Rules & Regulations For AESI EXAM

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Rules and Regulations for the Associate Membership

Examination of the Society are published for the information,
guidance and compliance by the Student members registered with
the Society.

The syllabus for the Associate Membership Examination was

revised, updated and got approved from the Ministry of HRD, Govt
of India, vide their letter F.24-4/2002 TS-III dated 31 Dec 04. The
Governing Council had authorized the Associate Membership
Examination for Section-A, to be conducted as per the modified
syllabus from June 2006 session.

As approved by the Governing Council, student members

registered on or after 01 August 2005 will take the exam with revised
syllabus only. Students registered prior to 01 August 2005 are
welcome to change over to the new syllabus.

Accordingly, the Associate Membership Examination for

Section A of new syllabus started from June, 2006 session
alongwith the old syllabus which will be phased out latest by
December 2010 examination session.

All candidates who are registered with the Society shall be

deemed to have been enrolled as Student members.

These Rules & Regulations are duly updated as on 01 Aug 07.

1st August 2007

(H.C. Bhatia)
Secretary (Adm.)


Page No.
A. Rules for the Examination 1 To 6


B. Regulations for the Examination

Chapter I - General Information about the Examination. 7 To 11
Chapter II - Qualifications & Eligibility for Exemption. 12 To 13

Chapter III - Examination Fee and other Charges. 13 To 14

Chapter IV - Directions to Candidates for the Examination. 15 To 16

Chapter V - Code of Conduct for the Examinees. 16

Chapter VI - Issue of Completion Certificate. 17

Chapter VII - Guidelines Prescribing Punishment for 17 To 21

the Use of Dishonest or Unfair Means or
Disorderly Conduct in the Examination.
Chapter VIII - Procedure for Cases Involving the Use of 21 To 22
Dishonest or Unfair Means or Disorderly Conduct

in the Examination.


