Posthumanism Bullshit

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- Dagon, if you can find your notes. Now where oh where can those damn notes be.

Are they perhaps

in one of your file holders? You know, the one that also holds all the American Literature bullshit? As
for the movie, its not on your Chomik and neither is it on your HDD. Drama! Guess I need to re-d/l.
- Wilder Napalm, obscure as fuck, two guys with supernatural abilities for the price of one,
dramatically different worldviews/attitudes towards their abilities/lifestyles/goals/ hairstyles, etc.
Plus, the love interest is also kooky as all get out and deserves a special mention. Oh, and she might
have prophetic dreams. The good guy seems to be more about precision than power. The bad guy
lacks precision, but boy, can he light a house on fire! 1993, check your Chomik for further info. A
badass when it comes to using his powers, but he chickens-out when he has to call the love interest.
Maybe its because the real world scares him? Which one of his personalities is real? Did he create
the clown because he was afraid of the real world? Hmmm needs more tinkering. The other guy
would rather suffer (getting up early, cleaning up the snow every day) than abuse his gifts. But hes
well-adjusted when it comes to everyday life, hes a productive member of society. This car is an
analogy to your life, it aint going nowhere neither this diss is kinda deep, when you think about it.
Stephen King reference Firestarter. Might need to read that as well. Did that clubhouse incident
make it unable for Buffo to become a productive member of society/an adult? Shes one crazy cunt.
Not living up to your full potential. Some kind of sign way to get inspired. Oh there actually was a
hobo in that clubhouse and they grilled his sorry ass. That explains the childhood trauma. Those
musical firemen are a really cool addition, Ill give your that much. Takes a song to make him realize
how much he loves her. It basically sums up his whole existence, how quaint. It just dawned on me,
that the love interest is also like a flame fickle, cant be controlled, spreads wherever she pleases. I
mean, shes been married to this guy for a couple of years now, and she instantly goes for his brother
the second he comes back into town? Women, right? Only trust them as far as you can throw them.
Doors slamming/burning bridges/a sense of finality. The name of his stage persona is Doctor Napalm
and his normal one is Wilder. Ignoring the clever wordplay, why is the whole movie named after the
evil guy? Am I missing something here? No, no, no. The evil guys name is WALLACE. Hrmmm
need to think some more about this. This is some supervillain shit, right here. Hes got the name, the
suit, the attitude the whole package. And that bickering of theirs is not unlike a standard super zero
fight either. They call it quits in a similar fashion as well. No delving into power sets, a precise
explanation as to how they manifested0 isnt provided. It does make the movie seem more natural.
The immersion is somewhat broken by that fireman quartet, though.
- Now that I think about it, Kings got some really need stuff that could help me out with this project.
- This one is kinda obvious, Vampire: the Masquerade and all that jazz about choosing ones Path in
order to reach enlightment. Contrast this crummy little concept with their idea of Humanity, and you
should be good to go. That Beast thingy is also a free idea bucket, bet you can write about it as well.
- Pacific Rim any sufficiently advanced tech is indistinguishable from magic. The drift. The Godzilla
wannabes. Controlling giant robots with your effing mind.
- Being Human A pretty boy vampire, and a Jewish werewolf. Neither of them has any control over
their bestial urges. The Jew cannot control his transformations and runs out into the woods every
single time a full moon is out. The pretty boy feeds on pretty girls and murders them in the process,
he just bites into a chick and proceeds to drain her like a box of OJ. If anything, their conditions dont
make them superhuman, they make them LESS than human. They WANT to be more like the
mundane guys and gals that surround them. Lets watch each others backs like humans do! Except
they dont. They simply wait for a chance to stab the other bloke while his back is turned. Also,
vampires in this setting appear to be completely unaffected by sunlight. Thats kinda lame, I must
say. The bloodsucker seems very charismatic, its hard to tell if its actually a supernatural power or
something that he was just born with. All we need now is a negro ghost, and the gang is complete.
You wake up from your nightmares, we dont. Now this is a deep line! It gets one thinking, vampire-
kun. Their motivations are human-like as well. My existence is shitty, so I aim to improve it by
realizing my hopes and dreams, petty and trivial as they may be. The vamps seem to have their own
society. Camarilla/Sabbath much? Turns out they dont even have feed on living beings. Can they
sustain themselves by drinking animal blood? Like, from a dead animal? Why does he take off his
religious symbol when hes about to morph? Does it burn him? Does he want to prevent it from
being destroyed? What. The curse is KNOWING that youre a freak, watching people go by. The
monstrous part? He doesnt even remember that. She doesnt remember how she died. And she has
no respect for other peoples privacy. Different countries on the same continent. They are all
supernatural and thats why they can see her. Cant leave the house? Oh, a fetter? At least I dont
masturbate to Nova! Change down here. Into a crazy person? Youve NAILED it. Because thats
basically what you are! A guy with a mental condition augmented by supernatural nonsense. This
whole thing could be seen as a metaphor for crazy/troubled mundies. He does have a minor benefit
a heightened sense of smell. So, wolfie is mental and the Dracula-wannabe is like a drug addict. Who
kills to get more drugs. Crack fiends aint got nothing on him. My life sucks enough without having to
live in your purgatory. Youre lucky the grass is always greener. Fetters. Work them out. So who is
she in your little comparison? Just a person whose life is going nowhere? Who cannot work out her
issues and is left to her own devices by the ever-shifting world? An analog for someone who lost their
way in the grand rat race? Bishop is that his name or his station/title? No mistake, youre a shark.
Be a shark. Bishop has more transhumanism in him than the three of them piled together. Our
protagonist has been a vampire for 200+ years. Youre just lost. Trying to be more a human is akin to
having lost ones way. Like being a wayward son. Wolfies ex-girl has a girlfriend. How progressive.
Maybe shes not his ex, maybe shes his sister. Jewish parents, the son masturbates to Nova, the
daughter has a girlfriend okay. Its all downhill from here. Sister nailed it. The vamp has killed a lot
of people back in the day. But he backed off when he saw a little girl! Who looks not unlike that ghost
chick. I tried to leave, I couldnt, I was afraid that Id just get blown away. So, her condition is more
like a coming-of-age thing. Shes afraid to leave the old things behind, her home, her love interest.
