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Petition by Kurt Hanna )

Of Cannabis From Schedule I ) OF RULE MAKING
Of Minnesotas Controlled ) OR ACTION
Substance ct )
Minnesota !oard of Pharmacy
"#"$ %niversity venue S&' Suite ()*
Minnea+olis' M, ((-.-/)"(.
Cannabis does not eet t!e stat"to#$ #e%"i#eent o& a S'!ed"(e I s"bstan'e "nde# Minnesota
Minnesota state la0 re1uires that 2mari3uana4 5a slan6 0ord for the cannabis +lant' hereafter 2cannabis4)'
2tetrahydrocannabinols 57HC) naturally contained in a +lant of the 6enus Cannabis4 and naturally
occurrin6 cannabidiol 5C!8) be s+ecifically e9em+ted from the list of substances classified as a Schedule
I substances in both Minnesota Statutes and Rules: Cannabis and 7HC are both currently classified as
Schedule I substances in M, Statute ; .(":*" Subd: " 5h)5.) and M, Statute ; .(":*" Subd: " 5h)5") of
the Minnesota version of the %niform Controlled Substances ct 52%CS4)' see Minn: Stat: Cha+ter .("'
and in Minnesota Rules ; <#**:-".* 5C)5.=) and ; <#**:-".* 5C)5"(): 7he classification of +lants of the
6enus Cannabis and material naturally ori6inatin6 from them' includin6 tetrahydrocannabinol 57HC) and
cannabidiol 5C!8)' as a Schedule I controlled substances is unreasonable' irrational' arbitrary' and
0ithout rational relationshi+ to a +ermissible state ob3ective violatin6 the due +rocess and e1ual
+rotection mandates of the Minnesota and %nited States Constitution:
One state edi'a( (a* is t!e on($ e+iden'e needed as ,#oo& t!at t!is is t#"e) Last ,etition in'("ded
-. state (a*s as e+iden'e) T!is ,etition s!o*s /0 state (a*s in'("din1 MN and DC
7he Petitioner>s last +etition on this sub3ect +resented .( state la0s as evidence that cannabis has
2acce+ted medical use in treatment in the %nited States:4 In contrast' this +etition +resents Minnesota>s
o0n medical cannabis la0 and "" other state la0s allo0in6 com+rehensive medical cannabis use' in
addition to .. states allo0in6 the use of 2lo0 7HC' hi6h cannabidiol 5C!8)4 derivatives of cannabis as
the +roof that cannabis no0 has 2currently acce+ted medical use in treatment in the %nited States:4
T!e Boa#d !as a d"t$ to &i2 T!e P#ob(e and !as an$ et!ods *it! *!i'! it 'an do so)
7he !oard has the authority and duty to remove cannabis from Schedule I of the Minnesota Rules
because it no lon6er satisfies the mandatory criteria for inclusion in that Schedule: ,amely' cannabis no
lon6er satisfies the re1uirement that it?
