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Ldi gi&i thieu

Dich ia mot ky nang kh6 trong viec hoc ngoai ngu n6i chung va Anh ngu n6i rieng. Trong nhidu tnldng hop, ta thay rang dich W tieng Anh sang tieng Vi¢t thi d@ dang han vi c6 slj trc qiup cua hi m~n. Nhunq 19 do quan tronq hon cua uu the' nay chinh ia slj hi~u biet sau sac og6n ogu me de va ban sac van h6a dan toc minh.

Nqon ngCt truven dat y nghT, tinh cam, cam xuc eoa can ngLfdi. Do d6, khi dich ttl' tieng Viet sang tieng Anh thi ta phai dUng d g6e d9 ngLfm Anh a~ dich. Lam sao d~ chuy~n ngCt dLf<;lC chinh xac, trung thanh vOi ban g6c rna vAn giO' aLf<;lc 9 cua ngLfdi viet khi dich. NghTa la dat DLf<;lC ca 3 yeu cau: chan - thi¢n - my.

Nham giup ban nang cao ky nang dich Vi¢t - Anh, chunq toi xin giOi thieu cuon: "Luy~n dich Vi¢t - Anh". Cu6n sach g6rn 4 n9i dung chinh.





Mot 56 nguyen tic co ban khi dich

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Vi~t - Anh

M9t so tit kho dich tit Vi~t sang Anh Luy~n dich Vi~t - Anh


. g

Mong rang eu6n sach se ia e&m nang giup ban ngay cang hoan thicn von tieng Anh cua minh.

~ ,





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Khi dich cau tu tie-ng Vi~t sang tie-ng Anh, sau khi da chon thci thich hop ta can thuc hien m(Jt s6 budc sau day:

Buac 1: chon mau cau cd ban

Buac 2: chon yeu t6 mo tit ~ tu b6 nghia (hay cau true chirc nang) thich hop

Buac 3: ap dung luat tuong e~n hay song hanh,

cAc MAu cAu co BAN

Khi dich mot cau tu tieng Vi~t sang tieng Anh, ta thuong d6i chieu mot ttt ngii giua hai ngon tir. Sau khi biet duoc tii loai cua tii tieng Anh, ta mdi lua chon mau cau can sil: dung va chon mQt thi thich hop cho dQug tu.

Trong tieng Anh, m6i cau thuong bao gom 2 phan: chu _ ngfi (the subject) va vi ngfi (the predicate).

Chu ngu goi ten mot nguci, mot d6 V?t hoac su kien, Vi ngu luon n6i len mot dieu gi d6 ve chu ngil.

Chu ngu luon la m(Jt danh tu, dai tir, m(Jt cum tu duoc dung nhu danh tu hoac mot menh de dung nhu danh tu, Vi ngir trong diu luon bat dftu bang mot dQng tu. Phftn con

Mdu 2: Noun + Verb + Adverbial

lai cua ca u (phan nam trong vi ngii, thea sa u dqng til) diroc goi 1a b6 ngu (the complement).

Ta't ca cac cau co ban g6m co danh til, theo sau la dQng til va b6 ngu, Tuy nhien, b6 ngu g6m nhieu til loai khac nhau. Do do ta xep cau co ban tuy theo til loai cua b6 ngu,

Co 7 ma.u cau cd ban sau: '

Mdu 1: Noun + Verb + (Adverbial)

Vi du: Everybody (n) laughed (v)

The dogs (n) are barking (v) at the boys (adv) He (n) arrived (v)late (adv).

Nhan xet: M§.u nay chi c&n 1 danh til lam chu ngu va mot d(>ng til. D(>ng til co th~ duoc b6 nghia bdi mot trang til, trang tu co th€ la mot tit don hay cum tU.

Dong til d rn§.u so 1 nay duoc goi la n(>i dQng tit ( the intransitive verb), nghia la d(>ng til kh6ng d.n mgt tan ngu di kern.

Vi du: John (n) is (v) at the party (adv).

Mary (n) was (v) out (adv) ,

My parents (n) are (v) in Ratay (adv).

Nhan xet: Dong tit d mftu na-y luon 18. mot dang cua dQng tit BE, va complement narn sau dQng tit BE ia trang tit chi thci gian hoac noi chon.


Mllu 3: Noun + Verb + Adjective

Vi du: The clerk (n) was (v) rude (adj), The coffee (n) tastes (v) good (adj). The sky (n) became (v) cloudy (adj).

Nhan xet: DQng tit trong mau s6 3 chi trang thai. Co rift nhieu nQi dQng tu: nhung chi c6 hen chuc nQi dQng tit chi trang thai, chang' han: be, seem, appear, sound, remain, smell, taste ...

MKu 4: Noun + Verb + Noun

Vi du: He (n) is (v) a teacher (n)

The books (n) have become (v) the best sellers (n) Toan (n) remained (v) a secretary (n)

Nhan xet: 3 d(ing tu: be, become, remain 13. nhirng d(ing tU duy nhat duoc dung d mftu s64. Nhirng d(ing ttl nay con dll<;fc goi la state verbs hay linking verbs.

Mau 5: Noun + Verb + Noun

Vi du: Peter (n) asked (v) several questions (n) Her friend (n) visited (v) Hongkong (n) Carelessness (n) causes (v) the accidents(n)

Nhan xet: Mftu 4 va 5 co cung each cAu tao nhung vi co chua 2 loai dQng tU khac nhau nen ta tach ra lam 2. DQng tU trong mAu 86 4 tao nen nhirng cau trong do danh tu d vi tri chu ngti va danh tu d vi tri complement cung am chi mQt nguoi hoac vat, S\1 viec, Con d mAu so 5, dQng tU tao nen nhfing cau trong d6 2 danh tu d vi tri chu ngil va bb ngu am chi 2 nguoi, 2 vat khac nhau. Cae dQng tit nay duoc goi la ngoai dQng tu (transitive


His mother considers him a genius


MJ:1u 6: Noun + Verb + Noun + Noun

Vi du: We (n) told (v) our mother (n) the news (n) My uncle (n) sent (v) me (n) a telegram (n) The sun (n) give (v) us (n) the light (n),

Nhan xet: D~mg LU dung trong m au cau nay Ia transitive verb. Sau dQng tU la 2 danh tu di lien nhau. Danh tir di lien sau dQng tir duoc goi la tan ngli gian tiep va danh W ke tiep duoc goi la tan ngli true tiep, Hai danh ttl d mau 6 am chi 2 nguoi hoac vat khac nhau.

M:1u 7A: Noun + Verb + Noun + Noun

Vi du: They name the ship "Titanic"

Her classmates elected Maria president.

Nhan xet: DQng tir dung trong mau nay 1a transitive verb.

Sau dQng tU cung c6 2 danh tu di lien nhau. Danh ttl dung lien sau dQng til duoc gQi la tan ngii' tn;tc tiep; danh tU tiep thea c6 tac dung giai thich cho tan ngu nen du'Qc goi la object complement-be nghia tan ngir. Hai danh ttl d rnau nay am chi' cung mQt ngudi hoac mot vat hay mot st,i viec.

Voi ffiQt s6 d~mg tU a mau cau 7A, mot tinh til c6 th6 t.hay the danh til thu hai, va tinh tU nay cung au'Qc goi la object complement nhu (] mAu 7B dudi day:


M.1u 7B: Noun + Verb + Noun + Adjective

Vi du: His mother considers him quite handsome.

The meat made our dog very happy. The news made her dissapointed. They found the machine useless.


Ta dich modifier la yeu t6mo tao Trong tieng Anh, modifier c6 th~ 1a mQt tit ngtr don dQc, mot cum til hoac rnQt menh M c6 chuc nang rna ta hoac b6 nghia cho mot til ngU khac trong Call n6i nham lam eho y nghia cua call trd nen ra rang hon, dAy dli hon,

N6i den yell t6rno ta thi r5't nhieu, d day ta xet tdi -mQt so' modifier ella danh tU chu yeu va thuong duoc sil: dung. Cac tU loai sau day eo th6 b. yeu t6mB ta cua mQt danh tU:

1 Mao tU (the article): a, an, the

Ex: a factory, an employer

2 Tinh tir chi thi (the demonstrative adjective): This, that, these, those.

Ex: This center, that car.

3 Tinh tU sd huu (the possessive adjective): my, your, his, her, our, their, its

Ex: his job, the man's office

4 Tinh tir bit dinh (the indefinitive adjective): some, many, several, much ...


Ex: some books, many products
5 Tinh ttt chi sa de'm (The numberal adjective): one, nine,
second, third ...
Ex: the second time, two factories
6 Tinh tU (the adjective): young, small, difficult ...
Ex: a young man, some big companies
7 Danh tu (the noun): tea, history, return, college ...
Ex: a tea cup, a history book,
8 Phan tit (the participle): running, coming, spoken ...
Ex: the following sentences; a swimming pool, an invited
guest, a stolen car
9 D9ng tu nguyen mAu (the infinitive): to finish, to do, to
come ...
Ex: a report to finish, the right to vote 10 Trang tit (the adverb): down, above, then, here, after ... + Truong hop trang tU dung sau danh tit:

Ex: the boy upstair, the sky above

+ 'I'ruong hop trang tit dimg trudc danh tu:

Ex: 'the down train, the up train, a black and white TV

N goai ra, trong tieng Anh, yeu to rnf ta con co th~ 18. rnQt p. group (prepositional phrase); mQt V-ing group (present participle) hay m9t V-ed group (past participle phrase); hay togroup (infinitive phrase), Tuy thuoc vao titng cau tieng Vi~t khi dich sang tieng Anh rna ta ap dung cho phu hop.



IJ Qui tic tlidng c~n

Trang tieng Anh, tU Proximity c6 nghia 18 giln. The rule of proximity duoc dich 18 qui tAc tudng c~n. Qui tAe tuong e~n qui dinh rAng, khi m9t yeu to' m6 ta b6 nghia eho mQt ttt mao, thi no phai duoc d~t gAn ttl d6.

Vi du: The morning paper; garden flowers; the coming year; a used car ...

Hay xet vi du dum day. Khi ta thay d5i vi tri cua tU only, y

nghla cua cau hoan toan thay d5i:

Only Gary hit his classmate on the nose. Chi co Gary ddnh. ban. c¢u ta vclo miii. Gary only hit his classmate on the nose. Gary chi danh. ban. c¢u ta vao miii thai. Gary hit only his classmate on the nose. Gary chi dank minh ban ctiu ta Vclo miii. Gary hit his only classmate on the nose.

Gary danh. nguin. ban. duy nhiit cua c¢u ta vao miii. Gary hit his classmate only on the nose.

Gary danh. ban. cau ta chi vao miii thai

Gary hit his classmate on his only nose.

Gary danh. vao ctii miii duy nhlit cua ban minh.


IIJ Qui tAc song hanh

Til Parallelism trong tieng Anh co nghia 18 su tucng d6ng, song song hoac di d6l. Ta dieh Rule of Parallelism la qui t~c song hanh.

Lien tU AND n6i cac ye'u to' gi6ng nhau trong cau n6i. No no'i 2 danh til, 2 cum til hoac 2 menh d~ lai vdi nhau. Cac ye'u to' nhu vay dllqc goi Ia tuong dang.

Qui t~c song hanh qui dinh: cac yeu to trong diu noi c6 cung chuc nang ngil phap nhu nhau phai d,uqc trinh bay bAng nhiing hinh thuc cau tao giong nhau. Hinh thirc cau tao gi6ng nhau do c6 thJ la mQt til don hay mQt cum tir.

Cac til sau thuong duoc Stl dung trong qui tiic song hanh: 11 Cac lien tit (and, but, or)

Ex: He enjoys reading plays and poetry.

She sings and dances beautifully.

12 Cac lien tit cap doi (either ... or; neither ... nor; both ... and; not only ... but also; whether ... or)

Ex: He came both in the morning and in the afternoon.

He not only sings songs but also composes music.

13 And who, and which: M9t so nguoi thuong mac 16i lien quan tdi dai til who, which, that. Nen nhd rAng, lien tit AND kh6ng bao gid dUQC sa dung trudc nhirng tit nay trit khi who, which, that da xuat hien truoc d6 trong diu.

Ex: Sai: He is an engineer and who works for a big company Dung: He is an engineer who works for a big company

Sai: There is a sign at the crossroads and which will derect you to our farm.

Dung: There is a sign at the crossroads which will derect you to our farm.





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1. Ai: Those who (khong dung d~ hoi rna d~ n6i trong khfmg)

Vd: Ai mong dt;li di~u xa'u nhat hau nhu la nguoi it bi tuyet vong,

Those who expect the worst are less likely to be disappointed. 2. Phai chi: That (dung d~ di~n til \ide muon)

Vd: Phai chi Wi co th~ g{ip lai anh a'y.

That I could see him again.

3. Gia mae if only (dl}ng tit di sau chia d thi qua khii don gUm

V d: Gia rna t6i giau co. If only I were rich.

GiS. rna t6i bie't ten anh {{y. If only I knew his name

4. N e'u khong thi: if not

Vd: Toi se di neu anh cling di, neu kh6ng thi t6i tha 0 nha con hen.

I will go if you are going, if not, I'd rather stay at home.


5. Chi khi nao: only if (dao chi! ngii' ra sau dQng tit)

Vd: Chi khi nao thAy giao cho phep thi sinh vien mdi dude vao phong,

Only if the teacher has given permission are students allowed to enter the room.

6. Coi, xem: if, whether (dung trong cau gianti~n, thu~t l~i cae cau hoi)

Vd: Anh fly hoi xem chung ta c6 mu6n uang chut gi kh6ng. He asked whether we wanted a drink.

7. Dl1u co .•. hay khong; whether or not

Vd: DAu c6 yeu dUQC co fly hay kheng anh ta cling vui ve. He will be happy whether or not she loves him .

. 8. Co nen: whether

Vd: Toi kh6ng chac co nen nghi viec hay la tiep t1J.C lam. I am not sure whether to resign or stay on.

. 9. Li~u: do you think hay if hay whether

Vd: Lieu troi c6 siip mua hay khong?

Do you think it is going to rain?

10. Tha. Would rather ... than, better.

V d: Ba fly tha chet con hen mflt con gai.

She would rather die than lose her daughter.

11. Nen lam gi do thi hon/Co khdn thi: do better to do something.

Vd: Dung mua bay gii1, nen cho d~ gia ha t:_..i hon,

Don't buy now, you would do better to wait for the reduced price.


12. Tha rAng: better

Vd: Tha rAng muon con hon khong. Better late than never.

13. Hoa ra: as it turned out; turn out to be sthlsb; turn out that.

Vd: Hoa ra Wi khong ciin de'n o.

I didn't need my umbrella as it turned out. Hoa ra co fiy la nguoi yeu cua anh trai wi.

It turned out that she was my older brother's girlfriend. HoB. ra cong viec v~t va hen tai tudng.

The job turned out to be harder than we thought.

14. Thanh thtt, thanh ra: therefore, that is why, hence.

Vd: Hom qua wi bj nga xe dap thanh thi't mdi biim I fell off my bicycle yesterday, hence the bruises.

15. De"n muc do: That

Vd: Trdi khong lanh de'n rmrc do dau, It isn't all that cold

16. The' tat, the" nen: evidently

Vd: The' nen ang ta quye't dinh ra di. Evidently he has decided to leave.

17. Phame no matter whether, as, being

V d: Pharn lam nguoi thi khong song ngoai xii hQi dli<;1c. Being a man, one can't live apart from society.


18. Chii: But

Vd: Anh da mua nham cai ao so mi rai. T6i dn cai mau xanh chu kh6ng phai cai mau vang.

You have bought the wrong shirt. It is the blue one I wanted but the red one.

19. Khong ai rna khong: no man but

Vd: Kh6ng ai rna kh6ng cam thay tili nghiep cho nguoi an may d6d ..

There is no man but feels pity for that begger.

20. Tru phi: unless, but that

Vd: T6i dB. hi chet duoi rai, tru phi anh khong nhin thay toi dudi nude.

I would have drowned, but that you had seen me in the water.

21. Xong: finish

Vd: Tai da an sang xong.

