .irt# to one o! t#e )ain K )ost ao)%lis#ed syste) in t#e
Drd )illenniu) BC, -#e syste) o! Indus valley later develo%ed under t#e
so%#istiated towns#i%, #ouse, draina&e, sewera&e K drinkin& water su%%ly %lannin& K
-#e lon& distane trade, roads, .aked .riks ar#iteture, standardized wei&#t, )easures,
seals wit# writin& K Cra!t s%eialization, ivi disi%line K ad)inistration is t#e #all
)ark o! t#is soiety, w#i# is rarely witnessed in t#e t#en onte)%orary world, -#is
ivilization s%read !ro) t#e !oot#ills o! 8i)alayas to t#e Indian Bu7arat, /a7ist#an K
0ak-Iran .order land,
-#e anient 0akistan develo%ed an ivilization onte)%orary to t#e '&y%tian K
(eso%ota)ian, .ut in )any as%ets !or su%ervision to its western ounter %art in over all a#ieve)ents, -#e ities o! 8ara%%a K (o#i7o-4aro .eo)e t#e #all)ark K .irt#
o! oriental Civilization "out# K "out#west $sia,
$round 2000 BC 0akistan Indus syste) delined K olla%sed, t#e !ra&)entation o!
Indus ivilization into /e&ional, K /ural ulture develo%ed t#e .ases !or %ost
%#ase o! 0akistan, !or 1500 years t#e &reat %lanned ities o! Indus ivilization no lon&er
e6isted, -#e sattered evidenes o! %ost ulture are availa.le in all over 0akistanIs
di!!erent loalities, -#is N4ark a&esO dated !or) 1Gt# Y 1=t# entury BC t#e arrival o!
$#ae)enian in t#e ?t# entury BC,
"o)e sites o! Balo#istan, "ind K 0un7a. indiate t#e new arrival !or) Iran K Central
$sia, -#e violent destrution o! /ana-B#undai K 4a#ar *ot in 3ort#ern Balo#istan
s#ows t#e !all o! Indus ivilization K rise o! t#e new $liens,
In t#e &eo)etrial disoveries o! "#a#-i--u)% t#e o%%er sta)% seals, o%%er s#at-#ole
a6e K %ainted &ray %ottery seals, o%%er %ins wit# s%iral loo%s or )us#roo) #eads,
%ainted %ottery wit# naturalisti K a.strat desi&ns in )ono&i#ro)e K %oly#ro)e #ave
lear in!luene !or) Iran, Cauasus entral $sia, $!&#anistan K west, -#e
%#ase o! 0akistan divided 1st %#ase 1G- 17t# entury BC, -#e #arateristi o! t#is %#ase
is )ud-.riks strutures assoiated wit# lar&e %lat!or), yielded %ottery, #and )ade
oarse %ainted desi&ns K !i&urines o! 8orses K Ca)els, -#e 2nd K Drd %#ase (1D70-
1D>0 BC) K1000-G0 BC res%etively arry al)ost t#e sa)e tradition as su. %#ase (1G-
17t# entury BC) .ut t#e last %#ase is wit# sa)e introdution o! Iranian in!luene,
"o)e o! t#e 8ara%%an (.lak on red) %ottery also ontinued in t#ese %#ases,
0anda&a!a .!ave Cultu!e
3ort#ern valleys o! "wat 4ir K C#itral #undreds e)eteries !ounded K overin& a s%an
o! over are 1000 year, -o t#ese sites t#e Italian $r#aeolo&ist alled t#e 0re-Budd#ist
%eriod, But later on t#ey realized t#at t#ese e)eteries .elon&ed to $sakenios o! lower K
u%%er "wat, 4es%ite t#e e)eteries site s%readin& in vast area o! 3@20 o! t#e &eneral
ate&ories o! t#ese &raves are
aH 4ou.le %itX.i- C#a).er &raves
.H sin&le %itXuni- C#a).er &raves,
Dis1osal o# t&e Deads-
1, In#u)ation
2, Cre)ation
D, 2rational
Fune!a!y 0oods-
Z Vessels K %ottery )ade on w#eel
Z ")all, (ediu) K ;ar&e size 7ars
Z Cookin& %ots
Z /etan&ular K sAuare .o6es,
Z Bowls
Z 4rinkin& u%s (&ray K .lak ware)
Z Beads (%artiular in !e)ale .urial)
Z -oilets o.7etive,
Z Co%%er K .ronze %ins,
Z "#ort dra&&ers
Z *nives
Z "words
Z $rrow 8eads
Z "%ear
Z Iron $rti!ies,
Z 2e)ale !i&urines (;i)ited in 3o)
9udd&ist F 0anda&a!a A!t in a$istan/
8undreds o! Budd#ist sites yielded t#ousands o! sul%tural %iees durin& t#e last two
#undreds years, -#e #ronolo&y o! t#ese Budd#ist sul%ture were started !ro) Drd
Century B,C to 10t# Century $4,
-#e Indus-56us re&ions over t#e valleys o! t#e Indus K 56us K t#e territory .etween
t#e), -#is land-)ass o)%rised a nu).er o! anient states, )ore or less inde%endent
a)on& w#i# (:ddiyana) ((alakand division) K Banda#ara (0es#awar Valley) were
situated in %resent 0akistan K *a%isa (0un7s#ir Y B#or.and Valley) K Batria
$!&#anistan, -#e sul%ture o! t#eir states sli&#tly di!!erent !or ea# ot#er,
Budd#ist )onu)ents su# as 4#ar)ara7ika stu%a at -a6ila, t#e &reat stu%a at Butkara,
$sokan rok-edits in " K (anse#ra in t#e 3ort#-@est-2rontier-0rovine
o! 0akistan K insri%tion near < in $!&#anistan su&&est t#at Budd#is) was
introdued into t#is re&ion .y )issionaries at t#e $soka (aurya is t#e early #al! o! t#e
Drd entury BC or even earlier, It #as .een a do)inant re&ion #ere !or a.out a )illenniu)
!or t#e $rtisti Budd#ist ativities,
-#e Budd#ist at was reli&ious K its %ur%ose was t#e %ro%a&ation o! Budd#ist .ut later on
#an&ed to t#e %rovision o! ult o.7ets,
In t#e u%%er Indus Valley two nei&#.orin& anient states :ddiyana K Banda#ara %layed a
do)inant role in t#e %ro)otion K evolution o! Budd#ist art in Indus re&ion, It was in t#e
#istorial %ro!ile t#at t#ese states develo%ed a #y.rid ulture drawin& in!luene !or)
0ersia, India, entral $sia, Breee K /o)e K w#i# resulted in diversi!ied artisti traits
in Budd#ist art,
-#e lon& )ar# o! aade)i %ursuit an .e su))arized into t#ree %#ases,
i, $ntiAuarian interest,
ii, Be&innin& o! "yste)ati $r#aeolo&ial /esear#,
iii, /eonstrution o! $r#aeo-'nviron)ent,
-#e latest resear#, .ased on t#e e6avated )aterial !ro) various site in t#e "wat Valley
.rin& us to t#e onlusion t#at t#e "wat Valley )i&#t #ave .een t#e %lae w#ere t#e
ori&in o! t#e Indus-o6us s#ool took %lae,
"wat is .eauti!ul .ut it )i&#t #ave .een %aradise in t#e %ast w#en its natural .eauty was
!ully intat,
It is !all o! Budd#ist )onu)ents .ut )ore 75T still re)ain to .e e6%lored t#at need
serious attention o! s#olars, Bovts K 0rivates setors,
Hindu S&a&is o# a$istan-
'videne !or various ar#aeolo&ial seAuene K #istorial )onu)ents 0akistan #as .een
t#e #o)e o! )ulti%le ulture devises in nature .eause o! invasions K )ass )i&rations
!ro) t#e 3ort#-@est K 'ast,
-#e indi&enous Indus valley ulture was !allowed .y t#at o! t#e Vedi %eo%le X $ryans,
w#o a)e down !ro) t#e stee%s in (2000 BC),
Bra#)anis) ulture was also enri#ed .y t#e in!lu6 o! traits !ro) ot#er alien nations-
Z -#e $#ae)enian o! 0ersia
Z Breeks
Z Indians
Z Batrian Breeks
Z "yt#e Y 0art#ian
Z *usanas
Z *usanao-"assanians
Z 8uns
2or) ?t# entury BC to ?t# Century $4, -#e #istory o! t#e 8indu "#a#is an .e traed
.ak to t#e -urk "#a#is o! *, -#e !or)er was !ounded .y *allar, an usur%er o! t#e
t#rone o! ;ankatur)an, t#e last ruler o! t#e -urks "#a#i dynasty o! $!&#anistan, in $4
8e s#i!ted #is a%ital to 8und on (3ort# @est 2rontier 0rovine) t#e ri&#t Bank o! t#e
Indus, in t#e 0es#awar Valley in due ourse o! ti)e t#e 8indu-"#a#i rulers realized t#e)
suzerainty in ot#er %art o! t#e Indus re&ion, 8owever t#e (world 2a)ous) salt ran&e in
.elieved to t#e t#eir stron&#old as t#e !reAueny o! t#e 8indu te)%les,
E1i.!a1&y in a$istan-
In t#e reonstrution o! a #istory, or in studyin& t#e %olitial, ad)inistration, le&islative K
dynasti reords o! e6tent ivilizations, '%i&ra%#y %lays a very i)%ortant role, as it
%rovide a sure #osts !or even line o! resear# onneted wit# its %ast,
0akistan de%ends lar&ely !or its %olitial K ultural #istory an art K ar#iteture,
nu)is)atis, insri%tions K e6ternal reords, -#e earliest literary re!erenes to t#e re&ion
were !ound !or t#e 1st ti)e in t#e oldest dou)ent o! t#e indo-$ryans, t#e ei&veda .ut a
lear-ut K detailed de!initions is !ound !or t#e 1st ti)e in t#e aounts o! t#e visited
Budd#ist sites in Banda#ara in t#e early 7t# entury $4, 0ortion o! t#e anient #istory o!
0akistan is reonstruted )ainly !or) t#e ;iteray K ar#aeolo&ial evidenes in t#e
s#a%e o! insri%tions, oins K )onu)ents is )ore i)%ortant t#en ;iteray reord,
;oal K !orei&n e%i&ra%#y )entions t#e re&ion as early as t#e ti)e o! 4arius 52G-1= C-
BC, -#e na)e Banda#ara also a%%eared in *a).o7as rok edit o! $s#oka, 4urin& t#e
onAuest o! Cyrus K t#e arrival o! Isla), 0akistan was under t#e native sway !or a !ew
#undred years, 5t#erwise t#e ountry su!!ered a suession o! !orei&n invaders,
Z $#ae)enian 55G-D27 BC
Z Breek D27-05 BC
Z Batrian 1=0-=0 BC
Z "akan =0- BC- ?> $4
Z *us#an ?> $4 Y >?0 $4
@#o !ounded kin&do)s in t#e re&ion, t#us le!t i)%ortant )aterial in s#a%e o! insri%tion
K oins, w#i# an .e !ound t#rou&# out t#e ountry,
-#e Indus 8ara%%an Civilization seals K insri%tion is still on unsolved )ystery, (any
e!!orts #ave .een already done K still ontinued, .ut un!ortunately, it #as not .een solved,
-#e art o! writin& in 0akistan "tarts wit# t#e disovery o! t#e (auryan insri%tion, -o
day we know t#at in 0akistan t#e )ost %o%ular earliest sri%t was *8$/5"8-8I, w#i#
was written !or ri&#t to le!t, -#e sri%t was in use !or Drd entury BC to DrdX >t# entury
$4, -#en t#is sri%t was re%laed .y B/$8(I sri%t w#i# was )ore onvenient !or t#e
loal lan&ua&e wit# onAuest !ro) $ra. (usli)s, anot#er ty%e o! sri%t introdued alled
$ra.i (Gt# $,4) was introdued, -#is sri%t also %asses t#rou&# sta&es, -#e earliest was
*u!i !ound at (ansura ("ind) t#e -o#i valley insri%tion s#ows t#at t#e Indian sri%ts
were in use side .y side wit# t#at o! t#e $ra.i K 0ersian sri%t, 5000 di!!erent
insri%tions #ave .een reorded .y 0ak-Ber)an study &rou% in 1=7=, 4i!!erent sri%t #as
.een used in t#ese insri%tions, i-e
Z *#aros#t#i
Z Bra#)i
Z "#arda
Z "o&dian
Z (iddle-0essian
Z 0art#ian
Z Batrian
Z C#inese
Z 8e.rew
Z "yrian
Z -i.etan
Z $ra.i
Ro2$ A!t in a$istan-
-#e 1st &reat disovery o! t#e 1=t# entury in t#e #istory o! ar#eolo&ial !inds o!
0akistan an insri.ed seal %iked u% .y $le6andra Cunnin&#a) !ro) 8ara%%a in 1G7D,
But t#e reent ;and)ark disovery is nek-Briddle .y a s#e%#erdess, -#ousands o! rok
arvin& dou)ented in t#e u%%er Indus valley,
3o wonder rok arvin& an .e !ound in even ot#er %arts o! 0akistan &eo&ra%#ially
s%eakin& t#e u%%er Indus o! #i&# )ountains, -#is area o! 0akistan is a re&ion o!
i)%ressive )ountains onsistin& *arakora), 8i)alaya K 8ind-*us#, -#e river Indus
di&&in& a nu).er o! dee% &or&es, /uns !irst .etween 8ara)os# K *arakora) K near
8ara)os# Indus /iver, #an&es its diretions to t#e "out#, It is rossed .y a nu).er o!
routes, w#i# sine at least t#e Drd entury BC #ave served as tradin& link .etween
C#ina, entral $sia K t#e Indo-0ak su.ontinent, -#is )ysterious world never #ave
attrated t#e attention o! t#e orient lists un till t#e disovery o! D0000 arvin& en&raved
on t#e sur!ae o! li!!s, roks K #u&e .oulders !ound in various loalities, -#is i)%ortant
re&ion w#i# %layed a role in t#e o))erial K ultural e6#an&e .etween
entral $sia K t#e Indian world was .adly i&nored,
$%art !or) t#e reli&ious or sy).oli !i&ures, so)e o! t#ese arvin& de%it erotiis),
!i&#tin&, danin& K #untin& senes,
Besides t#e), )ore t#en 5000 insri%tions #ave .een reorded so !ar, In addition to t#e
#istori &rou% o! arvin& nu)erous %re#istori en&ravin& we also !ound, $)on& t#e) t#e
!ore)ost are t#e re%resentation o!
Z $ni)als
Z Biants
Z (ask
Z (astoids
Z 0rints o! #ands K !eet
Z $nt#ro%o)or%#i re%resentation
@#at e6atly are t#ere arvin&? @e )ay never .e a.le to understand !ully t#e ori&in K
t#e s%ei!i role o! all o! t#e)R it see) #owever t#at t#ey %layed an i)%ortant role in t#e
reli&ious, soial K ultural in t#e reli&ious, soial K Cultural li!e o! t#e t#an en&ravers,
Coina.e in a$istan-
-#e earliest indi&enous oina&e !ound in 0akistan K India were struk in "ilver K
Co%%erX Co))only known as N0un#Y(arked CoinsO t#e )anu!aturin& te#niAue o!
t#eir oin was N0un#in& wit# se%arate %ressed diesO,
"o)e s#olar are o! t#e view t#at t#ese oins were introdued in t#e ?t# X 7t# entury BC,
"o)e 10t# entury BC K so)e traes its ori&in in t#e .e&innin& o! 2nd (illenniu) BC,
-#e 0un#er )arked oins are reordered !ro) *a.ul valley, 0akistan and u% to t#e
Ban&es valley in India, @#i# s#ows t#at t#ese oins were widely irulated until t#e
%ost (auryan %eriod,
-#e oins o! Indu Breek *in&s, very well known in 0akistan, and $!&#anistan are a)on&
t#e 1st in t#e &rou% o! alienIs rulers,
-#ere Breeks are alled wit# di!!erent na)es su# as
[ Indus Breek
[ Indo- Breeks 25? BC
[ Indo Batrian Breek (1st Century BC)
[ Braeo- Batrian,
-#e oins s#ow 8ellenisti in!luene #avin& Breek deities, le&ends K !a.ris, -#e issued
oins in "ilver, Co%%er and in Bold K 3ikle in atti wei&#t standards, 0
-#e Indo Y Breeks were sueeded .y two dynasties i-e,
- "yt#ians
- 0art#ian
In t#eir oins alon& wit# Breek in!luene so)e Indians deities were added, (ouse, $zes
IKII K Bondo%#ares are i)%ortant rules o! t#eir dynasties was ended on t#e arrival o!
anot#er &reat dynasty N*us#ansO w#o a)e !ro) t#e 3ort# @est .order o! C#ina, -#e
*#us#an 0eriod in re&arded as t#e &olden a&e in t#e #istory o! 0akistan and $!&#anistan
K "u. Continent,
T&e i"1o!tant $in.s o# t&is dynasty a!e
Z *u7ula kad%#ises
Z @i)a I -akto
Z @i)a II *ad%#ises
Z *anis#ka I
Z 8uvis#ka
Z ;ater *us#an *in&s,
-#eir oins reeived &reat ins%irations !ro) /o)an K 0ersian ivilizations, 0ersian titles
K deities wit# t#eir na)es in Breek introdued, In lasted %eriod t#e Indian deities and t#e
i)a&e o! Budd#a was also de%ited on t#e reverse side o! t#e oin,
-#e "assanians anne6ed t#e *us#ans territory in Banda#ara K $!&#anistan re&ion w#ere
as t#e 'astern %art .eyond t#e Indus /iver was still in t#e #ands o! *us#an *in&s K were
known as later *us#ans,
-#e struk oins in &old, "ilver K o%%er in t#eir own style wit# !a)ous 2ire-altar
sy).ol on t#e reverse and t#an &old oins known as "y%#ates (Cu% "#a%ed) are t#e
i)itations o! Vasudeva I issues,
-#e a&e o! ;ater *us#ans K *us#ans Y "assiness was ended u% w#en *idrites a)e to
0ower in t#e >t# Century $4, ;ater on t#ey were also overrun .y @#ite 8uns 5t# entury
-#e oins o! 8uns rulers (8indu "#a#i) are very rude and rou&# K did not reeive &reat
!asinations .y s#olars, In 0akistan t#e ot#er series o! Coins are known !ro) t#e ti)e o!
8indu- "#a#i rules, -#e )ost ou)arone ty%er was .ull and #orse)an, ;oin and ele%#ant
also in notewort#y, -#ey esta.lis#ed t#eir kin&do) in =t# entury $4 and ontinued u%
to 11t# entury $4, -#eir !a)ous kin&s areH
Z Vakkadeva
Z "a)antadeva
Z <ai%al
Ea!liest Isla"i2 (onu"ents in a$istan
T&e 2onst!u2tion o# t&ei! 1&ase o#
T!anslation' An Analyti2al Study
"ine re)ote antiAuity, t#e ar#itet-)asons o! Iran, Central $sia and Indo-0ak su.-
ontinent !aed t#e %ro.le) o! trans!or)in& a sAuare #a).er into a irular .ase !or t#e
ree%tion o! a #e)is%#erial su%erstruture, Visualizin& t#e so%e o! t#e %ro.le), t#ey
devised and used various te#niAues and, &radually t#rou&# years o! e6%eriene &ained
t#rou&# diverse .uildin& ativities, a#ieved t#e solution o! t#e %ro.le)Qt#e ar#ed
sAuin# syste),
2is#er #as dou)ented and e6%lained nu)erous e6a)%les o! t#ese ar#itetural
ontrivanes used in t#e Budd#ist, "assanians, 8indu and (usli) )onu)ents in #is
survey re%ort on $!&#anistan, and in #is .ook on t#e reli&ious and do)esti ,, seular
ar#iteture o! t#e Indo-0ak su.-ontinent, 8e #as desri.ed t#irty di!!erent ar#itetural
devies !or t#e onstrution o! t#e zone o! transition .etween t#e #a).er and t#e do)e,
$)on& t#ese, #is ty%es, \, 2?-27 and 2=-D0 &reatly #el% us in understandin& t#e %roess
o! te#nial develo%)ent !ro) a si)%le orner stone-%late to t#e !ully develo%ed ar#ed
2ollowin& is a desri%tion o! so)e o! t#e earliest do)ed )ausoleu)s in 0akistan and t#e
onstrution o! t#eir zone o! transition, It is i)%ortant to )ention #ere t#at t#ey are not
dealt wit# in a #ronolo&ial seAuenes, !or all o! t#e) e6e%t t#e to). o! *#alid @alid
are dated to t#e 12t# Y 1Dt# enturies on t#e .asis o! t#eir ar#itetural style and
-#e to). o! (u#a))ad 8arun, an $ra. &overnor o! (akran in t#e early years o! t#e Gt#
entury $,4, is re&arded to .e t#e earliest (usli) to). in 0akistan, -#is .rik struture
is sAuare in %lan and t#e sAuare #a).er is diretly overed .y a low do)e, '6ternally,
ea# side o! t#e sAuare #a).er is divided into two %arts, -#e u%%er %ortion is %ro!usely
deorated wit# various !riezes in ut-.rik work u% to t#e %ara%et level, and t#e lower
%ortion is %areled out vertially into t#ree retan&ular %anels, ea# #avin& )ud %laster o!
a later %eriod, Internally t#e to). #a).er is onverted into an ota&on .y )eans o!
si)%le %endentives .e&innin& !ro) t#e &round level, w#i# su%%ort t#e do)e,
-#e seond s%ei)en in t#e series is t#e so-alled to). o! *#alid @alid at t#e villa&e o!
*#atti#aur near *a.irwala, $ordin& to t#e loal in!or)ation, *#alid @alid
ao)%anied t#e ar)ies o! "ultan (a#)ud o! B#azni to (ultan and settled #ere, -#e
to). .uildin& is !lanked .y an o.lon& vaulted #a).er on t#e nort# and sout# sides and
ou%ies t#e enter o! a lar&e retan&ular !orti!ied o)%le6, -#e sAuare-do)ed
)ausoleu) #as !our entrane, t#ree o! w#i# are now losed and %resently only t#e
eastern entrane &ives aess to t#e to). #a).er, -#e sAuare to). #a).er is
onverted into an ota&on .y )eans o! orner-ar#ed sAuin#es, -#e ar#ed sAuin#es
are e6euted .y lyin& .riks in #evron %attern and t#eir s%andrels are !illed wit#
trian&ular ste%%ed reess ni#es, an ar#itetural devie !reAuently used in t#e (usli)s
)ove)ents o! Central $sia, -#e sAuin#es and t#eir s%andrels at t#e to). o! (u#a))ad
$.i Ma#id $l 8ana!i, $.u 8urira, Ba.a /us#nai and t#e )osAue o! -alk#atan Ba.a are
%rovided wit# si)ilar ste%%ed reessed ni#es, -#ese ni#es are not )erely an
ar#itetural devie o! !ill an ot#erwise o.trusive &a% in t#e zone o! transition, t#eir
%ri)ary !untion is to trans!or) t#e ota&onal zone o! transition into a irular .ase !or
t#e ree%tion o! t#e do)e,
-#e o.lon& #a).ers !lankin& t#e to). o! *#alid @alid were one valuated .y )eans o!
"assanians sAuin#es, $s !ar as t#is ar#itetural devie is onerned, it is t#e only
)onu)ent in 0akistan w#ere we o)e aross "assanians sAuin#es, @e #ave
ar#itetural evidene !ro) Central $sia, and $!&#anistan, w#ere "assanians sAuin#es
are used, .ot# in Budd#ist and Isla)i )onu)ents,
-#e #istorial insri%tion on t#e (e#ra. in!or)s us t#at *#alid @alid to). o)%le6 was
.uilt on t#e order o! $li Bin *ar)ak#, a &overnor o! (ultan under t#e B#ourid dynasty,
$ &rou% o! !our to).s at ;al (a#ra "#ari! &raveyard in 4era Is)ail *#an distrit is in a
lass .y itsel!, $ll o! t#ese to).s are sAuare in s#a%e wit# an ar# o%enin& on ea# side
e6e%t t#e, w#ere a )e#ra. is ao))odated in ea# ase, In t#ree to).s t#e do)e
is diretly %laed on sAuare #a).er wit# t#e #el% o! ar#ed sAuin#es (%1, I a), -#e
ar#ed sAuin#es, as well as t#eir s%andrels, are !illed in wit# overla%%in& ourses o!
or.elled .riks, -#e or.elled .rik ourse in t#e s%andrels o! t#e sAuin#es onverts t#e
zone o! transition into a si6teen-sided area, w#i# !ailitates a round .ase !or t#e do)e,
5nly one to). is .uild in t#ree sta&es and see)s to .e t#e latest in t#e &rou%, In t#is
to)., t#e sAuire #a).er su%%orts a #i&# %ro)inent ota&onal zone o! transition,
sur)ounted .y a do)e, -#e onstrution o! t#e zone o! transition o! t#e to). deviates
!ro) t#e traditional style used in t#e ot#er t#ree to).s, Internally, t#e sAuire to).
#a).er is onverted into an ota&on .y ar#ed sAuin#es like t#e %reedin& to).,
$.ove t#e sAuin#es runs a row o! si6teen ni#es (%1 II .) re%lain& t#e or.elled .riks
ourses as seen in t#e s%andrels o! t#e sAuin#es o! t#e !irst t#ree strutures,
-#e two to).s in $ror and "ukkur distrit are also wort# )entionin&, 5ne o! t#e)
attri.uted to "#eik# "#akar&an7 and ot#er to *#atalud 4in "#a#, alon& wit# t#is
attri.ution #as .een reently #allen&ed, Bot# t#ese strutures are sAuire in outline and
#ave a ri# ut-.riks deoration, In sur!ae orna)entation t#ey s#ows lose si)ilarity
wit# t#e to)s at ;al (a#ra "#ari! and ertain to).s towers in Iran, In one to). t#e
enlosed sAuire #a).er is onverted into an ota&on .y )eans o! orner sAuin#es, and
t#eir s%lendors are !illed in wit# a !ew ourses o! or.elled .riks trans!or)in& t#e
ota&onal zone o! transition in to a si6teen-sided struture,
-#e seond to). rese).les t#e %reedin& one in every res%et, Internally t#e orner
sAuin#es #ave )iniature ni#es reated wit# in t#e .rik )asonry and si)ilar ni#es
#ave .een dou)ented in )any ot#er .uildin&s,
-#e last e6a)%le o! t#e series is t#e to). o! "#eik# "adan "#a#eed, near villa&e <alaran,
on t#e (uza!!ar Bar# Y <#an& road, -#is .rik to). is sAuare in %lan and is ereted on a
#i&# %lat!or) a.out two )eters a.ove t#e surroundin& &round levels, -#e !ine ut-.rik
deoration &ives t#is to). a uniAue %lae a)on& t#e early !unerary .uildin&s in 0akistan
and s#ows t#e i)%at and ontinuation o! t#e 8indu-Budd#ist ar#itetural deoration,
w#i# is not !ound on early (usli) .uildin&s in 0akistan, Internally t#e sAuare #a).er
is onverted into an ota&on .y )eans o! orner sAuin#es, w#i# #ave a !ew ourses o!
or.elled .riks,
-#e %reedin& analysis s#ows t#at ar# sAuin#es and or.elled .rik ourses #ave .een
used in t#e onstrution o! t#e zone o! transition, 8owever, in t#e to).s o! ;al (a#ra
"#ari! .ot# ar#ed sAuin#es and overla%%in& ourses o! or.elled .roks #ave .een used
in onvertin& t#e sAuare #a).er into ota&on, -#e o-e6istene o! t#ese two
ar#itetural devies, t#e ar#ed sAuin#es and t#e .rik ourses, in t#e !or)ation o! t#e
zone o! transition, su&&ests t#e antiAuity o! one o! t#e )et#ods and t#ere an .e little
dou.t t#at t#is is t#e or.ellin& syste),
It is &enerally assu)ed t#at, %rior to t#e advent o! Isla) in t#e su.-ontinent, .uildin&s
were usually onstruted on t#e traditional or or.ellin& )et#od, -#e (usli)s
.rou&#t wit# t#e) t#e idea o! true ar# onstrution, -#e loal )ason, trained !or
&enerations in t#e onstrution o! %re-(usli) reli&ious and seular .uildin&s on
traditional desi&ns, was alled u%on to eret reli&ious and do)esti edi!ies !or t#eir
(usli) %atrons, 8avin& no e6%eriene in aruate syste), t#e native ar#itet )ason was
le!t wit# no #oie .ut to use .ot# t#e ar#itetural ontrivane o! t#e ar# introdued .y
t#e (usli)s, and t#e indi&enous te#niAue o! or.ellin&, in t#e early %#ase o! (usli)
ar#iteture, $!ter &ainin& e6%eriene in various .uildin& %ro7ets, t#ey overed lar&e and
s%aious sAuare roo)s wit# do)es .y )eans o! orner-ar#ed sAuin#es, 8owever, t#e
older te#niAue was not alto&et#er disarded and we o)e aross )any later .uildin&s
w#ere it o-e6isted wit# ar#ed sAuin#es,
In t#e onstrution o! t#e sAuin#es and t#e zone o! transition, t#e !ore )entioned
)ausolea in 0akistan losely rese).le )any )onu)ents in Central $sia, dated to t#e
11t# Y 1Dt# enturies, "te%%ed or.elled .rik ourses, e)%loyed in t#e sAuin#es and t#e
zones o! transition o! t#ese )onu)ents, #ave .een desri.ed usin& various ter)s, su# as
N"talatiteO , NCor.elledO or N0ro7etin& %edentivesO , N"tu!en %endenti!sO or N %endenti!
enor.ellantO, $rt-8istorians Central-$sian .uildin&s #ave usually alled su#
devies N0arusO w#i# )eans a #oneyo). %attern,
In t#e )osAue o! 8aki) Yal--er)ezi, t#e 4aya *#atun Caravanserai, a to). at *assan
and t#e to). o! (u#a))ad Bas#aro, t#e do)es rests diretly on or.elled .rik ourses
e6euted in t#e s#a%e o! an inverted trian&le, "i)ilarly t#e do)e o! t#e )osAue at *#ara-
*#oto was also ereted on or.elled .rik ourses, -#is )osAue lies in t#e sout# west
%ortion o! t#e outer ity, It is reasona.le to assu)e t#e Budd#ist kin&do) o! *#ara *#oto
allowed (usli)s to .uild a )osAue, .ut not in t#e !orti!ied ity, <ud&in& !ro) t#e
e%i&ra%#ial evidene !ound in t#e e6avation o! t#e )osAue, we an also onlude t#at
0ersians were livin& in *#ara-*#oto ity, $not#er variation o! t#e onstrution o! t#e
zone o! transition o)es !ro) t#e to). o! $la).ardar and $stana Ba.a, w#ere t#e do)e
is su%%orted on ar#ed sAuin#es !illed in .y or.elled .rik ourses, and si)ilar
ontrivanes are also used in t#e %#ase o! transition,
In t#e to). o! Is)ail at Bok#ara and 3asir .in $li at :z&and, t#e ar#ed sAuin#es are
%artitioned wit# a vertial ri. w#ile in t#e west )ausoleu) at "ayat, a vertial ri. o!
#errin& .one %atterns rests on a ste%%ed ni#e !ra)ed .y a retan&le, $not#er variation o!
sAuin# onstrution #as .een used in t#e to).s o! $ra.-$ta -i), 4uazde# I)a) at
Lazd, Larti Bu).ad ar "arak#s and Ba.a 8ati) in $!&#anistan, -#ese sAuin#es are
trilo.e in outline and #ave .een desi&nated )uAarna sAuin#es, 2urt#er e6a)%les o!
si)ilar trilo.e sAuin#es, or t#eir o)%liated derivatives an .e !ound in Iran or
-#e s%annin& o! t#e orner o! two walls )eetin& at ri&#t an&les .e&an in early enturies
o! t#e C#ristian era in Band#ara and Central $sia, -#e Budd#ist ar#iteture o! t#ese
re&ions %layed a vital role in t#e onstrution o! t#e zone o! transition and t#e do)e, In
t#e Budd#ist ar#iteture o! Band#ara, di!!erent te#niAues are dou)ented to #ave .een
in vo&ue in onvertin& a sAuare ell into a irular .ase !or t#e do)e, In t#e Budd#ist
)onasteries at -ak#t B#ai, -#areli and *s#)ir ")ast, %re !or)ed s#ist sla.s #ave .een
used to s%an t#e orner o! two walls and su.seAuently !ailitated a round .ase !or t#e
onstrution o! t#e do)e, In t#e Budd#ist vi#ara at "an&#ao, anot#er te#niAue #as .een
used, In t#is ase, instead o! a sin&le s#ist sla., overla%%in& %ro7eted stone .loks #ave
.een used to .rid&e t#e orners !or t#e ree%tion o! t#e do)e,
-#e Budd#ist esta.lis#)ents o! Central $sia s%eak o! t#eir own .uildin& te#niAues, .ut
t#e )ain %ro.le) re)ains t#e sa)e, t#e onversion o! sAuare roo)s into a irular .ase
!or a do)e, In t#e Budd#ist ruins as *#ots#o and Eunduz, "assanians sAuin#es #ave
.een used to trans!or) a sAuare roo) into a irular rin& !or t#e #e)is%#erial
su%erstruture, In t#e Ilikoel te)%le, a si)%le inverted trian&ular struture, t#e so-alled
N-urkis# -rian&leO #ave .een e)%loyed to trans!or) t#e sAuare #a).er into an ota&on,
$!ter t#e deline o! Budd#is) in Band#ara and t#e ad7oinin& re&ions, 8induis) revived
one a&ain under t#e 8indu "#a#i dynasty w#i# #eld sway over Band#ara and t#e
0un7a., (-#is dynasty was !inally ousted !ro) t#e %olitial sene .y "ultan (a#)ud
B#azni in 102? $,4), 4urin& t#e rei&n o! t#e 8indu "#a#is, nu)erous te)%les were
ereted in 3,@,2,0 and t#e salt ran&e in 0un7a., "#olars #ave di!!erent o%inions on t#e
style o! ar#iteture o! t#ese te)%les and t#eir #ronolo&y, ;o#uizen-de-;eeuw #as
&rou%ed all t#ese te)%les e6e%t t#e one at (alot, w#i# e6#i.its stron& *as#)irian
a!!inities, under t#e na)e N-#e )edieval $r#iteture o! 3ort# @est IndiaO, w#ile ot#ers
see t#e develo%)ent o! se%arate s#ool o! ar#iteture under t#e "#a#i dynasty in
Banda#ara and t#e 0un7a., and #ave ter)ed it N-#e "#a#i "#ool o! $r#itetureO,
-#e or.ellin& )et#od o! onstrution e)%loyed in t#e Budd#ist )onasteries o!
Banda#ara was !ollowed and used .y t#e 8indus in t#eir te)%le onstrution, In t#e
8undu te)%les at *a!ir *ot (nort#) and ("out#) in 4ira Is)ail *#an 4istrit o! 3@20
and t#e te)%les at *alar , (alto, *atas and 3andana in t#e salt /an&e in t#e 0un7a. and
elsew#ere, t#e do)iile eilin& o! t#e sAuare ell is raised on several overla%%in& ourses
o! or.elled .riks,
4ynasti #an&es #ave #ardly in!luened t#e art and ra!ts o! t#e re&ion, $!ter t#e advent
o! Isla), t#e loal work)en were e)%loyed to eret new .uildin&s !or wors#i% and
!unerary rituals, -#ey not only desi&ned and ereted new .uildin&s !or t#eir (usli)s
%atrons, t#ey also )odi!ied and assi)ilated ele)ents !ro) 8indu $rtisti traditions,
(eister #as !ully e6%lained t#is interation .etween (usli)s and 8indu traditions in #is
artile on t#e N-wo and 8al! 4ay (osAueO at $7)er,
-#e a.ove analysis !ully e6%lains t#e %roess o! &radual develo%)ent involved in t#e
onstrution o! t#e zone o! transition .etween t#e %oly&onal #a).er and t#e do)e, $
nu).er o! .asi ar#itetural devies were develo%ed !ro) indi&enous .uildin&
traditions, and ot#er was .orrowed !ro) t#e nei&#.orin& ultural, -#ese instrutions
.etween a&riultural style and t#e deorative s#e)es o! various et#ni and reli&ious
o))unities ontinued !ro enturies and rea#ed its ul)ination in t#e (usli)
ar#itetures o! Central $sia, Iran and t#e Indo-0ak su.ontinent,
I!anian Sy"8ols in t&e Ro2$-Ca!vin.s o# t&e U11e! Indus Valley
Beo&ra%#ially s%eakin&, t#e :%%er Indus Valley and its a!!luent is a land o! #i&#
)ountains, -#is area, today known as t#e 3ort#ern $reas o! 0akistan, is a re&ion o!
i)%ressive )ountains like *arakoru), 8i)alaya and 8indu-*us#, 8ere is situated a .i&
onentration o! #i&# %eaks, e6tended &laiers and dee% valleys, -#e Indus river, di&&in&
a nu).er o! dee% &or&es, runnin& !irst .etween 8i)alaya and *arakoru) and t#en, near
8ara)os#, #an&es its diretion to t#e "out# kee%in& 8i)alaya on its le!t and 8uindu-
kus# on its ri&#t, It is rossed .y a nu).er o! routes, w#i#, sine at least t#e !irst entury
B,C,, #ave served as tradin& links .etween C#ina, Central $sia and t#e Indo-0ak su.-
-#is )ysterious world would #ave never .een attrated t#e attention o! t#e 5rientalists
until t#e disovery o! t#ousands o! rok arvin&s, en&raved on t#e sur!ae o! roks and
#u&e .oulders, !ound in various loalities,
$lt#ou&# "ir $, "tein, t#e Britis# surveyor, was t#e !irst to e6%lore traes o! anient
ivilization in t#e u%%er rea#es o! t#e Indus valley in 1=>2, t#e real story o! t#e
disoveries only starts in 1=7=, *, <ett)ar, Ber)an et#nolo&ist, arryin& out investi&ation
sine 1=7= w#i# resulted in reordin& o! t#ousands o! rok arvin&s and insri%tions in
t#ese valleys sandwi#ed .y t#e 8indukus#, *arakoru) and 8i)alayan )ountains,
-#e rok arvin&s are not only on!ined to t#e :%%er Indus re&ion, .ut are also attested
lon& .e!ore elsew#ere in ot#er %arts o! t#e world, 8owever t#e nu).er o! arvin&s
re&istered and %#oto&ra%#ed .y our Ber)an ollea&ues, so !ar, #as never .een !ound any
w#ere else, In !at, t#e i)%ortane o! t#e u%%er Indus arvin&s is not t#eir nu).er .ut
t#eir )ulti%liity and di!!erent ori&ins,
@#at e6atly are t#ese arvin&s? @e )ay never .e a.le to understand !ully t#e ori&in and
t#e s%ei!i role o! all o! t#e), it see)s t#at #owever t#ey %layed an i)%ortant role in t#e
reli&ious, soial and ultural li!e o! t#eir en&ravers, "o)e o! t#e sy).oli !i&ures and
ot#er )oti!s arved on .oulders )ay indiate deorative !untion rat#er t#an a ult,
-#e density and diversity o! t#ese arvin&s su&&est t#e i)%ortane o! t#is re&ion on t#e
one #and and a ri# soure o! %ri)ary in!or)ation !or reonstrutin& #istory o! t#e skill
route !ro) "out# $sia to C#ina and Central $sia on t#e ot#er, -#e .uildin& u% o! #istory
o )ankind would de%end, #owever, lar&ely on new resear# in t#ese inter)ediary
-#e o))erial ontat .etween Indian su. ontinent, Central $sia and C#ina is
on!ir)ed .y a nu).er o! evidenes olleted .y our Ber)an, 0akistani and 2ren#
ollea&ues in t#is res%et, -#ese )aterials are o! various kinds and %resent di!!erent
ultures su# as Indian, Iranian, C#inese, et, $)on& t#ese arvin&s t#e )ost astonis#in&
are Iranian sy).ols, altar, ta)&a or nisan and so)e Iranian )oti!s and #arateristis in
t#e ani)als and ot#er arvin&s, et, Besides t#e), we #ave a lar&e nu).er o! insri%tions
o! Iranian ori&in, $l)ost all o! t#e) are already %u.lis#ed .y "i)s-@illia)s and
8u)a.#, -#e )a7ority o! t#e insri%tions are %ro%er Iranian or so)eti)es Indian na)es,
/eally, t#ey )ention t#e loality na)e and t#e %atrony)i,
-#is reord is au&)ented .y t#e Ber)an and 0akistani e6%lorers t#rou&# t#eir annual
dou)entation, -#e )aterials we #ave reovered !ro) -#or 3ort#, "#atial, -#al%an and
ot#er sites o! t#is re&ion and t#e e6terior worldW,, attested .y Indian, Iranian and
C#inese insri%tions, 2urt#er)ore, t#e !reAueny o! ontat and o))erial e6#an&e
.etween India and Iranian is reveled .y t#e disovery o! Iranian sy).ols,
*, <ett)ar #ad disussed a s)all nu).er o! sy).ols su# as a sin&le altar, so)e ta)&as
or nisans and a !ew Iranian )oti!s, 2ollowin& #i), #is Ber)an ollea&ues not only
inreased t#e Auantity o! t#ese sy).ols t#rou&# t#eir e6%lorations, .ut t#ey also !ound
variety o! new sy).ols, I #o%e, s#all %rovide )ore in!or)ation a.out t#e ontat o! t#is
re&ion wit# t#e Iranian world,
$lt#ou&# Iranian sy).ols and )oti!s )ay see) relatively insi&ni!iant as o)%ared to
ot#er su# as t#ose o! ani)als, "tu%as, et, a detailed study o! t#e) #as revealed an
i)%ortant as%et o! trade in t#is valley, -#e Iranian in!luene is !ound in di!!erent o.7ets,
%artiularly in t#e ani)al arvin&s, .ut t#e )ost strikin& !eature is t#e "o&dian
insri%tions, altars and t#e ta)&as or nisans, -#ey are to .e lassi!ied in !our di!!erent
&rou%sH "o&dian insri%tions, rok art, altars and ta)&as or nisans, I do not onsider it
neessary in t#is study to reall t#e !irst two &rou%s, w#i# are disussed at lar&e .y *,
<et)ar, 8, 8u).a# and 3, "i)s-@illia)s, 2urt#er)ore, t#ere is not#in& new to .e
%resented in t#is re&ard, -#e ai) o! t#e %resent %a%er is, #owever, to !ous on so)e o! t#e
Iranian sy).ols, ta)&as or nisans and t#e identi!iation o! altars (.y o)%arin& t#e)
wit# t#ose !ound on oins, era)is and ot#er o.7ets) on ty%olo&ial .asis, -#ese
sy).ols were !ound, so !ar, in !ive di!!erent sites o! C#ilas re&ion ("#atial, -#or 3ort#,
8elor 4as @est,, and -#al%an) in 8unza and in Baltistan,
-#e altars so !ar reorded in t#e :%%er Indus re&ion are t#ose !ound at -#or 3ort#,
"#atial, -#al%an iii, and in Baltistan, -#e s#a%es o! t#ese altars are not si)ilar
.ut t#ere is a re)arka.le uni!or)ity in t#eir u%%er %art, alled N#ornsO, -#ese altars
s#ould .e lassi!ied into two %rini%al &rou%sH (1) altars wit#out ri..ons and (2) altars
wit# ri..ons,
)/ Alta!s ;it&out Ri88ons-
-#is &rou% %resents )ore altars as o)%ared to t#e seond one, '6e%t !or two altars o!
-#or 3ort#, t#e rest were re%resented wit# an o.7et in t#e enter o! t#e #orns, -#e sli&#t
di!!erene in s#a%es o! t#ese altars allows us to lassi!y !urt#er t#e) into two di!!erent
ty%esH (1) altars wit# o.7et and
4ii6 alta!s ;it&out o8Ge2t/
IH $s o)%ared to t#e altars o! t#e seond ty%e we #ave )ore re%resentations o! t#is ty%e,
-#e o.7et in t#e )iddle is &enerally )arked wit# di!!erent !or)sW, 'it#er wed&e
s#a%ed, (2i& 1,1), sAuare-s#a%ed (2i& 1,2), one s#a%ed (2i& 1,D) or a .ul.ous t#in& (2i&
-wo o! t#e -#al%an iii altars are re%resented wit# one-s#a%ed o.7ets in t#e )iddle o!
t#e #orns, -#ese were already %u.lis#ed .y $,8, 4ani, $ordin& to #i) t#e u%%er %art
)ay .e a trident or .uildin& lotus, 8e says, NIt s#ows two tridents on altars and o)es
!ro) -#al%an iii, -#e lower one #as .anners to t#e ri&#t and le!t, But t#e tridents do not
#ave 7ust %ron&s, -#ey a%%ear )ore like t#e .uddin& %etals o! a lotus, In t#at ase t#ey
)ay also .e taken to .e .uddin& lotus, w#i# is anot#er sy).ol o! Vis#nu,
@e do not know e6atly t#at dos t#ese o.7ets )ean? 4os t#ey re%resent a !ire? -#e
si)ilarity .etween t#e altars o! t#e :%%er Indus re&ion and t#ose !ound on oins,
%artiularly on t#ose o! *us#an, *us#ano-"assanid and 8e%#t#alite, or altars arved on
t#e %edestal o! sul%tures, )ay su&&est to su%%ose t#at t#e o.7et in t#e )iddle )i&#t .e
t#e re%resentation o! a !ire, 5n oins, t#e !la)es are &enerally )arked .y wavy lines, a
one s#a%ed o.7et or a irle,
iiH -#e seond ty%e is re%resented only .y two e6a)%les, !ound at -#or 3ort# (2i& 1,5,?),
But t#e re%resentation o! t#is ty%e is very o))on on oins, %artiularly on t#ose o!
*us#an, -#e si)ilar e6a)%les are also !ound on t#e seals o! B#ita, India, 5ne o! t#ese
seals (n ==) s#ould .e dated, aordin& to t#e trian&ular #ead o! t#e Bra#)i letters, to t#e
5t# entury $,4, -#e s#a%e o! our ty%e ii is also si)ilar to t#e %edestal o! -ulsi tree,
onserated to Vis#nu,
-#e seond &rou% is re%resented only .y a sin&le e6a)%le !ro) -#al%an iii, s#owin& t#e
u%%er %art si)ilar t#e ot#er one en&raved on t#e sa)e .oulder (see su%ra, i,i), $ si&le
%iee o! t#e ri..on is atta#ed to its eit#er side, ri&#t and le!t (2i& 1,D), -#e altars wit#
ri..ons or .anners are also !ound on oins o! t#e *us#ano-"assanids and 8e%t#alites, But
t#e trian&ular s#a%e o! t#e ri..ons t#at we #ave in t#is re&ion #ave never o)e aross so
@#et#er t#ese are Iranian altars or Indian sy).ols? In t#e a.sene o! !ull-sale data, t#e
%relude onlusion will .e unertain, But .y o)%arin& wit# altars !ound on %edestals
and oins, I su%%ose wit# &reat reserve t#at, t#ese sy).ols )ay re%resent t#e Iranian !ire
altars, In t#is res%et we an take t#e )ost .eauti!ul e6a)%le sul%ted on t#e %edestal o!
t#e statue "urya (dated to 1st X 2nd $,4), '6e%t !or t#e o.7et in t#e )iddle, t#e "urya
i)a&e altar is very lose to t#ose o! "#atial (un-%u.lis#ed),
It is very interestin& to note t#at Bra#)i insri%tions ao)%any )ost o! t#ese altars, I
a) not sure t#at, in all t#ese e6a)%les, .ot# t#e arvin&s and insri%tions were t#e work
o! t#e sa)e #and, But, as !ar as t#e two e6a)%les o! -#ro 3ort# are onerned (2i& 15,
?), t#ey )ay .e en&raved .y t#e sa)e %erson, -#is onlusion is drawn !ro) t#e de&ree
o! %atination and si)ilarity o! te#niAue o! t#eir arvin&, 5ne o! t#e two insri%tions
)ention %urely an Indian %ro%er na)e in no)inative ase (Isvara&uta) and t#e ot#er one
)ay .e eit#er an Indian ono)ato%oei na)e *ala Crow, or t#e Indian word, )eanin&,
N%aternal unleO It s#ould .e also noted t#at one o! t#ese e6a)%les is situated in #indou
onte6t Y altar wit# a devotee, trisula and Bra#)i insri%tion, -#e %resene o! t#ese
insri%tions also su&&ests t#at t#e a.ove-)entioned sy).ols )ay %resent so)e t#in&s
ot#er t#an Iranian altars, -#is Auestion re)ains o%en,
5ne o! t#e )ost strikin& and ori&inal !eature o! t#e :%%er Indus Valley arvin&s are t#e
Iranian sy).ols, alled ta)&as or nisans, -#ese two ter)s, %artiularly ta)&a, were
!reAuently used !or desi&natin& so)e Iranian and ot#er sy).ols, nor)ally !ound on t#e
oins, ;iterally, t#ese two ter)s &ive al)ost t#e sa)e )eanin&s, .ut as to .e used as a
te#nial ter), it reAuires a lear de!inition, $tually, ta)&a is a -urkis# ter) w#i#
)eans Na )edalO w#ile, t#e nisan is an Iranian word )eanin& Na )arkO N a si&nalO Na
traeO or Na si&nO et, I! we try to understand t#e iru)stanes under w#i# t#ese
sy).ols #ave .een drawn on t#e .oulders .y travelers, )er#ants et, !ro) di!!erent
re&ions and t#us leavin& t#eir si&ns or )arks, It is due to t#ese sy).ols and )arks t#at
t#ey an .e identi!ied, It is !or t#is reason, I t#ink, t#at t#e te) nisan .etter e6%lains t#e
solution, and is w#y I %re!er to use it in t#is %a%er,
(any sy).ols NnisansO were reovered !ro) t#e rok-arvin&s in t#e :%%er Indus Valley
and t#e ad7oinin& a!!luents, $ll o! t#e) are not o! t#e sa)e kind and )ay not .e
onte)%orary as well, -#ey are lassi!ied in !our )ain &rou%s,
I, -#e !irst &rou%, !ound at -#or 3ort# is )arked wit# a sin&le nisan, -#e sy).ol is
en&raved on a .oulder w#i# a)on& ot#er arvin&s, also ontain a "o&dian insri%tion,
-#is ty%e o! si&n is &enerally attested on t#e 8e%#t#alite oins .ut its ori&in )ay &o to
t#e "assanid oins o! "#a#%ur ii, -#e %resene o! t#e "o&dian insri%tion and si)ilarity
o! t#e sy).ol to t#ose !ound on t#e "assanid and 8e%#t#alite oins leave no dou.t t#at it
.elon&s to >t# or 5t# entury $,4, 5n t#e sa)e .oulder and on t#e le!t side o! t#e a.ove
sy).ol, t#ere is anot#er one si)ilar to t#e 'n&lis# letter N"O, $s t#e %atina and t#e
te#niAue s#ow, .ot# o! t#e) were en&raved,, .y t#e sa)e #and, I annot say
w#et#er t#is )oti! also %resents a nisan or a trade )ark, .eause I #ave not yet !ound
si)ilar sy).ols on oins, 8owever, it is !ound on C#inese %ottery, -#is is one o! t#e
)ost widely used ele)ent in t#e deoration o! 0an s#a# (C#ina) urns and is used eit#er as
a sin&le )oti! or in a wide variety o! o)%osition, -#is si&n also re)inds )e t#e
ideo&ra), en&raved on a rok at 3&ri,,
II,-#e sy).ols o! t#e seond &rou% were !ound in t#e 8unza arvin&s, at 8elor 4as @est,
-#or 3ort# and "#atial, -#e !irst one is already %u.lis#ed .ut inorretly identi!ied .y
$,8, 4ani, 8e says, N3ear.y is a %edestalled %i%al lea! wit# two u%ri&#t #orns, It is
di!!iult to deter)ine t#e %ur%ose o! t#ese two sy).ols, -#e 8unza sy).ol is also alled
Bondo%#arean .eause it is )ostly attested on t#e 0art#ian oins, %artiularly on t#ose o!
Bondo%#ares, 5tane and "ana.ares ii, But t#e earliest reord o! t#e use o! t#is sy).ol
)ay .e t#at !ound on oins o! 5rodes ii struk in 0art#ia w#i# an .e dated to around 50
B,C, -#is sy).ol is &enerally onsidered to .e a Nsun and )oonO si)ilar sy).ol is also
on "o&dian oins o! Gt# entury $,4, 5t#er ty%es o! sy).ols o! t#e sa)e &rou% are
%resented in )ore evolved !or)s, But t#ere is di!!erene .etween t#e -#or 3ort# nisans
and t#ose o! "#atial, $tually t#e di!!erene is in t#e )iddle %art o! t#e sy).ols, $t -#or
3ort# t#ey are se)i sAuare or se)i irle, w#ile at "#atial all o! t#e) #ave a round
)iddle %art, -#e s#atial sy).ols are arved .y t#e sa)e %erson,
III, -#e )ost re)arka.le sy).ol is t#at o! a w#irl o! t#ree #ooks, turnin& in t#e sa)e
diretion, al)ost idential to t#e Celti trisele, -#ere are si6 e6a)%les disovered so !arH
!ive !ro) t#e site o! -#or 3ort# and only one, an un!inis#ed, !ro) 8elor 4as @est, But
t#e t#ree e6a)%les w#i# s#ould .e Auoted #ere were arved wit# !ull attention and
interest, It is interestin& to note t#at t#ese t#ree sy).ols, alt#ou&# Auite si)ilar, are
%resented in t#ree di!!erent ways, -#e !irst one is a w#irl #ook wit# !our dots in di!!erent
%arts and a s)all narrow #ook, atta#ed to t#e u%%er %rini%al #ook, -#e seond one is
like t#e !irst one, .ut it wit#out a s)all e6tra #ook and #as sin&le dot in t#e entre, -#e
t#ird sy).ol is idential to t#e seond one .ut wit#out a dot, -#is )eans t#at t#ese
sy).ols were eit#er arved .y t#ree di!!erent #ands or .y a sin&le %erson onveyin&
di!!erent )eanin&s,
-#e a.ove sy).ol is already reorded on "o&dian oins (?70 entury $,4,) and
aordin& to *, <ett)ar, it was also used as a #eraldi si&n in "o&diana,
@e do not know e6atly w#ere did t#e a.ove sy).ol o)e !ro)? But on t#e .asis o!
o)%arison wit# ot#er sy).ols or )oti! o! t#e sa)e ty%e or nearly t#e sa)e ty%e,
disovered !ro) di!!erent areas )i&#t %rovide a lue !or its .asis si&ni!iane and ori&in,
-#e !irst re!erene )ay .e )ade, in t#is onte6t, to a wo)en skeleton orna)ented wit#
&old leaves, -#e %rini%le o! !or)in& t#e lea!, %artiularly t#e )iddle one, is al)ost t#e
sa)e as t#e nisan o! t#is re&ion, -#e skeleton was !ound in $ltai,
<, /eads %u.lis#ed a atalo&ue o! silver urreny !ro) $#ae)enid Ba.ylon, $l)ost t#e
sa)e sy).ol, as !ound on t#e "o&dian oins, is )arked on one o! t#e oins o! t#e
atalo&ue, $ s)all irle wit# t#ree #ooks on outer irle and t#ree dots in ea# an&le o!
t#e #ooks re%resent it, "i)ilar sy).ols, wit#out t#e irle, are also !ound on %un#-
)arked oins,
(ention s#ould also .e )ade to anot#er si)ilar e6a)%le !ound on a &olden %late,
reovered !ro) a to). at *ossika in t#e 3ort# o! Cas%ian, -#e entral %art is !or)ed .y
a trian&le and t#e w#irls .y t#e re%resentation o! t#ree &ri!!ins, -#e %oints or #oles are
#ere al)ond-s#a%ed, deorated wit# t#e inision o! &e)s or oloured %iees o! &lass, -#e
entral %art is wit#out dot, -#is %late ould .e dated to 7t# X ?t# entury B,C,
/eently, in t#e artile o! B,B, ;al, )y attention was attrated .y one o! t#e )ost
interestin& )oti! %ainted in .lak on %ottery, o))only known as t#e %ainted &rey ware,
-#e )oti! is )ade wit# two onentri irles wit# a dot in t#e )iddle and t#ree se)i-
onentri irles, eAually added wit# dots, atta#ed sy))etrially to t#e outer sur!aes
o! t#e onentri irles, -#e %ainted &rey ware settle)ent, !ound at 8astina%ura (India),
was dated to 1100-G00 B,C, -#e )oti! is al)ost si)ilar to t#e sy).ol o! t#is re&ion, -#e
only di!!erene t#at ould .e )ade are t#e dou.le %arallel lines in t#e %ainted &rey ware
)oti! w#ile t#e sy).ol under disussion is re%resented wit# )ore si)%li!ied !or),
In entral western Iran, so)e s#erds o! %ainted %ottery (2>00-2200 B,C,) were reovered,
#avin& )oti!s desi&ned like t#at o! 8astina%ura %ottery Y )ulti%le onentri irles wit#
t#e addition o! t#ree ot#er %arts, atta#ed to t#e outer sur!ae o! t#e onentri irles,
-#e outer %arts, unlikely, were not re%resented .y a w#irl #ooks .ut so)e wavy lines,
$not#er %artiular ty%e o! deoration on t#e interiors o! t#e .owls o! 0roto-(a#ia-Lao
style (D=00-D?00 B,C,) (#ina) is .ased on t#e sa)e %rini%le, It #as onentri irles
t#at #ave a turned-.ak #ook, -#ere is a dot in t#e )iddle o! irle and in ea# urve o!
t#e #ook,
It )ay .e e)%#asized t#at a!ter studyin& %#ysial !eatures o! t#e series o! sy).ols and
)oti!s, one an rea# t#is onlusion t#at all t#ese sy).ols were !or)ed under two .asi
%rini%les, -#e !irst ty%e is )ade wit# two %artsH t#e entral ( a irle o! trian&le) and t#e
outer (w#irl #ooks or wavy lines), In t#is ty%e we an lassi!y t#e $#ae)enid and
"i&dian oin sy).ols, t#e era)i and and *osikka %late )oti!, @#ile t#e seond ty%e is
)arked .y a t#ree-w#irled #ooks rotatin& around an un %r]ised %oint, -#e nisans o! t#is
re&ion and t#e $ltai )oti! losely !it in t#e seond ty%e,
-#e identi!iation o! sy).ol as a nisan is .ased on t#e si)ilarity o! t#e $#ae)enid and
"o&dian oin sy).ols .ut t#e relation .etween all t#ese sy).ols and )oti!s is di!!iult to
understand, In !at, t#e real di!!iulty is t#e lon& &a% .etween t#e ti)e w#en t#e )oti!
was in use and t#at w#en t#e sy).ol was !irst attested on t#e $#ae)enide oin and later
on "o&dian oins, :n!ortunately, t#ere is no evidene so !ar to !ill t#is &a%,
-#e e6at ori&in o! our nisan annot .e deter)ined wit# surety, But,it is %ossi.le to ar&ue
t#at t#e !or)al si)ilarity .etween all t#ese sy).ols and )oti!s was onsious rat#er t#an
aidental, It an .e su%%osed t#at, in t#e .e&innin&, t#is sy).ol was used as a )oti! .ut
later t#e $#ae)enid and "o&dian ado%ted it as an identi!iation )ark !or t#eir oins, -#e
"o&dian as a #eraldi si&n used it also,
-#ere is enou&# evidene to s#ow t#at t#e 0art#aians, "o&adians, "assanians, and
8e%#t#alieties, w#o suessively a)e to t#is re&ion not only arved t#eir na)es K
reli&ious sy).ols .ut t#ey also en&raved t#eir lan or tri.alsi&ns K )onar#i
sy).ols,t#ese overw#el)in& Iranian evidene &ives us a sur%risin& insi&#t not only in
%olitial and ultural ontats .etween Central $sia and Indian su.ontinent .ut t#e
a%%earane o! nisans and altars ontat is not only on!ir)ed .y t#e Iranian sy).ols and
)oti!s .ut also .y t#e "o&dian and ot#er insri%tion,
Int!odu2tion o# S;at-
-#e #ar)in& "wat, a %eae!ul and !asinatin& trat in t#e la% o! ve&etative sky-#i&#
)ountains, wit# eternal snow on t#eir lo!ty rests, is an everlastin& soure o! attration
!or t#e visitors, Its .eauty attrats tourists !ro) all over t#e world to en7oy t#e soot#in&
and serene seneries, and t#e !riendly .e#avior o! its in#a.itants, $ visitor entered in
0akistan would never .e ontented wit#out roa)in& a.out "wat,
-#e area o! "wat is >000 sA, )iles wit# a %o%ulation o! a.out 1250000, Its #ei&#t is not
si)ilar .ut varies !ro) 2500 !t, to 7500 !t, a.ove sea level,
4ue to its !ertile soil and !avora.le li)ati onditions, "wat #as .een t#e a.ode o!
various nations and su.7eted to #istorial events !ro) ti)e to ti)e, -#ou&# t#is valley
#as an anient #istory, .ut in t#e li&#t o! #istorial dou)ents, its reorded #istory .e&ins
wit# $le6ander -#e Breat, w#o onAuered "wat in D2? BC,
$le6ander de!eated 0ersia, t#ene!ort#, #e entered "wat via *unar in D2? BC, Budd#is)
was in !ull .loo) #ere, -#e Budd#ist ruler !ou&#t t#e Breek invader, .ut was de!eated,
8avin& onAuered "wat $le6ander %roeeded on alon& t#e /i&#t Bank o! "wat /iver,
/ea#ed Bandai in 3ek%ik#eil, #e rossed t#e river and a)%ed near (an&lor, 8e
ontinued 7ourney t#rou&# t#e )ountainous %asses o! 5nra, and rossed Indus,
-#e well-known &eneral o! $le6ander, "alukis, &ave "wat to C#andra&u%ta .ak in D0>
BC, $not#er Budd#ist kin&, *anis#ka, s#i!ted #is a%ital !ro) 0es#awar to "wat so t#at
#e )ay .e %eae!ul enou&# to wors#i% #is deities wit# !ull satis!ation, -#en /a7a /a)
Batti and )any ot#er &reat %ersonalities ruled "wat, and wors#i%%ed t#eir &ods wit# !ull
%eae and )editation in loisters, /a7a Bira was t#e last Budd#ist ruler o! "wat, w#o was
de!eated .y (a#)ood o! B#azni,
T&e A!!ival o# A#.&ans-
In elevent# entury, *#wa7a $yyaz went on t#e /i&#t Bank o! "wat /iver and onAuered
t#e areas o! $denzee, "#a)ozee, 3ek%ik#eil and so on, (a#)ood went on t#e ;e!t Bank
o! t#e river, w#en #e rea#ed 8udi&ra), t#ere was t#e !ort o! /a7a Bira, stron&ly .uilt on
a #i&# %eak, (a#)ood o))anded t#e onAuest o! t#is !ort to an adroit &eneral, 0eer
*#us#al, -#e onAuest o! t#e !ort was )u# )ore risky, .ut t#e order o! t#e su%re)e
o))anderwas o)%lied wit#,
-akin& #ar&e, t#e reative )inded &eneral .esie&ed t#e !ort !or t#ree days and ut o!! t#e
under&round onnetion o! water link, 5n t#e !ort# day, #e attaked t#e !ort, -#e attak
was a serious one and )any soldiers were )artyred, inludin& 0eer *#us#al #i)sel!, .ut
t#e !ort was a%tured and sine t#en (a#)ood %roeeded on and a%tured t#e w#ole
$!ter onAuerin& "wat, (a#)ood settled two o! $!&#an #ere, i,e, "wati and
4alazak, and went .ak, Bot# t#ese were livin& a #a%%y li!e till t#ey were driven
away .y t#e Lousa!zai tri.e o! 0at#ans,
T&e Ent!an2e o# Yousa#zai T!i8e-
*in& o! *a.ul, /a7a $la&# Bai&, w#o was det#roned .y #is own tri.e, alled t#e #el% o!
Lousa!zai to &ain t#e i)%erial %ower o! $!&#anistan one a&ain, $ll t#e #ie!s, and
"ardars o! t#e Lousa!zai a)e and su%%orted #i) stron&ly,
-#ey !ou&#t a .attle a&ainst -a7ak, and $la&# Bai& .ea)e t#e *in& o! *a.ul a&ain,
"ine t#en, Lousa!zai &ot an aut#oritative %osition in *a.ul ourt and ar)y, -#e
Lousa!zai tri.e was settled t#ere %er)anently, But as t#e kin& was a -a7ak, #is wi!e was
-a7ak, #is !riends, and #is relatives, s#ortly all o! t#e onerned %eo%le were -a7aks, so
t#e )en o! #is tri.e on!ided #i), -#ey told t#e kin& t#at #e would .e a!!lited .y
Lousa!zai one day, .eause Lousa!zai were not !ro) #is own rae and all t#e key-%osts
were in t#eir #ands, t#ere!ore, t#ey s#ould .e re)oved,
"ine t#en $la&# Bai& s#e)ed t#at t#e Lousa!zai s#ould .e attaked at ni&#t w#ile t#ey
are in sound slee%, 8is ar)y did so, .ut t#e !ore o! t#e kin& was de!eated .adly, @#en
t#e elders o! Lousa!zai %rotested, t#e kin& unnin&ly e6%ressed dee% sorrows and assured
t#e) t#at so)e ro..ers )i&#t #ave taken t#e ation, $la&# Bai& now )ade anot#er %lan,
8e invited all t#e #ie!s o! Lousa!zai and attaked t#e) w#ile t#ey set to eat, $ll o! t#e
#eads were killed, .ut only two o! t#e), "ardar (alak $#)ed and "#eik# (alee,
esa%ed, Bot# o! t#e leaders )i&rated to 0es#awar valley alon& wit# t#eir tri.e-)en,
8avin& .een t#ere !or a %eriod o! ti)e, t#ey visited t#eir $!&#an Brot#ers, "wati and
4alazak, in "wat, to win t#eir sy)%at#y, But t#ey, t#e Lousa!zai, were soon attrated .y
t#e natural %ro%erties o! t#is area, It s#ould .e )entioned #ere t#at t#e Lousa!zai learned
t#e art o! .etrayal !ro) -a7ak, "o t#ey o)%elled t#e ori&inally settled "wati and
4alazak to Auit "wat, w#o rossed Indus and took re!u&e in western 8azara distrit ('ven
now, so)e o! t#e re)nants o! "wati and 4alazak are !ound in t#e re)ote orners o!
