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The Media , the world over have often been used by different people for different purposes.
This partly explains why the media are sometimes refer to as the watch dog of the society. As
the watch dog, the media watch the society and report happenings in the society to the
society, though, with a little colouration. Sometimes, the media become a viable avenue for
people to express their feelings as well as mobilize others in taking informed decisions. This
is the issue examined in this study. The study sets to examine if people depend on the media
as tools of mobilization for agitations, the extent of the dependability as well as the
major factors that lead to political agitations. Using a survey research design,200 copies of
the questionnaire were administered to the respondents and, findings revealed ,that political
groups depend on the media to an extent in mobilizing their people for actions. Findings
also showed that, the major factors that lead to political agitations are feelings of
marginalization, desire for power, feeling of oppression, and bad governance. The paper
argues that with the 2015 general elections by the corner, political groups who feel that
there is the prevalence of these factors may resort to agitations as a way of correcting
what they may term as anomaly. These groups, the researcher believes, are likely to take
their agitations to the media with a view to mobilizing their people for action and attracting
public sympathy. It is the recommendation of the study among others that the Federal
Government of Nigeria should consider the formulation of a policy on political agitation
reportage to guide against unethical practices on the part of the media. This, the paper
believes will avoid outbreak of crisis that normally characterizes each election season.
KEYWORDS: Media, political agitations, mobilization and elections.


Introduction to the Study
The mass media are very important elements of any society. It is the media that make the
society active and keep the people informed. It is the media that guide the public in taking
informed decisions .The media are like the conduits through which the public get
information on different; politics, sports, fashion, entertainment, employment, business
crime, justice, agriculture, inventions, scientific discoveries among others. Gever (2013a,
P.13) compares the centrality of the media to air. He writes; Just as human beings cannot
survive without air, no society can survive without a virile press. Kundra (2005,P.187)
corroboratively states that the media are like magic because they can let a man see and hear
where he has never been and know people he has never met. The implication of this
statement for this study is that, the media, can spur people to action even without seeing
those mobilizing them to act. A good example of how media reports can spur people to action
is the 2002 Miss Word protest. The protest according to Torwel (2010) was because of
newspaper article from This Day, (one of Nigerias leading dailies), which reported that if
Mohammed were alive, he would have chosen a beautiful queen among the many that were
expected at the international event. The outcome of that report was mass protest with high
casualty figure while the Zamfara State Government pronounced fatwa (death sentence)
against the journalist.
In democratic societies such as is the case with Nigeria, the role of the media is even
more pronounced because it can serve as a tool of mobilizing people bearing in mind that
democracy is the game of number. This partly explains why political advertisements have
often characterized every election season in Nigeria. Nigeria as a country has been divided
into six go-political zones, namely, the north central, the north west, the north east, south-
south, south east and south west .Each of the geo-political zones thrives for equitable

representation and fair share of the National Cake. Commenting on the struggle among
ethnic groups in Nigeria, Akpede (2010,P. 3) writes:
During each election in Nigeria, ethnic politics resurfaces leaving it
nauseating odour in the path of healthy development of democracy
.Each of the three major ethnic groups ,Hausa/Fulani, in the North
Igbo in the east and Yoruba in the west is usually hell bent on
producing the president. The states are not left out of the scenario
.For example, in Benue State, the battle is between the Tiv and the
Idoma on who produce the governor for the state .A similar situation
is found in kogi state where the battle is drawn between the Igala
and the Igbira.