I have finished my breakfast. Chung tai dB. xay xong ngoi nha do. We have finishedthat house.

22. Lai con ... nii'a: yet more

Vd: Lai con mdt diJn hinh nira ve viec hu6ng long tQi pharn. Yet one more example of criminal negligence.

Lai mQt dua he ra d(ji rna kh6ng c6 cha nira.

Yet one more newly born-child without having father.


23. SCi di: if, that is way

Vd: sa di chiing ta phai dau tranh la vi quan xam luoc If we had to put up a fight, it was because of aggressors. sa di co Ay met la vi da lam viec qua vAt va.

If she was tired, it was because she worked too hard.

24. Tham chi khong: without so much as.

Vd: H~n da bo di tham chi khong met 10i chao tarn biet. Off he went without so much as 'goodbye"

25. Khong c~n noi them mra: so much for sthlsb

V d: Khong d.n n6i them ve ky thi dai hoc vua qua nira, chung ta hay co gang dQi ky thi narn sau.

So much for last university entrance exams, we can wait for the next year exams.

26. Khong hAn lit: not so much sth as sth

Vd: Co ta khong h&n la ngheo rna chinh la phung phi tien bac,

She is not so- much poor as careless with money.

Chi Eiy khong him la dep rna chinh la mac quan ao dAt tien, She is not so much beautiful as wearing expensive clothes.

27. Vita mrri.v.tb.i; no sooner .... than

Vd: Anh ta vita mdi den thi 11;1i bi sai di ngay.

No sooner had he arrived than he was asked to leave again.


28. Vita muon ... viia muon: just as soon do sth as do sth.

Vd: T6i vua muon d nha, vua muon di xem phim. I'd just as soon stay at home as go to the cinema.

29. Moi: Just (after)

Vd: Mbi an com xong dung lam viec gi nang,

Not to do any heavy work just after having a meal.

30. Hoa hoam once in a while

Vd: Hoa hoan lAm chung t6i moi di an nha hang. Once in a while we go to a restaurant.







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... ~ ;-.,' Jt\" 1'~ ~"'


1. Trong nhitng niim gan day do qtuin. lj va bao v~ hem, tai nguyen ritng bi tan phd nit nghiem trong.

2. San ht(fng gd khai thsic danh. cho che' bien tieu dung trong nli{Jc va xuat khdu trong nhitng ruini 1992 va 1993 do' giom. rat nhihi .

3. De' thr,tc hi~n nghiem chinh Luq,t Bao v~ va Phat trie"n ritng ban hanh. ngay 12/8/1991 va d(ic b i~t la chi thi 462/ TTg ngay 1113/1993 cua Thil Tliang Chinh phu vi quiin. lj ch(it che vi~c khai tluic, v¢n chuye"n vd xuat khdu gd, nganh. lam nghi~p dii thuc hi~n bi~n phap qtuin. lj, bdo v~ tai nguyen ritng, bdo v~ moi sinh, do'ng thiti on dinh. va pluit trien ngu6'n nguyen li~u gd danh. cho c6ng nghi~p ehe' bien, trong do co ehe' bien xuat khdu.

4. Ban lli(fng khai tluic gd niim 1998 thea dr,t k ien he' hoach. cua Bq Lam nghi~p se tang len 690.000m3 so vdi 638.000m3 niim 1996 va 618.000m3 niim 1997.

5. Cung thea d¥ kien ke' boach. do, niim 1998 se danli 299.000m3 g6 tii nh6m 1 cho den nh6m 8 de' ehe' bien xuat khdu (tric m(jt s6' loai dt;ic bi~t quj hitm da bi Nha nude ctim. khai tluic va sit dung tai Nghi. dinh. srI 18/ HDBT ngay 1711/1992).


6. Chi each day uai ruim. gJ cao su duqc cho la loai t6i, chi dung de'lam chilt dot.

7. Hien. nay do 19,i la nguyen li~u rdt co giti tri trong oiec san xudt va xuti: khau cdc miit hang gJ dang rat ua chuQng tai cdc thi. truang cdc nude tu ban pluit tridn (Chtiu A, Chau o« Chtiu Au, Bdc My).

8. Hang ruim. nganh. cao su pluii thanh lj khoang 7.000-8.000 co khi den 10. 000 ha cay cao su gia de'trang mdi.

9. [Jdc tinh binh qtuin hang ruim co the'thu duac oai ba tram ngdn met khoi gJ cao su gia thanh lj co chdt luqng dung cho cke' bien xudt khdu.

10. Ngoai ra ciing nen luu. tam cdc nha nghisn. cuu, San xudt va xudt khdu cdc san phdm g6 vi mijt nguon nguyen li~u hlui do'i dao nhung chua dUf/c khai tluic sit dung do la gJ dita.

11. M9t s6' nuoc nluc Indonesia, Ph ilipp in, Malaysia dii thanli cong trong vi~c chi bien g6 dua lam v¢t lieu. xay dung, san xuat hang mijc, trong do co hang moe xud; khdu mang lai hieu. qua dang khich l~.


- Chi bien: to process (= to treat material in order to preserve it).

Nhu v¢y ctdu de' co the'dich: To process wood for export = processing wood for export (ehe' bien gJ de' xudt khdu). Nell dich: processed wood for export = g6 (dul/c) che'bien g6 di xuiit khdu.


Ciiu 1:

- DC} = due to: owing to; because of; caused by; on account of ..

E.g: The accident was due to careless driving = tai nan. do ldi xe bat cein (due to = owing to; caused by).

- Quan N va- bao ve hem: ill management and protection. III = kern, to'i (ngliia thong thuimg = om dau). M(Jt viti vi du khdc:

- She has ill luck = nang kern may nuin. III fame = tie'ng xau. III health = sue khoe kern, (sue khoe kern chu khong pluii benh. hoan).

Ciiu 2:

- San htdng g6 khai thdc = the exploited wood production.

- Cho che' bien tieu di' n6i dia ... = chi cdn dich. = for

domestic use. Co the" thay domestic = inland; interior; internal ...

- Rat nhieu: Very much; a lot ... d day ta co the' dich. bdng "dramatically" (= mot each tluim hai, mot each the

. ..

tluim) df/ cdu van them song df)ng han.

cau s.

- Nghiem chinh: strict (adj.); stern (adj.); severe [siviJ} (adj.) (= demanding and enforcing obedience) =:;!> adverbs; strictly; sternly; severely .

. Be strict with yourself- hay nghiem khdc vdi chinh ban than (anh, chi ... ) ban,

- A strict (= stern) rule against smoking at a petrol station: luat l~ nghiem. kh6c chrJng hut thuoc tai tram xiing ddu.


· f)e'thlie hien nghiem chinh: to strictly carry out ... ho{i.c to severely implement ...

· Chi thi: instructions (p.l); directions; orders. Verbs: to instruct; to order; to direct ...

E.g: Instruct them to start early = hay chi thi bon chung khdi hanh. sam. -

· M6i sinh = ecosystem (n) (moi sinh = moi truang sinh thai = an ecological unit consisting of a group of plants and living creatures interacting with each other and with their surroundings.),

o Sli ehe' bien: processing (= verbal noun; gerund).


· San llidng khai theic g6: the production of exploiting wood.

· Ke'hoach: plan (n); arrangement (n); project (n); outline (n) ...

· Dli kie'n: to estimate (vt & vi); to calculate; to target (thliiJng dung d dang "passive")... So vdi nen. dich. "against" (trong bai nay).


· Cung theo dli kien ke' hoaeh do: chi dich. dan gitin also according to that plan.

o Loai guy hie'm (bQ bat, "d{i.c biet") rare and precious

kind (esort).

- Ctim: to prohibit; to forbid; to ban ...

· To forbid a marriage: ngiin cam cuoc h6n nhdn.

· Smoking is strictly prohibited at gas stations: hut thuoc bi triet de' (ngiin) cam tai cdc cdy xiing.



o DUdc cho la: to be considered; to be regarded; to be seen ...

o G6 to'i: poor quality wood dung dich. bdng "bad wood".

o Chift dot: fuel (n); material for burning.

Ciiu 7:

o Co gia tri: valuable (adj) ho{ic useful; of great value (= use) ...

o Cac mat hang g6: wood items.

o Dang rat lla chuang tai ... : are highly appreciated (= evaluated) at ... (= duq« danh gia cao vi ctuit lutJng tot).

We greatly appreciate all your help = chung tOi danh. gia (rat) cao moi sl! gitip da cua ban.

o Thi truiing cac nllac tli ban: the markets of capitalist countries.



Cdu 8:

o Ngdnh cao su: the rubber branch.

o Thanh N: (nghia trong bai) = to destroy; to make useless; to demolish, to pull down ...

Eg: Dung phd cai ht;p do, no co thl hiiu ich aily = don't destroy that box, it may be useful.

o De' tro'ng mdi = ell tro'ng lai nhltng cay mdi = ... to re plant new ones.

o Tro'ng cay: to plant trees.

- Nha nghien cuu: a researcher.

- Nha san xUfft: a producer; a manufacturer ...

- Tro'ng rang: to put in false teeth.

- Tro'ng chtuii: to stand on one's head.

Eg: Look at! Nam is standing on his head, (nhin kia, Nam dang tding chuor [= dung biing ddu; di adu xu6ng ddt]).

Ciiu. 9:

- Binh quan: average (adj.)

- Sl1l1dc tinh: estimation;}udgement; calculation ...

- ... l1dc tinh binh quiin hang nam ... : people estimate (=

calculate) that ... hodc The approximate judgement ( = average estimation) is that ...

- £Jl1dc dung cho chi}' bien xtuit kha'u = to be treated for export; to be processed for export ...

Ciiu 10:

- Naoai ra: Besides: in addition; moreover; further (also furthermore) ...

Eg: She said that the key was lost and further, that there was no hope of its being found = nang bao riing chia khod dii bi rruit va ngoai ra chiing co hy vqng tim thay duac (chia khod).

- Lliu tam: to call the attention of sb, to something. Co the' thay to call = to attract (trong bai nay rna thoi) va attention = respect (n); heed (n); interest (n) ... neu dung

,.. ,. h'd~?' .,. "'I" "." . t . h

interest t t Ot gun. tll 0 = In ..... In erest ... In st .


cs« 11:

- M6t s6:' some (chi dung trong diu xdc dinh). Trang cdu nghi otin. va phu dinh. Some nen. thay bring ANY) ...

Eg: I have some milk; give me some tea.

- Do you have any milk? (hoij,e have you ... ?)-

- I haven't any milk ...

- Nhl1 = like (preposition). E.g: Don't talk like that (=

dung noi nlui u\'iy) (.0. in that way).

- If everyone worked hard like you ... = ne'u moi ngl1di lam oiec cham chi nhu ban. ...

Luu y: t.ruac cdc danh tit rieng chi ten nuoe thuimg khong co 'THE" tuy nhien co m9t sfi nr.ide phiii co rna ta can hoc tluuic:

Vi du: Phi-lip-piri My

Lien Xo HaLan

= The Philippines

= The United States ::: The Soviet Union = The Netherlands

Ci}ng hoa Do-mi-nic = The Dominican Republic

Yuong quoc Anh = The United Kingdom ...

- Thanh cong: to succeed in: to be successful in; E.g: Tuyet succeeded in that examination (= Tu_yet dil. d(w ky thi u_y).

Thanh ciing qua sue (hoij,c mite) mong dfli = to succeed beyond one's hopes.


- Hang moe: furniture (n); wood items.


- Hieu qud: efficiency (n); effect; result (n); output (nl.;

• Phuong pluip hi~u qud nhtit de'lam ctieu gi: the most effective method of doing sth

Biii dich. tham hluio:

1. Due to ill management and protection, forest resources have, in recent years, been seriously destroyed.

2. The exploited wood production for domestic use and export decreased dramatically in 1992 and 1993.

3. To strictly carry out the law on Protecting and Developing Forests proclaimed on 12 August 1991 and specially Instruction 462. TTg dated 11 Sept.- 1993 of the Prime Minister about keeping tight control on exploiting, transporting and exporting wood, the forestry branch has taken several measures to manage and protect forest resources and ecosystem and at the same time to stabilise and develop the source of wood material reserved for processing industry, of which there is processing for export.

4. The production of exploiting wood- in 1998, according to targeted plan of the Ministry of Forestry, will increase to l 690,000 m" against 638,OOOm~ of 1996 and 618,OOOm~ of


5. Also according to that plan in 1998. 299,OOOm3 of wood from group 1 to group 8 will be used in processing for export (except a number of rare and precious kinds which have been prohibited for exploitation and use at Decree No 18 HDBT dated 17 Jan. 1992).


6. Just a few years ago, rubber wood in our country was considered poor quality wood and was used as fueL

7 At present, it is very valuable material used in producing and exporting wood items which are highly appreciated at the markets of developed capitalist countries (Asia, Australia, Europe, North America).

8. Every year the rubber branch has to destroy about 7,000- 8,000. or sometimes 10,000 ha of old trees to re-plant new ones.

9. The average estimation is that every year there will be about 300,000 or 400,000 m" of good quality wood of old rubber trees, which are destroyed, can be used or processing for export.

10. In addition, we would like to call the attention of researches, producers and exporters of wood products to an abundant source of material which has not yet been exploited: coconut wood.

11. Some countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia have succeeded in processing coconut wood into building material, producing furniture, of which there are exported furniture bringing encouraging efficiency.


1. Theo s(/li¢u thong ke eua Bi) Giao thong V¢n uii trang bon ruim trCt lai aay trung binh. moi niim Vi~t Nam nhiip hhoang 20. 000 xe hcti cdc loai.

2. T6ng cQng hien nay cd nude Vi¢t Nam co khodng 280.000 xe hoi.



3. VO'i 70 trieu dan dem. tinh binh qutin dilu nguiti thi chi mai dat du~1c 0,04 chiec.

4. Thuc t(t hien. nay treri mot nua s6' xc hoi dang luu hanli tai Vi¢t Nam qua cit ky, kh6ng dam baa duac cac tieu chua.'n ue kj tluuit va v¢ sinh m6i truang, do do nhu cdu thay the' cdc loai xe m/ti la die'u hiiln nhien.

5. Tren linh. vue thuang mai hang TOYOTA cua Nluit dii butte dau kha thanh. cong.

6. Hang nay trang vhng 4 tluing tit ihang 4 aen thong 712000 dii ban sang Vi~Jt Nam gan 2.500 chiec xe hoi moi vdi m(Jt Sf)' kiifu ch.u. yiu: HIACE, CORONA, COROLA, CROWN, LANDCRUSER.

7. Nhilng nguiJi thong thao trong gioi ban xe hdi d TP Ho' Chi Minh cho biet, trong uai nam gan (tay, gan m(d nita s6' xe hai nlutp oao Vi¢t Nam mang nhiiri hieu TOYOTA, tiep theo la mot sir loai xe hluu: cling riu(!c ngudi Vi¢t Nam ua dung nliu HONDA (ACCOR, CNIC), NISSAN (BLUEBIRD, SUNNY, STANZA), MITSUBISHI (LANCER) MER CEDESBENZ la nhi1ng nluin hieu xe hai han chay d th.i truang Vi¢t Nam.

8. Ngoai ra; HYUNDAl va KIA cua Han Quae ciing la nhilng nhiin. hieu. de lieu tlu: vi gui cd tuang dl";'i re.

.9. Sd di cac loai xe luti Nluit tieu thu auric d Vi¢t Nam la do nguin Vi~t Nam thich nhilng xe nhG gon, trrn it nhien. lieu, hii'u dang phong phu. va gia cd tuang dat phii hap.

10. Xe Mercedes-Bene, BWN chi co mot s()' trong gidi kinh doanh co mite th.u nluip cao mai mua.


11. Ntu nhin M ngoiu. thi thi truimg xe ho! tai Vi¢t Nam kh6ng soi d(Jng nhu cac thi truitng hluic; the' nhung ben trong no la mQt cuoc chay dua ngtim ngdm va quyet liift giica cac cong ty chetao xe hai zan cua the' giai.


- Xe hai: Nen dung tit "Automobile" thong dung han.