1. Candidates who wish to appear in the Associate Membership

Examination conducted by the Society should enroll themselves as
Student-members with the Society. Request for registration should be
sent on the prescribed form along with original and attested copies of
Class X certificate and the certificate and mark sheets of the
qualification based on which the registration is sought along with the
prescribed registration fee by bank DD drawn in favour of
Aeronautical Society of India and payable at New Delhi.
2. Only duly enrolled student members will be entitled to take the
Associate Membership Examination of the Society, subject to
membership being current, by making timely payment of annual
subscription and other eligible dues.
3. At the time of submitting application for examination, the
membership should be current.
4. W.e.f. 01 Apr 06, annual subscription payable by student members is
Rs. 500.00. All old student members with registration numbers upto
S-20000 and prefixed with S-2K, and S-01 will pay annual subscription
at the rate of Rs. 500.00 per year. Student-members having Regn. Nos
prefixed with S-02, S-03, S-04, and S-05 will pay the revisedannual
subscription only from financial years starting on 01 Apr 07, 08, 09, 2010
respectively, since they have paid annual subscription for five years in
advance at the time of registration.
5. Names of Student members who are in arrears with the payment of
annual subscription fee for 3 years get removed from the rolls.
S u c h student-members can get the membership renewed by making a
request to the effect along with a payable fee of Rs. 700.00 (Rs. 200.00
towards re-registration plus Rs. 500.00 towards subscription for one
6. After completion of Section A, a student-member shall also pay first
installment of Rs. 400.00 towards Composite Fee of Rs. 800/-, before he
can appear in exam for Section B. After successful completion of Section
B, a student-member shall pay the second installment of Rs. 400/- and
he shall be elected to membership grade of “Graduate” The composite
fee is towards life member of the Society in the grade.
7. Student-members may attend all ordinary meetings of the Society,
however they are not allowed to vote at any of these meetings/receive a
copy of the Journal of the Society. The Rules of the Society to the extent
applicable shall apply to Student-members also.
8. Application for Examination shall be made in prescribed format, and
shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
9. A candidate who because of sickness or other cause, is unable to
present himself for examination, shall not be entitled to claim a refund of
the examination fee. However, in case examination could not be
conducted, for any reason, the examination fee shall be adjusted for the
next following session.
10. (a) Application forms for admission to an examination which are
incomplete or do not fulfill the prescribed conditions or if the
candidate is not eligible to appear in a particular subject or
Section or if the applications have been received after the last
date specified for receipt of applications for that particular
session, are likely to be rejected.
(b) If a candidate owes money to the Society, on any account, and
fails to pay the money or has in his possession any book or other
property belonging to the Society, the Society may with-hold
issuing an admit-card and/or withhold his exam results till all such
money has been paid or such property returned by the candidate.
(c) Subject to the provisions of clause 10 (a) & 10 (b) above, a
candidate whose application has been accepted, shall be issued
with admit-card.
11. A candidate may not be admitted to the examination hall, if he fails
to present to the officer-in-charge of the examination his admit
card/authority letter from the Society or to satisfy the officer that it,
shall be produced within a reasonable time.
12. The Officer-in-Charge of the examination shall have the power to call
upon any candidate appearing at an examination to give his specimen
signature for purpose of identification.
13. No candidate shall-indulge in disorderly conduct or make use of
any dishonest or unfair means in the examination. For purpose of this
(a) “Examination” means the Associate Membership Examination
conducted by the Society.
(b) “Session” means the June or December Session.
(c) “Candidate” includes an examinee taking an examination in a
particular session and wherever the context so permits, every
student registered with the Society.
(d) The use of dishonest or unfair means in the examination implies:
(i) Assisting in any manner whatsoever, any other candidate in
answering the question paper during the course of the examination.
(ii) Taking assistance from any other candidate or any other person or
from any book, paper, notes on other material in answering the
question paper during the course of the examination.
(iii) Carrying into examination hall any book, paper, notes or other
material whatsoever, likely to be used directly or indirectly by the
candidate in connection with the examination.
(iv) Smuggling in an answer book or a continuation sheet.
(v) Taking out or arranging to send out an answer book or its any page
or an additional sheet.
(vi) Replacing or getting replaced an answer book or its any page or
continuation sheet during or after the examination.
(vii) Getting impersonated by any person in the examination.
(viii) Deliberately disclosing one’s identity or making any distinctive mark
in the answer book for that purpose.
(ix) Communicating with or talking to any other candidate or
unauthorised person in or around the examination hall during the
course of the examination.
(x) Communicating or attempting to communicate directly or through a
relative, guardian or friend with an examiner with the object of
influencing him in the award of marks.
(xi) Swallowing or attempting to swallow a note or a paper or run away
with it or causing its disappearance or destroying any such material.
(e) Disorderly conduct in the examination implies:
(i) Misbehavior or the use of abusive or obscene language in
connection with the examination, with the Superintendent, the
invigilator or the other staff working at the Examination Centre, or
with any other candidate, in or around the examination centre,
before, during or after the examination hours.
(ii) Leaving the examination room before the expiry of half-an-hour or
without handing over the answer books to the invigilator-in-charge
or without signing the attendance sheet.
(iii) Intentionally tearing off the answer-book or a part thereof or a
continuation sheet.
(iv) Disturbing or disrupting the examination.
(v) Inciting others to leave the examination room or disturb or disrupt the
(vi) Carrying into the examination centre any weapon of offence.
14. All cases of the use of dishonest or unfair means or disorderly
conduct detected during or after the examination reported to the society
shall be thoroughly investigated with intimation to the concerned
candidate. Any explanation furnished by the candidate shall be duly
considered by the Examination Disciplinary Committee (E.D.C.). The
candidate may be given a personal hearing at a date & time to be fixed
by E.D.C. provided he asks for the same in writing. Appearance before
the E.D.C. shall be at the expense and risk of the candidate & default in
appearance shall result in ex-parte proceedings and orders.
15. Pending finalization of any case the result of the concerned
candidate shall be with-held and he shall not be eligible to appear in any
subsequent examination. However if he takes or has taken any
subsequent examination be deemed to have been only provisionally
admitted to that subsequent examination. That examination will stand
cancelled and his result thereof would not be declared if on account of
the punishment imposed on him as a result of the said enquiry or action,
he would not have been entitled to take that examination, but for his
provisional admission thereto.
16. A candidate found guilty of the use of dishonest or unfair means or
disorderly conduct in the examination may be disqualified by the Society
from passing the examination for which he was a candidate, and may, in
addition, be debarred from appearing at any future examination for a
further period to be stated, or declared not a fit and proper person to be
admitted to any future examination of the Society.
17. (a) Any candidate who, in the opinion of the Invigilator-on-duty,
or the Superintendent of the Examination Centre, contravenes or is
suspected of contravening the provisions of Clause-13 of the Rules
shall be forthwith challenged by the Invigilator or Superintendent who
shall ask for a signed statement from the candidate. The candidate
may be subjected to a search of his person to recover any
incriminating material from him by the examination staff on duty.
(b) Without prejudice to the provision contained in sub-para (a)
above, the Superintendent of an Examination Centre shall also have
the power to expel a candidate who, in his opinion, has contravened
the provisions of Clause 13, from the examination centre for the
remaining duration of the paper.
18. A candidate on whom any punishment has been imposed under
Clause 16, may within 60 days from the date of receipt of the
communication in that behalf, make a representation to the Honorary
Secretary for review of his case and the Honorary Secretary, if satisfied
that the case is fit for reconsideration, refer the same to the Standing
Committee/Council. The Standing Committee/Council may thereupon
review the case and pass such orders as it may consider fit.
19. In the case of a candidate who has been permanently debarred
from the Society in terms of Provisions of Clause 16, the Standing
Committee/Council may on the recommendation of Honorary Secretary,
on the expiry of three years after such debarring including the
examination in connection with which he was punished, exempt a
candidate from further operation of the punishment awarded.
20. If within six months of the publication of the result, it is brought to
the notice of the Society that a candidate was guilty of the use of
dishonest or unfair means in the examination in respect of which his
result was declared, the provision of the Rules shall apply mutatis
murandis to the case of such a candidate provided that before imposing
any penalty including the penalty of cancellation of his result shall be
given an opportunity to show cause against the proposed punishment
and his explanation if any, shall be duly considered by the Society.
21. A candidate found or suspected to be guilty of using unfair means
in the examination shall be permitted to answer the remaining part of the
question paper, but on a separate answer book and the answer book in
which unfair means is suspected shall be seized by the Superintendent,
who shall send both the answer books to the Society with his report. This
shall not affect the candidate's right to appear in the rest of the
examination in subsequent papers of that session.
22. If a person not otherwise covered by these provisions is found guilty
of having impersonated a candidate or of having written outside the
examination hall an answer book or its any page or a continuation sheet
which he knows or has reason to believe, will be smuggled into the
examination hall for the benefit of any candidate or having managed
otherwise to replace the answer book or any page of the answer book of
the candidate after the examination, he shall be disqualified from
appearing in any examination of the Society and the case may, if
necessary be reported to the Police.
23. Notwithstanding anything contained expressly or impliedly in, these
rules, Honorary Secretary may on being satisfied after such enquiry as
he may deem fit cancel the result of any candidate, if it comes to his
notice within six months of the publication of the said result that:
(a) The candidate was ineligible for registration but was wrongly
registered for the Associate Membership Examination.
(b) A discrepancy was discovered in the award of marks, etc. which
rendered the result of the candidate liable to be cancelled.
24. With-holding conferment of the Certificate. Notwithstanding
anything contained in the Rules, the Academics Committee may on the
recommendation of the Honorary Secretary General, by a resolution,
passed with the concurrence of not less than two thirds of the members
voting, withhold for such a period as they may deem fit, conferment of
any certificate to any successful candidate at an examination of the
Society for reasons which in their opinion, justify such a withholding e.g.
unruly or disorderly conduct, or violence or conviction for a criminal
offence or moral turpitude.
25. Subject to the provisions of the Rules, the Regulations may provide
for all other matters relating to conduct of examination including those
concerning examination committees, tabulation of marks and results
fees for examination, rechecking examination result, supply of marks,
dates for submission of examination forms, directions to the candidates
for examination, directions to Superintendents of Examination Centre
and duties of Invigilators, Guidelines Prescribing Punishment for the use
of Unfair means or Disorderly Conduct etc., etc.
26. The Society reserves the right to amend/alter/change the Rules and
Regulations for the Examination as it may deem fit.
27. The decision of the Society in any matter not covered by these
Rules shall be final and binding.


