Swayne Newsletter (May-August 2014)

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May-August Report

Patrick and Chantelle

Missionaries to
Working primarily with Four
Seas College of Bible and

Mailing Address:
120 Boon Lay Drive
Jurong West 649924

+65 8429 8694




Overseen by the Leonard St.
church of Christ:
Leonard St. church of Christ
2730 Leonard St.
Pensacola, FL 32505
(850) 432-3727
John Heflin
Brian McCown
W.C. Rabren
Public transport is almost always crowded here
in Singapore, meaning that generally all the seats are
taken and people have to stand, whether on the bus or
on the train. Thankfully, the bus that we take most
commonly (from our house to school) starts its route
near our house, so we almost always get a seat.
On one particularly rainy day, I decided not to
ride my bike to school and take the bus instead. I was
especially thankful to have a seat that day, as the rain
had made the floor slick and standing difficult. While
riding public transport, Singaporeans usually have their
eyes glued to a small glowing screen (aka a
smartphone). This particular trip was no different; with
one hand on a grip and another on their phone, the standing riders attempted to keep
up their favorite transportation pastime in order to pass the time.
One young man was not giving the more earnest heed while he was riding (cf.
Hebrews 2:1, KJV); whatever he was doing on his phone required two hands. It wasnt
long before the inevitable happenedin a rather spectacular fashion, both of his legs
flew out from under him and he landed flat on his bottom. To his credit, he never let go
of the phone. In typical Singaporean fashion, everyone did their best to ignore him as
he did his best to get up and pretend as though nothing had happened. He continued to
do whatever he was doing on his phone, thankfully without further incident.
Upon reflection, the thought occurred to meI wonder how many people are
falling for their phones? No, I dont mean falling for in the literal sense of falling over or
in the figurative sense of falling in love with. I mean, how many people are falling away
from the grace of Christ because of their phones (cf. Galatians 5:4)?
The danger of course does not lie in the phone itself but rather in the use of the
phone. On another public transportation trip recently, I was sitting on the top of a double
decker bus. A young man was sitting at the top of the stairwell. In one fluid motion, he
pulled out his phone, appeared to take a picture down the stairway, and then put his
phone away. What was he taking a picture of? A young woman in a low cut top then
appeared at the top of the stairs, totally oblivious to the fact that he had just taken her
picture. The two did not know each other at all.
Voyeur photography is just the tip of the iceberg. Modern smartphones can be
used to access the internet and therefore the vast amount of pornography it holds.
Phones can also be used for sexting, which is the sending of sexual messages and pic-
tures through text messages. Many Christians are breaking their covenant with their
eyes (cf. Job 31:1) through the power of these phones. Whats more, websites are
available that can locate people near you who are interested in starting a relationship.
Specialized apps can do the same thing, even telling you how far away someone is
through their phones GPS. Rather than assisting Christians in fleeing fornication (cf. 1
Corinthians 6:18), smartphones are helping them to find it.
Sexual sins are not the only sins accessible via smartphones. Gambling is a
very common problem online, with both websites and apps assisting people in stealing
from others, a forbidden activity for Christians (Ephesians 4:28).
(continued on p. 5)
Volume 3 Issue 3
Chr oni cl i ng t he Wor k of t he Swayne Fami l y t o Spr ead t he Gospel f r om
Si ngapor e t o t he Lands Wi t hi n t he Four Seas
Falling for a Phone
This Period In Pictures
We got to spend a bit of time with my
and a bit less time (unfortunately) with
Chantelles parents, also reporting in the US.
Some of our favorite peoplethe Murrells
and the Hayes.
Above, the brethren at Gonzales who have
been behind us since day 1.
The wonderful brethren at Leonard St. gave
me a birthday party.
A lovely picture of the Meachams from
Morrison (with me in the background).
Above, Chantelle teaches the ladies at Kuala
Lumpur. The men got the PPT projector.
Babys are precious whether they are from
Singapore (well, his parents are Filipino's)...
...or the USA (at De Gaulle Dr., New Orle-
Chantelle had one of the girls from LAP
over to teach her how to bake
the fruit of their labors, or rather, rolls.
FYI, salsa was not involved.
The Graves family visited Singapore and
This Period In Pictures
Every now and then we have to show some-
