Physics 5 Sept

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1. A small amount of smoke is blown into a small glass box. A bright light is shone
into the box. When observed through a microscope specks of light are seen to be
moving around at random in the box.
A What are these bright specks of light!
" What evidence doe this provide for the kinetic model of matter!
#."rownian motion is observed when looking at smoke particles in air using a
What causes the smoke particles to move at random!
A $moke particles are hit b% air molecules.
" $moke particles are moved b% convection currents in the air.
& $moke particles have di'erent weights and fall at di'erent speeds.
D $moke particles hit the walls of the container.
(.)he molecules of a substance become more closel% packed and move more
What is happening to the substance!
A A gas is being heated and compressed.
" A gas is being heated and is expanding.
& A li*uid is boiling.
D A li*uid is evaporating at room temperature.
+.A hot drink is left in a room that is at a temperature of #,-&.
What has happened to the drink after ten minutes!
A .ts densit% is lower.
" .ts internal energ% is lower.
& .ts particles have e*ual energies.
D .ts particles move more *uickl%.
/.A heater supplies 0,1 of energ% to a block of metal. )he temperature of the block
rises b% #,-&.
What happens to the block of metal when its temperature falls b% 1,-&!
A .ts internal energ% decreases b% +,1.
" .ts internal energ% decreases b% 12,1.
& .ts internal energ% increases b% +,1.
D .ts internal energ% increases b% 12,1.
6.Mountaineers who climb in high places often use cylinders of oxygen.
A cylinder contained 0.25 m
of oxygen at 150 !a pressure.
"he pressure of the atmosphere is 100 !a.
#alculate the $olume of oxygen when it is all released from the cylinder into the
= P
.............................................................................................................................. m
3.A puddle and a small bowl are next to each other. )here is the same amount of
water in each.
a4 5xplain wh% the puddle dries out more rapidl% than the water in the bowl
b4 6ive two changes that would make the puddle dr% out even more rapidl%.
0..f %ou are wearing wet clothes and the water evaporates it cools %ou down. 7ow
does the kinetic theor% explain the cooling e'ect!
a.6ive two practical uses of the cooling e'ect of evaporation
b.What is the di'erence between evaporation and boiling!
8.)he air in a closed c%linder at a pressure of /,,,,9a and at #3
& is heated to
&. What is its new pressure!
1,. A :xed mass of gas has a volume of +m
at #3
& and at a pressure of 1/,
,,,9a. )he pressure is now reduced to 1,, ,,,9a and the volume is decreased at
the same time to ,./m. What is the :nal temperature of the gas!
11. .f the temperature of a gas is raised what happens to the pressure of the gas if
its volume sta%s the same!
1#. What happens to the molecules of an ideal gas at absolute ;ero!
1(. What is the value of absolute ;ero in degrees centigrade!
1+. What is: <i4 ,
& in =
<ii4 1,,
& in =
<iii4 (,, = in
1/. .f + litres of gas at #3
& are heated to 1#3
& at a constant pressure what will be
the new volume of the gas!
12. What happens to the pressure of the air in a car t%re during a long >ourne% on a
hot da%!
13. Which of the following graphs shows:
<i4 temperature against pressure for a gas at constant volume
<ii4 volume against pressure for a gas at constant temperature
<iii4 pressure x volume against volume for a gas at constant temp.
<iv4 volume against temperature for a gas at constant pressure

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