She cant move on with her (un)life because of her psychological state. Her inability to leave doesnt
seem supernatural at all, does it. Its the American version, by the way. Bishop embraced the our
vamp. Life doesnt have to be so hard, not for us. Wolfies sister seems to think that he had a coming-
of-age problem. A vampiric opium den, hah. It really is like an opium den/crack house pretty girls
handing out drugs. E02. She died and jam spilled out of her head. Life is a series of choices and so is
death for the ones who arent READY. Bigger question. What am I now? Where do I go from here?
Haha. Between human and monster. Losing ones innocence is a nice point. You know, like kids. Did
wolfie kill that girl? Or maybe it was done by the beast that infected him. So, Bishop. 1800s, eh? Do
you accept what you are, or do you refuse? The murdered girl is alive! What a twist this is! Okay,
celerity and potency. The vamps are really getting the better end of the deal here. You know, like
addicts who have surges of power/ecstasy once they take their drug of choice. He has a
CONDITION. Youve nailed it. Hes dealing with some stuff. Arent we all. Cant believe he went
MAD. Yay, lampshade it even more. She fell down a flight of stairs I dont buy it. So he didnt turn
the chick, Bishop (or one of his lackeys) did. Okay, Rebecca just went full Famir. Power without
consequence was pretty destructive, last time I checked. He doesnt even know Im alive. Ha.
Amityville. Check it out. You are a monster. She is? Im not sure I agree with that. You feed them
your blood (the vampiric kind) when they are dying, and turn them. So, basically you try to get them
hooked on your supernatural drug when they are most vulnerable. Think he should have saved her? I
think he did. Thats good, shed be less than human otherwise. There isnt a shred of originality in this
series, is there? E03. They can eat, to keep up appearances. Theyve evolved, so they arent nocturnal
anymore. Now they are only photosensitive. Moving on, moving PAST Danny? Leaving the past
behind? Well, ghosts ARE melancholic as all get out, right? They are melancholy given physical form.
Ghosts can interact with one another (touch etc.). Makes you wonder why they havent formed a
society of their own, right? The whole system is corrupt, and so normal cops have to leave vampiric
druggies alone. Doors, floors, they dont matter. Were energy. Got to be centered. Where have I
heard that before? Im looking at you, Mr. Swayze. Now she CAN leave the house. Thank you generic
metal head! I had a special friend once Ghosts need rebounds too, you know! Maybe specters dont
stay around long enough to form societies. He thinks I killed his father. Did you? I dont know, maybe.
How many loaves of bread have you eaten in your life, eh? You still have to give the vamps
permission to enter your house. Its funny. He knows he cant go back and yet he lingers. Whats
wrong with him? Denial? The inability to accept that he loved once and lost his chance? You have to
accept your faults before you can move beyond them? Werewolves also have anger-management
problems when they are in their human mode. Youre not here as in her mind tends to
wander? Or maybe shes lost the ability to interact with the world like a normal person? Were not
quite real are we. The closer I bring this side to normal people the more I seem to hurt them. Some
things just need to stay separate. Well, maybe your reality is just different than the status quo. And
when realities clash, peeps get hurt. You can TOUCH humans, but its tricky. You learn something
every day, even when youre a ghost. Touching objects, people a metaphor for exerting ones pull
over the world? You know, when you get older? Hmm. Memory alteration doesnt always work, it
seems. Also, her fiance now has his sights set on another girl. Well, at this point theyre just
reminiscing, but you know whatll happen soon. E04. Privacy, wanting to hide ones monster. The
need to peep we want to see the monsters in other people, we want confirmation that they are as
monstrous as we are. The power rush is gone, now shes the weakest thing on two legs. Again, like a
drug addict whos suffering from withdrawal/who decided to come off drugs/go cold turkey. I hate
what I am/what Ive become. And I cant stop, thats who/how I am. Yep, just like a crack head. The
initial decision wasnt hers, true. Like someone slipping you a pill. But everything from that point
onward? SHE DID it, she chose to do it. Sally can throw shit around as well. Shes got all the classic
powers of a ghost except for possession. Well get to that later, I suppose. So, yeah. Sex while being
high as a kite. Supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread and their little rendezvous seems to
confirm this theory. Was that your wolf or was that you? Chicks love crazy guys who live on the edge,
chicks love the wolf. Food looks good, really colorful. Now how do hardcore druggies react to food?
In the same way, I suppose. They get so stuffed with blood they actually get STONED. Then I will be
strong for both of us, Ive been here before. You enjoyed it! Deep down where the wolf lives, you
know it felt good. Its okay to go crazy from time to time. To let it out. I think this message doesnt
mesh well with the one that you were pushing a few episodes back. E05. Every culture has its own
way of saying goodbye. Like morphine! The comforts/rituals that prepare the living for death. To
ease the journey. Assuming there is an after thats bullshit, youre a ghost, you KNOW there is an
after, youve SEEN the frigging door! Speaking of rituals feeding rituals, leftie-rightie, sharing your
first kill. Poltergeisting your own house, is your subconscious acting up? Because it was acting up
earlier, when you were unable to leave the house... A policeman and a priest are all figures of
authority vampires? Really? I need a priest! Now he finds religion! He had lymphoma, he was dying
of cancer. But he was saved! Now thats a dark miracle. I knew there was no afterlife okay, so you
are a vampire and youre 100% certain there is no afterlife. Thats fridge logic, right there. Besides,
youve been at it for a couple of years now (6), you must have met some ghosts by now. He was
afraid of death, and so he rationalized his fear as a divine revelation. God spoke to me! This life is all
we get! A doctor changed him wow. Another authority figure. God saved me! Delusional. God
wanted you to become a vampire? He made vampires too! Yes, but as cautionary figures, as
boogeymen. Its not something that you aspire to become! You dont try to enlist as one of the
damned! Jesus himself rose from the dead! Jesus as a vampire? Yeah, doubtful. Perverted theology!