Automobile noi gon Iii [:J:tiV). .. Mien Bdc ding goi "xe hoi" la {j to (doc thea each. doc cua nguai Philp: [une] auto).

• Car = xe hoi can, xe du lich.

- Xe co = Vehicle: Nguiti Anh doc [tviokl] hotic l vi.hikt].

Nguai My thi doc [vihikl]. Vehicle dung chi tat cd cac loai xe c(J co dt;ng ca ciing nhu tho sa do sue v~t hoiic nguiJi heo, ddy ...

Ciiu 1:

- Theo: according to (prep); on the authority of ..

!fdg: On the authority of the Bible, God created the earth in six days = theo Thanh Kink, Chua dii tao ra trtin. the' trong (vong) 6 ngay.

- Sf/lieu thoM he: Statistical figures ho¢c Statisticstn).

Statistics (dung vdi Verb (J so- nhieu. [pl. v] = cac dii hien, cdc tai lieu dii duoc th6ng ke (facts shown in numbers).

Eg: Statistics suggest that the population of our city will be doubled in twenty years' time = cac dl! ki¢n thong ke neu len y kien la dan thank pho' chung ta se tang gap doi trong uong 20 niim niia.



· Statistics (with sing. V) = Khoa hoc thifng ke, khoa the/ng ke hoc (= the Science of Statistics) Eg: She's studying statistics at Open University = chi iiy dang hoc mati thong ke tai truimg Doi hoc Md.

· B6 Giao thong min tiii: The Communica_tions and Transport Ministry. B6 Giao thong Cong chrinh = The Ministry of Communications and Public Works. Xe hdi au loai: Ditng dich. = automobiles of all kinds ma nen thay all kinds = different kinds; various types ho(ic assorted sorts ...

Ctiu 2:

· C6 the" dicli nhieu each: Presently, (hoij_c Currently; At present ... ) Vietnam has about 280.000 automobiles. Hoiic: At present, the total of autos in VN is ... hodc Currently, there are about 280,000 autos in VN ...

Ctiu 3:

· Binh quan ddu ngum: per capita (adv.) & (adj) Eg: Per capita income of the Vietnamese has risen considerably = l(li tuc binh qtuiti ddu nguai cua nluin dan Vi~t Nam da va dang gia tang acingkl

... m{Ji dat dUdC = ty l~ chi mdi da: duoc = the ratio (hoi;ic proportion) is 0.04 auto.

Ctiu 4:

· Thuc tt hien nay tren.: co the' dich: In reality, at present, over a half of the autos ... hoic: In actual fact, over a half of the autos currently circulating in Vietnam ...


· Tieu chudn ve ky thudt = The standards of techniques: the criteria of techniques; the technical standards ...

Ve sinh mOL trrtiJng: environmental hygiene; enuiornmental sanitation ...

· Die'u hiln nhien: evidence (n); clearness (n); obviousness (n); conspicuous ness ...

· Hie'n nhien (adj.) = evident; clear; obvious; conspicuous; manifest; plain; patent; easily seen; noticeable; remarkable ... Va ae' cho j cau van t/J,em manit han ta co thi them titp aau to' "SELF' dung truoc danh tit hoiic tinh tit.

Eg: Important = quan trong. Self-important = len miit ta ady, t1/ cho minli la quan trong .

. Invited = auC/c mai .

. Self-invited = kh6ng mai rna den (tu minh mai minh).

Eg: They are self-invited guests = boti cluing la (nhilng) kluich. kh6ng ai mai rna ciing den. Self-evident (adj) = t1/ biin. than dii ro rang, hiln nhien kh6ng din chung minh, Ii luiin. (cac ban. nen t(ip sit dung thuan thuc tie"p to' nay): introduction.

self introduction ... (t1/ gim thieu); control (n) ~ selfcontrol (st! t1/ chit); help (n) ~ self-hell (st! tt! giup) ...


· Trong liinh. v¥c thuang mai = in the field of commerce; in the domain of business (= trade). .. do' buac duu kh6 thanh cong = has made a rather successful start (= beginning) hoij.c ... has caried out a first step forward... -



Ctiu 6:

Nen dicli xuoi: Trang ooru; 4 thang tit ... den 7-1996 = within four months, from ... to July 1996, this firm sold nearly ... to Vietnam.

- Val mot so" kie'u chli. yeu: with such marks as ciing co the'

thay "marks" = designs; patterns; models .

Ctiu 7:

- NguiJi thong thao: a connoisseur (= a person with good judgment on matters in which taste is needed).

Eg: He is a connoisseur of (hoil-c in) old porcelain = ong ta la nguiJi thong thao do' sanh. su co': A connoisseur of wine ...

. Gidi ban xe hdi: car selling circle.

'10 Business circle = giai thuang mai, kinh doanh * Theatrical circle = gidi kich ngh¢ ...

Eg: He is well - known in political

circle = ong ta rdt no'i tieng trong giai chinh tri (= well known among people connected with politics).

- Mot 8(/ loai xe khdc cung duac ngum Viet Nam ua dung = favourite ones by the Vietnamese (favourite (adj) = best liked) hoiic.: cars favoured by the Vietnamese lihe

HONDA . .) nhftng nhan hieu xe hdi = nhung xe hoi nay

ban cluiy = which are best sellers hoiic These (autos)

are best sellers on the Vietnamese market SELLER (n) = ngoai nghia "nguai ban" con co nghia "man hang duoc ban ra" (sth that is sold).


Eg: FJtiy ta quyfln tilu thuyet ban (rtit) chay = this novel is a best seller (= ... is a book that sells in large number).

Ciiu 8:

· Ngoai ra: besides (ado): moreover; in addition. ...

Eg: * Di rtio b9 bay giit tre qua roi, ngoai ra trai dang brit dau rnua = it's too late to go for a walk, besides, it's beginning to rain.

· Nen 60 "nhiing nhiin hi?u": HYUNDAI and KIA of Korea are easily consumed ...

· Vi gia cd tUdng dot re = because of rather cheap price; due to fairly cheap cost ...

Ciiu 9:

C6 the'dich: Japanese cars can be used in Vietnam because the Vietnamese like small and economical cars of various forms hoiic: The reason why Japanese autos can be consumed in VN is that the Vietnamese favour small and ... (Nlu): The Vietnamese kh6ng thay d6'i hinh dang du Ii "sing form" hodc 'P7form".

· Gia cd tUdng dOl phil hr!p: The price i{ relatively within their reach hodc the price is moderately reasonable (Reach [n] = tam udi tdi [den & bong).

Ciiu 10:

Nen hif/u: Mercedes ... chi du,/c mua bai gidi kinh doanh co muc thu nhg.p cao.

· Co mac thu nhap cao: = to have high income; to receive high revenue.


Gau 11:

Co thi dicli nhieu each: If we look at the surface, the Vietnamese auto market is not ... hoiic: looked at the surface ... hodc Examined from the outside, the Vietnamese auto market... Hoac thay nhom. tit. "looked at the surface ... = "superficially; on the surface ... Va thay "Examined = observed; seen; considered; regarded; deemed ...

Thay surface = appearance; superficies (n) (pl. unchanged) ...

Eg: Don't judge sb by appearances = dung xei dodn. ngudi ta qua hi ngoai .

Mot cu6c chay dua ngam ngdm va quyet liet = a harsh and silent race. [Hearsh (adj)j: stern; severe; cruel; violent; drastic [drcestih] ... ).

- CilLa cae rang ty "giita nen. dieh. = AMONG (nhie'u han 2 cong ty) chit kh6ng = between. C6 thi thay "auto" companies = auto firms ho{ic = auto manufacturers .•.

Bid d!ch tham khao:


1. According to the statistical figures of the Communications and Transport Ministry, within four years.. Vietnam annually imports about 20,000 automobiles of different kinds.


2. At present, the total of autos in Vietnam is about 280,000 ...

3. With a population of 70 million, if we base on per capita, the ratio is 0,04 - auto

4. In reality, at present, over a half of the autos circulating in Vietnam is too old so they cannot guarantee the standards of techniques and environmental hygiene. The need to replace them with new ones is selfevident.

5. In the field of commerce, Japanese TOYOTA has made a rather successful start.

10. MERCEDES - BENZ and BMW are only bought by business circles having high income.

6. Within four months, from April to July 2000 this firm sold nearly 2,500 new cars to Vietnam with such marks as HIACE, CORONA, COROLA, CROWN, LANDCRUSER.

7. A number of connoisseurs in car - selling circles in HCM City say that in recent years, nearly half of imported cars into Vietnam bear TOYOTA mark and coming next are favourite ones by the Vietnamese like HONDA (Accord, Civic), NISSAN (Bluebird, Sunny, Stanza), MITSUBISHI (Lancer). MERCEDES - BENZ. which are best sellers on. the Vietnamese market.

8. Besides, HYUNDAI and KIA of Korea are easily consumed because of rather cheap price.

9. The reason why Japanese cars can be consumed in Vietnam is that the Vietnamese like small and economical cars of different forms and the price is relatively within their reach.

11. Looked at the surface, the Vietnamese auto market is not so busy as other markets, but inside it is a harsh and silent race among big world auto companies.

,# "II' II' 9 ,.._



1. Khi dot hod long (LPG) La hJn h(jp chu yell go'm PROPANE (ep,). BUTANE (CpJ() thu dllqc tit khi do'ng hanh. khi khai thac dau tho, hoiJ-c tit khi thien. nhien. sau khi dii qua nha may tach khi, hoijc trong qua trinh tinh luy~n tai nha mdy IQc ddu.

2. LPG dU(je sa dung tan dau tien. van niim 1930 va sau do da pluit trie"'n nhanh chong, ri)ng riii tren khdp thi gim vm 1.500 ,mg dung hhac nhau: nhu be'p gas, den gas, thanh trung, say, edt, han, nhien. lieu cho 0 to ...

3. Tai Vi~t Nam, LPG auqc dua trude tien. vdo mien Nam tuim 1957 vdi muc tieti thl!- ban ctdu la 400 tan, tang dAn 1.900 tdn. uao ruim. 1964 va 15.000 tan vao niim 1975.

4. Vi~c niuip LPG da ngitng tit ruim 1984. va khong con eung itng cho liinh. ouc dan dung tit sau ruim 1975.

5. Tluic ra uiec sa dung LPG trong dan dl,mg hay trong cong nghi~p d€u vita tien lai, vita tiet ki~m nhieu. ldn han. so vJi cdc loai nang IU(jng hluic.

6. fJi€u nay vita han. chi nan. phd ritng, vita gop pluin. md ri)ng cdc hoa: a9ng dich. VI!- san xudt, dich. v~ phu di hem. nhu: san xudt toan bi) hoiJ-c m(jt phdn binh chua, cdc dung cu. LPG nhu den gas, sum am, ap trung, dot co ...


7. Trong niim 1993, cdc cong ty ELF Gas Saigon, Saigon Petro va Petrolimex dil budc ddu dua LPG trd 19,i thi truang Vi¢t Nam.

B. Gid tri kinh doanh ban ddu ta 12.000 d6ng / kg nay da xUfj'ng dum muc 6.500 dong / kg.

9. C6 nhitng dfiu hi¢u cho thfiy thi truong LPG se tang nhanh trong nhimg niim. sap tili.

10. Trang tuang lai khong xa, khi dl! an thu khi d6ng hanh. ngoai khdi vao biJ hoan. tfit thi vi¢c nhiip khdu LPG se cluim dut.

11. LPG san xudt tai Vi~t Nam khlJng nhiing co the' aap llng nhu cdu trong nuoe rna con co thi! xuiit khdu sang cdc nuac ltin. cij,n.



- Khi dot hod long = Liquefied Petrolium Gas thuimg viet tdt LPG dlphan bi~t vm cdc loai khi khdc. Vi du: Khi Heli-um (dung trong M thong lam lanh) = Helium gas. Khi Oxy = Oxygen gas. Khi di}c = poisonous gas (= hoi aijc). Mijt cu9c tdn. cong bang hai dijc = a gas attack.

Chi ay dlif/c gay me khi gidi phdu = She was given gas when she had an operation. (gas = h6n htJp khi dung lam thuOc gay me trong gidi phau [= a mixture of gases used as an anesthetic in surgery]).

Gas (US) = dau xiing = Petrol (Brit)

Eg: a gallon of gas = mijt gatong xdng. In Britain, a gallon = 4 litres. In the United States, a gallon = 3,79 lures.

Ciiu 1:

- Khi dot = Petroleum gas - PETROLEUM la ddu mo (= oil which found underground or under the sea bed). Con PETROL la driu xiing, san pluim co dliqc tit driu mo (Petrol [Brit] is a product obtained from petroleum.)

- Hod long = to liquefy; to cause to become liquid.

Liquified (p.p) use as adj. Eg: Nluip 200 ngan tan khi thien nhien hod long cho thanli pho' = To import 200,000 tons of liquefied natural gas for the city.

Han hdp = mixture; combination; mingling.

* The mingling of the water and wine = han hap (s1/ pluin. iron) nude va ruau.

* The mingling of truth and falsehood = th¢t hu Zan Z(in pha tr(in gia chan.

- Thu dUdC tii khi do'ng himh = to be got (ho(ic gotten (US) from the gas. Co the' thay "got" = obtained; gained; received; taken ...

- Du.u tho = crude oil; raw oil ...

- Sau khi dii qua nha may tach khi = after it has been processes (= manufactured, prepared .. .) in the gas separating plant.

- Qua trinh tinh luyen = the process of refining; the method of manufacturing ...

Ciiu 2:

- Phdt trie'n = to develop. D(ing tit nay vita la "tu dQng tithay nQi d(Jng tis" (intransitive verb) vita la tha d9ng tit - hay ngoai a(Jng tit (transitive verb).


a l (ui): Her friendship with Nam developed very slowly = Tinh ban cua chi ay vm Nam aa phat trie'n rat cluim. chap.

b I (ot): We must develop the natural resources of our country = Chiing ta pluii pluit trie'n ngu6n Uti nguyen thien nhien. cua dat nude cluing tao

. Ung dung = to application ::::>sl/ ling dung.

Eg: I To apply a new method = ung dung (= rip dung) mot phuang pluip mdi. I To apply for a job = n9P dan. xin uiec.

I Thuoc nay chi rip dung cho di~u tri ngoai khoa = This medicine is only applied for external treatment = this medicine is for external application only (= it is used only on the surface).

. Thanh trung = to sterilize t-se); to make sterile ....

STERILE (adj.) US: [sier d] = vo trung; kh6ng sinh san, sanh de (= completely clean and free from germs; not able to produce young or children).

Eg: I Tai Vi~t Nam ngay nay nhieu phu. nit co tren 3 con dli(/c triet san = In Vietnam today, a lot of women of more than 3 children have been sterilized.

I Cdc xet nghiem y khoa chang to anh ta bat luc (= kh6ng co kha nang sinh con) = Medical tests showed that he was sterile.

- Sli thank trung hoac triet san c: sterilization.

Vi du: I SI/ thanh trung cdc dung ClJ y khoa nay lo. rat can thilt cho CU9C guii phdu ke'titp = The sterilization of these medical Instruments is extremely necessary for the next operation.


# Tai An Di), vi¢c triet san co tinh cdch. bat bui)c dOL vai cdc cha me co tren 2 con = In India, sterilisation is compulsory for parents of more than two children.

Cnu 3:

- Mile tieu thu ban dau = The early consumption level

- Tang dtin 1,900 tiin = then it (=that level) inereased to

1,900 tonnes ...

- Cung llng = to supply sth to (ho¢c for) sb, to supply sb with sth. Co the' thay to supply = to provide; to furnish ... Eg: To supply food for (hotic to) children = to supply children with food ...

Ciiu 4:

- Liinh vuc dan dung = civil field; civil domain ...

- Civian (n) & (adj): dan SI/ Cd hai tinh. til "Cioil" va

"Civilian" nhi€u til dii'n diu dich. la DAN Sri, nhung can btu y de' ph/in. biet ro rdng:

Civil: Lien quan den m§t xii hQi, m§t cQng do'ng (of human society; of people living together). Bm. vQ.y LUJ_r DAN S{J hodc DAN LUJ_T phdi dich. la Civil Law. N9i chien = civil war (war between two parties of the same State).

