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TABLE Gender-related development index and its components

J Gender-related Life expectancy at birth Adult literacy rate

Combined gross
ratio in educationb
earned incomec
development index (GDI) (years) (% aged 15 and above) (%) (PPP US$)
2007 2007 1999–2007 2007 2007
HDI rank
as a % of minus GDI
HDI rank Rank Value HDI value Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male rankd


1 Norway 2 0.961 98.9 82.7 78.2 .. e .. e 102.7 f,g 94.7 f,g 46,576 g 60,394 g -1
2 Australia 1 0.966 99.6 83.7 79.1 .. e .. e 115.7 f,g 112.8 f,g 28,759 g 41,153 g 1
3 Iceland 3 0.959 99.0 83.3 80.2 .. e .. e 102.1 f,g 90.1 f,g 27,460 g 43,959 g 0
4 Canada 4 0.959 99.2 82.9 78.2 .. e .. e 101.0 f,g,h 97.6 f,g,h 28,315 g,i 43,456 g,i 0
5 Ireland 10 0.948 98.2 82.0 77.3 .. e .. e 99.1 f 96.2 f 31,978 g,i 57,320 g,i -5
6 Netherlands 7 0.954 98.9 81.9 77.6 .. e .. e 97.1 f 97.9 f 31,048 46,509 -1
7 Sweden 5 0.956 99.3 83.0 78.6 .. e .. e 99.0 f 89.8 f 29,476 g,i 44,071 g,i 2
8 France 6 0.956 99.4 84.5 77.4 .. e .. e 97.4 f 93.5 f 25,677 g 42,091 g 2
9 Switzerland 13 0.946 98.5 84.1 79.2 .. e .. e 81.4 f 84.0 f 31,442 g 50,346 g -4
10 Japan 14 0.945 98.4 86.2 79.0 .. e .. e 85.4 f 87.7 f 21,143 g 46,706 g -4
11 Luxembourg 16 0.943 98.2 82.0 76.5 .. e .. e 94.7 j 94.0 j 57,676 g,i 101,855 g,i -5
12 Finland 8 0.954 99.5 82.8 76.0 .. e .. e 105.1 f,g 97.9 f,g 29,160 g 40,126 g 4
13 United States 19 0.942 98.5 81.3 76.7 .. e .. e 96.9 f 88.1 f 34,996 g,i 56,536 g,i -6
14 Austria 23 0.930 97.4 82.5 77.0 .. e .. e 92.1 f 89.0 f 21,380 g 54,037 g -9
15 Spain 9 0.949 99.4 84.0 77.5 97.3 98.6 99.9 f 93.3 f 21,817 g,i 41,597 g,i 6
16 Denmark 12 0.947 99.2 80.5 75.9 .. e .. e 105.3 f,g 97.6 f,g 30,745 g 41,630 g 4
17 Belgium 11 0.948 99.4 82.4 76.5 .. e .. e 95.9 f 92.8 f 27,333 g 42,866 g 6
18 Italy 15 0.945 99.3 84.0 78.1 98.6 99.1 94.7 f 89.1 f 20,152 g,i 41,158 g,i 3
19 Liechtenstein .. .. .. .. k ..k .. e .. e 79.6 f,l 94.0 f,l .. .. ..
20 New Zealand 18 0.943 99.3 82.1 78.1 .. e .. e 113.4 f,g 102.0 f,g 22,456 32,375 1
21 United Kingdom 17 0.943 99.5 81.5 77.1 .. e .. e 92.8 f,h 85.9 f,h 28,421 g 42,133 g 3
22 Germany 20 0.939 99.2 82.3 77.0 .. e .. e 87.5 88.6 25,691 g,i 43,515 g,i 1
23 Singapore .. .. .. 82.6 77.8 91.6 97.3 .. .. 34,554 g,i 64,656 g,i ..
24 Hong Kong, China (SAR) 22 0.934 98.9 85.1 79.3 .. m .. m 73.4 f 75.4 f 35,827 g 49,324 g 0
25 Greece 21 0.936 99.4 81.3 76.9 96.0 98.2 103.2 f,g 100.1 f,g 19,218 i 38,002 i 2
26 Korea (Republic of) 25 0.926 98.8 82.4 75.8 .. e .. e 90.6 f,g 105.8 f,g 16,931 i 32,668 i -1
27 Israel 26 0.921 98.5 82.7 78.5 88.7f 95.0 f 92.1 f 87.8 f 20,599 i 32,148 i -1
28 Andorra .. .. .. .. k .. k .. e .. e 66.3 f,h 64.0 f,g .. .. ..
29 Slovenia 24 0.927 99.7 81.7 74.4 99.6 99.7 98.1f 87.7 f 20,427 i 33,398 i 2
30 Brunei Darussalam 29 0.906 98.5 79.6 74.9 93.1 96.5 79.1 76.5 36,838 g,i 62,631 g,i -2
31 Kuwait 34 0.892 97.4 79.8 76.0 93.1 95.2 77.8 f 67.8 f 24,722 f,g,i 68,673 f,g,i -6
32 Cyprus 27 0.911 99.7 81.9 77.3 96.6 99.0 77.8 f,l 77.3 f,l 18,307 31,625 2
33 Qatar 35 0.891 97.9 76.8 74.8 90.4 93.8 87.7 74.2 24,584 g,i 88,264 g,i -5
34 Portugal 28 0.907 99.7 81.8 75.3 93.3 96.6 91.6 f 86.2 f 17,154 28,762 3
35 United Arab Emirates 38 0.878 97.2 78.7 76.6 91.5 89.5 78.7 h 65.4 h 18,361 g,i 67,556 g,i -6
36 Czech Republic 31 0.900 99.7 79.4 73.2 .. e .. e 85.1 f 81.9 f 17,706 i 30,909 i 2
37 Barbados 30 0.900 99.7 79.7 74.0 .. g,m .. g,m 100.2 g 85.8 g 14,735 f,i 22,830 f,i 4
38 Malta 32 0.895 99.3 81.3 77.7 93.5 f 91.2f 81.7 f 81.0 f 14,458 31,812 3

