Beyoncé PR Plan

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Beyonc PR Plan

Eiin Cangiano

The goal of Beyonc's PR plan is to maintain hei ieputation as the global "Queen of
pop" while sustaining hei intimate ielationship with the fans.

The plan's objectives incluue: to fuithei gain the tiust of Beyonc's fans as she
ueliveis consistent musical aitistiy anu paiticipates in outsiue business enuoisements, to
maintain hei ielatable "uown to eaith" authentic peisona outsiue of stage life, anu to
upholu hei cuiient ieputation as a quality peifoimei, successful businesswoman, anu
uevoteu wife anu mothei.

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Beyonc's auuience consists piimaiily of females all ovei the woilu anu of all ages.
Since this auuience is so bioau, it is easiei to uiviue it up into two age gioups16 to 28
yeai olus anu 29 to 4S yeai olus. The fiist gioup is moie apt to check social meuia on a
iegulai basis anu, theiefoie, stays up-to-uate in seeing hei uaily posts. They aie moie
infoimeu of pop cultuie, can ielate to hei lyiics, anu aie aviu conceitgoeis. The seconu
gioup, on the othei hanu, ielates moie to hei peisonal life as a wife anu mothei. While they
may not be up to uate on all the iealms of social meuia, they see hei on Tv oi heai hei on
the iauio. Both gioups ueiive fiom the uiffeient socioeconomic classes. By knowing who
hei auuience is anu what they aie looking foi, Beyonc positions heiself to be successful by
being wheie they aie anu giving them what they aie looking foi.

In teims of social meuia, Beyonc piominently uses Instagiam anu two blogs
Tumbli anu the Beyhive. While hei Twittei anu Facebook accounts aie iun by
management anu lack peisonalization, the Instagiam anu blogs aie completely mouifieu by
Beyonc. The Beyhive is a membei-only fan club blog that consists of weekly posts of hei
favoiite films, songs, people, foou, places, chaiities anu fashion. She then shaies images anu
viueos of hei peisonal life on hei Tumbli anu Instagiam, often posting behinu-the-scenes
photos of hei family, fiienus, photo shoots, vacations, etc. The fans flock to these social
meuia platfoims to catch a glimpse of hei peisonal life, as visuals anu inteiactive hashtags
aie pait of hei peisona. The fans ultimately know eveiything fiom hei home life to hei
cuiient caieei moves anu they can't get enough.
Beyonc also cateis to hei auuience thiough exposuie with the Pepsi bianu. The
multi-billion uollai company tiusts hei to be theii bianu ambassauoi. She initially signeu a
$Su million uollai ueal with the bianu that incluues collaboiations with the company on
cieative piojects, like social meuia anu live eventseven incluuing the "Nis. Caitei" woilu
toui. Pepsi believes that Beyonc's bianu is stiong enough to make theii bianu stiongei.
Beyonc's main competition is Rihanna. By most measuies Beyonc, at age Su, is the
veteian of the paii, while 2S-yeai-olu Rihanna is still iegaiueu as a young upstait. While
both aitists aie polaiizing figuies in touay's music inuustiy, Rolling Stone aigues that
Beyonc's 16 uiammy wins speak moie to musical aitistiy than Rihanna's multiple singles.
She is involveu in wiiting anu piouucing not only hei songs, but hei live shows as well.
0nlike many of touay's pop singeis, Beyonc is an aitist who is in contiol of hei cieative
piocess, imaging, anu maiketingmaking uecisions in all aspects of hei caieei.

The stiategies that will be put foith in Beyonc's PR plan aie to manage hei key
messaging, publicity effoits anu execution of futuie album launches. To uo this, Beyonc
will maintain hei social meuia platfoims, continuing to feeu uesiieu content to hei fans. She
will continue to paitnei with Pepsi anu some smallei joint ventuies to inciease exposuie
anu cieuibility. In teims of potential futuie album ieleases, we will avoiu any pie-ielease
maiketing stiategies as we hau pieviously uone upon ieleasing "Beyonc." These types of
low-key ieleases put hei above the fiay anu iaisei hei peuestal. While iecently, Beyonc
has ieceiveu contioveisial flack fiom the meuia iegaiuing iisqu peifoimances aftei the
ielease of hei latest album, we will inciease hei exposuie with the chaiities she is involveu
with. She will make moie fiequent appeaiances at places like uonationsuiives, hospitals,
etc. to ieminu the public of hei uown-to-eaith, geneious peisona anu engiave that image
into theii minus.
A tactic we will put in place foi this PR plan is to have Beyonc heauline a benefit
conceit foi The Shiivei RepoitCentei foi Ameiican Piogiess since she has been an active
suppoitei of both causes all yeai. She wiote an essay, "uenuei Equality is a Nyth!"
iegaiuing the impoitance of genuei equality anu the empoweiment of women foi the
Shiivei Repoit's cuiient campaign, "A Woman's Nation Pushes Back Fiom The Biink," so
peifoiming on behalf of Ameiican women will give voice to the voiceless. This event will
also emphasize hei ueuication, allow hei to maintain an image of bigheaiteuness, anu help
spieau the woiu of women's empoweiment.
At the venue, conceitgoeis will be able to paiticipate in foou anu clothes uiives,