thing that makes Singapore seem exotic
and cute. I took these photos on one of
our brothers at walk sessions.
The Jones family from Central in Cleveland,
TN surprised us with a BBQ dinner.
Teachers Training Day @ Lim Ah Pin Rd.
Each year, Lim Ah Pin Rd. has a teachers workshop and at the same time a luncheon and award ceremony to honor
those who taught during the year. This year, I was asked to be the speaker for the workshop. I delivered three
lessons entitled, Qualities of an Effective Bible Lesson, Qualities of an Effective Bible School Teacher, and
Qualities of an Effective Curriculum. As Chantelle and I had done some teaching at LAP ourselves, we were also
given presents. Chantelle received hers from sister Baby Tan, who some of you might recognize.
From the first time I heard Charles teach, I was incredi-
bly impressed by his ability to teach, his enthusiasm,
and his great wealth of knowledge. I enjoyed his classes
immensely, as his knowledge, quick wit, and easy man-
ner made for great class discussions and an excellent
listening experience.
He truly was someone who took joy in his walk with the
Lord and was practical in his approach to Scripture. He
didnt simply rattle off Greek or Hebrew words or histori-
cal facts as so many intelligent teachers do (though he
occasionally demonstrated that he was more than capa-
ble of doing so)he was more interested in helping us
to apply the Scriptures we read and digest the infor-
mation so it was useful. I came to appreciate more and
more the fact that this man not only knew the Scriptures,
but also liberally applied them to his life. Though he was
smart, he was full of humilitythe characteristic of a
man who is Christ-like.
In March, when he first was going in and out of hospital
(but didnt yet know the full extent of his condition), he
was in a lot of painbut to see and listen to him you
would never know. He was always bright, positive, smil-
ing, eager to teachand never once complaining about
the state of his health. Just knowing he was going
through so much and yet still taking the time to teach us
was humbling, and a great lesson within itself.
I was so sad when he had to rest and he stopped teach-
ing us! Of course, I totally understand that it was neces-
sary and I wouldnt want him to struggle, but I really
missed his teaching us.
When I heard the news that he had passed, I was
shocked at the suddenness and the finality of it weighed
heavily on me. We had been expecting to see him in just
a few weeks time when we travelled to Michigan, but
had just barely missed him. I was devastated, but at the
same time looking forward to seeing his wife and the
congregation that he used to work at.
I dont think I ever appreciated him as much as when I
went to go visit his home congregation in Michigan. This
man, with his great knowledge, ability, and experience,
chose to live and work in a remote area of Michigan and
work with a very small church. While he could have cho-
sen to work in any number of larger and more comforta-
ble congregations, he chose thereand they loved him.
His example of humility and selfless service will stick
with me forever.
Here are some of the quotes I wrote down from the clas-
ses I took with him, which really show what a great man
and teacher he was:
There are a lot of things you could complain about, but
when we look at our example (Jesus), then we can see
what attitude we should have. Paul was not always in
the best of situations (right now he is in jail) yet he was a
preacher of contentment. Contentment is making the
best of the situation you are in. In the battle over your
mind, when you are content, then that contentment will
triumph over all complaints. Many people spend all their
time trying to get out of a situation and complaining
about it, rather than making the most of itbut Paul al-
ways took advantage of where he was.
If Christ died for us, then we should live for Him. Our life
IS Christ.
Deal with your anger and deal with it now. Dont let it
Make music with the instrument God made (the heart).
Think about this concept and ideaThere is none
elsethis relates to God himself. There is none else.
The whole earth is full of His glory. God is the one to be
feared. He is the one who creates us, sustains us and
judges us.
If we could ever get it into our heads that we are not
Canadian-Christian, American-Christian, or Filipino -
Christianthen that will be a great step towards unity.
We are all simply Christians. If we could ever get that in
our heads and get away from our national pride, remem-
bering that the church is a special entity, not governed
by political feelings we would find unity. Remember that
we live in this world, but not of this world.
Charles Coats
A Great Soldier of the Cross