"#eik# (ali distri.uted all t#e land a)on& t#e )ale )e).ers o! !a)ilies o! #is tri.e,
$ordin& to t#is s#e)e, t#ese !a)ilies would #an&e t#eir villa&es a!ter ea# deade,
and t#e land o! t#e new villa&e would .e distri.uted a)on& t#e )ale !a)ily )e).ers,
(2inally, t#e land was allotted %er)anently under t#e aus%ies o! Ba#a "a#i. wit#in a
%eriod o! !ive years i,e, !ro) 1=2> to 1=2=, and t#e no)adi li!e o! t#e residene o! t#is
area a)e to an end,),
"#eik# (alee introdued t#e units o! land also, -#e s)allest unit o! land was 4a)ray,
w#ile t#e lar&est unit was /u%ee, 8avin& no rulin& aut#ority, "wat was su.7eted to
lawlessness and disorder, Interneine !euds were t#e o))on !eature o! t#is trat, @#en
t#ey were tired o! )utual .loods#ed, t#ey wanted to #oose an i)%artial )an to solve
t#eir %ro.le)s and dis%utes, 2or t#is %ur%ose t#ey alled "yed $ "#a#, .ut a!ter
rulin& !or !ive years #e died, -#e ne6t %ersonality onvened was "yed $.dul <
"#a#, 8e was a &ood s#olar, and states)an wit# )a7esti %ort, But a well re%uted
learned )an, "andakay (ulla# soon .la)ed #i) as Eadyani (a %erson #avin& .elie! in
t#e %ro%#et-#ood o! (irza B#ula) $)ad Eadyani), and so $.dul < le!t "wat,
In t#is onnetion, t#e ot#er )an was (ian&ul $.dul @adood, t#e &randson o! (ian
$.dul B#a!oor ("a#i.-e-"wat), -#e %eo%le entrusted (ian&ul $.dul @adood wit# %ower
in 1=15 (But #e was !or)ally rowned in 1=1? .y t#e ounil (<$/B$) o! t#e #ie!s o!
"wat in t#e &rassy &round o! *, (8e was t#e )an o! vi&or and #i&# deter)ination,
2or)erly, #e was t#e ruler o! "wat valley only, .ut slowly and &radually, #e e6%anded t#e
.order o! "wat u% to Bil&it, ;ater on #e retired and #is elder son, (ian&ul $.dul 8aA
<e#anze. was rowned as t#e N@ali o! "watO, /ulin& ti)e o! <e#anze. is onsidered as
t#e &olden %eriod in t#e #istory o! "wat, $ll o! #is re!or)s i,e, s#ools, olle&es,
#os%itals, roads, and ot#er o))uniation syste) were )at#less, -#ere was a o)%lete
%eae and order in "wat, But #avin& t#e !oresi&#t o! t#e !uture %olitis and t#e reation o!
t#e nation, #e &ave u% t#e rulin& %ower in 1=?=,
It is %ain!ul to reount t#e events o! t#e reent %ast, -#e !asinatin& valley o! swat, durin&
t#e '6-@ali re&i)e, %resented a %iture o! t#e worldly %aradise, -#e @ali o! "wat, wit#
uniAue sense o! %ossession le!t no stone unturned in .eauti!yin& and develo%in& ea# and
every setor o! "wat, 8e did #is .est, and #ad very lo!ty %lans !or t#e !uture, It #ad no
)at#, and t#e visitors !ro) all over t#e world #ad e)otional atta#)ent wit# t#e state,
$lt#ou&# #is )ain interests were s#olarly, was not unonerned wit# t#e %olitial
situation o! t#e, ountry and t#e %olitial !ortunes o! t#e (usli) o))unity o! India,
$lready in 1=0G, w#ile in 'n&land, #e #ad .een #osen as a )e).er o! t#e e6eutive
ounil o! t#e newly-esta.lis#ed Britis# .ran# o! t#e Indian (usli) ;ea&ue, In 1=D1
and 1=D2 #e re%resented t#e (usli)s o! India in t#e /ound -a.le Con!erenes #eld in
'n&land to disuss t#e issue o! t#e %olitial !uture o! India, $nd in a 1=D0 leture
su&&ested t#e reation o! a se%arate #o)eland !or t#e (usli)s o! India, died (1=DG)
.e!ore t#e reation o! 0akistan (1=>7), .ut it was #is tea#in& t#at Fs%iritually ,,, #as .een
t#e #ie! !ore .e#ind t#e reation o! 0akistan,F 7oined t#e ;ondon .ran# o! t#e $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue w#ile #e was studyin&
;aw and 0#iloso%#y in 'n&land, It was in ;ondon w#en #e #ad a )ystial e6%eriene,
-#e &#azal ontainin& t#ose divinations is t#e only one w#ose year and )ont# o!
o)%osition is e6%ressly )entioned, It is (ar# 1=07, 3o ot#er &#azal, .e!ore or a!ter it
#as .een &iven su# i)%ortane, "o)e verses o! t#at &#azal areH
Lour ivilization will o))it suiide wit# its own da&&ers,
$ nest .uilt on a !rail .ou&# annot .e dura.le,
-#e aravan o! !ee.le ants will take t#e rose %etal !or a .oat
$nd ins%ite o! all .lasts o! waves, it s#all ross t#e river,
I will take out )ay worn-out aravan in t#e %it# darkness o! ni&#t,
(y si&#s will e)it s%arks and )y .reat# will %rodue !la)es,
2or it was a divinely ins%ired insi&#t, 8e dislosed t#is to #is listeners in 4ee).er
1=D1, w#en #e was invited to Ca).rid&e to address t#e students, was in ;ondon,
%artii%atin& in t#e "eond /ound -a.le Con!erene in 1=D1, $t Ca).rid&e, #e re!erred
to w#at #e #ad %rolai)ed in 1=0?H
I would like to o!!er a !ew %iees o! advie to t#e youn&)en w#o are at %resent studyin&
at Ca).rid&e ,,,,,, I advise you to &uard a&ainst at#eis) and )aterialis), -#e .i&&est
.lunder )ade .y 'uro%e was t#e se%aration o! C#ur# and "tate, -#is de%rived t#eir
ulture o! )oral soul and diverted it to t#e at#eisti )aterialis), I #ad twenty-!ive years
a&o seen t#rou&# t#e draw.aks o! t#is ivilization and t#ere!ore #ad )ade so)e
%ro%#eies, -#ey #ad .een delivered .y )y ton&ue alt#ou&# I did not Auite understand
t#e), -#is #a%%ened in 1=07,,,,, $!ter si6 or seven years, )y %ro%#eies a)e true, word
.y word, -#e 'uro%ean war o! 1=1> was an outo)e o! t#e a!oresaid )istakes )ade .y
t#e 'uro%ean nations in t#e se%aration o! t#e C#ur# and t#e "tate,
Buildin& u%on "ir "ayyid $#)ed1s two-nation t#eory, t#e tea#in& o! ",
$)eer $li, 8asrat (o#ani and ot#er &reat Indian (usli) t#inkers and %olitiians,
listenin& to 8indu and Britis# voies, and wat#in& t#e !er)entin& Indian sene losely
!or a%%ro6i)ately ?0 years, #e knew and ulti)ately onvined #is %eo%le and t#eir
leaders, %artiularly Euaid-i-$za) (u#a))ad $li <inna# t#atH
F@e .ot# are e6iles in t#is land, Bot# lon&in& !or our dear #o)e1s si&#t^F
F-#at dear #o)e is 0akistan, on w#i# #e #ar%ened like a !lute-%layer, .ut w#ose .irt# #e
did not witness,F
I<8al and oliti2s
-#ese t#ou&#ts rystallised at $ "ession (4ee).er, 1=D0) o! t#e $ll India
(usli) ;ea&ue, w#en in t#e 0residential $ddress, !orwarded t#e idea o! a (usli)
"tate in IndiaH
I would like to see t#e 0un7a., 3ort#-@est 2rontier 0rovines, "ind and Balu#istan into
a sin&le "tate, "el!-Bovern)ent wit#in t#e Britis# ')%ire or wit#out t#e Britis# ')%ire,
-#e !or)ation o! t#e onsolidated 3ort#-@est Indian (usli) "tate a%%ears to .e t#e !inal
destiny o! t#e (usli)s, at least o! t#e 3ort#-@est India,
-#e seed sown, t#e idea .e&an to evolve and take root, It soon assu)ed t#e s#a%e o!
(usli) state or states in t#e western and eastern (usli) )a7ority zones as is o.vious
!ro) t#e !ollowin& lines o! IA.al1s letter, o! <une 21, 1=D7, to t#e Euaid-i $za), only ten
)ont#s .e!ore t#e !or)er1s deat#H
$ se%arate !ederation o! (usli) 0rovines, re!or)ed on t#e lines I #ave su&&ested a.ove,
is t#e only ourse .y w#i# we an seure a %eae!ul India and save (usli)s !ro) t#e
do)ination o! 3on-(usli)s, @#y s#ould not t#e (usli)s o! 3ort#-@est India and
Ben&al .e onsidered as nations entitled to sel!-deter)ination 7ust as ot#er nations in
India and outside India are,
-#ere are so)e ritis o! $lla)a w#o assu)e t#at a!ter deliverin& t#e $
$ddress #e #ad sle%t over t#e idea o! a (usli) "tate, 3ot#in& is !art#er !ro) t#e trut#,
-#e idea re)ained always alive in #is )ind, It #ad naturally to )ature and #ene, #ad to
take ti)e, 8e was sure t#at t#e (usli)s o! su.-ontinent were &oin& to a#ieve an
inde%endent #o)eland !or t#e)selves, 5n 21st (ar#, 1=D2, $lla)a delivered t#e
0residential address at ;a#ore at t#e annual session o! t#e $ll-India (usli) Con!erene,
In t#at address too #e stressed #is view re&ardin& nationalis) in India and o))ented on
t#e %li&#t o! t#e (usli)s under t#e iru)stanes %revailin& in t#e su.-ontinent, 8avin&
attended t#e "eond /ound -a.le Con!erene in "e%te).er, 1=D1 in ;ondon, #e was
keenly aware o! t#e dee%-seated 8indu and "ik# %re7udie and unao))odatin&
attitude, 8e #ad o.served t#e )ind o! t#e Britis# Bovern)ent, 8ene #e reiterated #is
a%%re#ensions and
su&&ested sa!e&uards in res%et o! t#e Indian (usli)sH
In so !ar t#en as t#e !unda)entals o! our %oliy are onerned, I #ave &ot not#in& !res# to
o!!er, /e&ardin& t#ese I #ave already e6%ressed )y views in )y address to t#e $ll India
(usli) ;ea&ue, In t#e %resent address I %ro%ose, a)on& ot#er t#in&s, to #el% you, in t#e
!irst %lae, in arrivin& at a orret view o! t#e situation as it e)er&ed !ro) a rat#er
#esitatin& .e#avior o! our dele&ation t#e !inal sta&es o! t#e /ound--a.le Con!erene, In
t#e seond %lae, I s#all try, aordin& to )y li&#ts to s#ow #ow !ar it is desira.le to
onstrut a !res# %oliy now t#at t#e 0re)ier1s announe)ent at t#e last ;ondon
Con!erene #as a&ain neessitated a are!ul survey o! t#e w#ole situation,
It )ust .e ke%t in )ind t#at sine (aulana (u#a))ad $li #ad died in <an, 1=D1 and
Euaid-i $za) #ad stayed .e#ind in ;ondon, t#e res%onsi.ility o! %rovidin& a %ro%er lead
to t#e Indian (usli)s #ad !allen on #i) alone, 8e #ad to assu)e t#e role o! a 7ealous
&uardian o! #is nation till Euaid-i $za) returned to t#e su.-ontinent in 1=D5,
-#e ;ea&ue and t#e (usli) Con!erene #ad .eo)e t#e %lay-t#in& o! %etty leaders, w#o
would not resi&n o!!ie, even a!ter a vote o! non-on!idene^ $nd, o! ourse, t#ey #ad no
or&anization in t#e %rovines and no in!luene wit# t#e )asses,
4urin& t#e -#ird /ound--a.le Con!erene, was invited .y t#e ;ondon 3ational
;ea&ue w#ere #e addressed an audiene w#i# inluded a)on& ot#ers, !orei&n di%lo)ats,
)e).ers o! t#e 8ouse o! Co))ons, (e).ers o! t#e 8ouse o! ;ords and (usli)
)e).ers o! t#e /,-,C, dele&ation, In t#at &at#erin& #e dilated u%on t#e situation o! t#e
Indian (usli)s, 8e e6%lained w#y #e wanted t#e o))unal settle)ent !irst and t#en t#e
onstitutional re!or)s, 8e stressed t#e need !or %rovinial autono)y .eause autono)y
&ave t#e (usli) )a7ority %rovines so)e %ower to sa!e&uard t#eir ri&#ts, ultural
traditions and reli&ion, :nder t#e entral Bovern)ent t#e (usli)s were .ound to lose
t#eir ultural and reli&ious entity at t#e #ands o! t#e overw#el)in& 8indu )a7ority, 8e
re!erred to w#at #e #ad said at $ in 1=D0 and reiterated #is .elie! t#at .e!ore lon&
%eo%le were .ound to o)e round to #is view%oint .ased on o&ent reason,
In #is dialo&ue wit# 4r, $).edkar $lla)a e6%ressed #is desire to see Indian
%rovines as autono)ous units under t#e diret ontrol o! t#e Britis# Bovern)ent and
wit# no entral Indian Bovern)ent, 8e envisa&ed autono)ous (usli) 0rovines in
India, :nder one Indian union #e !eared !or (usli)s, w#o would su!!er in )any res%ets
es%eially wit# re&ard to t#eir e6istentially se%arate entity as (usli)s,
$lla)a IA.al1s state)ent e6%lainin& t#e attitude o! (usli) dele&ates to t#e /ound--a.le
Con!erene issued in 4ee).er, 1=DD was a re7oinder to <awa#ar ;al 3e#ru1s state)ent,
3e#ru #ad said t#at t#e attitude o! t#e (usli) dele&ation was .ased on Freationaris),F onluded #is re7oinder wit#H
In onlusion I )ust %ut a strai&#t Auestion to %unadi <aw#ar ;al, #ow is India1s %ro.le)
to .e solved i! t#e )a7ority o))unity will neit#er onede t#e )ini)u) sa!e&uards
neessary !or t#e %rotetion o! a )inority o! G0 )illion %eo%le, nor ae%t t#e award o! a
t#ird %artyR .ut ontinue to talk o! a kind o! nationalis) w#i# works out only to its own
.ene!it? -#is %osition an ad)it o! only two alternatives, 'it#er t#e Indian )a7ority
o))unity will #ave to ae%t !or itsel! t#e %er)anent %osition o! an a&ent o! Britis#
i)%erialis) in t#e 'ast, or t#e ountry will #ave to .e redistri.uted on a .asis o!
reli&ious, #istorial and ultural a!!inities so as to do away wit# t#e Auestion o!
eletorates and t#e o))unal %ro.le) in its %resent !or),
$lla)a IA.al1s a%%re#ensions were .orne out .y t#e 8indu Con&ress )inistries
esta.lis#ed in 8indu )a7ority %rovine under t#e $t o! 1=D5, (usli)s in t#ose
%rovines were &iven dastardly treat)ent, -#is de%lora.le %#eno)enon added to $lla)a
IA.al1s )is&ivin&s re&ardin& t#e !uture o! Indian (usli)s in ase India re)ained united,
In #is letters to t#e Euaid-i $za) written in 1=D? and in 1=D7 #e re!erred to an
inde%endent (usli) "tate o)%risin& 3ort#-@estern and 'astern (usli) )a7ority
zones, 3ow it was not only t#e 3ort#-@estern zones alluded to in t#e $ $ddress,
-#ere are so)e wit#in 0akistan and wit#out, w#o insist t#at $lla)a never )eant a
soverei&n (usli) ountry outside India, /at#er #e desired a (usli) "tate wit#in t#e
Indian :nion, $ "tate wit#in a "tate, -#is is a.solutely wron&, @#at #e )eant was
understood very vividly .y #is (usli) o)%atriots as well as t#e non-(usli)s, @#y
3e#ru and ot#ers #ad t#en tried to s#ow t#at t#e idea o! (usli) nationalis) #ad no .asis
at all, 3e#ru statedH
-#is idea o! a (usli) nation is t#e !i&)ent o! a !ew i)a&inations only, and, .ut !or t#e
%u.liity &iven to it .y t#e 0ress !ew %eo%le would #ave #eard o! it, $nd even i! )any
%eo%le .elieved in it, it would still vanis# at t#e tou# o! reality,
I<8al and t&e @uaid-i Aza"
@#o ould understand $lla)a .etter t#an t#e Euaid-i $za) #i)sel!, w#o was #is
awaited FBuide o! t#e 'raF? -#e Euaid-i $za) in t#e Introdution to $lla)a IA.al1s
letters addressed to #i), ad)itted t#at #e #ad a&reed wit# $lla)a re&ardin& a "tate
!or Indian (usli)s .e!ore t#e latters deat# in $%ril, 1=DG, -#e Euaid statedH
8is views were su.stantially in onsonane wit# )y own and #ad !inally led )e to t#e
sa)e onlusions as a result o! are!ul e6a)ination and study o! t#e onstitutional
%ro.le)s !ain& India and !ound e6%ression in due ourse in t#e united will o! (usli)
India as adu).rated in t#e ;a#ore /esolution o! t#e $ll-India (usli) ;ea&ue %o%ularly
known as t#e F0akistan /esolutionF %assed on 2Drd (ar#, 1=>0,
2urt#er)ore, it was $lla)a w#o alled u%on Euaid-i $za) (u#a))ad $li <inna#
to lead t#e (usli)s o! India to t#eir #eris#ed &oal, 8e %re!erred t#e Euaid to ot#er )ore
e6%eriened (usli) leaders su# as "ir $&a *#an, (aulana 8asrat (o#ani, 3awa.
(u#a))ad Is)a il *#an, (aulana "#aukat $li, 3awa. 8a)id :lla# *#an o! B#o%al,
"ir $li I)a), (aulvi -a)eez ud-4in *#an, (aulana $.ul *ala), $lla)a al-(as#riAi
and ot#ers, But $lla)a #ad #is own reasons, 8e #ad !ound #is F*#izr-i /a#F, t#e
veiled &uide in Euaid-i $za) (u#a))ad $li <inna# w#o was destined to lead t#e Indian
.ran# o! t#e (usli) :))a# to t#eir &oal o! !reedo), $lla)a statedH
I know you are a .usy )an .ut I do #o%e you won1t )ind )y writin& to you o!ten, as you
are t#e only (usli) in India today to w#o) t#e o))unity #as ri&#t to look u% !or sa!e
&uidane t#rou&# t#e stor) w#i# is o)in& to 3ort#-@est India, and %er#a%s to t#e
w#ole o! India,
"i)ilar senti)ents were e6%ressed .y #i) a.out t#ree )ont#s .e!ore #is deat#, "ayyid
3azir 3iazi in #is .ook *e 8uzur, #as stated t#at t#e !uture o! t#e Indian (usli)s
was .ein& disussed and a tenor o! %essi)is) was visi.le !ro) w#at #is !riends said, $t
t#is $lla)a o.servedH
-#ere is only one way out, (usli) s#ould stren&t#en <inna#1s #ands, -#ey s#ould 7oin
t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, Indian Auestion, as is now .ein& solved, an .e ountered .y our
united !ront a&ainst .ot# t#e 8indus and t#e 'n&lis#, @it#out it our de)ands are not
&oin& to .e ae%ted, 0eo%le say our de)ands s)ak o! o))unalis), -#is is s#eer
%ro%a&anda, -#ese de)ands relate to t#e de!ene o! our national e6istene,
He 2ontinued-
-#e united !ront an .e !or)ed under t#e leaders#i% o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, $nd t#e
(usli) ;ea&ue an sueed only on aount o! <inna#, 3ow none .ut <inna# is a%a.le
o! leadin& t#e (usli)s,
(atlu. ul-8asan "ayyid stated t#at a!ter t#e ;a#ore /esolution was %assed on (ar# 2D,
1=>0, t#e Euaid-i $za) said to #i)H is no )ore a)on&st us, .ut #ad #e .een alive #e would #ave .een #a%%y to know
t#at we did e6atly w#at #e wanted us to do,
But t#e )atter does not end #ere, $lla)a in #is letter o! (ar# 2=, 1=D7to t#e
Euaid-i $za) #ad saidH
@#ile we are ready to oo%erate wit# ot#er %ro&ressive %arties in t#e ountry, we )ust
not i&nore t#e !at t#at t#e w#ole !uture o! Isla) as a )oral and %olitial !ore in $sia
rests very lar&ely on a o)%lete or&anization o! Indian (usli)s,
$ordin& to $lla)a t#e !uture o! Isla) as a )oral and %olitial !ore not only in
India .ut in t#e w#ole o! $sia rested on t#e or&anization o! t#e (usli)s o! India led .y
t#e Euaid-i $za),
-#e FBuide o! t#e 'raF #ad envisa&ed in 1=2?, was !ound in t#e %erson o!
(u#a))ad $li <inna#, -#e FBuideF or&anized t#e (usli)s o! India under t#e .anner o!
t#e (usli) ;ea&ue and o!!ered deter)ined resistane to .ot# t#e 8indu and t#e 'n&lis#
desi&ns !or a united 8indu-do)inated India, -#rou&# t#eir united e!!orts under t#e a.le
&uidane o! Euaid-I $za) (usli)s sueeded in dividin& India into 0akistan and B#arat
and a#ievin& t#eir inde%endent #o)eland, $s o.served a.ove, in $lla)a IA.al1s view,
t#e or&anization o! Indian (usli)s w#i# a#ieved 0akistan would also #ave to de!end
ot#er (usli) soieties in $sia, -#e arvan o! t#e resur&ene o! Isla) #as to start and
o)e out o! t#is Valley, !ar o!! !ro) t#e entre o! t#e u))a#, ;et us see #ow and w#en,
0akistan %re%ares itsel! to s#oulder t#is au&ust res%onsi.ility, It is $lla)a IA.al1s
!e-Inde1enden2e 9!itis& Rule in India 4)55C-)*?5 A/D6
In t#e .e&innnin& o! 17t# entury, 'uro%eans, %artiularly Britis#, started tradin& in t#e
su.ontinent, (er#ants o! t#e 'ast India Co)%any never i)a&ined t#at Britis# %resene
in t#e su.ontinent ould )ean anyt#in& )ore t#an %eae!ul tradin&, 2ren# arrived in
t#e )iddle o! t#e 17t# entury, si&nallin& t#e .e&innin& o! )ilitarization, @it#in 100
years t#e 2ren# were a s%ent !ore and t#e Britis# %ossessed t#e )ost e!!iient )ilitary
)a#ine in t#e su.ontinent,
9!itis& In#luen2e-
$s (u&#al %ower delined, Britis# in!luene inreased, Indian rulers %roved very
undisi%lined w#en it a)e to !ain& Britis# ar)y and t#ere!ore, t#ere was no %ro.le) in
de!eatin& Indian avalry,
In 1775, t#e Co)%any was !ound to .e orru%t and a re&ulatory at &ave t#e &overn)ent
ontrol over Co)%any o!!iials, In 17G> t#e Indian $t le!t t#e Co)%any solely in#ar&e
o! o))ere, (otivated .y I)%erialis), t#e Britis# .e&an to anne6 states, o!!erin& troo%
%rotetion a&ainst a&&ressive nei&#.ors in return o! loyalty and sizea.le su.sidies, By
1G1G, Ben&al, Bi#ar, 5rissa, and a trat o! land nort# o! t#e Ban&es runnin& u% to 4el#i
were !ir)ly in Britis# #ands,
Si$& vs/ 9!itis&-
Britis# ould not take over 0un7a. .eause "ik#s #eld a do)inant !ore under t#e ruler
/an7it "in&#, 0un7a. #ad .een t#e #o)e o! t#e "ik#s sine t#e late 15t# entury, In 17==,
;a#ore was taken over .y "ik# e)%eror /an7it "in&# and under #is rule, 0un7a. was
virtually #ar)less !ro) Britis# invasion, $!ter /an&it "in&#1s deat# in 1GD=, Britis#
!inally )oved in and "ik# e)%ire .e&an to olla%se,
:as&"i! Cons1i!a2y-
-#e onseAuenes o! t#e !irst "ik# war (1G>?) #ad )a7or re%erussions !or anot#er state,
*as#)ir, Be!ore .ein& taken .y /an7it "in&#, it #ad .een ruled alternatively .y (u&#als
and $!&#ans, *as#)ir was t#en =0T (usli), .ut a!ter t#e sie&e o! (ultan in 1G1=
/an7it "in&# wanted to reward one o! #is leaders, Bula. "in&#, a 8indu, 8e was duly
&ranted t#e estate o! <a))u,
In 1G>1 Bula. "in&# allowed Britis# troo%s to )ar# t#rou&# #is territory on t#eir way to
do .attle in $!&#anistan, 4urin& t#e "ik# wars, #e #ad re!used to #el% t#e "ik#s, and was
one a&ain rewarded, t#is ti)e .y t#e Britis#, -#e %rize was wort# #is trea#eryH in 1G>?,
#e reeived *as#)ir .y t#e treaty o! $)ritsar, -#e &rantin& o! t#e ontrol o! *as#)ir to
a 8indu .e&an a stru&&le w#i# #as not !inis#ed to t#is day,
Sind& and t&e Indus-
Britis# !irst ste%%ed on "ind#i soil in 1G0= w#en a di%lo)ati )ission visited t#e -al%ur
(irs, -#e Britis# saw t#e i)%ortane o! t#e Indus /iver, .elievin& it ould .e an
i)%ortant o))erial #i&#way, In 1GD=, t#ey seized *ara#i, "ukkur and Bukkur, By
1G>D, "ir C#arles 3a%ier #ad seured t#e %rovine o! "ind# !or t#e Britis#,
No!t& 7est F!ontie! !ovin2e-
$t t#e !ar nort#west o! t#e 0un7a., t#is was t#e #i&#land area .elon&in& to t#e
0at#ans, "ine t#e 0un7a. anne6ation, t#ere #ad .een a .itter and .loody stru&&le
.etween -#e 0at#ans and t#e Britis#, Beyond settled areas, t#e Britis# initially tolerated a
de&ree o! inde%endane, .ut used #osta&e takin&, .lokades, su.sidies and %unitive
e6%editions to ensure t#e area1s seurity, @it# 3ort# @est 2rontier under ontrol, Britis#
went on to a%ture nort#ern 0akistan su# as Bil&it, 8unza and C#itral, 2ro) t#e !ear o!
/ussian intrusion, t#e Britis# !ened a .order .etween $!&#anistan and 3@20, t#e
!a)ous 4urand ;ine, in 1G=D,
-o t#e west, Balu#istan wit# its .orders to 0ersia and $!&#anistan, was o! &reat strate&i
i)%ortane, -#e routes t#rou&# Bolan 0ass to Euetta and .eyond were vital, $&ain t#e
Britis# !aed t#e %ro.le), solved .y t#e sa)e kinds o! )easures used to su.due t#e
0at#ans, By t#e 1G=0s Balu#istan was lar&ely %ai!ied and sta.ilised,
T&e 9!itis& RaG-
-#e Indian (utiny eru%ted in isolated areas in 1G57, -#ere were .loody u%risin&s in
(eerut, 4el#i, *an%ur and ;uknow, Britis# re%risals were e6e%tionally .rutal, -#e
soldiers %etitioned t#e last (u&#al Ba#adur "#a# Ma!ar, w#o was o!!iially u% to t#is
ti)e t#e soverei&n ruler o! t#e (u&#al ')%ire, to .e t#eir !i&ure#ead, -#e Britis# e6iled
#i) to Bur)a w#ere #e died in 1G?2,
Control now %assed !ro) t#e 'ast India Co)%any to t#e Crown and t#e o)%any was
dissolved, -#e Crown1s re%resentative in India was now t#e Vieroy, w#o #ad al)ost
a.solute aut#ority,
India %ros%ered durin& t#e Britis# rule, $&riultural out%ut was inreased )ani!old, -#e
railway network was setu%, w#i# %rovided a )a7or ontri.ution to t#e .oo), -rade was
e6%anded and industrial develo%)ent was on t#e rise,
5n t#e %olitial !ront, a!ter t#e )utiny, )ost !ations o! Indian soiety e6%ressed a.solute
loyalty to t#e /a7, $nd des%ite t#e !at t#at t#e Britis# tried to .la)e t#e (usli)s !or t#e
)utiny, su%%ort !ro) t#e (usli) westernized elite did not di)inis#, "o)e (usli)s saw
t#at t#ey #ad di!!iult ti)es a#ead, wonderin& #ow t#ey s#ould assi)ilate to
develo%)ents under t#e Britis# w#ile still #oldin& on to t#eir traditions,
Si! Syed A&"ad :&an-
"ir "yed $#)ad *#an (1G1G-1G=G) e)er&ed as t#e )ain advoate o! re!or)in& (usli)
soiety towards %ro&ress, re%resentin& a !eelin& t#at a re7etion o! t#e Britis# would only
result in t#e (usli)s o! India disa%%earin& into o.livion, 8e wanted advanta&es !or
(usli)s and was keen !or t#e re!or) o! (usli) eduation, 8e stressed t#at siene was
not anti-Isla)i, In 1G75, t#e Britis# &ave #i) a &rant to !ound t#e (o#a))adan $n&lo-
5riental olle&e w#i# later .ea)e $li&ar# :niversity, 2ro) #ere, a strea) o! eduated
(usli)s went into &overn)ent servies,
Indian National Con.!ess-
In 1GG5, t#e Indian 3ational Con&ress was !or)ed, -#e %arty .e&an to !i&#t !or a
devolution o! %ower into Indian #ands, $lt#ou&# so)e leadin& (usli)s were )e).ers, it
was viewed wit# sus%iion .y )ost, inludin& "ir "yed, as .ein& a 8indu .ody w#i#
would only ever re%resent 8indu interests,
All India (usli" >ea.ue-
In 1=0?, $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue was !or)ed to %ro)ote !eelin&s o! loyalty to t#e
Britis# and advane (usli) %olitial interests, -#ey %etitioned t#e Vieroy t#at in any
%olitial )ove, (usli) interests .e taken into aount, -#e 1=0= India Counils $t
rewarded (usli) loyalty, -#e at &ave (usli)s se%arate eletorates, w#ere t#ey ould
elet t#eir own re%resentatives to t#e ;e&islative Counil, "o)e %eo%le lai) t#at t#is
)ove !ores#adowed t#e .irt# o! 0akistan,
(usli)s .e&an to !eel isolated and t#eir !ears were .oosted .y 'uro%ean attaks on
(usli) ountries su# as t#e !i&#t a&ainst -urkey in t#e 2irst @orld @ar, -#ey saw
Britian leadin& a C#ristian rusade a&ainst Isla), (ore and )ore (usli)s deided to
trans!er to t#e Con&ress %arty, In 1=1?, t#e (usli) ;ea&ue and t#e Con&ress si&ned t#e
;uk#now 0atH Con&ress ae%ted se%arate (usli) eletorates in return !or ;ea&ue
su%%ort in its ause to drive out t#e Britis#,
(o&a""ad Ali %inna&-
(o#a))ad $li <inna# (1G75-1=>G) was initially a Con&ress )e).er and endeavored to
.rin& a.out t#e %olitial union o! (usli)s and 8indus, 8e le!t Con&ress in 1=20, .ut t#e
turnin& %oint a)e w#en Con&ress leaders i&nored (usli) de)ands !or one t#ird o! t#e
seats in any !uture %arlia)ents, <inna# never trusted Con&ress a!ter several e6lusions o!
(usli) interest in Con&ress deisions, 8e worked !uriously to a)ass (usli) su%%ort !or
te# ;ea&ue to s#ow t#e world t#at t#e ;ea&ue and t#e ;ea&ue only was t#e true
re%resentation o! India1s (usli)s,
a$istan Resolution-
In (ar# 1=>0, <inna# su.)itted t#e ;a#ore /esolution, also known as 0akistan
/esolution, In it was t#e essene o! 0akistanH
F-#e (usli)s and t#e 8indus .elon& to two di!!erent reli&ious %#iloso%#iesH t#ey neit#er
inter)arry nor interdine,,,, (usli)s are a nation and aordin& to any de!inition o! a
nation t#ey )ust #ave t#eir #o)elands, t#eir territory, t#eir state,F
-#e idea o! se%arate (usli) state was &ainin& !avor, des%ite o%%osition !ro) t#e
Con&ress, It led to terri.le violene as (usli)s and 8indus turned on ea# ot#er in an
at)os%#ere o! unease a.out t#e !uture,
Vieroy ;ord ;ouis (ount.atten announed t#at 0akistan would reeive its
inde%endene on 1>t# $u&ust 1=>7, Indians #ad to voteH were t#ey to stay in India or
0akistan? Balu#istan, 3@20 and "ind# voted to 7oin 0akistan diretly, Various
kin&do)s in t#e nort#, inludin& Bil&it and 8unza, also aeeded to 0akistan, t#ou&#
t#ey were ori&inally desi&nated as %art o! 8indu ruled *as#)ir, @#en t#e deadline
%assed, *as#)ir still #adn1t deided, 3ew .oundaries were drawn u% dividin& Ben&al and
t#e 0un7a., -#e announe)ent o! t#e new .order resulted in t#e &reatest )i&ration in t#e
#u)an #istory, as so)e seven to ei&#t )illion (usli)s le!t India and t#e sa)e nu).er o!
8indus )ade t#e 7ourney in o%%osite diretion, In *ara#i on 1>t# $u&ust 1=>7, t#e !la&
o! 0akistan !lew !or t#e !irst ti)e, Bovernor Beneral o! t#e new Isla)i state was
(o#a))ad $li <inna#,
%inna&Hs Vision o# a$istan
2or so)e years now, Euaid-e-$za) <inna#1s vision o! 0akistan #as .een a soure o!
ontroversy and on!lit, (u# o! t#is #as #owever tried to ut <inna# to !it a
%redeter)ined i)a&e, $ lose look at <inna#1s lon& and #eAuered li!e,
eno)%assin& so)e !orty-!our years (1=0>->G), #el%s deter)ine t#e ore values #e was
o))itted to t#rou&#out #is %olitial areer,
-#is %a%er e6a)ines #ow <inna#Is %olitis evolved t#rou&# )ain %#ases, w#i#, t#ou&#
distint, yet )er&ed into t#e ne6t, wit#out sudden s#i!ts, It analyses #ow #is li.eralis)
underwent an a%%arent %aradi&)ati s#i!t !ro) 1=D7 onwards, and led to #i) advoatin&
t#e #aris)ati &oal o! 0akistan, and to eluidate it %ri)arily in Isla)i ter)s, 2inally,
t#e Isla)i strain in #is %ost inde%endene %ronoune)ents and #is 11 $u&ust 1=>7
address is disussed, and an atte)%t )ade to reonile it wit# #is ot#er %ronoune)ents,
%inna& as >i8e!al
In t#e !irst %#ase o! #is li!e (1=0>-20) t#ree )ain in!luenes s#a%ed <inna#1s
%ersonality and %olitisH
nineteent# entury Britis# li.eralis), !irst a.sor.ed durin& #is !our-years1 (1G=2-=?) stay
in 'n&land as a student o! law,t#e os)o%olitan at)os%#ere and )erantile .ak&round
o! )etro%olitan Bo).ay w#ere #e #ad esta.lis#ed #i)sel! as an e6tre)ely suess!ul
.arrister sine t#e turn o! t#e entury, and #is lose %ro!essional and %ersonal ontat
wit# t#e 0arsis, w#o, t#ou&# only a tiny o))unity %rovided an e6a)%le o! #ow
initiative, enter%rise and #ard work ould overo)e nu)erial in!eriority, raial %re7udie
and o))unal .arriers,
-#ese !or)ative in!luenes see) to #ave %ro)%ted <inna# to 7oin t#e Indian 3ational
Con&ress, 2as#ioned a!ter li.eral %rini%les and ast in t#eir )ould, t#e Con&ress was at
t#at ti)e %led&ed to take India on t#e road to sel!-&overn)ent t#rou&# onstitutional
)eans, "oon enou&#, #e rose #i&# in its e#elons, #i&# enou&# to .e its 1s%okes)an1 !or
its re%resentation to t#e "eretary o! "tate on t#e re!or) o! t#e India Counil in (ay
1=1>, <inna# .elieved in )oderation, &radualis), ordered %ro&ress, evolutionary %olitis,
de)orati nor)s, and a.ove all, in onstitutionalis), @#en t#e Con&ress sou&#t to
a.andon t#ese li.eral %rini%les in 1=20 and o%ted !or revolution and e6tra onstitutional
)et#ods, #e walked out o! t#e Con&ress !or &ood,
-#e onstitutionalist in <inna# led to #i) #avin& a si)ilar e6%eriene wit# t#e 8o)e /ule
;ea&ue (8/;), 8e #ad olla.orated wit# it sine it was !ounded .y $nnie Besant, and
7oined it in a s#ow o! solidarity w#en Besant was interned in 1=17, In 1=20
(o#andas *ara)#and Band#i, u%on .ein& eleted 8/; 0resident on <inna#1s %ro%osals,
went a.out #an&in& its onstitution and its ai)s and o.7ets and rena)in& it "wara7ya
"a.#a rat#er unilaterally,
Band#i ruled out <inna#1s o.7etions t#at t#e onstitution ould not .e #an&ed unless
su%%orted .y a t#ree-!ourt#s )a7ority, and wit#out %ro%er notie, <inna#, alon& wit#
nineteen ot#er )e).ers resi&ned, #ar&in& t#at t#e F#an&es in t#e onstitution were
)ade .y ado%tin& a %roedure ontrary to t#e rules and re&ulations o! t#e (8/) ;ea&ue,F
-#rou&#out t#is %eriod, in !at sine 1G=7, <inna# was ative in $n7u)an-I-Isla),
(usli) Bo).ay1s !ore)ost reli&io-%olitial .ody, In 1=0? <inna# o%%osed t#e de)and
!or se%arate eletorates, .ut .e!ore lon& #is o%%osition t#awed w#en #e realized t#at t#e
de)and #ad Ft#e )andate o! t#e o))unityF, In 1=10 #e was eleted to t#e I)%erial
Counil on a reserved (usli) seat, 2ro) t#en on, #e a)e in lose ontat wit# 3adwa#,
$li&ar# and t#e $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue ($I(;), and #e was #osen .y t#e $I(; to
s%onsor a .ill on @aA! alal $ulad, a %ro.le) o! dee% onern to (usli)s sine t#e ti)e
o! "yed $#)ad *#an, -#ou&# not yet a !or)al )e).er o! t#e ;ea&ue, <inna# was yet
a.le to &et t#e ;ea&ue o))itted to t#e twin ideals o! sel!-&overn)ent and 8indu-
(usli) unity durin& t#e ne6t t#ree years, t#us .rin&in& t#e $I(; on %ar wit# t#e
Con&ress in ter)s o! its o.7etives,
8e 7oined t#e $I(; !or)ally in 1=1D and .ea)e its 0resident in 1=1?, 8e
utilized #is %ivotal %osition to &et t#e Con&ress and t#e ;ea&ue at in onert, and work
out o))on solutions to %ro.le)s on!rontin& t#e ountry, 5ne result o! #is e!!orts was
t#e Con&ress-;ea&ue, ;uknow 0at o! 1=1?, w#i# settled t#e ontroversial eletorate
issue, at least !or t#e ti)e .ein&, and %aved t#e way towards a entente ordiale .etween
8indus and (usli)s, $not#er result was t#e #oldin& o! Con&ress and ;ea&ue annual
sessions at t#e sa)e ti)e and at t#e sa)e %lae !or seven years (1=15-21),
It an .e seen t#at t#ere were t#ree do)inant strands in t#e !irst %#ase (1=0>-1=20) o!
<inna#1s %olitial areer, -#ese were a !ir) .elie! in a united Indian nation#ood, wit#
8indus and (usli) s#arin& in t#e !uture Indian dis%ensationR a sense t#at Indian !reedo)
ould o)e t#rou&# 8indu-(usli) unity, and a need !or unity in (usli) ranks t#rou&#
stren&t#enin& t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, -#ese strands ontinued in t#e seond %#ase (1=20-D7)
as wellR .ut wit# t#e years t#eir %osition a)e to .e reversed in #is sale o! %riorities, as
t#e Con&ress1s ulti)ate o.7etives underwent a radial #an&e under t#e in!luene o!
8indu e6tre)ists, <inna#1s e!!orts !or (usli) unity .ea)e inreasin&ly %ronouned wit#
t#e years, .eo)in& a %assion wit# #i) towards t#e losin& o! t#e seond %#ase,
2or <inna#, w#ile national !reedo) !or .ot# 8indus and (usli)s ontinued to .e t#e
su%re)e &oal, t#e )eans ado%ted to a#ieve it underwent a dra)ati #an&e, I! it ould
not .e a#ieved t#rou&# 8indu (usli) unity, it )ust .e done t#rou&# 8indu-(usli)
se%arationR i! it ould not .e seured t#rou&# a o)%osite 8indu-(usli) nationalis), it
)ust .e done t#rou&# se%arate 8indu and (usli) nationalis)sR i! not t#rou&# a united
India, it )ust .e t#rou&# %artition, In eit#er ase, t#e ulti)ate o.7etive was to ensure
%olitial %ower !or (usli)s,
%inna&=s T!ans#o!"ation
-#e %eriod a!ter 1=D7 )arked a %aradi&)ati s#i!t, <inna# .ea)e identi!ied in t#e
(usli) )ind wit# t#e one%t o! t#e #aris)ati o))unity, t#e one%t w#i#
answered t#eir %sy#i need !or endowin& and santi!yin& t#eir sense o! o))unity wit#
a sense o! %ower, Inreasin&ly #e .ea)e t#e e).odi)ent o! a (usli) national
onsensus, w#i# e6%lains w#y and #ow #e #ad .eo)e t#eir Euaid-i-$za), even .e!ore
t#e laun#in& o! t#e 0akistan de)and in (ar# 1=>0,
-#is s#i!t was sAuarely re!leted in #is t#inkin&, #is %osture, #is %lat!or), and in #is
%olitial disourse, $nd o! ourse #is a%%earane -- !or #is rallies <inna# re%laed
#is !inely reased 'n&lis# "aville /ow suits wit# a#kan, ti&#t %y7a)as and, to .oot, a
karakuli a%, 8e still .elieved in de)oray, .ut now !elt %arlia)entary de)oray o! t#e
@est)inster ty%e was unsuita.le !or India .eause o! t#e e6istene o! a %er)anent
)a7ority and a %er)anent )inority, w#i# #e de!ined in s%ei!i ter)sH
(inorities )eans a o).ination o! t#in&s, It )ay .e t#at a )inority #as a di!!erent
reli&ion !ro) t#e ot#er itizens o! a ountry, -#eir lan&ua&e )ay .e di!!erent, t#eir rae
)ay .e di!!erent, t#eir ulture )ay .e di!!erent, and t#e o).ination o! all t#ese various
ele)ents - reli&ion, ulture, rae, lan&ua&e, arts, )usi and so !ort# )akes t#e )inority a
se%arate entity in t#e "tate, and t#at se%arate entity as an entity wants sa!e&uards,
'6tendin& t#is eluidation, #e oasionally alled (usli)s 1a nation1, stressin& t#eir
distint reli&ion, ulture, lan&ua&e and ivilization, and allin& on t#e) to Flive or die as
a nationF, 8e even alled t#e ;ea&ue !la& 1t#e !la& o! Isla)1, ar&uin& t#at Fyou annot
se%arate t#e (usli) ;ea&ue !ro) Isla),
<inna# also traveled aross t#e ot#er end o! t#e %olitial and ideolo&ial s%etru) in ot#er
ways, 0reviously #e #ad disdained )ass %olitis, now #e o%ted !or )ass %olitis,
0reviously #e #ad o.7eted to Band#i1s in7etion o! reli&ion into %olitis, now #e was not
averse to ou# #is a%%eals in Isla)i ter)s and &alvanisin& t#e (usli) )asses .y
a%%ealin& to t#e) in a ultural )atri6 t#ey were !a)iliar wit#, 0reviously #e #ad alled
#i)sel! an Indian !irst and last, now #e o%ted !or an Isla)i identity, 0reviously #e #ad
strived lon& and #ard !or a national onsensusR now all #is e!!orts were direted towards a
(usli) onsensus, <inna#, t#e erstw#ile Fa).assador o! 8indu-(usli) unityF .ea)e
t#e !ierest advoate o! 8indu-(usli) se%aration,
<inna# #ad a %olitial .asis !or t#is %aradi&)ati s#i!t, t#rou&# w#i# (usli)s and Isla)
a)e to ou%y t#e entre o! #is disourse, 2or one t#in&, #ow else ould (usli)s,
sattered as t#ey were unevenly t#rou&#out t#e su.ontinent, s#arin& wit# t#eir non-
(usli) nei&#.ours loal usto)s, et#os, lan&ua&es, and %ro.le)s and su.7eted to loal
onditions (w#et#er %olitial, soial or eono)i) .eo)e a 1nation1 e6e%t t#rou&# t#eir
a!!iliation wit# Isla)? 2or anot#er, sine 0akistan was to .e esta.lis#ed in t#e (usli)
)a7ority %rovines, w#y else s#ould t#e (usli)s in t#e )inority %rovines stru&&le !or
0akistan, e6e%t !or t#eir dee% onern !or t#e !ate and !uture o! Isla) in India? $.ove
all, w#at linked t#e) wit# t#eir !ellow (usli)s in t#e )a7ority areas e6e%t
t#is onern?
%n an address to &a'a Muslim (eague )onference in *anuar' !+,, *innah -egun
mapping out his new world .iew/ 0e said$
@#en we say _-#is !la& is t#e !la& o! Isla)I t#ey t#ink we are introduin& reli&ion into
%olitis - a !at o! w#i# we are %roud, Isla) &ives us a o)%lete ode, It is not only
reli&ion .ut it ontains laws, %#iloso%#y and %olitis, In !at, it ontains everyt#in& t#at
)atters to a )an !ro) )ornin& to ni&#t, @#en we talk o! Isla) we take it as an all
e).rain& word, @e do not )ean any ill, -#e !oundation o! our Isla)i ode is t#at we
stand !or li.erty, eAuality and !raternity,
<inna# t#en used t#is to ar&ue t#e ase !or 0akistan at two levels, 2irst, #e invoked t#e
universally reo&nized %rini%le o! sel!-deter)ination, But it was invoked not on t#e
!a)iliar territorial .asis, .ut !or t#e (usli) nation alone, $s #e sti%ulated in #is )arat#on
talks wit# Band#i in "e%te).er 1=>>, t#e onstitueny !or t#e %le.isite to deide u%on
t#e 0akistan de)and would o)%rise only t#e (usli)s, and not t#e entire %o%ulation o!
t#e areas onerned, "eond, #e s%elled out #is reasons !or rea#in& out towards t#e
10akistan1 &oal in #is ;a#ore (1=>0) address in )ore or less ideolo&ial ter)s, ar&uin&
t#at FIsla) and 8induis),,, are not reli&ions in t#e strit sense o! t#e word, .ut are,,,
di!!erent and distint soial ordersF, t#at Ft#e 8indus and (usli)s .elon& to two di!!erent
reli&ious %#iloso%#ies, soial usto)s, literatureF, Fto two di!!erent ivilizationsF, t#at
t#ey Fderive t#eir ins%iration !ro) di!!erent soures o! #istoryF,,, (wit#) di!!erent e%is,
di!!erent #eroes and di!!erent e%isodes,F F@e wis# our %eo%leF, #e delared, Fto develo%
to t#e !ullest our s%iritual, ultural, eono)i, soial and %olitial li!e in a way t#at we
t#ink .est and in onsonane wit# our own ideals and aordin& to t#e &enius o! our
<inna# develo%ed t#is into a de!inition o! (usli) nation#ood t#at was )ost o&ent, t#e
)ost losely ar&ued, and t#e )ost !ir)ly .ased in international law sine t#e ti)e o! "ir
"yed $#)ad *#an, F@e are a nation,F #e wrote to Band#i on 17 "e%te).er 1=>>, Fwit#
our distintive ulture and ivilization, lan&ua&e and literature, art and ar#iteture,
na)es and no)enlature, sense o! values and %ro%ortion, le&al laws and )oral ode,
usto)s and alendar, #istory and traditions, a%titude and a).itionsR in s#ort, we #ave
our own distintive outlook on li!e and o! li!e,F
0e returned to this more e1tensi.el' in his %d message in 2eptem-er !"3, sa'ing$
F'veryone, e6e%t t#ose w#o are i&norant, knows t#at t#e Euran is t#e &eneral ode o!
t#e (usli)s, $ reli&ious, soial, ivil, o))erial, )ilitary, 7udiial, ri)inal, %enal
ode, it re&ulates everyt#in& !ro) t#e ere)onies o! reli&ion to t#ose o! daily li!eR !ro)
t#e salvation o! t#e soul to t#e #ealt# o! t#e .odyR !ro) t#e ri&#ts o! all to t#ose o! ea#
individualR !ro) )orality to ri)e, !ro) %unis#)ent #ere to t#at in t#e li!e to o)e, and
our 0ro%#et #as en7oined on us t#at every (usal)an s#ould %ossess a o%y o! t#e Euran
and .e #is own %riest, -#ere!ore Isla) is not )erely on!ined to t#e s%iritual tenets and
dotrines or rituals and ere)onies, It is a o)%lete ode re&ulatin& t#e w#ole (usli)
soiety, every de%art)ent o! li!e, olletiveUlyV and individually,F
%inna&=s Realisation
$!ter inde%endene, as #ead o! t#e state #e #ad !ounded, <inna# talked in t#e sa)e strain,
8e talked o! seurin& Fli.erty, !raternity and eAuality as en7oined u%on us .y Isla)F (25
$u&ust 1=>7)R o! FIsla)i de)oray, Isla)i soial 7ustie and t#e eAuality o! )an#oodF
(21 2e.ruary 1=>G)R o! raisin& 0akistan on Fsure !oundations o! soial 7ustie and Isla)i
soialis) w#i# e)%#asized eAuality and .rot#er#ood o! )anF (2? (ar# 1=>G)R o!
layin& Ft#e !oundations o! our de)oray on t#e .asis o! true Isla)i ideals and
%rini%lesF (1> $u&ust 1=>G)R and Ft#e onward )ar# o! renaissane o! Isla)i ulture
and idealsF (1G $u&ust 1=>7), 8e alled u%on t#e )a))ot# ;a#ore audiene to .uild u%
F0akistan as a .ulwark o! Isla)F, to Flive u% to your traditions and add to it anot#er
#a%ter o! &loryF, addin&, FI! we take our ins%iration and &uidane !ro) t#e 8oly Euran,
t#e !inal vitory, I one a&ain say, will .e oursF (D0 1=>7),
$s !or t#e s%ei!i institutions o! t#e new state, #e e6#orted t#e ar)ed !ores to u%#old
Ft#e #i&# traditions o! Isla) and our 3ational BannerF (G 3ove).er 1=>7)R and
o))ended t#e "tate Bank resear# or&anization to evolve F.ankin& %raties
o)%ati.le wit# Isla)i ideals o! soial and eono)i li!eF and to Fwork our destiny in
our own way and %resent to t#e world an eono)i syste) .ased on true Isla)i one%t
o! eAuality o! )an#ood and soial 7ustieF (1 <uly 1=>G),
2or <inna#, Ft#e reation o! a "tate o! our own was a )eans to an end and not t#e end in
itsel!, -#e idea was t#at we s#ould #ave a "tate in w#i# we ould live and .reat#e as
!ree )en and w#i# we ould develo% aordin& to our own li&#ts and ulture and w#ere
%rini%les o! Isla)i soial 7ustie ould !ind !ree %layF (11 1=>7), 8e told
'dwards Colle&e students t#at Ft#is )i&#ty land #as now .een .rou&#t under a rule,
w#i# is Isla)i, (usli) rule, as a soverei&n inde%endent "tateF (1G $%ril 1=>G), 8e
even desri.ed 0akistan as Ft#e %re)ier Isla)i "tateF (2e.ruary 1=>G),
*innah4s -roadcast to the people of the United 2tates (5e-ruar' !",# is in a similar
I do not know w#at t#e ulti)ate s#a%e o! t#is onstitution is &oin& to .e, .ut I a) sure
t#at it will .e o! a de)orati ty%e, e).odyin& t#e essential %rini%les o! Isla), -oday,
t#ey are as a%%lia.le in atual li!e as t#ey were 1D00 years a&o, Isla) and its idealis)
#ave tau&#t us de)oray, It #as tau&#t eAuality o! )en, 7ustie and !airly %lay to
every.ody, @e are t#e in#eritors o! t#ese &lorious traditions and are !ully alive to our
res%onsi.ilities and as !ra)ers o! t#e !uture onstitution o! 0akistan, In any
ase 0akistan is not &oin& to .e a t#eorati "tate -- to .e ruled .y %riests wit# a divine
)ission, @e #ave )any non- (usli)s -- 8indus, C#ristians, and 0arsis -- .ut t#ey are all
0akistanis, -#ey will en7oy t#e sa)e ri&#ts and %rivile&es as any ot#er itizens and will
%lay t#eir ri&#t!ul %art in t#e a!!airs o! 0akistan,
In t#is .roadast, <inna#, t#e onstitutionalist t#at #e was, re!used to !orestall t#e s#a%e o!
t#e onstitution, in order not to !etter t#e 0akistan Constituent $sse).ly !ro) takin&
deisions it dee)ed !it, @#ile #e laid a &ood deal o! stress on Isla)i ideals and
%rini%les, #e ruled out t#eoray, sayin& F0akistan is not a t#eoray or anyt#in& like it,
Isla) de)ands !ro) us t#e tolerane o! ot#er reeds,F
-e#nially s%eakin&, t#eoray )eans a &overn)ent F.y ordained %riests, w#o wield
aut#ority as .ein& s%eially a%%ointed .y t#ose w#o lai) to derive t#eir ri&#ts !ro) t#eir
saerdotal %osition,F :nlike Cat#oliis), t#ere is no esta.lis#ed #ur# in Isla)R (in !at,
it deries su# a #ur#), (oreover, sine Isla) ad)its o! no %riestra!t, sine it
disountenanes a saerdotal lass as t#e .earer o! an in!alli.le aut#ority, and sine it
onedes t#e ri&#t o! i7ti#ad to F)en o! o))on senseF, t#e one%t o! t#eoray is
a.solutely !orei&n to Isla), 8ene, durin& t#e de.ate on t#e 5.7etives /esolution
((ar# 1=>7), (ian I!tik#aruddin re!uted t#e Con&ress )e).ers !ears a.out t#e
soverei&nty lause, sayin& t#at Ft#e wordin& o! t#e 0rea).le does not in any way )ake
t#e 5.7etives /esolution any t#e )ore t#eorati, any t#e )ore reli&ious t#an t#e
/esolution or state)ent o! !unda)ental %rini%les o! so)e o! t#e )odern ountries o! t#e
worldF (10 (ar# 1=>=), -#us neit#er, nor <inna#, nor any o! t#e inde%endene
leaders (inludin& (aulana " $#)ad :s)ani) stood !or a t#eorati state,
5! all <inna#1s %ronoune)ents it is #is 11 $u&ust address t#at #as reeived t#e &reatest
attention sine t#e .irt# o! 0akistan, and s%awned a &ood deal o! ontroversy, $lt#ou&#
)ade so)ew#at o!!-t#e-u!! -- #e said t#at FI annot )ake any well-onsidered
%ronoune)ent, .ut I s#all say a !ew t#in&s as t#ey our to )eF -- it is onsidered a
%oliy state)ent, 8e saidH
,,, I! you #an&e your %ast and work to&et#er in a s%irit t#at everyone o! you, no )atter to
w#at o))unity #e .elon&s, ,,, is !irst, seond and last a itizen o! t#is "tate wit# eAual
ri&#ts, %rivile&es and, t#ere will .e no end to t#e %ro&ress you will )ake,
,,,we )ust learn a lesson !ro) t#is Uour %ast e6%erieneV, Lou are !reeR you are !ree to &o
to your te)%les, you are !ree to &o to your )osAues or to any ot#er %laes o! wors#i% in
t#is "tate o! 0akistan, Lou )ay .elon& to any reli&ion or aste or reed - t#at #as not#in&
to do wit# t#e .usiness o! t#e state ,,, we are startin& in t#e days w#en t#ere is no
disri)ination .etween one o))unity and anot#er, no disri)ination .etween one
aste, or reed and anot#er, @e are startin& wit# t#is !unda)ental %rini%le t#at we are all
itizens and eAual itizens o! one "tate,,,, I t#ink we s#ould kee% t#at in !ront o! us as our
ideal and you will !ind t#at in ourse o! ti)e 8indus would ease to .e 8indus and
(usli)s would ease to .e (usli)s, not in t#e reli&ious sense .eause t#at is t#e
%ersonal !ait# o! ea# individual, .ut in t#e %olitial sense as itizens o! t#e state,
3ot sur%risin&ly, it #as eliited varied o))ents !ro) s#olars and onte)%orary
7ournalists, 5ne s#olar #as %ut it down to Floose t#inkin& and i)%reise wordin&F and a
de%arture !ro) <inna#1s erstw#ile %osition, $not#er alls it Fa re)arka.le reversalF and
asks Fwas #e U<inna#V %leadin& !or a united India - on t#e eve o! 0akistan?F
In dissetin& t#is state)ent, t#ere is, #owever, little t#at ould lend itsel! to dis%utation,
-#ere is no %ro.le)s wit# t#e ditu) t#at every one, no )atter w#at o))unity #e
.elon&s to, would .e entitled to !ull !led&ed itizens#i%, wit# eAual ri&#ts, %rivile&es and, t#at t#ere would no disri)ination .etween one o))unity and anot#er, and
t#at all o! t#e) would .e itizens and eAual itizens o! one state, -#ese %rini%les <inna#
#ad reiterated ti)e and a&ain durin& t#e stru&&le %eriod, t#ou&# not in t#e sa)e words,
It is, #owever, not usually reo&nized t#at %olitial eAuality in &eneral ter)s (.eause
a.solutis) was t#e rule at t#e ti)e o! t#e advent o! Isla)) and eAuality .e!ore law in
)ore s%ei!i ter)s are attri.utes Isla) #ad reo&nized lon& .e!ore t#e world disovered
t#e) as seular values, -#ey were e6e)%li!ied in t#e (isaA-i-(adina#, t#e %at .etween
t#e 0ro%#et (0B:8) and $us and *#azra7, and in #is letter to $.ul 8airs, C#ristian %riest
and t#e aredited re%resentative o! t#e C#ristians o! 3a7ran, and in t#e ondut o! t#e
*#ul!a-i-/as#idun, -#is ovenant, o)%risin& >7 lauses, lays down, inter alia, t#at t#e
Eurais#ite (usli), t#e (edinites and t#e <ews o! Banu $u! !ro) one o))unity a%art
!ro) ot#er %eo%le, t#at t#e <ews s#all #ave t#eir reli&ion and t#e (usli)s t#eir own, t#at
t#ey s#all #el% ea# ot#er a&ainst one w#o !i&#ts wit# t#e %eo%le o! t#e ovenant, 3ow,
#ow ould t#ese dis%arate #araterised .y di!!erin& reli&ious a!!iliations !ro) one
%olitial o))unity unless t#eir entitle)ent to eAual ri&#ts, %rivile&es and are
oneded in t#e !irst %lae, $ o))unity %ostulates su# entitle)ent, and it )ay .e
on7etured t#at <inna# .elieved t#at Isla) onedes eAual itizens#i% to one and all,
wit#out re!erene to reed, olour or rae,
2inally one ruial Auestion, I! it is still ontended t#at <inna# #ad envisa&ed a 1seular1
state, does one %ronoune)ent %revail over a %let#ora o! %ronoune)ents )ade .e!ore
and a!ter t#e esta.lis#)ent o! 0akistan, 4oes one )orsel )ake a dinner? 4oes one
swallow )ake a su))er? $ lose study all o! <inna#1s %ronoune)ents durin& 1=D>->G,
and )ost o! #is %ronoune)ent durin& t#e %re-1=D> %eriod, s#ows t#at t#e word, 1seular1
(si&ni!yin& an ideolo&y) does not !ind a )ention in any o! t#e), 'ven w#en on!ronted
wit# t#e Auestion, #e evaded it -- as t#e !ollowin& e6trats !ro) #is 17 <uly 1=>7 %ress
on!erene indiatesH
Question$ 67ill 8akistan -e a secular or theocratic state96
(r, (,$, <inna#H FLou are askin& )e a Auestion t#at is a.surd, I do not know w#at a
t#eorati state )eans,F
$ orres%ondent su&&ested t#at a t#eorati "tate )eant a "tate w#ere only %eo%le o! a
%artiular reli&ion, !or e6a)%le, (usli)s, ould .e !ull itizens and 3on-(usli)s would
not .e !ull itizens,
(r, (,$, <inna#H F-#en it see)s to )e t#at w#at I #ave already said is like t#rowin&
water on duk1s .ak (lau&#ter), @#en you talk o! de)oray, I a) a!raid you #ave not
studied Isla), @e learned de)oray t#irteen enturies a&o,F
It is well to reall t#e ideolo&ial environ)ent o! t#e %eriod in w#i# t#e %ronoune)ents
we are tryin& to disset, analyse and inter%ret today were )ade, It was already a .i%olar
world, s)itten .y t#e &at#erin& old war, -#e &reat ideolo&ial divide #ad war%ed si)%le
and lon& !a)iliar words su# as !reedo), li.erty, eAuality, de)oray, state, soverei&nty,
7ustie, and tyranny wit# ideolo&ial overtones, 8ene t#ese one%ts #ad to .e Auali!ied
to )ean w#at t#ey atually stand !or, 8ene w#en <inna# talks o! t#e one%t o! a
de)orati ty%e e).odyin& t#e essential %rini%les o! Isla), #e was &ivin& notie t#at #e
did not )ean t#e standard @estern ty%e or t#e "oviet .rand o! %eo%le1s de)oray, .ut a
sort o! 1Isla)i de)oray1 w#i#, w#ile retainin& t#e institutional a%%urtenanes o! a
de)orati struture, is on&ruent wit# (usli)s1 et#os, as%irations and ode o! )orality,
$nd, as (ian I!tik#aruddin ar&ued, Fno one need o.7et to t#e word 1Isla)i,1 I! we an
use t#e words, 1/o)an ;aw1 or t#e 1Britis# 0arlia)entary syste)1 and so )any ot#er
ter)s wit#out s#a)e or stint, t#en w#y not 1Isla)i1?F
<inna# was t#e )ost @esternised %olitial leader in all t#e annals o! Indian Isla)R no
ot#er (usli) %olitial leader ould )at# #i) in ter)s o! )odernity and a )odern
outlook, 8e was o)%letely at #o)e wit# t#e )ilieu in os)o%olitan Bo).ay and
)etro%olitan ;ondon, 8e also )arried a 0arsi &irl, so unonventional !or a (usli) leader
at t#at ti)e, t#ou&# a!ter &ettin& #er onverted to Isla), 4urin& #is #eAuered areer,
<inna# a)e in ontat wit# an e6eedin&ly lar&e nu).er o! non-(usli) leadin&
%ersonalities and a #ost o! Britis# o!!iials, )ore t#an any ot#er (usli) leader and #ad
interated wit# t#e) !or so)e !our deades -- .e!ore #e underwent a %aradi&)ati s#i!t,
<inna# was also a )an w#o )ined no words, stood no #u).u&, and alled a s%ade a
s%ade, 8e #eld %olitial r#etori in #i&# disdainR #e %re!erred %olitial wilderness to
%layin& to t#e &allery, "u# a )an ould not #ave &one in !or an Isla)i
orientated disourse unless #e !elt t#at t#e Isla)i values #e was o))endin& were at
#o)e wit# t#e values underlyin& )odernity, t#at Isla) was in onsonane wit# %ro&ress
and )odernity, 4urin& t#e de.ate on Isla) and seularis), t#is is a %oint t#at #as lain
7o"enHs Role in a$istan (ove"ent
@5('3 %layed a )a7or role in t#e 0akistan (ove)ent, -#is was o! &reat #istorial
si&ni!iane, !or t#e (usli) wo)en o! t#e su.ontinent #ad never %artii%ated in su#
&reat nu).ers in a %olitial )ove)ent, It was a .e!ittin& ul)ination o! t#e re!or)ist
)ove)ents o! t#e late nineteent# entury !or t#e e)ani%ation and eduation o! (usli)
wo)en, -#e Euaid an .e seen as soure o! ins%iration !or t#eir e)er&ene as %layers on
t#e %olitial sene,
-#e *#ila!at (ove)ent o! t#e 1=20s #ad .een t#e !irst instane w#en (usli) wo)en
#ad )ade t#eir %resene !elt, @it# (aulanas "#aukat $li and (o#a))ed $li in 7ail, t#eir
)ot#er, Bi $))an, #ad taken u% t#e ud&els a&ainst Britis# i)%erialis), 8er dau&#ter-
in-law assisted #er, It took an old lady to strike t#e !irst .low at selusion, "#e addressed
)eetin&s !ro) .e#ind t#e %urda# o! a s#eet, and travelled to various %arts o! India to
w#i% u% su%%ort, @o)en a)e to #ear #er, and t#ey were )otivated to )eet in various
)o#allas to raise !unds, It was an old usto) in t#e su.ontinent t#at wo)en sold t#eir
7ewellery w#en t#e !a)ily was !aed wit# a !inanial risis,
@#en t#e *#ila!at (ove)ent de)anded ontri.utions !ro) its su%%orters, t#e wo)en
a)e !orward and &ave u% t#eir 7ewellery, t#at .ein& t#eir only worldly %ossession, -#is
would #ave .een t#e !irst ti)e t#at t#ey )ade su# a &esture !or a %olitial ause,
8owever all t#is was s#ort-lived and so wit# t#e de)ise o! t#e *#ila!at (ove)ent
wo)en reverted to t#e strit selusion o! t#eir #o)es and t#eir do)esti world,
-#e Euaid #ad seen t#e inreasin& %artii%ation o! wo)en in t#e Con&ress, #is %arent
%arty, 8e realized t#e need to #ave (usli) wo)en1s %artii%ation in t#e (usli) ;ea&ue,
w#i# #e #ad .e&un to re-or&anize and .rin& to li!e, It was at ;uknow in 1=D7 t#at #e
alled !or t#e reation o! a @o)en1s @in& o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, .ut it re)ained
dor)ant till t#e 0atna "ession o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue in 1=DG, 8is instrutions were t#at
t#ere s#ould .e a reruit)ent drive t#rou&# ea# and every distrit o! India, and wo)en
s#ould .e )ade two-anna )e).ers o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, @it#in two years o! t#e 0atna
session %olitial onsiousness #ad .e&un to s%read to all &rou%s and lasses o! (usli)
wo)en, and on (ar# 2D, 1=>0, t#e wo)en1s setion o! $ll-India (usli) ;ea&ue #eld its
annual session at t#e Isla)ia Colle&e !or Birls, ;a#ore,
By now t#is olle&e #ad .e&un to .e at t#e entre o! t#e wo)en1s )ove)ent !or 0akistan,
Its 0rini%al, 2ati)a Be&u), %layed an instru)ental role in .rin&in& t#is a.out, Be&u)
8a!eezuddin &ave t#e keynote address in w#i# s#e alled u%on t#e (usli)s o! t#e
su.ontinent to unite under t#e !la& o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, -wo resolutions were %assed
at t#is session, -#e !irst %ertainin& to t#e (usli) ;ea&ue alled !or t#e wo)en to work
a)on&st t#eir !riends and aAuaintanes and rally t#e) to t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, and #el%
t#e 0arty or&anize su.-o))ittees in towns and rural areas, -#e seond resolution alled
on (usli) )en to #el% (usli) wo)en &et t#e le&al ri&#ts w#i# were ri&#t!ully t#eirs
under t#e "#ariat, .ut w#i# t#ey #ad .een denied, Ba7i /as#ida ;ati!, w#o was also a
)e).er o! t#e ;e&islative $sse).ly, delared in #er s%ee# t#at Fa%italistsF #ad
de%rived (usli) wo)en o! t#eir ri&#ts, "#e )ust #ave .een re!errin& to t#e in#eritane
o! %ro%erty w#i# ontinued to .e denied to (usli) wo)en in 0un7a., !or t#e .i&
landlords did not want t#eir %ro%erty divided and onseAuently #ad o%%osed in#eritane
.y (usli) wo)en,
-#e )o.ilization o! &irls and wo)en was ontinued wit# !ull !ore, In 3ove).er, 1=>2,
t#e Euaid was invited .y t#e 0un7a. Birl "tudents 2ederation to o)e to t#e <inna#
Isla)ia Birls Colle&e and address t#e &irls, In #is s%ee# #e saidH FI a) &lad to see t#at
not only (usli) )en .ut (usli) wo)en and #ildren also #ave understood t#e 0akistan
s#e)e, 3o nation an )ake any %ro&ress wit#out t#e o-o%eration o! its wo)en, I!
