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Please note the following:

The RT-N wireless drivers is somewhat experimental in nature. It is intended for

use with the Linksys E4200, the ASUS RT-N10/12/66 models. The driver is large a
nd takes up a lot of room, so it's not very useful for earlier routers. Experien
ce also tells us that for the majority of users, it has been rather slow and bug
gy. However, at least one person has had good results using it on an RT-N16.
My recommendation for the RT-N16 is to use the normal (STD) RT version. If you t
ry the RT-N version and have problems with it, please don't post complaints in t
he forums, as you aren't recommended to use it in the first place. And there's n
othing we can do anyway.
We are trying to use one wireless driver for a multitude of different routers. T
hat has always worked in the past when the drivers were relatively simple. We tr
ied several drivers from different manufacturers and by trial and error found on
e that seemed to work with the majority of routers. As you will all know, there
have always been various problems with encryption, WDS, and so on, from time to
Now the situation has got much worse.
We now have many new routers on the market using wireless N. That necessitates r
ather complex wireless drivers. Each manufacturer commissions Broadcom to come u
p with a wireless driver for their own hardware model. Each model will usually h
ave a different driver. There are many, many different driver versions used. The
y are in the form of precompiled modules and we have no source code. There are a
lso hundreds, perhaps thousands, of changes in other files for some of the drive
rs. We have very little idea what those changes mean. Just one of them may be en
ough to wreck the wireless performance, cause dropouts or reboots, if we have th
e wrong parameter.
Last year, for example, Teddy Bear changed the wireless driver for the RT builds
from to He found it worked better with certain Belkin mo
dels. But tests over several months proved that it was responsible for a lot of
rather obscure and hard to pin down problems on many more common router models.
I reverted my builds to
The driver was clearly not suitable for hardware other than that which it was de
signed for. There are even more complex drivers coming out now, and for the mos
t part, they don't work so well on older models. They are also exceedingly diff
icult to incorporate into Tomato. We really do need someone with expert knowledg
e of these drivers and how to use them, and sadly, we aren't likely to get anyon
e with that knowledge to do it. So support for newer models is usually limited t
o the existing drivers (RT and N) from Teddy Bear. Which may have worked for the
models that were around a year ago but .....
You should therefore be beginning to see the problems - we have cobbled together
working (sort-of) wireless driver(s) into Tomato, but they may support a partic
ular model well, others less so, and may be unstable with yet another. The fact
is - we don't have any "One Fit For All" solution, and there's very little we ca
n do about it.
Just so you know ...

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