Moonlight Walk To Paradise Smashwords

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A Moonlight Walk to Paradise

A Moonlight Walk To Paradise

by Frederick Jacob
Copyright 201
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
!ntrod"ction########################################################################Page $
Chapter !% &ad Me'ories o( a )ost )o*e on a +ainy ,ay######Page -
Chapter !!% +ainy A(ternoon Party######################################Page .
Chapter !!!% &andra###########################################################Page /
Chapter !0% )ost on !ntrod"ctions#####################################Page 11
Chapter 0% Porch Talk#######################################################Page 1
Chapter 0!% )i(e According to &andra################################Page 1-
Chapter 0!!% 1itchen Floor ,ra'a######################################Page 1.
Chapter 0!!!% &haring the 2ight Together###########################Page 20
Chapter !3% 4range 5as the ,ress &he Wore#####################Page 2
Chapter 3% Man ,o5n#######################################################Page 2.
Chapter 3!% ,i((erent &trokes############################################Page 0
Chapter 3!!% 6irl ,o5n######################################################Page
Chapter 3!!!% Thro"gh the 6ates o( Paradise######################Page 7

A Moonlight Walk to Paradise

1/ year old Fred9 a b"dding 5riter9 5as :"st reco*ering (ro' a (ailed
relationship 5ith his 27 year old girl (riend +enee9 5ho e*idently le(t hi' (or a
'ore pro'ising career 'o*e# Fr"strated (ro' a relationship that he deeply
5anted to 5ork it o"t (or the sake o( reconciling 5ith +enee9 he tried
e*erything that 5as possible that co"ld 'ake a'ends to their (alling apart#
;"t it 5as too late and +enee has already decided to call it <"its# Th"s
resorting to drinking9 he tried to (orget the girl he once lo*ed tho"gh it
see'ed so hard as it has only been a 5eek since it happened# Then9 one rainy
4ctober 'orning9 the phone rang###
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter !%
&ad Me'ories o( a )ost )o*e on a +ainy ,ay
There are certain 'o'ents in an indi*id"al=s li(e that 'akes the' pa"se (or a
5hile and (all in a deep lost tho"ght o( sorting thro"gh their 'e'ories and
picking o"t 5hat they can assert as the best day o( their li*es# As sa'e as
e*erybody else9 ! too had <"ite a (e5 good ones that ! can decently share 5ith
people that ! kno5 o( b"t the 'ost 'e'orable tho"ght that ! 5ill ne*er (orget
is d"ring the ti'e that ! 5as in the co'pany o( a 5o'an#
2o59 ! kno5 that 'ost o( yo" 5ill instantly 'ake ade<"ate ass"'ptions in
kno5ing ho5 this story ends and ! g"ess yo" already kno5 ho5 it does9 b"t
the interesting part o( it 5as that ! ne*er planned that it 5o"ld e*er happen to
'e on that day# !t all started on a rainy 4ctober 'orning# ! :"st 5oke "p (ro'
bed still (eeling a bit edgy (ro' drinking 5ith a (e5 (riends the night be(ore
and 5as glad that it 5as a &at"rday###
! 5as :"st (inishing "p on a c"p o( co((ee 5hen the phone rang9 it 5as 'y
co"sin# Calling "p :"st to (ind o"t ho5 ! 5as doing and (inding o"t i( ! had
anything i'portant to do (or the rest o( the day# ! said9 2othing in partic"lar
and to think it 5as a dread("l rainy day9 s"ch a 5aste to spend the 5eekend at
ho'e#### >earing that9 'y co"sin told 'e to co'e o*er beca"se he 5as
ha*ing a (e5 g"ests o*er in the a(ternoon and 5as planning to ha*e a (e5
cocktails on the side#
! said to hi' that ! had :"st 5oke "p (ro' sleep and had a (e5 late night
drinks 'ysel( and that ! 5asn=t really in the :olly 'ood (or any (or' o( social
engage'ents that day# To that9 he (elt that ! 5as looking (or a little ti'e o(( by
'ysel( b"t interl"ded that i( ! e*er tho"ght o( changing 'y 'ind abo"t that9
there 5ill al5ays be one cold bottle o( beer 5ith 'y na'e on it i( ! e*er chose
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
to co'e# !t 5as a persistent tho"ght and ! said that ! 'ight d5ell "pon the
s"b:ect o( changing 'y 'ind# With that and a brie( e?change o( incoherent
pleasantries 5e bid each other goodbye on the telephone and h"ng "p#
)atter on that day as the rains 5ent "nabated9 ! 5as looking at an old
photograph that 'y (or'er girl(riend had gi*en 'y d"ring the ti'e that 5e
5ere together and ! co"ld not help 5onder 5hat she 5as doing at that *ery
sa'e 'o'ent that ! 5as holding on to her photograph# Me'ories ca'e do5n
as tho"gh the rains 5ere intended to bring back a torrent o( good and
e*ent"ally bad ending to o"r relationship# ! s"ddenly (o"nd 'ysel( in a
'elancholic st"por that has gi*en rise to the red"ndant <"estion o( 5ho=s
(a"lt it 5as as to the (ail"re o( o"r relationship#
This 5as not a good tho"ght to ponder abo"t and it certainly 5as not doing 'e
any good as 5ell# ! had to de*ise a tho"ght that 5ill di*ert 'y 'ind (ro'
d5elling in the past9 least to say that spending the 5hole day re'orse("lly
s"lking on that partic"lar bad 'e'ory 5as like cli'bing o"t br"ised and
battered (ro' a psychological train 5reck 5hich led 'y to drinking@ !t 5asn=t
doing 'e any good and ! :"st had to go o"t o( the ho"se to escape those
"npleasant 'e'ories# Tho"ghts on 'y co"sin=s in*itation (or that day are
slo5ly e'erging as an appealing tho"ght to partake and it 5as :"st past a
little o*er three o=clock in the a(ternoon#
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter !!
+ainy A(ternoon Party
! soon (o"nd 'y sel( hal(5ay to 5here 'y co"sin resided on the other side o(
to5n and ! 5as still in a 'elancholic state9 tho"gh still rel"ctant to go9 ! had
no other place to take a 'o'entary re("ge (ro' the bad 'e'ories still
ho"nding 'y tho"ghts# ! co"ld not a((ord to spend the rest o( the day alone as
! kno5 that it 5ill lead 'y 5its to sleep and e*ent"ally spend the 5hole
5eekend 'iserable# There is nothing <"ite '"ndane and depressing than to
spend the 5eekend alone d"ring a lonely rainy night9 e*en tho"gh ! pre(er it
so'eti'es b"t on this partic"lar reason9 the loneliness 5as agoniAingly
As ! 5alked "p the path5ay o( cobbled stones that led to the door9 ! 5as
'o'entarily halted as ! tried to 'ake o"t the (a'iliar so"nds o( la"ghter that
e'anated (ro' inside the ho"se# ! tho"ght to 'ysel( and recalled pre*io"s
past gatherings that ! had the opport"nity to ha*e been in*ited and al5ays
kne5 that there 5as ne*er a d"ll 'o'ent to these a((airs# As ! slo5ly 'ade
atop the (ront porch and shook o(( 5hat 5as re'aining o( the driAAle that 'y
coat had9 ! rang the door bell#
4pening the door 5as 'y co"sin ,ennis9 as he 5as e?pecting 'e and he kne5
that ! 5on=t pass an opport"nity like this beca"se it 5as a 5eekend# As he led
'e inside o( his ho"se9 ! closed the door a(ter 'e and proceeded to the g"est
roo'# As e?pected9 there sitting co'(ortably and e?changing pleasantries
5ere the "s"al relati*es and (riends that ! had the chance to ha*e gotten
ac<"ainted thro"gh the years9 in short9 it 5as the "s"al cro5d#
They greeted 'e and ! respect("lly ackno5ledged their gest"re 5ith 'y "s"al
coy ("ll s'ile as ,ennis handed 'e a cold drink and proceeded to sit do5n in
a corner as ! ad:"sted to the so'e5hat (esti*e :"bilant *ibrancy in the roo'#
My rel"ctance to co'e 5as soon changed 5ith a so'e5hat co'(orting (eeling
that dissipated the loneliness that ! (elt prior to co'ing here and it 5as a *ery
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
5elco'ing (eeling to be a'ongst 5ith (riends and (a'ily# Bo" better go to
the kitchen and get so'ething to eat be(ore proceeding any ("rther on yo"r
drink9 said ,ennis# C"ite tr"e as 'y sto'ach started to r"'ble in s"ch a 5ay
that ! had to get a bite to eat be(ore going on any ("rther 5ith 'y beer#
! soon (o"nd 'ysel( r"''aging thro"gh *ario"s plastic containers that had
*ario"s appetiAers and hors d=oe"*re9 <"ite enticing to the s'ell and
pres"'ably to the palette as 5ell# While ! 5as deciding on 5hat kind o( (ood !