(usli) wo)en su%%ort t#eir )en, as t#ey did in t#e day o! t#e 0ro%#et o! Isla), we
s#ould soon realize our &oal,,, no nation is a%a.le o! re)ainin& a stron& nation, unless
and until its )en and wo)en stru&&le to&et#er !or t#e a#ieve)ent o! its &oalsF,
-#e Euaid e6#orted t#e youn& students to 7oin t#e (usli) ;ea&ue and reounted #ow at
0atna #e #ad !or)ed a wo)en1s setion o! t#e 0arty, in order to inrease t#e involve)ent
o! t#e (usli) wo)en,
-#e wo)en1s setion o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue or&anized )us#airas and &et-to&et#ers, -#e
)ove)ent !or 0akistan #ad s%read to &irls1 s#ools and olle&es and &ot inreasin&ly tied
u% wit# (usli) wo)en1s de)ands !or t#e i)%le)entation o! "#ariat, as t#at would
inrease t#eir ri&#ts under t#e law, By 1=>5 t#e (usli) ;ea&ue )ove)ent #ad .eo)e
so wides%read a)on&st wo)en t#at t#ey were tourin& t#e )a7or towns and ities and
tryin& to or&anize %ri)ary .ran#es o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue,
-#e )ain %ur%ose o! t#ese tours was to &et t#e) to attend t#e o)in& session o! t#e $ll-
India (usli)s ;ea&ue in ;a#ore on (ar# 2D, 1=>5, $s t#e (usli) ;ea&ue &eared u%
!or t#e eletions o! 1=>?, wo)en1s1 divisional and distrit o))ittees were or&anized and
onveners a%%ointed, $ ontin&ent o! wo)en arrived in ;a#ore !ro) $li&ar# to assist in
tourin& t#e distrits, In t#e last week .e!ore %ollin&, wo)en .ea)e so ative t#at t#ey
#eld )eetin&s in "i)la, $)ritsar, Bu7ranwala and ;a#ore, (eetin&s were #eld in ;a#ore
to assi&n wo)en to various %ollin& stations, -#e !irst wo)en1s .ran# o! t#e (usli)
;ea&ue in t#e 2rontier was o%ened in 1=D=, In 1=>5 ;ady $.dulla# 8aroon, t#e
0resident o! t#e $ll-India @o)en1s (usli) ;ea&ue, led a dele&ation o! (usli) wo)en
to t#e 2rontier %rovine,
@#en a )eetin& was or&anized under t#e aus%ies o! t#e Menana (usli) ;ea&ue, as
)any as t#ousand wo)en attended it, -#e audiene ontri.uted /s G0,000 to t#e (usli)
;ea&ue !und, In t#e eletions o! 1=>5->? it was very ative and wo)en ;ea&uers !ro)
ot#er %arts o! t#e re&ion, and es%eially !ro) ;a#ore, toured t#e %rovine to )o.ilize
su%%ort a)on&st t#e wo)en o! t#e 2rontier %rovine,
4urin& t#e Civil 4iso.ediene (ove)ent, wo)en1s de)onstrations in 0es#awar .ea)e
!reAuent, 5t#er towns a!!eted in a si)ilar )anner were (ardan, *o#at and $,
@o)en ;ea&uers1 )ilitany in t#e 2rontier inreased a!ter t#e !all o! t#e :nionist
)inistry in t#e 0un7a., -#ey a&itated outside t#e &overn)ent o!!ies, #oisted t#e !la& on
t#e "eretariat and took out %roessions, -#e %resene o! a lar&e nu).er o! wo)en
workers !ro) 0un7a. and ot#er areas o! t#e ountry #el%ed,
-#e (usli) ;ea&ue won all t#e (usli) seats to t#e Central $sse).ly, -#ey ele.rated
Vitory 4ay on <anuary 11, 1=>?, "tudents !ro) $li&ar# to ;a#ore #ad s#own &reat zeal,
and t#e &irls #ad %layed a )a7or role, 5n <anuary 1G t#e Euaid addressed t#e (usli)
"tudents 2ederation in ;a#ore, and w#en #e went to address t#e wo)en1s win& o! t#e
(usli) ;ea&ue #e was esorted .y two &irls on eit#er side o! #i) wit# swords drawn,
@#en, des%ite t#e (usli) ;ea&ue vitory, t#e Britis# Bovernor o! 0un7a. asked t#e
Con&ress and t#e :nionist 0arty to !or) a oalition &overn)ent, it aused a !urore
a)on&st t#e )e).ers and su%%orters o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue, (eetin&s were #eld, and
t#ere was a de)onstration o! !ive #undred )en and wo)en on Eueen1s /oad,
-#e Euaid was in t#e tradition o! a w#ole #ost o! (usli) intelletuals and t#inkers
.e!ore #i) w#o #ad .een allin& !or t#e eduation and e)ani%ation o! (usli) wo)en,
8owever, #e was t#e !irst to atively %ro)ote t#eir %artii%ation in %olitis and t#e
(usli) ;ea&ue, It is no aident o! #istory t#at #e took #is sister everyw#ere wit# #i),
8e set t#e trend and #is !ollowers e)ulated, It is not sur%risin& t#at ;iaAuat $li *#an #ad
/ana ;iaAuat .y #is side, -#e )essa&e was loud and learH wo)en s#ould o)e out o!
t#eir selusion and .e eAual %artners in t#e soial and %olitial li!e o! t#e ountry, 8e is
Auoted as #avin& delared t#at t#e (usli) nation ould not %ro&ress or !ree itsel! unless
wo)en were its eAual %artners,
-#e 0akistan (ove)ent is an i)%ortant waters#ed in t#e soial #istory o! (usli)
wo)en, @#ile t#ere is a lon& line o! writers w#o in t#e late nineteent# and early
twentiet# entury were advoatin& t#at (usli) wo)en .e eduated, t#ere was none w#o
#ad t#e audaity to su&&est t#at t#ey e)er&e !ro) t#e %#ysial selusion o! t#eir #o)es,
@#en t#e 0akistan !ever au&#t t#e #earts and )inds o! t#e (usli)s, it see)ed .ut
natural t#at t#e wo)en s#ould .e drawn into it too,
@#ile t#e Euaid enoura&ed t#is t#rou&# every %oliy deision o! #is, t#e onservative
and t#e ort#odo6 setions o! soiety do not see) to #ave %rovided any )a7or o%%osition
to t#is new %#eno)enon, 8ene t#ere was no su!!ra&ette )ove)ent as su#, @o)en
aAuired votin& ri&#ts in t#e %roess o! wa&in& a %olitial stru&&le !or 0akistan, -#ere is
no evidene o! a war .etween t#e &enders .eause .ot# were au&#t in a o))on
stru&&le, and were su%%ortive o! ea# ot#er, -#ere is a w#ole &ala6y o! on!ident,
intelli&ent, artiulate and o))itted wo)en w#o e)er&ed !ro) t#is (ove)ent, -#ey
were %oised at t#is advanta&eous situation w#en 0akistan was .orn,
@estern #istorians #ave tried to e6tol t#e ultural as%ets o! $le6ander1s invasion and to
e6a&&erate t#e e6tent o! its i)%at on t#e 'ast, -#e trut# o! t#e )atter is t#at #e was a
destroyer o! ivilizations and in t#is res%et was no .etter t#an C#an&ez or 8ula&u, 8e
anni#ilated t#e &reatest ivilization o! t#e ti)e !louris#in& in 0ersia under t#e
$#ae)enians, e!!aed t#e !inest ultural )onu)ents ereted .y t#e &reat )onar#s o!
t#at dynasty and .y settin& !ire to t#e a%ital ity o! 0erse%olis and several ot#er towns
and ities, le!t Iran desolate and deserted,
It took Iran )ore t#an si6 enturies to revive and resusitate itsel! !ro) t#e devastation
wrou&#t .y $le6ander1s ar)ies, Iran rose a&ain and re&ained its lost %ower and %resti&e
under t#e "assanians in t#e Drd entury $,4, In 0akistan also $le6ander and #is !ores
arried out lar&e-sale )assares, In lower "ind alone G0,000 %eo%le are said to #ave
.een %ut to t#e sword and innu)era.le )en and wo)en sold as slaves, ('arly 8istory o!
India, By V,$, ")it#)
"ine $le6ander was deter)ined to rea# t#e eastern-)ost li)its o! t#e 0ersian ')%ire
#e ould not resist t#e te)%tation to onAuer 0akistan, w#i# at t#is ti)e was %arelled
out into s)all #ie!tain- s#i%s, w#o were !eudatories o! t#e 0ersian ')%ire, $le6ander
entered 0akistan !ro) t#e nort#ern route at "wat .ut was &iven a tou&# !i&#t .y t#e loal
!ores in w#i# #e #i)sel! is said to #ave .een in7ured, 3e6t, #e rea#ed Indus w#i# was
rossed at a %lae alled 5#ind, !i!teen )iles a.ove $ttok, -#e !irst loal ruler #e
enountered was t#at o! -a6ila, /a7a $).#i, wit# #is territories lyin& .etween Indus and
-#is ra7a, .eause o! t#e &eo&ra%#ial %osition o!#is kin&do), ke%t #i)sel! well
in!or)ed o! develo%)ents aross Indus and .eyond, and was s#rewd and %ra&)ati in #is
a%%roa#, 8avin& reeived t#e in!or)ation t#at t#e $#ae)enian ')%eror 4arius III was
i&no)inously de!eated .y $le6ander and t#at entire Iran #ad .een over-run and
devastated .y #is ar)ies, $).#i onsidered it %rudent to onlude %eae wit# t#e Breek
ditator, $le6ander was e6tended a &lorious welo)e at -a6ila w#ere #e stayed !or so)e
ti)e and #eld disussions wit# t#e learned %eo%le o! t#e ity, 8e was so %leased wit# t#e
ra7a t#at #e on!ir)ed t#e latter as ruler o! t#e area and &ave #i) ostly %resents,
2urt#er east, #owever, $le6ander1s advane was #alted .y t#e !a)ous /a7a 0orus w#o
in!lited onsidera.le losses on t#e Breek !ores, 0orus was t#e ruler o! territories east o!
<#elu), -#e loal ar)ies !ou&#t valiantly and .ut !or so)e tatial )istakes )i&#t #ave
won t#e war, In s%ite o! t#e de!eat, 0orus was on!ir)ed as ruler in #is %rini%ality in
reo&nition o! #is %rowess and %atriotis), (oreover, $le6ander did not want to
anta&onise t#e loal %eo%le and rulers in view o! t#eir %otentialities and also in view o!
#is own li)ited resoures, FIt is lear !ro) lassial aounts o! $le6ander1s a)%ai&n
t#at t#e Breeks were not uni)%ressed .y w#at t#ey saw in India (i,e, "ind#u or Indus
Valley or 0akistan -- anient India was in 0akistan re&ion, not %resent day India), -#ey
)u# ad)ired t#e oura&e o! t#e Indian (0akistani) troo%s, t#e austerity o! t#e asetis
w#o) t#ey )et at -a6ila and t#e %urity and si)%liity o! t#e o! t#e 0un7a. and
"ind -#e Breeks were i)%ressed .y t#e !eroity wit# w#i# t#e wo)en o! so)e o! t#e
0un7a. aided t#eir )en!olk in resistin& $le6ander,F (-#e @onder t#at was India, By
$,;, B#as#a))
F-#e Breeks w#o were )u# i)%ressed .y t#e #i&# stature o! t#e )en in t#e 0un7a.
aknowled&ed t#at in t#e art o! war t#ey were !ar su%erior to t#e ot#er nations .y w#i#
$sia was at t#at ti)e in#a.ited, -#e resolute o%%osition o! 0orus onseAuently was not to
.e des%ise,F (-#e 56!ord 8istory o! India, By V,$, ")it#)
$le6ander went u% to t#e .ank o! t#e Beas so)ew#ere near Burdas%ur w#ere #is ar)y,
aordin& to #istorians, re!used to )ove !urt#er, @#at- ever t#e i))ediate ause, .y
rea#in& Beas $le6ander #ad al)ost tou#ed t#e eastern-)ost !rontier o! t#e traditional
.oundaries o! 0akistan and ao)%lis#ed #is )ission, It was .ut lo&ial t#at #e s#ould
return, 8e a)e down t#rou&# t#e entire len&t# o! 0akistan, rossed t#e 8u. /iver near
*ara#i and de%arted !or #o)e dyin& on t#e way, It s#ould not .e overlooked t#at durin&
#is 10-)ont# stay in 0akistan and durin& #is )ove)ents !ro) one end to t#e ot#er #e did
not #ave s)oot# sailin&, 8e #ad to !i&#t s)all rulers al)ost everyw#ere in t#e 3,@,2,0,,
0un7a. and "ind, -#e (allois o! (ullistan ((ultan) in!lited onsidera.le losses on #is
$le6ander1s invasion o! t#is area and t#e e6tent o! #is 7ourney a&ain .oldly #i&#li&#t t#e
!at t#at 0akistan1s %resent .oundaries were al)ost t#e sa)e in t#ose days, 2ro) 8indu
*us#, 4ir and "wat to t#e .anks o! t#e Beas and down to *ara#i - t#is entire area was
one sin&le &eo&ra%#ial, %olitial and ultural .lo under t#e suzerainty o! t#e 0ersians, It
will also .e realled t#at t#is was t#e sa)e area as overed .y t#e Indus Valley
Civilization w#i# ontinued to re)ain se%arate !ro) India t#rou&# t#e a&es,
$le6ander1s #alt and return !ro) t#e .ank o! t#e Beas is not wit#out si&ni!iane in t#is
onte6t, F-#e s%#ere o! 0ersian in!luene in t#ese early ti)es an #ardly #ave rea#ed
.eyond t#e real) o! t#e Indus and its a!!luents, @e )ay assu)e, aordin&ly, t#at w#en
$le6ander rea#ed t#e river 8y%#asis, t#e anient vi%a, and )odern Beas, and was t#en
!ored .y #is &enerals and soldiers to start u%on #is retreat, #e #ad tou#ed t#e e6tre)e
li)its o! t#e 0ersian do)inion over w#i# #e #ad triu)%#ed t#rou&#out,F (-#e
Ca).rid&e 8istory o! India, Vol,1, 'dited .y ',<, /a%son)
-#e redee)in& !eature o! t#is %eriod t#at stands out distintly is t#at 0akistan, a&ain, was
35- a %art o! India and was a!!iliated to a western %ower, @e #ave seen t#at w#et#er
durin& (a) t#e Indus Valley Civilization D000 B,C, - 1500 B,C, or (.) durin& t#e %eriod o!
$ryan settle)ent 1500 B,C, -1000 B,C, or () durin& t#e #al! a )illenniu) %eriod a!ter
!urt#er $ryan )i&rations eastward 1000 B,C, - 500 B,C, or (d) durin& its a!!iliation wit#
t#e $#ae)enian ')%ire 500 - D25 B,C,, 0akistan was all alon& a se%arate entity #avin&
not#in& to do wit# India, -#e %eriod overed .y t#ese !our #a%ters o! its #istory is !ro)
D000 B,C, to D25 B,C,, i,e,, a.out two t#ousand seven #undred years,
-#e i))ediate i)%at o! $le6ander1s invasion on 0akistan was !aint and inonseAuential,
-#e lon&-ter) and indiret e!!ets, #owever, were o! onsidera.le i)%ortane w#i# s#all
.e disussed at a later sta&e, 8ere we s#all %ik u% t#e t#read o! %olitial #istory and
!ollow t#e destiny o! t#is area i))ediately a!ter $le6ander1s de%arture,
In $,4, 711, a yout#!ul $ra. &eneral (u#a))ed Bin Easi) rode eastwards alon& t#e
desolate (akran oast (Balu#istan) wit# si6 t#ousand "yrian $ra. avaliers to .eo)e
t#e onAueror o! "ind, It was an event o! &reat #istori si&ni!iane a.out w#i# t#e
Italian s#olar 2, Ba.rieli o))entsH F0resent day 0akistan, #oldin& t#e values o! Isla)
in su# #i&# estee), s#ould look u%on t#e youn& $ra. onAueror, (u#a))ed .in
Easi), al)ost as a distant *istes (!oundin& !at#er), a #ero o! "out# $sian Isla)F,
(u#a))ed Bin Easi)1s onAuest were %art o! t#e %roselytization and e6%ansion o! t#e
4a)asus .ased 5))ayid ')%ire, 8e was t#e )ilitary o))ander o! Cali%# @alid .in
$.dul )alik w#ose do)ains e6tended !ro) Central $sia to "%ain, In $,4, 712,
(u#a))ed Bin Easi) onAuered "ind1s )a7or sea %ort 4ai.ul, Its ruins are situated >0
)iles east o! *ara#i at t#e )out# o! a dried u% #annel o! t#e Indus 4elta, -#e ity #ad
a &reat Budd#ist stu%a, a dewal, t#e root o! its $ra. na)e 4ai.ul,
$t t#at ti)e "ind was ruled .y Bra#)in *in& 4a#ir son o! C#a#, related t#e 1Dt#
entury 0ersian #ronile C#a#na)a, translated !ro) a lost near-onte)%orary aount
in $ra.i re!erred to .y later $ra. #istorians,
4a#ir1s kin&do) e6tended !ro) t#e Indus 4elta on t#e $ra.ian "ea to /ur, onte)%orary
/o#ri, on t#e eastern .anks o! t#e Indus o%%osite t#e )odern ity o! "ukkur, -#e
kin&do) #ad .rou&#t a.out a reassertion o! Bra#)anis) over Budd#is), .ut .eause
)a7ority o! %eo%le were t#en !ollowers o! t#e Budd#ist !ait#, it #ad an e6tre)ely !ra&ile
.ase, -#e $ra.s a)e aross so )any Budd#ist idols in "ind t#at t#ey ado%ted t#e word
.udd (Budd#a) !or t#e idol in t#e te)%le, a word still used in 0akistan,
$!ter takin& ontrol o! 4ai.ul, (u#a))ed Bin Easi) ontinued #is advane nort#wards
and onAuered 3iran near, -#ere t#e $ra.s were rei!ored .y a ontin&ent o!
!our t#ousand native <at soldiers, -#ey rossed t#e Indus .y a .rid&e o! .oats and
#allen&ed da#ir1s ar)y near /awar, -#e .attle o! destiny ensued, 4a#ir1s !ores were
sattered and #e died !i&#tin&,
-#e $ra.s ontinued %ressin& nort#wards alon& t#e Indus, -#ey a%tured 4a#ir1s a%ital
ity Bra#) (Bra#)in ity), w#ere t#ey .uilt t#eir own ity (ansura, 3e6t t#ey
ou%ied /ur and ontinued t#eir advane until t#ey onAuered (ultan, t#e )ost anient
livin& ity o! "out# $sia, (ultan, wit# its renowned anient &olden te)%le dediated to
t#e sun &od $ditya, ontained so )u# &old t#at t#e onAuerors evidently !elt t#at t#ey
need &o no !urt#er, 2or t#ree enturies it re)ained t#e nort#ern)ost out%ost o! t#e "ind
%rovine o! t#e $ra. ')%ire,
-#e a)azin& $ra. Isla)i e6%ansion was not only t#e result o! avalry !orays, -#ey #ad
o).ined )ilitary o%erations wit# %olitial )eans as well, -#eir o!!er to %roselytize t#e
natives to t#eir own !ait# and .eo)e %art o! t#e new Isla)i o))unity #ad a !ar
rea#in& i)%at, It was an o!!er w#i# was o%en to every.ody, and one w#i# was
%er#a%s )ost readily ae%ted .y t#e lower orders o! 8indus w#o now #ad a )arvellous
o%%ortunity !or olletive )anu)ission !ro) aste slavery, $s a result )any "ind
ae%ted Isla), a)on& t#e) t#e "o)ra /a7%uts, $n additional attration was t#at
reli&ious levies were a.olis#ed !or t#ose w#o onverted,
But t#e new rulin& %ower in "ind did not i)%ose Isla) on any.ody, -#e C#a#na)a #as
re%rodued e6trats !ro) t#e #istori Bra#) C#arter w#i# !or t#e ei&#t# entury
re%resents a %ariularly #i&# level o! #u)anisti soial order and values,
-#ose w#o did not #oose to onvert to Isla) were treated )a&nani)ously, -#e #arter
allowed o)%lete reli&ious !reedo) to t#ose livin& in t#e ountryside around
Bra#), %uttin& t#e) on %ar wit# t#e status o! <ews, (a&ians and !ire wors#i%%ers
in "yria and IraA, -#ey were allowed to ontinue )akin& idols o! t#eir &odsR Bra#)ins
and Budd#ists alike ould ontinue ele.ratin& reli&ious !estivals aordin& to t#e
usto)s o! t#eir !ore!at#ers, -#ey were enoura&ed to do .usiness !reely wit# t#e
(u#a))ed Bin Easi) inor%orated t#e traditional ad)inistrative and revenue strutures
into t#e new order, a%%ointin& o!!iials to %ositions aordin& to t#eir rank and
e6%eriene, leavin& t#e internal a!!airs to look a!ter t#e)selves, 8e s#owered#is new
a%%ointees wit# &i!ts and &ave t#e) seats o! #onour in t#e ourt, 5n a loal level #e
a%%ointed elders to ollet revenue !ro) villa&es and towns, allowin& t#e) o)%lete
ad)inistrative aut#ority,
-#e )e).ers o! t#e #i&#est aste, "ind1s rulin& lass Bra#)ins, w#o o.viously saw less
reason t#an any.ody to onvert, were also inor%orated into Bra#) C#arter, -#ey
were restored to t#eir to% %osts and )u# o! t#e ad)inistration o! t#e ountry was le!t in
t#eir #ands,
5))ayids were sueeded .y t#e $..asids w#o .ea)e t#e new rulers o! "ind, 2ro)
$,4, 750 t#e $..asid Cali%#s wit# t#eir a%ital in Ba&#dad sent t#eir &overnors to rule,
I.n 8aukal, w#o #ad travelled e6tensively t#rou&# t#e $ra. do)ains around t#e )iddle
o! t#e Gt# entury, %artiularly )entioned t#e a!!luene o! t#e %eo%le and #ea%ness o!
!ood in "ind, Bein& a %ros%erous land, "ind %aid su.stantial revenue to Ba&#dad, In $,4,
G20, Cali%# $l- (a)oon #ad reeived one )illion dira)s as revenue !ro) "ind,
Culturally, dee% interations #ad started .etween t#e (iddle 'ast and t#e "out# $sian
su.ontinent, -#e $ra.i lan&ua&e #ad )ade dee% inroads into "ind w#i# #as t#e
lon&est tradition o! $ra.i s#olars#i% in t#e w#ole re&ion, (odern "indi voa.ulary
a.ounds in $ra.i words, -#ere is )ention o! "indi s#olars and %oets in t#e annals o!
$..asid $ra.i literature, -#ere was also a synt#esis o! Isla)i and "indi livin& %attern,
;oal dress was ado%ted .y t#e o))on !olk !ro) a)on& t#e new settlers, t#ou&# t#e
)er#ants ontinued to wear !lowin& $ra. loaks,
$ade)ially t#ere was not only one way ultural tra!!i, 4urin& t#e rule o! $..asid
Cali%# $l-(ansur, s#olars !ro) t#e Indus valley were welo)ed at t#e ourt o!
Ba&#dad, -#eir works on )ediine, )at#e)atis, astrono)y and %#iloso%#y were
translated into t#e $ra.i lan&ua&e,
In t#e nort# Isla) was also )akin& inroads !ro) $!&#anistan into t#e nort# western
re&ions o! 0akistan, Isla)i )issionaries were atively s%readin& t#eir !ait# a)on& t#e, 0es#awar (useu) #as a stone ta.let insri.ed wit# .ot# $ra.i and "anskrit
#araters !ro) -o#i valley o! @aziristan, w#i esta.lis#es t#e %resene o! Isla) in t#e
area as early as $,4, G57, @it# t#e &radual deline o! t#e $..asid $ra. ')%ire t#e -urks
now entered t#e i)%erial arena,
0ro&ress in #u)an li!e w#et#er %olitial, soial or eono)i #as de%ended u%on and
dee%ly inde.ted to t#e ativities o! a &rou% o! dediated %ersons &uided .y leaders o!
e6e%tional Aualities, -#e us#erin& in o! t#e &reatest )onot#eisti )ove)ent in #istory
under t#e no)enlature o! 1Isla)1 was %ossi.le and its suess assured .eause o! t#e
sterlin& #arater, t#e i)%eris#a.le !ait# and un!ailin& resolve o! its leader, 0ro%#et
(o#a))ed, and #is o)%anions,
(usli) soiety #as t#e distintion o! initiatin& anot#er uniAue )ove)ent in #istory
w#i# re)ains un%aralleled .y its wide-s%read #arater overin& t#e two ontinents o!
$sia and $!riaR .y t#e re)arka.le suess it a#ieved in #avin& its o.7etives !ul!illedR
.y t#e enor)ous nu).er o! sel!less workers it %rodued !or t#e %ro%a&ation o! its idealsR
.y t#e de%t# o! in!luene it e6erisedR .y t#e revolutionary !ervour it aroused, and .y t#e
indeli.le )arks it le!t not only on (usli) soiety .ut on t#e C#ristian, 8indu and
Budd#ist soieties as well, It %rovided suour and nouris#)ent to su# an e6tent t#at
(usli)s were a.le to wit#stand t#e (on&ol atastro%#y, !i&#t it .ak wit# renewed
vi&our on reli&ious %lane and t#en to e6%and its #orizons .eyond t#e "a#ara in $!ria,
aross t#e Indus in India and over t#e oeans into Indonesia, -#is )ove)ent is known
-#e .e&innin& o! su!i )ove)ent, its %#iloso%#y and t#e .io&ra%#ies o! its leaders (saints)
are too well-known, and dwelt u%on at &reat len&t# .y a lar&e nu).er o! s#olars to .e
rea%itulated #ere, I s#all take u% only t#ose as%ets w#i# are relevant to our su.7et
onernin& t#e e)er&ene o! 0akistan, $n i)%ortant %oint to .ear in )ind is t#at t#ere
would #ave .een no 0akistan wit#out t#e su!i )ove)ent,
0akistan and su!is) are inter-related, inter-woven and inse%ara.le !ro) ea# ot#er, I!
0akistan1s .e&innin& is traed .ak to t#e onAuest o! t#is su.-ontinent .y (usli)s
ar)ies, as is erroneously done, t#en t#e w#ole su.-ontinent s#ould #ave .eo)e
0akistan sine (usli) ar)s were suess!ul t#rou&#out t#e area, But 0akistan e)er&ed
only in t#ose territories w#ere su!is) )et wit# suess, 0akistan, t#ere!ore, an .e
desri.ed as t#e !ruit o! su!i )ove)ent, F0re-e)inent a)on& t#ese %ro.le)s relatin& to
t#e li!e o! t#e (usli) o))unity in all re&ions sine t#e twel!t# enturyF, writes
0ro!essor Bi.., Fis t#e ativity and in!luene o! t#e su!i s#aik#s and orders,
It was into t#e su!i )ove)ent t#at t#e li!e .lood o! t#e o))unity !lowed ever )ore
stron&ly, 3o adeAuate #istory o! Isla) an .e written until it, wit# all its auses and
e!!ets, #as .een studied %atiently and wit# s#olarly inte&rity, In no re&ion, )oreover, is
t#is study )ore !unda)ental or )ore ur&ently reAuired t#an in t#at o! Isla) in Indian
su.ontinentF, 8e !urt#er saysH F2ro) t#e 1Dt# entury $,4, su!is) inreasin&ly attrated
t#e reative soial and intelletual ener&ies wit#in t#e o))unity, to .eo)e t#e .earer
or instru)ent o! a soial or ultural revolution,F
In its early sta&es su!is) was an individual a!!air on!ined to intelletuals and s%iritualists
wit# #ardly any a%%eal to t#e )asses, But wit# t#e %assa&e o! ti)e it aAuired new
di)ensions and .e&an to deal wit# t#e )undane as%ets o! li!e as well, Its .e&innin&,
%o%ularity and %ro%a&ation #ave .een attri.uted to )any auses a)on& w#i# )ay .e
1, to !ree reli&ious t#ou&#t !ro) t#e ri&idity i)%osed .y t#e ule)aR
2, to e)%#asise in t#e Isla)i tea#in&s t#e ele)ent o! Bod1s love and )ery !or 8is
reation rat#er t#an 8is wrat# and retri.utionR
D, to %ratise w#at one %ro!esses and not )erely indul&e in slo&ans and soliloAuesR
>, to stress t#e essene o! !ait# rat#er t#an )ere o.servane o! !or)alitiesR
5, to )ove away towards rural areas !ro) t#e evil and de.ilitation e!!ets o! wealt#,
)onar#y and .ureauray onentrated in .i& itiesR
?, to de)olis# t#e edi!ie o! !alse values .ased on %el! and %ower and restore )orality to
its %ro%er %lae in t#e ni#e o! (usli) soietyR
7, to o).at t#e !issi%arous tendenies and entri!u&al !ores w#i# were s%readin& t#eir
tentales in t#e (usli) worldR
G, to disoura&e %aro#ial !eelin&s and eli)inate raial %ride w#i# #ad assu)ed %ri)ary
i)%ortane in (usli) t#inkin& rele&atin& t#e ideal o! .rot#er#ood to a seondary %lae
-#ese !ators w#i# &ave .irt# to or&anised su!is) were indeed serious ail)ents w#i#
#ad a!!lited (usli) soiety !or so)e ti)e and #ad assu)ed )enain& %ro%ortions .y
t#e 12t# entury $,4, It was easily diserni.le t#at (usli) %olitial struture was
ru).lin& and its entire )oral and soial !a.ri !ain& e6tintion, -#e )ost redee)in&
!eature o! t#is dark and dis)al %eriod was t#at t#is #allen&e was suess!ully )et .y t#e
(usli) soiety !ro) its own resoures and !ro) its own in#erent stren&t# .y e)%loyin&
its own )oral and intelletual wea%ons, -#e answer to t#is &rave #allen&e was t#e su!i
)ove)ent, "u!is) &ave a new lease o! li!e to t#e (usli)s, %rovided t#e) wit# a .ri&#t
vision, o%ened u% !res# vistas !or t#e), and &uided t#e) towards une6%lored #orizons, It
was a &lorious and s%lendid %er!or)ane, un%aralleled and unsur%assed in #u)an #istory,
8undreds o! devoted workers le!t t#eir #eart#s and #o)es, s%read out over unknown
re&ions #azardin& stran&e li)es and onditions wit# #ardly any )aterial resoures to aid
and assist t#e), 0overty and %rivation stalked t#eir e!!orts w#ile distane and
inaessi.ility stood in t#eir way, But undaunted and undeterred t#ey )ar#ed !orward
de)olis#in& t#e distanes, .reakin& t#e .arriers, onAuerin& t#e li)es, $nd lo^ t#ey
sueeded, @#at was t#e seret o! t#eir suess? -#ey #ad .ot# stren&t# o! #arater and
oura&e o! onvition, were sel!less and devoted to a ause,
"u!is) .ea)e or&anised, and ado%ted a !or) and institution in t#e 12t# and 1Dt#
enturies $,4, -#e two &reat %ioneers in t#is !ield were "#aik# $.dul Eadir <ilani and
8azrat "#a#a.uddin "u#rawardy, By introduin& t#e syste) o! 1silsila1 w#i# was a sort
o! assoiationXorder, and takiaXk#ank#a, a lod&e or #os%ie, t#ey invested t#e )ove)ent
wit# a sense o! .rot#er#ood and %rovided it wit# a )eetin& %lae, -#e 1silsila1 and t#e
takiaXk#ank#a were t#e kin&-%ins o! t#e or&anization, @it# a strea) o! sel!less workers
availa.le and wit# no deart# o! devoted and assiduous leaders#i%, t#e )ove)ent )ade
swi!t %ro&ress and s%read !ar and wide,
It is inorret to state t#at t#e su!is !ollowed t#e (usli) onAuerors in t#e su.-ontinent,
-#ey were #ere, t#ou&# in s)all nu).ers, and #ad started t#eir work even .e!ore t#e
arrival and triu)%# o! (usli) ar)ies, F@e now know t#at a su!i, "#, $.dur /a#)an,
#ad settled in $7)er even .e!ore *#wa7a (oinuddin, and was t#e aut#or o! t#e !irst work
in 8indi,F( Indian (usli)s, By 0ro!, (,(u7ee.,), $t t#is ti)e $7)er was ruled .y /a7%ut
"i)ilarly, "#aik# Is)ail Buk#ari a)e to 0akistan .e!ore (a#)ud B#aznavi,
(o#a))ed $l!i w#o a)e as early as (o#d, Bin Easi)1s ti)e .e&an )issionary work
in 8indu-ruled *as#)ir, F-#e Is)aili )issionary $.dulla# landed near Ca).ay in
10?7$,4, and worked in Bu7rat w#en t#e ountry was &overned .y "id#ra7 <ai "in&#, 8e
and #is <ain tea#er 8u)a C#arya are said to #ave .een onverted to Isla) w#en t#ere
was no reorded (usli) invasion,F (-#e "#ias o! India, By <o#n 3or)an 8ollister),
"u# instanes an .e )ulti%lied wit#out end,
-#e #arater o! su!i )ove)ent was su# t#at i! did not reAuire o!!iial %atrona&e or
)ilitary %rotetion, It sueeded wit#out .ot# in a nu).er o! ountries su# as (alaya,
Indonesia and 'ast and @est $!ria, -#e sa)e is true o! t#eir work in 0akistan, In !at,
%ower was a #indrane rat#er t#an a #el% to t#e %ro&ress o! "u!i )ission, -#is is a)%ly
.orne out .y t#e !at t#at su!is a#ieved least suess near t#e seats o! %ower in t#e su.-
ontintent and #ad &reater a%%eal w#ere t#ey #ad to !all u%on t#eir own )oral and
s%iritual resoures in w#i# t#ey were not wantin&,
F"#aik# 4aud o! ;a#ore delined to )eet $ alt#ou&# t#e ')%eror was an6ious to
.ene!it !ro) #is &uidane and .lessin&s, ')inent *#ali!as o! "#aik# 3iza)uddin re!used
to onsider a %ro%osal )ade .y (o#a))ad -u&#laA to oordinate )issionary ativity
wit# %olitial e6%ansion,F (Indian (usli)s, By 0ro!,(, (u7ee.,)
F3eit#er t#e suession o! vitories .y (usli) ar)ies nor t#e )assare o! 8indu and t#e
destrution o! t#eir te)%les .rou&#t )any 8indus to t#e !old o! Isla), 5n t#e ontrary, as
would .e natural in t#e iru)stanes, onAuest only .uilt u% 8indu resistane, -#e
.attles o! Isla) were won not .y (usli) ionolasts .ut .y %eae!ul )issionaries,F ($
8istory o! t#e "ik#s, By *us#want "in&#,) @#at atually trans%ired was t#at t#e
vi&orous %eriod o! or&anised su!i )ove)ent )erely oinided wit# t#e onAuest o!
nort#ern India .y t#e Il.ari -urks early in t#e 1Dt# entury $,4,
8ere we s#all .rie!ly narrate t#e work o! su!is in 0akistan, 'arly in t#e Gt# entury $,4,
w#en (o#a))ad Bin Easi) onAuered "ind (w#i# inluded )ost o! 0un7a.) su!i
)ove)ent #ad not taken any or&anised !or), as already stated, In t#ose days Isla) was
%ro%a&ated )ostly .y )er#ants and individual %rea#ers .elon&in& to various trades,
-#ey were suess!ul only to a li)ited e6tentR t#ey did not s%ear-#ead a )ass )ove)ent,
-#e !irst or&anised work in t#is re&ion was started .y Is)aili )issionaries w#o a#ieved
onsidera.le suess in "ind and sout#ern 0un7a. w#ere t#ey &ained %olitial %ower as
well .y installin& Is)aili rulers at (ultan and (ansura, But t#e suess o! Is)aili
)issionaries was s#ort-lived, Bot# (a#)ud B#aznavi (==7-10D0 $,4,) and, 150 years
later, (o#a))ad B#ori (1175-120? $,4,) de!eated and s)as#ed t#e %ower o! t#e Is)aili
rulers w#i# resulted in t#e slow wit#erin& away o! Is)aili "#iais) in 0akistan, $)on&
t#e early Is)aili )issionaries to &ain &round in 0akistan were 0ir "adruddin, 0ir
*a.iruddin and "yed Lusu!uddin,
-#e suess o! Is)ailis) in 0akistan oinided wit# its si)ilar suess in ot#er %arts o!
t#e (usli) world !ro) t#e )iddle o! t#e 10t# to t#e )iddle o! t#e 12t# entury $,4,
4urin& t#is %eriod t#e Is)aili Cali%#ate o! t#e 2ati)ids at Cairo #ad e)er&ed t#e )ost
%ower!ul and 8asan Bin "a..a#1s !ollowers in t#e )ountain !astnesses o! nort#ern Iran
and "yria #ad .eo)e a !ator to .e rekoned wit#, But t#e B#aznazvids, t#e B#orids,
-#e "el7uAs, t#e $yu.ids and lastly t#e (on&ols ea# in turn took ste%s to .reak t#eir
%olitial %ower, w#ile t#e su!is o)%letely triu)%#ed over t#e) in t#e reli&ious s%#ere,
"out#ern 0akistan #avin& .eo)e an inte&ral %art o! t#e (usli) world !ro) Auite an
early %eriod, witnessed t#is rise and !all o! t#e Is)ailis in its own territories as well,
-#e B#aznavid %eriod was )arked .y t#e arrival in ;a#ore o! t#e i)%ortant s%iritual
!i&ures o! 8azrat "#aik# Is)ail and 8azrat $li Bin 5s)an 8u7weri, %o%ularly known as
4ata Ban7 Baks# (died .etween 1072-7= $,4,) -#e latter was a)on& t#e leadin& su!i
%#iloso%#ers o! t#e day and sine no or&anised 1silsilas1 #ad started in #is ti)e, #e did
i))ense )issionary work in an individual a%aity and set an outstandin& e6a)%le !or
!uture &enerations,
F"#aik# Is)ail was t#e !irst )issionary w#o .e&an %rea#in& Isla) in ;a#ore in 1005
$,4, 8e used to deliver 1k#ut.as1 every 2riday at w#i# t#ousands o! 8indus e).raed
Isla), 3e6t a)e 8azrat "#aik# $li Bin 5s)an 8u7weri durin& t#e ti)e o! (asud
B#aznavi and was #i&#ly suess!ul in onvertin& lar&e nu).er o! 8indus to Isla),F
(-areek#-e-"ind By I7azul 8aA Euddusi,) 8e is re%orted to #ave onverted /ai /a7u, a
8indu Beneral o! t#e B#aznavids, to Isla),
8owever, aordin& to s#olars, t#e &eneral onversion to Isla) in 0akistan started on a
sizea.le sale two #undred years later, !ro) t#e 1Dt# entury, a!ter t#e B#orid rule, -#is
%eriod .e&ins wit# t#e arrival o! 8azrat *#wa7a (oinuddin C#is#ti in t#is su.-ontinent
!ollowed .y a lar&e nu).er o! C#is#ti and "u#rawardy su!is, -#is %eriod also saw t#e
e6%ansion o! (usli) %ower aross t#e "utle7 into nort#ern India, F(usli) )ystiis)
rea#ed India w#en it #ad entered t#e last and t#e )ost i)%ortant %#ase o! its #istory- t#e
or&anisation o! silsilas in t#e 12t#-1Dt# enturies $,4, In t#e early %eriod, only
"u#rawardy and C#isti silsilas started t#eir work,F (/eli&ion and 0olitis in India in t#e
1Dt# Century $,4, By *#aliA $#)ad 3iza)i,)
F"ind lai)s t#e distintion o! .ein& t#e #o)e o! Indian su!is), $ordin& to 8asan
3iza)i, "u#rawardy su!is were t#e !irst to arrive in India and )ade t#eir 8eadAuarters in
"ind, "u#rawardy order attained &reat in!luene in 0akistan under t#e leaders#i% o!
8azrat Ba#auddin Makaria o! (ultan, -#e !a)ous Eadirya order entered India t#rou&#
"ind in 1>G2 $,4, "yed Banda&i (o#a))ad B#ouse, one o! t#e desendants o! t#e
!ounder ("#aik# $.dul Eader <ilani 107G-111?) took u% residene in "ind at :# (now in
Ba#awal%ur) and died in 1517 $,4,F ($n Introdution to 8istory o! "u!is) By
-#e &reat %ioneers o! t#is 1Dt# entury su!i )ove)ent in 0akistan were t#e !our !riends
known as 1C#a#ar Lar1H 8azrat 2ariduddin (asud Ban7 "#akar o! 0ak 0attan (117>-
12??)R 8azrat "yed <alaluddin Buk#ari o! :#-Ba#awal%ur (11=?-12=>)R 8azrat
Ba#auddin Makaria o! (ultan (1170-12?7) and 8azrat ;al " Ealandar o! "e#wan
(1177-127>), It is said t#at 17 leadin& o! t#e 0un7a. ae%ted Isla) at t#e #ands o!
8azrat 2ariduddin (asud Ban7 "#akar, $)on& t#e) were t#e *#arals, 4#ud#yan,
-o.iyan, et, $ordin& to so)e , @attu, a /a7%ut tri.e was also onverted .y Ba.a
2arid, 8azrat <alaluddin Buk#ari onverted "u)ras and "a))as o! "ind# w#ile 8azrat
Makaria and " Ealandar attained &reat suess in (ultan and t#e nort#ern areas o!
"ind#, "aAi "arwar "ultan onverted a lar&e nu).er o! <ats and a &rou% a)on& t#e) is
still known as "ultani <ats,
But t#e "u!is did not do t#eir work in a #urry, -#ey !irst set an e6a)%le o! #i&#est %ro.ity
.y t#eir %ersonal ats and e6%lained t#e )essa&e o! Isla) in a si)%le, !ore!ul )anner
wit#out e6ertin& any %olitial or eono)i %ressure so t#at t#e work o! onversion
ontinued !or enturies t#rou&#out t#e 4el#i "ultanate, t#rou&# t#e *#il7i, -u&#laA,
;od#i and (u&#al %eriods down to t#e days o! t#e Britis# /a7, @e learn t#at durin& t#e
ti)e o! t#e (u&#als a noted su!i, "#aik# 4awood o! C#ati (in 0akistan) was arryin& on
t#e work o! onversion Auite vi&orously, -#e #istorian Badauni saysH F8indus to t#e
nu).er o! 50 or )ore a)e ea# day wit# t#eir !a)ilies and relatives to %ay t#eir
res%ets to t#e "aint ("#aik# 4awood) and under #is s%iritual in!luene e).raed Isla),F
Ot&e! nota8le su#is o# a$istan ;e!e-
8azrat "#a# (o#a))ad B#ouse w#o )i&rated !ro) "ind# and settled down in t#e
0un7a.R 8azrat (ian (ir, w#o was .orn in "ind# and )i&rated to ;a#ore w#ere #e is
.uried, ($ %ersonal !riend o! t#e 5t# "ik# Buru $r7un, #e laid t#e !oundation o! 8ari
(andir in $)ritsar), 8azrat "#a# <a)al o! I#ra, ;a#oreR 8azrat "#a# *#airuddin $.ul
(aali o! ;a#ore, "#aik# Is)ail o! ;a#oreR 8azrat "yed Laku. Man7ani (d, ?0> 8) ;a#ore,
8azrat $.dul 3a.i "#a) o! "#a) C#ourasi w#o was ori&inally a 8induR /uknuddin
/ukne $la) o! (ultan w#o was &randson o! 8azrat Ba#auddin Makaria w#ose !a)ily
#ad also )i&rated !ro) "ind#R 8azrat <alaluddin Buk#ari (ak#doo)-e-<a#anian <a#an
Bus#t o! :# w#o was t#e &randson o! 8azrat <alaluddin Buk#ariR "yed $#)ad "aAi
"arwer "ultan o! 4,B, *#anR "#aik# Lusu! Bardezi o! (ultan (102?-1152)R "#aik#
"a!iuddin 8aAAani o! :#R 0ir <alaluddin Eutu.-al-$Ata. w#o died at :# in 12=D $4
onverted t#e (azaris and several ot#er Balu# to Isla)R C#annan 0ir o! C#olistan,
Ba#awal%urR "#ar!uddin Bul.ul "#a#, "yed $li 8a)dani and (ir "yed8asan "a)nani o!
*as#)irR "#aik# Badruddin "ule)an and "#aik# Budruddin Is#aAue o! 0ak 0attanR
"#aik# "adruddin $ri!, "#aik# /uknuddin $.ul 2ata# and "#a)s "u.zwari o! (ultanR
$laul $AueR 8azrat *#ardari Ba.a (ulla -a#er o! MiaratR 0ir 8un&la7 on t#e oast o!
(akranR 0ir "#ori in Bu&ti territoryR "#a# Bilawal in ;as.elaR 0ir 5)ar in *#uzdarR
Minda 0ir in ;und area, C#atan "#a# near *alat, "ultan "#a# in Me#ri territory, 0ir Ba.a
o! "wat, *aka "a#i. o! 3ows#eraR *#wa7a (ak#du) C#isti, "ak#i "ultan ((an&#o 0ir)
and 8azrat $.dulla# "#a# o! *ara#iR "yed "#a# $li (ak#i, B#azi Ba.a, (ak#doo)
(o#a))ad 3oo#, 8azrat (o#iuddin Bilani, "#a# *#airuddin Bilani and 8azrat "#a#
Inayat o! "ind#,
-#ese su!is were &reat intelletuals, well-read and widely travelled, (ost o! t#e) were
s%eakers o! #i&#, )en o! letters and %oets o! e)inene, Beause o! t#eir )erits
and )orals ou%led wit# t#eir s%iritual attain)ents t#ey sueeded in )akin& a %ower!ul
i)%at on t#e li!e o! t#e %eo%le a)on& w#o) t#ey settled, It was no )ean a#ieve)ent to
#an&e t#e reli&ion and trans!or) t#e entire soial li!e o! )illions o! %eo%le in t#is
-#e su!is %er!or)ed a )ultitudinous role, Bein& %ro!iient in learnin&, ade%t in )ediine
and stee%ed in s%iritualis), t#ey dis%ensed t#ese %ossessions !or t#e &reatest &ood o! t#e
&reatest nu).er, 8i&#est no.les o! t#e state as well as lowest strata o! soiety &at#ered in
t#e *#ank#as and t#e su!is s#owered t#eir .lessin&s u%on t#e) irrres%tive o! rank and
reli&ion, -#ey %rovided suour to t#e #arassed and solae to t#e #arrowed, )ade
availa.le !ood and s#elter to t#e needy, %rea#ed a&ainst orru%tion, and ad)onis#ed t#e
#ars# and o%%ressive rulers, -#ere is #ardly any soial or )oral ri)e a&ainst w#i# t#e
su!is did not raise t#eir voie----slavery, #oardin&, .lak-)arketin&, %ro!iteerin&, wine,
et, Barni re)arks t#at as a result o! t#eir tea#in&s Fvies a)on& )en #ad .een
8azrat "#a# Baz Ealander1s suess in #is a)%ai&n a&ainst t#e o%%ression o! t#e loal
ra7a and a&ainst t#e vies %revailin& in "e#wan is well-known,
@#en *#awa7a (oinuddin C#isti was asked a.out t#e #i&#est !or) o! devotion, #e
re%lied t#at it was not#in& .ut #el%in& t#e %oor, t#e distrated and t#e downtrodden,
In!at (usli) )ystis looked u%on 1soial servie1 as t#e su%re)e o.7et o! all t#eir
s%iritual e6erises, t#ey did not .elieve in isolated, solitary li!e o! onte)%lation, 1;ive in
soiety and .ear t#e .lows and .u!!ets o! t#e %eo%le1 was t#e advie o! )ost o! t#e) to
t#eir disi%les,
"#aik# /uknuddin /ukn-e-$la) o! (ultan is re%orted to #ave re)arked t#at sine all
sorts o! %eo%le visited a saint it was neessary !or #i) to %ossess t#ree t#in&sH 1, )oneyR
2, learnin&R and D, s%iritual a.ility, @it# t#e !irst #e ould #el% t#ose w#o needed
)onetary aidR wit# t#e seond #e ould solve t#e %ro.le)s o! s#olars and wit# t#e t#ird
#e ould %rovide s%iritual &uidane, It )ay .e )entioned #ere t#at so)e o! t#e su!is
ae%ted &i!ts and donations !ro) t#eir ri# disi%les and distri.uted t#e) a)on& t#e
%oor visitors, t#us servin& as a )edia !or !air distri.ution o! wealt#,
-#e su!is always advoated t#e %at# o! %eae and askd %eo%le to avoid ri!t and
.loods#ed, "#aik# 2ariduddin Ban7 "#akar o! 0ak%attan advised #is disi%les to %laate
one1s ene)ies, 8e one told a vistorH F4o not &ive )e a kni!eR &ive )e a needle, -#e
kni!e is an instru)ent !or uttin& asunder and t#e needle !or sewin& to&et#er,F
$not#er as%et o! su!i tea#in&s was t#at t#ey stressed Bod1s love rat#er t#an 8is wrat#R
treated t#eir ene)ies so!tly, sy)%at#etially and never a.used ot#er syste)s or reeds,
-#ou&# &reatly instru)ental in .rin&in& .ak Is)ailis o! "ind# and 0un7a. into t#e !old
o! "unni Isla), t#ey always %raised t#e servies o! Is)aili )issionaries w#o %reeded
t#e), 8azrat 3iza)uddin $ulia #ad o))ended t#e work o! t#e well-known Is)aili
)issionary 3ur -urk alt#ou&# #e was res%onsi.le !or t#e risin& a&ainst early -urkis#
"ultans in 4el#i,
-#e su!is were so kind and onsiderate towards %eo%le o! all ultures and reeds t#at t#ey
e6erised %ro!ound in!luene on 8indu soiety, It was .eause o! t#e sy)%at#y and
understandin& s#own .y t#e) to t#e 8indus, %artiularly o! t#e lower strata, t#at in t#e
1>t# and 15t# enturies $4 t#e reli&ious leaders#i% o! B#akti )ove)ent rose !ro) t#e
lower setions, 3ever .e!ore in t#e lon& #istory o! 8induis), reli&ious leaders #ad
s%run& !ro) t#at strata o! soiety to w#i# C#aitanya, *, 3anak, 4#annu, 4adu and
ot#ers .elon&ed, $nd w#at is )ore si&ni!iant, t#ere was #ardly any leader o! B#akti
s#ool w#o #ad not %assed so)e o! #is ti)e in k#ank#a,
-#us, k#anA#as (#os%ies) not only .rou&#t non-(usli)s and (usli)s to&et#er .ut t#ey
also narrowed t#e &ul! t#at divided t#e (usli)s o! !orei&n ori&in and loal onverts, I!
t#e su!is #ad not %layed t#is vital role o! !ar rea#in& i)%ortane t#ere would #ave #ardly
.een a o))on )eetin& &round .etween so)e o! t#e rulin& lasses o.sessed wit# a
su%eriority o)%le6, and t#e ruled w#o o)%rised .ot# non-(usli)s and newly
onverts, @it#out su!is, )ost (usli) rulers o! t#e early %eriod would #ave re)ained
isolated, lakin& a .road .ase, always in dan&er o! e6tintion,
$s a&ainst t#e sti!!, non#alanat and onte)%tuous attitude o! so)e "ultans towards
onverted (usli)s, t#e su!is &ave t#e) a sense o! %ride and en#aned t#eir soial
%resti&e .y various )eans, -#ey usually on!erred on t#e) su# titles o! no.ility as
*#wa7a (also %ronouned *#o7a), (o)in ((e)on), (alik, "#aik#, $k#und, *#ali!a,
By ado%tin& an attitude o! river-like &enerosity, sun-like a!!etion and eart#-like
#os%itality, t#e su!is struk at t#e very roots o! asteis) and reli&ious e6lusiveness and
%aved t#e way !or lar&e-sale onversions to Isla),
-#e nature o! relations#i% .etween $!&#anistan and 0akistan is a very deliate one,
;eavin& aside t#e reent realities (%ast 20 years) o! t#e lose .rot#erly relations#i%
.etween 0akistan and $!&#anistan durin& t#e <e#ad a&ainst t#e "ovietsXCo))unists, t#e
e)er&ene o! t#e !or), and now t#e %ost =-11 $!&#an &ovt,, %rior to t#e "oviet
invasion o! $!&#anistan )any $!&#ans were uneasy towards t#e re&ion o! 0akistan, @#at
#ad e).ittered t#e !eelin&s o! t#e $!&#ans was t#e takin& away o! 0as#tun in#a.ited
territories .y t#e "ik#s w#o %er%etrated .rutal atroities on t#eir (usli) su.7ets and
)ade t#eir e6istene )isera.le,
"i)ilarly, t#eir suessors t#e Britis#, were no less anta&onisti toward t#e 0as#tuns and
wa&ed onstant war a&ainst t#e) ausin& &reat #ards#i%s and )iseries to t#e in#a.itants
o! t#e entire area, -#e 0as#tuns o! w#at is alled today 3@20 and t#e $reas o!
0akistan #ad to )ake tre)endous sari!ies !or a.out 1D0 years .ot# under t#e "ik#s and
t#e Britis# (1G1G-1=>7), It was t#is )is!ortune o! t#e 0as#tuns o! t#is .elt t#at was %artly
res%onsi.le !or t#e atte)%ts )ade .y t#e *a.ul rulers to &et it .ak,
But !ro) $u&ust 1>, 1=>7 t#in&s #ave taken a di!!erent turn and t#e entire %ers%etive
#as #an&ed, -#e 0as#tuns o! neit#er t#e settled re&ions nor t#e $reas are
su.7eted to any disri)ination nor any e6%editions sent a&ainst t#e) or ar)ies de%loyed
to su%%ress t#e), -#ey are itizens o! a !ree state w#ere t#ey en7oy t#e sa)e ri&#ts as
%eo%le o! ot#er %rovines, 0as#tuns #old %ositions o! #i&#est res%onsi.ilty in ivil as well
as )ilitary servies o! 0akistan, -#ey are today %roud itizens o! a (usli) state and #ave
so )u# endeared t#e)selves to t#e ot#er %eo%le o! t#e ountry t#at one annot t#ink o!
0akistan wit#out t#e 0as#tun ele)ent !or)in& %art o! it, -#ey #ave %rodued &reat
leaders o! national stature wit# lar&e !ollowin&s in t#e 0un7a., "ind and Balu#istan,
"ine t#e day (a#)ud B#aznavi entered t#is su.-ontinent, 0as#tuns #ave .een a
onstant !ator in %olitial, soial and )ilitary li!e o! (usli)s o! t#is su.-ontinent, In
ter)s o! ti)e !ro) 1000 $4 onwards !or a.out a t#ousand years, and in ter)s o! s%ae
!ro) C#itral to C#itta&on& and !ro) t#e 8i)alayas to Ca%e Co)orin, t#e u.iAuitous
0as#tun #as always .een t#ere, -#ere is no ity or town in t#is su.-ontinent wit#
(usli) %o%ulation wit#out 0as#tun 1)o#allas1 or nei&#.or#oods and t#ere is #ardly a
(usli) !a)ily w#i# #as not entered into )atri)onial relations wit# 0as#tun,
$s !ar as $!&#anistan is onerned we an very well understand t#e !eelin&s o! $)ir
4ost (o#a))ed, "#er $li, $.dur /e#)an *#an and *in& $)anulla# toward !ellow
0as#tuns east o! 4urand ;ine livin& under non-(usli) rule durin& t#eir ti)e, But today
t#ey are not livin& under non-(usli) rule, "i)ilarly today t#e %ro.le) is not o! Fdivided
0as#tunsF as *a.ul was inlined to look at it in t#e %ast, .ut on t#e ontrary 0as#tuns
%layin& a leadin& role in two (usli) states,,,,, in $!&#anistan as well as 0akistan, -#ere
was a ti)e w#en 4urand ;ine divided 0as#tuns to weaken t#e) .ut today t#e ;ine
)akes t#e) %artners-in-%ower in two states, 3o deision on any issue an .e taken .y t#e
&overn)ent o! 0akistan wit#out t#e onsent o! t#e 0as#tuns livin& in 0akistan,
2urt#er, sine t#ey are s%read over 3@20 and Euetta division o! Balu#istan, t#ey will
weild %ower in t#e &overn)ents o! .ot# %rovines in any onstitutional setu%, @ould t#e
$!&#an &overn)ent and t#e su%%orters o! 10ak#tunistan1 )ove)ent like to de%rive t#e
0as#tuns o! t#is i)%ortant role in 0akistan? @ise ounsel isH t#ey s#ould not, (oreover,
0as#tuns are t#e onnetin& link .etween t#e two .rot#erly (usli) states w#ose
&eo&ra%#ial and eono)i neessities )ay, in t#e near !uture, .rin& a.out t#eir !usion,
$ !ew words a.out t#e !usion o! t#e two .rot#erly ountries, -#e idea o! $!&#anistan
!or)in& an autono)ous %rovine o! 0akistan is not an un!a)iliar or i)%ratia.le one,
-#e letter 1ali!1 in t#e :rdu (or 1$1 in 'n&lis#) word 0akistan stands !or $!&#ans, Bot#
<a)aluddin $!&#ani and $lla)a #eris#ed t#e one%t o! 3ort#-@est Britis# India
and $!&#anistan to&et#er !or)in& a sin&le (usli) state, (oreover, 0akistan, as at
%resent onstituted is %oor in )inerals .ut ri# in !ood and !i.res w#ile $!&#anistan #as
tre)endous unta%%ed )ineral and )an%ower resoures, 0lus, $!&#ans would .e a.le to
&et diret aess to 0akistan1s %orts o! $ra.ian sea, w#ile 0akistanis will .e a.le to &et
diret aess to Central $sian )arkets,
$ !usion o! t#e two would .e %re&nant wit# i))ense %ossi.ilities not only !or t#e %eo%le
o! t#e two ountries .ut !or t#e entire (usli) world, -#ere is not#in& wron& or
re%u&nant in t#is idea, -#e o).ined stren&t# o! t#e 0as#tuns !ro) t#e Indus to t#e 56us
and !ro) 4ir to 8erat would ensure t#eir internal autono)y as well as a stron& voie and
a %ower!ul say in t#e Central Bovern)ent o! 0akistan, 2urt#er)ore, su# on!ederation
will .e a dilutin& !ator to t#e %redo)inant &rou%s o! 0as#tuns in $!&#anistan and in 0akistan, t#us reatin& stron&er eAuity a)on& all &rou%s, @orld trends are
towards &reater inte&ration and lar&er %oolin& o! resoures, ;et t#e $!&#ans &ive t#e idea
a al) and ool onsideration in t#e lar&er interests o! (usli) unity, -#ere is %lenty o!
o))onality .etween 0akistan and $!&#anistan in res%et to t#eir reli&ion, ulture, rae,
#istory, &eo&ra%#y, et,
8ere I would like to Auote a %ara&ra%# relevant to t#is as%et !ro) @,*, 2razer -ytler1s
.ook F$!&#anistanH $ "tudy o! 0olitial 4evelo%)ents in Central and "out#ern $siaF, 8e
writesH FIt is indeed a stran&e !eature o! t#is o)%liated situation t#at t#ere e6ists, like a
aner in t#e .ody %oliti o! nort#ern "out# $sia, t#is olletion o! 1inde%endent1,
well ar)ed, intrata.le and !or)ida.le, w#o )ay at anyti)e distur. relations and disru%t
t#e eono)y o! eit#er o! t#e states in w#ose )idst t#ey dwell, It is an ana#ronis) and a
dan&er to t#e sta.ility o! nort#ern "out# $sia and t#e %eae o! Central $sia, -#e re)edy
is t#e !usion o! t#e two states o! $!&#anistan and 0akistan in so)e way or ot#er, It )ay
.e ar&ued t#at, &iven t#e di!!erenes in )ental and %olitial outlook o! t#e two states,
su# !usion is i)%ossi.le, -#is )ay .e soR I a) in no %osition to ar&ue t#e )atter, But
#istory su&&ests t#at !usion will take %lae, i! not %eae!ully, t#en .y !ore,F -#is is t#e
view o! an e)inent western aut#or,
-#e a.ove study .rin&s out two alternatives !or t#e solution o! 0ak-$!&#an %ro.le)s,
'it#er t#e 4urand line re)ains, ena.lin& t#e %eo%le o! 0as#tun rae to %lay a leadin& role
in .ot# $!&#anistan and 0akistan w#i# s#ould lead to t#e s#elvin& o! 10ak#tunistan1 issue
!orever and t#e esta.lis#)ent o! a)ia.le relations .etween t#e two, 5r, sine one o! t#e
o.7etives o! settin& u% an inde%endent state (0akistan) in t#e nort#-western %arts o!
Britis# India was to inlude in its !old (usli)s livin& u% to t#e 8indu *us# or t#e 56us
w#i# #ave .een t#e traditional .oundaries o! all t#e (usli) and %re-(usli) dynasties
o! t#is area, a !usion o! $!&#anistan and 0akistan is #i&#ly desira.le, "u# a develo%)ent
would .e natural, nor)al and e6tre)ely welo)e, It will .ene!it .ot#, stren&t#en .ot#,
and o%en u% new vistas !or .ot#, $s t#e %resent .oundaries o! $!&#anistan ski% t#e 8indu
*us# and lie alon& t#e 56us, t#e %ossi.lities are .roader and %otentialities
e6eedin&ly .ri&#ter,
-#e w#ole issue needs to .e studied in #istorial, ultural and reli&ious %ers%etive and
not in ter)s o! )odern, reently nurtured ideas o! %aro#ial western nationalis), @e
#ave to .reak t#e lin&uisti and raial .arriers so)eti)e and so)ew#ere and de)onstrate
to t#e world t#at (usli) nationalis) does not .rook %etty ideas and does not .elieve in
tenuous .onds, -#e .est %lae to de)onstrate t#e su%eriority o! Isla)i %rini%les o!
nationalis) is .etween t#e "utle7 and t#e 56us and t#e .est ti)e is t#e 21st entury,
Co))on rule over 0akistan and $!&#anistan is not a new or novel idea in t#e onte6t o!
#istory, -#e "akas, 0art#ians, Braeo-Batrians, *us#ans, B#aznavids, $.dalis and )any
ot#ers were rulers o! .ot# t#e ountries wit# t#eir a%ital eit#er at 0es#awar, -a6ila,
B#azna or Eanda#ar,
-#en, t#e territories now !or)in& $!&#anistan #ave &reat %olitial si&ni!iane !or t#e
(usli)s o! "out# $sia, 2ro) its .oso) #ave ori&inated )ove)ents and )onar#s w#o
esta.lis#ed (usli) rule in 0akistan, and later in t#e entire su.-ontinent,
(a#)ud B#aznavi, t#ou&# a -urk, was .orn and .rou&#t u% in B#azna in $!&#anistan
and it was wit# t#e #el% o! $!&#an soldiers t#at #e onAuered several ities in nort#ern
India and introdued (usli) rule in t#e areas now known as 0akistan (11t# entury $4),
(o#a))ad B#ori, t#ou&# o! -urko-0ersian ori&in, was .orn and nurtured at B#or in
$!&#anistan, It was a&ain wit# t#e #el% o! $!&#an soldiers t#at #e e6tended (usli) sway
over t#e w#ole o! nort#ern India (12t#-1Dt# entury $4),
It was a&ain an $!&#an, $lauddin *#il7i, w#o e6tended (usli) rule !or t#e !irst ti)e to
sout#ern India u% to Ca%e Co)orin (end o! 1Dt# and early 1>t# entury $4),
Ma#iruddin, t#ou&# a Barlas -urk, onAuered %arts o! $!&#anistan and stayed at
*a.ul !or no less a %eriod t#an twenty years, )akin& it a .ase !or t#e onAuest o! t#e su.-
ontinent w#ere #e !inally esta.lis#ed (u&#al rule,
It were t#e $!&#an dynasties o! ;od#is and "uris t#at stren&t#ened t#e .ase o! (usli)
rule in India .y introduin& land re!or)s, .y .rin&in& t#e rulers ((usli)s) and t#e ruled
(8indus) loser to ea# ot#er and .y enoura&in& ultural and literary ativities,
It will .e notied t#at al)ost all t#e (usli) dynasties t#at ruled over t#is su.-ontinent
s%ran& u% !ro) t#e territories now onstitutin& t#e state o! $!&#anistan,,,,,, B#aznavids,
B#orids, *#il7is, ;od#is, "uris and (u&#als, not to s%eak t#e various $!&#an dynasties
t#at ruled over t#e %rovines,
$nd !inally w#en t#e (u&#als were !ain& e6tintion, .ein& stan&ulated to deat# .y t#e
(arat#as and t#e "ik#s, it was a&ain an $!&#an, $#)ed "#a# $.dali, w#o a)e to t#eir
resue ()iddle o! 1Gt# entury) and allowed t#e) a .rie! res%ite, But sine t#e (u&#als
were a s%ent !ore and una.le to rise a&ain, t#e su%%ort and suour %rovided .y $.dali
%roved o! no avail,
8owever, $.dali .ein& a s#rewd and sensi.le leader, aware o! t#e #u&e anti-(usli)
!ores raisin& t#eir #ead, and onsious o! t#e li)itations o! #is own %ower, esta.lis#ed
#is #old, as a !irst ste%, in t#e nort#-western orner na)in& it $!&#anistan (17>7 $4),
0akistan is )erely an e6tension o! $.dali1s kin&do),,,,, in !at 0un7a., "ind, Balu#istan
and *as#)ir !or)ed %art o! it durin& rei&ns o! $.dali, #is son -ai)ur "#a# and durin&
s#ort %eriod o! t#e latter1s sons "#a# Ma)an and "#a# "#u7a, In view o! t#is #istorial
.ak&round, 0akistan and $!&#anistan annot re)ain se%arate !ro) ea# ot#er !or lon&
es%eially w#en t#e sa)e !ores t#at $.dali #ad !aed and rus#ed in t#e 1Gt# entury
("ik#s and (arat#as) are a&ain, in a di!!erent &ar. (India), %osin& a t#reat to t#e
inde%endene o! t#is entire re&ion,
"ine $!&#ans #ave )ade &lorious ontri.ution to t#e develo%)ent o! t#e ad)inistration,
eduation and ulture o! t#is su.-ontinent, instead o! re)ainin& isolated wit# losed
)inds wit#in t#e .oundaries o! $!&#anistan, t#ey an o)e out a&ain %lay a leadin& and
onstrutive role in t#e w#ole o! 0akistan e6tendin& t#eir area o! ativity u% to "ea o!