By Chantelle Swayne
Sins of the tonguemurmuring, complaining, gossiping, lying, and so on are
common and perhaps even increased due to the falsely perceived anonymity of
the internet. Many smartphone users pursue the pride of life through their
quest for Facebook likes and Twitter followers (1 John 2:16).
However, the problem for some Christians relative to their smartphone
use is not the quality of their usethey avoid sinful websites and apps as well
as sinful uses of social media and the various other capabilities of the phones.
Instead, it is the quantity of their use. Some Christians are like the majority of
Singaporeans I see on public transport hopelessly addicted to playing games,
checking their social media accounts for updates, and in other ways frittering
away their time. Remember, no servant can serve two masters (Luke 16:13).
The problem of quantity can easily become a problem of quality, as the
proper but excessive use of a smartphone can keep a person from his other
duties or responsibilities. Have you ever seen a Christian sitting next to you at
church quickly flick from his Bible app to his Facebook app and then back
again? Have you been guilty of doing so yourself? Its hard to worship God with
the right kind of spirit (cf. John 4:24) when your affections are clearly set on
things of the earth rather than those things which are above (Colossians 3:2).
How can I avoid the pitfalls of smartphones? Its very important for
any internet ready device to be installed with a filter. Although I havent person-
ally shopped the market to see what else is out there, I am both a big fan and a
user of Covenant Eyes (http://www.covenanteyes.com/), a program which com-
bines filtering with accountability reports which can be mailed to the person of
your choice. The accountability aspect is extremely important, as most online
sins thrive in secrecy.
Filters are of course not perfect even when used in conjunction with an
accountability report. The main thing is keeping the phone an accountable
itemparents should check their childrens phones as well as each others
phones. Phone use should be discussed openly and freely. The goal is not to
create an environment of distrust, but rather an environment of openness, which
is vital in keeping our advantage over Satan. Darkness hates light (cf. John
How can I tell if I have a quantity problem as relates to my
smartphone use? Smartphones are tools of the modern age. As such, it is only
natural to expect that many people will use them daily. However, there are sev-
eral tells when their use as stepped over the line. Is the phone the first thing
you reach for in the morning and the last thing you look at before you go to bed?
(Note: this doesnt apply if youre only looking at it for the sake of setting or turn-
ing off an alarm.) Do you find yourself looking at your phone when having face
to face conversations with friends or loved ones? Can you block out significant
periods of your life from phone use without suffering withdrawals (e.g. no phone
on vacation; no phone use on Sunday; etc.)?
Smartphones are good provided you dont use them like a fool (cf. 1
Timothy 2:8). Three principles ought to guide your use of these devices. 1) Dont
allow the liberty of smartphone use to be tainted by using your phone to serve
the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:13); 2) Dont allow yourself to be brought un-
der the power of the phone, even if for lawful use (1 Corinthians 6:12). 3) Proac-
tively use your phone to build up both yourself and others through proper use of
Bible apps and social media (1 Corinthians 10:23).
At the end of the day, if you find that your smartphone is hindering your
relationship with God or others, its time to cut it out of your life. It would be bet-
ter to enter into life with a dumb phone (i.e. a non-internet ready one) then to
face eternal damnation with a smart one (cf. Matthew 18:8-9; Mark 9:43-50).
Dont fall for a phone!
Falling for a Phone
(continued from p. 1)

