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Compiled Christian Quotes,

Stories & Anecdotes

The Touch of the

Master’s Hand
By Myra Brooks Welch

‘Twas battered and scarred, and the auctioneer

Thought it scarcely worth his while
To spend much time on the old violin,
But he held it up with a smile.

“What am I bidden for this?” he cried.

“Who’ll start the bidding for me?
A dollar—one dollar; then two—only two:
Two dollars are bidden; say three.

“Three dollars once: Three dollars twice:

Going for three!” But lo!
From the back of the crowd a gray-haired man
Came forward and picked up the bow.

Then, wiping the dust from the old violin

And tight’ning the loosened strings,
He played a melody passing sweet,
The kind that haunts and clings.

The music ceased, and the auctioneer,

With a voice that was soft and low,
Said, “Now what is bid for the old violin?”
And he held it up with the bow.

“A thousand dollars: Who’ll make it two?

Two—two thousand; say three!
Three thousand once, three thousand twice,
Three thousand—gone!” said he.

The people cheered, but some exclaimed,

“We do not quite understand
What changed its worth?” and the answer came:
“’Twas the touch of the master’s hand.”
Dr. Hubert Davidson visited the
noted poetess, Myra Brooks Welch, And many a man with soul out of tune,
who perhaps is best known for her And battered and scarred by sin,
masterpiece, “The Touch of the Is auctioned cheap by the thoughtless crowd,
Master’s Hand.” As he turned to Just like the old violin.
leave her home, Myra Welch patted
the arm of her wheelchair and said, But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd
“And I thank God for this!” Imagine Never can quite understand
being grateful for a wheelchair! But The worth of a soul, and the change that is wrought
her talent lay undiscovered prior to By the touch of the Master’s hand.
her wheelchair days. Rather than
becoming bitter, she chose to let O Master! I am the tuneless one:
her handicap make her better, and Lay, lay Thy hand on me.
a wonderful ministry opened new Transform me now, put a song in my heart
doors for her. Of melody, Lord, to Thee!

A life need not be great to be beautiful. There If your place in God’s ranks is a hidden and
may be as much beauty in a tiny flower as in a secluded one, do not complain, do not seek to get
majestic tree, in a little gem as in a great jewel. A out of God’s Will if He has placed you there; for
life may be very lovely and yet be insignificant in without the polyps, the coral reefs would never
the world’s eyes. A beautiful life is one that fulfils be built, and God needs some who are willing to
its mission in this world, that is what God made it be spiritual polyps, and work away out of sight of
to be, and does what God made it to do. Those with men, but sustained by the Holy Ghost in full view
only commonplace gifts are in danger of thinking of Heaven.
that they cannot live a beautiful life, cannot be a The day will come when Jesus will give the
blessing in this world. But the smallest life that fills rewards, and He makes no mistakes, although some
its place well is beautiful in God’s sight. people may wonder how you came to merit such a
—Mrs. Charles Cowman wonderful reward, as they had never heard of you

The great composer, George Frideric Handel
had lost his health. His right side was paralyzed. Have you ever considered how only the smaller
His money was gone. His creditors threatened to birds sing? You never heard a note from the eagle
imprison him. Handel became so disheartened by in all your life, nor from the turkey, nor from the
his tragic experiences that he almost lost faith and ostrich. But you have heard from the canary, the
despaired. He came through the ordeal, however, wren, and the lark. The sweetest music comes
and composed his greatest work, “The Hallelujah from those Christians who are small in their own
Chorus”, the climactic point of his great “Messiah.” estimation and before the Lord. “He hath exalted
The Apostle John wrote, “This is the victory that them of low degree” (Luke 1:52).
overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4).

You are God’s opportunity in your day. He has
Greatness is not found in possessions, power, waited for ages for a person just like you. If you
position or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, refuse Him, then God loses His opportunity which
humility, service and character. He sought through you, and He will never have
another, for there will never be another person on
◆ the earth just like you.

God doesn’t use anybody who thinks they’re

something. He just uses nobodies and nothings that
He makes something out of. Bring to God your gift, my brother;
He’ll not need to call another,
◆ You will do.
He will add His blessing to it,
The polyps (hydras) which construct the coral And the two of you will do it,
reefs work away under water, never dreaming that God and you.
they are building the foundation of a new island on —R.E. Neighbour
which, by and by, plants and animals will live and
children of God will be born.

Reflections © 1992 The Family
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

Does Jesus Care?

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
Too deeply for mirth and song;
As the burdens press, and the cares distress,
And the way grows weary and long? A
n elderly man asked
a boy to go with him
into the woods to cut down
Does Jesus care when my way is dark some hickory trees to make
With a nameless dread and fear? axe handles. They soon
As the daylight fades into deep night shades, came to several young
Does He care enough to be near? hickory trees. The boy said,
“These trees would make
Does Jesus care when I’ve tried and failed good axe handles. Let’s
To resist some temptation strong; cut them down.” The old
When for my deep grief I find no relief, man said, “These trees in
Though my tears flow all the night long? the lowlands have been protected from the storms
which rage higher up. Let’s go to the heights where
Does Jesus care when I’ve said, “Good-bye” the trees have been rocked back and forth by fierce
To the dearest on Earth to me, winds. Those trees have been hardened by the
And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks, tempest and they will make much stronger axe
Is it aught to Him? Does He see? handles!”
Those who have been exposed to difficulties,
Oh, yes, He cares; I know He cares, rocked to and fro by the temptations, but who have
His heart is touched with my grief. not yielded to them, are made stronger. We can be
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, “more than conquerors through Him that loved
I know My Savior cares. us!” (Romans 8:37).
—Frank E. Graeff Job said, “When He hath tried me, I shall come
forth as gold” (Job 23:10).

I n medieval times, the goldsmiths had a unique ◆

method to determine when the refining fire had
purged away all extraneous matter from the precious For feelings come and feelings go,
metal. And feelings are deceiving;
They would stand patiently and peer intently My warrant is the Word of God,
into the seething, molten mass, meantime making the Naught else is worth believing.
fire hotter and hotter. At last, a smile of satisfaction
would lighten up the perspiring face of the goldsmith. Though all my heart should feel condemned,
He could see his face reflected in the molten mass of For want of some sweet token,
gold. Seeing his face mirrored there, he knew that the There is One greater than my heart
refining fire had wrought its purifying purpose. Whose Word cannot be broken.
Peter admonished, “Beloved, think it not strange
concerning the fiery trial which is to try you” (1 I’ll trust in God’s unchanging Word
Peter 4:12a). Till soul and body sever;
When God sees the image of His Son reflected For, though all things shall pass away,
in our lives, He knows that His purifying fires have His Word shall stand forever.
wrought their intended purpose. —Martin Luther

Reflections © 1992 The Family
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

An oyster on the ocean floor opened wide its shell to let the water pass over it.
As the water flushed through, its gills picked out food, sending it to its stomach.
Suddenly a large fish nearby stirred up a cloud of sand and silt with a flip of its
tail. Sand! Oh, how the oyster disliked sand. It was so rough and made life so
unpleasant and uncomfortable and was such a bother whenever any got inside its
shell. Quickly the oyster slammed its shell shut, but it was too late. One hard gritty
grain of sand had gotten in and lodged itself between his inner flesh and his shell.
My, how that piece of sand bothered the oyster! But almost immediately, special
glands God had given him for coating the inside of his shell began working to coat
the irritating grain of sand with a lovely smooth and shiny covering. Year after year
the oyster added a few more layers of the coating onto the tiny grain of sand until at
last, it had produced a beautiful lustrous pearl of great value.
Sometimes the problems we have are a bit like that grain of sand. They bother
us and we wonder why we have the irritation and inconvenience they can be. But
the grace of God begins to work a wonder with our problems and weaknesses, if we
let Him. We become more humble and yielded, more desperate in prayer, closer to
the Lord, wiser, and better able to resist the problems. Like blessings in disguise, the
Lord soon takes the rough pieces of sand in our life and turns them into precious
pearls of strength and power and they become a hope and inspiration to many.

The Lord makes you stronger with each victory. It’s sort of like inoculation:
He gives you small doses so you won’t catch the disease, so you will constantly
gradually build up your resistance to it. Whereas, if you are never tested, never
given a small dose, you will never be able to take the big dose.
In the Middle Ages, because assassination by poison was so common, kings and
important men used to take small doses of poison every day. They’d start off with
Were there no night, a very tiny portion, just a few grains, and keep taking a little more each day, until
we could not read they gradually built up a resistance, so that if somebody gave them a large dose, it
the stars; wouldn’t be fatal.
The heavens would turn It’s kind of like the Lord does with us: He gives us a little more each day to test
into a blinding glare. us, to try us, to build up our strength and resistance. He inoculates us with a little
Freedom is best seen more serum of sacrifice and trial and trouble and battle each day.
through prison bars, He’s trying to make you stronger every day and make you able to give a little
And rough seas calmed more, sacrifice a little more, suffer a little more, fight a little more, and grow a little
make a passing fair. more.—David Brandt Berg

We cannot measure joys
but by their loss; Your sorrow is meant to be a strength-giver to you, and to equip you for giving
When blessings fade away, strength to others.—David Brandt Berg
we see them then.

Our richest clusters grow
around the cross, “Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them
And in the nighttime which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of
angels sing to men. God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth
—Author Unknown by Christ” (2 Corinthians 1:4–5 KJV).

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

Love Reaches Out!

Where there is great love,
there are always great miracles!

O ne morning as I neared the hospital where I

worked, I noticed a frail, stooped, elderly man
hurrying in the same direction. I wondered where

It’s wondrous what a hug can do,

he was going in such a hurry and at such an hour. A hug can cheer you when you’re blue.
I also questioned whether it was safe for him to be A hug can say, “I love you so.”
out alone in his obviously poor state of health. Or, “Oh, I’m sad to see you go.”
Later that day, I was surprised to see the same
man walking down a corridor in the hospital. I A hug is, “Welcome back again!”
found out he had always enjoyed helping other And, “Great to see you!” or,
people, so one day he had come to the hospital “Where’ve you been?”
and offered to work as a volunteer. He comes two A hug can soothe a small child’s pain
mornings each week to work in whatever way And bring a rainbow after rain.
he is needed. He enjoys the interaction with the
staff, the patients, and their families. By helping The hug! There’s just no doubt about it,
others, he has been able to forget his own health We scarcely could survive without it.
problems. In giving of himself, he has found a new A hug delights and warms and charms;
lease on life and a new reason to get up in the It must be why God gave us arms!
—Author Unknown Hugs are great for fathers and mothers,
Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers.
◆ And chances are some favorite aunts
Love them more than potted plants.
Sometimes we’re discouraged and think, “Well,
who am I? What can I do? The world’s problems Kittens crave them. Puppies love them.
all seem so hopeless and impossible! It looks Heads of state are not above them.
like there’s nothing one person can do to change A hug can break the language barrier,
things for the better, so what’s the use of trying?” And make the dullest day seem merrier.
And we’re tempted to just give up and let the world
go to Hell, which it seems to deserve! No need to fret about the store of ‘m,
Well, you may not be able to change the whole The more you give,
world, but you can change your part of the world. The more there are of ‘m.
If you have changed one life, you have changed a So stretch those arms without delay
part of the world, and you have proven that there is And give someone a hug today!
hope that it can all be changed! The world can be —Author Unknown
changed, starting even with one person, just one
person—maybe you! ◆
If you even change your life, you’ve changed Harry Mudd has learned a lot in his many busy
a whole universe, the universe of your body and years as Director of the Great House Experimental
the sphere in which you live! The place and the Husbandry Farm since it began many years ago.
very atmosphere around you will be changed if you He knows that all good farmers are attached
even change yourself by the power of God’s Love! to their animals, and have a sensitive regard for
Change the world in which you live—your life, them. He says: “A stockman learns to appreciate
your home, your family—and you’ve changed the the animals and understand their little ways, and
world, your world!—David Brandt Berg treat them as individuals—not a collective herd.”
He told me a surprising fact: Two men can have
◆ the same kind of stock, the same conditions, and

feed them the same food, yet the one who treats his cows as
individuals can get two hundred gallons of milk a year more LIVING IN HIS LOVE
from an animal. Love is like a stream.
If animals respond to love and care, how much more will Some days it flows and rushes,
people? For there is plenty.
—Francis Gay On other days it trickles
◆ And you can see it bouncing
Against the unseen rocks.
Jesus said, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”
(Matthew 22:39). Those He was speaking with then asked But when love is dry
Him, “Who is my neighbor?” And with the story of the And has lost its flow
Good Samaritan, He tried to show them that it is anyone And lies nearly empty
who needs our help, regardless of their race, creed, color, On the muddy bottom,
nationality, condition—or location! There is more love to come.
For if we have real love, we can’t face a needy situation
without doing something about it. We can’t just pass by the We remember how Jesus loved,
poor man on the road to Jericho! We must take action like How He forgave,
the Samaritan did! (See Luke 10:25–37.) And how He reached out
That’s the difference between pity and compassion: Pity To show He cared.
just feels sorry; compassion does something about it. By using Jesus as the Source
—David Brandt Berg Of love,
◆ We can fill up the stream
One day in France, during World War I, I did a favor
for a soldier and he actually presented me with his Croix Life has the extra dimension
de Guerre which the French Government had bestowed Found in Jesus Christ.
upon him for courage. He could afford to give me that one, He is the Authority on love.
for that boy actually had so many medals for bravery that Jesus loves when love is hard.
he had them to spare. It was over that gift that we got to He loves when love is rejected.
discussing why armies and governments give medals, and He loves when love makes
I learned for the first time that they give medals to a man Little sense.
when he does something “outside the line of duty.” He is
never rewarded for doing something which comes within Jesus loves when others
the line of duty. It is only when he steps outside the path of Would quit.
duty and does the unusual, the extra thing, that he wins a Jesus loves when others
medal. Are ugly.
We do not win the richest rewards of life for doing the Jesus loves when others
things we ought to do anyway, or for doing things with the Are cold.
hope and expectation of reward. It is by doing things in the Jesus loves when others
spirit of “not letting thy right hand know what thy left hand Are unworthy.
doeth” that we discover golden keys to life: when we do
something through sheer compassion, sympathy, love, and And when we feel that love
friendship. Has dried up,
—Author Unknown We reach out to Him,
◆ And learn to love
“This is My commandment, that ye love one another, as I —Author Unknown
have loved you” (John 15:12).

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

To a Worldchanger

T o deny self is to become a The final estimate of men shows ◆

nonconformist. The Bible that history cares not an iota for John and Betty Stamm,
tells us not to be conformed to the rank or title a man has borne, missionaries in China, were
this world either physically or or the office he has held, but only martyred December 8, 1934. On
intellectually or spiritually. the quality of his deeds and the December 6, John Stamm wrote,
—Billy Graham character of his mind and heart. “My wife, baby and myself are
today in the hands of Communists.
◆ ◆ All our possessions and stores they
A young man came to Dwight You have to have conviction have taken, but we praise God
L. Moody, the famous American or you can’t live!—And then you for peace in our hearts and a meal
evangelist, and said, “Mr. Moody, have to do something about your tonight. God grant you wisdom
I want to be a Christian, but must conviction, or you can’t stand to in what you do and us fortitude,
I give up the world?” live with yourself! courage and peace of heart. He is
Moody characteristically —David Brandt Berg able, and a wonderful Friend in
replied, “Young man, if you live such a time.” And in closing he
the out-and-out Christian life, the ◆ said, “The Lord bless and guide
world will soon give you up.” It is so easy to make excuses— you, and as for us, may God be
legitimate, logical, reasonable, glorified, whether by life or death.”
◆ acceptable excuses—why you
“Be not conformed to this can’t make it, why you shouldn’t ◆
world; but be ye transformed by be expected to make it. And in You cannot stop the man of
the renewing of your mind, that most cases most people will faith! You cannot dissuade him!
ye may prove what is that good, accept your excuses, because they You cannot divert him! He’ll go
and acceptable, and perfect will of don’t have the faith either and on, with or without you, or right
God” (Romans 12:2). in excusing you they’re excusing over you, if necessary!
themselves. But is God going to —David Brandt Berg
◆ excuse you?—David Brandt Berg
One of the outstanding ironies
of history is the utter disregard ◆
of ranks and titles in the final Florence Nightingale, who left It’s better to die for something
judgments men pass on each other. wealth and comfort for poverty, than to live for nothing.
war, and disease to

Dare to Be Different
nurse the sick, wrote
in her diary: “I am
thirty years of age, the
A classic in the annals of the
U.S. Coast Guard is the story
of Captain Pat Etheridge of the
Dare to be different. Life is so full age at which Christ Cape Batterne station. One night
Of people who follow the same push-and-pull. began His mission. in the howling hurricane, the
Poor, plodding people who, other than name, Now no more childish lookout saw a distress signal from
Try to pretend they’re exactly the same. things, no more vain a ship that had gone aground on
things. Now, Lord, the dangerous Diamond Shoals,
God made men different; there never will be let me think only of ten miles at sea. The lifeboats were
A replica soul made of you or of me. Thy will.” Years later, ordered out. One of the lifeguards
The charm—the glory of all creation near the end of her protested, “Captain Pat, we can
Rests on this very deviation. illustrious, heroic life, get out there, but we can never get
she was asked for back.”
Your charm—your own glory, too, her life’s secret, and Responding to the call of duty,
Lies in being uniquely you— she replied: “Well, the captain gave the reply that has
Lies in being true to your best, I can only give one gone down in history: “Boys, we
That part of you different from all of the rest. explanation. That is, I don’t have to come back.”
—Helen Marshall have kept nothing back The Lord has given us
from God.” our marching orders. He has

commanded that the Gospel be Shun not the struggle; face it.
preached in all the world. He has ‘Tis God’s gift.
not promised His messengers an
easy time. He has not given the Be strong!
assurance of a safe return to the Say not the days are evil, who’s to blame?
home base, but He did say, “Go!” And fold the hands and acquiesce—O shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely,
◆ In God’s name.

David Livingstone, the great Be strong!

missionary and explorer, said It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong,
of his life: “People talk of the How hard the battle goes, the day how long,
sacrifice I have made in spending Faint not, fight on!
so much of my life in Africa. Can Tomorrow comes the song.
that which is simply paid back —Maltbie D. Babcock
as a small part of a great debt
we owe to our God be called a
sacrifice? Is that a sacrifice which Be a Fighter!
brings its own best reward in
Comments by David Brandt Berg
healthful activity, the knowledge
that one is doing good, peace
May God give us fighters who like to fight for the Lord with
of mind, and a bright hope of a
the weapon of His Word and who enjoy defeating evil and who
glorious destiny hereafter?
know they can’t lose and who like to win victories! Conquering
“It is emphatically no sacrifice.
heroes that like to live and fight and die for Jesus and their
Say, rather, it is a privilege. Anxiety,
brethren and the Truth!
sickness, suffering, or danger
now and then, with less of the
There’s no crown without a cross, no testimony without a
common conveniences of this life,
test, no triumph without a trial, no victory without a battle, no
may make us pause and cause
rose without a thorn! That’s what you joined the Lord’s army for:
the spirit to waver and the soul
to fight and to win! Let’s get on with the Lord’s battle!
to sink, but let this be only for a
We may not win all the battles, but we’re going to win the
“All these are nothing when
compared with the glory which
shall be revealed in and for us.
Keep on holding on to God’s promises!—Don’t let go! Keep
I never made a sacrifice! We
on standing on the Word!—Don’t get off! Keep on going for
ought not to talk of this when we
Jesus!—Don’t stop! Keep on keeping on!
remember the great sacrifice made
by Him who left His Father’s
Anything can happen in that little margin of time when you
throne on high to give Himself to
do not give up, but keep on believing and keep on praying!
We can’t lose! The victory is already ours! Just keep fighting

until we get there! If you keep fighting, you can’t lose! Keep
resisting the Devil, keep raising up the standard of the Spirit,
Be strong!
keep wielding the weapon of the Word, and you cannot lose if
We are not here to play, to dream,
you keep fighting! “Fight the good fight of faith!” (See 1 Timothy
to drift;
6:12; Jude 3; 2 Timothy 2:3; 4:7; Ephesians 6:13–17.)
We have hard work to do, and
loads to lift.

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

nce upon a time in the heart of the Eastern Kingdom lay your heart, for if I do not cut so, I
a beautiful garden. And there in the cool of the day was cannot use you.”
the Master of the garden, who went for a walk. Of all “Master, Master, then cut and
the dwellers of the garden, the most beautiful and beloved was a divide.”
gracious and noble Bamboo. So did the Master of the
Year after year Bamboo grew yet more beautiful and gracious. garden take Bamboo and cut him
He was conscious of his Master’s love and watchful delight. Yet down and hack off his branches
he was modest and in all things gentle. Often when Wind came and strip off his leaves and divide
to revel in the garden, Bamboo would throw aside his dignity. He him in two and cut out his heart.
would dance and sway merrily, tossing and swaying and leaping Lifting him gently, he carried him
and bowing in joyous abandon. He would lead the great dance of to where there was a spring of
the garden which most delighted his Master’s heart. fresh, sparkling water in the midst
One day the Master of Master’s dry fields.
himself drew near to Then putting down one end

Bamboo contemplate his Bamboo.

With eyes of curious
expectancy, Bamboo bowed
of Bamboo in the spring, and the
other end into the water channel
in his field, the Master laid down
his great head to the ground gently his beloved Bamboo. The
in loving greeting. The spring sang welcome. The clear
Master spoke: “Bamboo, sparkling water raced joyously
Bamboo, I would use you.” down the channel of Bamboo’s
Bamboo said, “Master, torn body into the waiting fields.
I am ready, use me as you Then the rice was planted
want.” and the days went by. The shoots
“Bamboo,” the Master’s grew. The harvest came. In that
voice was grave, “I would day was Bamboo, once so glorious
be obliged to take you and cut you down.” A trembling of great in his stately beauty, yet more
horror shook Bamboo. glorious in his brokenness and
“Cut ... me ... down? Me, whom You, Master, have made the humility. For in his beauty he
most beautiful in all of Your garden? To cut me down? Ah, not was life abundant. But in his
that! Not that! Use me for Your joy, O Master, but cut me not brokenness he became a channel
down!” of abundant life to his Master’s
“Beloved Bamboo,” the Master’s voice grew graver still, “if I world!
do not cut you down, then I cannot use you.” “And when He had called
The garden grew still. Wind held his breath. Bamboo slowly the people unto Him with His
bent his proud and glorious head. There came a whisper. Bamboo disciples also, He said unto them,
replied, “Master, if You cannot use me unless You cut me down, ‘Whosoever will come after Me,
then do Your will and cut.” let him deny himself, and take
“Bamboo, beloved Bamboo, I would cut your leaves and up his cross, and follow Me.
branches from you also.” For whosoever will save his life
“Master, Master, spare me! Cut me down and lay my beauty shall lose it; but whosoever shall
in the dust, but would You take from me my leaves and branches lose his life for My sake and the
also?” Gospel’s, the same shall save it.
“Bamboo, alas! If I do not cut them away, I cannot use you.” For what shall it profit a man, if
The Sun hid his face. A listening butterfly glided fearfully away. he shall gain the whole world,
Bamboo shivered in terrible expectancy, whispering low, and lose his own soul?’” (Mark
“Master, cut away.” 8:34–36).
“Bamboo, Bamboo, I would divide you in two and cut out —Author Unknown

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
Visit our Web site at

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Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

Is Giving Yourself Away
W hatever their planned target, the mortar rounds
landed in an orphanage run by a missionary
group in the small Vietnamese village. The
missionaries and one or two children were killed outright,
and several more children were wounded, including one
arrived to help. Seeing the little one’s distress, she spoke
to him rapidly in Vietnamese, listened to his reply and
answered him in a soothing voice.
After a moment, the patient stopped crying and
looked questioningly at the Vietnamese nurse. When she
young girl, about eight years old. nodded, a look of great relief spread over his face.
People from the village requested medical help Glancing up, the nurse said quietly to the Americans,
from a neighboring town that had radio contact with the “He thought he was dying. He misunderstood you. He
American forces. Finally, an American Navy doctor and thought you had asked him to give all his blood so the
nurse arrived in a jeep with only their medical kits. They little girl could live.”
established that the girl was the most critically injured. “But why would he be willing to do that?” asked the
Without quick action, she would die of shock and loss of Navy nurse.
blood. The Vietnamese nurse repeated the question to the
A transfusion was imperative, and a donor with a little boy, who answered simply, “She’s my friend.”
matching blood type was required. A quick test showed “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down
that neither American had the correct blood type, but sev- his life for his friend” (John 15:13).
eral of the uninjured orphans did.
The doctor spoke some pidgin Vietnamese, and the ◆
nurse a smattering of high-school French. Using that
combination, together with much impromptu sign lan-
guage, they tried to explain to the young, frightened audi- Someone needs your smile today,
ence that unless they could replace some of the girl’s lost Your hug, your listening ear.
blood, she would certainly die. Then they asked if anyone Someone needs encouragement
would be willing to give blood to help. And gentle words of cheer.
Their request was met with wide-eyed silence. After
several long moments a small hand slowly and waveringly Someone needs your helping hand,
went up, dropped back down, and then went up again. A letter—or what’s more,
“Oh, thank you,” the nurse said in French. “What is Someone needs your cheerfulness
your name?” To make their spirits soar.
“Heng,” came the reply.
Heng was quickly laid on a pallet, his arm swabbed Someone needs affection
with alcohol, and a needle inserted in his vein. Through When they are feeling blue.
this ordeal Heng lay stiff and silent. Listen, someone’s calling—
After a moment, he let out a shuddering sob, quickly For a special friend like you.
covering his face with his free hand. —Jacqueline Schiff
“Is it hurting, Heng?” the doctor asked. Heng shook
his head, but after a few moments another sob escaped, ◆
and once more he tried to cover up his crying. Again If you love your neighbor as yourself, you’ll put your-
the doctor asked him if the needle hurt, and again Heng self in his place, and wonder how you would feel if you
shook his head. were there and wonder what you’d want and need to
But now his occasional sobs gave way to a steady, have fulfilled.
silent crying, his eyes screwed tightly shut, his fist in his
mouth to stifle his sobs. Do you want the key to every heart?—Try love! It
The medical team was concerned. Something was never fails!—Because God is love, and it’s impossible for
obviously very wrong. At this point, a Vietnamese nurse Him to fail!—David Brandt Berg

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

God’s greatest and

Children most precious gift
is His love in a

Are Forever! little child!

Every time a child is born there is another soul A perfect example of minority rule is a baby in
that is going to live forever! It’s the biggest miracle the house!
since the creation of the world! One little babe is
worth more than anything man can make and is ◆
going to last longer! Never minimize the training of your children.
Did you know that a child learns 8O% of what
◆ he’s going to learn in his whole life before he’s five
Almost two centuries ago men followed the years old? So think how important it is that you
events of General Napoleon’s march of conquest teach them the right things during those first for-
across Europe, waiting with bated breath for any mative years!—It’s going to be 8O% of everything
news of the outcome of his various wars. All the that they’re ever going to learn. No wonder the
while, babies were being born in their own homes. Bible says that if you train up a child in the way he
But who could think about babies? Everybody was should go, when he is old he will not depart from
thinking about battles! it. (See Proverbs 22:6).
However, in that one year, 18O9, there came These first five years are extremely important.
into the World several babies who were destined to You can’t wait till your child is five years old be-
become stars of the greatest magnitude—William fore you begin teaching him. Every single day is
Gladstone, considered by many as Britain’s important, and what they learn each day is impor-
greatest statesman of the 19th century; Abraham tant. You as a parent are responsible to see to it that
Lincoln, one of America’s most famous Presidents; they are not only fed, clothed, protected, and are
Alfred Lord Tennyson, the celebrated poet laure- healthy, but also that they are taught God’s word,
ate of Britain; and Louis Braille, the blind inventor trained in His truth and inspired with His love!
of the widely used Braille system of reading for Some people have the wrong idea of just letting
the blind! But while they were being born, no one their kids go. “If they learn, they learn, and if they
thought of babies, just battles. Yet which of the bat- don’t, they don’t.” Well, we don’t believe in forc-
tles of 18O9 mattered more than the babies of 18O9? ing children to learn something they don’t want
Some fancy that God can manage His world to learn, but they do want to learn; they’re happier
only with big battalions, when all the while He is and feel more fulfilled and at peace when they are
doing it by babies! Whenever a wrong needs right- learning; and can learn a lot more with your assis-
ing, or a truth needs preaching, God sends a baby tance than if you just leave them idle, without any
into the world to do it! guidance, help or encouragement to learn!
In fact, it is entirely unscriptural and anti-God
◆ to leave a child to make up his own mind without
A baby is a small member of the home that first informing, guiding and encouraging him!
makes love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, For “a child left to himself bringeth his mother to
the bankroll smaller, the home happier, the past shame!” (Proverbs 29:15). If you haven’t got the
forgotten, and the future worth living for. time to train and take care of your children, then
for your child’s sake, find someone competent who
◆ can, and who does it right and the way you know

it ought to be done! That is every parent’s respon- any untruths with which they disagree.
sibility!—David Brandt Berg That way the TV becomes a teaching tool, instead
of an unleashed monster flooding children’s impres-
◆ sionable minds with violence, foolishness and de-
Children are like flowers in your garden: They are structive garbage! The criterion should not be, “will it
a gift from God, but you’ve got to take care of them! hurt them?” but, “Is it good for them?” Is it profitable,
inspiring and does it teach a good lesson?

The kind of person your child is going to be, he ◆
is already becoming. The young wife who had recently become a
mother met a woman who had nine children. “But
◆ how can you manage to take care of nine children?
Throughout the ages no nation has ever had a We only have one and he takes all of our time!” the
better friend than the mother who taught her chil- awe-struck young mother asked.
dren to pray! “Well, that’s just it,” the wise mother of nine
answered simply. “If one takes all your time, then
◆ nine can’t take any more!”
Daniel Webster, early American orator and
Secretary of State for three U.S. Presidents, said, “If
there is anything in my thoughts or style of writing When God gives you
to commend, the credit is due to my parents for in- children, they are like a gift
stilling in me an early love of the Scriptures!” on loan from Him. They
are His children, God gave
◆ them, but He wants you to
The best inheritance a parent can give to his take care of them and train
children is a few minutes of his time each day. The them. You’ve got to actu-
best thing to spend on children is time! ally feel like it is your duty
to God and that you are
◆ doing it in obedience and love for Him and for
Always try to treat children with respect and con- them. And when you’re old, you’ll be thankful
sideration. Greet them when you arrive and say good- that you did your best to raise them with the
bye to them or pray with them when you leave. Try help and love of God.—And they will be too!
to say goodnight and pray with your children if you You are investing in eternity when you in-
can, or if you can’t be there, be sure somebody does. vest your time, love and effort in your children,
because children are forever! Those eternal lives
◆ are going to last forever, and everything you’ve
The TV can become one of the most destructive put into them is going to count! May God help
forces in the home if not used with great wisdom, us to be good stewards of the most precious
prayer, and discretion. Children really should not be gifts He’s given us—our children!
allowed free rein to watch any movies or programs Lord, You have promised in Your Word
they want to without supervision and without your that if we “train up our children in the way
helping them with the choice and selection. they should go, when they are old, they
Whenever possible, parents should preview mov- won’t depart from it!” (Proverbs 22:6). Help
ies or programs before they’re shown to children! Or each mother and father to lovingly, diligent-
know the general theme or characteristics of the se- ly, and prayerfully care for their children, in
ries to be sure it is good for them. Actually, the ideal Jesus’ name, amen.
would be if parents could watch TV programs with Do you?
younger children whenever possible, so they can ex- —David Brandt Berg
plain things that the kids don’t understand, or dispel

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
Visit our Web site at

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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

F aith is not just hoping, believing or somewhat

expecting, but faith is knowing—absolutely
written on it! It’s yours and you will see it eventu-
ally!—David Brandt Berg

Faith is believing when all seems past hoping,
Although receiving no glimmer of light,

WHAT IS Leaving the grieving and doubting and groping

To those who are living only by sight.

FAITH? Faith is still trusting completely God’s promise,

When it would almost seem God has forgot,
Refusing to be a weak doubter like Thomas,
Seeking no sign nor bemoaning our lot.

Faith has lost its meaning to us today. Today the Faith is believing in God, and in clinging
word “faith” means kind of a hazy, vague belief of To hopes of a future that one day shall be,
some kind in something or other. Faith is the courage to trust without doubting
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance That all that we hope for we one day shall see.
of things hoped for” and the word translated “sub-
stance” in this verse is the Greek word “hupostasis”. ◆
When the New Testament was translated from the “Without faith it is impossible to please Him:
Greek into English nearly 400 years ago, the trans- for he that cometh to God must believe that He is,
lators were still puzzled by this word “hupostasis,” and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently
as it seemed to be some kind of business terminol- seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).
ogy not normally used in classical Greek literature.
All they knew was that it meant something fairly
substantial, so they translated it as “substance.”
But some years ago archaeologists uncovered HOW DO WE GET MORE FAITH?
the remains of an old inn in northern Israel. There
they found a small iron chest containing the valu- It is impossible to have faith unless
able papers of a Roman noblewoman who had you have the Word, because your faith is
owned lands and property in Israel. And almost ev- something that is built by faithful study of
ery paper had this title in big letters across the top: God’s Word.
“Hupostasis”! They were all title deeds to her prop-
erties! This Roman woman had perhaps never seen Trying to have faith is a work of the
her properties in Israel, but she knew they were flesh. Accepting faith through His Word is
hers and she could prove her ownership because a work of God’s grace.
she had the title deeds.
Someone promised to give me a car once, and If you’re weak in faith it’s because
they sent the title deed to me by mail. Though I’d you’re weak in the Word.
never seen the car and never driven it, I knew it was
mine because I had the title in my hand. So faith is The very Words of God are mingled
what?—The title deed! “Now faith is the title deed with supernatural power to be released by
to things hoped for” (Hebrews 11:1). If you’ve asked the touch of your faith.
the Lord for something but haven’t seen the answer —David Brandt Berg
yet, don’t worry. If you have real faith, then you’ve
got the title to it in your hands, and your name is

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
Visit our Web site at

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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

P rayer Is So Simple
It is like quietly opening a door
And slipping into the very presence of God,

There in the stillness More than hearts can imagine

To listen to His voice, or minds comprehend,
Perhaps to petition God’s bountiful gifts
Or only to listen,
are ours without end.
It matters not;
Just to be there
In His presence We ask for a cupful
Is prayer! when the vast sea is ours.
We pick a small rosebud
◆ from a garden of flowers.
If we had more prayers we would have fewer cares. We reach for a sunbeam,
but the sun still abides;

We draw one short breath
Prayer digs the channel from the reservoir of God’s boundless but there’s air on all sides.
resources to the tiny pools of our lives.

◆ Whatever we ask for

The one concern of the Devil is to keep the saints from prayer. He falls short of God’s giving;
fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, prayerless For His greatness exceeds
religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles every facet of living.
when we pray. And always God’s ready
and eager and willing

To pour out His mercy,
Prayer is something you can be doing all the time, no matter what completely fulfilling
else you’re doing. It’s like thinking on your feet. All of man’s needs
◆ for peace, joy, and rest;
For God gives His children
As long as you’re calling, you can expect God to answer; as long as
you’re empty, you can be filled. whatever is best.

◆ Just give Him a chance

I don’t remember the days when to open His treasures,
sermons were timed by an hour glass on the And He’ll fill your life
pulpit, but I do recall thinking, as a small with unfathomable pleasures
boy, that what we called the “long prayer” —easures that never
seemed to go on for hours! grow worn out and faded,
The late Dr. W.E. Sangster, the well-
And leave us depleted,
known Methodist preacher, used to speak
disillusioned and jaded.
of what he called “minute prayers”—brief
prayers “shot out,” as he put it, at any For God has a storehouse
moment of the day, in a way that can keep just filled to the brim,
us in constant touch with the sense of God’s With all that man needs,
presence. There could be a lot of prayer in a if we’ll only ask Him.
few words, he suggested. —Helen Steiner Rice

Famous men comment on prayer Your hands,

Your eyes which guide us.
I can take my telescope and look millions and mil- —Ulrich Schaffer
lions of miles into space; but I can lay my telescope
aside, go into my room and shut the door, get down on MORE THOUGHTS ON PRAYER
my knees in earnest prayer, and I see more of Heaven By David Brandt Berg
and get closer to God than I can when assisted by all
the telescopes and material agencies on Earth. Desperate prayer that is full of faith is the most
—Sir Isaac Newton powerful weapon that we have, and can radically alter
any situation or heart.

Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, ◆
And Spirit with spirit can meet— Prayer and meditation and getting alone with the
Closer is He than breathing, Lord and quiet and really dealing directly with the
And nearer than hands and feet. Lord is very necessary, because it’s kind of hard for
—Lord Alfred Tennyson Him to get through to you when your mind is filled
with the events of the day.

Let the Divine Mind flow through your own mind, ◆
and you will be happier. I have found the greatest pow- It’s not how long you pray or how much you pray,
er in the world is the power of prayer. There is no shad- it’s how much you believe.
ow of doubt of that. I speak from my own experience.
—Cecil B. DeMille ◆
Prayer is powerful! When we pray, things will hap-
◆ pen and things will be different! God will answer prayer!
Your Peace
Lord, I notice how close You come to me. ◆
You step up to me Demand and expect an answer! He has promised
with Your peace, it! I know He’ll not fail, He cannot deny Himself! He
You show me is bound by His Word. Remind Him of it, cling to His
what is really important. promises, memorize and quote them continually and
never doubt for a moment that God is going to an-
I relax swer—and He will! He has to! He wants to! Trust Him
and forget all the unimportant details and thank Him for the answer, even if you don’t see
which always loom too large in my life it immediately. For behold, the trying of your faith is
in Your absence. much more precious than gold!

The experience of this hour ◆

in the midst of all that is so transitory Maybe sometimes the Lord just lets us have a prob-
is precious beyond words. lem so that He can give us the answer! He likes to have
us pray and find out we can’t always solve all our prob-
You are close to me, lems and that we need His help! After all, if we could
in my feelings, figure it all out and solve all our problems, we wouldn’t
in my mind, need Him! So the Lord lets us have a little problem now
in my spirit. and then to show us we need Him and we have to pray.
You are everywhere with Your gentleness. He likes to give us answers to remind us that we’re
You are hesitant dependent on Him and we need Him. He likes us to ap-
because You respect our freedom preciate His help and to love Him for it—like a father!
and won’t force Yourself on us.

You are more than words, Thank You Lord, for answering prayer! You like to
more than any possible expression: hear us pray! You like to hear and see us manifest our love
Your closeness, and faith and dependency on Thee, and then You answer.

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
Visit our Web site at

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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

Be Content!
“I have learned, in whatsoever words give us a glimpse of Helen “Then comes Hope with a smile
state I am, therewith to be content” Keller’s happy heart: “Is it not true and whispers, ‘There is joy in self-
(Philippians 4:11). The Apostle that my life, with all its limitations, forgetfulness.’ So I try to make
Paul, deprived of every comfort, touches at many points the beauty the light in others’ eyes my sun,
wrote the above words while in his in life? Everything has its wonders, the music in others’ ears my sym-
dungeon. even darkness and silence, and I phony, the smile on others’ lips my
learn whatever state I may be in, happiness.”
◆ therein to be content. Sometimes, it
A story is told of a king who is true, a sense of isolation enfolds ◆
went in his garden one morning, me like a cold mist as I sit alone “I’d rather be in the heart of
and found everything withering and and wait at life’s shut gate. Beyond Africa in the will of God than on the
dying. there is light and music and sweet throne of England out of the will of
He asked the oak that stood companionship, but I may not en- God.”
near the gate what the trouble was. ter. ... Silence sits immense upon —David Livingstone
He found it was sick of life and de- my soul.
termined to die, because it was ◆
not tall and beautiful like the Faith in God, trust in God,
pine. The pine was disheart- gives you a feeling of rest of
ened because it could not bear Think of the things that make you happy, body, peace of mind, content-
grapes, like the vine. Not the things that make you sad; ment of heart, and spiritual
The vine was going to Think of the fine and true in Mankind, well-being.
throw its life away because Not its sordid side and bad; —David Brandt Berg
it could not stand erect and Think of the blessings that surround you,
have as fine fruit as the peach Not the ones that are denied; ◆
tree. The geranium was fret- Think of the virtues of your friendships, Your present situation may
ting because it was not tall and Not the weak and faulty side. not be to your liking. Perhaps
fragrant like the lilac; and so on you are dissatisfied and dis-
through all the garden. Think of the gains you’ve made in business, couraged. Put the matter in
Coming to a little daisy, he Not the losses you’ve incurred; God’s hands. If He wants you
found its bright face lifted as Think of the good of you that’s spoken, elsewhere, He will lead you
cheery as ever. “Well, daisy, I’m Not some cruel, hostile word; there, providing you are yield-
glad, amidst all this discourage- Think of the days of health and pleasure, ed to His Will.
ment, to find one brave little Not the days of woe and pain; But perhaps He wants you
flower. You do not seem to be Think of the days alive with sunshine, where you are. In that case,
the least disheartened.” Not the dismal days of rain. He will help you to adjust to
“No, I am not of much ac- the situation. If you yield to
count, but I thought if you Think of the hopes that lie before you, Him, He will make you content,
wanted an oak, or a pine, or Not the waste that lies behind; even grateful for present op-
a peach tree, or a lilac, you Think of the treasures you have gathered, portunities.
would have planted one. But I Not the ones you’ve failed to find; Learn the great art of do-
knew you wanted a daisy, so I Think of the service you may render, ing the best you can, with
am determined to be the best what you have, where you
Not of serving self alone;
little daisy that I can.” are. When you do this, you
Think of the happiness of others,
will either be content with how
◆ And in this you’ll find your own!
things are, or you will have the
—Author Unknown
From one deaf and blind satisfaction of knowing you
from childhood, the following have made them better.

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
Visit our Web site at

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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

God’s Word!
In 384 A.D. a young teacher from North Africa
went to Milan, Italy, to take a position as teacher of
What God’s Word
rhetoric. While there, he became troubled about his can do for you
sins and sought desperately to get right with God.
One day in the back yard of his home, while on Many people struggle through life needlessly,
the verge of almost complete despair, he heard the when only a little more time spent with God’s Word
voice of a child next door chanting, “Take and read, would bring the peace, faith and happiness they
take and read.” seek.
Immediately he took the Scriptures and read

that Jesus Christ was the way of complete for-
giveness of sins. Through reading the Word of Besides the once-and-for-all cleansing of
God this man’s life was changed and he became Salvation, you need the daily cleansing of the Word
St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo, one of the great from daily sin.
Christians of all time.

◆ The Word of God is like a map to help you find
The Christian feels that the tooth of time gnaws your way through life.
all books but the Bible. It has a pertinent relevance

to every age. It has worked miracles by itself alone.
It has made its way where no missionary has gone The more dearly you begin to love His Word
and done the missionary’s work. Nineteen centuries and read and study it, the more mature you will
of experience have tested the Book. It has passed become and the more you’ll find that God can speak
through critical fires no other volume has suffered, to you loudly and clearly and supernaturally and
and its spiritual truth has endured the flames and miraculously and ecstatically, right through the
come out without so much as the smell of burning. reading of His Word.
—W.E. Sangster

◆ You grow by feeding on the Word of God con-
It is strange we trust each other, tinually, the cure for all life’s problems.
And only doubt the Lord;

We will take the word of mortals,
And yet distrust His Word. Please don’t neglect the Word, for it is food for
—A.B. Simpson your soul and gives you strength for the battle!
Read, study, memorize and enjoy it, and you shall
◆ have strength for your soul.
God makes a promise: Faith believes it; Hope —David Brandt Berg
anticipates it; Patience quietly awaits it!

◆ Oh that you would hear the Words of the Lord
“It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh prof- As streams that never run dry!
iteth nothing: the Words that I speak unto you, they That thine ears should be filled with their flowing,
are Spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). And thine heart should be ever nigh.

Reflections © 1992 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
Visit our Web site at

If you’d like more inspirational reading, subscribe to Activated!

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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

A Life Multiplied Multiplied

T he Rev. H. Merriweather, a dedicated missionary of the Sri
Lanka and India General Mission, was sent to the United
States to represent the mission in various capacities. The head
creasing, and eventually I was able to
purchase more property. And so it con-
tinued, Mr. Merriweather. Come over
office of the mission asked him to call upon a certain woman who to the window, and I will show you my
supported a full-time missionary. On arrival in the city, he made houses.”
his way to her home, and was somewhat surprised by the ordi- She indicated a row of magnificent
nary type of home found there. He had expected to find a wealthy villas, and said, “What does a poor old
suburb with pretentious buildings. This woman supported a full- body like me want with such big hous-
time missionary! It was therefore to be assumed that she was a es? I have all I require in this little home,
lady of means. Had he made a mistake? and the rent from those places supports
He read again the address, and carefully checked both the my missionaries. I knew I would never
name of the street and the number of the house. There had been be able to preach the Gospel overseas,
no mistake; this was the place. He knocked at the door, and was so I determined others should do it for
greeted by a motherly old lady who beamed upon him and said, me.”
“Welcome, Mr. Merriweather. I knew you were in the district and I Mr. Merriweather concluded: “Some
have been waiting for you to call. Come in.” day at the Judgment Seat of Christ,
The missionary explained how he got her address, and even Merriweather the missionary will stand
while he was speaking to the lady his eyes were examining the beside this kind helper from America,
room. The furniture was spotlessly clean, and yet it could hardly and I am quite sure her reward will far
be described as expensive. This was the abode of an ordinary outshine mine. She knew how to give
working woman who might be struggling against poverty. Yet cheerfully. And the Lord, Who loves a
headquarters had said that she supported a full-time missionary. cheerful giver, blessed her.”
Ultimately his curiosity gained the upper hand, and he asked

how could she—a woman with meagre means—manage to give
so much money to the Mission? Mutely he indicated the mediocre To serve is to love; to love is to give!
furnishings of the apartment, and his eloquent silence suggested When you love, you give; when you
that the task was beyond her capabilities. give, you serve; when you serve … you
The old lady was greatly amused as she said, “But, Mr. are happy!
Merriweather, I support four missionaries. I have one in India, one

in Africa, one in China, and one in South America. Yes, sir, I have
four—people all over the world preaching for me.” Love never reasons, but profusely
The man was amazed. Hardly believing his ears, he repeat- gives; gives, like a thoughtless prodigal,
ed, “You have four people preaching for you. And you support its all, and trembles then lest it has done
them all!—But how on earth do you do this?” too little.—Hannah Moore (English au-
Her lovely old face became grave; only her eyes smiled thor, 1745–1843)
as she told of the faithfulness of God. She explained how she
had always believed in giving one-tenth of her income to God.

Regularly she had set aside His portion, and this had accumulat- It’s not too late to plot and plan—
ed. Then God had blessed her, for someone had bequeathed to Do all the secret good you can!
her a certain amount of property. The rental from this greatly in- Take young and old folk by surprise,
creased her income, and consequently her “Lord’s Fund” became And scatter stardust in their eyes.
larger. Soon she found she was able to support a missionary. You’ll find there’s greater joy in living
She added, “I also discovered that my own funds were in- As you share in the thrill of giving.

Reflections © 1992 The Family
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

The Art of
more lonely, and his face reflected the bitterness in his
greedy soul, for there were deep, ugly lines about his
cruel mouth which never showed a smile, and a deep
frown permanently furrowed his forehead.

Being Positive
It happened that in one of the cities over which
he ruled there lived a beautiful girl whom he had
watched for many months as she went about among
the people, and he loved her and wanted to make her
his wife. He decided to go and speak to her of this
love. Dressing in his finest robes and placing a golden
crown on his head, he looked into his mirror to see
Keep looking up; remember there is only mud what kind of picture he would make for the beautiful
under your feet. girl. But he could see nothing but what would cause
fear and dislike for himself—a cruel, hard face which

looked even worse when he tried to smile.
An optimist sees an opportunity in every Then a happy notion came to him, and he sent for a
calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every magician. “Make for me a mask of the thinnest wax so
opportunity.—Sir Winston Churchill that it will follow every line of my features, but paint
it with your magic paints so that it will look kind and

pleasant. Fasten it upon my face so that I shall never
Ella Wheeler Wilcox gives us some wise counsel have to take it off. Make it handsome, attractive. Use
in her poem “Optimism”: your greatest skill and I will pay any price you ask.”
“This I can do,” said the magician, “on one
Talk happiness. condition. You must keep your own face in the same
The world is sad enough lines which I paint or the mask will be ruined. One
Without your woes. No path is wholly rough; angry frown, and the mask will be ruined forever, nor
Look for the places that are smooth and clear, can I replace it.”
And speak of those, to rest the weary ear “I will do anything you say,” said the lord eagerly,
Of those so hurt by continuous strain “anything to win the admiration and love of my lady.
Of human discontent and grief and pain. Tell me how to keep the mask from cracking.”
“You must think kindly thoughts,” replied the
Talk faith. magician, “and to do this you must do kindly deeds.
The world is better off without You must make your kingdom happy rather than
Your uttered ignorance and morbid doubt. powerful. You must replace anger with understanding
If you have faith in God, or Man, or self, and love. Build schools for your subjects and not just
Say so. If not, push back upon the shelf prisons, hospitals and not just warships. Be gracious
Of silence all your thoughts, till faith shall come; and courteous to all men.”
No one will grieve because your lips are dumb. So the wonderful mask was made, and no one
would have guessed that it was not the true face of the
Talk health. lord. Months passed, and though the mask was often
The dreary, never-changing tale in danger of ruin, the man fought hard with himself
Of mortal maladies is worn and stale. to keep it. The beautiful lady became his bride, and
You cannot charm, or interest, or please his subjects wondered at the miraculous change in
By harping on that minor chord—disease. him. They attributed it to his lovely wife, who, they
Say you are well, or all is well with you, said, had made him like herself.
And God shall hear your words and make them true. As gentleness and thoughtfulness entered the life
of this man, honesty and goodness were his also, and
soon he regretted having deceived his beautiful wife
The Magic Mask with the magic mask. At last he could bear it no longer

A great and powerful

lord once ruled over
thousands of soldiers, and
and he summoned the magician.
“Remove this false face of mine!” he cried. “Take it
away! This deceiving mask that is not my true self!”
with them he conquered vast “If I do,” said the magician, “I can never make
domains for his own. He was another, and you must wear your own face as long
wise and brave, respected as you live.”
and feared by all, but no one “Better so,” said the lord, “than to deceive one
loved him. Each year as he whose love and trust I have won dishonourably.
grew more severe he grew Better that I should be despised by her than to go on

doing what is unworthy for her sake. Take it off, I say, Are You Dissatisfied
take it off!”
The magician took off the mask and the lord in with Yourself?
fear and anguish sought his reflection in the glass.
His eyes brightened and his lips curved into a radiant “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the
smile, for the ugly lines were gone, the frown had Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
disappeared—and lo, his face was the exact likeness of
the mask he had worn so long! And when he returned We are often discontented
to his beloved wife she saw only the familiar features and much dissatisfied
of the man she loved. That our wish for recognition
Yes, it’s an old story this legend tells: that a man’s has not been gratified.
face soon betrays what he is inside his soul, what he
thinks and feels, the thoughts of his heart. The wise and We feel that we’ve been cheated
true Scripture tells us, “As a man thinketh in his heart, in beauty, charm, and brains,
so is he” (Proverbs 23:7), and “whatsoever things are And we dwell upon our “losses”,
true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things forgetting all our “gains.”
are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there The qualities we think we lack
be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these make us miserable inside,
things” (Philippians 4:8). As we brood on supposed “deficits”
as seen by selfish pride.

Though we travel the world over to find the We begin to harbor hatred
beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it and envy fills our heart
not.—Ralph Waldo Emerson That we do not possess the things
that make others “seem so smart.”