.) has no currently acce+ted medical use in the %nited States
Minn: Stat: Sec: .(":*"5=)5.): 7his criteria must be satisfied for cannabis to remain in Schedule
I: 7he uncontroverted +ublic record evidence set forth herein demonstrates that they do not' and must be
removed from Schedule I:
t least ") States 0ithin the %:S: and the 8istrict of Columbia acce+t the safety of cannabis for
medical use:
In addition to these' eleven states have a++roved use of 2lo0 7HC' hi6h cannabidiol
5C!8)4 +roducts for medical reasons:
7his brin6s the total number of states allo0in6 medical use of
las@a Statutes ; .=:)= 5.$$#)A riBona Revised Statutes' 7itle )<' Cha+ter "#:.' ;; )</"#*. throu6h )</"#.$
5"*.*)A California Health C Safety Code ; ..)<":( 5.$$<)A Colorado Constitution rticle DEIII' Section .- 5"***)A
Connecticut Public ct ,o: ."/((' Connecticut Feneral Statutes' Cha+ter -"*f 5"*.")A 8ela0are Code' 7itle .<'
Cha+ter -$' ;; -$*. throu6h -$"< 5"*..)A Ha0aii Revised Statutes ; )"$/.". 5"***)A Illinois Public ct $#/
*."" 5"*.))A "" Maine Revised Statutes ; ")#)/! 5.$$$)A nnotated Code of Maryland Section .)G))*. throu6h
.)G))*) and .)G))*= throu6h .)G)).. 5"*.-)A Massachusetts Cha+ter )<$ of the cts of "*." 5"*.")A Michi6an
Com+iled Ha0s' Cha+ter )))' ;; ))):"<-". throu6h ))):"<-)* 5"**#)A Minnesota SF "-=* // Si6ned into la0 by
Fov: Mar@ 8ayton on May "$' "*.-' ++roved? !y Senate -</.<' by House #$/-*' &ffective? May )*' "*.-A
Montana Code nnotated ; (*/-</.*. 5"**-)A ,evada Constitution rticle - ; )# / ,evada Revised Statutes
nnotated ; -():*.* 5"***)A ,e0 Ham+shire Revised Statutes nnotated Cha+ter ."</I 5"*.))A ,e0 Jersey
Public Ha0s "**$' Cha+ter )*=' ,e0 Jersey Statutes' Cha+ter "-?<I' ;; "-?<./. throu6h "-?<I/.< 5"*.*)A ,e0
Me9ico Statutes nnotated ; )*/).C/. 5"**=)A Ore6on Revised Statutes ; -=(:)** 5.$$#)A Rhode Island Feneral
Ha0s ; "./"#:</. 5"**<)A .# Eermont Statutes nnotated ; --=. 5"**-)A Revised Code Iashin6ton 5RCI) ;
<$:(.:**( 5.$$#): 8:C: Ha0 .#/".*A 8:C: Official Code' 7itle =' Cha+ter .<!' ;; =/.<=.:*. throu6h =/.<=.:.)
labama' Senate !ill .=-' Si6ned into la0 by Fovernor Robert !entley 5+r: .' "*.-)A Florida' Senate !ill .*)*'
Si6ned into la0 by Fovernor Ric@ Scott 5June .<' "*.-)A Io0a' Senate File ")<*' Si6ned into la0 by Fovernor 7erry
!ranstad 5May )*' "*.-)A Kentuc@y' Senate !ill ."-' Si6ned into la0 by Fovernor Steve !eshear 5+r: .*' "*.-)A
Mississi++i' House !ill .").' Si6ned by Fov: Phil !ryant 5+r: .=' "*.-)A Missouri' House !ill "")#' Si6ned by
Fov: Jay ,i9on 5July .-' "*.-)A South Carolina' Senate !ill .*)(' 7he bill became la0 because Fovernor ,i@@i
some form of cannabis to )-' +lus the 8istrict of Columbia' 0hich is over t0o/thirds of the %nited States:
7he Petitioner re1uests that the !oard ta@e note that this number is si6nificantly hi6her than durin6 his
last +etition: 7he +ublic record of these various state la0s and re6ulations demonstrates that it can no
lon6er be said that cannabis lac@s acce+ted medical use in the %nited States or that such medical use lac@s
acce+ted safety for use conditions and +ractices 5as set forth in various state re6ulatory schemes):
Iithin the state of Minnesota' the !oard has the duty to delete or reschedule substances that no
lon6er meet the Minnesota statutory definition of Schedule I: Subdivision = of Minn: Stat: .(":*"
mandates that the !oard 2shall4 ma@e the schedulin6 classifications accordin6 to the He6islatures
criteria: 7he He6islatures use of the 0ord 2shall4 eliminates the !oards discretion to act contrary to the
statutory definitions' and mandates that the !oard schedule substances consistent 0ith the le6islative
directive as set forth in sub+arts . throu6h ( of Minn: Stat: .(":*"' Subdivision =:
3S"bd) 4)Boa#d o& P!a#a'$5 #e1"(ation o& s"bstan'es)
7he !oard of Pharmacy is authoriBed to re6ulate and define additional substances 0hich contain
1uantities of a substance +ossessin6 abuse +otential in accordance 0ith the follo0in6 criteria?