You tell him. HAHA! I called it! They were having an argument and he pushed her down a flight of
stairs! Apparently the pipes are a representation of her memory, because they got unclogged as soon
as she remembered the details of her untimely demise. When he called the cops, he didnt come
clean. Turn them for money, to get more power. Nobody sells eternal life like a priest. Even if he
doesnt believe in it. Yeah, there is some clever social commentary hidden in this. Every great ruler of
the past used religion! He wants to go all out with this, no more hiding. Live in the open. Soon we
wont have to. We live forever, humans dont. Its evolution! Its nature taking its course! Nothing
natural about us. You dont even know what you are. A vampire playing a human while shacking up
with an animal. So, did he get the shit kicked out of him because of his dog? The house the pipes it
was me. So the conditions inside the house are directly connected to her wellbeing more like an
Earthbound than a ghost, but hey. Yes, we know that he blamed it on you. He didnt fess up. He
wants to build a pack. Like nature intended. Heh. More like supernatural. Wed be invincible! Safe!
Its an infection! A disease! But thats natural too. He was the one who turned him into a werewolf!
So many plot twists and reveals. He basically ruined your life. Yep. Were the best of human and
animal. He helped him for material gain, now thats kinda typical. So much for honest relations. God
intended for us to live forever! We all wanna live! Adam and Eve were immortal before the fall. Its
our natural state. He who believes in me will live even though he dies. Youre completely unhinged.
Ray: I know what I am, I accept it. Protagonist: And I never will. Just pretend to eat, hang on to some
rituals of normalcy. E06. What makes a monster different from a human? Even a monster knows
fear. Knows obsession. Remembers what he was. He took the ring, yet there it is. It came back. And
its the only item that she can interact with. So, fetters/relics. Yeah. We have the same weaknesses
as you, but even that doesnt make us normal. It was her subconscious, not the house. He didnt
need to kill that priest. You just know hes in for a bad time now that he has no fangs. Its practically
game over, the other vamps will shelf him. Even ghosts have their monstrous side. Well, not literally,
but some of them turn into real monsters as time goes on. E07. There is a reason why monsters hide
under the bed. Were more scared of you when you are of us yeah, no. That look on your face
reflects our monstrous nature. And it makes us forget that we were ever human. He was provoked by
a LESSER being and he retaliated. A shred of humanity makes us crawl out and show ourselves to
you. Because even a monster can be afraid of the darkness. Thats kinda paradoxical, isnt it? So did
she subconsciously trick Bridget into dating her ex, because she wanted her to suffer like she did?
Maybe youre here to help her? The prodigal son returns? Well, the reception seemed a bit COLD,
wouldnt you say? As if nothing happened. Dad doesnt live here anymore. Separation, eh? Garlic is
also effective against vampires, it makes them reveal their true nature but doesnt exactly harm
them. They say they can help him, but they dont realize theyre on a completely different plane of
existence. You wouldnt hurt them, youre their son. But the monster living inside you certainly
would. They are defenseless against you, they are your family. Ive already hurt them too much not
to try. 36m+ Bishops SICK BURN. Also, family matters. The Wolf-family seems to agree. Nice
juxtaposition, btw. Playing it one after the other like that? Cool idea. Hell do it to you, Bridge. Its
just who he is. A monster. A monster thats worse than any of the supernatural ones. You misguided
bitch. I admire her, you know. Id go all helter-skelter on their asses. Cocoons with humanoid figures
in them. Hanging upside down. E08. Humanitys greatest ability the power to lie. We pick it up early
and hone it. We lie to everyone, including ourselves. METAL GEAR SALLY Incorporeal Espionage
Action. A big underground room filled with ghosts who have lost their way/loved ones/whatever.
Apparently full of dregs who wander aimlessly, day after day. If there is a way to achieve salvation, if
anyone knows it, theyre not willin to spill the beans. A bunch of suckers stumbling in the dark,
scribbling their questions on walls and hoping for someone to spoon-feed them the answers. You
know, just like the ordinary life that most of us lead. Maybe you could connect with your own kind
and make a friend? You know, the clueless kind. Just going through the motions, like robots.
Searching for the pieces of a puzzle that doesnt even exist anymore. Again, spirits embody
melancholy, the unwillingness to let go of the past. Id kill to have your life. Id kill to have any life. So,
that snuff film CD I saw it coming from a mile away. Like a kid getting his hands on daddys drug
cabinet. But the truth about his monstrous nature remains hidden he only got branded a pervert,
he got off easy. E09. The need to touch someone, the need to be touched, to interact with other
people. Yeah, ghosts are screwed. You humans haunt us and you wont let us go. As in, they pester
you? Actively? Or is it that seeing them reminds you of what you once were, e.g. haunting memories,
longing for the past. Humanity as your melancholic focus. According to her EX, Sally was afraid of
starting an adult life, she didnt have the balls to chase after her dreams, he didnt want her to go
travelling and she quickly gave in to his demands. She was practically begging to get knocked up, as
that would free her from actually tackling any real challenges. She could just sit on her ass all day
and watch TV. Start a family a speech against marriage. Thats kinda hypocritical. I rebelled against
rebelling. Mad World playing in the background. Referencing the Dead Poets Society To pursue a
relationship with someone when youre both dead. Should any of them be in relationships? Now that
I think about it, she has the best chance of succeeding. The capacity for physical interaction is limited,
but at least shes HERSELF all the time. She has her identity/sanity. And ghosts can touch one
another. People will get hurt! Yea, that doesnt apply to her either, you know. Flying off the wagon
again, eh Aiden? That kid really got to you. Ghosts no sense of smell. Maybe. All those ghost perks!
You can peep on people! He relives his death every day. There is some potential for wordplay here.
And some philosophical bullshit. A death echo. Kissing ghosts. I can dig it. I should flicker anyway.
Nice lingo. Sex cloud I might inhale you! Its gross, youre doing it in the kitchen! So someone can
still CATCH them doing it. 2 bullies dead thats why we dont turn children. No self-control. You
need an adult mindset to transcend the human condition, huh? Its like a wonderful vampiric
centipede. Haha! I cannot do this by myself! You have to quit your job! Youve got to be here! Youre
a terrible, possessive bitch, you know that? How will you get blood, anyway. Hell actually do it? Talk
about a dysfunctional family, am I right? He tried to beat the echo, it didnt help. He tried to accept
it, didnt help either. Maybe its tied to a specific event? Its just a buffer? A proxy for something else
that keeps you awake at night? It just materializes as the drowning episode. I only remember what
it was like to be alive when Im dying. So, you long for your life and you come back to your last living
moment? You do this on purpose? Thats her echo? Being a meek girl who gives up her own identity
for the guy she loves? Contrast Sally and the nurse chick. One is really supportive (to the point of
losing her sense of self) and the other is remarkably self-centered and cock-hungry. Okay, I take that
bag, shes got an impressive emotional baggage and the scars to prove it. Shes justified in my eyes.
