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Inventory of Tests 8/25/03

Adaptive Behavior Inventory

1 manual
8 short form response sheets
17 profile & response sheets

Adolescent Symptom Inventory 4
1 screening manual
23 teacher checklists
17 adol. symptom inventory
49 symptom count score shts

ADI Adolescent Drinking Index
1 manual
15 test booklets

BRP Behavior Rating Profile
2 manuals
1 booklet
12 admin. booklets
24 student rating scales
24 profile sheets
24 parenting rating scales
24 teaching rating scales

Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
2- Test cards & manual

Bracken Basic Concept Scale
1 stimulus manual
1 examiners manual
1 screening test Form A
1 screening test Form B
14 record forms

2 manuals
1 package tests w/extras

Brown ADD Scales
1 manual
3 adol. diagnostic forms
1 adol. ready score
2 adult diagnostic form
1 adult ready score
1 treatment monitoring worksht

CDI :Childrens Depression Inventory
1 manual
7 tests

CSI 4 Child Symptom Inventory
1 norms manual
1 screening manual
24 parent checklist
25 teacher checklist
46 teacher checklist severity boys
50 parent checklist severity boys
50 symptoms count score sheets

CTRS 28 (12 female sheets)
CTRS 39 (9 female sheets)
CPRS 48 (12 child sheets)
CPRS 93 (14 child sheets)

Career Beliefs Inventory
1 manual
3 scoring booklets
5 question booklets
12 scales/key transparencies

CDI Career Development Inventory
1 test

CAT Childrens Apperception Test
1 1991 manual & supplement
1 1997 manual
1 1990 picture set-(red)
1995 supplement set
20 report forms

DIAL R AGS Edition
Complete kit

Complete kit

Developmental Profile II
14 scoring profile forms
2 answer sheets
1 manual

Eating Disorder Inventory 2
Complete kit-2

EMAS Endler Multidimensional
8 T answer sheets
8 S answer sheets
T/P set

Hare PCL-R
25 interview & information
set of rating sheets

House Tree Person Test
Complete kit

1 manual & norms book
scoring keys
1 test booklet form A

Hand Scoring Starter Kit

Kaufman Assessment for Children
Complete kit

1 manual
48 parent guides
44 scale test

2 manuals
1 hardcover test booklet
1 users guide
14 profiles for basic scales
1 pad of recording grids
10-Softcover test booklet
45 softcover answer sheets
1 manual
15 recording grids
content scales
content component scales
TRIN scales
VRIN scales
3 user guides
29 male profiles
75 female profiles
7-softcover test booklet

1 manual
pad of scoring sheets
Plates notebook

2 pads of hand scoring wksht
80 hand scoring profiles
80 hand scoring answer sheets
hand scoring users guide
16 hand scoring test booklet

My Vocational Situation
overhead presentation

2 manuals
48 hand scoring wksht
50 hand scoring profiles
50 hand scoring answer sht
transparency scales

Copied sheets

Myers - Briggs Type Indicator
1 manual

1 manual
9 hand scoring wksht
5 hand scoring answer sht

Piers Harris Childens Self Concept
1 manual

PPVT III Peabody Picture Vocab.
1 examiner manual
norms booklet
test kit
test kit 3
edition for form IIIA
22- Form III B-Performance record-
Technical References book
Revised Children Manifest Anxiety
1 manual
30 Think & Feel forms

Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale
1 manual
1 scoring key
16 About Myself forms

Rorschach Test
1 set of cards
1 book
tablet of recording blanks

SIT R : Slosson
2 complete kits

Sixteen Personality Factor
2 questionnaires
1 profile pattern interp. manual
2 admin manuals
1 form A test
5 form B tests
key for answer sheets
2 basic interp. reports
Booklet of answer sheets
1 norms for 16 PF forms A & B
1 guide to clinical use

SASSI Substance Abuse Screening
1 video
1 manual
6 adult profile sheet
1 scoring key
4 test forms
1 unopened complete kit

SDS Self Directed Search
30 form R
1 manual supplement (1987)
15 You & Your Career
11 Occupation Finders
8 Assessment booklets

SPS Suicide Probability Scale
1 manual
12 profile forms
11 rating forms

SPCS-Sexual Projective Card Set
One full kit (Dr. Pope)

TAT Thematic Apperception Test
1 manual
2 sets of pictures
12 short form tests
9 Bellak TAT Blank
Blue set-3(one new & one old & one
with Dr. Pope)

TONI 2:Test of Nonverbal Intelligence
1 examiner manual
1 picture book
form A 33 record forms
form B 49 record forms

Tennessee Self Concept Scale
1 revised manual
31 test booklets
6 answer profile forms
11 child profile sheets
18 adult profile sheets

Vineland Adaptive Behavior
8 score summary & booklets
6 item booklets

1 admin manual
10 blue test booklets
14 tan test booklets
blue & tan reading scale
blue & tan spelling scale

WASI (Weschler)
Complete kit

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