Name: Je Ann Tabujan
Age: 25
From: The Philippines
Q. How did you become a Christian?
A. I was baptized in the Philippines,
but in the first year of my biblical
studies in FSC I realized that my
baptism was not Scriptural. So, I
decided to be baptized Scripturally
on September 2, 2013.
Q. How has Four Seas helped you?
A. FSC helps me to challenge my
life. It helps me to acquire biblical
knowledge and grow as a Christian.
It helps me to change my attitude,
realize my lapses in the past, and
strive to change myself to be better.
It helps me to be more convicted
that it is important to seek God first
than anything else. It also helps me
to see the importance of teaching
and sharing the gospel to the lost.
Moreover, it helps me to trust more
in God.
Q. What are your plans for after
A. I am planning to help [the] Arapal
congregation. I am planning to or-
ganize and teach children and ladies
classes. I will be involved in Bible
studies and any activities of the
church. If I have an opportunity, I will
be involved in medical and relief
missions. I am also planning to
share the gospel to my siblings and
Spotlight on
Our Students
Chantelles Space
Contact Chantelle personally at shonzie.swayne@gmail.com or add her on Facebook: Chantelle Marie Swayne

God Has Always
Wanted Your Heart
Today we have a much more difficult law. You cant
even look at a woman to lust!
God now requires that we worship Him in sincerity of
heart. The Old Law was one of the head, the New Law
is one of the heart.
Have you heard people say things like this be-
fore? There have been many times that I have heard a
preacher or teacher say something like this, often quot-
ing that verse on lust from Matthew chapter 5. Is it really
true? Are we really under a more difficult system today?
If our God in fact never changes (cf. Hebrews 13:8;
Psalm 102:27), wouldnt it also be true that He has al-
ways been Spirit, and has always wanted His people to
worship and serve Him in spirit and in truth? (John
Contrary to popular belief regarding the Law of
Moses, God has always wanted the heart to be at the
backbone of service, driving and motivating His people
to serve Him. He has never heard those that keep iniqui-
ty in their heart (Psalm 66:18), and would rather have
someone not serve Him at all than to serve Him hypo-
critically (Isaiah 1:13-15). He cannot accept the things
anyone does right until they deal with the wrong in their
lives (vv.16-17).
During the time of Isaiahs prophesying, the Isra-
elites were still worshipping the Lord. They still brought
Him sacrifices and observed all the feast days. It may
have seemed strange to them that Isaiah was bringing
them messages of doom, gloom, and the need for re-
pentancewhen so far as they were concerned they
were already doing as the Lord had asked. As we find in
this passage, their sacrifices and offerings were not
enough (Isaiah 1:11). The Lord did not want their vain
oblations as He called them (v.13).
The people in Haggais time had a similar prob-
lem to the Israelites (Haggai 2:11-19), which provides a
good illustration. The people were told that part of their
lives was holy, while another part was unclean (vv.11-
14). They were told that the unclean part of their lives
made the holy part unclean. They could not enjoy bless-
ings while the sin was left undealt with, but if they would
cleanse themselves and make themselves clean they
would enjoy future blessings (vv.15-19). Just like the
Israelites, they needed to make sure they were serving
God fully as He desired.
Today we are faced with the same charge. Our
worship is in vain if our actions are not consistent with
our words (Matthew 15:8-9), just as our prayers are in
vain if our attitude is wrong (Luke 18:11, 14). The Lord
requires us to worship Him both in truth (in the right way)
and in spirit (with the right attitude) in order to be ac-
ceptable to Him (John 4:24). We too must cleanse our
lives and make our heart pure to make our worship ac-
ceptable to Him. We must have the right attitude of
heart, because He wants us to serve Him with every part
of our being: mind, body, soul and strength (Mark
12:30). It is impossible to give any part of ourselves to
serving something or someone else and still be fully
dedicated to God (Luke 16:13). God would rather have
us not try to serve Him at all than have us stay serving
Him half-heartedly (Revelation 3:15-16). In short, the
book of Mark sums up the whole situation perfectly:
[] to love him with all the heart, and with all
the understanding, and with all the soul, and with
all the strength, and to love his neighbour as
himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings
and sacrifices (Mark 12:33).
Yes, God wanted the sacrifices then, and He wants the
sacrifice of our lives now (Romans 12:1, 2), but to give
anything to the Lord begrudgingly, insincerely, or hypo-
critically is not at all pleasing to Him.
Gospel Meetings at Subang Jaya,
Section 17, and Kuala Lumpur
The below photos are pretty self explanatory and are in order from top to bottom. Just a
quick reminder that Chantelle is speaking for an all female audience :)
Excerpts from an Email Received from Bob Xiang,
class of 2013

Editors Note: Bob is working in Shanghai, China
(which he refers to as SHA) alongside of brother
Kwan Tai Choom (Bro. K), a former instructor for
Four Seas College who has been a missionary in
Shanghai for some time now. After leaving school, he
married Rebecca, a Four Seas Graduate from the
same year (as per Asian culture though, occasionally
shes Sis. Rebecca). Working underground, the
church now has two congregations in Shanghai as
well as a Bible School in a rural area which Bob men-
tions in the note below.

June was a very busy month for us. Bro. K left SHA for
Singapore on 31, May, and then he left Singapore for Ma-
laysia to attend the Chinese Asia Bible Lectureship
(CABL) as one of the speakers and as visiting preacher in
KK congregation from 2-11, June. He then came back to
Singapore to renew his Singapore passport and visa for
China, so he came back to SHA on 21, June. So when
bro. K was away, I taught Bible classes (6, 13 and 20,
June) and did Sunday preaching on 1, 8 and 15, June at
PX (Pu Xi) congregation; I also did the preaching for PD
(Pu Dong) congregation on 1, 8 and 22, June, and on 1
and 8 June when I did the preaching, I also had to lead
songs, lead the opening prayer, gave thanks to the Lord's
Supper and offering, and lead the close prayer since I am
the only bro. who can do this, and bro. Mao was left for
CABL too. The theme of CABL this year was Trusting
God in Times of Adversity. Next year, the CABL will be
held in Johor Bharu, Malaysia. Rebecca and I plan to at-
tend this lectureship next year. We are excited about to
meet all the brethren on the lectureship.