Well, Aiden did the right thing. As I knew he would. He staked the kid. It had to be done. Its a mercy
killing, thats what it is. If vampires are abominations, then that goes double for vampiric kids. Thats
just twice as scary. I took care of it. You had to. Wolfe is fine with it, nobodys judging Aiden. Good.
Perhaps Bernie knew it was coming, on a subconscious level. He must have felt something. Felt that
what he did was wrong. That his whole existence was a mistake. E10. Immortality your mistakes are
permanent, death wont wipe them out along with your memory. Yeah, and yet AFTERLIFE STILL
EXISTS IN THIS UNIVERSE. So this statement is kinda invalid. The power is bearable. To rule the world
alone is worthless. Cant agree with that. He was the closest thing I ever had to a son. Yeah, I noticed.
The Dutch the elders. Bigwigs, eh? They sleep during the day is their physical power greater than
a normal vampires? And if so, can this whole Im a day-walker thing be seen as a devolution? Its
not clear cut, to be sure. You lose some power, you gain adaptability ? Hegemon is 1010, hes kinda
old-fashioned, doesnt dig modern customs. Like shacking up with wolves and sucking on plasma.
LEECHES KIDNAPPED MY DOG! Bishop was in love once he really had a thing for this nurse but she
didnt wanna get embraced. To her, it wasnt NATURAL. I respect her. I respect her humanity. Dont
wanna turn her against her will. Aiden also thought it wasnt natural. It spat in the face of their
people. What a face-heel/heel-face turn right? Vamps turn to ash when they die. Give up the girl,
Boston is yours. So that intro bit about ruling alone referred to Bishop, eh? Can she choose whos
able to see her? Itd would seem that she can. Bishop killed his loved one to stay alive/get more
power. And now those bald fucks came back to skin his ass. E11. The only constant is change.
Humans, as a species, are in a state of constant flux. Their first reaction is to resist change, but in the
end they are forced to evolve and do a pretty good job of it vampires are even more stale and
anachronistic than humans, they are basically frozen/static. For them it takes even more effort to
stay up to date. We do not feed on blood, we feed on life! This is appalling! But isnt blood life, Mr.
Dutchman? Marcus told them everything, thats why they came back to bite Bishop in the ass. B. is all
too aware of it. A wild exorcist appears. The vampiric clans must remain in balance, one cannot be
allowed to grow stronger than the other. Perhaps the Dutch arent exactly FORCED to sleep during
the day Your approach jeopardizes our existence! Well, your theology denies it! Yeah, adaptation
and all that adapting to change. They lost their heads! Literally! Almost all of them. The 1010-year
old one made it out thanks to Aiden and Rebecca. And Marcus got the shaft. Whoa, Sally barely
made it out alive? Sallys a liar! No! THE DEAD DONT LIE. And the circle of salt has been destroyed.
Marcus was responsible for the bullies. Death by Aiden. Is that a thing now? Bye Rebecca. Stakes are
super effective in this universe. E12. The storm is a metaphor yeah for a friggin vampire war. She
looks like the Grudge. Ill be in the ground and youll still have my name. Forever. Whoa, Sally is going
full Dark Sidious. She almost cut of his head with a razor. And she doesnt look to healthy those
black veins and pupil-less eyes. Oh. And shes back to normal. Just like that. It was slitting his throat
open that did it. Brought her back. So, do you draw energy from pain? From anger? From fear? All of
the above? I mean, these ARE strong emotions, Ill give you that. And youre a disembodied psyche.
Danny tried burning down the house, but the cavalry arrived just in time. He was forced to confess
his crimes and turn himself in. Justice is served and the door appears. If a vampire goes inside a
house without invitation, he turns into a crisp. E13. The door will disappear if a new batch of
unresolved stuff pops up. More tethered to the earth so shes stuck and can move stuff around like
a normal person. I dont see the problem, as long as other people can see her. Even if they cannot,
this is pretty balling. A bit of a plot hole at the end they both saw the body being carried out of the
house, but when Danny told them that someone died in there, they were genuinely surprised. EP13
and EP01. Thats it. Thats the whole season. Thats all she wrote, and I aint gonna write her back.
Only Lovers Left Alive. A pair of vampires. Secretive, reclusive, predatory. The guitar player keeps to
himself most of the time. As for the hag, shes a bit more sociable, but also quite puzzling. Another
supposed vampire gets mentioned when she goes to a pub. The Arabian guy might actually be his
servant/ghoul/what have you. He keeps his masters secrets. It would seem that they also have some
sort of social structure, but its incredibly loose. The good stuff from the French doctor, eh? It looks
to me like they dont have anything against hospital blood. Her provider is, wait for it, Christopher
effin Marlowe. And he looks pretty old for a vampire, even if he is over 400yrs old. If I got this right,
our musician is stationed in Detroit. Hes got this arrangement with a local doctor he gives him tons
of money and gets thermoses full of blood. The mutual jeopardy makes me feel safer - ha! Fresh
blood (from a wound) is still tempting to them, though. It takes some willpower to keep ones vitae
urge under control. Would you look at them, all dignified! Drinking small amounts from wine glasses,
etc. Upon finishing consumption, they seem to experience pure bliss, combined with a narcotic-like
stupor. Is there some sort of hive mind taking place in this movie? The intro sequence and the blood
drinking one seem to suggest some sort of cosmic awareness, an emotional connection? Shes in
Tangier. ADAM AND EVE! Well, so much for subtlety! It just flew out the window! Caine would have
been old news, but this isnt innovative either. The hourglass is empty! Time to turn it over. Its a
(vampiric) conspiracy, I tell you! Hes archaic as fuck, and seems to be obsessed with the 60s. Shes
quite modern, not afraid of new tech. Shes multilingual, hes got all sorts of encyclopedic knowledge
concerning plants. A lot of time on your hands, eh? It gives you ample opportunities to study, I
suppose. A wooden bullet. Why not just use an ordinary stake, pretty boy? Who the fuck is Ava. Eves
little sister. Adam used to hang around with Shelley and Byron. Hamlet the authorship question.