Cheerfulness is what greases the axles of the And in our condemnation
world. of the traits that we possess,
We magnify our painful plight,

sinking deeper in distress.
I was brought up to be very honest. It bothers me
to be hypocritical or lie or deceive or cover up. So Oh, Lord, please do forgive us
knowing I should act happy when I feel sad posed for vanity and pride,
a problem for me. I wondered, “How can I put on For desiring to please the eye of man
a smile and look happy when I don’t really feel that and not You Who sees inside!
way?” But the Lord helped me to resolve this question
to my satisfaction. The answer is: Little do we realize
You have to realise that when Jesus is in your heart, how contented we would be
it’s not you, it’s His happiness that you’re showing in If we knew that we are beautiful
your joyful countenance and happy smile. It is not when our hearts are touched by Thee!
being hypocritical to put on a happy face when you’re —Author Unknown
sad, and you are not pretending, because it’s the Lord’s

happiness that’s showing.
So you are not being hypocritical to show joy on Jesus wouldn’t pay an infinite price for someone
your face when you don’t feel happy inside. To the of no value.
contrary, you are being a wonderful example of Jesus

shining through you.—”Not I, but Christ Who lives
within me” (Galatians 2:20). You are showing His face, God has two dwellings: one in Heaven and
the beauty of Jesus being seen in you!—Maria David the other in a thankful heart.—Izaak Walton (1593–
◆ 1683)

Reflections © 1992 The Family
Maria Fontaine is head of The Family together with her husband,
Peter Amsterdam.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

A well-to-do lady who had become a Christian late
in life was walking along the city street accompanied
by her granddaughter. When a beggar approached them,
the old lady listened to his tale. She then took a bill from
her purse and placed it in his palm. At the next corner
a Salvation Army volunteer was waiting and the old
lady dropped a gift into her kettle. Her granddaughter
looked at her with curiosity
and then said: “Grandma,

O nce when there was

a famine, a kind, rich
baker sent for twenty of
I guess you have lost a
lot since you became a
Christian, haven’t you?”
the poorest children in the “Yes,” said the old lady,
town, and said to them, “In “I have. I have lost a quick
this basket there is a loaf temper, a habit of criticizing
for each of you. Take it, and others, and a tendency to
come back to me every day at this hour till God sends us spend all my spare time in frivolous social events and
better times.” pleasures that mean nothing. I have also lost a spirit of
The hungry children gathered eagerly about the greed and selfishness. Yes, indeed, I have lost a good deal.
basket, and most quarreled over the bread, because each “And what I have gained is invaluable!—Peace of
wished to have the largest loaf. At last they went away mind; power in prayer; a Friend Who is always with me,
without even thanking the good gentleman. knows, loves and protects me; fulfilment and richness in
But Gretchen, a poorly dressed little girl, did not life that I never knew existed; faith that allows no room
quarrel or struggle with the rest, but remained standing for fears; a promise of a wonderful Heavenly Home
quietly to the side. When the ill-behaved children had when I’m through with this earthly one—and much
left, she took the smallest loaf, which alone was left in more! Yes, I’m happy about what I’ve lost, and what I
the basket, kissed the gentleman’s hand, and went home. have gained is priceless!”
The next day the children were as ill-behaved as

before, and poor, timid Gretchen received a loaf scarcely
half the size of the one she got the first day. When she For many years Mother Teresa and the sisters of her
went home, and her mother cut the loaf open, many new community have devoted themselves to helping the poor
shining pieces of silver fell out of it. and needy in Calcutta. Once, speaking about her work,
Her mother was very much alarmed, and said, “Take she said, “It’s only a drop in the ocean—but the ocean
the money back to the good gentleman at once, for it wouldn’t be the same without that drop.”
must have gotten into the dough by accident. Be quick,

Gretchen! Be quick!”
But when the little girl gave the rich man her How our smallest efforts are magnified when the
mother’s message, he said, “No, no, my child, it was motives behind them are unselfish!—Francis Gay
no mistake. I had the silver pieces put into the smallest

loaf to reward you. Always be as contented, kind, and
thankful as you now are. Go home now, and tell your You may have noticed the peaceful happiness,
mother that the money is your own.” even radiance, in people who make it a habit to
If we give to others, yield to them to make them give.—Whether it’s time, money, help, or just friendly
happy, or put their wishes above our own, we can encouragement, they always seem to not only be content
sometimes feel like we’re losing out. But we’re not themselves, but have enough to share with others. Jesus
really. God sees such unselfishness, and He will reward explained why in the following Scripture: “Give, and it
it. You never lose by giving. will be given unto you. A good measure, pressed down,
—Adapted from McGuffey’s Third Reader and shaken together, and running over, will be poured
◆ into your lap” (The Bible, Luke 6:38, NIV).

Reflections © 1993 The Family
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

A candle loses nothing of its

light by lighting another candle.

by GGiving
iving ... One makes a living by what he
gets; one makes a life by what he

“Take this to the poor widow who lives on the
edge of town,” the old German shoemaker told his “One man gives freely, yet gains even more; an-
young apprentice, handing him a basket of fresh gar- other withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A gen-
den vegetables. The shoemaker worked hard at his erous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will
trade and cultivated his little garden patch to make himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:24,25 NIV)
ends meet, yet he always seemed to be giving away

what little he had.
“How can you afford to give so much away?” he According to legend, there was once an abbey
was asked. which had a very generous abbot. No beggar was
“I give nothing away,” he said. “I lend it to the ever turned away and he gave all he could to the
Lord, and He repays me many times. I am ashamed needy. The strange thing was that the more he gave
that people think I am generous when I am repaid so away, the richer the abbey seemed to become.
much. A long time ago, when I was very poor, I saw When the old abbot died, he was replaced by a
someone even poorer than I. I wanted to give some- new one with exactly the opposite nature—he was
thing to him, but I could not see how I could afford mean and stingy. One day an elderly man arrived at
to. I did give, and the Lord has helped me. I have the monastery, saying that he had stayed there years
always had some work, and my garden grows well. before, and was seeking shelter again. The abbot
Since then I have never stopped to think twice when turned the visitor away, saying the abbey could no
I have heard of someone in need. No, even if I gave longer afford its former hospitality.
away all I have, the Lord would not let me starve. It “Our monastery cannot provide for strangers like
is like money in the bank, only this time the bank— it used to when we were wealthy,” he said. “No one
the Bank of Heaven—never fails, and the interest seems to make gifts towards our work nowadays.”
comes back every day.” “Ah, well,” said the stranger, “I think that is be-
cause you banished two brothers from the monastery.”

“I don’t think we ever did that,” said the puzzled
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first- abbot.
fruits of all your crops. Then your barns will be filled “Oh, yes,” was the reply. “They were twins. One
to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with was called ‘Give’ and the other, ‘It shall be given unto
new wine!” (The Bible, Proverbs 3:9,10 NIV) you.’ You banished ‘Give,’ so his brother decided to
go as well.”

By practicing the grace of sharing, a person is God loves to outgive you, and He’ll never
storing up treasure for himself. Gifts are investments. let you outgive Him. He always gives you
◆ much, much more than you ever give! The
more you give, the more He’ll give you back.
Success is not getting the most you can, but giv- God may not always reward you in mere
ing the best you can. dollars and cents; it may be in protection from
◆ accidents, misfortunes or serious illnesses that
would have cost you a hundred times more
When this life is over and earthly days past, than anything you have given! But in whatever
Only what’s given to others will last. way it comes, He will reward you!
◆ —David Brandt Berg

Reflections © 1993 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

When I came to believe in Christ’s teaching, I
ceased desiring what I had wished for before. The di-
rection of my life, my desires, became different. What
was good & bad changed places.—Leo Tolstoy

Gift Love Is
Love is the filling from one’s own,
Another’s cup;
Love is the daily laying down
n the days before the Civil War in And taking up;
the United States, a young black A choosing of the stony path
girl was being sold at an auction. Through each new day,
She was a beautiful girl, tall and That other feet may tread with ease
slender. The bidding was intense, A smoother way.
and quickly mounted higher and higher until at last
only two were left vying for her ownership: one a Love is not blind, but looks abroad
coarse man who cursed and swore as he raised his Through other eyes;
bids against the other, a dignified gentleman. Finally And asks not, “Must I give?” but “May
the bidding stopped, and to the quiet man who had so I sacrifice?”
earnestly bid were given the papers which made him Love hides its grief, that other hearts
the lawful owner of the young girl. And lips may sing;
With a shove the auctioneer presented her to her And burdened walks, that other lives
new master. She stood defiantly before him, hating May buoyant wing.
him with every fiber of her being. Suddenly a change
came over her face; a look of amazement changed Hast thou a love like this that dwells
to incredulity as she saw her owner ripping up the Within thy soul?
papers of ownership. With a kind smile he said, “My ‘Twill crown thy life with bliss when thou
dear, you are free. I bought you that I might free you.” Dost reach the goal.
Too stunned for speech, the girl merely stared un- —Author Unknown
til finally she threw herself at his feet, crying out with
tears and happiness, “Oh master! I’ll love and serve Dost thou so love and give to all
you all my life!” To such degree?
What the papers of ownership could not do, the “Nay,” thou answeredst still, “alas,
man’s kindness had won completely. “’Tis not in me.”
Someone has loved you and has “paid” for you But from our meager store, ‘tis true,
with His life!—A high price indeed! By suffering a We cannot share
cruel death in your place, Jesus paid the price that Such wealth unless Another puts
was necessary for the bonds of evil to be loosed from This love in there.
you. Whatever has bound you—your past, your sins,
your weaknesses—He has broken those bonds, and Dost ask Who puts a love
all you need to do to experience the freedom He So great within?
gives is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Master, to The Prince of Peace Who loved and gave!—
invite Him into your heart and to let Him have His Now I love Him.
way in your life. He has “bought” you, so that He In loving Him my soul has found
can set you free. Its joy and rest;
“Ye are bought with a price. … If the Son there- Through Him I give to others of
fore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (1 His love, His best.
Corinthians 6:20; John 8:36 KJV). —Chloe West

Reflections © 1993 The Family
Chloe West is a full-time volunteer with The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

The Praying Hands

The “Praying Hands” are much, much more
Than just a work of art.
They are the soul’s creation
Of a deeply thankful heart.
They are a priceless masterpiece
That love alone could paint,
And they reveal the selflessness

F rom childhood Albrecht Dürer (German artist,

1471–1528) wanted to paint. Finally, he left
home to study with a great artist. He met a friend
Of an unheralded saint.
These hands so scarred and toilworn
Tell the story of a man
who also had this same desire and the two became Who sacrificed his talent
roommates. Both being poor, they found it diffi- In accordance with God’s plan.
cult to make a living and study at the same time.
Albrecht’s friend offered to work while Albrecht For in God’s plan are many things
studied. Then when the paintings began to sell, he Man cannot understand,
would have his chance. After much persuasion, But we must trust God’s judgement
Albrecht agreed and worked faithfully at his art And be guided by His Hand.
while his friend toiled long hours to make a living for both of them. Sometimes He asks us to give up
The day came when Albrecht sold a woodcarving and his friend went Our dreams of happiness,
back to his paints, only to find that the hard work had stiffened and twisted Sometimes we must forego our hopes
his fingers and he could no longer paint with skill. When Albrecht learned Of fortune and success.
what had happened to his friend, he was filled with great sorrow. One day Not all of us can triumph
returning home unexpectedly he heard the voice of his friend and saw the Or rise to heights of fame,
gnarled, toilworn hands folded in prayer before him. And many times what might be ours
“I can show the world my appreciation by painting his hands as Goes to another name.
I see them now, folded in prayer.” It was this thought that inspired
But he who makes a sacrifice,
Albrecht Dürer when he realized that he could never give back to his
So another may succeed
friend the skill which had left his hands.
Is indeed a true disciple
Dürer’s gratitude was captured in his inspired painting that has
Of our blessed Saviour’s creed.
become world famous. And we are blessed by both the beauty of the
For when we give ourselves away
painting and the beautiful story of gratitude and brotherhood.
In sacrifice and love,
We are laying up rich treasures
“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant” (Matthew
In God’s Kingdom Up Above.
23:11 KJV).
And hidden in gnarled, toilworn hands
Is the truest art of living,
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the
Achieved alone by those who’ve learned
ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much
The victory of giving.
fruit” (John 12:24 KJV).
◆ For any sacrifice on earth
Made in the dear Lord’s name
The best gifts are tied with heartstrings. Assures the giver of a place
◆ In Heaven’s Hall of Fame.
And who can say with certainty
We may give without loving, but we cannot love without giving. Where the greatest talent lies,
◆ Or who will be the greatest
In our Heavenly Father’s eyes!
Sympathy sees, and says, “I am sorry.” — Helen Steiner Rice
Compassion feels, and whispers, “I will help.”

Reflections © 1993 The Family
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

The creation is God’s handiwork, and

points to Him. (See Genesis 1:1; John 1:1;
God is the supreme artist. God looked at His
Hebrews 1:10.) Someone has summed it up
creation as it progressed and saw it was good;
in these words: “God left His fingerprints all
when He had completed it, He saw that it was
over creation.”
“very good.” The Great Artist was evidently much
—Byron Snapp
pleased with His world. It was a world filled
with wonderful objects, shapes and movements, ◆
a world abundant in rich colors like those of the
All creation is an outstretched finger
rainbow and the rose, rich textures like those of
pointing toward God.
beaver fur and magnolia leaves, rich odors like
those of the quince and the honeysuckle, rich
sounds like those of thunder and running streams,
and rich tastes like those of watermelons and fear. Rarely do you remind your pulse: “For
chocolate. Heaven’s sake, beat!” Or your heart: “Did you
—Clyde S. Kilby pump? Did you count it? How often per minute?
Five quarts a moment, I hope. Seventy-five an

hour, remember!” Or to each little drop of blood:
God’s creative activity went far beyond the “Are you taking your exciting excursion trip
minimum requirements for getting the job done. through 169 miles of canal-ways and blood vessels
Butterflies in the rain forest seldom seen by hu- in three minutes?” Or to your eyelids: “Did you
man eye are creatures of breathtaking beauty. The blink? And are my tear ducts rinsing off the dust
delicate transparency of the man-of-war and the from my eyeballs regularly?”
hummingbird’s wings are inimitable. Best of all, how blessed you should feel that in-
—LeRoy Koopman stead of making you embarrassingly tall to contain
the 35 to 40 feet of tubes inside your intestinal and

kidney tracts, your Creator cleverly looped them
Here you sit, held together by a fabulous inter- into a neat little twenty cubic inches.
weaving of flexible muscles and tendons and car- It might be well, therefore, to say to your brain,
tilages, all comfortably tucked inside an enormous “Ponder!”—For your body is a temple made for
envelope called skin, which in turn is made up of worship and thanksgiving. You dare live so care-
literally billions of cells, each busy every blessed sec- free of all these details, yet you have much for
ond wearing out, eliminating, and then building up. which to be profoundly grateful every moment of
Yet you take your incredible body for granted, every day.
unless something goes wrong.

Even the Psalmist centuries ago noticed. “I am
fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the
Part of the wonder is that you have so little firmament sheweth His handiwork (Psalm 19:1
Reflections © 1994 The Family
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith


Made It?
“Show me your God!” the doubter cries.
I point him to the smiling skies;
I show him all the woodland greens;

M any years ago Sir Isaac Newton

had an exact replica of our solar
system made in miniature. At its center
I show him peaceful sylvan scenes;
I show him winter snows and frost;
I show him waters tempest-tossed;
was a large golden ball representing I show him hills rock-ribbed and strong;
the sun, and revolving around it were I bid him hear the thrush’s song;
smaller spheres attached at the ends of I show him flowers in the close—
rods of varying lengths. They represented The lily, violet, and rose;
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and the oth-
I show him rivers, babbling streams;
er planets. These were all geared together
I show him youthful hopes and dreams;
by cogs and belts to make them move
around the “sun” in perfect harmony. I show him maids with eager hearts;
One day as Newton was studying the I show him toilers in the marts;
model, a friend who did not believe in I show him stars, the moon, the sun;
the Biblical account of creation, stopped I show him deeds of kindness done;
by for a visit. Marveling at the device I show him joy; I show him care;
and watching as the scientist made the And still he holds his doubting air,
heavenly bodies move in their orbits, the And faithless goes his way, for he
man exclaimed, “My, Newton, what an Is blind of soul, and cannot see!
exquisite thing! Who made it for you?” —John Kendrick Bangs
Without looking up, Sir Isaac replied, “Nobody.”
“Nobody?” his friend asked.
“That’s right! I said nobody! All of these cogs and belts
and gears just happened to come together, and wonder of For myself, faith begins with a realization that a
wonders, by chance they began revolving in their set orbits Supreme Intelligence brought the universe into being and
and with perfect timing.” created man. It is not difficult for me to have this faith, for it
The unbeliever got the message! It was foolish to sup- is incontrovertible that where there is a plan there is intelli-
pose that the model merely happened. But it was even more gence. An orderly unfolding universe testifies of the truth of
senseless to accept the theory that the Earth and the vast the most majestic statement ever uttered: “In the beginning
Universe came into being by chance.—Richard W. DeHaan God ... “—Dr. Arthur Compton (1892–1962, Nobel Prize
winner in physics)

To assert that a world as intricate as ours emerged
from chaos by chance is about as sensible as to claim that All that I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for
Shakespeare’s dramas were composed by rioting monkeys all that I have not seen.—Ralph Waldo Emerson
in a print shop.—Merrill C. Tenney

Lord Kelvin (1824–1907), British inventor after whom Behind every watch there had
the absolute scale of temperature is named, is known for to be a watchmaker, and so behind
his work on the first transatlantic telegraph cable and for the intricate precision of this great
formulating the Second Law of Thermodynamics. He said: universe there had to be a divine
“The commencement of life upon Earth certainly did not Designer and Creator.
take place by any action of chemistry or electricity or crys- —Dr. Robert Millikan
talline grouping of molecules. We must pause, face to face (1868–1953, physicist and
with the mystery and miracle of the creation of living crea- Nobel prize winner.)

Reflections © 1994 The Family
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

When wearied with the strain

of it all, you can fly to God on the
wings of prayer and faith and get
By Mrs. Charles Cowman the relief that He alone can give

ne night during a terrible

storm, a man walked along
the shore of the sea. The Though we tremble in the dark,
clouds hung low overhead. The In need of strength and help
wind howled. Thunder roared. and cheer,
Lightning flashed and the rain poured down in We have a tender Father’s Word:
torrents. “Fear thou not, for I am here!”
The man pulled his overcoat closer around him, —Dinnie McDole Hays
bent his body to the wind and hurried home. A little

bird lost in the storm sought shelter under his coat;
he took it in his hand, carried it home, and placed Our great matters are little to God’s infinite
it in a warm cage. The next morning after the storm power, and our little matters are great to His Father
had subsided, and the clouds had cleared away, he love.
took the little bird to the door. It paused on his hand

for a moment; then lifting its tiny wings, it hurried
back to its forest home. Then it was that Charles The local parks commission had been ordered to
Wesley (1707–1788) went back to his room and remove the trees from a certain street which was to
wrote the words to a song that is loved around the be widened. As they were about to begin, the fore-
world today and will live on in time: man and his men noticed a robin’s nest in one of the
trees and the mother robin sitting on the nest. The
Jesus, Lover of my soul, foreman ordered the men to leave the tree until later.
Let me to Thy bosom fly, Returning, they found the nest occupied by little
While the nearer waters roll, wide-mouthed robins. Again they left the tree. When
While the tempest still is high. they returned at a later date they found the nest emp-
ty. The family had grown and flown away. But some-
Hide me, O my Savior, hide, thing at the bottom of the nest caught the eye of one
Till the storm of life be past. of the workmen—a soiled little white card. When he
Safe into the haven guide, had separated it from the mud and sticks, he found
O receive my soul at last! that it was a small Sunday school card and on it the
words, “We trust in the Lord our God.”
Other refuge have I none,

Hangs my helpless soul on Thee.
Leave, ah! Leave me not alone, Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not,
Still support and comfort me. neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet
◆ your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not
much better than they? (Matthew 6:26 KJV).
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

Safe and Secure For the Father is always watching,

I’m only a little sparrow, And no harm can happen to me.
A bird of low degree;
My life is of little value, I am only a little sparrow,
But the dear Lord cares for me. A bird of low degree;
But I know that the Father loves me,
I know there are many sparrows— Dost thou know of His love for thee?
All over the world they are found; —Author Unknown
But our heavenly Father knoweth
When one of us falls to the ground.

Though small, we are never You may forget God, but He will
forgotten; never forget you.
Though weak we are never afraid;
For we know that the dear Lord ◆
keepeth Yet the Lord will command His
The life of the creatures He made. lovingkindness in the daytime, and
in the night His song shall be with
I just fold my wings at nightfall, me, and my prayer unto the God of
Wherever I happen to be; my life (The Bible, Psalm 42:8).

Peace that Comes from Faith


f you’re in a big stew, confused and worrying and fretting and fuming, you’re not trusting. You don’t have the faith you
ought to have. Trusting is a picture of complete rest, peace and quiet of mind, heart and spirit. The body may have to
continue working, but your attitude and spirit is calm. Thou [God] shalt keep in perfect peace he whose mind is stayed
on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee (The Bible, Isaiah 26:3).
That’s why you can have peace in the midst of storm. That reminds me of the picture that won a contest where the artists
were supposed to illustrate peace. Most of the artists handed in quiet, calm country scenes absolute total quiet. Well, that’s a form
of peace! But the hardest kind of peace to have is the picture that won the award! That was a picture of roaring, raging rapids a
river in all its foaming and fury. But on a slim branch overhanging the raging current, was a beautiful little nest with a tiny bird sitting
there and peacefully singing away in spite of the storm. That’s when your faith gets tested in the midst of the storm.
Faith in God, trust in God, gives you a feeling of rest of body, peace of mind, contentment of heart and spiritual well-
being. When we know that God loves us, we know everything is going to be okay, including His taking care of everything!
Then you have peace of mind and you can just rest in the Lord.
Help us not to worry, Lord, because we trust You, and we keep our mind stayed on You, and You’ll keep us in perfect
peace. We know You’re going to handle everything and You know what’s best to do,
and we know that You’re in control.

Safe in the arms of Jesus,

Safe on His gentle breast.
Here no fears alarm me,
Here can my soul find rest.
—Fanny Crosby

Reflections © 1994 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

If I can stop one heart from breaking,

I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
♥ Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Into his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

DIFFERENC E —Emily Dickinson

Y oung Mrs. Benson had been so miserable! Her

husband was away on a “refresher course,” sent
by his firm, and for the first time in her married life
and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.
—St. Augustine

she had been left in the house on her own. My wife
popped in to try to cheer her up. To her surprise, Mrs. A smile of encouragement at the right moment
Benson met her with a smile on her face. may act like sunlight on a closed flower—it may be
“I’ve had another visitor,” she explained. “She the turning point for a struggling life.
made me feel so ashamed. But I’m so glad.” My wife

couldn’t quite understand what Mrs. Benson meant.
“It was the woman from around the corner,” she About 200 years ago a well-known encyclopedia
explained. “Her husband was killed recently in a car discussed the word “atom” with the use of only four
accident and she’s left with three small daughters. To lines. But five pages were devoted to a discussion of
think that in her trouble she could remember to look “love.” In a recent edition of the same encyclopedia,
in to see how I was! Suddenly she made me feel like five pages were given to the word “atom”; “love” was
the luckiest woman in the world.” omitted. What a sad commentary on modern values!
Mrs. Benson was silent for a moment. Then

she added quietly, “I think I’ve learned something.
Perhaps the only way to cure your own unhappiness Stephen Grellet was a French-born Quaker who
is by trying to help someone else in theirs.” died in the U.S. in 1855. Grellet would be unknown to
—Francis Gay the world today except for a short prayer which lives on.
The familiar lines, which have served as an inspiration

to so many, are these: “I shall pass through this world
What does love look like? It has hands to help oth- but once. Any good that I can do, or any kindness that I
ers. It has feet to go to the poor and needy. It has eyes can show to any human being, let me do it now and not
to see misery and sadness. It has ears to hear the sighs delay it. For I shall not pass this way again.”

How can one person make a difference?

Even the little things you do can mean a lot: A little bit and gives them a real uplook!
of love goes such a long way! The light of your smile, the
kindness of your face, the influence of your life, can shed There are so many people searching for love!
light on many, and have an amazing effect on some people People everywhere are looking around for some little
you think might be the least likely to be impressed. ray of hope, some salvation, some bright spot some-
where!—A little love, a little mercy, someplace where
When people feel your love and you tell them it’s they can find some relief!—And if you can show them
God’s love, they kind of feel like, “Maybe somebody that love exists, then they can believe that God exists,
up there does love me!” It changes their whole outlook because “God is love!” (1 John 4:8)

Reflections © 1995 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

There is a story told of two If your heart is full of love, you always have
brothers who were fighting in something to give.
the trenches during World War I.
The younger was lying wounded Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people would simply do
in action in “no-man’s land,” the what Jesus said to do? Jesus said, “Love thy neighbor
deadly area that lay between the as thyself” (The Bible, Matthew 22:39), but when people
opposing armies. When the older don’t treat others with much love, they’re going to have
brother in the trench heard of the plight of his younger problems.—And they have. Believe it or not, it is possible
brother in the field, he said to his officer, “I’ve got to to say that all of the evils in the world today have their
go get him!” root cause in people’s lack of love for God and each oth-
His officer said, “It’s impossible! You’ll be killed er. Nevertheless, the simple love of God and each other
the minute you stick your head out of this trench. You is still God’s solution, even in such a complex, confused
know the enemy always opens fire the minute we go and highly complicated society as that of the world to-
over the top!” day. If we love God, we can love each other and even re-
But the older brother tore himself loose from his of- spect each other as creations of God. We can then follow
ficer’s grip, scrambled out of the trench, and plunged His rules of life, liberty and the possession of happiness,
into no-man’s land to find his kid brother, despite the and all will be well and happy in Him.
enemy’s fire. He soon found him, mortally wounded, So ask God to help you love your neighbors with
and whispering, “I knew you’d come!” His love. And remember, “neighbor” doesn’t only
The older brother, himself now also wounded, barely mean the one who lives next door. It is anyone we meet
managed to drag his younger brother back to the Allied who needs our help, regardless of their race, creed,
lines. Both of them fell down into the trench, dying. color, or nationality.
With tears streaming down his face, the officer —DBB
said to the older brother, “Why did you do it? I told
you you’d be killed!”
But the older brother replied with a final smile, “I For Others
had to do it! You see, he expected it of me. I couldn’t
Lord, help me live from day to day
fail him.” In such a self-forgetful way,
—David Brandt Berg That even when I kneel to pray,
My prayers will be for others.
Hereby perceive we the love of God: Because He
[Jesus] laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay Help me in all the work I do
down our lives for the brethren (1 John 3:16). To ever be sincere and true,
And know that all I do for You
The glory of life Has to be done for others.
Is to love, not to be loved; Let self be crucified and slain
To serve, not to be served; And buried deep, and all in vain
To be a strong hand in the dark May efforts be to rise again—
To another in the time of need; Unless to live for others.
To be a cup of strength to any soul
And when my work on earth is done
In a crisis of weakness.
And my new work in Heaven begun,
That is to know the glory of life. May I forget the crown I’ve won
◆ While thinking still of others.

God cares for people through people. Others, Lord, yes, others!
—Let this my motto be.
◆ Help me to live for others,
A man cannot touch his neighbor’s heart with any- That I may live like Thee.
thing less than his own. —Elizabeth A. Fenley

Reflections © 1995 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

Go by the

T he procedure was simple. Disconnect all hoses and
wires, take out the radiator, remove the mount-
ing bolts, then lift out the engine with a chain hoist. I
boy twelve years old. I bought a Bible for two dollars
and fifty cents, and that was my greatest purchase, for
that Bible made me what I am today.”
thought I had done everything right, but the little four- John Wanamaker became a great man because he,
cylinder motor in my 1968 Opel wouldn’t come out. as a poor boy, loved God and His Word. He loved the
Finally after several frustrating tries, I went to “Mr. Bible, read it, and followed its teachings.
Goodwrench,” a local mechanic, for help. He gave me

The Opel Service Manual. Turning to the section on re-
moving the engine, I discovered that the motor must Walter F. Burke, former general manager of the
be dropped and taken out from below. Carefully fol- U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s
lowing each step brought good results. Going by the (NASA) Mercury and Gemini projects, and vice presi-
book made the difference between success and failure. dent of the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, teaches
The Bible is life’s service manual. It was written by Sunday school in his church. In an interview he de-
our Creator through men He inspired to show us how clared: “I have found nothing in science or space ex-
to succeed, not by this world’s standards, but by His ploration to compel me to throw away my Bible or to
standards. Are you consulting God’s manual often? reject my Savior, Jesus Christ, in whom I trust. The
—Dennis J. DeHaan space age has been a factor in the deepening of my
own spiritual life. I read the Bible more now. I get

from the Bible what I cannot get from science—the
An oriental scholar was employed by some mission- really important things of life.”
aries to translate the New Testament into a certain dia-
lect. At first the work of translating had no effect upon
the learned man. But after some time he became quite
excited and said, “What a wonderful book this is!”
“Why so?” said the missionary. I f you were going on a long journey and
didn’t already know the way, you would
bring along a map, wouldn’t you? Well, you
“Because,” said the man, “it talks so precisely and
exactly about myself. It knows all that is in me. The are on a long journey—life. The one who does
one who made this book must have made me.” know the way has instructed some of His men
to draw a detailed map so you won’t get lost
◆ and so you can learn the right way to oper-
People called him a self-made man, but John ate down here and ultimately make it safely
Wanamaker knew differently. True, the originator of to your final destination!
free delivery and the slogan “the customer is always To say you don’t have time to read God’s
right” started by making those deliveries himself, map, the Bible, is like a driver going on a long
using a wheelbarrow, and went on to become U.S. journey and saying, Well, I’m in such a hurry to
Postmaster General and one of the country’s great- get there I don’t have time to look at the map!
est merchants. But he didn’t make himself success- But if you’ll just take the Bible and simply read
ful. John Wanamaker explained it this way: “In my it, believe it and follow it, you will be on the
lifetime, I have made many purchases. I have bought right path and wind up at the right place!
things which have cost me thousands of dollars, but —David Brandt Berg
the greatest purchase I ever made was when I was a

Reflections © 1995 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

that Work

he true story of the mutiny on the British ship from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it
Bounty has often been retold. One part that shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall pros-
deserves retelling was the transformation per in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10–11).
caused by one book. Nine mutineers with six native

Tahitian men and twelve Tahitian women put ashore
on Pitcairn Island in 1790. One sailor soon began dis- God’s Promises
tilling alcohol, and the little colony was plunged into As the deep blue of heaven
drunken orgies and violence. Brightens into stars,
Ten years later, only one white man had survived, So God’s great love shines forth
surrounded by native women and half-blooded chil- In promises
dren. One day, in an old chest from the Bounty, this Which, falling softly through
sailor found a Bible. He began to read it and then to Our prison bars,
teach it to the others. The result was that his own life Daze not our eyes, but with their
and ultimately the lives of all those in the colony were Sweet light bless.
changed. Discovered in 1808 by the USS Topas, Pitcairn Ladders of light, God sets against
had become a prosperous community with no alcohol- The skies—
ism, no crime, and no jail. Upon whose golden rungs we step by step

—Author Unknown
Several friends were telling each other a little about

themselves. One of them said, “My story is unlike other
men.” He continued: “I was a pickpocket. One day I God has given us “exceeding great and precious
saw a man with a definite bulge in his hip pocket. `A fat promises, that through these you may be partakers of
billfold,’ I thought, and soon it was in my pocket. When the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4 NKJ).
I arrived home, I was disgusted to find that it was only
a book. Later, out of curiosity, I opened it and began to
read. It was a Bible. Before long, I had discovered God’s The Word of God can change hearts and
love for me in its pages, and accepted Jesus Christ as minds, something no atom bomb or molotov
my Savior. This book changed my life.” cocktail or any number of bullets has ever done!
In God’s Word you can find the answer to every

question, every problem you will ever have in life.
From the Bible ... Many people struggle through life needless-
This is what God says about His Word: “For as the ly, when only a little more time spent with God’s
rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do Word would bring the peace, faith, and happi-
not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring ness they seek.
forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and —David Brandt Berg
bread for the eater, so shall My Word that goes forth

Reflections © 1995 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
Visit our Web site at

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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

Christmas brings new hope and courage, as through the dark-

ness, the Christmas star shines its promise of God’s unfailing Love.

St. Francis and the First Manger Scene ple began to follow him. He longed to make God’s
truths understandable to them, and one Christmas

t is not generally known that St. Francis of he had the idea of showing people just what the
Assisi was responsible for that popular feature birth of Jesus must have actually been like, in all its
of the Christmas season—the manger scene. It poverty and discomfort.
came about because of his longing to make the great He found exactly the right place for it—a great
truths of the Spirit real to the ordinary person. pile of rocks on a bleak mountain near the village
Francis loved people, from the great Pope in his of Greccio. In a cleft of the mountainside there was
palace—and he knew two of them—to the beggars a cave, and there he decided to rebuild the Nativity
in the streets, the robbers in the mountains, and es- scene. He brought up an ox and an ass, and had the
pecially outcasts like the lepers. figure of Baby Jesus carved and laid in a manger be-
Francis loved all creatures too. He loved the tween them. News of what he was doing spread all
birds; most people know the story of how he over the countryside. Towards the cave on the deso-
preached to them as they perched near him, flying late mountain a steady stream of men, women, and
away when he dismissed them. He loved the beasts children came by night carrying torches and can-
too, even the fierce wolf who terrified the people of dles to light their way. At last they were all massed
Gubbio, Italy, and whom he is said to have tamed. around the entrance to the cave, looking in.
He once begged the Emperor to pass a law that all “It seemed like midday,” wrote someone who
birds and beasts be given extra food at Christmas, was there, “during that midnight filled with glad-
so that they too might have “joy in the Lord.” ness for man and beast, and the crowds drawing
As a young man he loved material things as near, so happy to be present for the renewal of the
well, especially the beautiful clothes, costly velvets eternal mystery.” Francis himself sang the Gospel
and satins from the shop of his wealthy father, Pietro story in a voice which was “strong, sweet and clear,”
Bernardone. People tended to wear their wealth says the observer. “Then he preached to the people,
on their backs in those days, and Bernardone was most lovingly, about the birth of the poor King in
happy to see his son, the best-dressed young man little Bethlehem.”
in town, leading all the other young people in mu- So when we see a manger scene at Christmas
sic and dancing and general carousing—it was all time, we can remember St. Francis, the “poor little
good for business, which he hoped Francis would man,” as he used to call himself, who was able to
join him in one day. make great truths as real to other people as they
But Francis began to find that things as such did were to him.—Dorothy Prescott
not satisfy him. He felt that there must be something
more real in the world, and he tried all sorts of ways A Candymaker’s Message
to find it. He even went to war, but it only brought

him imprisonment, and he came home very weak candymaker in the state of Indiana in the
after a serious illness. USA wanted to make a candy that would
But at last he learned that real satisfaction was to represent God’s Message to us, so he made
be found in loving God and doing what God want- the Christmas candy cane. In that simple shape, he
ed him to do. He was such an example of this new incorporated several symbols for the birth, minis-
way of living and demonstrated it so well that peo- try, and death of Jesus Christ.

He began with a stick of pure white, hard can- Thinking that the candy looked somewhat plain,
dy—white to symbolize the virgin birth and the the candymaker stained it with four red stripes. He
sinless nature of Jesus; and hard to symbolize the used three small stripes to show the stripes of the
solid rock of faith and the firmness scourging Jesus received, by which we are healed.
of the promises of God. The single large red stripe was for the blood shed by
The candymaker made the Him on the cross so that we could have the promise
candy in the form of a “J” to rep- of eternal life.
resent the precious Name of Jesus, The candy became known as the candy cane—a
Who came to Earth as our Savior. familiar decoration seen at Christmas time, though
It could also represent the staff of few understand its intended symbolism. For us it
the “Good Shepherd” with which can serve as a reminder of the wonder of Jesus com-
He reaches down into the ditches ing down at Christmas and His great Love that re-
of the world to lift out the fallen mains the ultimate and dominant positive force in
lambs. the universe today.

“Let’s Never Lose the True Meaning of Christmas!”

Even the Christmas tree can be made a witness and a testimony to others,
symbolizing the beauty of life and living. In wintertime the evergreen, even
in the midst of death and decay, is a symbol of everlasting life. In spite of
the hardships of winter, the evergreens survive and stay ever green and
continue to be living and beautiful all winter long—just like the Lord!
So make the tree a reminder of Jesus, the Evergreen Tree of the
Spirit!—Of Jesus, Son of the everlasting eternal God of Heaven!—Of
Jesus and His gifts hung upon us continually, and of our everlast-
ing evergreen eternal life! Let’s never lose the true meaning of
Christmas, nor let the true symbolism of the tree and the genu-
ine Christ Spirit of Christmas become drowned in all the confu-
sion of this world and its worldliness. Let’s glorify the Lord at
Christmas time!
—David Brandt Berg

On Christmas Eve a hush falls upon the Earth. It Has the Christ Child come into your heart this
is a time when the Spirit of a newborn Child whose Christmas? To have His love and the happiness
Name is Love captures the heart of the world. and peace He brings, all you have to do is open
The way to Christmas lies through an ancient the door of your heart and invite Him in. He says,
gate, patterned after the gate to a sheepfold and “I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears
guarded by angels. My voice, and opens the door, I will come in to
It is a little gate—child-high, child-wide—and him” (Revelation 3:20). Just pray, “Jesus, please
there is a password: I believe in You, Jesus. I receive come into my heart. Please forgive me for my sins
You, Jesus. and fill me with Your Love as You have prom-
May you, this Christmas, become as a little child ised to do. Thank You for giving me Your new
again and enter into His Kingdom. life. Amen.”
—Adapted from Angelo Patri. Once you have asked Him into your life, Jesus
will never leave you, and you’ll have Christmas in
◆ your heart forever!

Reflections © 1995 The Family
David Brandt Berg (1919–1994) was founder of The Family.
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

Somehow not only for Christmas

But all the long year through,
The joy that you give others
Is the joy that comes back to you.
—John Greenleaf Whittier

Christmas is a time for giving. Christmas is a time for healing

Christmas is synonymous with giving, and our When disagreers and disagreements meet,
model of perfect giving is Jesus. Someone who When longtime wounds are mended
followed His example well was Mother Teresa. And love moves hatred to retreat.
Working among the poor of Calcutta, she inspired
millions with her selfless love. Lord, help us make this Christmas a time for
“I see Jesus in every human being,” she said re- forgiving and forgetting old grudges.
cently. “I say to myself, this is hungry Jesus, I must
feed him. This is sick Jesus. This one has leprosy
Christmas is a time for loving.
or gangrene; I must wash him and tend to him. I
serve because I love Jesus.” Christmas is more than a day at the end of the year,
Only someone who knows Christ’s love and More than a season of joy and good cheer.
has responded to it by passing it on could under- Christmas is really God’s pattern for giving,
stand what Mother Teresa means. When He showed His unlimited love to all living.

Christmas is a time for forgiving. For the holiday season awakens good cheer
Some years ago a popular song was the ballad, And draws us closer to those we hold dear,
“Tie a Yellow Ribbon ‘Round the Old Oak Tree.” And we open our hearts and find it is good
There is an old Christmas story which pre-dates To be kind to all men as we know that we should.
the song, but it tells of a similar homecoming.
In that tale, a young runaway boy is returning But as soon as the tinsel is stripped from the tree
home on Christmas Eve by train. He has written The spirit of Christmas fades silently
ahead to tell his parents he wants to come back, Into the background of daily routine
but he isn’t sure that he will be welcomed. The And is lost in the whirl of life’s busy scene.
train runs right by the boy’s home, so he has asked
his father to tie a red cloth on the big elm at the All unaware, we then miss and forego
back of the farm, to signal him. The greatest blessings that mankind can know.
When he is yet a few miles away, the runaway For if we kept Christmas love strong in our heart,
shares his anxiety with an older man sitting next We’d keep giving and loving each day from the start.
to him. The man says he knows the teenager will
be as welcome as another young man who ran off We’d find the lost key to meaningful living,
one time. Then he tells him Jesus’ parable of the That comes not from getting, but from unselfish giving.
Prodigal Son. (See The Bible, Luke 15:11–32.) And we’d know the great joy of peace upon Earth
Sure enough, when the train reached the old Which was the real purpose of our Savior’s birth.
homestead, the father’s red signal was out. But in-
stead of one banner, there were dozens of red flags So let’s sing the glad song of the first Christmas
waving in the wind, one from every conceivable night,
branch, shouting the news to a runaway boy that Then let’s live in His love and stay in His light.
all was forgiven at Christmas. —Adapted from Helen Steiner Rice

Reflections © 1995 The Family
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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith


On the west coast of Africa there is a missionary He was so surprised and amazed at her gift that at
station in which I have always been greatly interest- first he refused to take it, and told her to come to him af-
ed. Years ago a young man from Pennsylvania (USA) ter the service, when she could tell him privately where
went there as a missionary. His name was Adolphus she had gotten such a fortune, for he was concerned
C. Good. But it is not about Dr. Good that I want to that she had perhaps stolen it. To his surprise he found
tell, but about an African girl of that mission, who that in order to give Jesus an offering that would sat-
became a wonderful Christian. isfy her heart, she had sold herself to a neighboring
It was Christmas Day and she had come with all the planter as a slave for the rest of her life. The price—
native Christians to the mission to celebrate the Lord’s one silver coin. And she had brought it and given it to
birthday. They did not come to receive presents from her Lord, Who had redeemed her from a worse slav-
the mission or from each other. They came to bring to ery than that into which she had sold herself.
Him, whose birthday it was, the best gift they had. I do not know the end of the story; I suspect
After the service of prayer and praise was over the missionary bought her freedom himself. But I
and they had sung about Jesus, just as we do on know that there was a great love in her heart, and I
Christmas, the people came forward in a long pro- am wondering if there is a better Christian in all the
cession to the front of the church, each one laying in world than this young woman, Queen. She was will-
the hands of the missionary the gifts they brought ing to give herself, because of her great love, so that
for the Savior and His work. through her gift others might be told the great and
They were very poor, and their gifts were humble. wonderful story of Christmas and the gift of God’s
Perhaps we would have smiled had we been there, but Love to the world.
they were all given in great love; and their gifts were For the gift of God to the world was not one of
generous, for they were not offered out of abundance, gold, nor silver, nor riches of any kind, but of Love.
but out of deep poverty. You remember Jesus said the He gave Himself, as true love does.
woman who had given two tiny coins had given more
than the rich, for Jesus counts not what we give but
What Shall I Give Him?
what we have left, and she had nothing left. She had
given everything. (See The Bible, Mark 12:41–44.) What shall I give Him,
So these people of Africa brought their gifts: some, As small as I am?
a handful of vegetables, others a handful of flowers or If I were a shepherd,
a penny. Among the Christian givers that year there I’d give Him a lamb.
was a new face. I do not know her real name, but we If I were a wise man,
will call her Queen. She was a fine-looking girl of six- I’d do my part.
teen, and had been an idol worshipper. From under I know what I’ll give Him,
her old dress she brought forth a silver coin and put it I’ll give Him my heart.
in the hand of the missionary. —Christina Rossetti

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R300 GP—March 2004 Topics: death, Heaven, loved ones waiting on the other side, faith

Christmas Gifts
A Brother Like That
friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas
Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. “Is
this your car, Mister?” he asked.
Paul nodded. “My brother gave it to me for Christmas.”
The boy was astounded. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing? Boy, I
wish …” He hesitated.
Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what
the lad said jarred Paul all the way down to his heels.
“I wish,” the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.”
Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, “Would you like to take a ride in my
“Oh yes, I’d love that!”
After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said, “Mister, would you mind driving in front of
my house?”
Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could
ride home in a big automobile. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are?” the boy asked.
He ran up the steps. Then in a little while
Paul heard him coming back, but he was not com-
ing fast. He was carrying his crippled younger
brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then
God’s Christmas Gift
sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the
From His Heart to Ours
“There she is, Buddy, just like I told you Jesus, God’s gift of love to us, is just that —
upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas a gift — and we just have to receive Him hum-
and it didn’t cost him a cent. And some day I’m bly, knowing that we can’t possibly pay enough
gonna give you one just like it. … And then you to buy our way into Heaven, to buy eternal life,
can ride around and see for yourself all the things to buy the happiness that Jesus brings. “For by
that I’ve been trying to tell you about.” grace are you saved through faith; and that not
Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians
seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother 2:8). You can’t earn a gift or else it wouldn’t be
climbed in beside him and the three of them began a gift! We’re saved purely by faith in Jesus, the
a memorable holiday ride. That Christmas Eve, gift of God, by His grace.
Paul learned what Jesus meant when He said, “It And if you’ve received His
is more blessed to give than to receive.” gift yourself, then share the
— Dan Clark real meaning of Christmas
with others by giving them
*** the Lord’s love! So many
need the gospel of sal-
t takes faith to give, because at first all
vation. So give them a
you see is what you’re sacrificing. It
truly “Merry Christmas”
looks like it is going to hurt and that
by bringing them the
you’re losing, but when you do give, acting in
peace and happiness
simple faith, appreciation and thankfulness for all
and joy of the love of
the Lord has already given you, then He blesses
Jesus Christ!
you even more!
—David Brandt Berg
— David Brandt Berg


The Story of the Christmas Guest

Adapted by Helen Steiner Rice from an old German Legend

It happened one day at the year’s white end; She asked for only a place to rest,
Two neighbors called on an old-time friend. But that was reserved for Conrad’s Great Guest.
They found his shop, so meager and mean, But her voice seemed to plead, “Don’t send me away,
Made bright with a thousand boughs of green. Let me rest for a while on Christmas Day.”

And Conrad was sitting with face a-shine, So Conrad brewed her a steaming cup,
When he suddenly stopped as he stitched a twine, And told her to sit at the table and sup.
And said, “Old friends, at dawn today, But after she left, he was filled with dismay,
When the cock was crowing the night away, For he saw that the hours were passing away.

“The Lord appeared in a dream to me, The Lord had not come, as He said He would,
And said, ‘I’m coming your guest to be.’ And Conrad felt sure he had misunderstood.
So I’ve been busy with feet astir, Out of the stillness, he heard a cry,
Strewing my shop with branches of fir. “Please help me and tell me where am I?”
He stood disappointed, as twice before,
“The table is spread and the kettle is shined But shook off his sadness and went to the door.
And over the rafters, the holly is twined.
And now I will wait for my Lord to appear, It was only a child who had wandered away,
And listen closely so I will hear And was lost from her family on Christmas Day.
His step as He nears my humble place, Again Conrad’s heart was heavy and sad
And I open the door and look in His face.” But he knew he should make this little girl glad.

So his friends went home and left Conrad alone, So he called her in and wiped her tears,
For this was the happiest day he had known. And quieted all her childish fears.
For long since, his family had passed away, Then he led her back to her home once more.
And Conrad had spent a sad Christmas Day. But as he entered his darkened door,

But he knew with his Lord as his Christmas Guest, He knew that the Lord was not coming today
This Christmas would be the dearest and best. For the hours of Christmas had passed away.
He listened with only joy in his heart, So he went to his room and knelt down to pray,
And with every sound, he would rise with a start. And he said, “Dear Lord, why did You delay?

And look for the Lord to be standing there, “What kept You from coming to call on me?
In answer to his earnest prayer. For I wanted so much Your face to see.”
So he ran to the window after hearing a sound, When soft in the silence, a voice he heard:
But all that he saw on the snow-covered ground… “Lift up your head, for I kept My Word.

Was a shabby beggar whose shoes were torn, “Three times My shadow crossed your floor,
And all of his clothes were ragged and worn. Three times I came to your lonely door.
So Conrad was touched and went to the door, For I was the beggar with bruised, cold feet.
And he said , “Your feet must be frozen and sore. I was the woman you gave to eat.
I have some shoes in my shop for you, And I was the child on the homeless street.”
And a coat that will keep you warmer, too.”

So with grateful heart, the man went away,

But as Conrad noticed the time of day,
He wondered what made his dear Lord so late,
And how much longer he’d have to wait.
When he heard a knock, he ran to the door,
But it was only a stranger once more;
A bent old crone with a shawl of black,
A bundle of branches piled on her back.


Jesus Lef
Leftt tthe
he Halls
of Hea
Heavven fforor Us
He renounced His citizenship in Heaven, and
though He was rich, for our sakes He became poor,
that we through His poverty might become rich. Jesus
not only had to come down amongst us, but He had
to be one of us! He had to become a member of the
human community.
He came as a meek and quiet, weak and help-
less baby. He not only adapted Himself to our bodily
form, but also conformed to the human ways of life.
He was human. He got tired, He got hungry, He got weary. He was subject to all these things, even as we are,
yet without sin, that He might be a good High Priest, have compassion upon us, know how we feel, know
when we’re footsore and weary, know when we’ve had enough.
God sent Jesus to become a human being in order that He might better reach us with His love,
communicate with us on the lowly level of our own human understanding and have more mercy and patience
with us than God Himself. Think of that!
“He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14), having worn that frame
Himself, suffering in it, and dying in it for our sakes. He came down here to our level that He might take us
with Him back up to His. What a miracle, all for our sakes!
We thank You, Jesus, that You were born on this Earth to live here for us and to die for us. You lived
here like us, and suffered through all the things that we have to go through, yet You never wavered in faith.
We thank You for the greatest gift of all, Yourself. We thank You, Lord, for Your gift of love, above
all other things. We thank You for Your birthday and Your life and Your death and all that went into giving us
salvation and eternal life! Amen.
—David Brandt Berg

A Bed In My Heart
Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,
Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled,
Within my heart, that it may be
A quiet chamber kept for Thee.

My heart for very joy doth leap,

My lips no more can silence keep.
I too must sing, with joyful tongue,
That sweetest ancient cradle song,

Glory to God in the highest Heaven,

Who unto man His Son hath given,
While angels sing with pious mirth,
A glad New Year to all the Earth.
—Martin Luther


Can We Understand God?

O ne wintry day a Christian was walking down the street and noticed some
grain on the ground. A flock of hungry sparrows was having an un-sched-
uled feast. As the man took a step toward the birds, they became uneasy. Another step, and their nervousness
increased. When he was almost upon them, they suddenly flew away.
For a few moments the man stood there reflecting on what had happened. Why had those sparrows
scattered in flight? He had meant no harm. But then he realized that he was too big.
Another question came to mind: How could he walk among those birds without frightening them by
his size? Only if it were possible for him to become a sparrow and fly down among them.
The spiritual analogy is clear. In Old Testament times God appeared to people in various ways—to
Abraham through heavenly messengers, to Moses out of the burning bush. They were afraid because of
God’s awesomeness. But centuries later the Angel of the Lord appeared to shepherds and announced, “There
is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).
Yes, God became a man so that we would not be afraid to come close to Him.
—Paul R. Van Gorder

H e is a miserable man who knows all things but does not know God, and he is happy who knows God,
even though he knows nothing else.
—Saint Augustine

W e all use the power of electricity in our everyday lives, even though no one really understands it or
where it comes from or how it got here—and certainly none of us has ever seen it, only its effects. In
the same way, we must accept the existence of God, even though we don’t fully understand Him or know
where He came from. We simply know He does exist and He is here, ever-present, all-knowing and all-
All that most of us know about electricity is, it
eaterer Than Our Hear
Heartsts works! We flip the switch and make contact with
this invisible power and it does the work for us. Just
You might not remember,
but He died for you. so, we must learn to make contact, personal con-
You might not believe it, tact, with the power of God through prayer, a
but He cares. spiritual seeking of contact with His Spirit through
You might not consider obedience to the laws of His Word. We must avail
yourself important,
ourselves of God just as we do electricity, and let
but He does.
You might not accept it, His light and power into the rooms of our lives to
but He has forgiven you. give us light and power and joy in living, by letting
You might not sense Him, Him do many things for us that we cannot do for
but He is with you. ourselves.
You might condemn yourself,
Just reach out your hand of faith and turn the
but He has chosen to love you.
He sees us differently. switch of decision which makes the contact and starts
He is so much more, the flow of that power into your life. You don’t have
so much greater to personally know all the answers. Just flip the switch
than our hearts. and it works!
—Ulrich Schaffer —David Brandt Berg


The Passing of a Princess

You may say you don’t believe in ghosts or the world of the
spirit, but how do you know? Just because you haven’t personally
seen it yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. As depicted in numerous
books and popular movies such as “Ghost” and “Always,” many of
those who have passed on are still around us.
They are waiting for an opportunity to send their message
through the veil that separates our earthly dimension from the
dimension of the spirit — that great unseen fifth dimension. They
are waiting for an open channel, someone who will clear his or her
mind of their own thoughts and listen for the whispers, the mes-
sages — someone who will be the voice and provide the tongue for
those who are so eager to speak. …

Words from Beyond

By Karen Bradford

After Princess Diana died, I heard her voice quite often in

my mind. She kept repeating “I don’t blame anyone.” I finally
stopped and prayed and asked the Lord to show me if she was there with Him in
Heaven and if so, if she had something more to say, which He could help me to receive.
I then seemed to see her on my right, from the shoulders up. She was wide-eyed, and
spoke very softly and sincerely.