While the time I was not in SHA, I traveled to Zhejiang
Bible School from SHA at 6:00AM to teach the students
(2-5, 9-12, 16-19 and 23-27, June). There were about
four full time students, and three auditing students in the
school. Next year, more full time students will join the
study. I taught them 1and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timo-
thy, and Titus in June. After the finishing of each book, I
gave them a test about the learnt book. Sis. Rebecca was
with me in the last three times travelling, very thankfully,
she helped me to check the testing papers of the stu-
dents; and she also communicated with the female stu-
dents to encourage them in study and live a better life for
the Lord.

I think one of the benefits for the students was that they
have a better understanding about these books. They
know what it meant to be a preacher. Sis. Liu Yong, a PX
congregation member, who attends the school full-timely
shared that she never knew that to be a Christian means
that every minute of her life belongs to God, and that our
life should be balanced with our new identity (1 Thessalo-
nians 2:12(cf. Philippians 1:27); 1 Timothy 4:12,16 etc.).
She was a member of PX for one and half year before
she attended the school, and she said her life out of
church and our faith was not balanced, after the study of
these books, she decided to be a better Christian to live
out the word of God, to live a balanced life. We are en-
couraged to hear that. I renewed my knowledge about
these books while I was preparing and teaching. It was a
good reminder what a preacher should do in his life (2
Timothy 4:2), it was not only to preach and teach Bible
class publicly, but also have to find opportunities to set
Bible studies with people to develop them in the
knowledge of God.

In the next half year of 2014, I will also teach in the ZBS
from 10-21, Nov. for Old Testament Survey; and 8-19,
Dec. for the New Testament Survey. So, I will try to use
the time I have to prepare these lessons before I go to

Two new souls were added in the Lord's body on 22,
June. They are sis. Li Sheng Nan, and bro. Chen Gang.
We are happy for their decision to be God's Children.
Please keep them in your prayers that they can continue
to grow.

Bro. Mao is still in his recovery from bone fracture. Now
he does not need a wheelchair, but to walk on crutches.
Please also remember him in your prayers. Thanks a lot.

