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Spring 2013

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1

MB0040 Statistics for Management - 4 Credits
(Book I! B1"31#
Assignment Set - 1 ($0 Marks#
Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions.
Q1. a. Explain the characteristics of Statistics.
5 +5 = 1 mar!s
"# - #5 wor$s
1 mar!s
"'5-( wor$s&
1 mar!s
"'5-( wor$s&
b. What are the components of Statistics? Give a brief description of each of the
Q#. Explain the objectives of Statistical Average. What are the requisites of a good
Q'. a. Mention the haracteristics of hi!square test.
b. "#o research #or$ers classified some people in income groups on the basis
of sampling studies. "heir results are as follo#%
&nvestigators&ncome groups"otal
Sho# that the sampling technique of atleast one research #or$er is defective.
Q(. What do 1ou mean b1 cost of living index? 2iscuss the methods of
1 mar!s
"'5-( wor$s&
construction of cost of living index #ith an example for each.
Q5. 2efine trend. Enumerate the methods of determining trend in time series
1 mar!s
"'5-( wor$s&
Q6. "he follo#ing data represent the number of units of production per da1 turned
1 mar!s
out b1 / different #or$men using different t1pes of machines.
Spring 2013
Machine t1pe

i6 "est #hether the mean productivit1 is the same for the four different machine
ii6 "est #hether / men differ #ith respect to mean productivit1.
7or assignment89e# s1llabus
MB0040 Statistics
for Management
Searc% Searc%
&ecent 'osts
(M0010 )oundation of (ua*it+ Management
(M0011 'rincip*es , '%i*osop%ies of (ua*it+ Management
(M0012- Statistica* 'rocess Contro*
(M0013 (ua*it+ Management -oo*s
M.0010 /are%ouse , Supp*+ C%ain Management
Ma+ 2013
Apri* 2013
Marc% 2013
)e1ruar+ 2013
2anuar+ 2013
.og in
5ntries &SS
Comments &SS

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"pring 2013
#aster of $usiness %dministration- #$% "emester 1
#$00&0 ' "tatistics for #anagement ' & (redits
)$oo* +D: $1,31-
%ssignment "et ' 1 )60 #ar*s-
.ote: %ssignment "et -1 must e /ritten /ithin 6-8 pages. %ns/er all

11.a. 23plain the characteristics of "tatistics.
Ans7er ! Statistics is t%e stud+ of t%e co**ection8 organi4ation8 ana*+sis8 interpretation and
presentation of data6 It dea*s 7it% a** aspects of t%is8 inc*uding t%e p*anning of data
co**ection in terms of t%e design of sur0e+s and e9periments6
(haracteristics of "tatistics

%ggregate of 4acts
Statistics does not refer to a sing*e

. 5hat are the components of "tatistics6 7ive a rief description of each of the
components.8 98 : 10 mar*s)200 ' 280 /ords each-
Ans7er ! ;he 4our (omponents of "tatistics and <roaility:

: ;at%ering
: isp*a+ing
: Interpretation
: Inference

;at%ering data8 7%et%er in or out of a c*assroom8 occurs on a dai*+ 1asis6 /e are a*7a+s
o1ser0ing and processing information as 7e go a1out t%e

12.23plain the o=ectives of "tatistical %verage. 5hat are the re0uisites of a
good average6 10 mar*s)380-&00 /ords-
Ans7er ! >=ectives of %verages
A0erages occup+ a prime p*ace in t%e t%eor+ of statistica* met%ods6 -%at is 7%+ Bo7*e+
remarked8 <Statistics is a science of a0erages6= -%e fo**o7ing are t%e m > o1?ecti0es of an

1. 4acilitates (omparison:

13.a. #ention the (haracteristics of (hi-s0uare test.

Ans7er ! (haracteristics
)urt%er properties of t%e c%i-s@uared distri1ution can 1e found in t%e 1o9 at t%e upper
rig%t corner of t%is artic*e6
<roaility density function

. ;/o research /or*ers classi?ed some people in income groups on the asis of
sampling studies. ;heir results are as follo/:

+nvestigators +ncome groups





% 160 30 10 200
$ 1&0 120 &0 300
( 300 180 80 800

"ho/ that the sampling techni0ue of atleast one research /or*er is
defective.10 mar*s
)380-&00 /ords-
Ans7er ! .et us take t%e %+pot%esis t%at t%e samp*ing tec%ni@ues adopted 1+ researc%
7orkers are simi*ar(i6e t%ere is not diAerence 1et7een t%e tec%ni@ues adopted 1+
researc% 7orkers#6-%is 1eing so8 t%e e9pectations of A

1&.5hat do you mean y cost of living inde36 Discuss the methods of
construction of cost of living inde3 /ith an e3ample for each.10 mar*s)380-&00
Ans7er ! -%e cost-of-*i0ing inde98 or genera* inde98 s%o7s t%e diAerence in *i0ing costs
1et7een cities6 -%e cost of *i0ing in t%e 1ase cit+ is a*7a+s e9pressed as 1006 -%e cost of
*i0ing in t%e destination is t%en inde9ed

18.De?ne trend. 2numerate the methods of determining trend in time series
10 mar*s)380-&00 /ords-
Ans7er ! -rend estimation is a statistica* tec%ni@ue to aid interpretation of data6 /%en a
series of measurements of a process are treated as a time series8 trend estimation can 1e
used to make and ?ustif+ statements a1out tendencies in t%e data8 1+ re*ating t%e
measurements to t%e times at 7%ic% t%e+ occurred6 B+ using trend

16.;he follo/ing data represent the numer of units of production per day
turned out y 8 diAerent /or*men using diAerent types of machines.
10 mar*s


#achine type

% $ ( D
1 && 38 &, 36
2 &6 &0 82 &3
3 3& 36 && 32
& &3 38 &6 33
38 &2 &9 39

i- ;est /hether the mean productivity is the same for the four diAerent machine
ii- ;est /hether 8 men diAer /ith respect to mean productivity.

Ans7er ! .et Bo! (a# Mean

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