5as to partake ! 5as approached by ,ennis= 5i(e9 Cloe9 and ask i( ! needed
any assistance9 ! said ! co"ld 'anage and she soon le(t (or the li*ing roo'#
As soon as ! 5as abo"t to p"t so'ething on 'y plate9 ! 5as again asked i( !
had anything that needed assistance in regards 5ith the (ood in the kitchen9 !
said 2o thanks Cloe9 ! can 'anage# ! slo5ly t"rned aro"nd and to 'y
s"rprise9 there stood a bea"ti("l girl 5earing a st"nningly pro*ocati*e orange
dress@ D?asperated by this see'ingly angelic (ig"re standing be(ore 'e that
le(t 'e speechless (or a 'o'ent as ! tried to clear 'y throat in order to
apologiAe (or the honest 'istake that thinking it 5as Cloe@ 4h9 !=' sorry###!
tho"ght yo" 5ere Cloe@ as ! said in in an al'ost co'ical and sta''ering
&he s'iled so brilliantly that at that *ery 'o'ent9 ti'e see'ed to cease as !
(ell in a state o( trance as she parted a seg'ent o( her bro5n hair that 5as
obstr"cting her eyes@ As she cleared the hair (ro' her (ace9 ! soon realiAed
that she had a (ace like that o( an ethereal being that has set (oot on Darth like
that o( a goddess#
! stood back at a5e and tried to co'pose 'ysel( as pri' and proper (or any 1/
year old that 5o"ld be p"t in s"ch a sit"ation# ! (elt a co'po"nding (eeling o(
an?iety that slo5ly 'ade its 5ay to 'y 'ind as ! said to 'ysel( to beha*e and
a*oid any i'pertinent i'posing deli*ery o( 5ords that 'ight render an
i'pression like that o( a b"((oon#
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter !!!
Cloe is in the li*ing roo' attending to the g"ests she said# At this point it
5as so ob*io"s that ! 5as not interested in 5here Cloe 5as at this 'o'ent9
b"t ! didn=t 5ant it to be ob*io"s to this bea"ti("l 5o'an in (ront o( 'e# As she
s'iled and t"rned a5ay9 ! slo5ly 'ade 'y 5ay to 5here she stood and 5as
s"ddenly stopped as ! "nintentionally ca"ght a 5hi(( o( her per("'e as !
ca"ght a glance o( her 5alking do5n the hall5ay to5ards the li*ing roo'#
An incendiary spark o( interest s"ddenly crept in 'y 'ind and tho"gh 'y
general ass"'ptions tell 'e to let go o( the tho"ght o( (inding o"t 'ore
in(or'ation abo"t this 5o'an9 ! soon realiAed that 'y 'ind and co''on
sense are not negotiating 5ith each other in regards to 'y c"riosity#
As ! 'ade 'y 5ay back to 5here 'y co"sin ,ennis 5as9 ! co"ldn=t help b"t
play that last scene in the kitchen o*er and o*er again inside 'y head as !
took 'y seat ne?t to 'y co"sin on the table that they 5ere sitting at# My
co"sin asked 'e ho5 the (ood 5as and ! replied s'ilingly9 Fine###the (ood 5as
great@= >e 5as <"ick to notice that ! 5as s'iling and asked 'e in a rather
sarcastic <"ip9 Are s"re its the (ood that is 'aking that s'ile on yo"r (ace or
is there so'ething else in the kitchen besides the (oodF as he said it in a
de*ilish grinning 'anner#
6oing 5ell into 'y rd bottle o( beer9 ! sa5 that sa'e 5o'an that !
enco"ntered in the kitchen as she passed by o"r table and took a glance at 'e
as she passed by# At this point9 ! too 5as looking at her in a 'ore
inconspic"o"s 'anner as not to attract 'y co"sins attention b"t kno5ing
,ennis to kno5 e*erything that is going on inside that roo'# >e 'o*ed
(or5ards 'e and p"lled 'y ears near his head as he 5hispered9 &he=s 2/@#
My eyes gre5 in astonish'ent not only that ! (o"nd o"t her age b"t kno5ing
that 'y co"sin kno5s 5hat has been bre5ing in 'y tho"ghts (ro' the
'o'ent that ! sat do5n on 'y seat@
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
! slo5ly s'iled back at ,ennis as ! nodded 'y head in ackno5ledge'ent9
s"rprisingly tho"gh9 Cloe 5as talking to her as 5ell 5ay o*er across the roo'
as they occasionally took short glances (ro' 5here they 5ere standing# !t 'ay
so"nd so inappropriate i( ! :"st cas"ally stood "p and 5alked "p to 5here they
5ere9 :"st to b"tt in considering it 5as "ncalled (or as 5ell#
,ennis had probably began to take notice (or 'y interest (or the 5o'an
across the roo' that he s"ddenly got "p and le(t the table as he 'ade his 5ay
to 5here Cloe and the 5o'an 5as# When he got there9 ! <"ickly t"rned back
to the bottle that 5as in 'y hand and took a <"ick g"lp#
At that point9 ! 5as beginning to think that 'aybe it 5as not s"ch a good idea
to co'e here in the (irst place# 1no5ing ho5 *"lgar ,ennis gets so'eti'es in
his 5ay o( letting other people kno5 abo"t other people specially 5hen
introd"ctions are concerned and considering he is also "nder the in(l"ence o(
As ! decided to prepare to say 'y intentions o( departing (ro' the gathering9 !
5as s"ddenly approached by Cloe as she asked 'e to :oin the' to 5here they
5ere# As ! stood "p9 ! can (eel the beer 'ani(esting its e((ect on 'e and gi*ing
'e a tipsy sl"r to 'y head#
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter !0
)ost on !ntrod"ctions
,ennis called o"t (or 'e as ! soon ca'e near the' and e?tending his hand9 he
slo5ly p"lled 'e in by his side# &andra9 this is 'y co"sin9 Fred9 as ,ennis
s'iled back at 'e 5ith a grinning 'anner9 he re<"ested to be e?c"sed as he
5o"ld be attending to the other g"ests# Cloe too had to lea*e to attend to
other 'atters at hand and ! 5as le(t in the co'pany o( the 5o'an that had
been occ"pying 'y 'ind (or the entire e*ening#
&o9 yo"r na'e is FredF as she s'iled and cordially o((ered a handshake# 2o
'anner o( rel"ctance 5ill e*er diss"ade 'e (ro' not ackno5ledging a
handshake9 specially 5hen it co'es (ro' a bea"ti("l 5o'an#6lad to ha*e 'et
yo"r ac<"aintance9 &andra### as ! shook her hands as ni'bly as possible as
not to inti'idate her#
! co"ld still s'ell her per("'e as it 5as back then in the hall5ay kitchen and it
5as 'ore prono"nced no5 that she=s in (ront o( 'e# &he had the so(test o( all
hands that ! e*er had the pleas"re to hold on to and its 5ar'th 5as
proportional to her radiant s'ile@ At this point ! had already been s'itten not
:"st once b"t t5ice and ! co"ldn=t let her notice that ! 5as 'elting inside 5ith
&he asked 'e i( ! co"ld acco'pany her o"tside on the porch as the rains
s"bsided9 as the st"((iness o( the air inside 5as not o( her liking# ! gladly led
her 5ay to the door as ,ennis 5as 5atching "s (ro' a distance9 s'iling no
do"bt as "s"al as ! s'iled back as 'y o5n 5ay o( thanking hi' (or the
introd"ction a 5hile ago#
As ! opened the (ront door9 a s"btle cool breeAe o( air ble5 &andra=s hair to
'y (ace9 e*en adding an enchant'ent to that 'o'ent as 5e 'ade o"r 5ay
o"tside to the (ront porch# &ince the rain partly drenched the chairs on the
porch9 5e decided to 'ake o"r 5ay to the portion 5here it 5as co'(ortably
drier and sat against the railing (acing each other# The 'oon 5as partly
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
co*ered by the (leeting clo"ds as it casted a so'e5hat pale glo5 to the night#

A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter 0
Porch Talk
There 5as a light breeAe that played on her hair as 5e tried to start "p a
con*ersation considering that 5e 5ere total strangers# ! 5o"ldn=t let the night
to go so"r :"st beca"se o( an a5k5ard introd"ction :"st (or the sake o( not
letting it (iAAle o"t beca"se o( boredo'# ! asked her ho5 long she kne5 Cloe
beca"se ! sensed that they kne5 each other (or a long ti'e :"dging (ro' the
5ay they 5ere con*ersing#
&andra said that she and Cloe 5ere roo' 'ates 5ay back in college and that
she :"st 'o*ed into to5n (or a :ob at a local bank doing
acco"nting#!nteresting9 ! tho"ght to 'ysel(9 Bo"=re an acco"ntantF9 she
nodded in ackno5ledge'ent as she took a sip o( a cocktail that she had been
holding# &o###5hat do yo" doF &andra asked9 as ! prepared to p"t 'y best
ans5er o"t as not to d"ll the con*ersation to a grinding halt9 ! 5rite9 as !