The above situation as described by the scholar leads to agitations which if not well handled,
can result to a revolt. With the existence of other minority ethnic groups in almost every state
of the federation, the propensity for agitation is even higher. Apart from ethnic groups,
political groups also agitate for their fair representation in government. A good example is
the Masev Iharev Nongov Development Association commonly known by the acronym
MINDA.. This is political group in Benue State made up of four local government
namely, Guma, Gwer-West, Gwer-east and Makurdi. All the indigenes of these local
government are automatically members of the group and identify directly or indirectly with
the dreams and aspiration of the group. At the moment, the MINDA people are agitating to
produce the governor of Benue State. Their argument is that the area has not has not filled a
candidate for the coveted seat since the state was created 1976.
This study attempts a cross tabulation of the relationship between this agitation and
their dependent on the media as tools of mobilization.
Statement of the Problem
Nigeria is made up of different ethnic groups, thus making it a pluralistic society. As a result
of the existence of these ethnic groups ,there is hardly a time where all the groups will agree
on the composition of those in government. The breaking down of the country into geo-
political zones and the delineation into senatorial districts as well as other power sharing

blocs in addition to the existence of political groups has even compounded the situation,
consequently, created the room for agitations and counter agitations especially during
and/or after elections. Today in Benue state, it is no longer news that the MINDA(a
political association) people are agitating to fill the governorship slot. It is also not news that
those from Benue South senatorial district (commonly known as zone C) are agitating to
fill the same slot. The same thing is happening with regards to the presidential slot where
the Northerners are clamouring for power shift. Considering the role of the media in every
society, it is therefore imperative to provide empirical evidence on whether political groups
use them(the media) as tools of mobilization for their agitations. There is also the need to
determine the degree political groups depend on the media as tools of mobilization as well
as the factors that lead to political agitation.
Objectives of the Study
This study sets to achieve the following
1. To determine the relationship between political agitations and use of the mass media
for mobilization.
2. To determine the extent political groups depend on the media in mobilizing their
people for agitations
3. To determine the major factors that leads to political agitations
Research Questions
This study seeks answers to the following questions:
1. What is the relationship between political agitations and the use of the mass media
for mobilization?
2. To what extent do political groups depend on the media in mobilizing their people for
3. What are the major factors that lead to political agitations?

Hypotheses of the Study
From the above research questions, the researcher derived the below hypotheses which were
tested at 0.05 level of significance.
HO: political groups do not depend on the media in mobilizing people for agitations.
HO: Political groups do not depend on the media to an extent.

Justifications for the Study
In the academia, researches are expected to have positive impact to the society ,hence, this
study cannot be an exception. Consequently, this study is relevance in the following ways:
The result of the study will be useful to media practitioners especially when covering
political agitations related issues. This will guide such media personnel to ensure balance
reportage bearing in mind that there are always two sides to every story.
The government will also benefit from the result of the study particularly regarding
factors that lead to political agitations. This will spur the government to guide against those
factors so as to avoid such agitations.
The result of the study will equally serve as a reference material for policy makers
especially on matters concerning political groups and their activities.
This study will serve as a spring board for other researchers who may be interested
in conducting studies in the same area.
Conceptual Clarification
For the purpose of this study, the following concepts shall be considered as follows:
The media: This is a collective word used in reference to all the avenues or means of
Political Group: This is a group of people whose aim is to protect the political interest of
its members .

Political agitations: These are coordinated activities of a political group aimed at securing
political benefits for its members
Mobilization: This is the organization or coordination of people to take a particular
decision or adopt a particular idea.
Election: This is an orderly way or exercise through which people in government emerge.
It is the process of selecting government representatives.
The Media of Mass Communication
Mobilizing people for political agitations through the mass media requires a mass
medium. In deciding the mass media to be discussed in this study, the researcher relied on the
observation of Deflueur and Dennis(1981) cited in Uyo (1987,P.3) who list the major mass
media to include; books, newspapers, magazines, radio, television and motion picture. These
mass media are hereby discussed below;
Books: Books belong to the print media of mass communication. Uyo (1987,P.5) notes that
books are the oldest means of mass communication. Ihwa and Adikpo (2009,P. 2) define a
book as any material that educates and promotes knowledge of any kind. Commenting on
the importance of books, the duo write; Without books, life as we know it today would
indeed be inconceivable (p.1)Books focus on a particular subject unlike newspaper. In this
context, therefore, someone can decide to write about the marginalization of a political group
and the need for its members to rise and protect their interest. In that sense, books can
become a tool of mobilization for political agitations.
Newspaper: A newspaper is an unbounded publication that is published on regular intervals
which contains a variety of information. Nigerian newspapers are renowned for their active
role in Nigerias attainment of independence in 1960. In a study on newspaper function
conducted by Burgoon, Bernstein and Burgoon (1983) in which journalists and adults were