$ra.ia, -#ey #ave .een known t#rou&#out #istory !or t#eir valour, .road-)indedness and
tolerane, Instead o! t#inkin& on raial lines let t#e) de)onstrate t#ese !ine Aualities
one a&ain !or t#e .ene!it o! t#eir o-reli&ionists,
a$istan-A#.&anistan 9o!de! is a Settled Issue
$.out twenty-t#ree )iles sout# o! 0illar `II, w#i# is ereted on t#e "ariol ran&e o!
0a)ir, lies t#e .e&innin& o! t#e F3ort# @est 2rontierF, 0illar `II is loated at latitude
D7o2015F3 and lon&itude 7>o2>150F', It was ereted .y a 7oint $n&lo-/ussian
Co))ission in "e%te).er 1G=5, on t#e le!t .ank o! a tri.utary o! t#e -e&er)en-"u river,
one )ile !ro) its )out#R and it is t#e last a)on& %illars, w#i# arry t#e /usso-$!&#an
!rontier !ro) t#e eastern end o! ;ake Vitoria (@ood1s ;ake) to t#e C#inese !rontier,
-#e %rotool e).odyin& t#e !inal a&ree)ent was si&ned on <uly 22, 1GG7 and is known
as t#e 0a)ir $&ree)ent, -#e de)arated .oundary aordin& to t#e 1-#e 0a)ir
$&ree)ent1 re)ains un#an&ed to t#is day, -#is .order was internationally reo&nized as
t#e .order .etween /ussia (t#en "oviet :nion) and $!&#anistan, -oday t#is .oundary is
t#e internationally reo&nized .order .etween t#e Central $sian ountries (!or)er "oviet
re%u.lis as suessor inde%endent states o! :z.ekistan, -urk)enistan, and *yr&yzstan)
and $!&#anistan,
-#e $!&#an !rontier turns west !ro) 0illar `II and !ollows t#e nort#ern rid&e o! t#e
"arikol /an&e .orderin& t#e -a&#du).as# 0a)ir, It t#en urves sout#ward over t#e
@ak#7ir 0ass to 7oin t#e %resent 0akistan-$!&#an !rontier, w#i# is o!ten re!erred to as
t#e 4urand line, @#ile ne&otiatin& t#e 4urand ;ine, $)ir $.dul /a#)an *#an o!
$!&#anistan #ad reeived a Britis# )ission in a !or)al w#i# was #eld in
3ove).er 1G=D, in t#e "ala) *#ana 8all, w#ere t#e ivil and )ilitary o!!iers o! *a.ul
and #ie!s o! various were %resent,
-#e $)ir in #is s%ee# &ave an outline to t#e audiene o! all t#e understandin& w#i#
#ad .een a&reed u%on and t#e %rovisions w#i# #ad .een si&ned, and ur&ed u%on t#e)
t#e neessity !or ad#erin& !ir)ly to Britis# alliane, 8e %ointed out t#at t#e interests o!
$!&#anistan and 'n&land were idential,
-#e $)ir !urt#er told t#e audiene t#at it was !or t#e !irst ti)e t#at $!&#anistan #ad a
de!inite !rontier w#i# would %revent !uture )isunderstandin&s and would render
$!&#anistan stron& and %ower!ul a!ter it #ad .een onsolidated wit# t#e aid in ar)s and
a))unition w#i# would .e reeived !ro) t#e Britis#,
-#e de)aration o! t#e 4urand ;ine was arried out in !ul!il)ent o! t#e $n&lo-$!&#an
a&ree)ent1 o! 3ove).er 12, 1G=D .etween $)ir $.dul /a#)an *#an o! $!&#anistan
and "ir 8enry (orti)er 4urand, 2orei&n "eretary to t#e Bovern)ent o! India,
-#e de)aration o! t#e Indo-$!&#an !rontier, as de!ined in t#e a.ove )entioned
a&ree)ent, was divided into setions and was arried out !or t#e )ost %art .y t#e 7oint
$n&lo-$!&#an Co))ission durin& t#e year 1G=>-1G=?, In 1=>7, t#e Indian su.-ontinent
e)er&ed as two inde%endent do)inions o! India and 0akistan, @est 0akistan .y ri&#t o!
its loation in#erited t#e !or)er 3ort# @est 2rontier o! Britis# India and t#e Indo-$!&#an
.oundary esta.lis#ed vide t#e a&ree)ent o! 1G=D,
-#ere are so)e irles w#o ontinue to s%read disin!or)ation t#at t#e a&ree)ent was
si&ned under duress and #as a validity o! 100 years, :n!ortunately, t#e %ro%a&anda
e)anates !ro) a ountry in t#e nei&#.our#ood o! 0akistan, -#is ountry also insti&ates
anti 0akistan ele)ents in t#e $!&#an &overn)ent to issue ontroversial state)ents
under)inin& 0ak-$!&#an relations, $ #ost o! we.sites o! t#is ountry also disse)inate
anti 0akistan %ro%a&anda, It is t#ere!ore neessary to %ut t#e !ats in t#e orret
%ers%etive as !ollowsH
a -#e International Border .etween 0akistan and $!&#anistan is .ased on t#e )a%
atta#ed wit# t#e ori&inal $&ree)ent o! 1G=D,
a Clause ? o! t#e $&ree)ent learly states t#at t#e a&ree)ent is re&arded .y .ot# t#e
%arties as a !ull and satis!atory settle)ent o! all t#e %rini%al di!!erenes o! o%inion
w#i# #ave arisen .etween t#e), -#e $&ree)ent #as .een rea!!ir)ed .y suessive
$!&#an rulers,
a 1=05 -reaty wit# $)ir 8a.i.ulla#*#an ontinuin& t#e $&ree)ents w#i# #ad e6isted
.etween t#e Britis# Bovern)ent and $)ir $.dul /a#)an *#an, 0ara 2 states FI also
#ave ated, a) atin& and will at u%on t#e sa)e a&ree)ent and I will not ontravene
t#e) in any dealin& or in any %ro)ise,F
a -reaty o! %eae .etween t#e Britis# Bovern)ent and t#e Inde%endent $!&#an
Bovern)ent onluded at /awal%indi on Gt# $u&ust 1=1=, $rtile 5 states t#at Ft#e
$!&#an Bovern)ent ae%ts t#e Indo-$!&#an !rontier ae%ted .y t#e ;ate $)ir,O
a 2riendly and Co))erial /elations treaty .etween Breat Britain and $!&#anistan at
*a.ul on 22 3ove).er 1=21, $rtile 2 o! t#e treaty states t#at, F-#e two #i&# ontratin&
%arties ae%t t#e Indo-$!&#an !rontier as ae%ted .y t#e $!&#an Bovern)ent under
$rtile V o! t#e treaty onluded at /awal%indi on Gt# $u&ust 1=1=,F
a 3otes were e6#an&ed .etween 8is (a7esty1s Bovern)ent and $!&#an (inister in
;ondon, 1=D0 (8is 8i&#ness Beneral "#a# @ali *#an to (r, $rt#ur 8enderson), $!&#an
;e&ation ?t# (ay 1=D0, Bot# %arties b&reed t#at it was t#eir understandin& t#at t#e
-reaty o! *a.ul o! 22 3ove).er 1=21 ontinued to #ave !ull !ore and e!!et,
a 5n 1D <une 1=>G, "#a# @ali *#an, t#e $!&#an envoy to 0akistan delared, F 5ur *in&
#as already stated, and I, as t#e re%resentative o! $!&#anistan, delare t#at $!&#anistan
#as no lai)s on !rontier territory and even i! t#ere were any, t#ey #ave .een &iven u% in
!avour o! 0akistan, $nyt#in& ontrary to t#is w#i# )ay #ave a%%eared in t#e %ress in t#e
%ast or )ay a%%ear in t#e !uture s#ould not .e &iven redene at all and s#ould .e
onsidered 7ust a anard,F
-#e 0ak-$!&#an International Border #as sound te#nial and le&al .ak&round,
$ordin& to international law, treaties o! t#e e6tint state onernin& .oundary lines
re)ain valid and all ri&#ts and duties arisin& !ro) su# treaties o! t#e e6tint state
devolve on t#e state, 0akistan is t#e suessor state o! Britis# India, -#e
!ollowin& is wort# )entionin&H
a $ ountry to ountry treaty does not need any revision unless .ot# %arties desire #an&e,
a International $&ree)ent one !inally onluded an .e revoked only .ilaterally and not
a :nless ot#erwise %rovided in t#e onluded treaty a.out its duration, t#e treaty .eo)es
o! a %er)anent nature, -#is is a%%lia.le to t#e 1G=D -reaty $&ree)ent,
a International ;aw does not lay down t#e )a6i)u) li!e %eriod o! one #undred years !or
an internationally onluded .order a&ree)ent .etween t#e two states, w#en !i6ed .order
validity #as not .een )entioned in its te6t,
It &oes .eyond dou.t to say t#at t#e international .order .etween 0akistan and
$!&#anistan is a settled )atter and is &!y ae%ted, It is su%%orted .y International
;aw and t#e treaty o! 1G=D #as .een rati!ied several ti)es .y suessive $!&#an
T&e > (ove"ent o# a$istan
!ese!vation o# a$istanHs native a.ainst t&e do"ination o# En.lis& and
S&ould U!du 2ontinue as ou! National >
;an&ua&e is t#e )ost i)%ortant as%et o! ulture, It is t#e do)inant !eature in
deter)inin& nationality or et#niity, It is t#e .indin& !ore t#at unites a %eo%le, and )akes
t#e) distint !ro) ot#ers, ;an&ua&e re%resents a %eo%leIs #erita&e and identity, 8owever,
t#e i)%osition o! :rdu as t#e national lan&ua&e o! 0akistan #as .een disastrous to t#e
:rdu lan&ua&e evolved durin& t#e delinin& %eriod o! (usli) rule in "out# $sia, But
0ersian (2arsi) always re)ained t#e o!!iial lan&ua&e o! "out# $sia durin& t#e (usli)
rule, -urki and $ra.i lan&ua&es were also %o%ular, -urki lan&ua&e .ein& t#e )ot#er-
ton&ue o! )any a)on& t#e rulin& elite, and $ra.i lan&ua&e learnt !or reli&ious or
s#olarly %ur%oses, -#e .ase o! )ost "out# $sian (usli) e)%ires was in nort# India,
%artiularly in 4el#i and surroundin& areas, @it# t#e %assa&e o! ti)e, due to t#e onstant
interation .etween t#e ruled *#ari-.oli-s%eakin& nort# Indian 8indu )asses and t#e
rulin& 0ersian--urki-s%eakin& (usli) elite, a new lan&ua&e slowly evolved alled
8industani, w#ose 0ersianized !or) a)e to .e known as :rdu, $lt#ou&#,
8industaniX:rdu lan&ua&e eventually .ea)e %o%ular, it was li)ited to %arts o! nort#
India (4el#i, :0, (0, et,) and never .ea)e t#e o!!iial lan&ua&e durin& (usli) rule,
5t#er re&ions ontinued t#eir native lan&ua&es su# as 0un7a.i, "ind#i, 0as#to, *as#)iri,
"eraiki, Balu#i, et, #avin& not#in& to do wit# :rdu, w#ile 0ersian was t#e o!!iial
lan&ua&e t#rou&#out t#e (usli) e)%ire,
'ven in t#e ase o! nort# India, t#e o!!iial lan&ua&e ontinued as 0ersian down to t#e
days o! t#e last (u&#al e)%eror, N0ersian re)ained t#e o!!iial lan&ua&e o! every
(usli) state in India and t#e a).ition to e)ulate 0ersian lassis was now#ere &iven u%,
t#e in!lu6 o! 0ersian %oets .ein& a o)%ulsion !or t#e study o! 0ersianO (Indian (usli)s,
.y (, (u7ee.), It was only later on, !ro) t#e advent o! t#e Britis# t#at nort# Indian
(usli)s ado%ted :rdu and develo%ed an atta#)ent !or it,
N4urin& t#e !irst enturies o! its e6istene, :rdu literature was entirely %oetial, 0rose
:rdu owes its ori&in to t#e 'n&lis# ou%ation o! India and to t#e need o! te6t .ooks !or
t#e Colle&e o! 2ort @illia), -#e 8indi !or) o! 8industani was invented at t#e sa)e ti)e
.y t#e tea#ers at t#e Colle&e, It was intended !or t#e use o! 8indus and was derived
!ro) :rdu .y e7etin& all words o! $ra.i and 0ersian .irt#, and su.stitutin& in t#eir
%lae words .orrowed or derived !ro) t#e indi&enous "anskritO ($ "tudy o! 8istory, Vol,
V, .y $<, $lso, t#e 0erso-$ra.i sri%t o! :rdu and 4evan&ari sri%t o! 8indi
are ot#er si&ni!iant di!!erenes .etween t#e two,
4es%ite t#ese di!!erenes, :rdu and 8indi lan&ua&es are e6tre)ely si)ilar to ea# ot#er,
)ostly o)%osed o! native nort# Indian lin&uisti ele)ents, 8avin& a o))on ori&in,
.ot# lan&ua&es are intelli&i.le to ea# ot#er, and overw#el)in&ly s#are t#e sa)e synta6,
vowels, voa.ulary, et, It would .e sa!e to say t#at .ot# 8indi and :rdu are al)ost t#e
sa)e lan&ua&e, t#e )inor di!!erenes .ein& so)ew#at o)%ara.le to t#e 0ersianized
$zeri lan&ua&e o! Iran wit# t#e /ussianized $zeri lan&ua&e o! $zer.ai7an, ;eavin& aside
t#e undou.tedly lose relations#i% .etween 8indi and :rdu, t#e !at re)ains t#at :rdu is
only native to %arts o! nort# India, and is a !orei&n lan&ua&e in 0akistan,
"ine nort# India (4el#i, :0, et,) was t#e .ase o! (usli) and Britis# e)%ires, t#e :rdu-
s%eakin& nort# Indian (usli)s #ad an environ)ental advanta&e in .etter eduation, 7o.s,
and .usinesses, -#e result .ein& t#at t#e :rdu-s%eakin& nort# Indian (usli)s do)inated
in "out# $sia as t#e eduated elitist (usli) lass, 4ue to t#eir do)ination, it led to
:rduization o! so)e ot#er non-:rdu-s%eakin& (usli)s w#o sou&#t .etter eduation and
status, $lso, to so)e e6tent, %ro%a&anda o! :rdu as .ein& t#e only true N(usli)O and
Nsu%eriorO lan&ua&e o! "out# $sia was %ro)oted, @it# t#e .irt# o! 0akistan (ove)ent,
t#e .ulk o! it #avin& a )a7ority o! :rdu-s%eakin& nort# Indians, :rdu lan&ua&e was
!urt#er %ro)oted, :%on 0akistanIs reation, t#e %eak o! :rduization %roess .ea)e a
reality wit# t#e i)%osition o! :rdu on t#e non-:rdu s%eakin& %eo%les o! 0akistan, in t#e
!or) o! :rdu as t#e national lan&ua&e o! 0akistan,
'6e%t !or t#e 7T o! 0akistanis w#o are nort# Indian (usli) )i&rants or t#eir
desendents, also known as (u#a7irs, w#ose )ot#er-ton&ue is :rdu, none o! t#e ot#er
0akistanis #ave anyt#in& to do wit# :rdu, In !at, i)%osition o! :rdu is resented a)on&
)any %eo%les o! 0akistan, -#e loss o! 'ast 0akistan was also )ostly due to i)%osition o!
:rdu on Ben&alees, -#ere were lan&ua&e riots in "ind# durin& t#e 70s, $nd .asially
:rdu is resisted in )u# o! t#e ountry, I! )any %eo%le #ave learnt :rdu, it is si)%ly
.eause t#ey are !ored to do so, !or soial and eono)i o))uniational neessities
under t#e :rdu-do)inated syste) o! t#e ountry, Instead o! :rdu, w#y was not $ra.i or
0ersian )ade t#e national lan&ua&e o! 0akistan? $t least, $ra.i is t#e lan&ua&e o! Isla)
(o! Euran), t#us naturally it would #ad .een )ore ae%ted a)on& 0akistanis, $lso,
0ersian was anot#er lo&ial o%tion, .eause o! its #istorial role o! .ein& t#e o!!iial
lan&ua&e in t#e re&ion ((usli) and ot#er %eriods), and would #ave )ade us loser to t#e
(usli) .rot#ers on our western .orders,
3ational lan&ua&e is su%%ose to unite a ountry, .ut in 0akistan, :rdu as t#e national
lan&ua&e #as aused division and resent)ent a)on& )ost 0akistanis, But t#e worse %art
is t#at :rdu .ein& a nort# Indian lan&ua&e and !orei&n to 0akistan is slowly destroyin&
t#e loal lan&ua&esXultures, and NIndianizin&O t#e native 0akistanis, -#is is ultural and
lin&uisti &enoide o! 0akistanis, It is Indian i)%erialis), wearin& t#e )ask o! !alse#oods
a.out :rdu lan&ua&e, (any o! t#e native lan&ua&es o! 0akistan are already in dan&er o!
.ein& e6tint, )ostly due to :rdu i)%osition, $nd w#en a lan&ua&e dies, so does its
%eo%leIs identity and #erita&e, 0akistan was reated )ostly .ased on our ultural
distintivenessR un!ortunately, :rdu-i)%osition is only !ore!ully )akin& us arti!iially
loser to India,
$nd wit# t#is lin&uisti i)%erialis), also o)es ot#er as%ets o! ultural invasion, 2or
e6a)%le, nort# Indian )usiX-VX!il) do)inates in 0akistan, w#ereas native 0akistani
)usiX!il)X-V is lar&ely i&nored .y t#e :rdu do)inated )edia, Indian ulture is widely
s%readin& in 0akistan and it is visi.le wit# )ore wo)en wearin& t#e Indian dress sari,
%eo%le ado%tin& )any Indian wordsX%#rases in t#eir native 0akistani lan&ua&es, )any
Indian usto)s and ere)onies !ollowed .y 0akistanis, 0akistanis .ein& .rainwas#ed
wit# .iased Indian soio-%olitial views, and )u# )ore,
@e 0akistanis are &rate!ul to Euaid-e-$za) !or #is e!!orts in t#e reation o! 0akistanR
#owever, as a #u)an .ein& #e was not %er!et, <inna#Is #oie o! :rdu as t#e national
lan&ua&e o! 0akistan was #is .i&&est )istake wit# lon&-ter) ne&ative onseAuenes,
Critiizin& :rdu as t#e national lan&ua&e o! 0akistan )i&#t .e very %ain!ul to )any
0akistanis, But i&norin& t#is issue wit# !alse#oods and illusions will only worsen t#e
%ro.le), ;et us .e o%en-)inded and ease :rdu as t#e national lan&ua&e o! 0akistan, $t
t#e sa)e ti)e, :rdu lan&ua&e s#ould .e res%eted, and %eo%le &iven t#e !reedo) to learn
or s%eak it, 0ro)otin& native lan&ua&es to .eo)e t#e o!!iial lan&ua&es o! t#eir
res%etive %rovines or distrits is t#e .est solution to t#e %ro.le), $ll native lan&ua&es
o! 0akistan s#ould .e delared as t#e national lan&ua&es o! 0akistan, -#is will ensure t#e
%reservation o! our lan&ua&eXulture, unity and res%et .etween t#e various et#niities,
and %ride and distintiveness in our 0akistani nation#ood, I! a )ulti-lin&ual ountry like
"witzerland an #ave a suess!ul )ulti-lin&uisti syste), t#en so an we, ;et us )ake
#an&e !or our .etter)ent .e!ore it1s too late^
S&ould En.lis& 2ontinue as ou! O##i2ial >
$ll lan&ua&es o! 0akistan are o%%ressed, and t#e rulin& elite $n&lo%#ones ontinue to
deny t#e) t#eir ri&#t!ul role t#ey deserve as t#e o!!iial lan&ua&es o! 0akistan, 2i!ty t#ree
years a!ter t#e so-alled inde%endene 'n&lis# ontinues as t#e o!!iial lan&ua&e and
&raduates !ro) non-'n&lis# )ediu) s#ools !ae a 7o. )arket in t#e ontrol o! t#ese
olonial !ores .ent on t#e total destrution o! all 0akistani lan&ua&es, -#e !at is t#at in
1=>7 we in#erited an elitist rulin& lass .ureauray tenaiously lin&in& to %ower and
owin& alle&iane to Britain alone and seekin& a stren&t#enin& o! $n&lo-$)erian
interests and ultural su.version, t#e destrution o! (usli)X0akistani values and
li!estyles t#rou&#out t#e ountry, -#e %lain !at is t#at as lon& as 'n&lis# re)ains as t#e
o!!iial lan&ua&e o! 0akistan it will .e di!!iult to reate a vi.rant national s%irit or
ulture -#e status o! national lan&ua&e is )eanin&lessR unless it is allowed to assu)e t#e
role o! o!!iial lan&ua&e, and as t#e )ediu) o! universal instrution wit#in t#e ountry,
;an&ua&e is a %otent !ore in t#e %ro)otion o! nationalis) and national o#esion,
Indeed, a!ter )ore t#an a #al! entury o! t#e so-alled inde%endene, )a7ority o!
0akistanis are still in a state o! )ental slavery, Lou #ave aurately %in%ointed t#e auses
and a&endas .e#ind t#e !ar )ore %otent dan&er to our ulture and identity---t#e 'n&lis#
do)ination in 0akistanR w#i# is led .y t#e Britis#-installed $n&lo%#ile elite o! 0akistan,
to serve t#e interests o! t#e $n&lo-$)erians and t#eir own,
@ides%read i&norane a)on& t#e )asses is .ein& e6%loited, wit# t#e !alse %ro%a&anda o!
'n&lis# as t#e F&lo.alF or F.etterF lan&ua&e, $lso, t#e %ro)otion o! 'n&lis# is
)isleadin&ly 7usti!ied as t#e F#erita&eF o! 0akistanis, or on t#e .asis o! Flin&uisti
-#e ar&u)ent o! 'n&lis# .ein& a & lan&ua&e #olds no wei&#t, as you know t#ese so
alled & lan&ua&es o)e and &o, de%endin& on a nation1s %olitio-eono)i
in!luene in t#e world, $t di!!erent ti)e %eriods, $ra)ai, Breek, ;atin, 0ersian, and
$ra.i served as & lan&ua&es, "ure, it is &ood to learn t#e & lan&ua&e or any
ot#er lan&ua&e, .ut not at t#e ost o! losin& your own, $nd w#at is )ore i)%ortant is t#at
w#ile t#ese transitions in t#e .alane o! world %ower take %lae, ot#er nations s#ould
lin& on to t#eir lan&ua&eXulture in order to ensure t#eir lon& ter) survival,
-#e lai) o! 'n&lis# as a .etter lan&ua&e is si)%ly #o&was#, ;in&uists and ultural
ant#ro%olo&ists a&ree t#at lan&ua&e is inde%endent o! t#e )ental level in %eo%le, -#ere is
no orrelation .etween a %eo%le1s lan&ua&e and t#eir level o! so%#istiation, 2or e6a)%le,
t#e one .ar.ari Ber)ani-s%eakin& %eo%le, w#o were !ar less ivilized t#an ot#ers, are
today one o! t#e )ost so%#istiated %eo%le in t#e world, ;an&ua&es t#at lak t#e
essentials o! today1s onstantly #an&in& )odern world an si)%ly .e !urt#er develo%ed
to )eet t#e de)ands via %ro%er lin&uisti institutions, 5ut o! national %ride, t#e one
rarely s%oken and anient 8e.rew lan&ua&e was revived and !urt#er develo%ed as Israel1s
national lan&ua&e, -oday, Israel is one o! t#e world1s leadin& ountries in te#nolo&y, and
its 8e.rew lan&ua&e %roudly satis!ies t#eir de)ands, <a%an, C#ina, *orea, /ussia, ;atin
and $ra. ountries, Iran, and )any ot#ers are %roo! t#at national %ride o! lan&ua&e an
over%ower a&ainst any odds,
'n&lis# lan&ua&e, as t#e #erita&e o! 0akistanis is anot#er .o&us lai), -#e very !at t#at
t#e Britis# i)%erialists invaded "out# $sia, looted and enslaved its %eo%le, and t#en !led
.ak to t#eir ountry t#ousands o! )iles away does not )ake t#e) %art o! our #erita&e,
:nlike t#e $ryas, "akas, Lavanas, 8unas, -urks, and various ot#er invaders, t#e Britis#
did not settle %er)anently in "out# $sia, nor did t#ey inter)arry wit# t#e "out# $sians,
-#ere!ore, t#e Britis# and t#eir 'n&lis# lan&ua&e are not t#e true #erita&e o! 0akistanis,
.ut instead t#ey are t#e .itter le&ay o! !orei&n su.7u&ation and %lunder,
It is true t#at lan&ua&e is in a onstant natural %roess o! evolution, de%endent on t#e
soio%olitial iru)stanes, $s di!!erent %eo%les interat or )er&e, t#ey in!luene ea#
ot#er, t#ere.y .rin&in& #an&e, -#is is a slow natural %roess, inde%endent o! e6ternal
!ators, :nneessarily usin& a !orei&nXolonial lan&ua&e, or %ur%osely su.stitutin& t#e
words in your lan&ua&e !ro) it, is not#in& )ore t#an slave-)indedness, and stands
a&ainst t#e very %rini%les o! lin&uisti evolution, $ %roud $ra., Iranian, 2ren#,
C#inese, <a%anese, et, would never unneessarily %re!er to s%eak 'n&lis#, nor re%lae
words in t#eir lan&ua&e !ro) 'n&lis#,
-#e &reater %art o! t#e .la)e !or t#e ontinuin& do)inane o! 'n&lis# lan&ua&e in
0akistan lies wit#in us, t#e o))on 0akistanis, @e .la)e ot#ers, %artiularly t#e elite
and !orei&n %owers, .ut at t#e sa)e ti)e it is very #y%oritial o! us to send our #ildren
to 'n&lis# )ediu) s#ools, lavis#ly usin& 'n&lis# lan&ua&eXwords instead o! our own,
and .asially &ivin& a &odly status to everyt#in& 'n&lis#X@estern, -#is slave-)indedness
and in!eriority o)%le6 is so dee%ly rooted in our %sy#e, t#at we don1t even want to
aknowled&e or !i&#t it, @e are so )u# onsu)ed wit# areeris) and )aterialis) t#at
we ontinue to i&nore t#e in!etion o! slavery in our )inds, like a deadly disease slowly
destroyin& our identity and ulture,
In s%ite o! t#e intrinsi #ostility o! its landsa%e and li)ate, ar#aeolo&ial disoveries
#ave on!ir)ed t#at Balu#istan was already in#a.ited in t#e "tone $&e, and t#e
i)%ortant neolit#i site at (e#r&ar# is t#e earliest (7000-D000 B,C,) on t#e su.ontinent,
:ntil its overt#row .y $le6ander t#e Breat, Balu#istan was %art o! t#e 0ersian ')%ire,
w#ose reords re!er to it as F(akaF,
In D25 B,C, $le6ander led %art o! #is ar)y .ak !ro) #is Indus a)%ai&n to Ba.ylon
aross t#e (akran 4esert at t#e ost o! terri.le su!!erin& and #i&# asualties, -#erea!ter
Balu#istan lay !or enturies on t#e s#adowy .orderlands o! t#e Moroastrian rulers o! Iran
and t#e loal Budd#ist and 8indu dynasties o! nort#western su.ontinent,
Isla) was .rou&#t to Balu#istan in 711 w#en (u#a))ad .in Easi) led t#e ar)y w#i#
was to onAuer "ind aross t#e (akran route, .ut t#e area was always too re)ote !or !ir)
ontrol to .e e6erted .y any o! t#e later loal dynasties, It aordin&ly reeives only very
%assin& )ention in t#e ourt #istories o! t#e ti)e, -#e onnetions o! t#e inland areas
were variously wit# Iran, $!&#anistan and India, t#ose o! oastal (akran rat#er aross
t#e $ra.ian "ea wit# 5)an and t#e Bul!,
-#e na)e FBalu#istanF only a)e into e6istene later wit# t#e arrival !ro) Iran o! t#e alled Balu# (usually %ronouned FBalo#F in 0akistan), <ust #ow and w#en t#ey
arrived re)ains a )atter o! #ot de.ate, sine t#e traditional le&ends o! t#eir (iddle
'astern ori&ins, su%%osed to #ave .een in t#e $le%%o re&ion o! "yria #ave .een !urt#er
on!used .y ranky t#eories eit#er t#at like t#e 0at#ans t#ey )ay desend !ro) t#e -en
;ost o! Israel, or t#at t#ey ori&inated !ro) Ba.ylon, sine FBalu#F is %#onetially
si)ilar to t#e na)es o! t#e &od Baal or t#e Ba.ylonian ruler Belos,
Better evidene is su&&ested .y t#e Balu#i lan&ua&e w#i# .eIon&s to t#e sa)e Iranian
&rou% o! Indo-'uro%ean as 0ersian and *urdis#, -#is su&&ests t#at t#e Balu# ori&inated
!ro) t#e area o! t#e Cas%ian "ea, )akin& t#eir way &radually aross Iran to rea# t#eir
%resent #o)eland in around $,4, 1000, w#en t#ey are )entioned wit# t#e eAually
warlike *u# in 2irdausi1s &reat 0ersian e%i, t#e Book o! *in&sH
8eroi Balu#es and *u#es we saw,
;ike .attlin& ra)s all deter)ined on war,
@arlike t#e #istory o! t#e Balu# #as ertainly always .een, $s t#e last to arrive o! t#e
)a7or et#ni &rou%s o! 0akistan t#ey were !aed wit# t#e need to dis%lae t#e %eo%les
already settled in Balu#istan, "o)e t#ey )ore or less suess!ully su.7u&ated or
assi)ilated, like t#e (eds o! (akran and ot#er now su.ordinate &rou%s, 2ro) ot#ers
t#ey !aed a &reater #allen&e, !ro) t#e Bra#ui ou%yin& t#e #ills around
-#e ori&ins o! t#e Bra#uis are even )ore %uzzlin& t#an t#ose o! t#e Balu#, !or t#eir
lan&ua&e is not Indo-'uro%ean at all, .ut .elon&s to t#e sa)e 4ravidian !a)ily as -a)il
and t#e ot#er lan&ua&es o! sout# India s%oken over a t#ousand )iles away, 5ne t#eory
#as it t#at t#e Bra#uis are t#e last nort#ern survivors o! a 4ravidian-s%eakin& %o%ulation
w#i# %er#a%s reated t#e Indus Valley ivilisation, .ut it see)s )ore likely t#at t#ey too
arrived as t#e result o! a lon& )i&ration, at so)e earlier date !ro) %eninsular India,
$s t#ey )oved eastwards, t#e Balu# were initially suess!ul in overo)in& t#e
Bra#uis, :nder (ir C#akar, w#o esta.lis#ed #is a%ital at "i.i in 1>G7, a &reat Balu#
kin&do) .rie!ly a)e into e6istene .e!ore .ein& destroyed .y ivil war .etween (ir
C#akar1s /ind tri.e and t#e rival ;as#aris, w#ose .attles are still ele.rated in #eroi
.allads, $lt#ou&# t#e Balu# )oved !orward into 0an7a. and "ind, t#e aut#ority o! t#e
(o&#uls sto%%ed t#e) esta.lis#in& %er)anent kin&do)s t#ere, alt#ou&# t#e na)es o!
4era B#azi *#an in 0an7a. and 4era Is)ail *#an in 3@20 are still re)inders o! t#e
Balu# #ie!s w#o onAuered t#ese lands in t#e 1?t# entury, -#e Balu# w#o settled in
t#e %lains &radually .ea)e lar&ely detri.alised, !or&ettin& t#eir native lan&ua&e and
inreasin&ly assi)ilated to t#e loal %o%ulation, wit# t#eir ori&ins re)ainin& little
)ore t#an a %roud )e)ory,
In Balu#istan itsel!, w#i# a)e only .rie!ly under t#e aut#ority o! t#e (o&#uls, t#e
ta.les were turned on t#e Balu# .y t#e Bra#uis w#o sueeded in re-esta.lis#in& t#eir
%ower in *alat, -#rou&#out t#e 1Gt# entury, t#e *#ans o! *alat were t#e do)inant loal
%ower, wit# t#e Balu# settled to t#e west and to t#e east o! t#e) .ein& !ored to
aknowled&e t#eir suzerainty,
-#e &reatest o! t#e *#ans was (ir 3asir *#an (17>=-1G17), w#ose )ilitary suess
owed )u# to t#e re&ular or&anisation o! #is ar)y, wit# its se%arate divisions reruited
!ro) t#e "arawan and <#alawan areas w#i# onstitute t#e nort#ern and sout#ern %arts o!
t#e Bra#ui #o)eland, -#e *#anate o! *alat .ea)e t#e nearest t#in& t#ere #as ever .een
to an inde%endent Balu#istan, -#is e6tended .eyond t#e )odern .oundaries, sine (ir
3asir *#an1s aut#ority ran as !ar as t#e t#en insi&ni!iant town o! *ara#i, $lt#ou&#
do)inated .y t#e Bra#uis, t#ey t#e)selves .ea)e inreasin&ly FBalu#i!iedF, -oday, !or
instane, t#e Bra#ui lan&ua&e only kee%s t#e !irst t#ree o! its old 4ravidian nu).ers,
2ro) F!ourF u%wards Bra#uis ount in Balu#i, in w#i# )ost are anyway .ilin&ual,
@it# t#e Britis# e6%ansion into nort#western su.ontinent and t#eir disastrous !irst
$!&#an war (1GD=->1), internal %ower stru&&les wit#in *alat %ro)%ted t#e !irst Britis#
)ilitary inter!erene, and t#e si&nin& o! a treaty in 1G>1, -#e Britis# anne6ation o! "ind
in 1G>D !ro) t#e -al%ur (irs, t#e)selves a dynasty o! Balu# desent, and t#e
su.seAuent anne6ation o! 0an7a. )eant t#at *alat and t#e ot#er re&ions o! Balu#istan
were now %art o! t#e sensitive western .orderlands o! Britis# India, w#ere t#e %ossi.ility
o! /ussian inter!erene indued a %er)anent state o! i)%erial neurosis, $lt#ou&# t#e
eastern Balu# were %artially %ai!ied .y t#e e!!orts o! "ir /o.ert "ande)an, it was
t#ou&#t easiest to leave t#e *#an and #is su.ordinate #ie!s in ontrol o! )ost o! t#e rest
o! Balu#istan,
$ !urt#er treaty was si&ned in 1G7?, w#i# !ored t#e *#an to 1leaseF t#e strate&i Euetta
re&ion to t#e Britis# .ut le!t #i) in ontrol o! t#e rest o! #is territories wit# t#e aid o! a
Britis# )inister, Branted t#e rank o! a 1=-&un salute to )ark t#e size i! not t#e wealt# o!
*alat, t#e *#ans were !or a w#ile ontent to %ursue t#e eentri Ii!estyle #arateristi
o! so )any sout# $sian %rines o! t#e ti)e, 5ne *#an .ea)e le&endary as a %assionate
olletor o! s#oes, and )ade sure no %air would ever .e stolen .y lokin& u% all t#e le!t
s#oes in a dun&eon .elow t#e 2ort at *alat,
@it# t#e last ruler o! *alat, (ir $#)ad Lar *#an (1=02-7=), t#e *#anate a&ain .rie!ly
entered t#e %olitial arena, '6%loitin& t#e o%aAue lauses o! t#e 1G7? treaty, w#i# le!t
so)e dou.t as to 7ust #ow inde%endent *alat was su%%osed to .e, #e #esitated to 7oin
0akistan in 1=>7, -#e .rie! inde%endene o! *alat !inally ended in 1=>G w#en t#e *#an
si&ned t#e neessary )er&er dou)ents, !ollowed .y #is !or)al re)oval !ro) %ower and
t#e a.olition o! t#e state1s .oundaries in 1=55, -#e %resent s#a%e o! Balu#istan was
!inally rounded out in 1=5G w#en t#e "ultan o! 5)an sold Bwadar, &iven to one o! #is
anestors .y t#e *#an o! *alat, .ak to 0akistan,
-#e land o! "ind #as a #oary %ast wit# so)e o! t#e )ost strikin& e%isodes in #istory
#avin& ourred in its .oso), It #as &iven a sli&#tly di!!erent variation o! its na)e to our
nei&#.ourin& ountry and to t#e reli&ious )a7ority o! its in#a.itants, Bot# t#e words
India and 8indu are derived !ro) "ind#u, w#i#, in 0ersian .ea)e 8ind and 8indu (t#e
letter 8 su.stituted !or ") and in Breek and /o)an, Ind (t#e letter " o! "ind #avin& .ein&
dro%%ed), -#e )eanin& o! t#e word "ind#u is water, re!errin& to t#e &reat river, -#ere is
an old .elie! a)on& (usli)s t#at !our rivers #ad s%run& !ro) 8eavenH 3eel (3ile), 2urat
('u%#rates), <e#oon (<u6artes) and "e#oon ("ind),
-#e $ryans alled t#e w#ole o! 0akistan, *as#)ir and 'ast $!&#anistan as "a%ta "ind#u
-- t#e land o! seven rivers, In /i&veda it is re!erred to as "a%ta "ind#va, w#ile India is
na)ed B#arat Varsa (t#e land o! t#e sons o! B#arat, a le&endary ')%eror),1 -#us, even
!or t#e $ryans t#ere were two ountries in t#is su.-ontinentH "a%ta "ind#va and B#arat
Varsa, -#e $ssyrians in t#e 7t# entury B,C, knew t#e nort#-western %art o! t#e su.-
ontinent as "inda, 8owever, w#en India .e&an to .e alled 8ind .y 0ersians and $ra.s,
and Ind .y Breeks and /o)ans, t#e loal %eo%le ontinued to all t#eir land, "ind, -#is
distintion ontinued !or enturies, $ra. &eo&ra%#ers, #istorians and travellers also alled
t#e entire area !ro) t#e $ra.ian "ea to t#e ran&e o! *as#)ir )ountains "ind,D $s su#,
t#ere were always two ountries in t#e su.-ontinent -- "ind and 8ind, -#e %resent
0akistan (inludin& *as#)ir and a )a7or %ortion o! $!&#anistan) onstitutin& one
ountry, and India, anot#er,
$s re&ards t#e o)%osition o! t#e %o%ulation o! "ind 0rovine (.e!ore 0artition) t#e two
)ain stoks t#at "ind are related to, and o))on, one wit# t#e 0un7a. and
anot#er wit# Balu#istan, -#e )a7ority stok is t#at o! /a7%uts and <ats w#o are t#e
desendants o! "akas, *us#ans and 8uns w#o also onstitute t#e )a7ority o! t#e
%o%ulation t#e 0un7a., 4urin& *al#ora rule a nu).er o! <at su# as t#e "ials, <oyas
and *#awars a)e !ro) t#e 0un7a. and settled in "ind, -#ey are alled "irai i,e,, )en
!ro) t#e nort# and s%eak "iraiki lan&ua&e,
-wo )ain /a7%ut o! "ind areH t#e "a))a, a .ran# o! t#e Ladav /a7%uts w#o t#e eastern and lower "ind and Ba#awal%urR and t#e "u)ra w#o, aordin& to t#e
1=07 edition o! t#e Bazetteer are a .ran# o! t#e 0arwar /a7%uts, $)on& ot#ers are t#e
B#uttos, B#attis, ;ak#a, "a#etas, ;o#anas, (o#ano, 4a#ars, Ind#ar, C#a#ar, 4#are7a,
/at#ors, 4ak#an, ;an&a# et,> -#e (o#ano tri.e is s%read over (akran, "ind and
sout#ern 0un7a., -#ey are also identi!ied wit# t#e 1(alla#1 o! t#e 0un7a. and .ot# #ave in
o))on a su.-setion alled (an7ari, $ll t#ese, old "ind#i are known under t#e
o))on no)enlature o! "a))at,
-#e s)aller stok is t#at o! Balu#i setlled in various %arts o! "ind )ostly durin&
t#e last !ive #undred years or so "ine t#ey were )artial %eo%le and ruled over "ind !or
so)e ti)e .e!ore t#e arrival o! t#e Britis#, t#ey aAuired vast lands in t#e %rovine wit#
t#e result t#at a lar&e nu).er o! %resent-day "ind#i landlords are o! Balu# ori&in,
$ordin& to t#e 1=>1 ensus, w#i# was t#e last one #eld .e!ore 0artition Balu#is
!or)ed 2DT o! t#e total (usli) %o%ulation o! "ind, $)on& t#e Balu#i in#a.itin&
"ind are t#e /ind, 4o).ki, <ak#rani, ;e&#ari, ;as#ari, C#andio, *ar)ati, *orai, <atoi,
Burdi, *#osa, <a)ali, :)rani, Bu&ti, (arri, (azari, -al%ur, Bro#i, 3iza)ani, Buled#i,
*arrani, Bozdar, 3uk#arni, (a&si et, -#ese are s%read over Balu#istan, "ind and
t#e sout#-western distrits o! t#e 0un7a.,
Let a t#ird stok o! "ind#i %o%ulation o)%rises o! t#e desendants o! (usli)
onAuerors, ad)inistrators and )issionaries w#o were )ostly $ra.s, 0ersians, -urks or
(u&#als, -#ey are a s)all )inority settled in ities and towns .ut so dee%ly a.sor.ed
and .lended wit# t#e ot#er o)%onents o! t#e %o%ulation t#at all t#e t#ree to&et#er #ave
evolved a distint lan&ua&e and ulture, 5! t#is t#ird ele)ent $ra.s #ave ontri.uted
)ost to t#e develo%)ent o! "ind#i lan&ua&e and literature and to t#e advane)ent o! its
intelletual and ultural ativities,
"ine t#e early #istory o! "ind is inti)ately related to t#e #istory o! t#e 0un7a. and ot#er
%rovines o! 0akistan it need not .e dealt wit# at len&t#, 5nly a .rie! aount s#all .e
atte)%ted #ere, wit#out )entionin& t#e Indus Valley ivilization w#i# will .e disussed
so)e ot#er ti)e,
4awn o! #istory reveals an $ryan dynasty in %ower in "ind, In t#e (a#a.#arata (12t# or
1Dt# entury B,C,) <ayadrat#, *in& o! "ind a%%ears as a %artisan o! 0anduas a&ainst t#eir
ousins *auruas, 3e6t #istorial )ention o! "ind is !ound a.out 575 B,C, durin& t#e ti)e
o! $#ae)enian dynasty, -#e Iranian Beneral, "kyla6, e6%lored Indus in a !lotilla
eAui%%ed near 0es#awar, onAuered t#e Indus Valley and anne6ed it to t#e ')%ire o!
4arius t#e Breat, -#e onAuered %rovine o! t#e 0un7a. and "ind was onsidered t#e
ri#est and t#e )ost %o%ulous satra%y o! t#e ')%ire and was reAuired to %ay t#e
enor)ous tri.ute o! !ully a )illion sterlin&, 3e6t #istorial reord is t#at o! $le6ander1s
invasion in D2? B,C, $ tri.e alled (ausikanos w#ose a%ital is usually identi!ied wit#
$lor (/o#ri) is said to #ave su.)itted, $ordin& to Breek #istorians t#e territories o!
t#is #ie! were t#e )ost !louris#in& o! all t#at t#e Breeks #ad seen, $ !ew enturies later
/o)an #istorians #ave )entioned "ind as a ri# ountry, 0atala in lower "ind was known
to t#e) as an e)%oriu) o! trade,
$le6andrian %eriod was !ollowed .y t#at o! t#e (auryas (Drd entury BC) w#ose !all
.rou&#t in Braeo-Batrians (2nd entury B,C,), -#ey ruled over t#e w#ole o! 0akistan
wit# t#eir a%ital at -a6ila, -#eir oins are still !ound in t#e old towns o! "ind, -#e
Braeo-Batrian %eriod was !ollowed .y t#at o! t#e "yt#ian ("aka) invasion in t#e !irst
entury BC, F-#ey settled #ere in su# lar&e nu).ers t#at "ind .ea)e known as Indo-
"yt#ia and to t#is day a lar&e %ro%ortion o! t#e %o%ulation is ertainly "yt#ian,F5 -wo
"yt#ian, t#e <ats and (eds, are )entioned as #avin& invaded t#e 0un7a. and "ind,
"o)e o! t#e %resent day (o#anas o! "ind and Balu#istan all t#e)selves (ed, FIn ?0
$4 "ind was ou%ied .y "yt#ians, ruled %er#a%s !ro) !ar away -a6ila,F?
-#e !irst entury $,4, witnessed t#e arrival o! t#e *us#ans w#o, alon& wit# t#e "yt#ians
("akas) and later 0art#ians, ruled over $!&#anistan and 0akistan !or a.out !our enturies
!ro) 0es#awar, -#e ne6t &reat #oloaust ourred in t#e 5t# entury $,4, wit# t#e 8un
invasion w#i# sur%assed all %revious reords in its intensity and vastness, -#eir invasion
us#ered in t#e /a7%ut era w#i# lasted till t#e 7t# entury $,4, in "ind (G0 years .e!ore
t#e arrival o! (o#d, Bin Easi))R till t#e end o! 10t# entury $4 in t#e 0un7a. and 3@20
(u%to t#e arrival o! (a#)ud B#aznavi) and till t#e end o! 12t# entury in nort#ern India
w#en (o#a))ad B#ori de!eated 0rit#vira7 in 11=2 $,4,
Be!ore l)aduddin (o#a))ad Bin Easi)1s arrival #ere, /a7%uts were t#e rulin& rae in
"ind and in t#e rest o! nort#ern India, -#e last /a7%ut ruler o! "ind was /a7a "a#asi II
w#ose do)inions e6tended u% to *as#)ir, 8e was a onte)%orary o! 0ro%#et
(o#a))ad and %ro!essed Budd#is) as did #is !at#er "i#arus, -#e rule o! /a7a "a#asi II
ended in ?D2 $,4, t#e year 0ro%#et (o#a))ad died, 8e was sueeded .y #is Bra#)in
#a).erlain, C#a#, w#o #ad .eo)e a !avourite o! "a#asi1s wi!e, C#a# ruled over "ind
!or a.out ?G years !ro) ?D2-700 $,4, 8is son 4a#ir was t#e ruler w#en (o#a))ad Bin
Easi) arrived #ere in 711 $,4,
-#e line o! rulers#i% .e!ore Isla) runs t#usH "i#arus, "a#asi II, C#a#, 4a#ir, -#e !irst
two were Budd#ist /a7%uts and t#e last two 8indu Bra#)ins, -#e new Bra#)in rulers
were e6tre)ely #ostile towards t#e Budd#ists w#o were in su.stantial nu).ers in "ind at
t#at ti)e and t#ey #ad rut#lessly su%%ressed t#e <ats and (eds w#o !or)ed t#e .ulk o!
t#e %easantry,
8u)iliatin& onditions were i)%osed on t#e <ats de%rivin& t#e) o! )any ivil ri&#ts,
F@#en C#a#, t#e Bra#)i) #a).erlain w#o usur%ed t#e t#rone o! /a7%ut *in& "a#asi
II went to Bra#), #e en7oined u%on t#e <ats and ;o#anas not to arry swords,
avoid velvet or silken lot#, ride #orses wit#out saddles and walk a.out .are-#eaded and
.are-!ooted,F7 It was .eause o! t#is .ak&round t#at (o#a))ad Bin Easi) reeived
oo%eration !ro) t#e Budd#ists as well as t#e <ats and (eds durin& #is a)%ai&n in "ind,
$)on& ot#ers w#o did not o%%ose (o#a))ad Bin Easi)1s advane and )ade %eae
wit# #i) was t#e B#utto tri.e,G In !at #e was #ailed as deliverer .y several setions o!
loal %o%ulation, -#e #u).le %osition o! t#e Budd#ists in "ind seekin& su%%ort !ro)
outside an .e read in t#e C#a# 3a)a,
F(o#a))ad Bin Easi)1s work was !ailitated .y t#e trea#ery o! ertain Budd#ist
%riests and rene&ade #ie!s w#o deserted t#eir soverei&n and 7oined t#e invader, @it# t#e
assistane o! so)e o! t#ese traitors, (o#a))ad rossed t#e vast s#eet o! water
se%aratin& #is ar)y !ro) t#at o! 4a#ir and &ave .attle to t#e ruler near /aor (712 $,4,),
4a#ir was de!eated and killed,F=
Be!ore o))enin& a review o! t#e (usli) %eriod o! "ind1s #istory, we s#all s%eak
.rie!ly o! t#e <ats o! "ind (0akistan) w#o were known all over Iran and t#e (iddle 'ast
!or t#eir sturdy onstitution and industrious nature, -#ey #ave a olour!ul #istory and an
adventurous %ast,
-#e aut#or o! (u7)aul -awarik# #as Auoted an e6tint "anskrit work aordin& to w#i#
t#e ori&inal in#a.itants o! "ind were <ats and (eds, 'arly $ra. writers on "ind also say
t#at <ats and (eds were i)%ortant in t#eir ti)e, I.n *#urda.a# )entions 1zutts1 as
&uardin& t#e route .etween *ir)an and (ansura w#ile I.n 8aukal writesH FBetween
(ansura and (akran t#e waters !ro) t#e (e#ran !or) lakes and t#e in#a.itants o! t#e
ountry are t#e sout# $sian raes alled Mutt, -#e C#inese traveller Luan C#wan& w#o
visited t#is re&ion in t#e 7t# entury $,4, also )entioned <ats,
F-#e <ats lai) to .e inluded in t#e D? royal /a7%ut, "o)e o! t#e) state t#at t#eir
!ore!at#ers a)e !ro) B#azni, But it is &enerally ae%ted t#at t#ey are t#e desendants
o! t#e anient Betae, or <eut#i, !ro) "yt#ia, "o)e aut#orities onsider t#at t#ey entered
t#e su.-ontinent so)e ti)e in 1500 BC and are t#e sa)e as t#e <attikas )entioned in t#e
(a#a.#arata, and also idential wit# t#e <atti o! 0liny and 0tole)y, -#eir ori&inal #o)e
was on t#e 56us,F10 $ordin& to t#e 'nylo%aedia o! Isla), t#e <ats o! t#e lower Indus
o)%rise .ot# <ats and /a7%uts, and t#e sa)e rule a%%lies to ;as-Bela w#ere desendants
o! !or)er rulin& raes like t#e "u)ra and t#e "a))a o! "ind and t#e ;an&a# o! (ultan
are !ound, $t t#e ti)e o! t#e !irst a%%earane o! t#e $ra.s t#ey !ound t#e w#ole o!
(akran in %ossession o! <ats (Mutts),
$ordin& to a 18adis1, 8azrat $.dulla Bin (asood, a o)%anion 0ro%#et saw so)e
stran&ers wit# t#e 0ro%#et and said t#at t#eir !eatures and %#ysiAue were like t#ose o!
<ats,11 -#is )eans t#at <ats we in $ra.ia even durin& t#e 0ro%#et1s ti)e, 8azrat I)a)
Buk#ari (d, G75 $,4, - 25? $,8,) writin& a.out t#e %eriod o! t#e Co)%anions in #is .ook
F$l ada. al (u!arradF #as stated t#at one w#en 8azrat $is#a (0ro%#et1s wi!e) !ell ill, #er
ne%#ews .rou&#t a <at dotor !or #er treat)ent, @e #ear o! t#e) ne6t w#en t#e $ra.
ar)ies las#ed wit# t#e 0ersian !ores w#i# o)%rised o! <at soldiers as well,
-#e 0ersian Co))and 8ur)uz used <at soldiers a&ainst *#alid Bin @alid in t#e .attle o!
1salasal1 o! ?D> $,4, (12 #i7ri), -#is vvas t#e !irst ti)e t#at <ats were a%tured .y t#e
$ra.s, -#ey %ut !orward ertain onditions !or 7oinin& t#e $ra. ar)ies w#i# were
ae%ted, and on e).rain& Isla) t#ey were assoiated wit# di!!erent $ra.,12 -#is
event %roves t#at t#e !irst &rou% o! 0akistanis to ae%t Isla) were <ats w#o did it as
early as 12 #i7ri (?D> $,4,) in t#e ti)e o! 8azrat 5)ar,
-#e 0ersian *in& Lazd7ard #ad also sou&#t t#e #el% o! t#e "ind ruler w#o sent <at
soldiers and ele%#ants w#i# were used a&ainst t#e $ra.s in t#e .attle o! Eadisia,
$ordin& to -i.ri, 8azrat $li #ad e)%loyed <ats to &uard Basra treasury durin& t#e
.attle o! <a)al, F<ats were t#e &uards o! t#e Baitul (aal at al-Basra durin& t#e ti)e o!
8azrat 5s)an and 8azrat $li,F1D $)ir (uawiya #ad settled t#e) on t#e "yrian .order
to !i&#t a&ainst t#e /o)ans, It is said t#at >,000 <ats o! "ind 7oined (o#a))ad Bin
Easi)1s ar)y and !ou&#t a&ainst /a7a 4a#ir, "ind#i <ats #ene!ort# .e&an to .e re&ularly
reruited in t#e (usli) ar)ies,
F"o)e o! t#e Mutt deserters !ro) t#e 0ersian ar)y were trans%lanted in ?70 $,4, .y
Cali%# (uawiya !ro) Basra# to $ntio#, @#en t#e $ra.s onAuered "ind, anot#er .at#
o! Mutts w#o) t#e onAuerors #ad u%rooted !ro) t#eir native %astures see) to #ave .een
sent to "yria .y 8a77a7 (?=1-71D $,4,) and eventually sent on .y t#e Cali%# @alid 1(707-
15 $4) to 7oin t#e %revious .at# o! Mutt de%ortees at $ntio# w#ene so)e, a&ain, were
sent on .y t#e Cali%# Lazid II (720-2> $,4,) to (assisa# in CiiliaW, But t#e .ulk o!
8a77a71s de%ortees !ro) "ind see) to #ave .een settled in IraA, In t#e rei&n o! $..asid
Cali%# (ansur (G1D-DD $,4,) t#ey .roke into a re.ellion w#i# it took #i) and #is
suessor (utasi) GDD->2 $4), t#e .est %art o! 20 years to AuellW,, @#et#er t#ere #ad
or #ad not .een a voluntary i))i&ration as well as a o)%ulsory de%ortation o! Mutt to
IraA !ro) "ind, we )ay take it t#at in t#e ourse o! t#e !irst two enturies o! $ra. rule,
)an%ower !ro) western su.ontinent (i,e,, 0akistan) #ad it in one way or anot#er .een
%ourin& into a sout#-western $sia t#at, on t#e eve o! t#e $ra. onAuest, #ad .een
de%o%ulated .y t#e two last and )ost devastatin& o! t#e /o)ano-0ersian wars,F1>
-#is state)ent o! is revealin& in t#at it s#ows t#e lose relations 0akistan #ad
wit# t#e (iddle 'ast, "ind#is .e&an to settle in areas as !ar away as IraA and "yria w#i#
were de%o%ulated .y wars .etween t#e 0ersians and t#e /o)ans,
-#e ori&in o! 'uro%ean &y%sies is also traed to "ind#i <ats, 8arun-ur-/as#id #ad
reruited <ats to rein!ore Ciliian !ortress, @#en t#e /o)ans desended on $yn Mar.a#
in G55 $,4, t#ey arried o!! into 'ast /o)an territory t#e <ats to&et#er wit# t#eir wo)en,
#ildren and .u!!aloes, -#is deta#)ent o! t#e <ats was t#e advane &uard o! t#e &y%sies
o! 'uro%e,15 -#ey ontinued to %our into 'uro%e in s)all .at#es at various sta&es
-urnin& to t#e #istory o! "ind, it )ay .e divided into seven %eriodsH (1) 0re-(usli)R (2)
$ra. /uleR (D) (iddle $&es !ro) (a#)ud B#aznavi to t#e esta.lis#)ent o! (u&#al
/uleR (>) (u&#al 0eriodR (5) *al#ora %eriodR (?) -#e -al%ur 0eriodR and (7) -#e Britis#
0eriod, @e s#all deal wit# .rie!ly disussin& only ertain salient !eatures o! ea# %eriod,
@e #ave already s%oken o! t#e Indus Valley Civilization and t#e %re-#istori %eriod in an
earlier #a%ter, Between t#e !all o! t#e (auryan ')%ire and t#e arrival o! t#e $ra.s i,e,,
rou&#ly 200 B,C, to 700 $,4,, a s%an o! =00 years, "ind and ot#er %arts o! 0akistan
e6%eriened wave a!ter wave o! #ordes !ro) Central $sia settlin& down in t#ese re&ions,
-#e Batrians, "akas, *us#ans, t#e 0a#lavas and t#e 8uns et,, a)e, onAuered and
settled #ere, 2ro) t#ese stoks, )in&led wit# indi&enous .lood, ulti)ately e)er&ed t#e
new *s#atrya rulin& lass o! 8indus later alled /a7%uts and t#e %easant lass o! <ats and
Bu77ars, 1? -#e )ost outstandin& as%et o! t#is %re-(usli) %eriod is t#at "ind was
inti)ately onneted wit# t#e rest o! 0akistan and not wit# India, It #ad eit#er
inde%endent kin&do)s or kin&do)s in o))on wit# 0akistan,
"everal reasons are asri.ed to t#e $ra. desire to onAuer (akran 17 and "ind, 2irstly,
"ind#i /a7as #ad #el%ed t#e 0ersians in t#eir wars a&ainst t#e $ra.s, "ind#i !ores
%artii%ated in t#e .attles o! 3e#awand, _"alasalI, Eadisia and (akran and !ou&#t a&ainst
t#e $ra.s, "eondly, w#en a!ter t#e onAuest o! 0ersia .y t#e $ra.s so)e o! t#eir re.el
#ie!s .e&an to seek re!u&e in "ind, its /a7a re!used to surrender t#e) to t#e Cali%#s
ins%ite o! re%eated reAuests, -#irdly, sine $ra. traders were .ein& onstantly #arassed
.y %irates !ro) t#e (akran and "ind oasts, a !oot-#old in t#ese areas onsidered
neessary to sa!e&uard $ra. )ariti)e interests,
-#e !irst naval e6%edition undertaken .y t#e $ra.s in t#is oean was durin& 8azrat
5)ar1s ali%#ate in ?D? $,4, - 15 $,8, under t#e o))and o! 5s)an .in $.i1$as, t#e
Bovernor o! Ba#rain and 5)an, 8e attaked -#ana, a %ort near )odern Bo).ay, $ little
later #e sent anot#er naval e6%edition to in "ind under t#e o))and o! #is .rot#er
(u&#ira, /a7a C#a# was t#e ruler o! "ind at t#at ti)e and #is kin&do) was well
de!ended, (u&#ira was de!eated .y t#e /a7a1s !ores and killed in ation,
4urin& 8azrat 5)ar1s ali%#ate t#e Bovernor o! IraA also sent an e6%edition .y land to
(akran under t#e o))and o! /a.i Bin Miad 8aris, -#ou&# (akran was onAuered .ut
t#e vitory was s#ort-lived, as t#e loals rea%tured t#e ountry, (akran was, #owever,
%er)anently onAuered durin& t#e last days o! 8azrat 5)ar1s ali%#ate in ?>2 $4 - >D
$8, under t#e o))and o! 8aka) -a&la.i, 8azrat 5s)an, t#e t#ird Cali%# #ad sent
8aki) .in <a.ala to "ind in ?50 $,4, to ollet in!or)ation, Be!ore #i) "a#ar-al-$.di
#ad visited "ind !or t#e sa)e %ur%ose in ?>D $,4, durin& 8azrat 5)ar1s last days,1G -#e
ne6t $ra. &eneral to enter 0akistan .y land was (u#li. .in "u!ra w#o a)e t#rou&# t#e
* 0ass in ??5 $,4, -?5 $,8,
-#e real story, #owever, .e&ins wit# 8a77a7 Bin Lusu! w#o was Bovernor o! IraA, -#e
story o! $ra. )er#ants returnin& !ro) Ceylon to Basra #avin& .een looted .y "ind#i
%irates is well-known, It is related t#at so)e o! t#e wo)en w#o were .ein& arried away
.y t#e %irates i)%lored 8a77a7 to resue t#e),
8a77a7 took serious notie o! t#e inident and wrote to 4a#ir, t#e ruler o! "ind, !or t#e
release o! a%tives as well as t#e &oods w#i# were .ein& sent to t#e ali%#ate as %resents
.y t#e ruler o! Ceylon, 3ot reeivin& a !avoura.le re%ly, 8a77a7, wit# t#e %er)ission o!
Cali%# @alid, sent a !ore to under t#e o))and o! $.dulla .in 3a.#an, -#is
!ore was anni#ilated .y 4a#ir1s ar)y and its o))ander killed in .attle, ($ordin& to
4r, 4aud 0ota t#e to). o! $.dulla# "#a# at Cli!ton in *ara#i is o! t#is Beneral, $.dulla
.in 3a.#an),l= $&ain, 8a77a7 sent a .i&&er e6%edition to, to o%%ose w#i# 4a#ir
sent #is son <aisia wit# a !airly lar&e ontin&ent, 2or t#e seond ti)e $ra.s were de!eated
and t#eir o))ander Badil .in -u#!a killed in ation at, ($ordin& to t#e Britis#
#istorian 'liot, *ara#i and t#e island o! (anora onstituted t#e ity o!,
8a77a7 was in!uriated and %ertur.ed at t#e develo%)ents, 8avin& realised t#at t#e ruler o!
"ind was a %ower!ul )onar#, #e started )akin& lar&e-sale %re%arations and took
%ersonal interest in t#e )atter
sine t#e issue #ad now .eo)e one o! %resti&e, -#e seletion o! a o))ander !or t#is
e6%editionary !ore #ad also to .e )ade wit# due are kee%in& in view all t#e as%ets o!
t#e %ro.le), 8a77a71s #oie !ell on t#e youn& 20 year old (aordin& to so)e 17)
(o#a))ad Bin Easi), -#e ar)y and its Co))ander were &iven ri&orous trainin& !or
over one year in t#e desert o! sout#ern Iran w#i# #ad si)ilar li)ati onditions to t#ose
o! "ind,
-#rou&# intelli&ene re%orts, all t#e stron& and weak %oints o! t#e ene)y and details o!
t#eir wea%ons and de!enes were olleted, studied, and t#e $ra. ar)y eAui%%ed
aordin&ly, 8a77a7 .in Lusu! went t#rou&# t#rou&# t#e )inutest details and a!ter
t#orou&# study o! t#e )a%s o! "ind, &uided (o#a))ad Bin Easi) on t#e strate&y to .e
!ollowed, 3ot ontent wit# t#is, 8a77a7 )ade arran&e)ents to onvey #is )essa&es and
orders to (o#a))ad Bin Easi) !ro) Basra to any %oint in "ind wit#in a week, 5rders
were t#at (o#a))ad Bin Easi) s#ould not attak any ity or !ort or en&a&e #is !ores in
any lar&e-sale .attle wit# t#e ene)y wit#out &ettin& orders !ro) Basra, 'ven
instrutions onernin& t#e day and ti)e o! attak and wea%ons to .e used in a %artiular
%lae or .attle were sent .y 8a77a7,
-#is ti)e $ra. ar)ies triu)%#ed and t#e triu)%# %roved %er)anent, I s#all not &o into
details w#i# are availa.le in all #istories and )ention only a !ew %oints w#i# #ave not
.een #i&#-li&#ted,
$s )entioned elsew#ere, "ind #ad a lar&e Budd#ist %o%ulation at t#is ti)e .ut t#e ruler,
4a#ir, was a Bra#)in, It is said t#at t#e Budd#ists .een reeivin& onstant in!or)ation
!ro) t#eir o-reli&ionists in $!&#anistan and -urkistan a.out t#e e6tre)ely li.eral
treat)ent )eted out to t#e) .y t#e $ra. onAuerors o! t#ose re&ions, In view o! t#ese
re%orts, t#e Budd#ist %o%ulation o! "ind deided to e6tend !ull oo%eration to
(o#a))ad Bin Easi) and even alai)ed #i) as li.erator !ro) Bra#)in tyranny,
"everal %rini%alities in "ind were ruled .y Budd#ist /a7as, -#e Budd#ist ruler o! 3erun
( #ad seret orres%ondene wit# (o#a))ad Bin Easi), "i)ilarly, Ba7#ra
and *aka *olak, Budd#ist /a7as o! "ewastan, allied t#e)selves wit# (o#a))ad Bin
Easi),20 5n si)ilar &rounds, <ats also 7oined t#e $ra.s a&ainst 4a#ir,
"eondly, it is &enerally .elieved t#at (o#a))ad Bin Easi) onAuered areas only u% to
(ultan, 3o, #e onAuered al)ost t#e entire 0akistan w#i# t#en !or)ed %art o! t#e
*in&do) o! "ind, $ordin& to C#a# 3a)a, a!ter onAuerin& $ror (near /o#ri),
(o#a))ad Bin Easi) advaned towards B#atia, an old !ort on Beas w#i# was under
t#e o))and o! C#a#1s ne%#ew, $!ter onAuerin& B#atia t#e $ra.s laid sie&e to
Iskandla on river /avi and took it, C#a# 3a)a !urt#er states t#at (o#a))ad Bin Easi)
%roeeded to t#e .oundary o! *as#)ir alled 0an7 (a#iyat, at t#e u%%er ourse o! <#elu)
7ust a!ter it de.ou#es into t#e %lains,21 F@it# a !ore o! ?,000 (o#ain)ad Bin Easi), a
yout# o! 20, onAuered and reor&anised t#e w#ole o! t#e ountry !ro) t#e )out# o! Indus
to t#e .orders o! *as#)ir, a distane o! G00 )iles in t#ree years 712-15 $,4,22
F@ai#ind (neat $ttok) w#i# was one o! t#e oldest ities o! t#e su.-ontinent was
inluded in t#e kin&do) o! "ind,F2D F(o#a))ad Bin Easi) )ade (ultan t#e .ase !or
!urt#er inroads and &arrisoned Bra#)an%ur, on t#e <#elu), t#e )odern "#orkot, $
and *arorR and a!terwards wit# 50,000 )en )ar#ed via 4i%al%ur to t#e !oot o! t#e
8i)alayas near <el#u),F2>
It is reo&nised .y all #istorians t#at (o#a))ad Bin Easi)1s rule was )ost li.eral and
#is treat)ent o! non-(usli)s e6tre)ely 7ust and !air, 8e not only a%%ointed 8indus to
senior ad)inistrative %osts .ut le!t s)all 8indu %rini%alities undistur.ed, Bra#)ins #ad
.eo)e so loyal to #i) t#at t#ey used to &o !ro) villa&e to villa&e and ur&e %eo%le to
su%%ort t#e $ra. re&i)e, @#en (o#a))ad Bin Easi) was realled !ro) "ind .y t#e
Cali%# in very un#a%%y iru)stanes, t#e 8indus and Budd#ist o! "ind we%t over #is
de%artureR and w#en #e died t#ey ereted a statue in #is )e)ory and wors#i%%ed it !or a
lon& ti)e, (o#a))ad Bin Easi)Is two sons #ad a distin&uis#ed areer, $rnroo .ea)e
Bovernor o! "ind and Easi) was Bovernor o! Basra !or !i!teen years,25
But t#e early $ra. %eriod is not one o! %eae and tranAuility, @it# t#e reall o!