Did Marlowe write it? Thousands of years have passed, but their love burns as brightly as ever. Now,
whats with the gloves? Why do you put out your news stuff? I needed a reflection, to see if it would
echo back, before Zombies a derogatory slang for ignorant/unaware humans. Its strange for a
musician to be into science, but hes quite obsessed with various scientists/inventors. So shes able
to specify how old an object is just by touching it? Am I supposed to interpret that as psychometry?
He surrounds himself with really melancholic stuff abandoned houses, car plants, etc. This is his
wilderness. Eve, on the other hand, has some very innovative ideas concerning the new world order.
Youre ruthless Im a survivor, baby. Want to find out what your woman is like? Play chess with her.
Byron was a pompous as and Frankensteins author was delicious. Whatever that means. Okay, I get
it! They are super smart! They can build shit out of aether and have encyclopedic knowledge. Okay,
they have heartbeats and they can breathe. Yep, it seems like psychometry. Our third wedding. For
all the shit they give the mundies, they seem to be pretty reliant on their customs/traditions. Are you
having trouble with one of the others? So thats how it works? So much for having social structures.
Hes very antisocial as well. Celerity (gun scene). They both have it. Self-obsession is a waste of living.
It could be spent on surviving things. Experiencing them? (1:00:00). Dead can dance. So, are the
empty streets supposed to evoke a feeling of alienation? Are we supposed to infer that their
condition is almost unique and that interacting with humans is below them/cannot provide a proper
stimulation for them? They arent able to relate to the mundies, hence the title? So, vamps
experience dream visions as well? There is something about that hive-mind theory, you know? All of
them dreamt about her sister, she might be looking for them. Okay, here is a theory. Its probably
right too they were the gloves in order to avoid accidental psychometry when they interact with
the world around them. They dont want to have their minds flooded with item-specific memories,
and thats why the gloves stay on. Ava, Eves younger sister. Hrm. She can send dream messages.
Now these vamps, these vamps right here, they dont have it bad, not by a long shot. Carefree, no
rigid social structure, their bloodlust isnt that overpowering, they seem to be in full control most of
the time, and they emit that curious sensuality that youd find in the olden stories. So, does Ava have
a hidden agenda (except the obvious one, which involves stealing their blood)? Or is she just a
lovable klutz? And what happened in Paris? Its like Im looking at drug addicts this is pure shit!
Youre gonna drain our whole fuckin supply! And whats up with that contaminated blood that they
keep bringing up? Three vampires wearing dark sunglasses. In a fuckin NIGHT CLUB totally
inconspicuous. The shit has hit the fan Avas drained their fixer. She COULD have turned him, but
she didnt. Why? I mean, she said he was so cute. Its ironic, you hate the zombies so much, and now
youre forced to play by their rules. How do we get rid of the body! Le gasp! They gave him an acid
bath. Time to get the hell out of dodge, eh? I guess travelling really does drain them they can barely
walk and Marlowe is nowhere to be seen. His supply of the premium shit ran out and he drank some
bad stuff hence his blood poisoning. Shakespeare was a hack! Illiterate zombie philistine! He
didnt turn into a pile of dust, though. Entanglement Einsteins spooky action at a distance is it an
analogy of their relationship? So much for being better than humans. Hunger maketh ideals soft.
True Blood: This is both new and interesting vampires existing out in the open, among humans.
They even invite them to talk shows and everything. The Japs have perfected synthetic blood, so they
supposedly feed off that. Dont humans have a history of exploitation? Show me documentation!
Were vegans now! No need to fear us! They decided to make their existence know and want to be
part of mainstream society. The audience certainly seems to eat it up. Vampires cannot drown,
because they do not breathe. Retractable teeth. Thats convenient too. And dangerous, seeing as you
can never tell whos a vampire and whos not. Case and point: Billy Bob. He has a temper on him.
God Hates Fangs. Golden . This vampire chick has telepathy but she doesnt seem to be able to
shut it out. Or maybe she just has trouble shutting it out. Transhumanism, eh? There is a sassy gay
black dude working in the kitchen. People do seem more unified and tolerant of each other now that
they have something else to hate on you had sex with a vampire? Vamps can have sex, but it is
rather ruff? Being bitten by them isnt really ecstatic, its only scary. The vamps came out of the
coffin two years ago. This new Edward guy is a fan of the synthetic stuff. Or so he claims. They have
celerity as well just look at that sex tape. So the telepathic girl is NOT one of the blood suckers?
What is she then She can use her talents to locate people even if she does not see them. Vampire
blood is like a drug? A drug that ordinary people drink? Baldy over here seems to be suffering from
withdrawal. Itching, etc. Youre a fuckin drug addict. Seems to me like they are allergic to silver. It
burns their skin and makes their fangs appear. She cant hear his thoughts. Because hes dead? And
his brain doesnt work the same way as a humans? Vampire blood makes humans feel healthy and
improves their sex life. His name is Belle. And the silver issue isnt public knowledge, because that
would bode trouble for all of them. The bar owner might be a supporter of the vampire movement,
but he sure as hell isnt a gullible shmuck. Redneck central. Fuckin Stalkers. It was a nightmare. OR
WAS IT?! They are drug dealers and vampire drainers. So, by coming out of the coffin, the vamps also
expanded humanitys knowledge of the world and caused the whole society to change/evolve. Is
there a single society now? Are there two yeah, thats probably it. You dont wanna get mixed up
with vampires. Who fuckin cares, hes already dead! Thats not his fault! Yep, thats a lot of
prejudice. I bet the vampires did this! Mistrust all around. Fang Banger think blood doll. Guys and
gals who like to get bitten and drink vamp blood. It would appear that he strangled that Fang Banger
by by accident. As youd expect, the sun hurts these guys as well. They cant stroll around during
the day. Youre something more than a waitress. Youre something more than HUMAN. There is that
inhuman allure again. Is that an active power? Something that they can just turn on and off as they
please? E02. Rednecks strike back. Does she have telekinesis as well? Or was it just his super speed at
work? Good news is, Jason didnt kill her. Bad news is, somebody nicked the other tape. Well, he fed
her his blood and she looked fuckin EXTATIC drinking it. Like she was having an orgasm, but without
the sex part that usually happens earlier. Belles actually licking her clean you know, like animals
do. That would be cute if it wasnt so creepy. Vampiric blood allows you to heal wounds instantly.