surveyed on what they thought to be newspaper function, revealed that the respondents were
of the opinion that newspapers provide a timely account of significant events and how
important events and issues relate to the local community. Newspaper can also be used for
political agitations.
Magazine: A magazine is a bounded publication that is published on a regular basis but not
as regular as a newspaper. Austine and pinkleton (2001,P.57) remark that one of the
characteristics of magazines is that, they can more specifically target market segment. Wilson
and Wilson (2001,P. 196) add that magazines either have unit of specialization or internal
specialization. Unit specialization entails that magazines can target special interest audience
while internal specialization means magazines appeal to a more general audience. Austine
and Pinkleton argue further that on more complex issues, magazine goes in-depth than
newspaper.However, both can become tools of political agitation if so desired.
Radio: It is one of the powerful media of mass communication. Asemah (2011c,P. 20)
remarks that radio is useful in the area of surveying the environment, for entertainment
purposes and for education purposes. Others are to inform and socialize. Radio can be useful
in reporting political agitation related issues.
Television: It is an audio-visual medium of mass communication that is renowned for its
visual impact. George Gerbner as cited in Akpan (2006,P. 10) after years of developing
cultivation analysis theory was able to articulate the three Bs of television as follows (a)
television blurs the traditional distinction of the peoples view of their world (b) television
blends peoples realities into the cultural mainstream (c) television bends that mainstream
reality to its own and its sponsors institutional interests. Summarizing the role of broadcast
media in politics, Akpan (2006,P. 101) puts: It is the responsibility of every station to
produce and report the activities in the political arena in news and programme..

Motion picture or cinema or film: This is another mass medium of communication that
can also be used for mobilization. Uyo (1987,P. 20) notes that a cinema is a place where
pictures that move are shown. The pictures images are recorded on film, a ribbon of
transparent plastic material with the sensitive of a photographic plate. Film has the power of
sight just as television just that the former does not utilize the air waves. Film can become
a tool of political agitation depending on who is using it.
Functions of the Mass Media
The mass media perform numerous functions to the society where they operate. Harold
Lasswell in a classic paper titled The structure and function of communication in society:
The communication of ideas published in 1948 identifies three functions of the mass
media .These are , surveillance function; which is monitoring and reporting issues in the
environment where the media operate, correlation function which integrates all the parts of
the society and cultural transmission function; which is transmission of cultural heritage
from generation to generation. Wright(1960) developed this basic scheme to describe the
many effects of the media and added entertainment as a fourth key media function .It
provides relaxation and reduction of tension thus making it easier for people to cope with
life. McQuail (1984-1987) cited in Ozrudi Bararzadeh, Khanjani and Fantahi (2012,P.20)
adds mobilization as the fifth function of the mass media. Commenting on the mobilization
function, Asemah (2011b,P.46) writes
When the mass media are properly positioned, they
can be .an effective way for mobilizing the populace
towards political......and used for mobilizing the
people to support a particular project.....The media
are used for promoting national interests and
certain behaviours especially during times of
national crisis.