Yes, I do have something further to say. You see, I see the pictures of the crash that they
show over and over, and the last glimpses of me, Dodi, Henri Paul and Trevor in the hotel, and
it is a source of great sadness to me that they go over and over this, for I do not blame anyone.
To me it is not even important what caused the accident, whose fault it was – the paparazzi,
Henri Paul. … Some could even say that it was my fault for having cultivated an image that the
press wanted to follow. In some ways I did court the media and tried to please them. I dressed
for them, I smiled for them.
But all this is past now. All this is over for me now. I have arrived at a different plane,
where there are different values, deeper values, and I see things so much more clearly now.
I simply want to say, don’t continue to weep for me, but turn your energies outward.
Turn your energies to helping someone else. That little girl who looks to you with an upturned,
expectant face — do you disappoint her? Or do you bend down and speak to her and encour-
age her? The sick person who must work anyway, in spite of the sickness, because he or she
cannot afford to miss out on a day’s work — do you try to make their job easier? The old lady
who must work hard, even though she is racked with pain and bends over because of the
ravages of time on her body—do you touch her arm with a word of sympathy and cheer?
These acts of kindness will go far in making a difference in the world. And as you begin
to reach out to others you will see the effect that you can have, each one of you individually,


and then you will not want to hold on to your own selfish concerns. You will want to pour out to
others, and help others, and be always mindful of their needs instead of only your own. It will help you
not to be selfish.
Though I tried not to be selfish, not to be self-centered, these failings are inherent in human
nature, and it is only in being released from this life that I have seen the limitless distances, the vast
expanses, the untouched space which the human spirit can reach when it is released from caring only
about itself. I have seen so many many many many more causes that I could have devoted my life to.
But now I do not spend my time on regrets; rather I spend my time in the world of the spirit
prompting people on earth to reach out and touch others, to be an encouragement to others, to give
their lives for something worthwhile. I wish for this to be my legacy. I did bring to the perception of the
royals a more human everyday face, as I was new and young. But I wish for my greatest legacy to be
this: that I tried to help others, that I tried to use my position to make a difference for good.
Each of you can do the same. Regardless of your position in life, you can do the same. Though I
was privileged, I was beset with many problems and difficulties, but my way out of the morass of public
censure and private turmoil was to try to serve. So as you seek to serve, I know that you also will be
set free from the troubles that plague your life. You will never regret time spent giving to others,
loving them, giving them of your heart, your soul, your energies. God will reward it.
And on the day when you come to Heaven, as I have, Jesus will gather you in His arms, as He
did me. He will comfort you and hold you close, as He did me. He will say, as He did to me, “I am
happy with you, My child, for you have loved My children.”

Comfort from Jesus

(Jesus speaking through prophecy:) Come, that I
may wipe away your tears, that I may pour My balm of love
upon your hearts and take away your grief and your sad-
ness. Each of you can have the happiness that Princess
Diana has today by turning to Me, your heavenly Father.
Turn to Me in your grief and sorrow. Reach out to Me and I
will be there for you. All you have to do is ask, and I will
come to you and comfort you. Then you will always have a
place with Me in My heavenly Kingdom.
Let Me ease your pain. Let Me comfort you and
strengthen you. Come to Me, My children, for I love you
dearly, as I love Princess Diana. She is a true princess in My
Kingdom, and you too can be a prince or a princess in My
heavenly Kingdom if you will but receive Me today.
Come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest. Receive My love; receive Me


The Night tthe

he Angels Sang!
A Christmas Story for Children

By Lorraine Rose, Siberia, Russia

Hi! My name is David. I lived long ago in a dry and dusty

c o u n t r y. A l i t t l e c l a y b r i c k h o u s e w a s m y h o m e , w h e r e I l i v e d w i t h
m y m o t h e r a n d f a t h e r a n d o l d e r b r o t h e r. M o t h e r a n d F a t h e r w e r e
weavers, and my older brother helped them in the trade.

Hard times had hit our little family when one evening
a t t h e d i n n e r t a b l e Fa t h e r s a i d t o m e , “ S o n, y o u k n o w h o w
t h i n g s a r e d i f f i c u l t f o r u s n o w. O u r n e i g h b o r h a s a g r e e d
to give us a portion of his wool, come year’s end, if
you help him guard his sheep at night.” I was a boy of
seven, ready to help in bringing my family through
those difficult times. That was how I came to be a shepherd

I would sit upon the hillside many a night, bundled

up in layers of rough woven clothes, feeling the breeze on my cheeks and
hovering close to the little campfire an older shepherd had made. Most nights
p a s s e d u n e v e n t f u l l y, a n d w e w o u l d e v e n t u a l l y f a l l a s l e e p p e a c e f u l l y a r o u n d
the fire, with the sheep in the nearby field. Other nights we had to chase
off wolves and jackals who would creep close to the fold. But we never lost
a single sheep. God took good care of us and our flock.

I was the youngest in our group of shepherds, and the evenings when
we would sit around the fire, merrily singing old songs, were times of great
joy for me. One old shepherd — Zachary was his name — would at times
talk longingly about the promised Messiah. I remember sitting and listening
e a r n e s t l y. I n h i s s h a k y v o i c e h e t o l d o f O n e w h o w o u l d c o m e t o b r i n g u s l i f e ,
love, and freedom. One who would be like our Shepherd, caring for us and
bringing all the stray sheep back into His fold.

“ H e w i l l c o m e t o p r e a c h t h e G o s p e l t o t h e p o o r, ” Z a c h a r y s a i d , “ t o
heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives,
and the recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that
are bruised. Oh, I long to live to see such a day!”

T h e o l d m a n’ s v o i c e t r a i l e d o f f. W i t h h i s w o r d s s t i l l r i n g i n g
in my ears, I prayed to our God that I, too, could see the day
when our Savior of love would come to Earth.

Months had passed since I had first become a little shep-

h e r d b o y, w h e n o n e e x c e p t i o n a l l y c o l d n i g h t , a f t e r t h e c o a l s
in our campfire were stirred and the sheep had gone to sleep,
we huddled together and dozed off to sleep
ourselves. I remember thinking, What a beautiful
starry night! The stars are so big and bright,
I feel I could reach out and touch them!

I began to dream of light, love and warmth.

All of sudden I was star tled awake! I opened my eyes
a n d g a z e d i n t o a d a z z l i n g l i g h t t h a t d i d n’ t h u r t m y
eyes. A wonderful heavenly being stood in the sky
above us, his long golden-blond hair waving in the


wind. At first we were afraid, but any trace of fear vanished when the beauti-
ful angel spoke. He said: “Fear not! I bring you tidings of great
j o y ! Fo r u n t o y o u i s b o r n t h i s d a y i n t h e c i t y o f D a v i d a S a v -
i o r, w h o i s C h r i s t t h e L o r d ! Yo u s h a l l f i n d h i m w r a p p e d i n
swaddling clothes and lying in a manger!”

Before I could even fathom what I had

heard, the sky all around us lit up in the most
spectacular display of light! I saw thousands—
I c o u l d n’ t c o u n t t h e m , b u t t h e r e s e e m e d t o
be thousands—of magnificent angels sing-
ing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on
Earth peace, good will toward men!“

The music and singing that filled the

air around us blended in the most outstand-
i n g h a r m o n y. W e w e r e s p e e c h l e s s ! O u r e y e s w e r e w i d e w i t h w o n d e r ! O u r h e a r t s
were filled with joy! Our spirits felt as if they would float up into the sky!

When the beautiful harmonious sound of the angels’ voices had drifted
off into the night, Zachar y fell to his knees and exclaimed: “Praise the Lord! He
has shown His great love to us! Let us go down to Bethlehem and find the Child
who is our Savior and King of Love!”

When I see Him, what can I offer him? I have nothing. I’m so young and
s o s m a l l a n d s o p o o r , I t h o u g h t , a s w e h u r r i e d t o t h e t o w n. M y t h o u g h t s w e r e
i n t e r r u p t e d w h e n w e a r r i v e d a t t h e d o o r o f a n o l d s t a b l e . We k n o c ke d a n d t h e
door was opened by a kindly man. Love and warmth poured for th from that old
s t i n k i n g s t a b l e w i t h a w e s o m e r a d i a n c e . We k n e w w e h a d f o u n d J e s u s !

I w a l k e d u p t o t h e m a n g e r i n w h i c h H e l a y, a n d H i s b e a u t i f u l n e w b o r n
f a c e s h o n e w i t h l o v e a n d p e a c e . I k n e l t a n d k i s s e d H i s t i n y f o r e h e a d . Te a r s
f i l l e d m y e y e s . H i s m o t h e r, l y i n g n e x t t o t h e m a n g e r, p u t h e r a r m a r o u n d m e
a n d s t r o k e d m y s t r a g g l y h a i r. T h a t m o m e n t c h a n g e d m y l i f e f o r e v e r !

We were too filled with the wonder of the experience

to think deeply about it till afterwards. When I once
again found myself sitting upon the hillside, gazing
into the starry night that surrounded us and our sheep,
I w o n d e r e d w h y, o n t h e m o s t w o n d e r f u l a n d d i -
vine night in all the world, would the an-
gels come and proclaim the good news
A Prayer at Christmas to us—a bunch of ragged shepherds?

Then I understood that God loves us

There is no room for Christmas
all, no matter how small we are. His love
if not within my heart.
is extended without limit and without par tiality
There is no time for giving, to every child in the world. Even me—a
if I don’t make a start. p o o r l i t t l e s h e p h e r d b o y. A n d y e s , I k n e w
Oh Jesus, how I need Your love! what gift I could give Jesus! I had noth-
Please let my giving be i n g e a r t h l y t o o f f e r, b u t I h a d a h e a r t f u l l
A mirror of Your very own, of the love that He had given me. I could
of love’s reality. give it back to Him and live to show His
love and light to others.
—Lee Anderson


My Heart Belongs to You!

When I say I love you, just you, I am talking to each of you—you
who have been with Me from the beginning, My children, young and old.
I’m talking to those who feel far away and distant from My love. I am
talking to you who feel that you’ve failed and there is no forgiveness to
be found, or who feel like, “What’s the use? There is no hope!”
I love you, just you, just the way you are. My love is reaching out
to you right now. My love, My forgiveness and My mercy are all right
there, just for you, if you will just receive them. I love you! I need you! I
long to hold you close to My heart of love. I long to feel you in My arms.
I long to woo you and feel you and whisper in your ear.
If you feel weak and tired and battle-worn and weary, this mes-
sage is for you. If you feel you are fainting in your mind, fainting in heart
and soul, this message, My precious one, is for you. If you think your
zeal has left you, and you feel like you are all washed up, I love you, and
I need you now more than ever!
If you are standing on the threshold of new horizons, feeling over-
whelmed at the challenges ahead, afraid of the future; if you feel you
don’t have it in you to meet the need that lies before you, I want you to
know I love you. I will see you through.
I love you just the way you are—as if you were the only one. I love
you, each of you, young and old. I am not stacking up all your faults and
failures, all your mistakes and blunders to hold against you. My eyes
are blind to all of these. I have X-ray eyes that enable Me to only see the
good and the possibilities that others do not see. I only see straight
through to your heart of hearts. I only see your precious, priceless,
tender heart—and I love you.
I see your every tear. I hear your every cry. I feel your every frus-
tration, your every worry, your every burden, your every desire. I know
everything about you—all your wants, all your lacks. I see your very
heart and all that is in it, and I deeply love you.
I long to hold you close, here on My gentle breast. I long for the
day when our two hearts will beat as one, for I love you, just you. My
precious child who feels far away, I long for you to know that I am right
there by your side. I have never left you, and I will never, ever forsake
I love you, just you, and here I patiently wait—for you! Won’t you
please come running into My arms, where we can live and love and
revel in this love forever, eternally, immortally, without end? I love you,
I need you, and I want you! I’m yours.


How to Handle
s there someone in your life who’s unjustly hurting
you, even wronging you, and there’s not any real cause
for it? Does it seem that at times it’s impossible to
overcome, because your personalities seem to clash
and it just grates on you and irritates you? If so, what are you
going to do about it?
Some time ago I was compelled to live with someone
like that; they were working in our home at that time. It was
someone who was so crude and so rude, with such a temper
that they would flare up at the least little thing. It was a constant
trial, and such a bitter trial! A number of times I just wanted to
tell them what I thought about them!
But at last I began to draw close to the Lord in the mat-
ter, and to throw the whole burden upon Him. I reasoned that,
if Christ lives in me, then He could overcome such a spirit and
help me not to want to talk back.—I wouldn’t get so hurt over
this situation! Well, at last I came utterly to the end of myself
and threw myself on the Lord. I said, “Lord, it just isn’t in me to Virgina Brandt Berg (1886-1968)
get a complete victory and to love this one as I should. The old
nature rises up, but Your nature and Your love and Your Spirit
can overcome.” I committed the whole thing into His hands so
definitely, so utterly, and later there was the greatest change in
that person!
Then one night I was thanking the Lord for changing
them, because it was such a wonderful answer to prayer. It was
really a miracle! I was thanking the Lord, and the Holy Spirit
whispered to my heart—and I thought it was just a little bit of
humor on the part of the Lord. He said, “Well, I not only changed I suppose there are
them, but I changed you a little bit too!” That’s exactly what will times when all of us come
happen in your life when you commit such things to Him. up against difficult people
So what are you going to do about these situations, ac- who are somewhat of a trial
cording to God’s Word? Well, here are some Scriptures. God’s to us. When this happens, in-
Word says, “Recompense to no man evil for evil” (Romans 12:17). stead of allowing them to
And, speaking of Jesus, “When He was reviled, [He] reviled not make us impatient and irri-
again” (1 Peter 2:23). tated, we might well remem-
“See that none render evil for evil unto any man” (1 ber the words of the great
Thessalonians 5:15), and “Be not overcome of evil, but over- preacher, C. H.Spurgeon,
come evil with good” (Romans 12:21). Those are precious ad- who said, “They must have
monitions from God’s Word! been sent into the world, not
Overcome evil with good? How?—By showing the per- that I might save their souls,
son that you love them. Do them some special favor. Take the but that they might disci-
initiative and go out of your way to tell them something you like pline mine!”
about them! Maybe this person’s heart is hungering for love, or — Francis Gay
maybe that woman is wanting someone to talk to her and love
her. There’s surely some trait that you can admire.
— From “Meditation Moments,” a Gospel radio broad-
cast by Virginia Brandt Berg (mother of David Brandt Berg)


An Extract of
Recently, when my dentist extracted one of my wisdom teeth, he told me this interesting fact: “When a tooth is
removed soon after it becomes troublesome, the bone it’s lodged in lets go of the tooth easily. But when you allow time
to pass, the bone becomes less forgiving. Good bone and bad tooth become intertwined.”
“Less forgiving ... ” my dentist said. These words made me see that my soul is much like that bone. When
someone does me a wrong, I feel resentment. It’s natural. But as resentment takes root, it takes over, and my soul loses
the strength to forgive.
Nowadays, when I’m done a wrong, I’m quick to uproot it, before my good soul becomes too intertwined with
bad feelings.
—Jane Tilley

H olding on to hurt is like grabbing a rattle

snake by the tail: You are going to be bitten. As the
poison of bitterness works its way through the many fac-
ets of your personality, death will occur—death that is
more far-reaching than your physical death, for it has the
potential to destroy those around you as well.
— Charles Stanley
T he Bible says, “Thou shalt not bear any
grudge” (Leviticus 19:17-18).
When I forgive, I am not to carry any bullets
Carrying a grudge is a loser’s game. It is the
ultimate frustration, because it leaves you with more
pain than you had in the first place. Recall the pain of
forward on the journey. I am to empty out all my explo- being wronged, the hurt of being stung, cheated, de-
sives, all my ammunition of anger and revenge. I am not meaned. Doesn’t the memory of it fuel the fire of fury
to “bear any grudge.” again? Do you feel that hurt each time your memory
I cannot meet this demand. It is altogether be- lights on the people who did you wrong?
yond me. I might utter words of forgiveness, but I cannot Your own memory becomes a videotape within
reveal a clear, bright, blue sky without a touch of storm your soul that plays unending reruns of your old ren-
brewing anywhere. dezvous with pain. Is this fair to yourself—this wretched
But the Lord of grace can do it for me. He can justice of not forgiving?
change my weather. He can create a new climate. He can The only way to heal the pain that will not heal
“renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10), and in itself is to forgive the person who hurt you. Forgiving
that new atmosphere nothing shall live which seeks to heals your memory as you change your memory’s vi-
poison and destroy. Grudges shall die and revenge shall sion. When you release the wrongdoer from the wrong,
give place to goodwill, the strong genial presence which you cut a malignant tumor out of your inner life. You
makes its home in the new heart. set a prisoner free—yourself.
—J. H. Jowett —Lewis B. Smedes

To forgive is to set a
prisoner free … and discover
the prisoner was you.


How do you conquer your enemy? —

By making him your friend
When a Hindu woman became a follower of Christ, her husband and other relatives tried to
make her life miserable. One day a missionary asked her, “When your hus-
band is angry and persecutes you, what do you do?”
She replied, “I just cook the food better and sweep the floor a little
cleaner. When he speaks unkindly, I answer him mildly, trying to show
him in every way that when I became a Christian I also became a better
That husband resisted all the sermons of the missionary, but he
could not withstand the practical preaching of his wife. The Holy Spirit
used that woman’s gracious testimony and eventually the man received
When we are wronged, we can either harbor resentment, or look
for ways to show God’s love to our antagonist.
— Henry G. Bosch

hen the concentration camp at Ravensbrûck was liber-

ated by the Allies after World War II, a piece of torn
wrapping paper was found, on which an unknown pris-
oner had scribbled these lines:
“Oh Lord, remember not only the men and women of
good will, but also those of ill will. But do not remember all the Be not disturbed at not being
suffering they have inflicted on us; remember the fruits we have understood; be disturbed rather
brought forth, thanks to this suffering — our comradeship, our at not being understanding.
loyalty, our humility, our courage, our generosity, the greatness — Ancient Chinese proverb
of heart which has grown out of all this. And when they come to
judgment, let all the fruits which we have borne be their forgive-
ness.” The faults of others are like
headlights on an approaching
automobile: They only seem
more glaring than our own.
ove covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8), and will
give you the grace and power to just let things pass, to
forgive others as you know that you yourself need to be Forgiven sinners know love
forgiven. and show love.
If you’ll just forget yourself and think more about oth-
ers, and really try to help and pray for and love them, you’ll find
that will solve almost all of your problems! If you get your mind
off yourself and on others you’ll find that this is what will bring
you true joy and happiness. That’s the formula for finding joy:
Put Jesus first, then others, and then you!—J-O-Y!
First of all, get your mind on Jesus, and then He’ll help
you get it on to your neighbor, and help you love him as your-
—David Brandt Berg.


In the Public Eye

True statesmanship is
the art of changing a
WANTED! nation from what it is into
what it ought to be.
. —William R. Alger
God give us men! A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready
Really great men have a
curious feeling that the
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
greatness is not in them
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
but through them.
Men who possess opinions and a will;
—John Ruskin
Men who have honor—men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue,
Great changes do not
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!
begin on the surface of
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
society, but in prepared
In public duty, and in private thinking:
hearts, in men who, by
For while the rabble with their thumb-worn creeds,
communion with God,
Their large professions and their little deeds
rise above the apathy of
Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
the age, and speak with
Wrong rules the land, and waiting Justice sleeps.
living vital energy, to give
—Josiah Gilbert Holland
life to the community and
tone to the public mind.
—Edward Beecher

Bible Verses for Those in Leadership

What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and
to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God attend to your herds (Proverbs 27:23).
(Micah 6:8).
A servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but be
Whoever desires to become great among you, let him gentle to all, able to teach, patient (2 Timothy 2:24).
be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among
you, let him be your slave—just as the Son of Man [Jesus] Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for
did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His you (1 Peter 5:7).
life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:26-28).
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
He who rules over men must be just, ruling in the and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your
fear of God. And he shall be like the light of the requests be made known to God; and the peace
morning when the sun rises, a morning without of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
clouds, like the tender grass springing out of the guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus
earth, by clear shining after rain (2 Samuel 23:3-4). (Philiphians 4:6-7).

R40 Leadership

I will say of the Lord, His is

my refuge and my fortress:
my God; in Him will I trust
(Psalm 91:2).

Best-Loved Dan Quayle,

Vice President, 1989-1993

Bible Quotes
Prominent Americans share
Justice, justice, shall you
pursue, that you may thrive
(Deuteronomy 16:20).
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
the passages that have Supreme Court of the United
And be ye kind one to inspired and guided them. States
another, tender-hearted,
forgiving one another, even as
God for Christ’s sake hath The L ord is my shepherd: I shall not want. He maketh me to lie
forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32). down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my
Jimmy Carter, soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, though
President, 1977-1981 I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art
with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before
I can do all things through me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; My cup
Him who strengthens me runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I
(Philippians 4:13). will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23).
Deborah Norville, Rosa Parks,
Television journalist Civil rights leader

Blessed are the peacemak ers: for they shall be called the
W hat time I am afraid,
I will trust in Thee
(Psalm 56:3).
children of God (Matthew 5:9). Mary Kay Ash,
Willard Scott, NBC Today Show personality Founder, Mary Kay Inc.

This is the day which the And we know that all things For God so loved the world, Call unto Me, and I will
Lord hath made; we will work together for good to them that He gave His only answer thee and shew thee
rejoice and be glad in it that love God, to them who are begotten Son, that great and mighty things,
(Psalm 118:24). the called according to His whosoever believeth in Him which thou knowest not
Peggy Noonan, purpose (Romans 8:28). should not perish, but have (Jeremiah 33:3).
Speechwriter for Presidents Barbara Mandrell, everlasting life (John 3:16). C. Everett Koop, M.D.,
Reagan and Bush, 1984-1989 Grammy-winning country and gospel Billy Graham, US Surgeon General, 1981-
singer Minister and evangelist 1989

Come to Me
Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Heather Whitestone, Miss America 1995, an advocate for the deaf
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Those who wait on the Lord
And lean not on your own understanding; Shall renew their strength;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
And He shall direct your paths They shall run and not be weary,
(Proverbs 3:5-6). They shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).
Jack Kemp, Former Congressman (R-NY), and Rabbi Harold S. Kushner, Author of How Good
Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Do We Have to Be?
Development, 1989-1992

(Courtesy of Good Housekeeping, Dec. 1997)

R41 Bible - Leaders


True greatness, true leadership, is achieved

not by reducing men to one’s service, but by
giving oneself in selfless service to them.

What Is Greatness?
Do not confuse notoriety and fame with greatness. Many of the
In 1912, Dwight W. Morrow, the titled in today’s world obtained their fame and fortune outside their own
father of Anne Lindbergh, told a merit.
group of friends that Calvin Coolidge On the other hand, I have met great people in the most obscure
had real presidential possibilities. roles. For greatness is a measure of one’s spirit, not a result of one’s
They disagreed, saying that Coolidge rank in human affairs. Nobody, least of all mere human beings, confers
was too quiet, and lacked color and greatness upon another, for it is not a prize but an achievement. And
political personality. “No one would greatness can crown the head of a janitor just as readily as it can come to
like him,” objected one of the group. someone of high rank.
But up piped little Anne, then —Sherman G. Finesilver
aged six: “I like Mr. Coolidge.” Then
she displayed a finger with a bit of
adhesive tape on it. “He was the only No one is useless in this world who
one who asked me about my sore fin-
ger.” lightens the burden of it for anyone else.
Mr. Morrow nodded. “There’s
your answer,” he said. The world measures greatness by money, or eloquence,
or intellectual skill, or even by prowess on the field of
Calvin Coolidge served as President battle. But here is the Lord’s standard: “Whosoever shall
of the United States from 1923 to humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest
1929. in the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:4).
—J.H. Jowett

What a surprise we’re going to get when the Lord hands out the rewards, as to who was really greatest!
Some people serve unselfishly, sacrificially, utterly giving themselves to the utmost, and yet never get the credit
for it, and are virtually unknown! But God has a great big book, and it’s known to Him, and He’s writing it all
down! And He’ll reward everyone according to their works, whether they be good, or whether they be evil.
Remember what Jesus said about the dear woman who anointed Him before His death? He said, “She hath
done what she could!”
Maybe you feel you can’t do very much, but at least you can do what you can! If you’re faithful, God is
going to greatly reward you one of these days soon when you stand before Jesus at the judgment seat of Christ
So be sure you’re doing a good work, so that when you pass on to be with the Lord you will know you
have done your job the best you can! Then you can look forward to eternal rewards and everlasting glory, with
a feeling of genuine permanent accomplishment!
—David Brandt Berg

R42 Character

How Deep a Life

H ow long we live is not for us to say;
We may have years ahead—or but a day.
The length of life is not of our control,
One of the
12345678901234567890123456789012 But length is not the measure of the soul.—
12345678901234567890123456789012 Not length, but width and depth define the span ironies of history is
12345678901234567890123456789012 By which the world takes measure of a man. the utter disregard of
12345678901234567890123456789012 It matters not how long before we sleep, ranks and titles in the fi-
12345678901234567890123456789012 But only how wide is our life—how deep. nal judgments men pass
We can do no
12345678901234567890123456789012 —Helen Marshall on each other. The final
12345678901234567890123456789012 estimate of men shows
great things, only
12345678901234567890123456789012 that history cares not an
small things with Greatness is not found iota for the rank or title
12345678901234567890123456789012 a man has borne, or the
great love. in possessions, power, position
12345678901234567890123456789012 office he has held, but
12345678901234567890123456789012 or prestige. It is discovered in
12345678901234567890123456789012 only the quality of his
Mother Teresa
goodness, humility, service,
deeds and the character
12345678901234567890123456789012 and character.
12345678901234567890123456789012 of his mind and heart.
12345678901234567890123456789012 —Anon.
12345678901234567890123456789012 The stories we hear about the 19th century Italian patriot, Giuseppe
12345678901234567890123456789012 Garibaldi, are usually about his courage as a soldier and his greatness as a
Everybody can be
12345678901234567890123456789012 leader, but there was another and perhaps unexpected side to his character.
great … because Late one evening as he and his men were returning to their quarters,
12345678901234567890123456789012 they met a shepherd looking for a lost lamb. They all went off searching in
anybody can
12345678901234567890123456789012 different directions and Garibaldi’s men lost touch with their leader and even-
12345678901234567890123456789012 tually returned without him.
serve. You don’t
12345678901234567890123456789012 Next morning Garibaldi’s servant was surprised to find him fast asleep
have to have a col- long after he was usually up and about. The servant’s movements disturbed
12345678901234567890123456789012 Garibaldi and he woke up. Then, reaching down under the bed clothes, Garibaldi
lege degree to
12345678901234567890123456789012 brought out the lost lamb. He had found it, half-dead with cold, and revived it
serve. You don’t in the warmth of his own bed.
12345678901234567890123456789012 —Francis Gay
have to make your
subject and verb
agree to serve. You
Even if perhaps you don’t have
only need a heart the most talent or experience, God can use
full of grace. A you! In fact, that’s the way the Lord usually works: He takes
12345678901234567890123456789012 the weak things to confound the mighty and He takes the people
soul generated by
12345678901234567890123456789012 that really aren’t the best in a worldly sense, so He can show
12345678901234567890123456789012 what He can do! (See 1 Corinthians 1:26-29.)
12345678901234567890123456789012 Although you may not be the greatest in the eyes of the
Martin Luther world, you can be the greatest in the eyes of the Lord by serv-
12345678901234567890123456789012 ing Him and others in love.—And He can make you strong
King, Jr.
12345678901234567890123456789012 when you’re weak, to show it’s His strength and His miracu-
12345678901234567890123456789012 lous power! (See 2 Corinthians 4:7; 12:9.)
12345678901234567890123456789012 —David Brandt Berg

R43 Service

A nurse ushered
me into my grandma’s room.
Lying in the hospital bed, she
looked so small. Her eyes

were closed. I sat down qui-
I was on my way
to seminary and full of self-

doubt. I had just given up a
full scholarship to medical
school, and everyone
thought I was making a mis-
take. I desperately wanted
Grandma’s advice, but the nurse had warned me that she didn’t have much
strength left. After half an hour, Grandma hadn’t stirred, so I just started
talking. Suddenly she woke up, asking, “Danny, is that you?”
She told me how her faith had guided her all her life. After a few minutes,
a great peace settled around us. I kissed Grandma and turned to leave, but
then I heard her whisper some parting words. I leaned over to listen. “I be-
lieve in you,” she said.
Grandma died that night, but in more than 20 years of work as a Christian psychologist, I have passed on her words
many times. Four simple words can make a lifetime of difference.
—Dan Montgomery
I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among the men [in my company] the greatest asset I possess, and the
way to develop the best in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.
There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a man as criticisms from his superiors. I never criticize anyone. I
believe in giving a man incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise, but loathe to find fault. If I like anything, I am hearty
in my approbation and lavish in my praise.
—Charles Schwab (American Industrialist, 1862-1939)
The applause of a single human being is of great consequence.
—Samuel Johnson (English writer, 1709-1784)
The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.
—William James ( American philosopher, 1842-1920)

The Art of Praise

There is a very basic courtesy that should apply in all art for an executive or teacher [or anyone dealing with
human relations—taking the time to thank people who help people] to master. If there is a complaint employees most
us. My friend Mike Somdal is a specialist at this. One reason often express, it is this: “I never get any feedback from the
he is so successful in business is that he has mastered the boss—except when something goes wrong.” And the teen-
fine art of making people feel good by thanking them regu- agers who sit in my office tell me again and again, “My dad
larly. Often he will call customers simply to thank them again gets all over my case when I mess up at school, but when I
for the order they placed last week or for the recommenda- bring home a good grade he acts as if it’s nothing—that I’m
tion they made to another customer, or for the lunch. Any- finally doing what I should have been doing all along.” Stop
thing. And before the conversation is over, Mike has often and think. How long has it been since you took a full 60
secured another order. Of course, if he called simply with seconds to talk to your son or daughter about some fine
ulterior motives, his clients would recognize the manipula- thing they’ve just done? Or your secretary, or the managers
tion and resist. But Mike has made gratitude a lifelong habit, who work under you?
and those of us who do business with him appreciate that
quality. And we respond. When someone comes along who genuinely thanks us,
we will follow that person a very long way.
The art of praise—what is known as positive reinforce- —Alan Loy McGinnis
ment in the current psychological jargon—is an essential

R44 — GP Appreciation

Giving by Praising Everybody Needs

Each time we meet, from you I hear
Quotes from David Brandt Berg
Some word of praise, a bit of cheer.
You see some hidden, struggling trait;
n Most people are not really con-
Encourage it and make it great.
Tight-fisted little buds of good
ceited, but feel a certain amount
Bloom large because you said they would. of inferiority and tend to get a
A glad, mad music in me sings; little discouraged with them-
My soul sprouts tiny flaming wings. selves, therefore encouragement
My day takes on a brand-new zest. is a very important thing! I do it
Your gift of praising brings my best, all the time!—I praise everybody
Revives my spirit, flings it high; for everything they do that I see
For God loves praise, and so do I. is good.
-Author Unknown n We all need the encourage-
ment of others, and yet most of
guess I reached for something a us fail all too often to express ap-
The week be-
fore my father little too big this time,” he shared. preciation or comfort to those
died, when I was a How touched I was that he had about us! As we must account
senior in college, told me about his interest in writ- for every idle word (see Matthew
he took me aside ing and the article he had submit- 12:36,37), so we must for every
and showed me a ted to the Advance magazine!
Within days my father dropped
idle silence!
box of clippings of
dead in a Boston subway station, n The showing of genuine grati-
newspaper and
magazine articles and on the day of the funeral the tude and appreciation of
he had written and new issue of Advance arrived— [another’s] help immediately
hidden away. When with his article published in it. Had tends to make a proffered friend
I asked in surprise he not confided in me, I would
even more friendly, and inclined
why he hadn’t never have opened that issue.
shown me these I have the framed article with to befriend you again.
before, he replied, my father’s picture hanging in my n Try to remind yourself con-
“Your mother dis- study, and each time I glance at it I stantly of others’ good qualities,
couraged me from wonder what that man might have the good things, and try not to
writing because I become as a writer if only some-
think about their shortcomings.
don’t have a col- one had believed in him.
We live in a discouraging world All the way through the Bible, the
lege education, so
I’ve done it in se- full of people who put us down. Lord commended people for their
cret and she What bright lights we can be when good works. It has nothing to do
doesn’t know.” we say the simple words, “I have with our salvation, which is a free
Mother had not confidence in you!” gift, but it’s our service and good
meant to be a dis- —Florence Littauer
works for Him that He especially
courager, but she
had stated what commends. Thank God that He
seemed an obvious really appreciates our sacrifice
fact to her: If you’re and the things we do for Him
not educated, you above and beyond the call of
shouldn’t write. duty!
My father had
n Always remember, everyone is
not let this atti-
tude depress him, hungry for praise and starving for
but he had “hid- honest appreciation!
den his light under
a bushel.” He told
me he had written
an article for the
Advance m a g a -
zine but it had not
been published. “I

R45 — GP Appreciation

What Is ?
aster is a time for remembering the ultimate sacri-
fice ever made, the greatest gift anyone ever gave,
the biggest boon ever granted to mankind. God came
down to Earth in the form of a man, Jesus. He was
a humble worker born in poor circumstances. When
He reached manhood He began to preach, teach,
and heal, thus gathering a following.
But, just as He knew they would, those opposing the love and
freedom He taught, killed Him by nailing Him to a cross in one of the
cruelest forms of execution imaginable. Yet even in death He demon-
strated His message of love by forgiving His captors and comforting the
repentant criminal being executed on the cross next to His. In three
days He rose from the dead, proving His divinity.
Easter is the celebration of His triumph. It is not the commemo-
ration of His death, but of His life, the life that refused to be stopped by
the grave, that pushed back the barriers of pain and suffering and de-
spair, that vanquished the great enemies of man—his own weaknesses
and shortcomings.
In our all-too-imperfect human state, we do not deserve to be
together with God, who is perfect in every way. So in unfathomable love,
Jesus took the punishment for our wrongdoing, and then, as He hung
on the cross, said, “It is finished.” He had done His job, He had suffered
for our sins. Now we could receive His forgiveness, and with it, a new
start in life. Jesus went to the root of all the misery and grief and horror
caused by the sin of man, and forgave us all. He thus prepared the way
for us to spend eternity with Him in Heaven, if we will only believe, and
receive His gift of forgiveness and salvation.
Will you believe? Will you let your own sins and failings die with
the One who suffered for them, the One who looks deep in your eyes and
says, “I forgive”? As the Son of God, Jesus can forgive all your sins and
give you a new start through His life, love, Spirit, and energy budding
and blossoming inside you.
Won’t you give Him a chance? The choice is yours. The time is
now; He is waiting. Just open your heart and say, “Jesus, I receive You
as my Lord and my Savior. Please forgive my sins and help me make a
new start. Please fill me with Your Spirit and life. I want to believe in You
and trust You and even love You, Jesus. Please help me in the areas
where I am lacking. Amen.”
Jesus will never fail you. He’ll always be there for you, ready to
respond to your needs in an instant. He’s there now—yours forever—
and He’ll never leave you.
— By Chloe West


What Jesus did …

On Easter, Jesus did a wonderful thing for us. But just how does this translate into everyday
experience? A story told by Gigi Tchividjian in More Stories from the Heart explains what can be yours
because Jesus died and rose again on Easter.
In the story, there was a priest who suffered terri- A man can
bly over a sin he had committed as a young man, be- accept what Christ has done
cause he thought God could not forgive him. One day
he heard of an elderly lady who had visions and even without knowing how it works; in-
talked with the Lord during these visions, and finally deed, he certainly won’t know how it
he gathered enough courage to visit her. Over a cup of works until he’s accepted it.
tea, he asked if she could ask the Lord a question for
—C.S. Lewis
The woman looked at the priest a little curiously. She
had never been asked this before. “Yes, I would be happy to,” she an- Jesus Christ burst
swered. “What do you want me to ask Him?”
“Well,” the priest began, “would you please ask Him what sin it from the grave and ex-
was that your priest committed as a young man?” ploded into my heart.
The woman, quite curious now, readily agreed. —Donna Hosford
A few weeks passed, and the priest again went to visit this woman.
After another cup of tea he cautiously, timidly asked, “Have you had any
visions lately?”
The woman said that she had, and that she had asked the Lord what sin the priest had
committed as a young man. The priest, nervous and afraid, hesitated a moment and then asked,
“Well, what did the Lord say?”
The woman looked up into the face of her priest and replied gently, “The Lord told me He
could not remember.”
The Bible tells us that because Jesus took the punishment for our sins, God does not remem-
ber them against us any more. “I will for-
give their iniquity, and I will remember
their sin no more,” the Lord tells us in
He’s Left the Cross! Jeremiah 31:34.
By David Brandt Berg Jesus did a good job, didn’t He?
Let’s not always picture Christ on the cross—
the suffering and the death and the fear that it gen-
erates. We don’t have a Jesus on the cross—He’s left
the cross! We don’t have a Christ in the grave; we
have a live Jesus in our hearts!
“He lives! He lives!
He rose in victory, joy, liberty and
freedom, never to die again, so that He
Christ Jesus lives today!
could redeem us and prevent our having He walks with me
to go through the horrible experience of And talks with me
having to die without God. Along life’s narrow way.
What a day of rejoicing that must
have been when He rose and realized it “He lives! He lives!
was all over! He had won the victory— Salvation to impart.
the world was saved. He had accom- You ask me how I know
plished His mission. He had gone through He lives,
the horrors and agony of death and Hell He lives within my
for us, all of it, and it was over. heart!”
—Alfred H. Ackley



Billions of people were scattered Let Him be born a Jew.
on a great plain before God’s throne.
Some of the groups near the front Let the legitimacy of His birth be
talked heatedly ... not with cringing doubted, so that none would know
shame, but with belligerence. Who His Father was.
“How can God judge us?” said
one. Let Him champion a cause so just,
“What does He know about suffer- but so radical, that it brings down upon
ing?” snapped a brunette. She jerked Him the hate, condemnation, and ef-
back a sleeve to reveal a tattooed num- forts of every major traditional and
ber from a Nazi concentration camp. established religious authority to elimi-
“We endured terror, beatings, torture, nate Him.
In another group a black man low- Let Him try to describe what no
ered his collar, “What about this?” he man has ever seen, felt, tasted, heard,
demanded, showing an ugly rope burn. or smelled … let Him try to commu-
“Lynched for no crime but being nicate God to men.
black! We have suffocated in slave
ships, been wrenched from loved ones, Let Him be betrayed by His dear-
toiled ‘till death gave release.” est friends.
Far out across the plain were hun-
dreds of such groups. Each had a com- Let Him be indicted on false
plaint against God for the evil and suf- charges, tried before a prejudiced jury,
fering He permitted in His world. How and convicted by a cowardly judge.
lucky God was to live in Heaven where
there was no weeping, no fear, no hun- Let Him see what it is to be terri-
ger, no hatred! bly alone and completely abandoned
Indeed, what did God know about by every living thing.
what man had been forced to endure
in this world? “After all, God leads a Let Him be tortured and let Him
pretty sheltered life,” they said. So die! Let Him die the most humiliating
each group sent out a leader, chosen death, with common criminals.
because he had suffered the most.
There was a Jew, a black, an untouch- As each leader announced his por-
able from India, an illegitimate, a per- tion of the sentence, loud murmurs of
son from Hiroshima, one from a Sibe- approval went up from the great
rian gulag, and on it went. throngs of people.
In the center of the plain they con- But when the last had finished pro-
sulted with each other. At last they nouncing sentence there was a long si-
were ready to present their case. It was lence. No one uttered another word.
rather simple: Before God would be No one moved. For suddenly all knew
qualified to be their judge, He must … God had already served His sen-
endure what they had endured. Their tence.
decision was that God “should be sen- —Author unknown
tenced to live on Earth as a man!” But
because He was God, they set certain
safeguards to be sure He could not use
His divine powers to help Himself:


Fro m t h e
In s i d e O u t
It’s not possible for you to AND A CHANGE
change yourself, but it is pos-
sible for God to change you
by the miracle-working

power of His Spirit. He’ll do he British scholar C.S. Lewis commented, “A
things you can’t do! man who was merely a man and said the sort
This is what it means to be of things Jesus said would not be a great moral
“born again” in the Spirit and teacher.” A mere mortal claiming to be the Son of
“become a new creature in God would not be taken seriously by others. He
Christ Jesus. Old things shall would probably be ridiculed, put away in a mental
pass away and all things shall institution, or considered mentally challenged. Lewis
become new” (2 Corinthians goes on to say that if Jesus were not the Son of God
5:17). His coming into your as He claimed to be, “He would either be a lunatic—
life not only renews and pu- on a level of a man who says he is a poached egg—or
rifies and regenerates your else he would be the Devil of Hell.”
own spirit, but it also renews
your mind, breaking old con- “You must make your choice. Either this man
nections and reflexes, and was, and is, the Son of God, or else He is a madman
then gradually rebuilding it ... or something worse. You can shut Him up for a
and rewiring it into a whole fool; you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon;
new system with a different or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and
outlook on life and a new God.”
way of looking at the world,
with new reactions to nearly Many people who don’t believe Jesus was di-
everything around you. vine nevertheless say they believe He was a great
But it’s impossible for you man whose positive influence has reached over the
to make this change yourself. centuries and around the world. But as Lewis ex-
If you want this change, it’s plains, God didn’t leave us the option of considering
necessary for you to ask Jesus simply a great man or a great teacher. God
Jesus to come into your wants you to believe in Jesus as your Savior, and
heart. When Jesus comes then to take Him into your heart and life. Why?
into your heart, everything is
changed—everything! You Because God wants to live with you, and in
are a new person, completely you, in order to give you all the good things that He
different. But you don’t have has for you out of His limitless love. How does He do
anything to do with it! All that? In the Bible He says, “A new heart also will I
you do is ask Him to come in. give you, and a new spirit will I put within you”
It’s a miracle of God! (Ezekiel 36:26). What years of psychoanalysis, self-
Some changes are instan- help methods, group therapy or even personal de-
taneous, others take awhile. termination can’t do, God can do in one instant, as
—But if you’ve received an answer to the prayer of a believing heart: He can
Jesus as your Savior, you will give you a new spirit. It’s the start on the road to a
be changed, because Jesus new life.
changes people!

— By David Brandt Berg


nce upon a mountaintop, three little trees stood and
dreamed of what they wanted to become when they
grew up.

The first little tree looked up at the stars and said: “I want to hold trea-
sure. I want to be covered with gold and filled with precious stones. I’ll
be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!”

The second little tree looked out at the small stream trickling by on its
way to the ocean. “I want to travel mighty waters and carry powerful
kings. I’ll be the strongest ship in the world!”

The third little tree looked down into the valley below where busy woodcutter never even looked up. “Any
men and women worked in a busy town. “I don’t want to leave the kind of tree will do for me,” he muttered.
mountaintop at all. I want to grow so tall that when people stop to With a swoop of his shining ax, the third
look at me, they’ll raise their eyes to Heaven and think of God. I will be tree fell.
the tallest tree in the world.”
The first tree rejoiced when the wood-
Years passed. The rain came, the sun shone, and the little trees grew cutter brought her to a carpenter’s shop.
tall. One day three woodcutters climbed the mountain. The first wood- But the carpenter fashioned the tree into
cutter looked at the first tree and said, “This tree is beautiful. It is per- a feed box for animals. The once beauti-
fect for me.” With a swoop of his shining ax, the first tree fell. ful tree was not covered with gold, or
with treasure. She was coated with saw-
“Now I shall be made into a beautiful chest! I shall hold wonderful dust and filled with hay for hungry farm
treasures!” the first tree said. animals.

The second woodcutter looked at the second tree and said, “This tree The second tree smiled when the wood-
is strong. It is perfect for me.” With a swoop of his shining ax, the sec- cutter took her to a shipyard, but no
ond tree fell. mighty sailing ship was made that day.
Instead the once strong tree was ham-
“Now I shall sail mighty waters!” thought the second tree. “I shall be a mered and sawed into a simple fishing
strong ship for great kings!” boat. She was too small and too weak
to sail an ocean, or even a river. Instead
The third tree felt her heart sink when the last woodcutter looked her she was taken to a lake.
way. She stood straight, tall, and pointed bravely to Heaven. But the

The third tree was confused when the woodcutter the second tree quietly sailed out into the lake. Soon
cut her into strong beams and left her in a lumber- a thundering and thrashing storm arose. The little tree
yard.“What happened?” the once tall tree wondered. shuddered. She knew she did not have the strength
“All I ever wanted was to stay on the mountaintop to carry so many passengers safely in the wind and
and point to God. ...” the rain. The tired man awakened. He stood up,
stretched out His hand, and said, “Peace.” The storm
Many, many days and nights passed and the three stopped as quickly as it had begun. And suddenly the
trees eventually forgot their dreams. second tree knew he was carrying the King of Heaven
and Earth.
But one night, golden starlight poured over the first
tree as a young woman placed her newborn baby in One Friday morning the third tree was startled when
the feed box. “I wish I could make a cradle for him” her beams were yanked from the forgotten wood-
her husband whispered. The mother squeezed his pile. She flinched as she was carried through an an-
hand and smiled as the starlight shone on the gry, jeering crowd. She shuddered when soldiers
smooth and sturdy wood. nailed a man’s hands to her. She felt ugly, harsh, and
cruel. But three days later, when the sun rose and the
“This manger is beautiful,” she said. And suddenly earth trembled with joy beneath her, the third tree
the first tree knew he was holding the greatest trea- knew that God’s love had changed everything. It had
sure in the world. made the third tree strong. And every time people
thought of the third tree, they would think of God.
One evening a tired traveler and his friends crowded That was better than being the tallest tree in the
into the old fishing boat. The traveler fell asleep as world.
—Author Unknown

I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
—Joyce Kilmer


Think of…
A Ne Stepping on a shore, and finding it Heaven!
Loca w Of taking hold of a hand, and finding it God’s hand.
t i on Of breathing new air, and finding it celestial air.
Of feeling invigorated, and finding it immortality.
Of passing from storm and tempest to an unbroken calm.
Of waking up, and finding Home.
A bank in —Robert E. Selle

Binghamton, New
York, had some flowers Getting Ready for Heaven!
By David Brandt Berg
sent to a competitor who Are you looking forward to your place in Heaven? Do you
had recently moved into a know that you will be going there when you die, and are you com-
fortable with that? Are you content and relaxed about going when
new building. There was a mix-up your time comes, because you know that you will look up into
at the flower shop, and the card sent the face of Jesus, Who will take you into His arms and say, “Wel-
with the arrangement read, “With come Home”? I hope you are, but if not, you can get ready right
our deepest sympathy.” Just pray, humbly and sincerely; just reach out from your
The florist, who was greatly em- heart to Jesus. Just ask Him to come into your life—and He will!
Just like that! He’ll forgive any sin or anything that’s come be-
barrassed, apologized. But he was tween you and Him, and He’ll take you in His arms in spirit, and
even more embarrassed when he re- He’ll give you the reassurance that you need that you’ll be with
alized that the card intended for the Him forever.
He doesn’t forget His Own. If you’ve opened your heart to
bank was attached to a floral arrange- Him, He’ll be with you at the moment of your death, and beyond—
ment sent to a funeral home in because He loves you! He died for you, and He wants to give you
peace and happiness every second, even when you stand at the
honor of a deceased person. That threshold of the next life. He wants to be right there with you,
card read, “Congratulations on your holding your hand in spirit, and helping you to take that step.
new location!” So don’t worry, but know that He has prepared the way for
you, and He will be there to greet you when you go. He loves you,
For the Christian, death is like and He died so He could go and prepare a wonderful place, so
going to a new and better location. that you could be with Him there forever.
And to be in a beautiful place with When morning dawns, farewell to earthly sorrow!
Jesus, to leave heartaches and physi- Farewell to all these troubles of today!
cal pain behind, to be reunited with There’ll be no pain, no death in God’s tomorrow,
When morning dawns, and shadows flee away!
loved ones – all that is something to
look forward to, not to dread or fear.
So to the believer who passes on we T h o u g h my s o u l m ay s e t i n d a r k n e s s ,
It will rise in perfect light.
can indeed say, “Congratulations on I have loved the stars too fondly
your new location!” To b e f e a r f u l o f t h e n i g h t .
—Attributed to an aged astronomer

W hen Robert Browning’s father lay dy-

ing — he was past eighty at the time
— his cheerfulness alarmed the attending
For those who trust Jesus Christ, death is not a sheriff dragging
us off to court, but a servant ushering us into the presence of a
physician. “Does the old gentleman know loving Lord.
he is dying?” the doctor inquired of his —Haddon W. Robinson
daughter in a low voice.

The father overheard him and smiled.

“Death is no enemy in my eyes,” he said.

R51 GP Preparing For Passing On


The Butterfly
Noted journalist Arthur Brisbane once pictured a crowd of
grieving caterpillars carrying the corpse of a cocoon to its final
resting place. The poor, distressed caterpillars, clad in black rai-
ment, were weeping. The beautiful butterfly, meanwhile, fluttered
happily above the muck and the mire of earth, forever freed from
its confining shell.
Needless to say, Brisbane had the average funeral in mind.
He sought to convey the idea that when our loved ones pass, it is
foolish to remember only the cocoon and concentrate our at-
tention on the remains, while forgetting the bright butterfly.

am standing on the sea- Thoughts on our loved

shore. A ship spreads
her white sails to the ones passing on
morning breeze and starts for the By David Brandt Berg
ocean. I stand watching her until she So many elderly people have a very hard time.
fades on the horizon, and someone at Their friends are gone, many times their lifelong
my side says, “She is gone.” Gone partners are gone, their life is difficult if not pain-
where? The loss of sight is in me, not in ful, and they can’t do many of the things they used
her. Just at the moment when someone to enjoy. They may feel they are a burden to
says, “She is gone,” there are others who others. So older folks who know the Lord are ready
are watching her coming. Other voices when their time comes. They’re ready, they’re con-
take up the glad shout, “Here she tent, they’re comfortable with going on to Heaven.
comes!” That is dying. And that’s just as it should be.
—Henry Scott Holland The friends and loved ones they leave behind
are the ones who have it hard when they go, be-

r. Werner von Braun, well cause they miss their company. You think about
known for his part in pioneer- the things you could have said or done for your
ing the U.S. space program, friend, or relative, or husband, or wife, and you
said that he had “essentially scientific” mourn for that. You are struck by a feeling of loss.
reasons for believing in life after death. But it’s not a loss, you see? Your departed loved
He explained: “Science has found that ones are just waiting up in Heaven for you.
nothing can disappear without a trace. They’re pulling for you; they’re rooting for
Nature does not know extinction. All it you; they’re praying for you up in Heaven. So don’t
knows is transformation. If God applies feel they’re far away. They’re just around the cor-
the fundamental principle to the most ner, so to speak.
minute and insignificant parts of the
universe, doesn’t it make sense to as-
sume that He applies it to the master-
piece of His creation — the human
soul? I think it does.”

