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Everything around that was created by nature, tends to sustainability. People misbalanced
the situation with technological advances, created through centuries of the humanitys
development. We learned to use natures resources and assets according to our needs but at some
point, we started to exceed the limit and broe the balance. !ustainable development of our
species became more intensive and resource dependent. "he twentieth century was probably one
of the most active periods of using natural resources of different ind without any reasonable
limits. #ars with huge engines consumed enormous $uantity of gasoline, plastic bottles and
covers, pacets, and other similar things flooded our planet. "ourism became affordable and
millions of tourists started to explore the world. #lub%otel &iu 'cho &ios can provide its
targeted audience with outstanding opportunities to spend vacation or business trip in comfort
and exotic environment at the same time.
"arget (udience Profile
"ourists started to influence the economic situation in the visited countries. )ncomes from
the tourism industry grew substantially and it provided the developing and even developed
countries with substantial additional income to the budget. %owever, tourists have brought their
culture and habits to the countries they visited and it started to influence the ecological and social
situation there. "herefore, sustainable tourism as an industry has emerged. People between *+
and ,- years of old are the most responsible these days. )n addition, there are more and more
successful ad rather wealthy people in this group so they should appreciate the beauty and
comfort of #lub%otel &iu 'cho &ios. (s opposed to the usual tourism, sustainable tourism is
committed to such principles as maing the lowest impact possible on the environment and local
culture and, at the same time, helps to create new wor places for the local community.
#ommunication 'bjectives
"oday, modern tourism industry experiences changes that are inevitable due to the
changes in the perception of vacation and economic constraints caused by the processes in the
world economy. People want to spend vacations in interesting places, tired from the rush and lots
of people in big cities. %owever, they want to do it with comfort but paying reasonable
compensation for it. "herefore, it can be concluded that the best concept to build and develop
hotel.inn.bed and breafast business is to create a resort somewhere far from civili/ation but
including all conveniences, supported by high0class services and all this must have reasonable
Product 1eature or 2enefits
2ased on the above0said, it should be added also that extreme experiences in tourism area
are one of the most desired these days. "herefore, there are reasons to believe that people could
pay extra money to have a vacation they would remember for a long time that the one they could
have every year. )t means that building a new resort in some unexpected and unusual area is a
rather perspective idea. "here are plenty places on the planet that have the reputation of world0
class sights of interest lie 3reece, Egypt, '(E, "hailand, etc. People from all over the world
come to these places every year so their attractiveness is still on the high level. %owever, their
newness is rather $uestionable.
2ig )dea or 4ni$ue !elling Proposition
( brand new resort has opened in 'cho &ios, 5amaica, 0 #lub%otel &iu provides its
clients with uni$ue opportunity to combine sustainable tourism, exotic environment, and
unprecedented comfort 6&)4.com7.
!upporting !tatement
!ince it has been decided to provide potential tourists with high0end service, high0class
comfort and services, and extreme experiences, the idea is as follows8 it is necessary to advertise
new resort appropriately.
"his area is a potential excellent place for having a good rest. 5amaica is new to the
people who have the idea about how to have classy vacation so it can be a fresh experience.
#ampaign !logan."agline
5amaica is an excellent place to get new experience9 :isit #lub%otel &iu in 'cho &ios, 5amaica,
to reali/e it9
(dvertising !trategy
"he island has outstanding nature and nice calm people who live rather poor. "herefore, it
can be called an exotic and very interesting place for tourists from all corners of the world. "he
only possible obstacle is the image of 5amaica as the place that should not be visited because of
its ;voodoo0shmoodoo< scary tales and other myths related to 5amaica in that or another way.
%ollywood movies depict 5amaicans as mafia with guns and cigarette of marijuana in their
mouths. "herefore, it is utterly important to create positive image of 5amaica to attract customers
to #lub%otel &iu 'cho &ios 6&)4.com7.
"here are three major concepts that should be implemented in order to achieve success.
1irst, it is necessary to create such a recreation /one that would have all features of the classy
hotel from the outside. )t should mae the resort be a part of the environment. )t is possible to
show that the interior similar to the best hotels of the world in order to create certain atmosphere
in media. %owever, it should be e$uipped with the best possible solutions, most contemporary
and convenient. 1ollowing this idea, the resort should become a very interesting place to spend
vacation = controversy of the old0fashion 5amaican style and technology is rather unusual
"he second concept is to provide visitors with tours to 5amaican sight scenes, visit nature
and locations that can be visited due to the actual situation on the island. )t would be great to
show tourists the real life of 5amaicans> provide excursions to all places where people can wal
without danger> etc. )n addition, it would be outstanding to create special tours around the island
on foot, in air, and by water. )t would create the necessary atmosphere among tourists. %owever,
the secureness should be extreme.