She learned how to stay out of other peoples heads. But it wasnt easy. Sometimes she just
intercepts mental images. The medical world doesnt know about the miraculous properties of
vampire blood. And, youve guessed it, they want to keep it that way. Humanity is kinda getting the
short end of the stick, isnt it? An interesting point of view blacks and vampires portrayed as
minorities. Its been two years since the vampires came clean. Its been more than fifty years and
black people still arent fully integrated into mainstream society. And they dont really want to be.
Theyve got their cliques, their own music and lingo And the vampiric minority is far older than the
blacks. Their customs, habits, and terminology must be infinitely more advanced. Belle was turned in
1865. He was thirty back then. He took part in the Civil War, although in his opinion there was
nothing glorious about it. It was just a bunch of young boys killing each other so that some old farts
could turn a profit. At least he didnt strangle the other one. She does have a familiar-looking bite
mark though. The Church doesnt support the vampire movement. I wonder why. Vampire blood also
heightens your sense of teste. They can hypnotize you. And black people are lazy. And Jews have
horns. A tornado killed those two drug dealers. They were crushed to a pulp underneath their own
trailer. Draining vampires is against the law. Ha. Yeah, this has a mistreated minority vibe all over it.
Vampires arent that bad once you get to know them! Do they really sleep in the ground? You have
to invite them in, otherwise its physically impossible to enter a mortals home. Way back Belles
father used to own slaves. Two of them. This black bitch is really getting on my nerves. Over the
years they become stronger. By drinking his blood, she established a sympathetic connection with
him. It will be easier for him to find him. He killed a few people by accident. He can charm his victims
in order to feed from them. The black girl wants to get it on with the blondes brother, but he doesnt
notice her. Belles mental powers dont seem to work on her. There is something to be scared of
inside my little girl. Mother of the year, right here. She tried to protect me, even though I scared her.
I lost my wife and my children. IS THAT A THING NOW? First Being Human, and now this? Does every
vampiric protagonist have to be a Lestat clone? Hes NOT human. Doesnt consider himself one. Cant
turn into a bat. Others can. He cant levitate/turn invisible. The ownership of the house reverted back
to him once the previous owner died. I can smell the sunlight on your skin. Kiss, kiss. And then he
almost lost control and flashed her pointy teeth at her. The dog in that picture is identical to the one
who tried to protect her. And the girl in that picture is blonde as well. A coincidence? I think not. The
camera wouldnt have zoomed in on it if it was. Whats more, that picture looks rather old E03.
Three new vampires get introduced in this one. Well, one of them was already on that sex tape.
Assholes everywhere. Virgin/baby blood is the best. They have a tribal mentality the strongest one
tends to bark out the orders. These guys see humans as nothing more than meals on legs. You can
have some of Jerry. There is a master-servant relationship here, and humans are treated like cattle.
They think shes in his thrall, etc. Jerrys agenda wasnt as innocent as one might think he was there
to infect all of them with Hepatitis D the only strain that vamps are susceptible to. It weakens them
for about a month or so the risk of getting captured and drained becomes greater. If a human
belongs to a vampire, he is off limits to every other bloodsucker. Some vampires share nests, and
such living arrangements tend to make them more cruel and vicious. Solitary vampires are more
likely to maintain a semblance of humanity. He doesnt have brainwaves because hes dead. Is that
the reason why she cant hear his thoughts? There are no electrical impulses in his body either. How
do you digest blood if nothing inside you works? Magic. Just cause you understand the mechanics of
how something works does not make it any less of a miracle. Miracle magic. Were all kept alive by
magic. Mine is just a little different. His father owned slaves back in the day, but the other vamps
own slaves even now and they dont really care about skin color. The black girls mother has a
drinking problem of the ordinary kind, but its a little more complicated for the fang guys. Loneliness
seems to be one of the major themes of this series. THE BLACK GIRL WANTS THE D. Friends with
benefits, eh? Sex is also one of the major themes. Just fuck the loneliness away. Vampiric erectile
dysfunction cant get it up because Im scared of/hate vampires. Sookie wants the bloodsuckers D.
Actually, she just wants to get it out of the way. Was it all a wet dream? Well, at least her cat enjoyed
the show. Three sex scenes in a row. Four if you count that Jerry nonsense. Youre really going all out
with this. Generational differences might also be a thing this applies to both vampires and humans.
Should I trust my head or my heart? Well, this seems like love to me. Theyve even got senators
having sex with gay blacks. This show panders to all fetish demographics. Can we draw a connection
between sexual minorities and vampiric lifestyle/feeding minorities? Sam barks in his sleep. The big
reveal is that hes a werewolf, Im calling it now. Hahaha a Buffy/Blade reference. They should come
to visit. Relationships and vampiric relationships Was Sookies grandpa a telepath as well? There is
a purpose for everything God created. He will reveal it when the time is right. This.. this is too much.
He hates vamps but hes willing to ingest vampire blood to get hard how is that for hypocrisy? Also,
hes willing to pay the cook off by starring in a sex vid. Dawns dead, it looks like shes been choked to
death. You know, strangled. E04. The murderer had the key to the house. So, was it the landlord? I
mean he has a whole chain worth of keys. But what motive would he have? There is no visible
connection, at least as far as I can tell. I knew it, racism lost a lot of its appeal since the vamps
popped up. Its still present, but its not as strong as it once was. Sookie! Invade other peoples
privacy, raid their minds for information! Do whatever you need, hes your brother! Wow, grandma.
Youre really creepy. Puns used to be the highest form of humor. You look like vampire bait. Dont
Fear the Reaper is playing in Fangtasia. She wanted to die. Everybody who comes here wants to die.
