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Writing Assignment #4 (Unit II, Module 1)

PSY210 Psychology of the Individual in Context

For this assignment, you are asked to compare and contrast three main traditional theories of
psychotherapy. You will also critically examine these three theories and determine from your
perspective which is most effective in an applied setting.
First, you are asked to watch at least 8-10 minutes of each of the three You Tube clips that are
provided with this module. These clips are part of a well-known series of tapes made in the
1960s with a recently divorced woman, Gloria, who was struggling in several areas of her life.
In developing these tapes, each of the therapists was given 30 minutes to demonstrate their
approach. The three theorists/clinicians and their associated perspectives are:
1. Carl Rogers (the non-directive, person-centered, or humanistic approach)
2. Fritz Perls (Gestalt therapy, focusing on authenticity)
3. Albert Ellis (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy or REBT, which also includes
cognitive therapy and challenges irrational thinking)
After viewing these three perspectives, develop a written description of each theory of
psychotherapy in your own words. Include at least three specific examples of what the
therapist for each orientation does or says which demonstrates his respective theory. Be sure
that your description captures the essence of the psychotherapy and distinguishes it from the
other two.
Last, you are asked to critically evaluate the theories presented in the videos and identify which
of these three orientations you think is most effective with Gloria. Why? Be sure to provide
specific examples that support your conclusion.
Grading Rubric for Writing Assignment #4
Response addresses the prompt in a thoughtful and academic manner; all questions are answered with
adequate depth, length, and reference to course content (recommended response length is a couple of well-
developed paragraphs or approximately 300-400 words total). Response is readable, grammar is sufficient, and
spelling is accurate. Full points are awarded to initial responses that demonstrate excellence, express critical
thinking about the readings and course content, and offer thoughtful participation.

The response is readable and comments make sense in the context of the questions presented. However, the
depth, length, and reference to course content were not thorough. Mistakes might be present in content
accuracy. There is insufficient critical thinking recognized. These responses are good in that they demonstrate
the student has completed the readings and other course content with some additional integration and critical
thinking needed.
Questions answered with limited depth, length, and reference to course content. Response is readable, but
there is a lack of critical thinking and in-depth attention to the reading and course content. Multiple errors in
accuracy present.
The response demonstrates insufficient critical thinking about and understanding of the course content and the
readings. Response is not written in a way that makes sense in the context of the questions. Response does not
answer questions. Response is unreadable.

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