R52 GP Comfort For The Bereaved


There once was a king who had a favorite jester

in his court. Because of all his good work for many
years, cheering up the king and making him happy,
the king finally retired him, gave him some property

The and a good income, and sent him off to see the world.
For his journey, the king presented the fool with his
favorite walking cane—a very beautiful wooden cane

king’s with gold inlay.

“I want to give you this,” he said, “as a special
present to you from me, because you have been such
an encouragement to me and such good company all

fool these years.” Then he continued, “You’re going away

now because I have released you from my service. Take
this cane with you. It’s my special gift to you for being
the greatest fool I ever had!”
Some years later the king’s fool heard that the king
was dying, for he too was quite old. The fool came to the king’s deathbed and began to sympathize with him.
“Are you ready to go?” the fool asked the king.
“What do you mean?” the king replied.
“Well, since I last saw you,” the jester explained, “I have met Christ and have received Him as my Savior. I
am now ready to die because I know I’ll go to be with Jesus in Heaven.” Then he asked, “Have you made prep-
arations for this journey into death? Have you received Jesus as your Savior? Are you ready to die?”
“Preparations? What preparations would I need?” the king exclaimed. “I don’t believe in all that ‘Jesus’ and
‘Heaven’ talk. My kingdom is here! I know it’s real. That’s all that matters to me!”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” the king’s jester said quietly, “because you don’t realize the mistake you are mak-
ing, or all that you are turning down—forgiveness of sin and eternal life with the King of kings.” Then he contin-
ued, “Do you remember when you once sent me off on a long journey, and you gave me this walking cane as a
present because you said that I was the greatest fool you ever had? Well, I have returned from that journey and
made my preparations for the next—a journey that we all must take. It is our longest journey, and one from
which we will never return. But you have not made preparations for it. So here, I want to give you back this cane.
You’re a greater fool than I am!”
So many people try to hide from death. They don’t like to think about it. It’s something that is going to
happen to everyone sooner or later, but most are not ready for it; they’ve made no preparation whatsoever.
But there’s no reason to ignore death, to fear it, or to refuse to think about it. For those of us who know the
Lord, death will be sweet release to a new world and a new life! The moment we die, our spirits are set free—
liberated from our earthbound flesh with all its problems and woes into the world of the spirit. You will have
graduated from this grade of earthly life.
Just make sure you’re prepared by receiving Jesus as your Savior. Then you will be ready when He comes for
you, and in the meantime you can live life to the full, knowing you’re safe and sound and Heaven-bound! Re-
ceive Jesus today!
By David Brandt Berg

A Promotion!
By David Brandt Berg
I don’t like to use the word “die,” because it’s not we have conquered the grave through Christ and our
really death. Actually, we who believe in Jesus don’t salvation and our eventual resurrection. Our spirits
really die, for the Bible says “whosoever lives and be- are immediately free to go to be with the Lord, so it’s
lieves in Me [Jesus] shall never die” (John 11:26). It says not really death for us in the same way it is for others.
in another place, “They shall not see death” (John 8:51). We don’t really die in the sense that they die.
And in another passage St. Paul says, “Death, where is That’s why I don’t like to call it “dying” or “death.”
thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death I prefer to call it “graduation,” “passing on” or “pro-
is sin” (1 Corinthians 15:55–56). motion.” It’s just like passing from one room to an-
For us, death will have no sting because our sins other, and it’s a very beautiful experience for those
are forgiven, and the grave will have no victory because who know and love the Lord.

R53 GP Preparing For Passing On


Jim’s Prayer
The story is told of a certain priest who was disturbed to see a shabbily dressed old
man go into his church at noon every day and come out again after a few minutes. What
could he be doing? He informed the caretaker and asked him to question the old man.
After all, the place contained valuable furnishings.
“I go to pray,” the man said in reply to the caretaker’s questioning.
“Come, come now,” said the other, “you are never long enough in the church to
“Well, you see,” the old man went on, “I don’t know how to pray a long prayer, but
every day at twelve o’clock I just come and say, ‘Jesus, it’s Jim.’ I wait a minute and then
come away. Even though it’s just a little prayer, I think He hears me.”
When Jim was injured some time later and taken to the hospital, he had a wonderful
influence on the ward. Grumbling patients became cheerful and often the ward would
ring with laughter.
“Well, Jim,” said a nurse to him one day, “the men say you are responsible for this
change in the ward. They say you are always happy.”
“Aye, that I am. I can’t help being happy. You see, it’s my Visitor. Every day He makes
me happy.”
“Your visitor?” The nurse was puzzled. She had noticed that Jim’s chair was always
empty during visiting hours, for he was a lonely man, with no relatives. “Your visitor? But
when does he come?”
“Every day,” Jim replied, with a light in his eye. “Yes, every day at twelve o’clock He
comes and stands at the foot of my bed. I see Him and He smiles and says, ‘Jim, it’s Jesus.’”
* * *
We met a Scottish man who works here in Thailand.
Being familiar with the He received Jesus and invited us to his house for dinner.
story of Jim as related above, we Since his name was Jimmy, we started telling him the story
were encouraged by the follow- of “Jesus, it’s Jim!”—about the old man who went to the
ing update to it, sent to us by church every day to pray. He interrupted us to say he knew
Michael, a missionary in the story well; in fact, it happened near where he lived in
Thailand. He wrote: Scotland.
The name of the man was Jimmy Meekan, he said,
and our friend knew the cardinal who officiated at Jimmy’s funeral. He added this fascinat-
ing conclusion to the story, stating that he personally knew many witnesses, including the
cardinal, who would swear on a Bible that this incident truly happened.
While Jim was seriously ill in the hospital, the doctors who were familiar with his con-
dition were amazed at how cheerful he was and how he continually tried to cheer up the
other patients. However, when Jim gave the explanation that Jesus came to visit him daily,
many scoffed. But at his funeral, while the mourners stood about the coffin, they were
astonished to hear a loud voice, as it were from the sky, saying, “Jim, it’s Me, Jesus!”

Not the End,

But a New Beginning
By David Brandt Berg
Death is marvelous! It’s freedom for the Christian! It’s a wonderful liberation! For
the believer in Christ it is being set free from this old body that gives us so much trouble.
The old body’s heavy, it’s tired, it hurts, it gets sick. But we will enter a new world of
freedom from the shackles of the flesh, into the vast and boundless universe of the spirit!
The end of the road for us will just be the beginning! “When we all get to Heaven,
what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the vic-
tory!” Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord!
We will meet our departed loved ones again, and find our lost loves and be joined
with them eternally in everlasting happiness, in an eternal life of love and joy and heav-
enly happiness forever with the God of love and those we love!

R54 GP Death as Graduation


You may think you have little to offer others that would make a differ-
ence in their lives, but that’s not so. This list shows how you can give
by bestowing on others gifts that will be treasured forever, starting
with …

THE GIFT OF YOU By Dee Ann Ludwig

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only gift is a portion of one’s self.” And that’s what these
twelve gifts are—gifts of you. They cost nothing, but are some of the most precious presents
you can give to your friends and family. Their effects can last a lifetime.

The Gift of Time The Gift of Fun

In our busy world, the phrase “I don’t have time There are people who “wet blanket” the happi-
to...” has become a universal complaint. Like a grow- ness of those around them, while others lead people
ing plant, any relationship between two people can into finding fun in ordinary events.
thrive only if it receives care. Most human relation-
ships profit from a simple tonic that is called “tincture
of time.” A chatty phone call to an unhappy friend or The Gift of Letting Others Give
a half-hour visit to an aunt who lives alone can mean When we let others give to us, and when we ac-
a lot, but costs very little. cept their gifts in a gracious manner, we may be giving
them one of the most important gifts of all.

The Gift of Good Example

Most people learn fundamental attitudes and be- The Gift of Privacy
havior by observing others. Be a good example by Too often we tend to smother those we love with
handling difficult situations in a mature manner. questions and demands on their time. Each of us has a
need for companionship and a need for privacy. Relin-
quish some of your natural curiosity occasionally and
The Gift of Acceptance give those you love the right to private thoughts and
Many problems between husbands and wives or unshared feelings.
between friends begin when one person tries to
change the other to fit preconceived notions. But did
you know that often people begin to shed bad habits The Gift of Self-Esteem
once they are accepted the way they are? It’s hard to resist the temptation to give unwanted
or unnecessary advice and help to those we love. Such
advice may unwittingly cripple a person’s self-esteem.
The Gift of Seeing the Best in People A Chinese proverb proclaims, “There’s nothing more
When we expect people to respond in a positive blessed on earth than a mother—but there’s nothing
way, they usually do. more blessed in Heaven than a mother who knows
when to let go of the hand.”

The Gift of Giving Up a Bad Habit

All of us have habits that annoy those we love. The Gift of Self-Disclosure
What a great gift it would be if you could give up an Relationships can either grow and expand, or be-
unpleasant or unhealthy habit. come stale and decline. Self-disclosure—letting some-
one else discover more about you—can turn a wilting
The Gift of Teaching relationship into a flourishing one. It can also help sus-
Helping someone you love learn something new tain an already healthy friendship or marriage. Bottling
is an important investment in their future happiness. up feelings, resentments and hopes is not only un-
Sharing our talents with others is a good way to show healthy, it also deprives others of truly knowing who
our love. you are.

The Gift of Listening

Few of us know how to listen effectively. Too
often we interrupt or act disinterested when some-
one else is talking.

R55 GP Christmas. Giving.


Jesus gave Himself

By David Brandt Berg

esus temporarily renounced the rights of His citizenship in
Heaven and became a citizen of this world. Though He was
rich, for our sakes He became poor that we through His pov-
erty might become rich. He not only adapted Himself to our
bodily form, but also conformed to the human ways of life,
custom, language, dress and living, that He might understand
and love us better and communicate with us on the lowly level
of our own human understanding. He did it that He might reach
us with His love, prove to us His compassion and concern, and
help us understand His message in simple, childlike terms that
we could grasp.

The Best Gifts

S o many people are in need at Christmas, wanting love, feeling lonely, needing comfort and
assurance that they matter. So many others are giving gifts at Christmas, hurrying here and
there to buy things, to find the perfect present, to not be caught short having forgotten someone.
… But does all that material gift-giving really make a difference? Of course it can be a help, but
think of those I mentioned who are lonely, the ones who are hoping for a little company, a little
friendship, someone they can connect with. What would they appreciate most?
Why don’t you give yourself this Christmas? Why don’t you give of your time to talk to
someone, to invite them into your home for a bit or to visit them in theirs? Why don’t you see
what you can do to make a difference in someone else’s life? If they’re interested and ready for
it, why don’t you tell them about Jesus, and how He can warm every corner of their heart?
They’ll be glad you did, and so will Jesus! In fact, that’s the very best gift you can give to Jesus on
His birthday, because He wants nothing more than for others to know Him and His Father’s
And if you don’t have Jesus in your life yourself, why not ask Him into your heart this
Christmas? That would be the best Christmas gift you’d ever receive! He’s there for us all, and
He wants to make your Christmas—and your life—truly beautiful, filled with love from Him—
His special gift to you.
I love you! Merry Christmas!
—David Brandt Berg

R56 GP Christmas. Giving.


If you’re too busy to

heed the cry of
those in need,
you’re busier than
God Himself!
My Christmas
Discovery Pity just feels sorry.
Compassion does
by Norman Vincent Peale something about it!
The compassionate
put feet to their

ome of my most impressionable years were spent in
Cincinnati. I still remember the huge Christmas tree in prayers and kind
Fountain Square—the gleaming decorations, the streets deeds to their
ringing with the sound of carols. Up on East Liberty Street where words.
we lived, my mother always had a Christmas tree with real
candles on it, magical candles which, combined with the fir tree, Remember, love
gave off a forest aroma, unique and unforgettable. never fails—be-
One Christmas Eve when I was 12, I was out with my cause God is Love,
minister father doing some late Christmas shopping. He had me and it is impossible
loaded down with packages and I was tired and cross. I was for Him to fail!
thinking how good it would be to get home when a beggar—a
bleary-eyed, unshaven, dirty old man—came up to me, touched Love is not blind; it
my arm with a hand like a claw, and asked for money. He was so has an extra spiri-
repulsive that instinctively I recoiled. tual eye which sees
Softly my father said, “Norman, it’s Christmas Eve. You the good and possi-
shouldn’t treat a man that way.”
bilities that others
I was unrepentant. “Dad,” I said, “he’s nothing but a bum.”
cannot see!
My father stopped. “Maybe he hasn’t made much of him-
self, but he’s still a child of God.” He then handed me a dollar—a
lot of money for those days and for a preacher’s income. “I want Someone is passing
you to take this and give it to that man,” he said. “Speak to him under the window
respectfully. Tell him you are giving it to him in Christ’s name.” of your life right
“Oh, Dad!” I protested. “I can’t do anything like that.” now! Has your love
My father’s voice was firm. “Go and do as I tell you.” found a way to help
So, reluctant and resisting, I ran after the old man and said, them? Has His love
“Excuse me, sir. I give you this money in the name of Christ.” shown you how
He stared at the dollar bill, then looked at me in utter you can help them?
amazement. A wonderful smile came to his face, a smile so full He will if you want
of life and beauty that I forgot that he was dirty and unshaven. I Him to, no matter
forgot that he was ragged and old. With a gesture that was what the conditions
almost courtly, he took off his hat. Graciously he said, “And I or your limitations!
thank you, young sir, in the name of Christ.” (Quotations from
All my irritation, all my annoyance faded away. The street, David Brandt Berg)
the houses, everything around me suddenly seemed beautiful
because I had been part of a miracle that I have seen many
times since—the transformation that comes over people when
you think of them as children of God, when you offer them love
in the name of a Baby born two thousand years ago in a stable
in Bethlehem, a Person who still lives and walks with us and
makes His presence known.
That was my Christmas discovery that year—the gold of
human dignity that lies hidden in every living soul, waiting to
shine through if only we’ll give it a chance.

R57 GP Christmas. Reaching out.


A Time for
by Reamer Kline
One summer my family gave work to a wandering man even though
we suspected he had a problem with alcohol. In the fall he left us, but
at Christmas a greeting arrived from hundreds of miles away—no per-
sonal message, just a signature. Then in the spring he came to see us.
“I’ve stopped drinking,” he said. “I’m going to a permanent job.”
When we thanked him for his Christmas card, he told us that it was the
only card he had sent. “I wanted it to say ‘thank you,’ not for the work,
but for the respect you gave me. It helped me to begin a new life.”
Then there was the lady in the hospital. She carried the card a
friend of ours sent her in a little drawstring bag and during the entire
Christmas season she would stop people and say, “Look at my Christ-
mas card. The lady I worked for sent it to me. I’m not forgotten.” We
heard later that that card, the only one she received, was the beginning
of her recovery from her illness.
Today I approach Christmas by recalling those two lone cards. Each
represented a new birth at Christmas and both are a reminder to me
that Christmas is always a time for remembering.

A little bit of love goes a long,

long way
by David Brandt Berg

Some people are tired, weary with

life, discouraged with pushing on, lack-
ing the energy or enthusiasm that it takes
to get anywhere in life, or even the peace
that it takes to enjoy simple things. But if
you give them a word, a smile or a look of At Christmas
sympathy and understanding, if you give At Christmas—the season
them the respect that they deserve just Of giving and sharing,
for keeping on, then it can change them Of living and loving
Remembering, caring—
completely. Our thoughts bridge the space that
So give people the respect they de- Would tend to divide us,
serve—Jesus did! He died for that person, Restoring the warmth of
Your presence beside us.
just like He died for you, and He’ll be May all the sweet magic
mighty glad if you show His love to them, Of Christmas conspire
too. Won’t you? Will you let that be your To gladden your hearts
And fill every desire.
Christmas gift to those around you? Just —by Harold H. Benn
show His love, even if only in small ways,
to those you meet, those on your path
each day, and see if it doesn’t make a great
difference—not only to them, but to you!

R58 GP Christmas. Reaching out.



is all about
n a beautiful December Saturday, we piled our boys and a friend That’s what Jesus
into our car and headed for a small park on the Chattahoochee does with you: He
River (in the southern United States). While the three boys ran takes you, dirty as
along the riverbank, Bob and I set out for a stroll on the beach but found you are, and He
broken bottles, discarded cans and tossed hamburger bags everywhere. washes away your
The beach’s beauty had perished beneath litter. sin and your past. He
even washes away
Idly we began to pick up cans to recycle. When the boys saw what we your evil thoughts, re-
were doing they came to help, and with all those workers, we picked up placing them with
paper, too. Soon we cleaned a wide stretch of the beach. new thoughts from
His Word. And then
God so loved you and me that He sent Someone to “clean us when He has you all
up.” That’s what Christmas is all about. nice and clean, He
gives you a new
Beneath the litter of our broken lives, discarded friendships, and forgot- start—new attitudes,
ten promises, God still sees the beauty of who we are meant to be. He new energy, new abil-
sends Jesus with love and the power to “clean us up”—not merely to dis- ity to love and new
card our ”litter,” but to restore us to whole lives, healed friendships and reasons for living.
new intent. All He asks from us is our belief that He can work a mighty Isn’t He wonderful?
work in our lives. —David Brandt Berg
—Patricia Houck Sprinkle

Giving a child away …

Three-year-old Barnabas, two-month-old David and I were traveling alone at
Christmas. As we left the plane, a helpful stewardess said, “I think I’ll take that cute baby
home with me.”
Barnabas stared up at her in horror. “You can’t! He’s our baby, and very precious to
us!” I have treasured that remark through the many brotherly battles over the years.
I also think of it at Christmas and realize, in a small way, just what it was that God
gave. What would it take for me to send one of my precious sons to a faraway land to
grow up among strangers, suffer their scorn and die from their hostility?
God gave a precious Gift out of an incredible love.
That’s what Christmas is all about.
—Patricia Houck Sprinkle

F or God so loved the world, that He

gave His only begotten Son, that who-
soever believeth in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life.—John 3:16.

R59 GP Christmas. Salvation.


For unto us a child is born,

unto us a son is given (Isaiah 9:6).
The baby Jesus. Now is the moment. We place the Christ Child inside
the nativity scene, making it complete. With this act we acknowledge in our
hearts the deepest mystery of all. God has come! In a tiny child God arrives
among us, making life complete … meeting our deepest need.
There seems little else to discover about the Baby on the straw. Still, I
close my eyes and journey back to Bethlehem. …
Dawn glows on the horizon, sending shards of pink light across the sky.
Inside the stable Joseph packs a few belongings on the back of a donkey. Mary
tends the Baby, struggling to wrap the pieces of swaddling around his squirm-
ing arms and legs.
“My, what a wiggler You are,” she says, finally spinning the little cocoon
around Him. Now He frets sleepily. “Won’t You go to sleep while I get ready to
leave?” Mary asks. But as she lays Him on the manger hay, His newborn cry
pierces the stable.
“Please … let me,” I imagine myself saying. In my mind’s eye I can see
her eye me gratefully as I lift the Christ Child into my arms. I rock Him gently.
Gradually His crying stops. His eyes flutter closed. The Christ Child sleeps. I
hold Him, warmed by the thought that here in the Bethlehem stable I’ve met
some tiny need for Him. But what about now—today?
The thought overwhelms me. For all at once I recognize something I’ve
never quite seen before. Christmas is not only about our needing God; it’s
also about God needing us! Christmas helps us understand that the spirit that
dwelt in Jesus is meant for us, too. God needs us to love the world as He does …
to go about our lives as Christ did. He needs us to hold Him in our hearts,
lifting Him up to the world by the way we live.
Yes, Christmas meets my deepest need. And it lays in my arms an awe-
some awareness—God became what we are so we could start to become what
He is.

—Sue Monk Kidd

He Needs Us
Think of it! The great God, the Creator of the universe, needs you and
me. You see, Jesus is incomplete without us. He is love, and without someone
to love, He cannot give as His nature compels Him to. Therefore He needs us,
the object of His love, and then He needs and desperately wants us to return
His love. He yearns for us, He weeps for us, He longs for our love. The Bible
says that when Jesus saw the multitude, His heart was touched and He was
moved with compassion when He saw that they were like sheep with no shep-
herd (Mark 6:34).
He longs to carry you in His arms, to feed and nourish you and tenderly
care for you as a shepherd cares for a young lamb in his care. He wants you
by His side, so He can show you His love day and night. He wants to gently
lead you into green pastures, into those places where you will be happy and
fulfilled and come to realize the purpose for which He made you. And then
you will realize another reason for His need—so that you can express His
great love for others, so you can be His hands and smile and arms, giving
them the same love and comfort He has given you.

—David Brandt Berg

R60 GP Christmas. God’s love.

Reprint from The Observer
It is not just the greatest show on Earth. It is the most spectacular display of heav-
enly fireworks in the solar system. That is why this week’s total solar eclipse [August 11,
1999] — the first in Britain since June 1927 — is so important.
For a start, no other known planet has eclipses like those of Mother Earth. The clos-
est worlds to the Sun — Mercury and Venus — have no moons. Mars has only tiny
Deimos and Phobos, while the Sun is so remote and looks so small from the outer
planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto — that the solar disc would be
obliterated by a passing moon.
Only Earth has a natural satellite the same size as the Sun when viewed from the
ground, and so the former precisely blots out the latter. The Sun is 400 times bigger than the Moon, but it is also roughly 400
times further away. “This exact matching of size is crucial in making this one of the greatest celestial events,” said Dr. Paul
Murdin, of the British National Space Centre.
“The Moon’s disc just covers the Sun and no more, precisely masking its harmful brilliance, making visible its solar promi-
nences, inner corona, photosphere, and other fiery effects. Nowhere else gets a view like that.”


The world-famed statistician George Gallup (1901–1984), said, “I could prove God statistically! Take the human body alone.
The chance that all the functions of the individual would ‘just happen’ is a statistical monstrosity!”

English astronomer and mathematician Sir Fred Hoyle (1915– ) has stated, “As biochemists discover more and more about
the awesome complexity of life, it is apparent that its chances of originating by accident are so minute that they can be
completely ruled out.”

What do you
believe? a e We
By David Brandt Berg
Did W ? Wer ed??
Someone asked,“Couldn’t God have created
ve at
the world by the process of evolution?” Evol Cre
“Well,” I answered,“if God is God and if He is
the Creator who could make the universe, why
would He have to make it by the process of evo- Three monkeys sat in a coconut tree
lution? Why couldn’t He have made it in six days, Discussing things as they’re said to be.
just like the Bible says?” Said one to the other, “Now listen, you two,
Evolution is a religion which has to be be- There’s a certain rumor that can’t be true:
lieved by faith! All these discoveries such as That man descended from our noble race—
The very idea! It’s a dire disgrace!
missing links have been proven to be either
No monkey ever deserted his wife,
fakes or lies or guesses or theories! Evolution is
Starved her baby and ruined her life.
really a religion of unbelief in God! That’s its
And you’ve never known a mother monk
whole idea—to destroy faith in God. To leave her baby with others to bunk.
But as far as any proofs of evolution are con- Here’s another thing a monk won’t do:
cerned, even Margaret Meade (1901–1978), the Go out at night and get in a stew,
great anthropologist, although she went on Or use a gun or club or knife
record as a “firm believer in evolution”—note To take some other monkey’s life.
the emphasis on believer—said in her own in- Yes! Man descended, the ornery cuss!
troduction to her textbook on anthropology: But brother, he didn’t descend from us!”
“Nevertheless, we as honest scientists must
confess that science has yet to discover one
single iota of concrete evidence to prove [the
theory of evolution]!”

R61a GP Creation

“In the beginning, God created the heaven

and the Earth” (The Bible, Genesis 1:1).

T he Darwinist hegemony in the natural sciences may be threatened by a cutting-edge, revolutionary

Scientists Find Evidence of God

movement that sees intelligent design in nature — and a Designer.

Chemist Charles Thaxton was amazed 15 years ago when The Mystery of Life’s Origin, a book he co-
authored on chemical evolution with two other scientists, provoked a very positive response from scien-
tists around the country. Thaxton, a visiting assistant professor at Charles University in Prague, expected a
negative reaction, if indeed the book (which since has come to be regarded as one of the opening salvos
in what is called the Intelligent Design Movement) even was so much as noticed.
After all, The Mystery of Life’s Origin, which became a best-selling college text, tentatively proposed the
case for intelligent design in nature, and pointed out serious flaws in Darwinism. Such views were re-
garded as unthinkable and most definitely unscientific by the vast majority of scientists at the time, not
only because Intelligent Design suggested that evolution wasn’t the random, chaotic process most biolo-
gists believed it to be, but (even more unacceptably) indicated the probable existence of a designer —
God, perhaps — who was responsible for the design. The notion that a designer might be at work behind
nature was a concept no self-respecting scientist wanted to bring into the scientific scheme of things.
“I didn’t think anyone would accept the book. When we wrote it, it was like being a lone wolf out there,”
Thaxton tells Insight. “Hard-core materialists aren’t going to tolerate intelligence in nature,” he says.
“Then I got lots of calls from scientists and mathematicians who did” — men and women in a variety of
scientific fields who were coming to the same conclusions that Thaxton had described in The Mystery of
Life’s Origin. They (like Thaxton and his co-authors) daily were coming across data in their laboratories and
scientific pursuits that no longer could be explained by the standard model of Darwinian evolution. Such
data could be better — and more scientifically — understood by arguing that certain highly complex
entities in nature — the DNA molecule, for example — had been designed to do what they do and hadn’t
evolved randomly, by accident, which is how Darwinian evolution says they came about.
Thaxton’s argument for Intelligent Design, reduced to simplest terms, runs like this: The DNA molecule,
the basis of life, is a message, he says. It is information coded in a double helix. It’s not like a message; it is
the message. The molecule itself is an elaborate, complex design that is a message.
We humans know from experience that, when there’s a message, an intelligence created that mesage,
Thaxton says. No other explanation will suffice to account for the existence of the message. We don’t
receive letters from a random, undirected source, for example. Thus the implication is clear that DNA, a
message, was produced by intelligent design. “We know from experience that when there is a design,
there is a designer.”
By Stephen Goode, Reprint from Insight, April 4, 1999

L ouis Pasteur (1822–

1895), the French
chemist who founded
T he great physicist Sir
Isaac Newton (1642–
1727), wrote, “This most
N obel Prize winner in physics Dr. Arthur Compton
(1892–1962), said, “For myself, faith begins with a
realization that a supreme intelligence brought the uni-
microbiology, said, beautiful system of sun, verse into being and created man. It is not difficult for
“The more I study na- planets and comets could me to have this faith, for it is incontrovertible that where
ture, the more I am only proceed from the coun- there is a plan there is intelligence — an orderly unfold-
amazed at the Cre- sel and dominion of an intel- ing universe testifies of the truth of the most majestic
ator.” ligent and powerful being.” statement ever uttered: “In the beginning God ... ”

R62 GP Creation

The Spring That Crossed the Road

By Wightman Weese, reprinted from The Christian Reader

My grandfather, James Baldwin, lived in north Georgia near the Tennessee

border. Relatives called him “Uncle Baldy.”
His family got their water from a spring near the front of his house. Water in
those days was always considered a gift from above.
Jesus said, Often the people who built the spring would drive a nail in a nearby tree and
hang a long-handled dipper on it. Anyone who came along could quench his
“Give, and it thirst.
will be given But if too many dipped into the water, or if they weren’t careful and knocked
dirt in it, Uncle Baldy would get angry and yell at them for “riling up” his spring.
to you: good Across the dirt road from Uncle Baldy’s house was a little church. The church
had no well or spring of its own. Churchgoers would have to either bring their
measure, drinking water from home or risk Uncle Baldy’s wrath by using his spring. Invari-
pressed ably by Sunday afternoon Uncle Baldy’s crystal clear spring water looked more
like a mud puddle.
down, Uncle Baldy had all he could take. One Sunday when the church crowd arrived,
they found a fence around the spring. They were no longer permitted to set foot
shaken to- on his property.
gether, and I don’t know what the church people did for a while, but soon something
strange happened. Uncle Baldy noticed the water level in his spring began to get
running over lower and lower. Then one day the white sand in the bottom of the wooden

will be put frame was bone dry.

Several weeks later one of the church members, while eating his Sunday
into your picnic lunch, happened to step backward into a clump of weeds and got stuck in
deep mud. Realizing
bosom. For what he had found, he
with the and some of the men in
y o u a n ywhere
hness g
the church brought
same mea- l s e lf is a big
shovels and dug around Wil le h a d such de-
e Bib d of
sure that the mudhole. Soon a thin
stream of water began to The r ic h m an in th es, but instea build
ny ric h ed to
d so ma thers, he decid self. (See
you use, it trickle out. har v e s t a n
o share
with o
o re f o r
The men cut boards, ciding t rns to hold m op which God as
will be mea- fit the wooden frame into bigger
a sn’t the
big cr
e st prob
lem w
Luke 12
.) It w is b ig g n soul.
sured back to the hole, filled it with
sand to filter the water, t w a s
him tha ness, the “barn
h is sin. H
in e s s” o f his ow idn’t
t he d
ings tha ake with
you^” (Luke and sparkling water came his s e lf
d all t h e t h
died, an thers, he could ess and its
n’t t
bubbling up through it. H e s o ith o hn
share w all! That’s selfis
6:38, NKJ). Now the church had its w a n t t o
he lost
ill re-
own water supply. him; so o g iv e, God w ore
t m
Across the road, Uncle reward. ou are willing you so much ’s
Baldy’s spring was a dry Bu t if y
ay a ndb le s s
o h o ld it a ! He
d re p able t
wooden box stuck in the ward an on’t even be
u w Berg
ground. that yo that! D a vid Brandt
ed —
“Just a coincidence,” promis
many people said about
Uncle Baldy’s spring—
which evidently decided to cross the road to join the church!
It was probably hard for Uncle Baldy. But if we get selfish with something God
gives, who knows, He may just take it away until we learn the truth that we gain
by giving and live by loving.
R63 GP Unselfishness and giving.

This is the true experience of a man named Donley. After being out of work for
months, he finally resorted to begging, which he despised with all his soul. One cold

Christ’s winter evening he stood by a private club and saw a man and his wife entering.
Donley asked the man for money to buy food.
“Sorry, fellow, but I don’t have any change,” the man replied.

Bread The woman overheard the conversation and asked, “What did that poor fellow
“The price of a meal. Said he was hungry,” replied her husband.
“Oh, Larry! We can’t go in and eat a meal we don’t need and leave a hun-
gry man out here.”
“There’s one on every corner now. He probably wants the money for booze.”
“But I have some change. Let me give him something.”
Donley had his back turned to them, but he heard every word. Embarrassed, he was about to run away, when he
heard the woman’s kind voice: “Here’s a dollar. Buy yourself food. And don’t lose courage, even if things do look hard.
There’s a job for you somewhere. I hope you’ll find it soon!”
“Thanks, lady. You’ve given me a fresh start and a new heart. I’ll never forget your kindness.”
“You’ll be eating Christ’s bread. Pass it on,” she said with a friendly smile, as if he were a man and not a bum. An
electric shock passed through him.
Donley found a cheap eating place, spent fifty cents, and resolved to save the rest for another day. He would be
eating Christ’s bread for two days. Again that feeling like an electric shock passed over him. Christ’s bread!
But wait! he thought. I can’t save up Christ’s bread just for myself! He seemed to hear the echo of an old hymn, hum-
ming in his memory—a hymn he had learned as a boy in Sunday school.
Just then an old man shuffled past. Maybe the old fellow is hungry, Donley thought. Christ’s bread must be shared.
“Hey!” Donley called after him. “What would you say to going in and getting a good meal?”
The old man turned, blinking at Donley. “Are you serious, Bud?”
The old man couldn’t believe his good fortune until he was seated at an oilcloth table with a bowl of stew before
him. During the meal Donley noticed that the old man was wrapping up part of his bread in a paper napkin. “Saving
some for tomorrow?” he asked.
“No, no. There’s a kid down my way. He’s had tough luck and was crying when I left. He’s hungry. I aim to give him the
Christ’s bread. The woman’s words returned to Donley once more and he had the odd feeling that there was a third
Guest at that oilcloth table. Far-off church chimes seemed to play that old hymn again in his mind.
The two men took the bread to the hungry boy, who began to eat greedily. Then suddenly he stopped and called a
dog—a frightened, lost dog.
“Here you go, doggie. You can have half of it,” said the boy.
Christ’s bread! Ah, yes. It would go to the four-footed brother too. St. Francis of Assisi would have done that, Donley thought.
The kid acted like a new boy now. He stood up and started to sell his newspapers.
“Good-bye,” said Donley to the old man. “There’s a job for you somewhere. You’ll find it soon. Just hang on. You
know”—his voice sank to a whisper—”this food that we’ve all just eaten is Christ’s bread. A lady told me so when she
gave me the dollar I bought it with. Good things are going to happen for us!”
As the old man left, Donley turned and found the lost dog nosing at his leg. He bent over to pat it and discovered a
collar around its neck. Its owner’s name was on the collar.
So Donley took the long walk uptown to the owner’s home and rang the bell. When the owner came to the door and
saw his lost dog, he was delighted.
Then his expression soured. He opened his mouth to say sharply: “Didn’t
you steal that dog just to get a reward?”—But he didn’t. There was a certain
dignity about Donley that stopped him. Instead he said,“I offered a reward in
last night’s paper. Ten dollars. Here it is!” T
he light of your smile, the
your life,
of your face, the influence
can shed light on many,
Donley looked at the bill, half-dazed.“I can’t take that,” he said softly. “I just
wanted to do the dog a good turn.” and have an amazing effect on some
“Take it! What you did is worth far more than that to me!—And do you people you might think would be the
want a job? Come to my office tomorrow. I need a man who has your integ- least likely to be impressed. When they
rity.” feel your love and you tell them it’s
As Donley started off down the avenue, that old hymn was singing in his God’s love, they can’t help but stop
soul, one he had remembered from childhood: “Break Thou the Bread of Life.” and think, “Maybe Somebody up there
does love me!” It changes their whole
Adapted from a story by Zelia M. Walters
outlook and gives them a real uplook!
So love!
—David Brandt Berg

R64 GP Love.Giving.

T hrough th
thee Storm ...
Storm Perfect Peace
G od is our refuge and
strength, an ever-
present help in trouble.
K now ye, soldiers all,
that God always
comes to man’s help in
Therefore we will not fear, the nick of time.
though the earth give way —Oliver Cromwell
and the mountains fall
into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar
and foam and the moun-
S ome years back,
when sea travel was
much more common
tains quake with their than air travel, a trans-At-
surging (Psalm 46:1–2 lantic liner was caught in
NIV). a storm. For two days the
When we put our cares in God’s hands,
wind raged. Passengers
He puts His peace in our hearts.
Y ou can have peace in
the midst of storm. It
were frightened. At last
an anxious passenger
reminds me of an art contest that was held in which climbed to where he could see the pilot. Returning
the artists were asked to illustrate peace. Most of to his fellow-passengers, he spread glad tidings of
the contestants handed in paintings of quiet, calm peace.“We are all right!” he said.“The ship will make
scenes of the countryside—absolute tranquility. port. I have seen the pilot, and he is smiling.” With
Well, that’s a form of peace. But the hardest kind of the great Pilot directing our life, we can smile on
peace to have was illustrated in the picture that through every storm and, smiling, be at peace.
won the award. It depicted the roaring, raging,
foaming rapids of a storm-swollen waterfall, and on
a little tree branch overhanging the torrent was a Iprayed for peace, and dreamed of restless ease,
A slumber drugged from pain, a hushed repose.
nest, where a tiny bird sat peacefully singing in spite Above my head the skies were black with storm,
of the raging river. And fiercer grew the onslaught of my foes.
Trusting is a picture of complete rest, peace and But while the battle raged and wild winds blew,
quiet of mind, heart and spirit. I heard His voice, and perfect peace I knew.
—David Brandt Berg —Annie Johnson Flint

W hen Catherine Booth, co-founder of the Sal-

vation Army with her husband William, was
dying, she quietly said, “The waters are rising, but I
I can fail, you can fail, the whole world can fail. But
God’s Word will never fail! When everything is in
chaos, and it seems like all is confusion and stormy,
am not sinking.” But then she had been saying that retreat into the Word.“Faith comes by hearing the Word
all through her life. Other floods besides the wa- of God!” (Romans 10:17). His Word is always a comfort,
ters of death had gathered about her soul, but she and the voice of His Spirit is always an encouragement
had never sunk! The good Lord made her buoyant, in the hour of greatest trial, even when everything
and she rode upon the storm! seems to have gone wrong and you’re in danger, trouble
This, then, is the promise of the Lord—not that or distress. Isn’t it wonderful to have God’s Word for our
the waters of trouble shall never gather about the encouragement? Thank God for the comfort of His
believer, but that he shall never be overwhelmed.
—David Brandt Berg
—J.H. Jowett

W hat lies behind us and what lies before us are

small matters compared to what lies within us.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

R65 GP Peace in time of trouble.


Angels Around Us
By Hope Price (excerpts of her book, Angels)
Marie Monsen was a Norwegian missionary in China during the 1920s. At that
time lawlessness was rife in China, and the Chinese army was not beyond reproach.
One night the leader of the soldiers promised them that they could loot a city, as
he had been unable to pay them for so long. This city housed the headquarters of
the mission for which Marie worked, and she was there that night. Rumors had
been heard that the looting would start at 10 p.m., but the soldiers were impa-
tient and began at 8 p.m.
Marie and the Chinese Christians with her heard shooting and shouting all night,
but no soldier came to bang on the door of their compound.
However, all through the night, terrified neighbors kept arriving to take refuge with
them. They climbed into the compound over the walls, each carrying a little bundle of valu-
ables in case the soldiers burned their homes to the ground. There were many fires to be seen
around the city and much commotion everywhere.
All night Marie and the Chinese Christians with her welcomed the fearful neighbors, made
them comfortable and shared with them the peace that only God can give. The non-believing neigh-
bors saw the difference a Christian faith made to these people, who had no fear of the citywide
attack happening all around, which could have invaded their own compound at any moment.
As the bullets whistled overhead, Marie shared with all of them the comfort in the words of Psalm
91:5 in the Bible:“You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,” in her own
words substituting “bullets” for “arrows.” The Scripture goes on to say that the Lord will send angels to
keep His children safe.
The following morning, many of the other people who lived near the compound came to ask who
their “protectors” were. At first Marie was not sure what they meant, until she heard the same account
from so many that she knew it was true. They all separately said they had seen three tall foreign soldiers
standing on the high roof of their Gospel Hall, one at each end and one in the
middle. A fourth protector was sitting on the porch over the main gate,
keeping watch in every direction. They were there all night, and all the ac-
counts said they “shone.” Neither Marie nor any of her Christian friends
had seen them. Only the nonbelievers living nearby had seen these an-
gel protectors, to convince them that God takes care of all who trust
in Him.

Your Own Angels

God will send angels just when you need them. You may hear
a flutter over your shoulder, or think you see something out of
the corner of your eye. Or maybe there will be an old man you
meet on your path, who directs you the right way and seems to have
a lively light and love in his eyes. Or you may just feel a certain warmth
and a peace—an assurance that somehow everything is going to be all
As things get worse and worse in this old world, you’ll need the help of these
angelic beings more and more, and He’ll send them more and more. The Lord
wants you to know that He loves you, that He cares, and sending angels to help you
is just one of the many ways He shows it. So don’t forget that if you trust in God and
His help, you’ll have angels watching after you—your own personal angel or angels—
sent by the Lord to take care of you!
—David Brandt Berg

R66 GP Angels. God’s Protection.



(As told by Earl Marlatt)
It was the summer of 1916. I was in Rushville, Indiana [in the U.S.],
where the Royal Welsh Male Chorus was giving a concert for the local
Chautauqua Association. They concluded their program with a hymn,
“Abide with Me,” sung by a quartet to a low, intermittently surging
accompaniment by the chorus. Such a finale seemed strange at a
Wednesday evening musicale, which featured rollicking choruses rather
than sacred music. I was puzzled and interested. Looking up the director,
I asked him why he had closed the program with a hymn.
“We always end it that way,” he said. “It’s almost a rite with us.”
With a newspaperman’s persistence, I carried on until I got the story.
“We were on the Lusitania,” he said, “when it was torpedoed in the The RMS Lusitanian was
a British steamship which
Irish Sea. We saw a crosswise ripple on the waves and heard a muffled explosion was torpedoed off the
below. A few minutes later the boat began to list. We understood and decided to act at coast of Ireland on May
7, 1915, during WWI.
once. Having been reared on the Welsh coast, we were excellent swimmers. So we put
1,198 people died.
on our life belts and planned to dive from the deck rail before the liner sank. We
mapped out our course in detail. We would swim underwater as far as possible and
meet out of range of the suction we knew would follow the sinking of the ship.
“We were just in time. As we came up within a few yards of each other and looked
back, we saw the Lusitania stand upright for a second and then drop terribly,
shriekingly, into the sea. We swam furiously on and on together. A damaged life raft
floated out to us. It was useless except as something to cling to when we were tired of
floating or treading water. All the rescue boats missed us. The sun set over the spot
where the Lusitania had been. It was suddenly dark and very cold.
“Our fingers, and eventually our bodies, grew numb. We clung to the life raft with
increasing difficulty. Without a light or a sound on the sea, we gave up hope of rescue
and grudgingly admitted as much to each other. Being Christians, we wanted a
sacrament at a time like that. None of us felt good enough to pray. But we had always Those
sung—sometimes sacred songs. We agreed to sing one stanza of a hymn and then slip who place
quietly, together, into the sea. We chose ‘Abide with Me.’
Abide with me: fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide. in the care
When other helpers fail and comforts flee, of God ex-
Help of the helpless, O abide with me! perience
“As we finished the stanza a claxon sounded. Our voices, carrying out over the sea,
had reached a destroyer cruising over the spot where the Lusitania had sunk. We took
the peace
heart and sang the remaining stanzas. Guided by the music of the hymn, the crew of the of God.
destroyer steered directly to us, picked us up, and carried us safely to shore.
“After that we feel that the least we can do is to use that hymn as a benediction for
our concerts.”

hen everything else has passed away, you’ll still have Jesus! When everything else is gone, there
will still be Jesus! When all others forsake you, there will still be Jesus! When you haven’t got
anything left, there will still be Jesus! When everything else has gone to pot and lies in ruins,
Jesus will still be with you. When the world has nothing left, you will still have Jesus!—And when you have
Jesus, the two of you together can handle anything!
—David Brandt Berg

R67 GP God’s help in trouble.


Power Pr ayer

Y ou really should stop dealing drugs now that you have become a Christian,” said prisoner Graham to one
of his fellow inmates who is currently serving a life sentence. Graham is one of many prisoners in England
serving life sentences for murder who have recently been saved in jail.
“Never!” answered the newly-saved prisoner. “How can I earn money here in prison otherwise?”
That day, Graham not only prayed for his fellow inmate, but just before lights out he knocked on the wall
and called to his neighbor to tell him he was praying for him.
The next morning, Graham was called into the prison director’s office. He saw a pile of plastic bags on the
table, full of white powder. “I have nothing to do with these drugs!” he said.
“Yes, we know,” answered the guard. “The prisoner in the cell next to yours called us this morning. He told us
you prayed for him last night. He could not sleep at all and saw a white figure standing at the end of his bed all
night. This morning, he called us, gave us the drugs and asked to be taken to a rehabilitation center. We thought
that would interest you.”
—John Campbell

M y rice harvest will be so poor! All the villagers will make fun of me!” The new Christian, an ex-Hindu,
tearfully sought the help of Ravikumar Kurapati, an Indian missionary who had started a new church in
his village.
“Let’s see what the Word of God says about prayer,” said Kurapati.
The missionary later recounts what happened. “After we prayed together, we decided to pray for his crop.
The next day, I went with him to his field, watched by almost the entire village. I took a bucket of fresh water,
and prayed. I then asked him to take the water and throw it over his crop. When harvest time came, he was
amazed: He collected an incredible 30 sacks of rice from his narrow strip of land. It not only provided this man
with income, but it opened the other villagers’ eyes to see that Jesus Christ is the true God.”
—Gospel for Asia

Say a Pr ayer

I was taking my usual morning walk when a garbage

truck pulled up beside me. I thought the driver was
going to ask for directions. Instead, he showed me a
I Said a Pr ayer for YYou
Prayer ou Today
picture of a cute little five-year-old boy. “This is my
grandson, Jeremiah,” he said. “He’s on a life-support
system at a Phoenix hospital.” Thinking he would next
ask for a contribution for his hospital bills, I reached for
I said a prayer for you today
And know God must have heard—
I felt the answer in my heart
my wallet. But he wanted something more than money. Although He spoke no word.
He said, “I’m asking everyone I can to say a prayer for him. I didn’t ask for wealth or fame
Would you say one for him, please?” I did. And my (I knew you wouldn’t mind)—
problems didn’t seem like much that day. I asked Him to send treasures
—Bob Westenberg, Of a far more lasting kind!
“Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul” I asked that He’d be near you
At the start of each new day,
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small—
But it was for His loving care
I prayed the most of all!
—Author unknown

R68 GP Prayer.

“He’s with Me”

By Phyllis I. Martin
Storm clouds and strong gusts of wind had come up suddenly over the Alpine
Elementary School.The radio blared tornado warnings. It was too dangerous to send
the children home. Instead, they were taken to the basement, where they huddled
together in fear.
We teachers were worried too. To help ease tensions, the principal suggested a sing-
along. But the voices were weak and unenthusiastic. Child after child began to cry—
we could not calm them.
Then a teacher, whose faith seemed equal to any emergency, whispered to the child
closest to her, “Aren’t you forgetting something, Kathie? There is a power greater
than the storm that will protect us. Just say to yourself, `God is with me now.’ Then
pass the words on to the child next to you.”
As the thought was whispered from child to child, a sense of peace settled over the
group. I could hear the wind outside still blowing with the same ferocity as the
moment before, but it didn’t seem to matter now. Inside, fear subsided and tears
faded away.
When the all-clear signal came over the radio sometime later, students and staff
returned to their classrooms without their usual jostling and talking.
Through the years I have remembered those calming words. In times of stress and
trouble, I have again been able to find release from fear and tension by repeating,
“He’s with me now.”

This Moment At the Bottom of the World

He’s helping me now—this moment, Irish explorer Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton (1874-1922) tells how he and
Though I may not see it or hear, two other men, Worsley and Crean, battled against terrible odds in a tem-
Perhaps by a friend far distant, perature many degrees below zero, as they made their way over the al-
Perhaps by a stranger near, most impassable mountains and the treacherous glaciers of South Geor-
Perhaps by a spoken message, gia Island in their efforts to seek aid for the rest of the marooned trans-
Perhaps by the printed word; Antarctic expedition. Of this march Sir Ernest Shackleton writes:
In ways that I know and know not, “When I look back on those days I have no doubt that Providence guided
I have the help of the Lord. us. … I know that during that long and racking march of thirty-six hours
over the unnamed mountains
He’s keeping me now—this moment, and glaciers of South Georgia,
However I need it most, it seemed to me often that we
Perhaps by a single angel, were four, and not three. I said
Perhaps by a mighty host, nothing to my companions on
Perhaps by the chain that frets me, the point, but afterward
Or the walls that shut me in; Worsley said to me, ‘Boss, I had
In ways that I know and know not, a curious feeling on that march
He keeps me from harm or sin. that there was another Person
with us.’ Crean confessed to the
When the sun is setting, same idea. One feels ‘the dearth
And we watch its dying ray, of human words, the roughness
We never doubt it will appear of human speech’ in trying to
To light another day. describe things intangible, but
So let us face our future, a record of our journeys would
Secure in faith that He not be complete without a ref-
Who rules sunrise and sunset, erence to a subject so very near
Keeps watch o’er you and me. to our hearts.”
—Annie Johnson Flint

R69 GP God’s Protection.


In a world filled with violence, do

you ever wonder if God really pro-
tects His children?

What Goes Around Comes Around

hen I was working as a disc jockey in Columbus, Ohio, I used to go to University Hos-
pital or Grant Hospital on my way home. I would walk down the corridors and just
walk into different people’s rooms and read Scripture to them or talk to them. It was a
way of forgetting about my problems and being thankful to God for my health. It
made a difference in the lives of those I visited. One time it literally saved my life.
I was very controversial in radio. I had offended someone in an editorial that I had done about a
promoter who was bringing entertainers into town who were not the original members of a particular
group. The person I exposed literally took a contract out on me!
One night I was coming home at about two o’clock in the morning. I had just finished working at a
nightclub where I was the emcee. As I began to open my door, a man came out from behind the side of
my house and said, “Are you Les Brown?”
I said, “Yes, sir.”
He said, “I need to talk to you. I was sent here to carry out a contract on you.”
“Me? Why?” I asked.
He said, “Well, there’s a promoter that’s very upset about the money you cost him when you said
that the group that was coming to town was not the real group.”
“Are you going to do something to me?” I asked.
He said,“No.” And I didn’t want to ask him why because I didn’t want him to change his mind! I was
just glad!
He continued,“My mother was in Grant Hospital and she wrote me about how you came in one day
and sat down and talked to her and read Scripture to her. She was so impressed that this morning disc
jockey, who didn’t know her, came in and did that. She wrote me about you when I was in the Ohio
penitentiary. I was impressed with that and I’ve always wanted to meet you. When I heard the word out
on the street that somebody wanted to knock you off,” he said,“I accepted the contract and then told
By Les Brown them to leave you alone.”

God’s miraculous protection of His children

♦ If you’re the Lord’s child, you don’t have anything to worry about. He hallows you round about and gives His
angels charge over you.
♦ Thank God for His angels who are watching over you continually, even your personal guardian angel, whose
job is you!
♦ You abide under the shadow of the Almighty,
like the Lord’s special force field or aura around
you—a special kind of glory that protects you.
I f you’re following the Lord the best you can, trying to help
others, trying to be a blessing, trying not to live selfishly, then
the Lord will do His part to take care of you. The Bible says
He’ll even send angels to safeguard you. He’ll for sure try to
avert harm by giving you a little nudge in your spirit or heart
or mind when you’re heading into a dangerous spot. He’ll do
all He can to take care of His children.
Then when something does happen to you, as He some-
times does allow for His own reasons, He will help you to un-
derstand why, as you ask Him to show you through His Word
or through His voice in your heart. And then He’ll heal, help
and restore. Oh, it’s wonderful to be God’s child, to be in His
hands and know He’s looking after you every moment!
—David Brandt Berg

R70GP God’s Protection.


Healing Prayer

By James R. Yates, Reader’s Digest, March 1996.
oes prayer heal? Scientists are discovering what believers have always known. It
was during residency training at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas,Texas, when
I had my first patient with terminal cancer in both lungs. I advised him on what
therapy was available and what little I thought it would do. Rightly enough he opted for
no treatment.
Yet whenever I stopped by his hospital bedside, he was surrounded by visitors from his
church, singing and praying.
Good thing, I thought, because soon they’ll be singing and praying at his funeral.
A year later when I was working elsewhere, a colleague at Parkland called to ask if I
wanted to see my old patient. See him? I couldn’t believe he was still alive. I studied his
chest X-rays and was stunned. The man’s lungs were completely clear—there was no sign
of cancer.
“His therapy has been remarkable,” the radiologist said, looking over my shoulder.
Therapy? I thought. There wasn’t any—unless you consider prayer.
I told two of my medical-school professors what had happened. Neither was willing to
acknowledge that the man’s healing was miraculous. “That was the natural course of the
disease,” one said. The other professor shrugged, “We see this,” he said.
I had long given up the faith of my childhood. Now I believed in the power of modern
medicine. Prayer seemed an arbitrary frill. So I put the incident out of my mind.
The years passed and I became chief of staff at a large urban hospital. I was aware that
many of my patients used prayer, but I put little trust in it. Then in the late ’80s I began to
come across studies—many conducted under stringent laboratory conditions—which
showed that prayer brings about significant changes in a variety of physical conditions.
Perhaps the most convincing study, published in 1988, was by cardiologist Dr. Randolph
Byrd. A computer assigned 393 patients at the coronary care unit of San Francisco General
Hospital either to a group that was prayed for by prayer groups or to a group that was not
remembered in prayer. No one knew which group the patients were in. The prayer groups
were simply given the patients’ first names, along with brief descriptions of their medical
problems. They were asked to pray each day until the patients were discharged from the
hospital—but were given no instructions on how to do it or what to say.
When the study was completed ten months later, the prayed-for patients benefited in
There’s several significant areas:
always * They were five times less likely than the “un-remembered” group to require antibiotics.
* They were 2½ times less likely to suffer congestive heart failure.
hope if * They were less likely to suffer cardiac arrest.
there’s If the medical technique being studied had been a new drug or surgical procedure
instead of prayer, it would probably have been heralded as a breakthrough. Even hard-
love and boiled skeptics like Dr. William Nolen, who had written a book questioning the validity of
prayer. faith healing, acknowledged,“If this is a valid study, we doctors ought to be writing on our
order sheets, ‘Pray three times a day.’ If it works it works.”