Thats what we are death. So, yeah. Dont fear the reaper is as thematic as ever. Eric, the oldest
thing in this bar. I take it hes the prince of this little town. The diner owner sure has an acute sense
of smell why is that, I wonder? Oh, and the autro song is so subtle about this. Now hes rolling
around in her bed. He must by a lycanthrope. E05. A little lovers quarrel? Our blood sustains life, but
this blood, vampire blood, is life. Cant believe Im doing this again. Nah, man. Youre doing it for the
first time. The children are fully willing to go to church as long as they get to see a vampire. So, do
crosses work on these guys? Then their existence would also serve as a proof for the existence of
God. Frankly Im more worried about what we might do to him. They tore the cross out. Three
rednecks and a V-addict walk into a church there is a joke in there somewhere. Crosses do not
work. They are not minions of the devil. Or so he claims. No darling, were white. Hes dead Ive
honestly got nothing. Taking photographs works fine as well, the vamps are visible in those. Hey, lets
get high I mean, uh, elevate our senses together! Wolfie does not think the same way as other
people do. Its more about emotions with him. Nobody knows anything about him. He ended up
raising himself. A lone wolf, eh? He got to first base with Sookie, then he crashed and burned. What if
the killer now this may blow your mind what if the killer is a girl? A vampire would have drained
those girls of every last drop. They wouldnt have been able to resist the temptation of a freshly
killed victim. So the girl who offered him shelter was a vampire. I saw it coming from a mile away.
This seems to be the Masquerade model the victim needs to be drained dry, then fed vampiric
vitae. Let me in you. Hmmm. Thats some philosophical bullshit, right here. Where is his Mistress
now? You cannot enter! I dont wish to see them grow old and feeble. This whole think of the
children shtick was a means to an end. She didnt really mean it. They are my family! They are as
good as dead! Bloody tears. Ive missed that little detail earlier. Fuck you, Stackhouse hey, I agree
with her. Calling that dude a pig would be an insult to the poor animals. And no, V isnt an excuse.
Granny is dead. <_< Good riddance >_> E06. This is either the time nor the place to mark your
territory. Subtle. The murderer is targeting girls who have the hots for vampires. Seems like a valid
theory to me. The fact that Jason Stackhouse will live to see another 74 episodes fills me with
despair. THAT MORON. Self-centered, egotistical idiot! Cock-fencing at its finest. Give it a rest, guys.
Just give us a little girl time! Come on, Lafayette! Ha. Vampires can wake up before sundown, but
they are unable to move until the sun sets. Do you think they are capable of loving a person? Who
knows what they are capable of. I have a demon inside of me is his name Alcohol Poisoning?
Putting down V is hard, ok? Those withdrawal symptoms seem particularly nasty. Fucking your pain
and loneliness away seems to be the only thing that you people do. Its kinda scary, when you get
down to it. EAT the pain away! Eat your grans last pastry! Absorb part of her and become her! Take
her place! Thats so Freudian also, Im losing it this morning. Should I look for symbolism in how
much pie there is left? Someone already ate half the plate so... yeah. The pie was part of her
mourning process. The people behind this show are not afraid to include nudity in it. Tons of it. Jason
is screwing the divorcee, Sookies screwing Belle. How does he even get it up. Is his circulatory
system operational? Does the plumbing work? And the ep ended with Belle biting her. E07. The
vampires started most of the myths about the vampiric condition in order to mislead their pursuers.
Like not having a reflection. That way, if things got too hot, they could prove that they werent
bloodsuckers. Holy water and crosses dont work. Garlic is just irritating. Sookies uncle used to
molest her when she was a little girl. Lafayette wont give Jason any more V. On top of that, he nearly
kicked his ass. Jasons complaining about Sookie getting bitten while hes carrying all the valuables
out of the house in order to get more V. That boy aint right. There is no demon, you just have an
addiction. But I guess its only natural to give a human face to your problems. What if she gets
pregnant? How is she going to nurse a baby with fangs?! Belle drank uncle Pedos blood. He drained
him dry. A hardcore version of the holy communion mixing vampire blood with aspirin. The real
deal, not some lame-ass empty ritual. Now that its been crushed into powder, it looks even more
like cocaine. The blood-hippie girl is kinda cute, though. I like her life philosophy. The demon is to
blame for all of your lifes problems! Sams streaking. Why is Sam streaking? His inner dog got the
better of him? The people in that burning house sure as hell werent vampires. okay, I was wrong.
There are four lights erm, coffins. E08.
E10. Hes a shapeshifter. All that pollution and technology thats how demons travel. Well, the
vampires have adapted to the modern world, so why not demons? Thats why our exorcist over here
stays as far away from civilization as she can. Shapeshifters shifters for short. There are
thousands/tens of thousands of them out there, but they dont really keep in touch with one
another. The condition is hereditary. Sam, however, was adopted. They can turn into anything, so a
single person can employ multiple forms. These forms have varying degrees of difficulty turning
into a dog is the easiest for Sam. People like dogs. He needs a real animal in order to shift, kinda like
a model, an imprint of sorts. He claims that he cannot turn into another person, as humans are too
complex. He can do it anytime he wants, but if he falls asleep hell revert back to his original form.
When the full moon is out, he cannot stop the change. They are NOT werewolves. Werewolves are
dangerous, nasty creatures so they exist in this setting as well, I take it. There is more weird stuff
out there than you can imagine. The series is literary in danger of jumping the shark at moment. I
accept who I am. Were you gonna tell me that youre a shapeshifter before or after you had sex with
me? Well, its not that easy for him. Your weirdness still has human characteristics, his is animalistic
in nature. Okay, demons are real. Unless shes hallucinating, or some shit. Drugs can make you do
that, and who knows what was in that bottle, right? But lets say that it IS a demon. The exorcist lady
doesnt see it, but she sure as hell believes her patient. So, its time to stab the thing. Stab your
hallucination. It looks like you. The kid you. One of you must die. Wow. The knife drew blood. Real
blood. So maybe it wasnt all make-believe. Lets induce Stockholm syndrome in our vampiric
hostage. The exorcism was a success, they are a happy little family now. Sam turned into a dog and
ran away from his foster family. I bet there is a deep metaphysical/philosophical undertone here, I
just cant see it. Awww CRAP. The exorcist is a fraud. Well, I did call it, but the blood on that blade
fooled me into believing the whole thing was real. Just because she isnt REAL it doesnt mean she
cant help people! You know, like THE CHRISTIAN GOD. Oh, I feel so ashamed right now. An advanced
placebo effect, eh? A psychological approach. Guilt is a useless emotion, or so Ive heard so what
kind of a supernatural creature are you, Terry? A popular form of punishment is ripping out the fangs
of the offending vampires. They do grow back, eventually. They call this little gathering a tribunal.
