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On the west coast of Africa there is a missionary He was so surprised and amazed at her gift that at
station in which I have always been greatly interest- first he refused to take it, and told her to come to him af-
ed. Years ago a young man from Pennsylvania (USA) ter the service, when she could tell him privately where
went there as a missionary. His name was Adolphus she had gotten such a fortune, for he was concerned
C. Good. But it is not about Dr. Good that I want to that she had perhaps stolen it. To his surprise he found
tell, but about an African girl of that mission, who that in order to give Jesus an offering that would sat-
became a wonderful Christian. isfy her heart, she had sold herself to a neighboring
It was Christmas Day and she had come with all the planter as a slave for the rest of her life. The price—
native Christians to the mission to celebrate the Lord’s one silver coin. And she had brought it and given it to
birthday. They did not come to receive presents from her Lord, Who had redeemed her from a worse slav-
the mission or from each other. They came to bring to ery than that into which she had sold herself.
Him, whose birthday it was, the best gift they had. I do not know the end of the story; I suspect
After the service of prayer and praise was over the missionary bought her freedom himself. But I
and they had sung about Jesus, just as we do on know that there was a great love in her heart, and I
Christmas, the people came forward in a long pro- am wondering if there is a better Christian in all the
cession to the front of the church, each one laying in world than this young woman, Queen. She was will-
the hands of the missionary the gifts they brought ing to give herself, because of her great love, so that
for the Savior and His work. through her gift others might be told the great and
They were very poor, and their gifts were humble. wonderful story of Christmas and the gift of God’s
Perhaps we would have smiled had we been there, but Love to the world.
they were all given in great love; and their gifts were For the gift of God to the world was not one of
generous, for they were not offered out of abundance, gold, nor silver, nor riches of any kind, but of Love.
but out of deep poverty. You remember Jesus said the He gave Himself, as true love does.
woman who had given two tiny coins had given more
than the rich, for Jesus counts not what we give but
What Shall I Give Him?
what we have left, and she had nothing left. She had
given everything. (See The Bible, Mark 12:41–44.) What shall I give Him,
So these people of Africa brought their gifts: some, As small as I am?
a handful of vegetables, others a handful of flowers or If I were a shepherd,
a penny. Among the Christian givers that year there I’d give Him a lamb.
was a new face. I do not know her real name, but we If I were a wise man,
will call her Queen. She was a fine-looking girl of six- I’d do my part.
teen, and had been an idol worshipper. From under I know what I’ll give Him,
her old dress she brought forth a silver coin and put it I’ll give Him my heart.
in the hand of the missionary. —Christina Rossetti

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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

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