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Name: ________________________________________________________ Class:____________

Conditionals (1st and 2nd)

1. First Conditional: Fill the gaps using the verb in brackets.
1 If Clare ___________________(arrive) late again, the hockey trainer _______________(be) furious.
2 You______________________(be) sorry if you ___________________(revise/negative) for your exams.
3 We _____________________(go) if the weather _________________(be) good.
4 They _____________________( recognise/negative) you if you ______________ (wear) a moustache and dark
5 If the bus ___________________(be/negative) on time, I ____________________(miss) the football match.
6 If you ___________________(do) your homework now, we ____________________(have) ice cream after.
7 We_______________________(eat) out if there____________________(be/negative) food at home.
8 You ____________________(find) life much easier if you ___________________(smile) more often.

If it_____________________(be) cold, we___________________ (go/negative) for a swim.

10 You _______________________(do) it better if you ___________________ (take) more time over it.

2. Second Conditional: Fill the gaps using the verb in brackets.

1 I ________________________ (do/negative) that if I ____________________(be) you. It's bad luck.
2 They___________________(be) a better team if they _______________________(be) fitter.
3 If I ____________________(have) some spare money, I _______________________(buy) a DVD player.
4 Those children ___________________(be/negative) so horrible if their parents ____________________(be)
5 I _______________________(go/negative) out with him even if you ___________________(pay) me.
6 If we ____________________(work/negative) so hard, we ________________________(be/negative) so tired
all the time.
7 If she_____________________(take/negative) so long in the shower, she ___________________( have) more
time for breakfast.
8 If you ___________________(drink/negative) so much beer, you ___________________(be/negative)so fat.

The world ___________________(be) a better place if politicians ____________________(be) less vain.

10 I ________________________(love) to visit Thailand if I ________________________(have) the chance.

3 2nd Conditional: Answer the questions according to your probable reactions to the events.
What would happen if ?
1)we didn't have colours in our lives?
2)a new cinema opened in your area?

3)you saw a ghost?

4)you were able to become invisible?
5)you lost your best friend's mobile phone?
6)your brother or sister wanted to leave home?
7)there were no planes?
8)things were free in a shop in your area every Monday?
9)the school closed for a month in October?

Uses of the Conditional


First conditional


Nature: Open condition, what is said in the condition is possible.


Time: This condition refers either to present or to future time.

e.g. If he is late, we will have to go without him.
If my mother knows about this, we are in serious trouble.


Second conditional


Nature: unreal (impossible) or improbable situations.


Time: present; the TENSE is past, but we are talking about the present, now.
e.g. If I knew her name, I would tell you.
If I were you, I would tell my father.

Compare: If I become president, I will change the social security system. (Said by a presidential candidate)
If I became president, I would change the social security system. (Said by a schoolboy: improbable)

(possible) If we win this match, we are qualified for the semifinals

(improbable) If we won the match, we would be qualified for the semifinals

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