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View Point: Geocentric

Coordinate System: Ecliptic Longitude

House System: Placidus
Sun in Lira
!ou "a#e well$de#eloped social s%ills and are moti#ated y a desire &or personal' social and
relations"ip "armony( !ou pre&er t"e company o& ot"ers to solitude and en)oy social occasions
and outings( Possessing a natural sense o& )ustice' you "a#e good powers o& comparison'
w"ic" enales you to appreciate ot" sides o& any situation( T"is ma%es you gi&ted in t"e arts
o& diplomacy and peacema%ing( !ou "a#e an aest"etic and re&ined sense' wit" an appreciation
o& t"e &iner t"ings in li&e and eauty and t"e arts( At times' you can e too dependent on ot"ers
and o#erly needy in relations"ips(
*oon in Capricorn
+"ile you are someone w"o &eels t"ings deeply' you e,perience some di&&iculty e,pressing
your innermost &eelings( -at"er t"an &reely s"owing your emotions' you tend to %eep t"em
under control( A serious person' you %now and accept your responsiilities' especially towards
your &amily( .t"er people are inclined to loo% to you &or support' as you "a#e an inner
strengt" and maintain a cool "ead under pressure( !ou are amitious &or success and
pro&essional ad#ancement(
*ercury in Scorpio
!ou "a#e a deeply percepti#e mind' w"ic" is capale o& pro&ound t"in%ing( +"ile you tend
not to e an /ideas/ person' you are %eenly instincti#e and usually see t"ings accurately' i& not
necessarily c"aritaly( -at"er t"an mince your words' you pre&er to tell it li%e it is( !ou are
interested in intrigues and "a#e a talent &or in#estigati#e or researc" wor%( !ou can e
secreti#e' suspicious' sc"eming and sarcastic(
Venus in Virgo
!ou tend to e s"y and reser#ed socially and &ind it di&&icult to ma%e contacts( An o#erly
critical attitude can ma%e &or missed opportunities in lo#e( !ou "a#e a practical approac" to
lo#e' w"ic" is &ine' ut it can spoil spontaneity i& ta%en too &ar(
*ars in Sagittarius
!ou are moti#ated to roaden your intellectual and geograp"ical "ori0ons' and will proaly
"a#e many opportunities to tra#el( Generally' you "a#e an optimistic attitude towards li&e'
coupled wit" an ent"usiasm &or ad#enturous situations( !ou "a#e t"e urge to li#e a &ull and
acti#e li&e( Howe#er' you can e inclined to scatter your energies' w"ic" can lessen your
aility to reac" your "ig"est potential(
1upiter in Gemini
!ou "a#e an in2uisiti#e mind' coupled wit" t"e urge to learn and to gat"er &acts or
in&ormation( !ou are curious aout p"ilosop"y and religion3 "owe#er your interest may e
super&icial or purely intellectual( A talent &or spea%ing and writing' or media wor% is possile(
!ou en)oy company and "a#e an acti#e social li&e(
Saturn in Scorpio
!ou "a#e a realistic outloo% on li&e and tend to ta%e it seriously( !ou "a#e "ig" amitions'
wit" a strong desire to succeed in li&e( !ou can readily endure "ards"ip i& a cause is wort"y
enoug"( Negati#ely' t"ere can e t"e inclination to )udge yoursel& and ot"ers too "ars"ly or to
"arour resentments(
4ranus in Aries
!ou are a memer o& a generation t"at wants to c"ange and re&orm t"ings and to ring t"e
new into eing in a personal and original way( !ou "a#e a asic need &or &reedom and will
reel i& your independence is restricted( !ou are courageous and will stand$up or &ig"t &or
w"at is rig"t(
Neptune in Pisces
!ou are a memer o& a generation w"o "as a strong interest in metap"ysics and mysticism(
!ou will 2uestion ort"odo, religious opinions and see% your own spiritual e,periences(
-eligious ecstasy may e soug"t t"roug" e,perimentation wit" designer drugs(
Pluto in Capricorn
!ou are a memer o& a generation t"at will destroy and replace structures t"at "a#e outli#ed
t"eir time and use&ulness( T"ere will e t"e trans&orming o& usiness and economic systems'
political parties and met"ods o& go#ernment( -adical c"anges will e e,ecuted wit" rut"less
*oon5s Nort" Node in Scorpio
!ou see% dept"' passion and emotional intensity in unions( T"ere is a tendency &or you to
&orm connections t"at seem to e &ated or destined( T"ere can e power struggles in your
Ascendant in Capricorn
!our primary moti#ation in li&e is to gain secure material circumstances and to ac2uire
possessions( !ou are a serious person' wit" a strong sense o& reality( !ou "a#e great sel&$
control and sel&$discipline' ut can also e too controlled and lac%ing in spontaneity( Success
in li&e comes t"roug" "ard wor% and concentration upon an o)ecti#e( Essentially a
pragmatist' you will o&ten put duty and responsiility e&ore your "eart5s inclinations(
*id"ea#en in Scorpio
Sel&$realisation is ac"ie#ed t"roug" o#ercoming desire and managing power( !our aim in li&e
is to unloc% t"e secrets o& nature( !ou attain your o)ecti#es t"roug" tenacity' perse#erance
and determination( !ou "a#e ailities &or researc" and in#estigati#e wor%(
End o& -eport

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