ans5ered in hesitation9 5atching her reaction as to the 5ords that ! bl"rted
o"t#Bo"=re a 5riterF@9 as her eyes gre5 in a sort o( a'aAe'ent or in "tter
Well9 it 5as better than :"st standing there and being blank (aced 5itho"t any
interesting response to that9 yet it 5as a good sign o( interest on her part
ne*ertheless#Aren=t yo" a bit yo"ng to be a 5riterF9 as she started to 'o*e
her glass as to stir the contents inside 5hile slo5ly glancing at 'e 5ith her
'oonlit tainted hair# As ! 'o'entarily took a sip o(( 'y bottle o( beer9 ! soon
began to realiAe the dile''a o( 'y age to the kind o( 5ork that ! had told her9
ob*io"sly it 5as "nbelie*ably re'arkable to concei*e that a 1/ year old teen
ager co"ld 5rite@
Bes this 5as a dile''a indeed b"t ! had no choice b"t to ass"re her that 5hat
! 5as berating in a s"btle 'anner 5as tr"e and consistent# Bo" co"ld ask 'y
co"sin ,ennis i( yo" 5ant to9 ! s'ilingly said# As soon as the topic o( 'e
being a 5riter 5as being disc"ssed9 ,ennis ca'e o"t as to check on o"r
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
con*ersation# &o9 &andra###did yo" kno5 that Fred is a 5riterF9 ,ennis said
and at that 'o'ent9 &andra=s eyes looked back at 'e and s'iled and said !
tho"ght yo" 5ere :"st 'aking that "p to i'press 'e@
&o yo" 5ere telling the tr"th a(ter all## What a relie(@ ! tho"ght it 5o"ld :"st
r"in the 5hole night9 and ! 5as so glad that 'y co"sin ca'e o"t to
corroborate 'y state'ent9 5ith that all o*er no5 ! can s"rely ha*e a
5onder("l e*ening ahead kno5ing that &andra belie*es in 5hat ! told her is
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter 0!
)i(e According to &andra
As the night gre5 late and the drinks piled "p9 'e and &andra 5ere
e?changing pleasantries and a 5hole lot o( interesting tho"ghts on li(e that
the a5k5ardness that happened earlier in the night 5as soon (orgotten# We
5ere no5 at a point o( the con*ersation 5here 5e 5ere no5 talking abo"t
past relationships and lost lo*es9 ob*io"sly (or so'e reason9 the into?ication o(
alcoholic be*erages 5ere sta*ing do5n on o"r inhibitions (ro' letting o"t all
o( o"r disappoint'ents in li(e#
&andra 5as no5 describing ho5 she had a so'e5hat passi*e relationship 5ith
a (or'er high school class'ate and the relationship :"st dissipated 5itho"t
any reason 5hatsoe*er# D*er since then9 she had to 5ork hersel( o"t o( college
beca"se she 5as the only one that her (a'ily co"ld co"nt on to help the
(a'ily# >a*ing di*"lged that she 5as an illegiti'ate child o"t o( 5edlock9 !
soon noticed a teary eyed e?pression on her (ace as ! to"ched her hand to
co'(ort her (ro' that bad tho"ght#
!t 5as not (air i( she 5o"ld be the only one to re*eal s"ch (r"strations in li(e9
so ! told her abo"t 'ine# ! proceeded to tell her that ho5 'y (or'er girl(riend
chose her ne5 :ob in a (ar a5ay place o*er o"r relationship and that being a
5riter 5as not a l"crati*e career# Personally ! (o"nd it rather therape"tic in a
sense that ! had told a 5o'an things that ! 5asn=t e*en able to tell 'y o5n
&he started to s'ile again a(ter ! had said that and asked i( 5e co"ld ha*e :"st
one 'ore drink be(ore calling it a night# We got back in the ho"se as 5e 'ade
o"r 5ay to the kitchen 5here the cooler 5as to get o"r last drinks# At this
point the beer 5as 'aking 'e decide i( ! sho"ld 'ake any decent
approaches to &andra as not to o((end her9 tho"gh still rel"ctant at this point#
To 'y s"rprise9 she asked 'e to help her get a beer (or hersel( as she 5as
(eeling <"ite tipsy at this point and asked 'e to hold her hand# ! 5as 'ore
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
than 5illing to do that e*en to a point o( pri*ilege#

A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter 0!!
1itchen Floor ,ra'a
As ! handed her the bottle9 she reached o"t (or the bottle b"t at the sa'e
ti'e9 tenderly grabbing 'y ar's as she 5anted to dra5 near 'y (ace# We
both 'o'entarily stopped as 5e stood there so'eho5 in the 'iddle o( the
kitchen (loor9 starring at each others (ace 5ith a <"aint s'ile as she so(tly
"ttered9 ,oesn=t 'y age bother yo"F9 ! said9 2ot one bit9 as she gingerly
took the bottle o(( o( 'y hands and took a sip#
As the gathering dre5 to a close9 ! 5ent "p to ,ennis to thank hi' (or a
5onder("l e*ening and ! thanked hi' (or introd"cing 'e to &andra# 2o9 don=t
thank 'e9 thank yo"rsel( (or co'ing9 as he led 'e to the (ront door# There9 !
co"ld see Cloe talking to &andra as i( there 5as so'e sort o( concern
regarding her ability to 5alk hersel( ho'e beca"se she only li*ed a (e5 blocks
do5n the street to her apart'ent# Cloe asked 'e i( ! co"ld acco'pany &andra
to her apart'ent as it 5as along the 5ay to the b"s stop so ! co"ld take 'y
ride (ro' there#
! said yes and it 5ill be 'y pri*ilege to acco'pany a lady to her ho'e to
o*ersee that she gets there sa(ely# &andra s'iled at 'e 'ore than she did a
5hile ago earlier in the e*ening as 5e 5a*ed goodbye to ,ennis and Cloe# As
5e 5ere 5alking do5n the a*en"e9 the 'oonlit night 5as casting silho"ette
shado5s on the trees that lined "p the side 5alk9 'aking the 5ay to her
apart'ent '"ch 'ore easier#
As 5e strolled thro"gh the 'oonlight9 she instincti*ely 5rapped her ar's
aro"nd 'ine th"s dra5ing her closer than e*er be(ore and ! 'ore than
5illingly 5elco'ed this to 'y en:oy'ent# There 5o"ld be e*en ti'es that she
5o"ld look at 'e 5hene*er 5e passed by a dark portion o( the street as i( she
didn=t kno5 that ! noticed that and ! :"st took it as a sign o( c"riosity#
D*ent"ally9 5e arri*ed at her apart'ent 5itho"t any "nto5ard incident and
proceeded to acco'pany her to the door# ! had the 'ost pleasant e*ening9
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Fred###thank yo" (or 5alking 'e ho'e9 The pleas"re 5as all 'ine &andra
as ! ret"rned the gest"re 5ith a kind kiss on her cheek# As ! started to dra5
a5ay (ro' her9 ! s"ddenly pa"sed and looked deeply into her eyes as she also
did the sa'e# ! 5as (eeling a tingling sensation all o*er 'y body as she
s"ddenly started to co'e near 'y (ace and s'iled 5ith her tipsy eyes9 as !