39 Bahrain 33 0.895 99.9 77.4 74.2 86.4 90.4 95.3 f,h 85.8 f,h 19,873 f 39,060 f 3
40 Estonia 36 0.882 99.8 78.3 67.3 99.8 g 99.8 g 98.2 f 84.6 f 16,256 i 25,169 i 1
41 Poland 39 0.877 99.6 79.7 71.3 99.0 99.6 91.4 f 84.2 f 11,957 i 20,292 i -1
42 Slovakia 40 0.877 99.7 78.5 70.7 .. e .. e 83.1 f 77.9 f 14,790 i 25,684 i -1
43 Hungary 37 0.879 99.9 77.3 69.2 98.8 99.0 94.0 f 86.6 f 16,143 21,625 3
44 Chile 41 0.871 99.2 81.6 75.5 96.5 96.6 82.0 f,h 83.0 f,h 8,188 i 19,694 i 0
45 Croatia 43 0.869 99.7 79.4 72.6 98.0 99.5 79.4 f 75.2 f 12,934 19,360 -1
46 Lithuania 42 0.869 99.9 77.7 65.9 99.7 99.7 97.6 f 87.2 f 14,633 20,944 1
47 Antigua and Barbuda .. .. .. .. k .. k 99.4 98.4 .. .. .. .. ..
48 Latvia 44 0.865 99.8 77.1 67.1 99.8 g 99.8 g 97.5 f 83.2 f 13,403 19,860 0
49 Argentina 46 0.862 99.5 79.0 71.5 97.7 97.6 93.3 f 84.0 f 8,958 i 17,710 i -1
50 Uruguay 45 0.862 99.7 79.8 72.6 98.2 97.4 96.3 f 85.6 f 7,994 i 14,668 i 1
51 Cuba 49 0.844 97.7 80.6 76.5 99.8 99.8 110.7 g 91.5 g 4,132 f,i,n 8,442 f,i,n -2
52 Bahamas .. .. .. 76.0 70.4 .. m .. m 72.2 f,h 71.4 f,h .. .. ..
53 Mexico 48 0.847 99.2 78.5 73.6 91.4 94.4 79.0 f 81.5 f 8,375 i 20,107 i 0
54 Costa Rica 47 0.848 99.4 81.3 76.4 96.2 95.7 74.4 f,h 71.6 f,h 6,788 14,763 2
55 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 54 0.830 98.0 76.8 71.6 78.4 94.5 98.5 f,h 93.1 f,h 5,590 i 22,505 i -4
56 Oman 56 0.826 97.7 77.3 74.1 77.5 89.4 68.3 68.1 7,697 i 32,797 i -5
57 Seychelles .. .. .. .. k .. k 92.3 91.4 83.6 f,l 80.9 f,l .. .. ..
58 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 55 0.827 97.9 76.7 70.7 94.9 95.4 75.7 f 72.7 f 7,924 i 16,344 i -3
59 Saudi Arabia 60 0.816 96.7 75.1 70.8 79.4 89.1 78.0 f 79.1 f 5,987 i 36,662 i -7