uonation tables, aitist meichanuise shops, Shiivei RepoitCentei foi Ameiican piogiess
meichanuise shops, a vIP meet-anu-gieet, anu sponsoieu activities (photo booths, contests,
etc.). Nost impoitantly, Su% of the ticket sales will be uonateu to the Centei foi Ameiican
Piogiess to help those women on the biink of poveity.
In the time leauing up to the event (scheuuleu foi Naich S, 2u14), we will highlight
Beyonc's ueuication to hei many chaiities anu goou ueeus on hei social meuia
platfoimspioviuing links to uonation pages, publicizing hei main accomplishments anu
outsiue meuia iecognition, etc. Bue to hei global populaiity anu massive amounts of
followeis, we will only neeu to utilize Facebook, Twittei, anu Instagiam. The hashtag,
#BEYu00B will be piesent on all platfoims so the meuia can view all of the buzz anu
speculation iegaiuing the event's piomotion.
In auuition to social meuia, Beyonc will appeai on uoou Noining Ameiica. Beie,
she will paiticipate in a segment as a iepiesentative of the campaign. uNA will play
behinu-the-scenes viueo footage iegaiuing the effoits being put into "A Woman's Nation
Pushes Back Fiom The Biink." She will also take pait in an inteiview anu pioviue the
vieweis with the necessaiy infoimation iegaiuing uonations anu #BEYu00B. To enu the
segment, she will peifoim hei new single wiitten specifically foi the campaign. This will be
the fiist time the song is exposeu to the public, so it will uiop on iTunes in the houis
following the peifoimance. The song will be establisheu as the campaign's anthem, so the
pioceeus of iTunes sales will be uonateu accoiuingly. Footage fiom the event will be useu
in a music viueo that will be ieleaseu two weeks latei to maintain meuia anu fan attiaction.

Media Contact List
300 SW 62
Miami, FL 33155

Media Advisory
Phone: 305-666-3078 12 P.M. EDT, March 12, 2014

Beyonc Knowles Visits Patients of Miami Childrens Hospital and
Presents Donation

WHAT: Beyonc Knowles will visit Miami Childrens Hospital to have personal meet-and-
greets with patients. She will make appearances in the visiting rooms of the hospitals
many sectors. After the meet-and-greets, Beyonc will present her donation to the
Miami Childrens Hospital Foundation, followed by a speech on the subject of youth
positivity and empowerment.

WHO: Beyonc Knowles, American recording artist and actress

WHEN: Saturday, March 15, 2014
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

WHERE: 300 SW 62
Miami, FL 33155

Miami Childrens Hospital Foundation helps ensure the health and happiness of children
everywhere by raising funds and awareness for Miami Children's Hospital. MCH Foundation is
governed by a Board of Director comprised of community, business and philanthropic leaders
who serve voluntarily and without compensation. The Board and Foundation leadership are
deeply committed to ensuring your donations are used in a fiscally prudent manner to benefit the
children cared for by Miami Childrens Hospital.

- END -
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1384 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
(212) 302-0832

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Contact: Erin Cangiano
Phone: (781) 935-8191
(Time) 9 A.M. EDT, March 3, 2014

Beyonc Promotes Girl Power at Benefit Concert

Editorial note: Interviews regarding Beyoncs charity involvement may be scheduled. Photo opportunities are permitted during
performance segment. Call (212) 302-0387 to facilitate media requests.

WASHINGTON DC, March 3, 2014 Beyonc Knowles has teamed up with The Shriver Report and Center
for American Progress latest campaign, A Womans Nation Pushes Back from the Brink, to headline a
benefit concert to strengthen the voices of struggling women in a country traditionally narrated by men. The
concert will be held at 7 P.M. EDT at the Verizon Center.

We need to stop buying into the myth about gender equality. It isnt a reality yet, said Beyonc. Men have to
demand that their wives, daughters, mothers and sisters earn morecommensurate with their qualifications and
not their gender. We have a lot of work to do, but we can get there if we work together.

Beyonc will perform a set list of fifteen songs. Tickets are available for purchase at the venues box office or
through Live Nation; 30% of the ticket sales will be donated to the Center for American Progress to help those
women on the brink of poverty.

The following activities will also be available:
Food and clothes drive
Donation tables
Artist merchandise
The Shriver Report/ Center for American Progress merchandise
VIP meet-and-greet
Sponsored activities (photo booths, contests, etc.)

Humanity requires both men and women, and we are equally important and need one another, said Maria
Shriver, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of The Shriver Report. What better way to raise awareness for this issue than
coming together with one of the worlds most powerful womenBeyonc?

About Parkwood Entertainment
Parkwood Entertainment was founded in 2008 by American singer, actress, producer, and director, Beyonc
Knowles. With headquarters in New York City, the company serves as an umbrella for the global entertainers
various brands in music, movies, videos and fashion.

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