5as 'ystically dra5n to her lips#
! had no 'ore sense o( inhibition as ! kissed her ti'idly on the lips9 and p"t
'y hands on her 5aist9 she inad*ertently e'braced 'e as she opened the
door and caressingly led 'e inside her apart'ent# As 5e closed the door
behind "s9 ! 5as ne*er really certain !( this sit"ation 5o"ld 'ake a di((erence
in 'y li(e as ! had second tho"ghts that it 'ight :"st be one o( those one night
lo*e a((airs# As she opened the la'pshade inside her apart'ent9 ! noticed that
she already took o( her shoes and 5as 5alking <"ietly across the roo' and
t"rned to 'e 5ith her (ingers gest"ring 'e to keep <"iet#
&it do5n here9 !=ll be right back9 she 5hispered in 'y ear as she silently
5ent to the kitchen# While she 5as there9 'y eyes had started looking aro"nd
the di'ly lit roo' o( her apart'ent hoping to (ind any gli'pse o( a
photograph that 'ight gi*e 'e an idea o( ho5 she li*es the day accordingly#
2ot 5ishing to be too nosy tho"gh9 ! still 5o"ld really like to get to kno5 her
better as (ar as 5ho she really is9 (or short9 a *ery inti'ate ac<"aintance# &he
soon ca'e back 5ith t5o c"ps o( pipping hot co((ee and had p"t it do5n on
the center table that 5as in (ront o( "s#
! hope yo" like it hot9 she said re(erring to the c"p o( co((ee9 as she
proceeded to sit do5n ne?t to 'e (acing each other# As she sat do5n9 she
grabbed a s'all thro5 pillo5 and p"t it across her legs and co'(ortably
sn"ggled on the so(a 5hile laying her ar's across the backrest as i( e?tending
her hands to 'e# ! gaspingly looked at her as the di' ill"'ination o( the
la'pshade played 5ith the shado5s in the corners o( the roo'9 gi*ing it a
see'ingly 5onder("l splendor co'pli'enting her (ace# ! on the other hand9
had also laid 'y ar's across to 5here her hands 5ere and 5as passi*ely b"t
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
a((ectionately caressing her#

A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter 0!!!
&haring the 2ight Together
&he began to s'ile as tho"gh the roo' 5as lit bright by her radiance and
o*ertook the darkness that occ"pied the 5hole place@ ;y no5 o"r hands 5ere
to"ching each other and inti'ately caressing9 ! on 'y part 5as slo5ly r"nning
the back o( 'y hand to 5here a portion o( the skin o( her ar' 5as sho5ing#
)ightly to"ching it 5ith gentle strokes as tho"gh ! 5as trying to (eel its silky
te?t"re and 5as longing (or 'ore#
! co"ld see that she 5as not annoyed nor inti'idated by 'y pleas"rable
ad*ances b"t ! had to (ind o"t (or s"re i( 5hat ! 5as anticipating 5as s"re to
co'e nat"rally# ! started to sn"g "p nearer to 5here she 5as sitting and
e*ent"ally to"ching her knees 5ith 'ine# ! 5as already (eeling the adrenaline
p"'ping in 'y heart as i( it 5as slo5ly taking o*er 'y 5hole body in deciding
5hat ! sho"ld do ne?t# At this point ! 5as already caressing the hair on her
sho"lder as ! play("lly t5irled 'y (ingers on her locks#
2o59 at this point9 any 5o'an 'ight ha*e gotten the clear 'eaning as to
5hat a 'an=s p"re intentions9 regarding s"ch ad*ance'ents that clearly
indicate a gen"ine longing as to 5hether or not a 'an is gen"inely interested
or not# 2ot so 5ith a 5o'an her age9 5ho kno5s ho5 to play along a yo"ng
'an=s g"llible perception o( a relationship# Partic"larly 5ith a 5o'an o( her
age that kno5s 5hat (ancies a yo"ng 'an=s 'ind is 'ostly in(l"enced by his
libido9 5hich is tr"e at so'e point#
&o'eti'es yo" think that a sit"ation is going accordingly to yo"r (a*or and
yo"=re so s"re that it is really going that 5ay 5hen so'ething s"ddenly goes
5rong# !t :"st takes a little 'istake o( saying things 5hile yo" are in the thick
o( care("lly negotiating pers"asi*ely (or a 5o'an to s"b'it (a*orably to
yo"r longings# ,"ring this sit"ation9 a 5o'an 5ants e*erything to go
accordingly to her (a*or and one tiny o*erlooked detail can end in a co'ical
and diss"asi*e tho"gh to sa*e yo" the e'barrass'ent o( 'essing "p#
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
As ! 5as play("lly r"nning 'y (ingers gently do5n her hair9 she bash("lly
t"rned a5ay (ro' 'e as to take a sip o( co((ee that 5as on the table# !n doing
so9 ! 5as pro'pted to pa"se (ro' 5hat ! 5as doing and 5ait till she (inished
p"tting her c"p do5n# &he starred o"t into a dark corner o( the roo' as i(
conte'plating on a tho"ght# ! 5as also in a tho"ght 'ysel(9 i( ! had done
so'ething that 'ight ha*e displeased her# ;rie(ly pa"sing9 she looked back
straight into 'y eyes and "ttered in a so(t and s"ltry tone o( *oice9Bo"=re too
yo"ng###;"t do yo" really kno5 ho5 to kiss a 5o'anF#
8pon ha*ing her said that9 ! 5as p"t "nder the i'pression that ! 5as being
dared by &andra i( ! kne5 ho5 to kiss a 5o'an# D*en so9 it 5as a clear sign
and int"ition that she liked 'e also9 so ! said9Why don=t 5e gi*e it a try so
yo" can (ind o"t (or yo"rsel(9 ! replied 5ith '"ch (er*or on 'y part# As ! said
that9 ! slo5ly p"t 'y (ace in (ront o( &andra=s as ! gently kissed her on the
cheeks9 then ! slo5ly ca'e back again to gi*e her another one b"t this ti'e !
5as intentionally 'o*ing a little closer to her lips that it e*ent"ally partly
ca"ght 'y lips#
My heart 5as beating torridly as ! s"''ed "p eno"gh e'otions to (inally kiss
her lips@ The (eeling 5as so indescribably e"phoric as 5ords can ne*er ga"ge
that (eeling o( ti'e stopping and see's like the 5hole "ni*erse had sp"n
back5ards# >er lips 5ere 'oist and s"pple as ! tried to be as gentle as
possible# ! had instincti*ely p"lled her head gently back a bit so ! can ("rther
play 'y lips against hers as her breathe steadily po"nded on 'y (ace as !
heard her so(t 'oans #
D*ent"ally her tong"e 5as s"rprisingly 'aking it=s 5ay into 'y 'o"th as !
ne*er had the chance to e?perience a 5o'an 'aking that sort o( (irst step# !
5as no5 gi*en the s"dden "rge to slo5ly r"n 'y hands do5n to her back (ro'
her head as she also did the sa'e as 5e are no5 both ent5ined like that o( a
*ine entangling a tree# As 5e 5ere doing this9 she slo5ly p"lled her head back
again as i( 5aiting (or so'ething to happen (ro' that stance that 5e had been
engaged in# !t s"ddenly occ"rred to 'e to slo5ly 'o*e 'y kisses (ro' her lips
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
and slo5ly 'ake 'y 5ay do5n to her (ragrant neck#
As ! slo5ly let go o( her tong"e9 ! then proceeded to gently bite her lips as to
sa*or that 'o'ent as ! gently p"lled it and (inally letting go# ! (ollo5ed the
scent o( her per("'e (ro' her (ace do5n to her neck9 kissing it slo5ly inch by
inch and consec"ti*ely going back and (orth 5ith repetition as i( ta"nting her
5ith anticipation o( 5hat ! 5ill be doing ne?t# The 5ar'th e'anating (ro' her
body and the scent o( her per("'e 5as all that ! can think o( as ! started to
kiss her neck9 ("rther sti'"lating her groans o( pleas"re#
As she stood there 5itho"t any intention o( breaking the inertia o( the 'o'ent
and clearly 5anting 'e to proceed 5ith all intent9 she grabbed the back o( 'y
head 5hile ! 5as kissing her neck and caressingly t"gged 'y hair as i( saying
that she 5ants 'ore o( 5hat ! 5as doing# ! played 'y 'o"th on her neck as !