Gender-related development index and its components

Combined gross
enrolment Estimated
Gender-related Life expectancy at birth Adult literacy rate
ratio in educationb earned incomec
development index (GDI) (years) (% aged 15 and above) (%) (PPP US$)
2007 2007 1999–2007 2007 2007
HDI rank
as a % of minus GDI
HDI rank Rank Value HDI value Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male rankd

60 Panama 51 0.838 99.7 78.2 73.0 92.8 94.0 83.5 f 76.1 f 8,331 14,397 3
61 Bulgaria 50 0.839 99.9 76.7 69.6 97.9 98.6 82.9 f 81.8 f 9,132 13,439 5
62 Saint Kitts and Nevis .. .. .. .. k .. k .. .. 74.1 f 72.1 f .. .. ..
63 Romania 52 0.836 99.9 76.1 69.0 96.9 98.3 81.7 f 76.7 f 10,053 14,808 4
64 Trinidad and Tobago 53 0.833 99.5 72.8 65.6 98.3 99.1 62.2 f,h 59.9 f,h 16,686 i 30,554 i 4
65 Montenegro .. .. .. 76.5 71.6 94.1 f,o 98.9 f,o .. .. 8,611 i,p 14,951 i,p ..
66 Malaysia 58 0.823 99.2 76.6 71.9 89.6 94.2 73.1 f 69.8 f 7,972 i 18,886 i 0
67 Serbia .. .. .. 76.3 71.6 94.1 f,o 98.9 f,o .. .. 7,654 i,p 12,900 i,p ..
68 Belarus 57 0.824 99.8 75.2 63.1 99.7 g 99.8 g 93.8 87.1 8,482 13,543 2
69 Saint Lucia .. .. .. 75.5 71.7 .. .. 80.6 73.8 6,599 i 13,084 i ..
70 Albania 61 0.814 99.5 79.8 73.4 98.8 g 99.3 g 67.6 f 68.0 f 4,954 i 9,143 i -1
71 Russian Federation 59 0.816 99.9 72.9 59.9 99.4 99.7 86.1 f 78.0 f 11,675 i 18,171 i 2
72 Macedonia (the Former Yugoslav Rep. of) 62 0.812 99.4 76.5 71.7 95.4 98.6 71.1 f 69.1 f 5,956 i 12,247 i 0
73 Dominica .. .. .. .. k .. k .. .. 82.7 f,h 74.5 f,h .. .. ..
74 Grenada .. .. .. 76.7 73.7 .. .. 73.8 f,h 72.4 f,h .. .. ..
75 Brazil 63 0.810 99.7 75.9 68.6 90.2 89.8 89.4 f 85.1 f 7,190 12,006 0
76 Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. .. 77.7 72.4 94.4 99.0 .. .. 5,910 i 9,721 i ..
77 Colombia 64 0.806 99.9 76.5 69.1 92.8 92.4 80.9 77.2 7,138 10,080 0
78 Peru 65 0.804 99.7 75.8 70.4 84.6 94.9 89.9 f,h 86.4 f,h 5,828 i 9,835 i 0
79 Turkey 70 0.788 97.7 74.2 69.4 81.3 96.2 66.3 f,h 75.7 f,h 5,352 i 20,441 i -4
80 Ecuador .. .. .. 78.0 72.1 89.7 92.3 .. .. 4,996 i 9,888 i ..
81 Mauritius 67 0.797 99.1 75.7 68.5 84.7 90.2 75.7 f,h 78.0 f,h 6,686 i 15,972 i 0
82 Kazakhstan 66 0.803 99.8 71.2 59.1 99.5 99.8 95.1 87.8 8,831 i 13,080 i 2
83 Lebanon 71 0.784 97.7 74.1 69.8 86.0 93.4 80.3 75.7 4,062 i 16,404 i -2


