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Mathematics Education for the mathematical and physical

sciences (ME4MPS)
week 2
Mathematical tasks for learning
Outline of todays session
What do we mean by mathematical task?
In what sense are mathematical tasks related to
mathematical learning?
What are the connections between mathematical
tasks, mathematical knowledge, and
mathematical thinking?
Reading and next weeks formative assignment.
Consider two different Tasks
Take a moment to consider the task; What is it asking you to do? What is the
mathematical content?
Lamon, S.J., 2006. Teaching Fractions and Ratios for Understanding: Essential Content Knowledge and
Instructional Strategies for Teachers, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Consider two different Tasks
Take a moment to consider the task; What is it asking you to do? What is the
mathematical content?
Mason, J., Burton, L. & Stacey, K., 2010. Thinking Mathematically 2nd ed., Prentice Hall.
Plya on Tasks
`Thus, a teacher of mathematics has a great opportunity. If he
fills his allotted time with drilling his students in routine
operations he kills their interest, hampers their intellectual
development, and mis-uses his opportunity. But if he challenges
the curiosity of his students by setting them problems
proportionate to their knowledge, and helps them to solve their
problems with stimulating questions, he may give them a taste
for, and some means of, independent thinking.
(Plya 1957, pp v)
Plya, G., 1957. How to Solve it: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method, Doubleday.
Rich Tasks?
In essence, rich tasks encourage children to think
creatively, work logically, communicate ideas,
synthesise their results, analyse different
viewpoints, look for commonalities and evaluate
(From Jennifer Piggott at
A broad view of Tasks
Anything that a teacher uses to demonstrate
mathematics, to pursue interactively with
students, or to ask students to do something.
(Margolinas 2013, pp 11-12)
Tasks are the mediating tools for teaching and
learning mathematics and the central issues are
how tasks relate to teaching and learning
Purposes of Tasks
The purpose of a task is to initiate
mathematically fruitful activity that leads to a
transformation in what learners are sensitised to
notice and competent to carry out.
The purposes, intentions and expectations of
authors, teachers and learners with regards to
tasks is not always aligned. What obstacles for
learning mathematics might this create? What is
made explicit and what is left implicit?
Try this task:
What kind of Example?
Example Type?
a=2, b=8
a=-3, b=10
a=4, b=-11
a=-6, b=-5
a=-1/2, b=3/4
a=1/3, b=7
a=2/5, b=-4/6
1) In relation to the statement determine what type of example
each set of values for a & b is.
2) Construct two more examples related to the statement, decide if
the statement is true or false and justify your conclusion;
Statement: The product of any two numbers a and b, for which the sum is
positive, is positive also.
Try this task:
Sometimes, Always, Never?
Determine whether each statement is sometimes true; always true; or never
true, and justify your answer.
1) Every three numbers a, b, c satisfy the equation: a/(b+c)=a/b +c
2) The (positive) difference between the squares of two consecutive natural
numbers is equal to their sum.
3) Every two numbers n, m satisfy the equation: 1/m + 1/n = 1/(n+m)
4) There exist four numbers a, b, c, d that satisfy: (a+c)/(b+d)= a/b + c/d
5) There exists a number a not= 1 that satisfies the equation: a + (1+(1/a-
6) There exist three distinct positive integers a, b, c that satisfy:
A framework examining Examples
Discuss the Issues
How could a framework like this be used to develop a set of
questions that serve important diagnostic functions?
How else could ideas like this inform task design and use?
How do these sorts of considerations relate to potential
student learning?
Dimensions of Variation
Some teachers can make any task interesting
and engaging to many students, even if at first
it seems rather dry. Have you had this
Dimensions of variation is one way to think
about how tasks can be adapted and used to
engage students in a variety of ways.
Dimensions of Variation
Some teachers can make any task interesting
and engaging to many students, even if at first
it seems rather dry. Have you had this
Dimensions of variation is one way to think
about how tasks can be adapted and used to
engage students in a variety of ways.
Dimensions of Variation
What can be changed in a task? What effect
does this have on the possible learning
What aspects of a task are general/fixed?
What aspects of a task are particular and can
be changed?
What is the relationship between systematic
variation of tasks and generalisation in
mathematics learning?
Dimensions of Variation:
Different ways of presenting arithmagons:
Doing and undoing calculations:
Dimensions of Variation:
Different ways of presenting arithmagons:
Start with a hard or complex version
Dimensions of Variation:
Different ways of presenting arithmagons:
Compare and contrast: What is the same and
Dimensions of Variation:
Other ways of presenting arithmagons:
Starting from a non-school context;
Starting with the general or the particular;
Mental imagery: Imagine a triangle. At each
Generating examples and then asking about what
students notice;
Dimensions of Variation:
Who is active: the teacher, one or two learners,
the whole class?
How much do learners sue their initiative?
Does a task start with a simple version, a complex
version or a generalisation?
Do learners work individually or in groups?
What examples does the teacher use?
Further Considerations regarding Task
design and use
Mathematical Content Dimension: e.g. Number
and Operations; Algebra; Geometry; Data analysis
and probability; Measurement; etc.
Mathematical Process Dimension: e.g. Modelling
and Formulating; Transforming and Manipulating;
Inferring and Drawing Conclusions; Checking and
Evaluating; Reporting; problem solving, reasoning
and proof, representation, connections and
Further Considerations regarding Task
design and use
Task Type Dimensions: e.g. design; plan;
evaluation and recommendation; review and
critique; non-routine problem; open
investigation; re-presentation of information;
practical estimation; definition of concept;
technical exercise.
Other dimensions? Other consdirations?
Pyramids of Pennies
Unpacking the knowledge:
Consider the three tasks so far in this lesson; discuss with
your partner:
What were you doing in the task?
How were the tasks the same and/or different?
In what way could engaging with these tasks be an
opportunity for learning (for you and/or others)?
What are the implications for the design and use of
tasks in mathematics education?
for next week
read the handout: Skemp (1976).
Formative assignment
1. Find something in the article about which you agree
with Skemp
explain what Skemps point is and why you agree.
2. Find something in the article about which you
disagree with Skemp
ditto (i.e. explain his point and say why you disagree).
Write about 500 words in total.
Hand in next Monday 14
Margolinas, C., (2013). Task Design in
Mathematics Education. Proceedings of ICMI
Study 22
Mason, J., & Johnston-Wilder, S. (2006).
Designing and using mathematical tasks.
Tarquin Pubns.

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