• Cong chuc: Civil servant (= day ta nluin. dan).

Civilian (n) & (adj): noi ve' cd nluin kh6ng phuc VIf trong luc luang vii trang hodc luc luqng ciinh sa: (lpereon] not servicing in the armed forces or the police force).


Vi du: * G6 hai qtuin. nluin. va m(Jt dan thuang bi giet trong v¥ n6 d6 = Two soldiers and one civilian were killed in that explosion.

* Anh ta dii riti qtuin. ngu va trd lai eu(Jc song dan sl! = He left the army and returned to civilian life.


- That ra = In fact; in reality; really; actually; it is true that ... ; the fact is that ... Vi du: * Th(it ra anh ta dli chef d Due, phdi v(iy khong? = He actually died in Germany, didn't he?

- Viee sit dung LPG trong dan dung hoae trong eong nghiep = The use of LPG in houses or industry hoiic .,. for household purpose or industry (Household (n) = h(J gia dinh - vi~c n(Ji tra.

- Househol appliances = d6 dung gia dinh.

- Househol art = (ngh~) thutit te gia, n(Ji tro.

- Can gui toi qusin. lj (trong coi) toiin b9 vi~c tl gia ntji

trfJ = My daughter manages the entire household •..

- VILa tien leli vILa tier kiem nhie'u ldn hdn = Both far more convenient and economical than ...

Far dung d day La (adv) chti kh6ng pluii (adj) va co nghia = much; considerably ... !Jlg * This is far better » Cdi nay tot han. nhieu. Your story is far different from hers = Ctu: chuyin. cua baa hhac xa chuyen. cua chj ay (hluic xa = khric nhie'u = much different .. ')



· Vaa ... vaa = both ... and; not only ... but also

· Md rong hoat dong san xuat = to expand production activities; to increase (= to speed up) production situations ...

· Dich vu phu di kem = secondary services.

· Dot co = hay burning; dried grass burning ...

Ctiu. 7:

... dlla trd lai (= dua vao sii dung trd lai; gidi thieu trd lai) = to bring sth into use again; to introduce sth again ...

Ctiu B:

· Gin kinh doanh = business price; trade price ... # Gui mua = buying price

# Gid ban = selling price

· Giam xuong dan dUdi mUc ... = it gradually to under 6,500 dlkg. "Under" d ddy co nghia = less than; lower than.

Eg: # Tre em dllm 16 tUD"i = Children under sixteen years of age.

· Ldi tuc dudi 300.000d mot thang = incomes under 300,000 VND per month.

Cliu 9:

Co nhitng diiu hieu cho thtiy = There are signs showing that •.•


Cdu 10:

- Trong tlidng lai kh6ng xa = In the near future.

- DlI an thu khi d6'ng hanh ngoai khdi Ddo biJ (= dl/ an dua

khi do'ng hanh vao biJ) = The project of bringing the gas to shore •.• ho(ic the plan of carrying (= leading; driving ... ) the gas to shore.

- Hodn td't (= dlir:jc hoan. tdt) = to be completed; to come to an end; to be finished; to reach an end ...

GelU 11:

- Dap Ung = to meet; to answer; to satisfy; to respond to; to fulfil ...

. Nhu cau = needs (used in pl.); requirements; demand (dung d sfi'it, stl nhdu nghia khac) ...

Vi du: # Nha hang cluing t6i rat can tiep oien nit chu kh6ng can thr..t hj = Our restaurant has a great demand for waiteresses, but no demand for clerks.

# Nhu cau xi miing thang nay ouat qua mue eung (cap) = The demand for cement this month exceeds the supply.

Bai dicn tham khao:


1. The liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is the combination mainly including propane (C3HM) and Butane (C1H]o) got


from the gas during the exploitation of crude oil or from the natural gas after it has been processed in the gas separating plant or during the process of refining at the refinery.

2. LPG was first used in 1930 and after that it developed quickly and widely throughout the world with -more than 1,500 different applications like gas stove, gas lamp, sterilisation, drying, cutting, welding, fUel for automobiles. etc.

3. In Vietnam. LPG was first introduced to the South in.1957 with early consumption level of 400 tonnes, then it increased to 1.900 tonnes in 1964 and 15,000 tonnes in 1975.

4. The import of LPG has stopped since 1984 and has not been supplied to the civil field since after 1975.

5. In fact, the use of LPG for household purposes or industry is both far more convenient and economical than other kinds of energy.

6. This both prevents forest destruction and contributes to expending production activities and secondary services like producing part or the whole of containers, and LPG instruments like gas lamp, heating, egg warming, hay burning, etc.

7. In 1993 ELF Gas Saigon, Saigon Petrol and Petrolimex began introducing LPG into the Vietnamese market again.

8. The business price was 12,000 dong/kg at first but now it decreased to under 6,500 dong/kg.

9. There are signs showing that the consumption of LPG will increase quickly in the coming years.


10. In the near future, when the project of bringing the gas to shore is completed, the import of LPG will stop.

11. LPG made in Vietnam can meet not only the domestic needs but can be also exported to the neighboring countries.


1. Thai gian qua dii co luc Nha nUde eho phep phat trien. nin kinh te- nhiiu thanh. phan mf)t each 0' at dll thu nghi~m vd thiJi gian do qua du di Nha nude thay r&ng plui: trie"n nhieu ma kh6ng qudn. lj (do thieu ehutln bi vd thieu df)i ngu can. bij qtuin. lj gioi) dli gay ra nhftng thiet hai khong sao sila duf/C vd nhiing sai sot nghiem trong.

2. Cung may Nha nude dli sdm. thCiy dzt<;1e va aii kien quyet sita, de" den hOm nay mdi eo duac canh. "trai Quang may tanh".

3. V~y muOn co dUf/C d9i ngil can bi) qtuin. If gioi, eli thuc hien. thanh. cong chinh sach. mdi trong nen kinh tt thi truimg cho tuang lai, Nha nude nen. gap rut co mot chinh each. dao tao quy mo ve' con rigztdi.

4, Can nglliJi ld yeu t6' quye't dinh. trong moi linh. vI/c.

5, Ve' miit poop lu~t, de'tflO dl/fic niem. tin va ky cuang cho gidi kinh. doonh trong toan qtuic. Nha nude nen. gtip rut ban hanhLuti; ddu tll quae niji, l~p toa an kinh te' (Chl1 khong phai trong tai kinh te) giup tie'p tay qtuin li tot, n&m sat moi hanh. vi sai trtii cua cdc doanh nhtin, kip thili ran de uon n&n, chu kh6ng de' xily ra Sl! co'ro'i mdi sita.


· 6 at: impetuous; hasty; full

· Thanh phan: sector; branch; part.

· Nhiiu thank phein: multi - sectored; multi - branched; multi-parted.

· Bau hdi co nhie'u each dieh: the impetuous formation of an economy of various parts (sectors); the full development of multi - sectored economy.

6. Trong qudn lj Nhd nude, vdn d€ bdt hap lj nallen la thue:

Chil trUdng eua Nha nude la dung thue' [am don bdy de' pluit trien san xudt, nhung co lite Nha nude thuc hi~n ehu truang nay khong dung.

7. Theo lugt thi tdt ca cac dan. v~ san xutit hang xtui; kh6u d€u d1t{Jc mi@n thuedoanli thu ail khuye'n khieh, nhung trong thl/e tt cdc ca quan thut dii khong do'ng j mien, guim thue' eho cdc nha may d~t ra vai, die vdi nay dUf/e dung de'may hang xudt kh6u.

8. Nha nude ean tao die'u ki~n di cae nha doanh nghiep tu nluin. dua« vay von dai han. liii sudt thdp eua cae ta chuc phi ehinh phil nude ngoai de' pha: trien.

9. Rat mong Nha. nude hay lang nghe va giai quye't nhiing nguy~n v9ng eua cae nha san xuti: va doanh nghi~p ngoai quoe doanh, neu xet thay dung va can thief.


Giiu 1:

· Bii co hic Nhd nuac eho phep = chi dich. dan. ginn: the State has allowed. .. Phat trie"n (= su pluit trien) = development.


· De'thi nhiem: ... as a test; as an experiment ...

· Do thitu chutln bi = due to lack of preparation. Ditng dich. them m9t menh. de~ .. because the state did not prepare ..• de' bat ram. ra.

· Phdi chang du gay ra... nghiem trong = has caused irreparable losses and grave mistakes. C6 the" thay "irreparable" bdng "regrettable" va "grave mistakes" "serious faults".


· Cilng may: fortunately, luckily (ado) bygood chance.

Eg: Cang may cho t6i, tau aen tri nen. t6i aap dl.t<jc tau ... luckily for me, the train was late so I caught it.

· Thfiy dUdc ... (nh(in tlua: dUqc, hie"u al.t<jc) to realize; to understand; to be fully conscious of. ..

- ... de' aen hom nay,.. "cunh triJi Quang may tanh ", Ditng dich: = ... so today there is "a fine weather" ma nen dich. ... there are "[auourable conditione":


- Mot aai ngil: a contingent 0(; a body of; a group of; a quantity of; a number of; an amount of. ..

- Quy rno ... overall (adj); including everything; complete (adj) ...

Eg: - fHing day anh co the' co mQt cdi nhin quy m6 ve' thanh. pho' = standing here you can have an overall view of the town.


- Chung ta nen co mrt gidi phap quy rna cho vii'n (N do = we should have an overall solution for that problem.

- Chinh srich diw tao guy ma ve con ngliiJi = an overall training programme for man.

Cciu 4:

- Yeu tif: feature; factor; element.

Eg: Justice is an important element in good government = cong if La yeu to' quan trong trong chinh quyen tot.

- Quyet dinh = decisive (adj.); definite (adj.); firm (adj.) ...

Cciu 5:

- Ve mat phrip lu/it: As far as law is concerned (= related). Neu ta dich: In the lawful fields: tlii nghia se la: trong cdc liinh. v¥c ltuit phdp cho phep (= hr;p pluip). Neu. ta dich. "In the field of law" thi tam dliCJc nhung khong v'n lam.

- Niern tin = trust (n).

- Toa an kinh tit The Economy Tribunal.

- Ky clidng = discipline (n); order (n) ...

- Trong tai kinh te:· The economic auditor. Diing dicli

trong tai bdng cdc tii thong thuang nhu: umpire, referee; arbitrator. Trang tai kinh tt co quyen kie'm ira so'srich va dip gidy phep hoat d¢ng cho xi nghi¢p ... Auditor phat sinh tii d(Jng tii ''to audit" = to examine accounts officially (kie'm tra so'sach ke'todn).


- Ndm sat moi hanh vi sai trai = to follow up (= to find out; to investigate ... ) all wrong doings.

- Kip thiJi ran de uon niin = to take precautions.

- Kh6ng di xdy ra s11 co'ro'i mm saa sai = not to correct

what had happened.


- Bdt help N: illogical (adj), without logic ... Bdt hctp LY n6'i len. Ta nen dich. xuoi la ... vd'n d€ bdt h(lp Ij n6i C{5m la thue' = tax as an illogical issue ...

Issue (n): vdn de' no'i com erin dem. ra tluio lutin. (question that arises for discussion).

Don hily = a lever (dung trong nghia den Itin nghia bong).

- Thuc hien kh6ng dung = to malpractise.

Ciiu 7:

- Dlide miJn: to be exempt from, to be freed from (nhCi dung gidi tit FROM).

Eg: Nam is exempt from military service = Nam dlif/c mien nghia v¥ quan 81/.

- Thuit doanh thu: the turnover tax.

- De' khuye'n khich: kh6ng nen dich. = ''to encourage" oi

"to encourage't la ''transitive verb" doi pluii co ''object'' theo sau.

Bdi u(i,y ta nen. dich. la ... as a sign (= a token) of encouragement (n) ...


- Nhd may det ra vdi: textile plant. (Plant = factory; mill) (To exempt [vt} = mien guim. ~ (n): exemption).

- Cae cd quan thut = the tax agencies.

- D8ng y miin gium thue:· to agree to give tax exemption

or to reduce tax.

Ciiu B:

- Tao di€u kien: ... to create condiontions; to {arm conditions ..•

- TUn cho vay dai han: a long-term loan (long-term # short term).

- T6 chuc phi chinh phil: the non-governmental organization.

- DUde vay von dai han tiii sUfft thfip = to get long-term loans at low interest rate.

Giiu 9:

- Rfit mong: co thi djch nhieu. each: We hope that ... ; We desire that ... ; It's our hope that ...

- nghe:, to land an ear to; to listen to; to pay attention to; to give head to ...

Eg: That Korean manager did not give heed to what Vietnamese workers requested (Ten giant doc Trieii Tien ay ria chdng them quan tam den nhftng gi cong nluin. Vi¢t Nam yeu cdu).

- Ne'u xet thfiy dung va cdn thiet: if the State (co the'dich being "it" deems -it a right and necessary thing. To

deem = to believe, to consider. "It" sau "deem" ld "extra object".

- Gidi quyet nhilng nguyen. uong = to solve the aspirations; to find the answer to the desires ...

Biii dich. tham khdo:


L In the past few years, the State has allowed the full development of multi-sectored economy as a test- and that time is long enough for the State to see that the full development without management (due to lack of preparation and of good managing cadres) has caused irreparable losses and- grave mistakes.

2. Fortunately, the State has soon realized this and corrected it; so today there are favourable conditions.

3. Thus, if we want to have a contingent of good managing cadres to carry out the new policy successfully in the market economy in the future, the State should urgently have an overall training programme for man.

4. Man is the decisive factor in all fields.

5. As far as law is concerned, to create trust and discipline for business circles in the whole country, the State should urgently promulgate the domestic law of investment; the economy tribunal (not the economic auditor)- to well manage and follow up all wrong-doings of business persons, take pre-cautions and not to correct what had happened.


6. In State management, tax is an illogical issue. The policy of the State is to use tax as a lever to develop production, but sometimes this policy is malpractised.

7. According to the law all units producing exported goods are exempt from turnover tax as. a token of encouragement, but in reality the tax agencies do not agree to give taxexemption or to reduce tax for textile plants although this cloth is used to make exported goods.

8. The State should create conditions for private businesspeople to get long-term loans at low interest rate from overseas non-governmental organizations in order to develop.

9. We hope that the State will land an ear to and solve the aspirations of non-state producers and businesspersons if it deems it a right and necessary thing .


.#' ,...'?? ,._'" ....



1. Thea so'li¢u cua to' chuc luang thuc va nong nghi¢p the' gidi (FAO) Vi¢t Nam La mot trong s{/20 nude san xuti; nhieu che tren thegidi.

2. Dien. tich aat dai co the'tro'ng che d Vi¢t Nam la 300.000 hecta va ali<!c pluin. hi)' treti gan 30 tinh, Trang ao mien. trung du va mien. nui phia Bdc co khodng 200,000 hecta, uung Tdy Nguyen khodng 70.000 hecta, vung khu bon. cii khodng 20. 000 hecta.


3. Di~n tich che diL tr6ng den cuo'i ruim 1995ld 66 ngan. hecta.

4. San IUfjng che blip tum la 170 ngan. tan tlldng dUdng v{Ji 34 ngan tan che btip kho.

5. Sdn lltfjng che xuat khdu df,I.t 14.000 tan.

6. Khd tuing phdt trie'n ctly che d Vi~t Nam con rat l/m. nhung chua duqc khai theic hti. vi thie.U von de' xuy dtjng cac vuim che mdi, cham soc cdc uuim. che dii co, xdy dung duimg xti den cac uung tra'ng che, clen cdc xi ngki¢p chtbitn che.

7. Theo ke' hoach. phdt trii'n ngdnh kinh te' xii hQi 1996-2000, dien. tick che dUflc tr6ng them la 30.000 hecta de' de'n niim. 2000 t6'ng dien. tich che toan. quae La 90.000 hecta va den ruirri 2005 td'ng dien tich che la 140.000 hecta, trong do dien. tich co the'thu hooch. La 100.000 hecta; san lUfing che blip kh6 90.000 t{£n (co 50.000 tan xutit khfiu).