84 Armenia 68 0.794 99.5 76.7 70.1 99.3 99.7 77.8 71.6 4,215 7,386 2
85 Ukraine 69 0.793 99.7 73.8 62.7 99.6 99.8 93.2 l 87.0 l 5,249 8,854 2
86 Azerbaijan 73 0.779 99.0 72.3 67.6 99.2 g 99.8 g .. .. 4,836 11,037 -1
87 Thailand 72 0.782 99.8 72.1 65.4 92.6 95.9 79.6 f,h 76.6 f,h 6,341 i 10,018 i 1
88 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 76 0.770 98.4 72.5 69.9 77.2 87.3 73.0 f,h 73.4 f,h 5,304 i 16,449 i -2
89 Georgia .. .. .. 75.0 68.1 .. .. 77.7 h 75.8 h 2,639 6,921 ..
90 Dominican Republic 74 0.775 99.7 75.2 69.8 89.5 88.8 76.7 f 70.4 f 4,985 i 8,416 i 1
91 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .. .. .. 73.6 69.4 .. .. 70.3 f 67.6 f 5,180 i 10,219 i ..
92 China 75 0.770 99.8 74.7 71.3 90.0 96.5 68.5 f 68.9 f 4,323 i 6,375 i 1
93 Belize .. .. .. 78.0 74.2 .. .. 79.2 f,h 77.4 f,h 4,021 9,398 ..
94 Samoa 80 0.763 99.0 74.7 68.4 98.4 98.9 76.3 f,h 72.0 f,h 2,525 i 6,258 i -3
95 Maldives 77 0.767 99.5 72.7 69.7 97.1 97.0 71.4 f,h 71.3 f,h 3,597 i 6,714 i 1
96 Jordan 87 0.743 96.5 74.3 70.7 87.0 95.2 79.9 f 77.5 f 1,543 8,065 -8
97 Suriname 79 0.763 99.3 72.5 65.3 88.1 92.7 79.3 f,h 69.4 f,h 4,794 i 10,825 i 1
98 Tunisia 84 0.752 97.8 76.0 71.8 69.0 86.4 78.9 f,h 73.6 f,h 3,249 i 11,731 i -3
99 Tonga 78 0.765 99.6 74.6 69.0 99.3 99.2 78.8 f,h 77.2 f,h 2,705 i 4,752 i 4
100 Jamaica 81 0.762 99.5 75.1 68.3 91.1 80.5 82.0 f,h 74.3 f,h 4,469 i 7,734 i 2
101 Paraguay 82 0.759 99.8 73.8 69.6 93.5 95.7 72.2 f,h 72.1 f,h 3,439 i 5,405 i 2
102 Sri Lanka 83 0.756 99.6 77.9 70.3 89.1 92.7 69.9 f,h 67.5 f,h 3,064 5,450 2
103 Gabon 85 0.748 99.1 61.5 58.7 82.2 90.2 75.0 f 79.8 f 11,221 i 19,124 i 1
104 Algeria 88 0.742 98.4 73.6 70.8 66.4 84.3 74.5 f,h 72.8 f,h 4,081 i 11,331 i -1
105 Philippines 86 0.748 99.6 73.9 69.4 93.7 93.1 81.6 f 77.8 f 2,506 i 4,293 i 2
106 El Salvador 89 0.740 99.0 75.9 66.4 79.7 84.9 74.8 73.3 3,675 i 8,016 i 0
107 Syrian Arab Republic 98 0.715 96.4 76.0 72.2 76.5 89.7 63.9 f,h 67.5 f,h 1,512 i 7,452 i -8
108 Fiji 90 0.732 98.7 71.0 66.5 .. m .. m 73.2 f,h 70.0 f,h 2,349 i 6,200 i 1
109 Turkmenistan .. .. .. 68.8 60.6 99.3 99.7 .. .. 3,594 i 5,545 i ..
110 Occupied Palestinian Territories .. .. .. 74.9 71.7 90.3 97.2 80.8 75.9 .. .. ..
111 Indonesia 93 0.726 99.0 72.5 68.5 88.8 95.2 66.8 f,h 69.5 f,h 2,263 i 5,163 i -1
112 Honduras 95 0.721 98.4 74.4 69.6 83.5 83.7 78.3 f,h 71.3 f,h 1,951 i 5,668 i -2
113 Bolivia 91 0.728 99.8 67.5 63.3 86.0 96.0 83.6 f 89.7 f 3,198 i 5,222 i 3
114 Guyana 96 0.721 98.9 69.6 63.7 .. g,m .. g,m 83.0 84.7 1,607 i 3,919 i -1
115 Mongolia 92 0.727 100.0 69.6 63.0 97.7 96.8 84.9 73.7 3,019 3,454 4
116 Viet Nam 94 0.723 99.7 76.1 72.3 86.9 93.9 60.7 f,h 63.9 f,h 2,131 i 3,069 i 3
117 Moldova 97 0.719 99.8 72.1 64.5 98.9 99.6 74.6 l 68.6 l 2,173 i 2,964 i 1
118 Equatorial Guinea 102 0.700 97.3 51.1 48.7 80.5 93.4 55.8 f 68.2 f 16,161 i 45,418 i -3