Graduate Updates
Through his email updates, James Williams (class of 2013) has
informed us that he has helped to start a new, English speak-
ing congregation in his home town of Bangalore. Here is a
picture of the members currently meeting with James.
These four months have been filled with so many
experiences of every imaginable kindso much so that it is
overwhelming to even think about how to begin writing
about it all. There has been such a large serve of blessings
and opportunities from the Lordpeppered with small dis-
appointments, discouragements and heartaches along the
waythat I really cannot do it all justice.
We have been challenged by the many opportuni-
ties to teach and serve the Lord both here in Singapore and
in Malaysia. Patrick held a gospel meeting at Section 17
on marriage and dating from the Song of Solomon. By the
way, you can see the whole series as he did it at Jurong
onlineits linked on our Swayne Missions blog. It is really
worth taking the time to watch these. He has done many
other lessons at other congregations in Malaysia too. It is
such a joy to hear him speak so often and so well! As for
me, I have taught several ladies classes on various topics
as they are assigned me, as well as some childrens Bible
classes, and lessons in the Holiday Bible School. Ladies
can see the lessons I taught at Lim Ah Pin Road (Blessed
Are They That Mourn from Matthew 5:4) and Jurong
(Self Control and Maturity from 1 Corinthians 7) online
also. Unfortunately one of my friends listened to me and
congratulated me on my American accentso I apologise
to all my American friends if I disappoint with my lack of an
Australian accent there! Really though, I am so thankful to
be here among such Scripture-hungry people. I know for
sure that I wouldnt get so many opportunities to teach
were I in Australia or America! God is so good.
We have enjoyed the blessings that have come
through the generosity and friendship of our Asian breth-
ren. Though at times living in Singapore is difficult, the
thing that keeps me contented here (and keeps me sane!)
is the love and appreciation of the brethren. They are al-
ways looking out for us, and it always happens that when-
ever I am feeling down a little present, card, or coffee date
will come along. Every lesson and effort is met with praise
and appreciation. When we came to the milestone of our
two years of service here, a group of the brethren even
gave us a coffee machinesomething we had had our eye
on for years. I am so grateful to God for
His blessings through these beautiful
servants of His!
We have experienced tragedy
and heartache with the loss of our dear
teacher Charles Coats. He found out
about his cancer late and succumbed to
the terrible disease so quickly, that it left
us all shocked and mourning the loss of
such an excellent Bible student and
teacher. I truly do not know many other
men so knowledgeable, balanced,
friendly, genuine, and humble. He will be
sorely missed. I have written a short arti-
cle about his example he left behind for
you all to learn from (see page 4).
We have been able to reunite with both of our fami-
lies and spend precious time together. My sister came to
stay with us for a while, which was lovely! We were also
able to spend time both with my family and Patricks mum
while we were in the States. Since we live overseas such
time is rare and so all the more special. My siblings are
growing up so fast! I got to see my family in Middle Tennes-
see, where we enjoyed eating at the Rainforest Caf and
Cracker Barrel and running amok at the Family Science
We have enjoyed the company, hospitality, and
encouragement of many of our American brethren. Report-
ing trips are always tiring, but the one thing that makes
them worth it is the overwhelming generosity, encourage-
ment, and support we receive as we travel. We got to
spend time with so many encouraging people I cant even
name them all. Fellowship is truly one of the Lords greatest
blessings. Our work wouldnt even be possible without the
many people who have sacrificed for us to be over here. It
is extremely humbling, and a great motivation to continue
and do well!
I have felt the accomplishment of finishing my
course at Four Seas College. I am so thankful for the op-
portunity to learn at Four Seas Bible College. It was cer-
tainly a big challenge juggling all my wifely duties and travel
along with the 7-courses-a-term workload at Four Seas, but
I am so very glad I did it. I have such a great appreciation
for Gods word now, and I can construct lessons and exe-
gete with much greater confidence. I know that what I have
learnt over my two years there was a great beginning to a
life of learning, so I have now enrolled in the Memphis
School of Preaching Online Spiritual Training classes
(M.O.S.T) for credit. The first course I am taking is Chris-
tian Evidences with brother Dan Cates. Its very interesting!
I recommend the program to anyone wanting to expand
their Bible knowledge!
We have officially managed to serve 2 years on the
mission field. It feels like such a short time, and yet some-
times it feels like a lifetime. I am so thankful to all the breth-
ren that give us encouragement and
supporthere in Asia, in the States, and
in Australia. Through it all, I am ever
grateful to the Lord for His guidance and
blessings that have allowed us both to
come this far. I know that without His
guiding hand we both would not be
where we are today and enjoying so
many good things.
I look forward to the next two
years and the opportunities they will
bring! Thank you all for your support
and encouragement. You are greatly
Much love, Chantelle
From Her Perspective
Chantelles look at the last two months
It was nice to have my sister stay with
us for a while! Here we are on the
Light Rail Transport after a day out.
Greetings from Singapore! I hope this newsletter
finds you well. As far as I can remember, Ive never had
occasion to say, Its just one of those years. I know Ive
said, Its just one of those days before, and possibly
even, Its just one of those weeks, but I cant remember it
having gone any further than that. Well, at the two-third
mark of year 2014, I feel comfortable saying, Its just one
of those years!