Chapter - I

General Information about the Examination.

Associate Membership Examination

1. A pass in Sections A & B of the examination has been recognised by
Govt. of India, Ministry of Education as equivalent to a degree in
Aeronautical Engineering from an Indian University for purposes of
recruitment to superior posts and services under the Central
Government. Section A and Section B, comprise of 10 subjects each.
There are 4 specialist streams in Section B and the candidate has to
choose and specialise in one of the streams. After successfully
completing Section A, a candidate can take and is required to pass
Section B before he becomes eligible for the award of the Certificate.
Medium of examination shall be English.

2. (a) The minimum qualification for appearing in Section A

examination is a pass in the intermediate or 10+2 Higher
Secondary with P.C.M. and with minimum of 50% marks in
each of the three subjects.
(b) Three years duration Diploma in Engineering with at least 50%
marks in Aggregate over the three year period.
(c) Three years courses in Aircraft Maintenance Engg from
Institutes recongnized by DGCA
(d) BSc with Physics, Chemistry and Maths with at least 50%
marks in Aggregate over the three year period in each subject.
(e) Minimum qualification for appearing in Section B examination
is a pass in Section A of the Associate Membership
Examination of the Society. Qualifications which entitle a
candidate to seek exemption from six subjects of Section A are
given in Chapter II.2.

3. Students are entitled to seek exemption from appearing in some of

the subjects, details described in Chapter II. Students, who desire to
obtain exemption should apply in advance for such exemption,
forwarding copies of original certificates and photocopies attested by a
Gazetted Officer or the Head of an Educational Institution or a Member
of the Society on the basis of which they seek exemption.
Periodicity and Centers

4. The examination is held twice a year, commencing usually on 2nd

Monday of June and December, simultaneously at Bangalore, Mumbai,
Nagpur, Pune, Delhi, Indore, Secunderabad, Kharagpur (Calcutta),
Kanpur, Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram Centres. The Society may
establish or withdraw a particular exam-centre without assigning any
reason whatsoever.
Pass Marks

5. Marks allotted to each subject are 100 and a candidate must obtain
50% marks to secure a pass in any subject.
Structuring of Syllabus