Combined gross
enrolment Estimated
Gender-related Life expectancy at birth Adult literacy rate
ratio in educationb earned incomec
development index (GDI) (years) (% aged 15 and above) (%) (PPP US$)
2007 2007 1999–2007 2007 2007
HDI rank
as a % of minus GDI
HDI rank Rank Value HDI value Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male rankd

119 Uzbekistan 99 0.708 99.7 70.9 64.5 95.8 98.0 71.4 74.0 1,891 i 2,964 i 1
120 Kyrgyzstan 100 0.705 99.4 71.4 63.9 99.1 99.5 79.7 74.9 1,428 i 2,600 i 1
121 Cape Verde 101 0.701 98.9 73.5 68.2 78.8 89.4 69.7 66.6 2,015 i 4,152 i 1
122 Guatemala 103 0.696 98.9 73.7 66.7 68.0 79.0 67.8 73.2 2,735 i 6,479 i 0
123 Egypt .. .. .. 71.7 68.2 57.8 74.6 .. .. 2,286 8,401 ..
124 Nicaragua 106 0.686 98.2 75.9 69.8 77.9 78.1 72.7 f,h 71.5 f,h 1,293 i 3,854 i -2
125 Botswana 105 0.689 99.3 53.3 53.2 82.9 82.8 71.3 f,h 70.0 f,h 9,961 i 17,307 i 0
126 Vanuatu 104 0.692 99.9 72.0 68.1 76.1 80.0 60.3 f,h 64.2 f,h 2,970 i 4,332 i 2
127 Tajikistan 107 0.686 99.6 69.3 63.7 99.5 99.8 64.6 77.2 1,385 i 2,126 i 0
128 Namibia 108 0.683 99.5 61.2 59.3 87.4 88.6 68.2 f 66.3 f 4,006 i 6,339 i 0
129 South Africa 109 0.680 99.6 53.2 49.8 87.2 88.9 77.3 f 76.3 f 7,328 i 12,273 i 0
130 Morocco 111 0.625 95.7 73.3 68.8 43.2 68.7 55.1 f,h 64.0 f,h 1,603 i 6,694 i -1
131 Sao Tome and Principe 110 0.643 98.8 67.3 63.5 82.7 93.4 68.6 67.7 1,044 i 2,243 i 1
132 Bhutan 113 0.605 97.7 67.6 64.0 38.7 65.0 53.7 f,h 54.6 f,h 2,636 i 6,817 i -1
133 Lao People’s Democratic Republic 112 0.614 99.3 65.9 63.2 63.2 82.5 54.3 f 64.8 f 1,877 i 2,455 i 1
134 India 114 0.594 97.1 64.9 62.0 54.5 76.9 57.4 f 64.3 f 1,304 i 4,102 i 0
135 Solomon Islands .. .. .. 66.7 64.9 .. .. 47.8 f 51.4 f 1,146 i 2,264 i ..
136 Congo 115 0.594 98.8 54.4 52.5 71.8 f 90.6 f 55.2 f,h 62.0 f,h 2,385 i 4,658 i 0
137 Cambodia 116 0.588 99.2 62.3 58.6 67.7 85.8 54.8 h 62.1 h 1,465 i 2,158 i 0
138 Myanmar .. .. .. 63.4 59.0 86.4 93.9 .. .. 640 i 1,043 i ..
139 Comoros 117 0.571 99.2 67.2 62.8 69.8 80.3 42.3 f,h 50.4 f,h 839 i 1,446 i 0
140 Yemen 122 0.538 93.6 64.1 60.9 40.5 77.0 42.3 f 65.9 f 921 i 3,715 i -4
141 Pakistan 124 0.532 93.0 66.5 65.9 39.6 67.7 34.4 f 43.9 f 760 i 4,135 i -5
142 Swaziland 118 0.568 99.3 44.8 45.7 78.3 80.9 58.4 f 61.8 f 3,994 i 5,642 i 2
143 Angola .. .. .. 48.5 44.6 54.2 82.9 .. .. 4,212 i 6,592 i ..
144 Nepal 119 0.545 98.4 66.9 65.6 43.6 70.3 58.1 f,h 63.4 f,h 794 i 1,309 i 2
145 Madagascar 120 0.541 99.6 61.5 58.3 65.3 76.5 60.2 62.5 774 1,093 2
146 Bangladesh 123 0.536 98.7 66.7 64.7 48.0 58.7 52.5 f 51.8 f 830 i 1,633 i 0
147 Kenya 121 0.538 99.4 54.0 53.2 70.2 77.7 58.2 f,h 61.0 f,h 1,213 i 1,874 i 3
148 Papua New Guinea .. .. .. 63.0 58.7 53.4 62.1 .. .. 1,775 i 2,383 i ..
149 Haiti .. .. .. 62.9 59.1 64.0 f 60.1 f .. .. 626 i 1,695 i ..
150 Sudan 127 0.516 97.0 59.4 56.3 51.8 71.1 37.6 f,h 42.2 f,h 1,039 i 3,119 i -2
151 Tanzania (United Republic of) 125 0.527 99.4 55.8 54.2 65.9 79.0 56.2 h 58.4 h 1,025 i 1,394 i 1
152 Ghana 126 0.524 99.5 57.4 55.6 58.3 71.7 54.5 h 58.3 h 1,133 i 1,531 i 1
153 Cameroon 129 0.515 98.6 51.4 50.3 59.8 77.0 47.7 l 56.7 l 1,467 i 2,791 i -1
154 Mauritania 128 0.516 99.1 58.5 54.7 48.3 63.3 50.5 f,l 50.7 f,l 1,405 i 2,439 i 1
155 Djibouti 130 0.514 98.8 56.5 53.7 .. m .. m 21.9 f 29.0 f 1,496 i 2,627 i 0
156 Lesotho 132 0.509 99.1 45.5 43.9 90.3 73.7 62.3 f,h 60.6 f,h 1,315 i 1,797 i -1
157 Uganda 131 0.509 99.2 52.4 51.4 65.5 81.8 61.6 f,h 62.9 f,h 861 i 1,256 i 1
158 Nigeria 133 0.499 97.7 48.2 47.2 64.1 80.1 48.1 f,h 57.9 f,h 1,163 i 2,777 i 0