I suppose thats a pessimistic way to begin, but its
the only way I can explain how weve once again let this
newsletter go from a bimonthly to a tri-annual . Sorry! Nev-
ertheless, as went the first four months, so went the sec-
ond four monthseven though weve found ourselves
very busy, weve also found ourselves very blessed.
When I say, its just one of those years, its not from the
standpoint of, Tempted and tried, were oft made to won-
der, why it should be thus all the year long, to borrow
from the hymn. Its from the standpoint, There is much to
do, theres work on every hand, to borrow from another.
We appreciate so much your continued support and un-
So, Im once again tasked with the burden of
bringing you all up to date on four months. Ill do my best!
Our Work at Four Seas
April through August was our second term at Four
Seas. For this term, I taught 1 Thessalonians-Titus, Homi-
letics I: Sermon Design and Delivery, Minor Prophets, and
English II. It was my first time teaching 1 Thessalonians-
Titus and Sermon Design, so it was an enjoyable chal-
lenge getting the material together.
Two students finished their studies as of the close
of the first term, Jaslyn Chan and Alvin Lin. We were
blessed to have both of these students with us, and are
looking forward to their future work in the kingdom. Jaslyn
is from Malaysia but is going to be continuing her studies
at a secular school in Singapore. Alvin is from Singapore,
and is continuing his full time work as the church adminis-
trator at Lim Ah Pin Rd. (Alvin took our program over four
years on a part time basis).
At the start of the second term, Eden Halili joined
our student body. Eden came to work in Singapore from
the Philippines as a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo, a
large and cult-like Philippine denomination. She came into
contact with the church at Lim Ah Pin, and studying there
came to realize that this denomination fell short of the Bi-
ble and that she had not really obeyed Gods plan for sal-
vation as laid down in the word. After putting on Christ in
baptism, she decided to give up her job and commit two
years to studying the Bible. We think its commendable
that she both saw the need to obey the gospel and the
need to mature in Christ.
The second term was a lot like the first in that
medical complications continued to cast a shadow over
the schools operations. The term began with both Eddy
Ee and Charles Coats (an online instructor) on the roster
to teach four classes between them. Eddy had been expe-
riencing a variety of medical problems, and it was decided
about halfway through that he would need a leave of ab-
sence to get his health right. Thankfully, as of this writing
he is back up and running again.
Sadly, the story is not the same with our dear
brother Charles Coats. Charles had been hospitalized and
had to step down during the first term, but had hopes of
coming back on. However, very early on in the term we
learned what had caused the first hospitalizationCharles
had mesothelioma and would have to step down. Charles
lost his battle with this dreadful disease in August and
went on to be with the Lord. While I did not know brother
Coats as well as did my wife who had the privilege of stud-
ying under him (see p. 4), I know him well enough to say
that he was a great soldier of the cross and that he will be
sorely missed.
All of this once again meant more work for the
schools full time workers, brother Peter Chin and me. We
were greatly helped by Phillip Vanwinkle, a missionary in
Malaysia, who agreed to take one of Charles classes and
the two that brother Ee had to step down from.
May-August Report
I FINALLY got around to giving out the completion certificates to
those who took the Four Seas Extension Course last year. Note:
Not everyone was present for the presentation (no pun intended).
Chantelle made a little friend at Subang Jaya, Malaysia. It never ceas-
es to amaze us how tiny and adorable Asian kids are.
Not only did we have more work at school, but this
year we once again ran our Four Seas Extension program.
While we decided to divide up the workload this year (last
year I taught at Jurong and Lim Ah Pin Rd; this year I took
Jurong while Peter took Lim Ah Pin Rd.), it was still a chal-
lenge preparing to teach yet another new class for me.
The subject for this years extension course was, How We
Got the Bible, and at Jurong we had 24 people enroll to
take the course for credit. It was my first time teaching this
subject and was definitely a challenge, but I benefited from
teaching these classes. I divided up the course into four
segmentsInspiration, Canonicity (how our 66 books
came to be acknowledged as the Bible), Transmission
(how the books were passed down to us), and Translation
(how the Bible found its way into English and a review of
the English translations).
The term got even more complicated and difficult
when our family suffered the loss of my grandmother,
Shirley Hinds. While my grandma was not a young woman
at 82 years of age, it was still quite a shock as she died
due to an adverse reaction from her medication. After hav-
ing missed my grandfathers funeral and having regretted
it, I decided to come back and be there for my Mom and
family. It ended up being a good thing that I did, as I end-
ed up conducting the funeral. It was a very strange feeling
for me, as it was both my first time conducting a funeral
and a family members funeral. Its at times like these that
you really appreciate having gone to preaching school,
and having received training relative to funeralsthe train-
ing more or less kicked in and things went fairly smoothly.
After less than a week in the US, I came back to
Singapore and to a heavier workload as I had to make up
the classes I missed. What a term! With the help of God
though, we made it through.
Our Work Outside of Four Seas
Needless to say, our plans for 2014 were made in
happier, less busy times. Little did we know how the year
was going to unfold! As a consequence, we had a very
busy schedule outside of Four Seas to accompany our
very busy schedule at Four Seas.
In May, we made two trips to Malaysia. On May 9-
11, we went to Subang Jaya. I was scheduled to preach
for them on Friday and Sunday night, but due to a major