applied a s"ckling 'anner on 'y lips9 ("rther ele*ating her perception o(
pleas"re o( that 'o'ent# Fro' her back9 ! proceeded to p"t 'y hands on her
5aist as ! (ir'ly (elt the 'o*e'ent o( her thighs against 'ine#
Caressing her 5aist 'ade her 'o*e closer to 'e as 5e 5ere no5 tightly
en:oying each others e'brace# >er groins 5ere slo5ly b"t ob*io"sly en:oying
the 'o'ent as 5ell as ! co"ld (eel her thighs p"shing against 'ine#
D*ent"ally9 her hands 5ere no5 coa?ing 'y head that she held and 5as slo5ly
in*iting 'e to 'o*e 'y lips ("rther do5n her body9 partic"larly her chest#
Who a' ! to deny s"ch pleas"rable ind"lgenceF ! proceeded to (ollo5 5here
her hands 5anted 'y lips to go#
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter !3
4range 5as the ,ress &he Wore
>er orange dress had a slit in the 'iddle9 there(ore ha*ing a little opening
that 5ere held by b"ttons that can be "ndone by 'y hands9 ne*er 5aisted
another 'in"et so ! proceeded# ! 5as no5 holding her on the 5aist 5ith both
o( 'y hands as ! slo5ly 'ade 'y 'o"th in bet5een the clea*age o( her chest#
&andra 5as no5 al'ost groaning constantly and 5as holding on to 'y
sho"lder9 ne*er ha*ing the intention to intr"de into 5hat ! 5as doing 5ith her
chest# As 'y hands 'ade their 5ay to "ndoing each b"tton on her dress one
at a ti'e9 ! ret"rned to pro("sely kiss her on the neck#
As ! (inished "ndoing all o( the b"ttons on her dress9 ! pa"sed to peek into
5hat ! :"st ha*e opened9 :"st like a little boy opening gi(ts on a Christ'as day
and so ("ll o( anticipation o( 5hat he is abo"t to get# &andra see'ed to ha*e
noticed that ! had 'o'entarily pa"sed to look at her endo5ed chest and she
'odestly s'iled at 'e as 5e again kissed each other on the lips b"t this ti'e
5ith an e*en a((ectionate longing (or each other# ! 5as no5 slo5ly p"tting 'y
hands inside her dress as she ne*er really 'inded at all as ! began to (eel the
pl"'pness o( her boso's#
! then proceeded to to"ch her breasts all together as she responded 5ith a
intensi(ied 5ay o( reciprocating by kissing 'e back as sort o( in a retaliating
5ay9 constantly biting on 'y lips that so'eho5 'ade 'e pa"se to gri'ace the
pain that it dealt 'y lips# D*en tho"gh9 ! still proceeded to to"ch her 5hile !
kissed her as the 'o'ent o( pleas"re 5as to great to ignore# Mo*ing ("rther
on9 'y hands had no5 (o"nd their 5ay inside her brassiere and 5as
con*eniently playing 5ith the (r"its o( her boso'# !t had s"ch a s"pple (eel to
it that it 5as so en:oyable to constantly pinch it and kno5ing that she
pleas"red (ro' it#
As 5e stood there it beca'e apparent that her dress had co'e "ndone (ro'
the right side o( her body there(ore e?posing the entirety o( her boso's# &he
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
:"st looked at 'e as tho"gh she 5as 5aiting (or 'y ne?t anticipated 'o*e9 as !
slo5ly 'o*ed do5n5ard and proceeded to lo*ingly kiss her chest cheeks#
&lo5ly 'y (ace to"ched her boso's as ! took a 5hi(( o( her scent that started
to 'i? in 5ith the slight s5eat o( her 5ar' body that 5as constantly reacting
to 'y to"ch o( her so(t thighs#
! 5as no5 slo5ly n"dging 'y nose in bet5een her clea*age as ! so"ght to
satis(y 'ysel( 5ith the 5ar' scent o( her body9 occasionally gently bitting her
s"pple nipples 5ith 'y lips and licking it 5ith 'y tong"e and instincti*ely
s"ckling it inside 'y 'o"th# As ! did that9 she 5o"ld constantly p"ll her torso
"p and do5n as to synchroniAe 5ith the 5ay that ! 5as playing 'y tong"e and
s"ckling on her bea"ti("l nipples# As o"r shado5s casted 5hat 5e 5ere doing
on the 5alls9 ! slo5ly coa?ed her into lying do5n on the co"ch as to be a bit
'ore con*enient#
! slo5ly laid her do5n as she 5as catching her breath and 5atching the 5ay
she looked 5ith her hair play("lly co*ering hal( o( her (ace# My eyes slo5ly
t"rned do5n5ard to5ards her thighs as ! noticed that they 5ere play("lly
gyrating as tho"gh she 5as intentionally enticing 'e# ! ne*er 5asted another
'o'ent as ! took 'y shirt o(( and thre5 it on the (loor as ! slo5ly lo5ered 'y
sel( on top o( her to (eel the 5ar'th o( her entire body#
As ! 5as abo"t get near her (ace9 she gently p"shed 'e back a5ay (ro' her
and said Wait@9 as she got "p and looked at 'e# ! stood 'o'entarily to
co'pose 'y sel( and to e*al"ate <"ickly as to the reason o( her re<"est to
stop9 thinking that it 'ay be so'ething o( 'y doing or (a"lt# &he then stood
"p and slo5ly li(ted her dress (ro' the botto' "p9 slo5ly and s"ltrily inch by
inch9 e?posing all that a 'an can 5ant to see in a 5o'an=s body# As ! stood
there9 d"'b(o"nded yet 'es'eriAed by the c"r*at"re o( her thighs9 ! soon (elt
'y 'anhood yearning to to"ch her as she soon thre5 her dress on the (loor
and slo5ly 'ade her 5ay back to the co"ch and laid do5n#
! (ollo5ed her back to the co"ch as she reached o"t to to"ch 'y (ace9
ob*io"sly yearning (or 'y 5ar' lips to to"ch hers and to res"'e o"r inti'ate
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
cons"''ation# ! kissed her once 'ore 5ith all o( 'y longing o( her as there
5as no 'ore inhibition 5hatsoe*er that 5ill stop 'e (ro' sa*oring this
passionate 'o'ent that &andra and ! are 'ore than 5illing to partake# My
'ind 5as loosing its grip as ! steadily got lost to the tho"ght o( being 5ith
&andra on that co"ch9 and seeing that shes letting 'e do all that a 'an can
passionately gi*e a 5o'an in ret"rn#
My kisses had gone do5n back to her boso's that ! :"st had to grab her
brassiere and al'ost ripping it o( her body9 totally e?posing the grande"r o(
her 'at"red breasts# ! slo5ly raised 'y hands to5ards her chest 5hen she
s"ddenly had taken hold o( both o( the'9 and genero"sly g"ided the' straight
to the' by her o5n 5anting# &he s'iled as she let go o( 'y hands and started
to bite her lips as tho"gh relishing the (eel o( a 'an=s hand on her boso'#
With that as a 'eas"re'ent o( ecstatic appro*al on her part9 ! began to gently
s<"eeAe it in a gentle 'anner as ! started to go do5n ("rther and ("rther to
her abdo'en#
! co"ld hear and (eel her heart po"nding steadily as 'y lips played along the
line to5ards her na*el and "pon reaching it9 started to lick it 5ith 'y tong"e
'"ch to her ticklish (ancy@ &he 5as no5 po"nding 'y head e*en 'ore deeper
as a sign o( her '"ch "tter satis(action# At this point9 she 5as no5 'oaning
and groaning '"ch 'ore that "s"al9 that it so"nded like a chas' o(
interl"des9 that ! had to p"t 'y hands to her 'o"th as to h"sh her do5n#
&he grabbed 'y hand 5hile ! 5as atte'pting to silence her 'oans9 b"t she
s"ddenly p"t 'y (ingers inside her 'o"th and started to s"ckle it as a 5ay o(
grati(ying 'e 5ith the 'anner o( ho5 ! 5as presently pleasing her# >er 'oans
5ere beginning to reso"nd as it 5as displacing the silence o( the night and !