159 Togo .. .. .. 63.9 60.4 38.5 68.7 .. .. 494 i 1,088 i ..
160 Malawi 134 0.490 99.4 53.4 51.3 64.6 79.2 61.7 f,h 62.1 f,h 646 i 877 i 0
161 Benin 135 0.477 97.0 62.1 59.8 27.9 53.1 44.5 f,h 60.1 f,h 892 1,726 0
162 Timor-Leste .. .. .. 61.5 59.8 .. .. 62.1 f,h 64.2 f,h 493 i 934 i ..
163 Côte d’Ivoire 137 0.468 96.6 58.3 55.7 38.6 60.8 31.3 f,h 43.7 f,h 852 i 2,500 i -1
164 Zambia 136 0.473 98.3 45.0 44.0 60.7 80.8 60.7 f,h 66.0 f,h 980 i 1,740 i 1
165 Eritrea 138 0.459 97.3 61.4 56.8 53.0 76.2 27.6 f,h 39.1 f,h 422 i 839 i 0
166 Senegal 140 0.457 98.5 56.9 53.9 33.0 52.3 39.0 f,h 43.3 f,h 1,178 i 2,157 i -1
167 Rwanda 139 0.459 99.8 51.4 47.9 59.8 71.4 52.4 f 52.0 f 770 i 970 i 1
168 Gambia 141 0.452 99.1 57.3 54.1 .. m .. m 47.2 f,h 46.4 f,h 951 i 1,499 i 0
169 Liberia 142 0.430 97.3 59.3 56.5 50.9 60.2 48.6 f 66.5 f 240 i 484 i 0
170 Guinea 143 0.425 97.7 59.3 55.3 18.1 42.6 41.5 f 56.9 f 919 i 1,356 i 0
171 Ethiopia 144 0.403 97.3 56.2 53.3 22.8 50.0 44.0 h 54.0 h 624 i 936 i 0
172 Mozambique 145 0.395 98.3 48.7 46.9 33.0 57.2 50.2 f,h 59.4 f,h 759 i 848 i 0
173 Guinea-Bissau 148 0.381 96.2 49.1 46.0 54.4 75.1 28.8 f,h 44.5 f,h 301 i 658 i -2
174 Burundi 146 0.390 99.1 51.4 48.6 52.2 67.3 46.2 h 51.8 h 296 i 387 i 1
175 Chad 149 0.380 96.8 49.9 47.3 20.8 43.0 27.5 f,h 45.5 f,h 1,219 i 1,739 i -1
176 Congo (Democratic Republic of the) 150 0.370 95.1 49.2 46.1 54.1 80.9 40.5 l 55.9 l 189 i 410 i -1
177 Burkina Faso 147 0.383 98.4 54.0 51.4 21.6 36.7 29.2 36.3 895 i 1,354 i 3


