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Alfred Raphael


IT professional having more than 6 years of experience in the
Software indstr!"
#xperience on different technologies li$e Java/ J2EE% LA&P%
Oracle )i *+A Certified Associate ,OCA-"
Crrentl! wor$ing at GE Healthcare% India Pvt Ltd at +angalore
since .ne /001"
Personal Profile
*ate of +irth 23st &arch% 3)4)
Passport Nm5er 2 A)67788/
Permanent Address 2 Ponthe$$an 9ose%
Chi!!aram P"O%
Kerala% India"
#:mail 2 alfredraphael&'mail(com)
S*ill sets
.ava% .SP% Servlets% #.+% .avaScript% >&L
SOA% ?e5services% +P#L% #S+% +siness @les% >SL% >Path
9i5ernate% Strts% Ant% >&L+eans% .profile% Introscope
?elogic% #clipse% .*eveoper% +ac$we5% Toad% .+oss% Tomcat"
Oracle'PLS(L% PostgreS(L
LA&P ,Linx% Apache% &!S(L% P9P-
Sie5el C@&% Sie5el Anal!tics% Selectica"
+i'ht ,n -o.n A.ard from G# 9ealthcare ,/001-"
E/emplary Performance A.ard from G# 9ealthcare , in
/00;% Once in /004-"
0andsteiner A.ard 2 from G# 9ealthcare,/004-
Six Sigma% A&#A% OOA*
2ertifications Oracle )i *+A Certified Associate ,,2A-
+rain5ench Certified2 :
3- .ava / Andamentals
/- @*+&S Concepts"
Academic 2hronicle 2!!$ 2#3A2
Amrita Institte of Advanced Compting% Coim5atore"
*iploma in Advanced Compting ,-"
Percentage of mar$s 2 46"6 B
$996 # 2!!! 4+56ERS5-7 ,8 2A0524-
Government #ngineering College% Thrissr% Kerala% IN*IA"
+achelor of Technolog! C Civil #ngineering
Aggregate in Ainal !ear2 46"1 B
Aggregate in #ight semesters2 ;8"0 B
$99% # $996 4+56ERS5-7 ,8 2A0524-
St Thomas College% Thrissr% Kerala% IN*IA"
Pre:*egree ,Ph!sics% Chemistr! &athematics-
Percentage of mar$s2 40") B
$99% SS02 9:oard of Pu;lic E/aminations) <erala=
St >avierDs 9S% Thrissr% Kerala% IN*IA"
Percentage of mar$s2 86"1 B
Employment Profile
2ompany Roles/Responsi;ilities Handled -enure
G# 9ealthcare% +angalore Architect% *esign @eview +oard mem5er%
Team Lead % *esign Lead% *esign and
.ne /001 C Present
Caritor% +angalore Sr Software #ngineer% *esign and
Oct /007:.n /001
Sntec +siness Soltions%
Software #ngineer% *esign and
.n /007:Sep /007
Islet S!stems%
Software #ngineer% *esign and
Ag /003:.n /007
Pro>ects Handled
3- G# &edical S!stems
India Pvt Ltd", Arom
.n /001-
+angalore% India"
Sales?or$+ench,S?+- is the C@& application sed 5! G# &edical
S!stems to handle the Sales C!cle" It was developed in
.ava'./##'?e5logic'Oracle" I have wor$ed on the following modles of
I have pla!ed different roles li$e Architect% *esign @eview +oard
&em5er% *esign Lead'*esigner% *evelopment Lead'*eveloper dring m!
career in this program"
3- SI#+#L:CP( Integration,POC-
This was a Proof of Concept for integrating the G# 9ealthcareDs
Configre% Price and (ote application with the Sie5el C@&
application" This was developed sing .ava% Apache Axis and Sie5el
I was responsi5le for driving this POC with / developers"
/- Price Generation Aramewor$ ,POC-
This was a Proof of Concept for eliminating the mltiple failre
points in the existing price data flow" This was developed sing .ava
and Selectica Pricer APIs"
I was responsi5le for driving this POC with / developers"
6- SP@ @edction exercise
This was an exercise to redce the nm5er of Prodction SP@s in
the Sales ?or$5ench Application with ; team mem5ers" ?e were
a5le to redce the nm5er of open SP@s 5! 40B"
7- *eal &anagement
This application allows the Sales?or$+ench sers,Approvers- to
create the deals selecting mltiple Eotes from G#Ds Configre Price
(ote application CP(" The approvers can anal!se the deals and
approve or reFect" This was developed in .ava' ./##' Oracle'
I was leading the development Team for this application and was
part of the design Team"
1- Price Anal!sis Tool
The Price Anal!sis Tool allows the Price anal!sts to anal!se the
(otes as a *eal" The anal!sis can 5e done Eote wise or modalit!