6. In order to ensure that a candidate devotes minimum time and

comprehends the subjects properly, a time restriction has been
introduced for taking number of subjects in an exam session. The
restrictions are.
(a) A candidate is free to take up to four subjects of his choice in an
exam session.
(b) A candidate will graduate to Section-B only after successfully
passing all the ten subjects and undergoing the six week workshop
training capsule or, after completion of two years from the date of his
registration, which ever is later.
(c) Similarly, in Section-B also, a candidate will be declared to have
completed the Section, only after successfully passing all the ten
subjects and two training capsules of his selected specialist stream,
OR after two years from the date of graduating to Section-B as per
the sub-clause (b) above.
7. Candidates registered prior to 01 Aug 05, will however, continue to be
governed by earlier rule of the unmodified syllabus.
8. In an exam session, a candidate is expected to appear in subjects
authorized vide his Admit Card. In case a candidate appears in a subject
which was not specified by him in his examination application form, the
answer-book in such a subject shall not be sent for valuation and also
that disciplinary action may be initiated against the candidate.
Improvement of Performance in a Subject

9. A candidate may with prior permission of the Society, reappear in a

subject to improve performance. Students desirous of availing this may
be given one extra chance to take the subject examination, and the
higher of the two scores in the earlier and the additional attempt will be
considered the final score in that subject.
10. A candidate shall not be permitted to appear in an examination to
improve performance after issue of consolidated mark-sheet/ provisional
completion certificate.
Application forms

11. Application forms for registration/examination can be obtained by

sending a self-addressed and appropriately stamped envelope to the
Society. The completed application form for examination should be sent
not earlier than 15th February for the June and 15th August for the
December session examination. The last date for receipt of examination
application forms (without late fee) is 10th April/10th October and with
late fee of Rs. 200/- is 25th April/25th October for June/ December
sessions Examination respectively. After declaration of result for any
session, a period of one month is generally available to the candidates
to submit their application form for the ensuing session.
12. Applications for the examination, incomplete in any respect or those
received after the cut-off date shall be rejected.
Exam Center

13. Candidates will be allotted the exam centre of their choice as far as
possible, however one is to appear for the examination from the center
allotted to him. Change of center may be permitted in case there are
valid reasons for the same and a request for change is received, as far
as possible 4 weeks before the start of the examination. A fee of
Rs. 200/- is payable along with every request for change of exam center.
Admit Card

14. An Admit Card shall be issued to the candidates whose applications

are found in order. The card shall indicate inter-alia the Roll. No., the
examination centre the subjects in which the candidate shall appear, his
specimen signature and his photograph.
15. In case of non-receipt of Admit Card, latest by 10 days prior to the
commencement of the examination, the candidate should seek authority
letter from the Society and this could be used in lieu of the admit card.
Such candidates will inform the Society in writing giving details like
name, registration number, section, indicated exam centre, and postal
address to which the authority letter should be forwarded. Payable fee is
Rs. 100/- and a self addressed stamped envelope should be provided by
the student.

Exam Result

16. The result shall normally be declared 8 to 10 weeks after the

examination is over.
Recounting of Marks

17. A candidate may, before the start of the next examination

session, ask for recounting of marks to ascertain that all questions
have been marked and marks have been totalled correctly. A fee of
R s . 1 0 0 / - p e r s u b j e c t i s pa y a b l e a l o n g w i t h s u c h r e q u e s ts .
Re-assessment of answer-books is not undertaken under any
Issue of Certificates

18. (a) Completion Certificate with consolidated mark sheet shall be

issued to candidates who have passed Sections A & B on payment of
prescribed fee. Apart from these, no other formal certificate is issued by
the society.
(b) Duplicate copy of these certificates can be obtained after furnishing
an affidavit confirming loss of the original and on payment of the
prescribed fee.

19. All payments to the Society should be made only by Demand

Draft/Banker's Cheque drawn in favour of the ‘Aeronautical Society of
India’, payable at New Delhi.
Additional Stream

20. Candidates may be permitted to appear in any additional stream

after completing Sections A & B in one of the streams. Additional
certificate will also be issued in such cases.
Exams of other educational systems

21. Candidates who have passed any subject or subjects in an

examination conducted by other bodies will not be exempted from these
subjects in the Society’s examination.

22. Attention of the candidates is invited to Clause 13 & 16 of the Rules

for the Examination. Any candidate found guilty of the use of dishonest
or unfair means or orderly conduct in the examination shall be
disqualified from passing the examination for which he/she was a
candidate and may in addition be debarred from appearing at any future
examination of the Society for a further period as decided by the Society.

On-job-training (OJT)

23. The Society has two different OJT Schemes for its student members
who have successfully completed Section-A and B. One is with stipend,
and another without stipend. The OJT is awarded on merit as per the
individuals’ score in the Associate membership Examination. The OJT is
organised at Establishments, namely HAL, CABS, ADA, NAL, ADE,
ADRDE, VSSC, IIT Kanpur, GTRE, Air India, etc, and is for a maximum
duration of one year. Under the OJT with stipend scheme, selected
student-members are paid a stipend of Rs. 3000/- p.m. For full details,
please write to Secy. (Adm.), Aeronautical Society of India,13B, I.P.
Estate, New Delhi -110002.