Prayer is powerful! When we pray, things will happen and things will be different. God will
answer prayer.—David Brandt Berg
R71 GP Prayer. God’s Healing.

Scientists, including physicians, can have blind spots, however. The power of prayer
seems to be one of them.
I have since given up practicing medicine to devote myself to researching and writ-
ing about prayer and how it affects our health. There are studies which suggest that
prayer can have a beneficial effect on high blood pressure, wounds, headaches and
anxiety. Here are some of the things I’ve found:

Prayer can take many forms.

In the studies I’ve seen, results occurred not only when people prayed for explicit
outcomes but also when they prayed for nothing specific. Some studies, in fact, showed
that a simple “Thy will be done” was quantitatively more powerful than specific results
held in the mind. In many experiments a simple attitude of prayerfulness—an all-per-
vading sense of holiness and a feeling of empathy, caring and compassion—seemed
to set the stage for healing.

Love increases the power of prayer.

The power of love is legendary. It’s built into folklore, common sense and everyday
experience. Love moves the flesh—as the blushing and palpitations experienced by
lovers attest. And throughout history, tender, loving care has uniformly been recog-
nized as a valuable element in healing. In fact, a survey of 10,000 men with heart dis-
ease published in The American Journal of Medicine found close to a 50% reduction of
angina in those who perceived their wives as supportive and loving.
Virtually all healers who use faith and prayer agree: Love is the power that makes it
possible for them to reach out to heal, even at a distance.The feeling of care and warmth
is so pronounced that they typically describe “becoming one” with the person being
prayed for. In healer Agnes Sanford’s words, “Only love can light the healing fire.”

Prayer is healthful.
Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School was one of the first medical research-
ers to study the health benefits of prayer and meditation. Benson discovered a con-
nection between exercise and prayer. He taught runners to meditate as they ran and
found that their bodies became more efficient.
His research showed not only that prayer is good for the body, but that also our
methods of prayer vary widely. Prescribing one specific way to pray can disenfranchise
people from the prayer process and result in prayer dropouts.

Prayer can be open-ended.

Most people who pray are convinced that it can be used in a purposeful, goal-spe-
Your cific manner. But research shows that open-ended entreaties seem to work too. Invo-
cations such as “Thy will be done,” “Let it be” or “May the best thing happen” do not
life is involve “using” prayer for specific outcomes, nor do they involve sending complicated
fragile!— messages.
Handle Prayer means you are not alone.
with A patient of mine was dying. The day before his death, I sat at his bedside with his
wife and children. He knew he had little time left, and he chose his words carefully,
prayer! speaking in a hoarse whisper. Although he was not a religious person, he revealed to
us that recently he had begun to pray.
“What do you pray for?” I asked him.
“It isn’t ‘for’ anything,” he said thoughtfully. “It simply reminds me that I am not alone.”

R71 GP

The Parable of the

n the village of Faken in innermost Friesland, there lived a long thin baker named Fouke—a right-
eous man, with a long thin chin and a long thin nose. Fouke was so upright that he seemed to spray
righteousness from his thin lips over everyone who came near him; so the people of Faken pre-
ferred to stay away.
Fouke’s wife, Hilda, was short and round; her arms were round, her bosom was round, her rump was round.
Hilda did not keep people at bay with righteousness; her soft roundness seemed to invite them to come close to
her in order to share the warm cheer of her open heart.
Hilda respected her righteous husband, and loved him too, as much as he allowed her; but her heart
ached for something more from him than his worthy righteousness.
And there, in the bed of her need, lay the seed of sadness.
One morning, having worked since dawn to knead his dough for the ovens, Fouke came home and found
a stranger in his bedroom lying on Hilda’s round bosom.
Hilda’s adventure soon became the talk of the tavern and the scandal of the Faken congregation. Every-
one assumed that Fouke would cast Hilda out of his house, so righteous was he. But he surprised everyone by
keeping Hilda as his wife, saying that he forgave her as the Good Book said he should.
In his heart of hearts, however, Fouke could not forgive Hilda for bringing shame to his name. Whenever
he thought about her, his feelings toward her were angry and hard; he despised her as if she were a common
whore. When it came right down to it, he hated her for betraying him after he had been so good and so faithful a
husband to her.
He only pretended to forgive Hilda so that he could punish her with his righteous mercy.
But Fouke’s fakery did not sit well in Heaven.
So each time that Fouke would feel his secret hate toward Hilda, an angel came to him and dropped a tiny
pebble, hardly the size of a shirt button, into Fouke’s heart. Each time a pebble dropped, Fouke would feel a stab
of pain like the pain he felt the moment he came on Hilda feeding her hungry heart from a stranger’s larder.
Thus he hated her the more; his hate brought him pain and his pain made him hate.
The pebbles multiplied. And Fouke’s heart grew very heavy with the weight of them, so heavy that the top
half of his body bent forward so far that he had to strain his neck upward in order to see straight ahead. Weary
with hurt, Fouke began to wish he were dead.
The angel who dropped the pebbles into his heart came to Fouke one night and told him how he could
be healed of his hurt.
There was one remedy, he said, only one, for the hurt of a wounded heart. Fouke would need the miracle
of the magic eyes. He would need eyes that could look back to the beginning of his hurt and see his Hilda, not as
a wife who betrayed him, but as a weak woman who needed him. Only a new way of looking at things through
the magic eyes could heal the hurt flowing from the wounds of yesterday.
Fouke protested. “Nothing can change the past,” he said.“Hilda is guilty—a fact that not even an angel can
“Yes, poor hurting man, you are right,” the angel said.“You cannot change the past; you can only heal the
hurt that comes to you from the past. And you can heal it only with the vision of the magic eyes.”
“And how can I get your magic eyes?” pouted Fouke.
“Only ask, desiring as you ask, and they will be given you. And each time you see Hilda through your new

R72 GP Forgiveness.

eyes, one pebble will be lifted from your aching heart.”

Fouke could not ask at once, for he had grown to love his hatred. But the pain of his heart finally drove him
to want and to ask for the magic eyes that the angel had promised. So he asked. And the angel gave.
Soon Hilda began to change in front of Fouke’s eyes, wonderfully and mysteriously. He began to see her as
a needy woman who loved him instead of a wicked woman who had betrayed him.
The angel kept his promise; he lifted the pebbles from Fouke’s heart, one by one, though it took a long
time to take them all away. Fouke gradually felt his heart grow lighter; he began to walk straight again, and some-
how his nose and his chin seemed less thin and sharp than before. He invited Hilda to come into his heart again,
and she came, and together they began again a journey into their second season of humble joy.
—Lewis B. Smedes

I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony
heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh.
— Ezekiel 11:19 (NKJV)

Some write their wrongs in

marble; N ever does the human soul become so
strong as when it dares to forgive an injury.

He, more just,
Stooped down serene,
And wrote them in the dust.
(See John 8:3 – 11.) Y ou have a tremendous advantage over the
person who slanders you or does you willful
injustice: You have it within your power to for-
give that person.

F orgiving starts with your asking the other per-

son to forgive you.

H e that cannot forgive others breaks the

bridge over which he must pass himself, for
every man has need of forgiveness.

W e should take a kind, loving, sympathetic and forgiving attitude toward others, and
try to have mercy as we want mercy. We should treat others in their errors as we want
the Lord to treat us in ours! We must forgive those who’ve wronged us, and seek forgive-
ness of those we’ve wronged, and take them by the hand back into our circle of love and
May we all be more humble, more patient, more loving, more kind, more forgiving and
more longsuffering with each other. And may we sincerely pray, “Forgive us our sins as we
forgive those who sin against us” (Luke 11:4).
—David Brandt Berg

R72 GP Forgiveness.
News Reprints

Tales of Absolution At that first meeting, Everett was

making small talk about Carlucci’s
weight when the prisoner, who had
The Release from Pain never been forgiven by anyone before,
(AP, December 22, 1997) A father regard for another. reached over and embraced him. Both
mourns a son slain by a drug addict. And then he wrote: “Although broke down in tears.
A daughter turns her back on a vio- words seem so trivial in some ways (yet Everett and Carlucci would be-
lent, alcoholic mother. A husband they are all that we have now), I do come friends. It was Everett’s testi-
thinks of killing himself or the wife accept your apology, and, as hard as mony that helped Carlucci win early
who abandoned him. these words are to write, I add: I for- release from prison, and it was Everett
A minister, a mother, and an at- give you.” whom Carlucci would visit while on
torney — ordinary people who lived Those words, the bearded minis- prison furlough. In 1994, Everett offi-
in unendurable pain. ter would later recall, were a turning ciated at Carlucci’s wedding. They still
Until they stopped it with an ex- point. “I felt a burden lifted from my see each other regularly.
traordinary act: forgiveness. shoulders. It was the beginning of heal- Everett will never forget his mur-
They are part of a national trend ing for me.” dered son. But if you are going to love
reflected in an increase in religious re- But it was not the end. His mar- your enemies, as Christ commanded,
vivals, mass movements such as riage would fail; his wife could not un- you first have to forgive them, Everett
Promise Keepers, and best-selling derstand his forgiveness. When he believes.
books extolling the virtues of forgive- went to visit Carlucci a few months “When I look at Mike, I don’t see
ness. But their stories reveal that the after writing the letter, he was enraged a man who injured my son,” Everett
road to forgiveness is different for anew to find that the murderer had al- says. “I see a man who is forever
each individual. ready been transferred from a maxi- changed by God. And I celebrate that.”
None forgave easily or quickly. mum to a medium-security prison. ———
Each got there in different stages, “Healing doesn’t come immedi- When Kate’s husband told her he
sometimes even when their tormen- ately. It comes in stages. It’s a process had invited her mother to stay with
tors were unrepentant. But none re- that goes on through one’s life,” them for Christmas, Kate was furious.
grets it. Everett said. When Kate was growing up in pov-
“The anger has totally gone
away,” said Jim, the newly divorced
man. “God had a plan. I still don’t un-
derstand the plan. But it’s got to be The power of forgiveness
something good, after all He’s put me
through.” By Jane Lampman, The Christian Science Monitor, January 28, 1999
——— Little Earl and his mom and dad were having a terrible time. Diagnosed as
The Rev. Walter Everett’s shock hyperactive and defiant at school and at home, the redheaded seven-year-old
at the murder of his son, 24-year-old with a sprinkle of freckles couldn’t seem to control his anger. One tumultuous
Scott, turned to rage when the killer week it got so bad he was hospitalized for the weekend.
plea-bargained his way to a five-year Six months later, Earl was much happier: He had found a new way to deal
sentence. with his feelings, his parents’ relationship with each other had improved, and he
When the killer, a drug addict no longer needed the Ritalin or Prozac he was being given for hyperactivity. He
named Michael Carlucci, was sen- began to do well in school.
tenced, he said that although they must Both he and his parents had found a “third way” to deal with their anger.
sound like empty words to the Rather than denying or venting it, they had learned how to forgive. And their
Everetts, he was sorry for what he had answer is one that is being explored much more widely today.
done. “Forgiveness has remarkable healing power in the lives of those who utilize
Everett’s friends dismissed the re- it,” says Richard Fitzgibbons, the Philadelphia psychiatrist who worked with
morse as a ploy for leniency, but Earl and is one of the pioneers in introducing forgiveness into the mental health
Everett himself, a United Methodist field.
minister in Hartford, Conn., was Whether it be small wrongs, betrayals, or great crimes and injustices, most
moved. people struggle with the resentments and grudges that can arise from being treated
On the anniversary of his son’s unfairly. And the failure of so many to deal effectively with them echoes loudly
death, he composed a letter to Carlucci in today’s school violence, high rates of divorce and domestic battering, drug
in which he talked of his family’s suf- and alcohol abuse, as well as in criminal acts, ethnic warfare, and terrorism.
fering — “the pain is almost unbear- Some see hope in the rediscovered power of forgiveness. They see its poten-
able at times” — and said he could tial not only for personal life, but in community, national, and international rela-
not accept one person having so little tions. And many are practicing it. 0

R73 GP Forgiveness.

erty in a small Canadian town, her al- “It only took me about 30 seconds He became consumed by “pure un-
coholic mother regularly beat her to respond to it, because in a way this adulterated anger, to the point I even
while in a drunken stupor and left her was what I had been struggling with thought of killing her,” the stocky ex-
alone to care for six younger siblings. for years,” she said. Marine told his support group of div-
No amount of bruises on Kate’s Still, forgiveness came slowly. It orced and separated Catholics in
face the following morning would took her years to trust her mother to Hamden, Conn.
elicit any remorse from her mother, babysit her own children. What changed his life was prayer,
who accused her daughter of lying “The first time she ever genuinely and the realization, after his wife ve-
when confronted with the truth. wanted to hug me, afterward I just hemently objected to court-ordered
When Kate started her own fam- tensed up because the physical contact counseling sessions, that his marriage
ily at age 20, she never looked back. before had been only violent.” was lost. At that point, “it became very
But after the birth of their fourth child, Forgiving is not forgetting, and easy for me to forgive,” he said.
her husband made the Christmas at- Kate would not want it any other way. “My anger went down by volumes
tempt at reconciliation. “I don’t think I could ever forget,” that were just incredible,” said Jim, 54.
The visit was a formal one. Kate she said. Otherwise “I could not re- “It’s given me a real inner peace.”
sensed her mother was often on the member the miracle of forgiveness.” He could sleep at night. The fury
verge of telling her something, but she ——— he carried within him was replaced by
was determined not to give her mother Jim was a modern-day Job, the a sense of serenity. These days, when
the opportunity. Kate refused to ac- biblical embodiment of the divine mys- another driver cuts him off on the high-
company her to the airport with her tery of why bad things happen to good way, he laughs it off.
husband. people. He went around to other people,
“It was just at the moment of her When the ’90s began, he had a asking forgiveness for injuries he had
walking out the door, and she said, successful law practice, kids in college done to them. He has a new job coun-
‘Can you ever forgive all those years?’ or prep school, a vacation home in Ver- seling ex-addicts.
And that was all I needed to hear,” said mont. With a smiling thumbs-up, Jim de-
Kate, now 48, but still in tears as she Then he lost his mother to a long scribes the point at which he knew he
relives the moment. “That point was illness, and his father was killed in an was a changed man: when he could be
the beginning of a healing process that auto accident. His business collapsed, polite to his ex-wife’s boyfriend, whom
was an absolute miracle.” and he lost his house. she brought to their son’s wedding not
Kate had found peace in a Two years ago his wife of 28 years long after the divorce.
Hutterite religious community, where threw him out with the dog. “I know where I am,” he said, “and
all seek to live like the early Chris- Like Job, Jim cried to the heav- I know where I am with God, and that’s
tians, but hatred had burdened her. ens. “I blamed God. God’s given me a all that matters.” ❑
Given the chance, she discovered she bad set of cards. I’d be better off kill-
wanted to forgive. ing myself.”

(The power of forgiveness continues)

Forgiveness is a “hot topic” now ceed with the business of growing and potential to be enormously influential”
in many areas, from academic research loving,” says Paul Coleman, a psy- in the 21st century. Research will also
to marital and family counseling to chologist in Wappinger Falls, N.Y., soon show, he says, that it will be very
politics and community life. “Long whose work “was rejuvenated” when healthy not just to forgive an event or
considered the extra mile of mercy to- he started planting that seed with his a person but to have a forgiving char-
ward the offender that is required from clients. acter. ❑
a ‘believer,’ forgiveness is now being Forgiveness has “a spiritual com-
rediscovered as a creative human fac- ponent,” Dr. Coleman says, “a grace
ulty for overcoming estrangement,” from God, if you will,” and spiritual-
says Lewis Smedes, professor emeri- ity has only become a little more ac-
tus of theology and ethics at Fuller cepted in the mental health field in the
Theological Seminary in Pasadena, last decade.
Calif., in Dimensions of Forgiveness Dr. Worthington, author of To For-
(Templeton Foundation Press, 1998). give Is Human, says the key ingredi-
“Forgiveness is more than a moral ent is empathy. “The degree to which
imperative, more than a theological a person can empathize is related
dictum. It is the only means, given our strongly to the degree they can for-
humanness and imperfections, to over- give.” Given what is happening in the
come hate and condemnation and pro- world, he adds, forgiveness “has the

R73 GP Forgiveness.

The Soldier’s Story

Adapted from a story by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

assius stood at rigid attention in front of the commanding officer of Jerusalem’s military cohort. “Centu-
rion,” the officer barked, “explain yourself! One of your squads was assigned to guard a tomb, a dead man.
What could be so hard about that? Now I’m hearing rumors that the body is missing? Tell me this is all a
“Sir, may I be frank, one old soldier to another?” asked the centurion. He and the tribune went back a long way,
though the tribune was of the equestrian class, and he a mere commoner.
“Please, Cassius,” the officer said somewhat more gently, and then motioned for the centurion to take a seat.
“I must beg your indulgence, sir,” Cassius began. “The story actually begins weeks ago.”
“Take your time,” the tribune said, relaxing somewhat.
“Ever since this Jesus—the one whose body we were guarding in the tomb—began preaching around Jerusa-
lem, we thought He might be some kind of revolutionary bent on stirring up the populace with His talk of the
kingdom of God. But I went and listened to Him, sir. He was no threat. Thousands would sit in rapt attention as
He would talk about His Father, and loving your neighbor, forgiveness from past sins, and beginning a new life. It
was fascinating, sir. He made you feel like He cared about you personally.”
The tribune was resting his chin on his hand. “Go on, soldier.”
“The next time I saw Him, we had been ordered to stand guard outside the governor’s official residence. The
crowd was getting ugly. Pontius Pilate was sitting up there on the judgment seat and Jesus stood before him.
Someone had roughed Him up a bit, sir.”
“What did you expect, centurion?”
“Finally,” Cassius continued, “Pilate motioned for silence. ‘I find no crime in this Man,’ he called out. Then he
tried to set Jesus free. He asked them to choose between Barabbas—a known murderer and rebel—and Jesus.”
“And now that criminal Barabbas is walking free again.”
“Jews from the ruling Sanhedrin were shouting for them to kill Jesus, yelling. ‘Crucify Him! Crucify Him!’ The
rabble took up the cry. It was touch and go for a minute there, sir. Then Pilate called for a basin, and began to
wash his prissy little hands. ...”
“Centurion, I’ll allow no disrespect,” the tribune said sharply.
“Yes sir, but you know, Jesus was innocent, pure and simple. He had just
offended some powerful priests. But when Pilate saw how the wind was
blowing he went along. I thought Rome was about law and justice, not
“Ruling is sometimes dirty business, centurion,” interjected the
“So is soldiering, sir. On your orders one of my squad was picked to
scourge the man.”
“Oh, they enjoyed it well enough,” said the tribune. “That tall soldier ...
Publius, wasn’t it? He flogged like a madman, as I recall, with the metal
tips of the scourge biting into Jesus’ back until the skin lay in tatters
and blood ran free.”
“Few times in my career have I been sickened by blood,”
commented Cassius, “but to see an innocent man treated with
such cruelty...”
“I don’t recall you stopping them from dressing him in a
purple robe with a reed for a scepter and a crown of thorns.
Oh, they were having fun, all right.”
“I’ve crucified hundreds in my time,” Cassius replied,
“but this Man was different. He didn’t curse. He didn’t
whimper. He was half-dead already from the beating
Publius gave him, and He fell on the way to
“He was just too weak to carry the cross, so we
conscripted a strong Cyrenian to carry it. Then we
crucified Jesus.”

R74 GP Easter

“All men die the same.”

“Not like He did,” replied Cassius. “We spiked him to the cross-bar and hoisted it onto the upright, but I’ll
never forget His prayer: ‘Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.’ Sir, I was responsible for
killing Him, and He forgave me.”
“Haven’t you been a soldier too long to be troubled by a guilty conscience, Cassius?”
“Then the thief crucified next to Him asked to be remembered when Jesus came into His kingdom.”
“His kingdom!” the tribune sneered.
“But listen to His answer: ‘Today you will be with Me in Paradise.’ Amazing! About noon, tribune, the sky grew
dark. Everyone saw it, and felt the cold chill when He cried, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ He
sounded like the loneliest man in the world, hanging in the darkness. He spoke scarcely a word until three in the
afternoon when He shouted, almost triumphantly, ‘It is finished!’ And, if you listened closely, you could hear Him
whisper, ‘Into Your hands I commit My spirit.’
“At that very moment the ground began to tremble and roll,” said Cassius. “Knocked me to the ground for a
moment. And then the darkness began to lift. I tell you, tribune, that was no mere man we crucified—He was the
Son of God.”
“A few freak coincidences and you’re willing to declare Him divine? He’s just as dead as anyone.”
“No, tribune, He’s not.”
“He’s not?”
“The chief priests and Pharisees insisted that Pilate have the tomb guarded so Jesus’ disciples wouldn’t steal
the body.”
“I know. I gave that order.”
“We posted three men around the clock, relieved every eight hours as regulations call for. I sealed the tomb
before they began. It was secure.”
“So, what’s this rumor that the body is gone?”
“It is gone, sir.”
“I’ll have your hide, centurion!” the tribune shouted, rising to his feet.
Cassius stood, too, but went on. “About seven o’clock this morning, sir, the three soldiers on duty came
running into the barracks like they’d seen a ghost. ‘Centurion! Centurion!’ they shouted. ‘He’s alive!’ I got them
calmed down, and made them tell me every detail.
“Their shift had begun about midnight,” he said. “They had been wide awake all night—telling stories about
their girlfriends back home most of the time, I understand. Then, just before dawn, they said the garden tomb lit
up as if it were high noon, and an angel with garments like lightning came and rolled the stone away from the
tomb. They just sat there trembling. Then one of them got up—Publius, I think they said—and looked in the
tomb. The body was gone, and the grave clothes were lying on the limestone shelf wrapped round and round,
but no body in them.”
“You expect me to believe that?” the tribune responded disdainfully.
“I questioned them closely. Each looked. Each saw the same thing. The body was gone.”
“They must have fallen asleep, and told a story to cover themselves.”
“They were battle-hardened veterans, sir, not green troops. I know those men. Besides, sir, you’d think the
sound of people trying to roll away a huge stone would awaken sleeping soldiers. No, they were telling the truth,
all right.”
“What do you expect me to tell people, centurion? That
He rose from the dead?”
“I don’t know what you’re going to tell them, tribune,
but that’s what happened. He’s alive. I tell you, He’s alive!”

Y es, Jesus is alive, and “Well, maybe we can tell the chief priests about this
because He is, you little incident—they’ll be interested in keeping it quiet.
can meet Him, know Him, They may even come up with a goodly sum to bury the
and have a life-changing story. ... I’ll take care of it from here on out, centurion. You
personal relationship with didn’t see anything. You don’t know anything. Got it?”
Him. In answer to your “But I do know, and I did see, tribune. I can’t change
prayer, He can become what happened. Jesus is out there alive. More than alive.”
your friend, help you with “Forget this ever happened, Cassius.”
your problems, heal your “Forget it if you can, sir. But with all due respect, Jesus
hurts, forgive your sins, is alive, and that changes everything.”
give you a new start, and
so much more. He’s alive,
He’s waiting, and He loves

R74 GP Easter

The true meaning

of Easter
he simple message that changed the world forever was this one: “He is not here. He is risen.”
Easter is about the meaning of our lives. It is about human purpose. It is about eternity.
That understanding often gets lost in the day-to-day busyness of living. We get caught up in the hectic
pursuits and graspings of life, totally consumed and directed by the pushes and pulls of the world around us, not
only unable to break free, but unaware we are captive.
Easter is about resurrection, His and ours.
But the very notion of resurrection is rejected by the intellectual gurus among us. “Death is the end,” they say. “It
would take a miracle to bring back the dead, and there are no miracles.”
If a miracle is that which transcends the ability of science to explain, it may safely be said that each of us is a
walking-around miracle, and all that we see, all that we hear and all that we touch are miracles.
We yearn for understanding, and we are impelled toward the heavens by an implanted homing instinct. Oh, if
there were only some vantage point, some philosophical place where we could step back and away from ourselves,
some place where we could stand and see ourselves clearly in the perspective of all of creation and in the perspec-
tive of eternity.
Christians have found such a place, and the joy of its finding shines in their faces. From that place, they see that
the full meaning of their lives is to be worked out, fulfilled and understood not in the span of a lifetime, but in the
framework of forever.
That is the essence of Easter. The words resonate throughout all of creation: “He is not here. He is risen.”
—Linda Bowles, Creators Syndicate, Inc.

A question for you The nail-pierced hands of Jesus reveal the

love-filled heart of God.

Would you like to live in the forever, in-

stead of the today? Would you like to see your
Life doesn’t begin at forty or at twenty,
life as counting for eternity, and not lost in the but at Calvary.
mishmash of everyday problems and trivia? I —Elaine Kilgore
know that you do, and Jesus knows that you
have a need to reach out beyond the physi- On Easter Day the lilies bloom,
cal, beyond your day-to-day routine, beyond Triumphant, risen from their tomb.
the millions of details of life that would drag Their bulbs have undergone rebirth,
you down. Born from the silence of the earth
He is reaching out His hand to say, “I love Symbolically, to tell all men
you, and I am here, and I want to be a part of That Christ, the Savior, lives again.
your life.” Take Him into your heart, won’t you? The angels, pure and white as they,
He will never leave you and He will never let Have come and rolled the stone away;
you down. He can forgive all your sins, and And with the lifting of the stone,
even help you to quit falling down in areas The shadow of the cross is gone!
where you want to be stronger. He’s just that —June Masters Bacher
Please take Jesus today. He loves you and
He wants to make your life blossom into all
He’s created you to be. He’s the miracle-worker,
the problem-solver, the healer—and He is
right there for you.
—David Brandt Berg

R75 GP Salvation, Easter


The Empty Egg

One afternoon near Easter, in the warm springtime weather
that northern lands enjoy at this time of year, a teacher gave a
large egg to each of her students. She had cracked open and
emptied each one. Then she sent them outside to find signs of
life and put them inside their eggs.
Soon they returned. In one was a
butterfly. In another was an ant.
Others contained flowers, twigs, or
blades of grass. But one egg had
nothing in it.
Everyone knew whose it was—it
belonged to a boy with Down’s syn-
drome. Some of the kids laughed at
him. The teacher asked him why he
had not put any signs of life in his
egg. He said quietly, “Because the
tomb was empty.”
That boy knew a profound
truth.—Easter is more than a cel-
ebration of nature’s springtime life
The women who went to Jesus’ tomb to anoint His body knew
that He was dead. Some of them had seen Him die. They were
sure His body was in the tomb. But when they looked for it, it
was gone. The tomb was empty!
What had happened? The body had not been stolen. The
Roman guards were not playing tricks on them. The women were
not imagining it. The tomb was empty because Jesus had risen
from the dead.
Yes, Jesus has risen from the dead—a miracle greater than
the return of life in springtime. And most amazing of all, He has
promised resurrection to all who trust in Him!
—David C. Egner

The Promise of
“Because I live, you shall live also” (John 14:19).
We need these seven words above J esus Christ burst from the grave
and exploded into my heart.
—Donna Hosford
to help us to endure
The changing world around us
that’s dark and insecure;
To help us view the present
I am far within the mark when
I say that all the armies that
ever marched, and all the navies
as a passing episode,
that ever were built, and all the
A troubled, brief encounter
parliaments that ever sat, all the
on life’s short and troubled road.
kings that ever reigned, put to-
For the fact that life’s eternal
gether have not affected the life
because our Savior died
of man upon this earth as power-
And arose again at Easter
fully as has that one solitary life.
after He was crucified
— James Allan Francis
Makes this uncertain present,
in a world of sin and strife,
Nothing but a steppingstone
to a new and better life!
—Author unknown

R76 GP Easter

The Greatest of These

By Nyx Martinez (A teenaged missionary of The Family in the Philippines)

n ninth grade, there was one teacher who stood out to me more than
all the rest. We called him Uncle Jo. Uncle Jo was a funny guy,
aging in years but a kid at heart. He made those boring history books
seem exceptionally fun and put the sparkle into everything about life.
Uncle Jo cared for a boy named Mikey whom we called “the special
child.” Mikey was indeed special, for he was handicapped with autism,
which left him unable to care for himself. So it was our teacher, Uncle Jo,
who fed him, dressed him, walked him, and read him stories.
I admired Uncle Jo for his love for Mikey, but a few weeks later, I was
proud of my teacher. Because those were his last days on Earth, and he
had spent them for somebody else. Shortly after, Uncle Jo slipped into a
coma that would seal his life. I later found out that he had been battling a
deadly cancer.
Uncle Jo taught me many subjects in school, but for all those lectures,
it was his sample of sacrifice that taught me the biggest lesson. Here was a
dying man who spent his final days not making his atmosphere a more
comfortable place for himself, but for a helpless child.
A very great man made his mark in history then, and engraved that
mark in my mind, to remember for many more years to come. I realized at
that early age how precious one’s life is, and how short its span may be.
Uncle Jo One day Uncle Jo was up and about, and the next … he was gone. He
understood that the present day was all he had to make the most of, so he
put his best efforts into that day, no matter how lowly the task.
Today, I close my eyes and think back at the time that was, and then … it’s as if … I see the image of Uncle Jo’s face
and the twinkle in his eye as he smiles, “Life is too short to spend it on only yourself.”
The matter of how short is trivial, because what lives on in the hearts and minds of others never dies. It is the
deeds you do, the words you speak, the love you give, and your greatness-of-lowliness that will be treasured forever.

He that is greatest among you shall be

your servant (Matthew 23:11 ASV).

I used to think that God’s gifts were on shelves

and the taller we grow,
The easier we can reach them.

Now I find that God’s gifts are on shelves

and the lower we stoop,
The more we get.

Love is the key—having love, living love, desiring love, giving love, being loving! You can’t do it on your
own, but the Lord can do it through you. And in order to have that love—real love, the Lord’s love—you
have to learn humility.—Maria David
R77 GP Serving others, humility, love.

THE T he greatest men are nearly always the

most humble. England’s Sir Isaac Newton
(1642-1727) is remembered for observing a
falling apple and discovering the law of

VESSEL gravity. A mathematician and physicist, he

made many other discoveries, such as how
the rainbow gets its colors. Newton became
By B. V. Cornwall
a Member of Parliament and Master of the
Royal Mint. But when a friend complimented

he Master was searching for a vessel to use:
him on shedding so much light on the work-
Before Him were many—which one would He choose?
ings of the universe, Sir Isaac replied quietly,
“Take me,” cried the gold one. “I’m shiny and bright;
“I am only like a child picking up pebbles on
I’m of great value and I do things just right.
the shore of the great ocean of truth.”
My beauty and luster will outshine the rest,
And for someone like You, Master, gold would be best.”

The Master passed on with no word at all,

And looked at a silver urn, grand and tall.
T he great composer Franz Josef Haydn
(1732-1809) at the age of 76 attended a
gala performance of his oratorio “The
“I’ll serve You, dear Master, I’ll pour out Your wine;
Creation.” At the end of one of the most rous-
I’ll be on Your table whenever You dine.
ing passages the audience broke into cheers
My lines are so graceful, my carving so true,
and applause. At first Haydn thought they
And silver will always complement You.”
were showing their appreciation of the mu-
sic, but suddenly he realized they were ap-
Unheeding, the Master passed on to the brass,
plauding him. At once he rose to his feet and
Wide-mouthed and shallow and polished like glass.
calmed them with his hand. “No—not from
“Here, here!” cried the vessel. “I know I will do;
me, but from There comes all,” he said, point-
Place me on your table for all men to view.”
ing heavenward.
“Look at me,” called the goblet of crystal so clear.
“My transparency shows my contents so dear.
Though fragile am I, I will serve you with pride,
And I’m sure I’ll be happy in Your house to abide.”
Then the Master came next to a vessel of wood;
T he Lord doesn’t judge you by accomplish-
ments, by talents, by how much you know,
or how good you are. He judges by your
Polished and carved, it solidly stood.
heart—and the things that get the highest
“You may use me, dearest Master,” the wooden bowl said.
marks are love and humility. They make you
“But I’d rather You used me for fruit, not for bread.”
a blessing in all that you do, even little tiny
Then the Master looked down and saw a vessel of clay.
Empty and broken it helplessly lay.
No hope had the vessel that the Master might choose
To cleanse, and make whole, to fill and to use.
“Ah! Now this is the vessel I’ve been hoping to find.
M ost of the greatest saints the world has
ever known were little people who just
did what they thought should be done—
I’ll mend it and use it and make it all Mine.
whether others ever heard about it or not!
I need not the vessel with pride of itself,
But they were always there when they were
Nor one that is narrow to sit on the shelf,
needed, always willing to see the need and
Nor one that is big-mouthed and shallow and loud,
respond. If we have real love for the Lord and
Nor one that displays his contents so proud,
others, we’ll do whatever needs to be done!
Nor the one who thinks he can do things just right,
It depends on our humility, which is synony-
But this plain earthen vessel I’ll fill with My might.”
mous with love, which is the only thing that
can make us willing to go anywhere, anytime,
Then gently He lifted the vessel of clay,
to do anything for anybody, and be nobody,
Mended and cleansed it and filled it that day.
to please Him and help everybody!
He spoke to it kindly. “There’s work you must do.
—David Brandt Berg.
Just pour out to others as I pour into you.”

R78 GP Humility, love.


Does the Bible talk about peer pressure? Read the following excerpt
from an old radio program by Virginia Brandt Berg.
One of the most compelling
COMPROMISE and CONFORMITY stories in God’s Word is about four
teenagers in the first chapter of
(From Meditation Moments #16.) the Book of Daniel. For
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon,
had asked for “some of the chil-
dren of Israel … in whom there
was no blemish, but good-looking,
gifted in all wisdom, possessing
knowledge and quick to under-
stand, who had ability to serve in
the king’s palace.”* The king’s eu-
nuchs were to teach these young
men the learning and language of
the Chaldeans, to take these
Israelite teens and make them real
It goes on to say, “The king ap-
pointed them a daily portion of the
king’s meat and of the wine which
he drank, so nourishing them three
You have chosen the years,” and at the end of that time they were to stand before the king.
roughest road, but it These young men were Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and Nebuchadnezzar
was a king given to the cruelest of atrocities. But young Daniel “purposed in his heart that he
leads straight to the
would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he
hilltops.—John Bunyan drank.” [Note: The Israelites were forbidden by Old Testament laws to eat certain foods.] “Therefore,
he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Now God had brought
If God has called you, Daniel into the favor and goodwill of the prince of the eunuchs.”
don’t spend time look- “And the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel,‘I fear my lord the king … for why should he see
ing over your shoulder your faces looking worse than the young men who are your age? Then you would endanger my
to see who is following. head before the king.’” Then Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego made up their minds
that they would not partake of the king’s dainties. Daniel asked if for 10 days they could just eat
their own food; then the chief of the eunuchs could judge which was better.
Let it be known on At the end of the ten days “their features appeared better and fatter in flesh than all the
whose side you are. If young men who ate the portion of the king’s delicacies.” It goes on to say, “As for these four
others can’t tell, some- young men, God gave knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had under-
thing is wrong. standing in all visions and dreams.” Then later, when Nebuchadnezzar called for the four, “in all
matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, he found them
Last, but by no means ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.” And because
Daniel wouldn’t compromise, in the long run he was exalted above all the king’s other counse-
least, have courage— lors.
moral courage , the It’s a wonderful story—how fearless these young men were! It seemed as though much
courage of one’s con- more could have been theirs if they had been willing to conform to the Babylonian way of life,
victions, the courage but they wouldn’t!
to see things through. So many young people want to belong; they want to be accepted. But this story shows how
The world is in a con- a small decision can have a great effect in the years to come. If Daniel and his friends had com-
promised early in life, they would not have stood their ground later. There would never have
stant conspiracy
been the wonderful stories of Daniel in the lions’ den, or of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
against the brave. It’s in the fiery furnace.
the age-old struggle— At the entrance to any line of action that calls for a change to a higher level of conduct, there
the roar of the crowd stands this decision: whether or not you’re going to stand out for Jesus Christ and the only real
on one side and the standard for today, the Word of God; or whether you are going to do that which is expedient,
voice of your con- and compromise.
science on the other .—
other.— There’s an allegiance that is one and undivided in the Christian. It’s a devoted, dedicated
life—a life surrendered to the Christian ideal. Therein lies its power.
General Douglas * The Bible verses are from the New International Version and the King James Version.

R79 GP Compromise and conformity, peer pressure.


Do you know who the happiest people are? Those who just ac-
cept themselves the way God made them, who learn to be happy
with what they have and not care what others think. Struggling
to live up to ideals that you think are expected of you by your
peers puts a real weight on you, but there’s freedom in humility.
If you were honest, I think you’d admit that you really admire
people who have the guts to be themselves—to live right, live
healthy and have their priorities straight. Of course, those who
make such decisions and take such stands often face loneliness
and a feeling of isolation from others around them, which is sad.
You know, when I was young I didn’t like the way I looked. I
thought my nose was too big and that I was too skinny and ugly.
I had quite an inferiority complex about that, and it took me a
long time to get over it. Part of it was pride, part of it was com-
paring. But then as I grew older, I realized it really didn’t matter.
I understood that the Lord made me the way He wanted me, and
made me that way because He loved me.
He loves you the way He made you, and you’re beautiful in His
eyes. We’re all unique and special. In His eyes there is no ugliness,
no matter what we look like.
Building self-esteem often has a lot to do with your relation-
ship with the Lord. The closer you draw to Him and the more at
peace you are with Him, the more content and at peace you’ll be
with yourself, the happier you’ll be, the more relaxed you’ll be. If
you’re close to the Lord, you’re handsome and you’re beautiful,
because His love and His light shine through.
You know what I’d suggest you do? Sit down sometime and let
the Lord speak to you about yourself. Or have someone else pray
and ask Him to tell you how He sees you, what your inner beauties
are, what your inner strengths are, what those gifts and abilities
are that He likes to bring forth, that He likes to see shine for
others. Let Him encourage you, and then be encouraged by Him.
By David Brandt Berg

You could have made me perfect, Jesus, but You

didn’t. Instead, You made me just the way You
wanted me. To doubt that is to doubt Your love,
but to realize that is to find perfect peace, se-
curity, and rest in Your love. Take me now, just as
I am, into Your heart of hearts. Amen.

R80 GP Self-esteem, conviction.


It’s Not Heaven, But It’s Close

Thoughts on Marriage

Marriage is an adventure, not Knit your hearts with an

an achievement.—David A. unslipping knot.—William The Lord God said, “It isn’t good for
Seamands Shakespeare man to be alone; I will make a
companion for him, a helper
It takes years to marry com- Success in marriage is much suited to his needs” (The Bible,
pletely two hearts, even of the more than finding the right Genesis 2:18, TLB).
most loving. A happy wedlock person: It is a matter of being
is a long falling in love.— the right person.—Robert
Theodore Parker Browning (1812–1889) Not Alone
Even if marriages are made in You can bear your own faults, God knew it right away.
Heaven, man has to be re- why not a fault in your
sponsible for the mainte- wife?—Benjamin Franklin I don’t know when it first
nance.—James C. Dobson Occurred to Him,
But the minute He saw
A human being, He knew.

It’s not good for people to live alone.

A good marriage requires determination
There are exceptions to that rule,
to be married for good. But I’m not one of them.

Living alone is strictly bananas

For this pilgrim.

he Christian is supposed to love his neighbor, and since
his wife is his nearest neighbor, she should be his deepest Someone to care,
love.—Martin Luther (1483–1546) Someone to share,
Someone to bear
More than four hundred years ago, Martin and Katherine Your burdens.
Luther had a happy marriage, history tells us, though even they
struggled with situations common to most marriages today. I don’t want to meet
Once while he was traveling, Luther wrote home: “To the Struggles and heartaches
saintly, worrying lady, Katherine Luther, doctor at Zulsdorf [the Without you praying
home of her inherited farm] and Wittenberg, my gracious, dear With me
wife. We thank you heartily for being so worried that you can’t For them.
sleep, for since you started worrying about us, a fire broke out
near my door. And yesterday, no doubt due to your worry, a big Together we are more
stone, save for the angels, would have fallen and crushed me like Than apart, and so
a mouse in a trap. If you don’t stop worrying, I’m afraid the earth I’m glad
will swallow us. Pray, let God worry.” He put us
In spite of differences of opinion, Martin deeply valued fam- Together.
ily life. Before his marriage, he sometimes spoke of matrimony —Author unknown
as a necessity for the flesh. Afterward, he saw it as an opportu-
nity for the spirit. He often quoted the saying, “Let the wife make
her husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to
see him leave.”

R81 GP Marriage

In Love Forever
Love gives its best
And knows no rest.
Its highest joy
Is giving joy.
It knows no rest,
Until its best
Is given.
And that is why
Love at its best
Is Heaven.
—John Oxenham

The more you love, the more love you are given to
love with. —Lucian Price
How Many Times?
How many times do I love thee, dear?
Tell me how many thoughts there be

In the atmosphere hen a man and woman are successfully
Of a new-fall’n year, in love, their whole activity is ener-
Whose white and sable hours appear gized and victorious. They walk better,
The latest flake of eternity; their digestion improves, they think more clearly,
So many times do I love thee, dear. their secret worries drop away, the world is fresh
and interesting, and they can do more than they
How many times do I love, again? dreamed that they could do.
Tell me how many beads there are —Walter Lippmann
In a silver chain
Of the evening rain,

Unraveled from the tumbling main, eal love, true love, sincere love—all this is
And threading the eye of a yellow star: sought when people fall in love. So often
So many times do I love again. it turns out to be a fleeting burst of emo-
—Thomas Lovell Beddoes tion that fades in the press of everyday realities.
But God can give true love. He can give deep
feelings of being in love, and then as time goes
by He can turn this into an even deeper, per-
Except Thou build it, Father, manent and stable love that endures hardship
The house is built in vain; and obstacles. Strive for that kind of love, dear
Except Thou, Savior, bless it, ones, His love that can survive anything! And if
The joy will turn to pain; you want to be in love forever, try Him!—Be-
But none can break the marriage cause He is love, and He is forever!
Of hearts in Thee made one, —David Brandt Berg
And the love Thy Spirit hallows
Is endless love begun.
—John Ellerton (1826–1893)

There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. It is the finger of God on a
man’s shoulder.—Margaret Kennedy
R82 GP Love

What Really Matters

Carl was driving to work one morning when he bumped fenders with another motorist. Both cars
stopped, and the woman driving the other car got out to survey the damage. She was distraught. It was
her fault, she admitted, and hers was a new car—less than two days from the showroom. She dreaded
facing her husband. Carl was sympathetic, but he had to pursue the exchange of license and registration
She reached into her glove compartment to retrieve the documents in an envelope. On the first paper
to tumble out, written in her husband’s distinctive handwriting, were these words: “In case of accident,
remember, Honey, it’s you I love, not the car.”
—Adapted from Paul Harvey

Words for Loved Ones

Many marriages I’m proud of you.
lose their luster sim- Magnificent.
I knew you could do it.
ply because the hus- You’re very special to me.
band and wife stop I trust you.
finding romance in What a treasure you are.
the everyday things Hurray for you!
they encounter to- Beautiful work.
Well done!
gether, or they stop You do so much for me; thank you.
putting their love You’re a joy.
into words. Both were touch- to keep from telling You’re such a good listener.
❖ ed by the scene, Marge how much I I love you.
The story is told of but neither said a love her!” It’s a pity You’re a wonderful example of God’s love.
word. The hus- Thanks for being so loving.
the elderly couple we sometimes miss
You remembered.
sitting on their band thought to opportunities to You’re the best.
porch taking in a himself later, “It encourage those I’ve got to hand it to you.
beautiful sunset. was all I could do dearest to us. I couldn’t be prouder of you.
You light up my day.
I’m praying for you.
You’re wonderful.
You’re such a nice answer to prayer!
It’s hard to imagine where I’d be without

he famous evangelist Billy Sunday once I’m behind you.
gave this advice: “Try praising your wife, I love to see your faith in God.
Thank you for believing in me.
even if it does frighten her at first.” Your love is wonderful.
I’m so happy to be with you.
I admire you.
I’m with you all the way.
You make my day!
You’re a big blessing from God!
The Loving Compliment
Nearly every one of us is starving to be appreciated, to be the recipient
of that most supreme compliment—that we are loved. We need others to
recognize our strengths or sometimes just to prop us up in the places where
we tend to lean a little. Honest compliments are simple and cost nothing to
give, but we must not underestimate their worth.
The most loving compliment I’ve ever heard of was given by Joseph
Choate, former ambassador to Great Britain. When asked who he would
like to be if he could come back to Earth again after he died, he replied
without an instant’s hesitation, “Mrs. Choate’s second husband.”
—Leo Buscaglia

R83 GP Marriage. Appreciation


Success in Marriage
Quotes from David Brandt Berg

o have lasting, genuine love, it must be based he most damaging thing that can happen in a
upon a more enduring foundation than mere fleshly marriage is to lose faith in each other, and worst of
gratification. It must be an unselfish desire to protect all, faith in God.
and to help and to make someone else happy.

ay “I love you” a hundred times a day!

s my mother used to tell me, don’t marry the girl
you can live with—marry the girl you can’t live with-
out! n the building business they say that two men
can do three times as much work as one man. God’s
principle is that two can do ten times as much as one:
arriage should be as equal as possible, as shar- One can chase a thousand, but two can put ten thou-
ing as possible. You should talk together, pray together, sand to flight! (Deuteronomy 32:30, paraphrased).
love together, discuss together, and then decide and
agree together.
arriage is more than sex or friendship or a busi-
ness partnership! It is the most intimate, humbling,
he most important thing in a marriage is for both loving, and self-sacrificial relationship between hu-
partners to have faith in God and Jesus Christ. When man beings in all of life. “No greater love hath any
you have faith, everything is possible! man than this: that a man lay down his life for his
friends!” (John 15:13) This is love, real love, true love—
the willingness of a husband to sacrifice himself for
n marriage you die to self, but you find new life. his wife, the eagerness of a wife to lay down her life
for her husband. This is supernatural love, divine love,
God’s love, more than human.
on’t forget to thank her; or don’t forget to thank
him. Gratitude is a great thing in married life—show
appreciation! arriage is so difficult in today’s society. There are
countless temptations—not just to cheat on your
spouse, but to be selfish, to assert your independence,
on’t forget to say “I love you!” Keep speaking to insist on your so-called rights over another indi-
words of love. Words sometimes can do more for a vidual. All of these stem from people’s desires to pro-
woman than anything else, especially if you are speak- mote themselves, and run counter to the Lord’s idea
ing with love, tenderness, meaning, and sincerity. that self-sacrifice is the way to happiness.
Genuinely dying to yourself, keeping yourself and
your own needs in second place, thinking of your
wo of the greatest assets to a good marriage are spouse first—this is the secret to married happiness.
honesty and a sense of humor! You find a new life by leaving your old, lonely life be-
hind. You give up old habits, old preferences, and old
ways in favor of the new, in favor of this wonderful
f you want to learn something about unselfish- person who has now come into your life. In doing so
ness, humility, and sharing, just get married! out of love, you find great happiness because the Lord
blesses unselfishness; He blesses your sacrificially
yielding to another person and seeking their well-
hatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, being, even above your own. Because you put love
of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any first, the Lord will bless you with happiness, and that’s
praise, think on these things! (Philippians 4:8). That the way it works.
applies to your spouse as well! Try to remind yourself
constantly of his or her good qualities—the good
things—and try not to think about the bad things.

R84 GP Marriage

Ah, tthhe ssimp

imple lliife!

he American businessman was at the pier of a small Mexican coastal
village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the
boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the
Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.
The Mexican replied, “Only a little while.”
The American then asked why he didn’t stay out longer and catch more fish.
The fisherman said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs.
The American then asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?”
The fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta
with my wife Maria. Then I stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine
and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, señor.”
Life is
Life The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and I could help you. You should
spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the pro-
not a ceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would
have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you
acee, would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You
would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave
but a this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then Los Angeles, and
eventually New York City where you would run your expanding enterprise.”
jour ne
neyy The fisherman asked, “But señor, how long will this all take?”
”Fifteen or twenty years.”
to b e
be “But what then, señor?”
The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right
savvor ed
ored you would sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would
make millions.”
each “Millions, señor?
Then what?”
step of
step The American said,
“Then you would retire
the wwaay. and move to a small
coastal fishing village
where you would sleep
late, fish a little, play
with your grandchil-
dren, take siesta with
your wife Maria, and
stroll to the village in
the evenings where
you could sip wine and
play your guitar with
your amigos.” 

Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also
where you are going.

Our main purpose in life, as Martin Luther said, is “to love God and enjoy Him forever!”
And, I might add, to help others enjoy life by telling them of God’s love and the happy life
He gives!—David Brandt Berg

R85 GP Simple life.


A lesson from a robin

We are often troubled by tomorrow—its duties, its burdens, its demands. In his auto-
biography, Martin Luther writes: “I have one preacher that I love better than any other
on earth: It is my little tame robin. I put crumbs upon my windowsill, especially at
night. He hops onto the windowsill when he wants his supply, and takes as much as
he desires to satisfy his need. From there he always hops to a little tree close by, lifts
up his voice to God, sings his carols of praise and gratitude, tucks his little head
under his wing, and goes fast to sleep. He leaves tomorrow to look after itself. He
is the best preacher that I have on earth.”

T here once was a man in an insane

asylum whose chief trouble was his
fear that he wouldn’t get his next meal.
Said the Robin to the Sparrow:
“I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
As soon as one meal was out of the way, Rush about and worry so.”
he began to worry about the next. Most Said the Sparrow to the Robin,
of his time and strength were consumed “Friend, I think that it must be
by that one worry. But that man was in That they have no heavenly Father
an insane asylum; we are not. Such as cares for you and me.”
—Elizabeth Cheney

Jesus teaches us about treasures in Heaven

Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten
before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore;
you are of more value than many sparrows.
Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about
the body, what you will put on.
Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.
Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse
nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds?
And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest?
Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you,
even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
If then God so clothes the grass, which today is in the field and tomorrow is thrown
into the oven, how much more will He clothe you, O you of little faith?
But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.
Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the king-
Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not
grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor
moth destroys.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
—Jesus (Luke 12:6-7, 22-28, 31-34, NKJ).

R86 GP Faith and trust.