Gender-related development index and its components

Combined gross
enrolment Estimated
Gender-related Life expectancy at birth Adult literacy rate a
ratio in educationb earned incomec
development index (GDI) (years) (% aged 15 and above) (%) (PPP US$)
2007 2007 1999–2007 2007 2007
HDI rank
as a % of minus GDI
HDI rank Rank Value HDI value Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male rankd

178 Mali 153 0.353 95.2 48.8 47.4 18.2 34.9 37.5 f,h 51.0 f,h 672 i 1,517 i -2
179 Central African Republic 151 0.354 95.8 48.2 45.1 33.5 64.8 22.9 f,h 34.4 f,h 535 i 900 i 1
180 Sierra Leone 152 0.354 97.1 48.5 46.0 26.8 50.0 37.6 f,h 51.7 f,h 577 i 783 i 1
181 Afghanistan 154 0.310 88.0 43.5 43.6 12.6 43.1 35.4 f,h 63.6 f,h 442 f,i,q 1,845 f,i,q 0
182 Niger 155 0.308 90.8 51.7 50.0 15.1 42.9 22.1 32.3 318 i 929 i 0

Iraq .. .. .. 71.8 64.2 64.2 84.1 52.1 f,h 68.5 f,h .. .. ..
Kiribati .. .. .. .. k .. k .. .. 77.9 f,h 73.8 f,h .. .. ..
Korea (Democratic People’s Rep. of) .. .. .. 69.1 64.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Marshall Islands .. .. .. .. k .. k .. .. 71.2 f,h 71.1 f,h .. .. ..
Micronesia (Federated States of) .. .. .. 69.2 67.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Monaco .. .. .. .. k .. k .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Nauru .. .. .. .. k .. k .. .. 56.1 f,h 54.0 f,h .. .. ..
Palau .. .. .. .. k .. k 90.5 f 93.3 f 91.2 f,h 82.4 f,h .. .. ..
San Marino .. .. .. .. k .. k .. e .. e .. .. .. .. ..
Somalia .. .. .. 51.2 48.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Tuvalu .. .. .. .. k .. k .. .. 70.8 f,h 67.8 f,h .. .. ..
Zimbabwe .. .. .. 43.6 42.6 88.3 94.1 53.4 f,h 55.5 f,h .. .. ..

a Data refer to national literacy estimates from censuses f Data refer to an earlier year than that specified. m In the absence of recent data, estimates for 2005 Column 1: determined on the basis of the GDI values.
or surveys conducted between 1999 and 2007, g For the purpose of calculating the GDI, the female from UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2003), based on Column 2: calculated based on data in columns 4–11.
unless otherwise specified. Due to differences in and male values appearing in this table were scaled outdated census or survey information, were used and Column 3: calculated based on GDI and HDI values.
methodology and timeliness of underlying data, downward to reflect the maximum values for adult should be interpreted with caution: the Bahamas 96.7 Columns 4 and 5: UN (2009e).
comparisons across countries and over time should be literacy (99%), gross enrolment ratios (100%), and (for females) and 95.0 (for males), Barbados 99.8 and Columns 6 and 7: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2009a.)
made with caution. For more details, see http://www. GDP per capita (40,000 (PPP US$)). For more details, 99.7, Djibouti 61.4 and 79.9, Fiji 92.9 and 95.9, the Columns 8 and 9: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2009b). see Gambia 35.4 and 49.9, Guyana 98.7 and 99.2 and Columns 10 and 11: calculated based on data on GDP
b Data for some countries may refer to national or h UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimate. Hong Kong, China (SAR) 91.4 and 97.3. (in PPP US$) and population from the World Bank (2009d),
UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimates. For details, i No wage data are available. For the purposes of n Heston, Summers and Aten (2006). Data differ from data on wages and economically active population from
see calculating the estimated female and male earned the standard definition. ILO (2009b).
c Because of the lack of gender-disaggregated income, a value of 0.75 was used for the ratio o Data refer to Serbia and Montenegro prior to its Column 12: calculated based on recalculated HDI ranks
income data, female and male earned income are of the female nonagricultural wage to the male separation into two independent states in June 2006. and GDI ranks in column 1.
crudely estimated on the basis of data on the ratio nonagricultural wage. Data exclude Kosovo.
of the female nonagricultural wage to the male j Statec (2008). Data refer to nationals enrolled both p Earned income is estimated using data on the
nonagricultural wage, the female and male shares of in the country and abroad and thus differ from the economic activity rate for Serbia and Montenegro prior
the economically active population, the total female standard definition. to its separation into two independent states in June
and male population and GDP per capita in PPP US$ k For the purposes of calculating the HDI unpublished 2006.
(see The wage estimates from UN (2009e) were used: Andorra q Calculated on the basis of GDP in PPP US$ for 2006
ratios used in this calculation are based on data for the 84.3 (for females) and 77.5 (for males), Antigua and from World Bank (2009d) and total population for the
most recent year available between 1999 and 2007. Barbuda 74.6 and 69.7, Dominica 80.3 and 73.7, same year from UN (2009e).
d The HDI ranks used in this calculation are recalculated Liechtenstein 82.4 and 76.0, Saint Kitts and Nevis
for the countries with a GDI value. A positive figure 74.6 and 69.8 and the Seychelles 77.7 and 68.4.
indicates that the GDI rank is higher than the HDI rank; l National estimate from the UNESCO Institute for
a negative figure, the opposite. Statistics.
e For the purposes of calculating the HDI, a value of
99.0% was applied.