Chapter II
Qualifications & Eligibility for Exemption.
Section A:
1. The minimum qualification for appearing in Section A examination is
a pass in Intermediate or 10+2 Higher Secondary Examination with
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and with minimum of 50% marks
in each of the three subjects
Three years duration diploma in Engineering with at least 50% marks
in Aggregate over the three year period.
3 years course is Aircraft Maintenance Engineering from Institutes
recognised by DGCA. Or
BSc with Physics, Chemistry and Maths with at least 50% marks in
Aggregate over the three year period in each subject.
Personnel having successfully completed training of the following
trades in the Indian Air Force:
(a) AF Fit (b) Elect Fit
(c) Eng Fit (d) Inst Fit
(e) Rad Fit (f) Rdo. Fit
(g) Wpn Fit (h) Missile Fitter (M)
(j) Missile Fitter (E) (k) Missile Fitter (L)
(l) Photo Fit (m) Workshop Fitter (M)
(n) MT Fitter
Personnel having successfully completed training of the following
categories of air technical trades of the Indian Navy:
(a) Aircraft Artificer
(b) Electrical Artificer (Air)
(c) Electrical Artificer (Air Radio)
(d) Aircraft Artificer (Weapons)
(e) All 5th Class and Leading Air Mechanics
(f) Leading Electrical Mechanics (Air Radio)
(g) Leading Electrical Mechanics (Air)
(h) Leading Air Ordance Mechanics
Exemptions from subjects
2. Candidates who possess a degree in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical,
Chemical, Automobile, Telecommunication, Metallurgical or Mining
Engineering of a recognised Indian or Foreign University or have passed
Section A & B of the Institution of Engineers (India) or other professional
bodies recognised by the Society as being equivalent to a Degree in
Engineering, shall be eligible for exemption from appearing in some of
the subjects of Section A of the Associate Membership Examination of
the Society, as per the following,
(a) Students having engineering degree in Electronics, Electrical, or
allied disciplines may seek exemption of subjects, namely, applied
mathematics, Engg Drawing and Design, Workshop Technology,
Basic Electronics, Electrical Engg and Microprocessors and
Software Engg.

(b) Students having Engg degree in Civil, Mechanical, Chemical and

allied disciplines may seek exemption of subjects, namely, Applied
mathematics, Engg Drawing and Design, Workshop Technology,
Fluid Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Engg Thermodynamics.

3. IAF Officers who are engineering graduates and have undergone

training in the Air Force Technical College, Jalahalli may be granted
exemptions from Section A and certain subjects of Section B depending
upon the stream-chosen for specialisation.

4. Candidates will have to provide sufficient documentary evidence

in support of claim for exemptions. Those desiring further information
should contact the Society HQ.

Chapter III
Examination Fees and other charges.

1. Examination Fee, payable along with Exam-application:-

(a) Section-A : Rs. 500.00/- per subject.
(b) Section-B : Rs. 600.00/- per subject.
2. Registration fee payable along with application for registration:
3. Annual subscription payable on 01 April, every year: Rs. 500.00.
4. Re-registration Fee, payable by those student members who have
been removed from the rolls due to non-payment of subscription for
more than three years is Rs. 700.00, and this includes re-registration fee
of Rs. 200/- plus annual subscription of Rs. 500.00.
5. Other Miscellaneous fees payable by registered student members on
as required basis are,
(i) Cost of the syllabus : Rs. 200.00
(ii) Issue of duplicate Identity Card : Rs. 100.00
(iii) Recounting of marks : Rs. 100.00
(per subject)
(iv) Issue of duplicate session mark sheet : Rs. 50.00
(per session)
(v) Change of exam centre : Rs. 200.00

(vi) Transcript/NOC etc : Rs. 500.00

(vii) Duplicate completion certificate : Rs. 500.00
(viii) Duplicate Consolidated Mark sheet : Rs. 500.00

(viii) Un-solved question paper : Rs. 10.00

per Q.P.
(ix) Duplicate Admit Card : Rs. 100.00
(x) Composite fee for life membership : Rs. 800.00
(payable in two
installments of Rs. 400.00 each, first on completion of Sec A, and
second on completion of Sec B).
Library Fee
6. Charges payable for use of library at AeSI Head Office New Delhi (only
for Delhi based student-members)

i) Annual Library subscription : Rs. 50.00 (payable on 01Apr)

ii) Library security (refundable) : Rs. 2000.00 (per card)
(max. no. of cards: Two)

Note :- (a) Postage/courier charges of Rs. 50.00/ Rs. 100.00 or

US$20.00 would be extra and payable alongwith request for any of
the transaction at (5) above.
(b) All payments to the Society should be made by a Demand
Draft/Banker’s Cheque drawn on any bank in favour of the
‘Aeronautical Society of India’ and payable at New Delhi.
(c) The Society may revise the examination fee and other charges
without prior notice.
(d) Out-station cheques, Postal Orders, Money Orders and Cash shall
not be accepted.
(e) Candidates desirous of getting the documents by regd post, are also
to send self addressed envelope, duly stamped.