Life’s Little Pleasur es

O ur friend Thomas is a keen gardener, and it is always a great joy to walk around
his garden. Recently, I was admiring some beautiful double chrysanthemums he
had on show.
“Yes, they’re fine,” he agreed, but seemed to hesitate as he said it. I waited for him
to continue. “Yes, there have been some wonderful developments—new varieties and
all the rest of it. Yet sometimes, you know, I think we brush aside too easily the simple
types, the single flowers with their delicate perfection.” And he led me across the lawn
and pointed out just such an example.
No one, I think, would want to lose some of the wonderful developments which
man’s skill and care has brought to all kinds of things, but I think we need to remem-
ber Rudyard Kipling’s prayer, “Teach us delight in simple things. … ”
—Francis Gay

P ossessions, outward success, public-

ity, luxury—to me these have always
been contemptible. I believe that a simple
A n Ounce or Two of H
Ounce ea
Hea ven

I should like to buy a perfume,

and unassuming manner of life is best for
everyone, best for the body and the mind. Nothing fancy, something plain—
—Albert Einstein I had in mind the scent
Of city streets washed clean with rain;
Or, possibly, the fragrance
I t was God who created the simple plea-
sures and joys of life for us to enjoy. He
made our bodies and our senses to be
Of a baby freshly tubbed;
Or the spicy, heady odor
able to look upon and enjoy things which Of green mint leaves crushed and rubbed;
are beautiful, to taste things which are de- Do you have that grand aroma
licious, to hear beautiful music, to feel Found in fresh-baked homemade bread?
nice things that we touch, and to smell the Or the luxury-laden fragrance
beautiful perfume of a flower or even of a Of clean sheets upon a bed?
delicious meal that is cooking. How about the smell of bacon,
—David Brandt Berg Crisp and brown and sizzling good?
Or the dreamy, smoky odor

A praiseful heart can find joy in so

many things—learning a skill, walk-
ing through the woods, meeting a friend,
Of a fire in the wood?
Perhaps you have the crispy
Smell of autumn in the air,
viewing a beautiful sight, cooking a good Or that more seductive fragrance
meal, giving a gift, teaching a child, help- Of a spring day, soft and rare—
ing someone in need, finding ways to
I should like to buy a perfume,
serve, discovering a new truth, appreci-
Any simple scent will do—
ating an old one, reaching out to God in
Just an ounce or two of Heaven
prayer, passing His love on in little or big
ways. There are so many things in life to Made up in an earthly brew.
be happy about—simple things, little —Helen Marshall
things, joyous things, precious things.
Jesus, please help us to seize each op-
portunity for enjoyment of all You’ve
“ G o dliness given us. Help us to see all the sparkles
You’ve put in our path and to not fail to
with ccon
ontten t-
ent- thank You for them, knowing that they
mentt is gr ea
grea and You are what make life wonderful.
gain”” —Chloe West
( 1 Timoth
imothy y 6:6,
R87 GP Simple Life. Praise.

Go Slow·YouÊll Get There Quicker

By David Brandt Berg

n quietness and confidence shall be your strength experts have said that pressure and tension is kill-
(Isaiah 30:15, NKJ). There is nothing in the Bible ing people, and that many of today’s
promoting hurry. The only verse I can ever illnesses are either from pressure and
remember any preachers or anybody else tension, or improper diet. Pressure
using to try to make me rush was, The and speed are killing people
king’s business required haste (1 through heart trouble, nervous
Samuel 21:8, NKJ). But for that trouble, and high blood pressure.
one Scripture, I think there Lord help us to go slow! We
must be a hundred that tell us shouldn’t waste time, but we need
to go slow, or words to that ef- to trust the Lord instead of being
fect—even to take it easy! rushed and impatient. Patience
Jesus said, Come to Me, all indicates slowness, plodding
you who labor and are heavy along, doing our work persis-
laden, and I will give you rest. tently and not wasting time,
Take My yoke upon you and but also not getting fretful and
learn from Me, for I am gentle worried and all worked up
and lowly in heart, and you about it. Impatience is
will find rest for your souls. For marked by speed, hurry, rush,
My yoke is easy and My bur- haste, push, pressure, ten-
den is light (Matthew 11:28- sion! Patience shows faith.
30, NKJ). When you get under Impatience shows lack of
too much pressure and too faith. Impatience shows that we
much tension, too heavy a bur- don’t think the job is going to get done
den and too hard a yoke, it’s not unless we hurry and push it and rush it.
God’s fault. It’s somebody else’s fault, or your own! But if we’ve got faith that Jesus is going to take
Maybe that’s why God created mules and don- care of it somehow, we can afford to be patient and
keys—as a good lesson. They are plodders; they are go slow and do it right.
very slow, but they have more endurance and can
carry heavier loads than horses. They are the “work- AP
Prrayer ffor
or Patienc
Pa e
horses” of the backwoods. They can negotiate trails
that horses would kill themselves on, carrying loads
God, teach me to be patient;
for miles that a horse couldn’t, especially not a race-
Teach me to go slow.
Teach me how to wait on You
Racehorses can spurt for a few rounds around
When my way I do not know.
the track, and that’s it! They’re extremely high-
Teach me sweet forbearance
strung, nervous, and are just not workhorses.
When things do not go right,
They’re not plodders, they’re not load carriers. But
So I remain unruffled
pack mules and donkeys are—and they’re as stub-
When others grow uptight.
born as they come! You cannot rush them. You have
Teach me how to quiet
to do it slowly, in their time. They just plod along,
My racing, rising heart,
but they do it and they get there. It’s like the old story
So I may hear the answer
of the tortoise and the hare: The tortoise was slow
You are trying to impart.
but he got there!
Teach me to let go, dear God,
You can have the emotion and you can have the
And pray undisturbed until
speed; I’ll take the low road and the slow road. You
My heart is filled with inner peace
can take the high road and get there first if you want
And I learn to know Your will!
to—if you get there at all—but I’m going to take the
—Helen Steiner Rice
low road and the slow road, and I’m determined to
get there in one piece, no matter how long it takes.
I can’t count the times I’ve told taxi drivers, “Go
slow and you live longer. Live fast and you’ll die
quicker.” That certainly is true. Doctors and health
R88 GP Stress. Patience. Go Slow.

“The Family Circus”

By Bil Keane

n the nearly 30 years that I’ve finite amounts. It can’t be used up
drawn the syndicated cartoon so there is no more. Instead, in a
“The Family Circus,” I’ve learned manner that defies physics, the
a lot about love. I’ve found it in my more love you give, the more you’re
own family, and frequently what I’ve able to give. Like enthusiasm that
observed has provided the basis for a fosters enthusiasm, kindness that
cartoon with Billy, Dolly, Jeffy or PJ. inspires kindness, cheerfulness that
But I make no secret about it—when inevitably spreads, love increases
it comes to love, my greatest inspira- when it’s given away.
tion, and the model for “Mommy,” I tried to put all that in one of my
has been my own wife, Thel. cartoons. There is Mommy, a full bag
We have five children (and now of groceries in one hand, her purse
four grandchildren), and when they with homework at the kitchen table, in the other, and Billy, Dolly, Jeffy
were younger, people often won- Thel was always there for us. And and PJ tugging at her knees. The
dered how Thel managed with so the more she did for us, the more woman at the left asks the question,
many. I often wondered too. she seemed to have to give us. “How do you divide your love among
Whether she was soothing the hurt That was how I came upon one four children?” And Mommy’s an-
of a scraped knee, sitting in the au- of God’s paradoxical laws of love. swer, real words to grow on:
dience at a school play, or helping Real love doesn’t come in limited, “I don’t divide it. I multiply it.”

OF ALL IS If I live in a house of spotless beauty with everything in its place,
But have not love, I am a housekeeper, not a homemaker.
LOVE If I live for waxing, polishing, and decorative achievements,
But have not love, my children learn of cleanliness, not godliness.
Love leaves the dust in search of a child’s laugh.
Love smiles at the tiny fingerprints on a newly cleaned window.
Love wipes away the tears before it wipes up the spilled milk.
Love picks up the child before it picks up the toys.
Love is present through the trials.
Love reprimands, reproves, and is responsive.
Love crawls with the baby, walks with the toddler, runs with the child,
Then stands aside to let the child walk into adulthood.
Love is the key that opens salvation’s message to a child’s heart.
Before I became a mother, I took glory in my house of perfection.
Now I glory in God’s perfection of my children.
As a mother, there is much I must teach my children,
But the greatest of all is love.
—Author unknown (based on the Bible, 1 Corinthians chapter 13)

The Mos
Mostt Sacrif
Sacrif icial
T he kind of love the world admires more than any other kind of love is
not romantic love, it is not sexual love, it is not even love between
husband and wife, although that can be admired also. What kind of love is the most respected?—A mother’s love!

W hat makes a mother’s love for her baby so marvelous?—It’s totally sacrificial! She gives her all; she suffers
for that baby. She gives up herself, her time, her strength, her sleep, and it costs something; it’s a sacrifice.

W hat’s the greatest love in the world?—Love in which you lay down your life for someone else. You sacrifice
your own life and your own self for the sake of someone else. That’s real love, God’s kind of love, sacrificial
love, spiritual love!
—David Brandt Berg

R89 GP Love. Family. Motherhood.


Long-range The London Times reports: Fathers who devote time to their sons—
even as little as five minutes a day—are giving them a far greater chance to
grow up as confident adults, a parenting research project has found.
Effects Boys who feel that their fathers devote time especially to them and talk
about their worries, schoolwork, and social lives almost all emerge as mo-
tivated and optimistic young men full of confidence and hope.
W henever you hear of a
man doing a great thing,
you may be sure that behind it
The study, from the “Tomorrow’s Men” project supported by Oxford
University and funded by “Top Man” picked out youngsters with high self-
esteem, happiness, and confidence as successful “can-do” kids.
somewhere is a great background.
The study found little difference between the positive effects of a good
It may be a mother’s training, a
relationship with a father in a standard two-parent family and with an ab-
father’s example, a teacher’s influ-
sent father who nevertheless made the effort to make time for the family.
ence, or an intense experience of
“Whatever the shape or form of a family, if you can get it together it makes
his own, but it has to be there or
a difference.”
else the great achievement does
Families who spent significant amounts of time together as a unit were
not come, no matter how favor-
also more likely to turn out confident children.
able the opportunity.
—Catherine Miles

Prayers of Parents
Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know Train up a child in the way
when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is he should go: and when
afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, he is old, he will not de-
and humble and gentle in victory. part from it (The Bible,
Build me a son whose wishes will not take the place of deeds; a Proverbs 22:6).
son who will know Thee—and that in Thee is the foundation stone
of knowledge.
Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort but under
the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge. Here let him learn
to stand up in the storm; here let him learn compassion for those
who fail.
Build me a son whose heart will be clear, whose goal will be May we so live that all our children
high, a son who will master himself before he seeks to master other will be able to acquire our best vir-
men; one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past. tues and to leave behind our worst
And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough sense of failings. May we pass on the light
humor, so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself of courage and compassion, and
too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember
the questing spirit; and may that
the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom,
and the weakness of true strength. light burn more brightly in these
Then I, his father, will dare to whisper, “I have not lived in vain.” our children than it has in us.
—General Douglas MacArthur —Robert Marshall

A Father’s Acceptance
Remember how the father of the prodigal son acted when the boy returned home? (See the Bible, Luke 15:11–
24.) Did he run up and sniff his breath to see if he had been drinking? Did he comment on how poorly he had cared
for his clothes? Did he criticize his straggly hair and dirty fingernails? Did he inquire about the balance left in his
checking account? Of course not. He hugged the boy—the hug of loving acceptance.
This story of a father’s love is immortalized in the Bible primarily, I believe, to tell something of how God accepts
us. Should we not consciously use His example in dealing with our children? Can we afford to neglect giving them
hugs of loving acceptance each day?
This love is the warm blanket each parent can weave for his or her children—a blanket of love that accepts each
child for what he is. Such love is never content to stop assisting the youngster to climb higher and higher toward the
plan God has for every life.
—Dr. Bob Pedrick

R90 GP Parenthood. Fathers. Love. Acceptance.


To love someone just as they are is the ultimate compliment.

A wonderful mess
I re- been done. Would you like after all, what scientific ex-
cently to get down and play in the periments are all about.
heard a milk for a few minutes be- Even if the experiment
Always put
story from fore we clean it up?” “doesn’t work,” we usually
yourself in
Stephen Indeed, he did. After a learn something valuable
others’ shoes. If
G l e n n few minutes, his mother from it.
it hurts you, it
about a said, “You know, Robert, Wouldn’t it be great if all
probably hurts
famous whenever you make a parents would respond the
the other
r e s e a rc h mess like this, eventually way Robert’s mother re-
person, too.
scientist you have to clean it up and sponded to him?
who had restore everything to its —Jack Canfield
made sev- proper order. So, how (From A Second Helping of
eral very would you like to do that? Chicken Soup for the Soul)
important medical break- We could use a sponge, a
throughs. He was being in- towel, or a mop. Which do
you prefer?” He chose the

terviewed by a newspaper
reporter who asked him sponge and together they
why he thought he was cleaned up the spilled
h, it’s just the little, homey things,
able to be so much more milk.
The unobtrusive, friendly things,
creative than the average His mother then said,
The won’t-you-let-me-help-you things
person. What set him so far “You know, what we have
That make the pathway light.
apart from others? here is a failed experiment
And it’s just the jolly, joking things,
He responded that, in in how to effectively carry
The laugh-with-me-it’s-funny things,
his opinion, it all came a big milk bottle with two
The never-mind-the-trouble things
from an experience with tiny hands. Let’s go out in
That make our world seem bright.
his mother that occurred the back yard and fill the
when he was about two bottle with water and see
For all the countless, famous things,
years old. He had been try- if you can discover a way
The wondrous, record-breaking things,
ing to remove a bottle of to carry it without drop-
Those never-can-be-equaled things
milk from the refrigerator ping it.” The little boy
That all the papers cite,
when he lost his grip on the learned that if he grasped
Can’t match the little, human things,
slippery bottle and it fell, the bottle at the top near
The just-because-I-like-you things,
spilling its contents all over the lip with both hands, he
Those oh-it’s-simply-nothing things,
the kitchen floor—a veri- could carry it without
That make us happy, quite.
table sea of milk! dropping it. What a won-
When his mother came derful lesson!
So here’s to all the little things,
into the kitchen, instead of This renowned scien-
The everyday-encountered things,
yelling at him, giving him tist then remarked that it
The smile-and-face-your-trouble things,
a lecture, or punishing was at that moment that
“Trust God to put it right,”
him, she said, “Robert, he knew he didn’t need to
The done-and-then-forgotten things,
what a great and wonder- be afraid to make mis-
The can’t-you-see-I-love-you! things,
ful mess you have made! I takes. Instead, he learned
The hearty I-am-with-you! things
have rarely seen such a that mistakes were just op-
That make life worth the fight.
huge puddle of milk. Well, portunities for learning
—Grace Haines
the damage has already something new, which is,

nowing that you’re loved gives you hope and faith and cheers up your whole outlook! When people
feel your love and you tell them it’s God’s love, they kind of feel like, “Maybe somebody up there does
love me! Maybe everything is going to turn out okay in the end after all!”
—David Brandt Berg

R91 GP Parents. Love. Encouragement.


No Limits By Emmet Fox

T here is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer; no disease that enough love will not heal; no
door that enough love will not open; no gulf that enough love will not bridge; no wall that enough love
will not throw down; no sin that enough love will not redeem. It makes no difference how deeply seated may
be the trouble, how hopeless the outlook, how muddled the tangle, how great the mistake, sufficient love will
dissolve it all.

Love Poured Out

“The love of God has been poured out in our hearts” (Romans 5:5).

H ow could he be so forgiving? I asked myself this ques-

tion when I read what happened to a South Korean
Christian. Arrested by the Communists during the Korean
War, he was sentenced to die before a firing squad. But
when the officer in charge learned that this man headed
an orphanage, he changed the order. Instead he forced L ove ever gives
Adapted from Herbert Vander Lugt

the believer to watch as his 19-year-old son was shot to Outlives

death in his place. And ever stands
Some time later, the Communist officer was captured With open hands.
by United Nations forces, tried, and condemned to die. And while it lives,
But before the execution, the Christian whose son had It gives.
been killed made an emotional plea on behalf of the of- For this is love’s prerogative:
ficer, asking that he be released into his custody. His re- To give
quest was granted, and eventually the officer was con- And give
verted to Christ and became a pastor. And give.
As I read that true story, my first response was to say, —John Oxenham
“I couldn’t do what he did!” But then I remembered that
he didn’t do it in his own strength. The forgiveness he
showed was God’s love pouring through his soul. L ove is not blind; it has an ex-
tra spiritual eye which sees
the good and possibilities that
others cannot see.

The Lord
—David Brandt Berg

Forgives Us L ove is an act of endless for-

giveness, a tender look
which becomes a habit.
I t’s amazing how the Lord concentrates not on
our wrongs, but on our repentance and His for-
giveness. When I recognized I had fallen short in
—Sir Peter Ustinov

showing enough love to others, He spoke to me

beautifully, saying, “Well, you’ve repented and I’ve L ove covers a multitude of
sins. When a scar cannot be
taken away, the next kind deed
forgiven you, so now just move on.” And He added,
“I’m proud of you for going on.” The way the Lord is is to hide it. Love is never so
with us is such a wonderful example of the way we blind as when it is to spy faults.
It is like the painter, who, to draw
By Maria David

need to be with others.

We need to get the point that when people fail, a picture of a friend having a
make mistakes, or even deliberately sin, once blemish in one eye, would pic-
they’ve repented we need to forgive them as Jesus ture only the other side of his
forgives us. That means to forget what they’ve done, face. It is a noble and great thing
accept their repentance, love them, and encourage to cover the blemishes and to ex-
them in the new start that they want to make. cuse the failings of a friend; to
draw a curtain before his stains,
and to display his perfections; to
bury his weaknesses in silence,
but to proclaim his virtues upon
the housetop.
—Robert South

R92 GP Love. Forgiveness.


Tips for

10 Stress-Free
Work According to Michael Mercer, an industrial psychologist

1 Get along with people. “Low-stress employees their short-term or long-term goals.
invariably have smooth working relationships with prac- To determine how much time you devote to achieve
tically everyone,” Mercer said. To achieve this, find things goals, write down everything you did in the past seven
you have in common with others and act friendly with days. On a separate paper, list three short-term goals (to
“absolutely everybody”—from the president down to achieve in the next three months) and three long-term
those who clean the office. goals (to achieve in three years). Then go back to your
seven-day list and note anything that helped you accom-
2 Always be diplomatic and tactful. Avoid act- plish short-term or long-term goals.
“Typically people spend less than five percent of their
ing angrily or impatiently even when you’re frustrated.
time doing activities that will achieve their goals,” Mer-
“Expressing anger in the workplace usually results in di-
cer said. “People feel more frustrated when they don’t
rect or indirect retaliation, which surely increases stress,”
accomplish their goals.”
Mercer said.
7 Prepare a daily “to-do” list. “Every day before
3 Learn what is expected of you. Find out your
leaving work, write a list of what you need to do the next
boss’s expectations of you and the expectations of your
work day,” Mercer said. That little bit of organization can
boss’s boss. “These people will make or break your ca-
help prevent you from being overwhelmed by tasks that
reer and greatly affect your stress levels,” Mercer said. need to be done.
“By meeting their expectations you simultaneously can
get ahead plus decrease a possible cause of stress.”
8 Keep a neat desk or work space. We’re not talk-
4 Be a team player with your boss and co-work-
" ing obsessive neatness here. Mercer said his desk is nine
by four feet—all of which is covered with paper except
ers. “Team players are appreciative and receive much for a 2-by-2-foot space in front of him. He reserves that
less grief than employees who act rebelliously or act like space for things he is working on at that moment.
loners,” he said.
9 Exercise at least a little every day. Even a 10-
5 Give three compliments a day at work. “People
# minute walk will help. “People bottle up emotional ten-
love receiving compliments and will try to make your sion or stress in their muscles,” Mercer said. By exercis-
life easier since you made them feel good with a compli- ing a little, you can release emotional and physical
ment,” Mercer said. “They’ll remember the compliment stress—and be more clear-headed when deciding how
when you ask for a favor.” to tackle a stressful situation.

6 Set goals for yourself—personal and work-related.

$ 10Consider changing jobs. “If the above nine tips

High-stress people rarely do things to accomplish their don’t help you, then it may be time to find a new job,”
goals. Low-stress people, on the other hand, spend more Mercer said. If all else fails, Mercer cites an often-used
than half their time doing things that help them achieve quote: “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to (UPI) Worker stress in the U.S. has tripled since 1995
relax for at least five minutes every hour, you’d be more productive. Most
and is a major factor in those workdays that are
stress we bring on ourselves through bad habits and bad attitudes. Take a
missed, we are told in CCH’s ninth annual “Unsched-
pencil and paper and write down everything in your day that produces stress,
uled Absence Survey” published in September of
checking the aggravations that create the greatest stress. Analyze all the ways
1999. Stress is responsible for nearly a fifth of all no-
you might change these situations. If you talked with a co-worker, would it
shows, the survey reports, up 316 percent from 1995.
ease the stress? If you got up half an hour earlier, could you stop running
The survey, which queried 305 human resources
and take time to walk, or even stroll? Do you exercise at least twenty min-
executives across the U.S., estimates absenteeism
utes a day? If you don’t, you should, because it will relieve stress and allow
costs employers an average $603 per employee per
you to work and sleep better.—Dr. Joyce Brothers
year. For some large companies that can total as
much as $3.4 million annually.
Physiologists have shown that one reason people are touchy, easily insulted
or grieved, is that they go through life with jaws set, faces strained and muscles
tense. This causes them to jump at the slightest noise, or the slightest insult to
their egos. They say their nerves are on edge, but it is mainly their muscles,
from eyelids to toes, that are jumping. When all your muscles are relaxed and
at ease, your nerves and ego will also be at ease. — Albert Edward Wiggam
R93 GP Stress.


First Things First
Dear Lord, keep us from having our
lives so full of good things that we
Rocks don’t have time for the best.
An expert on the subject of time management was
Help us not to be so pressured that
speaking to a group of business students. He stood in
we put off our time with You. Help
front of these high-powered overachievers, pulled out
us to bask in Your spiritual sunshine,
a one-gallon, wide-mouthed Mason jar, and set it on a
rest in Your arms, drink deeply of
table in front of him. Then he produced about a dozen
Your Word, and inhale of Your Spirit.
fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a
Help us to seek You most of all—
time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top
more than any of the other things
and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, “Is this
we enjoy. Help us to remember how
jar full?”
You said that without You, we can do
Everyone in the class said, “Yes.”
nothing (John 15:5), so that we won’t
Then he said, “Really?” He reached under the table
have misplaced priorities, but we’ll
and pulled out a bucket of gravel. Then he dumped
have You, Your love, and Your values
some gravel in and shook the jar, causing pieces of
in the right place—first!
gravel to work themselves down into the spaces be-
—David Brandt Berg
tween the big rocks. Then he asked the group once
more, “Is the jar full?”
You always have time for the things
By this time the class was onto him. “Probably not,”
you put first.
one of them answered.
“Good!” he replied. He reached under the table and
brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the
sand in and it went into all the spaces left between the
rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the ques- The Bible on Priorities
tion, “Is this jar full?”
“No!” the class shouted.
Once again he said, “Good!” Then he grabbed a
Let us hear the conclusion of the
pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar
whole matter: Fear God, and keep
was filled to the brim.
His commandments: for this is the
Then he looked up at the class and asked, “What is
whole duty of man (Ecclesiastes
the point of this illustration?”
12:13, KJV).
One eager beaver raised his hand and said, “The
point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try
really hard you can always fit some more things into
“Teacher, which is the greatest com-
mandment in the Law?”
“No,” the speaker replied, “that’s not the point. The
truth this illustration teaches us is this: If you don’t put
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your
the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all.”
God with all your heart and with all
What are the “big rocks” in your life? Are you put-
your soul and with all your mind.’
ting them in first?
This is the first and greatest com-
“And the second is like it: ‘Love your
neighbor as yourself’” (Matthew
22:36–39, NIV).

R94 GP Priorities. Love.


Marcia, age four, was my Sunday morning commitment. Only by picking her up at her foster home before
the worship service could I ensure her attending the church school that followed. Today Marcia had exhausted
my surprise bag of coloring books and puzzles in the first seven minutes. Even the candy failed to hold her atten-
tion for more than thirty seconds.
I took Marcia’s piquant face between my two hands. Looking into her eyes, I whispered, “What do you
need to make you happy today?”
Returning my gaze, she whispered, “I need to sit on your lap!”
I took her in my arms. She nestled down until her soft cheek rested against the skin of my neck, and she
barely stirred for the remainder of the hour.
I remember days when my own behavior was an adult version of Marcia’s—I was restless, dissatisfied,
impossible to please. When that happens again, I hope I will be as wise as Marcia and as honest about my needs.
My restlessness melts away when I rest in Jesus.
—Author unknown

Out in the Fields with God

By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The little cares that fretted me,

I lost them yesterday,
Among the fields above the sea,
Among the winds at play;
Among the lowing of the herds,
The rustling of the trees;
Among the singing of the birds,
The humming of the bees.

The foolish fears of what might happen,

I cast them all away
Among the clover-scented grass,
Among the new-mown hay;
Among the husking of the corn,
Where drowsy poppies nod,
Where ill thoughts die and good are
Out in the fields with God!

A Pr
Praayer ffor
or R elief fr
Relief om SStr
from tress
Jesus, when I feel weak, tired, or out of sorts, You’re right there to put Your arms around me, to comfort me
and tell me that everything is going to be okay. You reach down and soothe my ruffled nerves, melt away my
worries and fears, and blow away the confusion that seeks to surround me.
Thank You for blessing me so! I’m so blessed to have Your peace. Thank You for delivering me from the
worries of the world. Thank You for Your peace that passes all understanding.
Thank You that I don’t have to take a pill to find relief from the stress of a busy schedule. All I have to do is
take You. Thank You that I can just sit down for a few minutes with You and feel Your soothing touch that gives me
strength to continue on in my busy day.
Thank You, wonderful, wonderful Jesus, for Your touches of love that melt away the mountains of ob-
stacles and problems. And thank You, too, that when I feel good, You make me feel even better! I love You.

R95 GP Stress. Time with the Lord. Peace.


H ow often do we finally reach a state of peaceful contentment, and then

wish we could hang out a sign that says, “Do not disturb”?
Of course we can’t prevent disturbances or stressful situations, but when
they come, the Bible says the Lord can give us peace inside. “You will keep
him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You”
(Isaiah 26:3 NKJ). If we turn to Jesus, He will give us peace. If we spend time
talking with Him in prayer, reading His Words, even just thinking about Him,
the Bible says the reward is peace.
Please In another place it says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by
prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known

Do Not to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6–7 NKJ).
At times it may seem impossible for us to remain peaceful inside. Just
Disturb coping may be difficult. But Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and He says, “Peace
I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to
you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27 NKJ).
So when you feel like hanging a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your forehead,
remember He has a special brand of peace—eternal, deep, tangible. And it’s
available for the asking.
—Chloe West

“‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be re-

moved, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken
CONSOLATION nor My covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who
There is never a day so dark and dreary has compassion on you” (Isaiah 54:10 NIV).
But God can make it bright.
There is never a night so black and void Submarine navigators tell us that no storms ever reach
But God can send His light. very deep into the ocean. The water is perfectly calm a
So take to Him those hopeless things hundred feet down, no matter how high the breakers may
That are tearing at your life... rise on the surface. There is quiet in the depths that no
The heart that puts its trust in God surface storms can disturb. This is possible, too, in human
Finds help to meet the strife. lives; there can be serenity and peace within, undisturbed
—Roxie Lusk Smith by the storms of the world. Jesus is our peace (Ephesians

The Antidote—FAITH
By David Brandt Berg

Faith in God and trust in God gives you a feeling of rest of body, peace of mind, content-
ment of heart, and spiritual well-being.

Faith is knowing that God loves you and cares for you and is going to take care of you,
no matter what happens.

You can have peace of mind and simply rest in the Lord, knowing He’s going to take
care of everything.

R96 GP Stress. Peace. Faith.


“Unintentional Maintenance Oversight”

By Rubel Shelly

A five-member Air Force panel finished its investigation into

the crash of an F-117A. Better known as the stealth fighter, one of
these state-of-the-art jets literally came apart in the sky on Sep-
tember 14, 1997. The pilot parachuted to safety and no one in the
Baltimore suburb where the plane crashed was hurt.
The specific fighter in question had been repaired and checked
out thoroughly in January of 1996. As part of that maintenance
check, the wings were removed and reinstalled. The inspectors ap-
parently failed to install four of the five bolts that hold part of the
F-117A Nighthawk, wing assembly in place. Two later maintenance checks missed the
the stealth fighter same problem. One of those checks was prompted when a pilot who
had flown the jet reported there was too much “flex” in the wing.
Col. John Beard, head of the investigative panel, said,“It is my opinion the accident was caused by unintentional
maintenance oversight.”
For the lack of four fastener bolts, a $42-million stealth fighter crashed. Because of careless maintenance, the life
of a pilot was nearly lost. On account of someone’s “unintentional” oversight, dozens more on the ground were put
in jeopardy. It seems like a terribly high price for so trivial a thing as four bolts.
The same sort of thing happens all the time. A company fails because it doesn’t stay abreast of market research
or product development. A once-bright career goes down the tubes because an athlete didn’t control his temper
or because a junior executive was guilty of an ethical lapse.
Sadder still, all of us have known marriages to fail because of one or
both partners’ “unintentional maintenance oversight.” He didn’t pay at-
tention to her. She didn’t seem interested in him. Oh, there were occasional
signs of trouble, but they weren’t pursued aggressively enough to repair
the relationship properly. So one day the marriage came apart and
crashed—maiming both adults and kids.
And what of your personal spiritual life? A well-maintained heart is lov-
ing, joyful, and forgiving. It speaks truth and lives with honor. It longs for
God as a deer pants for water in a dry place (Psalm 41:1). Prayer is natural,
and Scripture is precious.
It would be wise to begin this week by checking the maintenance logs.
Be thorough. Leave no stone unturned. And be bold in addressing the Crash of stealth fighter, September
deficiencies. God wants you to fly, not crash and burn. 14, 1977 (Courtesy of CNN.)

When a maintenance check is needed …

Quotes by David Brandt Berg

Ø The Lord wants us to be happy, but there should be times when you are not satisfied with just the usual run
of things, when you really seek the Lord for a needed change and pray, pouring out your heart to the Lord.
Ø You must learn to make personal contact with the power of God to let Him do the work of bringing you joy,
health, and happiness.
Ø There’s always hope if there’s love and prayer!

R97 GP Spiritual maintenance, change for the better.


Rest and Repose

By Virginia Brandt Berg

“I’m under so much pressure. I can hardly “Moses said to them, ‘Stand still, that I
stand it — the pressures are so great!” People may hear what the Lord will command con-
talk about the strain they’re under, and it can cerning you’” (Numbers 9:8 *). He had to
be seen on their faces. We are living in the rap- get them quiet before he could even tell
ids of time. The speed with which we move is them what the Lord wanted to say to them.
most remarkable, the restlessness deplorable. In 1 Samuel 9:27, “the prophet Samuel
As I tried to get quiet in my soul today, I re- said to king Saul, ‘Tell the servant to go on
alized that so much of this restlessness, stress, ahead of us. … But you stand here awhile,
and pressure had gotten into me. But I know that I may announce to you the Word of
where I can find repose. Webster says that “re- God!’”
pose” means “a state of being at rest.” Other In counseling and praying with people, it
meanings are “freedom from worry; peace of can be so hard sometimes to get them quiet
mind; calmness; tranquility.” enough to listen to God’s Word. A wonderful
That sounds so nice, but how does one get verse about that is 1 Samuel 12:7, where the
there? There is a remedy, but just how are prophet Samuel says to the people, “Now
people going to find such repose when they’re therefore stand still, that I may reason with
on the run and in a rush all the time? you before the Lord.”
When I get alone to take time in God’s pres- In Job 37:14, God says,“Stand still and con-
ence, when I read His Word and search the sider the wondrous works of God.”
Scriptures, and when I search my own heart David talked about meditating and com-
and spend time in prayer, the peace is restored muning with God at night:“Meditate within
that He promises—sweet rest and repose that your heart on your bed, and be still” (Psalm
only God can give.The remedy will take all that 4:4). And God says, “Be still, and know that I
strain out of the spirit; it will relieve unrest of am God” (Psalm 46:10).
mind and tension of body. If only we would get to this quiet place so
So many people in this jet-propelled age we could seek God’s presence and read His
have to take some kind of tranquilizer to calm Word! He could then refresh our souls, clarify
themselves down. I read recently of a man who our thoughts, and take away the strained
came rushing home from work and said to his feeling. Some people think it’s a waste of time
wife, “I can’t believe all the things that hap- to stop to meditate, to stop and pray, yet
pened in the office today! I’ve been under such millions throughout the ages have found that
strain, such tension that I can hardly stand it! only in the presence of God could they find
Give me one of those pills to calm me down.” rest and peace, and could their every symp-
So she gave him the pill, but just about that tom of pressure be subdued.
time the phone rang and he was ordered to Prayer makes available the power of God
come back to the office, because a very im- that can take all the strain out of life. Won’t
portant customer was ready to give a big or- you think about it? His Word says that they
der. So he said to his wife, “Where are those who believe enter into the Lord’s rest (He-
pep pills? I’ve got to have one!” People take brews 4:3).
one pill to pep up and another one to calm God’s Word goes on to say,“There remains
down. therefore a rest to the people of God” (He-
Pressures are many, and some people have brews 4:9). But you don’t have to wait for
no other recourse, but the Christian does! The Heaven to get that rest! You can have it right
Christian has his quiet time—the time of medi- now! God bless you and bring you into His
tation before God, which will cool the fever of place of perfect peace.
this hectic rush. But we have to do our part to
get quiet with the Lord. Here are some verses
that demonstrate this reality.
R98 GP *All verses are from the New King James Version Bible. Stress, trials, peace.

“Have faith that God answers your prayers,” my
mother always told me, “even if it takes you years to
know that He has.”
This was a lesson she taught me while I was grow-
ing up in Stuttgart, Germany, during World War II. We
lived in a sixth-floor apartment overlooking the city. US planes over Germany in 1943.
At night we could hear bombers flying, the popping
of anti-aircraft guns, sirens wailing.
Then one morning when I was 12, we heard a plane buzzing overhead, a rare thing to hear in the daytime.
We rushed outside to see an American plane catch fire and fall from the sky.
“Gott, behuete den Piloten,” I prayed aloud. (God, protect the pilot.) My younger sister Jutta piped in,“Hilf ihm,
lieber Gott.” (Help him, dear God.) Mother also bowed her head, as did littlest Isa. Four Germans praying for the
American pilot.
That night we listened to the radio. The reporter said there was no trace of the pilot in the wreckage. I felt
sure that my prayer had been in vain.
Many years later, after the war, Mother and I immigrated to the United States. We settled in California, and
Mother went to work for a hospital in the San Fernando Valley. One day during a routine checkup, a patient
detected Mother’s German accent and asked, “Where are you from?”
“Stuttgart,” she replied.
“I remember that city well,” he said. “During World War II I was shot down over Stuttgart on a reconnais-
sance mission. In broad daylight.”
“But we saw you!” Mother exclaimed.“From our balcony!—I believe it!” (She became even more sure when
he told her the date of his crash.)
“It’s a wonder I survived,” said the pilot. “After walking away from the plane I wandered behind enemy
lines at night for a week. When I was finally captured, I ended up in a camp where my treatment was surpris-
ingly humane. The Good Lord was with me ... somehow.”
The Lord was with him because of our prayers. I’m sure of it. For as I learned in the case of the brave pilot,
God keeps prayers alive.
—Irmgard Wood (Courtesy of “Guideposts”)

I know not by what methods rare,

But this I know, God answers prayer.
I know that He has given His Word,
P rayer is not flight; prayer is power. Prayer does not
always deliver a man from some terrible situation;
it enables a man to face and to master the situation.
Which tells me prayer is always heard, —William Barclay
And will be answered, soon or late.
And so I pray and calmly wait.

I know not if the blessing sought

P rayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance; it is lay-
ing hold of His highest willingness.
—Richard Chenevix
Will come in just the way I thought;
But I leave my prayers with Him alone,
Whose will is wiser than my own,
Assured that He will grant my quest,
Or send some answer far more blest.
—Eliza M. Hickok
R99 GP Prayer, faith, persistence.


By Nyx Martinez

he protocols of prayer are as simple as a cording to Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary,
two-way conversation. Just like chatting the word conversation is defined as: “the speak-
on the phone or text messaging on-line. ing together of two or more persons; informal ex-
You can’t immediately see the people you change of ideas, information, etc.”
are conversing with, but your mes- Speaking together. Exchange of
sage gets through to them ideas. Obviously, it’s a give-and-
through the phone lines or air- take scene. I ask a question; you
waves, and their responses are answer. You ask a question; I
carried back to you the same answer. I contradict your an-
way. swer; you contend for it. We fi-
What would the other per- nally come to some conclu-
son you were communicat- sion. That’s one of the ways it
ing with think if you spewed works.
off what you wanted to say on So why does it seem strange
the phone and then hung up to carry on a normal conversa-
without waiting for a reply? Or, tion with God? He’s listening—all
if you asked him a question in the time. And He’s just waiting for
the chat room and then signed out you to let Him in on the exchange of
before he could answer? Or, if you ideas. You might have a question, and
asked his opinion on something and then He just might have the perfect answer. But
turned off your cell phone without giving him a you’ve got to stay on-line and wait for that answer.
chance to respond? If you made this a habit, the Does God speak? Audibly? The answer to this
person would probably stop trying to communi- question might be self-discovered. And while
cate with you. you’re taking the time to experience it for your-
Now, imagine how God must feel every time self, you’ll find that, as with conversations on the
you talk to Him and then end the conversation phone, text messaging, or the Internet, chatting
without giving Him a chance to participate. Ac- with God can become very addicting.

When Prayer Is Listening

Thoughts from David Brandt Berg

Prayer is not just getting down on your knees and I love to be alone with the Lord because I can hear God
speaking your piece to God, but giving God a chance to so clearly when I’m alone and quiet. The Lord speaks in a
speak His, too—and waiting until He answers! still, small, but very definite, very firm, very loving voice—
but if you’re too noisy, you’re not going to hear it!
You need to learn to talk to the Lord, and how to
listen most of all. It’s not up to the king to try to go You’ve got to know you can’t solve your own prob-
chasing his subjects around, screaming and hollering lems; you’ve got to be desperate for God’s answers, and
at them to try to get them to do what he wants. Jesus stop everything else and listen. Take time to hear from
is the King of kings, so you should come to Him with God, and He’ll take time to straighten out the problem.
quietness and respect, sincerely present your petition,
and wait silently to get the answer.

R101 GP Prayer. Listening to God. God’s answers. Faith.


Excerpts of a class by David Brandt Berg

It’s not how long we pray or how much we pray; it’s how much we believe.
If we really believe, every prayer is heard and answered.The Lord really leaves
a lot to us and our concern and prayer. If we only cry with half a heart we
only get half an answer. But if we cry with our whole heart we get a whole-
hearted strong answer. He says, “You will seek Me and find Me when you
search for Me with all your heart!” (Jeremiah 29:13 NKJ).
The very intensity with which we pray and really mean it or desire it is
reflected in the answer. Like a radio beam that hits a satellite, our prayer is
reflected according to the intensity of the original beam. The power with
which it is sent determines the power that is reflected and the power that is
Why do certain answers take longer to come than others? Some prayers
are like radio waves being bounced off a distant planet: It may take years to
get the answer, but it will eventually come. Also, while we would like for our
prayers to be answered immediately, the Lord may know that it’s not the
best time.
A lot depends on the recipient of your prayers, too. To get the ben-
efit of your prayer, you have to be in the right position and he or she has to
be in the right position.
If you’re in tune, the Holy
Spirit directs your prayer. If your radio set is automated so that the
Holy Spirit is in control, then it’s automatically tuned just right—power,
beam, direction, everything—by the Lord’s own computer, and it can’t
miss! But if you’ve been fooling around with the dials and the set- I said a prayer for you today
tings, you can mess up the whole works by trying to do it your way. And know God must have heard.
It’s got to go according to God’s general direction if you want it to I felt the answer in my heart,
work. The recipient has also got to be in just the right position and Although I heard no word.
have his or her receiver turned on in order to receive it.
So prayer depends on four principal factors: your position, God’s I didn’t ask for wealth or fame.—
position, the person or situation you’re praying for, and the way you I knew you wouldn’t mind.
pray—the direction of your prayers and their intensity. God has left a I asked Him to send treasures
lot up to you and a lot up to the recipient. He will always do His part. Of a far more lasting kind.
His orbit is set, and His satellite will always be where it’s supposed to
be at any given time. So the only things that will change the outcome I asked that He be near you
are your position, the recipient’s position, and the power and direc- At the start of each new day,
tion of your transmission. To grant you health and blessing,
So that’s how prayer works. If it’s according to God’s will—what And friends to share your way.
He knows is best for everyone concerned—and you and the object of
your prayer are in the right position and you aim straight, your prayer I asked for happiness for you,
will hit the target and have the desired effect! In all things great and small.
But it was for His loving care
I prayed most of all.
—Author unknown

R100 GP Prayer, God’s power, love.


A Gallon of Milk
Does God speak to us today?

young man had and drove on past the intersec- A man’s voice yelled out,
been to a Wednes- tion. Again, he felt that he “Who is it? What do you want?”
day-night Bible should turn down Seventh Then the door opened before
study. The pastor Street. the young man could get away.
had shared about At the next intersection, he The man was standing there in
listening to God turned back and headed down his jeans and t-shirt. He looked
and obeying the Seventh. Half jokingly, he said like he just got out of bed. He
Lord’s voice. The young man out loud, “Okay, God, I will.” He had a strange look on his face
couldn’t help but wonder, “Does drove several blocks, when sud- and he didn’t seem too happy
God still speak to people?” denly, he felt like he should to have some stranger stand-
After the service he went out stop. He pulled over to the curb ing on his doorstep. “What is
with some friends for coffee and and looked around. He was in a it?”
pie, and they discussed the mes- semi-commercial area of town. The young man thrust out
sage. Several of them talked It wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t the gallon of milk, “Here, I
about how God had led them in the worst of neighborhoods ei- brought this to you.”
different ways. ther. The businesses were The man took the milk and
It was about ten o’clock closed and most of the houses rushed down a hallway speak-
when the young man started looked dark, like the people ing loudly in Spanish. Then
driving home. Sitting in his car, were already in bed. from down the hall came a
he just began to pray, “God … if Again, he sensed something, woman carrying the milk to-
You still speak to people, speak Go and give the milk to the ward the kitchen. The man was
to me. I will listen. I will do my people in the house across the following her, holding a baby.
best to obey.” As he drove down street. The baby was crying. The man
the main street of his town, he The young man looked at the had tears streaming down his
had the strangest thought, Stop house. It was dark and it looked face. The man was half speak-
and buy a gallon of milk. like the people were either ing and half crying: “We were
He shook his head and said gone or already asleep. He just praying. We had some big
out loud, “God, is that You?” He started to open the door and bills this month, and we ran
didn’t get a reply, and continued then sat back in the car seat. out of money. We didn’t have
on toward home. But again the “Lord, this is insane. Those any milk for our baby. I was just
thought came to him, Buy a gal- people are asleep, and if I wake praying and asking God to
lon of milk. them up, they are going to be show me how to get some
The young man thought mad and I will look stupid.” milk.”
about the boy Samuel in the Again, he felt like he should His wife in the kitchen
Bible, how he hadn’t recognized go and give them the milk. Fi- yelled out, “I ask Him to send
the voice of God at first nally, he opened the car door. an angel with some. ... Are you
(1Samuel 3:2–10). “Okay, God, “Okay, God, if this is You, I will an angel?”
in case that is You, I will buy the go to the door and I will give The young man reached
milk.” It didn’t seem like too them the milk. If You want me into his wallet and pulled out
hard a test of obedience. to look like a crazy person, okay. all the money he had with him,
He could always use the milk. I want to be obedient. I guess and put it in the man’s hand.
He stopped and purchased the that will count for something, He turned and walked back to-
gallon of milk and started off to- but if they don’t answer right ward his car, tears streaming
ward home. As he passed Sev- away, I am out of here.” He down his face. He knew that
enth Street, he again felt the walked across the street and God still answers prayer.
urge, Turn down that street. rang the bell. He could hear —Author unknown
“This is crazy,” he thought, some noise inside.

R102 GP Prayer. Listening to God. God’s answers. Faith.


Not Yet!—The Trials of a Teacup

I haven’t always been a Finally He came and took it all up. Then the door would just have
teacup. There was a me out. “Oh, that sure swung open and Master crumbled.
time in my life when I feels better,” I said to said, “Now!”
was just a lump of clay. myself. Then all of the “I knew it really both-
Then my Master took sudden, my Master He lifted me up and He ered you to be brushed
me and began to pat picked me up and started placed me on a shelf to and painted, but if I
and mold and shape sanding and brushing rest. Later He came to hadn’t, you would not
me. It was very painful me. Then He took a me with a mirror and have had any color in
and I begged Him to paintbrush and started told me to look. As I your life.
stop, but He only smiled painting colors all over looked at myself, I could
and said, “Not yet!” me. The fumes were so not believe my eyes. I “Oh, how I knew the
strong I thought I was said, “Oh my, what a second oven was hard
Then He placed me on a going to pass out. I beautiful teacup.” for you! But you see, if I
spinning wheel and I pleaded with Him to had not put you there,
went ’round and ’round. stop, but He continued to Then the Master ex- you would not have
I got so sick I thought I smile and said, “Not yet!” plained: “I want you to been able to stand the
wasn’t going to make it, understand that I knew pressures of life. Your
but then He finally let Then He placed me in it hurt when I patted strength would not
me off. Just as I thought another oven. This one and molded you. I knew have lasted, so you
I was going to be all was twice as hot as the the spinning wheel would not have sur-
right, my Master put me first. I knew that I would made you sick. But if I vived for very long .
in an oven. I’ve never suffocate. I begged, I had left you alone, you
understood why He pleaded, I cried, but He would have dried up “So you see, when you
wanted to burn me; I still only smiled and and always have been thought it was all so
yelled and begged for said,“Not yet!” just a lump of clay. You very hard, I still had you
Him to stop, to let me would not have had any in My care. I knew all
out. I could see dimly I began to feel there was personality in your life. along what you would
through the glass in the no hope. I would never be today. I had the
oven door, but He only make it. I couldn’t take “I knew it was hot when finished product in
smiled, shook His head any more. It was all over I put you in the first mind from the day I
and said, “Not yet!” for me. I decided to give oven, but if I hadn’t, you first touched you!”
—Author unknown

“But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and
You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand” (Isaiah
64:8 NKJ).

“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not
be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31 NKJ).

R103 GP Times of testing. God’s plan. Comfort.


On Dark Days...
God Opens A Window

peered into, charted on paper many men have owed their

with graphs like the rise and lasting contributions to the
fall in the price of wheat. wealth of the race to some un-
It was this indignity, even happy adventure of health or
more than the pain and the of fortune, some catastrophe
weakness and the boredom, of imprisonment or banish-
that made the experience dif- ment where they, having mas-
ficult for me to bear. To be tered their own spirits, were at
something, and then to be length able to live a complete
nothing! One is singled out for life. I think it was in prison that
suffering. He goes alone; he Cervantes wrote Don Quixote;
takes no one with him. and Paul addressed some of
While it was true that the best of his letters from Ro-
every thing that had consti- man jails.
tuted a pleasant and satisfying The present moment, this
life for me—my robust physi- burning instant of time, was

he illness which culminated in an cal health, my interesting all that I or any man could ever
operation came upon me when I work, and all my books, my really possess or command—
was not looking. It seemed that life letters, my friends—while all and I was allowing it to be
stopped. Identity blurred. One hung up these had been stripped away, ruined by anxieties of my own
his personality with his clothes in a closet I was still possessed of my making. It came to me power-
and became a case—the patient in room own mind and my own fully, that if I could be content
number 12. No longer quite a man, but a thoughts. I had, after all, my at this moment, I could be
condition, a problem, stretched out there own inner life. I had my life! content.
for daily examination, looked down upon, I began to reflect that so —Charles Grayson

W e do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are

wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed
day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are
achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs I never knew a night so black,
them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on Light failed to follow on its track.
what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what
I never knew a storm so gray,
is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:16–18 NIV).
It failed to have its clearing day.
I never knew such bleak despair
I pray that out of His glorious riches He may
strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your
inner being (Ephesians 3:16 NIV).
That there was not a rift somewhere.
I never knew an hour so drear
Love could not fill it full of cheer!
W hen one door closes, another opens; but we of-
ten look so long and so regretfully upon the closed
door that we do not see the one which has opened for
—John Kendrick Bangs (1862–1922)

us.—Alexander Graham Bell

R104 GP Difficult times. Inner growth. Hope. God’s plan.


For the Son of God was given,

And was hung upon a tree,
And God’s greatest gift for Christmas
Is His love for you and me.
—David Brandt Berg

Why Christmas?
here was once a man who didn’t believe in God, and he didn’t hesitate to let others know
how he felt about religion and religious holidays, like Christmas. His wife, however, did
believe, and she raised their children to also have faith in God and Jesus, despite his
disparaging comments.
One snowy Christmas Eve, his wife was taking their children to a Christmas Eve service in the
farm community in which they lived. She asked him to come, but he refused.
“That story is nonsense!” he said. “Why would God lower Himself to come to Earth as a man?
That’s ridiculous!” So she and the children left, and he stayed home.
A while later, the winds grew stronger and the snow turned into a blizzard. As the man looked
out the window, all he saw was a blinding snowstorm. He sat down to relax before the fire for
the evening.
Then he heard a loud thump. Something had hit the window. Then another thump. He looked
out, but couldn’t see more than a few feet. When the snow let up a little, he ventured outside to
see what could have been beating on his window. In the field near his house he saw a flock of
wild geese. Apparently they had been flying south for the winter when they got caught in the
snowstorm and couldn’t go on. They were lost and stranded on his farm, with no food or shel-
ter. They just flapped their wings and flew around the field in low circles, blindly and aimlessly.
A couple of them had flown into his window, it seemed.
The man felt sorry for the geese and wanted to help them. The
barn would be a great place for them to stay, he thought. It’s
warm and safe; surely they could spend the night and wait out
the storm. So he walked over to the barn and opened the doors
wide, then watched and waited, hoping they would no-
tice the open barn and go inside. But the geese
just fluttered around aimlessly and didn’t seem
to notice the barn or realize what it could
mean for them. The man tried to get their atten-
tion, but that just seemed to scare them and they
moved further away.
He went into the house and came with some bread,
broke it up, and made a breadcrumb trail leading to
the barn. They still didn’t catch on.
Now he was getting frustrated. He got behind them
and tried to shoo them toward the barn, but they only got
more scared and scattered in every direction except toward

R106 GP Christmas, salvation, God’s love.


the barn. Nothing he did could get them to go into the barn where they would be warm and
“Why don’t they follow me?!” he exclaimed. “Can’t they see this is the only place where they
can survive the storm?”
He thought for a moment and realized that they just wouldn’t follow a human. “If only I were
a goose, then I could save them,” he said out loud.
Then he had an idea. He went into barn, got one of his own geese, and carried it in his arms
as he circled around behind the flock of wild geese. He then released it. His goose flew through
the flock and straight into the barn—and one by one the other geese followed it to safety.
He stood silently for a moment as the words he had spoken a few minutes earlier replayed in
his mind: “If only I were a goose, then I could save them!” Then he thought about what he had
said to his wife earlier. “Why would God want to be like us? That’s ridiculous!” Suddenly it all
made sense. That is what God had done. We were like the geese—blind, lost, perishing. God
had His Son become like us so He could show us the way and save us. That was the meaning of
Christmas, he realized.
As the winds and blinding snow died down, his soul became quiet and pondered this won-
derful thought. Suddenly he understood what Christmas was all about, why Christ had come.
Years of doubt and disbelief vanished like the passing storm. He fell to his knees in the snow,
and prayed his first prayer: “Thank You, God, for coming in human form to get me out of the
—Author unknown, original story adapted by Keith Phillips

Jesus’ Christmas
Gift for You
My love is always there for you—any place, any time, day
or night.
My love will descend to any depth to save, go any length
to rescue.
It knows no stopping place; it knows no limit in giving.
I give you My love, infinite and true.