flight delay we arrived at the congregation just in time to
catch the end of the lesson of the brother who had to take
my place (!). As it stood, Chantelle was able to hold a la-
dies day honoring mothers (it was mothers day weekend)
and I was able to preach twice on Sunday.
The following weekend, we went to Johor Bahru,
where I taught on Friday and Sunday and Chantelle taught
the ladies on Saturday. My workload for Sunday was a bit
greater this time, as JB has started a Sunday evening Bi-
ble school hour and also a worship hour. For those of you
not aware, the churches over here almost always opt for
having one longer Sunday morning service than having
two services as is prevalent in the USA. In fact, Johor
Bahru is the only congregation I know of that has two ser-
vices for the same groupother congregations have an
afternoon or evening service, but usually for those who
speak a language other than English.
While I would like to say that the additional Bible
class and worship hours were for the sake of additional
periods of edification, the fact is that they were started
because the Malaysian state of Johor has made Sunday a
working day in order to make Friday, the worship day of
Muslims, a day off. This means that all of those in public
school or who work in government jobs are expected to
work on Sunday.
It is incredibly unfortunate that the habit of many
American Christians has influenced the way the congrega-
tion here has set up these two services. Members at JB
have been instructed to basically pick one like they do in
America. Of course, faithful Christians in America do not
pick one, but instead make every effort to attend every
service of the church. However, the actual practice of may
in the church in America concerning Sunday night is what
has influenced these brethren. Though we were happy to
help out for both services (meaning four lessons on Sun-
day for me), we relayed our fears to some of the leaders at
JB that this policy was going to create in effect two con-
gregations, which fears some of them shared. Please
keep this situation in your prayers, and remember to pray
that the government of the state of Johor, Malaysia will
restore Sunday as a day off.
In June, we were away from our home congrega-
tion teaching on two Sundays. On June 15, we headed
across town and I was able to preach at the congregation
at Lim Ah Pin Rd. The following weekend, we travelled to
Section 17, Malaysia, where I held a weekend seminar on
dating and marriage from the Song of Solomon (by the
way, these lessons were based on the lessons I originally
delivered at Jurong; they are available on YouTube if you
are interested). The seminar spanned Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday, and was very well attended by both brethren
from Section 17, visitors, and brethren from area congre-
gations. The building was absolutely packed on Sunday
May-August Report (continued)
Above, the completers of last years Four Extension Course from
Lim Ah Pin Rd. The group from LAP was smaller, but to be fair
there were also two missing from this photo.
And Individuals
That Made Our
Work Possible By
Contributing This
morning, which was very encouraging.
In July, we headed back to Malaysia to do a weekend meeting at Kuala Lumpur.
The meeting was only two days, with sessions on Saturday evening and Sunday after-
noon in addition to Sunday morning worship and Bible School, but it was great to catch
up with the brethren there. For the Sunday afternoon session, the men and the women
split up and
As some of you know due to our email or Facebook updates, in August we took
the first leg of our reporting trip. Due to space, Ill limit the account of this time to a list of
the congregations where I was able to speak or report on the work: Tompkinsville church
of Christ, Mt. Gilead church of Christ, Central church of Christ (Bedford, IN), Gonzales
church of Christ, De Gaulle Dr. church of Christ, Leonard St. church of Christ, St. An-
drews Rd. church of Christ, Newport church of Christ, Central church of Christ
(Cleveland, TN), Sequatchie Valley church of Christ, Morrison church of Christ, Benton
Harbor church of Christ, and Webberville church of Christ. Whew! A special thanks to
Ken and Barbara McAfee, George and Joy Jenson, Jim and Jennifer Murrell, Mike and
Gwynne Krieger, Randy and Inez Garland, Brooke and Wes Garland, and Doris Blythe
for their generosity and hospitality, as well as the many others who helped us along.
Ill say a few more things in parting. As far as our personal Bible studies are con-
cerned, we did have some more studies with Charlene during this time, but then she
went on a long holiday and before we could meet again we went to the states. All this
time away has cooled her off, and she now reports that shes too busy with work. We
havent had any success either with Tammy and Chee Hoe since their baby was born, as
Tammys been suffering from postpartum depression. During this time, we also were vis-
ited by my father and sister in law, Chris and Brittany Herd respectively. Brittany stayed
with us for about two months. Of course, theres certainly more that could be said about
this period, but well leave it there! Thanks for your interest and support. We love you
very much! -Patrick
Overseen by the Leonard St. church of Christ
2730 West Leonard St.
Pensacola, FL 32505

Antioch church of Christ
Avondale church of Christ
Benjamin Bruce
Benton Harbor church of
Betty Wedgeworth
Bobby & Sue Redd
Brookway church of Christ
Central church of Christ -
Central church of Christ -
Central North church of
church of Christ at Tomp-
Conyers church of Christ
David & Sue Riley
Dennis & Brenda Woods
Forest Park church of
George & Joy Jensen
Gwen Glenn
Gonzales church of Christ
Highway 9 church of Christ
James & Rosalinda
Jim & Jennifer Murrell
John & Margaret Welton
Kara & Sheri McAfee
Ken & Barbara McAfee
Larry & Joyce Speight
Lisa Deems
Morrison church of Christ
Mt. Gilead church of Christ
Nesbit church of Christ
Newport church of Christ
North Cobb church of
Sequatchie Valley church
of Christ
St. Andrews Rd. church of
Scot McAfee
Teresa Harrell
May-August Report (continued)

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