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Essay #1: The Personal Statement

Background: To do well, writers need to be self-refective, self-aware, and self-authoring before they can
enter into relation with the world. Your concept of who you are reveals your voice, a voice which suggests a
mind at work. This is how you avoid a generic voice; this is how you create authenticity.
Task: As we study identity and voice through other writers in class, you, yourself will write a personal
statement essay based on one of the ! "ersonal #tatement and$or !ommon App prompts. #elect one of
the prompts below for your focus% Note: If you are planning on applying out of state or to a private
university and would prefer to write your essay on diferent topic, please let me know
UC Prompts:
Prompt #1
&escribe the world you come from ' for e(ample, your family, community or school ' and tell us how your
world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
Prompt #2
Tell us about a personal )uality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or e(perience that is important to you.
*hat about this )uality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are+
Common Application Prompts:
Prompt #1
#ome students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application
would be incomplete without it. ,f this sounds like you, then please share your story.
Prompt #2
-ecount an incident or time when you e(perienced failure. .ow did it a/ect you, and what lessons did you
Prompt #
-efect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. *hat prompted you to act+ *ould you make the same
decision again+
Prompt #!
&escribe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. *hat do you do or e(perience there, and
why is it meaningful to you+
Prompt #"
&iscuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to
adulthood within your culture, community, or family.
Criteria :
0. The essay answers the prompt
1. The essay must be between 123 and 423 words 5according to your directions6
7. The essay needs to be 89A formatted, with 89A heading
Tips: As writers, you must consider. . .
a. AU#$E%CE: The admissions o:cers are looking for someone with intellectual curiosity,
open-mindedness, and strength of character. The writer should not include details that
would not matter to the reader or develop the main idea, but should include details that give
background so that the reader can understand the history of the incident and sense the
emotion$passion of the writer.
b. PU&P'SE and U%$T(: *riter;s main idea is not limited to the writer;s e(perience.
-ather, the writer;s main idea comments on something about all human experience.
Thus, the reader can <nd meaning to the essay, even if he or she has not e(perienced the
same moments. The essay should communicate this idea through a unifying thread% a
repeated statement, e(tended metaphor, syntactical cohesion, etc.
c. S)'*$%+, balanced with telling% *riter uses detail, imagery, and other rhetorical
devices to help the reader feel what the writer feels, know what the writer knows, and
understand e(actly what the writer has come to understand and how s$he came to
understand it.
d. T'%E: There is a consistent and appropriate tone = the writer doesn;t sound arrogant,
negative, or disinterested, but rather passionate, refective, and mature.
e. ST(-E and S(%TA.: The writing style blends short and long sentences, avoids clich>
metaphors or conclusions, and cuts vague language and wordiness in the place of speci<city =
all words on the page are purposeful and beneft the main idea.
Point /alue: 100 11 2*riting3 4 due 'ct 21

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