5as 'ore than happy to hear it e*en tho"gh it 5as beginning to be a bit
lo"der than "s"al#
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter 3
Man ,o5n
With that9 ! started to go ("rther do5n5ard to5ards her 5aist "ntil ! reached
the bo"ndaries o( her "nder5ear# ! 5as no5 in the threshold o( nibbling the
garters as i( trying to p"ll it do5n entirely 5ith 'y 'o"th# Pa"sing
'o'entarily to sni(( the center o( her 5o'anhood that a 'an co"ld e*er 5ant
to long (or# The s'ell 5as so grati(ying that ! co"ld choose no better place to
spend the 5hole entirety o( 'y li(e@ ! started to gently r"b 'y nose "pon it as
she contin"ed to s"ckle 'y (ingers and groan#
! soon (o"nd o"t that it has began to 'oisten the o"ter part o( her "nder5ear
and that it 5as that s"cc"lent (l"id that 5as ca"sing that s5eet and enticing
s'ell9 like that o( honey to a bee# ! started to lick that portion and e*ent"ally
5as applying the sa'e 5ay o( ho5 ! 5as kissing her lips@ As ! 5as doing this9
&andra s"ddenly ga*e o"t a s<"ea'ish 'oan9 that she "nhesitatingly let go o(
'y hands and grabbed 'y head 5ith both o( her ar's and po"nded 'y (ace
e*en deeper into her cre*ice@ 2o 'an can e*er (ind any other 5ay o(
grati(ying a 5o'an 'ore than this#
!t see's that the 'ost en:oyable part o( the e*ening has :"st barely beg"n@ !
5as no5 kissing e*ery portion o( that area 5hich co*ered her 5o'anhood and
it 5as :"st a 'atter o( consent to her part i( she 5o"ld per'it 'e to contin"e
in doing so# &he s"ddenly took 'y head and g"ided 'e back to her (ace as she
planted a kiss on 'y 'oist lips9 ne*er e*er 'inding that it had :"st pre*io"sly
been kissing her 'oist pri*ate part# Witho"t hesitation9 she took her tong"e
and kissed 'e again#
While being engaged in that 'anner9 she took 'y hands and (ir'ly g"ided it
do5n to5ards her 5o'anhood as i( saying that she 5ants 'e to caressingly
play 5ith it9 b"t s"rprisingly9 she instead g"ided 'y tre'bling hands inside o(
her "nder5ear so that ! co"ld ha*e the ("ll pri*ilege o( pleasing both o( "s@ As
! slo5ly slided do5n 'y eager hands inside o( her "nder5ear9 her kisses ha*e
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
gotten 'ore intense and her breathing had gotten 'ore sporadic# My hands
5ere no5 at the (ore(ront o( her 5o'anhood as ! can clearly (eel the so(t (ir'
te?t"re o( her so(t hairs that 5ere so e*idently obstr"cting 'y (inal approach
to the 'ost co*eted representation o( a 5o'ans p"rity#
&lo5ly9 'y (ingers 5ere parting a path to5ards her priAed possession as ! (elt
the 'oist (l"id that 5as already l"bricating 'y (ingers# >a*ing already (o"nd
it9 ! proceeded to enter "sing 'y (ingers as it slo5ly and ni'bly tickled her
:e5els# As ! progressed slo5ly inside the path9 ! noticed that she anticipati*ely
pa"sed to (eel 'y (ingers entering her9 th"s doing so9 she "ttered o"t9
4h###&hit@# As ! heard that9 ! tho"ght to 'ysel( that she 'ight ha*e (elt a
certain degree o( disco'(ort as to 5hat ! 5as doing to her and asked i( ! had
done so'ething to h"rt her# &andra :"st s'iled and said9 !t=s okay###6o on#
With that ! contin"ed 'y :o"rney inside her 5o'anhood and as soon as ! had
reached the deepest part o( her9 ! pa"sed to look at her and ga*e her a kiss
and said to her9 !=ll be *ery gentle9 ! pro'ise# &he s'iled and 5e res"'ed
kissing each other in a *ery tender and lo*ing 5ay as ! slo5ly 'o*ed 'y hands
"p and do5n inside o( her# &he slo5ly responded 5ith a light 'oan 5hile
being '"((led by o"r kisses# >er groins started to 'o*e "p and do5n as 'y
hands 5ere no5 (reely 'o*ing also in the sa'e 'anner as her 5o'anhood
5as no5 (looding 5ith ecstasy@
&he soon p"t her hands "pon 'ine as it 5as playing inside o( her as i( she
5anted to g"ide it accordingly in a 5ay that 5ill gi*e her the 'ost pleas"re#
;ack seat dri*er@9 as ! h"'oro"sly tho"ght to 'ysel( b"t ! 5o"ldn=t 'ind it
one bit (or as long as she got 5hat she 5anted done in a 5ay that 5o"ld be to
her liking# Who a' ! to intercede at this point and ti'eF
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter 3!
,i((erent &trokes
The gentleness o( 'y strokes had *anished and ! 5as no5 doing it in a 5ay
5ith a bit o( ro"ghness on 'y part b"t &andra didn=t see' to 'ind9 in (act9 she
:"st "lti'ately let 'e ha*e it 'y 5ay# As ! (elt her nearing orgas'ic cli'a?9 !
5hispered to her era9 4h &andra@ as she let go a so'e5hat girlish 'oan
that enco"raged 'e to go (aster and (aster "ntil she reached the peak o( her
pleas"re9 she 5hispered to 'y ear in an al'ost asphy?iated 'anner9 4h
Fred@# We both kissed each other as she (inally ca'e to the peak o( her
cli'a?9 5hile holding 'y head so aggressi*ely#
We pa"sed 'o'entarily as 5e both started to catch o"r breath9 b"t as soon as
she laid do5n e?asperated9 ! slo5ly re'o*ed 'y hands that 5ere drenched in
her s5eet :"ices as ! p"t it in 'y 'o"th as it to taste its essence# ! then
proceeded to kiss her again do5n5ards to her "nder5ear9 b"t this ti'e9 ! 5as
no5 t"gging the lace o( her "ndergar'ents 5ith the sole p"rpose o( re'o*ing
the' co'pletely@ There 5as no 'ore sense o( holding this tho"ght back as !
'y sel( can not control 'y "rges any'ore#
!t see's that she doesn=t care any'ore to 5hat ! intend to do ne?t9 as she :"st
laid there9 5atching c"rio"sly 5ith anticipation in regards to 5hat ! 5ill do
ne?t# ! started to p"ll do5n her "ndergar'ents in a slo5 teasingly (ashion as !
started kissing inch by inch e*ery portion being steadily re*ealed# 8ntil (inally
co'pletely re'o*ing the re'aining obstr"cting 5ardrobe that 5as hiding her
&he 5as no5 laying there totally naked and re*ealing all o( her splendor as !
'o*ed back to *ie5 all o( her in a *ery lo*ing 'anner 5hile she s'iled back# !
then proceeded to kneel do5n in (ront o( her and gently to"ching both o( her
knees9 ! started to part her long and sed"cti*e legs ("rther re*ealing her
5o'anhood@ &"ch a sight has no 5ords that can describe that 'o'ent o(
ha*ing the pri*ilege to see a 5o'an in her 'ost pro*ocati*e and *"lnerable
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
'o'ent o( being naked in (ront o( a 'an#
;eing so9 ! started to approach her parted legs and in doing so9 had started to
kiss her toes to '"ch o( her liking# &lo5ly 'aking 'y 5ay ("rther do5n5ards
to her knees and her legs "ntil "lti'ately reaching her gi(ts o( nat"re# ! then
proceeded to kiss the sides o( her hairy e?tre'ities and as doing so9
occasionally planting a kiss inside o( it@ At this point her :e5els 5ere no5 in
("ll *ie5 that it 5as nat"ral (or 'e to do 5hat '"st be done (or a 'an in a
sit"ation s"ch as this# ! took a (inal glance at her (ace to see i( she 5as
5atching 'e9 as she 5as9 and slo5ly proceeded to go in#
! 5as no5 kissing her (e'ininity and partly r"bbing 'y tong"e on her :e5els#
&lo5ly licking it as tho"gh properly tasting it prior to e*ent"ally cons"'ing it
inside 'y 'o"th@ ! 5as no5 co'pletely sa*oring the delight o( her
5o'anhood9 as she reciprocated by n"dging 'e ("rther inside in bet5een her
legs@ My (ace 5as no5 deeply e'bedded in bet5een her legs as ! tried to
negotiate a 'eans o( getting eno"gh air to breath9 as ! 5as deeply ind"lged
5ith her# &he again began to 'oan and groan as she started to e?crete her
se'inal :"ices that 5as no5 all o*er 'y (ace#
My tong"e 5as no5 deeply playing inside o( her that ! didn=t 'ind i( she 5as
p"lling 'y hair hard eno"gh to rip it o(( 'y scalp9 and ! didn=t care e*en i( she
did@ >er thighs had began to 'o*e "p and do5n once again as to 'eet the
appropriate action as 'y tong"e contin"ed to s5irl aro"nd inside her# &he 5as
no5 coa?ing 'y head to5ards the area o( her :e5els as sort o( pro'pting 'e
to gi*e 'y tong"e the priority do its :ob there# &he 5as no5 (orce("lly r"bbing
'y (ace against her :e5els as 'y tong"e had to re'ain stationary :"st to
please her 5ishes#
D*ent"ally9 she 5as no5 'o*ing 'y entire head as tho"gh it 5as so'e sort o(
tool as she took o*er the liberty o( pleasing hersel( 5hile "tiliAing 'y head@
&ort o( strange act"ally and ! ha*en=t had <"ite gotten "sed to that sort o(
'anner in 5hich one=s head 5as considered a tool in regards to gi*ing
pleas"re to a 5o'an o( her age and standing# 2e*ertheless9 she "lti'ately got
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
5hat she 5anted and 5as happy in doing so###at the e?pense o( 'y (ace@
&oon a(ter that9 she 5ithdre5 her hands as she peaked in her orgas'ic cli'a?