8. Vi~c tro'ng che kh6ng nhiing tao ra them vi¢c lam, mang 19,i thu nluip ngog,i t~ rna con co tdc dung phil. xanh d6i troc, chong xoi mon, boo v~ dtit, can b&ng moi truimg sinh thai.

9. Do d6 day la mot ngimh kinh te' duo: Nha nude Vift Nam khuyen khich phcit trien.


fJau de co thi dich. nhieu each:

Developing tea production in Vietnam hoi;ic To develop tea production in Vietnam, the development of tea production in Vi~t Nam; the tea production is being developed in VN,etc ...

Ciiu 1:

- Theo = according to (prep); on the authority of ..


Eg; According to the Bible, God created the earth in six days = theo Kinh Thanh, Chua ail tao ra the' gian trong 6 ngay.

- St{lieu: figure (= sign for a number).

- To' chile htdng thue va nong nghiep the' gidi = Food and

Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Viet tiit: FAD [ef ei ou] kh8ng ccln dich. "the'giiti" ho(ic eua Lien hiep quDe.


- Dien tieh aat dai co the'tr6ng chi} = the tea cultivable ... hoife the tea growing land; the tea planting land ...

- dude phdn bo: to be distributed. Co the'thay distributed = divided; seperated; shared ...

MMn trung du = midland [midl duil (n).

- Miin thucJng du, vung cao :« highland (e); upland (s); mountainous area; mountainous region ... (= mien. nui).

- D6ng bdng: plain (n). Eg: Duong nay choy qua oiing dong bang co d€n 20km = For 20 kilometers this road runs across the plain.

- Vitng Tdy Nguyen = the Western Highlands.

- Vitng khu bOn eil = the former fourth Zone. Nen. dicli "cii' =:

former (= trudc day) han. = old; ancient. Lien xo cii: the former Soviet Union ...

ce« 3:

- ... den cu6i niim 1993: up to late in 1993, up to the end of 1993.


. Dien tich che do' trang: the cultivated area for tea plants •.. Co the' thay "to be" (trong bai nay) bdng cdc dl)ng tit khdc nhu: ''to reach"; "to attain" ... (= dat den) de' cau van them song dt;ng han.


- Che bup tum: fresh tea bud [b Ad],

- Che bup kho: dried tea bud.

Bud (n) = cho'i, n~, bup ... To be in bud = aang ra n~, blip. Eg: The trees are in bud = cdc cay dang ra blip ( ... are having or sending out buds).


- Khii nang phdt trie'n cay che d Viet Nam = The capacity = (ability) to develop tea plants in VN ..• hodc the potential (= possibility) of developing tea plants in VN _ ..

- Nhung chua dUde khai thac hitt = but (ho(ic however,' it has not been fully exploited yet •..

- Vi thie'u von: because oi(= due to; owing to .. .) shortage (= lack {nil of capital. Neu dung "Because" phdi them "M~nh dr.,. because there is shortage of capital ...

• Ciiy chet vi thieu nude = the plant died for lack of water (for = due to).

• Cae uuim. che dO. co = already existed tea gardens.

• Cae vung tr6ng che = tea-planting areas (= zones; regions).

• Cae xi nghi¢poche'bien che: tea processing enterprises


C{i;u 7:

- Kit hoach phdt trie'n kinh ttt xii hoi 1995 - 2000 = the plan cf.eocio-economic development from 1995 to 2000 hoiic thay from 1995-2000 = for 1995-2000 hoiic ... the 1995- 2000 plan of socio-economic development ...

- Dien tich ehe dudC tr6ng them la 30.000 hecta = dien tich dO. dlir;le eanh tac {tro'ngj se them 30.000 hecta = the planted area will be 30,000 more ha ... hofl,c cultivated area will get 30,000 additional hectares to ... (more [adj.] = them = additional).

Eg: I need more time (help, men, ect...) = T6i can them thi giiJ (sl;l gitip dd, ngum ... ) A more exercise = Bai t(tp lam them; a more day.:.

- Dien tich co the'thu hoach = the area under exploitation ... dung dich: ... under reaping hoic ... under harvesting rruic di: reaping va harvesting (verbal nouns) = sl;l thu hoach, g(it luii ...

Giiu 8:

- Viec troM che: tea cultivation (= planting; growing .. .)

- thu nhap ngoai te = ngoo: t~ {foreign currencies; foreign

bills .. .)

- ... rna con co tdc dung phil xanh dtii troe = rna con phil xanh d6i troc '.' = but also covers bald hills with green trees.

- Bald hill = do'i troc. Bald tree = cay trui lei. Bald bird = chim trui long.


· Cht'/ng xvi man: to prevent erosion

· Bao vii dat: to protect the soil,

· Can bdng m6i tntitng sinh thai = (giLt din bdng cho moi truimg sinh tluii) to keep balance for ecological environment (= surroundings [

· M6i tnLiJng sinh thai = ecological environment (collective noun); ecological surroundings; eco-system; (N6i tiit: moi sinh).

ce« 9:

· Do aa: for that reason; therefore ...

· Nhd nude Viet Nam = the State of Vietnam. Cd.u nay co the'djch ... Therefore, this is an economics branch which has received support (or help) from the Vietnamese Government ...

Bai dieh. tham khao:


1. According to the figures of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Vietnam is one of twenty countries producing a lot of tea in the world.

2. The tea cultivable area in Vietnam is 300,000 ha distributed in nearly 30 provinces, at which the midlands and the mountainous areas in the North occupy about 200,000ha. the western highlands about 70,000 ha and the former fourth zone about 20,000ha.

3. Up to late in 1995, the cultivated area for tea plants attained 66,000 ha.



4. The production of fresh tea bud was 170,000 tonnes, equivalent to 34.000 tonnes of dried tea bud.

5. The production of exported tea was 14,000 tonnes.

6. The capacity to develop tea plants in Vietnam is still very great, but it has not been fully exploited yet because of shortage of capital to build new tea gardens, to take care of already existed tea gardens, to build roads to tea planting areas and to tea processing enterprises.

7. According to the plan of socio-economic development from 1996 to 2000, the planted area will be 30,000 more ha to attain the total area of tea cultivation of 90,000' ha in 2000 and 140,000 in 2005, of which the area under exploitation is 100,000 ha and the production of dried tea bud is 90,000 tonnes (with 50,000 tonnes for export).

8. Tea cultivation not only creates more jobs, brings foreign currencies but also covers bald hills with green trees, prevents erosion, protects the soil and keeps balance for ecological environment.

9. For that reason, this is a branch of economy encouraged by the State of Vietnam (or: Therefore, this is a branch of economy supported by the Vietnamese Government ... )

1. Thea so"li¢u di€u tra eua Vi¢n hod ddu Vi¢t Nam kef hop viii.

To' chile pluit trien. eong nghi~p eua Lien hiep quoc, Vi~t Nam co ddu nhung van phai nhr7P cdc san pht1m tit ddu nhu: ddu xiing, ddu lita, ddu nhiJn ...


2. Vd muc tiea thu hien. nay cluic chiin. con tang nhieu trong tuang lai.

3. V6'i tie'm nang thi truimg nlui v¢y, Vi~t Nam hi¢n dang la die'm ruing trong cu{)e ehg,y dua phfin chia thi truimg eua gdn 10 hiing san xud: n6'i tie'ng cua Pluip, Anh; Y, Nluit, Singapore ...

4. Tht nhung thea cac nha phdn phOl d Vi~t Nam, I¢ the' khong tuy thucc vdo vi~e "khdi hanh" truce hay sau ma ehinh La vdo kji thtuit canh. tranh.

5. Hien. nay BP, CASTROL ... (Anh), FINA rY) COSMO, DIANA (Nhat), SINO (Singapore) ... de'u dang d muc dua san pluim. vdo ban thong qua m{)t sf)' dan. vi nluip khfiu eua Vi~t Nam.

6. Ve' lau dai, I.Iu the'thu9c ve' TOTAL (Phap), bdi chinh TOTAL da duac Chinh phu Vi~t Nam chon. xdy duru; nhii may IQc ddu siil tai Vi~t Nam.

7, Nhftng san pha'm tit ddu se ull(jC TOTAL uidu hank de'san xudt va pluin ph6i tai Vi~t Nam.

B. Ong BRUNO J.MALIVEL trlldng dai dien. TOTAL ve' pluin. phOl titp thi tai Vi~t Nam eho bitt: TOTAL hien. co han 10,000 cay xiing hi~n dai tren. the' gim phuc VI} au cdc nhu cau cua hhach. hang.

9. TOTAL hy vong rdng nhiing cay xiing co tiea chua'n quoo te' nay se dll(jc xay dung tai Vi~t Nam khi nha may loc dau so'l dll(jc xay dr,tng xong.

10. Chi trong tuang lai gan, cdc san pha'm tit dau mang nhiin. hi~u TOTAL "Made in Vietnam" khong chi xufit hi~n tai Vi~t Nam ma con co miit d cac qu6e gia Ifin e(in hhac nita.


Kilt hdp udi: in combination with; in association with ...

- To' chuc phdt trie"n cong nghiep cua Lien HieD Quae: The United Nations Industry Development Organization (viet tilt UNIDO).


- San pht'£m tit dou: oil products. Products va produce (n) cUu co nghia iii "san pluim" nhung can luu j mi}t s{{ khdc biet sau:

• Produce (n) = san philm co dUf!c tit tr6'ng trot, canh taco (that which is produced by farming).

E.g: • Garden produce: san phdm cua tndm.

• The produce of labour = ke! qua lao d9ng

• The produce of efforts = ke! qua co' gang

• Product [n) = san phdm do con nglim hay thien. nhien. san sinh (sth. produced by nature or by man). The chief products of Vietnam = nhiing san phdm chinh eua Vi~t Nam. Nhu v¢y ta th{{y "product" ali'lc dung r9ng riii han. "produce".

• Manager of produce (ri) = Gidm doc (crl'a) hang rau qua.

Cnu 1:

- So'lieu diiu tra: the investigation figures; the study figures.

- Vien hod dou Viet Nam: Vietnam Petrol Chemical Institute.


Giiu 2:

- Mite tieu thu hien nay = the present consumption level.

- Tieu thu = to consume.

- NguiJi lieu thu (tieu ditng): consumer (n),

- Cai may nay tieu thu 10 Ut xiing 1 giiJ = this engine

consumer 10 liters (U.S: liters) of gasoline per hour.

- Tai Viet Nam site tieu lhu rudu bia tang len hang niim = In Vietnam~ the consumption of beer increases every year.

ce« 3:

- Tie-Tn nang: capacity (n); potential (.adj. and n.), Eg:

The potential sales of a new book; potential energy (waiting to be released) ...

- Die"m nong: a hot point; a hot position ...

- Cu6c chay dua phan chia lhi truilng = The race of

dividing markets.

- Hang san xwi't: production firm; production company.

Hang buon = commercial firm; business house; business establishment.


cea «

- Phfin phol = to distribute; to allot ...

E.g: They were allotted a house to live in = hp dii dllfiC phew ph6';. m9t ng6i nho. dl a.

- Sli phfin phol: distribution; allotment.

- Nhd phdn pho'i: (= ngU:iJi phiin phor,) = distributor.

Eg: This distributor has 50 parcels to be distributed at companies all over HeM city = Nha ph an phf/i nay co 50 ki¢n hang can phiin pho'i den cdc cong ty tren toan. TP.HCM.

- Ldi thi'I: advantage; superiority; better position; benefit ...

Gau 5:

- .. , (Nu clang d muc dlia san phdm vdo ban: dich. dan. guin: dang ban san phtim cua ho thong qua sl! gitip da cua m9t so'ddn ui ...

- Thong qua: through (prep)

Vi du: Thong qua ai rna anh bitt dlirJc cdi chef: cua nang = Through whom did you know her death?

. He did so through ignorance = Anh ta hanh di)ng nhu vc;iy vi dot mit.


- V~ lfiu ddi: In the long run: ultimately; finally; in the end ...

- ... lIu thit se thuoc v€ TOTAL: co the'dich nhi€u each: .,. the superiority will belong to TOTAL ... ho{ic TOTAL will get the upper hand (= will obtain an advantage over) ...

- Nhd may loc driu: an oil refinery.

- Nhd may (tinh luyen) dllemg; a sugar refinery.

-Nha may ali?!ng Bien Hod: Bien Hoa Sugar Refinery.

(Refinery: place building, etc ... where sth is refined), To refine (ot & van thu): loc, tinh luyen.


- Xdy dung: to build; to construct; to set up ... a ddy nen dich. bdng rIQng tit TO DEVELOP, vi ngoai oiec xay dung TOTAL con giup pluit trien, hoan. chinh.

ca« 7:

Giiu nay phiii hilu la TOTAL chi dilu Iuinh. vd phiin ph6'i phan (dau) cua h9 rna thoi. Ciiu ndy nen dich. d dq,ng chu d9ng (active form) thi dJ hun.


- TrUdng aai dien: Chief representative. Chief (adj) = dung aau; trudng, (first in rank); trong yeu, chinh yeu, chu yeu ... (principal; most important).

• The chief thing to remember = Die'u chinh ye'u cdn ghi


• The chief priest = tu si truimg; thay trltdng te-

• Chief(n) = thit linh, liinh. tu (leader; ruler)

• A Red indian Chief = thu linli nguai da ao.

• Chief (n) of staff = tham muu truimg (= Senior Staff Officer)

.. ,. au cae nhu cdu = au loai nhu cdu, au thrl nhu cau. - Cay xiing: a filling station: a gas station.

Ciiu 9:

- Cay xiing co tieu chudn qUDe tt = an international standard filling station (hoge thay filling station = gas station).


- Khi nha may loc dau 'n xong: ... when the construction of (oil) refinery lfJ 1 comes to an end ... (khfmg can lq,p 19i "oil" refinery ngudi doc vein hiiu lit nhii may loc dau

. .

vi "0 il " da. duae nhdc den nhie"u Ian).


- Co mat: to appear, to be present; to be existing; to exist, to be real ...

- Cac quoC gia [an can: neighbouring countries.

Biii dich. tham khao:


1 According to the investigation figures of Vietnam Petrol Chemical Institute in combination with the- United Nations Industry Development Organization (UNIDO), Vietnam has oil but has to import oil products gasoline, petroleum, lubricating oil ( ... =Iubricant' [c & uj), etc ...

2. And the present consumption level will certainly increase much more in the future.

3 With such capacity of market. Vietnam has become a "hot point" in the race of dividing markets of nearly 10 famous production firms of France, Britain. Italy. the Netherlands. Japan. Singapore, etc ...

4 .. However, according to distributors in Vietnam, advantage will not depend on the time of operating early or late but on the technique of competition.


5. At present. BP. CASTROL (Britain). FINA (Italy), COSMO, DIANA (Japan). SINO (Singapore), etc ... are selling, their products in Vietnam through the help of some Vietnamese import-export units.

6. It. the long run, TOTAL (France) will get the upper hand because the Vietnamese Government has chosen.TOTAL to develop the first oil refinery in Vietnam.

7. TOTAL will obviously manage and distribute its part of refined products in Vietnam.

8. Mr. Bruno J. Malivel. chief representative of distribution and marketing in Vietnam said that at present, TOTAL has more than 10,000 modern filling stations in the world serving the various needs of customers.

9. TOTAL hopes that these international standard filling stations will be built in Vietnam when refinery No 1 is completed.

10. Only in the near future, oil products bearing TOTAL label "Made in Vietnam" do not only appear in Vietnam. but also in neighbouring countries.


1. Ngay 20/4/1994 tai Thanh pho' H6 Chi Minh cong ty

Eastman My ail khcinh thanh. van phong dai di~n tai Vi?t Nam.

2. Thea ong Rober LiSmith, Ph6 Chu tich. va T6'ng Giani doc khu uuc Chau. A Thai Binh Duang, bq pluin. phim. anh. cua


Kodak cho bitt: Kodak nit vui mitng lai dtltJc kinh doanh d Vi~t Nam sau gan 20 niim.

