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First Grading Period

Periodical Exam
Functions, Quadratic, Polynomial

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number. (26 pts)

_________1. Which of the following does NOT describe a function?
y (x 1) 2 = + + C. {( 1, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1)} ! !
B. D.

For numbers 2 4, use functions f and g below:

= ! +
f(x) 2x 4x 6

_________2. What is f(-3)?
A. 0 B. 12 C. 36 D. 38

_________3. What is (f g)(2)?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

_________4. What is (g f )(x) ! ?
A. ! +
x 2x 3 B. ! +
x 2x 1 C. ! +
4x 8x 10 D. ! +
2x 4x 4

_________5. What is the slope of the linear function w if w(a) = - b and w(c) = d?
d b
c a
d b
c a
! !
a c
b d
c a
d b

_________6. Which of the following is equivalent to = !
g(x) 2x 4x?
A. = ! !
g(x) 2(x 1) 1 B. = ! !
g(x) 2(x 2) 2 C. = ! !
g(x) 2(x 1) 2 D. = ! !
g(x) 2(x 2) 1

_________7. If the vertex of the quadratic function q is (-a, b) and its graph opens upwards, which of the following
is TRUE about q?
A. Its range is {y/y b} > C. Its axis of symmetry is x = - a.
B. Its maximum value is b. D. It is increasing when x > b.

_________8. If the polynomial function p has 11 zeros, which of the following is NOT NECESSARILY true?
A. The degree of p is 11.
B. The tails of the graph of p point towards different directions.
C. The graph of p has at most 11 x-intercepts.
D. At least one of its zeros has an even multiplicity.
_________9. If f is a 5
degree polynomial and c is a constant, which of the following is NOT true about
f(x) (x + c)?
A. The quotient and function f have the same leading coefficients.
B. The quotient is a 4
degree polynomial.
C. The remainder is equal to f(c).
D.The remainder is a polynomial.

_________10. If ! + 2 3 is a zero of a cubic function k, what is another zero of k?
A. ! ! 2 3 B. ! 2 3 C. 2 3 + D. 2 3 i ! +

x y
For numbers 11 13, use the compressed synthetic division table below, where the coefficients of the polynomial
function P are denoted by the variables m, n, r, s, and t.

x m n r s t
3 2 7 5 18 72
2 2 5 6 9 0
1 2 3 13 10 8
0 2 1 16 3 18
1 2 1 15 18 0
2 2 3 10 23 28

_________11. What is the remainder when P(x) is divided by (x 2)?
A. 0 B. 9 C. -23 D. -28

_________12. What is ! ! (P P)( 2)?
A. -28 B. -2 C. 18 D. 0

_________13. What is P in factored form?
A. P(x) (x 2)(x 1)(3x 2)(x 3) = + ! + ! C. = + ! + + P(x) (x 2)(x 1)(2x 3)(x 3)
B. P(x) (x 2)(x 1)(2x 3)(x 3) = + ! + ! D. = + ! + + P(x) (x 2)(x 1)(3x 2)(x 3)

II. CHARACTERISTICS of FUNCTIONS. Write the characteristics of the functions given below on the boxes
provided. (24 pts)

a. Slope:

b. Behavior:

c. Y-intercept:

d. Zero/s:

a. Vertex:

b. Range:

c. Axis of Symmetry:

d. Zero/s:

a. Degree:

b. Behavior when x < 0:

c. Solution set of h(x) ! 0:

d. Zero/s:

= ! ! !
g(x) (x 2) 12 = ! !
5 3 6
h(x) x (1 x) (2x 5)
= ! !
f(x) (x 4)


1. Using the graph of h at the right, answer the following questions: (2 pts each)

2. Graph d(x) =
< !
+ ! " < !
+ + ! ! < "
! ! >
3 if x 4
2x 4 if 4 x 2
x (x 2)(x 4)(x 2) if 2 x 2
(x 2) 4 if x 2

(8 pts)

IV. FUNCTIONS AS MODELS. Show all your solutions on the spaces provided. Box or encircle your final
answers. (13 pts)

1. The height of an object (in meters) thrown from a platform is given by the function h(t) = 4.9t
+ 19.6t + 58.8,
where t is the time in seconds.
a. What is the maximum height of the object? (2 pts)

b. After how many seconds will the object hit the ground? (2 pts)

a. What is ! (h h)(5)?

b. What is the behavior when -1 < x < 0?

c. What is the solution set of h(x 2) ! 0?

d. What is the y-intercept of k(x) = h(x) - 2?

e. What are the x-intercepts of g(x) = h(-x)?

f. What is the range of k(x) = -h(-x)?


2. Mia works as an assistant in a small law firm where she earns according to the function
= ! + p(c) 1500(11 c) 1600, where p(c) is her income per month and c is the number of cases she is not able to
finish out of the maximum of 11 in a month.
She is now being offered to handle her own law firm. According to the statistics, if she sets the price to 1900
pesos per case, she will have 11 clients in a month. Also, for every 100 peso increase, the number of clients per
month will decrease by 1. She will also have to pay a fixed monthly rate of 3800 pesos for the rental of the office.

a. Create a function for the number of clients h(c), where c is the decrease in cases in Mias own law firm. (2 pts)

b. Create a revenue function r(c), where c is the decrease in cases in Mias own law firm. (2 pts)

c. Create a profit function k(c), where c is the decrease in cases handled by Mia in her own law firm. (2 pts)

d. How many cases must Mia handle so that her profit as a law firm owner is greater than her income as an
assistant? (3 pts)

It isn't that they can't see the solution.
It is that they can't see the problem. -- G. K. Chesterton
(HPS: 83 + 2 for neatness and following directions)

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