(or the second ti'e# 8pon realiAing that she had gotten the pleas"re that she
had 5anted9 ! slo5ly raised 'y (ace (ro' her legs and ga*e her a perple?ed
look9 as ! started to realiAe that 'y (ace9 partic"larly 'y nose and 'o"th had
apparently beca'e sore d"e to the (act that she "sed 'y (ace like that o( a
grating plate to grate cheese@ What=s the 'atterF she a'"singly asked as
she stood "p and o*ert"rned 'e rendering 'e to (all back (irst onto the
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
Chapter 3!!
6irl ,o5n
&he soon 'o"nted on top o( 'e as ! laid there still9 reco*ering (ro' that
recent grating incident# &he then began to kiss 'e on the (orehead9 then on
the nose and "lti'ately on the lips# ;"t it didn=t stop there as her kisses 5ent
("rther do5n to 'y chest and (inally stopping on 'y nipples9 as she started
licking it 5ith her tong"e as ! had done the sa'e 5ith hers# &andra had a
'agical 5ay o( releasing a 'an=s pleas"re points that 'y b"t 5as gyrating the
5ay that she had it her thighs#
! had no other tho"ghts in 'y 'ind b"t that to hold the backside o( her
b"ttocks9 as her tong"e did a 'agni(icent 5ay o( pleas"ring 'e# 2eedless to
say9 she contin"ed her kisses do5n 'y chest and to 'y abdo'en and started
to "ndo 'y belt and Aipper# Finally9 she had negotiated in re'o*ing 'y pants
5itho"t any i'pending di((ic"lty9 re*ealing 'y already hardened 'anhood@
&he pa"sed (or a 'o'ent to look at it and proceeded to to"ch it as tho"gh she
5as petting a docile ani'al#
! co"ldn=t help b"t en:oy the thrill o( the 'o'ent to think that a 5o'an 5as
'ore 5illingly to to"ch 'y 'anhood (or both o( o"r pleas"re@ &he then
proceeded to p"ll do5n 'y "ndergar'ent as to set 'y 'anhood (ree (ro' its
i'prison'ent in order (or her to ("lly see its 'anly stance# As she co'pleted
the task o( totally disrobing 'e "p to the last re'aining gar'ent on 'y body9
she no5 began to gently to"ch it to (eel its throbbing endo5'ent as i(
'eas"ring its consistency#
With her hands no5 co'pletely 5rapped aro"nd 'y 'anhood9 &andra=s hands
ha*e no5 instincti*ely began 'o*ing slo5ly "p and do5n 'y sha(t9
occasionally r"bbing her th"'bs on the tip o( it=s head# !t 'ade the electricity
in 'y body r"n "p and do5n 'y spine as she did this# A s"dden discharge o(
se'inal (l"id (ollo5ed a(ter that and ha*ing noticed that9 proceeded to go
(aster in a 'ore aggressi*e 'anner9 th"s sending 'e to bite 'y lips in a
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
pleas"rable 'anner#
&he 5as no5 p"tting her (ace to5ards 'y 'anhood and started to sni(( is as i(
trying to (ind o"t i( it had an o((ensi*e p"ngent s'ell# &he then proceeded to
lick it like a cat licking its pa5s9 slo5ly playing her tong"e all thro"gh the
entirety o( 'y 'anhoods tip# As she did that ! kept constant 5atch as to the
progress o( her 5orking o*er 'y parts9 5hile in doing so9 she looked back at
'e and ga*e 'e a na"ghty s'ile that 'ade 'e yearned that she h"rry "p 5ith
the (oreplay and :"st get it on 5ith p"tting it inside her 'o"th@
!t 5as so ob*io"s to her that it is 5hat ! really 5anted and 5itho"t e*en
batting an eyelash9 she slo5ly proceeded to p"t 'y 'anhood inside her
'o"th@ &lo5ly9 inch by inch as ! 5atched her digest in her 'o"th 'y
'anhood9 slo5ly as she reached the li'itations o( 5here her 'o"th co"ld
s5allo5@ A(ter (eeling co'(ortable 5ith the siAe that her 'o"th 5as dealing
5ith9 she then proceeded to 'o*e her head "p and do5n slo5ly at (irst9
occasionally stopping to tickle the tip o( 'y 'anhood=s head (ro' ti'e to
As she beca'e co'(ortable 5ith the idea o( doing that9 she began to <"icken
her pace9 (aster and (aster as ! started to 5hi'per like a s'all child# &he 5as
also 'oaning at the idea o( her eating 'e "p9 that ! let her head go (ree (ro'
the cl"tches o( 'y hand in order (or her (reely do as she pleases# Faster and
(aster she 5ent that e*ent"ally ! 5as groaning and 'oaning to the point o(
"ttering her na'e9 &andra@# We 5ere no5 (eeling the co'ple'entary
pleas"res o( o"r passionate endea*or that ! 5as nearing 'y cli'a? and (or her
part she 5as not slo5ing do5n "ntil ! grabbed the locks o( her hair and
ra''ed her head deeper into 'y sha(t as she did the sa'e 5ith 'e#
&andra@ !=' co'ing@9 "pon saying this9 ! e*ent"ally e?ploded inside o( her
'o"th9 '"((ling her 'oans 5ith 'y se'inal discharge@ ! (elt that ! 5as (alling
o(( a cli(( and as ! e'ptied all o( 'y e"phoric (er*or inside her 'o"th9 to 5hich
she e*ent"ally s5allo5ed it all# !n doing so9 ! tho"ght that she 5o"ld be 'ad
that ! did it 5itho"t her consent9 b"t instead9 she got "p and 5iped o(( 5hat
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
5as re'aining o( all the (l"ids that 5as on her (ace 5ith her o5n "nder5ear
and s'iled at 'e#
A(ter g"lping "p and s5allo5ing 5hat 5as re'aining inside o( her 'o"th9 she
t"rned to 'e and said9,id yo" en:oy thatF9 ! said9 Bes9 and she started
kissing 'e again# 2ot really 'inding kno5ing 5here her 'o"th had been9 !
openly 5elco'ed her kiss 5ith 'y tong"e as 5e both laid totally naked on her
co"ch# Wo"ld yo" like so'ething to drinkF9 she asked9 ! replied9 ! :"st 5ant
yo"# A(ter saying that9 she (l"ng her ar's aro"nd 'e as 5e started kissing
each other as she laid co'(ortably in 'y ar's 5hile caressing her hands on
'y (ace#

A Moonlight Walk to Paradise

Chapter 3!!!