3. Kodak hy oong g{ip auqe nhie'u ban mdi va co dllqc nhie'u khdch hang mai d Vi~t Nam.

4. Ong Narong Chivangkur do' dll(/c b6' nhiem. lam To'ng Gidm doc diiu hanh. van phong doi dien.

5. Kodak la cong ty san xuat phim dnh. ddu tien. thanh. l(ip van phong dai di~n tai Vi~t Nam, nh(in duqc gifiy phep cua B(j Thuang mai vao ngay 61111994, ehi m{jt uci tudn truttc khi lenh. cam v(in ve' thuang mai cua Hoa Kj dOl vm Vi~t Nam hoan toan. du(/c biii boo

6. Cdc san phiim cua Kodak ding nhu cdc san phiim khdc cua My do' vdng m(it tren. thi truimg Vi¢t Nam gtin 20 ruim. qua vi l~nh dim v(in .

• 7. Tuy nhien. cdi ten Kodak va cdc san phlim co chat lUflng cua no van con t6n tai trong tam tri ella nhieu nguili tieu dung Vi~tNam.

8. Van phong dai dien. Kodak se h6 trq nhiing mijt hang khdc cua Kodak ngoai phim anh nhu: in Ifn va ehe' ban, trang thitt bi van phong, thie't bi y tt .. ·

9. Ciing ngay 2014, ong Robert L.Smith dii. din UBND thanh. ph{/ H6' Chi Minh va dii dutJc ong Pham. Chdnh True, Pho Chu tich. UBND thenh. ph6' don titp.

10. Ong Robert L.Smith bay to longcam. an. dot vm chinh quycin thanh. ph{/ da tao die'u ki~n thu(in l¢ de' Kodak tham gia kinh doanh tai Vi¢t Nam.



. Trd lai = to come back; to get back; to go back; to return ...

Eg: * She got back to ask me about that problem = nang dii trd lai de' hoi toi vi van de' ay.

* When did they returned from the journey? = hQ da trd ve' tit cuoc hanii trinh khi naol

Ciiu. 1:

· Khanh thanh: to inaugurate; to open with formalities; to introduce with formalities.

I This 4 star hotel was inaugurated last year = kiuich. s(ln 4 sao nay eta duac khrinh thanli ruim r6i.

· Van phong dai dien tai Viet Nam = (nen. hie'u cua cong ty) its Vietnam Representative Office hoiic: its Representative Office in HCM city of Vietnam hoac bo "of' ... In HeM, Vietnam.


Bo chft "Thea" d ddu diu. Khu vuc Chdu A Thai Binh Dl1dng = The Asia Pacific Area.

· B6 phon phim anh cua hling Kodak = Kodak Film division. (Co the'thay division = unit) ... cho bitt Kodak rat vui mitng = ... said (= made known; declared, stated .. .) that Kodak would be very happy to .•. (Nlui phD;' Iutp cdc "tenses" cho dung). Would d ddy diln ta tuang lai trong qua khTJ (future in the past) = se (rat vui mitng) ...

· Kinh doanh: to do business; to do economy; to trade (vi & ut); to resume one's business ...


Ciiu. 3:

- Co the'djch xuoi (xem "bai dich. tham hluio" d CUOl sach, hoC;c dich. nguac: to meet new friends and have new patrons in VN is Kodak's hope. Hope (n) = desire (n); expectation ...

· Patron = regular customer

Cilu 4:

· Dude bo' nhiem lam = to be appointed as: to be named as: to be assigned as ... d day "to be" nen dung "present perfect".

· T{lng glom. doc die'u hiinh. van phimg dgi di~n = General Director managing (= controlling; regulating; administering; looking after .. .) the Representative Office ho¢c: General Managing Director of the Rep. Office.


Kha dai, can chia thanh. 3 doan. ng&n di di dich. han. a) Kodak la.: VN. b) Nluin: dUlJc giay ... 1994. c) Chi m{Jt uai.: dlflJc biii boo

· Cong ty san xuat phim (inh = film production Company. Doan. b) co the dich: The Company (hoC;c It) got a license (= an approval; a permit .. .) from the Ministry of Commerce •.. c): This occurs (= happens; takes place .. .) only several weeks before the USA'S trade stoppage against VN was completely removed.



csu e.

- Thi trudng VN = the Vietnamese market; the market in VN ...

- Vang mat: (to be) absent form; not present at ...

Ciiu 7:

- Cdc san phdm co chit't lUdng cua no = its high quality products; its products of high degree, of special goodness; its superior goods ...

- To'n tai = to be in; to remain in; to stay in; to continue in; to exist in ...

Eg: # Laws that have existed for hundreds of years = Lu(U phdp ail tan tai hang tram niim trudc.

#We cannot exist without food and water = Chung ta kh6ng the'tan tai rna khbng eo thuc phdm va nude uong.

Giiu 8:

- 86 trd: to support; to help ...

Eg: # Will you support her business? = Anh se h6 tra cong vi~c kinh doanh eua chi ay ehtl ?

-Nen. bi) "ngoai phim linh" va chi can dich: ... nhitng nuit hang hluic cua Kodak nhu ...

-Ln an: to print. Nha in = printing house. Muc in: printing ink. May in: printing-press; printing-machine. Viec in an: printing (n) (= action or art of printing). ehe' ban (in) = to stereotype (= To make a printing plate from a mould of a set piece of. movable printing type. 81.1 che' ban (in) = Stereo typ i ng (n).

In fin va ehe' ban pluii duoc hie'u la ta't ca cdc trang thiltt bj nhu muc in, giay in, may dong ttip, cdt xen. ...

~ The invent.ion of printing caused important changes in society = vi¢c phat minh (raj in fin da gay nen nhiing thay do'i quan trong trong xa h9i .

. Trang thief bi = equipment (collective noun)

Ciiu 9:

- UBND thanh pho' = The HCM City People's Committee.

- Ph6 chii tich: Vice - Chairman; Vice President.

- Tiel! d6n: to receive; to greet; to welcome ...

~ Her parents received me with open hands: cha me nang dii d6n tie'p t6i niem. nd.

# They welcomed me warmly = hQ ali d6n tiep t6i n6'ng tluim.

# We were greeted at the door by the children = cluing toi dli dUr;JC cdc cluiu nho d6n tiep tai eiLa.

Cciu 10:

- Bay to: to express; to say; to state; to show; to make known ...

Eg: I can't express to you how grateful I am for your help = toi kh6ng the' bdy to den ban. (rdng) t6i bie! dn 81/ giup da eua ban. den chitng nao.

- Umg biet dn = gratitude; thankfulness ... to sb for sth.

Eg: I feel eternal gratitude to you for saving my family = em cam thay diJi dai bie! an anh vi aa cuu vat gia dinh em.


- Tao di~u kien thuan 1m = to make good conditions; to create favourable conditions . ._

Bai dich. tham khao:


l. On the 20th of April 1994, the Eastman KODAK (USA) inaugurated its "Vietnam Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City.

2. Mr. Robert L.Smith. Vice-President and General Director in the Asia Pacific area, Kodak Film division said that Kodak would be very happy to resume its business in Vietnam after nearly 20 years.

3. KODAK also hoped to meet new friends and have new customers in Vietnam.

4. Mr. Narong Chivangkur has been appointed as General Managing Director of the Representative Office.

5. KODAK is the first film production Company that has established its representative office in Vietnam. The license was approved by the Ministry of Commerce on the 6th Jannuary 1994. It is only several weeks before the American embargo against Vietnam was completely lifted.

6. Kodak as well as other American products were absent from the market in Vietnam about 20 years because of the embargo.

7. However, the name KODAK and its high-quality products have always been in the mind of many Vietnamese customers.


8. KODAK Representative Office will support its other products such as printing and stereotyping, office equipment, medical equipment ...

9. On the same day, 20 April 1994, Mr. Robert L.8mith came to the HCM City People's Committee and he WaS received by Mr.Pham Chanh 'I'ruc, Vice-Chairman of the City People's Committee.

10. Mr.Robert L.8mith expressed his gratitude to die City people's Committee for making good conditions so that KODAK would be able to do business in Vietnam.


1. Nha may bia SAN MIGUEL d6.u tieti duac thanh. l(ip tai Dong Nam A. vao ruim 1890.

2. Tit lau San Miguel drtljc cong nluin. trong s6' nhiing ten tu{Ji bia hang ddu the' giai, thi truitng tieu thu baa trum khiip nai.

3. Hien. nay San Miguel co 9 nha may tai Philipin, Hang Kong, Trung QUDC, Indonesia, Nepal.

4. Tren. thi trttiJng Vi~t Nam khoang 2 ruim trd lai ddy, muc tieu tho. cua San Miguel dii gidm sut.

5. C6 nhieu nguyen nluin, trong do mi)t phdn vi nan bia nluip l(iu va gici thanh. cao do phdi nluip bia san xuat tai Philipin.

6. Trong khi do thj truimg bia nhon. nhip, ri)n rang khie'n San Miguel phdi lien ke! vdi Vinagen.


7. Yinagen la lien doanh giiia c~ng ty Bia Kluinli Hoa va Ba Triin. Thi H uimg vdi von dau tu ban dau 14 trieu. USD, dd chinh thitc di vao san xu6t tit thang 9-1993.

8. Ra diti vao thiti die'm va bOz canh. nay, Vinagen da g(Lp rat nhi€u kh6 khan. Vi~c canli tranh vai cae loai bia. hap "gu' B&c My khong trdnli khoi gian nan.

9. Grin day Vinagen va San Miguel dii thod thudn lien doanh san xuiit do'ng thiti hai nhiin hieu. bia Vinagen va San Miguel, theo hai day chuyen. cong ngh~ hiuu: nhau tai nha may d huy~n Dien. Khcinh tinh Kluinh. Hoa.


Giiu 1:

. Nha may bia: Brewery [briu3riJ beer, plant; beer factory.

Eg: Nhd may bia Va nuoc ngr;t Nha Trang: Nha Trang soft drink and beer factory.

I Plant 1= Nha may, thlldng phD' bien d My va chi tip dung cho cac nha may eht bien (more common in US and relates" especially to industrial processes).

FACTORY La tit thong dung nha't va duac tip dung r{)ng riii eho nhieu ngdnh nghe' nhrit. Tuy nhien. cae ban. cling nen. tham hluio tu die"'n [fin dl co the' sit dung phong phu va chinh xac han cdc tit sau day: (Cung co nghia la "nha may"). Factory; works; plant; mill ...

- Bia hcti.: draught beer. Eg: # Loai bia hoi nay vita thorn. ngon vita bo'dudng = This (kind of) draught - beer is both aromatic and nutritious.


- Nhd may rlidU: distillery (= place where gin, whisky, etc ... are distilled) Eg: Nhii may rtltJu Binh Tiiy = Binh Tay Distillery.


- edng nhan = to acknowledge; to allow; to recognize (hoiJ.csee; to concede; to approve ... Ex: , I allow that they are right = t6i cdng nhrj.n bon. IU) colY. , S4e concedes this point in your argument - chj liy cong noon elilm nay trong bai tranh lu{in caa anh. .

- Tit lau: for a long time; long (adv) •.. LONG cO nhilu tit loai (parts of speech): adjective; noun; adverb; verb. a day ta dung "long" nhu "adverb"

Eg: , Were you in this city long? = ban dii d thanh. phi;' nay

(tit) ltiu. ri'ii chd ? -

, Stay as long as you like = ban. cll d lai baa tau tuy j bg.n thich.

- Tit lau ... diiu the' gim: Co the'dich: For a long time. 8.M has been acknowledged as one of the most famous beer in the world ho{ic 8.M has long been recognized as one of the leading names in the world. -Ta cung cO- the' dung "possessive case": ... as one of the world's leading names.

- Thi trlldng tieu thu... kMp ndi = its markets of consumption everywhere (= in every place).

Gilu 3:

San Miguel nen thay = it eli trtinh 19p 19.i nhUu ldn tit nay. Nh{J: Phi-Zip-pin trong t;,eng Anh pluii cO "THE" dllng trudc.



Cdu 4:

- Khoang 2 nam trd lai dliy = in the two recent years, in two years not long ago (= before}. ..

-Mitc tieu thu: The consumption; the quantity consumed; the consuming ...

- Giam sut: To decrease; to go down; to become less ...

Ctu: nay nen. dich. ngl1cjc thi d$ han. va hCjp diu true titng Anh han. The consumption of SIM in the two recent years has gone down on the Vietnamese market.


- Nl!uven nhdn: reason (n) cause (n); justification; ground (n) motive (n) de' ngh; cdc ban tham khiio them tit die'n lim de' szt dung chinh xdc han. cdc "tit" nay). a day t6i chi noi den 2 tit "Reason" va "Cause".

Reason (n) = li do ~ to reason = tranh liuin ... Cause (n) = nguyen nhtin ~ to cause = gay ra.

Eg": She din't give any reasons for leaving = Chi uy dii kh6ng cho bie't ClI ii do nao chi eta ra di - We are resoning with Nam about that problem = cluing toi dang tluio ltuin. vdi Nam.

I Do you know the causes of the Second World War? = Ban. co bie: cdc nguyen nluin. eua D~ nhi the' chien kh6ng?

I What caused her death? = fJie'u gi dii !lay ra cdi che' cua nang?

Qua cdc vi du tren. ta th{/y:


!Reasonl= lili gidi thich nguiti ta dua ra vi sao mQt die'u gi do lai dlivc lam (The explanation that people give for why something is done).

jCause 1= la cdi gi do no khie'n cho su ui~c xdy ra (is what makes something happen).

- Mot phein = partly (adv); in part; to some extent.

Eg: That tool is made partly of wood and partly of iron = dung cu do dliflc lam. mQt phan bang g6,mQt phein bang scit.

- Vi nan bia nhdp lau = because of illegally imported beer.

- Gia thanh = prime cost; production cost ...

(Prime co 3 tit loai: (adj) & (n); (ut). a ady ta dung no nlut (adj) = fundamental; primary).

Ctiu 6:

- Trong khi do: meanwhile, meantime (ado.), at the same time, in the time between two events ... Eg: She continues working, Meanwhile (hoiic meantime), they go out shopping = Chi ay tiep tuc lam vi~c trong khi do bon. ho lai di mua s6m.

- Nh6n nhip, ron rang = busy; occupied; animated; lively (adj); full of activity ...

Eg: # Could I have a word with you if you're not too busy? = toi co the' noi vm btic mQt lai neu bdc khong qua bdn rQn (allflc khong {l) ?

# That's a busy office; street; town ... = Do liL mQt van phong, dliilng pho; thi triin. ... nhon nhip.


Ciiu nay co the'dich thanh. 2 menh. (M di)c l~p ho¢c 1 menh. d~ phuc: Meanwhile, the beer market is full of activities. This obliges 8.M to cooperate with Vinagen. hog,c theo each. cua "bai dich. tham hluio" cuoi sdch,

csa 7:

· Von ddu tll ban ddu: initial invested capital.

· Chinh thite: officially (ado); with official authority; in an official manner ...

· Di vao san xuat = to come into production; to go into operation; to operate; to work ...

ce« 8:

· Ra diJi = to be born; to come into being; to be established hoiic to be set up; to be founded ... (nghia trong bai).

· Gap = to face; to meet; to encounter ...

Eg: Can you meet (~ face) misfortune with a smile? = Ban. co the'vui ve doi diiu udi nghjch canh: chang ?

· Gdc loai bia hClp "gu" Bar My = the type of favoured North American Beer hog,c kh6ng dung "the types of' auf/c.

· Gian nan: harsh (adj); cruel; severe (adj), hard (adj); difficult (adj) ...


· Thod thudn: to agree, to consent ...


• They agreed to start early = ho thod thuan. khdi hanh. sam .

• Duyen's father would not consent to her marrying a foreigner = Bo' (cua) Duyen hlin kh6ng thod thiuin. (dang j) vdi .v~c nang Iffy nguiti nude ngoai .

. Dong thai: simultaneously (ado); at the same time ...

. Thea hai ddy ehuy€n cong nghe khiic nhau = at two different lines (khoi cdn dich. "industria!").

