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The Importance of Missionary Work

Hello Brothers and Sisters. Is it just me or starting out a talk is usually

the most difcult and awkward part of a talk? I usually just have to ramble on
until everyone forgets Im up here and that I never had a legitimate
introduction to my talk. But maybe Ill try and switch things up and just start
o! telling you a little bit about me.
Elder Morillas:
" Born in #eru
" $ntil %%
" &aised 'atholic
" &aised in (lorida
" (amily took missionary discussions
" (amily decided to move to $)
" *oved to $)
" +ent to highschool
" Id never join the church
" $ntil I met a special someone
" ,oined the church
" -ance *ajor $.$
" /wesome ,ob
" Id never go on a mission
" 0h1 ,ust 2idding...
" +hy I decided to serve a *ission
" 'alled to the $tah1 St.3eorge *ission.
Why its so important:
We have the fullness of the gospel through the Restoration.
)here are many blessings brought about by the restoration. /mong them1
there are four that make it crucial for us to share the 3ospel.
1) ame e!act church "esus #hrist set up.
John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me."
If this is truly the 'hurch of ,esus 'hrist1 what better way is there to return to
Heavenly (ather.
$) %ook of Mormon
1 Nephi 13:40 "And the angel spake unto me, these last records which thou
has seen among the gentiles, shall establish the truth of the frst which are of
the 1 apostles of the lamb. And shall make known the plain and precious
things which ha!e been taken away from them. And shall make known to all
kindreds, tongues and people that the lamb of god is the son of the eternal
father and the sa!ior of the world and that all man must come unto him or
they cannot be sa!ed."
'lears up confussion1 doubts1 and false teachings.
&) 'rophets
Ephesians 4:12-14 4)ells us some of the blessings that come from having a
12 For the perfecting of the saints...
13 "ill we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the #on
of $od...
14 "hat we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried
about with e!ery wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning
craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to decei!e%
#rophets help guide us in a world of changing values. By becoming more like
christ1 allows us to become more uni6ed1 by growing a stronger testimony of
our savior and by helping us recogni7e the truth.
() Temples
)hrough temples1 we can perform ordinances like sealings and baptisms for
the dead.
"esus #hrist asked us to do this:
Im grateful for what ,esus 'hrist did for us. He broke down every barrier that
stood in our way1 in order for us to return to heavenly father. /nd thats
something Im eternally grateful for. /nd one of the things he asked in return1
which we learn in *attew is8
Matthew 28:19 "$o ye therefore, and teach all nations, bapti&ing them in
the name of the Father, and of the #on, and of the 'oly $host."
)eneral #onference talk *y Elder %allard in +pril of $,,&
Matthew 28:20 ("eaching them to obser!e all things whatsoe!er I ha!e
commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, e!en unto the end of the
A more intimate !ersion of the same message is recorded in the $ospel of
*ohn. +n the shore of the #ea of $alilee, *esus asked ,eter three times,
(-o!est thou me.) /ach time ,eter0s reply was the same: ("hou knowest that
I lo!e thee.) And each time the #a!ior instructed ,eter: (Feed my lambs. 1
Feed my sheep. 1 Feed my sheep) (John 21:1517).
"he #a!ior0s impassioned charge to (feed 2'is3 sheep) continues in force
today. -ike ,eter and his brethren of old, the Apostles of the -ord *esus 4hrist
today ha!e the charge to take the gospel to all the world. "his charge is
seldom far from our minds. /!ery $eneral Authority has the responsibility to
be a missionary.
5ut the #a!ior was not 6ust talking to the Apostles. 'e was also talking to
e!ery person who has been blessed to hear the gospel and is a member of
'is 4hurch. In re!elation to the ,rophet *oseph #mith, the -ord puts it in !ery
simple terms: (It becometh e!ery man who hath been warned to warn his
neighbor) (!" 88:81).
Through the scriptures and apostles- .e come to learn ho.
important missionary .ork is.
Mem*ers are /ey
,resident $ordon 5. 'inckley said, (It will be a great day when our people not
only pray for the missionaries throughout the world, but ask the -ord to help
them to assist the missionaries who are laboring in their own ward)
" )racting isnt e!ective
" (riendships
Moses 1:39 it says "For behold, this is my work and my glory. "o bring to
pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
#$% p$%pose as &issiona%ies is to "In!ite others to come unto 4hrist, by
helping them recei!e the 7estored $ospel through faith in *esus 4hrist and
his Atonement, repentance, baptism, recei!ing the gift of the 'oly $host and
enduring to the end."
'he (o$%th a%ti)*e o( (aith states that ""he frst principles and ordinances
of the gospel are frst faith in the -ord *esus 4hrist, second repentance, third
baptism by immersion, for the remission of sins, fourth laying on of hands for
the gift of the holy ghost."
+e know without the 6rst principles and ordinances of the gospel1 we cannot
receive eternal life1 therefore when we are doing missionary work1 our
purposed is directly aligned with 3ods purpose. /nd that is why we receive
so much joy from doing missionary work. /nd that is also why1 theres nothing
better we could possibly be doing.
+%esi,ent -eo%.e /. "annon said ""here is not one of us that he has not
desired to sa!e and that he has not de!ised a means to sa!e"
In addition to that 9uote...
E*,e% 0a**a%, said ""he lord is the good shepherd, he knows his sheep, and
his sheep know his !oice. And today, the !oice of the good shepherd, is your
!oice and my !oice"
(rom these two 9uotes we learn that most times1 we are the means that
#resident 3eorge :. 'annon was talking about. /nd through us the lord1 is
making plans to save each one of his children.
Elder %allard said "If we are not engaged, many who would hear the
message of the 7estoration, will be passed by, simply stated, its a matter of
faith and action on our part"
Brothers and Sisters1 we cant sit idle while all these people are being
prepared. Its up to us to bring them unto 'hrist.
)hrough the /tonement1 anyone can change their lifes around. +e shouldnt
be so 9uick to judge on whos prepared to receive the 3ospel of ,esus 'hrist.
+%esi,en1 E1%in. said ""he sa!ior paid the price of all sins, no matter how
If we dont give people the opportunity to learn about and use the /tonement
in their lives1 the saviors sacri6ce was in vain.
In addition to serving1 it bene6t us as well.
+%esi,ent E1%in. said8 "8hile ser!ing others we are most likely to pleed for
the companionship of the holy ghost."
+hen we serve others1 we strive to be worthy of the companionship of the
holy ghost nd Heavenly (ather is able to guide us more. +hen we are in the
service of others1 especially when doing missionary work we tend to be
happier and this is because there is no greater work that we can be doing.
Brothers and Sister1 we can all be a part of missionary work1 and we are all
instruments in the hand of god to deliver this powerful message to the people
around us. I know member missionary work can be scary. +e might not feel
prepared1 or can be worried about o!ending a friend or losing a friendship1
but an invitation with true love behind it cannot be misunderstood. +e know
the truthness of this gospel1 and the blessings that come from it1 and its up to
us to share that.
Mo%oni 8:16 "For perfect lo!e casteth out all fears"
I love this scripture1 and its one I hold close to my heart. I want to bring
people unto 'hrist. /nd the best way to reach out and make those invitations
is with love.
/lthough theres ;<1<<<= missionaries1 in over ><? missions1 we need your
help. +e are ready to work1 and with your help1 we can help our brothers and
sisters come unto 'hrist.
1 +ete% 3:15 "be ready always to gi!e an answer to e!ery man that asketh
you a reason of the hope that is in you"
" )estimony on missionary work

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