The big boss, the one who decides what the sentence is gonna be, is called the Magistrate. And there
is this also this executioner girl strutting around, who looks like a Brujah hopped up on pixie stix. I
didnt tell you because I trusted my instincts and they were dead on. You sure told her, Sam.
Murdered a higher life form for the sake of your pet. Broken an ancient law do not decrease are
numbers at a critical time in our history. However, stealing from the sheriff is a SERIOUS offense. And
she was the one who EXPOSED him. And the sheriff called her. Humans exist to serve us, that is their
only value. He is the Magister. Five years in a coffin chained with silver your body will waste to
leather and sticks and youll probably lose your mind. But no wait. He has something more creative
in mind. Sam is a walking question mark no taxes, no social security number, no records. His
parents legged it, they didnt want him to find them. A life for a life, eh Magister? Youve never been
a Maker, but you know the procedure. Then proceed. They want her changed. Are you a Christian? I
was? Jesus will take me home to heaven. Jessica. All of them popped their fangs when Belle started
drinking from her. Outro song I dont wanna know about evil E11. It was no murder, you drained
her blood and gave her yours. Youre romantic, youre sentimental. Youre the one to talk, Mrs.
Walking Stereotype. Youre so gothic and callous you shit bats. Im not gonna stake her, Im gonna
set her free. Youve already set her free. And Eric did the same for her. Youve given that pathetic
lump of temporary flesh the ultimate gift. Youre a maker, youre a hero. I doubt you were ever
truly human. Thank you. Once she is planted in the earth, the transformation will begin. Next night
shell rise as a vampire. Does he have to be buried with her? The killers thoughts were all red and
black, and snarly. It was a male, that much I do know. There was something familiar about him,
though. Sookie saw one of his victims too. It was another waitress (Cindy), and the restaurants name
was connected to Pies in some way. Eddie wasnt a man, he was a predator, only we got him first.
Rationalizing this shit aint gonna help, you fake-hippie bitch. She staked him. She staked him good.
At least Jason wanted to set him free. It was Big Pattys Pie House. Jasons done with V, and if hippie
girl doesnt like it, she get out of his life as well. Sookies vision checked out somebody strangled
Cindy. She was a cute girl, but she might have been a fang banger as well. You go, Lafayette. You give
that twofaced politician what for. Sams a shapeshifter but he wants what every guy wants. Belle
shared his essence with her when they were in the ground. Its tradition, its part of the process. Even
vampires dont fully understand how it works. Just like closing that V-chapter in her life was symbolic
for Amy, right? Youve been turned into a vamp because you are unlucky, because life and death are
unfair. You cant go home again, youll have to sever any ties you might have with your family. She
loves it! No more belts! No more music lessons! Shes free! Sort of. NO MORE RULES! Hes terrified.
Hell have to teach her what being a vampire means. I read books, I know what it means! You cannot
kill anybody you want. With your new powers come new responsibilities what am I watching,
Spider-man? Youre gonna mainstream, like I do. Try a little more TB! It tastes like shit! You cant
force me to drink any more, Ill report you! I wanna kill people! Its almost like he embraced Famir.
Youre the worst maker ever! Wow. She didnt come to bail her out. Shes a danger to her salvation!
Shes on a road to hell. She wants her out of her house. Im the only reason you have a house! Yeah,
mother of the year, right there. A stand-up Christian! You turned your back on the single person who
always stood by you. Someone strangled Amy with a belt in the vision she shared with Jason she
just flew away. She looked happy, though. At least she didnt suffer. Why does the killer always
target his girls is he looking for a suitable scapegoat? Is it about revenge? You have to be touch
with newly embraced vamps, or they will walk all over you! They are kinda like children. The pig lady
came to bail her out Mary Anne Forester. Nothing against religion, but not a Jesus person. That
laugh gave me the hibiejibies. Revoking a vamps invitation makes them leave your house. It does not
set them ablaze, though. Our Gambit-wannabe is the killer. E12. Youve been a good friend, Rene. For
a murderer, I mean. Oh, your tongue almost slipped. The name Rene just does not suit you, Drew
Marshall. The Church of the Sun an anti-vampire movement, and an organized one at that. They
actually appreciate what Jason has done. He killed tainted women. They cant condone his actions
officially, but are willing to gather money for his defense in court. Although it wasnt really him. So,
weve already established that she isnt normal. Whats with the pig? A devil in disguise, thats you,
Rene. Unless thats a reference to the previous scene, the one with Mary Anne. Well, the jig is up.
Your wife found your accent tapes and your vamp porn stash. Yep, he killed all of them, including his
own sister. Amys passing wasnt as peaceful as I initially thought. When vampires get exposed to the
sun, its more like a slow boil than anything else. Their skin turns read an pustules pop up. Also, they
CAN move when the sun is out. I thought Sam needed an imprint in order to transform. I havent
seen that dog anywhere. Well, in the end the damsel was forced to save herself, because neither
Captain Crispy nor Lt. Furry could do the job right. Howprogressive. Shed like playing Shovel Knight.
Its like he kept the evil part of his psyche locked away, thats why she could not trace him. Mary
Anne and Sam have a history. She even knows that hes a shapeshifter. Who did you eat, Belle? Was
it Lafayette? Or is that too obvious? In some states, vampire marriage has been legalized. Are the
vamp objectors trying to weaponize the sun? Oh look, Jason is among them. So predictable. Even Erik
gave up on Jessica. There are favors and there are FAVORS. Good luck, youre gonna need it. So,
whos good to eat around here? Sams got fat stacks of cash in his safe. Far too much for a flee-bitten
bar owner, if you catch my drift. Why didnt he fix up his trailer? Keeping a low profile? Way to
overact the final scene, girls. After all youve been through THE END OF SEASON 1.

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