1or the most extreme, bald ones, it is possible to organi/e some sort of sleep0overs in
5amaican environment. !taying in the dar jungles, various sounds around the camp, excellent
views in the morning = it can become a special feature for hotel clients. !uch extreme tours can
be organi/ed as well, in addition to the regular ones. "ours should become something lie extra
features for hotel.
"he third concept is the creation of the promo0campaign to attract attention to the resort.
)t can be done via viral ads in the )nterment, social networs, etc. )t is necessary to create the
atmosphere of mystery = it wors in the best way for such ind of places.
"hese strategies are the best for such a resort because they will provide business with
visitors = there are many people all over the world who have already visited most interesting
places on the planet that are in the well0nown list of resorts 6above0mentioned list7. "hese
people would want to have new experiences and emotions so they would be definitely interested
in visiting such an extraordinary resort. )n addition, combination of old0style decoration and
newest technologies, pool, various entertainment /ones, etc. and new environment should play a
crucial role in the popularity of the resort.
(s for the competitive advantage of the business concept, it is rather obvious = there are
no such propositions on the maret of tourism now. "herefore, pioneering in this area is the
competitive advantage itself. !ince there are no competitors 6at the moment7, it is possible to
become the player number one on the maret of extreme tourism in this location.
'verall 'bjective for the ?edia to (ccomplish
#onsidering the specifics of the business venture, it is necessary to create certain level of
expectations regarding the opening resort and services it can propose. "herefore, it is necessary
to start promotional campaign in a month before opening. "he plan is as follows8
@ #reation of the viral ads and placing them on the biggest news and social
networs websites to attract attention.
@ Promote the appropriate movies and pictures about 5amaica.
@ 'ffer ,AB discount to those who visit the resort for the first time after the
@ (fter the opening, launch speciali/ed website that would serve as the place to
leave comments regarding staying at the hotel and sharing emotions regarding the tours to 'cho
"hree0month campaign should start in 5anuary in order to prepare potential customers for
the future rest. "hus, it is necessary to start with viral ads on the internet. )n 1ebruary, it would be
appropriate to show several pacs of movies that would tell about 5amaica = movies about
nature, people, etc. ?arch should be used to create certain fuss in media> order reviews of
5amaica and exotic tourism> provide statistics regarding exotic tourism in the world> etc. 2y
(pril, people should become interested in high0class resort on 5amaica.
?easurement of Effectiveness
"hese activities should provide business with a successful start. ?ystery of this location
and various movies that mention 5amaica only add attractiveness to this place. !uch venture has
some riss related to the ethical considerations. %owever, it can provide this location with
investments therefore, it can be positively accepted by the government and locals.
!ustainable tourism, as it has already been stated, is aimed to bring balance to the local
economy and sociocultural area. )ts main goals are to create minimal impact on the local natural,
cultural, and social peculiarities of the region and at the same time to generate future
employment to the locals in order to improve economic situation. "herefore, we can say that
sustainable tourism relies on local peculiarities and depends on it substantially 6#ole *AAC7.
!ocial communities do not always welcome tourists. "here are reasons for such an
attitude. )n the developing countries, people with money 6usually tourists7 sometimes behave
inappropriately that could cause negative reaction from the local and provoe conflicts. !uch
state of things decreases the touristic attractiveness of the region and decreases income to the
local budget. What does it say to usD "here are two options in this situation. Eocal communities
either accept inappropriate behavior of tourists or create such environment that could change the
situation 6Eai *AA,> Ei *AA+7.
"urey and Egypt are the favorite places for &ussian tourist, for example. "hese tourists
are usually rather loud and behave themselves with the locals inappropriately. "he local
personnel is trained to accept such an attitude and eeps smiling, providing the best service they
could. 'n the one hand, these countries have substantial income from the tourism industry that,
in addition, employs thousands of people. 'n the other hand, satisfaction from such wor is
minimal> people live inappropriately to the situation. "he latest protests and demonstrations in
Egypt prove this point. People of Egypt was so angry regarding the current situation in the
country that even the threat to the major industry, which is tourism, did not stop them.
"herefore, we can conclude that it is nearly impossible to develop sustainable tourism
industry without community participation. Eocal communities play too important role in this
process to disregard it 6Eai *AA,> Ei *AA+7.