(o#a))ad Bin Easi) t#e %rovine returned to #aos and on!usion, $!ter a !ew years
o! anar#y &overnor <unaid restored nor)aly, $ s#ort w#ile later, due to .ad
ad)inistration, #aos %revailed a&ain, Conditions were so ritial t#at t#e ne6t &overnor,
8aka) .in $wana# esta.lis#ed a new ity alled 1(a#!ooza1 (%lae o! sa!ety) in 7D2 $,4,
- 11D $,8, w#ere all t#e (usli)s olleted !or sa!ety, ;ater on, a!ter restorin& order and
reor&anisin& )ost o! t#e 0rovine, 8aka)Is &eneral $)roo (t#e son o! (o#a))ad Bin
Easi)) .uilt anot#er ity 1(ansoora1 (vitory) near "#a#dad%ur in 7D7 $,4, - 11= $8,
w#i# .ea)e t#e a%ital o! t#e $ra. kin&do), Beause o! t#ese unsettled onditions
"ind #ad to .e onAuered a&ain and a&ain,
FIn "ind t#e reall o! (o#a))ad Bin Easi) was !ollowed .y a 8indu reation w#i#
al)ost wi%ed out t#e results o! t#e !irst vitories, @#en 8aka) .in $wana# was
a%%ointed Bovernor o! "ind, #e !ound t#at t#e natives #ad re.elled and a%ostasized, 8e
.uilt two ities, (a#!uza# and (ansura# in t#e nort# and sout# o! "ind, to %rovide %laes
o! seurity !or (usli)s,11 2?
2ro) t#e de%arture o! (o#a))ad Bin Easi) in 715 $,4, to t#e !all o! t#e :)ayyad
ali%#ate in 750 $,4,, a %eriod o! D5 years, "ind #ad nine &overnors, -#ey were 8a.i.
Bin (o#la., $)ro Bin (usli) Ba#ili, Bilal Bin $#waz, <unaid Bin $.dur /e#)an
(arri, -a)i) Bin Maid $t.i, 8aka) Bin $wana# Eal.i, $)roo Bin (o#ain)ad Bin
Easi), Lazid Bin $rrar and (ansur Bin <a)#ur Eal.i, 4urin& t#is %eriod FBovernor
<unaid a&ain onAuered all t#e territory u% to Beas and /avi in t#e nort#-east, *as#)ir in
t#e nort#, $ra.ian oean in t#e sout#, (alwa in t#e sout#-east and (akran in t#e
:)ayyad ali%#ate was re%laed .y t#at o! t#e $..asids in 750 $4, "ind .ea)e %art o!
t#e $..asid do)inions, It re)ained under Ba&#dadIs ontrol durin& t#e $..asid Cali%#s
"a!!a, (ansoor, 8adi, 8aroon, (a)oon, (utasi), @asiA and (utawakkil, In t#e rei&n
o! t#e last )entioned Cali%#, t#e Bovernor o! "ind, :)ar 8i.ari, .ea)e %ratially
inde%endent owin& no)inal alle&iene to t#e Cali%#, 'arlier, durin& t#e ali%#ate o!
(a)oon-ur-/as#id, "ind Bovernor Bas#ar I.n-e-4awood #ad revolted and wit##eld t#e
%ay)ent o! revenues, .ut t#e revolt was Auelled 7udiiously, It )ay .e o! interest to note
t#at t#e %ostal and intelli&ene servies o! "ind were diretly ontrolled .y t#e Cali%#s,
-#e )an w#o &overned "ind (t#en overin& )a7or %ortion o! %resent day 0akistan) !or
t#e lon&est %eriod was 4awood .in Lazid .in 8ati) w#o died in G21 $,4, -wo )e).ers
o! t#e !a)ous Bara)aka !a)ily o! $..asid 0ri)e (inisters ruled over "ind as Bovernors
durin& t#is %eriod, 5ne was (usa Bar)ak# and t#e ot#er #is son 5)ar Bar)ak#, -#e
Bar)ak# !a)ily were said to .e ori&inally *as#)iri Budd#ists w#o #ad )i&rated to
Balk# (now in nort#ern $!&#anistan) and a!ter ae%tin& Isla), went to Ba&#dad w#ere
several )e).ers o! t#e !a)ily #ad distin&uis#ed areer, -wo o! t#e), La#ya and <a!ar,
.ea)e 0ri)e (inisters o! 8aroon-ur-/as#id, (-#e word Bar)ak# is derived !ro) t#e
"anskrit word _%ar )uk#I )eanin& sardar),
4urin& t#e 105 years o! $..asid %eriod w#en "ind !or)ed %art o! t#eir do)inions (750-
G55 $,4,) t#irty-one Bovernors were a%%ointed, -#e 8i.ari dynasty w#i# #ad .eo)e
inde%endent lasted !ro) G55 $,4, to 1010 $,4, i,e,, till t#e anne6ation o! "ind .y
(a#)ud B#aznavi, It was t#e last $ra. &overn)ent, 5ne o! its rulers $.dulla .in 5)ar
8i.ari (d, G=D $4) ruled !or a.out D0 years and )ade &reat ontri.ution to t#e ultural
and eono)i develo%)ent o! t#e %rovine, It was durin& t#e 8i.ari %eriod t#at "ind
severed its relations wit# t#e ali%#ateR and it was durin& t#is %eriod t#at two se%arate
states e)er&ed in "indH one #ad its a%ital at (ansura and t#e ot#er at (ultan, In
addition, several s)all 8indu states #ad also s%run& u%, It was a&ain durin& t#e 8i.ari
rule t#at t#e 2ati)id Cali%# 5.idulla#-aI-(a#di sent t#e !irst Is)aili )issionary,
8ais#an, to "ind,
"ind .ein& t#e eastern-)ost %rovine o! t#e :)ayyad, and t#en o! t#e $.assid Cali%#ates
wit# loose ontrol !ro) t#e entre, its %olitial as well as reli&ious li!e was #i&#ly
%ertur.ed, In t#e %olitial !ield due to interneine Auarrels, (usli) &overn)ents in t#e
area were divided into two setionsH -#e u%%er re&ion #ad (ultan as its a%ital and t#e
a%ital o! t#e lower re&ion was (ansura near "#a#dad%ur, "ind also .ea)e an arena o!
reli&ious ari)onies .eause o! t#e lar&e nu).er o! Is)aili )issionaries w#o visited t#is
ountry and t#e #eretis w#o took re!u&e #ere, -#e !irst Is)aili )issionary to visit "ind
was 8ais#a) w#o a)e to "ind in G77 $,4, - 270 $,8, 8e was sent .y t#e !ounder o! t#e
2ati)id ali%#ate, 5.aidulla#-al-(a#di,
$)on& ot#er %ro)inent Is)aili )issionaries to visit "ind were 8azrat $.dulla# (10?7
$,4,), 0ir "adruddin (1>D0 $4), #is son *a.iruddin, #is .rot#er -a7uddin and "yed
Lusu!uddin, all o! w#o) &ained onsidera.le !ollowin& in 0akistan, 0ir "adruddin #ad
#is &rand lod&e in "ind and it was #e w#o on!erred on t#e new onverts t#e title o!
*#wa7a (*#o7a), )eanin& #onoura.le, $ordin& to 4r, $rnold a nu).er o! Is)aili
)issionaries were sent to "ind !ro) t#e !a)ous F$la)utF !ort w#i# was t#e #eadAuarter
o! 8asan Bin "a..a# w#o lived in t#e late 11t# and early 12t# entury $,4,2G $.dulla#-
al-$s#tar $lvi, a &reat &randson o! 8azrat $li was a)on& t#ose w#o #ad reli&ious
di!!erenes wit# t#e Cali%#, was onsidered a #ereti and took re!u&e #ere, Beause o!
s#elterin& #i), t#e Bovernor o! "ind, 5)ar .in 8a!s was trans!erred to 3ort# $!ria .y
t#e Cali%#, 8azrat $.dulla# $s#tar1s to). at Cli!ton on t#e sea-s#ore near *ara#i is still
visited .y devotees,
$ lar&e nu).er o! "unni )issionaries also visited "ind durin& t#e $ra. %eriod, -#e
5)ayyed Cali%# 8azrat 5)ar .in $.dul $ziz is said to #ave sent a nu).er o! t#e) w#o
were suess!ul in onvertin& several "ind#i landlords, -#e $..asid Cali%# (a#di also
sent so)e )issionaries w#o onverted a nu).er o! /a7as and %ro)inent 8indus u% to
0es#awar, (o#a))ad $l!i w#o a)e wit# (o#a))ad Bin Easi) and was a)on& t#e
)ost suess!ul )issionaries, later .ea)e adviser to t#e /a7a o! *as#)ir and settled
$s already stated, durin& t#e )a7or %ortion o! $ra. rule, "ind and sout#ern 0un7a. were
rent .y %olitial as well as reli&ious rivalries, "ine every develo%)ent in t#e (iddle 'ast
#ad its diret i)%at on t#is re&ion, t#e 2ati)id-$..asid %olitial rivalry wit# its
reli&ious )ani!estation in t#e Is)aili-"unni ontroversy, !ound its !ull e#o #ere,
%artiularly in t#e 10t# entury $,4, (early >t# entury #i7ri), Is)aili, or aordin& to
so)e, Car)at#ian rulers were installed in t#e u%%er re&ion w#ose a%ital was (ultan, It
is related t#at t#e 2ati)id Cali%# I)a) $.dul $ziz Billa# #ad sent a )isionary <ala) .in
" !ro) Cairo to (ultan wit# a sizea.le ar)y in D72 #i7ri (=G5 $,4,) to esta.lis#
Is)aili rule w#i# #e did, and #i)sel! .ea)e #ead o! t#e state,
$t t#is ti)e t#e rulers o! (akran and (ansura were also Is)ailis, -#e "u)ra !a)ily o!
"ind w#i# #ad ae%ted Is)aili Isla) owed alle&iene to t#e 2ati)id Cali%#s o! Cairo,
sent t#e) %resents and zakat and read t#eir na)e in 2riday 1*#ut.a1, $!ter t#e !all o! t#e
2ati)ids, "ind#i Is)ailis atta#ed t#e)selves to t#e (ustali .ran# o! t#e Is)ailis w#o
were !untionin& !ro) Le)en, ((e).ers o! t#e 1(ustaliI .ran# are alled Bo#ris in t#e
su.-ontinent), -#e #istory o! t#is %eriod is so on!used t#at it is di!!iult to state wit#
any ertainty as to w#en and #ow lon& Is)aili and Car)at#ian rulers #eld sway at
(ansura and (ultan, -#ere were !reAuent #an&es ao)%anied .y enlar&e)ent or
s#rinka& o! territories, 2eris#ta s%eaks o! "#aik# 8a)id ;od#i as t#e !irst ruler o! (ultan
onverted to Car)at#ian !ait#,
8ai& says t#at (ultan was seized .y $.dulla#, t#e Car)at#ian, a.out 2G7 #i7ri (=00
$,4,), I.n-e-8aukal visited in D?7 #i7ri .ut does not )ention t#e Is)ailis and says t#at
t#e rulers o! (ultan and (ansura reo&nised t#e aut#ority o! Ba&#dad, $l (aAdasi
visited (ultan in D75 #i7ri and wrote t#at t#e %eo%le o! (ultan were "#ias, %resents were
sent to t#e 2ati)ids o! '&y%t and Is)ailis were lai)in& an inreasin& nu).er o!
onverts, $l Beruni writin& a.out t#e >2> #i7ri says Ft#e rise o! t#e Car)at#ians %reeded
our ti)e .y al)ost 100 years i,e,, in D2> #i7ri,F @#atever t#e !ortunes o! t#e rulers, t#ere
is so)e &round to .elieve t#at Is)aili !or) o! "#iais) ontinued to .e do)inant in "ind
and sout#ern 0un7a. !or a onsidera.le ti)e,
F0ro%a&anda under t#e 2ati)id 14awat1 in t#e su.ontinent is traed .ak to t#e ti)e o!
2ati)id Cali%# al (ustansir, Is)ailis #ad indeed .een sent to t#e su.ontinent at a )u#
earlier date, -#eir !ield o! la.our was in "ind, in a distrit o! (ultan, -#eir #ie! dai was
in orres%ondene wit# Cali%# (uizz (=5D) and t#e o))unity #ad not only inreased in
nu).ers, .ut it #ad attained %ower in (ultan durin& #is I)a)ate, -#e o))unity
reo&nised t#e 2ati)ids as I)a)s .ut t#e initiative in "ind )ay #ave .een taken .y t#e
Car)at#ians, ;ater #istory links (ultan and "ind wit# t#e 3izarian 4awatF2=
FIvanow t#e Is)aili %o%ulation in sout# $sia as t#e )ost anient and
interestin&, "ons o! (o#a))ad I.n Is)ail #ad sou&#t re!u&e in Eanda#ar, t#en a %art o!
"ind, "ind early .ea)e a dist, or <azira, o! t#e Is)aili 1dawat1, 4urin& t#e I)a)ats o! $l
(uizz (=5D) its #ie! dai was in diret o))uniation wit# t#e I)a),F D0
8owever, in s%ite o! %olitial #aos and reli&ious on!usion, "ind )ade &reat %ro&ress in
t#e literary and eono)i !ields durin& t#is %eriod, "ind#i s#olars and dotors )ade a
)ark not only in t#eir own ountry .ut in t#e entire (usli) world, (at#e)atiians and
%#iloso%#ers !ro) "ind visited Ba&#dad in lar&e nu).ers and )ade outstandin&
ontri.ution to t#e %ro)otion o! learnin& a)on& t#e $ra.s, "everal %#ysiians were
alled !ro) "ind !or t#e treat)ent o! Cali%#s a)on& w#o) were Ban&a and (anka w#o
treated 8aroon-ur-/as#id, -#e latter was a )e).er o! Bait-ul-8ik)at o! 8aroon-ur-
/as#id, $not#er "ind#i dotor w#o )ade a )ark in t#e (usli) world was a newly
onverted (usli), "ale# .in B#a#la (B#alla),
$)on& t#e nota.le "ind#i ule)a wereH (aulana Isla)i w#o #ailed !ro), ae%ted
Isla) durin& (o#a))ad Bin Easi)1s days and was sent .y #i) as envoy to /a7a 4a#ir
!or ne&otiations, $.u (aas#ar "ind#i was (usli) world1s noted s#olar o! 1seerat and
1!iA#1, 8e lived at (edina !or a nu).er o! years and later s#i!ted to Ba&#dad w#ere #e
died, 8e was so )u# res%eted t#at on #is deat# Cali%# (e#di led t#e !uneral %rayers,
8is son $.u $.dul (alik was also an e)inent s#olar and #ad settled down in Ba&#dad,
8a!iz $.u (o#a))ad *#ala! .in "aale) w#o was a _#adeesI s#olar #ad )i&rated !ro)
"ind to IraA w#ere #e attained !a)e, $.u 3asr 2ate# Bin $.dulla "ind#i was known !or
#is %ro!iieny in _#adees,I 1!iA#1 and Il)-e-*alaa),
8e wrote 1-a!seer1 in "ind#i and rendered Isla)i tea#in&s in su# .eauti!ul and !ore!ul
"ind#i verse t#at it &ained i))ense %o%ularity .ot# a)on& 8indus and (usli)s, $not#er
_aali)I Is#aAue "ind#i, was a)on& t#e )ost revered )u!tis o! t#e $..asid %eriod, I)a)
$uzai o! "ind was onsidered an aut#ority on reli&ion in t#e (usli) world, (o#a))ad
.in $li "#wari., t#e Eazi o! (ansura and #is son $li .in (o#a))ad .in $li "#wari.
were also renowned s#olars,
$)on& t#e "ind#is w#o earned e)inene in t#e (usli) world as $ra.i %oets durin&
t#is %eriod were $.ul $ta "ind#i, 8aroon .in $.dulla (ultani, $.u (o#a))ad (ansuri
w#o #ailed !ro) (ansura, (ansoor 8indi, (usa .in Laku., "aAa!i, $.u Mila "ind#i,
*as#a7a) .in "ind#i .in "#a#ak et, "ind#i .in "adAa was a 1*ati.1, a writer as well as a
%oet, "o)e o! t#e) wrote in "ind#i as well as in $ra.i, It is said t#at at t#e reAuest o! a
"ind#i /a7a, (a#rook, w#o e).raed Isla), t#e Euran was translated into "ind#i durin&
t#e rei&n o! $.dulla .in 5)ar 8i.ari, 4ue to t#e %atrona&e e6tended .y early $..asid
Cali%#s and t#eir Bara)aka 0ri)e (inisters, a nu).er o! "ind#i 0andits and Veds went
to Ba&#dad and en&a&ed t#e)selves in sienti!i and literary %ursuits, -#ey translated a
nu).er o! "anskrit .ooks on )at#e)atis, astrono)y, astrolo&y, )ediine, literature and
et#is into $ra.i, 0ro)inent a)on& t#e) were B#alla, (anka, Bazee&ar (Ba7aikar), 2ul (*ala% /ai *al), 4a#an, "ale# .in B#alla, Bak#ar, /a7a, (akka, 4a#er,
$nko, $rikal, $ndi, <a..#ar, et, "o)e o! t#ese 0andits tau&#t t#e $ra.s, nu)erals,D1
In a.out 7G0 $,4, - 15> $,8, w#en a de%utation o! "ind#i 0andits visited Ba&#dad, t#ey
arried wit# t#e) a "anskrit work known as 1"idd#anatI w#i#, a!ter translation in
$ra.i, .ea)e known as $I-"ind#-8ind,
"ind#i aountants were also %o%ular in t#e $ra. world, $ordin& to <a#ez (d, G7> $,4,
- 255 $,8,) all t#e 1"arra!s1 ()oney-#an&ers) in IraA were "ind#i treasurers, -#ey were
%ro!iient in aountin& and e6#an&e .usiness and were also #onest and loyal servants,
-#e $ra. rulers o! "ind-(ultan were e6tre)ely li.eral, s%oke "ind#i and treated t#eir
su.7ets well, -#ey never enroa#ed u%on t#e reli&ious li.erties o! t#e 8indus and
Budd#ists and a%%ointed t#e) to %ositions o! res%onsi.ility, (o#a))ad Bin Easi) #ad
a%%ointed "isakar, t#e 0ri)e (inister o! /a7a 4a#ir, #is own 0ri)e (inister, and *iska,
anot#er 8indu, #is /evenue (inister, -#e entire #istory o! "ind under t#e $ra.s is re%lete
wit# instanes o! 8indus #oldin& %ositions o! &reat res%onsi.ility and #onour, -#ree %er
ent o! t#e ountry1s revenues were &iven to Bra#)ins as sti%ends, @#en so)e o! t#e
distrit ad)inistrators in!or)ed t#e Bovern)ent t#at t#ey were e6%erienin& s#orta&e o!
ows and .ulls w#i# were needed !or a&riuiture and trans%ort, Bovern)ent %ro#i.ited
ow slau&#ter,
In t#e eono)i !ield also "ind )ade onsidera.le %ro&ress, $&riulture reeived &reat
i)%etus wit# !ood&rains .ein& e6%orted tot#e (iddle 'ast, $ nu).er o! new varieties o!
!ruits were ultivated a)on& w#i# t#e .ananas o! "ind were e6tre)ely %o%ular in t#e
nei&#.orin& ountries, Ca)%#or, neel, .anana, oonut, dates, su&arane, le)ons,
)an&oes, al)onds, nuts, w#eat and rie are )entioned .y al)ost all visitors as &rown in
%lenty in "ind, Bis#ari (aAdasi writes t#at t#ere were innu)era.le &ardens in "ind and
t#e trees were tall and lu6uriant, -#e w#ole ity o! (ansura was overed wit# al)ond
and nut trees,
-#e ities esta.lis#ed .y t#e $ra.s F!louris#ed as &reat entres o! trade and learnin&, $
.usy trade &rew u% and t#e )er#ants o! di!!erent nationalities arried Indian &oods
t#rou&# "ind to -urkistan and *#urasan i)%orted #orses into "ind,FD2, 3airun
*ot, "e#wan, *#uzdar, $ror, (ultan and (ansura were !louris#in& o))erial entres,
$ra.s #ad )ore trade wit# t#is ountry t#an wit# Bu7rat, ( and Ben&al, $ lar&e
%ro%ortion o! )er#andise was trans%orted !ro) t#e 0un7a. .y rivers, 700-G00 )aunds o!
&oods were sewn in 7ute lot#, %ut in leat#er .a&s oiled !ro) outside to %revent water
%enetratin& and %ut in t#e rivers, DD
F5n aount o! t#eir !avoura.le &eo&ra%#ial %osition t#e %orts o! "ind %layed a vital
role, even .e!ore t#e $ra. invasion, in t#e o))erial interourse .etween t#e ountries
to t#e west (Iran, "out# $ra.ia, 't#io%ia) and to t#e east o! t#e Indus delta, as well as in
t#e e6%ort o! o))odities )anu!atured in "ind itsel!, -#is role &ained )o)entu) a!ter
Isla) #ad rea#ed "ind, -#e aut#or o! 8udud al1$la) )entions t#at t#ere were %lenty o!
)er#ants in "ind, stressin& t#at )any a itizen o! t#e oastal areas were en&a&ed in sea
trade, -#e ities o! 4ai.ul and (ansura were )a7or trade entres o! ;ower "ind at t#e
turn o! t#e !irst and seond )illennia, In t#e !irst enturies o! t#e seond )illenniu),
-#atta a)e in t#e !ore as anot#er )a7or eono)i and %olitial entre o! t#e ountryH in
t#e o%inion o! so)e s#olars, t#e ity in its %ri)e #ad a %o%ulation o! 2G0,000,FD>
;eat#er and leat#er &oods industry also )ade &reat %ro&ress durin& t#is %eriod, -#e
oloured and so!t leat#er o! "ind was known all over t#e world )arkets as $l-"ind#i,
$ordin& to 1(uru7-uz-Ma#a.1, t#e s#oes o! (ansura were very %o%ular in Iran and t#e
$ra. world, I)a) relates t#at a lar&e nu).er o! s#oes were i)%orted !ro)
(ansura into Ba&#dad w#ere t#ey were in &reat de)and a)on& t#e royal !a)ily and t#e
&entry, But, #e re)arks, t#ey were very s#owy,
$ra.s also took keen interest in ani)al #us.andry, -#ey i)%roved several .reeds o!
a)els, #orses, ows, .ulls and .u!!aloes, "ind#i .u!!aloes were so %o%ular t#at $ra.s
used to arry t#e) to t#eir #o)e towns w#en returnin& !ro) "ind,
Buildin& o! ities and onstrution o! roads and #ouses was a #o..y wit# t#e $ra.s, -#ey
.uilt several new ities su# as (a#!ooza (in 7D2 $,4), (ansura (7D7 $,4,), Baiza (GD5
$,4,), <undrore near (ultan (in G5> $4) and several ot#ers, -#ey also i)%roved and
e6%anded t#e e6istin& ities .y onstrutin& satellite towns, $ .rid&e alled F"ukkar-al-
(aidF was .uilt over t#e Indus near "ukkur,
$ nu).er o! $ra. o! Eurais#, *al., -a)ee), "aAee!, 8arris, $el-e-:t.a, $al-e-
<aree)a and $sad, and several %ro)inent !a)ilies o! Le)en and 8e7az #ad settled in
"ind, (asudi (=15 $,4, - D02 $,8,) writes t#at #e )et )any desendants o! 8azrat $li in
(ansura w#o were in t#e line o! 5)ar .in $li and (o#a))ad Bin $li, 8e also )entions
t#at t#ere was !ertility and o%ulene #ere and %eo%le were #ealt#y, "o)e aut#orities #ave
e6%ressed t#e view t#at t#e wi!e o! 8azrat I)a) 8ussain, w#o ot#er o! 8azrat I)a)
Mainul $.din !ro) w#o) t#e line o! 8ussaini "yeds is traed, was not a 0erstan as is
&enerally .elieved, .ut a "ind#i lady o! no.le !a)ily,FD5
Bis#ari writes t#at t#e %eo%le o! (ultan were %ros%erous, t#ey did not drink wine and
t#eir wo)en did not use os)etis, Bot# $ra.i and "ind#i were s%oken, /e&ardin&
(ansura #e states t#at t#e %eo%le were very well-read, ourteous and reli&ious, -#e ity
#ad a lar&e nu).er o! s#olars and t#e &eneral standard o! )orals and intelli&ene was
#i&#, (ansura re)ained t#e a%ital o! "ind !ro) 7D7 $,4, - 120 $,8 to 102? $,4, - >1?
$,8, !or a.out D00 years till its onAuest .y (a#)ud B#aznavi, In late Drd entury 8i7ri
w#en (ultan .ea)e t#e a%ital o! t#e nort#ern kin&do), (ansura re)ained t#e a%ital
o! only t#e sout# i i,e,, )odern "ind, It survived till t#e -u&#laA %eriod in t#e 1>t#
entury $,4, w#en it disa%%eared due to #an&e in t#e ourse o! river Indus,
$s durin& t#e ti)e o! 4arius w#en "ind onstituted t#e 20t# "atra%y o! t#e $#ae)enian
')%ire and onsidered an e6tre)ely ri# %rovine, so also durin& t#e $ra. rule "ind was
re&arded a %ros%erous %art o! t#e Cali%#ate and %aid a )illion dir#a) %er annu) as
revenue to t#e Bovern)ent at Ba&#dad,
Be!ore t#e advent o! Isla), .ut a!ter t#e $ryan )i&rations, several invasions and )ass
)i&rations o! t#e Central $sian na)ed as t#e "akas, 0art#ians, *us#ans, 8uns and
Bu77ars took %lae in t#e 0un7a. (and ot#er %arts o! 0akistan), -#e last two i,e, t#e
8uns (@#ite 8unsX '%t#alites) and Bu77ars arrived in t#e 5t# entury $4 w#en 8induis)
#ad revived under t#e Bu%ta ')%ire .ut #ad not !ully sueeded in rus#in& t#e in!luene
o! Budd#is), $s t#e Bu%ta ')%ire olla%sed under t#e i)%at o! 8un invasions, it
aused dee% onsternation a)on& Bra#)ins in view o! t#eir !ailure to eli)inate
Budd#is) w#ile t#e Bu%ta %ower su%%ortin& t#e) in t#is task #ad disa%%eared,
-#ere!ore, t#ey .e&an to )ake overtures to t#e new arrivals w#o were valiant, vi&orous
and warlike, -#ey were o!!ered t#e rank o! *s#atryas in t#e 8indu !old, a %osition only
ne6t to t#at o! t#e Bra#)ins and on!ers t#e res%onsi.lity o! rulers#i%,
In t#e ourse o! ti)e t#e leadin& &rou%s o! 8uns were a.sor.ed in t#e 8indu !old as
*s#atryas w#ile <ats, w#o were t#e desendants o! t#e re)ainin& &rou%s o! 8uns,
ou%ied a lower strata o! soiety, But t#e %resent day <ats and /a7%uts also inlude t#e
desendants o! t#e %revious invaders,,,,, t#e "akas and t#e *us#ans and even o! earlier
raes, "akas, 0art#ians, *us#ans, @#ite 8uns, and Bu77ars were et#nially Iranian, In
!at, 8uns (@#ite 8unsX8e%t#alites) are also alled Iranian 8uns to di!!erentiate t#e)
!ro) t#e ot#er (on&oloid 8uns w#o invaded 'uro%e, -#e word Bu77ar is derived !ro)
*#azar and <at !ro) Batae w#o in#a.ited around t#e Cas%ian "ea and )i&rated towards
nort#west "out# $sia,
-odd assi&ns "yt#ian ori&in to t#e /a7%uts, "yt#ians a)e to .e known as "akas in
"out# $sia, and were a.sor.ed in t#e 8indu !old as *s#atriyas, "akas, Lavannas (Breo-
Batrians), 0allavas (0art#ians) ulti)ately .ea)e *s#atriyas, -#e 8uns are known to
#ave .een re&arded as one o! t#e D? lans o! /a7%uts, 8owever, e6e%t !or t#e 8uns, all
ot#ers #ad )ostly ado%ted Budd#is) )i6ed wit# t#eir reli&ions (like "aka sun-wors#i%),
$l)ost ?0T o! t#e %o%ulation o! t#e 0un7a. o)%rises o! /a7%uts and <ats and t#e
various .ran#es o! t#eir rae su# as $wans, *#ok#ars, B#akkars, *#attars, <an7uas,
$rains, Bu77ars, et, t#ou&# t#e $wans, *#ok#ars and *#attars lai) o))on anestry
!ro) Eut. "#a# w#o is said to #ave o)e !ro) B#azni wit# (a#)ud B#aznavi, s#olars
#old t#e view t#at t#ey were )ost onverted .y Eut. "#a# durin& (a#)ud
B#aznavi1s rei&n and were not #is desendents, -#is tendany o! lai)in& !orei&n ori&in
.y so)e o! t#e loal is not uno))on, 'ven ad)ittedly /a7%ut o! !a)ous
anestry su# as t#e *#ok#ar, #ave .e&un to !ollow t#e e6a)%le o! lai)in& onnetion
wit# t#e (u&#al onAuerors o! India or t#e Eures#i ousins o! t#e 0ro%#et,
$ .ran# o! t#e @attu /a7%uts o! t#e "utle7 .y an a!!etion o! %euliar santity, #ave in
t#e ourse o! a !ew &enerations .eo)e Bodeas and now deny t#eir /a7%ut and lai)
Eures#i ori&in, -#ere is a *#arral !a)ily lately settled in Ba#awal%ur w#o #ave .e&un to
a!!et %euliar #oliness and to )arry only wit# ea# ot#er and t#eir ne6t ste% will
ertainly .e to lai) $ra. desent,
8owever, a si&ni!iant nu).er o! 0un7a.i are indeed desended !ro) $!&#an,
-urki, $ra., (u&#al and Iranian (usli) invadersX)i&rants, 'ven t#ose w#o are o! loal
ori&ins .ut lai) !orei&n (usli) anestory, )i&#t #ave %artial anestory derived !ro)
t#e), But all in all, t#e !orei&n (usli) anestory ele)ent a)on& does not
e6eed )ore t#an 20T o! t#eir %o%ulation,
$ordin& to -#o)son, $wans are a <at rae and were onverted to Isla) .y (a#)ud
B#aznavi, In several distrits o! t#e 0un7a. t#ey are re&istered as <ats, (r, -#o)son in
#is <e#lu) "ettle)ent re%ort addues )any stron& reasons in su%%ort o! #is onlusion
t#at t#e $wans are a <at rae w#o a)e !ro) %asses west o! 4,I,*#an, Bri!!in also a&rees
to t#e loal (usli) ori&in o! $wans w#ile Cunnin&#a) #olds t#at <an7uas and $wans are
desended !ro) $nu and alls t#e) $nwan, $not#er s#olar @ilson is o! t#e view t#at
$wans are o! indi&enous 8induXBudd#istX0a&anX$ni)ist ori&in, In t#e &enealo&ial tree
o! t#e 3awa.s o! *ala.a&#, w#o are re&arded #eads o! t#e $wans, t#ere are !ound several
native na)es su# as /ai, 8arkaran, et,
$s re&ards Bu77ars, t#e well known s#olar Cunnin&#a) t#inks t#at t#ey are desended
!ro) "yt#ian ("aka) and Lue-C#i (*us#an) w#o invaded 0akistan in t#e !irst
entury BC and in t#e !irst entury $4 res%etively, 5t#er s#olars .elieve t#at t#ey are
desended !ro) a Central $sian -urki %eo%le alled *azars, "ine t#e tri.e )i&rated
!ro) Cas%ian "ea w#i# is alled Ba#r-e-*#izar it was na)ed *#izar, Buzar, Bur7ar,
Bur7ara or Bu77ar, -#e na)e 8azara was &iven to t#e distrit .y t#ese Buzara, -#e
na)e Bu77ar, aordin& to anot#er version, is derived !ro) t#e words 1Bau1 and 1C#ar1
)eanin& attle &razers,
-#ou&# $rains lai) Iranian desent, t#ey too are &enerally onsidered o! /a7%ut ori&in,
.ut /a7%uts #avin& "yt#ian-*us#an-8un ori&ins are indeed related to Iranians,
$ordin& to t#e 0un7a. Bazetteer, t#e $rains o! sa#iwal 4istrit t#e)selves %ointed out
t#at t#ey are "ura7.ansi /a7%uts ori&inally settled around 4el#i, $rains o! B#a&&ar Valley
say t#at t#ey were /a7%uts livin& on t#e 0an7nad near (ultan, (r, 0ursr writes t#at t#ey
are usually su%%osed to .e (usli) *a).o#s, t#e <ullander $rains t#e)selves say t#at
t#ey are desended !ro) /ai C#a77u o! :77ain, *a).o#s lai) desent !ro) /a7a *eran
w#o was related to #i),
"i)ilarly, /an&#ars and (eos are desri.ed to .e o! /a7%utX<at ori&in w#o were
onverted to Isla) durin& t#e ti)e o! Eut.uddin $i.ak, *a#utas are a )i6ed (u&#al and
/a7%ut tri.e, *#attars are related to $wans and <ats,
*#ok#ars are so)eti)es returned as <ats and so)eti)es as /a7%uts, Col, 4avis notes t#at
)any o! t#e soial usto)s o! t#e *#ok#ars o! "#a#%ur denote 8indu ori&in, 'astern
0un7a. *#ok#ars t#e)selves lai) <at-/a7%ut ori&in, 5nly so)e o! t#e @est 0un7a.
*#ok#ars lai) $ra. ori&in,
Ben, Cunnin&#a) identi!ies t#e B#akkars wit# Ban&aridae o! 4ionysius and #olds t#e)
to .e desendents o! Lueti or -ok#ari "yt#ians (sakas),
In 0akistan, /a7%ut and <at are so )i6ed u% t#at it is di!!iult to distin&uis# one
!ro) t#e ot#er at )any %laes and in several ases, "o)e o! t#e /a7%ut are o! <at ori&in and vie versa, In sout#west 0un7a. t#e na)e <at inludes a )ost
)isellaneous on&ries o! o! all sorts, Its si&ni!iane tends to .e ou%ationalH to
denote a .ody o! ultivators or a&riulturists, 'ven w#i# .ear well-known /a7%ut
na)es are o!ten lassi!ied as <ats in t#e 0un7a., $nyway, t#e ori&in o! .ot# is t#e sa)e as
stated earlier,
Ben, Cunnin&#a) and (a7, -odd a&ree in onsiderin& t#e <ats o! Indo-"yt#ian stok,
(a7, -odd lassi!ies <ats as one o! t#e &reat /a7%ut, -#ey .elon& to one and
t#esa)e stok,,,, t#ey #ave .een, !or )any enturies, so .lended and so inter)in&led into
one %eo%le t#at it is %ratially i)%ossi.le to distin&uis# t#e) as se%arate w#oles, $t
%resent distintion is soial rat#er et#ni, -#e sa)e tri.e /a7%ut in one distrit and <at in
anot#er aordin& to t#e %osition in loal,,, 4urin& ensus )any o! t#e <ats entered,
as t#ird #eadin&, t#e na)e o! t#e /a7%ut tri.e !ro) w#i# t#ey lai) to #ave s%run&,
-#e <ats in anient ti)es in#a.ited t#e w#ole valley o! t#e Indus down to "ind,,,, -#ey
now !or) a )ost nu)erous as well as t#e )ost i)%ortant setion o! t#e a&riultural
%o%ulation o! 0un7a.,
Beyond t#e 0un7a., <ats are #ie!ly !ound in "ind w#ere t#ey !or) )ass o! t#e
-#e )ain ((usli)) /a7%ut o! t#e 0un7a. areH B#atti, 0unwar, C#au#an, (in#as,
-iwana, 3oon, C#i., B#e.a, <od#ra, <an7ua, "ial and @attu et, @#ile t#e i)%ortant
((usli)) <at areH Ba7wa, C#atta, C#ee)a, /and#awa, B#a))on, Buta, *a#lon,
Bil, "e#ota, -aror, @arai#, "u))a, @a#la, B#utta, (al#i, "uk#era, $l%ials, 4a#as,
;an&a#, /an&#ar, (eo, $wan, *#ok#ar, B#akkar, et, But so)e o! t#ese /a7%ut are
lassi!ied are <ats and vie versa,
0un7a. #as #ad its %eriods o! %ros%erity and %overty in a re&ular yle, Be!ore t#e arrival
o! (usli)s, 0un7a. alon& wit# t#e ot#er re&ionsX%rovines o! %resent day 0akistan was
leadin& a se%arate e6istane !ro) t#at o! India, and kin&do)s .ased in its territories or in
t#e 3@20 o!ten ruled over )ost o! nort#ern India, *us#an, "aka, Batrian and 8un
*in&do)s wit# t#eir a%itals at 0es#awar, -a6ila and "ialkot res%etively, ruled over
lar&e %arts o! nort#ern India !or enturies,
as&tuns and t&ei! O!i.ins
Between "out# $sia, Central $sia and t#e Iranian %lateau o! "i7istan lies a trian&ular
s#a%ed territory studded .y .are and .arren )ountains overin& an area o! a%%ro6i)ately
250,000 sA, )iles, "tartin& !ro) 4ir in t#e nort#, t#is trian&le runs alon& t#e Indus, takes
a westward turn a !ew )iles sout# o! 4era Is)ail *#an, and e).rain& wit#in its !old
;oralai, "#ari&#, 4e&ari, 8arnai, Euetta, 0is#in, C#a)an and Eanda#ar e6tends u% to
8erat, 2ro) #ere it urves nort#-east and !ollowin& t#e !oot#ills o! 8indu *us# o)es
.ak to 4ir, -#is re&ion inludes t#e )a7or %ortion o! 3@20, a %art o! Euetta 4ivision o!
Balu#istan and t#ree-!ourt#s o! $!&#anistan, In t#is trian&ular-s#a%ed, #illy ountry
divided .etween $!&#anistan and 0akistan lives t#e world1s lar&est &rou% o!
nu).erin& over D0 )illion variously alled $!&#ans, 0at#ans, 0as#tuns or 0ak#tuns,
$ny atte)%t to delve dee% into t#e #istory o! t#ese interestin& %eo%Ie and !ind out t#eir
ori&in would %rove .a!!lin&, But stran&ely indeed t#eir #istory #as attrated t#e attention
o! an unusually lar&e nu).er o! s#olars, In t#e )odern %eriod )ore and )ore western
#istorians and resear#ers are takin& keen interest in t#e %ast o! t#is re&ion and its %eo%le,
But t#e lar&er literature on t#e su.7et, t#e &reater t#e di!!erene o! o%inion and dee%er
t#e on!usion,
-#e di!!iulty arises .eause o! t#e !at t#at t#e area is in#a.ited .y a lar&e nu).er o! ea# o! w#i# )akes di!!erent lai)s a.out its ori&in, -#e on!usion .eo)es
worse on!ounded w#en it is !ound t#at t#ese lai)s do not on!or) to #istorial
evidene and do not a&ree wit# t#e onlusions arrived at .y t#e resear#ers, In view o!
t#is %euliar situation, it is %ro%osed to &ive only t#e onsensus o! o%inion and to
si)%ili!y )atters as !ar as %ossi.le, (any 0at#ans )ay not a&ree wit# w#at #as .een
stated #ereR .ut un!ortunately t#e nature o! t#e su.7et is su# t#at an a&ree)ent even on
.road outlines see)s di!!iult,
;et us !irst disuss t#e ori&in o! t#e na)es 0at#an and $!&#an, -#e ter) 0ak#tun or
0as#tun, aordin& to /averty, is derived !ro) t#e 0ersian word 10us#t1 )eanin& 1.ak1,
"ine t#e lived on t#e .ak o! t#e )ountains, 0ersians alled t#e) 0as#tun w#i# is
also %ronouned 0ak#tun, "o)e s#olars t#ink t#at t#e word 0as#tun or 0ak#tun o)es
!ro) t#e old Iranian words %arsava %arsa )eanin& ro.ust )en, kni&#ts, In Indian
Ian&ua&es it was s%elt as 0ak#tana or 0at#an, 8erodotus and several ot#er Breek and
/o)an #istorians #ave )entioned a %eo%le alled 10aktye1 livin& on t#e eastern !rontier o!
Iran, By t#e word 0aktye t#ey )eant t#e %eo%le o! t#e !rontier, ($ordin& to t#e
'nylo%aedia o! Isla) t#e word 0at#an is !ro) t#e "anskrit word 0ratist#ana), (usli)
#istorians !ro) $l-Biruni onward alled t#e) $!&#ans, never usin& t#e word 0at#an
w#i# e6%ression was e6tensively e)%loyed .y t#e 8indus, F3o $!&#an or s%eaker o!
0as#tu ever re!erred to #i)sel! as a 0at#an and t#e word is an Indian usa&e,F (-#e
0at#ans, .y "ir 5la! Caroe)
FIt is si&ni!iant t#at neit#er I.n Batuta nor )ention t#e word 10at#an1, &ives
t#e na)es o! )any east $!&#anistan, .ut now#ere does #e )ention 0at#ans,
0ak#tuns or 0as#tuns, 8e alls t#e %eo%le $!&#ans and t#eir lan&ua&e, $!&#ani,F ($!&#an
I))i&ration in t#e early (iddle $&es, .y *," ;al)
$s !or t#e word $!&#an, it a%%ears in t#e insri%tions o! "#a#%ur I at 3aks#-e-/usta)
w#i# )entions a ertain Boundi!er $.&an /is)aund, $ordin& to "%ren&ler, a si)ilar
na)e 1$%akan1 ours as t#e desi&nation o! t#e later "assanian ')%eror "#a#%ur III, F-#e
word $!&#an, t#ou&# o! unknown ori&in, !irst a%%ears in #istory in t#e 8udud-al-$la), a
work .y an unknown $ra. &eo&ra%#er w#o wrote in =G2 $,4,F ($!&#anistan, .y @,*
2razier -ytler), But aordin& to t#e 'nylo%aedia o! Isla)H Ft#e !irst )ention o! t#e
$!&#ans in written #istory is in t#e C#ronile o! al-:t.i in -arik#-e-La)ini and an al)ost
onte)%orary )ention .y $l-Biruni, :t.i reords t#at "a.ukta&in enrolled $!&#ans in #is
ar)y,F $not#er version states t#at t#e earliest reorded use o! t#e na)e $!&#an is .y t#e
Indian astrono)er, Vara#a-(i#ira o! t#e ?t# entury $,4, in t#e !or) $va&ana,
('nylo%aedia o! Britannia),
F1-#e su%%osition t#at t#e 0at#ans are any di!!erent !ro) t#e $!&#ans is not .orne out
eit#er .y t#e le&endary aounts assoiated wit# t#e ori&in o! t#is %eo%le or .y #istorial
or et#nolo&ial data,F ($!&#an I))i&ration in t#e 'arly (iddle $&es, .y *," ;al), Bot#
Bellew and ;on&wort# 4a)es onsider t#e two ter)s as a%%ellation o! a o))on
%eo%le, -#ere is no raial di!!erene .etween t#e two, -#e two words are synony)ous
re!errin& to one and t#e sa)e %eo%le t#ou&# a !ew writers try to )ake a distintion
.etween $!&#ans and 0at#ans w#i# is e%#e)eral,
2or instane, so)e aut#ors )aintain t#at only t#ose livin& in sout#ern $!&#anistan,
%artiularly .etween 8erat and Eand#ar and w#o s%eak 0ersian s#ould .e alled $!&#ans
w#ile ot#ers livin& in t#e rest o! $!&#anistan, 3@20 and Balu#istan s%eakin& 0as#tu
lan&ua&e s#ould .e alled 0at#ans, @#at t#ey )ean is t#at t#ose w#o s%eak 0as#tu are
0at#ans and t#ose o! t#e) w#o s%eak 0ersian are $!&#ans, "ir 5la! Caroe )akes a
distintion .etween t#e $!&#ans and t#e 0at#ans on t#e .asis o! t#e #ills)en and
%lains)en, 8e t#inks t#at t#ose livin& in t#e !ertile %lains o! Eand#ar, 8erat, *a.ul and
0es#awar s#ould .e alled $!&#ans and t#ose livin& in t#e #ills, 0at#ans, ;t, Ben, Beor&e
((unn divides $!&#ans into t#ree &rou%sH $.dalis, B#ilzais and 0at#ans ($!&#anistan
!ro) 4arius to $)anulla#, .y ;t, Ben, 4ir Beor&e ((unn), But, as already stated,
su# distintions are on!usin& and will lead now#ere, $ll s#ould .e alled eit#er
$!&#ans, 0as#tuns, 0ak#tuns or 0at#ans,
-#ere #as, #owever, .een no dis%ute over t#e na)e o! t#e lan&ua&e t#ey s%eak, It is
alled .y one na)e only i,e,, 0as#tu, But its ori&in, a&ain is dis%uted, (ost o! t#e aut#ors
are a&reed t#at Fit is .ot# in ori&in and struture an 'astern Iranian lan&ua&e w#i# #as
.orrowed !reely !ro) t#e Indo-$ryan &rou%,F (-#e 0at#ans, .y "ir 5la! Caroe), But one
o! t#e &reatest aut#orities on t#e 0at#ans, (or&enstierne, on t#e ot#er #and, !eels t#at it is a "aka dialet !ro) t#e nort#, -#e &eneral o%inion, #owever, is t#at 0as#tu is a
.ran# o! t#e ori&inal Iranian lan&ua&e alled 0a#lawi,
-#e trian&le .etween t#e Indus, 8indu *us# and t#e "i7istan %lateau o! Iran is %o%ulated
.y an assorted &rou% o! so)e o! t#e) livin& in %lains and valleys and ot#ers in
)ountains inters%ersed over t#e entire len&t# and .readt# o! t#is trian&le, $s already
stated t#is is t#e lar&est on&lo)eration o! %eo%le in t#e world,
@e s#all .e&in wit# t#e aounts o! t#eir ori&in as &iven .y later (usli) #istorians,
$ordin& to 3ia)atulla1s (ak#zan-i-$!&#ani and 8a)dulla (ustau!i1s -arik#-i-BuzidaH
one o! 0ro%#et I.ra#i)1s desendents, -alut (or "aul) #ad two sons, one o! w#o) was
na)ed Ir)iya or <ere)ia, Ir)iya #ad a son na)ed $!&#an, w#o is su%%osed to #ave
&iven t#e na)e to t#e $!&#an %eo%le, -areek#-e-"#er "#a#i states t#at Bak#t 3asr w#o
invaded <erusale) and destroyed it, e6%elled <ewis#, inludin& sons o! $!&#an,
!ro) t#eir #o)eland, 4urin& t#e days o! t#e Ba.ylonian a%tivity w#en t#e <ews were
sattered, one o! t#e settled in t#e 8ari /ud area o! )odern (sout#) $!&#anistan,
0at#an le&end states t#at t#ey ae%ted Isla) durin& t#e ti)e o! t#e 0ro%#et w#en a
&rou% o! t#eir kins)en (<ews) livin& in $ra.ia sent word to t#e) t#at t#e true 0ro%#et o!
Bod as %ro%#esied in t#eir sri%tures #ad a%%eared in (ea, -#e $!&#ans, t#e story
&oes, sent a dele&ation to $ra.ia #eaded .y one I)raul Eais w#o )et t#e 0ro%#et,
e).raed Isla), a)e .ak and onverted t#e entire tri.e to t#e new reli&ion, -#e
0ro%#et was so %leased wit# Eais t#at #e &ave #i) t#e na)e o! $.dur /as#id, alled #i)
(alik (kin&) and 0e#tan (keel or rudder o! a s#i%) !or s#owin& #is %eo%le t#e %at# o!
-#e story %roeedsH Eais $lias $.dur /as#id $lias 0e#tan #ad t#ree sons na)ed ",
Batan and B#ur&#ust, (ost o! t#e %resent-day 0at#an lai) desent !ro) t#ese
t#ree %ersons, Batan #ad a dau&#ter na)ed Bi.i (atto, "#e !ell in love wit# 8ussain
"#a#, a %rine o! -urkis# ori&in, and t#eir inti)ay rea#ed a sta&e w#ere #er %re&nany
ould not .e onealed, (arria&e was t#e only ourse o%en, .ut t#e o!!s%rin&, a .oy, was
&iven t#e na)e o! B#ilzai, )eanin& in t#e $!&#an lan&ua&e a son 1.orn o! t#e!t1, Bi.i
(atto1s ne6t son was I.ra#i) w#o, .eause o! #is intelli&ene and wisdo), was
addressed .y Eais as ;oi-dey (;odi) i, e,, I.ra#i) is &reat, -wo o! ;oi-dey1s &randsons
were 0ranki and Is)ail, Ba#Iul ;od#i, t#e !ounder o! t#e $!&#an e)%ire o! 4el#i, was
ei&#t &enerations !ro) 0ranki and was a )e).er o! t#e "a#uk#el tri.e o! ;od#is, -#e
"uris and 3u#anis are desended !ro) Is)ail1s two sons "ur and 3u#, -#us t#e B#ilzais
(*#il7is), ;od#is, "uris, 3u#anis, and t#eir .ran#es, t#e "arwanis and 3iazis are
o))on desendants o! Bi.i (atto !ro) #er -urkis# #us.and 8ussain "#a#,
-#e )a7or o! $!&#ans na)ed a.ove, it )ust #ave .een noted, s#ould .e o! -urkis#
ori&in as t#ey are desended !ro) t#e -urkis# %rine 8ussain "#a# w#o )arried t#e
$!&#an &irl (atto, dau&#ter o! Batan and &rand-dau&#ter o! Eais $.dur /as#id, -#us,
aordin& to t#eir own aounts t#ere would .e two &rou%s o! $!&#ans, one o! <ewis#
("e)iti) ori&in and t#e ot#er o! -urkis# ori&in,
-#ere is a t#ird &rou% o! $!&#ans alled 8azaras livin& in t#e 8azara7at areas o!
$!&#anistan, -#ey are said to .e desended !ro) t#e re)nants o! t#e (on&ol ar)ies
w#i# #ad o)e alon& wit# C#an&ez *#an or durin& later (on&ol inroads, -#e ori&in o!
t#e 8azara $!&#ans, as su#, is (on&ol,
/e&ardin& t#e lar&e nu).er o! livin& on .ot# sides o! 0ak-$!&#an .order su# as
"#inwaris, (o#)ands, (a#suds, *#attaks, $!ridis, 5rakzais, $#akzais, Bannu#is,
@aziris, Ban&as#, Lusu!zais, et,, so)e trae t#eir ori&in to $ryans, ot#ers to Breeks w#o
#ad o)e wit# $le6ander, so)e to t#e <ews and still ot#ers to t#e Cauasians, F-#e
*alnari o! todayH t#e @aziris, Bannu#is, *#attaks, Ban&as#, 5rakzais, $!ridis and
t#e rest are s%run& !ro) an indi&enous stok not 0us#tu-s%eakin& and .ea)e !used wit#
or overlaid .y 0us#tu and 0us#tu-s%eakin& %eo%les learnin& in t#e %roess t#e lan&ua&e
o! t#e do)inant rae, -#e *alnaris are not $!&#ans in t#e true line and )ay .e )u#
older esta.lis#ed,F (-#e 0at#ans, .y "ir 5la! Caroe)
F-#e ori&inal $!&#ans are a rae o! <ewis# or $ra. e6trationR and t#ey to&et#er
wit# a tri.e o! Indian ori&in wit# w#i# t#ey #ave lon& .een .lended still distin&uis#
t#e)selves as t#e true $!&#ans, or sine t#e rise o! $#)ad "#a# 4urrani as 4urranis, and
lass all non-4urrani 0us#to s%eakers as 5%ra, But t#ey #ave lately &iven t#eir na)e to
$!&#anistan, t#e ountry !or)erly known as *#orasan,
F$ll in#a.itants o! $!&#anistan are now in o)on %arlane known as $!&#ans, t#e raes
t#us inluded .ein& t#e $!&#an %ro%er, t#e 0at#an %ro%er, t#e Bilzai, t#e -a7ik and t#e
8azara, .esides o! less i)%ortane livin& in t#e on!ines o! t#e ountryF, (-#e
0un7a. Castes, .y 4enzil I..etson)
5! late, s#olars in $!&#anistan are seriously a.sor.ed in resear# to %rove t#at $!&#ans
are neit#er o! <ewis#, nor -urkis# nor (on&ol nor Breek ori&in .ut o! %ure $ryan stok,
-#ey are takin& %ains to de)onstrate ori&inal #o)e o! $ryans was $!&#anistan .y
%ointin& out t#e si)ilarity in t#e na)es o! several %laes in t#eir ountry wit# t#ose
)entioned in t#e /i& Veda,
-#us, t#e di!!erent o! $!&#ansX0at#ans #ave di!!erent lai)s, raially as diver&ent
as t#e "e)itis and t#e $ryans, Breeks and t#e -urks, (on&ols and t#e Cauasians,
8owever, leavin& aside t#e lai)s, t#ere is anot#er as%et o! t#is issue w#i# #as &reat
su.stane, wei&#t and resear# .e#ind it, -#is as%et is t#e onlusions arrived at
reently .y t#e @estern s#olars a!ter a are!ul study o! t#e #istorial and ultural
develo%)ents o! t#e re&ion and its %eo%le, Based on t#e intor)ation o.tained !ro) latest
e6avations and t#e data olleted in a s%ei!i )anner, )odern s#olars #ave e6%ressed
ertain views on t#e ori&in o! t#e $!&#ansX0at#ans w#i# annot .e .rus#ed aside li&#tly
or treated !li%%antly, -#ey aver t#at t#e ori&in o! t#e $!&#anX0at#an is so)et#in&
di!!erent, ;et us .rie!ly study t#eir views,
-#ey are o! t#e view t#at t#ere )i&#t #ave .een so)e settle)ents o! t#e <ews in t#e area
in G00 B,C, or soR si)ilarly, so)e re)nants o! t#e $ryans )i&#t #ave .een le!t in t#e
inaessi.le )ountains in days o! yoreR and t#at t#ere did e6ist so)e Breek and Iranian
olonies #ere and t#ere, But !ro) 1st entury B,C, to 5t# entury $,4,, durin& a s%an o!
?00 years, t#is area witnessed t#ree i))i&rations !ro) Central $sia o! su# &i&anti
)a&nitude --- t#ose o! t#e "akas, *us#ans, 8uns and Bu77ars --- t#at everyt#in& was
swe%t .e!ore t#e), overw#el)ed .y t#e) and su.)er&ed in t#e), In s#ort, #ardly any
%revious &rou% w#et#er $ryan, <ewis#, Breek or Iranian ould retain its identity,
@estern s#olars, t#ere!ore, )aintain t#at an overw#el)in& )a7ority o! t#e
$!&#anX0at#an are %ositively desended !ro) t#e "akas, *us#ans, 8uns and
Bu77ars, "o)e o! t#e s#olars %oint out t#e %ossi.ility o! t#e word $.dali .ein& anot#er
!or) o! '%t#alite .y w#i# na)e t#e @#ite 8uns (t#e anestors o! /a7%uts) were known,
Brierson !inds a !or) o! 0ait#an in use in t#e 'ast Ban&eti Valley to denote a (usli)
/a7%ut, Bellew, one o! t#e &reatest aut#orities on 0at#ans, notes t#at several
#arateristis are o))on to .ot# t#e /a7%uts and $!&#ans and su&&ests t#at ",
one o! t#e anestors o! t#e $!&#ans, was a orru%tion o! t#e word "urya.ans (solar rae)
!ro) w#i# )any /a7%uts lai) desent (BellewH /aes o! $!&#anistan),
-#e &reat (usli) #istorian (asudi writes t#at Eanda#ar was a se%arate kin&do) wit# a
non-(usli) ruler and states t#at 1it is a ountry o! /a7%uts1, It would .e %ertinent to
)ention #ere t#at at t#e ti)e o! (asudi )ost o! t#e $!&#ans were onentrated in
Eanda#ar and ad7aent areas and #ad not e6%anded to t#e nort#, -#ere!ore, it is #i&#ly
si&ni!iant t#at (asudi s#ould all Eanda#ar a /a7%ut ountry,
"ine t#e )odern state o! $!&#anistan and t#e 3,@,2,0, %rovine o! 0akistan were t#e
)ain re&ions t#rou&# w#i# Central $sian %assed and in w#i# t#ey settled down,
it is i)%ossi.le t#at t#ese areas s#ould #ave re)ained unolonised and t#e .lood o! t#eir
in#a.itants unsullied, -#ere!ore, it an .e sa!ely onluded t#at t#e %resent day
$!&#ansX0at#ans are )ostly, notwit#standin& t#eir lai)s, t#e desendants o! Central
$sian o! "akas, *us#ans, 8uns and Bu77ars, It need #ardly .e %ointed out t#at !ro)
t#e) are also desended t#e )a7or o! t#e *as#)ir, 0un7a., "ind and Balu#istan,
<ust as t#e %resent-day Breeks are "lavs and not o! t#e sa)e rae as $le6ander and
$ristotle, so also is t#e ase wit# t#e %resent day $!&#ans and 0at#ans, $ordin& to t#e
'nylo%aedia o! Isla), t#e t#eory o! t#e <ewis# desent o! $!&#ans is o! later ori&in and
)ay .e traed .ak to (a&#zan-e-$!&#ani o)%iled !or *#an-e-<e#an ;od#i in t#e rei&n
o! (u&#al ')%eror <e#an&ir and does not see) to #ave .een reorded .e!ore t#e end o!
t#e 1?t# entury $,4, 0rior to t#is %eriod no ot#er .ook )entions t#at $!&#ans are
desended !ro) <ewis#, -#e <ewis# .ooks also dont )ention anyw#ere t#at "aul1s
son <ere)ia #ad a son na)ed $!&#an !ro) w#o) $!&#ans lai) desent,
"i)ilarly, t#e story o! Eais $.dur /as#id #avin& &one !ro) $!&#anistan to $ra.ia to
)eet t#e 0ro%#et and a!ter returnin& to #is ountry #avin& onverted t#e $!&#ans to Isla)
also does not stand t#e srutiny o! #istory, (usli) #istorians I.n 8aukal, :t.i and
$l.eruni are unani)ous in t#e view t#at u%till t#e ti)e o! (a#)ud B#aznavi i,e, al)ost
!our #undred years a!ter t#e deat# o! t#e 0ro%#et, )ost o! t#e $!&#ans were still non-
(usli)s, (a#)ud B#aznavi 1#ad to !i&#t a&ainst t#e in!idel $!&#ans in t#e "ulai)an
)ountains,1 'ven 200 years later in t#e enounter .etween (o#a))ad B#ori and
0rit#vira7 in 11=2 $,4,, aordin& to 2aris#ta,
8induXBudd#istX$ni)istX0a&anX"#a)anistXMoroastrian $!&#ans were !i&#tin& on t#e side
o! t#e /a7%ut C#ie!, -#e !at t#at t#e $!&#ans s#ould #ave 7oined t#e /a7%ut on!ederay
o! 0rit#vira7 )ay also indiate so)e sort o! kins#i% .etween t#e),
5n t#is su.7et t#e views o! t#e /ussian s#olar Lu V, Bankovsky are also interestin&, 8e
saysH F(y o%inion is t#at t#e !or)ation o! t#e union o! lar&ely 'ast-Iranian w#i#
.ea)e t#e initial et#ni stratu) o! t#e 0as#tun et#no&enesis dates !ro) t#e )iddle o! t#e
!irst )illenniu) $4 and is onneted wit# t#e dissolution o! t#e '%t#alite (@#ite 8uns)
on!ederay, In t#e areas nort# o! t#e 8indu *us# so)e o! t#e o! t#is on!ederay
%artii%ated in t#e !or)ation o! t#e nationalities w#o (iddle $sia today, and,
a)on& ot#er, in t#e !or)ation o! t#e -urk)en and :z.ek nationalities, -#is is
attested, a)on& ot#er t#in&s, in t#e reords o! &enoni)y w#i# indiate t#at a)on& t#e
-urk)en and :z.eks (as well as a)on& t#e ;okai) t#ere ours t#e et#nony) $.dal
desendin& !ro) t#e na)e o! an '%t#alite union ($.dals, $.del), "out# o! t#e
8indu *us#, anot#er %art o! t#e '%t#alite lost t#eir %rivile&ed status as t#e )ilitary
stron&#old o! t#e rulin& dynasty and was ousted into t#e t#inly %eo%led areas o! t#e
"ulai)an )ountains, areas w#ere t#ere were not enou&# water su%%lies and &razin&
&rounds, -#ere t#ey .ea)e a union w#i# !or)ed t#e .asis o! t#e 0as#tun
F5! t#e ontri.ution o! t#e '%t#alites (@#ite 8uns) to t#e et#no&enesis o! t#e 0as#tuns
we !ind evidene in t#e et#nony) o! t#e lar&est o! t#e 0as#tun tri.e unions, t#e $.dali
(4urrani a!ter 17>7) assoiated wit# t#e et#ni na)e o! t#e '%t#alites -- $.dal, -#e "ia#-
%os#, t#e *a!irs o! t#e 8indu *us#, alled all 0as#tuns .y a &eneral na)e o! $.dal still at
sin& o! t#e 1=t# entury,
FIt is not i)%ossi.le t#at ertain *us#an--ok#arian ele)ents also took t#e !or)ation o!
t#e 0as#tun et#ni o))unity, In t#is onnetion it is wort#w#ile to note t#e !at ited .y
B, (or&enstierneH a)on& t#e 5r)uri t#e 0as#tuns are known under t#e et#ni na)es
1kas1 i,e,, *us#an, $ nu).er o! 0ak#tun .elon& to t#e 5r)uri &rou%, -#ey are
$!ridis, 5rakzais, *#attaks, *#u&iani, et,F
-#is treatise o! 0ro!, Bankovsky !ore!ully %uts !orward t#e view t#at $!&#ans-0ak#tuns
are t#e desendants o! '%t#alite (@#ite 8uns) and *us#ans,
a$istan and 9an.lades&
In t#e onte6t o! Isla)1s 7ourney in t#e su.-ontinent a !ew words a.out
t#e o))on !ators .etween 0akistan and Ban&lades# would not .e out o!
%lae #ere, @e annot overlook t#e !at t#at it were t#e %eo%le o!
0akistan and Ban&lades# t#at welo)ed t#e %rea#ers o! Isla) and
e).raed its tea#in&s s%ontaneously and earnestly in overw#el)in&
nu).ers, w#ile its suess in ot#er %arts o! t#e su.-ontinent was
-#e sa)e %#eno)ena was witnessed earlier w#en Budd#is), w#i# #ad
e).raed a )a7or %ortion o! t#e su.-ontinent was su%%ressed and driven
out .y resur&ent 8induis) under t#e Bu%tas, But lar&e nu).er o! %eo%le
in 0akistan and Ban&lades# re)ained !ir) ad#erents o! Budd#is) w#i#,
al)ost e6tint in ot#er %arts o! India, ontinued to %ersist and %revail
in t#e two win&s till t#e arrival o! Isla), (ilitant 8induis) sueeded
in reonAuerin& t#e rest o! India in t#e >t# entury $4 durin& t#e Bu%ta
%eriod .ut it ould not re- esta.lis# itsel! !ir)ly and re&ain its #old
to t#e sa)e e6tent in 0akistan and Ban&lades# w#i# ontinued to re)ain
lar&ely Budd#ist, F@#ile Budd#is) in t#e rest o! "out# $sia delined
.e!ore t#e re7uvenation o! 8induis),,,,,,,it re)ained stron& in Ben&al
until t#e 12t# entury $4,F (0akistan---Birt# and Browt# o! a 3ation, .y
/i#ard @eeks),
$ordin& to 8uen -san& w#o visited t#is su.-ontinent in t#e )iddle o!
t#e 7t# entury $4, Budd#is) o! t#e (a#ayana reed was still do)inant in
t#e westernX3@ re&ion i,e,, 0akistan, C#a# 3a)a also )entions t#at
Budd#ists were in lar&e nu).ers in 0akistan at t#e ti)e o! (usli) advent
in "ind# in t#e Gt# entury $4 and were #ostile towards t#eir Bra#)in
@#et#er it was a reli&ious issue, su# as t#e s%read o! Budd#is) or
Isla), .ot# 0akistan and Ban&lades# ae%ted t#e) si)ultaneously
s#eddin& 8indu yoke at t#e earliest o%%ortunity, $&ain, w#et#er it was a
%olitial issue, .ot# t#e ountries asserted t#eir !reedo) a&ain and
a&ain and )ostly re)ained inde%endent o! Central Indian Bovern)ent,
-#e %eo%le o! 0akistan and Ban&lades# #ave availed o! every o%%ortunity
to work unitedly a&ainst 8indu i)%erialis) and, w#at is )ost
si&ni!iant, 8indu reli&ion was never a.le to take dee% roots in t#eir
soil, -#is view is !ore!ully %roved .y t#e !at t#at no sin&le sared
ity or #oly te)%le o! any i)%ortane !or 8indus e6ists in t#e lands
t#at onstitute 0akistan and Ban&lades#, 5! t#e seven sared 8indu
ities o! 1,Banaras, 2,8ardwar, D,$yod#ya, >,:77ain, 5,4warka,
?,Con7eevara), and 7,(at#ura none is eit#er in 0akistan or Ban&lades#,
-#e entire 8indu reli&ious literature insists on .randin& t#e two win&s
o! t#is su.-ontinent now known as 0akistan and Ban&lades# as i)%ure
lands in#a.ited .y 1rak#as#as1 i,e,, devils, 0akistan and Ban&lades#
were never re&arded as %art o! t#e 1#oly1 land o! B#aratvarta,
T&ese develo1"ents and as1e2ts s1ea$ elo<uently o# t&e unde!lyin.
