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Daytona Beach Campus

Course Out!ne
AE-"#$---Aero%ynam!cs -II
Cre%!t &ours' 3
Lecture &ours per (ee)'" La*oratory &ours' 0
$#++-$#+$ Catao, Course Descr!pt!on'
Laminar and turbulent flows, transition point, determinations of skin friction drag on an airfoil.
Obtaining equations for streamline, for particle path, and for streamline in a flow field. Compressible
flow, shock waves, thermodynamics of gas flow. eversible and irreversible processes. Change in
pressure, density and temperature across shock waves. !sentropic duct flow and flow through a
no""le. #tatic performance and maneuvers in flight. $ropeller theory. -rere.u!s!te' %& 30'.

)he course is designed to familiari"e the aerospace engineering student with the fundamentals of
compressible aerodynamics and its importance in drag polar determination. )he course is also
concerned with the performance of *et and propeller driven airplanes. )he material presented is
essential for the preliminary design of high performance airplanes.
Learn!n, Outcomes'
'. Calculate the effect of compressibility in high+speed flow problems.
,. %naly"e basic supersonic flow fields using the normal shock, oblique shock and $randt+-eyer
e.pansion relations.
3. /se both e.act and appro.imate 0linear1 theories to calculate lift and drag for compressible
subsonic and supersonic airfoils.
2. &valuate flow field properties in compressible flow through no""les and diffusers.
3. Calculate aircraft performance in level flight maneuvers.
4. &stimate take+off, landing and climb performance for various propulsion and airplane
5. Calculate range and endurance of propeller driven and *et airplanes.
6. &stimate the performance of various available propulsion systems and assess the proper choice
of propulsion system for various classes of aircraft.
7. %. %nderson, 7r., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, -c8raw+9ill, 3th edition ,0'0.
7. %. %nderson, 7r., Aircraft Performance and Design, -c8raw+9ill, ':::.
-rere.u!s!te 1no(e%,e *y Top!c'
'. ;ynamics.
,. !ncompressible aerodynamics.
3. )hermodynamics.
Top!cs Co2ere%'
'. Laminar and turbulent flows< determination of drag polar.
,. Compressible flow( some preliminary aspects.
3. =ormal shock waves and related topics.
2. Oblique shock and e.pansion waves( $randtl+-eyers and shock tables.
3. Compressible flow through no""les and diffusers( some design aspects of supersonic no""le design.
4. #ubsonic and supersonic flow over airfoils 0 linear theory1.
5. #ome design considerations for subsonic and supersonic aircrafts.
6. &quation of motion< glider performance< powered flight.
:. Climb performance< minimum time to climb< ceiling 0*et and propeller1.
'0 ange and endurance< effect of wind on cruise< techniques and comparisons.
''. )ake>off and landing distances and their estimation, including some design aspects.
',. -inimum time?fuel tra*ectories. !ntroduction to energy+state appro.imation.
'3. $ropeller theory.
Contr!*ut!on to Meet!n, -ro3ess!ona Component'
1. -athematics and basic sciences( 0
2. &ngineering topics( 3
3. 8eneral education( 0
+45 -ro,ram E%ucat!ona Reat!onsh!p to BSAE Outcomes6-EOs7'
$&O '( &ngineering responsibilities and methodology.
$&O 5( %erodynamics and aeronautics.

-repare% *y Course Mon!tor' ;r. )e* . 8upta Date%' 7une ,3, ,0',

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