!ustainable "ourism Gevelopment with #ommunity Participation
"here are different studies in the area suggesting the idea that only the appropriate
support from the local communities is the ey to sustainable tourism development. "hese studies
can be summari/ed in the following propositions8 community participation is a vital element in
the creation of the appropriate tourism plans and strategies> community participation impacts
sustainable tourism development in several ways> community participation increases tourist
satisfaction> community participation helps tourism professionals create more profound and
organic tourism plans> participation of local communities contributed to a fair distribution of
costs and benefits among the members of communities> community involvement into process can
be beneficial for satisfying locally identified needs> and participation of communities can
strengthen democrati/ation processes in tourist destinations 6"osum H "imothy *AA,> Gwyer H
Edwards *A1A7.
)n order to explain the general approach to the sustainable tourism development, we
should explain each of these propositions. 1irst proposition suggests that only the community
participation can facilitate the creation of the appropriate tourism plans and strategies, and it
would be not possible to develop these plans without local communities 6&oberts, n.d7. "he thing
is that only the fair offer could mae people respond appropriately. )n other words, if the local
community finds benefits from the tourism, it would have appropriate suggestions regarding how
these tourist plans and strategies should be created in the best way, considering local peculiarities
and advantages. )t could be possible only if the community sees its own benefits. 'therwise,
plans and strategies would be rather general and their successful implementation could be rather
$uestionable 6Gwyer H Edwards *A1A7.
"he second proposition provides us with idea that local communities contribute to
sustainable tourism development in several ways. )t is clear that if tourism provides the
community with income, this community would apply maximum efforts to eep area attractive
for tourists. "herefore, members of the local community protect natural and cultural resources,
try to mitigate negative social impact on tourism by negotiating with other members of the
community that do not support this industry in the region 6"osum H "imothy *AA,7.
)n addition, members of the local community, interested in sustainable tourism apply their
efforts in developing new tourist routes and destinations in order to improve the tourist
attractiveness of the region, involve more staeholders, attract new investments, etc. )t is the job
of the local community to preserve and protect the available resources. !ustainable tourism helps
in this matter, because it is a material stimulus for people that live in this region. )t also helps the
locals to share their cultural achievements with tourists and thus mae them well nown and
recogni/able in the world. )t is also one of the serious advantages of sustainable tourism for the
local communities 6&oberts, n.d7.
"he third proposition says about increasing tourist satisfaction via community
participation. Well, this concept loos the most solid of all the above said because tourism is the
industry that is based on customer satisfaction. )f a tourist is not happy with the vacation and
thins that money was spent for nothing, this individual will spread the word that this destination
is not worth of visiting 6"osum H "imothy *AA,> Gwyer H Edwards *A1A7. "herefore, tourism
industry in one particular place will lose one client. )t could loo lie nothing special but what if
there are hundreds of such clients, a thousandD (fter a while, the money income will disappear
and touristic region will lose its attractiveness.
"hus, we can conclude that influence of the local community on tourist satisfaction is
substantial. 'nly if the representatives of the local community want to please clients, this
community will benefit. "he level of hospitality and friendliness of the community members can
be improved by themselves only. )n other words, people that live in the local community should
be friendly and satisfied with tourists and provide the appropriate service 6&oberts, n.d7.
'therwise, this region eventually will lose tourist attractiveness that will affect the local
"he fourth proposition suggests that community participation could help tourism
professionals create better tourism plans. )t is clear that members of the local community are
aware of the problems and benefits of it as a tourist destination 6"osum H "imothy *AA,7.
"herefore, they can provide useful information regarding peculiarities of the region, its benefits
and drawbacs in terms of touristic attractiveness. "he thing is that in most of the developing
countries tourism industry is considered as one of the ways to generate income to the budget.
%ence, the central government usually plans the tourist support infrastructure, destinations, and
routes without considering local peculiarities. )t is not appropriate for building sustainable
business because of the above0stated reasons 6Gwyer H Edwards*A1A7.
"he external point of view could be beneficial in case of strategic planning and creation
of general strategy of development. %owever, the actual plans regarding each tourism region
should involve communities participation in order to provide planners with internal, closer view
at the situation in each particular region. )t is not possible to perform without local communities.
"heir involvement guarantees that tourism industry will develop in sustainable way 6"osum H
"imothy *AA,7.
"he fifth proposition discusses the contribution of public participation into a fair
distribution of costs and benefits among community members. )t is hard to argue with the fact
that tourism is beneficial for any region and generates profit for people. 'n the other hand, it is
undisputable that tourism generates costs as well. "herefore, the distribution of costs and profits
from tourism industry is usually unfair due to the peculiarities of each region. "here are Klosers
and Kwinners in this industry 6&oberts, n.d7.
