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EE1100: Basic Electrical Engineering


1. The armature circuit of a 2-pole, 200 V wave wound DC generator has 400 conductors
and runs at 300 RPM. Calculate the useful flux per pole. If the number of turns in each
filed coil is 1200, what is the average value of emf induced in each coil on breaking
the field if the flux dies away completely in 0.1 s?
[0.1 Wb, 1200 V].

2. A separately excited generator when run at 1200 RPM supplies 200 A at 125 V to a
constant resistance. With the field unaltered, what will be the new current when the
speed drops to 1000 RPM,? R
= 0.04 ! and total brush drop is 2 V. [166.16A].

3. A 25 kW, 125 V, separately excited DC machine is operated at a constant speed of
3000 RPM with a constant filed current such that the open-circuit armature voltage is
125 V. If R
= 0.02 !, compute the armature current, terminal power and the
electromagnetic torque when the terminal voltage is (a) 128 V (b) 124 V.
[(a) 150A, 19.2 kW, 59.68 Nm (b) 50A, 6.2 kW, 19.89 Nm]

4. A 240 V shunt motor has R
and R
equal to 0.04 ! and 100 ! respectively. When run
to give 200 A at 240 V, find the (a) field current at 1200 RPM (b) speed when the field
current is 2 A.
[2.565A, 1539 RPM]

5. The armature of a DC machine has a resistance of 0.1 ! is connected to a 250 V DC
supply. Calculate the generated emf when it is running as (a) a generator giving 70 A
(b) a motor taking 50 A.
[257V, 245V]

6. A DC shunt motor takes an armature current of 100 A at 480 V. The resistance of
armature circuit is 0.15 ohms. The machine has 6-poles with a total of 864 lap wound
conductors. The useful flux/pole is 0.05 Wb. Find (a) the motor speed (b) the
electromagnetic torque developed.
[646 RPM, 687.55 Nm]
7. A 200 V DC shunt motor has !" $ %&' ! "() !* $ +,% ! "() -./"/0.("1 1.22 345"1 /.
+67 8& 9( *511:1."); /<3 10(3 =5--3(/ 02 >;? @& A0/< /<3 B./.- -5((0(C "/ ',D%
!EF& G3/3-B0(3 /<3 H"I B3=<"(0="1 J.A3- )3K31.J3) HLI J.A3- .5/J5/ H=I 1.")
/.-453 H)I *511:1.") 3**0=03(=M&
[1.786 kW, 1.55 kW, 16 Nm, 79.1%]

8. The DC series-wound railway motor runs at 500 RPM at full-load taking 100 A from
240 V DC supply. R
and R
are 0.02 and 0.11 ! respectively. The useful flux/pole at
100 A is 0.024 Wb and at 60 A it is 0.0155 Wb. Calculate the speed of the railway
motor at half-load condition.
[1029 RPM]

9. A 240 V shunt motor has R
and R
as 0.04 and 100 ! respectively. (a) Find the
resistance that must be added to the field circuit to increase the speed from 1200 RPM
to 1500 RPM when supply current is 200 A. (b) With the field resistance so obtained
in (a), find the motor speed when the supply current is 100 A.
[25 !, 1520 RPM]

10. A 60 kW, 250 V DC shunt motor has R
and R
equal to 0.2 and 125 ! respectively. It
takes a current of 16 A from the source when running at no-load at 1440 RPM. Find
the efficiency of the machine when working as (a) a motor drawing 152 A from the
source (b) a generator delivering 152 A at 250 V.
[77.73%, 81.36%]

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