5.) 7he !oard of Pharmacy s!a(( +lace a substance in Schedule I if it finds that the substance
has? hi6h +otential for abuse' no currently acce+ted medical use in the %nited States' and a lac@
of acce+ted safety for use under medical su+ervision:
5") 7he !oard of Pharmacy s!a(( +lace a substance in Schedule II if it finds that the
substance has? hi6h +otential for abuse' currently acce+ted medical use in the %nited States' or
currently acce+ted medical use 0ith severe restrictions' and that abuse may lead to severe
+sycholo6ical or +hysical de+endence:
5") 7he !oard of Pharmacy s!a(( +lace a substance in Schedule III if it finds that the
substance has? +otential for abuse less than the substances listed in Schedules I and II' currently
acce+ted medical use in treatment in the %nited States' and that abuse may lead to moderate or
lo0 +hysical de+endence or hi6h +sycholo6ical de+endence:
5)) 7he !oard of Pharmacy s!a(( +lace a substance in Schedule IE if it finds that the
substance has? lo0 +otential for abuse relative to the substances in Schedule III' currently
acce+ted medical use in treatment in the %nited States' and that abuse may lead to limited
+hysical de+endence or +sycholo6ical de+endence relative to the substances in Schedule III:
Haley did not si6n or veto the bill 0ithin five days of its +assa6e 5May "$' "*.-)A 7ennessee' Senate !ill "().'
Si6ned into la0 by Fov: !ill Haslam 5May .<' "*.-)A %tah' House !ill .*(' Si6ned into la0 by Fovernor Fary
Herbert 5Mar: ".' "*.-)A Iisconsin' ssembly !ill ="<' Si6ned by Fovernor Scott Ial@er 5+r: .<' "*.-):
5-) 7he !oard of Pharmacy s!a(( +lace a substance in Schedule E if it finds that the
substance has? lo0 +otential for abuse relative to the substances listed in Schedule IE' currently
acce+ted medical use in treatment in the %nited States' and limited +hysical de+endence andKor
+sycholo6ical de+endence liability relative to the substances listed in Schedule IE:4
LL&m+hasis added
I a &o#a(($ ,etitionin1 t!at t!e Boa#d En1a1e in R"(ea6in1 to &i2 t!e P#ob(e
Kurtis Hanna 5Petitioner) submits this Petition' +ursuant to M, Statutes ; .-:*$ 52ny +erson may
+etition an a6ency re1uestin6 the ado+tion' amendment' or re+eal of any rule:4) see@in6 the Minnesota
!oard of Pharmacy 5the 2!oard4) to en6a6e in the rule/ma@in6 +rocess to s+ecifically e9em+t +lants of
the 6enus Cannabis or material naturally ori6inatin6 from them' includin6 tetrahydrocannabinols 57HC)
and cannabidiol 5C!8)' from the list of substances classified as Schedule I in Minnesota Rules ;
<#**:-".* 5C): 7his Petition is su++orted by Petitioners Memorandum in Su++ort of Petition for Rule
Ma@in6 or ction' and the ffidavit of Kurt Hanna 0ith accom+anyin6 &9hibits' all submitted here0ith:
S"bd) 7)Add8 de(ete8 o# #es'!ed"(e s"bstan'es)
7he state !oard of Pharmacy may' by rule' add substances to or delete or reschedule substances
listed in this section: 7he !oard of Pharmacy may not delete or reschedule a dru6 that is in
Schedule I' e9ce+t as +rovided in subdivision .":
S"bd) -9)Coo#dination o& 'ont#o((ed s"bstan'e #e1"(ation *it! &ede#a( (a* and state stat"te)
If any substance is desi6nated' rescheduled' or deleted as a controlled substance under federal la0
and notice thereof is 6iven to the state !oard of Pharmacy' the state !oard of Pharmacy shall
similarly control the substance under this cha+ter' after the e9+iration of )* days from +ublication
in the Federal Re6ister of a final order desi6natin6 a substance as a controlled substance or
reschedulin6 or deletin6 a substance: Such order shall be filed 0ith the secretary of state: If
0ithin that )*/day +eriod' the state !oard of Pharmacy ob3ects to inclusion' reschedulin6' or
deletion' it shall +ublish the reasons for ob3ection and afford all interested +arties an o++ortunity
to be heard: t the conclusion of the hearin6' the state !oard of Pharmacy shall +ublish its
decision' 0hich shall be sub3ect to the +rovisions of cha+ter .-:
In e9ercisin6 the authority 6ranted by this cha+ter' the state !oard of Pharmacy shall be sub3ect to
the +rovisions of cha+ter .-:
7he state !oard of Pharmacy shall annually submit a re+ort to the le6islature on or before
8ecember . that s+ecifies 0hat chan6es the board made to the controlled substance schedules
maintained by the board in Minnesota Rules' +arts <#**:-".* to <#**:-"(*' in the +recedin6 ."
