Minutes of The Education Interim Committee

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:30 p.m. Room 30 House Building

Members Present:
Sen. Stuart C. Reid, Senate Chair
Rep. Francis D. Gibson, House Chair
Sen. Patricia W. Jones
Sen. Howard A. Stephenson
Rep. Patrice M. Arent
Rep. Rebecca P. Edwards
Rep. Steve Eliason
Rep. Bradley G. Last
Rep. David E. Lifferth
Rep. Daniel McCay
Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
Rep. Jim Nielson
Rep. Val L. Peterson
Rep. Marie H. Poulson
Rep. Dean Sanpei
Rep. V. Lowry Snow
Rep. Keven J. Stratton
Members Absent:
Sen. Mark B. Madsen
Sen. Jerry W. Stevenson
Sen. Stephen H. Urquhart
Rep. Rich Cunningham
Rep. Gregory H. Hughes

Staff Present:
Ms. Constance C. Steffen, Policy Analyst
Ms. Tiffany A. Stanley, Policy Analyst
Ms. Angela Oakes Stallings, Associate General
Ms. Debra Hale, Legislative Secretary

Note: A list of others present, a copy of related materials, and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

1. Committee Business

Chair Gibson called the meeting to order at 2:42 p.m. Rep. Cunningham was excused from the meeting.

MOTION: Rep. Peterson moved to approve the minutes of the July 16, 2014, meeting. The motion
passed unanimously. Rep. Eliason was absent for the vote.

2. English Learner Students

Dr. Jose Enriquez, Coordinator, Title III and Special Programs, Utah State Office of Education, and
Ms. Ann White, Coordinator, Title I School and District Improvement, and Interim Director, Special and
Federal Programs, Utah State Office of Education, referred to a visual presentation, "Progress of English
Learners in Utah," as they reported on Utah's progress in serving students of limited English proficiency.

Pursuant to Title III of No Child Left Behind, Dr. Enriquez said, the office has established three
achievement objectives for English learners that must be met as a condition of receiving Title III funds.
Dr. Enriquez and Ms. White reported that over the past three years, all local education agencies exceeded
targets for the first two achievement objectives related to making progress in English language acquisition
and proficiency. However, they said, some local education agencies failed to meet the third achievement
objective related to English learners meeting adequate yearly progress in both language arts and math.

3. Report: Utah Futures Evaluation

Ms. Tami W. Pyfer, Education Advisor, Office of the Governor, referred to a visual presentation, "Report
on SB34," and handout of a memo, "Report on the progress of implementing SB34." She described how
Education Interim Committee
September 17, 2014
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2014 General Session S.B. 34, "Governance of the Utah Education and Workforce Alliance," established
an evaluation panel to review Utah Futures and determine whether any or all components of Utah Futures
should be outsourced to a private provider. Ms. Pyfer distributed "UtahFutures Survey Results," and
reviewed the recommendations of the Utah Futures evaluation panel, which include continuing the state's
investment in Utah Futures, revaluating the funding requirements, and partnering with stakeholders to
assure that Utah Futures 2.0 receives adequate resources and support to become a fully functional career
and college planning tool.

The following individuals also addressed the committee and discussed the successes, advantages,
security, and limitations of Utah Futures 2.0: Ms. Kimberley A. Bartel, Special Advisor, Department of
Workforce Services; Ms. Diane Pfeifer, Manager, Information Technology, Utah Department of
Technology Services; Ms. Dawn Stevenson, Coordinator, Dropout Prevention and Career Awareness,
Utah State Office of Education; Mr. David Olson, Utah Department of Technology Services; and Mr.
Stephen Rogers, Outreach Manager, Utah System of Higher Education.

4. Report: Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Pilot Program

Dr. Sydnee Dickson, Interim Deputy State Superintendent of Public Instruction, introduced the PAR Pilot
Program, which was created by 2012 General Session H.B. 115, "Peer Assistance and Review Pilot
Program," to appropriate money for school districts to pilot programs that utilize peer assistance and
review in evaluating certain teachers. Dr. Dickson referred to the required report, "PAR Pilot Program
Year Two Progress Report," and introduced two pilot program participants who were invited to provide
context to the report: Mr. Logan Hall, Human Resources, Salt Lake City School District, and PAR Pilot
Program Facilitator; and Ms. Pat Draper, Consulting Teacher, Salt Lake City School District.

Mr. Hall reported that the PAR Pilot Program has been implemented jointly by Salt Lake City School
District and the Salt Lake Teachers Association and discussed the positive cultural impact the partnership
has had on the district. He also shared the results of a satisfaction survey of PAR Pilot Program
participants, which were overwhelmingly positive. Ms. Draper reported on her activities mentoring and
consulting with novice and struggling veteran teachers.

5. Report: STEM Action Center

Dr. Tami Goetz, Executive Director, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Action Center
(STEM), presented the report, "STEM Action Center Annual Report to the Education Interim
Committee," and introduced members of the STEM Action Center in attendance: Dr. Jeffery R. Nelson,
Chair, STEM Action Center Board; Dr. H. Taylor Martin, Evaluator, STEM Action Center, Utah State
University; Dr. Sara Brasel, Evaluator, STEM Action Center, Utah State University; Ms. Chadley
Anderson, Supervisor, Elementary Math Department, Davis School District; and Ms. Megan Watson
Fairbourn, teacher, Syracuse Junior High School, Davis School District.

Dr. Nelson introduced a visual presentation, "Curiosity Unleashed STEM Action Center," by referring
to the mission statement and objectives of the center.

Dr. Goetz continued with the visual presentation by reviewing the funding appropriated to the STEM
Action Center by 2013 General Session H.B. 139, "Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Action Center," and 2014 General Session H.B. 150, "Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics Amendments."

Dr. Martin and Dr. Brasel discussed the evaluation efforts being undertaken by the STEM Action Center.
Education Interim Committee
September 17, 2014
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Ms. Anderson discussed her participation in a STEM Action Center professional development grant
program being administered in her district.

Ms. Fairbourn discussed her participation in a STEM Action Center pilot program that has allowed her to
use a web-based assessment system called ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) in
her math classroom. She explained that ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately
assess her students' math abilities.

6. Computer Programming for Public Education Students

Sen. Stephenson introduced the agenda item and described Globaloria, a company that teaches
professional computer science and engineering skills to public education students through computer
programming (also referred to as coding). He introduced Ms. Amber Oliver, Vice President, Partnerships
and Operations, Globaloria, who reviewed a visual presentation and a handout, "Globaloria Invent
Build Share," by explaining why coding is beneficial for students and for Utah's economy.

7. Other Statutorily Required Reports

Chair Gibson expressed appreciation for the submission of the required reports, which were included in
the meeting packet.

8. Other Items/Adjourn

MOTION: Rep. Edwards moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Sen. Stephenson, Rep. Arent, Rep. Eliason, Rep. Last, Rep. Nielson, Rep. Poulson, Rep. Sanpei,
Rep. Snow, and Rep. Stratton were absent for the vote.

Chair Gibson adjourned the meeting at 4:47 p.m.

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