Thro"gh the 6ates o( Paradise
A(ter a (e5 'o'ents had gone by9 ! s"ddenly (elt her hands reaching do5n
to5ards 'y 'anhood and "pon her doing so9 aro"sed 'y 'ale c"riosity once
again# &he began to (ondle it 5ith '"ch delight that 'y 'anhood had began
to stand "p (or the occasion# >a*ing realiAed that she had s"ccess("lly a5oken
'y pet9 she e*idently proceeded to g"ide it to her 5o'an hood9 gently
stroking it and r"bbing it against her 'oisten :e5el# &he then proceeded to
spread her legs as a open sign o( 5elco'ely in*iting it inside o( her 5ar'
As 5e both laid side by side9 ! gracio"sly began thr"sting 'y 'anhood
to5ards her9 care("lly being g"ided by her lo*ing hands "pon to"ching the
gates o( her paradise# ! then proceeded to slo5ly enter it by slo5 'o*e'ents
5hile she care("lly positioned it in a proper 5ay as to con*eniently p"t it
inside 5itho"t '"ch di((ic"lty# As soon as ! (o"nd 'y proper place9 ! began to
thr"st it in9 "sing s'all 'o*e'ents9 gently9 inch by inch9 'aking "se o( her
g"iding hands and 'oistened path5ay to glory@
&lo5ly and care("lly9 ! began descending deeper and deeper into her cre*ice9
being 'ind("l o( the 5ay ! 5as cond"cting 'ysel( in order not to gi*e her any
disco'(ort 5hatsoe*er# Finally placing the 5hole entirety o( 'y 'anhood
inside o( her9 ! sort o( asked her in an a5k5ard 5ay i( she (elt (ine# &he s'iled
and dra5n her lips to kiss 'e and said9 )o*e 'e tonight@=# With s"ch an
enco"raging con(ir'ation9 ! began to 'o*e 'y groins "p and do5n and
s5er*ing a bit side5ays as to get a pri'ary (eel to the deepness o( her
8pon kno5ing that she can co'(ortably take 'y gentle thr"sts9 ! started to
hasten 'y 'o*e'ents9 occasionally s5irling 'y groins in order to ind"ce a
tickling sensation that hopes to sti'"late her 'ore as to en:oy the 'o'ent#
&he responded (a*orably as she 'oaned 5ith contentedness to '"ch o( 'y
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
5anting her to do so#
! 5as no5 gyrating and h"'ping (aster and harder as she held on tightly to
'y back9 letting o"t an occasional s<"eal like that o( a yo"ng lass satis(ied
5ith grati(ication9 e*en to the point o( letting her long (ingernails cla5 'y
back# The piercing o( her (ingernails on 'y skin 5as ade<"ately <"ite pain("l
eno"gh to stop in nor'al circ"'stances b"t one can not regard s"ch
e?cr"ciating dile''a in light o( present ongoings s"ch as this@
The e*ident scratches the she had "nintentionally in(licted on 'y back 5as
e*en beco'ing 'ore s"bstantially pain("l as o"r bodies 5ere no5 s5eating as
! contin"ed to po"nd her to 'y o5n rhyth'ic trance# My ar's 5ere no5
li(ting the lo5er part o( her thighs "p as ! contin"ed to pleas"re 'ysel(
co'pletely disregarding her c"rrent sit"ation9 as she contin"ed to 'oan and
groan# 4"r bodies ha*e no5 con*ened together in a synchrono"s har'ony o(
passionate l"st (or one another as she no5 closed her eyes and let 'e
pleas"re 'y sel( on her (ragile 5o'anhood#
As ! beca'e a5are o( this9 ! no5 laid her body (lat on the co"ch as ! ("lly
'o"nted on top o( her# &he 5as no5 lost at the 'ercy o( 'y 5ishes and all
bo"ndaries o( inhibitions had ceased to e?ist as tho"gh the 5hole "ni*erse has
opened "p as 5e both (ell to o"r cons"''ated pleas"re# We 5ere no5 lea*ing
the threshold o( o"r sanity as both o( "s neared the peak o( o"r cli'actic
orgas'@ ! co"ld clearly hear &andra 5hi'per saying9 Fred@###!=' co'ing@9 !t
:"st co"ldn=t get as per(ect as this as ! si'"ltaneo"sly (elt the sa'e 5ay9 as !
neared 'y orgas'ic cli'a?9 ! clearly 5hispered in her ear9 !=' co'ing too@
and as soon that ! 5as abo"t to e?plode9 ! heard &andra say to 'e9 6i*e it all
to 'e@9 and "pon saying that9 ! passionately kissed her lips in a *ery9*ery9
passionate 5ay as al'ost bitting her lips@
As the 5hole 'ystery o( li(e "nra*eled at the sa'e ti'e that 5e reached o"r
peak9 ! ne*er e*er 5anted to hold back that 'o'ent and ! let it e?plode inside
o( her9 ne*er 'inding the conse<"ences that 'ay arise (ro' o"r passionate
l"st# My sight di''ed (or a 'o'ent as ! relished 'y release o( 'y l"st and
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
passion (or her@ ! laid her do5n 5hile ! 5as still cons"'ing her lips and
'"'bling her 'oans as ! let 'y 'anhood steeped inside o( her 5et paradise9
still throbbing and drenching (ro' 5ithin#
As 5e laid do5n e'bracing one another drenched in o"r o5n s5eat9 ! kissed
her on the (orehead and p"t her head on 'y chest as ! silently (elt her 5et
paradise slo5ly e?creting the :"ices o( o"r passionate a((air# As ! slo5ly dre5
o"t 'y 'anhood (ro' her9 ! (elt that ! had to say so'ething to her as (ar as
this 5as going# &he slo5ly t"rned a5ay as she co*ered her s5eat (illed body
as a closing re'ark (or the night# ! approached her (ro' behind as she silently
laid there and ! e'braced her9 5hispering to her ear9 ! lo*e yo" &andra####
&he said9 ! don=t kno5####
;oth o( "s 5ere pondering as to 5hat 5as to beco'e o( this# The rest o( the
night 5as (illed 5ith ecstasy as 5e both shared o"r (eelings9 5itho"t inhibition
and 5itho"t regret as 5e partook each others co'pany 5ith "t'ost inti'acy#
! bade her goodbye e*en be(ore it ca'e to light as not to get ca"ght by her
neighbors co'ing o"t o( her apart'ent# As ! 5as 'aking 'y 5ay to5ards the
door9 she p"lled 'e back and ga*e 'e one o( the 'ost tender e'braces that !
e*er (elt (ro' a 5o'an#
! gently p"t 'y hands on her chin and li(ted her (ace so ! can see her eyes# To
'y s"rprise9 she 5as teary eyed and ! asked her as to 5hat 5as the reason#
!=' :"st so happy to ha*e 'et yo" and she kissed 'e again as i( 5e 5eren=t
'eant to see each other again# ! co'pensated her tenderness 5ith the sa'e
intent and ga*e her a kiss9 as she led 'e to her door9 b"t be(ore ! le(t9 !
5hispered to her ear9 !=ll co'e back (or yo"@#
A(ter ! said that9 she she slo5ly let 'e go so ! co"ld 5alk o"t o( the door# As !
ca'e o"t o( her door9 she grabbed 'y hand as ! 5as 5alking o"t and ga*e 'e
a h"g and one last kiss be(ore going# !=ll call yo"9 as ! let her go as she
slo5ly closed the door behind 'e# 4n the 5ay ho'e ridding the b"s9 ! can not
help b"t play e*erything that has happened (or the 5hole night especially the
5hole ti'e being 5ith &andra#
A Moonlight Walk to Paradise
!t 5as so s"rreal that 5hen ! got ho'e and ha*e gotten to 'y bed9 ! 5as
act"ally still thinking abo"t her@ Co"ld ! be in lo*eF ! ha*en=t tho"ght abo"t
that yet9 b"t it 5as probable# T5o days had passed and ! still co"ldn=t get
&andra o(( 'y 'ind that ! decided to call her "p and asking !( she had plans
(or the ne?t 5eekend or so# ! 5as so ("ll o( anticipation that ! co"ld not 5ait to
hear her *oice and tr"e eno"gh9 she ans5ered her phone# ! asked her i( she
5as thinking abo"t 'e and she <"ickly replied yes# ! said to her9 ! think !='
(alling (or yo"# &he s'iled "pon hearing those 5ords9 and tr"e eno"gh9 a(ter
a 5eek9 5e 5ere once again in each others co'pany#
J"st goes to sho5 that good things so'eti'es happen 5hen yo" don=t e?pect
the' to happen9 and e*en in the 'ost gloo'iest o( all nights9 there are
chances that the 'oon 5o"ld shine thro"gh and 'ake yo"r night an
"n(orgettable e?perience that 'ight change the rest o( yo"r li(e###(ore*er@

The Dnd

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