1 Australia 41 Chile 81 Jamaica 121 Kenya

2 Norway 42 Lithuania 82 Paraguay 122 Yemen
3 Iceland 43 Croatia 83 Sri Lanka 123 Bangladesh
4 Canada 44 Latvia 84 Tunisia 124 Pakistan
5 Sweden 45 Uruguay 85 Gabon 125 Tanzania (United Republic of)
6 France 46 Argentina 86 Philippines 126 Ghana
7 Netherlands 47 Costa Rica 87 Jordan 127 Sudan
8 Finland 48 Mexico 88 Algeria 128 Mauritania
9 Spain 49 Cuba 89 El Salvador 129 Cameroon
10 Ireland 50 Bulgaria 90 Fiji 130 Djibouti
11 Belgium 51 Panama 91 Bolivia 131 Uganda
12 Denmark 52 Romania 92 Mongolia 132 Lesotho
13 Switzerland 53 Trinidad and Tobago 93 Indonesia 133 Nigeria
14 Japan 54 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 94 Viet Nam 134 Malawi
15 Italy 55 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 95 Honduras 135 Benin
16 Luxembourg 56 Oman 96 Guyana 136 Zambia
17 United Kingdom 57 Belarus 97 Moldova 137 Côte d’Ivoire
18 New Zealand 58 Malaysia 98 Syrian Arab Republic 138 Eritrea
19 United States 59 Russian Federation 99 Uzbekistan 139 Rwanda
20 Germany 60 Saudi Arabia 100 Kyrgyzstan 140 Senegal
21 Greece 61 Albania 101 Cape Verde 141 Gambia
22 Hong Kong, China (SAR) 62 Macedonia (the Former Yugoslav Rep. of) 102 Equatorial Guinea 142 Liberia
23 Austria 63 Brazil 103 Guatemala 143 Guinea
24 Slovenia 64 Colombia 104 Vanuatu 144 Ethiopia
25 Korea (Republic of) 65 Peru 105 Botswana 145 Mozambique
26 Israel 66 Kazakhstan 106 Nicaragua 146 Burundi
27 Cyprus 67 Mauritius 107 Tajikistan 147 Burkina Faso
28 Portugal 68 Armenia 108 Namibia 148 Guinea-Bissau
29 Brunei Darussalam 69 Ukraine 109 South Africa 149 Chad
30 Barbados 70 Turkey 110 Sao Tome and Principe 150 Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
31 Czech Republic 71 Lebanon 111 Morocco 151 Central African Republic
32 Malta 72 Thailand 112 Lao People’s Democratic Republic 152 Sierra Leone
33 Bahrain 73 Azerbaijan 113 Bhutan 153 Mali
34 Kuwait 74 Dominican Republic 114 India 154 Afghanistan
35 Qatar 75 China 115 Congo 155 Niger
36 Estonia 76 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 116 Cambodia
37 Hungary 77 Maldives 117 Comoros
38 United Arab Emirates 78 Tonga 118 Swaziland
39 Poland 79 Suriname 119 Nepal
40 Slovakia 80 Samoa 120 Madagascar


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