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November 16th–December 5th 2007 Africa Research Bulletin – 17645

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The Republic of Congo’s crude oil out-; Tel: +613 8359 1011; Fax: +613 8359 1120
put is forecast to rebound to 105m bar-
rels, in 2008 after a platform fire cut Information for subscribers: The Africa Research Bulletin Economic Series is published
production in 2007 by an estimated in 12 issues per year. Subscription prices for 2008 are set out in the table below. Custo-
10%. President Denis Sassou-Nguesso mers in the UK should add VAT at 7%; customers in the EU should also add VAT at
said. 7%, or provide a VAT registration number or evidence of entitlement to exemption.
Customers in Canada should add 6% GST or provide evidence of entitlement to exemp-
Mr Sassou-Nguesso said, in a state of tion. The Premium institutional price includes online access to the current and all avail-
the nation address to both houses of able previous year electronic issues. Reduced rates are available for students, ASA or
parliament, that 2007 crude oil produc- APSA members, or if you take both the Political Series and the Economic Series. Please
tion would fall to 87m barrels in 2007 contact customer services for details or visit
from 98m in 2006.
Delivery terms and legal title: Prices include delivery of print journals to recipients’
French oil major Total said in August address. Delivery terms are delivered duty unpaid; the recipient is responsible for pay-
that production at its Nkossa field ing import duty or taxes. Legal title passes to the customer on despatch by our distri-
would recover to 45,000 barrels per day butor.
in the fourth quarter of 2007 after a
blaze halted production in May, and it
would resume full capacity during
Political or Economic Series The Europe Europe Africa Rest of
The forecast output of 105m barrels in Annual Subscription Americas (€ zone) (non-€ zone) World
2008 equates to roughly 288,000 barrels
a day on average – more than 20% up Institutional: Print + Premium Online $1548 £815 £815 £530 £922
on 2007’s 238,000 bpd production. Institutional: Print + Standard Online $1407 £741 £741 £482 £838
Congo ranks behind sub-Saharan Afri- Institutional: Premium Online Only $1337 £704 £704 £458 £796
ca’s biggest oil producers Nigeria, Back issues: Single issues from current and recent volumes are available at the institu-
Angola, Equatorial Guinea and the 2007 tional single issue rate from Blackwell Publishing Journals. Earlier issues may be
reduced production also lags behind obtained from Periodicals Service Co. htpp://
neighbouring Gabon, which has fore-
Online: This journal is available online at Blackwell Synergy. Visit http://www.blackwell-
cast 2007 production of around 270,000
bpd. (Reuters, Brazzaville, 29/10)
Equatorial Guinea
Production of liquefied natural gas Equatorial Guinea aims to start work Sierra Leone was once a major pro-
has resumed. soon on the construction of a second ducer of rutile, with the Sierra Rutile
production train to process gas from operation accounting for 30% of the
Marathon Oil has restarted production Nigeria and Cameroon. Officials say annual supply of the world’s natural
at its new liquefied natural gas plant in land to build the train has already been rutile (and 75% of Sierra Leone’s
Equatorial Guinea after repairs to the purchased and a tender for the building exports). However, the site was overrun
3.4m tonne a year plant were com- work is expected to open soon. (Reuters, by rebels in early 1995 and considered
pleted, a spokeswoman said on Novem- Malabu 19/11) too dangerous to continue mining.
ber 19th.
After a decade of civil war, in 2001
Marathon officials said in mid-October peacekeeping efforts began to stabilise
that production from the $1.5bn plant, RUTILE the country.
on the northwest side of Bioko Island, Sierra Leone
had been shut down. TRG, owned by mining entrepreneur
Production is set to double with Jean Raymond Boulle, has proven and
Marathon made the first gas shipment extra dredges commissioned. probable reserves at the Sierra Rutile
in May under a 17-year deal with BG mine estimated at 259m tonnes at
Gas Marketing LTD (BG) to supply it Titanium Resources Group (TRG) has 1.48% recoverable rutile, with a pro-
with all the production from the plant’s commissioned a second dredge at the jected mine life of 19 years.
first production train. company’s Sierra Rutile mine in Sierra
Leone, which is expected to double In 2006 Titanium Resources produced
BG has LNG facilities in the United rutile production capacity to 200,000t/y. 73,802t of rutile and 13,819t of ilmenite
States and is part of a consortium from the mine.
building a plant in Britain. Marathon The dredge will begin commercial pro-
said the outage was common for a duction in December, operating at a In November, Reuters reported that
facility ramping up to full production. maximum throughput of 1,350t/h for Sierra Leone banned the export of min-
around 7,000h/y. erals samples in an attempt to stop
Marathon owns a 60% stake in the smuggling of diamonds and other valu-
West African country’s first lique- TRG intends to boost production by a able commodities. According to Mo-
faction unit, with 25% owned by further 40,000t with the addition of a hamed Mansaray, director of Sierra
national gas company Sonagas and the third dredge by mid-2008, said Len Leone’s geological survey, mining com-
remainder in the hands of Japanese Comerford, Titanium Resources’ chief panies export samples for assay because
investors. executive. no facility exists in the country.

 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007.

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