&isto!i2al !eality-
-#at 0akistan and Ban&lades# #ave a o))on ene)yR t#at t#ey survive or
%eris# to&et#erR t#at t#e #earts o! 0akistanis and Ban&lades#is .eat in unison and t#eir !eelin&s !low in a r#yt#)R t#at
t#eir t#inkin& #as .een #ar)onious, t#eir outlook o)%ati.le, t#eir
res%onse to #an&es uni!or), t#eir a%%roa# to %ro.le)s si)ilar, -#ey
ae%ted Budd#is) in overw#el)in& nu).ers and ad#ered to it to t#e last
w#en t#e rest o! India #ad e6ter)inated t#at reli&ionR t#ey ae%ted
Isla) and #ave ad#ered to it w#en t#e rest o! t#e su.- ontinent #as
re)ained lar&ely 8indu, -#is %#eno)ena o! si)ilarity o! stane .etween
0akistan and Ban&lades# #as %ersisted all t#rou&# #istory, .ut divided
.y a t#ousand )iles o! 8indu territory and Bra#)in intri&ues t#ey ould
not unite,
4ue to t#is un!ortunate as%et t#e 20t# entury e6%eri)ent o! a sin&le
state o! 0akistan e).rain& .ot# t#e win&s ould not last even a Auarter
o! a entury, 0olitially, 0akistan and Ban&lades# )ay #ave !allen a%art
!or t#e ti)e .ein& .ut in due ourse t#ey are .ound to ado%t a o))on
%osture a&ainst Indian e6%ansionist e!!orts,
-#e #istory o! t#is su.-ontinent is a #istory o! %er%etual stru&&le o!
t#e %eri%#eral areas o! t#e Indus Valley (0akistan) and 0ad)a-(e&#na
4elta (Ban&lades#) a&ainst t#e Ban&eti Valley &overn)ents,
(on.ol invasions o# t&e unGa8
@it# t#e esta.lis#)ent o! (usli) "ultanate in 4el#i in 120? $4 a new %ower #ad
s%run& u% .eyond Central $sia, C#an&ez *#an #ad .een rowned #ead o! t#e united
(on&ol t#e sa)e year, $ !ew years later .e&an t#e )is!ortunes o! t#e (usli)
world w#i# #ad a %ro!ound e!!et on every !aet o! (usli) li!e in t#e su.ontinent,
%artiularly t#e 0un7a., 8avin& s)as#ed t#e %ower o! (u#a))ad *#wariz) "#a# w#o
was t#e &reatest (usli) )onar# o! t#e ti)e, C#an&ez *#an .e&an to #ase #is ne%#ew,
<alaluddin *#wariz) "#a#,
-#is youn& and valiant )onar# &ave !i&#t to t#e 1"our&e o! Bod1 and #ad several
enounters wit# #i) all alon& *#orasan and $!&#anistan-- t#e last on t#e .anks o! /iver
Indus, @it# #is !ores de%leted and una.le to stand t#e vast nu)erial su%eriority o! t#e
(on&ols, <alaluddin *#wariz) "#a#, w#ile !i&#tin& t#e ene)y and in!litin& #eavy
asualties on #i), %lun&ed into t#e Indus at *ala.a&# and wavin&! #is !la& swa) aross
into t#e 0un7a. alon& wit# #is retinue, 2ro) a rok 7ettin& over t#e river near *ala.a&#,
C#an&ez *#an wat#ed t#is sin&ular at o! darin& wit# dee% ad)iration and %ro!ound
res%et, -urnin& to #is sons C#an&ez advised t#e) to i).i.e t#e invini.le s%irit,
indo)ita.le oura&e and i)%laa.le deter)ination de)onstrated .y #is yout#!ul
adversary, F"u# a son )ust a !at#er #aveF, #e e6lai)ed,
0er#a%s e6#austed, %er#a%s overawed .y t#e .leak %ros%ets o! #asin& su# a
!or)ida.le ene)y, C#an&ez returned #o)e leavin& in %eae t#e newly .orn 4el#i
"ultanate, I! C#an&ez #ad rossed t#e Indus, #istory o! t#is su.ontinent would
#ave .een di!!erent, F<alaluddin *#wariz) "#a# !ou&#t .ravely and des%erately a&ainst
t#e (on&ols at t#e .ank o! t#e Indus and atlast seated on #is #ar&er, lea%t !ro) t#e to%
o! a ?0 !t li!! near *ala.a&# into t#e river .earin& t#e .anner in #is #and, C#an&ez
ad)ired #is .ravery .ut it did not %revent #i) sendin& an ar)y aross t#e Indus in
%ursuit, It rava&ed t#e distrits o! 0es#awar, ;a#ore and (ultan .ut did not !ind t#e
8owever, %eae was not to last lon&, C#an&ez *#an1s suessors took u% t#e ut&els
wit#in a deade and !or t#e ne6t #undred years ke%t t#e 4el#i "ultanate on it1s
tenter#ooks, 2ro) t#e days o! "#a)suddin $lta)as# to t#e early days o! -u&#laA
dynasty, (on&ol raids and rava&es were a re&ular and onstant !eature, $nd w#o .ore t#e
.runt o! t#ese !eroious (on&ol attaks? -#e 0un7a.^^
It was on t#e rivers Indus, <#elu) and C#ena. t#at India was de!endedR it was on t#e
%lains o! t#e 0un7a. t#at t#e ene)y !ores were so o!ten de!eated and .eatenR it was in
t#e 1doa.as1 o! t#e 0un7a. t#at t#e (on&ols
%ratised t#eir !iendis# sor#ed eart# %oliy, -#rie ;a#ore was a%tured, saked and
.urnt, But t#e %eo%le o! t#e 0un7a. .ore t#ese ala)ities wit# %er!et eAuani)ity and
e6e)%lary !ortitude,
:he e1tent to which the 8un;a- suffered as a result of Mongol attacks from +th
centur' onward can -e reckoned from the following e.ents$
1, In 1221 $4 so)e o! C#an&ez *#an1s !ores rossed t#e Indus in %ursuit o! <alaluddin
*#wariz) "#a#, rava&ed vast trats o! t#e %un7a. and saked (ultan and ;a#ore, ($t
t#is ti)e 3aseeruddin Ea.a#a was t#e inde%endent ruler o! 0akistan and "#a)suddin
$lta)as# o! India),
2, In 12>1 $4 durin& t#e rei&n o! $lta)as#1s dau&#ter, /azia "ultana, (on&ols attaked
t#e 0un7a., saked and .urnt ;a#ore,
D, In 12>? $4 (on&ols attaked t#e 0un7a. and invested (ultan,
>, In 12?0 and in su.seAuent years durin& t#e ti)e o!, (on&ols attaked t#e
0un7a. and rava&ed t#e ountryside several ti)es, In one o! t#e enounters near (ultan,
Bal.an1s eldest son 0rine (o#a))ad was
5, 3e6t .i& attak a)e in 12G5 $4,
?, In 12=1 $4 a &randson o! 8ula&u invaded 0un7a. and was de!eated .y $lauddin
7, In 12=G $4 (on&ols a&ain invaded t#e 0un7a. wit# a !ore o! 100,000 and advaned
as !ar as 4el#i .ut were deisively de!eated .y $lauddin *#il7i,
G, In 1D0> and 1D05 $4 (on&ols attaked t#e %un7a. and rava&ed (ultan, .ut were
de!eated .y t#e Bovernor o! t#e 0un7a., B#iyazuddin -u&#laA,
=, In 1D27 $4 t#e %un7a. was attaked and (ultan rava&ed,
10, In 1D5G $4 (on&ols a&ain attaked t#e 0un7a.,
-#ese were only t#e )a7or attaks, in .etween t#ere were innu)era.le raids wit# w#at
onseAuenes one an only visualize, B#iasuddin -u&#laA w#o was Bovernor o! ;a#ore
.e!ore #e .ea)e ruler o! 4el#i in 1D20 $4 is said to #ave !ou&#t 2= .attles a&ainst t#e
(on&ols durin& $lauddin *#il7i1s rei&n,
"ine to save t#e 4el#i "ultanate, it was vital to )ake de!ene on one o! t#e !ive rivers o!
t#e 0un7a., w#oever de!ended it suess!ully was onsidered a national #ero and ti%%ed
!or rulers#i% at 4el#i, @#en t#e *#il7i dynasty delined, t#e ourt no.les invited
B#iasuddin -u&#laA, Bovernor o! ;a#ore to take over, -#e -u&#laA dynasty #e
esta.lis#ed lasted !ro) 1D20 to 1D=G $4, It olla%sed w#en 4el#i was attaked .y
-ai)ur ;un&,
2ro) t#e esta.lis#)ent o! 4el#i "ultanate in 120? $4 !or over D00 years, t#e 0un7a.
.ore t#e .runt o! !orei&n attaks and saved t#e (usli) state !ro) e6tintion,
In t#is %ain!ul %roess, 0un7a.1s %o%ulation and %ros%erity di)inis#ed and its entire li!e
was ri%%led, $!ter t#is %eriod, t#e 0un7a. was al)ost an unin#a.ita.le waste, e6e%t !or
a !ew walled ities, Beause o! onstant (on&ol raids, it re)ained de%o%ulated and very
little a&riulture was arried on,
Di##e!en2es 8et;een a$istanis and Indians
$.out ==T o! lan&ua&es s%oken in 0akistan are Indo-Iranian (su.-.ran#esH 75T Indo-
$ryan and 2>T Iranian), a .ran# o! Indo-'uro%ean !a)ily o! lan&ua&es, $ll lan&ua&es
o! 0akistan are written in t#e 0erso-$ra.i sri%t, wit# si&ni!iant voa.ulary derived
!ro) $ra.i and 0ersian, 0un7a.i, "eraiki, "ind#i, 0as#to, :rdu, Balo#i, *as#)iri, et,
are t#e lan&ua&es s%oken in 0akistan,
$.out ?=T o! lan&ua&es s%oken in India are Indo-Iranian (su.-.ran#H Indo-$ryan), 2?T
are 4ravidian, and 5T are "ino--i.etan and $ustro-$siati, all unrelatedXdistint !a)ily
o! lan&ua&es, (ost lan&ua&es in India are written in Bra#)i- derived sri%ts su# as
4evan&ari, Bur)uk#i, -a)il, et, 8indi, Ben&ali, Bu7arati, (arat#i, -elu&u, -a)il,
(alayala), $ssa)ese, 0un7a.i, 3a&a, and )any ot#ers are t#e )ot#er-ton&ue lan&ua&es
s%oken in ea# o! India1s states,
$s you an see .ot# ountries #ave distint lin&uisti identities, 'ven in t#e ase o!
0un7a.i, w#ile it is t#e )ot#er-ton&ue o! a )a7ority in 0akistan, it re%resents t#e )ot#er-
ton&ue o! only 2T Indians, Besides, 0akistani 0un7a.i (@estern 0un7a.i) is distint in its
voa.ularyXdialet and writin& sri%t w#en o)%ared to Indian 0un7a.i ('astern 0un7a.i),
$not#er t#in& to kee% in )ind is t#at Indian 0un7a.i is )ostly s%oken .y "ik#s w#o
onsider t#e)selves distint !ro) t#e rest o! Indians and #ad .een !i&#tin& !or
inde%endene, In t#e ase o! :rduX8indi, w#ile 8indi is t#e )ot#er- ton&ue o! a )a7ority
in India, :rdu is t#e )ot#er-ton&ue o! only GT 0akistanis, Besides, t#ey .ot# are distint
lan&ua&es, :rdu #as a writin& sri%t and stron& voa.ulary derived !ro) $ra.i and
0ersian, w#ereas 8indi #as stron& voa.ulary derived !ro) "anskrit and is written in
4evan&ari sri%t, (ost 0akistanis an understand 'n&lis# and wat# $)erianXBrit
)ovies .ut t#at does not )ake t#e) Britis#X$)erian, sa)e is t#e ase wit# 8indi,
$.out 70T o! 0akistanis are Cauasoid .y rae, 20T $ustraloid- 3e&roid, and 10T
(on&oloid in t#eir overall &eneti o)%osition, (a7ority o! 0akistanis are tall wit# !air
skin o)%le6ion, si)ilar to (iddle 'astern and (editerranean %eo%les, @#ile t#e raial
!eatures o! ea# et#ni &rou% are not uni!or), 0as#tuns are t#e )ost Cauasoid, !ollowed
.y *as#)iris, Balu#is, nort#, and t#en "ind#is, "eraikis, :rdu-s%eakers, et,
-#e $ustraloid-3e&roid and (on&oloid raial ele)ents are Auite in!used wit#in t#e
do)inant Cauasoid &enes a)on& 0akistanis, #owever t#ere are so)e t#at #ave retained
t#eir distint raial #arateristis,
$.out 50T o! Indians are $ustraloid-3e&roid .y rae, D5T Cauasoid, and 15T
(on&oloid in t#eir overall &eneti o)%osition, (a7ority o! Indians are darker in t#eir
skin o)%le6ion, wit# wider noses, s#orter #ei&#ts, et, -#e $ustraloid-4ravidoid raial
ele)ent do)inates a)on& t#e lower aste Indians, "out# Indians, 'astern and Central
Indians, et, -#e Cauasoid raial ele)ent do)inates in 3ort#west Indians and #i&#er
aste Indians, -#e (on&oloid raial ele)ent do)inates in 3ort#east Indians and .order
re&ions wit# C#ina,
5.viously, .ot# ountries #ave distint raial identities, $ o))on international
%ere%tion .ased on o.servane o! %#ysial !eatures is t#at )ost 0akistanis are li&#ter
skinned t#an )ost Indians, (ost 0akistanis rese).le t#e looks o! %eo%les in#a.itin& on
its western .orders and .eyond, Indeed, )any 0akistanis also rese).le )any 3ort#west
Indians or #i&#er aste Indians, .ut t#ose are a )inority in India, "i)ilarly, a !ew %eo%le
o! 0akistan rese).le %eo%les o! "out# India, lower aste Indians, 3ort#east India, et, .ut
t#ey are a )inority in 0akistan, $nd .esides, let1s say, i! so)e "audis look si)ilar to t#e
2ren# t#at does not )ake t#e) one %eo%le, sa)e a%%lies #ere .etween Indians and
0akistanis #ave a distint ulture, traditions and usto)s, "#alwar ka)iz is t#e dress
o))only worn, .ot# .y )en and wo)en in 0akistan, 0akistani !ood is ri# in )eat
(inludin& .ee!), w#ereas w#eat is t#e )ain sta%le, 0as#to, 0un7a.i, Balo#i, "ind#i, et,
)usi and danes are distintly uniAue wit# t#eir own )elodies, instru)ents, %atterns and
styles, 0akistani arts in )etal work, tiles, !urniture, ru&s, desi&nsX%aintin&s, literature,
alli&ra%#y, et, are distint and diverse, 0akistani ar#iteture is uniAue wit# its Isla)i
styles, -#e )anners and li!estyles are &uided .y a .lend o! Isla) and loal traditions,
India1s o))only worn dress is d#oti !or )en and sari !or wo)en, Indian !ood is )ostly
ve&etarian, wit# w#eat as t#e )ain sta%le in t#e nort# and west, and rie is t#e )ain
sta%le in sout# and east, 8indi, Bu7arati, -a)il, Ben&ali, et, )usi and danes are
distintly uniAue, "o are Indian arts in t#e )any areas, Indian ar#iteture is uniAue in its
)ostly 8indu styles, -#e )anners and li!estyles o! )ost Indians are &uided .y 8induis),
0akistanis and Indians de!initely #ave distint ultures o! t#eir own, "o)e Indian wo)en
wear s#alwar ka)iz, .ut t#at was introdued .y t#e anestors o! 0akistanis, (any
0akistani !ood dis#es are a.sent in Indian uisine and vie versa, and i! so)e dis#es are
s#ared, t#ey were also introdued .y t#e anestors o! 0akistanis (like naan, tikka, ka.o.,
.iryaniX%ulao, et,), -#ere is .arely any 8indu ar#itetural in!luene in 0akistan
(Band#ara is Braeo- Budd#ist and 8ara%%an is distint), .ut si&ni!iant in!luenes .y
t#e anestors o! 0akistanis an .e !ound in India, -#e lives o! )ost 0akistanis are s#a%ed
.y Isla), w#ereas t#e lives o! )ost Indians are s#a%ed .y 8induis),
0akistanis are a .lend o! t#eir 8ara%%an, $ryan, 0ersian, Breek, "aka, 0art#ian, *us#an,
@#ite 8un, $ra., -urki, $!&#an, and (u&#al #erita&e, @aves o! invaders and )i&rants
settled down in 0akistan t#rou&# out t#e enturies, in!luenin& t#e loals and .ein&
a.sor.ed a)on& t#e),
(ost Indians are a .lend o! t#eir #erita&e o! 4ravidoid-$ustraloid #unters and &at#erers,
and $ryans (in nort#), 3ort#west Indians #ave a #erita&e !ro) 8ara%%ans, $ryans, "akas,
and @#ite 8uns, 3ort#east Indians #ave a #erita&e .ased !ro) (on&oloid #unters and
&at#erers, $lso, -urks, $!&#ans and (u&#als ruled nort# India !or enturies,
0akistan and India #ave a distint #istory and .ak&round, -#e re&ion o! 0akistan was
never %art o! India e6e%t !or 500c years under t#e (usli)s, and 100 years ea# under
t#e (auryans and t#e Britis#, I! any t#in&, it were t#e anestors o! 0akistanis w#o
olonized nort#Xnort#west India, a)on& t#e) were 8ara%%ans, $ryans, "akas, *us#ans,
@#ite 8uns, -urks, $!&#ans, and (u&#als,
0akistan is &eo&ra%#ially uniAue, wit# Indus river and its tri.utaries as its )ain water
su%%ly, It is .ordered .y t#e 8indu *us# and "ulai)an (ountain ran&es in t#e west,
*arakora) )ountain ran&e in t#e nort#, "utle7 river and -#ar desert in east, and $ra.ian
"ea in t#e sout#, -#e ountry in its %resent !or) was reated .y t#e 0akistanis t#e)selves
out o! t#e Britis# /a7, t#e Indus %eo%le t#e)selves w#o are now )ostly (usli)s,
India is &eo&ra%#ially uniAue, wit# Ban&es river and its tri.utaries as its water su%%ly in
t#e nort#, and ot#er river syste)s in t#e rest o! t#e ountry, 8i)alayas as its nort#ern
.oundary, "utle7 river and -#ar desert as its western .order, t#e 7un&les o! nort#east as its
eastern .order, and Indian 5ean in t#e sout#, -#e )ountains in t#e entral-sout# India
are t#e &reat divide .etween 4ravidians o! t#e sout# and Indo-$ryans o! t#e nort#, -#e
ountry itsel! was reated .y t#e Britis#, a diret desendent o! t#e re)nants o! Britis#
It is evident t#at India and 0akistan #ave t#eir own uniAue &eo&ra%#ial environ)ents,
0akistan is loated at t#e rossroads o! "out# $sia, Central $sia, and t#e (iddle 'ast, 5n
t#e ot#er #and, India is loated at t#e ore o! "out# $sia,
Et&ni2ity and !ovin2ialis" in a$istan
't#noentris) is wron&, .ut w#at is worse is denial o! et#ni identityXdi!!erenes, $s
di!!erent et#ni &rou%s, we #ave )ore t#an enou&# o))onality to .e a stron& nation,
4i!!erenes .etween su.-ulturesXet#niities e6ists in )ost ountries, .ut w#at #olds a
nation to&et#er is .asi ultural, lin&uisti, reli&ious, #istorial, andXor &eo&ra%#i
o))onalities, @e s#ould ae%t and res%et our et#ni di!!erenes, a!ter all 0akistan is a
!ederation o! su#, and .e united as a nation .ased on our o))onality in .ein&
lin&uistiallyXulturally Indo-Iranian, raially )ostly Cauasian, &eo&ra%#ially .ased on
Indus Valley, #avin& a o))on #istory, and !ollowin& t#e reli&ionXulture o! Isla), $ll o!
t#ese o))on !ators a)on& t#e di!!erent 0akistani et#ni &rou%s )akes t#e) lose to
ea# ot#er, yet very di!!erent !ro) t#e Indians, -#ese o))on !ators de!ines t#e
0akistani nation#ood, not 7ust reli&ion as )any 0akistanis are )ade to .elieve in,
-#e %resent-day %rovinial setu% o! 0akistan #as its ori&ins !ro) t#e Britis# era, -#e
Britis# rulers drew .oundaries o! %rovines not .ased on et#ni de)o&ra%#is, .ut t#e
%olitis o! t#at era !or t#eir interersts, $s #as always .een t#e ase, t#e et#ni
de)o&ra%#is #ave also evolved sine 1=>7, In reality, t#e urrent %rovinial setu% o!
0akistan is arti!iial, -#e lar&e sout#ern re&ion o! F0un7a.F is "eraiki, its sout#west is
Balu#i, and nort#west 8indkowi, -#e #u&e nort#east %art o! F3@20F is 8indkowi, and
t#e nort# is *#owariX"#inaXet, $l)ost #al! o! FBalu#istanF is 0ak#tun (nort#ern %art),
wit# %okets o! Brau#is t#e entral re&ion and <atsXet, in t#e sout#east, $l)ost #al! o!
F"ind#F is :rdu-s%eakin& ( areas), 3ot to )ention t#e ountless $!&#an, Central
$sian, Iranian, Ben&alee, et, re!u&ees, and inter-et#ni )i&rations in various %arts o! t#e
ountry, -#ou&# outdated and sli&#tly !lawed, #ere is an artile o! interest on t#is su.7et
.y $#)ed $.dalla %u.lis#ed in 1=7DH
2or t#e last !ew years t#e Auestion o! 0akistan1s FnationalitiesF is .ein& de.ated,
%ro%a&ated, su%%orted and ontested at various levels and in di!!erent Auarters,
:n!ortunately, in t#ese lively disourses so)e .asi issues #ave .een i&nored, @e s#all
)ake an atte)%t #ere to disuss and analyse two )ost salient as%ets o! t#e %ro.le),
2irstly, are t#e nationalities, so o!ten s%oken o! , loated in learly de)arated and
distint areas to division on re&ional .asis?
"eondly, #ave t#e nationalities, w#atever re&ions t#ey are livin& in, settled down
%er)anently or, is t#e %o%ulation %attern still !luid and #an&in&, yet to assu)e a !inal
s#a%e and a sta.le #arater?
;et us address ourselves to t#e !irst Auestion %rovine-wiseH
-#e %rovine known as 3@20 #as an area o! D=,2GD sA, )iles wit# a %o%ulation o! one
rore ten las, Its )ost %o%ulous distrit alled 8azara on t#e eastern .ank o! river Indus
is in#a.ited, !ro) (ans#era downward, .y non-0ak#tuns, )ostly Bu77ars and 8indko
s%eakin& 0at#ans o! )i6ed .lood, In t#e re&ions west o! river Indus startin& !ro) t#e
nort#, t#e %eo%le o! t#e (!or)er) state o! C#itral are non-0ak#tuns .elon&in& to t#e raial
stok o! C#inese -urkestan akin to t#e %eo%le o! Bil&it, "kardu, 8unza, Lasin and 3a&ar,
3e6t, t#e )a7ority o! t#e %eo%le o! t#e %rovineIs .i&&est ity, %es#awar, .elon& to
various Iranian and Central $sian stoks and are not 0ak#tuns, In t#e sout#ern re&ion,
#al! t#e %eo%le od 4,I, *#an distrit are, a&ain, non-0ak#tuns )ostly $wans, <ats, /a7%uts
and Balu#is,
In t#is onte6t #ow would an advoate o! !our nationalities deter)ine t#e e6at
.oundaries o! 0ak#tunistan w#i#, i! sru%ulously ad#ered to on raial and lin&uisti
onsiderations, )ay s#rink to very un%alata.le %ro%ortions, -#is
%o%ulation o)%le6 also '6%lains t#e li)ited suess in 3@20 o! @ali *#an (a
%rota&onist o! 0ak#tunistan) in t#e &eneral eletions o! 4ee).er 1=70,
-#e %rovine alled Balu#istan #as an area o! 1D>,000 sA, )iles wit# a %o%ulation o!
a.out 2> las, 5! t#e ten distrits o! Balu#istan %rovine, t#ree distrits viz Euetta-
0is#in, M#o. and ;oralai are overw#el)in&ly 0at#anR two distrits viz *a##i and
;as.ela are in#a.ited .y /a7%uts, <ats and t#eir allied w#ile t#e re)ainin& !ive viz
"i.i, C#a&i,*alat, (a#ran and *#aran are lar&ely Bro#i-Balu#i, 'ven in so)e o! t#e
te#sils o! t#ese !ive distrits non-Balu#is are in )a7ority, 2or instane, "#ari&# -e#sil
( 8arnai ) o! "i.i distri #as a !airly lar&e %erenta&e o! 0at#ans, 0o%ulation-wise a.out
seven las are 0at#ansR over !our la /a7%uts and <ats and a.out one la,
(u#a7irs and Bil&iti la.our takin& t#e total o! non-Balu#is to 12 las leavin& only 12 la
Balu#i and Bro#i in a %o%ulation o! 2> las, In t#is state o! a!!airs #ow )u# area
and w#at %erenta&e o! %o%ulation o! Balu#istan will arue to a %rovine .ased on
Balu#i-Bro#i nationality? 5ut o! ten distrits t#ey will, at .est, &et !ive,
I! t#e Balu#isXBro#is seriously t#ink o! #avin& %artiular areas o! Balu#istan )arked on
t#e .asis o! nationality, t#ey )ay indeed o)e to &rie!,
"ind #as an area o! over 5>,000 sA, )iles and a %o%ulation o! one rore >0 las, 5! t#is
a.out 55 las are (u#a7ars, 0at#ans and, 5! t#e re)ainin& G5 las, a.out 25 las
are o! Balu#iXBro#i ori&in ( "ind#i-s%eakin&
), leavin& .arely ?0 la old "ind#is in a total o! 1>0 las,
(ost o! t#e re&ions west o! Indus !ro) < to 4adu are in#a.ited .y Balu#i and
Bro#i sine lon& .e!ore %artition, $!ter %artition t#e %o%ulation %attern o! t#e
%rovine #as drastially and .asially altered due to t#e in!lu6 o! re!u&ees !ro) India and
i))i&rants !ro) ot#er %rovines o! 0akistan, -#ese re!u&ees and i))i&rants, are o!
di!!erent ori&ins, $ny
atte)%t to re-de)arate t#e .oundaries o! t#e %rovine o! "ind on t#e .asis o! nationality
)ay di)inis# t#e size o! t#e "ind#i nationality %rovine to a disa&reea.le size,
0un7a. #as an area o! 7=,5>2 sA, )iles wit# a %o%ulation o! D rores 75 las, It )ay .e
%ointed out t#at t#e %resent .oundaries o! 0un7a. were deter)ined .y t#e Britis# )ore on
t#e .asis o! %olitial onsiderations t#an on raial or ultural &rounds, 2or instane, t#e
4, B, *#an and (uza!!ar&ar# distrits are overw#el)in&ly Balu#i, w#ile (ultan and
Ba#awal%ur #ave, all t#rou&# #istory, #ad loser a!!inities wit# "ind t#an wit# 0un7a.,
(ultan was t#e a%ital o! "ind !or a lon& ti)e so )u# so t#at in western India "ind#is
were usually alled (ultanis,
'ven today t#e s%iritual #o)e o! t#e "ind#is is t#e to). o! 8azrat Ba#auddin Makaria in
(ultan, "ind#is #ave su# &reat veneration !or t#is "aint t#at t#ey )ake it a %oint to visit
#is (azar .y walkin& .are-!ooted, I! t#e t#ink o! .asin& t#eir %rovinial
.oundaries on nationality, t#ey )ay not .e a.le to retain all t#e areas t#at today onstitute
In view o! t#is .ak&round, i! t#e !our nationalities one%t is ae%ted, it would .eo)e
essential and unavoida.le to re-de)arate t#e %resent %rovinial .oundaries w#i# #ave
neit#er raial nor lin&uisti .asis, In ase o! re-de)aration o! %rovinial .oundaries
)a7or %ortions o! 8azara and 4, I, *#an distrits o! 3@20 will &o to 0un7a.R w#ole o!
4, B, *#an and %art o! (uza!!ar&ar# distrits o! t#e 0un7a. will &o to Balu#istanR -#ree
distrits o! Balu#istan will &o to 3@20 and two to "ind w#ile < and %arts o! a
!ew distrits o! "ind west o! Indus will &o to Balu#istan,
I! t#is e6erise is resorted to, two %ro.le)s will ro% u%H 2irstly, several su.-nationalities
wit# stron& #istorial lai)s will %ut u% t#eir own de)ands !or se%arate %rovines w#i#
would .e di!!iult to re!use, @#atever t#e lai)s and %retensions o! !our nationalities, t#e
ri&#ts and )erits o! t#e su.-nationalities are )u# )ore stron& and #ave a )ore o&ent
and %ower!ul
#istorial .akin&, $s su#, !urt#er vivisetion will .eo)e inevita.le,
@#at is )ore i)%ortant is t#at t#ere is #ardly an instane o! t#ese so-alled nationalities
#avin& a se%arate, distint e6istene in #istory, 0ak#tuns #ave never %resented a united
!ront, *#us#al *#an *#attak .e)oans t#is weakness o! t#e 0ak#tuns t#rou&#out #is
%oetry and #urls t#e )ost .itter invetives on t#e) !or t#eir !ailure to !or&e unity, In !at
t#e )ost outstandin& as%et o! t#e 0ak#tun #istory #as .een t#eir re!usal to at as one
nation or nationality,
$s re&ards Balu#istan, its entire #istory is re%lete wit# stru&&les, wars and rivalries
.etween Balu#i and Bro#i not to s%eak o! on!lits a)on& Balu#is and
Bro#is t#e)selves, 3ort#ern 0un7a. .ein& t#e route o! t#e invadin& ar)ies !ro) Central
$sia into Ban&eti valley, never #ad any o%%ortunity to #ave se%arate nationality,
$s !or "ind, it #as .een e6%andin& and s#rinkin& in size de%endin& u%on .ot# internal
and e6ternal situations, %artiularly on t#e onditions %revailin& in Iran, Central $sia and
India, $t one ti)e it e).raed t#e w#ole o! t#e %resent-day 0akistan, %lus vast %ortions
o! /a7%utana in t#e east and Eand#arin t#e west, $nd at anot#er it was on!ined only o!
lower "ind wit# -#atta as its a%ital, In t#is %roess it #as .een and s#eddin&
t#e nationalities livin& to its nort#, east and west,
(oreover, even i! it is deided to re-de)arate t#e %resent %rovinial .oundaries on t#e
.asis o! nationalities, will t#e %eo%le livin& in one %rovine !or &enerations a&ree to
.eo)e %art o! anot#er? @ill t#e "ind#i- s%eakin& and 0un7a.i-s%eakin& Balu#is,
%layin& su# i)%ortant role in t#e %olitis o! t#e %rovines o! t#eir ado%tion, onsent to
7oin Balu#istan? "i)ilarly, would t#e non-0us#tu-s%eakin& %eo%le o! 4,I, *#an and
8azara wis# to .e a.sor.ed .y 0un7a.? "a)e a%%lies to Euetta 4ivision, ;as.ela,
*a##i, et,, et,
$do%tion o! !our nationalities .asis and onseAuent re-drawin& o! .oundaries will
neessitate #oldin& o! re!erendu) in various re&ions o! ea# %rovine, -#e result o! su#
a re!erendu) is any.odyIs &uess, Instead o! solvin& t#e %ro.le) it will o%en u% a
%andoraIs .o6 and lead to !urt#er vivisetion,
2or instane, one t#e !our nationalities &et t#eir %rovines stritly on t#e .asis o!
re&rou%in& o! nationalities, !urt#er rivalries in#erent in t#ose nationalities will o)e u% to
sur!ae, Clas# .etween Balu#i-Bro#i &rou%s in Balu#istan, .etween nort#ern-sout#ern
0at#ans in 0ak#tunistan, .etween"eraikis in 0un7a. and .etween "ind#is-
(u#a7irs in "ind, will .eo)e
inevita.le, 5n w#at .asis will t#e %rota&onists o! !our nationalities t#eory deny t#e su.-
nationalities t#eir ri&#t to #ave se%arate status w#en t#e latter #ave .ot# #istory and
lan&ua&e to .ak t#eir stand,
$not#er i)%ortant !ator in t#is onte6t annot .e overlooked, 'a# one o! t#e %resent
%rovines is )ulti-lin&ual, 0us#tu, 8indko and 0un7a.i are t#e )a7or lan&ua&es s%oken in
t#e 3@20R 0un7a.i, "eraiki, :rdu and Balu#i in t#e 0un7a.R Balu#i, Bro#i , ;asi, *urd
and 0us#tu in Balu#istanR "ind#i, :rdu and Balu#i in "ind,
3e6t we s#all disuss t#e seond !ator relatin& to t#e one%t o! nationality w#i# is as
i)%ortant as t#e %revious one, :nlike India w#ere %eo%le are livin& a settled li!e in
learly de)arated re&ions .ased on various lan&ua&es in vo&ue t#ere, t#e onditions in
0akistan are Auite di!!erent, its %o%ulation .ein& yet in a !luid state,
;ar&e &rou%s o! %eo%le livin& in all t#e !our %rovines are still )o.ile, onstantly
)i&ratin& !ro) one %rovine to anot#er, -#ere #as .een a re&ular!low o! 0at#ans and
Balu#is into t#e 0un7a. and "ind w#i# ontinues even today, ;ak#s o! 0at#ans are
e)%loyed in *ara#i and ot#er industrial ities o! "ind and 0un7a. su# as,
"ukkur, ;arkana, (ultan, ;yall%ur, 4audk#el, /awal%indi, et, "i)ilarly, t#e !low o!
Balu# into "ind #as not yet sto%%ed,
-#e %eo%le o! 0un7a. are also !lowin& out in s)all nu).ers into "ind, Balu#istan and
3@20, -#ey #ave eit#er aAuired lands or doin& .usiness in ot#er %rovines,
Balu#istan and 3@20, in turn, are not !ree !ro) in!lu6 !ro) !urt#er westQt#ere .ein& a
onstant !low o! 0owindas and ot#ers !ro) $!&#anistan,
It is &enerally .elieved t#at t#e 0owindas &o .ak a!ter winter season, But t#is is not soR
several o! t#e) re)ain .e#ind, It would .e o! interest to note t#at )any o! our
distin&uis#ed %ersonalities are 0owindas and reent i))i&rants !ro) Iran and
$!&#anistan, (aulana (u!ti (a#)ud, a leader o! <a)iat-ul-ula)ai Isla) o)es !ro) t#e
3aaser tri.e o! 0owindas, Banda%urs o! 4, I, *#an are 0owindas, 2ro) #is )ot#erIs
side, (r, B#aus Bak#s# Bizen7o, a leader o! 3ational $w)i 0arty is an Iranian 0owinda,
"o)e o! #is )aternal relations are still in Iran, Beneral (o#a))ad (usa, !or)er C-in-C
o! t#e 0akistan $r)y .elon& to t#e 8azara tri.e o! $!&#anistanR #is !at#er #ad )i&rated
!ro) $!&#anistan and settled in Euetta, Beneral La#ya *#an, !or)er 0resident o!
0akistan is a !ro) nort#ern Iran w#ose !a)ily #ad settled in 0es#awar,
-#at t#e %roess o! t#e settle)ent o! 0owinda !a)ilies #as not yet sto%%ed in 3@20 and
Balu#istan is %roved .y t#e !at t#at in 1=72 t#e 3$0 Bovern)ent o! Balu#istan %ut
restritions on t#eir %er)anent settle)ent in t#e Euetta 4ivision, -#is )easure was
stron&ly resented .y t#e 0ak#toon leader, $.dus "a)ad *#an $#akzai on t#e &round
t#at it was ai)ed at t#e 0ak#tun ele)ents o! Balu#istan1s %o%ulation,
$ s%eial %ersonality w#o deserves )ention in t#is onte6t is t#e 2irst ;ady o! 0akistan,
Be&u) 3usrat B#utto, wi!e o! 0resident Mul!ikar $li B#utto, "#e is a 1*urd1 !ro)
*ir)ans#a# in Iran and .elon&s to t#e tri.e w#i# %rodued t#e illustrious (usli)
&eneral and )onar# "ultan "ala#uddin $yu.i, 0akistan is indeed !ortunate to #ave its
!irst lady !ro) t#e kit# and kin o! a soldier o! w#o) t#e entire (usli) world is %roud,
-#ere are )any ot#er &rou%s and individuals in 0akistan w#o #ave reently arrived !ro)
Iran and $!&#anistan and t#e %roess ontinues,
In t#is !luid situation, would t#e %rota&onists o! !our nationalities t#eory a&ree to #ave t#e
%rovinial .oundaries re-de)arated, wit# resultin& restritions on t#e !low o! %o%ulation
!ro) one %rovine to anot#er? It would not only .e i)%ratial .ut outra&eous and
#ar)!ul to ea# one o! t#e so-alled nationalities, s%ellin& t#eir eono)i ruin,
@it# t#e %roess o! )i&ration still in %ro&ress and t#e !inal %o%ulation %attern yet to take
de!inite s#a%e and !or)R wit# t#e so-alled nationalities inter-)in&led wit# ea# ot#er in
every %rovineR and wit# ea# nationality arryin& wit#in its !old distrit su.-
nationalities, It #as neit#er #istorial .ak&round nor &eo&ra%#ial roots nor raial or
lin&uisti .asis, -#e idea is irrational, illo&ial and ano)alous, Its i)%le)entation would
.e %olitially tra&i and eono)ially disastrous !or all t#e !our,
0akistan is one o! t#e !ew ountries in t#e world w#ose %rovinial .oundaries annot .e
de)arated on t#e .asis o! nationalities .eause o! t#e inter)in&lin& o! various raial and
lin&uisti &rou%s wit# ea# ot#er, In !at nationalities in t#e true sense o! t#e word do not
e6ist in 0akistan in learly de)arated areas as t#ey do in India, :""/, $!&#anistan,
Lu&oslavia, "witzerland, Cze#oslovakia, Bel&iu), Canada, et,
2ro) *arakora) to *ara#i, 0akistan is a solid land )ass wit# distint &eo&ra%#ial
.oundariesR in#a.ited .y %eo%le o! sa)e raial stok, #avin& a o))on #istory, #erita&e,
dress and dietR %ursuin& t#e sa)e reli&ion, wit# :rdu understood .y all and re&ional
lan&ua&es #avin& a o))on sri%t, Very !ew nations in t#e world %ossess su# stron&
unitin& !ators as t#e %eo%le o!
0akistan, Centri!u&al and se%aratist tendenies t#at are at %resent .ein& #i&#li&#ted .y
outside %owers in olla.oration wit# a !ew so-alled leaders, #ave #ardly any roots in t#e
-#e %eo%le o! 0akistan, irres%etive o! t#e %rovine t#ey .elon& to, t#ink and at alike,
"e%aratist tendenies #ave not even tou#ed t#e)R t#ey are si)%le, reli&ious-)inded,
#ard-workin& innoent !olk, -#ey re&ard t#e)selves !irstly (usli)s, seondly, 0akistanis
and t#irdly, t#eir alle&iane is to t#e tri.e t#ey .elon& to, 2our nationalities one%t does
not !or) %art o! t#eir t#ou&#t-%attern,
@ut8-ud-din Ai8a$
Born to a Central $sia -urk !a)ily, Eut.-ud-din $i.ak was a%tured and sold as a slave
w#en #e was a #ild, 8e was luky to .e %ur#ased .y t#e #ie! Eazi o! 3is#a%ur, w#o
treated #i) like one o! #is own sons, $i.ak reeived &ood eduation and was trained in
t#e !ield o! ar#ery and #orse)ans#i%, 8owever, w#en t#e )aster died, #is sons, w#o
were 7ealous o! $i.ak, sold #i) to a slave )er#ant, 2ortune one a&ain !avored #i) and
(u#a))ad B#uri .ou&#t #i),
5ut o! B#uri1s t#ousands o! slaves, $i.ak, .eause o! #is #arater and Aualities, .ea)e
one o! #is )aster1s !avorite, $i.ak steadily rose t#rou&# t#e ranks and eventually .ea)e
a Beneral, ;ike #is owner B#uri, $i.ak %er!or)ed #is &reatest deeds w#ile still a
su.ordinate, 8e was res%onsi.le !or )ost o! t#e onAuests o! 3ort#ern India and was
a%%ointed as B#uri1s Vieroy to 4el#i, @#en B#uri died in 120?, t#e -urkis# $)irs and
Benerals eleted $i.ak as t#e new "ultan, It was #e w#o s#i!ted t#e a%ital !irst !ro)
B#azni to ;a#ore, and t#en !ro) ;a#ore to 4el#i, and t#us is onsidered as t#e !irst
(usli) ruler o! "out# $sia,
$i.ak ould not rule !or lon& and died in 1210 a!ter !allin& !ro) a #orse w#ile %layin&
%olo, 8e is .uried near t#e $narkali Bazaar in ;a#ore, w#ere a new to). was onstruted
over #is &rave around 1=70, -#ou&# #is tenure as a ruler was only !our years, and )ost o!
t#e) were s%end in dealin& wit# t#e revolts o! no.les like -a7-ud-din Ildiz, 3asir-ud-din
Eu.a#a# and a !ew 8indu #ie!s, yet #e esta.lis#ed a !ir) ad)inistrative syste), 8e
restored %eae and %ros%erity in t#e area under #i) and roads were !ree !ro) t#ieves and
ro..ers, 8e started t#e onstrution o! Euwaat-al-Isla) (osAue at 4el#i, 8e also laid t#e
!oundation o! t#e Eut. (inar, w#i# was o)%leted .y #is suessor Iltut)us#, $i.ak
was known as ;ak# Baks# .eause o! #is &enerosity, 8e was also a %ious (usli),
8istorians #ave %raised #is even#anded 7ustie, 8e %atronized 3iza)i and 2ak#-i-
(, .ot# o! w#o) dediated t#eir works to $i.ak,
8is suessors, w#o ruled India till 12=0, were also slaves like #i) and t#e dynasty is
known as t#e "lave 4ynasty,
S&a"s-ud-din Iltut"us&
Iltut)us# .elon&ed to a no.le !a)ily o! t#e Il.ari -urks, 8is .rot#ers .ea)e 7ealous o!
#is intelli&ene and &ood looks and sold #i) to a slave dealer, $!ter .ein& sold and
%ur#ased a !ew ti)es, #e was .ou&#t .y "adr <a#n, t#e Eazi o! Buk#ara, It was t#ere
t#at #e &ot &ood trainin& and eduation, ;ater #e was .rou&#t to 4el#i w#ere $i.ak
%ur#ased #i), $i.ak, w#o realized t#e youn& slave1s %otential, treated #i) wit#
kindness and a%%ointed #i) as "ar-<andar (C#ie! o! Buards), 4ue to #is #ard work, #e
was !irst %ro)oted as $)ir-i-"#ikar and t#en was %ro)oted to t#e %osition o! $)ir o!
Bwalior, 8e also re)ained in-#ar&e o! t#e Bada1u), $i.ak )arried #is dau&#ter to
Iltut)us#, @#en $i.ak1s son, $ra) "#a#, %roved ino)%etent, t#e -urkis# no.les #ose
Iltut)us# as "ultan,
Iltut)us# was a sensi.le and o)%etent ruler, 8e welo)ed t#e s#olars, ad)inistrators
and &enerals w#o #ad to leave t#eir ountries due to t#e (on&ol invasions, and wit# t#eir
#el% #e esta.lis#ed a sound ad)inistration, 8e was a dee%ly reli&ious )an and #ad &reat
res%et !or t#e saints, Eut.-ud-din Bak#tiyar *aki was a !a)ous saint o! #is %eriod, (en
like 2ak#-i-( and (in#a7-i-"ira7 are onsidered as &reat #istorians o! #is ti)e,
w#ile -a7-ul-(ulk earned &reat !a)e in t#e !ield o! %oetry, Iltut)us# o)%leted t#e
onstrution o! t#e Eut. (inar, w#i# #ad .een started .y $i.ak, 8e also onstruted a
)osAue at $7)er t#at is onsidered a )aster%iee o! ar#iteture,
8e was t#e !irst (usli) ruler o! "out# $sia w#o introdued $ra.i oina&e and issued
silver, t#e -anka#, 8e reeived a deed o! investiture !ro) t#e $..asid Cali%# o! Ba&#dad,
(ustansir Billa#, in 122=, -#is inreased #is %resti&e, Iltut)us# was a &reat )onar#, 8e
reated a sta.le e)%ire out o! t#e newly onAuered territories and %roteted it !ro)
internal o%%osition and e6ternal attaks, 3asir-ud-din Eu.a#a#, one o! t#e no.les o!
B#uri, re!used to reo&nize Iltut)us# as "ultan and delared #is inde%endene, 8e
ou%ied :#, (ultan and ;a#ore, "i)ilarly, anot#er -urkis# no.le -a7-ud-din Ildiz
delared #is inde%endene in B#azni, Iltut)us# took i))ediate ation and de!eated .ot#
o! t#e), In 1225 #e onAuered Ben&al, w#ere t#e *#al7i ruler 8usa)-ud-din Iwaz #ad
delared #is inde%endene, 8e also rea%tured /a7%utana, w#ere )any 8indu rulers #ad
revolted a&ainst t#e entral &overn)ent,
C#en&ez *#an, !ollowin& <alal-ud-din *#wariz), rea#ed t#e Indus near $ttok, <alal-
ud-din asked Iltut)us# to allow #i) to take re!u&e in 4el#i, By &ivin& #i) re!u&e,
Iltut)us# did not want to annoy C#en&ez *#an, 8e %olitely re!used <alal-ud-din1s reAuest
.y writin& #i) t#at t#e li)ate o! 4el#i would not suit #i), "o <alal-ud-din le!t !or Iran
via "ind#, -#us Iltut)us# saved t#e newly esta.lis#ed (usli) "tate !ro) t#e (on&ols,
Iltut)us# was also a &reat &eneral and #e e6tended t#e .orders o! t#e (usli) rule in
"out# $sia, 2ollowin& Eu.a#a#, Iltut)us#1s !ores entered t#e territories o! :# and
a%tured t#e), 8e also de!eated t#e "u)ra, rulers o! lower "ind#, and )ade t#e area %art
o! #is e)%ire, In 12D1, Iltut)us# .esie&ed t#e !ortress o! Bwalior, $!ter a resistane o!
al)ost a year, (an&al 4ev, t#e ruler o! Bwalior, ran away !ro) t#e .attle!ield and t#e
(usli) !ores ou%ied t#e ity, In 12D>, Iltut)us# onAuered (alwa, B#ilsa and :77ain
and )ana&ed to e6tend t#e sout#ern li)its o! #is e)%ire to,
-#e real !ounder o! t#e "ultanate o! 4el#i, Iltut)us#, died a natural deat# in $%ril 12D?,
a!ter rulin& !or a.out 2? years,
Razia Sultana
4au&#ter o! Iltut)us#, /azia "ultana was t#e !irst !e)ale (usli) ruler o! "out# $sia,
"#e was a talented, wise, 7ust and &enerous wo)an, "#e was a &reat ad)inistrator and
was well versed in &overn)ental a!!airs, "#e was not only a &ood leader in t#e .attle!ield
.ut #ersel! was also an e6ellent !i&#ter, $s t#e )ost a%a.le son o! Iltut)us# died durin&
#is own li!e, and t#e rest were ino)%etent to &overn, Iltut)us# no)inated #is dau&#ter,
/azia "ultana, as #is suessor on t#e t#rone o! 4el#i, @#enever Iltut)us# #ad to leave
#is a%ital, #e used to leave /azia "ultana in #ar&e o! t#e a!!airs in 4el#i, But w#en
Iltut)us# died, /ukn-ud-din 2iruz, one o! #is sons, ou%ied t#e t#rone and ruled !or
a.out seven )ont#s, /azia "ultana, wit# t#e su%%ort o! t#e %eo%le o! 4el#i, seured t#e
t#rone a!ter de!eatin& #er .rot#er in 12D?,
/azia "ultana esta.lis#ed o)%lete law and order in #er ountry, -o rule t#e ountry, s#e
a.andoned #er !e)ininity and ado%ted a )asuline &etu%, "#e used to dress as a )an
w#en a%%earin& in, .e it in ourt or on t#e .attle!ield, "#e )ade an 't#io%ian slave
na)ed <alal-ud-din LaAut #er %ersonal attendant and started trustin& #i) t#e )ost, -#is
#allen&ed t#e )ono%oly o! %ower lai)ed .y t#e -urkis# no.les,
-#e -urkis# no.les resented #avin& a wo)an as t#eir ruler, es%eially w#en s#e started
#allen&in& t#eir %ower, -#ey .e&an ons%irin& a&ainst #er, In 12D=, t#e -urkis#
&overnor o! ;a#ore re.elled a&ainst /azia "ultana, 8owever, w#en s#e )ar#ed a&ainst
#i), #e !irst !led and t#en a%olo&ized, -#en t#e &overnor o! B#atinda revolted, @#en
/azia "ultana was tryin& to su%%ress t#e re.ellion in B#atinda, #er own -urkis# o!!iers
de%osed #er !ro) t#e t#rone o! 4el#i and )ade #er .rot#er Ba#ra) t#e "ultan, /azia
"ultana )arried t#e &overnor o! B#atinda, (alik $ltunia, and wit# #is #el% tried to
reou%y t#e t#rone, "#e was de!eated .y t#e -urkis# no.les and was o)%elled to !lee
away, $ %easant w#o #ad o!!ered #er !ood and s#elter w#ile !leein& !ro) an enounter
killed #er in #er slee%, "#e died in 12>0,
0&iyas-ud-din 9al8an
B#iyas-ud-din was .orn in a well-to-do -urk !a)ily o! t#e Il.ari tri.e, -#e
(on&ols a%tured #i) w#en #e was a #ild, -#ey sold #i) to *#wa7a# <a)al-ud-din
Basri in Ba&#dad, ;ater #e was .rou&#t to 4el#i w#ere Iltut)us# %ur#ased #i), 2ro)
t#e .e&innin& #e was in t#e &ood .ooks o! #is )aster and eventually .ea)e one o! t#e
C#al&an, a &rou% o! t#e !orty )ost i)%ortant no.les o! t#e ourt, 4urin& t#e rule o!
3asir-ud-din (a#)ud, #e .ea)e t#e )ost %ower!ul a)on&st t#e C#al&an, @#ile 3asir-
ud-din s%ent )ost o! #is ti)e en&rossed in reli&ious a!!airs, was t#e real ruler,
3asir-ud-din )arried Bal.an1s dau&#ter, w#i# )ade t#e latter even )ore %ower!ul, $!ter
t#e deat# o! 3asir-ud-din, .ea)e t#e "ultan in early 12??, onsidered #i)sel!, t#e kin&, as t#e de%uty o! Bod on eart#, 8e .elieved t#at t#e
kin& s#ould .e very %ower!ul so as to !ri&#ten everyone around #i), 8e or&anized #is
ourt on t#e %attern o! t#e ourts o! Irani kin&s, 3o.ody ould even dare s)ile in #is
ourt, ")artly dressed well-.uilt soldiers ar)ed wit# uns#eat#ed swords )ar#ed alon&
.eside #i) w#erever #e went, $ nu).er o! rulers and %rines w#o #ad taken re!u&e in #is
ourt were su%%osed to stand o.ediently in t#e ourt, "o)e a).assadors even used to
!aint w#en #e entered #is ourt, esta.lis#ed t#e de%art)ent o! intelli&ene, 8e
s%read #is s%ies t#rou&#out t#e ountry and used t#e) to &at#er in!or)ation a.out all
%olitial develo%)ents and ons%iraies, -#is #el%ed #i) in takin& ation to sto% trou.le
.e!ore it started,
$s a "ultan, ado%ted a .lood and iron %oliy, 8e knew t#at durin& t#e twenty-
year rule o! 3asir-ud-din, t#e C#al&an #ad .eo)e very stron&, 'a# one o! t#e) started
to onsider #i)sel! as a seond to t#e "ultan, -#ey did not like t#e &rowin& %ower o! and were 7ealous o! #is asent, $!ter .eo)in& "ultan, deided to rus#
t#e %ower o! t#e C#al&an, 8e #ad so)e )urdered w#ile ot#ers were .anis#ed to !ar o!!
@#en asended t#e t#rone, t#e (ewatis, <ats and /a7%uts #ad .eo)e stron& and
o!ten revolted a&ainst t#e &overn)ent, -#e (ewatis lived near 4el#i and #ad .eo)e so
.old t#at t#ey used to %lunder t#e %eo%le livin& ri&#t outside t#e !our walls o! 4el#i,
@#en t#e royal !ores were sent a&ainst t#e) t#ey took re!u&e in t#e 7un&les,
ordered #is !ores to rus# t#e) even i! t#ey #ad to o)%letely destroy t#e !orests,
4urin& 3asir-ud-din1s rule, t#e (on&ols #ad advaned )any ti)es and %lundered ;a#ore,
In order to #ek t#e (on&ol invasion, .uilt new !orts and ordered t#e re%air o!
t#e old ones .etween t#e river Indus and 4el#i, 8e de%loyed t#e .est o! #is troo%s on t#e
nort#ern .orders to #ek t#e (on&ols, 8is %oliies %aid o!!, as #e )ana&ed to sto% t#e
(on&ol t#reat !ro) advanin& into #is territories,
In t#e last days o!, -u&#ral Bai&, t#e &overnor o! Ben&al, revolted a&ainst #i),
Ben&al was !ar away !ro) 4el#i and t#e "ultan was very old, $n ar)y sent .y
was de!eated, In s%ite o! #is old a&e, deided to lead an attak a&ainst t#e
re.ellion leader, 8e re-onAuered Ben&al and #an&ed t#ousands w#o took %art in t#e
revolt, 8e a%%ointed #is son Bu&#ra *#an as t#e &overnor o! Ben&al and warned #i) t#at
#e would )eet t#e sa)e !ate i! #e ever revolted a&ainst #i),
-#e &reatest set.ak !or in #is entire li!e was t#e deat# o! #is !avorite son, 0rine
(u#a))ad, durin& t#e war a&ainst t#e (on&ols, 8e realized t#at wit#out #is son, t#e
entralized )onar#y t#at #ad .een .uilt u% wit# su# are was .ound to dissolve a&ain,
as it #ad at t#e deat# o! Iltut)us#, -#is realization .roke #i), 8e never reovered !ro)
t#e deat# o! 0rine (u#a))ad and died in 12G7,
In s#ort %ut t#e (usli) rule on !ir) !ootin&s, 8e o)%leted t#e task started .y
Iltut)us#, 8e )ade t#e (usli) rule in India so stron& t#at it lasted in one !or) or t#e
ot#er till 1G57,
Alauddin :&alGi
$lauddin *#al7i was t#e son o! "#a#a.-ud-din *#al7i, and ne%#ew and son-in-law o!
<alal-ud-din *#al7i, t#e !ounder o! t#e *#al7i rule in "out# $sia, @#en <alal-ud-din
asended t#e t#rone, $lauddin was )ade $)ir-i--uzk and later on $riz-i-(u)alik, 8e
was t#e )ost i)%ortant &eneral in t#e "ultan1s ar)y,
In 12=2, wit# <alal-ud-din1s .lessin&s, #e invaded (alwa and a%tured t#e town o!
B#ilsa, 8e t#en %lanned to onAuer t#e "out# wit#out t#e knowled&e o! <alal-ud-din, 8e
took #is a)%ai&n to 4eo&ir and 4ean, 8e a%tured t#e area and .rou&#t .ak
enor)ous .ooty, @#en <alal-ud-din #eard o! #is ne%#ew1s suess, #e a)e out o! 4el#i
to reeive #i), @#en t#e two o! t#e) were e).rain& ea# ot#er, $lauddin killed #is
unle and delared #i)sel! as t#e "ultan o! 4el#i in 12=?, -#e %iture o! $lauddin *#al7i
t#at e)er&ed !ro) onte)%orary literature, i,e, t#e writin&s o! Burni and $)ir *#usraw,
is t#at o! a &reat )onar#, t#e de!ender o! t#e (usli) %eo%le and a .rilliant &eneral and
$lauddin was a &reat &eneral and #ad %lanned on onAuerin& t#e entire world like
$le6ander, But due to ertain reasons, #e did not )ana&e to a#ieve #is &oal, 8owever,
#e s#owed #is a%a.ility as a &eneral on )any oasions, 8e olleted a .i& ar)y and
enrolled all #is soldiers and #orses, -#e soldiers were &iven #andso)e salaries durin& #is
re&i)e, -#e (on&ol ar)y o! around one #undred t#ousand troo%s t#reatened t#e seurity
o! #is e)%ire !ro) t#e nort# .ut #e )ana&ed to deal wit# t#e %ro.le) and de!eated t#e
ot#erwise unde!eata.le (on&ols, -o do so #e re%aired t#e old !orts and onstruted new
ones, 8e was also t#e !irst (usli) ruler o! t#e "u.-ontinent to enter t#e sout#ern %art o!
India, 3o ot#er (usli) ruler )ana&ed to %enetrate t#e sout# as dee%ly as was done in t#e
rei&n o! $lauddin,
$lauddin onsidered #is no.les to .e t#e .i&&est #urdle in %uttin& t#e ad)inistration o!
t#e ountry on !ir) !ootin&, -o #ek t#e risin& %owers o! t#e no.les, #e %ut )any
restritions on t#e), -#is ke%t t#e) ou%ied wit# t#eir own %ro.le)s and t#us did not
#ave t#e ti)e or t#e )eans to revolt a&ainst #i),
-o %ut t#e eono)y o! t#e ountry on t#e ri&#t trak, $lauddin introdued land re!or)s,
8e wit#drew all &rants o! land t#at ould not .e 7usti!ied on t#e .asis o! servie rendered
to t#e state, -a6 was inreased on a&riultural %rodue, 8e took ste%s to see t#at t#e
%easants were 7ustly treated and to redue t#e role o! )iddle)en, $lauddin introdued a
!our-%oint a&enda to ontrol %ries o! t#e ite)s o! daily use and to )ake t#e li!e o! t#e
o))on )an )ore o)!orta.le, 8e !i6ed t#e %ries o! all ite)s, &uaranteed t#e
ontinued su%%ly o! all o))odities, re&ulated distri.ution so t#at t#e needs o! t#e
%eo%le were )et w#ile sta)%in& out )ono%oly, and lastly, esta.lis#ed an e!!iient
ad)inistration to ensure t#e s)oot# runnin& o! t#e syste),
$ny.ody !ound &oin& a&ainst t#e syste) was severely %unis#ed, $lauddin died a!ter a
lon& illness on <anuary 5, 1D1?, 4urin& #is tenure, 4el#i .ea)e a enter o! (usli)
ulture, Breat %oets su# as $)ir *#usraw and $)ir 8asan "i7zi !louris#ed durin& #is
(u&a""ad 8in Tu.&lu<
Born in a well-to-do !a)ily o! -u&#luA no.les, 2ak#r-ud-din (u#a))ad <unna *#an,
%o%ularly known as (u#a))ad .in -u&#luA, reeived t#e .est eduation availa.le, $t a
very youn& a&e #e )ade an i)%ression on $lauddin *#al7i, w#o &ave #i) t#e title o!
$k#ur Bai& in #is ourt, (u#a))ad su%%orted #is !at#er durin& #is a)%ai&n a&ainst
*#usraw and w#en t#e !at#er .ea)e "ultan, #e #el%ed #i) in ad)inistrative a!!airs o!
t#e state, 8e .ea)e t#e "ultan in 2e.ruaryX(ar# 1D25 a!ter #is !at#er1s aidental
(u#a))ad was wit#out any dou.t t#e )ost eduated o! all (usli) rulers w#o ruled
4el#i, 8e #ad o)%lete o))and over 0ersian, $ra.i, -urkis# and "anskrit and ould
o)%re#end, s%eak and write all t#ese lan&ua&es, 8e was an aut#ority on t#e su.7ets like
0#iloso%#y, ;o&i and (at#e)atis, 8e also #ad a &ood knowled&e o! (ediine, 8e
started a nu).er o! #os%itals in 4el#i, w#ere t#e %atients were t#orou&#ly looked a!ter,
(u#a))ad was a dee%ly reli&ious )an and #ad learnt t#e 8oly Euran .y #eart, 8e used
to Auote verses o! t#e Euran durin& #is onversations, 8e was a %ratiin& (usli) w#o
never )issed #is %rayers and !asted re&ularly, 4urin& #is re&i)e, t#ose w#o )issed t#eir
%rayers were severely %unis#ed, Besides .ein& a %ious )an, #e was also a 7ust ruler, 8e
was %o%ularly known as $dil "ultan, 5ne o! t#e !orts #e onstruted near 4el#i was
known as $, 8e used to listen to t#e o)%laints o! #is %eo%le twie a week and
tried #is .est to re)ove t#e),
(u#a))ad was a &enius and #ad a knak o! )akin& ori&inal %lans, 8e issued o%%er
oins instead o! silver and &olden oins, Introdution o! token urreny in t#ose days was
an e6ellent idea .ut so)e %eo%le started )akin& !ake oins in t#eir #o)es, $ordin& to
Burni, every #ouse .elon&in& to a 8indu was onverted into a oin )int, -#e )arket was
!looded wit# !ake oins, w#i# t#e )er#ants re!used to take, In t#is situation, "ultan
wit#drew all o%%er oins and issued silver ones in t#eir %lae, -#is aused a #u&e loss to
t#e royal treasury,
It is &enerally .elieved t#at (u#a))ad )ade 4eo&ir #is a%ital instead o! 4el#i, and
#an&ed its na)e to, It is .elieved said t#at t#e "ultan ordered all t#e %eo%le
o! 4el#i to s#i!t to t#e new a%ital, But relia.le soures o! #istory %rove t#at #e only
)ade #is seond )etro%olis so #e ould look a!ter #is sout#ern %rovines,
8e also trans!erred only a !ew o! #is &overn)ent servants to t#e sout#ern a%ital,
:n!ortunately !or #i), t#e &overn)ent servants w#o were ordered to s#i!t to t#e new ity
sa.ota&ed #is %lans and reated iru)stanes t#at o)%elled t#e "ultan to reverse #is
(u#a))ad also %lanned an e6%edition towards *#orasan, 8e raised an ar)y o! a.out
D70,000 )en, -#e %olitial situation #an&ed and due to #is !riends#i% wit# t#e new
Iranian ruler $.u "aid, #e #ad to anel #is %lan, -#is %lan also aused #eavy loss to t#e
royal treasury, "ultan1s idea o! sendin& an e6%edition to Eara#al also !ailed due to #eavy
rain!all in t#e area, Co))uniation o! -u&#luA troo%s was disru%ted and t#us )a7ority o!
t#e soldiers sent .y t#e "ultan lost t#eir lives in t#e e6%edition,
-o inrease t#e revenue o! #is ountry, (u#a))ad inreased ta6es in t#e !ertile land o!
t#e 4oa., Bad luk was one a&ain waitin& !or #i), as t#e area #ad no rain!all t#at year,
8e did not )ake any redution in t#e land revenue and t#e !ar)ers revolted, -#ey le!t
t#eir land and took re!u&e in t#e 7un&les, -#e !ertile land .ea)e .arren, @#en
(u#a))ad a)e to know a.out t#e real situation, #e o)%ensated t#e !ar)ers and &ave
t#e) lar&e a)ounts to re#a.ilitate t#eir land, $ll o! t#is resulted in !urt#er losses to t#e
royal treasury,
:n!ortunately )any o! #is %lans !ailed and resulted in t#e loss o! )oney and deline in
#is %o%ularity, "o)e #istorians .elieve t#at #is %lans were not i)%ratia.le, and #is
s#e)es !ailed due to )isunderstandin&s and un!avora.le onditions, -#ey .elieve t#at
#e was .orn .e!ore #is ti)e, 8owever, )any o! s#e)es were un%o%ular #is su.7ets did
not a%%reiate t#e),
(u#a))ad .ea)e sik at -#atta and %assed away on (ar# 20 1D51, -#e )ost !a)ous
#istorian o! #is ti)e, Mia-ud-din Burni #ad di!!erenes wit# #i) and )any aounts o! #is
rule .ased on Burni1s work )ostly %resent t#e ne&ative %iture o! an i)%ortant ruler in
Fi!uz S&a& Tu.&lu<
2iruz "#a# was t#e son o! /a7a. and ousin o! (u#a))ad .in -u&#luA, 8e s%ent #is
entire li!e under t#e su%ervision o! (u#a))ad and B#iyas-ud-din -u&#luA, @#en
(u#a))ad .in -u&#luA died, t#e no.les asked 2iruz to take #ar&e o! t#e &overn)ent
a!!airs, 2iruz #esitated and asked t#e) to selet so)e.ody else .ut t#ey insisted, 8is
oronation as "ultan took %lae on (ar# 2D, 1D51,
2iruz was least interested in war a!!airs, -#e deat# o! (u#a))ad enoura&ed t#e re.els
in "ind#, w#o started attakin& t#e royal ar)y, Instead o! &ivin& t#e re.els a !i&#t, 2iruz
ordered #is ar)y to wit#draw and o)e .ak to 4el#i, -#e territory o! 4ean also
.ea)e inde%endent durin& #is rei&n, 8owever, #e onAuered <a7 3a&ar and 3a&ar *ot
and anne6ed t#e) to #is kin&do),
2iruz is re)e).ered as a "ultan w#o was )ost interested in t#e wel!are o! #is %eo%le, 8e
was o! t#e view t#at a )an an onAuer .y love and not .y sword, and )olded #is ations
to t#e sa)e t#eory, In kindness and love, #e was seond to none a)on&st t#e "ultans o!
4el#i, 8e took a keen interest in trainin& #is 175,000 slaves, 8e was also interested in
soial re!or)s, 8e )aintained an e6tensive syste) o! %oor relie!, %atronized learnin& and
ad)inistered i)%artial 7ustie, 8e onstruted >0 )osAues, D0 .uildin&s !or eduational
institutions, 100 #os%itals, 100 .at#s, 10 )onu)ental %illars, 10 wells, and
150 .rid&es, 3ew ities like 8issar 2iruza, <aun%ur and 2iruza.a were also .uilt durin&
#is rei&n,
2or a&riulture, 2iruz du& anals !ro) t#e rivers <u)na and "utlu7, -#ese anals irri&ated
a lar&e area o! land, 8e du& new tanks to store water !or a&riulture %ur%oses, and
re%aired older tanks %re%ared .y Iltut)us# and $lauddin *#al7i, 8e took a s%eial interest
in &ardenin&, 8e o%ened lot# !atories in i)%ortant ities t#at %rodued very !ine Auality
2iruz was a dee%ly reli&ious )an and #ad &reat res%et !or saints, 8e wit#drew 22 ta6es
t#at were dee)ed to .e a&ainst t#e s%irit o! Isla), 8e or&anized t#e distri.ution o! .ooty
aordin& to Isla)i laws, 4urin& #is re&i)e, )en w#o lai)ed to .e &od, %ro%#et or t#e
)e#di were severely %unis#ed, 8e %ro#i.ited wo)en !ro) visitin& t#e to).s o! #oly
saints, 8e re)oved all %itures !ro) t#e walls o! t#e %alaes and t#e ourt, 8e started
eatin& in ordinary utensils instead o! &old and silver,
In t#e last days o! 2iruz, #is elder son 2ate# *#an died, 8is son1s deat# aused #i) to
lose all interest in #is own li!e, 8e retired !ro) #is 7o. and #anded over t#e rei&ns o!
%ower to #is son, (u#a))ad "#an in 1DG7, 8e died o! old a&e in 1DGG,
A"i! Ti"u!
-i)ur was .orn in 1DD?, at a s)all town alled *es#, 50 )iles sout# o! "a)arkand, $
C#en&ezi -urk, #e was t#e son o! a )inor #ie! w#o due to #ard work and !oused ai)s
was a.le to .eo)e t#e ruler o! a vast e)%ire onsistin& o! -ranso6iana, a %art o!