Ctu: nay co the' dich: Lately, Vinagen and S.M has agreed to simultaneously produce... hoiic Recently, Vinagen and 8.M has come into ajoint venture to ...

Bai dick tham khao: ,


1. The first SAN MIGUEl Brewery was founded in Southeast Asia in 1890.

2. San Miguel has long been recognised as one of the leading names in the world with markets of consumption everywhere.

3. At present, it has 9 plants in the Philippines, Hongkong, China, Indonesia, Nepal etc ...

4. The consumption of San Miguel in the tiwo recent years has decreased on the Vietnamese market.

5. There are a lot of reasons, of which, partly because of illegally imported beer and of high prime cost of beer imported from the Philippines.


6. Meanwhile, the beer market is busy' with activities which induce San Miguel to come into co-operation with Vinagen.

7. Vinagen is the joint venture between Khanh Hoa Brewery and Mrs.Tran Thi Huong with an initial invested capital of US$ 14 million. It has officially gone into oper_ation since September 1993.

8. Coming into being at this time and this situation, Vinagen faced a lot of-difficulties. The competition with favoured North American beer is certainly very harsh.

9. Recently VI NAG EN and SAN MIGUEL has entered into a joint venture to simultaneously produce Vinagen and San Miguel beer at two different lines in a plant in Dien Khanh District, Khanh Hoa Province.



1. ''Ne'u co mi]t lc)i khen xin hay mang de'n cho khach hang". £)old lili khdng dinh. Clla Ban liinh. dao VMEP tai h9i ehq Quang Trung tluing til vita qua:

2. ''Nglim. tinh triIn ruim va thien than may man", Hai san philm mang cung ml)t nhiin. h~u VMEP dztdng nhzt muon noi: Nhilng diiu may miin. nhdt trong cu9c sc/ng se khong baa giiJ xu ltinh ban, nhitng khtich hang than quen eua VMEP.


3. Cho den gid phiit nay VMEP khong con xa la gi v{ji nguai tiet: dung thanh. pho' Ha N(ii, H6 Chi Minh noi rieng va Vi~t Nam noi chung.

4. Thiim. chi gan day VMEP con .duac vi von nhu m(it hien. tli(1ng thanli cong nluit uJ m(it tiep thi, khi m~ giiia long cdc dim vi kinh doanh m(it hang d(ing ca xe giin may 2 banh. VMEP dd thu hut duac m(it luang hhiich. hang dong nhu vt;ly trong thai gian ngiin. nluit.

5. Dil co m(it oi tri tuang dOL kha vitng vang tren. thuang truimg kh6ng pluii la diJu dan. gidn.

6. Va bai Ie tren thi truang hien. nay co kha nhieu loai xe giin may 2 banh: Dream II, Astrea, Honda, Simson, Yamaha. City ... nen. cu(ic canh. tranh han phsii rat cam go.

7. Vlidng mien. chien thdng se nghieng ve nhilng san pluim. dlif/c nglidi tieu dung tin nhiem.

8. VMEP butte VaG cuoc dua tai thi truimg Vi~t Nam khci muon. mang so viii cdc hang hluic.

9. Tuy nhien, VMEP da va dang chung to san sang cho cuoc dua vm mot chien luoc lau dai baa g6m cdc bien phdp tiep thi, chat luang sdn phdm vei gia cd hap lj.


Da va dang thanh cong = dung "to succeed" d thi "Present perfect". fJ6u de co the'dich = VMEP has succeeded in Vietnam ho(ic VMEP and its early success in Vietnamese market... VMEP lei cdc chft cai viet tat cua Vietnam Manufacturing and Export Processing Co., Ltd (= Cong ty Trach. Nhiem Hiiu Han. che'tq..o Gong nghiep va Gia cong che' bien hang xud: khdu Vi~t Nam).


Ciiu 1:

Vii kh&ng dinh = statement (n); declaration; affirmation (n); indication (n) ...

Eg: Clearness of statement is more important than beauty of language = diin dat ro rang quan trong han. van hoa trong liJi noi.

Khling dinh: to state (ot); to declare (ut); to affirm (ut); to indicate (ut); to say with confidence ...

. Ban lfinh dao VMEP = VMEP's Leaders; VMEP's Leading Board; Board of Managers ofVMEP ...

Ciiu 2:

Nguiti tinh tram ruim: a centennid lover. Centennial = Centenary [senti.ruril cd 2 tit nay vita la (n) vita la (adj) va co nghia = s(j'ng tram ruim, tram tu6'i (cdj); Ii ky niem tram ruim (n). Day La ten san phiim. cua VMEP nen pluii dich. thea ho chti khi5ng thi dicli khcic di duac .

. Khcich hang than quen = familiar client; regular customer; patron ..• Nen. dung "Patron" han.

Eg: Patrons are invited to enter the hap = xiti miti quj khcich hang vao dai stinh,

Patronage (n) = sl./-iing h9 cua khcich hang danh. cho m9t cua hieu, m9t ci5ng ty ... (Customer's support for a shop, a company), ch&ng han. nhu thuimg xuyen. mua hang, gidi thieu ban. be than quen cung mua ...

Eg: We thank you for your patronage = cluing ti5i xin cam dn quj vi vi s1./ ung h9 mua hang cua quy vi.


Cho den giiJ phut nay = up to now; so far; until now ...

Ciiu 3:

Xa la = foreign (adj); alien [eiljdi] (adj.) ...

Eg: Cruelty is quite alien to his nature = tinh con d6 hoan toan xa la vdi ban chat anh tao

- Khong elm nita = no longer, not ... any longer. Liru y: "No longer" luon d(Lt truoc ctic di}ng tit thuimg (ordinary verbs) va sau "to be" ding nhu cdc trq di}ng tit. Con ... any longer pluii de'd cui)'i diu.

Eg: No. I no longer love you = hhong, toi kh6ng con yeu anh nita = No, I don't love you any longer (= any more).

- Noi rieng: in particular.

- Noi chung: in general.

cau «

Thdm chi: even (ado)

• It was cold there even in Summer ...

• Even a child can understand your letter ... dUde vi von: to - be regarded asrto be compared with; to be considered ...

(Luu y: ... regarded as con considered khong can co gidi tit thea sau).

Eg: Tuyet is considered the best student in my class = ... is regarded as the best ...

• They consider themselves very important = bon. chung tlj eoi minh. la rat quan trong.


• They will be considered weak leaders of our Company = ho se bi coi la nhiing ngllm liinh. dao ye'u kem. cua cong ty cluing ta.

Hien tlldng: phenomenon [finominon] (pl: - na lnl).

Eg: • The phenomena of nature = nhiing hi~n tutmg thien. nhieri ...

Phenomenon trong bai dich. ndy phdi dllr;Jc hie'u la "remarkable thing".

• Khi rna: When, because; since ... (= bdi vi).

• Cae ddn vi kinh doanh = trading units; hoic dich. = cac nha kinh doanh (dealers; traders .. .).

• Mat hang dong cd xe g&n may 2 banh = motorbikes.

Ciiu 5:

- Vi tri: position; standing (n). ..

• Men of high standing (= position) = nhitng nguiti co dia vi (vi tri) cao.

• A member in full standing: m9t h9i uien (vm) aay au tu each.

• - Co: nen dich. biing cdc d9ng tit to obtain; to get; to occupy ... lum la TO HAVE.

• Tren thlldng trllCmg = in the market.

Ciiu 6:

Dich. thea each thong thuimg: Since in the market nouiadays, there are so many motorbikes bearing

the marks.: ~


In the market nowadays = in the present market; in the current market ...

Ctiu 7:

VUdng mien chien thdng = the winning crown. To wear the crown = lam vua (= to rule as a sovereign},

• She refused the crorpn = ba ta til ehdi lam nft hoang (= she refused to become queen).


- Vao cude dua = to enter the race. (Enter = come into; go into ... ).

- So odi: to compare "to" thay vi "with". So stinh, vi von ... thi dicb. vai "with" di~n ta f niem. bdng nhau, tuang tu nhau. a day kh6ng pluii v(i.y nen. ta phdi dung giJi tit "to". Mdt vai vi du khrie: • Compare your translation with the model translation on the blackboard.

• Poets have compared sleep to death = Cdc thi sl thuimg' so sdnh. gi{lc ngu vdi cdi chiit (Thudng = tit truce den gid zz» have compared).


- Chung to sdn sang = to prove ready (= to be seen or found ready).

- Chien llide ltiu ddi = a lasting strategy. I Lasting (ad)) 1= enduring (adj) (ltiu dai) = temporary; provisional (tam. thai, ltim thai).


Bai djch tham khao:


1. "IF THERE'S A PRAISE PLEASE GIVE IT TO THE CUSTOMMER". That is the sta tement of VlVlEP'S 'leaders at Quang Trung fair last ApriL

2. "CENTENNIAL LOVER and LUCKY ANGEL" two products bearing the same trademark VlVlEP - seem to state: "The luckiest strings in life will never leave you VMEP'S patrons.

3. So far, VMEP has no- longer been alien to consumers in Hanoi, HCM City in particular and in Vietnam. in general.

4. VlVlEP has even been considered the most success ful phenomenon in marketing. When among the motorbike dealers it has attract.ed such a large patronage in theshortest time.

5. To obtain a fairly good standing in the market is not a simple matter.

6. Since, in the market nowadays, there are so many motorbikes bearing the marks Dream II, Astrea; Honda, Simson, Yamaha, Citi ... the competition would certainly be very hard.

7. The- winning crown will belong to the products most trusted by consumers.

8. VlVlEP entered the race in Vietnamese market rather late as compared to other companies ..

9. However, VMEP has proved ready for the race with a lasting strategy including marketing measures, product quality and reasonable prices.



1. Caltex mot lien doanh gifta hai cong ty ddu khi My:

CHEVRON va TEXACO, aii trd lai Vi~t Nam aau niim 1994 sau 19 niim viing miit.

2. Cong ty Caltex Trading Pte Ltd., dong tai Singapore dii md van phong dai dien d Ha N{)i vao tluing 7 nom 1994.

3. Chi nhdnh. van phong dai dien. d Thanh ph6' H6 Chi Minh dii don den tra Sd mdi n&m ngay giita trung tam thank pho' vao dau thsing 9 nom 1994.

4. Ra diJi nom 1936, ngay nay, Caltex dang hoot d{)ng tai 6S qu6C gia.

S. Cdc liinh uuc hoat d{)ng chit yiu bao gom: Loc, phan ph6i, kinh doanh va titp thi cdc san pha'm dau khi.

6. Cong ty co cd pluin. tai 14 nha may IQc dau odi cong sudt tdng c{)ng tren. 1 trieu thung / ngay.

7. Caltex chiem 64% co' pluin. trong mot dt! an tri gia tm 1,7 ti do la.

B. Cong ty cling co lien doanh hay Sd hiiu 100% trong sii 526 hsii cang xiing dau va kho chua d khap cluiu A va cluiti Phi.

9. Cong ty tiip thi san phdni cua minh thong qua mang luai han. 17.500 clla hang ban Ie.

10. Trude day, Caltex dii hoat di}ng tai Vi~t Nam tit niim 1936 miii den ruim. 1975.

11. Sau khi lenhcdm. v4n cua My chong Vi¢t Nam duoc biii bO, Caltex la cong ty My dau tien. dd mua dau tho Bach. Ho' c'ua vi« Nam vao thang 2 ruim. 1994.


12.86' dau nay dd dllr;lc tinh chetai nha may loc dau cua C6ng ty d Singapore.

13. Hien. nay, ciic van phbng Dai di~n d Vi~t Nam co nhieni v¥ danh gui va phat trie'n cac du an dau tu trong liinh. uuc ddu khi.

14. HQ eung'dam nluin vi~e khuye'n miii cde san ph/im. cua cong ty, giai doan ddu t(ip trung vao nhua duang, ddu nhdt va gas.

15. VOi vi tri la Cong ty dau khi ldn. thit nhi trong khu uuc xet v€ mi(tt loc, ph/in. ph6l va tie'p thi ddu. khi, hien nay Caltex ciing r{{t mong muon tham gia vao slj phat trien bung n6 tai Vi¢t Nam.


Dau co the'dich nhidu each. CALTEX returns to Vietnam ho9,c: Caltex comes (= goes .. .) back to Vietnam_ Hodc dung "return" nlut danh tit: The return of Caltex to Vietnam; Caltex's return to Vietnam ...

* Slj trd lai cua mila xu/in = the return of spring; the arrival back of spring ...

* Khi toi di lam ve: toi th{{y nhi€u man qua No-en tren ban lam vi¢c eua t6i = On my return from work (= when I got back from work) I saw a lot of Christmas presents (= gifts) on my desk.

* Nhiing cdnh. hoa nay til s1/ (Un clap be nho dOl udi long tot cua em = These flowers are a small return for your kindness. (Return (n) = sign (n); token (n); evidence '.' of thanks).


Gciu 1:

Lien doanh = ajoint venture

I Venture (n)l= di: an hoiic cong uiec kinh doanh, nhri't la dr;: an thuang mai, rna kit qua chua lay gi lam cluic cluin. Rui ro mat treing, thii: bai ho{ic It;Ji lQc, tluinh. cong cong aeu c6 the' co (= project or undertaking, especially a commercial one, of which the result is uncertain and there is a risk of loss orfailure as well as a chance of gain or success).

To venture = to be brave enough (= dare) to go somewhere; to do or to say sht. (co gan [= dam] den mot nai nao do, lam ho{ic noi mQt diJu gi do .. .)

Eg: She never ventured far from her mother's door = Cd nang chua baa giil dam lieu linh. di chdi xa.

~ I ventured a visit to her parents last week = Twin roi, toi aii liau tluim b6' me nang.

, Nothing venture, nothing gain (or win) [idiom] = Khong vdo hang hum sao btit dut;Jc CQp.

[Venturesome (adj) I = cd gan; darn. nghi. dam lam (= daring).

Eg: # Giani doc Cong ty chung toi la nguiti co dau cic dam ngh'i dam. lam. = Our Company's director is of a venturesome spirit (= he is ready to take risks).

- nau nam 1994 = at the beginning of 1994; in early 1994.

- Sau 19 nam vdng milt = after an absence of 19 yeas; after

a 19 year absence ...



Pte. viet tiit cua Private Ltd. viet tiit cua Limited.

- Dong tai Singapore = to have its headquarters in Singapore; to be based in Singapore ...

Eg: • Hau hef cdc cua hang ban sl (= ban huon [Bile)} eua cong ty cluing tiJi diu dong tai TP Ho' Chi Minh = Most of our Company's whole-sales shops are based in Ho Chi Minh City .

• Bay gid, co nang dUqc b6' tri lam vi~c d aau = Where is she based now?

Lliu y: to be based on hodc upon = aIir;le xay dung tren, alir;lc di# tren; duoc dung lam co Sd (= ne"n tang, cho ... (= to be used as a basis for ... )

Eg: ~ MQi hy v9ng cua t6i diu ducc d(it vdo tin tuc rna toi se nluin. dlLr;lc vao ngay mai = All my hopes are based on (or upon) the news (that, which) I will receive tomorrow •

• Th.ue' true thu thuimg alLqc tinh dua oao muc thu nhiip = Direct taxations are usually based on (or upon) income. (= a person's income is used to calculate the amount of tax he has to pay). Nhu v¢y, cau nay co the' dich: Caltex Trading Pte. Ltd., with its headquarters inaugurated the representative office in Ha noi in July 1994.


Hoac: Based in Singapore, Caltex Trading Pte Ltd. opened the Company's representative office in Hanoi. Co

the" thay based = situated; located; placed; established; built; constructed; founded ...

Hoiic: Having the headquarters in Singapore, Caltex Trading Pte Ltd ...

Gau 3:

. Chi nhanh van phong aai dien :::: the branch representative office; the division (ho(i,c subdivision) representative office ...

Eg: ~ Gan day co chi (:::: quay) bua di~n nao khong r,t ? = Is there any branch post office near here?

~ Ngtin. hiing Nang nghiep Vi~t Nam co chi nhdnh khiip moi nai trong nude = Vietnam Agricultural Bank has branches in all parts of the country.