Chapter IV
Directions to Candidates for the Examination.
1. The Examination Hall shall be opened each day at least ten minutes
before the time specified for the commencement of the examination.
All candidates must be seated in the Hall by the specified time. No
candidate who is late by more than half-an-hour shall be admitted to
the Examination. No extension of time shall be granted to a
candidate on the ground of late arrival.
2. A candidate must show on demand his Admit Card/Authority Letter
for admission to the Examination Hall.
3. No candidate is permitted to leave the Hall until the expiry of
hall-an-hour after the commencement of the Examination.
4. A numbered seat shall be allotted to each candidate and he must find
out and occupy his allotted seat.
5. No candidate, without the specific permission of the Superintendent
or the Invigilator is to leave his seat or the examination room.
Candidates shall not leave the Hall without handing over their
answer-books to the Invigilator on duty.
6. Each candidate shall write his Roll No. on the cover page of his
answer book before beginning to answer.
7. When the time allowed has expired, the answer-book must be
surrendered even though the candidate may not have answered part
of the question paper.
8. Candidates are required to bring their own pens and ink. Wherever
required, candidates should bring their own foot rules, scales, set
squares, drawing board, calculators or other instruments for use
during the examination.
9. Candidate is to use both sides of each sheet of provided
answer-book in the exam. Under no circumstances, additional
answer book or sheets will be provided during the exam.
10. No candidate shall tear a leaf or a part of it from the answer-book.
11. Candidates are forbidden to write answers (or anything else) on the
question papers or set squares, foot rule, scales and other
instruments (wherever the use of the same is permitted during the
Examination) or to remove any paper from the room, except the
question paper.
12. Candidates are forbidden to write their name or put any distinctive
mark leading to disclosure of their identity in any part of their
13. Before entering the examination hall, the candidate must leave
outside any book, note or paper he may have with him.
14. A candidate must not communicate with any other candidate during
the hours of the examination.
15. A candidate must check before using, the answer-book that it
is numbered and is not defective in anyway. Defective
answer-books should be exchanged before use. If,
replacement is not possible, the invigilator should be
requested to record the nature of defect on the cover under his
signature and date.
16. Candidates should enter their answer-book number and sign the
attendance sheet when directed to do so by the staff on duty.
17. Candidates should make sure that their answer-books have
been duly signed by the Invigilator before submitting the same.
18. No candidate shall appear in an examination without being allotted a
Roll No. or appear from a centre other than that alloted to him.
19. Smoking in the Examination Hall during the examination is strictly
20. Tea, coffee, cold drinks or snacks are not allowed to be taken into the
examination hall during examination hours.
21. No candidate shall make use of dishonest or unfair-means or indulge
in disorderly conduct in the examination.

Chapter V
Code of Conduct for the Examinees.
1. Candidates must take the examination in accordance with the
regulations. Should there be a complaint on question paper, like parts of
questions being outside the prescribed syllabus, or the paper being
unusually lengthy or difficult, one may make a written representation to
the Society, after the examination is over. Under no circumstances
candidates are to get into dis-orderly behavior with staff on exam duty.
The Society shall give due consideration to every such representation
and take such action as it considers appropriate to ensure that the
examinees do not suffer in any way on account of an error or omission
on the part of the Society authorities.
2. In no case should the candidate leave the Examination Hall before
the expiry of first half-an-hour, and, without properly handing over the
answer-book to the invigilator-in-Charge.

Chapter VI
Issue of Completion Certificate.

1. A Completion Certificate alongwith consolidated marksheet shall

be issued on request to a candidate who has passed Sections-A & B on
payment of the prescribed fee.
2. A duplicate copy of the Completion Certificate and/or Consolidated
Marksheet will be issued only on submission of an affidavit confirming
the loss of the original(s), and of course on payment of the prescribed

Chapter VII
Guidelines Prescribing Punishment for the
Use of Dishonest or Unfair Means or Disorderly Conduct in
the Examination.
A. Offence :
(i) Where the candidate is found talking to another candidate or
any person inside or outside the examination hall during the
examination hours without the permission of a member of the
supervisory staff.
(ii) Where a candidate appears in a subject that was not specified
by him in his Application for Examination form or the candidate
appears from a centre, different than the one alloted to him or
the candidate appears without a roll number being alloted to
(iii) The answer book does not bear the signature of the invigilator.

Punishment : For offence as per para A (i) and (iii)

Cancellation of the examination in the paper of the day of
incident only. The candidate shall be deemed to have secured
zero mark in the paper so cancelled.
Minimum Punishment : For offence as per para A (ii)

Cancellation of the Examination in the paper of the day of

incident only. The candidate shall be deemed to have secured
zero marks in the paper so cancelled.