-urkistan, $!&#anistan, 0ersia, "yria, *urdistan and a )a7or %art o! $sia (inor, -#e
areas #e onAuered in #is li!eti)e were only seond to t#e onAuests o! $le6ander,
$s a youn& )an #e reeived a serious le& wound w#ile stealin& s#ee%, t#at resulted in a
%er)anent li)%, 8e was nikna)ed -i)ur ;en& (t#e la)e), w#i# ulti)ately .ea)e
F-a)erlaneF, -#is #andia% never #a)%ered #is a).itions, 8is ai) was to .eo)e a
onAueror o! t#e o! C#en&ez *#an,
-i)ur1s areer was a o).ination o! destrution and onstrution, 5n one #and #e
or&anized #is ar)y on t#e line o! (on&ols .ut on t#e ot#er #and #e le!t #is ad)inistration
in t#e #ands o! trained (usli) ad)inistrators, 8e would %unis# re.ellions like C#en&ez
*#an .ut would s#ow a lot o! res%et !or (usli) )en o! learnin&, Be!ore destroyin& a
.eauti!ul %eae o! ar#iteture, #e would order sket#es drawn, so t#at #e ould .uild its
re%lia in #is a%ital ity o! "a)arkand,
$!ter destroyin& t#e %owers o! 0ersia and /ussia, -i)ur deided to invade India, 8is
ar)y initially entered India under t#e leaders#i% o! #is &randson, 0ir (u#a))ad
<e#an&ir, in 3ove).er 1D=7, -#is ar)y )ana&ed to onAuer :# and (ultan, In
"e%te).er o! t#e !ollowin& year, -i)ur #i)sel! a)e wit# a #u&e ar)y =2,000
avalry)en, 8e stor)ed t#ou&# t#e areas t#at a)e in #is wayR B#atnir, "arsuti, *ait#al,
"a)ana, -u&#luA%ur and 0ani%at, 8e !inally rea#ed 4el#i, $ weak -u&#luA ruler, 3asir-
ud-din (a#)ud, ruled 4el#i at t#at ti)e, (a#)ud ran away a!ter .ein& de!eated .y
$!ter onAuerin& 4el#i, -i)ur announed &eneral a)nesty, It was only a!ter t#e )urder
o! a !ew o! t#e -i)ur1s soldiers at t#e #ands o! t#e loal %eo%le, t#at #e ordered a &eneral
)assare o! loals and t#e %lunderin& o! 4el#i, $!ter lootin& 4el#i !or several days,
-i)ur deided to &o .ak, 5n #is way .ak, #e a%tured <a))u and 0un7a., 8e )ade
*#izar *#an #is &overnor o! (ultan, ;a#ore and 4i%al%ur and le!t t#e area .e!ore t#e
arrival o! su))er in (ar# 1D==, -#e .ooty aAuired .y -i)ur1s soldiers inluded
ru.ies, dia)onds, &arnets, %earls, vessels o! &old and silver, silk, .roade and orna)ents,
$&ainst advise, #e e).arked on a &rand onAuest o! C#ina in <anuary 1>05, 8is a&e
au&#t u% wit# #i) and #e .ea)e seriously ill, 8e was arried .ak to "a)arkand,
w#ere #e died in 2e.ruary, t#e sa)e year,
Si! Syed A&"ad :&an
-#e &reatest (usli) re!or)er and states)an o! t#e 1=t# Century, "ir "yed $#)ad *#an
was .orn in 4el#i on 17, 1G17, 8is !a)ily on t#e )aternal and %aternal side #ad
lose ontats wit# t#e (u&#al ourt, 8is )aternal &rand!at#er, *#wa7a# 2arid was a
@azir in t#e ourt o! $ "#a# II, 8is %aternal &rand!at#er "yed 8adi #eld a )ansa.
and t#e title o! <awwad $li *#an in t#e ourt o! $la)&ir II, 8is !at#er, (ir (uttaAi, #ad
.een lose to $ "#a# sine t#e days o! #is %rine-#ood, "yed $#)ad1s )ot#er, $ziz-
un-3isa, took a &reat deal o! interest in t#e eduation and u%.rin&in& o! #er son, "#e
i)%osed a ri&id disi%line on #i) and "ir "yed #i)sel! ad)itted t#at #er su%ervision
ounted !or )u# in t#e !or)ation o! #is #arater,
-#e early years o! "ir "yed1s li!e were s%ent in t#e at)os%#ere o! t#e !a)ily o! a (u&#al
no.le, -#ere was not#in& in youn& "yed1s #a.its or .e#avior to su&&est t#at #e was
di!!erent !ro) ot#er .oys, t#ou&# #e was distin&uis#ed on aount o! #is e6traordinary
%#ysiAue, $s a .oy #e learnt swi))in& and ar#ery, w#i# were !avorite s%orts o! t#e
well-to-do lass in t#ose days,
"ir "yed reeived #is eduation under t#e old syste), 8e learnt to read t#e Euran under a
!e)ale tea#er at #is #o)e, $!ter t#is, #e was %ut in t#e #ar&e o! (aulvi 8a)id-ud-4in,
t#e !irst o! #is %rivate tutors, 8avin& o)%leted a ourse in 0ersian and $ra.i, #e took to
t#e study o! )at#e)atis, w#i# was a !avorite su.7et o! t#e )aternal side o! #is !a)ily,
8e later .ea)e interested in )ediine and studied so)e well-known .ooks on t#e
su.7et, 8owever, #e soon &ave it u% wit#out o)%letin& t#e !ull ourse, $t t#e a&e o! 1G
or 1= #is !or)al eduation a)e to an end .ut #e ontinued #is studies %rivately, 8e
started takin& a keen interest in t#e literary &at#erin&s and ultural ativities o! t#e ity,
-#e deat# o! #is !at#er in 1GDG le!t t#e !a)ily in di!!iulties, -#us youn& "yed was
o)%elled at t#e early a&e o! 21 to look !or a areer, 8e deided to enter t#e servie o!
t#e 'ast India Co)%any, 8e started #is areer as "aris#tedar in a ourt o! law, 8e .ea)e
3ai. (uns#i in 1GD= and (uns#i in 1G>1, In 1G5G #e was %ro)oted and a%%ointed as
"adar-us-"adur at (, In 1G?7 #e was %ro)oted and %osted as t#e 7ud&e o! t#e
")all Causes Court, 8e retired in 1G7?, 8e s%ent t#e rest o! #is li!e !or $li&ar# Colle&e
and t#e (usli)s o! "out# $sia,
"ir "yed1s &reatest a#ieve)ent was #is $li&ar# (ove)ent, w#i# was %ri)arily an
eduational venture, 8e esta.lis#ed Buls#an "#ool at ( in 1G5=, Vitoria
"#ool at B#azi%ur in 1G?D, and a sienti!i soiety in 1G?>, @#en "ir "yed was %osted
at $li&ar# in 1G?7, #e started t#e (u#a))adan $n&lo-5riental "#ool in t#e ity, "ir
"yed &ot t#e o%%ortunity to visit 'n&land in 1G?=-70, 4urin& #is stay, #e studied t#e
Britis# eduational syste) and a%%reiated it, 5n #is return #o)e #e deided to )ake (,
$, 5, 8i&# "#ool on t#e %attern o! Britis# .oardin& s#ools, -#e "#ool later .ea)e a
olle&e in 1G75, -#e status o! :niversity was &iven to t#e olle&e a!ter t#e deat# o! "ir
"yed in 1=20, (, $, 5, 8i&# "#ool, Colle&e and :niversity %layed a .i& role in t#e
awareness o! t#e (usli)s o! "out# $sia,
:nlike ot#er (usli) leaders o! #is ti)e, "ir "yed was o! t#e view t#at (usli)s s#ould
#ave !riends#i% wit# t#e Britis# i! t#ey want to take t#eir due ri&#ts, -o a#ieve t#is #e
did a lot to onvine t#e Britis# t#at (usli)s were not a&ainst t#e), 5n t#e ot#er #and,
#e tried #is .est to onvine t#e (usli)s t#at i! t#ey did not .e!riend t#e Britis#, t#ey
ould not a#ieve t#eir &oals, "ir "yed wrote )any .ooks and 7ournals to re)ove t#e
)isunderstandin&s .etween (usli)s and t#e Britis#, -#e )ost si&ni!iant o! #is literary
works were #is %a)%#lets F;oyal (u#a))adans o! IndiaF and FCause o! Indian /evoltF,
8e also wrote a o))entary on t#e Bi.le, in w#i# #e atte)%ted to %rove t#at Isla) is
t#e losest reli&ion to C#ristianity,
"ir "yed asked t#e (usli)s o! #is ti)e not to %artii%ate in %olitis unless and until t#ey
&ot )odern eduation, 8e was o! t#e view t#at (usli)s ould not sueed in t#e !ield o!
western %olitis wit#out knowin& t#e syste), 8e was invited to attend t#e !irst session o!
t#e Indian 3ational Con&ress and to 7oin t#e or&anization .ut #e re!used to ae%t t#e
o!!er, 8e also asked t#e (usli)s to kee% t#e)selves away !ro) t#e Con&ress and
%redited t#at t#e %arty would %rove to .e a %ure 8indu %arty in t#e ti)es to o)e, By
esta.lis#in& t#e (u#a))adan 'duational Con!erene, #e %rovided (usli)s wit# a
%lat!or) on w#i# #e ould disuss t#eir %olitial %ro.le)s, "ir "yed is known as t#e
!ounder o! -wo-3ation -#eory in t#e )odern era,
In t#e .e&innin& o! 1G=G #e started kee%in& a.nor)ally Auiet, 2or #ours #e would not
utter a word to !riends w#o visited #i), (edial aid %roved ine!!etive, 8is ondition
.ea)e ritial on 2>t# o! (ar#, 5n t#e )ornin& o! (ar# 27, a severe #eada#e
!urt#er worsened it, 8e e6%ired t#e sa)e evenin& in t#e #ouse o! 8a7i Is)ail *#an, w#ere
#e #ad .een s#i!ted 10 or 12 days earlier, 8e was .uried t#e !ollowin& a!ternoon in t#e
o)%ound o! t#e (osAue o! $li&ar# Colle&e, 8e was )ourned .y a lar&e nu).er o!
!riends and ad)irers .ot# wit#in and outside "out# $sia,
Syed A"ee! Ali
"yed $)eer $li traed #is linea&e t#rou&# t#e ei&#t# I)a), $li $l-/aza, to t#e 8oly
0ro%#et (", $, @,), 5ne o! #is !ore!at#ers #eld o!!ie under "#a# $ II o! 0ersia,
$not#er took %art in 3adir "#a#1s invasion o! India, $!ter t#e %lunder o! 4el#i, #is
!ore!at#ers deided to settle in t#e "u.-ontinent and started servin& (u#a))ad "#a#,
$not#er o! #is !ore!at#ers !ou&#t a&ainst (ar#attas in t#e t#ird .attle o! 0ani%at, $!ter
t#e deat# o! #is &rand!at#er, #is !at#er "aadat $li *#an was .rou&#t u% and eduated .y
#is )aternal unle,
"aadat $li *#an #ad !ive sons, "yed $)eer $li .ein& t#e youn&est o! t#e), 8e was .orn
on $%ril ?, 1G>=, 8is !at#er, on t#e advie o! so)e !riendly Britis# o!!iers, )ade a .reak
wit# t#e traditions and &ave #is sons an 'n&lis# eduation, $)eer $li was eduated at
8oo&ly Colle&e, 8e was a %reoious #ild and learnt $ra.i, 0ersian, $ra. %#iloso%#y
and #istory !ro) #is &i!ted !at#er, 8e &raduated in 1G?7 and .ea)e one o! t#e !irst
(usli) &raduates in India, In 1G?G, #e %assed #is ($ in #istory, and law, and in t#e sa)e
year %roeeded to 'n&land on a &overn)ent s#olars#i% to %ursue #is #i&#er studies, In
;ondon, #e 7oined t#e -e)%le Inn and )ade ontats wit# t#e elite o! t#e ity, 8e
i).i.ed t#e in!luene o! onte)%orary li.eralis),
8e returned to India in 1G7D and resu)ed #is le&al %ratie at Calutta 8i&# Court, -#e
!ollowin& year, #e was eleted as a 2ellow o! Calutta :niversity and was also a%%ointed
as a leturer in Isla)i ;aw at t#e 0resideny Colle&e, 8e was one o! t#e !irst leaders to
learly visualize t#at t#e (usli)s s#ould or&anize t#e)selves %olitially i! t#ey were to
#ave an #onored %lae in Indian li!e, @it# t#is devotion, #e esta.lis#ed t#e Central
3ational (u#a))adan $ssoiation on $%ril 12 1G77, 8e was assoiated wit# it !or over
25 years, and worked !or t#e %olitial advane)ent o! t#e (usli)s, In 1G7G, #e was
a%%ointed as t#e )e).er o! t#e Ben&al ;e&islative Counil, 8e revisited 'n&land in 1GG0
!or one year,
In 1GGD, #e was no)inated to t#e )e).ers#i% o! t#e Bovernor Beneral Counil, 8e
.ea)e a %ro!essor o! law in Calutta :niversity in 1GG1, In 1G=0 #e was )ade a 7ud&e
in t#e Calutta 8i&# Court, 8e retired in 1=0> and deided to settle down in 'n&land,
-#is was a !ate!ul deision o! #is areer, -#ou&#, due to #is in!luene in &overn)ent
irles, #e ontri.uted a lot !or t#e (usli) o))unity o! India, w#ile sittin& in ;ondon,
#e was away !ro) t#e )ain urrent o! (usli) %olitial li!e, 8ad #e lived in India, #e
ould #ave !illed t#e &a% in (usli) leaders#i% reated .y t#e deat# o! "ir "yed $#)ad
8e esta.lis#ed t#e ;ondon (usli) ;ea&ue in 1=0G, -#is or&anization was an
inde%endent .ody and not a .ran# o! $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue, In 1=0=, #e .ea)e t#e
!irst Indian to sit as a ;aw ;ord o! t#e 0rivy Counil, In 1=10, #e esta.lis#ed t#e !irst
)osAue in ;ondon, 8is !ield o! ativities was now .roadened and #e stood !or t#e
(usli) wel!are all over t#e world, 8e %layed an i)%ortant role in seurin& se%arate
eletorates !or t#e (usli)s in "out# $sia and %ro)otin& t#e ause o! t#e *#ila!at
8e wrote a nu).er o! .ooks on Isla) and Isla)i #istory, 8is )ost nota.le ontri.utions
are F-#e "%irit o! Isla)F, F$ "#ort 8istory o! t#e "araensF and F(u#a))adan ;awF,
8is .ook F"%irit o! Isla)F, to so)e s#olars, was t#e &reatest sin&le work on t#e li.eral
e6%osition o! Isla),
8e died on $u&ust >, 1=2G in "usse6,
(aulana S&au$at Ali
Bot# .rot#ers, "#aukat $li and (u#a))ad $li were a)on& t#e ar#itets o! 0akistan1s
!reedo), (aulana "#aukat $li, .ein& t#e elder o! t#e two $li Brot#ers, was dee%ly
interested in Isla) and totally o))itted to t#e ause o! !reedo) )ove)ent,
8e was .orn in /a)%ur and eduated at $li&ar#, $t $li&ar# #e .ea)e t#e a%tain o! t#e
riket tea) and idol o! riket-lovin& rowds, 8e served in t#e %rovinial ivil servie
o! t#e :nited 0rovines o! 5ud# and $&ra !or 17 years, !ro) 1G=? to 1=1D,
8e atively assisted (aulana (u#a))ad $li in t#e %u.liation o! F8a)dardF and
FCo)radeF t#at %layed a vital role )oldin& t#e %olitial %oliy o! (usli) India, In 1=15
#e was i)%risoned alon& wit# (aulana (o#a))ad $li, In 1=1=, w#ile #e was in 7ail, #e
was eleted 0resident o! t#e 2irst *#ila!at Con!erene, :%on #is release t#e sa)e year, #e
was eleted "eretary and C#ie! '6eutive 5!!ier o! t#e Central *#ila!at Co))ittee, In
1=21, #e was a&ain i)%risoned alon& wit# (aulana (u#a))ad $li and was released in
1=2D, 8e attended t#e $ll 0arties Con!erene in 4el#i in 1=2=, and t#e 2irst and "eond
/ound -a.le Con!erenes, 8e #el%ed or&anize t#e @orld (usli) Con!erene #eld at
<erusale), in 1=D2,
In 1=D? #e .ea)e a )e).er o! t#e $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue Counil and also o! t#e
(usli) ;ea&ue 0arlia)entary Board, 2ro) 1=D> to 1=DG #e was a )e).er o! t#e
;e&islative $sse).ly, 2ro) 1=D? to 1=DG, #e not only #el%ed t#e Euaid-i-$za) in
%o%ularizin& t#e (usli) ;ea&ue at various levels, .ut also toured '&y%t, 0alestine, "yria,
IraA, Le)en, "audi $ra.ia and t#e :nited "tates w#ere #e delivered s%ee#es on t#e
2reedo) (ove)ent o! India and on Isla),
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(aulana (u&a""ad Ali %ou&a!
(aulana (u#a))ad $li was .orn in /a)%ur state in 1G7G, in a wealt#y and enli&#tened
!a)ily o! 0at#ans, 8is !at#er died w#en #e was two years old, 8e and #is !a)ily su!!ered
!inanial %ro.le)s a!ter t#e deat# o! #is !at#er, 4ue to t#e e!!orts, deter)ination and
sari!ie .y #is )ot#er, #e and #is .rot#ers were a.le to &et &ood eduation, 8e did #is
&raduation !ro) $li&ar# :niversity wit# #onors and t#en went to ;inoln Colle&e
56!ord, 'n&land, in 1G=G to study )odern #istory,
5n #is return #e was a%%ointed 4iretor o! 'duation in /a)%ur "tate, and later 7oined
t#e Baroda Civil "ervie and served t#ere !or seven years, (aulana (u#a))ad $li was
a .rilliant and i)%ressive writer, an orator o! t#e !irst )a&nitude and a !arsi&#ted %olitial
leader, 8e wrote artiles in various news%a%ers like F-#e -i)esF, F-#e 5.serverF and
F-#e (an#ester BuardianF,
(aulana (u#a))ad $li wrote .ot# in 'n&lis# and :rdu, 8e laun#ed #is !a)ous
'n&lis# weekly FCo)radeF !ro) Calutta in 1=11, $!ter s#i!tin& to 4el#i in 1=1D, #e, in
addition to #is 'n&lis# weekly, also laun#ed #is :rdu weekly, F8a)dardF, -#e
FCo)radeF .ea)e an internationally !a)ous 7ournal and seured )any su.sri.ers in
nu)erous !orei&n ountries, 8e also worked #ard towards )akin& (, 5, $, Colle&e a
(usli) :niversity, 8e assisted in settin& u% <a)i1a# (illiya# Isla)ia, w#i# was later
trans!erred to 4el#i, 2or !our years a!ter 1=11, #e re)ained involved in t#e *an%ur
(osAue a!!air,
(aulana (u#a))ad $li <ou#ar was one o! t#e o!ounders o! $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue,
8e attended t#e !irst session o! $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue at 4#aka in 1=0?, and was later
eleted as its 0resident in 1=1G, 8e re)ained ative in t#e a!!airs o! t#e $ll India (usli)
;ea&ue till 1=2G,
-#e !a)ous 'n&lis# weekly FCo)radeF was laun#ed !ro) Calutta in 1=11
4urin& t#e *#ila!at (ove)ent, (aulana (u#a))ad $li <ou#ar led a dele&ation to
'n&land in 1=1=, in order to %resent t#e view o! t#e (usli)s, $lt#ou&# t#e dele&ation
was not suess!ul in its ai), #e still ke%t on workin& !or t#e (usli)s, 8e also
w#ole#eartedly 7oined t#e non-oo%eration )ove)ent or&anized .y Band#i, In 1=21,
a!ter t#e Britis# re!used to #onor t#eir %ro)ises in re&ard to -urkey, #e toured t#e w#ole
o! India in order to &at#er su%%ort !or t#e suess o! t#e non-oo%eration )ove)ent, $t
t#e end o! t#e )ove)ent #e was arrested and 7ailed !or two years,
In 1=2>, #e renewed t#e %u.liation o! F8a)dardF, In 1=2G, #e le!t t#e Indian 3ational
Con&ress, o%%osed t#e 3e#ru /e%ort toot# and nail, and su%%orted t#e 2ourteen 0oints o!
Euaid-i-$za), 4es%ite #is ill #ealt#, #e attended t#e 2irst /ound -a.le Con!erene in
1=D0, w#ere #e e!!etively ar&ued t#e ase o! t#e Indian (usli)s, 8e delivered a
)e)ora.le, !iery s%ee# a&ainst t#e do)ination o! India and in !avor o! i))ediate
inde%endene, "oon a!ter t#e !irst session was over, #e olla%sed and died in ;ondon on
<anuary >, 1=D1, and was .uried in <erusale) aordin& to #is own wis#,
A/ :/ Fazl-ul-Ha<
0o%ularly known as "#er-i-Ben&al, $, *, 2azl-ul-8aA was a leader w#o, !or )ore t#an
#al! a entury, was in t#e !ore!ront o! all %olitial ativities %ertainin& to t#e 0akistan
(ove)ent, 8e )ade valua.le ontri.utions towards t#e %olitial, soial and eduational
u%li!t o! t#e (usli)s o! t#e "u.-ontinent,
8e was .orn on 2?, 1G7D, and reeived #is ele)entary and reli&ious eduation at
#o)e, 8e learnt t#e 8oly Euran, $ra.i and 0ersian !ro) well-known s#olars, 2azl-ul-
8aA e6elled in #is studies, 8e %assed #is B$ seurin& #onors in %#ysis, #e)istry and
)at#e)atis, and #is ($ wit# distintion !ro) t#e :niversity o! Calutta,
In 1=00, #e was enrolled as an advoate in t#e Calutta 8i&# Court, @#ile %ratiin& law
in #is #o)etown, Barisal, #e realized t#at t#e )ain ause o! t#e .akwardness o!
(usli)s o! Ben&al was lak o! eduation, 'duational u%li!t and %olitial advane)ent
o! t#e (usli)s .ea)e t#e &oal o! #is li!e,
8e slowly .e&an to e)er&e as a youn& %olitial leader, 2azl-ul-8aA was one o! t#e !our
)e).ers o! t#e o))ittee t#at dra!ted t#e onstitution o! t#e $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue in
1=0?, In 1=12, #e started t#e Central 3ational (u#a))adan 'duational $ssoiation to
#el% t#e %oor and deservin& (usli)s, In 1=1>, #e .ea)e t#e leader o! t#e (usli)s o!
Ben&al, 8e attended t#e ;uknow 0at as t#e re%resentative o! t#e %rovine,
In 1=20, #e .ea)e t#e (inister o! 'duation !or Ben&al, 8e devotedly worked !or t#e
eduational advane)ent o! t#e (usli)s, 4urin& t#e 3on-oo%eration (ove)ent o!
1=1=-1=21, #e very wisely advised t#e (usli) students to sin&le-)indedly %ursue t#eir
studies and not to &et involved in %olitis at t#at sta&e,
2azl-ul-8aA was essentially a )an o! t#e )asses, $s a lawyer #e de!ended t#ousands o!
(usli)s w#o were aused o! t#e riot ases .e!ore t#e 0artition, 8e also looked a!ter t#e
interests o! t#e %easantry o! Ben&al, 8e was also a dele&ate o! t#e /ound -a.le
Con!erenes and %leaded t#e ause o! t#e (usli)s to #ave t#eir %ro%er s#are in t#e
ad)inistrative a!!airs o! t#e ountry, In 1=D7, #e was eleted as C#ie! (inister o! Ben&al,
4urin& t#e $ll India (usli) ;ea&ue session o! (ar# 2D, 1=>0, w#i# was %resided over
.y Euaid-i-$za), 2azl-ul-8aA rose to )ove t#e #istori 0akistan /esolution and s%oke
o! %rotetin& t#e ri&#ts o! t#e (usli)s o! India,
2azl-ul-8aA )i&rated to 0akistan and ae%ted t#e $dvoate Benerals#i% o! 'ast
0akistan, $t t#e a&e o! G0, #e toured 'ast 0akistan !ro) one end to anot#er, In 1=?2, #is
#ealt# started deterioratin&, 8e %assed away on $%ril 27, 1=?2 a!ter do)inatin& t#e
%olitial sta&e o! t#e "u.-ontinent !or #al! a entury,
>ia<uat Ali :&an
3awa.zada ;iaAuat $li *#an, t#e seond son o! 3awa. /usta) $li *#an, was .orn on 1, 1G=?, in a (adal 0at#an (3aus#erwan) !a)ily, 8e &raduated in 1=1G !ro) (,
$, 5, Colle&e, $li&ar#, $!ter #is &raduation, #e was o!!ered a 7o. in t#e Indian Civil
"ervies, .ut #e re7eted t#e o!!er on t#e %lea t#at #e wanted to serve #is nation, 8e
)arried #is ousin, <e#an&ira Be&u) in 1=1G, $!ter #is )arria&e, #e went to ;ondon !or
#i&#er eduation, In 1=21, #e o.tained a de&ree in ;aw !ro) 56!ord and was alled to
Bar at Inner -e)%le in 1=22,
5n #is return !ro) 'n&land in 1=2D, ;iaAuat $li *#an deided to enter %olitis wit# t#e
o.7etive o! li.eratin& #is #o)eland !ro) t#e !orei&n yoke, /i&#t !ro) t#e very
.e&innin&, #e was deter)ined to eradiate t#e in7usties and ill treat)ent )eted out to t#e
Indian (usli)s .y t#e Britis#, In #is early li!e, ;iaAuat $li, like )ost o! t#e (usli)
leaders o! #is ti)e, .elieved in Indian 3ationalis), But #is views &radually #an&ed, -#e
Con&ress leaders invited #i) to 7oin t#eir %arty, .ut #e re!used and 7oined t#e (usli)
;ea&ue in 1=2D, :nder t#e leaders#i% o! Euaid-i-$za), t#e (usli) ;ea&ue #eld its
annual session in (ay 1=2> in ;a#ore, -#e ai) o! t#is session was to revive t#e ;ea&ue,
;iaAuat $li *#an attended t#is on!erene alon& )any ot#er youn& (usli)s,
;iaAuat $li started #is %arlia)entary areer !ro) t#e :, 0, ;e&islative $sse).ly in 1=2?
as an inde%endent andidate, ;ater #e !or)ed #is own %arty, -#e 4e)orati 0arty,
wit#in t#e ;e&islative $sse).ly and was eleted as its leader, 8e re)ained t#e )e).er
o! t#e :, 0, ;e&islative Counil till 1=>0 w#en #e was eleted to t#e Central ;e&islative
In #is %arlia)entary areer, ;iaAuat $li *#an esta.lis#ed #is re%utation as an eloAuent,
%rini%led and #onest s%okes)an w#o never o)%ro)ised on #is %rini%les even in t#e
!ae o! severe odds, 8e used #is in!luene and &ood o!!ies !or t#e liAuidation o!
o))unal tension and .itterness, 8e took ative %art in le&islative a!!airs, 8e was one o!
t#e )e).ers o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue dele&ation t#at attended t#e 3ational Convention
#eld at Calutta to disuss t#e 3e#ru /e%ort in 4ee).er 1=2G,
;iaAuat $li1s seond )arria&e took %lae in 1=DD, 8is wi!e Be&u) /a1ana was a
distin&uis#ed eono)ist and an eduationist w#o stood .y #er #us.and durin& t#e u%s
and downs o! #is %olitial areer, "#e %roved to .e a valua.le asset to #is %olitial areer
as well as #is %rivate li!e, Euaid-i-$za) in t#ose days was in 'n&land in sel!-e6ile, -#e
newly wed ou%le #ad a nu).er o! )eetin&s wit# t#e Euaid and onvined #i) to o)e
.ak to India to take u% t#e leaders#i% o! t#e (usli)s o! t#e re&ion,
@#en Euaid-i-$za) returned to India, #e started reor&anizin& t#e (usli) ;ea&ue,
;iaAuat was eleted as t#e 8onorary "etary o! t#e %arty on $%ril 2?, 1=D?, 8e #eld t#e
o!!ie till t#e esta.lis#)ent o! 0akistan in 1=>7, In 1=>0, #e was )ade t#e de%uty leader
o! t#e (usli) ;ea&ue 0arlia)entary %arty, Euaid-i-$za) was not a.le to take ative %art
in t#e %roeedin&s o! t#e $sse).ly on aount o! #is #eavy %olitial workR t#us t#e
w#ole .urden o! %rotetin& (usli) interests in t#e $sse).ly !ell on ;iaAuat $li1s
s#oulders, ;iaAuat $li was also t#e )e).er o! (usli) (asses Civil 4e!ense Co))ittee,
w#i# was !or)ed to kee% t#e (usli)s sa!e !ro) Con&ress ativities and to stren&t#en
t#e ;ea&ue1s )ission,
;iaAuat $li *#an won t#e Central ;e&islature eletion in 1=>5->? !ro) t#e (eerut
Constitueny in :, 0, 8e was also eleted C#air)an o! t#e ;ea&ue1s Central
0arlia)entary Board, 8e assisted Euaid-i-$za) in #is ne&otiations wit# t#e )e).ers o!
t#e Ca.inet (ission and t#e leaders o! t#e Con&ress durin& t#e !inal %#ases o! t#e
2reedo) (ove)ent, @#en t#e Bovern)ent asked t#e (usli) ;ea&ue to send t#eir
no)inees !or re%resentation in t#e interi) &overn)ent, ;iaAuat was asked to lead t#e
;ea&ue &rou% in t#e a.inet, 8e was &iven t#e %ort!olio o! !inane, w#i# #e #andled
8e in!luened t#e workin& o! all t#e de%art)ents o! t#e Bovern)ent and %resented a %oor
)an1s .ud&et, 8is %oliies as 2inane (inister #el%ed in onvinin& t#e Con&ress to
ae%t t#e (usli) de)and o! a se%arate #o)eland,
$!ter inde%endene, Euaid-i-$za) and (usli) ;ea&ue a%%ointed ;iaAuat to .e t#e #ead
o! t#e 0akistan Bovern)ent, Bein& t#e !irst 0ri)e (inister o! t#e ountry, 8e #ad to deal
wit# a nu).er o! di!!iulties !ain& 0akistan in its early days, ;iaAuat $li *#an #el%ed
Euaid-i-$za) in solvin& t#e riot and re!u&ee %ro.le) and settin& u% an e!!etive
ad)inistrative syste) !or t#e ountry, $!ter t#e deat# o! Euaid-i-$za), ;iaAuat tried to
!ill t#e vauu) reated .y t#e de%arture o! t#e 2at#er o! t#e 3ation, :nder #is
%re)iers#i%, 0akistan took its !irst ste%s in t#e !ield o! onstitution )akin&, as well as
!orei&n %oliy,
8e %resented t#e 5.7etives /esolution in t#e ;e&islative $sse).ly, -#e #ouse %assed
t#is on (ar# 12, 1=>=, :nder #is leaders#i% a tea) also dra!ted t#e !irst re%ort o! t#e
Basi 0rini%le Co))ittee, 8is e!!orts in si&nin& t#e ;iaAuat-3e#ru %at %ertainin& to
t#e )inority issue in 1=50 redued tensions .etween India and 0akistan, In (ay 1=51, #e
visited t#e :nited "tates and set t#e ourse o! 0akistan1s !orei&n %oliy towards loser
ties wit# t#e @est,
5n 1?, 1=51, ;iaAuat $li *#an was assassinated, 8e #ad .een s#eduled to
)ake an i)%ortant announe)ent in a )eetin& at (unii%al 0ark, /awal%indi,
-#e seurity !ores i))ediately s#ot t#e assassin, w#o was later identi!ied as "aad
$, *illin& t#e assassin erased all lues to t#e identity o! t#e real ul%rit .e#ind t#e
)urder, ;iaAuat $li *#an was o!!iially &iven t#e title o! "#a#eed-i-(illat, .ut t#e
Auestion o! w#o was .e#ind #is )urder is yet to .e answered,
(ain o.7etives o! 4evolution o! 0owers and /es%onsi.ilities were deentralization o!
%olitial, !inanial and ad)inistrative %owersR assi&nin& res%onsi.ilities to t#e Auarters it
atually .elon&edR disoura&e t#e %ower .rokers and alleviate %ro.le)s o! t#e &eneral, -#e 3ational /eonstrution Bureau %u.lis#ed t#e su))ary o! its o.7etives on
2>t# (ar# 2000, startin& as !ollowin&H
N0akistanIs %olitial #istory is #ekered wit# )any atte)%ts at deliverin& a .etter li!e !or
t#e %eo%le, -#e non use, )isuse and a.use o! our %olitial and ad)inistrative syste)s
#ave lead to a %ro!ound institutional risis, -#e %olitial syste) #as deteriorated as a
result o! #orse tradin& and ronyis), t#e %olitis o! %ostin& and trans!ers in t#e
.ureauray and orru%tion in lienes, ontrats, ta6es et, -#e %olitial and
ad)inistrative syste)s #ave olla%sed,O
In ountries w#ere devolution is in vo&ue, it was &radually evolved, .ut in 0akistan it was
i)%osed overni&#t, -#ere!ore, %ro.le)s and on!lits are arisin& w#i# need to .e
addressedR .ut, instead o! redressin& t#e &overn)ent tries to de!end t#e e6istin&
%aradi&), 4i!!erent !untionaries at di!!erent levels are not lear a.out t#ere role in t#e
new syste), It #as reated di!!erene .etween t#e loal &overn)ents and %rovinial
&overn)ents and .etween %rovinial &overn)ents and t#e 2ederal Bovern)ent, 4i!!erent
stake #olders #ave di!!erent views, de%endin& on t#eir vested interests, -#e .adly #it
4istrit (ana&e)ent Brou% is .itterly ritiizin& it and tryin& to !ail t#e syste) w#i#
did away wit# t#e institution o! 4e%uty Co))issioner, 0olie de%art)ent did not want to
.e su.ordinated to distrit nazi)s, 4es%ite, introdution o! 0olie 5rder 2002 and
"a!ety Co))ission w#i# )ade t#e %olie res%onsi.le to 3azi) to t#e e6tent o! law and
order does not see) to .e workin& well,
-#e ;e&islators !elt t#at t#e loal &overn)ent de%rived t#e) o! t#eir role in develo%)ent
o! t#e areas, "o )any o! t#e) resi&ned !ro) t#eir %ositions and ontested eletions to
.eo)e nazi)s, -#e nazi)s are o! t#e view t#at t#e eleted re%resentatives o! %rovinial
and national asse).lies s#ould stik to t#eir role o! le&islation only,
Histo!i2al 1e!s1e2tive
$ !ew deades a&o, &overnane re)ained li)ited to olletion o! revenue, )aintenane
o! law and order and %rovision o! li)ited nu).er o! servies, like railway,
teleo))uniation, #ealt# eduation, et, $s t#e world started s#rinkin& into a &
villa&e, res%onsi.ilities o! t#e state .ea)e o)%le6 and nu)erous,
'ven in (u&#al era, institutions like _)ansa.dariI and _revenue syste)I were introdued
to i)%rove ad)inistration o! t#e su.ontinent, 4urin& t#e %eriod o! $, 7udiial and
e6eutive !untions o! t#e state were se%arated, In t#e !ield o! revenue olletion, !i6ed
%ro%ortions o! s#are o! t#e &overn)ent out o! a&riultural %rodue was deter)ined,
/i&#ts o! t#e tenants were %ronouned in .lak and w#ite, -#e Britis# ado%ted t#e sa)e
revenue syste) wit# so)e #an&es, 0akistan in#erited t#e sa)e revenue syste) a!ter
inde%endene, -#e Britis# evolved t#e syste) o! _7a&irdariI and 4e%uty Co))issioner to
%er%etuate t#eir re&i)e in India, In 4C, 7udiial, e6eutive and revenue %ower were
onentrated and )ade #i) t#e re%resentative o! t#e Britis# ')%ire, -#e !eudal syste)
and t#e institution o! 4C re)ained intat wit# t#e %ast &randeur till introdution o! t#e
instant devolution %lan,
;oal Bovern)ent "yste) was introdued in t#e su.-ontinent .y %assin& t#e 0un7a.
(unii%al $t o! 1G?7, Initially t#e )e).ers o! t#e loal &overn)ents were no)inated
.ut a!ter introdution o! later laws, syste) o! eletions was also introdued in t#e loal
&overn)ents and res%onsi.ilities were also en#aned,
In t#e onstitution o! 1=5?, t#e state was de!ined as inludin&H Nt#e 2ederal
Bovern)ent, t#e %arlia)ent, t#e 0rovinial Bovern)ents, t#e 0rovinial ;e&islatures,
and all loal or ot#er aut#orities in 0akistanO, -#e loal &overn)ents were )ade
res%onsi.ility o! t#e %rovinial &overn)ents,
In t#e Constitution o! 1=?2, 'letoral Colle&e o)%risin& >0000 onstituenies was
reated in ea# %rovine to elet t#e 0resident o! 0akistan, -#ou&#, it was an i)%ortant
!untion o! t#e loal .odies .ut t#e 4e%uty Co))issioners and Co))issioners were t#e
ontrollin& aut#orities o! t#e loal .odies, In t#e Constitution o! 1=?2 t#e ter)s loal
&overn)ents were not )entioned any w#ereH t#ere was a )ention o! t#e %rovinial
&overn)ents and t#e 2ederal &overn)ents, -#e 2ederal Bovern)ent was virtually &iven
all t#e %owers,
In t#e onstitution o! 1=7D, loal &overn)ents were reo&nized as t#e t#ird tier o! t#e
state, $rtile 7 o! t#e onstitution desri.ed state asH Nt#e 2ederal Bovern)ent, t#e
0arlia)ent, t#e 0rovinial Bovern)ent, a 0rovinial $sse).ly and su# loal or ot#er
aut#orities in 0akistan as were e)%owered .y law to i)%ose any ta6 or ess,O
(artial ;aw was i)%osed on 7 <uly 1=77, -#e loal &overn)ents ontinued !untionin&
under ad)inistrators till t#e %ro)ul&ation o! _-#e 0un7a. ;oal Bovern)ent 5rdinane
1=7=I, 2our eletions were #eld under t#is ordinane in 1=7=, 1=GD, 1=G7 and 1==1, -#e
0un7a. ;oal Bovern)ent 5rdinane 2001 re%ealed all t#e %revious ordinanes,
-#e %resent &overn)ent realized t#at .ureauray is averse to #an&e and %rone to status
Auo, t#ere!ore, t#e &overn)ent deided to e)%ower t#e &eneral to )ake its
deisions re&ardin& !i6ation o! develo%)ent %riorities, 4eision )akin&, earlier, was
on!ined to 0lannin& and 4evelo%)ent 4e%art)ent and 4ivisions and at t#e level o!
0rovinial and 2ederal levels, -#e %owers were, t#us, devolved to &rass root level
t#rou&# 4evolution 0lan !or)ulated .y t#e 3ational /eonstrution Bureau, wit# t#e
!ollowin& o.7etivesH
f 4evolution o! %owers
f 4eentralization o! ad)inistrative aut#ority
f 4e-onentration o! )ana&e)ent !untions
f 4i!!usion o! %ower-aut#ority ne6us
f 4istri.ution o! resoures to t#e distrit level
f ')%ower)ent o! wo)en .y &ivin& t#e) DDT seats
$ordin& to t#e %lan, ertain &overn)ental !untions were devolved to distrit, ity
distrit, te#sil, town and :nion Counil level, -#e %rovinial &overn)ents %ro)ul&ated
;oal Bovern)ent 5rdinane 2001 on t#e .asis o! t#e devolution %lan %re%ared .y 3/B,
3o %revious ivil or )ilitary &overn)ent ever t#ou&#t o! e)%owerin& t#e in su#
a .i& way,
Cone%ts o! _&ood &overnaneI, &overnaneI and _deentralizationI, _aounta.ilityI
and _trans%arenyI #ave )ade t#e aware o! t#eir ri&#ts and ri&#t ty%e o!
Su22ess Sto!ies
$s t#ere are )any !ailures and a).i&uities related to 4evolution, still t#ere are )any
suess stories to .e toldH
f '!!iient distri.ution and e6%enditure o! !unds,
f I)%rove)ent in #ealt# !ailities
f I)%roved eduational !ailities
f /edued orru%tion and ine!!iieny
!o8le"s o# 1a!allel syste"
3azi)s are su%%osed to .e non-%olitial .ut t#ey are virtually %olitial !i&ures, -#ere is
not %ro%er linka&e .etween 4istrit 3azi), (unii%al 3azi) and :C 3azi), e6e%t
t#rou&# advie o! 4istrit (us#awarti Co))ittee w#i# does not arry any !ore o! law,
4evolution was e6%eted to inrease oordination and understandin& .etween t#e
!untionaries and t#e re%resentatives o! t#e loal &overn)ents .ut no.ody is lear a.out
#is role,
Inter &rou% rivalries and disri)ination .etween voter and non-voters #as #a)%ered
un.iased %rovision o! servies to all %ersons, 3azi)s .elon&in& to o%%osition %arties
#ave .een #andia%%ed .y t#e %rovinial &overn)ents .y not %rovidin& develo%)ent
!unds and .y sto%%in& t#e %rovinial !untionaries !ro) oo%eratin& wit# t#e),
$rea o! res%onsi.ility o! -e#sil &overn)ents #as .een e6%andin& to t#e w#ole o! -e#sil
as a&ainst t#e %revious syste) w#ere it was restrited to (unii%al area only, But,
%ro%ortionate inrease in develo%)ent !unds #as not .een )ade, (a7or #unk o! !unds
are .ein& taken away .y t#e :nion Counils o! rural areas, delivery o! servie #as,
t#ere!ore, .eo)e %oor in ter)s o! street li&#ts, sewera&e, sanitation, et, -#e -($ is
%rovided !unds diretly !ro) t#e %rovinial &overn)ent w#ile :Cs &et !unds !ro) t#e
4istrit Bovern)ent, -#ere is du%liation o! develo%)ent works done .y t#e -($s,
-#ey are doin& su# works as well w#i# is e6lusive res%onsi.ility o! t#e distrit
-#e %rovinial &overn)ent e6erises ontrol over t#e 4istrit Bovern)ent and -e#sil
(unii%al $d)inistration !untionaries in ter)s o! trans!erX %ostin&s and $nnual
Con!idential /e%orts t#rou&# t#e C#ie! "eretary, $d)inistrative "eretaries and Board
o! /evenue, et, 0rovinial &overn)ent e6erises t#is aut#ority wit#out #avin& any
4istrit 3azi)s are not aounta.le in ter)s o! e!!iieny, e!!etiveness in servie
delivery and out%ut, Institutions like 4istrit (o#tasi., "a!ety Co))issions and o)%laint aut#orities are yet to .e in %lae, 0eo%le are losin& trust in loal
&overn)ents .eause o! t#eir ine!!etiveness,
4istrit 3azi)s t#ink t#at t#ey s#ould #ave .een devolved t#e %owers o! t#e 4C in
res%et o! Cr,0C, Colletor and su%ervision over all de%art)ents on .e#al! o! t#e
%rovinial &overn)ent, In ase o! law and order, t#e 3azi) #as very li)ited and o.sure
-#e syste) was not tested and &rey areas re)oved, 0eo%le and !untionaries #ave still
not !a)iliar wit# new desi&nations and rules and %roedures, 2untionaries are not takin&
interest in t#eir duties,
3o rules and %roedures are t#ere to !i6 res%onsi.ility in ase o! disaster )ana&e)ent,
VVI0 visits, %rotool duties, w#eat %roure)ent, esta.lis#)ent o! /a)adan Bazaars and
su# ot#er !untions, w#i# were %reviously .ein& %er!or)ed .y t#e institution o! 4istrit
(a&istrate, "i)ilarly, t#e e!!etiveness ot#er ivil de%art)ents is no )ore t#ere in ter)s
o! re)oval o! enroa#)ents, %rie ontrols, la.our laws, s%urious dru&s, adulteration,
%estiides, water t#e!t, et, "i)ilarly, t#ere is no !or)al ontrol o! 3azi) over Irri&ation
and 0ower, 2ood 4e%art)ent, @$04$, -ele%#one and ot#er or&anizations,
-#e 3azi)s are not !ollowin& any laws, rules or et#is in usin& %owers o! t#eir
su.ordinate o!!ies, 0owers are .ein& used wit#out takin& res%onsi.ility,
5rders o! trans!erX %ostin& are .ein& issued and anelled under %olitial %ressure,
3azi)s are .y%assin& t#e 4C5s and diretin& t#e '45s to su.)it !iles diretly,
4evelo%)ent s#e)es are a%%roved wit#out te#nial onsiderations )erely to !avor or
dis!avor !riends or !oes, $reas o! %olitial adversaries are .ein& o)%letely ne&leted,
Instead o! devolution to &rass root level, %owers #ave .een onentrated in 3azi)s,
Bovern)ent !untionaries workin& under nazi)s are #el%less and !rustrated, "oial
7ustie, )erit, servie delivery, eAuita.le distri.ution o! resoures and rule o! law, #ene,
are .adly su!!erin&,
4istrit (ana&e)ent Brou% and eleted re%resentatives o! t#e %rovinial and national
asse).lies are a&ainst t#is syste) and t#ey are always workin& overtly and overtly to
sa.ota&e it,
-#ere is no !or)al institution !or resolution o! on!lits .etween all t#e tiers o! loal
&overn)ents and .etween t#e !untionaries and )e).ers o! t#e loal &overn)ents
e6e%t t#rou&# 4istrit (us#awrati Co))ittee and 0rovinial ;oal Bovern)ent
Co))ission, (a&nitude o! o)%laints and on!lits is so #i&# t#at t#e entralized
o))ission annot o%e wit# t#e) e!!etively,
/ole o! t#e loal &overn)ent in ontrol over t#e %olie is not lear, $ordin& to 0olie
5rder 2002, 4istrit 3azi) #as ontrol over %olie e6e%t in t#e internal ad)inistration
and investi&ation o! ases and %roseution, I! t#e 405 t#inks t#at t#e diretives o! t#e
distrit &overn)ent are unlaw!ul, #e an re!er t#e ase to t#e "a!ety Co))ission,
-#e loal &overn)ents #ave t#ere!ore de)anded dele&ation o! )a&isterial %owers to t#e
o!!iers o! -($ re&ardin& re)oval o! enroa#)ent, #oardin&, %rie ontrol,
%ro!iteerin&, !ood adulteration and wei&#ts and )easures, et, -#e distrit &overn)ents
!eel #andia%%ed in i)%le)entation o! ;oal and "%eial ;aws in a.sene o! diret
ontrol over t#e %olie, "i)ilarly, it #as adversely a!!eted reovery o! land revenue and
ot#er ta6es olleted .y t#e loal &overn)ents, -#e 4istrit 3azi)s and t#e 4C5s are o!
t#e view t#at t#e loal &overn)ents s#ould .e allowed to )aintain t#eir own %olie !or
i)%le)entation o! ;oal and "%eial ;aws and t#at t#e 3azi) s#ould )ake entries in t#e
$C/ o! 405s relatin& to #is %er!or)ane in )aintenane o! law and order,
f /estore t#e institution o! )a&istray under '45s, as envisa&e in ori&inal devolution
%lan, 5ne )ay say t#at it is a&ain o).inin& e6eutive and 7udiiaryR .ut, t#e '45s will
use t#eir %owers in e6eutive !untions like #ekin& t#e %ries, #oardin& and wei&#ts
and )easures, I! tra!!i %olie an i)%ose !ine w#y '45s annot^ '45s )ay .e li)ited
to t#e e6tent o! i)%osin& !ine on enroa#ers and #oarders, et,
f ;oal &overn)ent )ay .e allowed to kee% a (unii%al 0olie !or assistin& t#e '45
f 4istrit (us#awarati Co))ittee )ay .e e)%owered to review law and order situation
every )ont#,
It is &eneral %ere%tion t#at wit#out ontrol o! t#e 4istrit (a&istrate, t#e %olie #ave
.eo)e unaounta.le, 4es%ite settin& very idealisti o.7etives in 0olie 5rder 2002,
%olie !ailed to o)e u% to e6%etation o! t#e and it did not #an&e t#eir .e#avior,
-#e "a!ety Co))issions are to .e set u% at t#e distrit, %rovinial and !ederal
levels are e6%eted to kee% a #ek on t#e ondut o! %olie, 8ere we s#all disuss only
t#e 4istrit "a!ety Co))ission, It will #ave 12 (e).ers in ;a#ore distrit, 10 at
ran&e #eadAuarters and G in ot#er distrits, 8al! o! t#e )e).ers s#all .e a%%ointed !ro)
t#e eleted )e).er o! t#e 4istrit Counils and t#e rest #al! s#all .e non-eleted
)e).ers reo))ended .y t#e distrits and noti!ied .y t#e Bovernors o! t#e %rovines,
Fun2tions o# t&e Dist!i2t u8li2 Sa#ety Co""ission
$%%roval o! ;oal 0oliin& 0lan, %re%ared .y 405 in onsultation wit# 3azi) Euarterly
evaluation o! %olie %er!or)ane .asin& on tar&ets set in ;oal 0oliin& 0lan and su.)its
#al! yearly re%ort to t#e 0rovinial "a!ety Co))ission, 3azi), 405, 0rovinial 0olie
5!!iers and t#e 0rovinial &overn)ents, It will also resolve on!lits .etween t#e nazi)s
and t#e %olie, It will enoura&e relations#i%s, (onitor non-re&istration o!
2I/R %olie aessesR &et enAuiries onduted a&ainst %olie o!!iers t#rou&# )e).ers o!
t#e Co))ission and in ase o! non-o)%liane o! !indin&s o! enAuires, re%ort a&ainst t#e
405 to t#e 005, 0rovinial Bovern)ent or 0olie Co)%laint $ut#ority, Cone%tually,
t#e idea is very &ood .ut t#ere are dou.ts a.out its e!!iay w#en it starts workin& on
&round, -#e C#air)an o! t#e Co))ission will .e a loal %erson and t#e eleted and
no)inated )e).ers )ay .e in!luened .y t#e distrit t#at an use t#e Co))ission
a&ainst %olie, 5n t#e ot#er #and, ollusion .etween t#e %olie and t#e o))ission
)e).ers annot .e ruled out, -#e Co))ission #as not diret %owers to take ation
a&ainst t#e %olieH it an only send a o)%laint, -#ere are no riteria re&ardin&
e6%eriene and Auali!iation o! t#e )e).ers o! t#e Co))issions,
-#e %roess o! %lannin& and %ro&ress o! develo%)ent #as i)%roved wit# devolution o!
%lannin& and deision )akin& %owers, 3azi) &ive vision and !or)ulates strate&y !or
e6%enditure o! $40, 25T !unds are alloated to Citizens Co))unity Boards and @orks
and "ervies Brou% in a distrit %lans and e6eutes all s#e)es,
0lannin& #as .eo)e a very te#nial and %ro!essional 7o., It is .eyond t#e a%a.ility o!
t#e distrit &overn)ents, Continuous and onstant !low o! !unds and resoure annot .e
ensured !or t#e loal &overn)ents, develo%)ent %lansR t#ere!ore, lon& ter) %lannin& is
not %ossi.le, 4istrit &overn)ents are de%endent on t#e %rovinial &overn)ents !or
!unds, w#i# o)e late, -#e ounilors want to divide t#e !und a)on&st t#e)R .i&
%ro7ets, #ene, annot .e undertaken, 0lannin& is )arred .y %olitial e6%edienies,
:nion Counil is a vital unit in %lannin& and develo%)ent .eause t#ey reeive !unds
!ro) t#ree souresH own soures, !unds !ro) -e#sil or -own Co))ittees, and !unds
dis#ed out .y t#e distrit, 2or t#e !irst ti)e in 0akistanIs #istory, %lannin& and
develo%)ent is done at &rass root level, But, un!ortunately, t#in&s are not )ovin& t#e
way t#ey were envisa&ed in 4evolution 0lan, 4evelo%)ent s#e)es o! o%%osition and
)inority ounilors are .adly a!!eted,
-#e develo%)ental role o! all t#e t#ree loal &overn)ents is on!usin& and overla%%in&
owin& to %olitial desi&ns or unawareness o! rules and %roedures laid down in t#e
0;B5, Intra distrit on!lits an .e resolved .y t#e 4istrit (us#awarati Co))ittee .ut
inter-distrit %ro.le)s are di!!iult to resolve,
4istrit 4evelo%)ent Co))ittee, #aired .y t#e 4C5 and o)%risin& '45s and 4os,
et,, are aut#orized to %ass s#e)es u% to 20 )illions, -#is arran&e)ent was )ade to
kee% %lannin& !ree !ro) %olitial and loal .iasesR .ut, t#e 3azi)s are not satis!ied, 44C
.ein& non-re%resentative !oru), 5n &round, 44C #as .eo)e a sta)%R .eause
4C5s are su.ordinate to 3azi)s,
-#e 5rdinane 2001 envisa&ed develo%)ent e6%enditure t#rou&# Citizen Co))unity
Boards on 20T ost s#arin& %rini%le, 5n %ressure o! t#e ounilors 50T o! $40 to .e
e6%ended .y CCBs #as .een redued to 25T o! $40, 4evelo%)ent t#rou&# CCB ould
redue #anes o! )isa%%ro%riation and unneessary delays and ould &ive sense o!
%artii%ation to t#e o))unity .ut t#e loal &overn)ents are staun#ly o%%osin& t#is
.ene!iial syste),
;oal &overn)ent %aradi&) #as snat#ed away unaut#orized roles !ro) t#e )e).ers o!
%rovinial and national asse).lies and restrited t#e) to t#eir ori&inal role, t#at is,
le&islation, -#ere!ore, t#e le&islators are t#e )ost ardent ene)ies o! 4evolution,
2ortunately, 0rovinial le&islators annot a)end t#e loal &overn)ent ordinane wit#out
%rior a%%roval o! t#e 0resident o! 0akistan,
-#e 0un7a. ;oal Bovern)ent 5rdinane %rovides !or (onitorin& Co))ittees, eleted
.y t#e 4istrit Counils, to )onitor %er!or)ane o! de%art)ents and su.)it Auarterly
re%orts to 3azi)s, 8arass)ent aused to !untionaries .y t#e o))ittee )e).ers s#all
entail dis)issal o! t#e )e).er, 0er!or)ane o! loal &overn)ents in arryin& out
develo%)ent re)ained satis!atory, -#eir %er!or)ane an .e i)%roved .y takin& t#e
!ollowin& ste%sH
f -i)ely release o! !unds .y t#e %rovinial &overn)ents
f -rans!er sur%lus %rovinial sta!!, like ar#itets and desi&ners to distrits
f 2untionaries )ust .e trained in new rules and %roedures
f $udit and $ounts rules !or CCB s#ould .e !ra)ed at t#e earliest
f 4evelo%)ent s#e)es )ust .e alloated wit#out any disri)ination
f 5verla%%in& o! s#e)es )ust .e avoided .y a onsultation )e#anis)
f -#e ;e&islators s#ould !ous on t#eir ori&inal role
f 4istrit 4evelo%)ent Co))ittee to srutinize s#e)es inde%endent o! 3azi)s
f ;oal Bovern)ent ((onitorin&) /ules s#ould .e !ra)ed at t#e earliest
f 0rovinial &overn)ents s#ould .e &iven so)e %owers to a)end t#e ;oal Bovern)ent
5rdinane 2001, kee%in& wit#in ertain %ara)eters and t#e 2ederal Bovern)ent s#ould
at as )ediator and not as a %layer, -#e %rovinial &overn)ent s#ould own t#e loal
&overn)ents instead o! %it#in& a&ainst t#e), -#e 2ederal Bovern)ent s#ould set
e6a)%le o! devolvin& %owers .y &ivin& %rovines )ore autono)y,
f Euarterly )eetin&s at %rovinial #eadAuarters s#ould .e #eld, involvin& all stake
#olders, to re)ove t#e &rey areas,
f '!!etive )e#anis) s#ould .e %ut in %lae to #ek and orret )alad)inistration,
orru%t %raties and )isa%%ro%riation in loal &overn)ents, 4istrit &overn)ent s#ould
#ave %owers to #ave su# ontrol over -e#sil and :nion Counils and t#e %rovinial
&overn)ents s#ould #ave si)ilar aut#ority over distrit &overn)ents, /ole o! 4istrit
(us#awarati Co))ittee s#ould .e en#aned to resolve on!lits,
f 'n!ore)ent o! 0olie 5rder 2002 s#ould .e o)%leted wit#out !urt#er delay and
writin& o! re)arks .y 4istrit 3azi)s in t#e $C/ o! 4istrit 0olie 5!!iers s#ould .e
ensured, 4istrit "a!ety Co))ission s#ould .e !urt#er e)%owered and t#e 4istrit
and "ession <ud&e )ust ensure t#at reo))endations o! t#e Co))ission are taken
seriously, (e).er o! t#e Co))ission s#ould .e i)%arted e6tensive trainin&,
f 4istrit and (unii%al &overn)ents s#ould .e allowed to raise t#eir own %olie !or
s%ei!i %ur%oses and t#e '45s s#ould .e &iven )a&isterial %owers, 3azi)s and 3ai.
3azi)s s#ould not .e allowed to a!!iliate wit# %olitial %arties, ;e&islators s#ould also .e
&iven so)e role in develo%)ent and a 4istrit $dvisory Board onsistin& o! (3$s,
(0$s, 4istrit and -e#sil 3azi)s s#ould .e )ade under #air)ans#i% o! t#e C#ie!
f 0rovinial ad)inistration s#ould #ave no ontrol over t#e loal &overn)ent o!!iials,
-#e loal &overn)ent s#ould .e inde%endent in trans!erX %ostin&s and retainin& o!!iers,
'very :nion Counil )ay .e %rovided wit# a 4evelo%)ent 5!!ier and a su.-en&ineer to
#el% t#e) in e6eutin& %ro7ets,
f 0rovinial ;oal Bovern)ent Co))ission s#ould .e )ade e!!etive !or on!lit
f -#e 0rovinial Bovern)ents #ave vast %owers in relation to 4istrit Bovern)ents .y
way o! %rovidin& &uidelines and renderin& advie under "etion 127 (D) ;B5, 2001,
issuin& diretion in interest and en!orin& t#e sa)e t#rou&# Ins%etor Beneral
0olie and 4C5, i! t#e 4istrit 3azi) !ails to o)%ly under "etion 12G (D) ;B5, 2001,
"i)ilar %owers s#ould .e availa.le to t#e 4istrit Bovern)ents, !or issuin& &uidelines
and diretions to t#e -($s and :Cs,
f C0;Cs s#ould .e set u% !or .rin&in& t#e %olie and t#e to&et#er,
f $n awareness a)%ai&n s#ould .e laun#ed !or t#e )asses to understand 4evolution
Iran1s 3ulear 0ro&ra)
$ut#orH Bre& Bruno
1, Introdution
2, $to)s !ro) $)eria
D, "eond -#ou&#ts on a 3ulear Iran
>, *nown Ca%a.ilities
5, :nanswered Euestions
?, "antions and " /attlin&
Iran1s leaders #ave worked to %ursue nulear ener&y te#nolo&y sine t#e 1=50s, s%urred
.y t#e laun# o! :,", 0resident 4wi&#t 4, 'isen#ower1s $to)s !or 0eae %ro&ra), It
)ade steady %ro&ress, wit# @estern #el%, t#rou&# t#e early 1=70s, But onern over
Iranian intentions !ollowed .y t#e u%#eaval o! t#e Isla)i /evolution in 1=7= e!!etively
ended outside assistane, Iran was known to .e revivin& its ivilian nulear %ro&ra)s
durin& t#e 1==0s, .ut revelations in 2002 and 200D o! landestine resear# into !uel
enri#)ent and onversion raised international onern t#at Iran1s a).itions #ad
)etastasized .eyond %eae!ul intent,
Iran #as onsistently denied alle&ations it seeks to develo% a .o)., Let )any in t#e
international o))unity re)ain ske%tial, 4es%ite a :,", intelli&ene !indin& in
3ove).er 2007 t#at onluded Iran #alted its nulear wea%ons %ro&ra) in 200D, t#e
Bus# ad)inistration warned t#at Iran sou&#t to wea%onize its nulear %ro&ra), onerns
t#e 5.a)a ad)inistration s#ares, 3on%roli!eration e6%erts note Iran1s a.ility to %rodue
enri#ed uraniu) ontinues to %ro&ress .ut disa&ree on #ow lose Iran is to )asterin&
a%a.ilities to wea%onize,
-#e "e%te).er 200= revelation o! a seond uraniu) enri#)ent !aility near t#e #oly
ity o! Eo)--onstruted under t#e radar o! international ins%etors--dee%ened sus%iion
surroundin& Iran1s nulear a).itions, -#e @est1s !ears were on!ir)ed in )id-2e.ruary
2010 w#en t#e I$'$ released a re%ort t#at detailed Iran1s %otential !or %roduin& a
nulear wea%on, inludin& !urt#er !uel enri#)ent and %lans !or develo%in& a )issile-
ready war#ead,
$to)s !ro) $)eria
Iran1s e!!orts to develo% nulear ener&y trae to 1=57, in onnetion wit# a %us# !ro) t#e
'isen#ower ad)inistration to inrease its )ilitary, eono)i, and ivilian assistane to
Iran, 5n (ar# 5 o! t#at year, t#e two ountries announed a F%ro%osed a&ree)ent !or
oo%eration in resear# in t#e %eae!ul uses o! ato)i ener&yF under t#e aus%ies o!
'isen#ower1s $to)s !or 0eae %ro&ra), -#e deal was intended to o%en doors !or :,",
invest)ent in Iran1s ivilian nulear industries, su# as #ealt# are and )ediine, -#e
%lan also alled !or t#e :,", $to)i 'ner&y Co))ission to lease Iran u% to 1D,2 %ounds
o! low-enri#ed uraniu) (;':) !or resear# %ur%oses,
-wo years a!ter t#e a&ree)ent was )ade, "#a# (o#a))ed /eza 0a#lavi ordered
t#e esta.lis#)ent o! an institute at -e#ran :niversity--t#e -e#ran 3ulear /esear#
Center--and ne&otiated wit# t#e :nited "tates to su%%ly a !ive-)e&awatt reator, 5ver t#e
ne6t deade t#e :nited "tates %rovided nulear !uel and eAui%)ent t#at Iran used to start
u% its resear#, Bary "a)ore, 0resident 5.a)a1s to% e6%ert on wea%ons o! )ass
destrution, told C2/,or& in 200G t#at t#e oo%eration was )eant to assist Iran in
develo%in& nulear ener&y w#ile steerin& -e#ran away !ro) indi&enous !uel-yle
resear#, 5n <uly 1, 1=?G, Iran si&ned t#e 3ulear 3on%roli!eration -reaty (30-) on t#e
day it o%ened !or si&nature, "i6 years later Iran o)%leted its "a!e&uards $&ree)ent wit#
t#e International $to)i 'ner&y $&eny (I$'$),
By t#e 1=70s, 2rane and Ber)any 7oined t#e :nited "tates in %rovidin& assistane to t#e
Iranian nulear %ro&ra), /e&ional wars and %reditions o! a loo)in& ener&y s#ort!all
%ro)%ted t#e s#a# to e6%lore alternative !or)s o! %ower %rodution, In (ar# 1=7>, #e
esta.lis#ed t#e $to)i 'ner&y 5r&anization o! Iran, and announed %lans to F&et, as soon
as %ossi.le, 2D,000 )e&awatts Uo! eletriityV !ro) nulear %ower stations,F By t#e )id-
1=70s, Iran #ad si&ned ontrats wit# @estern !ir)s--inludin& 2rane1s 2ra)ato)e and
Ber)any1s *ra!twerk :nion--!or t#e onstrution o! nulear %lants and su%%ly o! nulear
"eond -#ou&#ts on a 3ulear Iran
4es%ite t#e early and sustained !low o! nulear te#nolo&y to -e#ran, @estern
&overn)ental su%%ort !or Iran1s nulear %ro&ra) .e&an to erode a#ead o! t#e Isla)i
/evolution o! 1=7=, In $u&ust 1=7>, a :,", s%eial national intelli&ene esti)ate (042)
delared t#at w#ile FIran1s )u# %u.liized nulear %ower intentions are entirely in t#e
%lannin& sta&e,F t#e a).itions o! t#e s#a# ould lead Iran to %ursue nulear wea%ons,
es%eially in t#e s#adow o! India1s suess!ul nulear test in (ay 1=7>,
FI! Iran is willin& to enter into serious ne&otiations, t#en t#ey will !ind a willin&
%artii%ant in t#e :nited "tates and t#e ot#er U%artnerV ountries,F - 0,<, Crowley, :,",
"tate 4e%art)ent s%okes)an
-#is onern led @estern &overn)ents to wit#draw su%%ort !or Iran1s nulear %ro&ra),
0ressure on 2rane, w#i# in 1=7D si&ned a deal to .uild two reators at4ark#ovin, and
Ber)any, w#ose *ra!twerk :nion .e&an .uildin& a %air o! reators at Bus#e#r in 1=75,
led to t#e anellation o! .ot# %ro7ets, $!ter t#e Isla)i /evolution, t#e seizure o! :,",
#osta&es, and ter)ination o! di%lo)ati relations in 1=7=, :,", o%%osition to Iran1s
nulear e!!orts inreased durin& t#e 1=G0s and 1==0s, @as#in&ton .loked nulear deals
.etween Iran and $r&entina, C#ina, and /ussia, (o#a))ad <avad Mari!, t#e !or)er
Iranian a).assador to t#e :nited 3ations, wrote in Colu).ia :niversity1s <ournal o!
International $!!airs in 2007 t#at @as#in&ton1s s#i!t away !ro) su%%ortin& Iran1s nulear
ener&y %ro&ra) le!t -e#ran wit# little #oie .ut to .e disreet in its nulear ativities
(042), F-o avoid t#e U:,",-ledV restritions and i)%edi)ents,F Mari! writes, FIran
re!rained !or dislosin& t#e details o! its %ro&ra)s,F
*nown Ca%a.ilities
-#e wit#drawal o! @estern su%%ort a!ter t#e Isla)i /evolution slowed Iran1s nulear
%ro&ress, $nd a on!luene o! !ators--o%%osition to nulear te#nolo&y .y $yatolla#
/u#olla# *#o)eini, t#e e6odus o! nulear sientists, and t#e destrution o! IraA1s nulear
!aility .y Israel in 1=G1, w#i# re)oved an i))ediate t#reat--sent Iran1s nulear
%ro&ra) into a tails%in, But )any non%roli!eration e6%erts .elieve Iran .ea)e interested
a&ain in a nulear %ro&ra) .y t#e )id-1=G0s, ;eonard ", "%etor, de%uty diretor o! t#e
Center !or 3on%roli!eration "tudies, writes t#ere is evidene Iran reeived assistane
!ro) 0akistani nulear sientist $E *#anas early as 1=G5, t#ou&# it wasn1t until t#e deat#
o! *#o)eini in 1=G= t#at -e#ran1s e!!orts rea#ed ritial )ass, U*#an, s%eakin& to a
0akistani television 7ournalist in $u&ust 200=, on!ir)ed t#at #is network assisted Iran
(042) in ontatin& su%%liers o! nulear te#nolo&yV,
:nlike #is %redeessor, $yatolla# $li *#a)enei #eld a )ore !avora.le view o! nulear
ener&y and )ilitary te#nolo&y, and set out to re.uild -e#ran1s %ro&ra), $nalysts also
.elieve t#e disovery o! IraA1s landestine nulear wea%ons %ro&ra) durin& t#e 1==1
Bul! @ar, as well as a &rowin& :,", %resene in t#e re&ion, %us#ed -e#ran to ra)% u% its
resear#, In a .oost to t#e ivilian nulear e!!ort, /ussia in <anuary 1==5 %iked u% w#ere
Ber)any le!t o!!, si&nin& a ontrat wit# Iran to o)%lete two =50-)e&awatt li&#t-water
reators at Bus#e#r (wit# !uel su%%lied .y /ussia), In "e%te).er 200G, t#e /ussian
o)%any .uildin& t#e %ower %lantreiterated its o))it)ent ($20) to !inis#in& t#e
%ro7et, w#ile (osow #as said it #o%es to !ire u% t#e reator .y t#e end o! 200= (0ress
-V), Iranian o!!iials #ave also announed t#at t#e 4ark#ovin %ro7et #as resu)ed, and
%lans all !or a D?0-)e&awatt reator to .e o%erational t#ere .y 201?, Iran--w#i# #as
also turned to C#ina, 0akistan, and 3ort# *orea !or nulear te#nolo&y and assistane--
lai)s it wants to .uild nulear %ower %lants to diversi!y its ener&y %ort!olio,
@it# an eye toward !uelin& t#ese !ailities wit# do)estially %rodued !uel--and, )any
e6%erts say, to develo% a wea%on--Iran #as .uilt a vast network (042) o! uraniu) )ines,
enri#)ent %lants, onversion sites, and resear# reators, 5! t#ese !ailities, a.out a
dozen are onsidered )a7or nulear sites (042), 2or instane, t#e Is!a#an 3ulear
-e#nolo&y Center e)%loys as )any as t#ree t#ousand sientists and is sus%eted o!