It is the mobilization function of the media and it application in the current political
dispensation that forms the hub of this paper. Base on the function, the mass media can
provide information that will mobilize people of a particular political group to take a
decision for their general interest. Sometimes, people are not really sure of what to do or
even believe . but with the media defining the way, through accurate and professionally
processed information, acting like a sieve with which the truth is made manifest, people
become mobilized for a particular thing or task. With the mobilization function, the media
have a role in sustaining countries democracies. Asemah(2011a,p.111) writes, The press
articulates public conscience through focusing attention on issues and concerns of public
interest. It sets agenda. .Democracy without the media is like tea without sugar, it cannot be
interesting..Gever (cited earlier) corroboratively compares the centrality of the mass media
to air without which life cannot exist.
Theoretical Foundation
In a study like this, agenda setting theory is most applicable., Agenda-setting theory
posits that the media; most especially the news media, dictate what issues (agenda) to be
considered most important by the society. The theory was proposed by Maxwell McCombs
and Donald Shaw in 1972/1973 (Asamah 2011b,P. 176). Folarin (1998,P. 68) remarks that
the agenda-setting theory implies that the media predetermined what issues to think about.
The scholar adds that the media do this through factors like frequency of reporting,
prominence given to the reports through headline display pictures and layout in newspapers
magazines, films, graphics or timing on radio and television. Also, the degree of conflict
generated in the reports and cumulative media specific effects over time. This means, the
media have the potential of setting agenda for political groups, thus mobilizing them for
agitations. Stressing the importance of the agenda setting function of the mass media, Gever
(2013b,P.50-51) recalled a situation where Nigerian were busy arguing on the exact casualty

figure in Baga (a place in Borno State) massacre and about the same time, villagers from
some villages in Guma, Gwer-west and Agatu local government areas of Benue State fled
for fear of Fulani mercenaries but the government did not do anything about it, but the same
government set up a committee to investigate the Baga killings. This, the scholar attributes
to the agenda setting function of the media. For the agenda setting of media to be effective,
the receiver must process the information. This is where the information processing
theory becomes relevant. The theory which was formulated by Williams J.McGuire in 1968
holds that attitude change in an individual goes through six stages(Asemah
2011b,P.205).They persuasion message must be communicated to the receiver, the receiver
,must be exposed to the message, the receiver must understand the message, the receiver
must be convinced on the argument in the message, adopt the new desired position and
finally take the expected action which in this case is agitation.
The research design for this study was survey. Survey was applied because the nature
of the study calls for the need to solicit peoples opinion which according to Gever (2013a)
is the hallmark of survey. The instrument of data collection was the questionnaire. The
questionnaire copies were administered to the respondents through the aid of research
assistants who were duly trained.
Population of the Study
This study was conducted in Benue State. The state according to the 2006 census
( has a population of four million two hundred and twenty-three
thousand, six hundred and forty-one(4,223,641) people.In Benue state, the researcher
purposively chose Gwer-West local government area of Benue. The choice of the local
government was based on the fact that it belongs to the Masev Iharev Nongov Developement
Association, hereafter refers to as MINDA. People from MINDA are currently agitating to
produce for the first time, the governor of Benue state. Membership of MINDA is determine
by whether one is from the four local government or not. This therefore makes those within

the geo-political axis to identify with the aspiration of the group . The researcher
purposively selected Naka town which is the headquarters of the local government. The
researcher then took another step by dividing the area into segments as shown below;
Table I: Distribution of population of the study.
Area Phase I Phase II Atsaha
Rice mill
High level LG
Quota 100 100 100 100 100 100
Source: field survey,2014
From each of the above areas, the researcher purposively selected one hundred persons to
form a population of six hundred(600) .The criteria for the selection of the one hundred
persons were exposure to the media, and media literacy.
From the population , the researcher then applied systematic sampling procedure
using the following steps as noted by Zuo (2006) cited in Gever (2013a,P.17)
The population frame was numbered from 1 600
The sample size, n, was decided to be 200 i. e. n = 200. This gives a sampling interval,
k = 3.That is 3 200=600 and 600/200=3
The third respondent was randomly selected as the random start.
Every third respondent was then selected into the sampling frame ( multiples of 3) as
shown below:
3 6 9 12 15 18 21
24 27 30 33 36 39 42
45 48 51 54 57 .. 600

The process of adding 3 to the sample frame continued from 57 until the researcher
reached 600 and the researcher arrived at the sample size of 200..
Chi-square test of Relationship
When dealing with two attributes (categorical variables) that form a contingency
table, it is always desired to examine the existence or inexistence of association or

relationship or dependency between these attributes. This is done by the use of Pearson Chi-
square statistic, given by:

Equation (1) can be simplified to obtain

Where o
and e
are the observed and expected frequencies, respectively, of attribute in row i
and column j; r and c are the total number of rows and columns respectively and N is the
overall total of frequencies. This equation is relevant to the study because it enabled the
researcher to properly cross analyze political agitation and media use for mobilization
Simple percentages were used to analyze the extent political groups depend on the
media for mobilization. In the analysis of factors that lead to political agitations, Likert
five-points scale was used. This is a psychometric scale usually used to elicit reactions from
respondents ranging from strongly agree (SA-5), Agree (A-4), Undecided (U-3), Strongly
Disagree (SD-2), Disagree (D-1) accordingly. Hence it is a five-point scale, the benchmark
for accepting or rejecting a statement was .That is =3.
Empirical Results and Discussion.
This part of the paper encompasses the test of existence of relationship between
political agitation and respondents dependent on the media as a tool of mobilization. The
empirical analyses in this paper were done with the use of SPSS 16.0. First, the researcher
calculated the response rate thus:


Therefore the response rate for this study was 96 percent. The researcher considered this
significant for analysis as the non-returned rate is insignificant to affect the result of the
study. Subsequently, the result of the study is hereby analyzed.

Table II political agitation and media as tools of agitations Cross tabulation.

media as tools of

political agitations YES Count 114 29 143
% within political agitation 79.7% 20.3% 100.0%
% within media as tools of
84.4% 51.8% 74.9%
% of Total 59.7% 15.2% 74.9%
NO Count 21 27 48
% within political agitation 43.8% 56.2% 100.0%
% within media as tools of
15.6% 48.2% 25.1%
% of Total 11.0% 14.1% 25.1%
Total Count 135 56 191
% within political agitation 70.7% 29.3% 100.0%
% within media as tools of
100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
% of Total 70.7% 29.3% 100.0%
Source: field Survey 2014

The above cross tabulation yields Chi-square statistics,
= 22.438 (p-value of 0. 00). An
indication that political groups depend on the media for mobilization for political
agitations. One hundred and fourteen (114) respondents were found to have exhibited
political agitation tendencies and as well depend on the media as tools of mobilization.
The extent of the relationship is further determined as shown below

TABLE I I I : The extent political groups depend on the media for mobilization.
Degree Response(s) Percentage(s)
To a large extent 32 28
To an extent 61 54
To no extent 21 18
Total 114 100
Source: Field survey,2014
From the above table, majority of the respondents (54%) depend on the media to an
extent while some of them(28%) depend on the media to a large extent while only few of
them (18) reported that they depend on the media to no extent. To determine the factors
that lead to political agitation, the below table was computed.
TABLE IV: Factors That Lead to political Agitations.

SA(5) A(4) U(3) D(2) SD(1) TATOL

Marginalization 80 20 3 7 4 114 4.75 Accepted
Desire for
31 61 10 11 1 114 3.94 Accepted
Feeling of
43 59 4 6 2 114 4.1 Accepted
25 44 11 25 9 114 3.64 Accepted
Attract public
11 9 4 29 61 114 1.9 Rejected
Source: Field Survey,2014

From the table, it can be deduced that the factors that lead to political agitations are
perceived marginalization ,desire for power, perceived oppression and bad governance.
Discussion of Findings.
The result of this study indicates that aggrieved political groups depend on the mass media
as tools of mobilization for agitation (see table II).From the result of the study, the first
research question which states; What is the relationship between political agitations and the
use of the mass media for mobilization,? will be answered that there is significant
relationship between political agitations and media dependability for mobilization. With this
result, the null hypothesis was rejected similarly, the second research question which states;
To what extent do political groups depend on the media in mobilizing their people for
agitations? Will be answered that political groups depend on the media for mobilization to
an extent.(see table III) The second hypothesis which states; Political groups do not depend
on the media to an extent. Was also rejected . Also, the third research question which
sought to outline the factors that lead to political agitations will be answered that the factors
that lead to political agitations are feeling of marginalization, bad governance, feeling of
oppression and the desire for power. The result of this study corroborate the assertion by
Nnoli (1978) cited in Odozi (2010,P.12) who links ethnic agitations to competition for
scarce resource in a pluralistic nation. Nnoli observes that instead of powers of the state,
ethnic differences and religious sentiments are weapons in the hands of different contending
groups in the society. The fact however is that ethnicity has become an express avenue for
people to agitate for their fair share of the national cake One thing is clear, agitations
from different ethnic groups in the society, if not well addressed by the appropriate
authorities, leads to conflict ,hence, political agitations lead to political conflict. Nigeria is
approaching another election year (2015). Already, different political groups are clamouring
for their fair representation in the polity at different levels. For example, in Benue State,