My love brings peace of mind when you are confused,

rest when you are weary, and strength when you feel
you cannot go on.
My love will calm your fears and give you courage in the
face of despair.
My love can heal when your body is broken; it can
soothe your heartaches and pain.
My love will ease your mind when it is troubled and
weary; it will melt away tension, worry and strain.

My love is My Christmas gift for you.

It’s always been there for you. Will you take it now?

Love, Jesus

R106 GP Christmas, salvation, God’s love.


Christmas is when love is king!

And love can do most anything!

At Christmas By Edgar A. Guest

man is at his finest towards the finish of the year;
He is almost what he should be when the Christmas season’s here;
Then he’s thinking more of others than he’s thought the months before,
And the laughter of his children is a joy worth toiling for.
He is less a selfish creature than at any other time;
When the Christmas spirit rules him he comes close to the sublime.

hen it’s Christmas man is bigger and is better in his part;
He is keener for the service that is prompted by the heart.
All the petty thoughts and narrow seem to vanish for a while,
And the true reward he’s seeking is the glory of a smile.
Then for others he is toiling and somehow it seems to me
That at Christmas he is almost what God wanted him to be.

f I had to paint a picture of a man I think I’d wait
Till he’d fought his selfish battles and had put aside his hate.
I’d not catch him at his labors when his thoughts are all of wealth,
On the long days and the dreary when he’s striving for himself.
I’d not take him when he’s sneering, when he’s scornful or depressed,
But I’d look for him at Christmas when he’s shining at his best.

an is ever in a struggle and he’s oft misunderstood;
There are days the worst that’s in him is the master of the good.
But at Christmas kindness rules him and he puts himself aside,
And his petty hates are vanquished and his heart is opened wide.
Oh, I don’t know how to say it, but somehow it seems to me
That at Christmas man is almost what God sent him here to be.

Christmastime, O Christmastime,
Always live in my heart and mind!
Lord help me not to go astray,
But to live each day like Christmas Day.

R107 GP Christmas, love, unselfishness.


Keeping Christmas Christmas

By Henry Van Dyke (1852–1933)
new hope,
There is a better thing than the observance of Christmas Day, new
and that is keeping Christmas.
courage, as
Are you willing to forget what you have done for other people always
and to remember what other people have done for you?
through the
To ignore what the world owes you, darkness the
and to think what you owe the world?
To admit that the only good reason for your existence is star shines a
not what you are going to get out of life,
but what you are going to give to life? pledge of
peace and
Are you willing to stoop down and consider the needs
and desires of little children? freedom.
To remember the weakness and loneliness
of people who are growing old?

To stop asking how much your friends like you,

and ask yourself whether you love them enough?

To try to understand what those who live

in the same house with you really want,
without waiting for them to tell you?

To make a grave for your ugly thoughts

and a garden for your kindly feelings, with the gate open?

Are you willing to do these things even for a day?

Then you can keep Christmas.

Are you willing to believe that love

is the strongest thing in the world—
stronger than hate, stronger than death—
and that the blessed Life which began in
Bethlehem many years ago is the image
and brightness of eternal love?
Dear God, thank You for thinking of us at Christmas.
Then you can keep Christmas. Please give us these gifts You have promised—gifts of
love, joy, peace, happiness, and best of all, eternal life
with You and Your Son, Jesus. We open our hearts and
ask You to fill them with these good things. Amen.

R108 GP Christmas, love, Jesus.


S ome years ago, as my son David
rode a bus to a meeting where he
was to sing, he was studying the
words of one of the songs on his
repertoire—“My Yesterdays.” Evi-
sang “My Yesterdays” in that meeting, and he gave
his heart to Jesus. Jesus lifted that load, forgave him
for all his yesterdays, healed his heart, and gave him
a freedom he had never known!
David introduced us, and this man came to visit
dently the man sitting beside him had been me often after that. He could never talk enough
reading the words also, because suddenly he about how God rid him of the torment of his evil yes-
leaned closer and with a voice choked with terdays, and he would repeat some of the words of
emotion said, “That’s it! My yesterdays! It’s my the song:
yesterdays that have driven me crazy—my yes-
terdays!” He had been in a mental hospital, tor- My yesterdays,
mented by his thoughts, benumbed with re- So filled with guilt and shame,
morse, weakened with self-contempt. My yesterdays are gone,
David talked to him there on the bus about Oh praise His name!
how Jesus could forgive his sins, and how He
could cleanse and heal his life. When they Is there anything more wonderful than the
came to David’s stop, the man asked eagerly, miracle of forgiveness? Anything more beautiful
“Can I please go with you to this meeting? I’m than that feeling of being clean through God’s gift of
wearing my work clothes—do you think the a new life? It’s for you! Your loving Father wants you
others would mind? I want so much to be rid to have all that He’s promised.
of my yesterdays.” —Adapted from Virginia Brandt Berg
That night the man wept openly as David

Life’s yesterdays have passed forever beyond our reach:

God has them in His keeping. Leave them there!

T here is a golden day about which I never worry—a carefree day void of fear and apprehension.
It is yesterday! Yesterday with its cares and worries, its aches and pains, its faults and mistakes.
Yesterday has passed, never to be recalled. I cannot undo a single act; I cannot unsay a word
that I said. All that yesterday holds of wrong or right, regret or happiness, is in the hands of a God
of love.
But He can bring honey out of the rock, and He can bring sweet waters out of the bitterest
desert. He can turn weeping into laughter; He can give beauty for ashes, the garment of praise for
the spirit of heaviness, the joy of the morning for the woe of the night. (See the Bible, Isaiah 61:3,
Psalm 30:5)

Yesterday is gone. It was mine, but now it is in God’s hands.

—Robert Bridett

T he Bible says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify
us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 NIV). And Hebrews 10:16–17 (NIV) tells us, “’This is the
covenant I will make with them after that time,’ says the Lord. ‘I will put My laws in their hearts, and
I will write them on their minds.’ Then He adds: ‘Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no

R110 GP Forgiveness; the past; new start.


Many people start out the year promising to do this or that, What shall I wish you?
change this or that, break a bad habit, or start a new one. Some- Treasures of earth?
times it works; often it doesn’t. Why is that?
Songs in the springtime?
A man once owned an eagle, and for many years kept him
chained to a stake. Every day the eagle walked around and around Pleasures and mirth?
that stake, and over time wore a rut in the ground. When the eagle Flowers on your pathway,
was getting old, his master felt sorry for him and decided to set Skies ever clear?
him free. So he took the metal ring off the eagle’s foot, lifted the
eagle from the ground, and tossed him into the air. He was free—
Would this ensure you
but he had forgotten how to fly! He flip-flopped to the ground, A happy new year?
walked back over to his old rut, and started walking in circles like
he had for years. No chain and shackle held him, just the habit! What shall I wish you?
There is a saying: “The chains of bad habits are too weak to be
felt until they are too strong to be broken,” and that would be true What can be found
if it weren’t for the Lord and His power. Bringing you sunshine
Ask Him to help you overcome a vice, bad habit, or weakness, All the year round?
and you will see results. He said, “Him that cometh to Me I will in
Where is the treasure,
no wise cast out” (John 6:37 KJV), and “whatever you ask in prayer,
believing, you will receive” (Matthew 21:22 NKJ). You may have to Lasting and dear,
put a great deal of your own will to the transformation process as That shall ensure you
well, but with God’s strength and His intervention, you’ll find you A happy new year?
have more resolve, determination, and ability to change than you
ever thought possible.
a Faith that increases,
It’s not possible for you to change yourself, but it’s possible for Walking in light;
God to change you by the miracle-working power of His Spirit. Hope that’s abounding,
He’ll do things you can’t do!
This is what it means to “become a new creature in Christ Jesus” Happy and bright;
(2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV). (A modern translation, The Living Bible, Love that is perfect,
says, “When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new Casting out fear;
person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!”)
These shall ensure you
Jesus coming into your life not only renews and purifies and re-
generates your spirit, but it also renews your mind, literally break- A happy new year.
ing old connections and reflexes and
gradually rebuilding it and rewiring it Peace in the Savior,
into a whole new computer system
with a different outlook on life and a
Rest at His feet,
new way of looking at the world, with Smile of His countenance
new reactions to nearly everything Radiant and sweet.
around you. Joy in His presence!
But it’s impossible for you to make
this change yourself. If you want this Christ ever near!
change, it’s necessary for you to ask This will ensure you
Jesus to help. Some changes are in- A happy new year!
stantaneous, others take awhile.—But
—Francis Ridley Havergal,
if you ask Him for help and do your
part, you’ll be changed, because Jesus adapted
changes people!—David Brandt Berg

R111 GP New Year, habits, changing, Jesus.


What’s it all about?

“Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?” I asked

the aging German professor of Greek culture and history.
The usual laughter followed, and people stirred to go.
Papaderos held up his hand, stilled the room, and
looked at me for a long time, asking with his eyes if I was
serious and seeing from my eyes that I was.
“I will answer your question.” Taking his wallet out of
his hip pocket, he fished into a leather billfold and brought
out a very small round mirror, about the size of a quarter.
And what he said went like this:
“When I was a small child, during the war, we were very
poor and we lived in a remote village. One day, on the road,
I found the broken pieces of a mirror. A German motor-
cycle had been wrecked in that place.
“I tried to find all the pieces and put them together,
but it was not possible, so I kept only the largest piece. Do all the good you can.
This one. And by scratching it on a stone I made it round. By all the means you can.
And I began to play with it as a toy and became fascinated
In all the ways you can.
by the fact that I could reflect light into dark places where
In all the places you can.
the sun would never shine—in deep holes and crevices
and dark closets. It became a game for me to get light into At all the times you can.
the most inaccessible places I could find. As long as you ever can.
“I kept the little mirror, and as I went about my grow- —John Wesley (1703–1791)
ing up, I would take it out in idle moments and continue
the challenge of the game. As I became a man, I grew to
understand that this was not just a child’s game but a meta-
phor for what I might do with my life. I came to under- I try to give to the poor people for love what
the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn’t
touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I will-
stand that I am not the light or the source of light. But
light—truth, understanding, knowledge—is there, and it ingly cure him for the love of God.
will only shine in many dark places if I reflect it. —Mother Teresa (1910–1997)
“I am a fragment of a mirror whose design and shape I
do not know. Nevertheless, with what I have I can reflect Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
light into the dark places of this world—into the black —Albert Einstein (1879–1955)
places in the hearts of men—and change some things in
some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise.
This is what I am about. This is the meaning of my life.” F or whoever wants to save his life will lose
it, but whoever loses his life for Me will save
it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole
And then he took his small mirror and, holding it care-
fully, caught the bright rays of daylight streaming through world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?
the window and reflected them onto my face and onto —Jesus (Luke 9:24–25 NIV)
my hands folded on the desk.
Much of what I experienced in the way of information
about Greek culture and history that summer is gone from
memory. But in the wallet of my mind I still carry a small
round mirror.
—Ted Cashion
R112 GP Life’s meaning, living for others, self-sacrifice, love.

Love means believing in someone

Love takes time. It needs a history of
giving and receiving, laughing, and crying.

Love doesn’t promise instant gratification,

only ultimate fulfillment.

Love means believing in someone, in something;

it presupposes a willingness to struggle,
to work, to suffer, and to rejoice.

Love is doing everything you can to help

others build whatever dreams they have.

Love is on a constant journey to what others

need. It must be attentive, caring, and
open, both to what others say and to what
others cannot say.

Love will never reject others. It is the

first to encourage and the last to condemn.

Love is a commitment to growth, happiness,

and fulfillment of one another.
—Adapted from Barb Upham

Love suffers long and is kind;

Love does not envy;
Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked,
thinks no evil;
does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.
(The Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:4–8 NKJ)

R113 GP Love, faith, commitment.


A little child
shall lead them (The Bible, Isaiah 11:6)

The surgeon sat beside the boy’s bed; the boy’s parents sat across from him.
“Tomorrow morning,” the surgeon began, “I’ll open up your heart. ...”
What “You’ll find Jesus there,” the boy interrupted.
difference The surgeon looked up, annoyed. “I’ll open up your heart as we begin the
can one operation,” he continued, “to see how much damage has been done...”
word make? “But when you open up my heart, you’ll find Jesus in there.”
One phrase? The surgeon looked to the boy’s parents, who sat quietly. “When I see how
much damage has been done, I’ll close your heart and chest back up, and I’ll
One sentence? plan what to do next.”
Each one of us “But you’ll find Jesus in my heart. The Bible says He lives there. The hymns all
has it within say He lives there. You’ll find Him in my heart.”
our power to The surgeon had had enough. “I’ll tell you what I’ll find in your heart. I’ll find
affect some- damaged muscle, low blood supply, and weakened vessels. And I’ll find out if I
one else’s life can make you well.”
“You’ll find Jesus there too. He lives there.” The surgeon left.
forever, and to
After the surgery, the surgeon sat in his office, recording his notes. “Dam-
bring them aged aorta, damaged pulmonary vein, widespread muscle degeneration.
just a little bit “No hope for transplant. No hope for cure. Therapy: painkillers and bed rest.
closer to the Prognosis ...” Here he paused, “... death within one year.”
Kingdom of He stopped the recorder, but there was more to be said.
God. This “Why?” he asked aloud. “Why, God, did You do this? You’ve put this boy here.
You’ve put him in this pain, and You’ve cursed him to an early death. Why?”
story illus-
The Lord answered and said, “The boy, My lamb, was not meant for your flock
trates this for long, for he is a part of My flock, and will forever be. Here, in My flock, he will
truth. feel no pain, and he will be comforted as you cannot imagine. His parents will
one day join him here, and they will know peace, and My flock will continue to
The surgeon’s tears were hot, but his anger was hotter. “You created that boy,
and You created that heart. He’ll be dead in months. Why?”
The Lord answered, “The boy, My lamb, shall return to My flock, for he has
done his duty: I did not put My lamb with your flock to lose him, but to retrieve
another lost lamb.”
The surgeon wept.
Later, the surgeon sat beside the boy’s bed; the boy’s parents sat across from
The boy awoke and whispered, “Did you cut open my heart?”
“Yes,” said the surgeon.
“What did you find?” asked the boy.
“I found Jesus there,” said the surgeon.

From Jesus:
I will keep you forever.
I will always be there.
I will never fail in My promise to take care of
you and be right there for you, always. For I
love you, and I will never, ever leave you, My
special child, whom I gave My own life for long

R114 GP God’s love, His care for us, Jesus, witnessing.


Treasure Hunt
Mel Fisher is a treasure hunter who searched for gold and found it. First he located a section of ocean
floor covered with gold coins. From then on, Mel became what others called “a real dreamer.” But dreams
are not all he ended up with. After 16 years of looking for one specific Spanish
wreck, Nuestra Señora de Atocha, he found it in 55 feet of water near Key West,
Florida. His divers have salvaged from the sunken ship millions of dollars’
worth of treasure—but it didn’t come easy. They toiled long and hard with
metal detectors, diving to investigate every metallic “hit.” The dreams and
work eventually paid off, and today Fisher is rich.
The good fortune of that treasure hunter reminds me of another kind
of treasure, which the Bible describes as being “more precious than
rubies” (Proverbs 3:15). It is wisdom. Solomon, who asked God for a
wise and understanding heart, told us in Proverbs 2 that we must seek
for wisdom with the same persistence and intensity as a treasure hunter
searches for silver.—M.R. De Haan, II

Y es, if you want better insight and discernment, and are search-
ing for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure, then wis-
dom will be given you and knowledge of God Himself; you will soon learn
the importance of reverence for the Lord and of trusting Him. For the Lord
grants wisdom! His every word is a treasure of knowledge and understand-
ing. He grants good sense to the godly—His saints. He is their shield, protect-
Provide purses ing them and guarding their pathway (Proverbs 2:3–7, The Living Bible).
for yourselves
that will not z
wear out, a
treasure in
Heaven that will A n atheist once said, in speaking of the Bible, that it was quite
impossible to believe in any book whose author was unknown. A Chris-
tian asked him if the compiler of the multiplication tables was known, and
not be ex- the atheist answered, “No.”
hausted, where “Then, of course, you do not believe in it?”
no thief comes “Oh, yes,” replied the doubter. “I believe in it because it works well.”
“So does the Bible,” said the believer.
near and no
moth destroys. z
For where your
treasure is, there
your heart will T he greatest proof that the Bible really is the miraculous, super-
natural Word of God Himself is that it works! So why not try it? It’s the
greatest, most enduring, wisest, most truthful book in the whole world—a
be also (From
book you can really trust. I’m sure that you will find it an absolutely inex-
the words of haustible source of wisdom and knowledge, out of which you will constantly
Jesus, Luke find “treasures new and old”! Beautiful!
12:33–34, NIV). And of course, the most wonderful thing about the Bible is that through
its words, we can get to know its Author, for the Bible is God’s great love letter
to us. Its life-giving words make it the greatest book in the world, with the
only Author in the world that can guarantee life and love and happiness and
Heaven forever through simply reading it and believing in its main Charac-
ter, the One who loved us so much that He gave His own life to save us—
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
—David Brandt Berg

R115 GP Bible; priorities; wisdom.


The Source
T he remnants of a Bible changed the lives of two men for the better. Two members
of the Gideons, an international Bible distribution ministry, passed out dozens of New
Testaments to schoolchildren in Joateca, El Salvador. When they returned in the afternoon
they found about 25 New Testaments ripped up and the pages blowing along the ground,
Gideons International reports. Somewhat discouraged, still they continued their work, dis-
tributed 200 more New Testaments at the school, then started home.
Two miles outside the village they stopped for refreshments and saw a drunk man hold-
ing a New Testament page in his hand. “As he was reading this one page he was crying,” the
ministry said. The two men spent time talking with the man and he later became a Christian.
The man’s estranged father saw the men praying with his son and asked if he could become
a Christian, too. Later, the two men embraced and forgave each other of past sins against
each other.—Religion Today, October 1999

Y ou get faith from reading the Bible. Every word you read
gives you more faith. “Faith comes by hearing the Word of God,” the
apostle Paul says in Romans 10:17. Faith comes to you by hearing God’s
Word, reading God’s Word, or even listening to someone who is teaching
you about God’s Words. It strengthens your faith; it gives you more faith. So
the more you read the Bible or hear the words of God, the more faith you
will have, and then the less worry, fear, and stress you will have.
—David Brandt Berg

T he book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think. No
book in the world equals the Bible for that.—James McCosh

I t is impossible to enslave, mentally or socially, a Bible-reading people. The principles of the

Bible are the groundwork of human freedom.—Horace Greeley

The entrance of Thy Words giveth light; it giveth understanding

unto the simple (Psalm 119:130, KJV).

Thy Words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy Word was
unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart (Jeremiah 15:16,KJV).

F or sheer beauty of the language, you can’t beat the Bible! But what I love is not just what it says, but
how it changes me. The Bible reaches down into your heart and touches you and changes you. It lifts
you up out of your problems by showing you that God is real, He is love, and He loves you. That’s what
everyone needs—His love—and the Bible tells you how to get it.—D.B.B.

R116 GP The Bible.


You Are Important

Taken from “Mr. Washington”
by Les Brown

mother a home.”
O ne day in 11th grade,
I went into a class-
room to wait for a friend of
this experience, I had failed
twice in school. I was identi-
fied as Educable Mentally
of people’s lives.” He was
talking to the seniors, but
it seemed like that speech
“It’s possible, Mr.
Brown. You can do that.”
mine. When I went into the Retarded in the fifth grade, was for me. And he turned to walk
room, the teacher, Mr. was put back from the fifth I remember when they away again.
Washington, suddenly ap- grade into the fourth grade, gave him a standing ova- “Mr. Washington?”
peared and asked me to go and failed again when I was tion. Afterwards, I caught “What do you want
to the board to write some- in the eighth grade. So this up to him in the parking now?”
thing, to work something person, Mr. Washington, lot and I said, “Mr. Wash- “Uh, I’m the one, sir.
out. I told him that I couldn’t made a dramatic difference in ington, do you remember You remember me—re-
do it. And he said, “Why my life. me? I was in the audito- member my name. One day
not?” I always say that he oper- rium when you were talk- you’re gonna hear it. I’m
I said, “Because I’m not ates in the consciousness of ing to the seniors.” gonna make you proud. I’m
one of your students.” Goethe, who said, “Look at a He said, “What were the one, sir.”
He said, “It doesn’t mat- man the way that he is, and you doing there? You are School was a real struggle
ter. Go to the board any- he only becomes worse. But a junior.” for me. I was passed from
how.” look at him as if he were what I said, “I know. But one grade to another because
I said, “I can’t do that.” he could be, and then he be- that speech you were giv- I was not a bad kid. I was a
He said, “Why not?” comes what he should be.” ing, I heard your voice nice kid; I was a fun kid. I
And I paused because I Mr. Washington believed coming through the audi- made people laugh. I was
was somewhat embar- that “Nobody rises to low ex- torium doors. That speech polite. I was respectful. So
rassed. I said, “Because I’m pectations.” This man always was for me, sir. You said teachers would pass me on,
Educable Mentally Re- gave students the feeling that they had greatness within which was not helpful to me.
tarded.” he had high expectations for them. I was in that audito- But Mr. Washington made
He came from behind his them and we strove—all of the rium. Is there greatness demands on me. He made
desk and he looked at me students strove—to live up to within me, sir?” me accountable. But he en-
and he said, “Don’t ever say what those expectations were. He said, “Yes, Mr. abled me to believe that I
that again. Someone’s opin- One day, when I was still Brown.” could handle it, that I could
ion of you does not have to a junior, I heard him giving a “But what about the do it.
become your reality.” speech to some graduating fact that I failed English He became my instruc-
It was a very liberating seniors. He said to them, and math and history, and tor my senior year, even
moment for me. On one “You have greatness within I’m going to have to go to though I was Special Edu-
hand, I was humiliated be- you. You have something spe- summer school? What cation. Normally, Special
cause the other students cial. If just one of you can get about that, sir? I’m slower Ed students don’t take
laughed at me. They knew a glimpse of a larger vision of than most kids. I’m not as Speech and Drama, but
that I was in Special Educa- yourself, of who you really smart as my brother or my they made special provi-
tion. But on the other hand, are, of what it is you bring to sister who’s going to the sions for me to be with him.
I was liberated because he the planet, of your special- University of Miami.” The principal realized the
began to bring to my atten- ness, then in a historical con- “It doesn’t matter. It kind of bonding that had
tion that I did not have to text, the world will never be just means that you have taken place and the impact
live within the context of the same again. You can make to work harder. Your that he’d made on me, be-
what another person’s view your parents proud. You can grades don’t determine cause I had begun to do
of me was. make your school proud. You who you are or what you well academically. For the
And so Mr. Washington can make your community can produce in your life.” first time in my life I made
became my mentor. Prior to proud. You can touch millions “I want to buy my the honor roll. I wanted to

R117 GP

travel on a trip with the who I am. He gave me a my program, “You De- “Who’s calling?”
drama department and you larger vision of myself, be- serve,” was on the educa- “You know who’s call-
had to be on the honor roll yond my mental condition- tional television channel in ing.”
in order to make the trip out ing and my circumstances. Miami. I was sitting by the “Oh, Mr. Washington,
of town. That was a miracle Years later, I produced phone waiting when he it’s you.”
for me! five specials that appeared called me in Detroit. He “You were the one,
Mr. Washington restruc- on public television. I had said, “May I speak to Mr. weren’t you?”
tured my own picture of some friends call him when Brown, please?” “Yes, sir, I was.”

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small
people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you,
too, can become great.
—Mark Twain (American author, 1835–1910)

Who still wants it?

A motivational speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the
room of 200, he asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?” Hands started going up.
He said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you, but first, let me do this.”
He proceeded to crumple the bill.
He then asked, “Who still wants it?” Still the hands were up in the air.
“Well,” he replied, “what if I do this?” And he dropped it on the ground and
started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled
and dirty. “Now who still wants it?” Still the hands went into the air.
“My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did
to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still
worth $20.
“Many times in our lives, we are crumpled, dropped, and ground into the
dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel
as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will
happen, you will never lose your value in God’s eyes. To Him, dirty or clean,
crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless.”

You are of infinite worth to Me. There has never been a person like you, nor
will there ever be another just like you, for you are unique, created for the
specific purpose I had in mind. The main thing I made you for is to love Me,
so that I can love you in return. So come to Me and let Me show you how
great My love for you is and how special I know you to be.
Love, Jesus

R117 GP The worth of each human being, self-esteem, God’s love.


The Va lentine ’sTrea s ure

A true story as told by Nyx Martinez

History books tell us that during the Feast of Lupercalia, an event

which evolved into the celebration known as Valentine’s Day, it
was the custom for Roman youths to cast lots to pick a girl to not
only bestow gifts upon, but to court the following year. In this
modern day and age, such a random way of selecting a sweet-
heart has been abandoned. Instead, on February 14th, lovers in
many countries give cards and gifts to express their love to the one
they have romantic feelings for.
When I think of Valentine’s Day, one love story in particular comes
to mind. It began five years ago.

he gift is highly unusual, Ericka thought with a smile. No lacy cards or chocolates, no flow-
ers or adorned cherubs. Surely her boyfriend Chris must have received plenty of those from
other girls in the past. Neither Chris nor Ericka were particularly religious, so she didn’t quite
know what had led her to this gift idea. But as she held the pen to inscribe a dedication inside the
front cover of the book, she somehow knew in her heart that this Bible would be the very best gift
she could give the person she truly loved.
Not your ordinary Valentine’s gift, but it’s sealed and given with love, she wrote.
Chris was somewhat taken aback by Ericka’s gift. After all, he was a man who had hardly set foot
inside a church and regarded Christianity as just another religion.
A couple of years passed. The Bible sat unused on a shelf, while the couple’s relationship went
from shaky to crumbling to hopeless.
But it was during this crisis that the book somehow caught Chris’ attention—that book that had
remained almost useless for years. Opening it and reading random passages, he discovered the
missing link in his relationship with Ericka. Why had he not seen it before? It was there, so simple,
so clear, so profound. “God is love” (1 John 4:8).Verse after verse and day after day he studied the
Bible, until at last he came to understand God’s loving plan for the world. “For God so loved the
world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but
have everlasting life”(John 3:16). Chris accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Friend and Savior.
It surprised Ericka to see this change, for now Chris seemed to be addicted to this book, poring
over it at every opportunity and trying to grasp the meaning of its many messages. Together, they
discovered more hidden treasures that had been there all along. Jesus’ love was binding them closer
to each other, helping them to overcome their past mistakes, and teach-
ing them to open their hearts to each other as never before.
Today both Chris and Ericka know without a doubt the value of
this most prized gift. That Bible has been their source of strength
and love, and whenever their relationship seems to thin out again,
Chris remembers that day when God gave him a sign through
that gift of love.
The reason this story comes to my mind is because Valentine’s
Day is almost here again. This year my two friends, Chris and
Ericka, are giving each other another very special gift on that
day: They’re getting married.

R118 GP Love, Jesus, the Bible, Valentine’s Day.


Love By Nyx Martinez

This is for all the loveless and lonely on Valentine’s Day—and we have all
been there at sometime—having received no roses or heart-shaped box of choco-
lates or sentimental cards. You know the feeling, and it is a drab one. While
couples around you stroll hand in hand, you stand alone watching the clouds in
the sky gather and turn gray, while a tear forms in your eye.
How you wish that on this celebrated day you could have someone to love
and cherish—and to know that you also had a special place in his or her heart!
Look up again to those clouds. There’s a silver lining there. One warm ray of
light from above can give the gloomy gray a tint of scintillating silver. Perhaps
you are alone on this day so that the wonderful Giver of that warm light could
be the One to be with you. Did you ever stop to think about it? Yes, even on this
day, He needs a Valentine, too—someone to cherish and hold close to His heart.
It may be that He has reserved you for Himself, to be His sweetheart, His love,
His Valentine.
A relationship with God is guaranteed to be a blissful one. Why? Because He
is the essence of love itself. And when you have a link to the
very heart and source of that power, the most wonderful
things can happen. No longer will you be alone and love-
less. No longer will you look at others with a tinge of
longing. For you will have discovered Someone who
will be yours, not just on February 14th, but from
now until forever.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Never Alone
By Virginia Brandt Berg

A young man, planning to take his life by leaping To every one of us, from time to time, there
from a hotel window, knocked a Gideon Bible off comes a sense of utter loneliness. Some tears are
the table as he moved towards the window. In the always shed alone. No other human being can ever
fall, the Bible opened. Curious to see just what it enter the deepest recesses of our mind or heart or
said where it opened, he read this verse: You … will soul.
leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because But why? Because God made us for Himself. He
the Father is with Me (John 16:32 NKJ). desires our love. He put a little sign on the table of
The man’s wife had left him, and it seemed that your heart, which reads, “Reserved for Me.” In
that passage was a direct message to him. He sat every heart, He wishes to be first. He therefore keeps
down and read it over and over. Yet I am not alone, the secret key Himself, the key to open all our hearts’
because the Father is with Me. chambers and to bless with perfect sympathy and
Wanting to know more about that Father, he read peace each solitary soul that comes to Him.
other passages, and read on and on into the night. So when you feel this loneliness, it is the voice
And such a wonderful thing happened—he received of Jesus saying, “Come to Me.” And every time you
hope from the Author of those pages, and both his feel that no one understands, it is a call for you to
life and soul were miraculously saved. come to Him again.

R119 GP Love, loneliness, Jesus, Valentine’s Day


Easter and Jesus

Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the
most important holy day of the Christian religion. On that day nearly 2000 years ago,
God showed His love to man in a unique and very im-
portant way.

Jesus was born in the ancient Roman prov-

ince of Judea, a land now known as Palestine
and Israel, to Jewish parents. He taught people
about God, healed the sick, and helped people
who were lonely, sad, and downtrodden. In
His life He fulfilled prophecies about the Mes-
siah (meaning “Savior”) that had been spo-
ken of by Jewish prophets, and which were
recorded in what is now The Old Testament
of The Bible.

Many people recognized Jesus as the Savior who

could forgive their sins, and they followed Him.
But others were jealous of Him. The Jewish teach-
ers of the law and a group of priests called
Pharisees complained to the chief priests of
the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. “What will
we do?” they asked. “Look at all the miracles
this Man is performing. If we let Him go on
this way, everyone will believe in Him and
we will lose our power over the people.”

So these enemies of Jesus made plans to

kill Him. Jesus knew of these plans, and one
day He told His twelve closest followers,
who are known as His disciples, “I must go
to Jerusalem and suffer much. I will be put to
death, but three days later, I will be raised to

At the appointed time, a day before the Jew-

ish festival of Passover, Jesus set out for Jerusa-
lem with His disciples. He sent two of them on
ahead and asked them to find a donkey for Him to
ride as He entered Jerusalem. When the people saw
Him coming, they threw cloaks and palm branches on the ground and shouted, “Praise
God! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”
R120 GP

On the main day of the festival, as Jesus

sat with His disciples at supper, He re-
minded His friends that He would soon
leave them. He asked them to drink wine
and eat bread together in remembrance
of Him, until the day that He would eat
and drink together with them again in
Heaven. When Christians gather together,
they often perform this ceremony, called

Then Jesus went with His disciples to a garden outside the city to pray before the ordeal
He knew was coming. Knowing that mankind
was separated from God because of their sin,
He willingly went through the pain of death
and separation from God in order to take our
punishment for us. It was hard for Him, but
He did it so that we could all know God and
be close to Him, without our wrongdoing get-
ting in the way. A simple analogy is that we
are like children who have been bad and de-
serve punishment rather than the privilege of
going to Heaven. But Jesus is like our older
brother who, through His death, took our pun-
ishment for us. By accepting His pardon, we can
be forgiven, have the loving and happy lives He
wants us to have, and be with Him in Heaven
in the afterlife.

So before dawn the next morning, the chief

priests, who by this time had finished their plans
to kill Jesus, sent their guards to
the garden where Jesus was pray-
ing and took Him captive. They brought Him to the Roman gover-
nor Pontius Pilate, and there demanded that Jesus be
executed. However, Pilate was reluctant. At the
Passover festival each year, Pilate freed one pris-
oner. Pilate wanted to free Jesus, but under pres-
sure from the religious rulers, he gave the people
who were gathered in the courtyard next to his
palace a choice between Jesus and a murderer
named Barabbas. Jesus’ accusers persuaded the
people to ask for Barabbas and have Jesus cruci-

“What shall I do with Jesus?” Pilate asked.

R120 GP

“Crucify Him!” the crowd shouted back.

“But what crime has He committed?” asked Pilate.
They shouted even louder, “Crucify Him!”

So Pilate did as they asked, but symbolically

washed his hands and said, “I am innocent of
the blood of this just person.”

After a group of Roman soldiers had beaten

Jesus, they dressed Him in a purple robe and put
a crown of thorns on His head. Then the soldiers led Jesus out to crucify Him, which meant
nailing Him to a wooden cross to hang there until He died. They made Jesus carry His
huge cross until He fell under the weight of it. A
man named Simon the Cyrenian helped Jesus
carry His cross.

They led Him to the top of a small hill called

Golgotha, and crucified Him there. The sol-
diers then threw dice to decide who would get
His clothes. Pilate had a notice fixed to the
cross saying, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the
Jews.” Two robbers were also crucified at the
same time, one on either side of Him. Jesus
prayed for the Romans who had crucified Him.
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Some of the people watching jeered at Jesus, saying, “If you truly are the Son of God,
come down from the cross and save yourself.” Some of His followers were also there,
watching and weeping. Among them was Mary, Jesus’ mother.

At noon, the country was covered in a strange darkness that lasted for three hours.
About three o’clock, Jesus cried out, “My God, why have You forsaken Me?” God was hav-
ing Jesus experience the lonely death of sinners who feel
they don’t have God’s help.

Jesus said He was thirsty, and someone put a

sponge soaked in vinegar to His lips. Then He
said, “It is finished.” Jesus was dying to take the
punishment for all the sins of mankind. He
cried to God, “Into Your hands I commit My
spirit.” Then He died. To make sure He was
dead, the soldiers pierced His side with a spear,
and blood and water ran out.

Right then the thick curtain in the Jewish temple was ripped from top to bottom, the
earth shook, and rocks split apart. The soldiers at Jesus’ crucifixion were terrified and
said, “Truly this man was the Son of God.”

R120 GP

In the evening, a man named Joseph of Arimathea

went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. Joseph and
others took His body down from the cross,
wrapped it in a linen shroud, and put it in a new
tomb, carved out of solid rock, which Joseph had
bought for himself. A huge stone was rolled
across the entrance to the tomb, and Joseph and
the others went away.

Early Sunday morning, several women who

were followers of Jesus went to the tomb. When
they arrived, they saw that the stone had been
rolled away, so they went in. There they saw a
young man whose face shone and whose clothes
were white as snow. The soldiers who had been
there to guard
the tomb had been afraid and had run away.

The man with the shining face said, “Don’t be

afraid. Jesus is not here, but He has risen as He
said. He has gone to Galilee. You will see Him
there.” For the next forty days, Jesus was seen
by His disciples and hundreds of other people.

From this story comes the tradition of

Easter. It begins with Good Friday, which rep-
resents the day Jesus died on the cross, and
ends on Easter Sunday, which is a day to re-
joice because Jesus rose from the dead. In His
death He took away the barrier of wrongdoing that separates us from God, and in His
resurrection He showed His power to transform us and give us His new life of the Spirit
inside. We just have to ask, and He will do all this for us, because He
suffered, died, and rose again—just for us.

Yes, Jesus lives! And that’s not all. He will live in the heart of
anyone who invites Him in. He will forgive sins and give
a new start in life—a life of love and happiness that
gets better and better the more one learns about
Jesus and His ways through prayer and reading
the Bible, and from other Christians. He said, “I
am come that you might have life,” and “Whom
the Son has set free is free indeed” (John 10:10,

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son,
so that all who believe in Him will not perish but have ever-
lasting life (John 3:16).

R120 GP Easter, Jesus, salvation.


News Reprint

Case for the Resurrection

Presented to “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury”
By Rebecca Megli, Baptist Press, sition testimony, even of dead wit- “What happened to the body?”
April 8, 2000 nesses, as well as “ancient documents The first theory ever offered was
KANSAS CITY, Mo.—Mid- more than 20 years old” under excep- labeled by Whitehead as “the body
western Baptist Theological Semi- tions to the hearsay rule. snatchers theory,” that the friends of
nary students were addressed as the Calling his “first witness,” refer- Jesus must have stolen the body. In
“ladies and gentlemen of the jury” as ring to John 19:38–42, Whitehead fact, in Matthew’s “deposition” it was
Michael Whitehead provided evi- noted the “preparations” of the body cited that the guards later testified that
dence for the resurrection of Jesus. of Jesus. The passage outlines the “while they were asleep” the disciples
Whitehead, interim president of burial custom of the Jews — strips of stole the body. Whitehead called the
Midwestern Baptist Theological linen were wrapped around the body guards’ story “bought and paid for tes-
Seminary, has practiced law in interwoven, in this case, with 100 timony” because it is “self-impeach-
Kansas City, Mo., for 25 years. pounds of spices. Basically, Jesus’ ing.” The guards said they were
Before making his case, White- body was in a 100-pound body cast, asleep, so how could they have known
head explained how Harvard law pro- Whitehead said. what happened? Also it’s unlikely they
fessor Simon Greenleaf came to the The next witness was Matthew, would have been asleep, because if
realization in the mid-1800s that the who stated in chapter 27, verse 60, of that were true it meant they failed at
resurrection of Jesus is true. his deposition that Jesus was buried the guard and would die.
Greenleaf, who authored a three-vol- in a borrowed tomb sealed with “a A second theory was called the
ume treatise on the law of evidence, great stone.” Whitehead quoted law- “swoon theory,” made popular by the
was one of the foremost lawyers of yer-engineer J. Frank Morrison that book, The Passover Plot. The theory,
the century. As an agnostic, he saw the rock may have weighed one and as recapped by Whitehead, holds that
no credible evidence that there is a a half to two tons. These were the maybe Jesus didn’t really die but was
God until he was challenged by stu- “protections” given to the body of drugged so He would look dead. He
dents to apply the rules of evidence Jesus, Whitehead noted. was put in the tomb, where the cool
to the death, burial and resurrection Continuing his deposition in verses air revived Him. He then escaped
of Jesus. Greenleaf took the dare, and 62–66, Matthew said highly trained from the tomb and was mistaken for
set out to prove the simple premise Roman guards guarded the tomb and a risen Savior.
that “dead men stay dead.” the seal of Rome was affixed to the But, Whitehead asked, what about
To demonstrate how Greenleaf stone. The death penalty was certain the testimony in John 19:33–34 that
came to his conclusion, Whitehead for any trespasser and for the guard Jesus was pierced in the side with a
asked his audience to act as the jury unit if the seal were ever broken. spear, and that blood and water flowed
and to treat the gospel accounts as Yet, in spite of the preparations, out? Modern physiologists know this
eyewitness testimony given by depo- the protections and the precautions, is proof of death, Whitehead said, add-
sition in a courtroom on the legal is- the facts in evidence are that the stone ing that the Roman guards were pro-
sue: “What happened to the dead was rolled far away from the entrance fessional executioners who knew
body of Jesus?” Whitehead explained on the Sunday morning, and the body death, and Jesus was dead.
that the rules of evidence allow depo- was gone. So, Whitehead asked, Beyond this, the swoon theory ig-

R121 GP

nores the other facts in evidence re- The disciples died martyrs’ deaths evidence proves Jesus is God, he re-
garding the 100-pound body cast left to attest to their testimony that Jesus ceived Christ as his Savior and Lord
behind on the slab, the two-ton boul- was alive again on Sunday and was and it changed his life, Whitehead said.
der, and the sentries guarding the tomb seen for 40 days thereafter, Whitehead “If Jesus was alive again in 33 A.D.,”
and the Roman seal with their lives, said. Jesus said He did it because He Whitehead concluded, “He’s alive to-
Whitehead said. is God, dying for man’s sin, offering res- day because He is God. You can re-
The resurrection theory, based on urrection life eternally for all who will ceive Him by repentance and faith.
the disciples’ testimonies, is the only receive Him, Whitehead recounted. That will change your life, and that is
one that fits all the facts and evidence, When Greenleaf realized that the the message of Easter.”
Whitehead said.

twenty-first century. “It isn’t plau- martyred for their faith. They cer-
sible,” they would contend. “It tainly believed it.
didn’t happen.” Followers of Jesus in the city of
But what if it did happen? Jerusalem grew from a few dozen to
Thomas was convinced when thousands upon thousands soon
Jesus appeared to him, reached out after Jesus’ resurrection. They be-
His hands to Thomas, and said, lieved it was true.
“Put your finger here.” Even contemporary documents
Thomas dropped to his knees. refer to the event. The writings of
“My Lord and my God!” ( John Thallus the Samaritan, Suetonius,
20:27–28). Tacitus, and Pliny all contain refer-
It was self-hypnosis, you ences to Jesus. Jewish historian
counter. The disciples wanted to Josephus writes about Jesus’ cruci-
believe that their Lord was not fixion and resurrection. They knew
dead, so they just invented it out of something had happened.
whole cloth. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead
Really? Let’s look at some of the is actually more plausible than any
Statue of Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado
evidence. other explanation. That’s why we
Mountain, Brazil First, Jesus’ body was missing. Christians make such a big deal
If the Jews could have found it, they about Easter. That’s why we cel-
could have stilled the preaching of ebrate.
Resurrection? Jesus’ resurrection that filled Jerusa- Jesus’ resurrection means that
lem. But they could not. death is not the end. That though
Prove It to Me Next, the body wasn’t stolen. my body may lie moldering in the
by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson The Romans had no motive. The ground, Jesus, whom the Father
Jews had no motive. Aha, you say, raised from the dead, gives me eter-
“Raised from the dead? Sure. the disciples stole it. There is the nal life. Ultimately, we Christians
Right. And I have a bridge I’d like to matter of the Roman guards, and believe, our bodies, too, will be
sell you.” the disciples’ initial disbelief when raised from the dead.
That’s how Thomas might have the women brought them the news And since Jesus is not dead,
responded if he had lived today. “Un- early that Easter morning. This people can encounter Him today.
less I see the nail marks in His hands, brings me to my third point. You can know Him through a per-
and put my finger where the nails If the disciples had stolen the sonal relationship. I could point to
were, and put my hand into His side, body, you wouldn’t expect them to lots of people who can testify what
I will not believe it” (The Bible, John risk their lives. People don’t die for Jesus has done in their lives to bring
20:25). He’d seen dead people before. what they know is not true. But the them from the brink of disaster to
And Jesus was dead. He sounds like disciples put their lives on the line, peace and meaning and joy. He
sophisticated rationalists of the and nearly all were eventually changes people for good.

f you’re not sure if you’ve met this Man who was dead and is now
alive, why don’t you seek Him out? Just ask Him to come and make
Himself real to you. He says, “Behold, I stand at the door [of your
heart] and knock. If any man hear My voice and open the door, I will
come in to him” (Revelation 3:20). Invite Him in. You’ll see what Easter is
all about.

R121 GP Easter, faith, evidence of the resurrection.


love The insights
of children
mean? into that A group of social scientists posed this
important question to a group of four- to eight-
year-olds: “What does love mean?” The
emotion answers they got were broader and
deeper than anyone could have imag-
ined. See what you think.

“Love is that first feeling you feel before all the bad stuff gets in the way.”

“When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grand-
father does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.”

“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their

“Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any
of theirs.”

“Love is when someone hurts you, and you get so mad but you don’t yell at them because you know it would
hurt their feelings.”

“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.”

“Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him to make sure
the taste is OK.”

“Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk
more. My mommy and daddy are like that.”

“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.”

“If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.”

“When you tell someone something bad about yourself and you’re scared they won’t love you anymore. But
then you get surprised because not only do they still love you, they love you even more.”

“There are two kinds of love, our love and God’s love. But God makes both kinds of them.”

“Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.”

“My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.”

“Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.”

“Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.”

“Love is when your puppy is so glad to see you even though you left him alone all day.”

“Love cards say stuff on them that we’d like to say ourselves, but we wouldn’t be caught dead saying.”

“When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.”

“You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.”

“God could have said magic words to make the nails fall off the cross, but He didn’t. That’s love.”

R122 GP Love, children.


Reach out…
And see what one person can do
E arly on a Saturday morning, my husband and I were waking up in a lovely,
old-fashioned bed-and-breakfast room. We were due at a prayer breakfast
in what seemed a very short time. I took the plunge, jumped out of bed and ran
over to the window. There was snow—lots of it—and our car, parked beneath
the window, looked like an igloo. “Edward, get up,” I urged. “We don’t even have Thou shalt love thy
a scraper.”
We began to get ready in disgruntled haste, not at all the right frame of mind neighbor as thyself.—
for gathering to pray. And I was responsible for the opening words. The Bible, Leviticus 19:18
Suddenly, I heard an odd rhythmic noise, like a distant lawn mower. Hair-
brush in hand, I walked over to the window. There below me was the hooded
figure of a fellow guest whose acquaintance we had made only briefly the night
before. As quietly as he could, he was cleaning the snow off our car windows.
He had already finished his own car parked next to ours.
I drew a deep breath as I let the curtain fall into place. Someone, almost a
stranger, without fuss was smoothing our path that early morning. Scraper in
hand, he was loving his neighbor in practical fashion. Clearly he planned to
drive off unseen. I had no difficulty with that day’s opening prayer, entitled, as
it happened, “For Others.”— Brigitte Weeks (Guideposts)

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

—Albert Einstein

I t’s a cold day in December in New York City.

A little boy about ten years old was standing
before a shoe store on Broadway, barefooted,
A s the old man
walked the beach at dawn
he noticed a youth ahead of him picking up starfish and fling-
peering through the window and shivering with ing them into the sea. Finally, catching up with the youth, he
cold. A lady approached the boy and said, “My asked him why he was doing this. The answer was that the
little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. “But the
that window?” beach goes on for miles and there are millions of starfish,”
“I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes,” countered the old man. “How can your effort make any differ-
was the boy’s reply. ence?”
The lady took him by the hand, went into The young man looked at the starfish in his hand and then
the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen threw it to the safety of the waves. “It will make a difference to
pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he this one,” he said.—Brian Cavanaugh, The Sower’s Seeds
could give her a basin of warm water and a
towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took
the little fellow to the back part of the store and,
removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his
I knew a woman once who was always seeking a new
companion, a new love, but never finding one that satis-
fied or lasted, because she was always seeking to get love, to
little feet, and dried them with a towel. By this receive love, to be loved. So when I suggested to her that per-
time, the clerk had returned with the socks. haps she needed to learn how to give love and to love unself-
Placing a pair upon the boy’s feet, she then ishly for the benefit and happiness of another, after years of
purchased a pair of shoes for him, and tying up searching this struck her as an entirely new thought. It had
the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to him. never occurred to her before.
She patted him on the head, and said, “No She soon found what she was looking for all the time by
doubt, my little fellow, you feel more comfort- trying to find someone whom she could make happy by giv-
able now?” ing her love to him.
As she turned to go, the astonished lad True happiness comes not in your pursuit of selfish plea-
caught her by the hand and, looking into her sure and satisfaction, but in finding God and giving His life to
face with tears in his eyes, he answered the ques- others and bringing them happiness. Then happiness pur-
tion with these words: “Are you God’s wife?”— sues and overtakes and overwhelms you, personally, without
Author unknown even seeking it for yourself.—David Brandt Berg

R123 GP Love, unselfishness, rewards.


By Nyx Martinez (a 19-year-old
missionary in the Philippines)

It was one of those days that started out

as days customarily do, with nothing pecu-
liar about it ... until the night came around. I
was happily sketching away on my latest piece of artwork, humming a
tune and feeling that the world was a wonderful place to live in. Some-
time later, I made my merry way into my office where the computer
sat, its keyboard beckoning my fingers to make contact. Then came
the devastating news:
The computer had bombed and ALL my files were toast.
At first the actual disaster didn’t register in my slow-computing brain. But then ... it hit. No, it slammed
into me with the full force of an angry bulldozer on a leveling mission. My stomach did a double flip and
my vision went hazy. My mind became clouded. The room started to spin. The last six months of hard
work—transcriptions, articles, graphic design, all that precious mental energy that had been stored on
the computer’s hard drive for safekeeping—all gone.
Engulfed in frustration, confusion, tragedy and loss, I felt as if a snowball the size of a meteor and
encasing my worst fear had just tumbled out of the sky and crash-landed on top of me.
Why, oh why, hadn’t I copied all that stuff onto floppy disks or taken the time to learn about backing
up files?! Now bits and pieces of creativity were lost, floating somewhere in cyberspace, far from home.
And I couldn’t get them back.
Now I understood. ... Ah yes, I had been one of the less fortunate victims of the murderous monster
of modern technology!
But then a certain story came to mind—about the time when Thomas Edison met a similar heart-
wrenching tragedy. His workshop had caught fire, and months, years, even decades of hard work on
numerous unfinished inventions went up in smoke.
“There go all my mistakes!” he said with amazing cheerfulness ... and then went right back to work.
I wondered if there was enough positive energy left in my heart to start again as bravely as Mr.
Edison, to pack all my courage into moving forward. Contemplating these things somehow eased the
pain and melted away that woozy feeling of defeat. I struggled to stand up from where I had fallen to my
knees in frustration, and forced the corners of my lips into a trying smile.
Oh, some things in life seem totally unfair! But I could not let defeat govern me, nor have any say in
my future successes. I decided to see this situation not as the tragic ending to the story of my life, but
rather as the first scene to a new beginning in a future yet to unfold.
This is my first attempt at writing since Demolition Day. “There go all my mistakes,” I’m saying. I
haven’t quit forever, and I haven’t put down the pen. I’ve picked it up to start again.
All over.
All new.
—With backup files and floppies! Full half a hundred times I’ve sobbed,
“I can’t go on! I can’t go on!”
And yet full half a hundred times

omeday I hope to enjoy enough of what the I’ve hushed my sobs, and gone.
world calls success so that somebody will ask
me, “What’s the secret of it?” I shall say sim- My answer, if you ask me how,
ply this: “I get up when I fall down.” May seem presumptuously odd,
—Paul Harvey But I think that what kept keeping on
When I could not, was God.
—Jane Merchant

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

R124 GP Failure, keep on, God’s strength


In praise of
People who didn’t quit
In 1927, Babe Ruth hit 60 home runs, more than anyone had in the history of major
league baseball, and more than anyone else would for another 34 years. He also set
another record that year: He struck out more times than anyone had in the history of
major league baseball. The truth is, if you want to hit home runs, you must be willing to
strike out. There is no way around this simple lesson of life.

Sir Winston Churchill took three years getting through eighth grade because he had
trouble learning English grammar and composition. It seems ironic that years later
Oxford University asked him to address its commencement exercises. He arrived with
his usual props—a cigar, a cane and a top hat.
As Churchill approached the podium, the crowd arose in appreciative applause.
With unmatched dignity, he settled the crowd and stood confidently before his admir-
ers. Removing the cigar and carefully placing the top hat on the podium, Churchill
gazed at his waiting audience. Authority rang in Churchill’s voice as he shouted, “Never
give up!” Several seconds passed before he rose to his toes and repeated: “Never give
up!” His words thundered in their ears.
There was a deafening silence as Churchill reached for his hat and cigar, steadied
himself with his cane and left the platform. His commencement address was finished.
—The Speaker’s Sourcebook II

Suppose Columbus had not sailed. Suppose Anne Sullivan had gotten discouraged
and lost hope for Helen Keller. Suppose Louis Pasteur, searching for a cure for rabies,
had not said to his weary helpers: “Keep on! The important thing is not to leave the
Many a race is lost at the last lap. Many a ship is washed up on the reefs outside the
final port. Many a battle is lost on the last charge.
What hope have we of completing the course on which we have embarked? God is
our hope. He will enable us to follow the course He has set us on. Jesus is able to save
to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:25).
But He cannot help us if we are running away. We must be willing to stand some-
where and trust Him. He has reinforcements to send, but there must be somebody
there to meet them when they come.
—Adapted from Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles Cowman

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, Often the goal is nearer than
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, It seems to a faint and faltering man,
When the funds are low and the debts are high, Often the struggler has given up
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When he might have captured the victor’s cup.
When care is pressing you down a bit, And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,
Rest, if you must—but don’t you quit. How close he was to the golden crown.