months: 7he re+ort must include s+ecific recommendations for amendin6 the controlled substance
schedules contained in subdivisions " to <' so that they conform 0ith the controlled substance
schedules maintained by the board in Minnesota Rules' +arts <#**:-".* to <#**:-"(*:
I a &o#a(($ ,etitionin1 t!at t!e Boa#d in'("de (an1"a1e in t!ei# t*o ",'oin1 end o& $ea#
#e,o#ts to t!e (e1is(at"#e t!at sa$s t!at t!e '"##ent R"(es a#e Obso(ete and #e%"est t!at t!e
(e1is(at"#e eit!e# &i2 T!e P#ob(e in t!e stat"tes o# 1i+e t!e Boa#d t!e abi(it$ to "se t!e e2,edited
#"(e '!an1e ,#o'ess to #eo+e t!e &#o t!e R"(es $o"#se(&)
Re,o#t -:
Petitioner also formally re1uests the !oard to recommend +ro+osed le6islation in their "*.- 2Re+ort to
the He6islature on Chan6es the !oard has Made to the Controlled Substance Schedules Maintained by the
!oard in Minnesota Rules4 in the follo0in6 form?
5h) Mari3uana' tetrahydrocannabinols' and s Synthetic cannabinoids: %nless s+ecifically
e9ce+ted or unless listed in another schedule' any natural or synthetic material' com+ound'
mi9ture' or +re+aration that contains any 1uantity of the follo0in6 substances' their analo6s'
isomers' esters' ethers' salts' and salts of isomers' esters' and ethers' 0henever the e9istence of the
isomers' esters' ethers' or salts is +ossible?
5.) mari3uanaAPlants of the 6enus Cannabis 5also @no0n by slan6 name 2mari3uana)' and material
naturally ori6inatin6 from them' includin6 tetrahydrocannabinols 57HC)' cannabidiol 5C!8)' is
s+ecifically e9ce+t because the +lant has a 2currently acce+ted medical use in the %nited States4A
5") tetrahydrocannabinols naturally contained in a +lant of the 6enus Cannabis' sSynthetic
e1uivalents of the substances contained in the cannabis +lant or in the resinous e9tractives of the
+lant' or synthetic substances 0ith similar chemical structure and +harmacolo6ical activity to
those substances contained in the +lant or resinous e9tract' includin6' but not limited to' . cis or
trans tetrahydrocannabinol' < cis or trans tetrahydrocannabinol' and )'- cis or trans
Re,o#t 9: Boa#d in'("de in t!ei# #e,o#t on obso(ete #"(es)))
Petitioner as@s that the !oard include in their annual re+ort to the 6overnor' the He6islative
Coordinatin6 Commission' the +olicy and fundin6 committees and divisions 0ith 3urisdiction over the
a6ency' and the revisor of statutes' the fact that +lants from the 6enus Cannabis and material naturally
ori6inatin6 from them can no lon6er be included in the list of substances that have been classified as
Schedule I substances in Minnesota Rules: Petitioner also as@s that the !oard develo+ a bill for
submission to the a++ro+riate +olicy committee to re+eal obsolete Rules ; <#**:-".* 5C)5.=) and ;
<#**:-".* 5C)5"(): Such a bill must include +ro+osed authoriBation to use the e9+edited +rocedures of
section .-:)#$ to amend the obsolete' unnecessary' or du+licative Rules ; <#**:-".* 5C)5.=) and ;