#ousin& Iran1s wea%ons %ro&ra), aordin& to t#e :,",-!unded non%artisan Con&ressional
/esear# "ervie, Is!a#an is also t#e loation o! Iran1s uraniu)-onversion e!!orts, w#ere
a%%ro6i)ately D?? tons o! uraniu) #e6a!luoride #as .een %rodued sine (ar# 200>,
-#is so-alled !eedstok is !ed into entri!u&es at anot#er entral siteH t#e 3atanz
enri#)ent !aility,
$t 3atanz, !irst-&eneration entri!u&es (I/-1) %ur#ased !ro) 0akistan s%in uraniu)
#e6a!luoride at &reat s%eeds to inrease t#e %erenta&e o! uraniu)-2D5, t#e %rini%al
in&redient !or .ot# %ower %rodution and wea%ons a%a.ility, 3atural uraniu) ontains
0,7 %erent o! t#e uraniu)-2D5 isoto%e, and &enerally, li&#t-water %ower reators reAuire
enri#)ent levels o! D %erent to 5 %erent (levels o! low-enri#ed uraniu), or ;':),
@ea%ons-&rade uraniu)--also known as #i&#ly-enri#ed uraniu), or 8':--is around =0
%erent (te#nially, 8': is any onentration over 20 %erent, .ut wea%ons-&rade levels
are desri.ed as .ein& in e6ess o! =0 %erent), $ordin& to t#e I$'$, Iran is a%a.le o!
enri#in& to a.out >,7 %erent,
4avid $l.ri&#t, an e6%ert on Iran1s nulear %ro&ra) and %resident o! t#e Institute !or
"iene and International "eurity, esti)ates Iran is %roduin& rou&#ly 2,77 k& o! ;':
%er day (042), a rate t#at #as re)ained onsistent t#rou&#out 200=, (ark 2itz%atrik,
senior !ellow !or non%roli!eration at t#e International Institute !or "trate&i "tudies in
;ondon, says i! Iran were to stok%ile su!!iient ;': t#ey would .e a.le to %rodue 25
k& o! wea%ons-&rade uraniu) !or %rodution o! a sin&le .o). Fwit#in a ou%le o!
)ont#s,F a ti)eline $l.ri&#t a&reed wit# durin& a 2e.ruary 200= interview wit#
C2/,or&, Iran is usin& entri!u&es to enri# uraniu) #e6a!luoride &as, inreasin& t#e
onentration o! uraniu)-2D5, "enior $)erian o!!iials, s%eakin& on .ak&round, told
re%orters in "e%te).er 200= t#at a seond enri#)ent !aility under onstrution near
Eo) ould #old a.out D,000 entri!u&e )a#ines, F3ow, t#at1s not a lar&e enou&#
nu).er to )ake any sense !ro) a o))erial stand%oint,F t#e o!!iial said, FBut i! you
want to use t#e !aility in order to %rodue a s)all a)ount o! wea%ons-&rade uraniu),
enou&# !or a .o). or two a year, it1s t#e ri&#t size,F
:nanswered Euestions
International ske%tiis) o! Iranian intentions was !irst aroused in $u&ust 2002 w#en a
;ondon-.ased Iranian o%%osition &rou% dislosed details a.out a seret #eavy-water
%rodution %lant at $rak, as well as t#e under&round enri#)ent !aility at 3atanz, In
(ay 200D, "tate 4e%art)ent s%okes)an /i#ard Bou#er said t#e dislosure o! $rak and
3atanz raised serious Auestions a.out Iran1s nulear intentions, F@e .elieve Iran1s true
intent is to develo% t#e a%a.ility to %rodue !issile )aterial !or nulear wea%ons,F
Bou#er said, Fusin& .ot# t#e %lutoniu) route (su%%orted ulti)ately .y a #eavy-water
resear# reator) and t#e #i&#ly enri#ed uraniu) route (su%%orted .y a &as entri!u&e
enri#)ent %lant),F -#ese revelations, ou%led wit# su.seAuent ad)issions !ro) Iran t#at
it #as onealed as%ets o! its %ro&ra), %ro)%ted t#e I$'$ to intensi!y ins%etions,
FIran #as not oo%erated wit# t#e $&eny in onnetion wit# t#e re)ainin& issues ,,,
w#i# need to .e lari!ied in order to e6lude t#e %ossi.ility o! t#ere .ein& )ilitary
di)ensions to Irangs nulear %ro&ra),F -- I$'$ 4iretor Beneral (o#a)ed 'lBaradei
@#ile international ins%etors #ave never !ound onrete evidene linkin& Iran1s nulear
%ro&ra) to wea%ons develo%)ent, Iran1s oneal)ent o! its %ro&ra)--like t#e %artially
onstruted enri#)ent !aility near Eo), w#i# @estern o!!iials say was under
onstrution !or years .e!ore Iran1s dislosure in t#e !all o! 200=--#as !ed onerns, In a
<une 200D re%ort (042), I$'$ ins%etors onluded t#at Iran #ad !ailed to )eet under its "a!e&uards $&ree)ent si&ned in 1=7>, 2ailures inluded
wit##oldin& onstrution and desi&n details o! new !ailities, and not re%ortin& %roessed
and i)%orted uraniu), "o)e undelared s#i%)ents dated to 1==1, t#e I$'$ said,
International %ressure !ollowin& t#e revelations led Iran to te)%orarily ease its
enri#)ent-related ativities, and in late 200D -e#ran si&ned an $dditional 0rotool
allowin& t#e ato)i a&eny &reater aess to nulear sites, 3e&otiations wit# )e).ers o!
t#e 'uro%ean :nion Auikly !ollowed (042), But on $u&ust G, 2005, Iran announed it
was resu)in& uraniu) onversion at Is!a#an, By early 200?, I$'$ ins%etors on!ir)ed
t#at Iran #ad one a&ain resu)ed its enri#)ent %ro&ra), -oday Iran o%erates t#ousands
o! I/-1 entri!u&es-t#e )a7ority at 3atanz-t#ou&# t#e total nu).er o! o%erational devies
is unlear, U$n $u&ust 200= I$'$ re%ort !ound t#at G,D0G entri!u&es were eit#er
enri#in& uraniu) or installed at t#e !ailityV, Constrution o! a o))erial-sale !aility
at 3atanz, w#i# will #ouse over !i!ty t#ousand entri!u&es, is also under way,
:nder t#e ter)s o! t#e 30-, si&natories #ave t#e Finaliena.le ri&#tF to %rodue !uel !or
ivilian ener&y %rodution, eit#er .y enri#in& uraniu) or se%aratin& %lutoniu), But t#e
:nited "tates and ot#er @estern &overn)ents ause Iran o! !ailin& to a.ide .y 30-
sa!e&uards, and o! %ursuin& te#nolo&y to %rodue nulear wea%ons, 0aul *, *err o! t#e
Con&ressional /esear# "ervie wrote in a $u&ust 200= re%ort (042) t#at t#e %rini%al
%roli!eration onern is F-e#ran1s onstrution o! a &as-entri!u&e-.ased uraniu)-
enri#)ent !aility F at 3atanz, '6%erts say enri#)ent o! uraniu) #e6a!luoride &as is o!
%artiular onern, .eause %roduin& wea%ons-&rade !uel (8':) is onsidered t#e )ost
di!!iult as%et o! t#e nulear !uel yle, *err also ounts Iran1s onstrution o! a #eavy-
water reator at $rak--w#i# ontains %lutoniu) in its s%ent !uel--as anot#er %roli!eration
$l.ri&#t, o! I"I", says Iranian enri#)ent a%a.ilities are i)%rovin&, a trou.lin&
develo%)ent &iven Iran1s ontinued re!usal to answer I$'$ Auestions a.out %ast
ativities, In 2e.ruary 200G, t#e I$'$ %resented Iran wit# intelli&ene olleted .y t#e
:nited "tates t#at :,", o!!iials say %roves -e#ran worked to develo% nulear wea%ons in
t#e reent %ast, -#e intelli&ene is .elieved to #ave .een s)u&&led out o! Iran on a la%to%
o)%uter in 200> and #anded over to t#e Central Intelli&ene $&eny (CI$), -#e data
inluded (042) alle&ed evidene o! t#e so-alled Breen "alt %ro7et, a seret uraniu)-
%roessin& %ro&ra)R #i&#-e6%losives testin&R and desi&n o! a reentry ve#ile Fw#i#
ould #ave a )ilitary nulear di)ension,F t#e I$'$ says, Iranian o!!iials lai) t#e data
is !ake, But t#e 3ove).er 2007 :,", 3ational Intelli&ene 'sti)ate (3I') onluded t#at
w#ile Iran likely #alted its wea%ons %ro&ra) in !all 200D, F-e#ran at a )ini)u) is
kee%in& o%en t#e o%tion to develo% nulear wea%onsF in t#e !uture, I$'$ 4iretor
Beneral (o#a)ed 'lBaradei, s%eakin& in "e%te).er 200=, said Iran ontinues to .e
unoo%erative on )any !ronts, )akin& it i)%ossi.le to deter)ine -e#ran1s intent, FIran
#as not oo%erated wit# t#e $&eny in onnetion wit# t#e re)ainin& issues,F #e said,
Fw#i# need to .e lari!ied in order to e6lude t#e %ossi.ility o! t#ere .ein& )ilitary
di)ensions to Irangs nulear %ro&ra),F
"antions and " /attlin&
-#e :nited "tates #as i)%osed unilateral eono)i santions on Iran !or nearlyt#ree
deades ($r)s Control -oday), .ut international e!!orts to ri%%le Iran1s nulear %ro&ra)
#ave oalesed )ore reently, In "e%te).er 2005, t#e I$'$ Board o! Bovernors
e6%ressed an Fa.sene o! on!idene (042) t#at Iran1s nulear %ro&ra) is e6lusively !or
%eae!ul %ur%oses,F 2ive )ont#s later, t#e .oard voted to re!er Iran to t#e :3 "eurity
Counil, and in 4ee).er 200?, t#e :3 "eurity Counil ado%ted t#e !irst o! a series o!
resolutions i)%osin& santions to %unis# Iran !or ontinued uraniu) enri#)ent,
/esolution 17D7 initiated a .lok on t#e sale or trans!er o! sensitive nulear te#nolo&y,
"u.seAuent resolutions--t#e )ost reent in "e%te).er 200G, w#i# rea!!ir)ed %ast
)andates--added !inanial and travel santions on Iranian individuals and o)%anies, In
<une 200G, t#e 'uro%ean :nion i)%osed its own set o! santions, !reezin& t#e assets o!
nearly !orty individuals and entities doin& .usiness wit# Bank (elli, Iran1s lar&est .ank,
@estern o!!iials #ave aused Bank (elli o! su%%ortin& Iran1s nulear and )issile
3ow so)e )e).ers o! Con&ress are .akin& a .ill t#at would aut#orize t#e @#ite 8ouse
to %enalize !orei&n o)%anies !or sellin& re!ined %etroleu) to Iran, "o)e analysts
su%%ort t#is a%%roa#, .ut !or)er :,", $).assador to t#e :3 <o#n /, Bolton su&&ests
only t#e t#reat o! !ore (@"<) an %revent an Iran nulear .o)., C2/1s (ia# Menko
says Israel )ay .e %re%ared to at (;$-) in t#at re&ard i! t#e :nited "tates doesn1t,
4es%ite inreasin& alls !or a )ilitary solution, international di%lo)ay ontinues a%ae,
In )id-200G, t#e 'uro%ean :nion resu.)itted a 200? o!!er o! inentives !or Iran to &ive
u% its enri#)ent ativities, In 200=, talks .etween Iran, t#e :nited "tates, and
ot#er world %owers ended in !ailure as Iran1s leaders#i% re7eted a %lan to send its
uraniu) to t#e @est (3L-), #ours a!ter Iranian ne&otiators a&reed to t#e deal,
Iran ontinues to send )i6ed si&nals (042) re&ardin& oo%eration wit# t#e I$'$, t#ou&#
onsidera.le evidene su&&ests Iran1s de!iane, In 3ove).er 200=, t#e Iranian
&overn)ent a%%roved ten new uraniu) enri#)ent %lants (@as#0ost), In 2e.ruary 2010,
esalation )ounted w#en Iran announed %lans to #ei&#ten t#e enri#)ent levels
(C"(onitor) o! e6istin& uraniu) stok%iles and $#)adine7ad delared (3ational0ost), on
t#e Isla)i /e%u.li1s t#irty-!irst anniversary, Iran to .e a Fnulear state,F -#ese
develo%)ents and Iran1s ontinued intransi&ene led t#e I$'$1s new diretor &eneral,
Lukiya $)ano, to %u.lily announe I$'$ !ears t#at Iran was workin& on nulear
wea%onization, $ 2e.ruary 2010 re%ort read, FIran #as not %rovided t#e neessary
oo%eration to %er)it t#e a&eny to on!ir) t#at all nulear )aterial in Iran is in %eae!ul
/ussia and C#ina traditionally #ave resisted alls !or a !ourt# round o! :3 santions, .ut
in (ar# 2010 0resident (edvedev si&naled t#at /ussia was war)in& (/euters)to t#e
%ossi.ility o! santions, C#ina, #owever, ontinues to resist stron&er santions, and its
!orei&n )inister announed in early (ar# (/euters) t#at santions will not solve t#e Iran
nulear issue,
:,", o!!iials re)ain o))itted to a .ilateral, dual-trak a%%roa# o! .ot# international
santions and inentives, $n e6a)%le o! t#is tati is t#e (ar# 2010 deision to allow
t#e e6%ort o! internet servies (3L-) like instant )essa&in& and !ile s#arin& to Iran,
-#ese servies are intended to !ailitate t#e !ree !low o! in!or)ation and under)ine t#e
re&i)e1s ontrol over t#e )edia and o))uniations,
E3t!e"is" and a$istan/
In 0akistan, t#e relation .etween Isla) and state #as .een a )atter o! &reat ontroversy,
2ro) t#e ti)e o! its ine%tion, t#e o%inion in t#e ountry #as re)ained divided as to
w#et#er 0akistan is to .e an Isla)iX_s#aria#I state or a _)odernIX_seularI (usli)-
)a7ority state,
-#e roots o! t#is ontroversy ould .e traed to t#e various state)ents o! t#e !ounder o!
0akistan, (o#a))ad $li <inna#, w#i# #e &ave durin& t#e inde%endene )ove)ent and
at t#e ti)e o! t#e e)er&ene o! 0akistan,
2or e6a)%le, in #is 1=>0-artile entitled N-#e Constitutional 2uture o! IndiaO, <inna#
N-#e Britis# %eo%le, .ein& C#ristians, so)eti)es !or&et t#e reli&ious wars o! t#eir own
#istory and today onsider reli&ion as a %rivate and %ersonal )atter .etween )an and
Bod, -#is an never .e t#e ase in 8induis) and Isla), !or t#ese reli&ions are de!inite
soial odes w#i# &overn not so )u# )anIs relations wit# #is Bod as )anIs relations
wit# #is nei&#.or, -#ey &overn not only #is law and ulture, .ut every as%et o! #is soial
li!e, and su# reli&ions, essentially e6lusive, o)%letely %relude t#at )er&in& o!
identity and unity o! t#ou&#t on w#i# @estern de)oray is .ased, and .rin&
a.out vertial rat#er t#an t#e #orizontal divisions de)oray envisa&es,O U1V
In )arked ontrast to t#e o%inion e6%ressed in t#e a.ove-)entioned artile, <inna# as t#e
desi&nated Bovernor-Beneral stated in t#e !irst Constituent $sse).ly o! 0akistan on 11
$u&ust 1=>7H
N , , , Lou )ay .elon& to any reli&ion or aste or reed , , , t#at #as not#in& to do wit# t#e
.usiness o! t#e state , , , @e are startin& in t#e days w#en t#ere is no disri)ination, no
distintion .etween one o))unity and anot#er, @e are startin& wit# t#is !unda)ental
%rini%le t#at we are all itizens and eAual itizens o! one state,O 8e added, N, , ,you will
!ind t#at in ourse o! ti)e 8indus would ease to .e 8indus and (usli)s would ease to
.e (usli)s, not in t#e reli&ious sense, .eause t#at is t#e %ersonal !ait# o! ea#
individual, .ut in %olitial sense, as itizens o! t#e state,O U2V -#e _two-nation t#eoryI #ad
served its %ur%ose and was duly re%udiated, -#e two _nationsI dd 8indus and (usli)s
ddd were one a&ain to .e re&arded as two _o))unitiesI a!ter inde%endene,
<inna#Is %ronoune)ent o! 11 $u&ust 1=>7 e6%liitly envisa&ed reation o! a seular
state in 0akistan, In doin& so #e was re%resentin& reli&ious diversity o! 0akistani soiety
and %lurality o! 0akistani ulture,
But t#e :le)a (Cler&y) onsidered it a .etrayal o! t#e ause !or w#i# t#e "out# $sian
su.ontinent was %artitioned into two soverei&n states, "ine t#en t#e _5.7etives
/esolutionI o! 1=>=, t#e 22 0oints o! t#e :le)a !ra)ed in 1=51, t#e anti-$#)ediya
a&itation o! 1=5D, t#e _Isla)iI %rovisions o! t#e Constitutions o! 1=5?, 1=?2 and 1=7D,
inludin& t#e delaration o! t#e $#)ediya o))unity as .ein& outside t#e %ale o! Isla)
t#rou&# a onstitutional a)end)ent in 1=7>, Beneral MiaIs _Isla)izationI %ro&ra) and
t#e _7i#adiI ulture #ave re!leted t#e on!lits and o)%ro)ises .etween t#e ad#erents o!
diverse o%inions as to t#e role o! Isla) in 0akistan,
3otwit#standin& %o%ular as%iration to esta.lis# so)e !or) o! Isla)i %olityddd a le&ay
o! t#e !reedo) stru&&le dddd t#e et#os o! 0akistani soiety did not re!let reli&ious
e6tre)is), at least till 1=7=,
In !at t#e soiety was %re%ared to ae%t )any li.erties in every-day li!e t#at t#e strit
o.servane o! "#aria# would #ave denied it,
@it# eono)i develo%)ent and e6%osure to !orei&n in!luenes, it was o%enin& u% to
)odernis) and ado%tin& )any western values, $yu. *#anIs %eriod would .e %artiularly
known !or t#is trend, !or #e #ad a %en#ant to )odernize 0akistani soiety and #is 2a)ily
;aws 5rdinane o! 1=?1 is a testi)ony to t#e !at,
5ne #as nostal&ia !or t#e soial sene o! t#e 1=?0s, -#ere was no .ar on %er!or)in& arts,
%rovided t#e %resentations were a%olitial,
-#e ine)a #alls o!!ered latest 0akistani, Indian and 8ollywood )ovies t#at as a %art o! ulture were wat#ed .y !a)ilies in deent environ)ent,
$l)ost every loality #ad its wine s#o%s and so)e sort o! )ini lu.s !or t#e yout#,
2or t#e elite, t#e &y)k#anas and ni&#tlu.s in t#e ities o!!ered &ood venues to en7oy
liAuor, &a).lin& and danin&,
-#ere used to .e %ro)inent advertise)ents o! !loors#ows wit# se)i nude %#oto&ra%#s o!
!orei&n %er!or)ers in t#e news%a%ers, -#e raeourses attrated a lot o! %eo%le on
-#e ri# or&anized 3ew Lear %arties wit#out any #inder, (usial s#ows and !untions
wit#out any i)%edi)ent, 2orei&n tourists t#ron&ed t#e )arket %laes in t#e ities, Co-
eduational institutions were )us#roo)in&,
-#e %ro&ra)s o! Eawwali, (a !or) o! reitation o! "u!i %oetry in t#e traditions o! 8azrat
$)ir *#usro-t#e renowned (ystiAue and inventor o! t#is !or) o! reli&ious rendition in
%raise o! $lla#, 0ro%#et (o#a))ed (0B:8), and reli&ious saints), was Auite nor)al and
used to draw #u&e audienes, Besides, rendition o! :rdu 0oetry in t#e well entren#ed
!or) o! (us#aira was .uilt into our lives and used to .e a &reat !or) o! de6%ression o!
our ulture and traditions, -#e ity li!e, %artiularly .i& ities like *ara#i and ;a#ore,
were known !or t#ese traditional !or)s o! de6%ression o! our aest#eti values,
-#e Co!!ee s#o%s were .uilt in to our day to day lives and were venues o! diverse
%olitial, soial and ultural de.ates, disourses and disussions, In s#ort, t#ere was no
trans!or)ation in or rural ulture t#at ould #ave .een s%ei!ially attri.uted to t#e
reation o! 0akistan in t#e na)e o! Isla), $las t#e trau)ati events o! 1=71, ul)inatin&
in t#e a.7et surrender o! 0akistan ar)ed !ores in 'ast 0akistan, did 7olt t#e nation,
"ine t#e )ilitary ruler o! t#e ti)e, Beneral La#ya *#an, and so)e o! #is lose assoiates
were notorious as drunkards and wo)anizers, t#e %eo%le .la)ed t#eir waywardness as
res%onsi.le !or t#e disaster,
In t#e i))ediate a!ter)at# o! t#e tra&edy, t#e unruly )o.s attaked and .urnt wine
s#o%s, ni&#tlu.s and ine)a #ouses to vent t#eir s#ok and &rie!, In t#is %assin& %#ase,
t#ere was )u# talk a.out t#e 'ast 0akistan atastro%#e as .ein& a divine retri.ution !or
nationIs sins in deviatin& !ro) t#e %at# o! Isla) and t#e dire need to revert .ak to w#at
was %o%ularly %ereived as t#e real raison dIetre o! 0akistan, @it# 'ast 0akistan &one,
0akistan lost )u# o! its reli&ious diversity, :nder %ressure !ro) t#e reli&ious %arties,
Mul!ikar $li B#utto, w#o assu)ed %ower a!ter t#e 'ast 0akistan de.ale, a&reed to
delare Isla) t#e state reli&ion o! 0akistan in t#e Constitution o! 1=7D,
8e used t#e Isla)i "u))it Con!erene #eld at ;a#ore in 2e.ruary 1=7> to %ro7et
#i)sel! as one o! t#e !ore)ost leaders o! t#e Isla)i world, 8e also onsented to delare
t#e $#)ediya o))unity as non-(usli) t#rou&# a onstitutional a)end)ent in
"e%te).er 1=7> a!ter serious riots .roke out on t#e issue,
By ado%tin& su# )easures, B#utto wanted to stren&t#en #is Isla)i redentials vis-h-vis
et#no-re&ional and reli&ious %arties and o)%ensate !or #is !ailure to deliver on eono)i
!ront, But des%ite all t#is, B#utto was never averse to ultural %er)issiveness and t#e
et#os o! 0akistani soiety did not under&o any #an&e on t#at ount,
8is soial li.eralis) was anat#e)a to reli&ious %arties and t#e Casino, w#i# B#utto
%lanned to onstrut on t#e Cli!ton .ea#, .ea)e a sy).ol o! B#uttoIs ultural
Considerin& #i)sel! !ir)ly entren#ed in t#e o!!ie, B#utto advised 0resident 2azle 'la#i
C#aud#ry in t#e !irst week o! <anuary 1=77 to dissolve t#e 3ational $sse).ly and
a%%oint 7 (ar# as t#e date !or ne6t &eneral eletions,
In no ti)e t#e #it#erto divided o%%osition 7oined #ands to !or) t#e 0akistan 3ational
$lliane (03$) to on!ront B#uttoIs 0akistan 0eo%leIs 0arty !ro) a sin&le %lat!or),
In #is desire to seure two-t#ird )a7ority t#at ould #ave ena.led #i) to a)end t#e
Constitution, B#utto and #is erstw#ile ollea&ues and t#e t#en ad)inistration went !or t#e
overkill and t#e eletions were )assively ri&&ed,
-#e 03$ delined to ae%t t#e results and de)anded resi&nation o! B#utto and #oldin&
o! !res# eletions under t#e su%ervision o! t#e 7udiiary and t#e ar)ed !ores, -#e 03$
%iked u% t#e slo&an o! _3iza)-i-(usta!aI to in!use reli&ious !ervor in t#e )ove)ent t#at
it laun#ed to re)ove B#utto,
-#e all !or esta.lis#)ent o! _3iza)-i-(usta!aI .ea)e a rallyin& %oint and t#e
%o%ulations, es%eially t#e .our&eois lasses, were )es)erized .y t#e ro)antiis) o! t#e
uto%ia o!!ered,
-#e workers o! <a)aat-i-Isla)i (<I) and t#e %u%ils .elon&in& to t#e )adrassa#s o! <a)iat-
i-:le)a-i-Isla) (<:I)) s%ear#eaded t#e 03$ a&itation to re)ove B#utto !ro) %ower,
@it# t#e involve)ent o! !orei&n #and, t#e )ove)ent &at#ered )o)entu) and t#e
&overn)ent .ea)e ine!!etive in )aintainin& law and order, 'ven t#e use o! troo%s
!ailed to sto% t#e %roessions #antin& slo&ans o! _3iza)-I-(usta!aI t#at daily %oured out
!ro) t#e )osAues, $s a last resort, B#utto a&reed to introdue _Isla)i syste)I in t#e
ountry and announed .an on &a).lin&, wine, !loors#ows and t#e like,
-#ere was to .e no )ore raeourse or ni&#tlu. ulture in t#e ountry, 8e delared
2riday ddd t#e (usli) eAuivalent o! " ddd as t#e weekly #oliday,
B#uttoIs announe)ent to introdue _Isla)iI )easures was taken as #is weakness and a
last dit# e!!ort to save #i)sel!, :lti)ately, as a result o! t#e ne&otiations t#at #ad .een in
%ro&ress, t#e 03$ and t#e 000 a)e to ter)s on #oldin& o! !res# eletions in
-#e a&ree)ent to t#is e!!et was to .e si&ned at noon on 5 <ulyR .ut in t#e early #ours o!
t#at date t#e C#ie! o! $r)y "ta!!, Beneral (o#a))ad Mia-ul 8aA, i)%osed )artial law
on t#e ountry,
In #is very !irst address to t#e nation on 5 <uly 1=77, Beneral Mia statedH
NI )ust say t#at t#e s%irit o! Isla) de)onstrated durin& t#e reent )ove)ent was
o))enda.le, It %roved t#at 0akistan, w#i# was reated in t#e na)e o! Isla), will
ontinue to survive only i! it stiks to Isla), I onsider t#e introdution o! Isla)i syste)
as an essential %rereAuisite !or t#e ountry,O UDV
Beneral Mia #ad no Aual)s in e6%loitin& t#e !air na)e o! Isla) !or #is %olitial ends, i,e,,
survival at all ostR and <I #ad no sru%les in su%%ortin& t#e )ost rut#less )ilitary ruler o!
0akistan in #is desi&n to sel!-%er%etuate #i)sel!,
In <IIs view, #e was a )essia# or "aladin destined to redee) t#e ountry t#at #ad &one
astray a!ter inde%endene, @it# )osAue and )ilitary as #is onstituenies, Beneral Mia
%layed #avo wit# t#e state institutions and t#e ivil soiety durin& #is eleven-year stint,
Co))entin& on Beneral MiaIs rule, -#e 'nylo%edia o! 0akistan o.servesH
NIn atte)%tin& to restruture , , , state and soiety into a t#eoray, t#e &overn)ent
undertook two kinds o! initiativesH
2irst, )easures desi&ned to (.e) su.ordinate to e6eutive aut#ority, institutions o! state
and ivil soiety su# as t#e 7udiiary and t#e %ress, w#i# i! allowed to !untion
inde%endently ould #ek &overn)ental %ower,
N-#e seond set o! )easures towards a t#eorati state sou&#t to inulate o.surantist
views and indued a narrowin& o! t#e #u)an )ind, It involved a sus%ension o! t#e
sensi.ility o! love and reason underlyin& t#e reli&ious tradition si&ni!ied in 0akistanIs
!olk ulture,O U>V
/etratin& !ro) #is sole)n %led&e to #old eletions in 1=77, s#rewd, unnin&
and deeit!ul, Beneral Mia initiated a %roess o! so-alled aounta.ility o! %olitiians and
sou&#t le&iti)ay in #is _Isla)izationI %ro&ra), w#i# was )ore os)eti t#an
In 2e.ruary 1=7=, Beneral Mia !i6ed a !res# date !or #oldin& o! &eneral eletions and
%ro)ul&ated t#e so-alled 8udood 5rdinane 1=7= (a un!air, un7ust, un Isla)i and
intrinsially a draonian law) t#at dealt wit# t#e o!!enes o! drinkin&, adultery, t#e!t and
!alse alle&ations,
$!ter a trial t#at laked trans%areny and %roedural %ro%riety, B#utto was sent to &allows
in $%ril 1=7= on t#e !alse #ar&e o! orderin& t#e )urder o! a %olitial o%%onent,
5ne t#e %ur%ose o! eli)inatin& B#utto was a#ieved, t#e &eneral eletions s#eduled !or
3ove).er 1=7= were %ost%oned inde!initely,
"i)ultaneously, Beneral Mia unleas#ed a rei&n o! terror a&ainst #is detrators and
%u.lily !lo&&ed t#e 000 workers, students, 7ournalists and lawyers w#o o%%osed #is
draonian )easures,
In 1=7=, Beneral Mia also %ro)ul&ated Makat and :s#r 5rdinane t#at aut#orized t#e
&overn)ent to dedut w#at )ay .e re!erred to as Isla)i wealt# ta6 at t#e rate o! 2i T
!ro) .ank de%osits t#at !all under t#e ate&ory o! savin&s, -#e a)ount so deduted was
to .e distri.uted a)on&st t#e needy t#rou&# so)e D2,000 zakat o))ittees,
-#ose w#o .ea)e )e).ers o! t#ese o))ittees develo%ed a vested interest in
%rolon&ation o! MiaIs rule,
In line wit# #is _Isla)izationI %ro&ra), Beneral Mia onstituted in 1=G0 a "#ariat Ben#
in ea# o! t#e 8i&# Courts wit# t#e %ower to delare as re%u&nant to Isla) any e6istin&
law, e6ludin& !isal laws,
"u.seAuently, in t#e sa)e year, a 2ederal "#ariat Court (2"C) was esta.lis#ed to re%lae
%rovinial "#ariat Ben#es to si)%li!y t#e struture o! t#e 7udiiary and avoid
%ronoune)ent o! on!litin& 7ud&)ents on )atters related to s#aria#,
-#e 2"C also #ad a%%ellate 7urisdition in ases deided at lower levels under t#e s#aria#
laws, -#e !inal 7udiial aut#ority in t#e s#aria# )atters was to .e t#e "#ariat Ben# o! t#e
"u%re)e Court,
-#is .rou&#t a.out &reat elevation in t#e %osition o! t#e ule)a and t#ey rea#ed t#e
orridors o! %ower,
8usain 8aAAani, w#o #ad one worked wit# Mia, o.servesH
N-o serve alon&side @estern-eduated 7urists, Mia no)inated re%resentatives o! t#e
Isla)i %arties as 7ud&es o! t#e 2ederal "#aria Court, t#e !irst ti)e traditionally eduated
ule)a #ad #eld t#at %osition sine t#e introdution o! 'n&lis# o))on law under Britis#
rule,O U5V
:nder t#e instrutions o! Beneral Mia, t#e %er!or)in& arts were disoura&ed and strit
ensor was i)%osed on ine)a and -V %ro&ra)s, -#e wo)en artists and an#ors on -V
were to over t#eir #ead wit# du%atta (8i7a.) and wear dresses t#at were not se6ually
-#e t#e)es o! dra)a were #an&ed to de%it onservative values, -#e nu).er o!
%ro&ra)s %resentin& 8a)d (%raise o! $lla#), 3aat (%raise o! t#e 8oly 0ro%#et 0,B,:,8,),
-ilawat (reitation o! t#e 8oly Euran) and -a!seer (e6%lanation and e6e&esis) were,
Aualitatively and Auantitatively inreased,
-#e radio and -V started airin& t#e $zan (all !or %rayers) re&ularly, $dvertise)ents in
news%a%ers and on #oardin&s were not to arry %#oto&ra%#s o! wo)en t#at )ay .e
onsidered o.sene, @o)en were .anned !ro) %artii%atin& in s%orts .e!ore t#e )ale
-#e Mia $d)inistration issued diretives to its various de%art)ents to arran&e !or
o.servane o! %rayers and take .reak !or t#at %ur%ose,
"%eial sites were s%ared !or o.servane o! on&re&ational %rayers in &overn)ent and
se)i-&overn)ent o!!ies and %laes, inludin& air%orts, railway stations, %arks,
)arkets, #os%itals, eduational institutions et,
-#e santity o! t#e )ont# o! /a)d#an (8oly )ont# o! 2astin&) was stritly o.served,
-#e a!es and restaurants re)ained losed durin& t#e dayti)e, 'ven #awkers were not
allowed to sell eata.les durin& !astin& #ours,
2or t#is %ur%ose, '#tara)-i-/a)azan 5rdinane was %ro)ul&ated in 1=G1, w#i#
%resri.ed %unis#)ent !or violation o! /a)azanIs santity,
@it# e!!et !ro) 1 <anuary 1=G1, t#e .anks were reAuired to introdue %ro!it and loss
s#arin& aounts t#at were lai)ed to .e interest-!ree,
"u.seAuently, Bankin& and 2inanial "ervies ($)end)ent o! ;aws) 5rdinane, 1=G>,
was %ro)ul&ated t#at introdued various one%ts o! so-alled Isla)i .ankin&, inludin&
)ark-u%, #ire-%ur#ase, rent-s#arin&, liensin&, leasin&, )us#arika, )odara.a et,
In t#e !ield o! eduation, t#e Eurani verses were used to desri.e natural laws and
%#eno)ena in te6t.ooks o! %#ysial sienes,
-#e su.7et o! 0akistan "tudies .ea)e a ve#ile !or reatin& #atred towards t#e 8indu
o))unity and t#e students were indotrinated in so-alled _ideolo&y o! 0akistanI, !or
w#i# trut# was o)%ro)ised and #istory )urdered, U?V
-#e te6t.ooks o! Isla)iat .ea)e a soure o! ontroversy .etween various sets o! Isla),
-#e isnads (de&rees) on!erred .y )adrassa#s were )ade eAuivalent to university
de&rees, on t#e .asis o! w#i# a%%oint)ents were )ade in eduational institutions,
-#ere was talk o! o%enin& o! se%arate &irlsI universities, :rdu was )ade )ediu) o!
instrution in &overn)ent s#ools t#at e!!etively losed t#e )inds o! students .y %lain&
onstraints on t#eir aess to knowled&e,
Beneral MiaIs _Isla)iI )easures a%%ear to .e #y%oritial, 8e never atte)%ted to
introdue t#e su.stane o! Isla) i,e,, soial and eono)i 7ustie, Instead, t#e !eudal
lords and industrialists were &iven !ree #and to e6%loit t#e %eo%le, :nlike B#uttoIs ti)e,
t#e &a% .etween t#e #aves and #ave-nots inreased ra%idly under Mia,
$s e6%eted, Beneral MiaIs %ro&ra) o! _Isla)izationI .ea)e ontroversial and i)%arted
irre%ara.le da)a&e to t#e soial !a.ri,
In Isla), t#ere are various versions o! s#aria# known as !iAa#s sine )ore t#an a
t#ousand years, -#ere are also several sets or )aslaks (s#ools) t#at di!!er on .elie!s o!
seondary nature .ut Auarrel as i! t#ese di!!erenes are related to t#e !unda)entals o!
5!ten t#e ule)a #ailin& !ro) t#ese various )aslaks do not #esitate !ro) issuin& t#e !atwa
(reli&ious deree) o! tak!ir (in!idelity) a&ainst t#e rivals,
4urin& t#e !reedo) stru&&le, <inna# #ad taken due %reaution not to &et involved in
setarian issues, U7V
MiaIs le&islative )easures %ur%ortedly on!or)ed to "unni-8ana!i s#ool o! Isla) and
were at one resented .y t#e )inority "#ia o))unity t#at ad#ered to !iAa#-i-7a!aria,
$s early as $%ril 1=7=, an $ll 0akistan "#ia Convention was #eld at B#akkar to disuss
t#e i)%liations o! Beneral MiaIs le&islative )easures !or t#e "#ia o))unity, It was on
t#is oasion t#at -e#reek-i-3i!az-i-2iAa#-i-<a!!eria (-32<) was !ounded under t#e
leaders#i% o! (u!ti <a!!er 8ussein, w#i# .ea)e t#e )ost re%resentative o! "#ia
'noura&ed .y t#e Iranian revolution o! 1=7=, 0akistanIs "#ia o))unity ado%ted a
tou&# stand on t#e Makat and :s#r 5rdinane o! 1=7= and re!used to allow t#e
&overn)ent to dedut any a)ount !ro) t#e de%osits o! "#ia aount #olders,
5n t#e all o! @i!aA-i-:le)a-i-"#ia (2ederation o! reli&ious Cler&y o! "#ia) 0akistan and
I)a)ia "tudents 5r&anization, t#e "#ias onver&ed in Isla) on 5 <uly 1=G0 and
virtually seized t#e a%ital ity until t#e &overn)ent oneded t#eir de)and o! e6e)%tion
!ro) zakat dedution,
:nder t#e Isla) $&ree)ent si&ned on t#e oasion, t#e &overn)ent also %ro)ised to
%resri.e se%arate ourses o! studies in Isla)iat !or t#e "#ia students,
I)a) *#o)eini %layed an i)%ortant role in resolvin& t#e issue and o.tained assurane
!ro) Beneral Mia t#at t#e "#ia de)ands would .e )et, (GV
-#e Iranian /evolution #ad ins%ired (usli)s t#rou&#out t#e world .y suess!ully
on!rontin& t#e :nited "tates and %resentin& a %ratial e6a)%le o! Isla)i %olity, Its
radialis) was a t#reat to ana#ronisti re&i)es o! t#e nei&#.orin& ountries w#ere
des%ots ruled wit#out %o%ular %artii%ation or onsent,
0ro-$)erian "audi )onar#y %artiularly !elt t#reatened !ro) t#e trend set .y t#e
Iranian /evolution and !eared t#at its s%illover e!!ets )i&#t desta.ilize t#e re&ion, -#e
s#ow o! stren&t# .y t#e "#ias in 0akistan distur.ed t#e "audi dynasty and soon t#e "audi
&overn)ent deided to ounter "#ia in!luene in 0akistan .y su%%ortin& "unni 7i#adi
or&anizations t#at #ad .een e)er&in& sine 1=7= in t#e .akdro% o! t#e "oviet ou%ation
o! $!&#anistan,
In $u&ust 1=GD, (u!ti <a!!er 8ussein died and -32< !aed s%lit in its ranks, 5ne !ation
o! t#e %arty alled a on!erene at B#akkar in 2e.ruary 1=G> and eleted $lla)a "yed
$ri! $l 8usseini as its 0resident,
$lla)a "yed $ri! $l 8usseini was a.le to seure su%%ort o! I)a) *#o)eni and was
a%%ointed t#e I)a)Is re%resentative in 0akistan, U=V
"ine t#e Isla) $&ree)ent #ad not .een !ully i)%le)ented, t#e -32< under $l
8usseini resorted to a&itation in w#i# several s#ias were killed in <uly 1=G5 and t#e
situation .ea)e very tense, -#e %olitis o! -32< was seen wit# )is&ivin&s .y t#e "unni
In "e%te).er 1=G5, (aulana 8aA 3awaz <#an&wi, (aulana Miaur /e#)an 2arooAi,
(aulana 'esarul 8aA Eas)i and (aulana $za) -ariA, all known !or t#eir anti-"#ia
views, !ounded $n7u)an-i-"i%a#-i-"a#a.a, w#i# was su.seAuently rena)ed as "i%a#-i-
"a#a.a 0akistan (""0),
$%art !ro) setarian di!!erenes, t#e e)er&ene o! t#e ""0 re%resented lass on!lits,
$n analyst #as o.served, N$ !eudal syste) #as .een o%erative in 7#an& (a 4istrit o!
"out#ern 0un7a.) !or a very lon& ti)e and )ost !eudal landlords in t#is area .elon& to t#e
"#ia set,
5%%osed to t#is t#e )a7ority o! investors, industrialists and .usiness)en o! t#e area are
"unnis, 4iver&ene o! interests led to on!rontations in <#an& and C#iniot,O 8e #as
!urt#er lai)edH
NInde%endent soures and %olie reords on!ir) t#at $n7u)an-i- "i%a#-i- "a#a.a was
reated .y a &rou% o! ei&#teen .usiness)en !ro) <#an& and disussions were #eld wit#
(aulana <#an&vi to set down t#e outlines and &oals o! t#e or&anization,
-#e .usiness)en wanted to &ive a reli&ious outlook to t#e or&anization so t#at t#e
sy)%at#ies o! t#e )a7ority "unni ould .e &ained a&ainst t#e "#ia !eudals,O U10V
$not#er t#eory is t#at t#e ""0 was !ounded at t#e .e#est o! Beneral Mia w#o wanted to
wean away %o%ular su%%ort !ro) t#e 000 in 0un7a. and si)ultaneously intended to
ounter t#e &rowin& in!luene o! Iran,
-#e ""0 aused t#e -32< and ot#er s#ia or&anizations o! reeivin& !inanial assistane
!ro) Iran wit# a view to onvert 0akistan into a "#ia state, It alle&ed t#at t#e "#ia ule)a
insulted t#e o)%anions o! t#e 8oly 0ro%#et (0B:8) in t#eir ser)ons and %u.liations,
w#i# ould not .e tolerated,
-#e ""0 lai)ed t#at it wanted to institute *#ila!at in 0akistan and de)anded t#at t#e
ountry s#ould .e delared a "unni state,
$%%arently t#e ""0 reeived "audi !unds and en7oyed .akin& o! 0akistani a&enies, or
t#e ele)ents wit#in, t#ose were averse to t#e &rowin& in!luene o! Iran in t#e ountry,
@it#in a s#ort %eriod, t#e ""0 )ana&ed to esta.lis# a lar&e nu).er o! )adrassa#s in t#e
len&t# and .readt# o! 0akistan t#at indotrinated t#eir %u%ils a&ainst t#e s#ias, lai)in&
t#at t#e s#ias were non-(usli)s and s#ould .e su%%ressed or even killed !or s#owin&
disres%et to %ro)inent sa#a.a (Co)%anions o! t#e 0ro%#et (o#a))ed (0B:8), in
%artiular t#e !irst t#ree *#ul!a-i-/as#ideen,
-o ounter t#e ""0, t#e s#ias !ounded t#eir own )ilitant or&anization "i%a#-i-
(o#a))ad in 1==D, -#e leaders o! t#e ""0 went a ste% !urt#er and reated several
terrorist out!its, inludin& ;as#kar-i-<#an&vi, <#an&vi -i&ers, $l-8aA -i&ers, $l-2arooA,
$l-Badar et,
$lt#ou&# t#e on!lits .etween t#e -32< (or -3<, as it was rena)ed), and t#e ""0 and
t#eir res%etive o!!s#oots !ailed to insti&ate "#ia-"unni riots at %o%ular level e6e%t in
<#an&, C#iniot and so)e near.y %laes, t#ey resorted to tar&et killin&s o! %ro)inent
%ersons, inludin& %ro!essionals, and %lanned attaks on )osAues and I)a) .ar&a#s t#at
#ave led to innu)era.le asualties durin& last t#e two deades,
Violene .e&ets violene and it is a %ity to note t#at a%art !ro) t#e o))oners, a lar&e
nu).er o! "#ia and "unni ule)a lost t#eir lives in setarian killin&s,
-#e le&ay o! Beneral Mia ontinued to #aunt even a!ter t#e 0rovidene re)oved #i)
!ro) t#e sene in $u&ust 1=GG,
-#e %eriod 1=GG-1=== witnessed so)e o! t#e worst s%ate o! setarian killin&s, $!ter =X11,
t#e (us#arra! &overn)ent outlawed t#e -3<, t#e ""0 and various terrorist-setarian
or&anizations o%eratin& under t#e),
'ven t#ese )easures #ave !ailed to eli)inate t#e %#eno)enon, -#ere is no esa%e sayin&
t#at t#e setarian violene in 0akistan .e&an lar&ely due to t#e s#ort-si&#tedness o!
Beneral MiaIs %oliy o! so-alled _Isla)izationI o! laws wit#out !irst evolvin& a national
onsensus, "u.seAuently, t#e "#ia-"unni on!lit was !urt#er !lared u% and sustained .y
t#e tur! war .etween Isla)i / o! Iran and t#e *in&do) o! "audi $ra.ia, t#e two
ar#rivals vyin& !or in!luene in t#e re&ion,
Beneral MiaIs %oliy also strained relations .etween t#e various )aslaks o! t#e "unni
set, 8e was %artiularly lose to t#e -a.lee&#i <a)aat and attended its annual
$t %o%ular level, t#e 4awat-i-Isla)i, re%resentin& t#e Barailvi )aslak, and t#e -a.lee&#i
<a)aat are viewed as staun# rivals,
0akistan &overn)entIs su%%ort to 4eo.andi, @a#a.i and $#le 8adit# out!its in t#e wake
o! t#e $!&#an 7i#ad ena.led t#e !ollowers o! t#ese )aslaks to inrease t#eir say in t#e
(inistry o! /eli&ious $!!airs and t#ey were also e).olden to take over )any )osAues
.elon&in& to Barailvi )aslak,
-#is led to t#e reation o! t#e )ilitant "unni -e#rik in 1==0 to sa!e&uard Baraivi
$%art !ro) setarian on!lits, anot#er )ani!estation o! reli&ious e6tre)is) in 0akistan
is in t#e !or) o! )ilitany or 7i#adi ulture, Its ori&in is well known and )ay .e .rie!ly
su))ed u%,
5n 17 <uly 1=7D, "ardar (u#a))ad 4aoud to%%led t#e &overn)ent o! *in& Ma#ir "#a#
o! $!&#anistan and delared t#e ountry a /, 8e raised t#e issue o! t#e 4urand
;ine dddd t#e .oundary .etween 0akistan and $!&#anistan ddd and su%%orted t#e ause
o! 0ak#tunistan, a one%t o! sel!-&overnin& or inde%endent #o)eland !or 0ak#tuns,
o)%risin& 0akistanIs 3ort#-@estern 2rontier 0rovine and nort#ern %arts o!
$t t#at ti)e a nationalist insur&eny was &oin& on in Balo#istan and 4aoudIs %oliy
%osed a t#reat to 0akistanIs seurity, 0ri)e (inister B#utto deided to ounter 4aoudIs
)ove .y su%%ortin& t#e )ilitias o! <a)iat-i-Isla)i led .y Bur#anuddin /a..ani and o!
8iz.-i-Isla)i led .y Bul.adin 8ek)atyar,
-#ese or&anizations #ad links wit# 0akistanIs <a)aat-i-Isla)i and t#e (iddle 'astIs
(usli) Brot#er#ood, -#e Inter-"ervies Intelli&ene (I"I) was )ade res%onsi.le !or t#e
ondut o! t#e overt o%eration desi&ned to stren&t#en t#e Isla)ists in $!&#anistan, U11V
Conerned wit# t#is un%leasant develo%)ent in t#e re&ion, t#e "#a# o! Iran used #is &ood
o!!ies and %ersuaded B#utto and 4aoud to o))ene dialo&ue,
@#ile ne&otiations were in %ro&ress, Beneral Mia seized %ower in <uly 1=77 due to w#i#
t#e dialo&ue was disru%ted, $!ter a s#ort .reak, t#e ne&otiations .e&an .etween Beneral
Mia and 4aoud and it was e6%eted t#at t#e di!!erenes .etween 0akistan and $!&#anistan
over t#e 4urand ;ine and t#e 0ak#tunistan issue would .e a) resolved U12V,
8owever, .e!ore t#at #a%%en 4aoud was killed on 27 $%ril 1=7G in a ou% sta&ed .y t#e
$!&#an Co))unists under 3ur (u#a))ad -ara#ki,
-#e esta.lis#)ent o! a Co))unist re&i)e in $!&#anistan #an&ed its traditional
#arater o! a .u!!er state .etween /ussia X t#e "oviet :nion and t#e "out# $sian
"u.ontinent, In 4ee).er 1=7G, $!&#anistan and t#e "oviet :nion si&ned a -reaty o!
2riends#i% and Coo%eration, w#i# ontained %rovisions onernin& de!ense and seurity,
India #ad already onluded a si)ilar treaty wit# t#e "oviet :nion in 1=71, Iran was also
in tur)oil w#ere t#e !all o! t#e "#a# looked i))inent, In t#is .akdro%, Beneral Mia
sou&#t to revive 0akistanIs )ilitary ties wit# t#e :nited "tates, w#i# were in t#e
doldru)s .eause o! 0akistanIs landestine nulear %ro&ra),
"i)ultaneously, 0akistan deided to en#ane its assistane to t#e Isla)ists w#o led t#e
resistane a&ainst t#e Co))unist rule,
0leadin& 0akistanIs ase !ore!ully, Beneral Mia stated in an interview to *laus 3atro% o!
2rank-!urter $ll&e)eine MaitunyH
N-#e "oviet :nion si&ned a 2riends#i% -reaty wit# India in 1=71 and later 0akistan was
dis)e).ered and Ban&lades# was reated, -#e "oviet :nion went into a -reaty o!
2riends#i% wit# 't#io%ia and "o)alia was t#reatened , , , , -#e "oviet :nion went into a
-reaty o! 2riends#i% wit# Vietna) and *a)%u#ia is &one, -#e "oviet :nion #as now
entered into a -reaty wit# $!&#anistan, I do not say 0akistan will &o .ut it ertainly
reates a t#reat to 0akistan,O
Beneral Mia ontended t#at t#e &uerilla )ove)ent in $!&#anistan Ns#ould &et su%%ort it
needs !ro) C#ina, !ro) $)eria, !ro) @estern 'uro%e, 5! ourse, it #as to %ass t#rou&#
0akistan .ut 0akistan at t#e )o)ent is not in a %osition to &ive t#e) t#e su%%ort t#ey
need, .eause 0akistan will only .e .urnin& its own !in&ers t#at way,O U1DV
$s t#e resistane a&ainst t#e Co))unist re&i)e in $!&#anistan .ea)e stron& wit#
0akistanIs overt su%%ort to t#e Isla)ists and t#e ountry %lun&ed into a ivil war,
-#ousands o! $!&#ans .e&an rossin& t#e 4urand ;ine to take re!u&e in 0akistan, 5n 1?
"e%te).er 1=7=, 8a!izulla# $)in, t#e $!&#an 0ri)e (inister, a%tured %ower in a ou%
t#at led to t#e assassination o! -ara#ki, 8e too !ailed to ontrol t#e situation in !ae o!
sti!! resistane,
3ot satis!ied wit# $)in, on 27 4ee).er 1=7=, t#e "oviet :nion )oved its troo%s into
$!&#anistan and installed Ba.ruk *ar)al at t#e #ead o! t#e &overn)ent at *a.ul,
Con!ronted wit# &rave t#reat to 0akistanIs seurity, Beneral Mia )ade loud a%%eals !or
$)erian assistane to stren&t#en 0akistanIs de!ense and to !ore t#e roll .ak o! "oviet
ou%ation o! $!&#anistan,
@it# #al!-#earted o))it)ent, :,", 0resident Carter o!!ered an aid o! P>00 )illion to
0akistan, w#i# Beneral Mia re7eted as a _%eanutI, In t#e $)erian 0residential eletions
o! 1=G0, t#e /e%u.lian andidate /onald /ea&an was suess!ul,
@it# /ea&an as t#e :" 0resident, a new era o! oo%eration .etween 0akistan and t#e
:nited "tates dawned and t#e :nited "tates o!!ered 0akistan a %aka&e o! P D,2 .illion
over ne6t si6 years,
-o&et#er Beneral Mia and /ea&an deided to use Isla) as a wea%on a&ainst t#e "oviet
ou%ational !ores in $!&#anistan and t#us .e&an t#e .i&&est overt o%eration in t#e
#istory o! CI$,
2or t#e suess o! 7oint CI$-I"I venture, it was neessary to %ro)ote reli&ious e6tre)is)
or 7i#adi ulture in $!&#anistan and 0akistan, and t#is t#ey did,
@it# t#e $)erian !inanial and )ilitary assistane, 0akistan .ea)e a onduit o! ar)s
su%%lies to $!&#an ounter revolutionaries w#o were now alled )u7a#ideen,
@estern 'uro%e, <a%an, C#ina, "audi $ra.ia and t#e :nited $ra. ')irates also %rovided
!unds to arry on &uerrilla war a&ainst t#e "oviet ou%ational !ores in $!&#anistan,
Initially t#ese )u7a#ideen were reruited !ro) $!&#ans and 0akistani 0as#tuns, $s t#e
so%e o! 7i#ad widened, t#e $ra.s, t#e C#e#ens, t#e :z.eks and ot#ers 7oined t#e
0akistan &overn)ent enoura&ed t#e 4eo.andi ule)a .elon&in& to <:I to esta.lis#
)adrassa# network in t#e $!&#an re!u&ee a)%s and 0as#tun areas o! 0akistan,
<I reruited warriors !ro) t#e 3@20 and ities o! 0un7a. and "ind# w#ere its adres
were stron&,
By )id 1=G0s, several 7i#adi out!its were o%eratin& in $!&#anistan and t#ey en7oyed
santuaries in 0akistan, $.dulla# $zza), t#e )entor o! 5sa)a Bin ;aden set u% #is
o!!ie in 0es#awar to assist in 7i#ad and was at a later sta&e visited .y Bin ;aden #i)sel!,
-#e )adrassa# and t#e )osAues ins%ired t#e yout# to %artii%ate in 7i#ad,
'ven t#e #ildren were )entally %re%ared !or t#e &reat ause, 8i&#li&#tin& t#e tatis
used .y t#e :nited "tates to indotrinate t#e $!&#an #ildren !or !uture role, *at#y
Bannon statesH
N-#e :nited "tates also %u)%ed out ins%irational literature o! its own !or t#e $!&#an
re!u&ee a)%s, w#ere :,",-%rinted s#ool .ooks tau&#t t#e .y usin& su#
e6a)%les asH < is !or <i#ad, and * is !or *alas#nikov, and I is !or in!idel, (at#e)atial
%ro.le)s would .e so)et#in& likeH _I! you #ad !i!ty Co))unist soldiers and you killed
ten, #ow )any would you still #ave?I O U1>V
$!ter t#e introdution o! :," strin&er )issiles on t#e %art o! t#e )u7a#ideen, t#e "oviet
:nion !ully realized t#at it ould neit#er win t#e war nor .ear t#e ost o! t#e )ilitary
In t#e end, t#e %ro6i)ity talks t#at #ad .een takin& %lae .etween 0akistan and t#e
Co))unist re&i)e o! $!&#anistan a)e to !ruition in t#e !or) o! t#e Beneva $ords
under w#i# t#e "oviet :nion a&reed to wit#draw its troo%s !ro) $!&#anistan .y
2e.ruary 1=G=,
5ne t#e Vietna) @ar was aven&ed and _t#e 'vil ')%ireI de!eated, t#e :nited "tates lost
its interest in $!&#anistan, It unere)oniously dit#ed t#e 7i#adis and s#owed old
s#oulder to 0akistan,$lt#ou&# Beneral Mia was no )ore at t#e #el) o! a!!airs w#en t#e
"oviet wit#drawal was o)%leted, .ut #is ;e&ay t#at was well entren#ed #ad, a vision
o! #avin& strate&i de%t# !or 0akistan .y ontrollin& *a.ul t#rou&# so)e %ro6y and to
#ave aess to Central $sia, -#ey were also driven !or strate&i de%t# owin& inseurities
and livin& under onstant t#reat !ro) its nei&#.or wit# w#o) it #ad !ull sale wars and
its eastern !lank,
-#ey were also enoura&ed .y suess in $!&#anistan to e6%and t#e 7i#adi network to
Indian 5u%ied *as#)ir,
In $!&#anistan, t#e Co))unist &overn)ent o! 3a7i.ulla# survived till $%ril 1==2, $!ter
t#e olla%se o! t#e "oviet :nion in 1==1, its !all see)ed only a )atter o! ti)e,
4es%ite 0akistanIs .est e!!ort, %eae re)ained elusive in $!&#anistan, w#ere di!!erent
7i#adi or&anizations !ou&#t a)on& t#e)selves,
0akistan !ailed to see 8ik)atyar ddd its )an ddd at t#e #ead o! &overn)ent in *a.ul, In
t#e a.sene o! stron& entral aut#ority, t#e writ o! t#e $!&#an &overn)ent re)ained
on!ined to *a.ul and virtually innu)era.le warlords ontrolled $!&#anistanIs territory,
-#e situation deteriorated to a %oint w#ere di!!erent warlords i)%osed ta6es on
)ove)ent o! &oods and %eo%le t#rou&# t#eir res%etive do)ains, -#e were .orn
in 1==> as a reation to t#is #i&##andedness o! t#e warlords, U15V
$lt#ou&# t#e e)er&ene o! t#e was aidental, t#ey %roved t#eir )ettle in a s#ort
s%an, 2ortunately !or 0akistan, )any o! t#e) #ad reeived reli&ious eduation in
4eo.andi )adrassa#s run .y t#e <:I,
-#e I"I #ad !irst-#and e6%eriene o! t#e in 1==>, w#en it #el%ed reover
a 0akistani trade onvoy t#at was destined to Central $sia, In t#e, t#e I"I ould
see t#e %otential o! !ul!illin& 0akistanIs drea) o! strate&i de%t# and aess to Central
@it# t#e su%%ort o! t#e I"I, t#e were a.le to take over nearly =0T o!
$!&#anistanIs territory, inludin& *a.ul, .y 1==?,
In Indian ou%ied *as#)ir, t#e I"I suess!ully or#estrated a 7i#adi a)%ai&n .ased in
$zad *as#)ir and 0akistani territory, By t#e late 1==0s, t#e I"I-s%onsored low intensity
war in Indian ou%ied *as#)ir en&a&ed nearly seven #undred t#ousand Indian law
en!ore)ent %ersonnel and re&ular troo%s,
-#e drain on Indian eono)y !ro) t#is low intensity war in *as#)ir was enor)ous and
0akistan #o%ed to .rin& India to a ne&otiated settle)ent o! t#e *as#)ir dis%ute or .leed it
0akistanIs $!&#anistan and *as#)ir %oliies )ade it i)%erative t#at t#e 7i#adi ulture
re)ained stron& in t#e ountry,
-#e )osAues and )adrassa#s ser)onized on t#e i)%ortane o! 7i#ad and t#e <I and <:I,
wit# t#eir lose ne6us wit# t#e 0akistan ar)ed !ores, ontinued to reruit youn& %eo%le
!or t#e 7i#ad in *as#)ir, -o train t#e reruits, neessary !ailities were set u% in $zad
*as#)ir, t#e .elt and t#e 3@20,
$lt#ou&# various individuals and institutions )ade #u&e ontri.utions, one ould
routinely see t#e stalls o! 7i#adi out !its distri.utin& 7i#adi lea!lets and olletin&
donations a!ter 2riday %rayers,
"everal daily, weekly and )ont#ly %u.liations were .rou&#t out wit# I"I s%onsors#i% to
%ro%a&ate 7i#ad, $ lar&e nu).er o! !orei&ners w#o #ad stayed in 0akistani .elt a!ter
t#e "oviet wit#drawal !ro) $!&#anistan also 7oined t#e )u7a#ideen in *as#)ir,
-#e =X11 #an&ed t#e entire senario, $!ter t#e re!used to #andover 5sa)a .in
;aden, t#e %ri)e sus%et o! attak on t#e @orld -rade Center, 0akistan #ad to dit# its
erstw#ile ally and 7oin t#e so-alled $)erian war on terror,
"ine t#en 0akistan &overn)ent #as #anded over to t#e :nited "tates sores o!
and $l Eaeda su%%orters, inludin& several %ro)inent $l-Eaeda !i&ures,
0akistan #as also %eriodially laun#ed very ostly )ilitary o%erations in its .elt to
eli)inate )ilitants and #ek ross-.order inursions into $!&#anistan !ro) t#e
and $l-Eaeda ele)ents,
8owever, 0akistan annot a!!ord to allow a %ro-India &overn)ent in *a.ul or to &o on
su%%ressin& its %eo%le !or an alien ause,
In view o! its strate&i interests in $!&#anistan and internal, e6istential soietal, reli&ious
and %olitial &round realities, 0akistan an ill a!!ord .urnin& its .oats and #as, o!
neessity to #ave a disreet ne6us wit# t#e and %olitio-reli&ious %arties, <:I and
"i)ultaneously, t#e 7i#adi in!rastruture !or *as#)ir needs to .e ke%t in tat to .e
reativated i! India dra&s its !eet on t#e *as#)ir issue too lon&,
-#e Auestion to %onder over is not only #ow t#e 7i#adi out!its )ana&e to reruit %eo%le or
#ow do t#ey o%erate, -#e Auestion also is w#y t#e (usli)s o%t !or 7i#ad? @#y so )any
youn& (usli)s o!!er to .eo)e suiide .o).ers?
Is it not sur%risin& t#at t#ose w#o %artii%ated in attak on t#e @orld -rade Center were
not )adrassa# students?
-#e answer is to .e !ound in t#e arro&ant and ro&ue .e#avior o! t#e :nited "tates and
Israel, It is to .e !ound in t#e .lood o! innoent 0alestinian (usli)s t#at is .ein& s#ed
daily in Baza and t#e @est Bank and now t#e )assare o! innoent ;e.anese, )ostly
de!ense less in!ants, #ildren elderly %eo%le, wo)en in t#e na)e o! takin& on 8iz.ulla#,
It is to .e !ound in t#e $)erian %rotetion to ditatorial re&i)es t#at rule t#e (usli)
ountries, It is to .e !ound in t#e rut#less su%%ression o! t#e *as#)iri, C#e#en, :i&#ar
and (oro (usli)s,
"ine t#e olla%se o! t#e "oviet :nion, t#e :nited "tates #as lost all sense o! %ro%riety in
dealin& wit# t#e (usli) world, It #as stationed its !ores in "audi $ra.ia, 0akistan and
t#e Bul! ')irates wit# t#e _%er)issionI o! unre%resentative re&i)es,
It #as ou%ied IraA and $!&#anistan and routinely, on daily .asis, resort to indisri)inate
killin& o! t#e innoent %eo%le o! t#ese ountries,
It is t#reatenin& "yria and Iran wit#out any 7usti!iation, Buantana)o Bay, $.u B#rai.
and Bat&ra) %risons #ave .eo)e sy).ols o! its sava&ery and .ar.arity, -#ese ats
annot &o unanswered,
@#at t#e @est alls _terroris)I, Isla)ists all it 7i#ad, $nd t#e 7i#ad would ontinue i! t#e
:nited "tates and Israel do not vaate a&&ression !ro) t#e (usli) land,
0resently, 0akistani soiety is a divided entity, -#ere are t#ose w#o !ind &reat attration
in t#e %o% )usi, a.le -V and onsu)eris), and yearn !or a li!e o! %eae, o)!ort and
-#ey would like 0akistan to .e anot#er '&y%t or -urkey, 2or t#e) reli&ion is on!ined to
a !ew rituals and t#atIs all,
$t t#e ot#er end are t#ose w#o an never i&nore t#e !at t#at t#e @est is .ent u%on
destroyin& (usli) et#os, "o)e o! t#e) revert to %ai!ist tradition o! Isla), -#ey reoil
and wit#draw, and attend t#e on&re&ations o! 4awat-i-Isla)i and -a.lee&#i <a)aat in
t#e #o%e t#at .etter days would o)e,
2or t#e), t#eir )aslak and !iAa# is everyt#in&, But t#ere are ele)ents t#at onsider 7i#ad
as _!arz-i-ainI and suiide .o).in& a le&iti)ate war tati,
-#ey would ontinue to res%ond to t#e all o! 7i#ad, $nd yes, t#ere are still ot#ers w#ose
#atred !or t#e :nited "tates and Israel ae%ts no .ounds, .ut t#ey t#ink t#at wit#out !irst
eAui%%in& t#e (usli) @orld wit# siene and te#nolo&y and t#e art o! )odern ware-
!are, t#e 7i#ad in t#e !or) o! Aital is %re)ature, U1?V
@#ile onludin& it )ay .e noted t#at t#ere is no denyin& t#e !at t#at t#e &round
realities t#ose are on!rontin& 0akistan and t#e eventual o)%ulsions, in t#e a!ter )at# o!
=11, t#ose e6ated t#e dia)etri #an&es in 0akistanIs %oliies were in kee%in& wit# t#e
diktats o! t#e ti)e and our o.7etives,
8ene t#e %eo%le at t#e 8el) o! a!!airs did t#e .est t#at t#ey ould,
8avin& said t#at, it )ay .e %ointed out t#at t#ere is )u# t#at needs to .e done in ter)s
o! #an&in& t#e internal dyna)is o! soiety in 0akistan,
It ould .e a#ieved .y !or)ulatin& and e6eutin& lon& and s#ort ter) %oliies t#ose
ould result in aterin& to t#e onventional and non-onventional %olar e6tre)ities in t#e
soiety and t#ose ould .uild .rid&es and arrive at a new soial ontrat t#at artiulates
our soietal .e#avior in #ar)ony wit# t#e #an&in& internal, re&ional and &
environ)ent in lea&ue wit# 0akistanIs Ideolo&ial as%irations o! !indin& and %lae in t#e
o)ity o! nations as a (usli), de)orati and eono)i %ower,
-#e ivil soiety in 0akistan needs to rise to t#e oasion and ontri.ute towards .rid&in&
t#e %olarity &a% .y Nt#rowin& u% )oderate enli&#ten)ent !ro) wit#in and not i)%orted
enli&#tened )oderation,
$.out t#e aut#orH $)ius is t#e %seudony) o! (o#a))ed Lousu! advoate, a ;awyer
.ased in *ara#i, 8e #as written e6tensively on urrent a!!airs, wit# re!erene to "out#
and Central $sia, 8e an .e rea#ed on )o#a))edyousu!j#ot)ail,o)
3otes and /e!erenes

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