Maximum Punishment : [ For A (ii) ]

Cancellation of the entire Examination for that session.


B. Offence :
(i) Where the candidate is found to have in his possession papers,
books or notes or is found having written notes on the question
paper or on any part of the clothes worn by him or on apart of
his body or table or desk or is found in possession of rules, etc.
with notes written on them which could be helpful or of
assistance to him in answering the paper he is taking or could
be helpful or of assistance to any other candidate in that
examination hall, but the candidate has not attempted to take
any assistance himself or give any assistance himself or give
any assistance to any other candidate from such material.
(ii) Where the candidate intentionally tears off the answer book or
a part thereof or a continuation sheet.
(iii) Where the candidate deliberately discloses his identity or makes
any distinctive mark in the answer book for that purpose.
(iv) Where the candidate uses abusive or obscene language in the
answer book.
(v) Where the candidate is guilty of misbehavior in connection with
the examination, with the Superintendent, the invigilator on
duty or the other staff working at the Examination Centre or with
any other candidate in or around the Examination Centre,
before, during or after the examination.
(vi) Where the candidate leaves the examination room before
expiry, of half-an-hour without the written permission of the
Superintendent of the Examination Centre or without handing
over the answer book to the invigilator/in-charge or without
signing the attendance sheet.
Punishment :
Minimum. Cancellation of the entire examination for that session.
Maximum. Life time suspension of student membership.
C. Offence :
(i) Where the candidate is found having in his possession
papers, books or notes or is found having written on the
question paper or on any part of the clothes worn by him or on
any part of his body or table or if found in possession of foot
rule and/or instruments like set-squares, protractors, slide
rules with note written on them which could be helpful or of
assistance to him in answering the paper he is taking or could
be helpful or of assistance to other candidates in that
examination hall and if the candidate has made actual use of the
material himself or given assistance to other candidate during the
(ii) Where the candidate assists or attempts to assist in any
manner whatsoever any other candidate in answering the
question paper during the examination hours.
(iii) Where the candidate takes assistance or attempts to take
assistance from any other candidate or any other person or
from any book, paper, notes or other, material in answering the
question paper during the examination.
(iv) Where the answer book of the candidate shows or it is
otherwise established that he has received or attempted to
receive any help from any other candidate or any source in a
mala-fide manner or has given help or attempted to give help
to another candidate in any manner.
(v) Where the candidate is found guilty of gross misbehavior, i.e.
threatening with physical force in connection with the
examination with the Superintendent/the invigilator on duty or
any other staff working at the Examination Centre or with any
other candidate in or around the Examination Centre, before
during and after the examination.
(vi) Where the candidate disturbs the examination or attempts to do so.
(vii) Where the candidate on being challenged or searched during
the course of examination by the Superintendent or any
invigilator or any member of the examination staff on duty,
swallows a note or paper or runs away with it or is guilty of
causing disappearance of or destroying any such material with
the intention of obliterating the evidence of his having
possessed the material.
Punishment :
Minimum. Cancellation of the entire examination taken by the candidate
during the session and further debarring him from appearing at any
examination of the Society within a span period of one year (2 sessions).
Maximum. Life time suspension of student membership.
D. Offence :
(i) Where the candidate brings in the examination room
unauthorised answer book or continuation sheet.
(ii) Where the candidate sends out an answer book or paper
thereof or a continuation sheet or the question paper or any
material concerning thereto.
(iii) Where the candidate replaces or gets replaced during the
course of the examination his answer book or any page or
continuation sheet with any other unauthorised book, page or
continuation sheet.
(iv) Where the candidate communicates or attempts to
communicate directly orthrough a relative, guardian, friend or
any other person with an examiner with the object of influencing
him in the award of marks.
(v) Where the candidate replaces or gets replaced an answer book
or its any page or continuation sheet after the examination or
manages to write or gets written an answer book including the
continuation sheet or an answer to any of the questions which
he had not written earlier during the examination.
Punishment :
Minimum. Cancellation of entire examination taken by the candidate
and further debarring him in Society's examination for a period of 2 years
(4 sessions).
Maximum. Life time suspension of student membership.
E. Offence :
(i) Where the candidate is guilty of gross misbehaviour/
misconduct in connection with the examination or is guilty of
collabration or connivance of such an offence with the
Superintendent/invigilator on duty or the other staff working at
the Examination Centre before, during or after the examination
or has extended to such person a threat of violent action.
(ii) Where the candidate has been impersonated at the
Punishment :
Minimum. Cancellation of the entire examination taken by the candidate
and further debarring him at any examination of the Society for a period
of three years (6 sessions). The person impersonating a candidate at
any examination shall also be liable to similar punishment; the case may
be reported to the Police if he is not subject to these Rules &
Maximum. Life time suspension of student membership.
F. Offence :
(i) Where the candidate incites others to leave the examination
hall or disrupts the examination or attempts to-do so.
(ii) Where the candidate is guilty of gross misbehaviour in
connection with the examination with the supdt. invigilator on
duty or the other staff working at the examination centre and, is
also guilty of assault or inflicting any injury to such a person.
(iii) Where the candidate is guilty of forging the signatures of any
authority on a document required. in connection with the
Punishment :
Minimum. Cancellation of the entire examination taken by a candidate
and further debarring him at any examination of the Society for a period
of five years (10 session).
Maximum. Life time suspension of student membership.
NOTE : Charges not covered under the foregoing provisions shall be
decided by the Society on the individual merits of the case.
Chapter VIII
Procedure for cases involving the use of
dishonest or unfair means or disorderly conduct in the
1. (a) The Superintendent or staff at the examination centre or the
examiner or an officer of the Society, as the case may be, shall
report in writing to the Society the case of every student who
has contravened or is suspected of having contravened the
provisions of Clause 13 of the Rules.