wise" This tool also allows the sers to do margin anal!sis and get
the @evene +rea$down information categor! wise" This was
developed in .ava'.SP'Servlets'>&L
I was part of the design and development team"
;- Opportnit! &anagement
Opportnit! management modle in S?+ allows the sales reps to
identif! the Leads and convert them to Opportnities 5ased on the
data cstomer interactions" This application also allows the sers to
create the acconts% Contacts and assign activities to the Sales reps"
The opportnit! &odle has 5oth online and offline application" The
offline application allows the Sales reps to se the application even
the! are not in the networ$ and s!nchroniGe the data once the!
connect to networ$"
This application was developed sing .ava'./##'Oracel'+ac$we5"
I was part of the design and development team"
4- On+ehalfOf
The On+ehalfOf modle allows the S?+ managers to se the
application on 5ehalf of the Sales @eps" This Application was
developed sing .ava'./##"
I was responsi5le for the design and development team"
/- Caritor India Pvt
,Arom Oct /007 to .n
+angalore% India"
3- Concr Htils2 :
9one!well ses the application Concr #xpense S!stem to $eep trac$ of
their emplo!ees Travel and #xpense details" This application interacts with
different external s!stems li$e PeopleSoft% A&#> etc throgh interfaces"
Concr Htils provides a set of tilit! applications to atomate the transfer of
data 5etween these s!stems% verification of file formats% mailing the
smmar! of files transferred etc
6- Sntec +siness
Trivandrm% Kerala%
India" ,Arom .ne /007
to Sep /007-
3- T+&S ,?or$ing on +illing modle-2 :
It spports the creation and management of cstomer data% the definition
and maintenance of prodcts and services on which the 5siness is 5ased%
the management of the vale chain from complex pricing of service and
transactions to +illing and Cross Prodct *isconting% Collection of
&onies% Credit Control% inclding Arrears follow p% &anagement tools for
modeling and planning and &ltiple Service Interaction"
7- Islet S!stems%
Cochin% Kerala% India"
,Arom Ag /003 to .ne
3- SingleSignOn2 :
This application wor$s as a 5ridge 5etween the Sprint portal and &ersoft
portal" The athoriGed Sprint cstomers can access the &ersoft portal
withot do5le login" The software was developed sing .ava'.SP'>&L"
/- OSCommerce2 :
OSCommerce is an open sorce #:Commerce soltion" ?e had to
configre and cstomiGe the soltion according to the needs of different
clients sing Linx% Apache% &!S(L and P9P"
6- Net?or$+ench2 :
This application was developed for the networ$ 5ac$:5orn providers
Sprint HSA" Throgh this application the sprint cstomers can view the
AT& ,As!nchronos Transfer &ode- networ$ performance reports" The
software was developed sing .ava'.SP'>&L'PostgreS(L"
7- &ersoft"net ,Portal-2 :
This is a portal throgh which the athoriGed sers can access different
applications rnning on mersoft servers" The software was developed sing
1- Secrit!Admin2 :
This application was developed to maintain a role5ased secrit! access
method for the mersoft cstomers" This role 5ased secrit! s!stem was
maintained throgh a ser'grop'role'resorce s!stem" The software was
developed sing Fava'#.+'.SP'>&L'PostgreS(L"
;- Steam2 :
This application was developed for 5g trac$ing to help the development
and testing c!cles" This ena5les the sers to post the isses of different
stats with different levels of severit!"
I here5! declare that the information given a5ove is tre to m! $nowledge"
Iors Aaithfll!%
9Alfred Raphael=

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