I To branch (vOl ':::: dam canh; chia [am nhieu. nhdnh ... (:::: to send out or divide into branches). Eg: ~ Cay c6i dam ra nhie'u canli treti dong s/mg « The trees branch over the river.

~ Tit day, con duimg dan vao que toi chia lam nhieu nga ::::

The road to my native village branches here.

~ Cong ty cua ba fa khdi dau chuyen doanh vJ Ra-dit) va Tiui, nhung nay da quyftt dinh. ruti ri}ng sang cd may di~n todn :::: Her Company began by specializing in radios and TVs but has now decided to branch out into computers. (To branch out into sth :::: to extend or expand one's activities or interests in a new direction).

~ Ddt vii = to move; to go; to come; to arrive ...

Eg: Thong toi, gia dinh nang se don. vJ qtuin. Tan Binh » Her family will moue to Tan Binh District next month.


~ Kh6ng the'trd quqc tien th.ue nha nen ho ali phdi don di va nhilng ngum muon mai ciing dii don. ain = They couldn't pay their rent, so they had to move out and the new tenants moved in.

• Tru sd = quarters (pl.); lodgings (pl.); residence (n) ...


- Ra am nam 1986 = born in 1936; established (= founded; formed; created ... ) in 1936 ... Eg: , To' clute d6 dii ra adi dIttlc tam niim. = That organization was born (= established; founded .. .) eight years ago.

# Phong trao cong doan eta ra ddi vao nhitng nom dau theky 20, pluii v¢y kh6ng? = The Trade Union (also Trades Union = Labor Union [US}) movement was born in the early years of the 20 th century, wasn't it?

, Anh ta ra adi va tan len d Can Tho = He was Can Tho born and bred.

~ Chj {{y dItfJ~ sinh ra va duac nuoi d{LY thanh. tin d6 Thien Chua = She was born and bred a Catholic (= a

Christian). •

. Hoat dang = to operate (vt & vi); to have operations (= activities); to work ...

Eg: ~ Co nhie'u Cong ty da quae gia dang hoat dqng tai thanh. ph6- cluing ta = There are a lot of multinational Companies which operate in our City.


~ Cac lrnh vric hoat dong chu yllu" = the main activities; the chief operations ...


Kluxi hoc bao g6m cdc man Anh viin, toan, The course embraces (= comprises; English, Maths, Physics and Chemistry.

* Tuy nhien, d day cluing ta ciau; co the' sa dung "to be".

If va hod = includes .. .)


Bao gam = to include; to consist of ; to comprise; to embrace ...

* San pha'm driu khi = an oil product.


- Co' phon = equities (thudng dung li so' nhieu) (equities la co' phon khang huling ldi cti dinh. [ordinary stocks and shares that carry no fixed interest]), share (n); stocks (pl.n). Co' phon ki danh: registered share; personal share. Co" pluin. va kj danh (cd phtin co the' chuyin nhudng) = a fully paid-up share. Co' phtin 1Lu tien = preference share. Co' phJ.n sang lap = founder's share.

• Tacombank la ngdn hang thuang mai co' phon = TACOMBANK is a joint-stock commercial Bank.

h I· , .. ,

14 n a may oc duu vdi cong suat tong cOng tren 1 trieu

thung I ngay = ... a day. Hoiic: ... 14 refineries totalling (= amounting to) more than one million ... 14 refineries with a capacity of over one million barrels.

Cau 7:

Du an tri gid 1,7 ty ad la = project costs 1,7 billion US dollar, a project worth 1,7 billion US dollar; a project having the value of 1,7 . a 1.7 billion US dollar project.


Caltex chiem 65% co' phan ... C'chism. iI ddy nen dich. = co ho(ic sil hia: [= to have; to posess; to own .. .) = CALTEX owns 64% of the shares invested in a project worth 1,7 billion US dollar ...

Ciiu B:

• Sa hftu = to own (ot); to possess ... &: ~ Ba ay sa hiiu mot chief: Mercedes mau den rat dep nhung b« ta (f khi ldi no = She owns a very nice black Mercedes but rarely drives it.

~ Ai Sd hiiu cao 6c nay? = Who owns this building? (= To whom does this building belong ? hoiJ,c whose building is this ? .. ).

• NglliJi sd hilu = owner (n) -+ ownerless (adj) = v6 chit, kh6ng co chilo Eg: # Ai lii chil chiec xe hdi hu nay ? = Who is ho(ic who's) the owner of this wrecked car? . N6 v6 chu = it's ownerless.

• Quye'n sit hilu = ownership (n) possession (n) ...

# Quye'n sit hia: nha nay co bi tranh chap kh6ng ? is the ownership of this house disputed? Tai ddt nllac cdc ban, quyen sil hilu ad't dai co duoc Nha nuac thua nhiin. kh6ng? = Is the private ownership of land legal in your country? (co the'thay legal (ad)) = allowed by law hoiJ,c authorized by the State .. .)

# Khi ba cht ay qua dai , chi dii sd hilu mi}t tai san lan "'" On her father's death, she came into possession of a vast fortune .

. Hai cangxang dau = ocean terminal (n)


- Kko chua = depot [depdt]; storehouse (n); warehouse .

- Sd kitu 100% ... = co 100% cdphan trong ... possess 100% .

- Cling co Win doank ... = cung co quyen lai do lien doanh

mang lai trong ... (Ta noi: to have joint venture with ... vd .. , joint venture interests -in .. .), Interests (usu. pl.) = quyen hlJp phdp etli(jC chia ph6n trong mot co Sd doanh nghi¢p, nlui: ld lai ttic cua cd sd do (legal right to share in a business, especially in its profits).


- Tie-p thi = to market (ut) ; to sell; to offer for sale ...

Eg: I Tai Vi~t Nam, san phdm nay do Cong ty chung toi tiep thi dau tien. = In Vietnam, this product was first marketed by our Company.

I Hiing biz ta dang tie'p thi nhieu. m{it hang = Her firm is marketing many types of goods.

I Nsu quye'n sach. cua ban. hheo tiep thi no se ban rat chq,y = If your book is properly marketed, it should sell very well.

I Thong qua = through (prep) (also THRU[US); by mean of; thanks to; as the result of; owing to ... &: I. Thong qua Tuyet ma cluing toi etii co the' g{ip lai nhau = It was through Tuyet ( ... thanks to Tuyet ... ,- as the result of Tuyet's help .. .) that we were able to meet again.

I Toi dii co dlic;Jc vi¢c lam nay thong qua m(Jt van phbng tim vi¢c = I got this job through an employment office (ho{ic: .,. agency).

,. ClIa hang ban Ie = a retail shop )= store); a retail outlet.

Nen. dung "outlet" vi day la til ch.uyen. dung trong thuang mai. OUTLET (n) = cua hang tieu tliu. hoiic cita hang dai lj chuyen. ban cac miit hang do mot cong ty nao do lam ra (shop or agent shop that sells goods made by a particular company).

Eg: Hang my pha'm cluing tai co 5 cita hang btui Iii tai Kampuchia = Our cosmetics firm has five retail outlets in Cambodia.

Giiu 10:

- Trudc day = previously (adu.); formerly (adu.); in former times in earlier limes ...

Eg: # Truoc day, anh ta tilng him vi~c tai nha may nay, nhung nay [a giang vlen tai Dai h9C Ky thu(it TP Ho" Chi Minh = Formerly (= previously .. .), he worked in this factory, bot now he is a lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City Unipersity of Technology.

# Ky [IIC nay truoc day do m(Jt v(in d(Jng uien. Vi~t Nam niim. giLt = This record was previously held by a Vietnamese athlete.


Ciiu 11:

Co thi dich: After the lifting (= removal) of the U.S embargo against Vietnam, CALTEX was the first American Company... hoio: After the U.s economic blockade against Vietnam had been removed (= taken off; lifted .. J. Caltex was the first American Company to buy ...

# Ong ta til choi vi~c nude ong se tip dfit cam v(in kinh tt dOL vm Cuba = he refuses (= denies ... ) that his country will impose an economic blockade on Cuba.

• Dam nhan = to be responsible for; to assume; to undertake; to shoulder the responsibility [or.: Eg: lOng Nam va bit Nhung cung clam nhan. dieu hanh. cong ty cluing ta = Mr. Nam and Mrs. Nhung have joint responsibility

Cdu 12:

• S6' dau nay = this load of oil; this cargo ... {cargo (n) (pi: cargoes ho(ic cargos [us)) :::: luang hang chd tren. mot chuye'n tau [= goods caried in a ship)}.

• Dlide tinh ehe' = to be refined; to be made pure; to be processed ...

Eg: I Dtiu tho pluii dU(jc tinh chetrudc khi no duac sit dung = Crude oil has to be made pure {= refined ... } before it can be used.

Ctiu 13:

... Co nhiem vu danh gia va phdt trie'n dli an dc'lu tli ... = are in charge of evaluating and developing investment projects hoac: ... undertake {= assume .. .} the evaluation and development of investment projects ...

• Trang lanh vuc dau khi = in the petroleum sector; in the petroleum domain (= field .. .)

• Trang kinh te'va thuang mai, nguai ta thuimg dung tit SECTOR han. Sector La mot pluin. cua ldnh. vue hoat a(jng kinh doanh thuang mai nao do (Sector is a part of a field of activity, especially of business trade etc .. .). !fdg: I Liinh vUc ngan hang = the banking sector. Lanh vuc dien tiL = the electronics sector. Ldnh. uuc che' tao = the manufacturing sector ...

Cdu 14:


for the running of our Company (= they share the responsibility for the control (= direction .. .) or ...

• Khuyitn miii cac san phdm cua cong ty == to promote the Company's products.

_ HQ dang phdt df}ng mf}t chien dich. qtuing cdo ram rf} de' khuyen miii loca kem ddnh. rang mdi cua hQ = They are launching a big advertising campaign to promote their new toothpaste.

• Nhlla dlliJng = bitumen (n); asphalt (n); tar (n) ...

Giiu 15:

Bo "uai vi tri", chi dich: la cong ty duu khi = ... As the second largest oil Company in the region ...

• Rat mong muon lam di€u gi = to be very keen (adj) = eager [adj.}) to do sth; to have hogc to show strong desire to do sth) ...

• Tharn gia vao = to participate in; to take part in; to have a share in ...

• Sll phdt trie'n bung no' = the blooming growth; the increasing development ... (ciing co the'dung flourishing = dam hoa ket trai muon mau muon s&.c).

Bai dich. tham khao:


1. Caltex, a joint venture between American Oil Companies CHEVRON and TEXACO, returned to Vietnam in early 1994 after a 19 year absence.


11. After the lifting of the US embargo against Vietnam, Caltex was the first American Company to purchase Vietnamese Bach Ho crude oil in February 1994.

12. This cargo was processed at its Singapore refinery.

13. Today the representative offices in Vietnam are in charge of evaluating and developing in vestment projects in the petroleum sector.

2. Caltex Trading Pte Ltd., based in Singapore, opened the Company's representative office in Hanoi in July 1994.

3. In early September, the branch representative office in Ho Chi Minh City moved into its new quarters in the center of the City.

4. Founded in 1936, CALTEX today has operations In 65 countries.

5. Its main activities are the refining, distribution, trading and marketing of oil products.

6. The Company has equities in 14 refineries totalling more than one million barrels a day.

7. CALTEX has a 64% share of the 1,7 billion US dollar project.

8. The Company also has joint venture interests or 100% equity in 526 ocean terminals and depots throughout Asia and Africa.

9. It markets its products through more than 17,500 retail outlets.

10. CALTEX previously operated in Vietnam from 1936 until 1975.


14. They are also responsible for promoting the Company's products, initially concentrating on bitumen, lubricants and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).

15. As the second largest oil Company in the region in terms of refining, distribution and marketing CALTEX isvery keen to participate in the blooming growth in Vietnam.




".,9, ,..?-


1. Theo s6' li~u thong ke thi tii nay c!en ruim 2006 Vi~t Nam can dtlflc dau ttl khoiing 40 ti usn c!e' giil vilng toe aQ pha: trien. tit 7-8% m6i ruim, trong d6 von aau ttl trong nuoe chiern. han. 20 ti usn, ngtin. sach. cang aang 10 ti USD va cdc nguon. dau ttl nluin dan se khong it han. 10 tl USD.

2. Nhu cnu von cho nen kinh te'la nhu vijy, nhung lam sao huy d{jng va dieu hanh. aUf/c tfit cd cac nguo'n von dang la vdn de' "nang bong" cua Vi~t Nam.

3. Trude het c6 4 loai thi truang can aUf/c to' chiic va nang cao hi~u qua hoat a/lng nhiim thl/c hi~n chien htf/C tao von cho nhiiu nen kinh te: D6 la:

- Thi truimg lien ngan hang. . Thi truang h6l doai.

- Thi truimg tin phieu kho bac.

- Va Thi truimg cluing khocin.

4. DOl udi thi. truang lien ngan hang, truce het ta lien ngan hang nQi t~ can nang cao hieu. qua, hoa: dt)ng de' hinh thanh. d day ti l~ liii sudt thich hrJp lam. cd sd xac lq,p cac liii sudt hhac va ciing de' hap lj hoc. vi~c su dung von cua cdc ngan hdng thuang mai.


5. V~ th.i truimg lien ngtin. hang ngoai t¢ thi triatc milt pluii nang cap hai trung tam giao dich. d Ha N9i va TP Ho' Chi Minh trd thanh. hai thi truimg ngoai t~. Chinh nai day se trd thnnh. ch6 giao dich. cua cdc ngdn hang mua ban ngoai t¢, d6ng thai gop phdn uao vi¢c hinh thanh. ti gia ngoai t¢ tot han.

6. V~ thi truang tin phieu kho bac can phdi hinh thanh. de' nguiti dan co the'thl/c hien vi¢c mua ban tin phieu ngay tren thi truitng hoiic the' chap vOL ngdn hang dl vay von.

7. Thi truang tin phieu kho bac con la "thi truimg ma" de' Ngtm. hang Nha nude thu» hien chinh sach. tien t¢ vd dam bao yeu cau chi tieu cua ngtin sdch,

8. Ve' thi. truitng chung khoan; Ngiin. hang Nha nuoc dii co nhilng du an trinh Chinh phu som xuc tien hinh. thanh. dil huy d9ng v6n dai han. cho neTt kinh tt


De bai co thi dicli nhieu each:

- Vietnam and the issue of mobilizing capital for its development hogc: Vietnam and the mobilization of capital for its growth ...

• Huy dijng: to mobilize (ding co the'viet mobilise) -Kn}: mobilization (ho{ic . sation). Co the'thay: To mobilize = to gather; to collect ...

Eg: Croatia announced that it would mobilize its militia reserves ... = Croatia dil tuyen. b6- h9 se huy di)ng luc lllf/ng dan qtuin. trii bi.

(Militia [mili/ol = luc lliflng dan qutin] = force of civilians trained as soldiers but not part of regular army].


Giiu 1:

• Theo so'lieu thong ke ... According to the statistical

figures ... as shown in statistics .

• Viet nam can dlldC dau tll khodng = nen dich: Vi~t Nam.

can mot s1/ dau tu khoang... = Vietnam needs an investment of about ...

• De' gift vftng toe do phrit trie"n til 7-8% m6i nom = to keep (= to maintain; to continue .. .) the yearly rate of development at 7-8%.

• Von dau tll nllac ngoili = foreign-invested capital.

• Von dau tll trong nlldc = domestic-invested capital.

• Cring dang = to take charge of; to bear; to support; to have responsibility for; to undertake; to assume ...

Ex: # Vi~c xdy dung chile cau do dd biit ddu vao tluing 9 niim 1994 va moi phi ton se do ngtin sdch. Nha nude cang dang = The construction of that bridge began in September 1994 with all costs borne (= supported; undertaken ... ) by the National Budget.

# Ai se cdng dang sti mang ruing n~ nay ? = Who will undertake this heavy mission?

Cling co the'dich: such is the amount of money required (= needed; wanted .. .) for the economics... (Luu y:

Ciiu 2:

- Nhu cau von cho nen kink tt La nhll vay = such is the capital requirement (= demand (********) for the economics.


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