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Random Trivia
1. After Columbus set sail, Europeans began to set up and colonize on which two
2. What is the cycle of conquest & colonization?
4. What is this a picture of?

5. Which two essential crops helped people live longer during the Columbian
6. What is the cycle of conquest and colonization?
7. This was a new era of communication and connection between the Old and New
Worlds. What am I referring to?
8. There were four major colonizers of the Americas. Who were they?
9. This particular thing became very important during the Columbian Exchange.
10. The control of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people is the
definition of what?
11. The global transfer of foods, plants, diseases, and animals during the colonization of
the Americas is better known as what?
12. More destructive than the Europeans weapons were their what?
13. This was the first global war. In fact, Winston Churchill referred to this particular
war as perhaps the First World War. Which war was he referring to?
14. The hostility between the English settlers and Native Americans led to what?
15. The conflict between who became known as the French and Indian War.
16. The colony of Jamestown improved greatly after farmers there discovered what
17. The Seven Years War lasted how many years?
18. In 1606, King James wanted to found a colony in the New World. Where did the
colonist end up landing?
19. The English named their first settlement in North America after their king. What
did they call this colony?
20. Africans transported to the Americas were part of a transatlantic trading network
known as the what?
21. The voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and later to North
and South America was known as the what?
22. After being captured, African men and women were shipped where as part of a
profitable trade network?
23. The buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas became a massive
enterprise known as the what?
24. Beginning around 1500, European colonists in the Americas who needed cheap
labor began using what on plantations and farms?
25. Because of the outcry of the priests, the Spanish government stopped using, abusing,
and killing who in 1542?
26. In addition to the conquistadors, who worked to spread Christianity in the
27. What is the Line of Demarcation and what did it do?
28. After Atahualpa was captured by Pizarro, the Incans had to pay a large sum of gold
and silver for his release. However after a long waiting process, Pizarro agreed to let
Atahualpa go if Atahualpa did one last thing. What was that?
29. Cortes had invisible help. This killed more Native Americans than the guns.
30. What is a conquistador?
31. Pizarros conquest of Peru opened most of which continent to Spanish rule?
32. The Spanish typically abused the natives and worked many laborers to death. This
was especially obvious where?
33. How many people are enslaved today?
34. In the Americas, how long were you a slave?
35. Who was perhaps the biggest loser of the Seven Years War?
36. The Seven Years War was mainly a conflict between which two countries?
37. Who lost the Seven Years War?

True or False
1. Thanks to the Columbian Exchange, slavery declined because people found new
ways to make money.
2. Colonization was a fairly easy process after the first few months.
3. Colonialism had several impacts. A few of them were slavery and unfair treatment
of the Natives.
4. In South America, slaves were typically worked to death and quickly replaced. This
is why more than 40% of slaves went to South America.
5. The arrival of Europeans in present-day U.S. had a great impact on Native
6. As their colonies expanded, France and England began to interfere with each other.
7. The Europeans built huge cotton and sugar plantations.
8. The colony of Jamestown started as a success.
9. In Africa, numerous cultures lost generations of their strongest members to
European traders and plantation owners.
10. Slaves lived a fairly easy life.
11. In much of the Americas, slavery was a lifelong condition, as well as a hereditary
12. France lost the Seven Years War, and Britain was able to thrive since they were
13. French Priests often took time to learn the Native American language in an attempt
to convert them to Christianity.
14. Nations such as England, France, and the Netherlands became interested in gaining
their own colonies in the Americas.
15. Europeans often fought to steal land that actually belonged to the natives.
16. In 1494 Spain and Portugal signed the treaty that split Africa in half.
17. When Cortes arrived back to Spain after he conquered the Aztecs, he was very
18. After Atahualpa converted to Christianity, Pizarro let him go and left to go back to
19. The Spanish settlers still oppressed the natives even after the fall of the Incas.
20. The demand for corn made the English colony of Jamestown very rich.
21. Native Americans had significant participation in most of the battles that took place
in North America.
22. Slavery in our world today is easily seen by most people.

This OR That
1. European colonization brought mostly disaster OR good fortune for the Native
2. Most countries in Europe respected the treaty between the Spanish and the
Portuguese and decided to leave the Americas alone since the Spanish claimed it
3. The slave trade devastated African societies by introducing guns OR sugar into the
4. After the colonization of the Americas, millions of natives began dying due to
European gold OR diseases.
5. Spanish priests often prohibited native rituals in an effort to convert them to
Christianity OR abuse them as people.
6. Priests spoke out against the cruel treatment of the natives OR African slaves.
7. Because of the gold, the Spanish became the richest OR poorest country in the
8. Native Americans were more likely to support the British OR the French.

1. When the English arrived in Virginia in 1606 they named their colony after me!
Who am I?
2. One priest in particular will go down in history for changing slavery in America
forever. What was his name?
3. I arrived in Mexico with 550 soldiers, 16 horses, 14 canons, & a few dogs and
eventually took down the Aztec Empire.
4. I was the leader of the Aztecs when Cortes arrived and began taking over my
people. Who am I?
5. When Cortes arrived in the Aztec empire and began taking over the empire,
Montezuma was hesitant to fight him because he thought Cortes was a good. This
gods name was what?
6. I led 160 soldiers to the Incan homeland. I would eventually kill Atlaupha, conquer
the Incan empire and become governor of Peru.

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