Life is queer with its twists and turns, Success is failure turned inside out—
As every one of us sometimes learns, The silver tint of the clouds of doubt—
And many a failure turns about And you never can tell how close you are,
When he might have won had he stuck it out; It may be near when it seems afar;
Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow— So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—
You might succeed with another blow. It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.
—Frank Stanton

R125GP Perseverance, God’s strength, success.


The beauty remains

—the pain passes
A lthough Henri Matisse was nearly 28 years
younger than Auguste Renoir, the two great artists
were dear friends and frequent companions. When Renoir
was confined to his home during the last decade of his
life, Matisse visited him daily. Renoir, almost paralyzed by
arthritis, continued to paint in spite of his infirmities
using a brush strapped to his arm.
One day as Matisse watched the elder painter work-
ing in his studio, fighting torturous pain with each
brush stroke, he blurted out: “Auguste, why do you con-
tinue to paint when you are in such agony?”
Renoir answered simply: “The beauty remains, the
pain passes.”
And so, almost to his dying day, Renoir put paint to
canvas. One of his most famous paintings, Bathers, was
completed just two years before his passing, 14 years
after he was stricken by this disabling disease.
—The Best of Bits and Pieces A detail from Les Baigneuses (Bathers), c. 1918

When God is going to do something wonderful, He begins with a difficulty. If it

is going to be something LAHO wonderful, He begins with an impossibility.
—Reverend Charles Inwood

If, after my removal, anyone should think it is worth his while to write my life,
I will give you a criterion by which you may judge its correctness. If he gives
me credit for being a plodder, he will describe me justly. … I can plod. I can
persevere in any definite pursuit.
—William Carey, often considered the father of modern Christian missions

If people knew how hard I worked at my art, they would not consider me a

I’ll take a “5” with a “10” attitude over a “10” with a “5” attitude any day.
—Author unknown

Faith to keep on going

Faith is standing your ground when all others desert. Faith is burning your bridges so you
cannot go back. Faith is willing to pay any price. Faith is doing what God tells you to do today
and believing Him for tomorrow. Faith is the opposite of fear. Faith is choosing God in spite of
all other possibilities. Faith is standing on God’s Word and not your feelings. Faith is willing to
die trusting. That’s the kind of faith that works miracles!
—David Brandt Berg
R126 GP Perseverance, faith

On Course
Excerpts of the article by Sandy Snavely (from
More Stories for the Heart, compiled by Alice Gray)

M y husband Bud and

I love to sail. When the
water is calm and the wind is
stable, sailing is a profoundly
thud, the danger of beating a
hole into the fiberglass in-
Bud then did the most fright-
called to obey. It went against all
my instincts, but as I heeded
Bud’s command, I was able to
get us back on course. Bud fas-
rich experience. Yet there are ening thing I’ve ever seen him do. tened the anchor into its holder,
times when the water turns evil With neither a life jacket nor a life- and we were once again headed
and the wind breathes terror line, he made his way forward to in the right direction.
through our veins like an invis- the point of the bow, leaving me We both learned a valuable
ible enemy. in the cockpit to man the tiller as lesson that afternoon: Danger
One day, a sea condition ap- he retrieved the anchor. lurks around every corner, and
propriately known as a Wave after angry wave we can be distracted from our
“widowmaker” interrupted our crashed over him. Steadying my real goals, tempted to try to
peaceful voyage. Five- to six- focus on Bud, I immediately be- change the rules to solve what
foot waves slammed against us, gan to plan what I would do to seem to be life’s more immedi-
one right after the other, and we rescue him if indeed he went ate crises.
steadied ourselves for a bumpy overboard. But there are sound principles
ride. The sound of my husband’s designed to bring us safely to our
Suddenly, Bud heard a sound voice shouting to me through the destination, if we are willing to
that appeared to be coming from storm broke the hold fear had on trust them and not be swayed off
the bow. Straining to see forward me: “Get back on course! Point course by sudden fears. We must
through the water that the wind her toward the marker!” be determined to study the
whipped around us, he discov- Prying my focus off of my charts, follow the rules, and
ered that our anchor had be- husband and setting my sights steady the course, or we will end
come dislodged and was bang- back to the marker was the most up over our heads in deep water
ing against our hull. With each difficult order I have ever been when life’s storms hit.

A spacecraft en route to

the moon is off course
90 percent of the time. It’s pulled ow do you know what course to take? How can you tell
back by the earth’s gravity. It’s if you’re getting off course, or if your path is veering off
continually drawn to one side or one way or another from the best way to go? Well, God’s teaching
the other by other forces. But it in the Bible gives the best advice I know of for keeping your life
has a built-in computer that has on course. It talks about what will make you happy—and that is
a singleness of purpose that God’s plan for you.
homes in on the moon. The com- You don’t know God’s plan for your life? Then ask Him, and He
puter is making continual correc- will show it to you. It all starts with letting Jesus come into your
tions to keep the spacecraft on heart, letting Him speak to you and show you His ways of love
target with its purpose and goal. and life. Then you’ll be aimed in the right direction, and God can
Lives are like that. If your eye is keep you on course. He’ll be your Helmsman, and as long as you
on your goal, if you have a single- follow Him, your course will be guided and protected, full of love
ness of purpose, nothing will and fulfillment—and it will take you to Heaven in the end!—
stop you getting to where you are David Brandt Berg
going.—Dick Innes (from How to
Mend a Broken Heart)

R127 GP Faith, perseverance, God’s plan


The Power of
ome of the greatest success banker always tossed a usan’s personal problems
stories of history have fol- coin in the cup of a legless were enormous. She was
lowed a word of encour- beggar who sat on the dealing with tough issues
agement or an act of confidence street outside the bank. But un- from her past. Her husband had
by a loved one or a trusting friend. like most people, the banker emotionally withdrawn from
Had it not been for a confident would always insist on getting her. The family was in financial
wife, Sophia, we might not have one of the pencils the man had trouble. Somehow she kept up a
listed among the great names of beside him. “You are a mer- good front at work, even though
literature the name of Nathaniel chant,” the banker would say, she was thinking of suicide.
Hawthorne. “and I always expect to receive Then she received a Christ-
When Nathaniel, a heart- good value from merchants I do mas card from her boss with
broken man, went home to tell business with.” One day the leg- these handwritten words: “I
his wife that he was a failure and less man was not on the side- don’t know what we’d do with-
had been fired from his job in a walk. out you. Thank you for being so
customhouse, she surprised him Time passed and the banker competent and helpful.”
with an exclamation of joy. forgot about him, until he Later she commented, “I
“Now,” she said triumphantly, walked into a public building and framed that card and put it up in
“you can write your book!” there in the concessions stand my kitchen. It’s like a sign that
“Yes,” replied the man, with sat the former beggar. He was says, ‘You’re okay!’”
sagging confidence, “and what obviously the owner of his own So send that card. Write that
shall we live on while I am writ- small business now. note. Offer that word of encour-
ing it?” “I have always hoped you agement in the name of Jesus.
To his amazement, she might come by someday,” the Give that pat on the back as the
opened a drawer and pulled out man said. “You are largely re- Lord directs you.
a substantial amount of money. sponsible for me being here. You You may be giving someone
“Where on earth did you get kept telling me that I was a ‘mer- just the lift he or she needs.
that?” he exclaimed. chant.’ I started thinking of my- —David C. Egner
“I have always known you self that way, instead of a beggar A
were a man of genius,” she told receiving gifts. I started selling
him. “I knew that someday you pencils—lots of them. You gave
would write a masterpiece. So me self-respect. You caused me
every week, out of the money to look at myself differently.”
you gave me for housekeeping, I —Quoted by Randy Stanford
saved a little bit. So here is A
enough to last us for one whole 123456
year.” “Encourage one another.” 123456
From her trust and confidence —The Bible (1 Thessalonians 5:11*)
came one of the greatest novels 123456
of American literature, The Scar- “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and 123456
let Letter. healing to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24). 123456
—Nido Qubein 123456
A “Your love has given me great joy and encouragement”
(Philemon 1:7). 123456
“May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father … 123456
encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good 123456
deed and word” (2 Thessalonians 2:16–17). 123456
*Bible verses are from the NIV translation. 123456

R128 GP Love, encouragement, our words


Give a “rose” When things go wrong,

And the outlook’s bleak,
And you feel
My friend Bruce was a welfare officer. One summer You can’t get through,
day he cut an armful of roses from his garden and took Don’t mope around,
them to a deprived area. He gave some to a blind lady But go and seek
Someone worse off
who smelled them eagerly. “Such a change from the
Than you.
smells around here!” she exclaimed.
A cheery word, a happy smile,
Bruce’s last visit was to what is nowadays called a prob- A helpful little deed,
lem family. The eldest girl was on two years’ probation. And you’ll find that life
She stared sullenly when Bruce offered her his last rose. To Is still worthwhile,
his surprise, she snatched it and held it to her cheek. “No When you’ve helped
one’s ever given me a rose before,” she said. “I’ve never seen A friend in need.
one close up.” —Author unknown
My friend was touched by the reverence with which the girl
fingered his gift. “My heart went out to her,” he told me, “and I
thought how different her life might have been if, earlier on,
someone else had cared enough to give her a rose.”
Sometimes it takes so very little to bring joy and beauty into
another’s life—and it can make so much difference.
—Francis Gay

A most important question

During my second month of nursing school our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a
conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one: “What
is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was
tall, dark-haired, and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper,
leaving the last question blank.
Before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz
grade. “Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your careers you will meet many people. All are
significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you can do is smile and say hello.”
I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.
—JoAnn C. Jones

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

— The Bible, Leviticus 19:18 (NKJ)

I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn’t
touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God.
—Mother Teresa (1910–1997)

f course, the most wonderful thing you can do for other people is to give them God’s love. Your
own love will run out; it will never be enough. But if you have explained how they can
know God, how they can have Jesus and His eternal, undying love in their heart, then God’s
love can sustain them forever and be a help whenever they draw on it.
So if you’re wondering how you can reach out and show love to another person, even someone who
seems self-sufficient and self-possessed, just ask if they believe in God, or if they would like to know
more about Him. Ask if they’ve ever prayed to Jesus, or if they would like to. Ask them if they would like
to have more love in their life, and then tell them how Jesus can come in and give them more love. This
is the most wonderful and most lasting way to show love to anyone, so try giving them God’s love.
—David Brandt Berg

R129 GP Love, appreciation, witnessing


The Eye of Faith

By Ron Rhodes

It was a Wednesday afternoon. Shrouded in a believe God has already answered, there is no
dense fog, a large steamer edged slowly forward need for you to pray.” The captain’s mouth
off the coast of Newfoundland, its foghorn crying dropped open.
out somber notes of warning. The captain, nearing Then the old man explained, “Captain, I have
exhaustion from lack of sleep, was startled by a known the Lord for 57 years and there has never
gentle tap on his shoulder. He fumed and found been a single day that I have failed to gain an au-
himself face to face with an old man in his late sev- dience with the King. Get up, captain, and open
enties. the door, and you will find the fog is gone.” The
The old man said, “Captain, I have come to tell captain did as he was requested, and was aston-
you that I must be in Quebec on Saturday after- ished to find that the fog had indeed disappeared.
noon.” The captain later testified that this encounter
The captain pondered for a moment, and then with the aged George Mueller completely revolu-
snorted, “Impossible!” tionized his Christian life. He had seen with his
“Very well,” the old man responded, “if your ship own eyes that Mueller’s God was the true and liv-
can’t take me, God will find some other means to ing God of the Bible. He had seen incredible power
take me. I have never broken an engagement in 57 flow from a frail old man—a power rooted in
years.” simple childlike faith in God.
Lifting his weary hands in a gesture of despair, The late Pastor Ray Stedman once delivered a
the captain replied, “I would help if I could—but I sermon in which he said, “Faith has an apparent
am helpless.” ridiculousness about it. You are not acting by faith
Undaunted, the old man suggested, “Let’s go if you are doing what everyone around you is do-
down to the chart room and pray.” The captain raised ing. Faith always appears to defy the circum-
his eyebrows in utter disbelief, looking at the old stances. It constitutes a risk and a venture.”
man as if he had just escaped from a lunatic asy- That is the kind of faith George Mueller dem-
lum. onstrated decade after decade in his long and
“Do you know how dense the fog is?” the cap- fruitful life. During the final year of his earthly so-
tain demanded. journ, he wrote that his faith had been increasing
The old man responded, “No. My eye is not on over the years little by little, but he emphatically
the thickness of the fog but on the living God who insisted that there was nothing unique about him
controls every circumstance of my life.” or his faith. He believed that a life of trust was
Against his better judgment, the captain accom- open to virtually all of God’s children if only they
panied the old man to the chart room and knelt with would endure when trials came, instead of giving
him in prayer. With simple words a child might use, up.
the old man prayed, “O Lord, if it is consistent with
Thy will, please remove this fog in five minutes.
Thou knowest the engagement Thou didst make for
me in Quebec on Saturday. I believe it is Thy will.”
The captain, a nominal Christian at best, thought
it wise to humor the old man and recite a short
prayer. But before he was able to utter a single word,
he felt a tap on his shoulder. The old man requested,
“Don’t pray, because you do not believe. And as I

George Mueller (1805–1895)

One of the early members of the Brethren, he founded five orphans’ homes in Bristol, England, with shelter for
2,000 children. During his lifetime he cared for almost 10,000 orphans and received $1.5 million [multi-millions of
today’s dollars] by faith alone. Before his death he estimated he had received 50,000 specific answers to prayer.

R130 GP Faith, trust, prayer, God’s power


Excerpts of an article by arm around the boy’s shoulder and said, “Son, you can from life.
Norman Vincent Peale do it, and I will tell you how.” Then he made one of the The Bible emphasizes
William James, the fa- wisest remarks I have ever heard. He said, “Throw your how a person can make
mous psychologist, said, heart over the bar and your body will follow.” something of himself. Be-
“Our belief at the begin- Copy that sentence. Write it down and put it in lief, positive thinking,
ning of a doubtful under- your pocket. Better still, write it on your mind. It’s faith in God, and faith in
taking is the one thing packed with power, that sentence. “Throw your heart other people, in yourself,
[now get that—the one over the bar and your body will follow.” in life—this is the essence
thing] that ensures the You can overcome any obstacle and achieve the of the technique it
successful outcome of our most tremendous things by faith power. How do you teaches. “If you can be-
venture.” develop faith power? Saturate your mind with the great lieve,” it says, “all things
A famous trapeze art- words of the Bible. Spend one hour a day reading the are possible” (Mark 9:23).
ist was instructing his stu- Bible and committing its great passages to memory, “If you have faith … noth-
dents how to perform on allowing them to recondition your personality, and ing shall be impossible
the high trapeze bar. One the change in your experience will be miraculous. unto you” (Matthew
student froze completely. Read the New Testament. Select a dozen of the strong 17:20). “According to your
He had a terrifying vision statements about faith, and memorize each one. Say faith be it unto you” (Mat-
of falling to the ground. He them over and over, especially just before going to sleep. thew 9:29). Believe! Be-
couldn’t move a muscle, In time they will modify your thought patterns. This pro- lieve! In this advice, the
so deep was his fright. “I cess will change you into a believer, into an expecter, Bible drives home the
can’t do it!” he gasped. and thus you will become an achiever. You will have new truth that faith moves
The instructor put his power to get what God and you decide you really want mountains.

Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.
—St. Augustine (354–430 AD)

If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t.
Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.—Denis Waitley, b. 1933, Ameri-
can author, speaker, trainer, peak performance expert

...believing in the unseeable.

Faith is tranquil when it’s very stormy.

Faith is not passive; it acts out what it believes!
Faith is asking for what you need.
Faith is hearing the inaudible, seeing the invisible, believing the incredible,
and receiving the impossible.
Faith is completely contrary to natural expectation and natural conditions!
Faith is creating a vacuum in your heart for God to fill.
Faith is not only believing that God can, but that God will!
Faith is not surprised at the answer. Faith expected it to happen.
—David Brandt Berg

R131 GP Faith, trust, the Bible.



The author of this there—like a beggar The skin will break on built for him shortly
story is unknown, so we who has been let in out your knees, and you after he came to In-
have no way of knowing of pity. I may be proud, will have blood dia—the same chair
if it actually occurred. but I want to deserve poisoning before you Morse had sat in on so
However, it is still a my place in Heaven. I get there—if you ever many occasions while
vivid illustration of a want to earn it, and so I get there!” he had read the Bible
truth that can some- am going to work for it.” “No, I must get to to his friend. Rambhau
times be hard to grasp. Nothing that Morse Delhi,” affirmed left the room to return
could say seemed to Rambhau, “and the soon with a small but
Years ago, while an have any effect on immortals will reward heavy strongbox.
American named Rambhau’s decision. me for it! The suffer- “I have had this box
David Morse was living Years passed. ing will be sweet, for it for years,” he said. “I
and working in India, Then one evening will purchase Heaven keep only one thing in
he met and became Morse heard a knock on for me!” it. Now I will tell you
friends with a pearl his door. It was “Rambhau, my about it, my friend. I
diver, Rambhau. Rambhau. friend, you can’t. How once had a son. ...”
Morse spent many “Come in, dear can I let you do that, “A son! Why,
evenings in Rambhau’s friend,” said Morse. when Jesus Christ has Rambhau, you have
cabin, reading to him “No,” said the pearl already suffered and never before said a
from the Bible and diver. “I want you to died to purchase word about him!”
explaining its central come with me to my Heaven for you?” “No, I couldn’t.”
theme: God’s love and house for a short time. I But the old man Even as he spoke, the
salvation in Jesus. have something to could not be moved. diver’s eyes filled with
Rambhau enjoyed show you. Please do “You are my dearest tears. “Now I must tell
listening to the Word of not say no.” friend on earth. you, for soon I will
God, but whenever “Of course I’ll come,” Through all these leave, and who knows
Morse would encour- replied Morse. years you have stood whether I shall ever
age Rambhau to accept As they neared his by me in sickness, in return? My son was a
Christ as his Savior, cabin, Rambhau said, want. Sometimes you diver too. He was the
Rambhau would shake “In a week’s time I will have been my only best pearl diver on the
his head and reply, start working for my friend. But even you coasts of India. He had
“Your Christian way to place in Heaven. I am cannot turn me from the swiftest dive, the
Heaven is too easy for leaving for Delhi, and I my desire to purchase keenest eye, the
me! I cannot accept it. If am crawling there on eternal bliss. I must go strongest arm, and the
ever I should find my knees.” to Delhi!” longest breath of any
admittance to Heaven “That’s crazy!” Morse Inside the cabin, man who ever dived
in that manner, I would exclaimed. “It’s nine Morse was seated in a for pearls. What joy he
feel like a pauper hundred miles to Delhi. chair Rambhau had brought to me!

R132 GP God’s Love.


“As you know,” “That pearl, my and I wouldn’t sell it cost God the lifeblood
Rambhau went on, friend, is perfect,” for any money. Its of His only Son to gain
“most pearls have replied the Indian worth is in the life- entrance for you into
some defect or blem- quietly. blood of my son. I Heaven. In a million
ish that only an expert Then Morse was cannot sell this, but I years, in a hundred
can discern, but my struck with a new can give it to you. Just pilgrimages, you could
boy always dreamed thought: This was the accept it in token of the not earn that entrance.
of finding the perfect very opportunity and love I have for you.” All you can do is accept
pearl—one finer than occasion he had Morse was choked, it as a token of God’s
all that had ever been prayed for to help and for a moment love for you, a sinner.
found before. One day Rambhau understand could not speak. Then “Rambhau, of
he found it! But in the value of Jesus’ he gripped the hand of course I will accept the
gathering it, he stayed sacrifice. the old man. pearl in deep humility,
under water too long. “Rambhau,” he “Rambhau,” he said praying God I may be
He died soon after. said, “this is a wonder- in a low voice, “don’t worthy of your love.
That pearl cost him his ful pearl—an amazing you see? My words are Rambhau, won’t you
life.” pearl! Let me buy it. I just what you have accept God’s great gift
The old pearl diver would give you ten been saying to God all of Heaven, too, in deep
bowed his head. For a thousand dollars for the time.” humility, knowing it
moment his whole it.” The diver looked cost Him the death of
body shook, but there “What? What do you long and searchingly at His Son to offer it to
was no sound. “All mean?” Rambhau Morse. Slowly he you?”
these years,” he con- asked. began to understand. Tears rolled down
tinued, “I have kept “I will give you “God is offering you the old man’s cheeks.
this pearl. Now I am fifteen thousand salvation as a free gift,” The veil that had
going and may not dollars for it—or if it Morse said. “It is so clouded his under-
return, so to you, my takes more, I will work great and priceless standing was begin-
best friend, I am giving for it.” that no man on earth ning to lift. “I see it
my pearl.” Rambhau stiffened can buy it. Millions of now. I could not be-
The old man his whole body. “This dollars are too little. lieve that salvation was
worked the combina- pearl is beyond price. No man on earth could free. Now I under-
tion on the strongbox No man in all the earn it. If he were to stand. Some things are
and drew from it a world has money work for it all his life, too priceless to be
carefully wrapped enough to pay what his life would be bought or earned. I will
package. Gently part- this pearl is worth to millions of years too accept His salvation, my
ing the cotton packing, me. On the market, a short. No man is good friend!”
he picked up a mam- million dollars could enough to deserve it. It
moth pearl and placed not buy it. I will not sell
it in Morse’s hand. it to you. You may only How very, very rich [God’s] kindness is, as shown
It was one of the have it as a gift.” in all He has done for us through Jesus Christ.
largest pearls ever “No, Rambhau, I
found off the coast of cannot accept that. As Because of His kindness, you have been saved
India, and glowed with much as I want the through trusting Christ. And even trusting is not
a luster never seen in pearl, I cannot accept it of yourselves; it too is a gift from God.
cultured pearls. It that way. Perhaps I am
would have brought a proud, but that is too Salvation is not a reward for the good we have
fabulous sum in any easy. I must pay for it, done, so none of us can take any credit for it.
market. or work for it.”
For a moment The old pearl diver It is God Himself who has made us what we are
Morse gazed with awe was stunned. “You and given us new lives [through] Christ Jesus;
and was speechless. don’t understand at all, and long ages ago He planned that we should
Then he exclaimed, my friend. Don’t you spend these lives in helping others.
“Rambhau! What a see? My only son gave —The Bible, Ephesians 2:7–10 TLB.
pearl!” his life to get this pearl,

R132 GP

The Winner
Thoughts on a soccer game

I was watching some little left his best players in, and
kids play soccer. These kids the Team One scrubs were
were only five or six years old, just no match for them.
but they were playing a real Team Two swarmed
game, a serious game. Two around the little guy at goalie.
teams, complete with coaches, He was an outstanding athlete
uniforms, and parents. I didn’t for five, but he was no match
know any of them, so I was for three or four who were
able to enjoy the game without equally as good. Team Two
the distraction of being anx- began to score.
ious about winning or losing; I The lone goalie gave it his
only wished the parents and all, recklessly throwing his
coaches could have done the body in front of incoming
same. The teams were pretty balls, trying valiantly to stop
evenly matched. I will just call them. Team Two scored two
them Team One and Team quick points in succession. It
Two. infuriated the young boy. He
Nobody scored in the first became a raging maniac,
period. The kids were hilari- shouting, running, and
ous. They were clumsy and diving. With all the stamina
earnest as only children can he could muster, he finally
be. They fell over their own was able to cover one of the
feet, stumbled over the ball, boys as he approached the
kicked at the ball and missed goal. But that boy kicked the
it, but they didn’t seem to ball to another boy twenty
care.—They were having fun! feet away, and by the time
In the second period, the the young goalie reposi-
Team One coach pulled out tioned himself, it was too
what must have been his first late. They scored a third goal.
team players and put in the I soon learned who the
scrubs, with the exception of goalie’s parents were. They
his best player, who he left at were nice, decent-looking
goalie. The game took a people. I could tell that his
dramatic turn. I guess win- dad had just come from the
ning is important even when office, tie and all. They yelled
you are five years old, be- encouragement to their son.
cause the Team Two coach I became totally absorbed,

R133 GP God’s Love.


watching the boy on the field progress. Suit, tie, dress on you. You’re my son, and
and his parents on the side- shoes and all, he charged I’m proud of you. I want you
line. After the third goal the onto the field and he picked to go back out there and
little kid changed. He could up his son so everybody finish the game. I know you
see it was no use; he couldn’t would know that this was his want to quit, but you can’t.
stop them. He didn’t quit, but boy. And he hugged him and And son, you’re going to get
he became quietly desperate. kissed him and cried with scored on again, but it
Futility was written all over him! I have never been so doesn’t matter. Go on, now.”
his face. proud of any man in my life. It made a difference.—I
His father changed too. He could tell it did. When you’re
had been urging his son to all alone, you’re getting
try harder, yelling advice and scored on, and you can’t stop
encouragement. But then he them, it means a lot to know
changed; he became anxious. that it doesn’t matter to those
He tried to say that it was who love you. The little guy
okay to hang in there. He ran back on to the field. Team
grieved for the pain his son Two scored two more times,
was feeling. but it was okay.
After the fourth goal, I I get scored on every day. I
knew what was going to try so hard. I recklessly throw
happen. I’ve seen it before. my body in every direction. I
The little boy needed help so fume and rage. I struggle
badly, and there was no help with every ounce of my
to be had. He retrieved the being. The tears come, and I
ball from the net and handed go to my knees, helpless. And
it to the referee, and then he He carried him off the my heavenly Father rushes
cried. He just stood there field, and when they got right out on the field, right in
while huge tears rolled down close to the sidelines I heard front of the whole crowd, the
both cheeks. He went to his him say, “Son, I’m so proud whole jeering, laughing
knees, and then I saw his of you. You were great out world, and He picks me up.
father start onto the field. His there. I want everybody to He hugs me and says, “I am
wife clutched his wrist and know that you are my son.” so proud of you! You were great
said, “Jim, don’t. You’ll em- “Daddy,” the boy sobbed, out there. I want everybody to
barrass him.” “I couldn’t stop them. I tried, know that you are My child. And
But the boy’s father tore Daddy, I tried and tried and because I control the outcome
loose from her and ran onto they scored on me.” of the game I declare you the
the field. He wasn’t supposed “Scotty, it doesn’t matter winner!”
to, for the game was still in how many times they score —Author unknown

ho then can ever keep Christ’s love from us? When we have trouble or
calamity, when we are hunted down or destroyed, is it because He doesn’t
love us anymore? And if we are hungry or penniless or in danger or threat-
ened with death, has God deserted us? No, despite all this, overwhelming victory is
ours through Christ who loved us enough to die for us. For I am convinced that
nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels
won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Our fears for
today, our worries about tomorrow, or where we are—high above the sky, or in the
deepest ocean—nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God dem-
onstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when He died for us.
—The Bible, Romans 8:35, 37–39 TLB

R133 GP

T me Two o’clock in
the afternoon.
I glanced at my watch while
By Nyx
Martinez (19),
a missionary
in the

worst thing in the world to do

is to keep on going when you
don’t know what to do!
Okay. Lord, I don’t know what
to do, I confessed.
my mind raced. I had just So stop. And just trust Me.
finished my morning busi- Chill out for a sec.
ness appointments, running It seemed to make sense.
around town and foolishly not What did I have to lose?
allowing for the lack of cash Dear Jesus, I prayed, I’m
Take time to I had on me that day. Now I trying to trust You. Please, help
found myself at the mall with me out.
hear from the equivalent of less than fifty I wanted to see some money
cents in my pocket. I still had drop out of the sky. It doesn’t
God, and He’ll to ride the bus for half an hour even have to be a lot, I told
to get to the Voice Academy for God, just enough to get me to
take the time my Monday night workshop, the Voice Academy and back
but without enough to cover home.
to straighten travel expenses, there was no I looked up. Nothing. I
out the way that was going to happen.
I began to pace hurriedly
looked down. Nothing there,
problem. through the mall, not knowing
exactly where I was walking.
This is stupid. I began to
react, but then decided to give
—David Brandt Berg All I knew was that I didn’t even Him more than just a few sec-
have enough money to get onds to answer my prayer.
back home! Frantic, desperate, Trust Me, I felt the whisper
and frustrated, I debated in say. The workshop is at seven
my mind who or what was to o’clock. You still have over four
blame for this mess. The din hours.
of the passersby and crowds of Four hours to see a miracle,
mallrats added to the confu- I pondered. I could deal with
sion in my brain. that.
And then, somewhere, I slowed my pace to “trust-
somehow, amidst the turmoil ing” speed and walked calmly,
in my heart, there came a cer- hoping my shift in mood
tain feeling—a still, small, but would do the trick. As the
familiar Voice. It urged me to flame of frustration in my
stop. Yes, just to stop … and heart seemed to die down and
look … and listen. peace began to replace it, I
To what? I argued within started to sing:
Listen to Me. And listen to ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
yourself freaking out like that! Just to trust His cleansing
The Voice seemed to say, The Word…

R134 GP Listening to God, prayer, hurry, quiet time.


This was a little hymn I’d learned age, the only female identical twins
as a child in the days when I didn’t in the local industry. Now, they
even have much to worry about— waved at me, happy and excited at
and certainly not money matters! this chance encounter.
The words seemed so applicable Or was it?
now. An hour later, I was saying good-
bye to Honey and Joy. I knew that
Just to rest upon His promise, God had indeed dropped money out
Just to know “thus saith the of the sky—in His own way. Joy had
Lord.” insisted that I sketch their picture,
and of course, they kindly paid for
The Voice seemed to be directing the on-the-spot portrait.
where I should walk, what corners I I had the cash I needed, I made
should turn in the huge mall. it to the workshop early, and, of
Dear Jesus, course, I made it safely home.
And then … I saw them sitting And I had that still, small Voice
please help inside Kentucky Fried Chicken. The to thank. It taught me that in times
identical twins. when my head is spinning out of
me to slow I’d met Joy and her sister Honey control, all I have to do is to take
just weeks before. They were runway time out—to stop … look … and
down, and and commercial models, about my listen.

take time to
hear from
You for The secret of vitality, of sparkle, of that shine on your face
and twinkle in your eye, of the compassion and tenderness that
direction in others need so badly is in refreshing yourself in Me. Only then
The Secret

will you have something to pour out to others. This is the secret.
my life. This sweet communion with Me will empower you to give and
meet the need.
The secret is lying with Me in peaceful rest each morning
and night. As you recharge and refill, you will be able to over-
flow on others. This is the secret, and it is My promise to you.

How to not get hit by a train
O K Lord forgive us, we get so busy! If you’re too busy to pray, you’re too
LO busy!
Let’s try to slow things down. Relax! But most of all, stop, look, listen …
and wait! Warning signs like this are posted at dangerous places, such as
N W railroad crossings—places of crisis where there is an interruption of your
IT routine, your way, your road, your highway. Otherwise you might drive
LIS across the train tracks and get hit by a train.
Which is easier, to try to beat the train, to try to plough through the train,
to jump over the train—or to stop for a few minutes and watch it go by? It’ll
soon be gone, and you can go peacefully on your way.
Trying to force the situation and push your way through just won’t work!
God likes for you to give Him a little honor. You’ve got to put aside your own
thoughts and partake of the Lord’s Spirit, through communion with Him. If
you’ll do that, He’ll tell you what you’re supposed to do.
—D.B.B., from the article “Stop … Look … Listen!”

R134 GP

God Can Do It
mother once took her young “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” At situation into a wonderfully creative
son, who was just beginning that moment, Paderewski made his experience. The audience was mesmer-
to learn to play the piano, to entrance, quickly moved to the piano, ized.
hear the world-famous Polish pianist and whispered in the boy’s ear, “Don’t That’s the way it is with our heav-
Jan Paderewski in concert. After an stop. Keep playing.” enly Father. What we can accomplish
usher had shown them their seats, Then Paderewski leaned over, on our own is hardly noteworthy. We
the mother spotted a friend in the reached down with his left try our best, but the results aren’t
audience and walked down the aisle to hand and exactly graceful, flowing music. But
greet her. The little boy saw that as his with the hand of the Master, our life’s
opportunity to explore the wonders work truly can be beautiful.
of the concert hall, and eventually Next time you set out to accom-
explored his way through a door plish great feats, listen carefully.
marked “NO ADMITTANCE.” You can hear the voice of the Master,
When the house lights dimmed whispering in your ear, “Don’t stop.
and the concert was about to Keep playing.” Feel His loving arms
begin, the mother returned to her began around you. Know that His strong
seat and discovered that her son filling hands are there, helping you turn your
was missing. in a bass feeble attempts into true masterpieces.
Suddenly, the curtains parted and part. Soon his right As long as you’re trying your best to
spotlights focused on the impressive arm reached around to the other side do what He knows is best, He’ll always
grand piano on stage. In horror, the of the child and added a third part. be there to love and guide you on to
mother saw her little boy sitting at Together, the old master and the young great things.
the keyboard, innocently picking out novice transformed a frightening —Author unknown

What’s the Difference?

“What difference does Jesus A friend from this group of Chris- had known before that peace and
make in life? Why is He important? tian young people suggested that tranquility were good, now I had
Isn’t believing in God enough?” Jesus would know and want what true peace inside. Whereas I had
These were questions I asked was best for me. I thought about it. known in theory that God could
myself in my college years. I had Somehow I felt that the boredom give me solutions to my problems,
grown up with Christian teachings, I’d experienced since reaching my now I experienced Him doing little
but the question remained: “What goals in school and romance and miracles to work out situations
is Jesus for, really?” other areas was probably because in my life. Whereas before I had
Then I met a group of young those goals were mine, not His. I known that the Bible was God’s
people who had excitement about sensed He had something more voice to me, I began to enjoy how
life—and lots of love. They didn’t for me. I sincerely wanted to know alive, up-to-date, vibrant, and lib-
wait to check me out, but accepted why I was alive. What was I for? erating His Words were.
me into their group whether I met I prayed and asked Him to I went from an intellectual
their standards or not. I saw that show me what He had planned acceptance of Jesus as the Son of
they weren’t stressed or troubled, for my life, and while He was at it, God to a living relationship with
as many of us kids were at the time to make Himself real to me. It was Him. What intellect couldn’t do,
about innumerable things. They a simple prayer, and the result was He did by coming into my life.
were happy—and told me it was astounding. His presence gave me love and
because they had Jesus. Whereas I had believed in love strength and happiness. I learned
In time, I faced decisions that before, now I felt love that was the difference He can make.
would affect the rest of my life. almost overwhelming. Whereas I —Chloe West

R135 GP God’s help, Jesus, salvation.


Imagine you and Jesus are walking
down the road together. For much of
the way, the Lord’s footprints go along
steadily, consistently, with Him rarely
To everything varying the His stride or direction. But
your footprints are a disorganized stream
there is a of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds,
season, and a circles, departures, and returns.
Then gradually your footprints come more
time to every in line with the Lord’s. Eventually they parallel
His consistently. You and Jesus are walking as true
purpose friends.
under heaven: This goes on for many miles, but then you notice
another change. Suddenly the second set of footprints
a time to is back, but the pattern is even worse than at the beginning! Zigzags all
over the place, stops, starts, deep gouges in the sand, a hodgepodge of
weep, and a messy prints! You are surprised and puzzled. Your dream ends.
time to laugh … Now you pray: “Lord, I understand the first scene with zigzags. I was a
new Christian. I was just learning. But You walked on through the storm
a time to and helped me learn to walk with You.”
mourn, and a Very good. You have understood everything so far.
“So, Lord, was there a regression or something? The footprints
time to dance. separated, and this time it was worse than at first.”
There is a pause as the Lord answers with a smile in His voice, You
—The Bible, Ecclesiastes didn’t know? That was when we danced.
3:1,4 KJV —Author unknown

My love strength and inspiration to go on,

this is My love for you. When you lie
down at night, so tired and weary
have, in every way that you find
satisfaction and joy and challenge
and contentment of heart and rest of
from your labors, and you find sweet spirit and comfort to your body—all
My love is manifested to you in sleep and refreshment to your body this is My love to you.
many different ways. You feel that I and spirit, this is My love for you.
don’t love you. You can’t recognize The more you recognize Me in
My love; you can’t find My love. In times of relaxation, when you these everyday affairs of your life,
But My love is manifested to you in find recreation and enjoyment and and the more you learn to appreci-
every joy and pleasure that you feel laughter, this is My love for you. ate these little things that I give you
in life, in every supply of your need. When you go out to help others, and and these little ways that I manifest
This is My love for you. Every time you pour out your heart to a hungry Myself to you, the more you will
one of your brothers or sisters, your soul and you are able to give them grow to know My love and appreci-
husband or wife or sweetheart, your the answers that they are looking ate My love and feel it.
mother or father or uncle or aunt for and lead them to Me, and you
takes you in their arms and gives experience that thrill of sharing the I love you—right now, every day
you love and encouragement and truth with another human being, of your life—and I will always love
affection, this is My love for you. this is My love for you. you. My love is yours forever.
Every time you feel the need and In every new thing that you learn,
you go to My Word and you find and every new experience that you Copyright © 2001 by The Family

R136 GP Jesus, His love for us, positiveness.


One day I dug a little hole
And put my hurt inside.
I thought that I could just forget
I’d put it there to hide. When Leonardo da Vinci was working on his
painting The Last Supper, he became angry with a
But that little hurt began to grow. certain man. Losing his temper, he lashed the other
I covered it every day.
fellow with bitter words. Returning to his canvas
I couldn’t leave it and go on;
It seemed the price I had to pay. he attempted to work on the face of Jesus, but
was so upset he could not compose himself for the
My joy was gone, my heart was sad, painstaking work. Finally he put down his tools,
Pain was all I knew.
My wounded soul enveloped me;
sought out the man he had quarreled with, and
Loving seemed too hard to do. asked his forgiveness. The man accepted his apol-
ogy, and Leonardo was able to return to his work-
One day, while standing by my hole, shop and finish painting the face of Jesus.
I cried to God above,
And said, “If You are really there— It is hard to stay angry at someone when you
They say You’re a God of love!” are looking in the face of Jesus Christ. It is when
we lose sight of Jesus that we hold onto our anger
And just like that He was right there, and grudges.
And just put His arms around me. —Hope Fellowship
He wiped my tears, His hurting child,
There was no safer place to be.
It takes divine, supernatural grace to forgive and
I told Him all about my hurt; to let God heal us when we’ve been hurt. Our
I opened up my heart.
human tendencies to take things into our own hands
He listened to each and every word,
To every sordid part. make us want to punish the offending person, or to
at least make them feel what they have done to us, if
I dug down deep and got my hurt; we have been hurt. Jesus taught us to pray, “Forgive
I brushed the dirt away,
And placed it in the Master’s hand,
us, as we forgive those who have trespassed against
And healing came that day. us,” and without His help, we can’t even pray that
He took the blackness of my soul But God can give us the grace to not only for-
And set my spirit free.
Something beautiful began to grow.
give, but also to forget. With His help we can let
Where the hurt used to be. things go—drop them, truly leave them behind and
never bring them up again. This is divine, super-
And when I look at what has grown natural, all-encompassing love—the kind only Christ
Out of my tears and pain,
I remember to give my hurts to Him can give. He has it for you! And He has it for me,
And never bury them again. too. Thank You, Jesus.
—By Carol Parrott —David Brandt Berg

R137 GP Topics: Hurts, anger, forgiveness, Jesus’ help.


An Iranian Christian minister converted the guard who
tortured him. Roubik Hoospian was asleep in his jail cell
where he spent 28 days in solitary confinement, exhausted
from hours of interrogation, when the guard rapped on his
door, according to the Los Angeles Times.
“ Love lets the past die. It
moves people to a new begin-
ning without settling the past.
Love does not have to clear up
all past misunderstandings. The
details of the past become irrele-
vant; only its new beginning mat-
“Tell me about Jesus,” the guard said in the early morning ters. Accounts may go unsettled;
hours. Hoospian, tired and bitter because of his treatment and differences remain unsolved; led-
separation from his family, tried to put him off, but the guard gers stay unbalanced. Conicts
persisted. “You have to tell me. You are a pastor,” he said. Four between people’s memories of
hours later both men were weeping and the guard professed how things happened are not
faith in Christ, Hoospian told the Times. cleared up; the past stays mud-
“I cried with him, because I was so full of hatred that dled. Only the future matters.
I didn’t want to share the Lord’s Word with him,” said the
42-year-old preacher, who now lives in California. “That night
God saved me from my bitterness and showed me that you
can love even your persecutors.”
—Religion Today

Love’s power does not make
fussy historians. Love prefers to
tuck the loose ends of past rights
and wrongs in the bosom of for-
giveness--and pushes us into a
new start.

—Lewis B. Smedes
(Love within Limits)

David is serving a 21-year cared enough for me to be too great, their pardon impossible.
sentence for murder. He told a ashamed for me. I came to belief But there can come a beauti-
Life magazine reporter: “One day through guilt. ful moment when we realize that
I woke and felt that I had been “What most impresses me He understands whatever it is we
permanently stained by my act. now is the mercy of God, His are ashamed of, and He hurts for
… The feeling of horror, of dis- refusal to be shocked by any- us, for our failings. He does not
gust, of shame grew. thing I could do. The God I know gloss over the enormity of it, but
“I consulted a priest in prison. is a knowing but forgiving God.” in full knowledge of our failing,
He gave me a Bible, and as I —Our Daily Bread He forgives it all. Then the anger
began to read I was somewhat (Radio Bible Class) melts away at joy, at the sense of
comforted, not initially by a sense falling into His arms in gratitude.
of God’s forgiveness but by the Some people are mad at There is nothing so pure, so free,
conviction that He was present. God because they think He is so clean as the feeling of being
“The sense of separation I angry with them. They think He totally forgiven. Our anger disap-
felt suggested the existence of will never forgive them for what pears; peace remains.
a Being who was offended, who they’ve done, that their sin was —Chloe West

R138 GP Topics: New start, forgiveness, inner healing


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If a rattlesnake is cornered, it can his own malice. He thinks he is When someone wrongs us, we
become so frenzied that it will injuring his enemies by displaying must learn to forgive and ask God
accidentally bite itself with its his wrath, but the real harm is to let His love fill our heart. It’s
deadly fangs. In the same way, inflicted deep within his own the only way to keep from being
when a person harbors hatred soul. Nothing is ever gained by hurt by bitterness, wrath, and
and resentment in his heart, he giving way to the dark passion of anger.
is often hurt by the poison of bitterness and anger. —Henry G. Bosch

R139 GP Topics: Anger, health, forgiveness.


Like an only child

A woman who was dying “Would you help her if she
of AIDS summoned a Christian was in trouble, no matter how
friend to comfort her, but it many mistakes she’d made?
seemed hopeless. Would you forgive her if she
“I’m lost,” she said. “I’ve asked you to? Would you still
ruined my life and every life love her, no matter what?”
around me. I’m headed for “Of course I would!” the
Hell. There’s no hope for me.” woman exclaimed. “Why
Her friend saw a framed would you even ask a question
picture of a pretty girl on like that?”
the dresser. “Who is that?” he “Because I want you to
asked. understand,” explained her
The woman brightened. friend, “that God has a picture
“She’s my daughter, the one of you on His dresser, too.”
The Soul of Man beautiful thing in my life.” —Contributed by Marty Watson

Every man has a deep heart need

That can’t be filled with doctrine I am devoted to each of My children with
or creed, unending faithfulness, as a mother is to her
For the soul of man knows nothing only child. She watches her only child with
more great admiration and pride, and finds tre-
Than just that he is longing for mendous joy as she grows and matures and
A haven that is safe and sure, becomes the fulfillment of her dreams. As this
A fortress where he feels secure, mother loves her only child, so do I love each
An island in this sea of strife, one of My children as an only child, with
Away from all the storms of life. much love and devotion and attention.
Oh God of love, who sees us all,
You are so great! We are so small!
Hear man’s universal prayer,
All the glorious things
Crying to You in deep despair,
“Save my soul and grant me Yes, I will bless the Lord and not forget the glorious things
peace! He does for me. He forgives all my sins. He heals me. He
Let my restless murmurings cease! ransoms me from Hell. He surrounds me with loving-kindness
and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things! My
“God of love, forgive! Forgive! youth is renewed like the eagle’s!
Teach me how to truly live. He is like a father to us, tender and sympathetic to those
Ask me not my race or creed; who reverence Him. For He knows we are but dust and that
Just take me in my hour of need. our days are few and brief, like grass, like flowers, blown by
Let me feel You love me, too, the wind and gone forever. But the loving-kindness of the Lord
And that I am a part of You.” is from everlasting to everlasting to those who reverence Him.
—Helen Steiner Rice —The Bible, Psalm 103:2–5,13–17 TLB

R140 GP Topics: Jesus’ love, His forgiveness, God’s mercy.


A kind and compassionate act
is often its own reward.
—William J. Bennett

Jesse’s Glove Full of Love

I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K The slightest word of comfort
Corporation, a U.S. chain of convenience stores. Among To help us on our way,
the topics we address in our seminars is the retention of The slightest smile from someone
quality employees—a real challenge to managers when you To brighten up our day;
consider the pay scale in the service industry. During these The slightest act of kindness
discussions, I ask the participants, “What has caused you to To lessen care and such—
stay long enough to become a manager?” Some time back, All these cost so little,
a new manager took this question and slowly, with her voice But they mean so very much.
almost breaking, said, “It was a $19 baseball glove.” —Quoted by Francis Gay
Cynthia told the group that she originally took a Circle K
clerk job as an interim position while she looked for something To be a good leader, a good employer, to
better. On the second or third day behind the counter, she take care of people and watch over them,
received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jesse. He you have to have great compassion. You have
needed a baseball glove for Little League. She explained that to understand what people need and try to
as a single mother, money was very tight, and her first check supply that. You have to feel their hurts, their
would have to go for paying bills. Perhaps she could buy his pain, as well as their joys and happiness.
baseball glove with her second or third check. You have to want to know these things, even
When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Patricia, if you feel it will break your heart to be so
the store manager, asked her to come to the small room involved.
in the back of the store that served as an office. Cynthia If you do care, if you are involved, they will
wondered if she had done something wrong or left some know it. And because you care, they will want
part of her job incomplete from the day before. She was to work together with you to achieve great
concerned and confused. things, and you can go far together.
Patricia handed her a box. “I overheard you talking to your People are starved for real love. They see
son yesterday,” she said, ”and I know that it is hard to explain it so seldom and experience it even less. So
things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jesse because he if they find someone who truly cares about
may not understand how important he is, even though you them, who truly has their best interests at
may have to pay the bills before you can buy baseball gloves. heart, they will go very far for that person,
You know we can’t pay good people like you as much as and will give of their best.
we’d like to, but we do care—and I want you to know you But you can’t care about people just so
are important to us.” they will perform well for you. You have to care
The thoughtfulness, empathy, and love of this convenience about them because God does. You know
store manager demonstrates vividly that people remember He cares about you, and doesn’t that make
how much an employer cares more than how much an all the difference in your life? So because you
employer pays. That’s an important lesson, for the price of experience His love in your life, that makes
a baseball glove. you want to pass it on.
—Rick Phillips —David Brandt Berg

R141 GP Topics: People-handling, love, concern


In many cultures, kings and queens “TO WHOM SHALL I LEAVE MY KINGDOM?”

were enthroned at their coronations, the he king of a large kingdom was growing old. He
decided that it was time to select an heir from
throne being a symbol of power and among his four sons, so he called them in one at a
time to discuss the inheritance of his kingdom.
authority. But in the ancient African The first son entered the chamber of the king and sat
down, and the king said, “My son, I am very old and will
kingdom of Ashanti, in what is now not live much longer. I wish to entrust my kingdom to
the son best suited to receive it. Tell me, if I leave my
Ghana, the king was not enthroned kingdom to you, what will you give to the kingdom?”
Now this son was very rich, so when asked the ques-
but “stooled.” The lowly stool was the tion, he replied: “I am a man of vast wealth. If you leave
me your kingdom I will give it all of my wealth and it will
royal symbol, and lowliness, not lofti- be the richest kingdom in all the world.”
“Thank you, son,” the king said as he dismissed the
ness, was the quality that was expected son.
The second son entered, and the king said, “My son,
of royalty. I am very old and will not live much longer. I wish to
entrust my kingdom to the son best suited to receive it.
Tell me, if I leave my kingdom to you, what will you give
to the kingdom?”
Now this son was very intelligent, so when asked

the question, he replied: “I am a man
of vast intelligence. If you leave me
your kingdom I will give it all of my
intelligence and it will be the most
intelligent kingdom in all the world.”
“Thank you, son,” the king said
as he dismissed the son.
The third son entered, and the

king said, “My son, I am very old and
will not live much longer. I wish to
entrust my kingdom to the son best
suited to receive it. Tell me, if I leave
my kingdom to you, what will you
give to the kingdom?”
Jesus called [His disciples] to Him Now this son was very strong, so when asked the
question, he replied: “I am a man of great strength. If you
and said, “As you know, the kings and leave me your kingdom I will give it all of my strength and
it will be the strongest kingdom in all the world.”
great men of the earth lord it over “Thank you, son,” the king said as he dismissed the
the people; but among you it is differ- The fourth son entered and was greeted by the king in
the same fashion as the other three.
ent. Whoever wants to be great among Now this son wasn’t especially rich, or smart, or
strong, so he replied, “My father, you know that my broth-
you must be your servant. And whoever ers are much richer, smarter, and stronger than I. While
they have spent years gaining these attributes, I have
wants to be greatest of all must be the spent my time among the people in your kingdom. I have
shared with them in their sickness and sorrow, and I have
slave of all. For even I, the Messiah, learned to love them. The only thing I have to give to
the people of your kingdom is my love. I know that my
am not here to be served, but to help brothers have more to offer than I do, so I will not be
disappointed in not being named your heir. I will simply
others, and to give My life as a ransom go on doing what I have always done.”
When the king died, the people anxiously awaited the
for many.” news as to their new ruler. And the greatest rejoicing the
kingdom ever knew took place when they heard that their
—The Bible, Mark 10:42–45 TLB new king was the fourth son.
—Donald E. Wildmon

R142 GP Topics: Leadership, people-handling, humility, love.


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Give yourself to God; He

The best manager of all tells us why He is so good at His job.

can do more with you than Adapted from Gene Richards

you can.
To Whom It May Concern

I heard you were looking for someone to manage your life. I would
The greatness of a man’s like to apply for the job.

power is the measure I believe I am the most qualified candidate for the position of life
manager. Actually, I am the only One who has ever done this job
of his surrender to His successfully.

Creator. It is not a question I was the first manager of human beings. I made them, in fact, so
naturally I know how they work and what is needed to help them run at
of who you are or what top efficiency and maximum happiness level. It will be like having the
manufacturer as your personal mechanic.
you are, but whether God
If this is the first time you have considered My services, I would just
controls you. like to point out that My salary has already been paid by the blood of
My Son, Jesus, on the cross of Calvary. What I need from you is the
acknowledgment that the price is sufficient to pay for all of your sin
and your independence from Me.
He who abandons himself
The next thing I ask for is your permission to fix what’s wrong in
to God will never be your life so you can experience the full life I created you for. Actually,
you can expect some major changes and revisions, but that’s nothing
abandoned by God. to worry about. I will make the needed changes, in My way and in My
time. The other good news is that I will change your desires and give
you the courage and will to undergo these changes for the better.

Please keep your hands out of the way. Don’t try to help Me and
don’t resist Me. All I really need is your full commitment and coopera-
tion. If you give Me those, the process can go smoothly, without delays.
You won’t be disappointed.

Yours sincerely,


P.S. If you need to see My credentials, I created the heavens and the

R143 GP Topics: Salvation, giving oneself to God, God’s love and care.

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