)n order to avoid such segregation, it is necessary to distribute fairly the costs and benefits
among the community members that could not be possible if the representatives of these
communities do not participate in the process. !uch fair approach would allow improving the
situation in the entire region and attracting new tourists. )t could be beneficial for all players on
this maret however, it is usually disregarded by Kwinners 6"osum H "imothy *AA,> Gwyer H
Edwards *A1A7.
"he sixth proposition suggests that community participation can help in satisfaction of
locally identified needs. Executives that run tourism business usually do not pay much attention
to the local needs of the area where this business operates. "here is nothing strange in this
situation. People tend to solve their own issues and reach particular goals that directly affect their
wealth and wellbeing. "herefore, if there is no influence from the local community regarding its
needs, sustainability is unreachable. "his issue could be addressed to any tourism destination but
the developing countries in particular suffer from such unfair exploiting of resources 6natural and
human7 6Eai *AA,> Ei *AA+7.
)n fact, the local community is able to influence the situation more than people usually
thin 6"osum H "imothy *AA,7. "he tourism infrastructure is created on the land of local
community and exploits people that live in this community. "herefore, it gives certain levers to
the hands of the local community that however, usually are not used. Participation of the local
community in sustainable tourism development is utterly important for the healthy development
of the entire region 6Gwyer H Edwards *A1A7.
1inally, the seventh proposition argues that community participation strengthens the
democrati/ation process in tourist destinations. 4sually, bureaucracy machine is one of the
biggest obstacles in the development process in any country. "hus, the local communities and
decision0maers do not have direct connection and it influences the developmental processes
substantially. !ustainable tourism industry could narrow the gap between them because it is able
to generate material benefits for both sides 6"osum H "imothy *AA,7.
)t is utterly important for the developing countries and still actual for the developed ones
as well. "he $uicer decisions regarding further development of the region are, the more tourists
could spend their money for the good of a countrys budget. "herefore, local communities could
influence beneficially the entire region development and mae the decision0maing process more
democratic 6"osum H "imothy *AA,7.
(s we can see from all the above0said, community participation is one of major criteria of
successful sustainable tourism development in developed and developing countries. #lose
interaction between local communities and authorities could help in creating sustainable tourism
infrastructure that could provide both sides with numerous benefits. "he influence of local
communities on the success in this area is rather substantial. )t would not be wise to disregard the
opinion of local communities and compromise the entire tourism industry. !ustainable tourism is
the future of tourism industry and this future is greatly dependent on the local communities and
their level of participation in the decision0maing process. "he initial L-A,AAA budget should be
enough to create positive image of the island using locals for this job. "herefore, it can be
concluded that outsourcing of staff should be the right strategy to use budget. )t would be
appropriate to divide budget expenditures in the following way8
L*A.AAA = ": commercial and printed media
L1A.AAA = creative group8 it should be local group of professionals 6outsourced
team7 that should now the peculiarities of the region. "hey will be able to
convince people using ads on the internet, ":, and printed media that 5amaica is
the place to be visited soon
L1A.AAA = appropriate staffing8 managers and executives should be not from
5amaica since the program needs objectiveness that can be achieved by using
L-.AAA = the advertising campaign on the internet8 development and further
promotion of the ads
L-.AAA = extra expenses8 any exceeding of the budget in the above0mentioned
Wors #ited
#ole, ! *AAC, K)nformation and Empowerment8 "he Meys to (chieving !ustainable "ourism,
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 1+, no. C, pp. C*J0C+1.
Gwyer, E H Edwards, G *A1A, Understanding the Sustainable Development of Tourism, viewed
1F ?arch, *A11,*A*0
Eai, P0% *AA,, K#ommunity Participation in !ustainable "ourism 0 ( #ase !tudy of "wo
)ndigenous #ommunities, e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), vol. 1, no. 1, pp. -0I.
Ei, Q *AA+, KExploring #ommunity "ourism in #hina8 "he #ase of Ranshan #ultural "ourism
Sone, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 1*, no. ,, pp. 1F-01JA.
&) #lub%otel &iu 'cho &ios. *A1,. Web. *1 1ebruary *A1,,
&oberts, & n.d., KPublic )nvolvement8 1rom #onsultation to Participation, ra!is apers, pp. 10
"osum, ! H "imothy, G5 *AA,, K(rguments for #ommunity Participation in the "ourism
Gevelopment Process, The Journal of Tourism Studies, vol. 1+, no. *, pp. *011.

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