Those from the South commonly known as Zone C are clamouring to produce the
governor of the state. Also, those from MINDA geo-political axis(from where the researcher
focused) made up of Gwer-West, Guma, Gwer-East and Makurdi are also vying for the
same slot. The argument of both group is that, they have not produced any candidate for
the coveted seat. When one looks at it from a broad perspective of senatorial district, then
those from Benue South will have a stronger argument. But again, democracy is a game of
number, and the Tiv speaking people who have the numerical strength may feel their
counterpart from Zone C should be contented producing the deputy Governor. This
argument has already reflected in local newspapers. Read this from The National Frontier:
Since 1979, the governorship race has been on in the state and
has produced four governors from the following blocs in
Tivland; Aper Aku from Kwande/Ushongu axis, Rev. Moses
Adasu of the Jechira bloc, George Akume became Governor
from Jemgba axis and presently, Dr Gabriel Suswam is of the
the Sankera bloc.As such, it is clear that history favours MINDA
as the only bloc is yet to produce a governor and the people
expect nothing less but full support to actualize this goal...

The above assertion apparently seeks support to enable MINDA balance the political
equation. The write up did not even consider the people of Benue South senatorial district.
However, there is contrasting publication by The Pivot as it reads;
...It is equally axiomatic that democracy is about equity,
fairness, and social justice, whose time has come for the
people of Benue South senatorial district to savor. The just
agitation of the people of Benue south senatorial District for
power shift is hinged on popular sentiments among critical
stake holders across the state and embedded in the
institutionalized ya na aigban among the Tiv majority in
the state.Ya na aigban among the Tivs literally means eat
and give you brother and it is a notorious fact that the Tivs
have had their fair share of the plum office and is logical
for them to give real and universal meaning to this

The assertions above reflect what happens each time Nigeria approaches election period.
The 2015 general elections in Nigeria is one out of many that has engaged politicians who
adopt different methods with a view to winning the heart of the electorates, the media is
not left out of the strategies.
Based on the findings of this study, it is the conclusion of the researcher that the mass
media are tools of mobilization for ethnic agitations. The researcher submits that with
regards to the findings, there is the strong proclivity that political groups in Nigeria will
use the mass media in mobilizing their people for agitations in the forth coming general
elections in Nigeria.
Projections of the Study
Based on the findings of this study and in line with .the topic, I hereby make the following
There is going to be increase in political agitations and counter agitations from
different political groups as well as ethnic groups ahead of the 2015 general elections in
Nigeria. These agitations if not well handled by the media and relevant authorities will lead
to political conflict in Nigeria. The post election violence of 2011 may repeat itself in a
rather more dangerous manner if the media and other relevant authorities do not handle
election matters effectively.
There is going to be media war, increased slanting of stories, news
commercialization and hyper commercialization as well as the violation of the journalistic
code provision on editorial independence ahead of the 2015 general elections in Nigeria.

To prevent the above projections which are mainly in the negative, the study makes the
following recommendations.
With regards to the findings of this study, the researcher makes the following
The Federal Government of Nigeria should consider the formulation of a policy on
political agitation reportage bearing in mind the perennial cases of political
agitations during elections.
The media should be highly professional in reporting political agitations to avoid
outbreak of crisis.
As the 2015 general elections draw closer, the media should use its reportage to
enhance the unity of the country.
The media should avoid being used by selfish politicians under the guise of
political agitations.
political groups should not over heat the polity with unjustifiable agitations.
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