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Position Description:

Youth Community Interviewers

(Phase 2 Research)
The Environics Institute, in partnership with Ryerson Universitys Diversity Institute, the
United Way of Greater Toronto and the YMC of Greater Toronto, is underta!in" a "round#
$rea!in" research study focusin" on the %&ac! co''unity in the Greater Toronto rea( The
purpose of the %&ac! E)perience *ro+ect ,%E*- is to $etter understand this co''unity
throu"h e)p&orin" the &ived e)periences of individua&s within this co''unity, and the
factors &eadin" to success or fai&ure( The resu&ts are intended to provide va&ua$&e insi"ht
and direction in identifyin" po&icies and other initiatives that wi&& contri$ute to the hea&th
and vi$rancy of the %&ac! co''unity, as we&& as the entire GT co''unity and $eyond( .or
'ore infor'ation see www(environicsinstitute(or"/$ep#"ta
The %E* is now hirin" to 0&& the position,s- of Co''unity Interviewers ,*hase 1 Research-
to conduct the 0e&dwor! for the *hase 1 survey( The research wi&& consist of in#depth in#
person interviews with a representative sa'p&e of 1,222 individua&s &ivin" within the GT
who se&f#identify as %&ac!( The Co''unity Interviewers wi&& $e recruited fro' the %&ac!
co''unity and supervised $y the Re"iona& Tea' 3eaders and *ro+ect Mana"er(
o ttend a&& re&evant trainin" sessions
o Conduct in#depth interviews with individua&s who se&f#identify as %&ac! in di4erent
&ocations across the GT
o Record the detai&ed infor'ation "arnered fro' the interview
o Report to the Re"iona& Tea' 3ead and *ro+ect Mana"er as re5uired
o 3ive in the GT 6 Must $e 78 years of a"e or o&der
o Must 'eet Youth E'p&oy'ent .und e&i"i$i&ity criteria( .or 'ore infor'ation see9
o Interest in co''unity en"a"e'ent
o ;tron" interpersona& and co''unication s!i&&s
o ;tron" a$i&ity to $ui&d a rapport with others
o E)ce&&ent or"ani<ation s!i&&s
Remuneration and Commitment
o =cto$er 1>
127? start date@ $etween 7A#11 wee!s ,'ay $e e)tended dependin"
pro+ect needs-
o Mini'u' of 1B hours per wee!
o C7B per hour
Interested candidates are as!ed to su$'it a resu'e and coverin" &etter out&inin" how they
'eet the a$ove criteria( Dead&ine9 =ct( 1Ath, 127?
T D E E E F I R = E I C ; I E ; T I T U T E GG %3==R ;TREET E;T, ;UITE 822 TE39
T=R=ET=, =ETRI= .I9
For more information: Desmond iller
*ro+ect Coordinator
%&ac! E)perience *ro+ect # GT
*3E;E E= *D=EE C33;
T D E E E F I R = E I C ; I E ; T I T U T E GG %3==R ;TREET E;T, ;UITE 822 TE39
T=R=ET=, =ETRI= .I9

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