Syllabus For Digital Citizenship

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Syllabus for Digital Citizenship

1 credit professional development

Nampa School District
Instructor Information

Lora Evanouski Dee Winegar
Phone (208)697-8413 (208)697-8384
Instructor E-Mail Response Time
I typically respond to e-mail daily Monday - Friday during the course. Exceptions to this rule
occur when there is a a holiday, NSD break, or during other unavoidable situations that
sometimes come up (e.g. MLK day, spring break, power failure, out of town presenting a paper,
etc.). If you send an e-mail during the week you should typically have a reply within 24 hours
unless it is late Friday or the weekend. I catch up on weekend e-mail on Mondays. If you haven't
received a reply to your e-mail within a reasonable period of time please send it again.
Course Description/Location
Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate behavior with regard to technology use (Bailey & Ribble,
This five week asynchronous professional development course is geared toward teachers and
school administrators. Each module will provide beneficial insight into the needs and
applications of Digital Citizenship. The goal of this course is to facilitate participants
understanding of local and global societal issues, advocate responsibilities in an evolving digital
culture, and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in professional practices (ISTE-T). An exploration
of the nine elements of Digital Citizenship (Ribble & Bailey, 2007) will provide structure to
course objectives.
The course is completely online through the learning management system Brainhoney/Buzz
(learning management system). Please see email your instructor for login information.
Course Goal
The participants will demonstrate an understanding of the proper use of technology, its impact on society, and
practice ethical, legal, and responsible use of technology to assure safety.
Course Objectives
Participants will be able to:
address the need for available technology and its accessibility inside and outside the school setting
understand safety issues
explore digital communication with students, parents, and colleagues
facilitate extended classroom learning by incorporating digital tools and resources
investigate and model rules of etiquette in regard to technology and information
explore and model healthy and safe practices for using digital tools
learn the importance of protecting personal privacy while using the Internet and other digital tools
become versed in the legal aspects of digital technology
engage in professional growth and leadership

ISTE Standards
This course is designed to follow the guidelines set forth by ISTE for teachers and administrators. These standards can
be located at
Required Technology
Access to the internet and computer
Ability to attach and open documents in PDF, Word, and other applications
Access to MS Word 2007 or higher
Ability to view presentations with audio and video (speakers are needed)
Course Materials
All course learning materials will be provided by instructor.
Course Expectations
The course is divided into five units presented over a five-week period. Each module will consist of readings, activities,
and online discussions. The time to complete each module will take between two to three hours. Units will be posted on
a weekly basis (weeks are considered from WednesdayTuesday for the purposes of this course), viewable through
Brainhoney/Buzz (learning management system). Each week contains an introduction, key terms, articles and video,
conclusion, an activity, a discussion room, an assessment, an activity and a lesson plan; each module deals with a
different element of digital citizenship. The course facilitator will provide comments and will assess participants
progress throughout the course. Participants are required to post a minimum of one post per discussion topic. Posts
should address discussion prompts and demonstrate significant content knowledge related to the readings and Live Chat
Below are guidelines for the Module readings, online discussions, and activities:
1. Readings: should be completed each week as posted on Brainhoney/Buzz. Readings are online websites that
may require some navigation.
2. Discussions: will be posted in response to facilitator prompts (provided under weekly assignments on
Brainhoney/Buzz. Responses should be well-written with correct sentence structure and punctuation and show
knowledge of weekly content and readings; justify responses by citing information from the required readings.
Post Requirements
A minimum of two postings per week is required.
The first post is a response to a facilitator prompt. Create a New Message for this post. In the subject
line, please include your name and the focus of the prompt (ex. Name-Digital Law).This post should
show significant content knowledge, be 100-200 words in length, and written at a professional level.
The second post is a reply to a colleagues post. Use the REPLY button to respond. Please remember to
show proper etiquette and respect for your colleagues in your responses. These posts should also reflect
course readings.
Consider choosing a specific day of the week to post (example: Friday or Monday); this will help ensure
meeting all posting requirements (see Procedures). Posting is essential to the growth of the discussion.
3. Activities are due on Tuesdays by 11 p.m. EST. Some activities may require participants to work collaboratively.
Collaborative activities may be submitted as individuals or as a group. When collaboration is required, all
participants must share an equal amount of the workload and each group members name should be included
on the completed submission.
4. For the purposes of this course, each week will begin on a Sunday and end the following Tuesday. Participants
are expected to show an online presence at least two times a week. The course structure is asynchronous in
nature and does not require the participants to be online at any scheduled time. It is imperative that all
participants complete a minimum of two discussion posting per week. One discussion post and 1 response to
another participant. Activities will be due on Tuesdays by 11 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
The facilitator will make every attempt to answer questions within a 24-hour period. All communication should be
conducted through NSD email. All activities will be assessed within one week of the due date.

Module/Topic Readings Discussions Activities ISTE
Week 1: Digital
1 hr Digital compass 1 hr
learning discussion
boards, collaboration
Lesson plan 1 - 1 hr
Complete digital
compass activity post
and respond to 1
peer. Lesson plan
uploaded in
Brainhoney for
Week 2: Digital
1 hr Digital footprint
using tech tool -
popplet,tagxedo 1 hr
Lesson plan 2 - 1 hr
Complete digital
footprint activity post
and respond to 1
peer. Use tech tool
such as Tagxedo,
Poplet. Lesson plan
uploaded in
Brainhoney for
Week 3:
1 hr Searching the web,
proper use of images
and text, using
Google search,
creative commons
create a digital story
using Storybird,
Animoto, PPT, etc. 1
Lesson plan 3 - 1 hr
activity post and
respond to 1 peer.
Use tech tool such as
Storybird, Animoto,
PPT. Lesson plan
uploaded in
Brainhoney for
Week 4: Nettiquette,
.75 hr Create a Netiquette
or cyberbully poster
create a digital
poster using tech
tool .75 hr
Lesson plan 4 and 5 -
1.5 hr
Complete digital
drivers license
activity post and
respond to 1 peer.
Lesson plan uploaded
in Brainhoney for
Week 5: wiki none Collaboration with
peers, creation of
wikis 2 hrs
Wiki all lesson
plans included with
images, media - 1 hr
Presentation of
materials, evaluation,
and wrap up

Assessment Procedures
Evaluation is based on class participation and completion of all assignments. This course is pass/fail basis.
Withdrawal Policy
Due to the comprehensive nature of this course, all five modules must be completed in their entirety (see Course
Expectations). A final score of a P is necessary to receive the Professional Learning Unit. Early withdrawal from the
course will result in 0 credit. Please speak to the facilitator directly at the number or email provided above about
possible course adjustments due to emergencies. The facilitator has full discretion in allowing or not allowing course
Statement on Plagiarism
As with all professional courses, there are strict guidelines dealing with plagiarism and academic integrity. Acts of
plagiarism and cheating in regard to the Digital Citizenship course will result in 0 points for the first offense and removal
from the course for the second offense.

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