<#**:-".* 5C)5"() to s+ecifically e9clude 2the 6enus Cannabis and material naturally ori6inatin6 from
them' includin6 tetrahydrocannabinols 57HC) and cannabidiol 5C!8): 7he re+ort also must identify the
status of any rules identified in the +rior year>s re+ort as obsolete' unnecessary' or du+licative:
-0);. S"bd) .)Re+ie* and #e,ea( o& #"(es)
!y 8ecember . of each year' an a6ency must submit to the 6overnor' the He6islative
Coordinatin6 Commission' the +olicy and fundin6 committees and divisions 0ith 3urisdiction
over the a6ency' and the revisor of statutes' a list of any rules or +ortions of rules that are
obsolete' unnecessary' or du+licative of other state or federal statutes or rules: 7he list must also
include an e9+lanation of 0hy the rule or +ortion of the rule is obsolete' unnecessary' or
du+licative of other state or federal statutes or rules: !y 8ecember .' the a6ency must either
re+ort a timetable for re+eal of the rule or +ortion of the rule' or must develo+ a bill for
submission to the a++ro+riate +olicy committee to re+eal the obsolete' unnecessary' or du+licative
rule: Such a bill must include +ro+osed authoriBation to use the e9+edited +rocedures of section
.-:)#$ to re+eal or amend the obsolete' unnecessary' or du+licative rule: re+ort submitted under
this subdivision must be si6ned by the +erson in the a6ency 0ho is res+onsible for identifyin6 and
initiatin6 re+eal of obsolete rules: 7he re+ort also must identify the status of any rules identified
in the +rior year>s re+ort as obsolete' unnecessary' or du+licative: If none of an a6ency>s rules are
obsolete' unnecessary' or du+licative' an a6ency>s 8ecember . re+ort must state that conclusion:
I& t!e Boa#d de'ides not to en1a1e in t!e #"(e<a6in1 ,#o'ess8 ,etitione# &o#a(($ #e%"ests t!at t!e
Boa#d ,ass ",on t!e +a(idit$ o& Minnesota R"(es = >7;;)09-; ?C@?-4@ and = >7;;)09-; ?C@?9.@8
,"#s"ant to -0)008 be'a"se Petitione# a((e1es t!at t!e #"(es *o"(d t!en s"bse%"ent($ +io(ates
'onstit"tiona( ,#o+isions o& E%"a( P#ote'tion and D"e P#o'ess
Petitione# as6s t!at t!e Boa#d not s"b+e#t t!e Minnesota +e#sion o& t!e Cont#o((ed S"bstan'es A't
an$ &"#t!e# in #es,onse to t!is ,etition as it !as done ,#e+io"s($ a&te# obtainin1 $ ,ast ,etitions)
2!oard staff +rovides ob3ective' non+artisan technical assistance to le6islators and their staff and to the
Office of the ttorney Feneral: In addition' staff has been consulted by the Minnesota 8e+artments of
Health' Human Services' Corrections' Public Safety and Eeterans ffairs and by the Minnesota Pollution
Control 6ency on a variety of +harmacy or dru6/related issues:4 5+: .()
7his Petition is su++orted by Petitioners Memorandum in Su++ort of Petition for Rule Ma@in6 or
ction' 0ith accom+anyin6 documents' all submitted here0ith:
Res+ectfully submitted this .)th day of October' "*.-
Kurtis Hanna
Minnea+olis' M,

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