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Nice to meet you again..

In our last meeting/session, I posted an exercise to do and discuss. I found the discussion
running well and most of participants send their own work and actively participate in
discussion activity. Some argue each other, and agree and disagree to an opinion. Amaing
and I like it. !eep spirit and I will "e with you supporting some material to encourage you to
study and practice. I do hope you keep the spirit up to the end of this tutorial session.
A picture with two people in it, a man and a woman in a
room and also a script of online dialog under the picture
is our material at the last session.
#he script is very clear to descri"e the situation what happened with the man and the
Actually, too many things possi"ly to tell through the picture, such as how enthusiasm can
"e read from their face to make ac$uaintance each other. #hey imagine that they are far
apart and isolated "y islands and countries. %owever, all of things in their mind are very far
different to the real. #hey are in the same country. #he man said that he was in a caf& in
San 'rancisco to have holiday and the woman also said that she was in San 'rancisco.
#he initial story is (ust usual and nothing surprise if they are "oth accidently in a same
country. #he thing makes us surprise when we know that they are in the same room. #he
man said that I am in ..and also the woman mention the same place.
I think every"ody can imagine how they feel and their faces shown up when they know they
are in face to face. #here are (ust two flat, thin monitors as a partition "etween them. )e are
sure they change their dialogue style from computer to the face to face..
It was a version of a story a"out the picture. *ach of us must have own version. Some
students told the story through a dialogue, no pro"lem, excellent, and also some other
students in the form of narrative story, very good, no pro"lem.
Actually, the aim of this exercise is my method to o"serve you in preparing suita"le material
in the next session and up to the end.
I think it,s "etter learning "y doing. )e will learn grammar and some writing theories after
we practice. #he mistake we make, we will discuss it together and find solution.
#oday and tomorrow, please learn your modul unit -.
#his unit studies a"out descriptive, such as. how to descri"e people,s character and
appearance, write assumption a"out people and descri"e places.
#utorial activity in this week will "e sent in forum. #wo pictures with a person and also a
place will "e posted in forum and used as o"(ect of description.
/est )ishes

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