(b) The reporting authority shall give full facts of the case in his
report. In cases involving the use of unfair means in the
examination hall, statement if any, made by the candidate and
the Invigilator on duty, together with any papers, books and
other materials recovered from the candidate, shall be
forwarded along with the report:

2. The Academics Committee/the Examination Disciplinary

Committee (E.D.C.) shall deal with all cases involving the use
of unfair means/disorderly conduct in the examination.

(a) The Council shall constitute the Academics

(b) E.D.C. shall consist of 2 or 3 members who shall be
nominated by the Chairman of the Academics
Committee. At least one of the members of the EDC shall be of the
status of a Member of the Society.
(c) Secretary (Adm) will function as non-member
Secretary of the Academics Committee & EDC.

3. (a) Secretary (Adm) or any person authorised by the Honorary

Secretary of the Society in this behalf shall seek the opinion of
an expert on the material recovered and communicate to the
candidate in respect of whom a report has been received the
precise nature of allegations against him and shall require him
to furnish his written explanation within a stipulated period.

(b) On receipt of the explanation from the candidate or on-the

expiry of the period stipulated for submitting the explanation, if
no explanation is received from him, the case shall be put up
for consideration of the E.D.C.

4. E.D.C. would consider giving the candidate a personal hearing

at a date and time to be fixed by it, provided the candidate asks
for the same in writing. The appearance before E.D.C. shall
beat the expense and risk of the candidate. Default in
appearance would result in ex-parte proceeding and orders by
the said Committee.

5. After considering all the material on record including the

explanation, if any, submitted by the candidate, the E.D.C. if
satisfied that the candidate is guilty of the use of dishonest or
unfair means or of disorderly conduct in the examination, shall
recommend to the Academics Committee the punishment that
may be imposed on the candidate keeping in view the nature of
the offence the Guidelines given in Chapter VII of the

6. The Academics Committee after considering the report of the

E.D.C. shall decide the punishment to be awarded to the

7. In case of a second time offence, the punishment awarded

shall be next to the one in which the case falls or any higher

8. A candidate on whom punishment has been imposed may

make a representation to the Honorary Secretary General
within 60 days of the receipt of the letter of punishment by him.
Honorary Secretary General if satisfied that the case is fit for
reconsideration shall refer the same to the Standing
Committee. The Standing Committee may thereupon review the cas.3. (a)
Secretary (Adm) or any person authorised by the Honorary
Secretary of the Society in this

3. (a) Secretary (Adm) or any person authorised by the Honorary

Secretary of the Society in this behalf shall seek the opinion of an
expert on the material recovered and communicate to the
candidate in respect of whom a report has been received the
precise nature of allegations against him and shall require him to
furnish his written explanation within a stipulated period.

(b) On receipt of the explanation from the candidate or on-the expiry

of the period stipulated for submitting the explanation, if no
explanation is received from him, the case shall be put up for
consideration of the E.D.C.

(c ) Secretary (Adm) will function as non - member Secretary of the

Academics Committee & EDC.

4. E.D.C. would consider giving the candidate a personal hearing at

a date and time to be fixed by it, provided the candidate asks
for the same in writing. The appearance before E.D.C. shall be
at the expense and risk of the candidate. Default in appearance
would result in ex-parte proceeding and orders by the said -

5. After considering all the material on record including the

explanation, if any, submitted by the candidate, the E.D.C. if
satisfied that the candidate is guilty of the use of dishonest or
unfairmeans or of disorderly conduct in the examination, shall
recommend to the Accredition and Examination Committee the
punishment that may be imposed on the candidate keeping in
view the nature of the offence the Guidelines given in Chapter VII
of the Regulations.

6. The Academics Committee after considering the report of the

E.D.C. shall decide the punishment to be awarded to the

7. In case of a second time offence, the punishment awarded shall

be next to the one in which the case falls or any higher

8. A candidate on whom punishment has been imposed, may make

a representation to the Honorary Secretary General within 60
days of the receipt of the letter punishment on him. Honorary
Secretary General if satisfied that the case is fit for
reconsideration shall refer the same to the Standing Committee.
The Standing Committee may thereupon review the case and
pass such orders as it may consider fit.

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